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Ch. 4 Stoichiometry

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IGCSE Grade (10)

Topic 5
Stoichiometry I
is the study of the lows of chemical combination by weight and volume

“Chemical Formula”
­ Chemical formula is a set of chemical symbols to present a chemical substance.
­ Ex. (NaCl , H2O)
♣ How to write a chemical formula?
Magnesium chloride Calcium oxide
Mg Cl Ca O
Valency 2 1 2 2
MgCl2 CaO

N.B. Simplify.
Valency is the number of electrons gained or shared by one atom during a chemical

Simple rules for naming compounds:

1) Compounds of 2 elements:
• Metal and non-metal:
­ The metal is put first and the ending of the non­metal changes to (ide), ex.
magnesium chloride.
• 2 non-metals:
­ If contains hydrogen it comes first, Ex. hydrogen sulfide, except ammonia NH3
­ If 2 non­metals, the element in the lower group comes first, ex. nitrogen dioxide.
­ If in the same group, the lower one comes first, ex. sulfur trioxide
• Common names:
­ Water, Ammonia.

N.B. Radical is a group of different atoms, linked together, carries +ve or -ve
charge, behaves as one atom during chemical reactions.
2) Compounds containing radicals with enough oxygen:
­ (OH–) hydroxide, (NO3–) nitrate, (SO42–) sulfate, (CO32–) carbonate, ( HCO3–)
hydrogen carbonate (PO43–) phosphate, (S2O32­)Thiosulfate
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3) Compounds containing radicals with less oxygen:
­ (NO2–) nitrite, (SO32–) sulfite
Remember (NH4+) ammonium is a positive radical, without oxygen
Aluminum hydroxide Sodium sulfate
Al OH Na SO4
3 1 1 2
Al(OH)3 Na2SO4

• Acids: HCl , H2SO4 , HNO3

• Molecular formula: represents number and type of atoms in one molecule ex. C2 H6
• Empirical formula: shows the simplest whole number ratio of the different atoms
present in a substance ex. CH3.

♣ Write the chemical formula for:

1. Phosphoric acid 2. Hydro bromic acid

3. Iron (III) hydroxide 4. Zinc (II) chloride
5. Manganese (IV) oxide 6. Potassium sulfate
7. Copper (II) nitrite 8. Calcium nitride

“Equations for Chemical Reactions”

• A chemical equation: shows the reactants, products and their ratio involved in a
chemical reaction.
* Word equation * Balanced symbolic

Ex. Sodium burns in chlorine to form sodium chloride

­ The word equation: Sodium + Chlorine Sodium Chloride

­ Balanced symbolic equation: 2Na + Cl2 2 NaCl

IGCSE Grade (10)
♣ Write the chemical equations if:
1. Aluminum reacts with oxygen to form aluminum oxide.
2. Calcium hydroxide reacts with nitric acid to form calcium nitrate and water.

N.B. State symbols can be written under the formula:

(s) solid
(l) liquid
(g) gas
(aq) dissolved in water “aqueous”

2Mg(s) + O2(g) 2MgO(s)

• Relative atomic mass (Ar) of an element: is the average mass of the element’s
isotopes relevant to an atom of Carbon 12.

• Relative molecular mass (Mr): is the sum of the relative atomic masses of all atoms
present in one molecule.

One mole of the substance has a mass equal to the relative formula mass in

­ Ar of Carbon = 12 * mass of 1 mole of C = 12 g

­ Mr of Oxygen O2 = 2 × 16 = 32 * mass of 1 mole of O2 = 2 × 16 = 32 g
­ Mr of MgCl2 = 24 + 2 × 35.5= 95 * mass of 1 mole of MgCl2 = 24 + 2 × 35.5 = 95 g

Part of the definition of relative atomic mass is ‘the average mass of naturally occurring
atoms of an element. Some relative atomic masses are not whole numbers.
Element Y has only two different types of atoms present in an element Y is shown
Y: 37Y = 3:1. Calculate the relative atomic mass of element Y to one decimal place.
The answer:
IGCSE Grade (10)

Stoichiometry II
Mole: is the amount of substance that contains 6x1023 particles.

Mole – Mass:
Number of moles (n) = -------------------------------------
Molar mass [Ar or Mr]
1. Calculate the number of moles for the following :
a) 2.4 grams of magnesium.

b) 13 grams of Zinc.

c) 4.4 grams of carbon dioxide.


d) 40 grams of sodium hydroxide.


2. Calculate the mass of the following:

a) 0.5 mole of NaOH .

b) 0.1 mole of CuSO4.5 H2O.

IGCSE Grade (10)
c) 0.25 mole of aluminium hydroxide.


d) 0.4 moles of Fe SO4.7H2O.


Mole - Number of particles:

Each one mole of any substance contains 6x1023 particles (Avogadro’s number)

Number of particles
Number of moles (n) =-------------------------------------
3. Calculate the number of particles for the following:

a) 0.2 mole of magnesium.


b) O.4 mole of Mg(NO3)2.


4. For 12.5 grams of Calcium Carbonate, find :

a) Number of moles.

b) Number of molecules.
IGCSE Grade (10)
5. For 4 grams of NaCl, find:

a) Number of moles.

b) Number of molecules.

Mole – Volume:
Number of moles (n) =-------------------------------------

N.B. Measuring unit of volume (V) is dm3

[dm3 cm3]

Remember: 1 mole of hydrogen gas H2

Contains 6x1023 molecules
Occupies volume of 24 dm3 has molar mass of 2x1 = 2 g

6. Calculate the number of moles for the following:

a) 2.4 dm3 of CO2.

IGCSE Grade (10)
b) 480 cm of ammonia gas.

c) 600 cm3 of Oxygen.


d) 960 cm3 of SO3 gas.


7. Calculate the volume of:

a) 0.3 moles of carbon monoxide.


b) 4.4 grams of nitrogen dioxide.


c) 20 grams of sulfur trioxide.


d) 8.8 grams of Hydrogen chloride gas.

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Mole – concentration:
Concentration of a solution (c): is the amount of solute in gram or moles,
dissolved in 1 dm3 of the solution

Amount of solute [moles]

C [mol/dm3] = ----------------------------------------
Volume of solution [dm3]

8. Calculate the concentration in mol/dm3 for the following:

a) 80 g of sodium hydroxide dissolved in 2 dm3.


b) 98 g of sulfuric acid dissolved in 100 cm3.


c) 1000 cm3 of lithium chloride solution containing 2 moles of the salt.

IGCSE Grade (10)
9. How many moles are there in each of the following:

a) 300 cm3 of sodium sulfate from 2 mol/dm3 solution.


b) 500 cm3 of ammonia from its 1 mol/dm3 solution.


c) 2500 cm3 of nitric acid from its 0.3 mol/dm3 solution.


d) 1000 cm3 of sodium fluoride from its 0.5 mol/dm3 solution.


10. How many grams of :

a) Sodium hydroxide is present in 100 cm3 of its 0.1 mol/dm3 solution.
IGCSE Grade (10)

b) Potassium nitrate is present in 500 cm3 of its 2 mol/dm3 solution.


Mole and chemical equations:

11. 200 g of pure calcium carbonate are heated strongly. Calculate:
The mass of calcium oxide and volume of carbon dioxide produced.
CaCO3 CaO + CO2





12. Calculate the volume of 1 mol/dm3 solution of H2SO4 required to react with
6g of Mg, and the volume of H2 produced at r.t.p.
Mg + H2SO4 MgSO4 + H2




IGCSE Grade (10)

N.B. For reactions involving only gases, the volume ratio equals the mole ratio
in the balanced equation.

13. Calculate the volume of methane needed to react with 70 dm3 of oxygen.
CH4 + 2 O2 CO2 + H2O



a) The volume of carbon dioxide produced at r.t.p.





14. Find the volume of oxygen needed to react completely with 15 g of C2H6.
C2H6 + 7/2 O2 2 CO2 + 3H2O





IGCSE Grade (10)
15. What volume of carbon dioxide at r.t.p. will be formed when 50 g of calcium
carbonate react with an excess of hydrochloric acid as shown below?

CaCO3 + 2HCl CaCl2 + H2O + CO2








16. When pure zinc reacted with dilute sulfuric acid, 2.4 dm3 of hydrogen gas
were collected at r.t.p. Calculate the mass of zinc?
Zn + H2SO4 ZnSO4 + H2





IGCSE Grade (10)
17. What volume of 0.4 mol/dm Hydrochloric acid is needed to react completely
with 0.24 g of magnesium?
Mg + 2 HCl MgCl2 + H2






18. Calculate the mass of silver formed when 5.52 g of silver carbonate are
heated, and find the volume of gases produced?
2 Ag2CO3 4 Ag + 2 CO2 + O2






IGCSE Grade (10)
19. Find the volume of ammonia gas formed when 1.605 g of ammonium
chloride is heated?
NH4Cl(s) NH3 (g) + HCl (g)






20. In an experiment, 25.0 cm3 of aqueous sodium hydroxide, 0.4 mol/dm3 was
neutralized by 20.0 cm3 of aqueous oxalic acid, H2C2O

2NaOH + H2C2O4 Na2C2O4 + 2 H2O

Calculate the concentration of the oxalic acid in mol/dm.

(a) Calculate the number of moles of NaOH in 25.0 cm3 of 0.4 mol/dm3 solution



(b) Use your answer in (a) to find out the number of moles of H2C2O4 in 20 cm3 of

IGCSE Grade (10)
3 3
(c) Calculate the concentration of the 0.04 mol/dm NaOH (aq) in g/dm



(c) Calculate the concentration, mol/dm3 of the aqueous oxalic acid





21. How many moles of Cu are required for the production of 15 moles of water
for the following:
[Cu(H2O)5] 2+ Cu2+ + 5H2O




IGCSE Grade (10)
Percentage purity:
Calculated mass of reactant
% purity = ---------------------------------------- X 100
Given mass of reactant

22. When 10 g of impure zinc reacted with dilute H2SO4, 2.4 dm3 of hydrogen
gas ware collected at r.t.p. Calculate the percentage purity of zinc?
Zn + H2SO4 ZnSO4 + H2







23. 2 g of an alloy (Cu and Al) reacted with HCl, 2.4 dm3 of H2 evolved.
Calculate the % purity of Al in the alloy?
2Al + 6 HCl 2 AlCl3 + 3 H2



IGCSE Grade (10)
Percentage Yield :
Actual mass
% Yield = --------------------------- X 100
Calculated mass
24. Heating 12.4 g of copper (II) carbonate produced only 7 g of copper (II)
oxide. What is the % yield of copper oxide?
CuCO3 CuO + CO2





Percentage composition of element in a compound :

Number of atoms of element X its Ar

Percentage composition = --------------------------------------------- X 100
Mr of the compound
25. Find the % composition of nitrogen In the following :
(a) Ammonium nitrate


(b) Ammonium sulfate


IGCSE Grade (10)

26. Calculate the percentage composition of hydrogen and oxygen in H2O.




27.Calculate the percentage composition of H2O in CuSO4. 5H2O & the percentage
composition of oxygen.




Limiting and excess:

28. 3 g of magnesium was added to 12.0 g of ethanoic acid
Mg + 2 CH3COOH (CH3COO)2 Mg +H2
The mass of one mole of Mg is 24 g.
The mass of one mole of acid is 60 g.
Which one, magnesium or ethanoic acid, is an excess? Show your



IGCSE Grade (10)
(a) How many moles of hydrogen were formed?



(b) Calculate the volume of hydrogen formed measured at r.t.p.?



29. Calculate the mass of FeS produced from the reaction between 28g of iron
with 20g of sulfur
Fe + S FeS





30. Calculate the mass of CO2 produced from the reaction between 2 dm3 of
C2H4 with 0.5 dm3 of O2 at r.t.p.





IGCSE Grade (10)
Empirical & molecular formulae:

C6H6 = (CH) n n= 6

CH is the empirical formula C6H6 is the molecular formula

Empirical formula shows the simplest whole number ratio of atoms present in the
Molecular formula shows the number and type of atoms forming the molecule of the
Mr of the molecular formula
n = …………………………………………………
Mr of the empirical formula
N.B. Hydrocarbon: made of C, H only
Carbohydrate: made of C, H & O

31. A hydrocarbon contains 80 % carbon. Find the empirical formula and the
molecular formula, if the Mr of the compound is 30.





IGCSE Grade (10)
32. A carbohydrate has 40% of its mass carbon, 6.66% hydrogen. Find the
empirical and molecular formulae, given that its Mr is 180.





33. Calculate the empirical formula of the formed compound from the reaction of
0.24g Mg with 0.16g oxygen.




34. Compound contains 0.12g carbon & 0.02 g hydrogen. Calculate the empirical
formula of this compound; calculate the molecular formula of the compound if
its formula weight is 56g.




IGCSE Grade (10)
35.Calculate the empirical formula of an organic compound containing 92.3%
carbon & 7.7% hydrogen by mass. If the molecular weight of the organic
compound is 78, what is its molecular formula?





36. 4.2g of cerium reacted with oxygen to form 5.16g of an oxide of cerium.
Complete the following to determine the formula of this oxide.
Number of moles of cerium atoms used ………………………………………….

Mass of oxygen that reacted………………………………………………………..g

Number of moles of oxygen atoms in oxide………………………………………

Ratio by moles of cerium atoms to oxygen atoms………………………………….

Formula of the oxide of cerium is…………………………………………………..

37. The Mr of oxalic acid is 90 and its composition by mass is:

Carbon = 26.7% hydrogen = 2.2% oxygen = 71.1%
(I) Calculate the empirical formula of oxalic acid.


IGCSE Grade (10)
(II) What is the molecular formula of the acid?



38. An excess of hydrochloric acid was added to 1.23g of barium carbonate. The
volume of carbon dioxide collected at r.t.p. was 0.120dm3. The impurities did
not react with the acid. Calculate the percentage purity of the barium

BaCO3 + 2HCl → BaCl2 + CO2 + H2O

Molar gas volume at r.t.p. is 24 dm3.

(i) The numbers of moles of CO2 collected ………………………….. …………mole

(ii) The numbers of moles of BaCO3 reacted ……………………….……………mole

(iii) Mass of mole of BaCO3…….………………………………………..……………g

(iv) Mass of barium carbonate …………………………………………...……………g

(v) Percentage purity of barium carbonate ……………………………..……………

40. 2g (an excess) of iron is added to 50 cm3 of 0.5 M sulfuric acid. When the
reaction is over, the reaction mixture is filtered. The mass of the unreached iron
is found to be 0.6g. (Fe = 56)
a. What mass of iron took part in the reaction?


b. How many moles of iron atoms took part?

IGCSE Grade (10)
c. How many moles of sulfur acid reacted?


d. Write the equation for the reaction, and deduce the charge on the iron ion that formed.


e. What volume of hydrogen (calculated at rtp) bubbled off during the reaction?


41. When calcium carbonate is heated strongly, this chemical change occurs:

CaCO3 (s) → CaO (s) + CO2 (g)

a. Write a word equation for the change.


b. How many moles of CaCO3 are there in 50g of calcium carbonate?


c. (i) What mass of calcium oxide is obtained from the thermal decomposition of 50g

of calcium carbonate, assuming a 40% yield?


(ii) What mass of carbon dioxide will be given off at the same time?


(iii) What volume will this gas occupy at r.t.p. ?


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