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chandigarh | gurugram | jalandhar | bathinda | vol.141 no.133 | 14 pages | ~6.00 | established in 1881 � haryana
/thetribunechd /thetribunechd saturday | 15 may 2021

Sputnik V arrives in market,

each imported dose for ~995
Tribune News Service
92% EFFECTIVE, INITIALLY 3,43,144 FRESH CASES Govt working day
and night to ease
Russian vaccine Sputnik V
was launched in the Indian
pain, says Modi
market on Friday with Dr New Delhi, May 14
Reddy’s Laboratories, local AUS FLIGHT LEAVES 70 BEHIND Describing Covid-19 as an
partner of the two-dose Covid Seventy of the 150 Australians in invisible enemy, PM Narendra
jab, announcing the soft India who were scheduled to return Modi today said he felt pain for
launch by administering the home by a repatriation flight were those who had lost their dear
first dose in Hyderabad today. grounded on Friday because either ones in the pandemic.
Each imported dose of
they were Covid positive or a close
contact of someone infected, a top
Sputnik V will cost Rs 995.40.
The cost will drop once
domestic manufacturing of
Australian diplomat said. BACK PAGE ❝ Blocks in our
resources are being
13 MORE DIE AT GOA HOSPITAL removed on a
the vaccine begins. The vac- A vaccine centre in Bengaluru. PTI
Thirteen more Covid-19 war-footing. PM
cine will be made available at TALKS OVER SINGLE SHOT patients died at the Goa
35 centres from next week as Medical College and Hospi-
part of the pilot test in India. Dr Reddy’s is learnt to be in talks Amid Opposition allegations
with Russia for collaboration on tal on Friday, taking to 75 the
At the launch today, Dr Red- number of people who have succumbed of a “missing” government,
single shot Sputnik V which has
dy’s said, “The first consign- shown 79.4 per cent efficacy. over the last four days. BACK PAGE the PM said every department
ment of Sputnik V vaccine was working day and night to
that landed in India on May 1 SCIENTISTS CALL FOR FULLER PROBE INTO WUHAN ‘LAB LEAK’ ease the pain of the nation.
received regulatory clearance Leading UK and US scientists have called for more investigation to deter- Sounding a warning, the
from the Central Drugs Labo- mine the origin of the pandemic, including the theory of accidental PM said the pandemic was
ratory, Kasauli, on May 13.” release from a lab in Chinese city of Wuhan. In a letter in the journal rapidly spreading in rural
continued on page 11 ‘Science’, the experts said knowing how Covid-19 emerged was critical areas, urging citizens to take
edit: Tardyvax drive for global strategies to mitigate the risk of future outbreaks. PAGE 12 all precautions. — TNS

Left alone, man carries Twomorebodiesfoundon

mum’s body for last rites Gangabanks,patrolling up
Lalit Mohan Mukesh Ranjan
Tribune News Service
Follow body disposal Tribune News Service NUMBERS GROSSLY
Dharamsala, May14
protocol: HP Govt New Delhi, May 14 UNDER-REPORTED
Bir Singh of Bhangwar vil- Two more bodies found lying
lage, near Ranital, in Kangra
had to carry his mother’s
on the banks of the Ganga
were cremated by the Ballia
❝ Reports are coming of
mass burials on the banks
body on his shoulders for district administration in UP of the river in Unnao. Official
about 1 km yesterday after after a video of stray dogs numbers from Lucknow,
none of his relatives, district mauling the corpses went
officials or villagers came for- viral on social media.
Gorakhpur, Jhansi
ward to help him out in per- Ballia residents claimed to and Kanpur
forming the last rites. have seen 52 bodies at Ujiyar, appear grossly
Some photographs of Bir Kulhadia and Bharauli ghats. under-reported.
Singh carrying the body had With bodies found floating in Priyanka Gandhi Vadra,
gone viral on the social the Ganga in UP and Bihar, CONG GEN SECY
media, inviting criticism for Bir Singh carries mother’s body the West Bengal Government
the government authorities. has asked officials in Malda has ordered the authorities to
Taking a serious note of the He said the DCs must ensure to maintain a vigil at the riv- fine those throwing bodies
incident, Chief Minister Jai that the bereaved family of er’s entry point. into the Ganga. State CM Yogi
Ram Thakur today directed every Covid victim gets full District authorities in UP Adityanath has ordered
all deputy commissioners to support from the district and Bihar have been put on patrolling by the SDRF and
ensure the body disposal pro- authorities in performing the the alert after a nudge by the PAC. Sources said, “Deploy-
tocol for Covid patients dying last rites of the deceased. National Mission for Clean ment of the SDRF and PAC
in home isolation was strictly continued on page 11 Ganga and a notice by the teams will help in keeping a
adhered to across the state. edit: HP emerges as hotspot NHRC. The UP Government check on such incidents.”

IN BRIEF Eid gesture: Malerkotla IYC chief quizzed

over Covid supplies,
Centre wants review
of BC quota verdict to be Punjab’s 23rd dist Congress cries foul
NewDelhi, May14
NEW DELHI: The Centre has Tribune News Service After a Delhi Police crime
moved the SC seeking a branch team today ques-
review of the May 5 verdict that Chandigarh, May 14 tioned Indian Youth Con-
took away the power of states Punjab CM Capt Amarinder gress president Srinivas BV
to declare backward classes for Singh on Friday announced over his Covid-related medi-
job/admission quota. BACK PAGE Malerkotla as the 23rd dis- cine and oxygen cylinder
trict of the state. The Muslim- supplies to people, the Con-
Tsering elected Prez majority city is currently a KEEP OUTSIDERS AWAY, gress said the move was the
of Tibetan govt-in-exile part of Sangrur district. CAPT TELLS VILLAGES “worst form of revenge”.
Initially, the sub-divisions of The police said they were
With rural areas showing a
DHARAMSALA: Penpa Tsering Malerkotla and Ahmedgarh acting on a Delhi High Court
surge in Covid cases, the CM on
has been elected president of and Amargarh sub-tehsil Friday asked villagers to restrict order to determine how politi-
the Tibetan government-in- would be included in the new the movement of outsiders, cians were procuring essen-
exile. He polled 34,324 votes district. The process of bring- suggesting ‘thikri pehras’. tial supplies and to register
against 28,307 by rival Kalsang ing villages under the juris- FIRs if offences were made
Dorjee Aukatsang. INSIDE diction of Malerkotla district district administration office. out. The court had on May 4
would begin after the conclu- The Deputy Commissioner asked the police to investigate
Martyr Bhagat Singh’s sion of the Census, the CM for the newly carved out dis- the issue of politicians procur-
said at a state-level function to trict would be appointed ing and distributing Remde-
nephew dies of Covid mark Eid. Capt Amarinder soon, he said. sivir in the capital and take
MOHALI: Shaheed Bhagat directed the Sangrur Deputy Announcing other projects steps as per law. Srinivas said
Singh’s nephew Abhay Singh Commissioner to find a suit- for Malerkotla, the CM said a the cops asked him how he
died of Covid-related complica- able building to immediately medical college, to be named procured the supplies to dis-
tions on Friday. — TNS start the functioning of the continued on page 11 tribute to people. — TNS

27 black fungus cases in Haryana, 5 this week

Sushil Manav
Tribune News Service
Two succumb to infection, 12 under treatment Four cases every
Chandigarh, May14
Even as Covid continues to SURGERY NEEDED IN
week inLudhiana
devastate people in Haryana LUDHIANA: Hospitals in Ludhi-
as also in other parts of the MOST OF THE CASES ana have been receiving three
country, mucormycosis, or
black fungus as it is com-
monly called, is posing a new
❝ Almost all those who
survived the infection had to
to four black fungus cases
every week. Dr Manish Mun-
jal, Dayanand Medical College
threat in the state. undergo surgeries of the and Hospital, said they had
Since the start of the pan- ear, nose, throat or the eyes. A health worker gives a jab to an received 20-25 cases of black
demic, 27 cases of black fun- Dr Dhruv Chaudhary, PGIMS, ROHTAK elderly man in Gurugram. PTI fungus during the second
gus have so far come to Post wave. “The problem is found
Graduate Institute of Med- Gurugram. Of the infected, Dr Dhruv Chaudhary, Head mostly in Covid survivors who
ical Sciences (PGIMS) and two have died and 12 are cur- of Pulmonary Department of are diabetic, hypertensive or
two private hospitals in rently under treatment, said continued on page 11 have a kidney ailment.” INSIDE
FORECAST 33.29% drop in active Covid Man held for
stabbing wife EDUCATION NOTES
cases in a week in Faridabad
Generally cloudy Tribune News Service
sky with one or
two spells of rain or Faridabad, May 14
A man has been arrested in
SUNRISE: 5.30 am
SUNSET: 7.05 pm
Recoveries outpace new infections I 53 die in past seven days connection with the mur-
der of his estranged wife
Bijendra Ahlawat 1,037 recoveries. However, a on May 12. The accused,
TEMPERATURE Tribune News Service total of 53 deaths took place identified as Shashi
HISAR Faridabad, May 14 in the past seven days. Kumar, a native of Firoz-
The Covid situation in the Describing the improve- abad (Uttar Pradesh), was
Max: 36°C Min: 23°C district has shown a visible ment due to better manage- remanded to two days’
KARNAL southward trend with the ment and coordination, DC police remand today.
number of active cases Yashpal Yadav said On May 12, Kumar met
Max: 34°C Min: 21°C declining by 33.29 per cent increased testing, contact his wife Anmol, who had
GURUGRAM in the past one week. The tracing, coupled with vacci- been living separately,
number of deaths has, how- nations and implementa- near Badkhal flyover
Max: 35°C Min: 23°C
ever, been above the aver- tion of containment zone here and tried to resolve
age of seven daily. policy had led to the marked the matter. He insisted on PASSING OUT CEREMONY
The number of active cases, decline. He said the situa- her to return with him, Sonepat: The passing out ceremony for pre-commission and
HELPLINE which was recorded at 1,587
on May 7, slipped to 1,091 on
tion was expected to
improve further, as he
but she refused. Argu-
ment ensued and Kumar
direct commission of the senior division of the Army and Navy
was held recently at the National Cadet Corps Officer Training
Coronavirus: 8558893911 May 13 (Thursday), accord- claimed that various stake- took out a knife and Academy at Kamptee with traditional military decorum. Major
ing to the details compiled by holders had been making all stabbed Anmol several General Alok Beri Commandant, NCC, OTA, reviewed the pipping
the Health Department. 3-member panel to look into complaints of efforts to curb the menace. times. She succumbed to ceremony where 181 officer cadets became Associate NCC
Police control room: 100
The recovery level, which overcharging by pvt hospitals for treatment Meanwhile, the district injuries before she could Officers. An Officer Cadet goes through a rigorous training
was lower than new cases authorities have announced be taken to hospital. package of 90 days to enable him to conduct a National Cadet
on May 6, took a turnaround a three-member committee It has been found out Corps training effectively in their respective institutes. During
on May 7 when for the first new cases of 1,091 on May has also declined by 33.29 to look into the complaints the couple, who had been the passing out ceremony, Dr Pardeep Singh of Punjab,
Fire brigade: 101 time the number of recover- 13. With the daily average of per cent, as this number of overcharging by pri- residing in a rented Himachal Pradesh, Haryana and Chandigarh directorate was
ies (1,703) surpassed the fig- 1,469 new cases, the daily slipped to 9,571 on May 13 vate hospitals for treat- accommodation in Sector awarded with the DG's Baton and gold medal. Dr Singh at
ure of fresh cases (1,587) in average of recoveries has from 14,224 on May 7. The ment of Covid patients. 37, had fought after present works as assistant professor in Physics Department of
the district after the surge been 2,133 in the past seven district recorded the high- The committee includes Kumar found Anmol talk- Deen Bandhu Chhotu Ram University of Science and
Ambulance: 102/108 of the second wave. days, according to the offi- est number of new cases on the incident commander, ing to someone on Technology, Murthal, Sonepat, Haryana.
Corruption: 1064 The recoveries stood at cials concerned. May 3, when 1,805 persons ACP and senior medical phone. Subsequently, she
Women helpline: 1091 1,928 against the number of The active cases graph were found positive against officer of the area. left home. 28 STUDENTS GET PLACEMENTS
Child helpline: 1098
Hisar: Recently 28 students of Guru Jambheshwar University of
Accident helpline: 1073 Science and Technology, Hisar, have been selected in the e-campus

Railway enquiry: 139

Residents come to aid of ailing health facilities placement drive of Sonepat-based New Directions Counselling
Services organised by the training and placement cell of the university.
Prof Tankeshwar Kumar, Vice-Chancellor and Prof Avnesh Verma,
FARIDABAD Donate oxygen concentrators, PPE kits, masks, blood to Rohtak PGIMS, Civil Hospital registrar of the university, congratulated the selected students.

Commissioner of Police Sunit Dhawan Memorial Trust, has donat-

0129-2438000 Tribune News Service ALSO SERVING ed five advanced oxygen
GURUGRAM Rohtak, May 14 COOKED MEALS TO concentrators capable of
Police control room
With the government health PATIENTS, ATTENDANTS providing high-flow oxygen
0124-2316100 facilities hard-pressed for ■ Several
to critical patients to the
resources in view of the high local civil surgeon’s office,
HISAR organisations of
influx of Covid patients, sever- Rohtak like Sati Bhai while five more are in the
Superintendent of Police al residents and voluntary Sai Dass Sewa Dal, pipeline. Rohtak Deputy
8814011300 social organisations have come Shri Himodevi Jain Commissioner Capt Manoj
forward to their aid. Charitable Trust, Jan Kumar and Civil Surgeon
KARNAL Good Samaritans and resi- Sewa Sansthan and Dr Anil Birla have appreci-
Deputy Commissioner dents’ associations are donat- Hari Om Sewa Dal are ated the notable contribu-
0184-2267500 ing medical equipment like also supporting tion of the trust. Several
KURUKSHETRA oxygen concentrators for criti- the state-run social organisations of
cal patients, personal protec- health Rohtak like Sati Bhai Sai
Police control room: 01744-222100 facilities.
tive gear like PPE kits, N95 Dass Sewa Dal, Shri
PANIPAT and surgical masks for doctors ■ They have Himodevi Jain Charitable
Superintendent of Police and healthcare workers and set up Trust, Jan Sewa Sansthan
0180-2699100 blood for thalassaemic chil- quarantine and Hari Om Sewa Dal are
dren and other patients at centres for also supporting the state-
ROHTAK Covid patients,
Rohtak PGIMS and Civil Hos- run health facilities by set-
Superintendent of Police
pital. The Association of
arranging oxygen ting up quarantine centres
0126-2228114 concentrators and
Haryanvis in Australia (AHA) cylinders, delivering for Covid patients, arrang-
SONEPAT has donated 10 oxygen concen- cooked meals to Covid ing oxygen concentrators WEBINAR ON INT’L NURSES' DAY
Superintendent of Police trators of 10 litre capacity each patients and and cylinders, delivering
0130-2222904 to the Rohtak PGIMS. Associ- Trust founder Sumeet Bhayana (right) donates five oxygen concentrators attendants. cooked meals to Covid Karnal: A two-day webinar was organised by Dayal Singh Public School,
ation president Sewa Singh patients and attendants. Dayal Singh Colony, Karnal, on the occasion of International Nurses Day.
YAMUNANAGAR Redhu said they decided to Malhotra, incharge of Pain lor, Pt Bhagwat Dayal Sharma tude to the association. These social organisations During the webinar, Principal Sushma Devgan and Chief Teacher Priya
Superintendent of Police donate oxygen concentrators Clinic at the PGIMS. University of Health Sciences, Sumeet Bhayana, founder have proved to be great Kapoor highlighted the sacrifices of nurses at the time of the pandemic
8818000100 on the advice of Dr Naveen Prof OP Kalra, Vice-Chancel- Rohtak, has expressed grati- of Ram Saran Dass Bhayana helping hands. and praised the work done by them in difficult circumstances.

25 booked for
woman in
Are you agitated over the lack Palwal, 1 held
of concern? Is there something
heartening that you feel needs
I was pleased to know that the DDA will allot vacant land to hospitals and medical institutions
to set up Covid care infrastructure on a temporary basis. The proposal has been approved
by Delhi Lieutenant Governor Anil Baijal. A good move indeed to tackle Covid-19 cases in
Tribune News Service
to be highlighted? Or a picture the times when the number of cases are rising day by day. SUBHASH C TANEJA, GURUGRAM Palwal, May 14
which in your opinion ought The police have arrested
to be seen by many, and not one of the 25 accused
just you? FOLLOW NORMS TO CURB VIRUS booked in connection with

THE TRIBUNE P ublic should exercise utmost precautions against

the prevailing second wave of coronavirus because
of the tiny virus-laden particles in the surrounding
the gangrape of a young
woman here recently.
According to a com-
invites its readers to have their
say. Please email at: environment, due to which it is highly contagious and plaint lodged with the easily transmissible between children, youth and the police on Wednesday, the
elderly. Prevention is always better than cure. victim had developed
RAMIT BAGGA, PANCHKULA friendship with a youth, Social organisations hold a blood donation camp at the Civil Hospital in Karnal.
Sagar, hailing from Ram-
garh village. She was gan-
graped by the accused
when she reached Hodal
Blood shortage another challenge
town to meet him in con- Parveen Arora of platelets are required daily Covid facility, all emergency
nection with a marriage Tribune News Service for patients. To tide over the and pregnancy-related surger-
proposal on May 3. Karnal, May 14 problem, the department has ies are being conducted here,
According to the com- Amid the rising number of initiated a pick-and-drop facili- leading to high demand for
plainant, the accused took Covid cases, blood shortage ty along with the issuance of e- blood units,” he said, adding
her to a tubewell in the has emerged as another passes for people who wish to social organisations were help-
fields where one challenge for the Health donate blood. The department ing the department in collect-
Samunder, brother of Department as people are cannot hold a blood donation ing blood units. Pankaj Gaba, a
Sagar, and 19 other uniden- reluctant to donate blood camp owing to the pandemic. social activist, said he has been
tified persons gangraped because of the pandemic. Dr Sanjay Verma, Regional holding camps with the help of
her. The victim said the The Civil Hospital is left with Blood Transfusion Officer, his friends since April 27 last
next day, five other youths only 100 units of blood. It said: “The department cannot year. “So far, we have organised
raped her. She was dropped requires around 25 units of hold a big blood donation 44 camps and donated around
off near the Badarpur bor- blood daily for the delivery of camp because of Covid. Small 1,500 units,” he added. In May,
der in Faridabad on May 4. babies and medical surgeries. camps are the only option.” they have orgnaised four
Claiming that she was Besides, around five units of “Since the Civil Hospital has camps, in which 80 people
bedridden and unable to plasma and six to seven units been converted into a non- donated blood.
move for many days, she
approached the police
for lodging the complaint
on May 12.
“While Sagar, the main
accused, has been arrest-
Factory making fake products raided
GOVERNMENT SHOULD PUBLICISE HARMFUL EFFECTS OF HOOKAH IN VILLAGES ed, the police have Jhajjar, May 14 factory indulging in selling Patel Nagar locality in

F OR decades, in rural Haryana, villagers gather around a hookah, throughout the day. The villagers, of all age groups, join
them. The nozzle of the hookah goes inside their mouths and smoke directly goes deep inside their lungs. They don't wear
masks and don't maintain social distancing while smoking hookah. The Government should publicise harmful effects of this
launched a hunt to nab the
remaining culprits in con-
nection with the case,”
A joint team of the local police,
Food and Supply Department
and representatives of private
ordinary detergent, shampoo,
tea and spices under the brand
name of prominent compa-
Bahadurgarh town here.
Sources said the items were
being packed when the team
habit and also stop the spread of covid virus in rural Haryana. RAMESH GUPTA, NARWANA said a police official. companies on Friday raided a nies. The factory was located at raided the factory. — TNS
Poor infra to blame for ESI staff deputed with Health Dept
Chandigarh, May 14
As per the directions of
medical and paramedical
staff to the Health Depart-
hospitals being construct-
ed in Panipat and Hisar.
61 new cases in Karnal jail
Karnal, may 14
With 61 fresh cases, the num-
nile safety home, Madhuban.
“Patients, most of them

surge, not us: Farmers Deputy Chief Minister

Dushyant Chautala, the
ESI Corporation has
decided to provide its
ment to control the spread
of the pandemic.
The staff will be on depu-
tation in the 500-bed Covid
In all, 136 Medical Offi-
cers, 88 Pharmacists and 17
Lab Technicians will be sent
on deputation. — TNS
ber of Covid cases reached
159 in the district jail on Fri-
day. Besides, 25 new cases
have been detected in juve-
asymptomatic, have been
admitted to the Covid ward,”
said Dr Yogesh Sharma, Civil
Surgeon. — TNS
Ravinder Saini
Tribune News Service

Rohtak, May 14
Hitting back at Chief Minis-
ter Manohar Lal Khattar for
his remarks that the farmers’
protest is responsible for a
spike in Covid cases in rural
areas, protesting farmers at
Tikri and farm organisations
alleged the government
intended to sabotage the
protest through these base- Farmers stage dharna at the Tikri border on Friday. TRIBUNE PHOTO
less statements.
But the farmers are firm on ‘LIKE TABLIGHIS, GOVT DEFAMING FARMERS’
not moving from Delhi bor-
ders until the three farm laws
are repealed.
❝ Earlier, the state had defamed the
Tablighi Jamaat for the Covid spread. Now,
“We condemn the CM’s it is defaming farmers. People working in
remarks. The governments
at the Centre and in the state
Delhi, Gurugram and Faridabad, who visit
have failed to control the their villages, could be the reason
Covid and people are losing behind the spike. Gurnam Charuni, BKU LEADER
their loved ones due to poor
health infrastructure,” said
Phool Singh Sheokand, state behind the surge in cases in five months.
president, All India Kisan other states,” he added. Gurbaksh Singh, a protest-
Sabha (AIKS). Inderjit Singh, a senior ing farmer at Tikri, said the
Sumit, working secretary of member of the Samyukt Chief Minister intended to
the AIKS, said if the protest Kisan Morcha, said how scare the farmers by making
was responsible for the could the CM make such a such illogical statements so
spread of Covid, why infec- baseless statement when that they start moving from
tion was rampant in states the death of no farmer the borders but the farmers
where the farmers’ move- camping on the Delhi bor- had vowed not to go back
ment was negligible. “The ders had been reported home without getting their
CM must explain the factors due to Covid in the past demands met.

Active cases under 1L after 14 days

Chandigarh, May 14 Bhiwani, and 10 in Ambala.
Even as the number of active Till Friday, 6,402 people
cases dropped below 1 lakh 10,608 have lost their lives in the
for the first time in the past 14 FRESH CASES state since the Covid out-
days, Haryana today wit- break.
nessed a little dip in new
Covid cases as 10,608 tested
164 DEATHS Today, 2,144 new infec-
tions were reported in
positive in the state. IN 24 HOURS Gurugram, followed by
However, with the death of ACTIVE CASES 99,007 1,146 in Hisar, 826 in Farid-
164 more persons, fatalities abad and 748 in Sonepat.
continue to be a worry. WORST-AFFECTED DISTRICTS With 14,577 recoveries, the
In all, 16 people suc- DISTRICT +VE DEATHS number of active cases came
cumbed to the virus in Gurugram 2,144 15 down to five figures for the
Rohtak today, followed by 15 Hisar 1,146 11 first time in May, as the fig-
in Gurugram, 12 in Jind, 11 Faridabad 826 8 ures had crossed 1 lakh mark
each in Hisar, Panipat and on May 1. — TNS

2 killed in accident
Our Correspondent the accident occurred on
Surge in deaths, fear grips Hisar villages 2 arrested for
double murder
Thursday evening on the Deepender Deswal villagers have fever, but they Yamunanagar, May 14
Gurugram, May 14 expressway when Manish Tribune News Service avoid getting themselves test- The Yamunanagar police have
Two persons were killed in a Kumar, a resident of Surat Hisar, May 14 ed,” said Prabhuwala resident claimed to have solved the
head-on collision between a Nagar Colony, was going on Uklana block’s 31 villages Bhagwan Dass. mysterious murder of a retired
car and bike on the Dwarka his bike. A WagonR car hit reported 133 deaths in the past The sense of fear is so bank employee and his wife.
expressway. The bike rider his bike near near Sobha one week. Of them, 38 deaths much that no one visits The CIA team has arrested
died on the spot while the City. While Manish died on were suspected to be caused bereaved families to offer two persons, Rajat of Gau-
car driver succumbed to his spot, the car driver identi- by Covid, authorities claimed. condolences. mati gali of Jagadhri and
injuries at a private hospital fied as Shiv Kumar, a resi- Notwithstanding this, there is “There are no ‘hookah Harsh, alias Lakki of Indira
later. The police handed dent of Nihal Colony, was a sense of fear among villagers baithks’ and gatherings at Colony of Jagadhri in con-
over the bodies to kin after rushed to a hospital where — the fear of contracting the ponds. Villagers venture out nection with the murder.
a postmortem today. doctors declared him virus and succumbing to it. of homes only for emergency The accused were on Fri-
According to the police, “brought dead.” The fear is palpable. Village work. Even work in the day produced before a
streets, otherwise buzzing fields has been suspended,” court in Jagadhri, which
with activity, are deserted. Dass added. remanded them in three-
HARYANA MEDICAL SERVICES CORPORATION LIMITED Gatherings have been banned Raju Maan, a member of day police custody.
(A Government of Haryana Undertaking) and agricultural work sus- the Congress Covid relief The accused reportedly
Bays No. 59-62, Sector 2, Panchkula. pended. committee, said fleecing by killed the couple to commit
Phone: 01722567945 Rachna, the sarpanch of private hospitals was a robbery in the house. After
NOTICE INVITING TENDERS (NIT) Kinala village which wit- major reason that villagers committing the murders, they
Tender Enquiry No.: 178/Tend/GPB/2020-21/3/4-A nessed 12 deaths in a week, were shying away from took away cash and gold jew-
said: “Earlier, people did not treatment. ellery from the house.
Online Tender for the Rate Contract for the supply of Medicine A deserted street in Bahbalpur village of Hisar district. TRIBUNE PHOTO
take Covid seriously. They “A family living in a village The bodies of Rishipal Goy-
to Various Hospitals of Government of Haryana for a period
of Two years for “Group B” Medicine and documents can neither maintained social dis- REALISATION DAWNS PVT HOSPITALS OVERCHARGE cannot afford exorbitant al (80) of Gaumati gali,
be downloaded from 13.05.2021 onwards on e-procurement tancing nor followed proto- room charges of Rs 15,000 to Jagadhri (a retired bank
portal cols, but the recent surge in ❝ Earlier, people did not take Covid ❝ Fleecing by private hospitals was Rs 25,000 per day in a private employee) and his wife Sneh
For Managing Director deaths made them realise the seriously. They neither maintained a major reason that villagers were hospital,” he said, adding Lata (75) were found lying on
seriousness of the situation. social distancing nor followed protocols, shying away from treatment. A doctors and para medical separate beds in a room of
HMSCL, Panchkula
There is a sense of fear but the recent surge in deaths made family living in a village cannot staff from rural areas had their house on May 10.
among villagers.” them realise the seriousness of the afford exorbitant room charges of been deployed at civil hospi- On the complaint of the son
GOVERNMENT OF HIMACHAL PRADESH A team of the Health situation. There is a sense of fear ~15,000 to ~25,000 per day.❞ tals in urban areas. of the deceased, Amit Goyal
JAL SHAKTI VIBHAG Department visited the vil- among villagers.❞ Rachna, SARPANCH, KINALA VILLAGE Raju Maan, MEMBER, CONG COVID RELIEF PANEL Oxygen beds, doctors and of Bhattanwali village of Pon-
NOTICE INVITING e-TENDERS lage today and collected sam- medicines should be imme- ta Sahib (Himachal Pradesh),
Online bids on item rate basis are invited by the Executive ples of 76 persons. An isola- the village, said: “Villagers to take medicines from days but, until yesterday, the diately made available in a case was registered against
Engineer, Jal Shakti Division, Pragpur on behalf of Governor of tion ward has been set up, but believe they would die if quacks rather than visiting district administration did not villages if the state govern- unknown persons under Sec-
Himachal Pradesh, in electronic tendering system in two covers for
the undermentioned work from the contractors/firms of appropriate class none of the ailing villagers they get admitted to hospi- hospitals.” take any action. ment was serious about get- tion 302 (murder) of the IPC
enlisted with Himachal Pradesh Jal Shakti Vibhag. has been admitted there. tal. Persons having fever In Prabhuwala village, 22 “An isolation ward came up ting rural areas out of the at the Jagadhri City police
Sr. Name of work Estimated Earnest Cost of Time Ramniwas, numbardar of and other symptoms prefer persons died in the past 10 only yesterday. A majority of grip of the virus, he added. station. — TNS
No. cost money tender limit
1 Providing water supply to 950000/- 19000/- 250/- Three
Harizan Basti in Village
Kahanpur and Guraldhar
under Jaswan Pragpur
Constituency District Kangra

Gurugram police searching Special wheat

Covid leaves other
HP (SH:- Construction of
reinforcement cement
concrete over head storage
tank of 50000 litre capacity for absconding wrestler drive today patients in the lurch
with 5 meter staging height Chandigarh, May 14 Sumedha Sharma
at Village Kahanpur) Our Correspondent Sagar Rana and others The Haryana Government Tribune News Service
Three die on hospital
1. Tender documents and other instructions can be downloaded or had allegedly occupied has decided that on May 15, Gurugram, May 14
viewed online from the portal, by the
Gurugram, May 14 Sushil’s flat located in Del- wheat of those farmers whose While surge in Covid cases
premises waiting to
interested bidders/firms/individuals registered on the website
which is free of cost. Wanted Olympian wrestler hi’s Model Town area. produce is still in the mandis has left the health infra- be attended
2. Competitive Bidding will be conducted in accordance with “Single Sushil Kumar is reportedly The police have reported- will be procured. No new structure overburdened, it
Stage Two Envelope” Bidding Procedure. Bid security, and eligibility hiding in Gurugram. Sus- ly got leads about him hid- loaded vehicles of crops will be has left the non-Covid emer- there,” said her father.
documents as per eligibility information and criteria and Financial
bid should be put in separate envelope and all two separate
pecting that he is hiding in ing in a society where con- allowed to enter the market. gency patients in lurch. Similarly, a family mem-
envelopes should be put together in a single envelope. The bids some under-construction struction is still on and only Deputy Chief Minister In a tragic incident, three ber of TB patient from
shall be submitted online electronically. residential society in new a handful of flats are ready. Dushyant Chautala said some patients reportedly died Ashok Vihar, Anil, alleged
3. Bid evaluation of criteria- Technically Qualified lowest evaluated Gurugram, the crime unit Such societies have been farmer organisations had on the premises of govern- that they were made to run
bidder (L1) will be considered as a successful bidder. However,
has launched a massive known to be perfect hide- requested that some farmers ment hospitals waiting to from one room to another in
the acceptance of the proposal will rest with the JSV Department Sushil Kumar
who does not bind itself to accept the lowest proposal, and search operation and is outs in the past also. Gang- were still keeping their wheat be attended. While two the hospital for a check-up,
reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the proposals combing suspected societies. night of May 4, some mis- ster Jitender alias Gogi, in the mandis with arhtiyas deaths were reported from but nobody attended him
received without assigning any reason. Sushil is absconding in creants and wrestlers of the who carrying a reward of Rs without getting the gate pass. the Civil Hospital, Guru- and he died on a wheel chair.
4. As the bids are to be submitted online and are required to be
encrypted and digitally signed, the bidders are advised to obtain
the murder of a wrestler Sushil group came to Guru- 6.5 lakh on his head, was In such a situation, agreeing gram, another patient died “They sent us from one
Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) from suitable vendors or from during a fight at the Chha- gram. They were looking nabbed in March last year to their demand, the state at Sohna. room to another, saying go
any authorized agency at the earliest. trasal Stadium in Delhi. for a house on rent and PG from a society in Sector 82. government has decided that In the first case, 10-year-old to staff and get yourself
5. KEY DATES WILL BE AS UNDER:- According to crime unit facility in the area around The special cell of the Delhi on May 15, the farmers can Radhika of New Colony was checked. He died in front of
a Date of Online publication 08.05.2021 at 5:00 P.M. sources, just before the IFFCO Chowk, but police also nabbed three come to the mandis them- rushed to the Civil Hospital us,” said the patient’s wife.
b Downloading of e-tender From 08.05.2021 at 5:00 P.M. to killing of wrestler Sagar returned without finalising shooters of Gogi gang from selves and get their wheat emergency after she fell Another death has been
Documents 17.05.2021 at 11:00 A.M.
Rana at the stadium on the any house. the same society. procured. — TNS from the roof of her house. reported from Sohna,
c Date of submission of e-tender From 08.05.2021 at 5:00 P.M. to
17.05.2021 at 11:00 A.M. The family alleged that where one Ratan Singh was
d Physical submission of eligibility Up to 11:00 A.M. on doctors did not even allegedly admitted to the
criteria, pre-qualification 17.05.2021. inspect her and referred hospital, but was not

Life term to man for rape of 3-year-old girl

documents, earnest money
deposit and cost of tender her to Safdarjung Hospital. attended and family was
documents (in original) The family begged for an allegedly asked to take him
e Date of opening of bids: ambulance, but didn’t get to a bigger private hospital.
1) Cover-1 Eligibility information On 17.05.2021 at 11.30 A.M. Saurabh Malik plainant went looking for her one and the girl suc- They got him home and by
and Criteria Tribune News Service MOM HEARD SCREAM after she did not return. In cumbed to her injuries on the time they could arrange
2) Cover-2 Financial Bid Shall be intimated separately
Chandigarh, May 14 ■ On October 13, 2010, the process, she reached the the hospital premises. the money he had died.
Amid rising number of the victim had gone out hut of the accused and “They just wrote a refer- These are not lone cases,
(1) The e-tender documents shall be uploaded online in 2
(Two) covers:- Covid cases, the Punjab and of the house to play. entered after hearing her ral and asked us to leave. but several cases of non-
1. Cover- 1 shall contain Scanned copies of “eligibility information Haryana High Court has ■ Her mother went looking for daughter’s screams. She lay there while I Covid patients dying in
and criteria. decided a decade-old case to her after she didn’t return. Refusing to interfere with begged all ambulance driv- ambulances and stretchers
2. Cover-2 shall contain the “Financial bid” on the prescribed ensure justice to a girl raped the trial court orders, the ers there and even made outside top private hospi-
format. ■ Inthe process, she
at the age of three by a Bench asserted: “Keeping in calls for ambulances, but tals after not being let in are
(2) Cover-1 shall contain scanned copies of following “eligibility reached the hut of the
father of seven. Her widow view the age of the appellant, got none and she died being reported.
information and criteria” (Scanned copies to be uploaded): accused and entered
In case of Exemption of EMD the tenderer shall have to submit mother not only had to face after hearing her daugh- who is married man having
affidavit and list of works, where he has used the exemption in the trauma of seeing her ter’s screams. seven children, as gathered
order to ascertain the amount exempted, mandatorily. daughter being raped, but from the evidence and also
(i) The Earnest Money (unless Exempted) should be deposited
was also accused of impli- that prosecutrix suffered appeal against the State of considering the age of the
(through online (e-payment) & offline mode) duly pledged
in favour of Executive Engineer, Jal Shakti Division, Pragpur cating the rapist following injuries while she was play- Haryana challenging the prosecutrix, the sentence so
in the shape of National Saving Certificate in any Post Office his refusal to marry her. ing on a swing. The defence, judgment of conviction and imposed upon the appellant
in H.P. or Time Deposit Receipt/FDR of any Scheduled/ To substantiate his plea, however, failed to find favour order of life sentence passed is just and reasonable”.
Nationalized Bank, having its branch at Dehra or Pragpur and
the accused in his defence with the Bench, which in the rape case in February The Bench added much
should reach the Office of Executive Engineer, Jal Shakti
Vibhag Division, Pragpur on or before the date and time of had examined his wife as a described it as a “faint 2012 by the Fatehabad Addi- emphasis was laid through-
opening the technical bid (mandatorily). defence witness. She stated attempt” to secure acquittal. tional Sessions Judge. out the arguments on the
(ii) The cost of tender form through online (e-payment) & that the complainant-moth- The matter was placed The Bench, during the complainant’s sole testimo-
offline mode as shown above in shape of Demand Draft, only er wanted to marry her hus- before the Bench of Justice course of hearing, was told ny. It was submitted that her
drawn in favour of Executive Engineer, Jal Shakti Division,
Pragpur payable at Pragpur. band and had filed a false Ritu Bahri and Justice that the victim on October 13, statement was not trustwor-
(iii) Copy of Certificate of registration with I&PH Department (Now case as he had refused to Archana Puri after the 42- 2010, had gone out of the thy and reliable. But the sub-
JSV) in appropriate class and latest renewal thereof. marry her. She also stated year-old convict filed an house to play. The com- mission was not tenable.
(iv) Income Tax, PAN No. (Permanent Account No.), GST
registration, EPF registration and latest clearance certificate
thereof, are to be submitted with the eligibility criteria.

Shahabad MLA faces

(v) Copy of similar Work done/Experience Certificates.
(vi) The authorization letter regarding digital signature certificate
(DSC) of the person authorized by the registered tenderer to REMEMBERANCE
upload the bid, be uploaded along with the other documents
(vii) A scanned copy of undertaking that I have carefully studied
all the terms and conditions Stipulated in the contract document
before quoting the rates.
protest by farmers
4. Cover-2 shall contain “Financial Bid” which will be opened at a Kurukshetra, May 14
later date to be notified separately & shall be opened only of those
contractors/firms whose documents as per eligibility Information
Shahabad JJP MLA Had assembled to
Ramkaran Kala faced opposi-
“Cover-I” are found in order. The Financial Bids shall contain only
tion from BKU (Charuni)
demonstrate against
Financial Bid/Offer on departmental schedule of quantity/BoQ
where contractors/firms will quote his/their offer for each item. activists and villagers when he a factory’s discharge
7. Earnest money of L1, L2 and L3 shall be retained for a period of reached a dharna site at Yari
120 days. village in Shahabad on Friday. passage to the MLA.
8. No subletting of work by the contractor is permissible. Alleging discharge of pollut- Bains said, “Residents of
9. In case, opening day is a holiday, the tenders shall be opened on
next working day.
ed water and gases, villagers Yari village had assembled to
10. The offer of the tender shall be kept open for 120 days. staged a dharna outside a fac- mark protest against the dis- Harbhajanjeet Bajwa (Mann) Cheema
11. Ambiguous/telegraphic/Conditional tenders or tenders by Fax/E- tory in Shahabad. BKU charge of polluted water and Cruel hands of destiny snatched her from us on this day two years ago.
mail shall not be entertained/considered in any case. (Charuni) activists led by gases from a factory. Later, a She was a distinguished and precious gem of rare charm, captivating
12. Conditional bids are liable to be rejected without assigning any union spokesman Rakesh committee was formed by the grace and dignity. Charisma of her inimitable personality and style and
reasons. Bains had reached in support administration to check the zeal for life is with us in every breath. Beautiful inside-out, blessed with
13. The Executive Engineer, reserves the right to reject/cancel any
or all the tenders/bids without assigning any reason(s).
of the villagers. After getting factory. Meanwhile, the JJP extraordinary courage, strong in spirit and kind at heart;
14. Any enquiry/clarification regarding tender can be obtained on information regarding the MLA reached the dharna site. she enriched every life she touched.
e-mail of the divisional office under e-mail address i.e. dharna, the MLA also reached We had already asked him not We miss her love, energy and vibrant voice. and office telephone No. the spot, but he faced a protest. to visit villages till the farm Forever in Fond Remembrance
01970-245045. Shahabad SHO Prateek agitation is on. We held a Col D S Cheema (Retd) Husband
Sd/- Executive Engineer, managed to pacify the farmer demonstration and asked him Sandeep and Ramandeep (Children)
Jal Shakti Division, Muskaan, Ishandeep and Agrimdeep (Grandchildren)
leaders and provided a safe to leave.” — TNS
No. EE/JAL SHAKTI/ Pragpur/Tender/NIT/2021:- 1004-1103 Dated:- 07.05.2021 DPR/HP/727
Every third Covid patient Now, black fungus scare in Ludhiana
at Rajindra hospital dying Hospitals reporting three-four cases a week | Steroid misuse, self-medication to blame
Manav Mander ing cases of black fungus.
Karam Prakash Tribune News Service
WHO ARE AT RISK During pre-Covid times,
Tribune News Service
Fatality rate 35%; 1,781 succumb in a year Ludhiana, May 14
All recovered patients from
one case was reported in a
Patiala, May 14 Covid survivors not follow- month but now, the hospi-
Covid who are or were on
Every third Covid patient MOSTLY CRITICAL CASES BEING ADMITTED ing up with the doctor post tal is getting two-three cas-
steroids, if experiencing
admitted to the isolation wing recovery or continuing med- some headache, vision es every week.
of the Government Rajindra
Hospital is likely to succumb,
reveals official data. With
❝ Rajindra hospital is a referral tertiary healthcare
institute. So, very sick patients are admitted to the
icines after recovery on their
own are the major factors
leading to the black fungus
impairment, swelling on face,
nasal block, altered mental
state or blackish discoloura-
Dr Priyanka, associate pro-
fessor in Department of
Ophthalmology at DMCH,
around 30 Covid deaths in a
hospital that leads to a higher fatality rate. Currently, infection (mucormycosis). said they received three
tion around the bridge of the
day, the fatality rate at the hos- 240 critical patients are under treatment here. In addition to this, cases nose should get themselves patients in the past few days.
pital is 35 per cent. Dr RPS Sibia, HEAD, DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE, GOVERNMENT RAJINDRA HOSPITAL have surfaced where people checked for black fungus. One is still admitted and has
As per the hospital authori- are indulging in self-medica- lost sight in one eye.
<< Doctors examine a patient
ties, around 1,781 positive blamed the late reporting of ster OP Soni had said if the tion (to avoid hospital visits) Dr Shaffie Baidwal, associ-
at a Covid care centre. FILE
patients of 5,053 admissions the severe patients as the admission of severe patients and buying steroids on their ate consultant, Department
have died of Covid since the major reason for the rising was higher, the death rate was own for tackling Covid, of Ophthalmology, Fortis
pandemic broke out last year. deaths at the hospital. In some bound to be on a higher side. which is later leading to the of Department of Otorhino- sive or kidney patients. They with the doctor after recov- Hospital, Ludhiana, said
The death rate is much high- cases, patients are even Given the availability of con- black fungus infection. laryngology at Dayanand are cured of the virus but ery. “Telemedicine is not a when the fungus invades the
er in the second wave when brought dead, adding to the tinuous oxygen supply, life Nearly three-four cases are Medical College and Hospi- during the process, they are popular concept in Punjab, para-nasal sinus mucosa, it
compared to the first, and con- hospital’s official toll, they say. saving drugs, and ventilators being reported every week tal (DMCH), said they given steroids. The body’s especially in rural areas, may spread directly to the
tinues to surge as of now. In Doctors at the hospital have at the hospital, experts say the in major hospitals in Ludhi- had received 20-25 cases immune system goes into an due to which patients con- orbits, and from there to the
May so far, 422 Covid patients claimed that the majority of death rate is an unexpected ana though many have been of black fungus during overdrive to fight the virus. tinue to take medicines brain. With extensive spread
have died. The figure stood at the deaths so far had hap- one. The experts have also cured. A few patients have the second wave and Drop in immunity later post recovery on their own of the disease, removal of
415 in April and 113 in March. pened within the first 24 or 48 expressed concerns over the lost their eyesight after con- most of the patients were could be triggering these which leads to complica- orbit/eye along with removal
The number of recoveries at hours of admission as the oxy- deployment of doctors, at the tracting black fungus. It Covid survivors. cases of mucormycosis,” tions like the black fun- of sinuses may be necessary.
the hospital, tragically, is very gen saturation, in most of the isolation, other than that of affects the nose, sinuses, “The problem is found said Dr Munjal. gus,” Dr Munjal added. Often it is too late to save the
low, say experts. cases, was at critical level. Last core expertise: medicine, eyes and brain. mostly in Covid survivors He said patients needed Christian Medical College patient’s vision, or even the
Hospital authorities have week, Medical Education Min- chest, TB and anesthesia. Dr Manish Munjal, Head who are diabetic, hyperten- to do a regular follow-up and Hospital is also receiv- patient’s eye or life.

campaign in
Keep outsiders away, Capt urges villagers
Calls for strict measures for 2 mths I Warns against treatment delay
rural areas Chandigarh, May 14 is 50 per cent, it is around 90
Chandigarh, May 14 With rural areas, which had WILL ADD 2K BEDS per cent at level-3 facilities,
Amid talks of an impending
third wave and a high case
fatality rate (CFR) in rural
largely remained unaffected
in the first wave, witnessing a
surge in Covid cases, CM Capt
❝ While the
occupancy of L2 beds is
and the state government is in
the process of adding another
2,000 beds,” he pointed out.
areas, the state has stepped up Amarinder Singh today urged 50%, it is around 90% Noting that there were three
its efforts to stop the Covid villagers to restrict the move- at L3 facilities. The state stages of the disease, of which
spread in villages. ment of outsiders into villages government is adding the first could be managed at
Health Minister Balbir Sid- and let in only those not another 2,000 beds. home, the CM urged people to
hu said the main problem in infected by the virus. visit a doctor at the first sign of
Capt Amarinder Singh, CM
villagers was people weren’t Addressing state residents, symptoms. “Let the doctor
wary of the pandemic. “In the CM called for strict meas- << A health worker takes a decide the course of treat-
most cases, people getting ures in rural areas over the swab sample of a child in a ment, don’t get into diagnosis
symptoms are visiting med- next two months, which he Patiala village. RAJESH SACHAR and self-medication,” he said.
ical practitioners, who, we described as “extremely cru- He wondered why people
have found, have been treat- cial”. “Now villages are seeing Exhorting people to “save everywhere, approach them if were harming the interests of
ing them for typhoid. Later, it a surge in cases, so we need to your mohallas and villages to you feel unwell,” he said, the state and their families by
is too late. Soon, Health be very careful,” he said, urg- save yourself, your families stressing delay in seeking being lax, adding “we don’t
Department teams along with ing villagers to conduct “thikri and Punjab”, the CM asked treatment was landing people want Punjab to go the Delhi
local influential politicians pehras” (local vigil) to keep them not to delay visiting the in level-3 (critical care) facili- and Maharashtra way, which
will start a door-to-door cam- outsiders away and allow only hospital if symptoms arose. ties. “While occupancy of lev- have experienced unprece-
paign in all villages.” — TNS Covid-free people to enter. “We have teams of doctors el-2 (moderate infection) beds dented problems”. — TNS

A Legend Passes Away

Shri BL Passi
May 6th, 1930 – May 12th, 2021
The end of an era, a visionary departs, He conquered life & touched so many hearts,
The world stands still to mark that he’s gone, But for decades to come his legacy lives on.
With profound grief and sorrow, we announce the sad demise of our beloved Raju. A kind and loving husband, father, and grandfather,
he was a legend of his time. He will be missed by all. We request friends and family to keep him in their prayers.
GEETA PASSI (Wife) PAV & TARUN KAPOOR (Daughter & Son in law)
SANJAY & SHALINI PASSI (Son & Daughter in law) SHARUK & SONIA PASSI (Son & Daughter in law)

Brace up for recession

THE TRIBUNE established in 1881
Govt must prepare for worst-case scenario as things won’t be resolved on their own
where the top 1 per cent of house-
holds drive a large part of additional
consumption demand, stock market

Tardy vax drive falls affect consumer sentiments.

People who invest in markets or have
significant mutual fund portfolios,
Centre should not leave states to fend for themselves tend to track their financial wealth on

a regular basis. When markets go up
HE irony is painful: India’s vaccination drive is floundering at a AUNINDYO CHAKRAVARTY
it generates a ‘wealth-effect’
time when it should have been progressing at full throttle to fight SENIOR ECONOMIC ANALYST amongst such investors. They feel
the crippling second wave of the Covid pandemic. No less painful more confident about buying new

is the growing perception that the Centre has left the states to fend for N February this year, a restaura- cars, upgrading their refrigerators or
themselves to meet their vaccine needs. Several of them, including Uttar teur friend turned optimistic. Busi- even spending more on holidays. The
Pradesh, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Delhi, have opted for ness was back to 70 per cent of pre- reverse happens when markets fall.
global tenders to procure vaccines. Punjab has decided to join the global Covid days and things could only Affluent households with financial
COVAX alliance for sourcing the shots rather than banking on the Cen- get better. There could be no stronger investments cut back on discre-
tral government. It’s a classic case of gross mismanagement: a country signal that India’s economy had tionary spending.
which liberally provided vaccines to over 80 countries is now scrambling turned the corner. Experts had predict- If private profits shrink, corporate
desperately for supplies, with the states forced to vie with each other to ed that restaurants would be the last DOWN AGAIN: Sales of goods are dropping sharply across industries. TRIBUNE PHOTO sector jobs will also take a hit. People
get the best prices in the international market. places to see a full recovery. They are will either not get increments, or have
closed spaces where masks have to be to take pay cuts, and in some cases
In four months after the launch of its vaccination programme, India has
taken off to eat. Customers were
The wave has hit rural areas too. Apart from the even lose their jobs. Again, these peo-
managed to fully inoculate just 3 per cent of its citizens, while 10 per cent
of the people have received one shot each. In stark contrast, the US and the
expected to be scared of returning to unimaginable human tragedy, it could cut farm output ple form the backbone of India’s con-
this basic normal behaviour after a suming classes. If their income
UK have administered one dose to around half of their population, while year of social distancing. So, if people and disrupt food supplies, causing food prices to rise. reduces, demand will shrink further,
about one-third of their citizens have been completely vaccinated. With the were back, other parts of the economy forcing companies to cut prices. It is a
third wave seemingly inevitable, the grim situation may worsen in India would be on their road to recovery. vicious cycle where input prices, deter-
as the vast majority might remain unprotected against the deadly virus. As we now know, this optimism was ever, as the example of tractor sales This recovery in the developed world is mined by global growth, will rise,
The Centre has announced that over two billion doses would be short-lived. Within a month, lock- shows demand dropped at a faster already causing a big rise in the prices while the prices of finished products
made available by the year-end, enough to cover the entire population, downs began across major metropo- pace. CRISIL’s data says retail sales of fuel and other industrial inputs. will fall. Companies will cut back on
and that the number could be raised to three billion by the first quar- lises. Car sales, which had recovered of tractors dropped by 40-45 per cent Indian companies will not be immune production to meet the lower demand.
ter of 2022. These distant targets have nothing comforting to offer as in the first three months of this year, in April compared to a month earlier, to this, since domestic prices of raw That means they will have no reason to
it’s the short-term requirements which merit serious attention and dropped sharply in April. CMIE’s but wholesale supplies to dealers materials are influenced by the global invest in new factories or offices.
prompt action. The government has taken too long to reassure compa- jobs data tells us that about 73 lakh dropped by only 20-25 per cent. commodity cycle. That means input There is another warning sign for
people lost their livelihood over the This is a repeat of what we saw dur- costs will go up. If India’s second wave India’s economy and that is coming
nies that it would provide ‘all possible assistance’ to them to manu-
month, and because of lockdowns, ing the first Covid lockdown of 2020. continues for longer, and if there is a from the rural sector. We are seeing
facture vaccines in India. Major international players like Pfizer, Mod-
the number of people actively looking Sales of goods dropped sharply across third wave, then we will see a sharp fall reports of Covid spreading to villages in
erna and Johnson & Johnson are still not on board. The longer the for work dropped to its lowest level industries in April. The trend is most in demand. Sales will continue to fall, this wave, and our healthcare system is
Centre takes to remove production bottlenecks and plug supply gaps, since May last year. CMIE’s con- likely to have continued in May as but input costs will rise. This could simply not equipped to handle that.
the weaker the vaccine lifeline will become. With India losing roughly sumer sentiments index, which had more cities came under lockdowns. mean that corporate profits will shrink Along with the unimaginable human
three lives to Covid every minute, there’s not a moment to lose. seen a steady rise from November last Most companies will see their sales this year, instead of expanding. tragedy, this could also affect the Kharif
year, dropped below that level in ear- volumes drop in the first quarter of India’s stock market boom in 2020 sowing season. This could reduce farm
ly May. Less than five out of every 100 this fiscal, even if a general rise in was entirely rational. It tracked the output and disrupt food supplies caus-
people surveyed, expected their prices stems the fall in revenues. Last expansion in profits, even though the ing food prices to rise. That will be a

HP emerges as hotspot incomes to rise this year.

Lockdowns shut down factories and
businesses in key industrial states
year, there was a global recession
which caused raw material prices to
collapse across the world. This helped
economy tanked. Markets go up as a
whole when the share of profits rela-
tive to interest and wages goes up.
double whammy — high food inflation
in the middle of low income.
One can only hope that the babus
Weddings and religious congregations trigger high Covid positivity like Maharashtra in April and May. India’s big corporates make record That is exactly what happened in in our ministries are reading these
Fuel consumption in April dropped to profits, because costs dropped faster India in 2020. Real wages fell and the signals and are working out a

S social and religious gatherings flagrantly took precedence its lowest level since September 2020. than the drop in revenues. RBI ensured that interest rates detailed plan on how to tackle it. We
over the precautionary Covid practices prescribed to keep coro- Railway freight slipped to below This year, the picture is different. All remained low. If profits contract this have already witnessed how overop-
navirus at bay, Himachalis need to individually introspect why November 2020 levels. Finished steel other big economies are opening up. year, there is a danger that the mar- timism about Covid turned out.
their state has emerged as a hotspot with an alarmingly high Covid production dropped below June 2020 And as these countries begin to kets will drop in response. Hopefully, the government will pre-
positivity rate. Large-scale weddings and pilgrimages, along with the output, as did steel consumption. achieve their vaccination targets, eco- On the face of it, fluctuations in the pare for a worst-case scenario this
inability of the government to foresee and control the brazen slip-ups, Some of this was because of supply nomic activity is likely to revive, stock markets are par for the course. time, rather than hope that things
have slid the small hill state into an unprecedented public health cri- shortages caused by lockdowns. How- unleashing a year of pent-up demand. However, in an economy like India, will be resolved on their own.
sis. The modest medical infrastructure is tottering under the burgeon-
ing numbers of patients. While pointing out the worrisome fact a cou-

Along the lines of an idea clash

ple of days ago that nearly 90 per cent of the country is witnessing a
high positivity rate of Covid-19, the Centre had highlighted that
Himachal Pradesh was among the states seeing a disturbing trend.
After the national positivity rate having dipped slightly to settle below
20 per cent, HP’s positivity rate has significantly climbed by 6 per cent RS Dalal residence was that of the Lines Officer. parade twice a week and evening roll- to sanction leaves liberally?’ I joked to
in the past one week and crossed the 26 per cent mark as the virus has The lines were always bursting with call once a week, apart from playing calm him down. ‘A grave misconduct

penetrated the hinterland. Particularly staggering under the strain of an WAS posted at Ambala for practi- activity. Every day was fully packed — games with policemen regularly to deserving harshest punishment, sir, ’
immense caseload is Sirmaur — that has registered a mountainous 38.4 cal police training in March 1976. morning PT, parade followed by promote esprit de corps. he indignantly maintained.
per cent positivity rate — as also Shimla, Solan and Mandi, all with more In the very first week, I was weapons training, school, games and But maintaining discipline ‘Modern-day psychologists have
than 30 per cent rate. Notably, as per the WHO, the positivity rate should assigned supervisory charge of the finally the mandatory evening roll- amongst such a motley group of thrown up new light on these frailties,’
remain below 5 per cent for two weeks, before a government could start district Police Lines. The lines were call. And no one could leave at any policemen living together in barracks I said as the two accused were profusely
easing restrictions. With the state’s health services, not surprisingly, established by the British in the 19th time without permission. The aim was was quite a challenge. Despite close asking for forgiveness. ‘Can’t we give
proving inadequate to cater to the surge of those in need of urgent med- century, and seeing them, I always to instil discipline through a tough monitoring, instances of minor mis- them another chance to mend their
ical care and equipment, including the life-saving oxygen, the case fatal- felt as if time had stood still. The boot camp-type training schedule. demeanours were still reported. ways since they are so full of remorse?’
banyan trees with thick straggling Thus, no policeman wanted to be One morning, when I was on a sur- I asked him. ‘No provision for any mer-
ity rate (CFR) among Covid patients in the state stands at 1.42 — higher
aerial trunks and their huge canopies posted to the lines. The expression prise round, I noticed two policemen cy! The inquiry has to be as per the
than the national average CFR of 1.09 per cent.
reminded one of the Raj era. The ‘Line Hazar’, because of such bleak standing before the lines officer’s rules,’ he was clear. ‘Don’t we have to
It is imperative for the people to strictly adhere to the containment mud-and-brick dull yellow barracks, personal prospects, was taken as offi- room. ‘Why have you been made to take into account the new research on
and corrective measures put in place. Public cooperation at the local housing the policemen, wore a dilapi- cially insulting and socially stigmatis- stand here?’ I asked. They dug chins the subject?’ I countered. ‘Sir, disci-
level holds the key to breaking the deadly chain of transmission. At dated, dull and uncared-for look. ing. Surprisingly, even the public deeper into their chests and didn’t look pline is enforced only with a strong
the same time, as the Himachal High Court directed, the govern- The hustle and bustle at the lines knew about it. They vociferously up. ‘Sir, they are charged with queer hand,’ he said with dead seriousness.
ment’s Covid response strategy must ensure equitable access to test- made up for the uninspiring quietude of demanded instant ‘transfer to lines’, sexual behaviour and the night duty And divergence of ideas and
ing, medicine and hospital beds across the state. those structures. There were hundreds whenever they had a complaint officer caught them in flagrante delic- approach between a hard-boiled cop
of policemen living in forced bachelor- against a field police official. to,’ explained the lines officer, who was and a fresh young entrant to service
hood in barracks. The only independent I was expected to attend morning red in face with anger. ‘Didn’t I tell you would thus go on and on.

❝ ❞
thought for the day letters to the editor
Beware of little expenses; a small leak will sink a Vaccination dose gap Didi has made her state a special Villages under virus attack grammes to make sure people don't
great ship. — Benjamin Franklin Reference to 'Covishield dose gap case because of her non-coopera- Refer to ‘Devastating pandemic have to suffer like last time.
widened to 12-16 weeks’; leave tive attitude towards the Centre raging in rural UP’; the writer has RAKHI, NEW DELHI
aside the criticism that the move and her volatile demeanour. If the put the blame on the government,
aims at hiding the present vac- Centre deployed special police but he himself is an accused in the Not the time to be petty
on this day...100 years ago cine shortage. To vaccinate as forces in Bengal elections, it was contribution of the spread of the Apropos of the recent debate over
many people as possible might be only to ensure free and peaceful virus in rural folk by leading huge donations by Amitabh Bachchan to
the intent behind it. If by widen- elections. What is her grouse? Did gatherings at the Delhi borders, the DGSMC for Covid relief, Sikhism
ing this gap, the efficacy of the she not win? Were the Centre’s where the farmers come and go is a religion of tolerance and one that
vaccine reaches 82.4 per cent, forces seen helping the BJP? frequently to and from their vil- believes in the service and welfare of
why was the Covid Working There is nothing wrong with the lages, disobeying Covid guide- all. This philosophy is visible in terms
lahore, sunday, may 15, 1921
Group sleeping over this vital ECI’s conduct, even if certain lines, and thereby becoming of the welfare activities seen lately as
information all these months? police deployment traditions super-spreaders. Rural Punjab, India combats the second wave of the
NEW PROBLEMS IN INDIA. Such a benign approach, when were altered. Haryana and Uttar Pradesh are deadly coronavirus. Nevertheless, it
THE suggestion that has already been made and seems to have been generally our vaccine need outweighs the LR SHARMA, SUNDERNAGAR becoming hotspots of the deadly is distressing to see certain elements,
supported that there should be an informal conference between the Government supply, is simply unimaginable. A virus, but the media and political for the sake of petty political mileage,
of India and the non-co-operation leaders leads to the consideration of the vaccine recipient, it is told, is Rural areas soft target parties are turning a blind eye. scandalising the donations made by
question whether the Government is prepared to make certain concessions immune to Covid only after 15 Lack of awareness about Covid Time will come when people will several celebrities towards the fight
likely to satisfy non-co-operators in order to induce them to abandon some of days of the second dose. Is the among the people in rural areas is not forgive them for their blunder. against Covid. One such example is
their methods and to concentrate their energy on the furtherance of the common second one a booster dose or just becoming a major problem. ASHOK KUMAR, BY MAIL the donation offered by Amitabh
aims and objects of all genuine patriots and well-wishers of India. In order to the completion of a single Despite the increasing number of Bachchan towards Covid relief to the
effect a reasonable compromise in any matter, both parties must approach each process? Does the first dose make corona cases, the rural population Humane programmes DSGMC. Certain hardline elements
other in a conciliatory spirit. The inauguration of the reformed Councils and the a person safer while he/she waits is not taking it seriously, resulting Reference to ‘Poor patients can dial are criticising his donation on the
changes effected in the Government are said to have been so successful that for the second? These questions in a higher number of deaths in “181” or “112” to get free food at basis of allegations from the past. In
their authors are highly pleased with the first experience of the new regime and demand answers. rural areas than in urban areas. home’; it is a phenomenal initiative doing so, they are standing in opposi-
their supporters of the new regime and their supporters among Indians are HIRA SHARMA, BY MAIL Corona cases are on the rise in taken by the Punjab Government tion to Sikh tenets of tolerance and
overjoyed. His Majesty the King Emperor’s message refers to the Swaraj, the rural areas due to the lack of during Covid surge. We need more compassion. Everyone is free to par-
beginnings of which have been granted and Lord Chelmsford assured us of the Didi’s grouse health facilities and public aware- humane schemes like this. People take and contribute towards langar
end of autocracy in India. There are a great many thoughtful people in India who The writer has absolved Didi of ness. Most people do not wear are suffering from this pandemic, and ‘seva’. Thus, criticisms and alle-
are of a similar opinion and consider that the full attainment of Swaraj in India all the sins in his article “Post- masks and do not care about they don't have adequate suste- gations, especially at a time when
will be more rapid and the future more hopeful. Non-co-operators, of course, do election mayhem”. Elections social distancing. If this contin- nance. The government should pro- there is scarcity of resources and,
not accept this view and, though their aim is the attainment of real Swaraj, their have been held simultaneously in ues, it will be our carelessness, vide food not only to poor patients, many lives are in danger, are uncalled
immediate grievances are in respect of the Punjab wrongs and the Khilafat Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Puducherry and not the lack of health facili- but also to the needy who can't for. People should rise above these
question. And if these two questions are solved immediately, then the efforts of and Assam also. There is no ties, that will be responsible for afford meals in these hard times. As trivialities and stand united against
both the Government and the people can be concentrated on the question of report of any hyperactivity on the what will follow. the situation is not favourable, all the pandemic in these trying times.
Swaraj and the means of attaining it at the earliest possible time. The question is part of the Centre in these states. LAVNEET VASHISTH, MORINDA states should start such pro- CHARUPREET K LAMBA, CHANDIGARH
whether the Viceroy is prepared to discuss these problems with the non-co-
operation leaders with a view to closing them to the satisfaction of all concerned. Letters to the Editor, typed in double space, should not exceed the 200-word limit. These should be cogently written and can be sent by e-mail to:

How China’s anti-India blitz backfired cremation in India with the caption ious way. Should India accept the
— ‘When China lights fire v/s when offer by swallowing the scorns, or
India lights fire’. However, the post As the CCP prepares for ignore China to its immaturity?
was taken down after being criti- However, more than the interna-
cised by Chinese netizens, calling it
the celebration of its centenary tional dimension, it is the domestic
“insensitive” and a “classic case of in July, its propaganda machinery imperatives factoring here. After
propaganda failure”. the origin of the coronavirus and
However, the CPLAC is not only has been recalling the glorious its early mismanagement — China
the official organ mocking India’s launched a massive propaganda
VISITING FELLOW, TIBET POLICY INSTITUTE pandemic situation, the Ministry of
history and achievements of the offensive to change the narrative
Public Security (MPS) has also pub- party. To stoke nationalism and by portraying itself as the new

OR authoritarian regimes, lished a similar post on its official saint saving the world — instead of
channels of information and page with the picture of a temporary burnish the regime’s image, the original sinner. This it did by
communication like the press
and social media are strategic
hospital in Wuhan, comparing it
with the image of a crematorium in
the tragedies wreaked by the suppressing information
report on the Covid situation in

domains to be controlled and manipu- India. This time, the caption read — virus have added fuel to the fire China while its channels have only
lated — unlike in democracies where ‘China’s Fire Mountain, India’s reported on the awful Covid situa-
they are meant for free expression and Fire Mountain’, along with the sen- through propaganda. But tion in other countries. The mes-
information. This is because they
have huge political incentives to keep
tence — India’s cremation ground
for dogs is used for humans. It was
the one on India went too sage has been how efficient and
strong is the Chinese authoritarian
the people in a sugar-coated bubble as also deleted after the backlash. far and hit too low. system in controlling the pandem-
a matter of regime security. The question is: how official are ic as compared to the ‘incompetent
Precisely for this reason, the Beijing these posts on official pages? Some democracies’ like the US, Euro-
regime maintains a near monopoly Indian China watchers have said the SCATHING ATTACK: Slamming ‘incompetent pean countries and now India.
over the nation’s social and media post seemed not to have been vetted or democracies’ like India for failing to check Covid, The other factor is, as the CCP pre-
landscape to protect its interests. A endorsed by the Chinese government China has been gloating over its own success. REUTERS pares for the celebration of its cente-
usual practice of the Chinese media is since it was eventually deleted. How- nary in July this year, its propagan-
to multiply and magnify all the nega- ever, such arguments sound too sim- da machinery has been recalling the
tive things befalling other countries plistic, given the highly centralised the CCP. The MPS posted first and for individual leaders to survive in his condolences and solidarity. The glorious history and achievements
while its domestic coverage creates nature of the Chinese system. It is then the CPLAC followed it. To begin the jungle of Chinese factional poli- next day, the CPLAC followed suit of the party. To stoke nationalism
the image of all-is-well under the extremely unlikely for junior officials with, how much weight and signifi- tics and power struggle as they play with a more jeering caption. and burnish the regime’s image,
leadership of the Chinese Communist to publish such posts on official pages cance they have in Chinese politics? crucial roles in the politics of purge To my observation, this is a usual the tragedies wreaked by the virus
Party (CCP). This tradition of without the prior approval of the high- As central state and party entities and rectification. To put it straight, Chinese diplomatic style where it on the rest of the world have added
reportage has indeed earned its er authorities. In fact, it is the senior dealing with public security, poli- without some inputs from the higher comes up with a two-in-one- fuel to the fire through the propa-
media an apt epithet called — China’s authorities who are mostly taking a tics and law enforcement, they are echelons of the party, no such posts approach — holding out an olive ganda war machinery.
happiness and the world’s suffering. call on to what to post, when and how. not only important but have will be published on these official branch in one hand and a stick in the But the one on India went too far
Recently, this practice glared up Two Chinese official entities pub- tremendous power and influence in pages poking inappropriate fun at a other. This is a psychological warfare and hit too low. Even at personal
when the CCP social media post on lished the posts — the Ministry of China and the party leadership fellow neighbour going through the to put the other party in an uneasy risk, some Chinese netizens found
the official Weibo page of the Cen- Public Security on April 30 and keeps a close eye on the function- most painful time. position in order to understand how it too crass to ignore without
tral Political and Legal Affairs Com- CPLAC on May 1. The former is ing of these structures. It is also interesting to note that on it reacts to the two scenarios. In the protests. China’s propaganda blitz
mission (CPLAC) mocked India in under the State Council, in charge of As a regime obsessed with social the same day the Ministry of Public present context, how PM Modi would meant to polish its image ended up
the most indecent way possible by police and public security while the and political stability, they are seen Security published the post, Presi- react to Xi’s message of support making a mockery of itself in the
juxtaposing an image of a Chinese latter is a central party organ respon- as linchpins for its security — and dent Xi Jinping sent his message to while his government also mocks eyes of the civilised world —
rocket launch with that of a mass sible for political and legal affairs of moreover, they are equally important Prime Minister Modi — expressing India’s tragedy in the most obnox- instead of downgrading India.

Time to optimally use armed forces during crisis

S the nation battles the existing crumbling infrastructure such emergencies in all probability is
mega second wave of Covid and inefficient logistics. Shortages likely to increase in future.
along with an infodemic have been exacerbated due to most The response has to be institution-
tsunami, questions that ran- reprehensible tendencies of profiteer- alised and driven by statutory and
kle the hapless and desperate popu- ing and cornering of resources by the mandated bodies. The NDMA and
lation are — when will the armed power brokers and fixers. The only NDRF are not seen to be active, it will
forces take over and why are they not solution is nabbing them and exem- be appropriate that they are empow-
being given responsibilities of oxy- plary punishment through fast-track ered in staffing and given due author-
LT GEN KJ SINGH (RETD) gen supply and managing hotspots tribunals. Such criminals should be ity. Even states, except a few like Oris-
FORMER GOC-IN-C, WESTERN COMMAND like Delhi? Two former Army com- publicly shamed and socially sa, have notional state-level
manders and many senior veterans ostracised. Contrived shortages have structures. Our disaster management
have felt that the forces are being fuelled rumours and panic. matrix is based on response time and
utilised sub-optimally. Yet, the gov- The armed forces can help in set- quantum of force. In all eventualities,
The demand for handing ernment has stated in court that it ting up centralised war rooms and the first responders have to be well-
cannot ask the Army to take over in coordinated communications net- trained organic elements, civil
over control to the armed Delhi. The Delhi High Court has con- work extending to regional nodes. defence, Home Guards and the police.
curred with this argument. Oxygen supplies and distribution In remote areas, the Army, due to its
forces is primarily due to The forces have finite medical can be managed by departmental TA location, could also be concurrent, the
loss of confidence resources and the existing medical units, which have domain compe- first responder. They have to be sup-
system in Delhi, even in normal UNDER STRAIN: Health infrastructure has been under pressure amid the pandemic. PTI tence in supply and distribution. plemented with the NDRF, CAPFs,
in existing infrastructure, times, works on support from the These units can be assisted by a reg- armed forces and NGOs, depending
field hospitals of formations in the the forces have helped to set up the lar to post to find beds. This fact has ular technical and logistics unit, on the scale of tragedy.
besides inefficient logistics. vicinity. Unlike civil hospitals, para- Defence Research and Development been acknowledged and put on which can handle any situation. The The NDRF is the designated primary
Shortages have been medical and nursing support in Mili- Organisation (DRDO) hospitals, record by the MoD, which has ques- biggest gain would be the elimina- responder, but has very limited capaci-
tary Hospitals (MHs) and Base Hospi- including manning them. It is a mat- tioned the very relevance of the Ex- tion of local manipulation. ties and only nominal ones in public
exacerbated due to tals (BHs) has been a cause for ter of concern that locations for the servicemen Contributory Health The present government has junked health. Secondary responders include
profiteering and cornering concern. This can be attributed to
spartan manning norms. The flexibil-
so-called DRDO hospitals appear to
have been chosen more for optics
Scheme (ECHS).
The unfortunate part is that bureau-
a large number of colonial-era laws,
but our response is still driven by the
all others with the Army called in only
as the ultimate responder. The raising
of resources. The armed ity in the emergency response sys- and parochial considerations. Even crats prefer to raise objections and Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897. It is time of the NDRF and proliferation of
tem was further eroded with the the naming of such temporary facil- queries, whereas they are responsible a contemporary statute is drafted and demand for the Army has resulted in
forces can help in setting winding up of medical TA (Territorial ities has some political overtones. It for finding solutions. It is indeed time operationalised. Concurrently, the Dis- marked hesitancy on the part of the
up centralised war rooms Army) civil hospitals in 2014.
An objective assessment would
would be better to honour medics
like Maj Laishram Singh (Ashok
to fix accountability, release adequate
funds and reduce the pendency of
aster Management Act, 2005, should
be updated and include an addendum
forces to get sucked into routine func-
tions. Capability building for disaster
and coordinated establish that niche capabilities, espe- Chakra) and the Covid Yodhas by unpaid bills. The bottom line is that the on pandemics and health emergen- relief in the forces needs to be funded.
cially in logistics of forces, including naming them. liability of healthcare for veterans is cies. Notwithstanding the fact that It is worrying that the forces are not
communications network. the Air Force and the Navy, are being The MHs have raised bed capaci- absolutely non-negotiable. While it is ‘emergency’ is abhorred in political represented in any of the 11 empow-
The biggest gain would be extensively utilised. It is most evident
in the transportation of cryogenic
ties by 10-15% to accommodate civil-
ian patients, subject to availability.
accepted that the system is literally
swamped, yet more empathy and bet-
lexicon, yet it will be a good idea to lay
down norms for national emergencies.
ered committees and even the
Supreme Court has not included them
the elimination of local oxygen plants and containers. The It also bears mention that the veter- ter communication will help to allevi- With our resilience, we should be able in the specially constituted task force,
Corps of Electronics and Mechanical ans are up in arms and letters have ate the veterans’ plight to some extent. to overcome this crisis, but it is despite a stellar record and domain
manipulation. Engineers (EME) has also repaired been shot off to the Raksha Mantri The demand for handing over the axiomatic that we learn lessons and competence. It is time the expertise of
and resuscitated non-functional oxy- (RM) lamenting this step, even when situation to the armed forces is prima- are better prepared to avert the next forces is tapped in planning and man-
gen generation plants. In addition, many veterans are running from pil- rily due to loss of confidence in the lurking challenge. The frequency of agement of critical functions.

quick crossword su do ku calendar forecast

Acquire (4,2)
Burn slowly without flame (8)
Sailcloth (6)
2 3 1 5 ■ Vikrami Samvat 2078

■ Shaka Samvat 1943

10 Fabled island submerged by

sea (8)
Subdued (4) 6 7 5 4 ■ Vaisakh Shaka

■ Jyeshtha Parvishte
Sunny Partly Cloudy Cloudy

13 Auctioneer’s hammer (5)

14 Change of direction (4) ■ Hijari 1442 Chandigarh 37 20
Be the master (4,3,5)
Very remote place (4,2,6) 4 8 ■ Shukla Paksha Tithi 3, up to 8:00 am New Delhi 39 25
23 Pull with effort (4) ■ Dhriti Yoga up to 2.28 am Amritsar 33 21
24 Patch of oil on sea (5)
Transaction (4)
Dauntless (8)
9 8 5 4 ■ Mrighshikha Nakshatra up to 8:39 am

■ Moon in Gamini sign

29 Angry reply (6)
30 Reputation through Ludhiana 32 20
achievement (8)
With pleasure (6)
3 7 YESTERDAY’S SOLUTION Bhiwani 37 23
DOWN 4 9 3 1 7 2 8 5 6 Hisar 35 21

2 1 6 3
1 Arrogantly confident (8)
Sirsa 37 23
2 Multifarious (8) 6 8 1 5 9 3 7 2 4
3 Shaft of light (4) Dharamsala 28 16
5 Unemotional (6-2-4) 2 5 7 6 8 4 1 9 3 Manali 18 07
7 5
6 Western US state (4)
7 Roundabout route (6) 9 1 2 8 5 6 3 4 7 Shimla 24 12
8 Rebellion (6)
11 Rapidly achieve great Srinagar 23 11
7 4 5 2 3 1 6 8 9
3 5 7 2
profit (4,1,7) Jammu 34 21
15 Digress (5) 3 6 8 7 4 9 5 1 2
16 Crookedly (5) Kargil 11 05
YESTERDAY’S sOLUTION 18 Preface (8) 1 7 4 3 2 8 9 6 5 Leh 07 02
Across: 1 Loose, 4 Cabaret, 8 Act, 9 Ill-judged, 10 Swelter, 11 Query, 13 Nuance, 15
Geneva, 18 Maker, 19 Further, 21 Joan of Arc, 23 Dip, 24 Relieve, 25 Rowdy.
Great adulation (8)
Small crustacean (6)
Push roughly (6)
4 2 9 1 8 3 9 4 6 5 2 7 1 Dehradun 33 19
Down: 1 Liaison, 2 On the rack, 3 Edict, 4 Celery, 5 Brusque, 6 Rig, 7 Today, 12 Eye 26 A special talent (4) Mussoorie 18 12
5 2 6 9 1 7 4 3 8
shadow, 14 Corrode, 16 Atrophy, 17 Of late, 18 Major, 20 Recur, 22 All. 27 Fervour (4) MEDIUM TEMPERATURE IN OC

Match for Kashyap gotra, Manglik SM4 31, 5’-9”, MS., B.Tech. (IIT), SM4 Ludhiana based Saraswat Match for Brahmin Manglik boy,
issueless divorcee boy 1991 born, SCHEDULED CASTES NRI Soft. Engineer in Google US, CTC- $ Brahmin boy 5’-3”, May 1993, 5.2.1993, 4.25 pm, Barnala, 5’-11”,

5’-11”, Pvt. job in Chandigarh 200,000, Greencard holder. Req b’ful B.Tech. (CS) Asstt. Manager SBI. Govt. Bank Officer. Preferred Govt.
Ramdasia handsome boy 1990, SM for Kamboj Sikh Boy, 5’-9”/
95015-50992. (CL21013699) match caste no bar, 75877-01926, Preferred Govt./PSU employee. job 94630-66825. (CL21013655)
5’-5”, Captain (Officer) Merchant 1988, US Green Card holder, working
88895-87293. (CL21013880) 94171-47522. (CL21013389) Saraswat Brahmin M.Tech, 5’-10”,
Qualified match for MBA, MS Navy wants beautiful girl prefer as IT Engineer, now in India for one
month. 98885-13038, 98886-13038. Professionally qualified match for Match for Saraswat Brahmin boy, Govt. job, 22.07.1989, Ludhiana, seeks
5’-6”, 1982 born, divorcee Canadian Govt. employee, professional,
(CL21013405) B.Tech., M.S., Canada PR, well settled (CSE) 6’, born on 21.03.1990 educated girl, Govt. job preferred.
citizen. Two kids from last marriage educated girl. 78891-92870, 98780-
BRIDES WANTED who lives with mother. Contact: 65244. (CL21012357) Ramdasia Sikh Australian PR boy, upper middle class Khatri family 29
year boy on India visit 98785-43369,
at 1.12 PM in Chandigarh, working at
Noida. Belongs to Una-Nangal area,
97810-00728. (CL21013757)
PQM for Brahmin boy 05.04.1985,
16045106864. (CL21013464) Suitable match for 1963 widower 5’-6”, 31, fair complexion. Looking
98143-60940. (CL21013885) settled in Mohali. Father retired 1:30 pm, Chandigarh, height 5’-5”,
For Arora Gursikh 38, 5’-10” 5’-6” Govt. Employee, Salary for NRI girl. Caste no bar. WhatsApp: Manager from SBI. Whatsapp:
Match for Brahmin handsome boy B.Com., LL.B., Company Secretary.
Doctor BAMS, MPH, MBA, posted at 103851/- monthly, SC from Mohali, 94631-89380. (CL21013545) 9779585858. (CL21013396)
SAINI RAJPUT Chandigarh Pb. Health Department, Chandigarh, Ambala, Panchkula Ramgarhia Canadian PR boy 29, PR Australia born 1987, 5’-9”. Wanted
Hindu Sharma Punjab Radhaswami
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Suitable match for Saraswat Brahmin
preferred. Mobile: 95014-65990. 5’-10”, M.S Engineering good job. Caste beautiful educated girl. High caste no
Punjabi Hindu Saini Manglik boy, Qualified match for Himachali Administrative post. Innocent Manglik boy 5’-8”, 31.12.89, 6.40 am, boy DoB 05.07.1990, 10:45 pm, Batala,
(CL21013085) no bar. 84271-43087. (CL21014180) bar. 98143-44001, 99881-11762.
5’-7”, July 93, B.Tech. own business, Rajput boy 29/ 5’-6”, M.Com, issueless divorcee. 98720-32066. Kullu, B.Com., well-settled 5’-10”, Qualification B.E. from Panjab
Chandigarh, upper caste welcome. working MNC Mohali, 7 Lac Annum, (CL21013548) Ravidasia Sikh vegetarian, 28/ 5’-8”, 1988/6’-3”, handsome Dhiman businessman. Contact: 98160-25332, University, Chandigarh, MBA from
Marriage Bureau excuse 94653- Settled Tricity, working girl preferred. Brahmin boy based in Canada, BS & Beautiful professionally qualified
Govt employed boy seeks Govt 94599-66771. (CL21013397) UBS (Panjab University, Chandigarh)
80929, 94788-03080. (CL21012559) 83600-45568. (CL21014334) TONK-KASHATRIYA employee girl, Patiala. 96461-03333. MS (USA) working for Major MNC, match for 27, 5’-9” (BDS, Canada
boy). Caste no bars. 79738-04005, Suitable match for settled Saraswat job working in leading MNC Gurgaon,
Manglik Saini boy 19.12.1990, Match for 06.06.72 Sikh Rajput (CL21013101) US work permit seeks a PQ very fair, Brahmin boy 18.04.1989, 1:26 am, 6’, 16 LPA. Father is Govt. employee.
Suitable Professionally qualified slim, beautiful girl from USA/Canada 96464-68830. (CL21014059)
04.30 pm, Jagadhri, 5’-5”, B.Tech (IT) unmarried boy, Graduation, Diploma Match for Balmiki/Mazbi boy Sept. Chandigarh, MBA, working in MNC 98559-42242. (CL21013793)
match for B.Tech, Engineer Tonk- Northern India background. Upper caste Canadian PR 1990, 5’-10”, MS,
working in Gurgaon, package Computer Electronics, Vaishno family, 1987, 5’-10”, working in MNC. Well (BPO), Team Leader. Tricity preferred. Wanted bride for Saraswat Brahmin,
kashtriya Canadian PR handsome fair Hindu/Sikh/Jain no bar. WhatsApp Software Engineer Google $200,001.
6 lacs. 98969-59599, 98100-53106. sister married, living England, settled Radha Soami family Mohali. Other castes welcome. Early simple Non- Manglik, 29, 5’-8”, B.Tech,
boy April 1992, 5’-10”. Non-drinker details with photo @ +91 99175-20585. 81098-48535. (CL21014062)
(CL21013078) business Mohali. No bars. Contact: Preferred girl working in MNC, marriage. 98156-17296. (CL21013403) MBA, Govt. job, preferred working
family. 9855201655, 9988518198. Agencies excuse. (CL21007840) PQM for 6’/ 1990, handsome clean
Wanted beautiful homely match for 81460-81877. (CL21006814) Tricity Chandigarh. Caste no bar. Suitable beautiful, educated (Govt. job), Ropar. 98882-84800,
(CL21010568) Punjabi Brahmin boy, 1991/ 6’, shaven Canadian Citizen Prajapati
Garg boy 31.12.1992, 12:17 am, Suitable match for Himachali Rajput 62390-33416. (CL21013124) Brahmin match for Engineer boy in 99886-68396. (CL21013797)
Dhuri, own business, reputed family boy June 1990, 5’-7”, Postgraduate, Sikh Tonk Kashstri boy, 1986, 5’-7”, M.Sc (Biotechnology), veg, teetotaler, boy. Engineer in highly reputed Suitable match for Saraswat Brahmin
Ph.D, M.Phil, MPEd, ETT, regular Ramdasia Sikh boy, 29 yrs, 5’-9”, MNC. Caste no bar. Marriage bureau New Zealand 5’-8”, age 28, B.Tech.,
of Nabha. Mob. 98143-66971, 94656- own Industry. Send biodata. 98160- currently working in California USA, MBA. No dowry. Mobile 94642- handsome boy 12.10.89, 10:25 a.m.,
Assistant Professor in University B.E. Thapar Uni. Engineer in USA, Upper caste no bar. 98762-91276, excuse. WhatsApp: +1 3065264575.
15492. (CL21013514) 34477. (CL21013384) Green Card holder, home town Patiala. 64285, caste no bar. (CL21013404) Hoshiarpur, 6’, B.Tech. Mech., working
seeks beautiful, educated Manglik, 82838-80052. (CL21010013) (CL21014112) Asst. Manager Hindustan Uniliver
Sikh boy April 1990, 5’-11”, B.Tech., Beautiful match for 29 yrs, 6 feet Whole family settled in USA. Caste Hindu Brahmin family seeks
MNC, salary 7 figures. Preference non-manglik girl. 94654-00086, Match for handsome, well mannered Canadian Lubana Sikh boy 32, Limited at their Head office Mumbai.
Swarankar Graduate boy, well settled 94625-00055. (CL21013044) no bar. Contact: 77175-30072. alliance for their handsome boy July
Canada PR girl/ willing to Migrate, own business. Upper caste no bar. Canada PR Ramdasia boy 1985, 5’-6”. 5’-11”, wants BDS/ any other Annual package 17.50 Lac. 97794-
(CL21013128) 1983, 5’-10”, issueless divorcee,
88062-98068. (CL21013774) Father Class-I officer retired. Contact: SM4 Sikh Tonkshatriya boy, Girl preferred in Canada on any visa. professional girl. Caste no bar. Call 55120. (CL21013813)
Suitable match for 1988 born, 98148-03338. (CL21011709) MBA working in IT MNC, 22 Lac
Alliance invited for handsome boy 98889-87006. (CL21010927) Squadron Leader in Air Force, WhatsApp: +91-94664-36721, salary. Looking for beautiful, educated Match for Saraswat Brahmin boy,
B.Tech., Ravidasia boy from Ropar Bride required for son age 32, MBA
1986 born, 5’-11”, Postgraduate SM4 well settled businessman HP 3.10.89, 5’-9”, Doctor/ Lecturer/ +14168224721. (CL21014126) girl, unmarried/divorced issueless 19.10.1984, 12:03 pm, Ropar, 5’-7”,
Centre Govt. job. girl preferred. Upper Group-B Officer in Punjab Govt. Manager +971585915212 WhatsApp/
running well established business with Rajput (Thakur) Manglik boy 28/ Height 5’-5”. Preferred Govt. service. PQM for handsome Tonk Kshatriya only, willing to settle abroad. Caste no BE, M.Sc (IT), own agricultural
monthly income 7 figures seeking caste no bar. 94633-47023. calling UAE Arora Khatri. Looking boy, Nov. 87 born, 5’-9”, B.Tech & bar. 99538-13409. (CL21013408) farm near Nangal, teetotaller,
5’-9”, B.Com., seeks well educated 94171-49636. (CL21013194) for NRI bride or willing to settle
professionally qualified, beautiful girl. and beautiful girl decent Himachali (CL21013444) LLB. Having both Canadian PR & Match for Saraswat Brahmin boy, residence Chandigarh. 99880-91000.
Caste no bar. WhatsApp: 75086- Match for Ramdasia (SC) Sikh boy abroad all profiles/ caste welcome. Australian TR. Well established family (CL21013822)
Rajput family. Mobile: 75891-46677. Ludhiana based Hindu Tonk- 5’-6”, 29 yrs B.Tech., Govt. job 5’-10”, 13.08.1991, 09.41 a.m.
21273. (CL21013802) (CL21012022) settled in tricity. Parents Class-I Gaur Brahmin, 5’-11”, May 1991,
(CL21013005) shatriya Bedi boy, 1990 born, height required job girl/ well educated girl. Chandigarh, B.Tech., MS Management
Saini Sikhboy, Nov. 1991, 5’-7”, 5’-7”, BA, PGDCA, own business Match for Sydney/ Australia PR Officers. Upper caste no bar. (US), working in Multinational Pune, Chandigarh, veg, Software Engineer,
Sikh Kashyap Rajput Vaishno boy Ravidasia/ Chamar/ Ad-dharmi also Rajak Rajput boy, B.Tech (Mech.
B.Tech and Master Degree, settled in 26/5’-7”, complexion fair, B.Tech. required educated, fair girl. Contact Call or Whatsapp on 7508180135. 14 LPA. Mohali based educated status CTC 16 lakh. 70737-14041.
Canada (PR). Wantsa slim, beautiful contact. Contact No./ WhatsApp: Engg) India, MEM (Australia), (CL21014154)
Computer Science, doing job hospital as 98785-97900. (CL21013478) family. Father retired SE. Contact: (CL21013824)
girl. Ph: 85448-98812, WhatsApp: 78143-51622, 94783-22387. 19.09.1989, 5’-11”, 4.53 am, Patiala,
IT Executive. Required qualified/ Govt. Tonk Kashtriya MCA boy Dec Suitable match for Ahluwalia boy 97791-04917. (CL21013411) Saraswat Brahmin boy 1990, height
82641-55843. (CL21013833) (CL21013213) B.Tech/ MBA/ M.Com, smart and
job/NRI girl. Upper caste welcome. 1987, birth Ropar 22:10 hrs, Local, 11.3.1987, 5’-5”, well settled in USA. Suitable match for Canadian settled, 5’-8”, M.Tech., Lecturer in Govt.
Issueless handsome Master of slim girl preferred. Send bio-data. Looking for beautiful Himachali girl College on adhoc basis. Mobile:
98554-78520. (CL21013120) working IT company. 94677-59360 Architect 1982, 5’-7”, Ravidasia, WhatsApp call 097795-86001, Saraswat Brahmin Manglik handsome
(CL21013747) who have done Nursing Course. boy, 24.1.1991, 9.05 am, Dhuri 83609-37010. (CL21013838)
SM4 Manglik Maid Rajput boy Legaly Divorcee, Ambala, Own house 098786-05705. (CL21012445) Family settled in Panchkula. 98059- Suitable match for Saraswat Brahmin
7.7.1985, 5’-9”, double MA, 89014-50006 (CL21013235) (Sangrur), 5’-8”, B.Tech (Mechanical).
Manglik Sikh Tonkshatriya boy Wanted PQ vegetarian Australian 98734, 75082-88088. (CL21014162) PR under process. Family residing boy, Canada citizen, Graduate, own
B.Ed. Teacher. 80547-46428. 24.07.1990, Chandigarh, 5’-10”, SC (Raigar) boy 5’-8”, 1987, Govt. PR/ NRI match for Arora Australian Transport Co. 5’-7”, 28.8.1991 born,
Suitable match for Gupta boy Ludhiana. Contact: 9463107293,
(CL21013121) B.Tech., Engineer with 7 lac package. job, Food Supply (Auditor). Required Dentist MDS 38, 5’-11”. The 4.40 am, Jalandhar. Contact: 98788-
32, 5’-10”, MS (USA) working in 9855424282. (CL21013460)
Suitable match for Rajput Maid Required educated girl. Upper caste no educated girl, 98722-00235 only married sister and parents California looking for well educated 88400. (CL21013856)
Swarnkar, 1992/ 5’-9”, MA. Doctor in bar. 95014-45252. (CL21013907) (Faridkot). (CL21013266) living in India. +9186999-14546, Suitable match for Sarswat Brahmin
girl working in USA. 94171-93717. boy 30.7.1989, 12:20 pm Ropar, Educated match for Manglik Gaur
Acupressure and Acupuncture. Well Kshatriya, Sunar, Gotra Bhardwaj, Ramdasia Sikh boy Nov. 1990, 5’-8”, (CL21013037) (CL21014192) Brahmin boy 3.1.1990, 5’-4”, B.Tech,
settled in Chandigarh. Contact: 98555- 5’-4”, 12th pass. Businessman.
31, 5’-8”, M.Tech., vegetarian boy. B.Tech (CSE), Online Software Match for Ramdasia Sikh Doctor Punjabi Brahmin Canada PR work 98764-16799. (CL21013472) job IT Sector Bangalore preferred
54180. (CL21013272) Permanent residence in Canada, business, sister married. Father retired B.Tech/ MBA. 94664-83848, 98962-
MBBS, MD, Doing Govt. job in USA, permit professional girl willing to shift
Rajput boy 14.02.1991, 5’-11”, Subedar/ Army. Mother housewife. Match for Brahmin boy 32, 5’-9”, 58089. (CL21013859)
looking for an educated girl belongs to 35, 5’-8”, Caste no bar. Contact for 1989 born, 5’-9”, B.Tech,
MBA, working in SBI Bank, Simple marriage. WhatsApp: 97819- 08:17 pm, 20.10.1988, Chandigarh,
a good family, boy is in India for 3 doctor/ Engineer. 83608-76705. Management Diploma, Manager Well settled Australian Punjabi
Panchkula. 78372-52525,98885- 21535. (CL21013268) MBA, working Gurgaon. 98720-
months to get marry. 90341-72542. (CL21013060) Kalwona British Columbia, Khatris Brahmin divorcee well educated
85865. (CL21013410) 41658. (CL21013479)
(CL21014073) SC Sikh Kabir Panthi unmarried Most beautiful match for Cancer Arora welcome. 98765-87665. vegetarian boy 1983. Required
Alliance for smart Rajput boy, 28/ boy, 5’-7”, 1983, Govt. Asstt. (CL21014337) Tall Divorcee son approximate beautiful girl. Abroad preferred.
Match for Sikh Tonk Kshatriya boy Super Specialist Sikh clean-shaven,
5’-11”, well settled family in Mohali, Professor. 84271-30517. 42 years, 5’-11”, Graduate. Own 94645-32378. (CL21013869)
87 born, 5’-4”. Diploma in Animation, 6’-1”, Sept. 90, very handsome Dr
working reputed company in Mumbai,
looking for decent homely working working as visual Designer. (CL21013293) working very heavy base salary seven BRAHMIN House. No bars. 94633-24712.
Working girl required for 5’-8”,
Residence Chandigarh. 89014-46668. lakh dollars annual, H1B visa, Greencard 1993 born, Punjabi boy Assistant
girl preferably B.Tech. Contact: SM4 50 years well settled divorcee SM for Saraswat Brahmin Non-
Saini Sikh boy, 30/ 5’-7”, B.Tech. (CL21014265) ATTN: READERS in progress. No bars. Send details, manager in Govt. Bank Govt. Bank
99884-47738. (CL21013508) with 7 years son, only Mohali Chd. Manglik vegetarian boy, 5’-8”,
CSE, Five Year IT experience at photos. E-mail: employee or teacher preferred. 84272-
SM for Manglik Himachali Rajput below 40 years housewife with no 18.06.1990, 5:51 am Ludhiana,
Readers are requested to 40899. (CL21013872)
Noida. Currently preparing for abroad,
required Nursing girl. 94175-92574. Rana boy, 5’-11”, 23.6.1989/8:05 a.m. DOCTORS/ENGINEERS write correct
US based 1989 born, 5’-3”, Sikh
issue. 78148-67850. (CL21013036) B.Tech, MBA, family business. Saraswat Brahmin boy 6 November
Chandigarh. Advocate. Himachali Suitable Medico match for MBBS, Brahmin boy 02.02.92, birth Kundli must. Contact: 98761-78000. 1987, MCA, job MNC IT Park Chd.,
(CL21013835) Box Number in their letters Rajput cleanshaved boy Sr. Cyber
tricity preferred. 94172-04845. PCMS (Medical Officer) Brahmin boy Chandigarh, 5’-3” ht., banker in (CL21013493) well settled, looking for well educated
Pathankot based Hindu Saini boy, Security Engineer MNC, 150K USD. Nationalised Bank, seeks well
(CL21013550) 5’-10”, age 31. Upper caste no bar. so as to ensure their delivery Suitable match for B.Tech Canada girl. Contact 99963-29202, WhatsApp
born 1991, 5’-11”, Gazetted Officer in MS from Boston, Preferred well educated girl. 94168-55850.
Punjab Govt. looking for Govt. job Canada PR Rana boy 1990, 5’-8”, Cont: 98764-76024. (CL21013523) to the right advertiser. qualified slim, smart girl from US/ PR Brahmin Aug 1990, , 5’-8”, boy 98124-64768. (CL21013881)
M.Tech. Require Canada based girl, (CL21013696) Canadian match preferred . 98155- Manglik Brahmin Vashisht boy,
girl. Upper caste no bar. Marriage SM4 handsome Khatri Sikh Doctor Moreover, Box Number Canada. Upper caste no bar. Whatsapp:
bureau excuse. 79863-17523, 80540- B.Tech. preferred. 9815661780 9855250019. (CL21013065) Seeking Manglik non Manglik, 88779 (CL21013510) B.Tech., 5’-10”, 01.09.1992, 01:00
General Surgeon, Height 6’, Nov. replies should be sent by
07455. (CL21014076) (CL21013669) beautiful B.Tech./ MCA job girl for Suitable match for Non Manglik p.m., Nangal, job Ericsson, working
1982. Respond with picture and Suitable match for Mair Rajput
Rajput/ Army Officer/ Never biodata at ordinary mail only. Brahmin B.Tech. boy 13.4.1991, Saraswat Brahmin boy, 5’-9”, girl preferred. 94176-52509, 94163-
SM4 turbnd 32, 5’-8”, Govt. (Goldsmith) October 80, 5’-7”,
married 30/ 6’, well-educated family 90410-09986. (CL21007985) 5’-9”, 2:36 am, Jalandhar. Salary 06.02.1987, 6:46 am, BDS, worked in 34991. (CL21013893)
job. Wattsap 73800-60764. Registered letters B.Tech, MBA, Senior Network
from Himachal Pardesh. Seeks an package 10 LPA (Gurugram). MNC in Delhi, belongs to well settled Amritsar fair handsome Sharma
(CL21014118) Beautiful, tall match for BDS addressed to Box Numbers Engineer in MNC in Edmonton,
educated girl from a cultured family. Contact/ WhatsApp 98143-81681. and affluent family in Kapurthala. boy 1976, 5’-8”, looks 32, M.Com,
Suitable match Saini boy born Saraswat Brahmin boy, 22.08.88, 2:04 Canada. Vegetarian, Canadian citizen,
086850-94391. (CL21013700) are not accepted. (CL21010328) Only abroad preferred. 99140-18465. own business, foreign settled girls also
1989/5’-7”, Govt. employee preferred pm, Jalandhar, 6’-1”. Only status Issueless, Divorcee, Well settled boy.
Mair Rajput boy, 27.12.1992, 2.40 Preference to girl already in Canada. Gour Brahmin 45 yrs, unmarried, (CL21013511) welcome, simple marriage, no bars.
girl government job Tricity. 86995- family preferred. Ph: 9417025454. Advt. Manager 5’-6”, Ph.D., Group- A Govt. service Professionally match for Brahmin 97802-34705. (CL21013912)
a.m., Govt. job, Chandigarh. Parents Upper caste welcome. WhatsApp
36447. (CL21014165) (CL21009944) at Hisar, seeks unmarried Gour boy, 5’-4”, 10 April 1988, 4:58 am, Saraswat Brahmin boy, 31, 5’-11”,
are Govt. employee. 94174-32132. 81305-62250. (CL21013072)
Suitable match for handsome Hindu Judicial Services/ Civil Services/ Match for Hindu (Valmiki) boy Brahmin girl. Mob. 99917-61133. Kapurthala, working Chemical Engg. qualifications B.Pharmacy, job Govt.
(CL21013754) SM4 Canadian PR, Delhi based
Saini boy, 23.7.1990, 7:58 pm, Jalandhar, MD/ MS for Ravidasia Sikh boy, Born 5’-11”, MBA, Govt. job. 90236- (CL21011707) Bathinda Refinery. Match kundli. clerk at Patiala. Upper caste no bar.
5’-6”, B.Tech (Electrical), Govt Kashyap Rajput boy 93 born, 5’-9”, Brahmin boy Feb. 91, 5’-4”, Anshik
diploma CSC, BCA working Ambala. May 1993/ 5’-7”, doing MD 97657. (CL21013326) Match for Brahmin boy 29, 5’-6”, 94656-22659. (CL21013512) 98776-20000. (CL21013915)
job. Father Retd. SDO. Seeks beautiful, Manglik, BBA+ PG Global Tourism &
Preferred Tricity/Ambala. 70150- (Psychiatry) Maharastra. 9417556677. Adharmi Doaba based boy, Jan. 93, Hospitality, professional Chef veg & MS Bioresource Engineering. Quality- Suitable match for Saraswat Brahmin boy 29/ 5’-8”, MCA,
Govt employee/ teacher. Whatsapp: (CL21012818) Assurance Engineer, Canada. Contact- Software Engineer in MNC. Contact
53603. (CL21013889) Ht. 5’-5”, fair, B.Tech. EEE. Father vegan, WhatsApp Brahmin boy B.Tech., MNC job at IT
9646161309. (CL21014310) 94654-78238. (CL21013034) Amritsar 97801-30677, 62834-05032.
Maid Rajput boy born 1985, 5’-5”, Medico Aggarwal match for Bansal retired, well settled family in 98101-14595. (CL21013114) Park Chandigarh, 5’-5”, 02.6.91,
SOOD MA, B.Ed, private job, Ludhiana, no handsome boy 11.04.1988, 01:08 pm,
Ludhiana, 6’, MD (Medicine),
Chandigarh. IELTS 6 Band, boy wants
to go abroad. Contact: 94639-86590
Ramdasia Sikh boy, 29 yrs, 5’-9”, Hindu, Jain or Sikh girl for
Brahmin boy, 25, year, 5 feet 10
01:05 pm Ropar (Punjab). Job
preferred. WhatsApp: 70186-44617. SM for Govt. employee 14.06.1990,
demand. 84370-11612, 88726-02085. B.E. Thapar Uni. Engineer in USA,
Beautiful match for 6ft MBA Sood boy attending consultant. 62397-76174. (Sanjeev). (CL21013359) inches. Father Central Govt. Officer, (CL21013518) 12:05 a.m., Chandigarh, seeking
(CL21013917) Green Card holder, home town Patiala.
28.09.1989, 6.05 p.m. Dharamsala (HP) (CL21013222) SM for Ravidasia boy 31Y, 5’-10”, own flat in Delhi, younger brother Chandigarh based Gaur Brahmin working girl from Chandigarh or
Rajput boy August 85, 5’-7”, CA, Whole family settled in USA. Caste no
born. Chief Officer Merchant Navy. B.Tech. IIT. Govt. job (ONGC) 16 studying in USA. Contact: email: Anshik Manglik boy 30/ 5’-9”, nearby. Contact: 95928-82936.
LLB (D.U), Govt. Job (Non- Professionally qualified match for bar. Contact: 77175-30072.
Handsome package. Kundli match LPA. Govt. employee/qualified girl B.Tech., employed as an Officer with (CL21013941)
transferable), Delhi. Preference to girl Arora/Khatri, teetotaller Doctor boy, (CL21013127)
must. Upper caste welcome. WhatsApp: preferred. Contact: 070187-46212, (CL21013039) a Nationalized Bank seek working Gaur Brahmin Vashisht manglik
+91 94180-27065. (CL21012184) working in Bank/ LIC/ or as Teacher. 5’-11”, Sept. 1992, MBBS, DNB Professionally qualified girl for
070183-61067, 89877-29822. Match for handsome Brahmin boy girl preferably in Tricity. Contact boy 22.2.1990, 2:40 pm, Moga,
Caste no bar. 99108-46479 (Bathinda). (Radiologist) 18 LPA, job Chandigarh, Punjabi Hindu Khatri, July 1993,
Match for Sood boy 5’-9”, 21.12.1990, (CL21013390) 12.10.1987, 8:20PM, Health and No. 99101-10340, 96500-19608. 5’-10”, Income Tax Inspector at
(CL21014047) caste no bar. 94657-31094. 6’-2”, PEC Engineer, well established
10.39 a.m., B.Tech, Post Graduation family welfare Punjab Asr. Ist (CL21013534) Mysore. 94177-39893, 62832-56140
SMF Rajput (Rana) Manglik boy, (CL21013278) Ramdasiya boy, 5’-10”, 1988, Ph.D., Businessman in Canada. 62843-
from Canada, working in Fis Global Preferred Govt. employee girl . 99886- (Bathinda). (CL21014005)
28/5’-7”, M.Com., working Govt. job Postdoc at TIFR want beautiful girl 78580. (CL21013130) SM for Saraswat Brahmin Anshik
Canada. Only Himachali convent Match for SC boy, Nov 91, 5’-10”, 51690 (CL21013071) Saraswat Brahmin boy, 1994, 5’-9”,
Chandigarh. Preferred working girl preferably Ph.D. 94184-52655. Goyal boy 1988/5’-8”, BBA, Manglik, 10.04.90 (Ludhiana), 5’-11”, Govt. employee seeks Govt job/
educated, B.Tech IT, upper caste MD Psychiatry, doing Senior PQM4 Handsome fair complexion
strictly in caste. 99144-01660. (CL21013393) Australia (Brisbane) TR seeks in B.Tech., Punjab Government office job educated, beautiful, tall girl. Contact:
preferred. 82193-54776. (CL21014295) Residency, USMLE Step-1 cleared, Saraswat Brahmin 5’-8”/ 02-09-1992,
(CL21014098) Canada PR in final stage. Doctors Match for Ravidasia handsome boy, Australia girl. 98146-15484, 98148- at Mohali. Own kothi at Sirhind. Only 9815712165. (CL21014014)
23, 5’-9”, Presently in UK. Seeks 16258. (CL21013217) 09:50 a.m. Chandigarh, B.Tech, MBA son. Preferred Government employee.
AHLUWALIA Employed/ qualified match for Sikh family. 81463-00195. (CL21013319)
beautiful educated girl. 9417824238. Match for a Khatri Sikh, US citizen, from reputed College, working MNC 98720-22149. (CL21013560)
Saraswat Brahmin handsome boy
regular Govt. Employee (Patwari), Medico match for Non-Manglik Gurugram/ Banglore, 16 LPA, parents 21.11.1993, 5’-7”, B.Tech., job PNB
Ahluwalia Sikh turbaned boy 1991/ (CL21013462) Mechanical Engineer, working in MNC Match for Brahmin boy 1989,
B.Tech., 32/ 5’-7”, BC/ upper Hindu Arora handsome boy Punjabi Gazetted Officers, girl from tricity will (MNC) Patiala. Required well
5’-8”, MBA Finance. Required caste welcome. 99148-30641. SMF 5’-8”, 1991 born, Ramdasia California, 5’-8”, 47 yrs issueless, B.Tech., job Noida, 5’-7”, Himachali, educated/ job. 62840-60944, 97801-
educated girl. Marriage bureau excuse. family 1995 born, Ht. 5’-11”, Pursuing Sikh boy MBA, studying in Ontario divorced, short time marriage, be preferred. Whatsapp: 78888-17671. Punjabi, Haryanavi preferred. 70151-
(CL21014319) MS General Surgery. Contact: (CL21013073) 00753. (CL21014038)
77400-01516. (CL21013578) (Canada). Well-settled family from caste no bar. 96877, 89502-60362. (CL21013566) Match for Saraswat Brahmin boy
Himachali Rajput boy from Kangra 62802-63753. (CL21013391) Mohali. Looking for PR/ work permit Match for Saraswat Brahmin boy
(CL21013279) Minimum graduate required for 24.7.92 (Batala), 5’-8”, B.Tech, Govt.
JAT 1988 born, BE, 5’-7”, working in
MNC Chandigarh. Parents Govt.
Equally qualified match for fair, girl. Contact: 94638-37344. Suitable match for Hindu boy 2.10.1990, 5’-10”, 1.26 p.m. (Dasuya),
B.Tech (IT), working IT company
B.Com. CA-Inter Saraswat Brahmin job Contact: 98555-24021, 62849-
SM4 Haryanvi Jat boy DoB 14, teetotaller Aggarwal boy, Nov. 78, (CL21013475) Khatri Dec. 1991, 5’-10”, B.Tech., boy Manager Accounts in four star 24973. (CL21014081)
retired. Looking for beautiful, working Mohali. 94658-59523. (CL21013150)
April 1990 (Sonipat), height 6’-0”, 5’-8”, DNB (Anaesthesia), divorcee. 1988 born, 5’-10”, handsome MBA (Canada) working in Amazon Hotel 11 July 1986, 01:00 am, Mohali, SM for pure vegetarian Punjabi
girl. 98164-07377. (CL21014324)
B.Tech. well settled, own business and Status family. 98143-67196. Ramdasia boy, doing Govt. job, Vancouver seeks Canadian PR holder Gaur Brahmin pure vegetarian 5’-9”. WhatsApp 98555-45945. Gaur Brahmin boy 01.04.91, 07.30
house in Rohtak. 91790-94401.
DIVORCEE Searching for a MD Radiology/
seeking girl Govt. job. 98151-90923,
94788-01923. (CL21013682)
tall educated beautiful girl. Ph.: 96462-
05580, 99880-95580. (CL21013365)
boy, 24.12.1991, 3:45 a.m. Patiala,
5’-6”, B.Tech., package 29 LPA.
Match for Gaur Brahmin boy, Dec.
am, 5’-8”, MBA, Govt. Scale I
Officer, Govt. emp preferred. 94643-
Suitable match for Khatri Oct 88 Gynaecology match for my handsome Wanted slim, beautiful, educated Suitable match for handsome Punjabi MNC Bangalore. 9888224759. 1979, 5’-9”, MCA, 18 LPA, MNC, 50531. (CL21014134)
CHRISTIAN born, 6 ft. divorced issueless boy.
B.Tech. working as Software Engineer
son M.S Orthopaedics 29 y/ 5’-9 ft, girl preferably employed for 32 years, Khatri (1987/ 6’) Canadian citizen (CL21013196) Gurgaon, pure vegetarian. 93102- Match for only Gaur Brahman fair
liberal family. Contact: 92552-78489. 5’-9”, MBA from IIT Kharagpur, boy professional Engineer, Government job, Handsome Punjabi Saraswat 96701 (WhatsApp). (CL21013587) boy, 6’, birth 05.03.1990, time 1:40
Looking for bride for 26 years boy in MNC. Preferred good looking and (CL21013452) working as Manager in reputed bank well settled in Canada. Caste no bar. Brahmin boy, Oct. 1989, 6’-1”, Saraswat Brahmin Vashisth boy pm, Karnal, M.Tech, working
residing Kanpur UP height 5’-8”, MA, qualified unmarried, issueless at Chandigarh. Contact: 96502-96530. Contact/ WhatsApp # 14167359744. permanent Govt. employee at March 90, 5’-7”, B.Tech Civil, MS Gurugram, package: 10 lacs PA,
Christian. Running 2 ICSE school. The divorcee girl. 98154-30862, 84275- Medico match for 29, 174 Rajput
(CL21013801) (CL21013378) Chandigarh, preferred Govt. employee. Newzealand, Working Newzealand. working girl. 98138-17735,
bride should be from a decent family 87429. (CL21012967) Himachali MD ongoing Doctor. Upper
(same caste/ caste no bar) should be caste welcome. 94186-73520. Valmiki boy Manglik divorcee, Seeking suitable match for Canadian M: 77175-62814. (CL21013200) Girl should be B.Tech., MBA or
Match for Brahmin Non-Manglik 26.08.79, 3.25 pm, Ambala, 5’-7”, citizen Hindu boy 29 yrs, IT Wanted beautiful girl between 30 to Medical stream. 94640-73585. (CL21014149)
around 22 to 26 yrs. 90447-07416, (CL21013455)
97921-38888, short period Divorcee boy, 5’-7”, advocate BA LLB, LLM, 80,000/-. Professional, 5’-7”, looking for well 40 years of age for Saraswat Brahmin (CL21013598) Respectable, status Punjabi
1985, Government job at Patiala. MD/MS match for tall and educated, beautiful girl. Contact boy of 40 years, no dowry is required, Saraswat Brahmin business family
(CL21013785) Caste no bar. 94684-26999. Saraswat Brahmin boy 1984, 5’-11,
94172-88330. (CL21013054) handsome Hindu Arora MS (final yr) 98883-41522. (CL21013401) kundli seekers excuse. 98149-94882. seeks compatible alliance for their
(CL21013867) Delhi, MBA, working Life Insurance
boy 5’-11”, 10.1.93, 8:20 pm
KAMBOJ Sikh Khatri cut surd handsome boy,
issueless legally divorced, October, Jalandhar. Contact after matching IPS Officer 32, 5’-10”, MBBS, SM4 Canadian PR turbaned Sikh (CL21013214)
Saraswat Brahmin handsome boy
Company Delhi. Mobile: 80761- smart handsome enterprising
vegetarian son B.Com, DBJCC, MBA,
Assistant Commissioner Police. Req. Arora boy 30/ 5’-10”, M.Tech. from 19570. (CL21013610)
Kamboj Sikh vegetarian boy 5’-11”, 1983, 5’-9”, B.Tech. Employed kundli. 98884-54743. (CL21013480) 5’-9”, 91 born, beautiful girl from
match caste no bar, 80105-82127. Canada, working in IT in Toronto B.Tech, 4.6.1989, 11.55 a.m., Educated girl for Sharma boy
Nov. 1991, B.Tech, business General Gurgaon, Package 12 lakhs. Father 31 yrs, 5’-10”, DM of respectable (hometown Delhi), seeks Sikh Arora/ Amritsar, 5’-8”, working as Manager cultured family with strong values
(Canada), PR under process, caste no (CL21013876) B.Tech., 5’-5”, wheatish, 15.11.88,
Gazetted Officer (Retired). Sister family requires beautiful professional Khatri girl who must be in Canada on in Havells India Ltd., sister married 10:10 am Ferozepur, own business, preferably from well settled business
bar. 98725-51829. (CL21014342) married. 98724-20286. (CL21013173) good girl preferably Doc. Caste no bar. Suitable match for Radhasoami SC study/ work/ PR. 99712-49249, London, required Govt. job/well Brahmin family. WhatsApp: 90415-
kothi, 99159-87274. (CL21013627)
Kamboj Sikh boy 28, 5’-9”, vegetarian Handsome Rajput 33, MBA, 5’-9”, 94650-07520. (CL21013555) (Ad-dharmi) Doaba handsome, 96502-69269. (CL21013431) educated girl. 79864-17690, 88375- 56705. (CL21014232)
Well settled Brahmin boy
self business education Diploma MNC IT, unmarried/divorcee, upper unmarried boy 1974/5’-10”. M.A Match for Brahmin Canadian 53865. (CL21013277) PQM for Brahmin, Mar 91, B.Tech.,
Looking for MBBS girl for Brahmin 02.07.1992, 5:25 pm Khanna.
electronic and Communication Haryana. caste welcome. Contact: 95018- (Economics). Own urban property, PR boy, 1992/ 5’-10”, residing 5’-10”, boy working in IT, 10 LPA.
MBBS, 29y old, 5’-4”, Himachal Qualified match for handsome Working in Africa. 97817-15108,
94175-65949. (CL21013666) 74339. (CL21013204) business. Educated family. Father Brampton, B.Tech, Quality 96465-36739. (CL21014234)
Govt. Class-I, working boy from Saraswat Brahmin Vaid boy 6’, 83605-12568. (CL21013629)
Suitable match for Canadian citizen SM4 Mittal boy 17-08-90, 5’-8”, Gazetted officer (retd). 9814522245. Engineering Management, Canada, 10.8.1989, 6:06 a.m., MBA, I.B.S. SMF Chandigarh based Sharma
reputed family, upper caste Brahmin July 1989 born, 5’-11”,
Kamboj Thind handsome boy, 28/ MBA, Govt Contractor few days (CL21014002) Brother US Citizen. +91 79886- Hydrabad, working in MNC Pune, 18 boy, MBA Manager in Pharma Co. in
prefer. 94184-57230, 95309-17771. M.Sc Plant Science PR Canada job
5’-8”, M.Tech, Civil Engg., works Divorcee Ambala. 89506-21114. Match for Ramdasia Sikh boy born 44298. (CL21013490) LPA. Mob: 94160-30733, 94660- Faridabad. 6ft, 13.10.1990, 5.30 p.m.,
(CL21013605) multinational company. 98760-07555.
new construction. 80541-52721. (CL21013232) 1986, 5’-10½”, MA, B.Ed. Job Punjab 79323. (CL21013297) Package 12 Lac. Preferably working
Doctor/ Engineer match for Canada PR, Jat Sikh, 31/ 5’-8”, (CL21013631)
(CL21013771) Police Head Constable. Preferred girl, based in Chandigarh/ Himachal/
SQM for Saini Sikh boy 86, 5’-10”, Manglik Brahmin boy, 27, 5’-10”, M.Pt., short period divorcee. Need Sarswat Brahmin Bhardwaj Rattan Gaur Brahmin boy 16.12.88, 1:50 pm
Kamboj Sikh vegetarian boy, 1989 Punjab. Contact: 98726-65622,
MBA, fair complexion Mutually M.Tech. (Thapar, Patiala), working as Govt. job girl. 81465-24697. well educated Indian or Canada girl at 19.8.1993, Time 14:40 Fazilka, 5’-7”, Chandigarh, 5’-8”, Merchant Navy 3rd
born, 5’-8”, Mechanical Engineer, 98157-05760. (CL21014261)
divorced (issueless) doing family Software Engineer (MNC, Bangalore), (CL21014050) any visa. No dowry. No caste. B.Tech Assistant Professor in reputed Engineer. Preferred M.Sc., B.Ed., Dr.,
own business, seeks educated Suitable match for well settled
business, (caste no bar). 73408-40687. 14 lakh annually. Father retired Suitable match for Jalandhar based Contact 7696941121, 9417232569. university Phagwara. 99140-50691. PO, Govt. working Tricity girl WhatsApp
beautiful girl, if interested call: +91 Saraswat Brahmin boy 8 July 1987,
(CL21013242) from Govt. job. Family settled in Ramdasia Sikh handsome boy, 1990, (CL21013525) (CL21013307) 90231-47192. (CL21013659)
98147-20155. (CL21014344) 4:45 pm, 5’-10”, D.Pharmacy, own
Few days Divorcee, 87 born, C.A. Amritsar. 78884-85156, 81467-47600. 5’-11”, M.Tech CSE, Assistant Canada PR Brahmin Manglik boy Match for Saraswat Brahmin boy, Brahmin boy 5’-9”, 15.01.1993, 8:02
medicine shop. 95306-20128, 98554-
MISC. boy Aggarwal, Govt. Employee. ht 6’ (CL21013614) Manager, Govt bank. Preferred Govt 14 July 1994, 2:42 pm, Amritsar,
5’-11”, B.Tech., PG Diploma from
27.04.1990, 5’-10”. Working in MNC
at Bangalore, handsome salary, pure
p.m. B.Tech. working as Senior QA
69229. (CL21014320)
ft. Mob: 98784-59428 (Patiala). MD/MBBS/BAMS M4 1988, 5’-8”, employee. Mob: 7658074464 Engineer in a US based MNC in
Handsome Nai Manglik 26 yrs/5’-9” (CL21013269) (whatsapp). (CL21014097) Canada. Looking for well-educated veg. 94174-35415, 7837525779. Mohali. Canda prefer. 98761-02431. Sarswat Brahmin handsome
boy, M.PEd, Teacher, Chandigarh. M.Tech Brahmin high status family Punjabi girl. Canada preferred. 78371- (CL21013315) (CL21013667) businessman boy 18.11.88 (11:35) pm,
Call: 90410-02709, 98765-46039. Match for handsome Rajput Dental own X-ray Center. WhatsApp: 94780- Suitable match for Himachali boy 23430. (CL21013582) Suitable match for handsome Suitable match for Brahmin 28/ 6’, 5’-11”, BBA. Family seeks educated,
(CL21013685) Doctor, issueless, 6’/ 1983. Property 57960. (CL21013635) Oct. 1987, MA, 6’, SC (Julaha). SM Hindu Rajput Pathania Sarswat Brahmin boy (only son) handsome boy B.Tech. (IT), working beautiful girl. 98145-70557.
Parjapat Sikh Non- Trimmer, Non- Himachal, settled Chandigarh. Medico match for Hindu Nai boy, Presently living in Jaipur. Father I.F.S. Canadian (PR process start) boy practicing as an Advocate 17.11.1989, with reputed Multinational, 12 lacs per (CL21014326)
Drinker boy 1993, 5’-9”, M.Tech, WhatsApp: 99881-00628. MBBS, 5’-10”, 91 born, own Nursing retd. Mother home maker. Contact: 08.08.1990, 5’-9”, girl should on work 5:55 am, 5’-11”, seeking reputed annum. 97809-35725. (CL21013677) Match for Brahmin (Batish) boy,
permanent Govt. job, well settled (CL21013274) Home.Doctor family. 94642-87001. 94141-78194. (CL21014133) visa preferably in Vancouver. Upper educated family girl father also a well 26.10.1988, 9:13 am, Sunam, 5’-6”,
family required Doctor/ Professor/ Suitable match for Arora boy 84, (CL21013748) Wanted a beautiful qualified girl caste also welcome. 94656-64601. Match for fair handsome Gaur
known Advocate owner 22 bigah Brahmin December 93, 5’-11”, M.S Graduate, working as Supervisor in
Lecturer/ Govt. job girl. WhatsApp: 5’-5”, working MNC, 12 Lac. for SC (Balmiki) handsome boy, (CL21013617)
Renowned Doaba family invites land. 98146-05564, 98720-74343. NYU H1B visa California passion Telecom Company. Kundli must.
87290-00769. (CL21013804) Contact: 74950-30969. (B.Ca), 5’-11”, 02.04.1993, own Match for 1996 born, 5’-7”,
Doctor/PCMS match for 1989, 5’-10”, (CL21013341) settling India. Contact: 94175-66129. Contact: 98770-51355. (CL21014336)
Match for Chahang/ Bahti boy (CL21013031) business. 98775-20722, 77103-86277. handsome Jat Sikh boy, Graduate from
PCMS Doctor boy. Upper caste no bar. Suitable match for good looking (CL21013686) Match for 92 born Gaur Brahmin
30.11.1990, Time 3.20 pm, Jalandhar, Homely beautiful, issueless for 94172-86233. (CL21013788) (CL21014139) USA, presently on OPT visa, seeks Manglik Brahmin boy 5’-7”, 21.07.91, Chaurasia 32/5’-9” boy, M.Tech IIT, vegetarian B.Tech boy 158 cms height,
5’-5”, BCA, MNC, Mohali. Father permanent Govt. employee, 44000, PQM4 Ramdasia Sikh cleanshaven educated girl from USA or Canada. 08:25 am, Jalandhar, B.Tech., working
retired. Mother in Service. Palial and Sikh Arora cleanshaven divorcee, MD Doctor (Psychiapry) very MBA, Vancouver Canada, working working MNC, package 23 lac Tricity,
fair boy, 1984, 5’-8”, B.Tech. (PEC), Parents living at Mohali. Contact: with MNC seeks educated, working
Kuddu Gupta excuse. Mobile 94170- 1978/ 5’-7”. No bar. 98885-37536. handsome Garg boy, 5’-8”, Sangrur, Victoria Vancouver girl working Delhi, NCR preferred. WhatsApp
Software Engineer, Cognizant 96469-95011. (CL21013733) girl. Contact: 99155-82525.
16005, 95307-03833. (CL21013904) (CL21013443) 4.30 pm, Panchkula, 26.6.93, own five Vancouver Canada pref. # 94124- details 89682-55792. (CL21014343)
showroom. 98553-69007, 76819- (Gurgaon) 15 lakh annually (now Arora cleanshaven boy 22 July 1989, (CL21013344)
work from home). Father- mother 33800. (CL21013759)
5’-6”, 11:46 p.m., Senior Network
36601, 78885-49058. (CL21013849) Suitable match for Non Manglik
For Circulation and Advertisement booking retired Govt. service. Family settled Engineer in Singapore, seeks Canada Brahmin boy, MBBS, 28, 5’-6”,
Alliance invited for never married
Gaur Brahmin vegetarian boy, 90 handsome Punjabi boy from reputed
and other related queries please call at following born, 6’, MBBS, DOMS eye Surgeon,
Mohali. WhatsApp 98888-74004, Australia - Europe. USA PR holder Medical Officer in H.P. Preference for Brahmin family, 18 November 1982, “The Tribune Trust does
70092-88337. (CL21014185) girl. 62830-87747. (CL21013761) Medical Officer from same caste be
numbers from Monday to Saturday between own eye Hospital. Preferred Doctor
Match for SC Valmiki boy, 1990, given. Kundli must. Contact: 97799-
5:45 pm, Batala, 5’-8”, Assistant not take responsibility
89014-61445. (CL21013852) American citizen origin Sethi Professor of English. Only son with
10.00 a.m. and 5.00 p.m. 5’-9”, Govt. Science Teacher, NET/ JRF handsome boy, 6’, born March 3, 80168. (CL21013366) agricultural assets. Kundli must. Majha for the contents
1987, 5’-11”, DM, MD, MBBS, SR of the advertisements
Advertisement: Nephrology CMC, Req. match caste
(Physics), PSTET, CTET qualified:
94784-67596. (CL21014191)
1992, well settled family in Florida,
Bachelor -in -Science, MBA, working
Graduated working girl for
Brahmin boy, B.Tech. Computer
and Doaba preferred. WhatsApp:
95019-33733. (CL21013780) (Display/ Classified)
no bar. 83199-62815. (CL21013877)
Classified: 0172-2670257, 2670338, 2670258 Kabirpanthi (Julaha) boy, Anshik as President in USA based Company. Science, Multinational company in Suitable match for a Canadian PR carried in this
Ramgarhia Sikh clean shave Doctor Manglik, 11.03.1991, B.Tech, 5’-8”, Wanted handsome educated girl above Mohali as senior Software Engineer Saraswat Brhamen boy 3.10.92, 8:50 newspaper. The paper
E-mail at: 6, 1991, MBBS, Govt. job. (Preparing Grade A Officer Reserve Bank 5’-6”, English fluency must. Caste no 5’-11”, 21.09.1993, 4:10 am, Amritsar. a.m., Garhshankar, MBA, IT
PG) Medico preferred no bar. 98155- bar. WhatsApp: 78885-91345. 95010-12239 (CL21013379) Professional or B.Sc. Nursing girl.
does not endorse the
Display: 0172-2670256, 2670342 53296, 95012-09911. (CL21014032)
(transferable job). SQM from Punjab/
Himachal/ Chandigarh, working with (CL21013763) PR abroad/Tricity working well 94171-68210. (CL21013782) same. Readers are
E-mail at: Handsome Doctor boy 1989/ 5’-10”, Banking Sector/ Central Govt or non- PQM4 handsome Goyal boy 29, educated beautiful girl for Brahmin 87 born educated boy, settled in requested to verify the
MBBS MD Radiodiagnosis, own working having higher qualification/ 5’-7”, software Engineer well settled boy, 5’-10”, June 1985, MBA, USA, Dubai, girl who wants move Canada, contents on their
Circulation: 0172-2670319, 2670250, 2670442 hospital in Punjab, well-settled family. Post Graduation in Science or in Canada. Upper caste no bar. B.E., PEC, own business. Simple expenses from boy side. WhatsApp: own before acting
Commerce. Marriage bureau excuse.
E-mail at: Caste no
bar. 77728-76929.
088376-81551. (CL21014287)
91-94174-64559. marriage. Call/WhatsApp: 98881-
06118. (CL21013407)
0048-579285098. Caste no bar.
there upon.”
Wanted educated/ Govt. job girl for Well educated, beautiful, tall girl for Garg boy, 1986/ 5’-7”, B.Tech, MBA Wanted good match for handsome
JAT SIKH Jatt Sikh 1991, 6’, Police Inspector issueless divorcee, 37, 6’-1”, SIKH ARORA IAS / ALLIED SERVICES (USA), working in Mumbai, 40 LPA. vegetarian Goyal boy 31, 5’-8”, WIDOWER
Suitable match for Jat Sikh boy, handsome boy (having rural/ urban handsome Engineer, MBA boy. Suitable match for 5’-9”, Gursikh Seeking beautiful girl for h’some Reputed business family from B.Tech., sister PR in Canada, mother Jatt Sikh widower boy 36, 5’-8”, one
height 5’-9”, 1992 born, B.Tech, MBA multicrores property) 97810-10122. 79863-40841. (CL21014333) Arora boy, ‘90 born, Chartered IAS Officer (Asst. Collector) B.Tech., Ambala. Contact: 94160-23273. will also go for Canada. (Boy ready to child seeks beautiful, educated
in Finance from university of (CL21013558) We want two America citizen Accountant, working in Govt. Dept. 1989. Family based Punjab. 81098- (CL21013367) stay in girl’s home) Khanna. Caste no issueless girl. Contact 99152-46085.
Manitoba (Canada), working in Well-settled parents seeks US born educated girls for two Jatt Sikh boys PSPCL as UDC, Jalandhar. 99887- 48535. (CL21014060) Handsome, MBA, Senior Bank bar. 99887-97702. (CL21013864) (CL21013624)
Financial Institution Canada. Father and raised professional match for age 28 year, 6’, B.Tech. ECE 4 years 45485, 96461-41462. (CL21014021) Manager, 10 LPA, status educated Suitable match for handsome, smart Wanted life partner female of Senior
Class-I Officer (from Chandigarh).
Mohali based educated & status
their USA born and raised son
28/ 5’-11”, Doctor of
Degree, vegetarian, now in America
on Visitor Visa and 25 years, 5’-9”,
28 years old, CA, working
in MNC Gurgaon, 98883-94546.
MAHAJAN family. 85448-36689. (CL21013369) Goel boy B.Tech. 5’-10”, 15.3.90,
11.40 p.m., Kaithal. Own business,
age Widow/ Divorcee/ Issueless
having no liabilty for a healthy 5’-6”,
(CL21013035) Well established Pathankot based Professionally qualified match for 75 years gentleman officer class one
family. Call/Whatsapp: 97803-41009, Pharmacy (Pharm.D), working as B.Sc. Nursing. Parents are in Govt. Mangla Gotra boy 12th January 1991, good income, six figures monthly.
97803-00918. (CL21013140) Pharmacist with CVS. Please respond jobs. All family have multiple Visa of Sikh Arora boy, 1991/ 5’-8”, business Mahajan family require girl Father retired Class-1 Officer. Retd. financially sound. Contact
Graduate, D.Pharmacy, well settled of reputed family for good looking 2 p.m., Chandigarh, 5’-8”, 86850-85639 (CL21013789)
with biodata and picture at America. WhatsApp: 88728-00112, B.Tech., MBA, CFA, working in Haryana based reputed
Professionally qualified match for wholesale medicine business, Mahajan boy 1986 born, 5’-7”, Govt. Officer pensioner (Sikh 98557-56315. (CL21014352) Mumbai. Contact 97795-85694. family. WhatsApp: 94163-83400.
Jat Sikh handsome vegetarian boy, 27, Amritsar. Father retired Bank Officer. B.Tech. (Comp). Boy is working with widower) seeks suitable lady
6’-0”, B.Tech, Software Engineer, (CL21013499) (CL21013394) (CL21013805)
package 10 lakh. Upper middle-class Suitable match for handsome Jat SIKH 62390-92514. (CL21013323)
Professional educated match for
an IT Company and is In charge of its
Branch at Pathankot. He is having a Suitable match for handsome Singla Educated suitable match for
companion below 55, without
encumbrances from tricity on mutual
Jalandhar based family. Whatsapp: Sikh boy, 1983 born, 5’-9½”, B.Tech, British Sikh boy 46/ 5’-8”, graduate, Gursikh smart boy 1991/5’-8”, MBA well established office, girl if B.Tech. boy 5’-10”, 14.07.1993, 11.40 p.m., handsome Goyal boy 25-09-1989, terms. Religion no bar. Contact
9779230251. (CL21013516) MBA (UK), based in Canada, working highly respectable family, only child, from IIM Calcutta and highly placed will have option to join him. Six figure Panchkula. B.Com. LLB (Hons) 5’-9”, 11:36 pm, M.Sc (Chemistry) with pic.
in reputed MNC. Father unmarried, seeks educated, beautiful in reputed startup at Bangalore getting income. Upper caste no bar. Boy has LLM, own well settled B.Ed, Lecturer pvt School, Looking
Suitable match for UK born Jat (CL21013949)
Doctor. Email: Sikh bride, 25+, Happy relocating 44 LPA. Parents well settled at undergone Kidney Transplant at PGI business in Chandigarh. Working family business also. Contact 99910-
Sikh Dhillon boy, 33 years/ 5’-10”, (CL21013509) 45372 (CL21013812)
IT Engineer, family well settled in
Wanted slim, beautiful Amritdhari
to UK. WhatsApp +447886328845. Mohali. Contact: 98720-18118. Chd, 9 years back. Kidney was given girl willing to settle in Tricity. MANGLIK
UK, girl should be well educated, (CL21011986) (CL21013363) by father. Stem cell treatment Email: CA Aggarwal (Bansal) boy, 21.04.89,
Medico Doctor or Software Engineer of kidney was done along with. (CL21013415) SM for partially Manglik very
good spoken English and Suitable match for Ramdasia Matrimonial alliance for Sikh boy 9:40 pm, Ambala, 5’-10”, own
match for Medical Engineer, 96466- smart boy, March 3, 1990, B.Pharma,
family oriented. Whatsapp: 0044- Gursikh, November 1985, 5’-10”, 1989, 5’-10”, B.Tech., Software Match for 5’-8” Baniya boy, 9.9.91, practise Ambala/ Chandigarh/
boy/Canada PR/M.Eng./Govt. job in 83217. (CL21014078) 5’-11”, doing own business of
7436779154. (CL21013179) working as Associate (Clerical) with Engineer at Gurgaon. Contact: 95014- 10:34 p.m. (Patiala), Class-B Govt. Dubai. 099920-23174, 098120-23174,
Govt. Hospital Vancouver Canada, 26 Medicines at Zirakpur. Contact:
SBI. Family settled in Chandigarh. 73812. (CL21013515) employee (Punjab Govt), Patiala (full a g g a r w a l . c o . 11 9 9 @ g m a i l . c o m
Jat Sikh Bhangu boy, 1992 born, 6’, 94175-74094. (CL21013301)
Engineer, urban & rural property. We
yrs, 5’-7”, Hanjra. 99881-97479.
Preferred working girl. 81465-72626. SM4 NT ND Arora Sikh boy, 1990, AGGARWAL salary). Call/ Whatsapp 7009903921. (CL21013842)
Manglik Jat boy 1991, 5’-8”,
(CL21013068) 5’-9”, MBA, B.Tech., working (CL21013440) Suitable match for Aggarwal boy 33,
are seeking tall (5’-5”) not above than V. handsome & fair Goyal boy, B.Com., LL.B., Real Estate Business,
Tall beautiful girl in Australia for Ludhiana, 3.5 LPA. 99140-11272, 5’-6”, under graduate, job &
28 years. Preferred IELTS cleared. Match for Majhbi Sikh boy, Aug. 89, 18.12.91, 4 pm Bathinda Engineer in Suitable match for handsome pure well-settled Chandigarh. Caste no bar.
handsome Jat Sikh Sardar PR boy in 79862-31275 (CL21013568) own business, 30000/- monthly.
Send biodata & photograph at 6’-2”, Advocate settled in Chandigarh. Google, 5’-9”, 13 LPA. WhatsApp vegetarian Bansal boy, 28.8.1991, 98882-40556. (CL21013371)
Whatsapp no. 9814140038. Marriage Australia, 6.7.1992/ 5’-11”. May be on Arora Sikh 1989/5’-9” boy, B.Tech, Upper caste no bar. 97802-42448.
Preferred working girl from an Canada PR. Father retired Gazetted 70094-92401. (CL21013340) 3:30 pm, Dhuri, 5’-9”, B.Com, own New Zealand PR Brahmin Manglik
bureaus excuse. (CL21014100) Study Visa, work permit or PR girl. wholesale good business. 98723- (CL21013866) boy 1990 born, required New Zealand
educated n status family of Tricity or Officer, preferred well educated Garg Manglik 20.06.90, 1.00 am,
94172-35176. (CL21013671) 97666, 98768-44778. (CL21013441) girl Jatt Sikh Khatri Arora welcome.
Jatt Sikh boy Surrey Canada PR Nearby Chandigarh. Caste Canada PR girl, marriage bureau Chandigarh, B.Tech, 6 Lakhs, Match for handsome Gupta, only
applied 6’-1”, October 89, B.Com. STM for Jat Sikh vegetarian boy 26 no bar. Contact: 94642-86626. excuse. 98151-40557. (CL21014168) son 36/5’-8”, +2, own business in 83605-72325. (CL21013435)
Chandigarh Residence, Commercial Singla Manglik boy 07.09.1992/
98152-52911. (CL21013607) years, 5’-10”, very handsome, MBBS, (CL21013087) Property (Punjab). 99887-35977. 5’-6”, Barnala, B.Tech., Govt. Senior Chandigarh. WhatsApp: 98788- Wanted bride for Brahmin
Suitable and educated match for Jat
doing Govt. job PCMS-I, preparing
for MD exam, 28 acre agriculture
Ramdasia Sikh boy, 29 yrs, 5’-9”, SIKH KHATRI/ARORA (CL21013539) Assistant, Punjab Secretariat. 89970. (CL21013871) Agnihotri Manglik boy 28 years 5’-7”,
H1B USA, MS CSE. Preferably from
Sikh, US citizen, well qualified B.E. Thapar Uni. Engineer in USA, Looking alliance for our 1988 born, Suitable match for Garg handsome Preferred Chandigarh. 75089-44230. Alliance invited for handsome boy
land. Father SDO, mother (CL21013446) the same education. Hoshiarpur
boy of 38 yrs. Short marriage Green Card holder, home town Patiala. Sikh Khatri boy hailing from Mohali. boy, 26, 5’-8”, BBA, own business. 1986 born, 5’-11”, Postgraduate
Sci. Teacher. 98147-86400. Punjab based family. Upper caste no
annulled. Nicely settled family. Whole family settled in USA. Working in Govt. Sector as group B Status family. Aggarwal/Brahmin/ Match for Mansa based Goyal boy, running well established business with
(CL21013684) bar. Kundli match must. Contact:
E-mail: Caste no bar. Contact: 77175-30072. Officer, height 5’-10”. Contact: Khatri welcome. Contact: 22.3.95, Nabha, 2:22 pm, 5’-9”, monthly income 7 figures seeking
Suitable match for Jatt Sikh, 5’-10”, 00919815704733. (CL21013447)
M: 9915947125. (CL21002699) (CL21013122) 98889-50586. (CL21013046) 8550000024 (CL21013870) B.Tech. Thapar University, Assistant professionally qualified, beautiful girl.
1992, Canadian citizen boy (Electrical Caste no bar. WhatsApp: 75086- Manglik Khatri boy, B.Com., MBA,
Seeking bride with family values for Majbi Sikh handsome boy, Nov. PQM/ PR girl for Sikh Arora boy, Qualified match for Gupta boy, Manager HDFC Bank. Sister married. 25 Feb. 1992, 4.15 p.m., Rajpura.
Engineer), seeks professional alliance 1993, 5’-9”, B.Tech. (Civil), study in 1990 born, 5’-6”, Software Engineer, 94174-31444. (CL21013458) 21273. (CL21013873)
well-qualified US citizen Jatt Sikh 36/ from a reputed family. Please contact 1983, 5’-5”, B.Com. Ludhiana based, Working in private bank in Rajpura.
5’-9”, divorced (brief marriage), Canada BC, required educated, Canadian PR, working in Toronto. Assistant Manager in non-Banking Garg boy 27 Chandigarh 5’-5”, Doctor 1989, 5’-10”, MCH, MS Preferred working girl. Ph.: 83609-
at 2049980352, beautiful, tall, slim girl. Marriage Contact: 98722-39393. (CL21013135) Neurosurgery, Sr AIIMS, req. b’ful
working in Healthcare. Jatt Sikh, (CL21013728) Financial Corporation. Early marriage. B.Tech. Central Government service, 08280. (CL21013708)
Rajput, Ramgarhia, Saini families bureau excuse. 94177-15537. Fair, handsome Arora Sikh boy, April Caste no bar. Contact: 88721-59995. own residence Panchkula. Parents match. Caste no bar. 70675-80823. PQM for Anshik Manglik Khatri
from US/ Canada can call/ WhatsApp Canada PR M.Tech August (CL21013166) 1993 born, 6’-1”, Master’s in (CL21014026) Govt. service. 87081-21875. (CL21013884) boy B.Tech. 5’-6”, 25.6.1990, 18:55,
at 562-541-3856. (CL21013486) 1993 born, Jatt Sikh boy, seek Sikh Nai boy 25, 6’-1”, Convent Accounting, PR in Australia, family (CL21013461) Bansal boy 5’-7”, 05.05.1992, 02:55 Amritsar. Package 17 Lakhs. After
residing in Jalandhar. Well-educated Well settled business family (Bansal)
Jat Sikh born 1981, 5’-9½” boy, equally qualified tall girl, Educated, MBA, Businessman, Ludhiana, 19.03.1990, 1:40 pm, Suitable match for Manglik Goyal am, Ambala, M.Sc. (Maths) matching kundli. WhatsApp: 89688-
Majha preferred. 88724-02702. Industrial, Commercial and Rural Sikh (Arora/ Khatri) girl preferred. faculty. Allen Institute Mohali. 74555. (CL21014027)
profession Law Graduate, service as Contact: 98150-94343. (CL21013176) Ludhiana, 5’-10”, B.Tech. Caste no boy 18.08.1994, 4:02 pm Dhuri, B.Sc.,
Asstt. Advocate Gen. Pb. & Haryana (CL21014340) property. Required well settled family. bar. 82644-00545. (CL21010669) B.Ed., 5’-6” Sales Executive in WhatsApp 99718-17021, 94665- Educated match for Canadian PR
Mob. 90566-62341. (CL21013310) Very smart beautiful match for cut- 19373. (CL21013886) Sood/ Khatri Manglik boy, 5’-9”,
High Court, 8 years as Class-I officer. Jat Sikh US Doctor boy from sardar 5’-10”, 1985, status businessman, German based Medical company
Agarwal 28 Aug. 1990, 5’-5”, boy, 2 April 1990, 1.15 pm, Morinda born,
Father senior Advocate. Mother renowned status family handsome, Equivalent ranked officer required Chandigarh, Ludhiana preferred. 99146- Patiala settled. 85911-55500. Kansal boy, B.Tech + M.Valuation,
own business, MBA. Seeks Edu girl. IIT Rurkee, studying Ph.D in
graduate. Sister married M.A. LL.B.. Aug. 88 born, 5’-11”, all USMLE for Sikh Ramdasia boy 1991/ 6’, 39489. (CL21013304) (CL21013469) 5’-9”, 27.03.1992, 20:35, working in
Res. near Yamunanagar (HR) 98965- Edmonton, Alberta. Family in Patiala,
Property beautiful Bungalow at steps cleared. Residency awaited. posted as Intelligencer officer in NCR, 12 lakh. 79866-20238.
PQM4 Amritdhari handsome fair 04396. (CL21013032) Singla boy 02.11.1990, 8.02 am, kundali match must. WhatsApp:
Chandigarh more than 2 kanal, huge Seeks beautiful, well educated girl Central Revenue Department. 94632- Bathinda, 5’-11”, Bank Officer in (CL21013887)
Arora Sikh boy 1990/5’-9”, MCA Goyal boy 26, 5’-10”, MBA, B.Ed. 97798-05525. (CL21014176)
property. Divorced - married for short preferably Medico from respectable 94026. (CL21013477) Nationalised Bank. 62807-80650.
Manager. Father businessman. 94176- (Maths). Family and self business. No Match for Aggarwal boy 26.02.1993, Wanted suitable match for Saraswat
period (Issueless). Mob: 98140-11563. Jat Sikh family. Contact with Sikh unmarried 44, fair, 5’-9”, MA, (CL21013474)
81188. (CL21013395) sibbling, mother Govt. job. 94631- 12.10 p.m. Ludhiana, 5’-11”, Brahmin Manglik healthy boy,
(CL21012999) recent photo, biodata on WhatsApp MBA Chandigarh. Well settled Beautiful working girl for Arora 72975. (CL21013042) Industrialist Bansal handsome, slim B.Com. Own business. 98150-16669. 18.11.84, 1:55 pm, Ambala, working
Professionally qualified match for No. 1-832-312-3253, 97797-40684, business. Own house. Caste no bar. Sikh handsome boy, vegetarian, (CL21013901) in MNC Company. Contact: 97296-
SM4 Goyal boy, MBA (IIM), boy, 24.12.93, time 14:30, Ludhiana,
Jat Gursikh boy, 1994, 5’-9”, M.Tech Email: 98142-02251. (CL21013653) teetotaller, turbaned (trims beard), 28, 80356. (CL21014247)
21.06.1989, 10:40 pm, Patiala, 5’-6”, 5’-9”, BBA, resident Sirhind. 98551- Aggarwal boy 27.1.95, 8.32 a.m.,
Computer Science Software Engineer (CL21013693) Nai Sikh Manglik vegetarian boy, B.Tech., 5’-8”, Mohali based Software Patial Kshatriya Manglik boy,
working in MNC (Noida), parents 47504. (CL21013495) birth place Tarn Taran, 5’-7”,
(M.N.C) Bangalore. Send biodata/ SM4 for Jat Sikh smart Sran boy 1991, 6’-0”, Govt. Bank Officer. Engineer, earning 16 Lacs annual. 17.5.86, Jalandhar, 4.20 pm, 5’-3”,
retired from Govt. job (Officer Cadre). Aggarwal boy 28/ 5’-10”, M.Com, D.Pharmacy, own two whole sale
photo. M: 9815564373. (Hoshiarpur). 6’-2”, 1993, BA, ETT, appeared Seeks Govt. employee girl. 98729- 98761-11600. (CL21013609) B.Tech, job in IT MNC, (Pkg) 18.4
Qualified working match preferred. working UT, Chandigarh (Temporary medicine shop. Residence Amritsar,
(CL21013061) B.Ed., working as Govt. teacher, land 00336. (CL21013664) Gulati Sikh Arora boy, January lakh. 8837887828, 9914986364.
Contact: , Basis), 01:15 am,11-11-1992. seeks well educated girl. 98154-
Jatt Sikh boy, veterinarian (B.V.Sc 6.5 acres, Govt. employee will be 1993, 5’-5”, BE, JE, PSPCL (Govt. (CL21014257)
Chandigarh based handsome 94174-35237. (CL21013045) 60399. (CL21013911)
& AH), 5’-8”,1994 from status, preferred. Contact 78376-05178, Mail: job) requires Arora girl. Prefer Govt.
Gursikh 5.4.84/ 5’-9”, BA.LL.M, (CL21013507)
affluent landlord and business family. Govt. Service Punjab Civil Secretariat,
job. 99885-99764. (CL21014070)
Arora Sikh handsome boy, 27.03.1991/
Beautiful, slim, educated match for
Match for Anshik Manglik Goyal
Bansal divorcee boy (issueless) BA,
31/5’-9”, reputed business family
PR in Canada, currently pursuing (CL21013713) handsome, intellectual Agarwal boy,
only son, sister married, seeks 6’, (non drinker), B.Tech., LLB, well (marriage bureau excuse). 70151- Ludhiana high status Khatri
licensure examinations seeking match Oct. 1990, 5’-11”, Ambala, B.Tech, boy B.Tech., MBA, January
Jat Sikh Dandiwal 1990/ 5’-9”, intelligent, cooperative, developing settled business family Machhiwara, 74427. (CL21013914) handsome boy 23 March 1994, 5’-11”,
of a qualified Doctor. Veterinarian MBA, doing business. Contact: 1986, Chandigarh, 5’-6”. Own
Govt. Lecturer (Class-1), 3 Acre. nature employed companion from (younger sister MBBS Doctor doing MBA. Business class family. Marriage
or US citizen preferred. 74949-40213 98963-43131. (CL21013048) IT Company, self employed. Match for Aggarwal Jain handsome
Seeks Govt. Employee. Malwa cultured family. 98881-86283. MD), Seeks beautiful tall girl. 98156- bureau excuse. Seeks homely educated
or SM for Manglik smart Garg boy Non working preferred. 062807- boy 26.07.92 (6.40 p.m. Jgn.), CA.
preferred. 98142-50782, 97791- (CL21013706) 56155, 98761-20476. (CL21014296) girl. Contact: 99155-57443.
(CL21013083) 18.03.1995, 03.53 am, Sangrur, 32339, 98146-25985. (CL21013921)
20229. (CL21013736) Well-settled own business of dairy (CL21013513) (CL21013902)
Jatt Sikh boy, 1991 born, 6’-1”, Law Suitable match for Jat Sikh B.Com., and food processing Machinery, SIKH LOBANA 5’-11”, B.Tech, Govt Bank employee.
94635-25975. (CL21013070) Bansal 26.08.1992, 5:50 pm,
Garg boy 17.01.85, 5’-9”, CA,
package 26 lac p.a., smart, intelligent
Suitable match for MBA, B.Tech
Graduate, landlord family with USA green card 29.9.90, 5’-10”, own 02.12.90, 5’-5”, looking for simple, Match for Lubana Sikh boy, Nov. educated boy, Credit Manager in leading
rural and urban property. Bureau Goyal boy 19.09.1993, 00.13 am, Cheema, 5’-8”, B.Tech. (Mechanical), working listed company Chandigarh, bank, 21.11.89, 6.26 a.m., Ludhiana. Ph:
Gas Station present in India. Contact homely girl. Contact: 93550-13913, 1992, 6’, Canadian PR WhatsApp:
excuse. Contact: 90406-00071. 5’-7”, Rohtak M.Tech Engineer Govt. employee (Patwari) preferred upper caste no bar. 98141-98230. 87270-04445. (CL21014018)
94670-24613. (CL21013809) 93551-13913. (CL21013814) 98151-98921. (CL21013079)
(CL21013111) in Jio contact: 99962-26630. qualified girl. 70091-22486. (CL21013922) Suitable match for boy, Asstt. prof.
Jat Sikh boy, Nov. 1987, 5’-10”, Nai Sikh boy 1995, 5’-7½”, Canada Canadian Lubana Sikh boy 32, (CL21013520)
UK citizen Jat Sikh boy 1986/5’-11”, on work permit looking for beautiful 5’-11”, wants BDS/ any other (CL21013095) Anshik Manglik Goel boy 12.6.86, in Govt. University, 1989 born, 5’-7”,
M.Tech. Computer Science, Software Garg boy fair complexion 5’-10”, Muktsar, Govt. service preferred girl.
Design Engineer working MNC Engineer, Germany, Blue card, highly and well educated match. Ph: 78885- professional girl. Caste no bar. 1991 born boy in Yamunanagar 5’-6”, 10.50 p.m., Shahabad
seeking professionally qualified Call WhatsApp: +91-94664-36721, done CA, height 5’-8”, gotra 05.07.1993, 02:43 pm, Malerkotla, Markanda Kurukshetra. Own 99148-48348. (CL21012744)
paid. Caste no bar. Marriage bureau 74957. (CL21013845)
girl (Preferably stem Graduate). +14168224721. (CL21014126) Goyal. Contact: 90342-91619. B.Com., well established business & business. 92156-42748. Match for Arora boy, 5’-8”, 12.9.94,
excuse. Girl must be of Software/ Match for Nai Sikh NP cleanshaven own residence at Barnala. 98553-
Interested please share picture (CL21013097) (CL21013944) 11 pm, own family business. Educated
Electronics. Contact with CV/
with biodata or linkedin profile.
pics on WhatsApp: 62802-61561.
boy Matric 31, 5’-11”, (own house
Chandigarh/ Mohali) rental income @ RAMGARHIA/DHIMAN Wkg PQM4 Bansal only son, 28,
26628. (CL21013524) Handsome Bansal boy 5’-7”, girl preferred. Contact: 9915979739.
(CL21013818) Medico/ Non-Medico match for 05-03-91, 07:28 am, B.Tech (CSC)
(CL21013118) 50000/-, Taxi business, father retd. Ramgarhia Sikh boy, 1992/ 5’-11’’, 5’-7”, BE Civil & MBA Infrastructure.
MBBS Garg boy, 5’-10”, 17.07.91, working in Govt bank. Preferred Very high status handsome Manglik
Jatt, Dentist, handsome, 34, 5’-7”, Govt. Service. Caste/ dowry- no bar. B.Tech., working with PNB MNC Mumbai. Parents G. Officers
Professionally qualified match for 11:50 pm, Patiala. Permanent service class 99928-42122 Verma boy, 12.02.1990, 5.33 am,
working Ludhiana, good urban 81462-32330. (CL21013879) Chandigarh. Employed match from Chandigarh. 99144-44099.
Jat Sikh boy, 1989, 5’-11”, B.Tech, job in BSF. Contact 9815293181. (CL21013991) 5’-10”, B.Sc. 72068-84934.
property. Joint house Canada, tricity preferred. 94174-96613, 96465- (CL21013102)
MBA from reputed university, IELTS 36 year smart Gursikh family (CL21013544) Manglik Singla Vaishno boy (CL21013040)
preparing DDS. Seeks match from 96613. (CL21013230) Well settled CA Kansal boy 1993,
cleared, 7.5 bands, pursuing for oriented, having good business, with 17.8.1992, 11.40 a.m., Nabha, 5’-6”, SM4 Arora boy 19 December 1991,
Canada. 78148-39113 (CL21013827) Match for Hindu Dhiman boy, 5’-7”, Patiala. 90413-73047, 79860- Ludhiana Aggarwal Graduate N/M,
Canadian PR, working Manager in very good monthly income, Multiply BA, own business. 98142-99069. 09:15 a.m., 5’-10”, Lawyer
28.02.1988, 08:07 a.m., 5’-10”, pvt. 36044. (CL21013104) 33 years boy, monthly rental income 2
company. Father retired Senior Class- Jat Sikh Grewal boy 1980, 5’-11”, residencial and commercial property. (CL21014043) Jalandhar vegetarian 99886-18812.
job. Income 1 lac per month. 86994- lac, ICICI Bank + business income,
I, Pb. Govt., preferred academic Revenue Patwari (M.Tech). Father 98120-50111. (CL21014020) Goyal boy September 1994, 5’-10”, (CL21013043)
55981. (CL21014151) required beautiful girl. No Manglik Singla boy, 5’-7”/
IELTS or PR holder or work permit Advocate, property rural/urban 11.5 Sikh boy, 11.6.87, 5’-9”, single child, Class 1 Officer, Civil Engineer in dowry. 98140-23781, 99148-19686. Employed girl for B.Tech boy,
acre, Govt. job preferred. 94646- Ramgarhia Khatti boy, 5’-8”, 26.10.1990, 9:30 a.m. Patiala, B.Sc.
girl. 94782-67289. (CL21013149) BDS, own Dental Clinic. Father 10.08.1989, Patiala, M.Com., C.A., MES at Chandigarh. Contact: 94780- (CL21013556) IT, well settled business. Reputed working in Wipro Ahmedabad, 8.5
61618. (CL21013897) Khatri family Finance Business, 62311, 97295-30410. (CL21013133) LPA, DoB 11.4.90, height 5’-8”.
Seeking alliance for 90 born, employed PPSC Audit Inspector Match for Aggarwal boy Dec. 1989, family. 9988824131, 6239294273.
Jatt Sikh Chahal 84 born, 5’-10”, Mother: Jatt Sikh Retired Government Grade-B, pure veg. Looking girl Slim beautiful match for Goyal boy (CL21014056) 94631-38646, 94171-77999, bureau
turbanated Jatt Sikh Grewal fair, 5’-10”, non-Manglik Advocate
Ludhiana based educated well-settled employee. Owns R/U Property. around Patiala well educated or Govt M.Tech. 5’-5”, 1990 Born, Own Food excused. (CL21013292)
boy, working in NCR, High Court, Chd. Status professional Suitable match for handsome Mittal
Canada PR approved. Email: boy having 20 acre rural and other 83602-63317, 76969-35500. employee. 94642-51235, 94632- Industry Bathinda. Parents Doctor. Match for Hindu Arora/ Khatri boy
family. WhatsApp 70092-70658. boy 15.11.92, 1:10 pm, Chd, 5’-10”, Contact: urban property looking for a decent (CL21014173) 73010 (Whatsapp). (CL21013100) 98727-60636. (CL21013188) 8.12.1986, 9:15 am, Yamunanagar,
(CL21013597) working in Govt. Bank, Chd, clerk.
98016-13001. (CL21013161) girl from Canada or Punjab. Interested Sikh boy, NT, M.Com, 5’-7”/ 32, Dhiman boy, July 1988, 5’-7”. MBA, MCA. Kundli matching is
please WhatsApp biodata and pics on PG Doctor match for non Manglik Goyal handsome Punjabi boy, Father Pensioner, Mother Govt.
Suitable match for Jat Sikh Businessman family require a homely Working as Senior Accountant in Aggarwal boy Doctor Liver employee. Prefer working girl. 97799- must. 98965-09815. (CL21013522)
95016-01359. (CL21013918) 08.11.1991, 12.25 pm, 6’, B.Tech.,
Canadian citizen boy B.Sc. girl. WhatsApp: 98760-01654, Central Govt. at Chandigarh, Gotra Transplant Anaesthetist born 63534, 98553-03827. (CL21014064) Very beautiful, tall match for 6’
working in MNC Gurgaon (handsome
Med, working in reputed Bank, Jatt Sikh USA citizen boy 34/ 5’-8”, Saharanpur. (CL21014256) Bhamra, Nanrey. Well educated girl 25.6.89. Contact: 94164-96700. handsome teetotaler Khatri/ Arora boy,
salary), vegetarian. 94179-33393, Beautiful Punjab Govt. Employed
1994/ 5’-6”. M: +91-86996-33352. seeking educated Jatt Sikh girl. Boy in Required beautiful educated girl required. 7589277833, 7973547154. (CL21013210) 11-06-1989, 07:10 p.m. Chandigarh,
94639-93551. (CL21013601) girl requires for Garg 5’-9” boy,
(CL21013169) India district Kapurthala Punjab. Call minimum 5’-6”, for Sikh Rajput, (CL21013182) Class-I (Group-A) Gazetted Officer,
or WhatsApp +9198886-08941. No Match for Ramgarhia Sikh boy, Professionally Qualified, beautiful Suitable match for Goyal boy, MBA, 13.04.1993, 6:24 a.m., Punjab Govt. 1,10,000/- p.m. (gross), well settled
PQF match for American citizen Jat 29/6’-1”, Canada PR, business analyst sober match for Garg fair boy Employee, Patiala. 93162-02048.
dowry. (CL21014096) 1989/ 5’-9”, Scale-II Officer Govt. 5’-11”, 1990, Anshik Manglik, family. Brahmins, Aggarwals also
Sikh boy, 27, 6’-2”, Master in Infosys, package $ 90k. Contact No.: 20.8.1992, 4:40 PM, Bathinda/ 5’-8”, (CL21014065)
Bank. Preferred Govt. employed girl. Mandi Gobindgarh. 93568-05370. welcome. No Demand, Bureaus
Computer Science, working as Affluent, well-educated Jatt Sikh 94648-65008. (CL21014315) B.Tech (Thapar) Working in MNC
9463716824. (CL21013337) (CL21013637) Medico match for Jindal boy, 5’-9”, Excuse. Only Whatsapp: 78889-
Software Engg. family settled family seeking tall, beautiful girl with Educated, cultured, Ramgarhia Sikh Gurgaon 14 Lac. Upper
in USA, prefer USA/ Canada, good family values for well-settled, SIKH KHATRI parents from a status family of Amritsar, caste welcome. 98141-48548. Goyal boy 5’-8”, 31.03.1994, (11.35
a.m., Barnala) B.Tech., NIT Jalandhar,
19.3.90, BAMS, Spl (PK) pursuing
MBA, pure vegetarian, own hospital
53971. (CL21013540)
Seeking educated, beautiful and
0016365775615 (WhatsApp) email: handsome Canadian boy, 87/ 5’-10”, seeks alliance with well qualified (CL21013211)
issueless divorcee (very brief court Suitable match 4 Sikh handsome Assistant Manager in BPCL, Sangrur, & job. 94171-22142. (CL21014067) cultured girl for Arora handsome beautiful June 1992. Caste no bar. Mail SM4 Goyal boy 22.10.1988, 7.52 cutsurd boy, December 1993, 5’-8”,
marriage). Canada/ USA preferred. Khatri boy, turban wearing, Nov. 91, package 20 LPA. Working Garg boy 29/5’-7”, B.Tech, Govt.
(CL21013216) particulars at p.m., Ludhiana, 5’-8”, Officer Scale-I LL.B., LL.M., vegetarian. Father
Call/ WhatsApp: +91-99884-21210 5’-8”, Sen. Soft Engineer MNC Noida, girl not mandatory. 75891-78016. job in Bank, preferred Govt. job.
1992 / 5’-8”, B.Tech (CSE) Website pkg. 15 lac PA. Contact 98152-33551. Mobile: 98155-35478. (CL21013355) in Govt. Bank, residence Dhuri, (CL21013673) businessman, brother CA, reputed
or Ramgarhia Sikh non trimmer, non 94171-15415. (CL21014087)
Developer Earns 70,000P.M, (CL21014138) (CL21012290) preference Govt. employee. Mob: family. Contact: 98887-18910.
drinker Engineer 47/ 5’-6”, 1.5 lakh 98551-99741, 90233-77683. Slim fair Punjabi Baniya boy 5’-11”, Non-Manglik businessman Bansal
(Mohali), Residence Amritsar. No Professionally qualified match for (CL21013562)
Jat Sikh Sandhu vegetarian boy monthly. Wife expired. One son. Seeks (CL21013239) 03 Oct. 1992, 18:15 hrs (Sangrur), boy 13.08.95, 8 am, Ludhiana.
Agriculture land . 98768-42679, Sikh Khatri Jalandhar based boy 28 Looking for decent educated
born 1994, Ht 6’ from Mohali, living issueless poor/ middle class partner. working (WFH) Gurgaon MNC, 21 Preferred educated, homely girl.
98764-18980 (CL21013233) years, 5’-8”, B.Tech, Software Suitable match for Panchkula based alliance for our son, age 29, USA,
Australia since 7 years on work visa 94176-57572. (CL21013399) LPA, living Sec-16, Panchkula. Father Marriage bureau excuse. 99881-
Seeking extremely beautiful tall Engineer Gurugram, package 14 plus. teetotaller Singla Graduate boy 5’-10”, Category-I Officer. 97798-56409. Connecticut 5’-9”, IT Consultant, well
working full time. Seeking for Dhiman Manglik boy, 21.01.1989, 92692. (CL21014120) settled, Sikh Khatri. Ph:
slim, educated bride for handsome Australian Citizen/ PR girl or studying Contact: 9914332738. (CL21013119) 10:55 pm, Jagadhri, 5’-10”, (Jagdev & 23.04.1986, 7 a.m., Sangrur, (CL21013674)
Jat Sikh boy 1993 born, 6’-2”, 6 digits income, own flat (Marriage Suitable match for Mittal boy, +17328411448. (CL21013615)
in Medical field in Australia. Boy’s Educated, slim, beautiful, working/ Saggu) B.Sc., MCA Software Engineer Match for Garg boy, March 1994, 21.02.1988, 7:00 p.m., 5’-8”, 12th, Suitable match for handsome boy
B.Com., MBA businessman boy with family Australia settled. Siblings T.C.S., now U.S. Contact: 82956- bureau excuse). 98884-08876.
non-working match for handsome, Bathinda, 5’-6”, B.Tech, Private doing own business Chandigarh. 30, working as Officer in Punjab
urbanised and financially sound Australian Residents. Father Army 55414, 94667-42656. (CL21013429) (CL21013240)
fair, turbaned boy, sober nature, Job, Annual Income 8 Lacs. 98722-91277. (CL21014137) Govt. Parents Retd. 94173-96968.
family. WhatsApp: 88722-50011. retired. 98145-77425. (CL21014166) Require CA, Doctor, Bank
Nov.91/ 5’-10”, convent educated, PQM for Ramgarhia turbaned boy Whatsapp 94638-69670, 83609- (CL21013640)
(CL21013252) employee, Engineer girl for Match for Singla boy, 02.02.1993,
Switzerland citizen Jatt Sikh M.Tech., working in reputed company 29, 5’-8”, B.Tech., Civil, wkg. as 71244. (CL21013691) Suitable match for Panchkula based
Alliance invited for Jat Sikh boy, in Gurgaon, at present work from MGR in MNC, 10 lac. He has Vitiligo Industrialist. Non manglik Goyal boy 5’-8”, B.Tech. J.E. Punjab Govt.,
Randhawa family seeking a PQM 4 Manglik hansome Singla Mansa. 98721-39449. (CL21014145) Khatri Graduate boy 1978, small
5’-8”, 36 years, clean shaven, home, 9 Lac p.a. Educated, nuclear marks on leg & arm. 94172-22960. B.Tech (NIT), MBA (IMT), 10:35 am,
professionally qualified beautiful Jatt 5’-7” boy, 30 Jul 1992, 1:02 pm business preferred Tricity employed
Advocate Supreme-Court, High Court, Patiala based family. Bureaus excuse. (CL21013711) 5ft 7”, 07-02-92, Ambala. Income high B.Tech (NIT) Garg boy, 26.2.1992,
Sikh match for their 5 ft 7, 89 born Chandigarh. Reputed business girl. Contact WhatsApp: 98726-
Graduate from Stephen College, New 9814211232. (CL21013521) Suitable match for Ramgarhia Sikh six figures per month visit us 5’-8”, 3.15 pm, Shahabad Markanda,
son. He is working as an IT in Chandigarh. 94173-51077. 53923. (CL21013662)
Delhi, LL.M from University of Wales boy, 1991, 5’-10”, B.Tech. Contact 98120- Own Pharmaceutical Company.
System Administrator within M4 Sikh Khatri boy 29 yrs./ 5’-8”, (CL21013694) Amritsar Hindu Khatri Aanshik
U.K. Father retired Addl. DGP, six Govt. job. WhatsApp 94646-85943. 29418, 90340-07106, 92152-07106 94164-73598. (CL21014182)
a reputed International Organization. Manager in Bank, Govt. job, B.Tech., Seeking homely girl for Manglik Manglik boy 1992/ 5’-11”, B.Tech.,
DGPs among close relatives. Top class (CL21013816) (CL21013263)
Plz WhatsApp biodata and recent MBA, 70099-71377. (CL21013768) business boy 5’-7”, 21.9.92, 12:38 Status family Jain Anshik Manglik job Multinational Company, recent
family. WhatsApp: 94170-57637. photos on: +41 76 497 88 89 or Ramgarhia boy 95 born, 6’-1”, three Suitable match for 5’-6”, Garg, package required qualified, beautiful
(CL21013275) years Diploma, +2, well settled in a.m., Ladwa. 94681-60735, 94667- boy, 1 Nov. 94, 1.42 p.m., Ambala, 6’, Compatible match for tall, Non-Manglik, Sep. 07, 1989, 00.50 BBA, well settled business. Seeks girl, 95929-59000. (CL21013777)
Ludhiana, own business. Parents 51335. Agent excuse. (CL21013702)
Jat Sikh boy 1993, 5’-10”, Govt. (CL21014241) handsome, smart Khatri Sikh a.m., Chandigarh, M.A. (Sociology). homely girl. No demand. Decent Canada PR boy 1994 born, 5’-7”,
Teacher preferred Govt. Teacher retired (Govt. job), no demands, pure Cloth Merchant boy. WhatsApp Call: Goyal boy, B.Tech (Computer Ambala, B.Tech., PG Diploma from
Jatt Sikh Sandhu boy 1994/ 5’-11”, (turbaned) boy from well veg. 78142-21152, 79862-92533. Science), Teetotaller, Govt. Employee,
marriage. Upper caste welcome.
employed Sangrur 73552-20213. 94173-76282. (CL21013273) 90344-33884. (CL21014198) Ontario, working Technical
4 acre land Government Science connected and God fearing (CL21013863) 31.12.1991, 02:38 AM, Bathinda,
(CL21013343) Manglik Bansal boy from Mansa, department. 94162-25152, 99966-
teacher seeking for suitable match family, 31 years, 5’-11”, Australian PR Ramgarhia Sikh boy 5’-7”. Only Govt. Employee Non- Manglik Gupta boy, 6’, 09152. (CL21013888)
Looking tall, beautiful, educated Government job preferred. 99885- B.Com., LL.B. Running his 17.03.92, 5.13 a.m., (Ludhiana), 5’-7”, 25.05.88, Chandigarh, Graduate self
1990/ 6’, required study base/ PR required. Whatsapp 9464350655. Match for Khatri 22-07-1986, 11:08
match for Jat boy 91, from Business 29822, 94782-76730. (CL21014252) B.Tech, working in Hyderabad, employed (Realtor) approx 10 Lac PA
own established business near Australian girl. 98888-63727.
18.5 LPA. Contact: 95693-72689.
(CL21013709) pm, Ambala, M.Com, CA Inter, Tax
family having U/R properties. (CL21013990) own flat. Upper caste no bar. 98886-
Bureaus Pl excuse. 73476-12920
Seeking beautiful MD girl for Chandigarh. Living in Mohali. (CL21013290) Suitable match for smart Bansal Consultant, Father Retd. Gazetted
handsome Jatt Sikh Sandhu, 29, 5’-9”, Only younger brother, settled in Jangra Khati boy, 11.3.85, 5’-8”, 01485. (CL21014211) officer. 93153-87008 (CL21013997)
(CL21013438) Businessman boy, 03.09.1991, 9:15
MD boy, Govt. Doctor in working in Yes Bank Ludhiana seeks Employed match for Manglik Mittal
Canada. Seeks for a educated, boy, 5’-7”, 3.3.92, 12.20 pm, Moga,
am, Samana, 5’-8”, M.Com. 98887- Assistant Professor Aggarwal boy Suitable qualified beautiful match
Match for well settled Jatt Sikh boy England. 80542-00197, 98760-19591. educated beautiful girl, 9592424241. 58528. (CL21013726) 41/ 5’-8”, 11 lakh unmarried Haryana for Hindu Arora handsome boy, Oct.
5’-8”, 1995 Engineer working in
professional, smart, tall and (CL21013998) B.Tech MBA, MNC Gurgaon
(CL21014262) based caste no bar 82958-00847. 1989 born, 5’-7”, Ph.D. Physics,
Mohali. Contact: 98034-02421. family oriented girl from a Ramgarhia Sikh 1985, 5’-8”, 50+ LPA, Marriage bureau please Beautiful match for Manglik Goyal
Smart Jatt Sikh boy, Canada PR, (CL21014242) Aerospace Engineering, Permanent
(CL21013450) businessman family. Email: B.Tech., MNC job, good package. excuse. 98767-43762. (CL21013299) handsome slim fair boy, 6’-0”,
settled in USA. Family settled
1993, 5’-11”, only son, non-drinker, , 01.08.1993, 21.17 p.m., B.E. (Hon’s) Bansal boy, 24.04.1993, 5’-7”, 7.15
Own residence Chandigarh. 98722- Match Garg Manglik boy, Jalandhar. Contact: 9653329988.
Match for Jat Sikh boy 1993/ 5’-6’’, convent, B.Tech, PG Diploma in MBA, Credit Manager, HDFC am, JE in PSTCL, preferred Govt.
MA, B.Ed, 11 Acres Land, Plot in Canada, job in well reputed company. 98140-11430. (CL21014274) 31065. (CL21014092) 24.2.1989, 11:45 a.m. Patiala, 5’-6”, (CL21014008)
Ramgarhia Sikh clean shave boy 28/ Bank Ltd., Chandigarh, package Teacher Non- Manglik, Sangrur.
Kharar, Village near Chandigarh, Two sisters, Father Class-I officer, Suitable match for Sikh Khatri boy B.Tech. Thapar, working MNC 94174-93475. (CL21014243) Professionally qualified match for
5’-8”, BE, Gurgaon, now Chandigarh 10 lacs per annum. Father Senior
Parents retired Govt. Employee. Mother retd. Professor. Urban/rural 1990, 5’-10”, Post Graduate, Bangalore, package 21 Lakhs. Girl handsome Khatri Arora Manglik boy
15 lakh. 98888-90275. (CL21014225) Advocate, Bathinda. 94171-59171. Working girl for fair, 5’-11”, Singla
Sister Canada Citizen. 98159-90740. property. Required well educated, businessman, wanted well qualified preferred MNC. Mobile: 7986114790. 5’-8”, 26.11.90, 4:00 am, Ladwa
Match for Raqmgarhia cleanshaven (CL21013745) boy, 23 Feb 95 (1:40 pm), working in
(CL21013457) smart girl from status family. girl. Simple marriage. 99148-47698. (CL21013313) (Kurukshetra), C.A., own practice,
Whatsapp: 9478500036. E-mail: vegetarian boy 25.10.1988, 5’-10”, Manglik, Mittal, smart boy, 4 Dec. MNC Noida. Package 12 Lakhs. family settled Zirakpur. Call/ WhatsApp
Match for August 1992 born, 6’-1”, (CL21013807) CA, vegetarian, 5’-8”, Sr. Manager, 95010-26242. (CL21014253) BCA, working in Chandigarh Company 1990, 6.03 am, 5’-11”, MBA, well 88378-94014. (CL21014054)
slim, convent educated, working as Beautiful cultured working girl from ICICI Bank, September 16, 1990, 5:32
(CL21014288) as Manager. Preferred Amritsar. 78370- established businessman, Jalandhar. Suitable match for British National
Officer in Govt Bank. Family settled status family required for handsome pm Chandigarh. Singla - match Suitable match for Hindu boy Dec.
22381. (CL21014153) 87259-17293. (CL21013751) boy living in India, 5’-9”, June 1993,
in Mohali. WhatsApp: 81469-91871. Well-settled Jat Sikh boy 1989, 6’, Sikh Khatri boy 28 5’-7”, MBA, Match for Ramgarhia Sikh boy Kundli. Contact 98155-59061. 1990, 5’-5”, own business Hoshiarpur,
(CL21013488) Chandigarh based family seeking (CL21013335) Suitable match for Govt. Bank B.Com, LLB, belongs business family, brother Australian citizen. 98721-
working MNC Bangalore, 15 LPA. 1984, 5’-8”, B.Com professional, running family business. 84279-
well-qualified match for their son. Officer 5’-9”, Oct. 87. 95306-66756, 52440. (CL21014068)
Match for Jatt Sikh 28, 5’-8” boy 98156-11573. (CL21013874) working in Rice Mill as Insurance Wanted beautiful well qualified girl 97507. (CL21014281)
Contact (M) 95922-88100. 83604-72568. (CL21013796) Match for handsome Khatri boy
Assistant Manager in Govt bank, good Beautiful educated match from Manager. Amritsar preferred. 98880- for Singla boy, M.Tech. Computer Sci.
(CL21014351) 55981. (CL21014157) Engg. 22.12.1988, 9:37 am, Bathinda Garg Manglik boy, 5’-8”, B.Com, SM for Gupta boy, teetotaller veg, 28.3.1995, 5:30 am, Karnal, 5’-7”,
agricultural land near Ludhiana, well humble background for Sikh Khatri B.Tech. Computer Science. Employed
educated family 97818-43220. Canada PR Jat Sikh boy 5’-8”, Sept. Match for Sikh Ramgarhia boy 93, (Non-manglik) 5’-10”, Own Business, LL.B/ 7.10 am, (19.2.1992, Patiala) 17.04.91, 5’-11”, 03:15 pm, Delhi,
handsome MBA boy 1990 (trims B.Tech (CS), working MNC, LPA Senior Software Engineer Deloitte/ 17
(CL21013497) 90, convent, MBA, working 6’, B.Tech, doing Punjab Govt. job Good urban property. 94646-62831. Sirhind resident. Business Plywood &
beard) 5’-5” (girl main consideration - 50+, well established business family. lac annum. Radha-swami family.
HR professional at Vancouver, (Revenue), caste no bar. Contact: (CL21013336) Handware Showroom. 98147-15640.
Canadian citizen turbaned Jatt Sikh No dowry). own rental income and Preference working girl. WhatsApp: 90340-23200. (CL21014158)
seeks Canada PR/WP/Study/ 62834-86657. (CL21014177) (CL21013755)
family from Malwa seeking PQM for well settled in own hotel business. Match for Bansal boy Job Govt. 99993-33915. (CL21014285) Preferably Govt. employed well
willing Relocate. # 98100-20989. Match for Ramgharia Sikh SM for Garg boy, 91 born, 5’-7”,
their 6 ft.1,1985 born son, Caste no bar. Medical issue with boy Bank 5’-11”, 26 July 1993, 10:25 AM, qualified non-Manglik, 23-27 years,
(CL21014314) turbaned boy from Chandigarh, July Graduate, PGDCA, own business, Garg boy, 20.6.1991, 5 a.m., Kaithal,
professionally qualified Engineer Email: Bhatinda. Preferred Job girl. 98888- 5’-3”, above girl match for vegetarian
1992, 5’-10”, MCA, working in MNC. handsome income. Contact 98556- Govt. job, salary 51000. Contact
working within reputed organization. Mechanical Engineer working with (CL21013875) 44436. (CL21013339) Monga Patiala boy, 2nd July 1993,
Father Businessman. 98140-06898, 19281. (CL21013758) 95885-56586. (CL21014318)
Girl should be a professional, Oil and Gas MNC in Canada, height Suitable match for Khatri Sikh boy 98786-06898. (CL21014186) Suitable match for Aggarwal 06:42 a.m. (Abohar), 5’-8”, B.Com,
Doctor, Dentist, Lawyer or Engineer. 6’-1”, 17.12.1985, 40 acre 11 Aug. 1990, 5’-6”, B.Tech Suitable match for Ramgarhia Sikh Singhal boy B.Sc. Medical regular Match for Aggarwal CA 12.10.1992, Goyal boy, 5’-10”, 23.10.1988, 1:10 JAIIB, Officer in Indian Bank
Plz send biodata with latest pictures property in India. Home in Canada. (Computer Science), website Dhiman good looking boy, 1983, Centre Govt. employee 5’-11”, 1.01 pm, Jalandhar, 5’-6”, working pm, Sangrur, B.Tech., M.Com., MBA, Mumbai, 6-7 lacs pa. Father Manager
to WhatsApp on +4039665911 Canadian citizen. Email: Developer income 20 lakh annual. 5’-6”, own good business seeks 24.10.1994, 3.02 p.m. Kotkapura. E&Y preferred girl working in B.Ed. Lecturer private school and own PNB, mother Teacher (State Govt.),
or or Phone: 587-501- +917973058133 WhatsApp. educated or doing job slim girl. 98776- WhatsApp: 81988-05800. Chandigarh/ Gurugram. 79739-60155. education institute. 98157-47222. sister officer (BOB). Contact: 81465-
(CL21013496) 3807. (CL21014332) (CL21013926) 95655. (CL21014244) (CL21013347) (CL21013794) (CL21014329) 52699. (CL21014228)

Looking suitable match for Arora
boy 1989, 5’-7”, HR Professional in
Wanted Suitable beautiful tall girl,
CA/CS professionally qualified or in
Govt service for very handsome
Khatri boy, Chartered Accountant,
Khatri Chopra boy, 27.03.1987,
12.15 pm, Nabha, 5’-9”, PGDCA,
Senior Accountant, good income:
88720-66354. (CL21013772)
Over 100 ICU ventilators Tsering chief
of Tibetan
in state non-functional
MNC (Noida) 9 LPA, family based out doing own practice, 5’-11”, May 1994,

Khatri boy 9.7.1991, 5’-7”, M.Sc. Sales Manager- 1, Sales Officer- 2.
of Jalandhar. Call 78885-32927. Jalandhar born. Radhasoami family. Biotech, well settled own business. Qualification: Graduation. Cement
(CL21012334) Mother, father in education profession. 98145-24111. (CL21013821) Marketing experience preferred.
Suitable match for non- Manglik, Caste no bar. Mobile: 91-9465238235. .
(CL21013261) Good looking/ unmarried match for Dharamsala, May 14
Arora boy, 07.09.1993, 10:36 pm, handsome & well settled business Contact: 93541-23000. (CL21013053)
Ludhiana, 5’-5”, MA Economics, own
business, teetotaller, pure vegetarian
family. 62393-85880, 98159-59332.
Match for Khatri handsome boy,
5’-11”, 03.10.1984, Patiala, Mater’s
Degree from abroad working for UK
boy, 2.10.81, 2:20 am, Ambala,
5’-7”, Graduate. 89504-64605, 94169-
We are hiring. Say goodbye
to your Lame Duck job. Software Lack of pipeline system, accessories to blame: DHS Penpa Tsering was elected
president (Sikyong) of the
54649, Developer post. Company: VSA India
Subhash Rajta Dr RS Thakur, Principal of Tibetan government in-exile
(CL21013249) based IT Company, Annual package (CL21013839) Pvt. Ltd. Location: Jalandhar. Job Brief:
B.Tech, MBA, CA, Doctor match
15 LPA & runs IT Company as well.
Suitable match for Advocate Khatri
We are looking for a passionate Software Tribune News Service Nerchowk medical college, in the elections, the results of
Seeks beautiful, qualified girl from
Engineer to design, develop and install
settled or wants to settle Dubai for
Punjab. Preferred Government boy 23.11.1995 (Khanna) 5’-7”. software solutions by gathering user
Shimla, May 14 says that their 30-bed ICU which were declared by the
Arora boy March 92, 5’-8”, B.Tech
IIT, MBA IIM working DP World
employee. Contact: 98724-03367. Private practice, own chamber. Wants requirements, defining system The state has not been able facility is full of patients. Election Commission today.
(CL21013264) Govt. Tr/Private reputed institute
Dubai, 80 lacs package @ 70093- employee, 5½ Lakh per year. 94179-
functionality and writing code in various to make functional all venti- ICU beds District Vacant “We have asked the Direc- Election Commissioner Wang-
languages. Requirements: 1. Proven
82366, 78887-95731. (CL21013267) Match for Hindu Khatri boy, 92621. (CL21013848) lators received from the Cen- torate of Health Services for du Tsering said that Penpa
13.10.1988, Chandigarh, 5’-11”, work experience as a Software 4 Bilaspur 0
5’-11”, 31, BDS, own clinic, job
Graduate, working as Assistant Wanted issueless match for divorcee Developer. 2. Excellent knowledge of tral Government through 20 more ventilators for a Tsering polled 34,324 votes
Chandigarh (WFH), Patiala. 81465-
71634. (CL21013385)
Manager in Hotel industry. Required Khatri boy 15.12.1983 (9 p.m., relationship databases. Send your resume the PM CARES Fund last 19 Chamba 19 makeshift hospital about a and was elected Sikyong
employed girl. Contact: 98722-77565. Khanna) 5’-10”, job at Delhi, salary at:
Professional match Arora boy (CL21013271) 10 lac per annum. Own flat. 98147- (CL21013180) year. Of the 322 ICU ventila- 6 Hamirpur 6 week ago,” he adds. while his rival Kalsang Dorjee
19.11.87, 03:18 am, Ludhiana, 5’-10”, 40440. (CL21013851) English- Speaking computer- Expert tors received, only 196 are The state had received 250 Aukatsang got 28,307 votes.
CA, working reputed Company, Match for Punjabi Khatri boy,
US citizen MBA/CPA Hindu Khatri Counsellor (Fresher preferred) is functional at present. 72 Kangra 2 more ventilators from the The final round of the elec-
6 lac. Simple marriage. 92160- 6’, fair, Handsome, non required by Educational Consultancy
boy 27/5’-11”, seeks alliance from
65400,79736-16224. (CL21013398) Manglik, Pure vegetarian, 01- professionally qualified, homely, (operating at international level) to Besides, 178 portable venti- 50 Mandi 0 Central Government a cou- tions for Sikyong and members
Match for Hindu Arora Manglik 03-1991, 8:25 p.m Chandigarh. beautiful girl. Interested parents attend educational enquires at its lators were also received. 45 Shimla 7 ple of months ago but of the 17th parliament-in-exile
boy 1991, 6.45 p.m. Govt. Teacher, B.Tech (PU), SBI Deputy should contact. Marriage bureaus Mohali & Hoshiarpur Offices. Only According to information returned these later. “These conducted worldwide in 23
full salary for Govt. employee Manager, Income 15-20 Lacs. excuse. 77197-71331, 79860-60958. Career-conscious candidates having
received from the Directorate 28 Sirmaur 0 were portable ventilators and countries on April 11 garnered
girl preferred. 83601-30050, 83601- Well settled family Chandigarh. (CL21013861) capacity to correspond in error- free
14135. (CL21013406) Preferred Tricity employed Match 4 Manglik handsome
English need E-mail their bio-data. of Health Services (DHS), 17 Solan 2 were not meant for the state. the highest voter turnout in the
Salary Rs. 20-25000 pm. Email:
Suitable match for Hindu Arora beautiful slim fair girl. Kundli Khatri 5’-5”, 7.12.1992 (Ambala), over 100 ICU ventilators from 23 Una 23 So, the ventilators were history of the exiled Tibetan
boy 5’-11”, 24.08.1993, 3.41 pm, must matching. Marriage 9:34 am, B.Tech., working MNC Mob: 99151-03781. (CL21013291) the lot received last year are recalled with an assurance democracy. As many as 63,991
Ludhiana, Mechanical Engineer,
working in reputed Insurance
Bureau excuse.98156-11449, Gurgaon. 81680-78520, 94164-98977.
(CL21013878) Shaheed Kanshi Ram Memorial non-functional because of TOTAL 264, OCCUPIED that they would be replaced,” Tibetans voted, out of the 83,080
62841-49261. (CL21013309) 205, VACANT 59
Company. Father Banker. Brother
SM4 vry handsome, B.Tech., Handsome Khatri Sikh boy
College, (NAAC Accredited) the “non-availability of the said the health official. registered voters, hitting a voter
married. 98722-02798. Bhagoomajra, Kharar (SAS Nagar) Kullu, Kinnaur and Lahaul
(CL21013575) Software Professional, 3 Dec. 1990, 33/6’-3”, short mrg I’less divorcee requires Principal (on regular basis) medical gas pipeline system Health care professionals turnout of 77.02 per cent, the
5’-8”, well-settled family. 98147- Delhi seeks beautiful homely girl, under 95% deficit Grant-in-aid and other accessories needed and Spiti have no ICU beds say that the state doesn’t highest ever, said Wangdu in a
Wanted beautiful & educated girl 10719. (CL21013374) unmarried or I’less divorcee, preferably
for pure vegetarian Arora boy interested to migrate to Canada. Send
scheme. Educational qualification, pay
and other conditions are as per Punjab
to operate them. “Making a have enough anaesthetists press briefing here. Likewise,
Khatri handsome boy, 26.4.90, 6:30
06.09.1995, 5.54 am, Karnal, 5’-11”,
pm, Batala, 5’-8”, Graduation, well
photo/ biodata to WhatsApp: 93122- Govt., Punjabi University, Patiala and ventilator functional is not a load facilities such as med- to run so many ventilators. the results of the 45 members
B.Tech. (Kuk), M.Tech. (Melbourne, 46095. Email:
Australia), Director in own School. settled business. Marriage bureau (CL21013896)
UGC norms. Apply with testimonials simple process. It requires ical colleges at Tanda and However, the Health elected to the parliament com-
and API score within 21 days from the
Income 12 LPA. Contact (WhatsApp) excuse. 77173-62071. (CL21013400)
Khatri boy (Mohali) 18.12.1986, date of publication on the technical staff and a lot of Mandi are facing a shortage Department claims that the prising 10 members each from
70156-51389. (CL21013584) Well qualified match for Sood boy, 5’-8”, Clerk, middle class family. prescribed form available on accessories. It’s an ongoing of ventilators, and have “state has trained health the three traditional provinces
09.05.1993 (8:15 p.m. Patiala), 5’-4”, Caste no bar. 70099-53378.
Hindu Arora 26, 5’-9”, BCA,
MBA, Private job in Bank. Contact (CL21013900) along with bank process to make them func- demanded more. “We have care workers to operate the of Tibet; two each from five reli-
vegetarian businessman boy draft of Rs. 200/- payable at Kharar.
high status family Dharamkot 73559-27619. (CL21013402) Wanted a suitable match for Khatri Send a copy to Dean Colleges, Punjabi tional,” says an Health 60 ventilators and all of ventilators”. “We are man- gious constituencies, two each
want beautiful girl 98780-11185. Beautiful, slim match for very well Punjabi boy age 30, 5’-10”, B.Tech, University, Patiala. President. Department official. them are occupied at pres- aging our ICU well but we from Tibetan communities in
(CL21013808) established status Khatri family fair complexion working as Asstt. (CL21013572)
Ludhiana non-Manglik boy very Manager in Nationalised bank at Even as the department ent. We have demanded 19 will need additional man- North America and Europe and
Beautiful bride for Barnala based
Graduate Arora boy own handsome Regional Manager, US Global Jalandhar. Contact: 98144-75320.
Required immediately staff
for reputed organisation at Mohali 1.
claims that efforts are being more ventilators,” says Dr power once we start the sec- one from the Tibetan commu-
mobile phones business good income Company, Pune. 21 plus LPA, 5’-8”, (CL21013928)
Accountant =1 B.Com/CA knowing made to make the equip- Bhanu Awasthi, Principal of ond ICU at the makeshift nity in Australasia were
21.11.1985, 12.15 p.m., Ludhiana. Own
5’-10”, 4 June 1988, 10 p.m. Father
Garden Villa residence approx 1000 sq.
Khatri Manglik boy 16.12.1987, 6:9
a.m., Nakodar, 6’, high scale business,
computer Tally with 0-5 years ment functional, many high- Tanda medical college. hospital,” says Dr Thakur. announced. — TNS
retired Govt. Employee. 98888-48845. exp. in accounting & taxation.
(CL21013892) yards. Send details, pics after horoscope M.Sc. 62843-62392. (CL21013930) 2. Electrical Engg. =1 with
matching. Calling/WhatsApp: 79739- 0-5 years experience. Send CV to

Vaccination drive for 18+ from May 17

Hindu Arora Manglik boy 14.9.1988 15109, 95019-37279. (CL21013412) Khatri, Non-Manglik, 5’-10”,
(6.10 a.m. Khanna), 6’, B.Sc. (IT), 08.03.1990, 10:15 a.m., Karnal,
Educated match for handsome Khatri working MNC Noida, 10 LPA, 82959- (99149-04252). (CL21013678)
LLB, Advocate. 98883-21722, 78145-
boy, BHM (Hotel Management), Nov. 37724. (CL21013933) Urgently need BHMS gents/lady
36004. (CL21013898)
1986, 6’-0”, Trading. Upper caste no

1,07,620 doses received from sources other than Centre

Employed/unemployed match Hindu Khatri Manglik boy Jalandhar Doctor for homeopathic clinic
bar. 98145-40856. (CL21013433) Lalru Mandi. 98153-44190.
for Arora boy working in Baddi based 1992, 5’-10”, Government
Suitable match for Punjabi Khatri Lecturer in College, M.Sc. Chemistry, (CL21013955)
as Manager 2.09.85, time 15.20,
boy, 5’-9”, 29.05.1991, Diploma, NET. Contact - 96465-85925, 79863- Required night shift male
Delhi. 99886-64887, 99886-38258.
private job, Panchkula. 98720-07975. 20737. (CL21013937) employed fluent in spoken English Ambika Sharma population, followed by
Looking BDS/MDS girl for Rajpura
Hindu Khatri boy 5’-6”, 22.09.1991, with experience in Accounting, Tribune News Service BOOK SLOTS ONLINE Mandi district (14.39 per
Amritsar. Pay package 2 lac/ 2.5 lac ■ Only 100
born 12.03.91 at 7.57 a.m., 5’-6”,
Hindu Khatri boy, B.Com., Govt. 11.20 pm, Amritsar, B.Tech., job
onwards. 98763-58289, 98727-38776. Solan, May 14 beneficiaries will be cent), Shimla (12.7 per
Contractor, Born- Mandi Gobindgarh Mumbai, 6 LPA. 98883-23586,
MDS boy. Own clinic IELTS 8.5 Band
23.12.92 Time 3:55 p.m., 5’-8”. 75085-65329. (CL21013951) (CL21013987) The Covid vaccination drive inoculated at a time cent) and Solan (9.13 per
applied Canadian PR. Upper caste no
bar. Marriage bureau excuse. 98884-
Required NRI girl. 9781576767. Local Punjabi Khatri boy, Wanted Medical Representative for for the 18-44 age group will ■ The beneficiaries will have to cent). These are among the
(CL21013483) a reputed Pharmaceutical Company book slots online and there will
21003. (CL21014116) 13.09.1989 (4:10 pm, Chandigarh),
for the following areas:- Patiala,
begin in the state from May worst hit districts.
Educated smart match for Manglik/ Non-manglik Match for 5’-6”, Punjab Government regular
Jalandhar, Bathinda, Chandigarh. 17. At least 1,07,620 doses be no walk-in appointment To cope with staff scarcity,
Fashion Management Post-Graduate, Hindu Khatri fair boy, PR Canada, 5’- service. Service girl preferred.
7”, 2nd Jan.1990 (1:20 p.m. Patiala), (Caste no bar). 99884-66563 98557-01078. (CL21014159) have been received from ■ Vaccine distribution is being the CMOs have been direct-
09.05.1989, 11.18 a.m., Moradabad,
5’-6”, Kidswear business at B.Tech., MBA (India), in India on (Khanna). (CL21014167) Required Civil/ Billing Engineers sources other than the Gov- done as per the 2011 Census ed not to hold vaccination
vacation till June 2021, completed (Degree/ Diploma) for construction of
Moradabad, decent income, respectable
Postgraduate Diploma in Business
Match for Khatri boy 25.10.1987,
building & highway projects ernment of India channel. ■ 1,070 sessions have been sessions for other age
Punjabi family. Phone: 98977- 01.05 am, Chandigarh, 5’-8”, own
87180, Email: Management (Canada, Ontario). business, property in Chandigarh. (specialised in EPC Mode contracts/ The Director, National planned in all districts groups on these days. The
estimates/site survey), Accountants,
(CL21014122) Looking for slim, fair girl preferred
in Canada. Upper caste no bar.
92172-60331. (CL21014188)
Computer Operators, Site Supervisors Health Mission, has asked sites having large catch-
Arora Gursikh 26/5’-8”, +2,
Marriage bureaus excuse. 95010- Match for vegetarian December (Fresher’s/ Experience holder) all chief medical officers to time. The beneficiaries worst-hit Kangra district, ment areas such as urban
Amritdhari businessman boy, middle 1989, own well established
class family Ludhiana, want educated
90057. (CL21013506)
Chandigarh. Elder Brother
required for Panchkula based organise bi-monthly ses- will have to book slots followed by Mandi (154), clusters will be consistent
construction company. Email:
girl. 98780-11185. (CL21014161) Professionally qualified match for Govt. Employee. 98558-07261. sions for this age group on online and there will be no Shimla (136) Solan (98) Sir- in vaccination while those
handsome Khatri boy 04.07.1989,
SM4 Punjabi 1987 born, 5’-9”
05:47 pm, Ludhiana, 5’-8”, B.Tech.
(CL21014196) (CL21014163) Mondays and Thursdays walk-in appointment. maur (82), Una (79), Cham- in the rural areas can be
boy, working as Div. Bio- Medical
Engineer at Civil Hospital, Panchkula.
from Thaper University, working at Suitable match for Himachali Sood SBS Model High School, Sadarpur beginning May 17. The The vaccine distribution ba (78), Kullu (71), Hamir- rotated to ensure equity.
boy, 5’-11”, 17.11.1988, Ph.D in Law. requires Academic Coordinator Profile
M: 94167-44073, 99966-44073.
Bangalore package 9 Lacs, family
Working as Assistant Professor at required: PGT in Commerce/Physics, sessions will be subse- is being done as per the pur (66), Bilaspur (59), The vaccination drive in
settled at Ludhiana. 98724-85831.
(CL21013517) Law University Banglore. Preferred strong in verbal and written skills, quently conducted on 2011 Census and 1,070 ses- Kinnaur (14) and Lahaul the state has completed 118
Himachali working girl. MBA, competent in Computer, having 3-4 years
Arora boy 11.10.1996/ 5’-6”, 6:20
Suitable match for Punjabi Hindu B.Tech. 94181-12368. (CL21014245) experience of teaching and administrative
May 20, 24, 27 and 31. sions have been planned in and Spiti (5). days during which 20,79,328
am, Kotkapura, Graduate, good
business, for educated and beautiful
Khatri boy, 5’-8”, 04.04.1991, 10 pm,
Tall, beautiful, qualified match for job. PGTs of all the subjects. Handsome Only 100 beneficiaries all districts. The maximum Kangra district has 21.26 doses have been adminis-
Chandigarh, B.Tech, Own fitness
girl. 98780-07311. (CL21013030)
center at Mohali. Monthly income
5’-9”, 23.2.1992, handsome Khatri salary with accommodation. Send will be inoculated at a 228 sessions will be held in per cent of the state’s tered with zero wastage.
boy, B.Tech. EEE in India, Diploma in resume with a passport size photograph
KHATRI 2.50- 3 lakh, non-drinker, non-smoker.
Contact: 94176-08192, 94638-87719.
Canada, sister settled UK. 94649- on

No admn help, youths help Barsar MLA

87828, 94649-39194. (CL21014268)
Beautiful professional match for (CL21013546)
handsome Khatri boy, 5’-4”, 26/9/87, Sawala Khatri boy 5’-2”, Software PQ match for handsome non-
6:41 am Khanna (Pb.), MCA, working in Manglik 5’-11”, Sept. 86, Masters
also comes to
Engineer, 1994 only son double storey
Software Company at Mohali, package 7 kothi, no dowry Caste bar Software industrial Designs UX MNC Pune,

family in woman’s cremation

lacs. Parents retd. Family settled at Engineer girl required. 94166-28905. 23 lacs affluent Punjabi Khatri

family’s support
Mohali. Contact Mobile: 9888691646, (CL21013589) family Chandigarh. 98783-31033.
Email: (CL21014307)
(CL21013314) Suitable match for Verma boy age
35, 5’-7”, Physiotherapists Mohali. Ludhiana based high status Khatri
Punjabi Khatri, handsome, smart, Industrialist family seeks business
good looking 45, Delhi afflu status
Contact: 80547-70162. (CL21013595)
family girl for handsome boy Rajiv Mahajan local administrative offi- Our Correspondent
family, Sr. Post salary 60 LPA, short Khatri Walia issueless divorcee boy
81, 5’-9”, B.Com., wanted suitable
8th Oct. 1992, 11.10 am, Delhi, Covid positive, she cials several times seeking
marriage, no issue, caste no bar.
Preferred unmarried working/ non- slim match. Contact 98147-10010.
B.Com, LLB WhatsApp after kundli
matching. 98151-60700, 96462-
Nurpur, May 14 had been in their assistance in the cre- Hamirpur, May 14
Running helter-skelter for mation of the woman, but Barsar MLA Inder Dutt
working. WhatsApp- 81303-32039
No broker.
Suitable match for Khatri handsome
60700. (CL21014323)
oxygen and beds and still
home isolation to no avail. Later, they Lakhanpal helped cremate
(CL21010569) boy 5’-8½”, DoB 27.7.1989 (6:00 pm
Patiala) Chemist shop. 99882-03685,
PROPERTY FOR SALE losing their loved ones to called Kangra Deputy the body of a Covid victim
Himachali Khatri, 5’-8”,/ 70 kg,
27.10.1987, 9:15 am, Mandi. Software 98151-70401. (CL21013633) Chandigarh: 2 bay showroom built Covid-19 is not where the As per information, the Commissioner Rakesh at Kohava vlllage near
upto 5 storeys with basement (with
Professional Gurgaon. Pkg. 25.6 Match for Govt. employed lift) in Sector 34. Handsome rental
trauma ends for families. woman had been in home Prajapati, who immediate- Bhakreri in Barsar subdivi-
Lakhs. Seeks qualified, beautiful and Chandigarh, 5’-5”, 1990, Govt. return. Low lease money. Good They are also facing difficul- isolation for the past few ly directed the administra- sion yesterday.
slim girl. Upper caste no bar. employed. Preferred Mb: 76963-
Ph.94180-02297. (CL21013033) 36027. (CL21013648)
location. Only genuine buyers. ties in ensuring a descent days. Her saturation level tive authorities to take req- According to reports, the
Confirmed only with Aman Gupta
We are looking for a professionally Match for handsome Khatri B.Com. Real Estates, Sector 20, Chandigarh cremation of the lost one in suddenly dropped yester- uisite steps in performing victim’s family was left in
qualified, beautiful and amicable boy, 19 September 1986, (07:29 am, 98724-90349. (CL21013076) G. Group Services Rama Mandi,
Jalandhar required candidate for
the absence of support from day. The family contacted the last rites of the victim. the lurch after their rela-
match for Canadian citizen Hindu Chandigarh), 5’-8”, only child. Own well
established business and house
8 marla triple storey kothi in Phase 7, outsourcing based District Project the authorities. the health department and Another youth, Sukrit tives and neighbourers
Khatri boy, 30, 5’-10”, working as North East facing with separate parking.
Software Engineer. WhatsApp: Chandigarh. (Income eight figures). Girl Call: 81968-97777. (CL21014033)
Manager (Jalandhar and Nawanshahr) In one such incident, the she was taken to a private Sagar, along with two oth- refused to help them. Even
salary 22000/- minimum experienced
+16479137980. (CL21013066) require from reputed family. Call/
Brand new 5 marla triple storey 2 years. Qualification B.Tech./ B.E. family of a 50-year-old Covid care centre at Kan- ers also came forward to the help from the adminis-
WhatsApp: 98148-25145, 98145-25145.
Match for Khatri boy working
independent & floor wise kothi in (Computer Science/ IT/ Electronic woman from Guler in gra. Since no ambulance assist the family. He said tration was delayed.
accenture Guraon, package 23 lacs, Aerocity C-Block, must sell today.
5’-9”, Chandigarh born, 10 July (CL21013651)
Call: 81968-97777. (CL21014037)
Communication) MCA/ ‘B’ Level Nagrota Surian develop- was available, she had to be after the failure of the When the MLA came to
Course of DOEACC with 60% marks.
1990, 12.40 pm. 78885-15853. Professionally qualified match for
Buy/sell plot, house, floors, flats & Experienced Software Administration ment block, who was taken in a private car, which administration in provid- know about the incident,
(CL21013093) Gursikh Arora/ Khatri boy,
commercial in Chandigarh all Sectors. & Development/ Software found Covid positive a few lacked an oxygen cylinder. ing PPE kits, he collected he along with his personal
Looking for an alliance for Sikh 13.11.1995, 5’-7”. done BDS. Affluent Management/ Data Management/ Web
Khatri boy 31, 5’-6”, Diploma holder, family, own business. Preferred
Call: Getmax Realtors 81968-97777.
Designing and must have
days ago, had to face a The woman was declared the same from the Commu- secretary reached the
in Ambala, seeking a decent educated Amritsar, BDS/ working girl. Contact: passed Matric with Punjabi. Resume tough time yesterday first brought dead at the centre. nity Health Centre at house of the victim. They
bride, between age 27-31 years, 98884-73472. (CL21013657)
no demands. C- 94170-47568. Khatri Manglik boy 28, fair, 6’-2”,
only 10 days.
to rush her to a govern- Not only this, her son made Haripur and one of the tied the body and took it to
(CL21013103) well educated, own business, reputed Wanted at Chandigarh 2 or (CL21014174) ment dedicated private unsuccessful efforts to four kits was found unfit to the cremation ground near
Suitable match for Hindu Khatri family, worthy assets. Beautiful girl 1 kanal kothi, clear title payment Akal information systems invites hospital in Kangra and arrange an ambulance to wear. He said the SHO and the village. He said there
time 30 days genuine seller.
boy 28, 5’-8”, ETT Teacher. Wanted
Govt. Teacher girl. Mobile: 89681-
required. 79734-93730, 79864-39609.
Contact: Jeet Associates 96468-09090.
online applications for 64 Data Entry after her death performing bring the body back to the the Tehsildar, Haripur, was nothing to fear and
(CL21013695) Operators to be placed with Govt.
49100. (CL21013117) (CL21013298) department from Graduates with the last rites in the absence native place for cremation. reached the spot when the people should follow the
Bhawalpuri Khatri 07.01.1988,
Punjabi upto matric, English & of support from the local Ankush Vashit, a local cremation had already SOPs while handling
Alliance invited for fair, handsome,
well settled boy, Dec. ‘89 born, 5’-11”,
11:30 a.m., Rajpura, 5’-8”, Regular
Clerk at Amritsar Court, 95013-00482. PLOT FOR SALE Punjabi speed 30 wpm, Computer
administrative authorities. youth, said they called been done. Covid patients.
Sr. Mechanical Engineer in Pvt. firm (CL21013701) 8 marla plot Sector 115 Gillco, Course of 120 hrs from Govt.
(Mohali). contact: # 82830-64515. Mohali, 3 bedroom, road facing flat, approved/ISO certified institute/O
NM Hindu Khatri boy B.Tech., CSE level, age not above 37. Eligible
(CL21013151) Gillco Park Hills on 200 ft road at
working in FIS (MNC) Mohali as applicants to send applications at
Match for handsome Khatri reasonable rate. 98557-58192, 98550-

Traffic resumes across Baralacha Pass

technology lead 3.3.91, 8 am, Patiala, by
boy, 5’-9”/ 91 born, B. Tech (CSE), 31102. (CL21013445)
5’-10”, income 20-25 lac, Canada PR 25.05.2021. (CL21014317)
running business. 98777-08888. Emaar buy/sell plots, villas,
in process reputed business
bungalows, flats & commercial for
(CL21013174) family. 80545-00059, 80542-00059.
sale for details pls call: 81968-97777. TUITION
Suitable match for Hindu Khatri, (CL21014044)
5’-4”, unmarried, 58 years, Gazetted Khatri boy 10.08.1988, 10.45 a.m., Online classes Accountancy and
AbhinavVashisht The 38 Border Road Task
officer Retd. Pensioner. Contact:
9815644588. (CL21013190)
Barnala, 6’-2”,
Govt. job, Mohali. 98720-75959.
permanent FLAT FOR SALE Mathematics 10th, +1 and +2. Fees
1,000 per month. Contact No. 94174- Force (BRTF) Comman-
Khatri boy 1993 Govt. employee (CL21013723) 3 BHK Ultra luxury Dream 46771, 98881-41285. (CL21013489) Kullu, MAY 14 der Colonel Uma Shankar
Penthouse area 2800 sq.ft. with lush The traffic movement said that the snow-clear-
Punjab Civil Secretariat required
working girl upper caste welcome.
Professional/ non medico very well
establish & sober suitable match for
green terrace area in Sector-125, MEDICAL/SURGICAL resumed across the 16,043 ing operation was under
Mohali @ 76 lacs. Owner 98725-
96467-34020. (CL21013212) Khatri Arora boy, 85 November born, High OPD clinic for sale in South
5’-10”, Schooling Doon School,
45627. (CL21013704)
Punjab. Genuine parties only contact: feet high Baralacha Pass way from both ends of
Punjabi Khatri boy 29.11.91,
today. The traffic was the pass from Marhi
2.22 a.m., Ludhiana,
Graduate, own business. 98887-
5’-7”, Dehradun, MBA, Delhi University,
LLB (GNDU). Sober nature. Very RENT/LEASE 98150-18165. (CL21012061)
Covid beds with ventilator and halted by the police yes- and Koksar.
well to do family. Father/ Mother Available on long lease
03758. (CL21013218)
reputed Doctors. Required beautiful, ECHS approved 25 bedded
ECMO facility available. New
Lifeline Hospital, Zirakpur. 98141-
terday at Darcha and About 15-km road was yet to
Wanted suitable match for 7th April
83, 6.15 p.m., Chandigarh born, tall
sober, good nature, educated, multispeciality hospital in Jalandhar 04203. (CL21014220) Sarchu on either side of be cleared of snow and it was
compatible match. Contact: 98147-
and handsome Chopra boy, 6’-1”, fair running successfully for last the pass after the region expected to be restored by
complexion, LL.B Hons., running
27300. (CL21013741)
Compatible match for Manglik,
20 years. Contact: 98147-54024.
PUBLIC NOTICE witnessed snowfall. May 30. Intermittent snowfall
gold jewellery showroom. 98146-
10512. (CL21013219) 31/ 5’-10”/ MBA boy from Approx. 5000 sqft area
It is notified for the general
public and concerned authorities
Lahaul and Spiti SP and avalanches delayed the
Wanted suitable match for 7th April respectable Hindu Sood Khatri family. available for rent in Ind. Area, whosoever may be that my name K.S. Manav Verma said all the road clearance this year.
Own established business. Father Ph-1, Chandigarh. Can be given
93, 6:15 pm Chandigarh born, tall and
retired Senior State Services Officer. in full or parts. Electricity connection
Vikramaditya Rai s/o Sanjeev Rai vehicles that were stuck The Rohtang Pass is a
handsome Chopra boy, 6’-1”, fair written in my academic records and
complexion, LLB Hons. Running gold Caste no bar. Mob: 98149-00026. 50Kw available. Cont: 94173-80008. Vikramaditya Rai s/o Sanjeev Rai and could not cross the A snow-clearing operation underway at the Rohtang Pass. major attraction among
jewellery showroom. 98146-10512. (CL21013348) written in my passport, Aadhar Card, Pass yesterday were tourists visiting Kullu-
(CL21013220) PQM for B.Tech Kapoor boy
5’-7”/ 12.Jan.93, 12 at night BUSINESS Election Voting Card, myself allowed to move in batches Leh were commuting restore the 13,058 feet Manali. The area generally
Slim, beautiful match for Khatri 38, Vikramaditya Rai s/o Sanjeev Rai.
5’-11”, M.Com., MA (English, Chandigarh, working MNC Patiala, Business Funds available at nominal Word K.S. simply denotes the first today. Mostly vehicles car- amid the corona curfew. high Rohtang Pass also remains covered with
Economics), B.Ed. English Govt. Pkg 6 Lac+. Father mother Gazetted interest rate. Contact: 76528-25450 initials of my grandfather and father. rying essential supplies to The BRO is about to for vehicular movement. snow till June-end.
Teacher. Salary 70000. Jalandhar. Officers. Whatsapp: 94173-40460. (Mon- Fri) 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. In future I should be known as
90415-79499. (CL21013247) (CL21013764) (CL21013538) Vikramaditya Rai only. (CL21014350)
BSF recovers weapons 3,027 fresh cases, Left alone,
man carries
60 deaths in J&K mum’s body...
dropped by Pak drone Srinagar, May 14
Jammu and Kashmir on Fri- 3 die of Covid FROM PAGE 1
Talking to The Tribune, Bir
Jammu/New Delhi, May 14
The BSF on Friday recovered
was opened and one AK-47,
one pistol, one magazine, 15
day recorded 3,027 fresh
Covid-19 cases that took its
in Ladakh Singh said his mother devel-
oped fever and breathing trou-
an AK-47 rifle, a pistol and rounds of 9 mm ammunition, tally to 2,36,790 while 60 more Leh, May 14 ble on May 12. On a local doc-
some ammunition dropped one wooden frame, used to fatalities pushed the death Three more patients died of tor’s advice, he took her to
by a Pakistani drone from the attach the payload with the toll to 3,027, officials said. coronavirus in Ladakh, tak- Tanda medical college in his
border belt of Samba district drone, and wrapping material Of the fresh cases, 1,511 ing the death toll in the union car. Due to the non-availability HUDA URBAN ESTATE TOWN & COUNTRY PLANNING
in Jammu and Kashmir, offi- were recovered, the were from the Jammu divi- territory to 161, while the of any bed there, he brought
cials said. The drone is sus- spokesperson said. infection count reached her back home and adminis-
pected to have flown back The Border Security Force Jammu dist sees highest 15,916 with 109 fresh cases, tered the prescribed medica-
into the Pakistani territory guards the India-Pakistan officials said on Friday. tion. She, however, died yes- PUBLIC NOTICE
after it dropped the consign- International Border. He said No. of fresh cases at 534 Of the 109 new cases, 86 terday morning, he said. It is brought to the notice of all serving and retired employees of
ment, officials said. the recovery was made at a were reported in Leh dis- “I informed the village prad- HSVP, Urban Estate and Town & Country Planning Department that
cancelled membership of flats have been floated at GH Site, Sec-19 &
Congratulating the troops, distance of 250 metres from sion and 1,516 from the Kash- trict and 23 in Kargil dis- han and my relatives. Two
GH-20, Sec-21D, Faridabad vide this office letter No. /HEWO/2021/9820
IG, BSF Jammu, NS Jamwal IB inside Indian territory. mir division of the union ter- trict, they said. PPE kits were arranged, but dated 13.04.2021. The category, number of flat, area, cost of flats
termed the recovery as a “big Arms and ammunition found near The efforts of alert BSF ritory, they said. Jammu There are now 1,547 — 1279 no one came forward to help and detailed terms and conditions for submitting application are
achievement”, and said the the border in Samba. PTI troops deployed in multi-tiered district recorded the highest in Leh and 268 in Kargil — me out in performing the last mentioned in the aforesaid letter. The above said circular letter has
force is ever alert and vigilant grid have once again resulted number of fresh cases at 534, active coronavirus cases in rites. I then lifted the body of also been hosted on website of HSVP i.e. at
HEWO page. The last date for receipt of applications has been
on the International Border the troops recovered an item in neutralizing the designs of followed by 379 in Srinagar the UT, the officials said. my mother on my shoulders
extended up to 18.06.2021 due to Covid-19 lockdown.
(IB) to thwart away the nefar- wrapped in a yellow-coloured Pakistan, the spokesperson and 308 in Budgam. The As many as 82 patients in and walked down to the cre-
ious designs of Pakistan. polythene bag in a field,” a said. Officials said this was number of active Covid-19 Leh and 24 in Kargil were dis- mation ground, about 1 km Sd/- Superintendent
For Managing Director HEWO,
“BSF troops carried out a BSF spokesperson said. the same area where a tunnel cases in Jammu and Kashmir charged after they were cured away. There also, I alone had
search operation in the Sam- After taking due precau- was detected on November dropped to 52,001 from 52,848 of the infection in the past 24 to do everything to cremate PRDH/1083/11/18/2022/2924/31/4

ba sector. At about 1215 hours, tionary measures, the packet 22 last year. — PTI/TNS on Thursday. — PTI hours, they said. — PTI my mother,” he said.
The CM said the block PUBLIC NOTICE
development officers (BDO’s)
had been designated as nodal DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL WELFARE,

27 black fungus cases in Haryana, 5 this week officers in rural areas to

ensure that government help
was provided to the affected
3rd Floor, Town Hall Extension Building,
FROM PAGE 1 eyes,” revealed Dr Chaud- compromised patients. Covid-19. But as a side- geries begins immediately. families in all such cases. Near DC Office, Sector 17-C, Chandigarh.
the PGIMS and state nodal hary. Doctors say that Doctors believe effect, the steroids also The fungus grows speedily “In urban areas, the munic- Contact No. 0172-2700062
officer for Covid 19. mucormycosis is a very rare mucormycosis, which has reduce immunity and raise and once it affects the brain, ipal commissioners, execu- Applications are invited for Grant of financial assistance
What is worrying is the fact infection, which is caused an overall mortality rate of blood sugar levels in both it can be life-threatening,” tive officers/secretaries con- under the scheme “UT Chandigarh Fund for Persons with
that a majority of these cases by exposure to mucor 50%, is perhaps being trig- diabetic and non-diabetic said Dr Chaudhary. cerned of the urban local Disabilities” from eligible Govt. Institutions/Voluntary Welfare
have come to the hospital mould, a fungi, which is gered by excessive use of Covid-19 patients. He said the PGIMS has in bodies should work in close Organizations/Trusts providing welfare services to Disabled
during the second wave of commonly found in soil, steroids, which are being “Whenever a suspected stock 180 injections of Lipo- coordination with hospitals Persons in Union Territory, Chandigarh during the financial
the deadly virus – 5 of these plants, manure, and decay- administered to severe and case of mucormycosis comes somal Amphotericin B that and provide resources such year 2021-22.
came in the past one week. ing fruits and vegetables. critically ill Covid-19 to the hospitals, ENT sur- are needed in the treatment as PPE kits, body bags, disin- Application form along with detailed information of the
“Almost all those who sur- The black fungus attacks patients to save their lives. geons do a nasal endoscopy and order has been placed for fectants, sanitiser, waste dis- scheme is available on the official website of this department
vived the infection had to the sinuses, brain and lungs Doctors are prescribing to diagnose the infection. 400 more since nearly 30 posable bags etc. for the prop- i.e.
undergo surgeries of the ear, and can be life-threatening in steroids to reduce inflam- Once confirmed, the treat- injections are normally con- er disposal of Covid victims’ Complete applications along with requisite documents must
nose, throat (ENT) or the diabetic or severely immuno- mation in the lungs due to ment which can include sur- sumed on a single patient. bodies,” the CM added. reach this office latest by 31.08.2021 positively.

Sputnik V arrives
in market, each
imported dose...
On May 1, 1.5 lakh doses of
Sputniv V had arrived in
India. Dr Reddy’s said fur-
ther consignments were
expected over the coming
months and subsequently
the supply of the vaccine will
commence from Indian man-
ufacturing partners as well.
The Executive Engineer, Jal Shakti Division, Solan invites tender notice on behalf
“The imported doses of the of Governor of Himachal Pradesh from approved eligible contractors/firms for the
vaccine are currently priced at following work through offline process:
Sr. Name of Work Estimated Ear- Time Cost Last date of
Rs 948 plus 5 per cent GST per No. Cost nest of of sale of
dose with the possibility of a Money Comp- Form tender form
letion Divisional
lower price point when local office up to
supply begins. The company 1. R/M of LWSS Parag Salakhna 3,20,000/- 6,400/- One 250/- 17.05.2021
(SH:- Replacement of month up to
is working closely with its six centrifugal pump set coupled 5.00 P.M.
with existing 50HP motor).
manufacturing partners in 2. R/M of Sewerage System to 4,37,599/- 8,750/- Three 250/- –do–
India to fulfill regulatory Solan Town (SH:- Restoration months
work of damaged wall of 2.90
requirements to ensure MLD STP at Zone-B).
smooth and timely supply,” Dr 3. Operational & General Running 3,25,326/- 6,500/- One 250/-
of Pumping Machinery of year

Reddy’s said, promising to LWSS Badron in G.P. Satrol,

work with the government Tehsil Kandaghat, Distt. Solan,
H.P. for one year.
and the private sector to 4. Installation and erergisation 2,86,310/- 5,800/- 15 250/- –do–
of Bore Well at Dagroh days
ensure the widest possible Augmentation of LWSS
reach of Sputnik V as part of Dharampur in Tehsil Kasauli, Distt.
Solan, H.P. (Under Drought CRF).
the national inoculation effort. 5. Installation and erergisation of 2,86,310/- 5,800/- 15 250/- –do–
GV Prasad, co-chairman and Bore Well at Village Mando
Matkanda (Near Namskar Hotel)

managing director of Dr Red- in Tehsil Kasauli, Distt. Solan,

H.P. (Under Drought CRF).
dy’s, said: “With the rising cas- 6. Installation and erergisation of 2,86,310/- 5,800/- 15 250/- –do–
es in India, vaccination is our Bore Well at Village Bhere-Ka- days
Khech in Tehsil Kasauli, Distt.
most effective tool in the battle Solan, H.P. (Under Drought CRF).
against Covid-19. Contributing 7. Installation and erergisation of 2,86,310/- 5,800/- 15 250/- –do–
Bore Well Augmentation of days
to the vaccine drive in India is LWSS Dharampur in Tehsil
our biggest priority right now.” Kasauli, Distt. Solan, H.P.
(Under Drought CRF).
Sputnik V is the only vac- 8. Augmentation of LWSS Masool 4,89,184/- 9,400/- Three 250/- –do–
cine apart from Pfizer and Khanna in G.P. Jangeshu,
Tehsil Kasauli, Distt. Solan,

Moderna to have an efficacy of H.P. (SH:- Balance work).

over 91 per cent. The vaccine 9. Augmentation of LWSS
Dharampur, Tehsil Kasauli, Distt.
2,25,000/- 4,500/- One 250/-

has posted nearly 92 per cent Solan, H.P. (SH:- Manufacturing,

supplying & fixing of fencing
efficacy in late stage trials panels of size 1.20 x 1.80 mtrs.).
which means it offers a 92 per 10. Replacement of Old rising main 4,94,765/- 9,900/- One 250/-
and change of connection of month

cent chance of disease reduc- LWSS Solan from Ashwani

tion in those who accept it. Khad (SH:- Supply and erection
of APFC Panel for 330 HP
Russian Ambassador to Motor) Stage 2nd Job. 1.
11. Replacement of Old rising main 4,94,765/- 9,900/- One 250/- –do–
India Nikolay Kudashev had and change of connection of month
earlier said that the efficacy of LWSS Solan from Ashwani
Khad (SH:- Supply and erection
Sputnik V was among the of APFC Panel for 330 HP
highest in the world and the Motor) Stage 1st Job. 2.
12. Providing WSS to various 3,44,100/- 6,900/- Two 250/- –do–
vaccine will also be effective villages in Kasauli constituency months
in Tehsil Kasauli, Distt. Solan,
against new strains of Covid-19. (H.P.) (SH:- Detailed survey and
“Its local production is about preparation of all drawing related
to Rising Main of 3rd stage).
to start soon and is planned 13. Providing WSS to various 2,92,300/- 5,800/- Two 250/- –do–
to be gradually increased up villages in Kasauli constituency
in Tehsil Kasauli, Distt. Solan

to 850 million doses per (H.P.) (SH:- Detailed survey and

year,” Kudashev said. preparation of all drawing related
to Rising Main of Booster Stage
& 2nd stage).
14. A/R & M/O drinking water supply 3,13,800/- 6,300/- One 250/- –do–

Eid gesture:
scheme to Solan Town from Giri month
River (SH:- Rewinding of 85HP
motor set No. 2 at Raw water

stage, Repair of pump etc.).
15. R/M of LIS Domehar 1st and 2,11,000/- 4,200/- 15 250/- –do–
2nd Stage (SH:- Providing and days
fixing MCCB, valves etc).
FROM PAGE 1 16. R/M of LWSS Badron 2nd 2,50,000/- 5,000/- 15 250/- –do–
Stage (SH:- Replacement of days
after Nawab Sher pump set RKB 32/14H,
10 Stages coupled with
Mohammed Khan, would be existing 25HP motor).
set up at a cost of Rs 500 crore. 17. Improvement & upgradtion of 1,83,253/- 3,665/- One 250/- –do–
DWSS Solan from Giri River month
An area of 25 acres had been (SH:- Providing supplying and
earmarked for the project on fixing welded wire mesh febric
for balance area of 14.72 MLD
the Raikot road and the first water treatment plant at Gaura
in Tehsil & Distt. Solan (H.P.).
installment of Rs 50 crore had 18. Improvement & upgradtion of 2,78,250/- 5,600/- One 250/- –do–
also been released, he said. A DWSS to Solan Town Giri River month
(SH:- Cleaning & disinfection of
government college for girls, 14.72 MLD raw water tank,
an all-women police station pre-sedimentation tank and
clarifloculator tank at Gaura).
and a bus stand were also The tenders forms and other detailed can be obtained from website
announced for the city.
Executive Engineer, Jal Shakti Division, Solan.

No. 2/9/2021-3ME1/Spl. 01 Dated: 14.05.2021
Applications on the prescribed Proforma are invited for
Kabul mosque blast kills
12 during Friday prayers
the Direct Quota posts of Assistant Professors in various
Departments. The Details of Posts, Application Form,
Educational Qualifications, Age, Criteria for Selection, last date
of applications and Instructions are available on the official
Sd/- (Dr. Sujata Sharma) Taliban condemn attack; no group claims responsibility
Kabul, May 14
Research and Medical Education, Punjab.
An explosion inside a

mosque on the outskirts of

Afghanistan’s capital Kabul
killed at least 12 people dur-
ing Friday prayers as wor-
shippers gathered for the Eid
Palestinians gather at the site of destroyed houses after Israeli air strikes in Gaza Strip. REUTERS ul-Fitr holiday during a

Israel pounds Gaza with artillery

The Taliban insurgent
group, which declared the
three-day truce for the holi-
day, condemned the attack in

fire to counter rocket attacks a statement, and there was no

immediate claim of responsi-
bility. Ferdous Faramarz,
Journalists at the site of the blast in Shakar Dara, Kabul. AP/PTI


Gaza/Jerusalem, May 14 followed the 40-minute pre- spokesman for the Kabul
Israel pummelled Gaza with dawn offensive on the fifth police, said the mosque’s ■ Violence has increased even as the US has begun an
artillery fire and air strikes on day of the most serious fight- Imam was among the 12 dead operation to withdraw all its remaining troops in 4 months
Friday, killing 13 people ing between Israel and Gaza and that at least 15 people ■ There have been no major reports so far of direct fight-
including three children, local militants since 2014. were wounded in the blast at ing between government forces and the Taliban during
health officials said, as it tar- Gaza’s ruling Hamas group a mosque in the capital’s the holiday ceasefire, which began on Thursday
geted Palestinian militant tun- launched the rocket attacks Shakar Dara district.
nels to try to stop persistent at Jerusalem and Tel Aviv in The blast came less than a on the school may have been been no major reports so far
rocket attacks on Israeli towns. retaliation for Israeli police week after an explosion at a the work of a rival militant of direct fighting between
The largest Israeli operation clashes with Palestinians in school killed 80 people, most group such as Islamic State. government forces and the
against a specific target since Jerusalem. At least 122 peo- of them schoolgirls from the Such groups have not signed Taliban during the holiday
the conflict began included ple have been killed and 900 ethnic Hazara Shi’ite Mus- on to the holiday ceasefire. ceasefire, which began on
HIMACHAL PRADESH 160 aircraft as well as tanks Palestinians during a protest wounded in Gaza, Palestinian lim minority. Violence has increased Thursday at the end of the
JAL SHAKTI DEPARTMENT and artillery firing from out- in the West Bank. REUTERS medical officials said. The Taliban also even as the US has begun an Ramadan fasting month. The
side the Gaza Strip, Israeli Among eight dead in Israel denounced that attack and no operation to withdraw all its government and the Taliban
military spokesman Lieu- ricus said. Rocket barrages were a soldier and two children, one claimed responsibility. remaining troops over the have been holding talks to
Online bids on items rate basis are invited by the Executive
Engineer, Jal Shakti Division, Kaza, District Lahoul and Spiti, Himachal tenant Colonel Jonathan Con- against southern Israel swiftly Israeli officials said. — Reuters US officials believe the attack next four months. There have end their conflict. — Reuters
Pradesh on behalf of Governor of Himachal Pradesh in electronic
tendering system in three covers for the undermentioned work from
the contractors/firms of appropriate class enlisted with Himachal
Pradesh Jal Shakti Department/PWD/CPWD/other department and
Govt. undertaking departments.
Sr. Name of Work E/Cost E/ Cost Time
US, Oz look to expand British, US scientists call for further Oli sworn in
as Nepal PM

1 Providing LIS to Village Rs.


Rs. Six
Nidang in G.P Tabo SH:- 2458002/- 44430/- 400/- Months
Quad collaboration probe into Wuhan lab leak theory Kathmandu, May 14
Khadga Prasad Sharma Oli,
Washington, May 14 London, May14 how Covid emerged is critical heading a minority govern-
S/E of Pumping machinery
and allied accessories, The US and Australia are Won’t leave Canberra A group of leading UK and TRACKING VIRUS for informing global strate- ment, was sworn in as
Laying & jointing of G.I.
flanged pipe in Rising main
looking forward to doing a
alone amid Beijing US scientists, including Indi- NATIONS DEATHS gies to mitigate the risk of Nepal’s Prime Minister on
great deal more through the an-origin Cambridge Univer- future outbreaks. Friday, four days after the
and P/F and installation of
Quad collaboration, top diplo- coercion: Blinken sity immunology and infec-
US 5,98,567 They caution that hypothe- embattled leader lost a cru-
DG Set suitable to the
requirement of installed mats from the two countries tious disease expert Ravindra BRAZIL 4,30,596 ses about both natural and cial vote of confidence in
Pumping Machinery)
said here as they discussed ter Marise Payne. Gupta, on Friday called for MEXICO 2,19,901 laboratory spillovers must be Parliament.
1. Tender documents and other instructions can be downloaded or
China in their talks. Blinken also said the Unit- more investigation to deter- taken seriously until there is President Bidya Devi Bhan-
viewed online from the portal by the
firms/individual registered on the website which is free of cost. “Our countries are working ed States won’t leave Aus- mine the origin of the Covid UK 1,27,668 sufficient data. “Theories of dari administered him the
2. As the bids are to be submitted online are required to be encrypted with India and Japan to tralia alone in the face of eco- pandemic, including the the- ITALY 1,23,927 accidental release from a lab oath at Shital Niwas. The 69-
and digitally signed, the bidders are advised to obtain Digital advance a shared vision for a nomic coercion by China. ory of an accidental release and zoonotic spillover both year-old Chairman of the
Signature Certificate (DSC) from suitable vendors or from any free and open Indo-Pacific,” “That’s what allies do,” from a lab in the central Chi- remain viable,” they write. Communist Party of Nepal-
authorized agency at the earliest. WORLDOMETER
3. KEY DATES WILL BE AS UNDER:- US Secretary of State Tony Blinken added. nese city of Wuhan. TILL MAY 14, 10 PM “We agree with the WHO (Unified Marxist–Leninist)
1 Date of online publication 11.5.2021, 5.00 p.m.
Blinken said at a news con- Payne said discussions were In a letter published in the DG, the US, the EU and 13 was reappointed in his capac-
2 Downloading of e-tender Documents From 11.5.2021 at 5.00 a.m. ference along with with visit- held over Australia's relation- journal ‘Science', the experts ties such as Harvard, Stan- countries that greater clarity is ity as the leader of the largest
up to 17.5.2021 at 5.00 p.m. ing Australian Foreign Minis- ship with China. — PTI from world leading universi- ford and MIT said knowing necessary,” they note. — PTI political party. — PTI
3 Date of submission of e-tendering From 11.5.2021 at 5.00 p.m.

up to 17.5.2021 at 5.00 p.m.
4 Physical submission of earnest money Up to 18.5.2021, 11.00 a.m.
deposit and cost of tender form
5 Date of opening bid 11.30 a.m. on 18.5.2021
(i) Cover-1 Eligibility Criteria and USD EURO POUND JPY YUAN CAD AUD SGD HKD
Technical Bid
~73.29 ~88.84 ~103.18 ~0.67 ~11.38 ~60.41 ~56.80 ~54.98 ~9.43
41.75 18.70 ~45,850 ~70,500
(ii) Cover-2 Financial Bid Shall be intimated separately 48,732.55 14,677.80 (MCX) Mumbai (MCX) Mumbai
6 Site Visit —
7 Pre-Bid Meeting —
The e-tender documents shall be uploaded online in Two
(2) covers:- Exports jump to GoAir files Petrol, diesel prices IN BRIEF
papers for MUMBAI

reach record high

Cover-1 shall contain scanned copies of “Eligibility information
Gold bond issue price

$30.63 bn in Apr
and Technical Bid”.
Cover-2 shall contain “Financial Bid” on the prescribed form.
4. Cover-1 shall contain scanned copies of following “Eligibility ~3,600-cr IPO fixed at ~4,777/gm
The issue price for Sovereign
Information” (Scanned copies to be uploaded in pdf. File).
New Delhi, May 14 New Delhi, May 14 Gold Bond Scheme 2021-22,
a). The earnest money shall be through online mode (e-payment)
or FDR of any nationalized bank/NSC/Saving Account of New Delhi, May 14 GoAir, which has rebranded Petrol and diesel prices on which will open for subscription
any Post office of Himachal Pradesh duly pledged in the India’s exports in April itself as ‘Go First’, has filed Friday touched record high from May 17, has been fixed at
name of Executive Engineer Jal Shakti Division Kaza. jumped nearly three-fold to preliminary papers for an ini- levels across the country Rs 4,777 per gram, the RBI
Certificate of exemption along with affidavit to ensure $30.63 billion from $10.36 bil- tial share sale worth Rs 3,600 after rates were increased for said on Friday. The government
Correctness of information.
b). The cost of tender form (non-refundable) in the shape of lion in the same month last crore and the proceeds will be the fourth time this week. has decided to issue the bonds
online (e payment)/Demand Draft/Banker Cheque (Preferably year, according to govern- mainly used to repay dues Petrol price was hiked by in six tranches from May 2021
non account Payee) duly pledged in favour of Executive ment data released on Friday. amid the aviation industry 29 paise per litre and diesel to September 2021. The gov-
Engineer, Jal Shakti Division, Kaza, Distt L&S (HP). Imports too rose to $45.72 facing strong headwinds due by 34 paise a litre, according
c). Certificate of registration with Jal Shakti Department in 4TH HIKE IN A WEEK ernment will offer a discount of
appropriate class and latest renewal thereof.
billion last month as against to the coronavirus pandemic. to a price notification by Rs 50 per gram to investors
■ This is the fourth
$17.12 billion in April 2020, After taking to the skies 15 state-owned fuel retailers. applying online and the pay-
d). Income Tax Return for the year 2019-20 or 2020-21.
e). Registration of GST. the data showed. Trade TRADE DEFICIT years ago, the Wadia group- The increase propelled increase in prices this ment against the application is
deficit widened to $15.10 WIDENS TO $15 BN promoted budget carrier is rates in Delhi to climb to an week and eighth hike made through digital mode. PTI
f). PAN (Permanent Account No.).
since May 4
g). EPF with documentary proof. billion as against $6.76 bil- ■ Imports too rose to looking to mop-up the all-time high of Rs 92.34 a
■ The hike propelled rates
h). The authorization letter regarding Digital Signature Certificate lion in April 2020. $45.72 billion last amount through issuance of litre for petrol and Rs 82.95 NEW DELHI
(DSC) of the person authorized by the registered tenderer
Exports in April last year had month as against $17.12 fresh equity shares. It also per litre for diesel. in Delhi to climb to an PowerGrid Corp raises
to upload the bid, be uploaded along with the other all-time high of ~92.34 a
documents online. plunged by a record 60.28% billion in April 2020, the has plans to raise up to Rs Rates had already crossed ~2,736 cr via InvIT OFS
i). The contractor/Firm shall submit/upload the scanned due to the Covid pandemic- data showed 1,500 crore by way of a pre- the Rs 100-mark in several litre for petrol and Power Grid Corporation of India
copies of the documents as required in NIT through induced lockdown. In March IPO placement. cities in Rajasthan, Madhya
~82.95 for diesel Ltd (PGCIL) on Friday said it has
■ Trade deficit widened to
online mode except Earnest Money and cost of Tender this year, exports grew by Once the shares get listed, Pradesh and Maharashtra received Rs 2,736.02 crore
form and should submit Physically in original on or $15.10 billion as against
before 18.5.2021 up to 11.00 A.M. i.e. tender opening date 60.29% to $34.45 billion. Due $6.76 billion in April 2020 Go Airlines (India) Ltd will and with the latest increase, during assembly elections in through sale of 27.41 crore units
failing which the bid will be declared as non-responsive. to the low base effect, exports be the third operational prices in Mumbai too were states like West Bengal. in the PowerGrid Infrastructure
■ Exportsin April 2020
Exemption of earnest money shall be available. in April 2021 recorded a scheduled carrier after inching towards that level. Sri Ganganagar district of Investment Trust (PGInvIT) offer
j). A scanned copy of undertaking that I have carefully studied growth rate of 195.72%.
had plunged by a record SpiceJet and IndiGo to A litre of petrol in Mumbai Rajasthan had the costliest for sale. Earlier in the day, the
all the Terms & Conditions stipulated in form PWD 6&8/12 as 60.28% due to the pan-
Oil imports stood at $10.8 trade on Indian bourses. now comes for Rs 98.65 and petrol and diesel in the units issued by PGInvIT were
well as special Terms & Conditions appended along with demic-induced lockdown
schedule of quantity along with special terms and conditions billion as compared to $4.66 In a release on Friday, diesel is priced at Rs 90.11 country at Rs 103.27 per listed on NSE and BSE. PGCIL
before quoting the rates in the BoQ chart and that I have visited billion in the corresponding GoAir said it has filed a draft per litre. This was the fourth litre and Rs 95.70 a litre, has created the PGInvIT to
the site of work before quoting the rates. month last year. pet, handicrafts, leather, red herring prospectus increase in prices this week respectively. monetise its assets. PTI
Technical bid shall contain.
Major export commodities electronic goods, oil meals, (DRHP) for an initial public and eighth hike since May 4, In eight increases, petrol
i) The contractor/firm who are authorized for offering pumping
machinery have to upload the performance curve chart along which have recorded posi- cashew, engineering, petro- offer (IPO) to raise up to Rs when the state-owned oil price has risen by Rs 1.95 MUMBAI
with selection of pumps and motors as per duty conditions tive growth in April include leum products, marine prod- 3,600 crore through issuance firms ended an 18-hiatus in per litre and diesel by Rs Forex reserves up by
(+10% duty head and -15% duty head). The hard copy of gems and jewellery, jute, car- ucts and chemicals. — PTI of fresh equity shares. — PTI rate revision they observed 2.22. — PTI $1.444 bn to $589 bn
original curve chart of pump equipment shall be supplied
separately duly indicating points and other conditions along
The country’s foreign
with BHP, to ascertain the uploaded documents. The Gen set exchange reserves increased
should be as per the requirement of Pumping Machinery. by $1.444 billion to $589.465
5. Cover-2: shall contain “Financial Bid” which will be opened at
a later date to be notified separately and opened only of eligible
contractors/Firms whose documents are as per Eligibility
Information “Cover-I” and Cover-2 shall contain only Financial
Carmakers extend warranty, free service amid lockdown billion in the week ended May
7, 2021, RBI data showed. In
the previous week ended April
Bid/Offer on Departmental schedule of quantity/BoQ where Vijay C Roy Tata Motors service and warranty period and warranty period expir- 30, 2021, the reserves had
contractor/Firms will quote his/their offer for each item. Tribune News Service Customers whose warranty expiring between March 15 ing between April 1 and risen by $3.913 billion to
6. Earnest Money of L1, L2 and L3 shall be retained for a period of Chandigarh, May 14 and free service is due to and May 31. These will be May 31. These services will $588.02 billion. PTI
120 days.
Carmakers are offering exten- expire between April 1 and extended up to June 30. be extended up to July 31.
7. In case, opening day is a holiday, the tenders shall be opened
on next working day at the same time. sion of warranty and free serv- May 31 will be extended till Mahindra and Mahindra MG Motors LONDON
8. The offer of the tender shall be kept open for 120 days. ice amid the localised lock- June 30. Dimple Mehta, head- The extension of the warranty MG Motors is offering an Probe launched against
9. Ambiguous/Conditional tenders or tenders by Fax/E-mail shall not downs. Tata Motors, Maruti, Customer Care, Tata Motors, period will be applicable to auto extension of periodic Gupta-led GFG Alliance
be entertained/considered in any case. M&M, Renault, Kia and MG said: “The Covid surge has those vehicles whose warran- maintenance schedule. All The UK’s Serious Fraud Office
10. Conditional bids are liable to be rejected without assigning any Motor have announced the led to restricted movement ty was set to expire between schedules due in April and said on Friday it was investigat-
reason. The Executive Engineer, reserves the right to reject/
cancel any or all the tenders/bids without assigning any extension for those vehicles and customers are not able to April 1 and May 31. The war- May will be extended till ing suspected fraudulent trad-
reason(s). whose warranty and free serv- bring their vehicles for sched- ranty will now be ‘auto July 31. ing and money laundering relat-
11. Any enquiry regarding tender can be obtained on e-mail of the ice has expired or due to expire uled service.” service, warranty and extended’ till July 31. Kia Motors ed to companies within the
Divisional Officer under e-mail address amid the lockdown. Let’s have Maruti Suzuki extended warranty to cus- Renault Kia Motors has also extend- Gupta Family Group Alliance
Executive Engineer, a look which company has Maruti Suzuki India is tomers. The extension The extension would be ed service schedules by two (GFG), led by British-Indian busi-
Jal Shakti Division, Kaza. announced what: offering extension of free would be applicable to free applicable to free service months for all vehicles. nessman Sanjeev Gupta. PTI
Players need to put team ‘No excuse!’ Paine after criticism
of ‘sideshow’ comment
above self: Ex-coach Raman
Sharma makes cut; Sandhu,
Bhullar bow out MELBOURNE: Australian cricket team captain Tim Paine was
Shubhankar Sharma shot a 1-
compelled to issue a clarification today regarding his com-
ments on the methods of the Indian team, following which
under 71 in the second round to
he received severe criticism online. Though Paine stood by
qualify for the weekend rounds
at the British Masters. Sharma
Former India runners-up finish for India in
the women’s T20 World Cup
admit that a mail to both
Ganguly and Dravid has
his comments that his team indeed got distracted by India’s
“sideshow” during their home Test series loss earlier this
was even-par after two rounds coach writes to last year, though very little gone out. It is learnt that year, he clarified he didn’t offer them as an excuse for the
and made the cut, which fell at
a 1-over. Ajeetesh Sandhu (74-
Ganguly about cricket was played with him
in charge. “As far as I know,
Raman has written about cer-
tain individuals who need to
defeat. India had won the series 2-1. A day after being heavi-
ly criticised online by Indian fans for his comments regard-
72) missed the cut by one shot, prima donna Raman has said that he has place the team above self. ing the Indian team, Paine clarified his views while chatting
always ‘believed in team Raman, it is learnt, is dis- with former Australian wicketkeeper-batsman Adam
while SSP Chawrasia (75-76)
and Gaganjeet Bhullarr (77-76)
culture in team being placed above every- mayed by allegations that he Gilchrist in a podcast. “I was asked a number of things, and
had a rough week. Meanwhile, New Delhi, May 14 body else, and insisted that is not proactive as a coach. He one of those was talking about the challenges of playing
in Cape Town, Tvesa Malik Rafael Nadal in action against Alexander Zverev. REUTERS WV Raman, who has been no individual can really be a wrote that he oversaw three against India. One of them is the distraction they can cre-
shot an even-par 72 to be tied- ousted as the national prima donna’,” a source training sessions (for Trail-
ate,” Paine said. “There was a lot of talk that they weren’t

Rafa gets revenge

going to Brisbane. They’re always changing gloves and
fifth — two shots off the lead — women’s cricket team coach, privy to Raman’s email said. blazers, Velocity and Super- bringing out physios and all that can get on your nerves. Just
after the first round of the has written to BCCI presi- Raman’s letter to the two novas) between 1pm and said that was one of the things that probably distracted me
South African Women’s Open dent Sourav Ganguly, alleg- former India captains is sure 9pm in humid UAE condi- and took my eye of the ball at times,” Paine said. TNS, AGENCIES
golf tournament. Rome, May 14 Nadal is now just two wins ing that there is a “prima don- to ruffle a few feathers, given tions during the Women’s
One week after his quarterfi- away from equalling Novak na culture” in the team. that it has always been the T20 Challenge in 2020.
CHENNAI nal loss to Alexander Zverev Djokovic’s record haul of 36 In his email, which has coaches who have either The letter has been copied TENDER NOTICE
Online games with Anand, at the Madrid Open, Rafael ATP Masters 1000 titles. been copied to National stepped aside or been sacked to Dravid because Raman The Executive Engineer, Jal Shakti Division, Nohradhar invites following offline tenders
on behalf of Governor of Himachal Pradesh from eligible Contractors for the following work
other GMs raise $50K Nadal took his revenge The Spaniard is through Cricket Academy (NCA) head after serious differences with believes that he can con- through offline process:-
A series of exhibition matches against the German at the to his 12th semifinal here. Rahul Dravid, Raman has players, most notably ODI tribute towards building a Sr.
Description E/Cost E/
Time Cost of
featuring five-time world Italian Open here today. The He will face first-time ATP also offered to present a captain Mithali Raj. roadmap for Indian women’s Upgradation of water testing Laboratory Nohradhar
(SH:- Supplying and installation of laboratory apparatus, 3
chess champion Viswanathan nine-time champion saved all Masters 1000 semifinalist roadmap for women’s cricket cricket. “When it comes to 1
certified reference material (CRM) and chemical for
298804 6000/-

Anand and a few other Grand- eight break points he faced in Reilly Opelka tomorrow. in the country, if he is asked. ‘Star culture’ building a coaching manual
water testing Laboratory at Nohradhar).
CAD to LIS Dhamander and adjoining village in GP Tali
masters has raised $50,000 the second set to defeat Opelka defeated Federico In a surprising move, the While Raman’s letter didn’t or a training program for 2
Bhujjal, Matal Bakhog & Koti Padhog, Teshil Rajgarh,
Distt. Sirmour, H.P. (SH:- C/o RCC irrigation tank 50000
289144 5800/-
(approximately ~37 lakh) for Zverev 6-3 6-4 and enter the Delbonis 7-5 7-6(2). former India Test player was name anyone, it is under- cricketers, it is the NCA litres capacity).
CAD to LIS Dhamander and adjoining village in GP Tali
Covid-relief in India. On Thurs- semifinals. Nadal’s win end- In the women’s tourna- not retained as the head stood that he has dwelt exten- which takes charge,” the 3
Bhujjal, Matal Bakhog & Koti Padhog, Teshil Rajgarh,
265764 5350/-
ed a streak of three straight ment, top-ranked Ash Barty coach of the women’s team, sively on the “star culture” source said. “So if Raman has
Distt. Sirmour, H.P. (SH:- C/o protection work for main Months
day, Anand, Koneru Humpy, line at RD 870).
Harika Dronavalli, Nihal Sarin losses against the world No. retired from her rainy quar- when the Cricket Advisory that prevails in the team, any inputs with regards to The application for purchase of tender documents shall be entertained up to 4.00 P.M.
dated 17/05/2021, non-refundable, in cash or by money order as per cost shown above. The
and Praggnanandhaa R 6. “I played a very solid terfinal against 17-year-old Committee (CAC) picked which he said is doing more training modules for upcom- enders shall be received in the office of the Executive Engineer, Jal Shakti Division, Nohradhar
played simultaneous games match with not many mis- American Coco Gauff while Ramesh Powar for a second harm than good. While ing women cricketers, the up to 2.00 P.M. dated 18/05/2021 and shall be opened on the same day at 3.00. P.M. in the
presence of intending contractors or their authorized representatives if any.
on against a total takes, playing the way that I leading 6-4 2-1 due to a right stint. Raman’s major repeated calls to Raman went best person certainly is NCA DPR/HP/768 Executive Engineer, Jal Shakti Division, Nohradhar.
of 105 players. have to,” Nadal said. arm injury. — Agencies achievements included a unanswered, a source did head Dravid.” — PTI
Race-walker Irfan negative in

In Birmingham, Vihari leads Covid-relief work in India

Online bids on Item Rate basis are invited by the Additional General Manager
second Covid test Sewage SJPNL, Shimla — 171001, Himachal Pradesh on the behalf of Governor
Olympics-bound race-walker KT of Himachal Pradesh, in electronic tendering system in two covers for the
undermentioned work from authorized dealer of original manufacturer.
Irfan and four other elite track-
Sr. Description of Work Estimated Earnest Time Cost of
and-field athletes have returned New Delhi, May 14 across Andhra Pradesh, they arrive on June 3. arrange for plasma, beds and No. Cost Money Form
negative for Covid-19 in a confir- Cricketer Hanuma Vihar Telangana and Karnataka. Vihari is shocked by the essential medicine.” 1. Sewerage Scheme for Shimla Rs. Rs. Twelve Rs.
Town (SH: Providing and 10,43,07,852/- 10,75,580/- Months 5,000/-
matory second test conducted cherishes his feats as a bats- Vihari’s friends and ‘fol- obstacles that Covid-19 laying sewerline and main hole Only Only Only
at the SAI centre in Bengaluru. man, but his biggest satisfac- lowers’ have reached out to patients and their families Networking construction works for Beolia,
Gussan, IT Bhawan (HBC)
tion these days comes from people with plasma, oxygen encounter on a daily basis. When distress calls and mes- Mehali to STP Panthaghatti
NEW DELHI being able to arrange a hospi- cylinders and arranged food “With the second wave sages for help started pour- KEY DATES WILL BE AS UNDER:
Hussey negative, Saha gets tal bed or oxygen cylinders and hospital beds for being so strong, getting a bed ing in, Vihari wanted to cre- a Date of online Publication From 08.05.2021 up to 5:00 p.m.
conflicting results for desperate Covid-19 patients. “I don’t want to became a difficulty and that ate a network of help-givers b Downloading of e-tender documents From 08.05.2021, 5:00 p.m. up to
24.05.2021, 11:00 a.m.
CSK batting coach Michael patients through a network of glorify myself. I am doing it is something which is and he found support from c Date of submission of e- tender From 08.05.2021, 5:00 p.m. up to
Hussey has recovered from friends. The surge in cases with the intention of helping unthinkable. So, I decided to common people, his own 24.05.2021, 11:00 a.m.
d Physical submission of EMD Cost of tender Up to 11:00 a.m. on 24.05.2021
Covid-19, paving the way for his during the pandemic’s sec- people at the ground level, Hanuma Vihari has created use my followers as my vol- family and Andhra cricket form and eligibility documents
return to Australia. However, ond wave has created an who actually need every an army of volunteers from unteers and help as many teammates like Prithviraj e Date of Opening of bids:-
SRH’s Wriddhiman Saha has unprecedented health crisis, help possible in these diffi- friends and ‘followers’. people as I can,” Vihari, who Yarra. “I have around 100 Cover-1 Eligibility Criteria 24.05.2021 at 11:30 a.m.
Cover-2 Financial Bid Shall be intimated separately
received conflicting results in and social media has become cult times. It is just the has more than 110,000 follow- people on a WhatsApp group f Site Visit —
two coronavirus tests. AGENCIES an important tool to seek and start,” the 27-year-old said. ly April to play in the English ers on social media, said. “My as volunteers and it’s due to The tender forms and other detailed conditions can be downloaded from the
give emergency help. county for Warwickshire and goal is to actually mainly their hard work that we have website
TODAY ON TV Vihari, who is in the UK for Daily obstacles is expected to join the Indian reach out to those people who been able to help a few peo- Sd/- Additional General Manager,
Sewerage Division, SJPNL,
EPL a stint with county team War- Vihari left for England in ear- team directly in the UK when are not able to afford or ple,” Vihari said. — PTI US Club, Shimla — 171001.
BURNLEY VS LEEDS 5PM wickshire, has used his Twit- No. SJPNL-SD-Tender/2021-22-255-59 Dated: 08.05.2021 DPR/HP/69

SOUTHAMPTON VS FULHAM 7:30PM ter handle to amplify appeals

for help. He has also created a Govt. of Himachal Pradesh
BRIGHTON VS WEST HAM team of 100 volunteers, com- Jal Shakti Vibhag
00:30AM (SUNDAY) prising friends, family and NOTICE INVITING E-TENDERS
STAR SPORTS social media followers from Telephone No. 01972-288060 E-mail:
Fax No. 01972-288060 Website:-
Online bids on item rate are invited by the Executive Engineer, Jal
HIMACHAL PRADESH Shakti Vibhag, Division Barsar on behalf of Governor of Himachal
Pradesh, in electronic tendering system in two covers for the under
Jal Shakti Vibhag mentioned work from the contractor/firms of appropriate class enlisted
NOTICE INVITING E-TENDER with Himachal Pradesh JSV Department, Central/State Government,
Online bids on item rate basis are invited by the Executive Engineer, Jal Department or Govt. undertaking in appropriate class and latest
Shakti Division Sunder Nagar on behalf of the Governor of Himachal renewal thereof.
Pradesh, in electronic tendering system in Two covers for the under- Name of work:- C/O LWSS from GPS Dhangota natural source from
mentioned work from the contractors/firms of appropriate class enlisted with Sub Division Barsar in Tehsil Barsar Distt. Hamirpur (SH:- C/O Clear
any Department or Govt. Undertaking. Water sump well 60700 liters. Pump House & Over head storage tank
Sr. Name of work Estimated Earnest Cost of 25500 liters capacity with 15 mtrs staging height)
No. Cost (Rs) Money tender form Estimated Cost:- Rs. 1628634.00
1 C/O Junior Engineer Residence and 3251962 56300 400 Earnest Money:- Rs. 31930.00
Complaint cell at Kalahod under
Sub- Division Sunder Nagar Tehsil
Cost of tender Form:- Rs. 400.00
Sunder Nagar District Mandi (HP) Time Period:- 03 Months
Time: Six Months Schedule of tendering:-
Schedule of tendering:- 1. Site Visit From 06.05.2021 to 18.05.2021 during
1 Bid submission start date 14.5.2021 5.00 p.m. working hours from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00
2 Bid submission end date and time 21.5.2021 Up to 11.00 a.m. p.m. except holidays.
4 Opening of Cover 1 22.5.2021 11.30 a.m. 2. Bid submission start date From 06.05.2021 at 3:00 p.m.
5 Opening of Financial bid Date and place to be notified separately
3. Bid submission end date From 19.05.2021 up to 11:00 a.m.
DPR/HP/731 Executive Engineer
4. No Physical submission Up to 11:00 a.m. on dated 19.05.2021
of documents, except
original bid security/bid
HIMACHAL PRADESH IRRIGATION AND cost deposited through off
PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENT line mode, will be allowed
*FOR E-TENDERING* 5. Opening of eligibility At 11:30 a.m. on dated 19.05.2021 in
The Executive Engineer, Jal Shakti Division, Anni, District Kullu (H.P.) invites tenders
criteria of the bid the office of Executive Engineer, JSV
on behalf of Governor of Himachal Pradesh from approved eligible contractors for the Division Barsar (H.P.)
following work through e-tendering process:- 6. Opening of Financial bid Date and place to be notified
Sr. Name of Work Estimated Earnest Time Cost of separately.
No. Cost Money Limit Tender
1 C/o LIS Gugra Khad to C.V. 1382052.00 27641.00 6 400/- Note:- The tender Terms and conditions and other detailed conditions
Manjhadesh for Horticulture land Months can be available and downloaded from the website
in G.P. Chowai in Anni Block, Distt. https
Kullu (H.P.) SH:- Laying, jointing DPR/HP/720
of HDPE pipe 32mm & 40mm OD
and C/o 6 Nos Storage tanks of
different cap. at different locations) Project Director-cum-Chief Engineer (PMU),
(IInd Stage) Jal Shakti Vibhag, Mandi — 175001
2 C/o LIS Gugra Khad to C.V. 1984357.00 39687.00 9 400/-
Manjhadesh for Horticulture land Months Himachal Pradesh
in G.P. Chowai in Anni Block, Distt.
of HDPE pipe 50mm & 63mm OD Project Director-cum-Chief Engineer, PMU, Jal Shakti Vibhag, Mandi — 175001,
and C/o 9 Nos Storage tanks of Himachal Pradesh, India on behalf of Governor of Himachal Pradesh, invites the online
different cap. at different locations) Lumpsum contract bids on turnkey basis from the eligible bidders of Indian Entity as
(1st Stage) well as NDB member countries through online bidding system on or before 28th May,
Last Date of filling/uploading the tender through e-tendering: 18.05.2021 up to 2021 at 11:00 a.m. IST (GMT + 5:30 Hrs) on the site
05:00 p.m. Sr. Description Estimated Bid Time Cost of
The tender forms and other detailed conditions can be downloaded from the website No. Cost Security Form or from office of above Executive Engineer up to date
1 M-2 Package Engineering, Rs. Rs. 54.62 24 Rs. 2500/-
specified above.
procurement, construction, 5462.15 Lakh in Months Only
HIM SUCHNA AVAM JAN SAMPARK DPR/HP/724 testing, commissioning, trail Lakh Equivalent including Equivalent
run and operation and Equivalent to all to
maintenance of various to 74315.01 season 34.01
HIMACHAL PRADESH components of LWSS/WSS 7431501.17 in USD but in USD
to PC Habitation, Baragaon, in USD excluding
PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Kufri, Dhamchayan, Sudhar, trial run
Telephone No. 01970233116, E-mail ID: Tarswan and Tikker of and
Drang Block and Tandoo, 5 years
INVITATION FOR BIDS (IFB) Meharetc of Sadar Mandi O&M
The Executive Engineer Dehra Division HPPWD Dehra H.P. on behalf of Block Distt. Mandi (H.P.) for
Governor of H.P. invites the item rate bids in the electronic tendering system ultimate capacity of bringing
from the eligible class of contractors registered with HPPWD for the works as 4.29 MLD of Beas River,
1.30 MLD of Uhl River and
detailed in the table.
0.894 MLD of Rithachak
Sr. Name of work Estimated Starting date Earnest Nallah Treated water (16
No. Cost for down- Money hours of pumping) from the
(Rs.) loading Bid Intake Point on River Beas
1 Special repair to Saink Rest House Rs. 20.05.2021 Rs. and River Uhl to 112 Villages
building at Dehra (SH:- Painting, 1435300/- 10.00 a.m. 28700/- of 21 Gram Panchayats in
Distempering & Flooring tile work, single package on “Turn-key
Sanitary, Brick work etc.) DEPOSITE job basis” including trial run,
2 C/o Link road Harizan Basti Surani to Rs. 20.05.2021 Rs. defect and liability period and
Kamlu Km. 0/0 to 3/200 C/o Formation 2325535/- 10.00 a.m. 46510/- running and maintenance of
cutting, Retaining wall, cross drain and the entire scheme for 5 years
road side drain at Rd. 0/0 to 2/277) (cost of running &
under SCSP maintenance shall be paid
separately from state fund).
Deadline for submission of Bid:- 03.06.2021 (5.00 p.m.) each
Last date of filling uploading the tender up to 28/05/2021 at 11.00 a.m. and opened
The bidders are advised to note other details of tender from the department on same day at 11:30 a.m.
website: Date of opening of tender 04.06.2021. The tender form and other detail and condition can be obtained from the website
On behalf of Governor of Himachal Pradesh or from office of Project Direction-cum-Chief Engineer, PMU,
Executive Engineer, Jal Shakti Vibhag, Mandi — 175001, Himachal Pradesh up to the date specified above.
Dehra Division HP.PWD., Dehra Pin No. 177101. Project Director-cum- Chief Engineer (PMU)
Tel. No. 01970-233116, e-mail:- HPRWSP, Jal Shakti Vibhag, Mandi (H.P.)

PM releases ~20,000 cr SC panel chief visits WB, asks Centre moves SC, wants BC
reservation order reviewed
under PM-KISAN scheme
New Delhi: Prime Minister
Narendra Modi on Frdiay
released the eighth instalment of
over ~20,000 crore to more than
Mamata to dismiss erring cops New Delhi, May 14 (NCBC), gives exclusive pow-
9.5 crore farmer beneficiaries
under the Pradhan Mantri Kisan
POST-POLL UNREST Alleges police hand in glove with perpetrators The Centre has moved the
Supreme Court seeking
er to the Centre to identify and
declare SEBC, as only Presi-
Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN) Shubhadeep Choudhury here on Friday after visiting review of the May 5 majority dent can notify the list.
scheme on Friday. Under the Tribune News Service ASSESSING MAY 2 REPORT SOUGHT ON the affected areas, said. verdict which took away the All five judges of the bench,
PM-KISAN scheme, the Kolkata, May 14 POLITICAL VIOLENCE DISPLACED CHILDREN He alleged that while the power of state governments however, had held the
government is providing ~6,000 Noting that the police failed ■ Vijay Sampla is among police in the affected areas to declare socially and educa- amendment as valid and said
New Delhi: The National Com- MARATHA QUOTA
in three equal instalments to 14 to invoke the provisions of the battery of dignitaries mission for Protection of Child were found to be hand in tionally backward classes it did not affect the federal
crore farmers annually. TNS the Scheduled Caste Atroci- from New Delhi who Rights has asked authorities glove with miscreants, the (SEBC) for grant of quota in ■ The Centre’s plea comes polity or violate the basic
ties Prevention Act with have been visiting West in Dhubri and Kokrajhar in administration was indiffer- jobs and admissions. days after the apex court structure of the Constitution.
China rover to attempt regard to the incidents of Bengal in the wake of Assam to visit camps housing ent to the plight of the Dal- The Centre has maintained ruled that only the Presi- The petition for the review
Mars landing by May 19 atrocities against Dalits in the post-poll violence children who reportedly fled its at the receiving end of that the 102nd Constitution dent has the power to iden- of judgement, which was
Beijing: China says its Mars post-poll violence, National ■ BJP chief JP Nadda and post-poll violence in West the violence. The victims amendment did not take away tify and add a community to filed on Thursday, has sought
probe and accompanying rover Commission for Scheduled National Women Bengal and submit a report were living in constant fear, the power of the state govern- the socially and education- an open court hearing into
Commission detailing their number and ally backward classes’ list
are expected to land on the red Castes (NCSC) chairperson atrocities faced by them. In a Sampla said. ments to identify and declare the matter and also stay of
planet sometime between Vijay Sampla has asked the Rekha Shar- letter, it has asked the district The NCSC chairman, who SEBC and the two provisions ■ The SC had unanimously the majority verdict on the
Saturday and Wednesday Mamata Banerjee-led West ma also magistrates to record state- was a Cabinet Minister in that were inserted did not vio- set aside Maharashtra law limited aspect of the amend-
Beijing time. The China National Bengal Government to visited ments of the children and file the first Modi-led govern- late the federal structure. granting quota to Marathas ment till the plea is decided.
Space Administration said in a immediately dismiss and the zero FIRs in cases where ment, said Dalit families A five-judge Constitution and refused to refer to the The Centre, in its plea, has
brief notice that the Tianwen-1 take legal action against state atrocities against them have had left their homes in Nab- bench headed by Justice 1992 Mandal verdict put- said that majority verdict had
probe has collected a large police officers responsible recently been reported. PTI gram village in Burdwan Ashok Bhushan had unani- ting a cap of 50% on reser- upheld the validity of Article
amount of scientific data since for the lapse. district and Nabasan village mously set aside Maharash- vation to a larger bench 342A, but in doing so, the bench
entering Mars orbit on February Sampla, who landed in displaced Dalit families ter and ration. in South 24 Pargana district. tra law granting quota to had interpreted that the provi-
10 and the window for setting Kolkata on Thursday on a would have received com- “At present, the affected In Bardhaman city also, Marathas and refused to refer ty verdict, had ruled that the sion denudes the states from
down on an icy area of the two-day state tour, said pensation and the district families are getting nothing houses were attacked and to the 1992 Mandal verdict 102nd Constitutional amend- exercising the power which
planet known as Utopia Planitia had the police invoked the administration would and miscreants are roaming set afire and looted. Resi- putting a cap of 50 per cent on ment, which also led to setting they undoubtedly had for iden-
was determined by “current Scheduled Caste Atroci- have been under compul- about freely,” Sampla, who dents fled their houses, the reservation to a larger bench. up of the National Commis- tifying and declaring SEBC in
flying conditions”. PTI ties Prevention Act, the sion to provide them shel- was talking to reporters NCSC chairman said. The bench, in its 3:2 majori- sion for Backward Classes their respective states. — PTI

Bracing for ‘Tauktae’ DJ held for making 3 prisoners

killed in clash
spoof on Guj CM at UP jail
Chitrakoot (UP), May 14
Ahmedabad, May14 Three prisoners were shot
The police have detained a 30- Accused of harming dead in a clash at Ragauli
year-old disc jockey (DJ) in reputation district jail here on Friday,
Vadodara city of Gujarat on the police said.
the charge of harming Chief One of them died in an
Minister Vijay Rupani’s repu- Kahar is a local DJ and uses exchange of fire with jail offi-
tation by making and upload- the name ‘DJ Adee’ on vari- cials after he shot dead the
ing a video by using a part of ous social media platforms. In other two prisoners, jailor SP
the latter’s past speech, offi- his speech, the CM had tried Tripathi said. The deceased
cials said on Friday. to say that potatoes grown by inmates have been identified
The accused, Pradeep farmers of Banaskantha will as Anshu Dixit, Merazuddin
Kahar, was detained on get more price if sold to fast alias Meraj Ali and Mukeem
Thursday under IPC section food giant McDonald’s for Kala, officials said. “Dixit shot
People pull a boat ashore amid strong winds in Thiruvananthapuram on Friday. PTI
469, which deals with forgery making French fries sold at dead Ali and Kala, and held
for purpose of harming repu- their outlets. While Kahar did some of the other prisoners at
53 NDRF TEAMS ON STANDBY FOR FIVE STATES tation, a release issued by the not alter the original words, he gunpoint and threatened to
■ The NDRF has earmarked 53 teams for ■ The Indian Meteorological Department police said. He was kept under cut some portions of the kill them. He was later killed
Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka, Maharash- says a pressure area had formed over the detention and would be for- speech and put it together to in exchange of fire with
tra and Gujarat ahead of Cyclone ‘Tauktae’, southeast Arabian Sea and the adjoining mally arrested once his Covid make a spoof video of the CM, police,” IG, Chitrakoot Range,
which is developing in the Arabian Sea Lakshadweep area on Thursday report comes negative, it said. the police said. — PTI K Satyanarain said. — PTI

Patients die as
T’gana stops AP
Covid keeps 70 Aussies off 1st
Hyderabad, May 14
repatriation flight from India
Despite Telangana High Melbourne, May 14 fly, the report said.
Court orders, the police on Several Australians in India COUNTRYWIDE E-OPD O’Farrell said people who
state highways continue to who were scheduled to BY MILITARY DOCTORS were signed to go on the
block the entry of ambulances return home by a repatria- flight were all put up in
New Delhi: Retired military doc-
carrying Covid-19 patients tion flight initiated by the hotels, paid for by the state-
tors have come forward to pro-
from Andhra Pradesh. Australian government were vide free consultation on a web- run Qantas Airways, so that
Two patients from Andhra grounded on Friday because based platform. Called they could do the first round
Pradesh died on Friday after either they were infected ‘e-Sanjeevani’, the service is of pre-flight testing, and that
the Telangana Police did not with Covid-19 or were consid- available at www.esanjeevan- the results of the second
permit vehicles to cross the ered a close contact of some- It functions like an round had not come back yet.
interstate border at Kurnool. one who was positive, a top OPD with an aim to provide The high commissioner
Officials have lodged a protest Australian diplomat said. free medical consultation to said all passengers were
with their Telangana counter- The repatriation flights citizens across India. TNS made aware of the increased
parts saying despite the accept- facilitated by the Australian testing rules required to fly
ance of these patients by hospi- government for its stranded Barry O'Farrell was quoted as back to Australia.
tals in advance, two natives of citizens in India resumed saying by the ABC News. “Obviously, I'm disap-
Nandyal and Kurnool died in from Friday following a two About half of the 150 seats pointed, as are those Aus-
the ambulances due to delay in weeks ban due to Covid on the flight set to leave New tralians who will not be on
medical aid. Sources said the health crisis in India. Delhi on Friday night will be today's flight,” he said.
development took place at the “Many passengers on the left empty after more than 40 O'Farrell said anyone who
Panchalingala check-post on first flight on Friday were people tested positive to the had tested positive would
National Highway-44 where grounded due to Covid-19 pos- virus, meaning they and still be considered vulnera-
around 40 ambulances were itive test results,” Australian their close contacts — a total ble and be given priority on
forced to return. — TNS High Commissioner to India of about 70 people — cannot future flights. — PTI

Black fungus cases 13 more patients

in Maha, 52 dead die at Goa hospital
Mumbai, May14 All the 52 victims were Covid Panaji, May14
As many as 52 persons have survivors, but succumbed to Thirteen more Covid-19 TOLL 75 IN 4 DAYS
died due to Mucormycosis, a the black fungus infection, the patients died at the Goa Med- ■ Goa Government has not
rare but dangerous fungal official said. For the first time, ical College and Hospital revealed the exact cause
infection, in Maharashtra since the state health department has (GMCH) in the early hours of of the deaths
the Covid-19 outbreak last compiled a list of deaths caused Friday, a senior health depart- ■ Ittold the HC there were
year, a senior health depart- by black fungus,” said the offi- ment official said, taking to “logistic issues” related
ment official said on Friday. cial. On Wednesday, Maharash- 75 the number of people who to supply of oxygen
Mucormycosis, also known tra Health Minister Rajesh have succumbed at the gov- ■ 26 patients died on Tues-
as black fungus, became a Tope had said there were 1,500 ernment-run facility over the
day, 21 Wednesday, 15
much talked about subject cases of black fungus in the last four days. Thursday and 13 on Friday
after some recovering and state, which was in the throes of The horror at the GMCH is
recovered Covid patients were a severe second wave. Rising continuing even as the Goa and Mahesh Sonak that there
found infected with the dis- Mucormycosis cases is expect- bench of the Bombay High were logistical issues involved
ease, whose symptoms include ed to put a further burden on Court is hearing petitions in maneuvering the tractor,
headache, fever, pain under the state’s healthcare infra- related to deaths during the which carries the trolleys of oxy-
the eyes, nasal or sinus conges- structure, which is already “dark hours” at the premier gen and in connecting the cylin-
tion and partial loss of vision. under a strain. — PTI hospital. While the state gov- ders to the manifold (group of
ernment has not revealed the large gas cylinders).” The num-
Printed and published by Rajesh Ramachandran for The Tribune Trust exact cause of recent deaths ber of patients who died dur-
Printed at The Tribune Press, Plot No. 123, Sector 37, Pace City-1, Gurugram. at the GMCH, it has told the ing the dark hours (between 2
Published at The Tribune, Sector 29-C, Chandigarh. HC that there were “logistic am and 6 am) has touched 75
RNI No. CHAENG/2017/72605. issues” related to supply of over the last four days. The
Copyright © The Tribune Trust. All rights reserved. medical oxygen to patients. HC is hearing a bunch of peti-
Telephones: 0124-2210033,2210044 On Thursday, Advocate Gen- tions on recent deaths
Circulation: 0172-2670419, Advertisement: 0172-2670256, 257 eral Devidas Pangam had told a allegedly due to lack of med-
Editor: Rajesh Ramachandran* Bench of Justices Nitin Sambre ical oxygen. — PTI
*Editor for purpose of PRB Act, 1867

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