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ACEA Oil Sequences - Infineum 110521

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ACEA 2016 Oil Sequences


Performance you can rely on.

ACEA 2016

This publication has been derived from the official ACEA Oil Sequences 2016 document, the
latest version of which can be found at:
The accuracy of this publication is the responsibility of Infineum, the aforementioned original
document on remains the sole point of reference and will be updated in case
of any changes to the ACEA Oil Sequences 2016.
The two big themes for ACEA 2016 are the increase and kinematic viscosity increase. introducing new materials, which are
introduction of additional measures against The test comes at two severity levels: for more representative of those used in
the impact of biofuel and upgrading A3/B3 and A3/B4 performance limits are the field.
hardware and structure for the sequences specified at 168 h test length, whereas
With the exception of the introduction of
to keep up with changes in engine for A5/B5 and all C-Categories limits are
a lower phosphorus limit for C2-16 and a
technology and lubricant developments. set at 168 h and 216 h test length.
harmonisation to two decimal places for
Light-duty sequences ACEA keeping up with advancements in the phosphorus limits the chemical
engine technology and addressing the end requirements remained untouched.
In order to keep up with the trend for of life of some established tests resulted in
lower viscosity lubricants, ACEA has The requirement in A5/B5 and all
the following changes:
introduced the C5 category now allowing C-Categories to report HTHS at 100 °C
lubricants with 2.6 to 2.9 HTHS (High • With the CEC L-111 EP6 test, the first is new.
Share-Rate Viscosity at 150 °C). In terms of gasoline direct injection turbocharged
engine found its way into the ACEA Heavy-duty sequences
performance requirements C5-16 mirrors
C3-16, though with significantly higher fuel sequences. This test is replacing the TU5 The heavy-duty sequences also make use
economy requirements. engine test as the performance test for of the new CEC L-112 elastomer test with
gasoline piston cleanliness, but common requirements across all light-duty
With the aim of managing the complexity furthermore the EP6 comes with a safety and heavy-duty categories.
of the light-duty sequences the introduction limit for turbocharger cleanliness.
of C5 resulted in the withdrawal of A1/B1 Also common with light-duty is the
from the 2016 sequences. This was possible • On the diesel side the DV6 is a 1:1 introduction of the two biodiesel tests.
as A1/B1 performance requirements are replacement of the DV4 oil dispersion
test with EURO V hardware. In order to • The CEC L-109 oxidation bench test
fully covered by A5/B5 and C5 provides a
keep the test severity the absolute features in all E-Categories. Here a
new home for 2.6 HTHS lubricants.
viscosity increase is now measured at common test length of 168 h is
Two new tests to protect against the impact 5.5 % soot whereas the DV4 specified, but limits differ by category.
of biofuels found their way into the ACEA assessment was at 6 % soot. Piston • The CEC L-104 OM646Bio engine test
sequences. cleanliness remains a safety parameter. has been introduced to E6 and E9 with
• The CEC L-104 OM646 Bio engine test • For the time being ACEA relies on the dedicated limits for each category.
for the effects of biodiesel has been OM646 valve train wear test to cover the For E9 the Mack T11 has been replaced
introduced in all light-duty categories needs of diesel and gasoline vehicles as by the Mack T8E in the 2016 sequences.
but A3/B3. Piston cleanliness is the the TU3 gasoline valve train wear test However, the Mack T11 remains available
performance parameter for this test. has reached end of life and a successor as an alternative to the Mack T8E in E9.
• The CEC L-109 biodiesel oxidation test is not yet available.
Chemical/Physical requirements remained
bench test is a glassware test that has • It is not only engine test hardware that mostly unchanged. New is a harmonisation
been introduced to provide preventive reaches end of life and is subject to across all E-categories of the fresh oil
protection against the consequences of advancements in technology: the oxidation induction time (PDSC) to a
biodiesel induced engine oil oxidation at elastomer compatibility test was minimum of 65 minutes and the
elevated temperatures. The performance replaced by the new CEC L-112, requirement to report HTHS at 100 °C.
parameters of the test are oxidation
Conditions for use of performance claims
against the ACEA oil sequences
ACEA requires that any claims for oil EELQMS addresses product development The ACEA Oil Sequences are subject to
performance to meet these Oil Sequences testing and product performance continuous development. Replacement
must be based on credible data and documentation, and involves the tests and other changes required by the
controlled tests in accredited test registration of all candidate and reference oil European vehicle manufacturers are
laboratories. testing and defines the compliance integrated and new issues are published
process. Compliance with the ATIEL Code on a regular basis. As new editions are
ACEA requires that engine performance of Practice1, which forms part of the published older editions have to be
testing used to support a claim of EELQMS, is mandatory for any claim to withdrawn. Validities of new and old
compliance with these ACEA Oil meet the requirements of this issue of the editions are overlapping for limited periods
Sequences should be generated according ACEA sequences. Therefore, ACEA requires of time as shown in the following table and
to the European Engine Lubricants Quality that claims against the ACEA Oil Sequences the accompanying text below. When a new
Management System, EELQMS (available can only be made by oil companies or oil ACEA Oil Sequence is introduced, oils with
at, but ACEA reserves distributors who have signed the EELQMS oil claims against the previous can be
the right to define alternatives in marketers’ Letter of Conformance (for details: marketed only for another two years.
exceptional cases.

Sequence issue First allowable use Mandatory for new claims Oils with this claim may
be marketed until

2004 1st November 2004 1st November 2005 31st December 2009

2007 1st February 2007 1st February 2008 23rd December 2010

2008 22nd December 2008 22nd December 2009 22nd December 2012

2010 22nd December 2010 22nd December 2011 22nd December 2014

2012 14th December 2012 14th December 2014 1st December 2018
2016 1st December 2016 1st December 2017 ...

First allowable use means that claims Oils with this claim may be marketed Where claims are made that oil
cannot be made against the specification until means that no further marketing of performance meets the requirements of
before the date indicated. oils with claims to this issue is allowed the ACEA Oil Sequences (e.g. product
after the date indicated. The marketer of literature, packaging, labels) they must
Mandatory for new claims means that
any oil claiming ACEA performance specify the ACEA Class and Category (see
from this date onward all claims for new
requirements is responsible for all aspects Nomenclature & ACEA Process for
oil formulations must be made according
of product liability. definitions).
to the latest ACEA Oil Sequence Issue. Up
to that date new claims can also be made Where limits are shown relative to a
according to the previous ACEA Oil reference oil, then these must be
Sequence Issue. After the date indicated compared to the last valid Reference
no new claims to the previous ACEA Result on that test stand prior to the
sequence can be made. Then all oil candidate and using the same hardware.
formulations must be developed according Further details are in the ATIEL Code of
to the latest ACEA release. Practice.

The ATIEL Code of Practice is the sole property of ATIEL and is available from ATIEL (Association Technique de l’Industrie Européenne des Lubrifiants),
Boulevard du Souverain 165, B-1160 Brussels, Belgium.
ACEA ACEA 2016 European oil sequence for service-fill oils December
for gasoline and diesel engines 2016 Rev.2

This sequence defines the minimum quality level of a product for self-certification to EELQMS and for presentation to ACEA members.
Individual member companies may indicate performance parameters other than those covered by the tests shown or more stringent limits.


A3/B3-16 A3/B4-16 A5/B5-16

1.1 Viscosity grades Viscosity class according to No restriction except as defined by HTHS and Shear Stability
SAE J300 - Latest active issue requirements. Manufacturers may indicate specific Viscosity
requirements related to ambient temperature.

1.2 Shear stability* CEC L-14-93 100 °C viscosity after 30 cycles mm2/s All grades to be ‘stay in grade’
ASTM D6278
ASTM D7109

1.3.1 HTHS viscosity CEC L-36-90 Dynamic viscosity at 150 °C and shear rate mPa·s ≥ 3.5 ≥ 2.9
of 106 s-1 and
≤ 3.5

1.3.2 HTHS viscosity CEC L-36-90 Dynamic viscosity at 100 °C and shear rate mPa·s — Report
at 100 °C* of 106 s-1

1.4 Evaporative loss CEC L-40-93 Max. weight loss after 1 h at 250 °C % ≤ 13

1.5 TBN ASTM D2896 mgKOH/g ≥ 8.0 ≥ 10.0 ≥ 8.0

1.6 Sulphur* ASTM D5185 % m/m Report


1.7 Phosphorus* ASTM D5185 % m/m Report

1.8 Sulphated ash* ASTM D874 % m/m ≥ 0.9 and ≤ 1.5 ≥ 1.0 and ≤ 1.6 ≤ 1.6

1.9 Chlorine ASTM D6443 ppm Report

1.10 Oil - elastomer CEC L-112-16 Max. variation of characteristics Elastomer type
compatibility* after immersion for 7 days in fresh oil RE6 RE7 RE8 RE9
without pre-ageing:
- Tensile strength % Report Report Report Report
- Elongation at rupture % -70/+20 -65/+15 -51/+9 -65/+19
- Volume variation % -5.5/+2.1 -1.8/+8.9 0.0/+12.0 -2.5/+16.0

1.11 Foaming tendency ASTM D892 Tendency - stability ml Sequence I (24 °C) 10 - nil
without option A Sequence II (94 °C) 50 - nil
Sequence III (24 °C) 10 - nil

1.12 High temperature ASTM D6082 Tendency - stability ml Sequence IV (150 °C) 100 - nil
foaming tendency High temperature
foam test

1.13 Low-temperature CEC L-105-12 MRV mPa·s According to SAE J300 for fresh oil
Yield stress Pa —
(MRV at SAE J300 temperatures,
applicable for the fresh oil viscosity grade)

1.14 Oil oxidation CEC L-109-14 Oil oxidation at 168 h A/cm ≤ 120 ≤ 120 ≤ 100
with biodiesel (DIN 51453)
for engine oils Oil oxidation at 216 h (EOT) A/cm Report Report ≤ 120
operating in the (DIN 51453)
presence of
biodiesel fuel Viscosity increase, relative at 168 h % ≤ 150 ≤ 150 ≤ 60
(Delta KV100)
Viscosity increase, relative at 216 h % Report Report ≤ 150
(Delta KV100 at EOT 216 h)

*/**: Footnotes referring to the following Requirements in the A-/B- and C-Classes:
No. 1.2 Referring to the latest Version of the SAE J300 the minimum Viscosity for xW-20 Oils after Shearing is 6.9 cSt
No. 1.3.2 The CEC-L36-90 method is not yet approved for the parameter HTHS at 100 °C.
No. 1.6, 1.7, 1.8 Maximum limits, Values take into account method and production tolerances
No. 1.6, 1.7 Internal standard method must be used.
No. 1.10 For Categories A3/B3, A3/B4, A5/B5 and C1, C2, C3, C4: Available Test data from the Predecessor-Test CEC L-39-96 may be used for ACEA 2016 instead of CEC L-112-16 under the condition that a full L-39 data set including RE1,
RE2, RE3 & RE4 + the Daimler DBL-AEM (requirements as specified by Daimler AG), provided the requirements as specified in ACEA 2012 are met.
ACEA ACEA 2016 European oil sequence for service-fill oils December
for gasoline and diesel engines 2016 Rev.2

This sequence defines the minimum quality level of a product for self-certification to EELQMS and for presentation to ACEA members.
Individual member companies may indicate performance parameters other than those covered by the tests shown or more stringent limits.


A3/B3-16 A3/B4-16 A5/B5-16

2.1 Gasoline CEC L-111-16 Piston cleanliness Merit ≥ RL259

DI engine (EP6CDT)
cleanliness test Turbo charger deposits **, Merit ≥ 6.0
average value of zones C, D, E & F

2.2 Low temperature ASTM D6593-00 Average engine sludge Merit ≥ 7.8
sludge* (Sequence VG) Rocker cover sludge Merit ≥ 8.0
Under protocol & Average piston skirt varnish Merit ≥ 7.5
requirements for API Average engine varnish Merit ≥ 8.9
Comp. ring (hot stuck) none
Oil screen clogging % ≤ 20

2.3 Valve train

scuffing wear*

2.4 Black sludge* Daimler M271 Engine sludge, average Merit ≥ RL140 + 4
≥ RL261 + 1

2.5 Fuel economy* CEC L-54-96 Fuel economy improvement % — ≥ 2.5



2.6 DI diesel CEC L-106-16 Absolute viscosity increase mm2/s ≤ 0.9 x RL248
oil dispersion (DV6C) at 100 °C and 5.5 % soot
at medium
temperature Piston cleanliness ** Merit ≥ 2.5

2.7 Diesel engine wear CEC L–99-08 Cam wear outlet (avg. max. wear 8 cams) μm ≤ 140 ≤ 120
(OM646LA) Cam wear inlet (avg. max. wear 8 cams) ** μm ≤ 110 ≤ 100
Cylinder wear (avg. 4 cylinders) ** μm ≤ 5.0 ≤ 5.0
Bore polishing (13 mm) ** % ≤ 3.5 ≤ 3.0
(max. value of 4 cylinders)
Tappet wear inlet ** μm Report Report
(avg. max. wear 8 cams)
Tappet wear outlet ** μm Report Report
(avg. max. wear 8 cams)
Piston cleanliness (avg. 4 pistons) ** Merit Report ≥ 12
Engine sludge average ** Merit Report ≥ 8.8

2.8 DI diesel piston CEC L-78-99 Piston cleanliness Merit ≥ RL206 ≥ RL206 ≥ RL206
cleanliness (VW TDI) minus 4 points
& ring sticking*
Ring sticking (Rings 1 & 2)
Average of all 8 rings ASF ≤ 1.2 ≤ 1.0 ≤ 1.0
Max. for any 1st ring ASF ≤ 2.5 ≤ 1.0 ≤ 1.0
Max. for any 2nd ring ASF 0.0 0.0 0.0
EoT TBN (ISO 3771) ** mgKOH/g ≥ 4.0 ≥ 6.0 ≥ 4.0
EoT TAN (ASTM D664) ** mgKOH/g Report Report Report

2.9 Effects of biodiesel CEC L-104-16 Piston cleanliness Merit ≥ RL255 + 2

(OM646LA Bio) Ring sticking ASF — Report
Sludge Merit Report

*/**: Footnotes referring to the following Requirements in the A-/B- and C-Classes:
No. 2.1, 2.6 … 2.9 ** Parameter is not an official CEC Parameter
No. 2.2 Alternatively, Sequence VH test may be used with limits as defined for API SN: Average engine sludge, merits: 7.6 (min); Average rocker cover sludge, merits: 7.7 (min); Average engine varnish, merits: 8.6 (min); Average
piston skirt varnish, merits: 7.6 (min); Oil screen clogging, % area: Rate & Report; Hot-stuck compression rings: None. The limits shown are based on those applied in U.S. market requirements. ACEA will continuously review
the situation to ensure that these limits are appropriate for European vehicles and lubricants.
No. 2.3 The CEC L-38-94 (TU3M) Test was removed from these Oil Sequences since hardware will run out in early 2017. However, in order to assure/support Wear Protection although TU3 is removed, ACEA intends to introduce
the ASTM Seq. IVB Test as a TU3-Sucessor regarding valve train wear with the next Oil Sequences Revision, with Limits for Seq. IVB then to be defined based on ILSAC Spec.
No. 2.4 Until the new CEC Test Method L-107 is fully developed, the Gasoline Sludge Protection Performance of Engine Oil Formulations must be proven by the M271 Sludge Test procedure as described by Daimler AG. Test results
obtained by the M271 procedure will be accepted only under the condition that they come from Test Rigs being referenced and quality controlled by Daimler AG. Limits are based on the same Reference Oil as with the old
M111 Sludge Test. Once the L-107 Procedure is fully CEC-approved, the L-107 may be used, with limits officially communicated by ACEA. Daimler M271 Sludge Reference Oil has changed from RL140 to RL261. ACEA
claims may be demonstrated using either RL140 or RL261. The limits applicable to each reference oil are given above.
No. 2.8 * Test Report must give measured values before and after the test, all measurements to be taken in the same lab.
Note: EOT TAN is considered to become performance criteria in the future. Any test run prior to the publication of the ACEA 2012 Oil Sequences can be used whether or not it has data for EOT TAN.
ACEA ACEA 2016 European oil sequence for service-fill oils December
for gasoline and diesel engines with after treatment devices 2016 Rev.2

This sequence defines the minimum quality level of a product for self-certification to EELQMS and for presentation to ACEA members.
Individual member companies may indicate performance parameters other than those covered by the tests shown or more stringent limits.


C1-16 C2-16 C3-16 C4-16 C5-16

1.1 Viscosity grades Viscosity class according to No restriction except as defined by HTHS and shear
SAE J300 - Latest active issue stability requirements. Manufacturers may indicate specific
viscosity requirements related to ambient temperature.

1.2 Shear stability* CEC L-14-93 100 °C Viscosity after 30 cycles mm2/s All grades to be ‘stay in grade’
ASTM D6278
ASTM D7109

1.3.1 HTHS viscosity CEC L-36-90 Dynamic viscosity at 150 °C and shear rate mPa·s ≥ 2.9 ≥ 3.5 ≥ 2.6 &
of 106 s-1 < 2.9

1.3.2 HTHS viscosity CEC L-36-90 Dynamic Viscosity at 100 °C and shear rate mPa·s Report Report Report
at 100 °C* of 106 s-1

1.4 Evaporative loss CEC L-40-93 Max. weight loss after 1 h at 250 °C % ≤ 13 ≤ 11 ≤ 13

1.5 TBN ASTM D2896 mgKOH/g --- ≥ 6.0

1.6 Sulphur* ASTM D5185 % m/m ≤ 0.2 ≤ 0.3 ≤ 0.2 ≤ 0.3

1.7 Phosphorus*

ASTM D5185 % m/m ≥ 0.07 ≥ 0.07

≤ 0.05 ≤ 0.09 ≤ 0.09 ≤ 0.09

1.8 Sulphated ash ASTM D874 % m/m ≤ 0.5 ≤ 0.8 ≤ 0.5 ≤ 0.8

1.9 Chlorine ASTM D6443 ppm Report

1.10 Oil - elastomer CEC L-112-16 Max. variation of characteristics Elastomer type
compatibility* after immersion for 7 days in fresh oil
without pre-ageing:
- Tensile strength % Report Report Report Report
- Elongation at rupture % -70/+20 -65/+15 -51/+9 -65/+19
- Volume variation % -5.5/+2.1 -1.8/+8.9 0.0/+12.0 -2.5/+16.0

1.11 Foaming ASTM D892 Tendency - stability ml Sequence I (24 °C) 10 - nil
tendency without option A Sequence II (94 °C) 50 - nil
Sequence III (24 °C) 10 - nil

1.12 High temperature ASTM D6082 Tendency - stability ml Sequence IV (150 °C) 100 – nil
foaming High temperature
tendency foam test

1.13 Low temperature CEC L-105-12 MRV mPa·s According to SAE J300 for fresh oil
Yield stress Pa
(MRV at SAE J300 temperatures,
applicable for the fresh oil viscosity grade)

1.14 Oil oxidation CEC L-109-14 Oil oxidation at 168 h A/cm ≤ 100
with biodiesel (DIN 51453)
for engine oils
operating in the
Oil oxidation at 216 h (EOT) A/cm ≤ 120
(DIN 51453)
presence of
biodiesel fuel Viscosity increase, relative at 168 h % ≤ 60
(Delta KV100)

Viscosity increase, relative at 216 h % ≤ 150

(Delta KV100 at EOT 216 h)

*/**: Footnotes referring to the following Requirements in the A-/B- and C-Classes:
No. 1.2 Referring to the latest Version of the SAE J300 the minimum Viscosity for xW-20 Oils after Shearing is 6.9 cSt
No. 1.3.2 The CEC-L36-90 method is not yet approved for the parameter HTHS at 100 °C.
No. 1.6, 1.7, 1.8 Maximum limits, Values take into account method and production tolerances
No. 1.6, 1.7 Internal standard method must be used.
No. 1.10 For Categories A3/B3, A3/B4, A5/B5 and C1, C2, C3, C4: Available Test data from the Predecessor-Test CEC L-39-96 may be used for ACEA 2016 instead of CEC L-112-16 under the condition that a full L-39 data
set including RE1, RE2, RE3 & RE4 + the Daimler DBL-AEM (requirements as specified by Daimler AG), provided the requirements as specified in ACEA 2012 are met.
ACEA ACEA 2016 European oil sequence for service-fill oils December
for gasoline and diesel engines with after treatment devices 2016 Rev.2

This sequence defines the minimum quality level of a product for self-certification to EELQMS and for presentation to ACEA members.
Individual member companies may indicate performance parameters other than those covered by the tests shown or more stringent limits.


C1-16 C2-16 C3-16 C4-16 C5-16

2.1 Gasoline DI CEC L-111-16 Piston cleanliness Merit ≥ RL259

engine (EP6CDT)
cleanliness Turbo charger deposits **, Merit ≥ 6.0
average value of zones C, D, E & F

2.2 Low temperature ASTM D6593-00 Average engine sludge Merit ≥ 7.8
sludge* (Sequence VG) Rocker cover sludge Merit ≥ 8.0
Under protocol Average piston skirt varnish Merit ≥ 7.5
& requirements Average engine varnish Merit ≥ 8.9
for API Comp. ring (hot stuck) none
Oil screen clogging % ≤ 20

2.3 Valve train

scuffing wear*

2.4 Black sludge* Daimler M271 Engine sludge, average Merit ≥ RL140 + 4
≥ RL261 + 1

2.5 Fuel economy* CEC L-54-96 Fuel economy improvement % ≥ 3.0 ≥ 2.5 ≥ 1.0 ≥ 3.0
(M111) (for xW-30 only,

no limit for xW-40)

2.6 DI diesel oil CEC L-106-16 Absolute viscosity increase mm²/s ≤ 0.9 x RL248
dispersion at (DV6C) at 100 °C and 5.5 % soot
temperature Piston cleanliness ** Merit ≥ 2.5

2.7 Diesel engine CEC L-99-08 Cam wear outlet (avg. max. wear 8 cams) μm ≤ 120 ≤ 120
Wear* (OM646LA) Cam wear inlet (avg. max. wear 8 cams)** μm ≤ 100 ≤ 100
Cylinder wear (avg. 4 cylinders)** μm ≤ 5.0 ≤ 5.0
Bore polishing (13 mm)** % ≤ 3.0 ≤ 3.0
max. value of 4 cylinders
Tappet wear inlet** μm Report Report
(avg. max. wear 8 cams)
Tappet wear outlet** μm Report Report
(avg. max. wear 8 cams)
Piston cleanliness (avg. 4 pistons)** Merit Report ≥ 12
Engine sludge average ** Merit Report ≥ 8.8

2.8 DI diesel CEC L-78-99 Piston cleanliness Merit ≥ RL206 ≥ RL206 ≥ RL206
piston cleanliness (VW TDI) Ring sticking (Rings 1 & 2)
& ring sticking*
Average of all 8 rings ASF ≤ 1.0 ≤ 1.2 ≤ 1.0
Max. for any 1st ring ASF ≤ 1.0 ≤ 2.5 ≤ 1.0
Max. for any 2nd ring ASF 0.0 0.0 0.0
EOT TBN (ISO 3771) ** mgKOH/g Report Report Report
EOT TAN (ASTM D664) ** mgKOH/g Report Report Report

2.9 Effects of CEC L-104-16 Piston cleanliness Merit ≥ RL255 + 2

biodiesel (OM646LA Bio) Ring sticking ** ASF Report
Sludge ** Merit Report

*/**: Footnotes referring to the following Requirements in the A-/B- and C-Classes:
No. 2.1, 2.6 … 2.9 ** Parameter is not an official CEC Parameter
No. 2.2 Alternatively, Sequence VH test may be used with limits as defined for API SN: Average engine sludge, merits: 7.6 (min); Average rocker cover sludge, merits: 7.7 (min); Average engine varnish, merits: 8.6 (min); Average
piston skirt varnish, merits: 7.6 (min); Oil screen clogging, % area: Rate & Report; Hot-stuck compression rings: None. The limits shown are based on those applied in U.S. market requirements. ACEA will continuously
review the situation to ensure that these limits are appropriate for European vehicles and lubricants.
No. 2.3 The CEC L-38-94 (TU3M) Test was removed from these Oil Sequences since hardware will run out in early 2017. However, in order to assure/support Wear Protection although TU3 is removed, ACEA intends to
introduce the ASTM Seq. IVB Test as a TU3-Sucessor regarding valve train wear with the next Oil Sequences Revision, with Limits for Seq. IVB then to be defined based on ILSAC Spec.
No. 2.4 Until the new CEC Test Method L-107 is fully developed, the Gasoline Sludge Protection Performance of Engine Oil Formulations must be proven by the M271 Sludge Test procedure as described by Daimler AG. Test
results obtained by the M271 procedure will be accepted only under the condition that they come from Test Rigs being referenced and quality controlled by Daimler AG. Limits are based on the same Reference Oil as
with the old M111 Sludge Test. Once the L-107 Procedure is fully CEC-approved, the L-107 may be used, with limits officially communicated by ACEA. Daimler M271 Sludge Reference Oil has changed from RL140 to
RL261. ACEA claims may be demonstrated using either RL140 or RL261. The limits applicable to each reference oil are given above.
No. 2.8 * Test Report must give measured values before & after the test, all measurements to be taken in the same lab.
Note: EOT TAN is considered to become performance criteria in the future. Any test run prior to the publication of the ACEA 2012 Oil Sequences can be used whether or not it has data for EOT TAN.
ACEA ACEA 2016 European oil sequence for service-fill oils December
for heavy-duty diesel engines 2016 Rev.2

This sequence defines the minimum quality level of a product for self-certification to EELQMS and for presentation to ACEA members.
Individual member companies may indicate performance parameters other than those covered by the tests shown or more stringent limits.


E4-16 E6-16 E7-16 E9-16

1.1 Viscosity SAE J300 No restriction except as defined by shear stability and HTHS
Latest active issue requirements. Manufacturers may indicate specific viscosity
requirements related to ambient temperature.

1.2 Shear stability CEC L-14-93

Viscosity after 30 cycles measured
ASTM D6278 mm2/s Stay in grade
at 100 °C.
ASTM D7109

ASTM D7109 Viscosity after 90 cycles measured

mm2/s Stay in grade
at 100 °C

1.3 HTHS viscosity CEC L-36-90 Dynamic viscosity at 150 °C mPa·s ≥ 3.5
and shear rate of 106 s-1

Dynamic viscosity at 100 °C

and shear rate of 106 s-1 mPa·s Report

1.4 Evaporative loss CEC L-40-93 (Noack) Max. weight loss after 1 h at 250 °C % ≤ 13

1.5 Sulphated ash ASTM D874 % m/m ≤ 2.0 ≤ 1.0 ≤ 2.0 ≤ 1.0

1.6 Phosphorus ASTM D5185 % m/m ≤ 0.08 ≤ 0.12

1.7 Sulphur ASTM D5185 % m/m ≤ 0.3 ≤ 0.4

1.8 Oil / elastomer CEC L-112-16 Max. variation of characteristics after Elastomer type
compatibility* immersion for 7 days in fresh oil RE6 RE7 RE8 RE9
without pre-ageing
- Tensile strength % Report Report Report Report
- Elongation at break % -70/+20 -65/+15 -51/+9 -65/+19
- Volume change % -5.5/+2.1 -1.8/+8.9 0.0/+12 -2.5/+16

1.9 Foaming ASTM D892 Tendency - stability ml Sequence I (24 °C) 10 – nil Seq I 10/0
tendency without option A ml Sequence II (94 °C) 50 – nil Seq II 20/0
ml Sequence III (24 °C) 10 – nil Seq III 10/0

1.10 High temperature ASTM D6082 Tendency - stability ml Sequence IV (150 °C) 200-50

1.11 Oxidation CEC L-85-99 Oxidation induction time min. ≥ 65


1.12 Corrosion ASTM D6594 Copper increase ppm Report Report ≤ 20

Lead increase ppm Report ≤ 100 ≤ 100
Copper strip rating Report Report ≤3

1.13 TBN* ASTM D2896 mg KOH/g ≥ 12 ≥7 ≥9 ≥7

1.14 Low temperature CEC L-105-12 MRV mPa·s According to SAE

pumpability Yield stress Pa J300 for fresh oil
(MRV at SAE J300 Temperatures applicable
for the fresh oil viscosity grade)

1.15 Oil oxidation with CEC L-109-14 Oxidation increase after 168 h A/cm ≤ 90 ≤ 80 ≤ 120 ≤ 90
biodiesel KV100 increase after 168 h % ≤ 130 ≤ 130 ≤ 300 ≤ 150

*/**: Footnotes referring to the following requirements in the E-Class:

No. 1.8 Full data sets being obtained on CEC L-39-96 + the Daimler requirements for DBL-AEM as specified by Daimler AG can be used instead of CEC L-112-16, provided the requirements as specified in ACEA 2012 are met.
No. 1.13 For E7, values < 9.00 are not accepted.
ACEA ACEA 2016 European oil sequence for service-fill oils December
for heavy-duty diesel engines 2016 Rev.2

This sequence defines the minimum quality level of a product for self-certification to EELQMS and for presentation to ACEA members.
Individual member companies may indicate performance parameters other than those covered by the tests shown or more stringent limits.


E4-16 E6-16 E7-16 E9-16
2.1 Wear CEC L-99-08 Cam wear outlet μm
≤ 140 ≤ 155
(OM646LA) (avg. max. wear 8 cams)

2.2 Soot in oil* ASTM D5967 Test duration 300 h

(Mack T-8E) Relative viscosity at 4.8 % soot
≤ 2.1/2.2/2.3
and 50 % shear loss
1 test/2 test/3 test average

2.3 Bore polishing CEC L-101-08 Piston cleanliness, average Merit ≥ 26 ≥ 17

piston cleanliness* (OM501LA) Bore polishing, average ** % ≤ 1.0 ≤ 2.0
Oil consumption ** kg/Test ≤9 ≤9
Engine sludge, average ** Merit Report Report

2.4 Soot induced ASTM D7468 Merit ≥ 1000

wear* (Cummins ISM) Crosshead, weight loss
1 test/2 test/3 test average mg ≤ 7.5/7.8/7.9 ≤ 7.1
Oil Filter Diff. Press at 150 h
1 test/2 test/3 test average kPa ≤ 55/67/74 ≤ 19
Engine sludge
1 test/2 test/3 test average Merit ≥ 8.1/8.0/8.0 ≥ 8.7
Adj. screw weight loss mg ≤ 49

2.5 Wear (liner-ring- ASTM D7422 Merit ≥ 1000 ≥ 1000

bearings)* (Mack T12) Cylinder liner wear (CLW) μm ≤ 26 ≤ 24
Top ring weight loss (TRWL) mg ≤ 117 ≤ 105
End of test lead ppm ≤ 42 ≤ 35
Delta lead 250-300 hrs ppm ≤ 18 ≤ 15
Oil consumption (Phase II) g/hr ≤ 95 ≤ 85

2.6 Biofuel impacted CEC L-104-16 Piston cleanliness, average Merit ≥ RL255 + 4 ≥ RL255 + 2
piston cleanliness (OM646LA Bio) Ring sticking ** ASF Report Report
and engine
sludge Engine sludge, average ** Merit Report Report

*/**: Footnotes referring to the following requirements in the E-Class:

No. 2.2 Mack T11 results obtained as part of an API CI-4, CI-4 plus, CJ-4, CK-4 or FA-4 approval program, can be used in place of Mack T8E.
No. 2.3, 2.6 ** Not CEC approved parameters.
No. 2.4 Merit number shall be calculated according to the API CI-4 specification
No. 2.5 For E6 & E7 Merit number shall be calculated according to the API CI-4 specification. For E6 & E7 Mack T10 results obtained as part of an API CI-4 or CI-4 plus approval program, can be used in place of Mack T12. Mack T-12 Cylinder
Liner Wear and Top Ring Weight Loss results obtained as part of an API CK-4 or FA-4 approval program, which includes a passing Volvo T-13 at the API CK-4 or API FA-4 level, may be used to satisfy the requirements of the Mack T-12
in the ACEA Oil Sequences.
Certification and registration
Claims against the ACEA Oil Sequences All information needed for registration is
can be made on a self-certification basis. available on the ACEA website, see: http://
For any claim being made against these
ACEA Oil Sequences, ACEA currently oil-registrations/menu/eor/front-page
recommends oil marketers to register their
products with the ACEA registration system Engine oils claiming any of the ACEA Oil
on the ACEA website. ACEA will introduce Sequences should be registered directly
a mandatory registration scheme within after their launch into the market. After
2017 and will inform stakeholders about completing the form, it will be saved on the
the procedures to be followed for mandatory ACEA server. If claims are no longer needed
registration three months in advance of the oil companies are asked to delete their
date of mandatory registration. registration.

If claims continue to be used after three

years, re-registration is required.

Nomenclature and ACEA process:

Each set of Oil Sequences is designated for The YEAR numbers for ACEA Sequence is
consumer use by a 2-part code comprising intended only for industry use and indicates
a letter to define the CLASS (e.g. C), and a the year of implementation of that severity
number to define the CATEGORY (e.g. C1). level for the particular category. A new year
number will indicate, for example, that a
In addition, for industry use, each sequence new test, parameter or limit has been
has a two-digit number to identify the YEAR incorporated in the category to meet new/
of implementation of that severity level upgraded performance requirements whilst
(e.g. A3/B4-16). remaining compatible with existing
applications. An update must always satisfy
The CLASS indicates oil intended for a
the applications of the previous issue. If this
general type of engines – currently:
is not the case, then a new category is
A/B = Gasoline and Light-duty Diesel
Engines; C = Catalyst compatible oils
for Gasoline and Light-duty Diesel Engines An administrative ISSUE Number is added
with Aftertreatment devices; E = Heavy- for industry use where it is necessary to
duty Diesel Engines. Other classes may update the technical requirements of a
be added in future if, for example, Natural sequence without the intention to increase
Gas Engines may prove to require oil severity (e.g. when a CEC test engine is
characteristics which cannot readily be updated to the latest version whilst
incorporated into existing classes. maintaining equivalent severity; or where
a severity shift in the test requires
The CATEGORY indicates oils for different
modification of the specified limits.).
purposes or applications within that general
class, related to some aspect or aspects of
the performance level of the oil. Typical
applications for each sequence are
described below for guidance only. Specific
applications of each sequence are the
responsibility of the individual motor
manufacturer for their own vehicles and
engines. Oils within a category may also
meet the requirements of another category
but some engines may only be suited to
oils of one category within a class.
Consumer language
Where claims are made that Oil Performance meets the requirements of the ACEA Oil Sequences
(e.g. product literature, packaging, labels) they must specify the ACEA Class and Category
(see Nomenclature & ACEA Process for definitions).

A/B : Gasoline and diesel engine oils – ‘High SAPS’ E : Heavy-duty Diesel engine oils
A1/B1 Category is removed with these Oil Sequences. E4 Stable, stay-in-grade oil providing excellent control of piston cleanliness,
wear, soot handling and lubricant stability. It is recommended for highly
A3/B3 Stable, stay-in-grade engine oil intended for use in passenger car
rated diesel engines meeting Euro I, Euro II, Euro III, Euro IV and Euro V
and light-duty van gasoline and diesel engines and/or for extended
emission requirements and running under very severe conditions,
drain intervals where specified by the engine manufacturer, and/or
e.g. significantly extended oil drain intervals according to the
for year-round use of low viscosity oils, and/or for severe operating
manufacturer’s recommendations. It is suitable for engines without
conditions as defined by the engine manufacturer.
particulate filters, and for some EGR engines and some engines fitted
A3/B4 Stable, stay-in-grade engine oil intended for use in passenger car with SCR NOx reduction systems. However, recommendations may
and light-duty van gasoline and DI diesel engines, but also suitable differ between engine manufacturers so driver manuals and/or dealers
for applications described under A3/B3. shall be consulted if in doubt.

A5/B5 Stable, stay-in-grade engine oil intended for use at extended drain E6 Stable, stay-in-grade oil providing excellent control of piston cleanliness,
intervals in passenger car and light-duty van gasoline and diesel wear, soot handling and lubricant stability. It is recommended for highly
engines designed to be capable of using low viscosity oils with rated diesel engines meeting Euro I, Euro II, Euro III, Euro IV, Euro V
HTHS viscosity of 2.9 to 3.5 mPa·s. These oils are unsuitable for and Euro VI emission requirements and running under very severe
use in certain Engines - consult vehicle OEM’s owner’s manual/ conditions, e.g. significantly extended oil drain intervals according to
handbook in case of doubt. the manufacturer’s recommendations. It is suitable for EGR engines,
with or without particulate filters, and for engines fitted with SCR NOx
C : Catalyst & GPF/DPF compatible engine oils for gasoline reduction systems. E6 quality is strongly recommended for engines
and diesel engines – ‘Low SAPS’ fitted with particulate filters and is designed for use in combination
These oils will increase the DPF/GPF and TWC
Note:  with low sulphur diesel fuel. However, recommendations may differ
life and maintain the vehicle’s fuel economy. between engine manufacturers so driver manuals and/or dealers shall
be consulted if in doubt.
Warning:   ome of these categories may be unsuitable
for use in certain engine types – consult the E7 Stable, stay-in-grade oil providing effective control with respect to
vehicle-OEM’s owner’s manual/handbook in piston cleanliness and bore polishing. It further provides excellent wear
case of doubt. control, soot handling and lubricant stability. It is recommended for
C1  table, stay-in-grade engine oil with lowest SAPS Level, intended
S highly rated diesel engines meeting Euro I, Euro II, Euro III, Euro IV
for use as catalyst compatible oil at extended drain intervals in and Euro V emission requirements and running under severe
vehicles with all types of modern aftertreatment systems and conditions, e.g. extended oil drain intervals according to the
high performance passenger car and light-duty van gasoline and manufacturer’s recommendations. It is suitable for engines without
DI diesel engines that are designed to be capable of using low particulate filters, and for most EGR engines and most engines fitted
viscosity oils with a minimum HTHS viscosity of 2.9 mPa·s. with SCR NOx reduction systems. However, recommendations may
differ between engine manufacturers so driver manuals and/or dealers
C2  table, stay-in-grade engine oil with mid SAPS Level, intended
shall be consulted if in doubt.
for use as catalyst compatible oil at extended drain intervals in
vehicles with all types of modern aftertreatment systems and E9 Stable, stay-in-grade oil providing effective control with respect to
high performance passenger car and light-duty van gasoline and piston cleanliness and bore polishing. It further provides excellent
DI diesel engines that are designed to be capable of using low wear control, soot handling and lubricant stability. It is recommended
viscosity oils with a minimum HTHS viscosity of 2.9 mPa·s. for highly rated diesel engines meeting Euro I, Euro II, Euro III, Euro IV,
C3 Stable, stay-in-grade engine oil with mid SAPS Level, intended Euro V and Euro VI emission requirements and running under severe
for use as catalyst compatible oil at extended drain intervals in conditions, e.g. extended oil drain intervals according to the
vehicles with all types of modern aftertreatment systems and manufacturer’s recommendations. It is suitable for engines with or
high performance passenger car and light-duty van gasoline and without particulate filters, and for most EGR engines and for most
DI diesel engines that are designed to be capable of using oils with engines fitted with SCR NOx reduction systems. E9 is strongly
a minimum HTHS viscosity of 3.5 mPa·s. recommended for engines fitted with particulate filters and is
designed for use in combination with low Sulphur diesel fuel.
C4 Stable, stay-in-grade engine oil with low SAPS Level, intended
However, recommendations may differ between engine manufacturers
for use as catalyst compatible oil at extended drain intervals in
so driver manuals and/or dealers should be consulted if in doubt.
vehicles with all types of modern aftertreatment systems and
high performance passenger car and light-duty van gasoline and
DI diesel engines that are designed to be capable of using oils SAPS: Sulphated Ash, Phosphorus, Sulphur
with a minimum HTHS viscosity of 3.5 mPa·s. HTHS: High Temperature High Shear Viscosity
C5 Stable, stay-in-grade engine oil with mid SAPS Level, for further
DI: Direct Injection
improved fuel economy, intended for use as catalyst compatible
oil at extended drain intervals in vehicles with all types of modern DPF: Diesel Particle Filter
aftertreatment systems and high performance passenger car and
GPF: Gasoline Particle Filter
light-duty van gasoline and DI diesel engines that are designed to
be capable and OEM approved for use of low viscosity oils with TWC: Three-Way Catalyst
a minimum HTHS viscosity of 2.6 mPa·s.

Europe/Middle East/Africa
PO Box 1
Milton Hill
Oxfordshire OX13 6BB
United Kingdom
Tel: + (44) 1235 54 9501
Fax: + (44) 1235 54 9523

1900 East Linden Avenue
PO Box 717
Linden NJ 07036
Tel: + (1) 800 654 1233
Fax: + (1) 908 474 6117

Asia Pacific
31 International Business Park
Creative Resource #04-08
Singapore 609921
Tel: + (65) 6899 1661
Fax: + (65) 6895 6900

Not all offices are listed.

To locate your local sales office please contact the nearest address
above or visit our website:

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