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Ielts Writing - Tutor 1

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Useful expression for the Writing task 2

Expressing your opinion

I would argue that… People argue that…
I firmly believe Some people say that…
that… It is understood that…
It seems to me that… It is generally accepted that… 
I think that…  It is widely believed that…
As far as I can see…  

Disagreeing with an opinion

I am unconvinced It is hard to believe that… It is unjustifiable to
that… There is little evidence to say that…
I do not believe support the idea that… It cannot be true
that… that…

By this I In other words… To be more precise…
mean… That is to say… What I mean here is…

Supporting an idea
For example… Indeed… Naturally…
For instance… In fact… If this is the case then…
As an Of course…  In my experience…

Making a contrast between ideas

However… On the other hand… Nevertheless…
Despite… Although… Whereas…
In spite

Adding ideas
In addition to this…
Not only…but also

To sum up…  In conclusion…

Overall… To conclude…
In the final Ultimately…
In summary…

Remember every sentence must have 5 things:
1. Verb
2. Subject
3. Complete idea 
4. Begin with a capital letter
5. Punctuation
Look at the following sentences and indicate if they are complete sentences by
placing a tick (√) or cross (×) next to them. If incomplete, rewrite them to make
them complete.
1. _________ As a result of globalization.
2. _________ Technological change has had an enormous impact on
3. _________ Because of rising unemployment.
4. _________ Have a worldwide staff.
5. _________ Multinational companies to spread all over the globe.
6. _________ Coca-Cola dominates the world soft drink market.
7. _________ Owing to the increase in computer crime.
Type 1: Simple sentence (one independent clause)
Globalization is a popular issue in the media.
Type 2: Compound sentences (two or more independent clauses joined
by a coordinating conjunction) 
Internet technology is growing, and many companies are investing a lot of
money in it.
AND = additional information.
Internet technology is growing, but yet some small companies cannot afford
to invest in it.
BUT = different information YET = unexpected, different, surprising
Internet technology is growing rapidly, so many companies are investing lots
of money in it.
SO = results/ reason
Many companies are investing in new technology, or they are planning to
invest in it.
OR = option
Type 3: Two sentences with a sentence link 
Internet technology is growing rapidly. However, some companies do not
have the funds to invest in it.
HOWEVER = different information, linked across two sentences 
Some companies lack sufficient funds to invest in new technology.
Consequently, / Therefore, they are being left behind.
THEREFORE = result 
Companies are investing vast amounts of money in new technology. In
addition, they are spending considerable sums of money training their staff
to use this technology.
IN ADDITION = additional information 
Companies need to invest in new technology. Otherwise, they will fall
OTHERWISE = an alternative 
Exercise 1: Writing compound sentences and sentences with a sentence
Combine each of the following pairs of simple sentences and join them with
a sentence link.
1. Robots can do boring, repetitive work. They can do unsafe jobs.
2. Robots can make minor decisions. They cannot really think.
3. Robots don't get tired, sick or hungry. They can work twenty-four hours a
4. Human factory workers must learn new skills. They will be out of work
because of robots.
       5.    Companies need to invest in new technology. They will fall behind.
Type 4: Complex sentences ( an independent clause and one or more
dependent clauses which include a subordinating conjunction)
 Computer crime has become a problem because computers are
increasingly used in many areas of daily life.
BECAUSE = reason/ result
 Although globalization has had many benefits, it has also caused
some problems.
ALTHOUGH: different/ contrasting information
 Technological change, which has touched many areas of our life,
has had its greatest impact in the area of communication.
WHICH = relative pronoun subordinating conjunction
Exercise 2: Writing complex sentences
Combine a dependent clause from column A with an independent clause
from column B and write a complex sentence. Some dependent clauses
can come either at the beginning or end of a sentence. Provide capital
letters and punctuation where necessary.
1. although many people believe a. they clasp hands and call out
animals do not feel emotions, greetings
2. because they are social b. Sheena watches him with
animals  love
3. for example, whenever two c. chimpanzees feel emotions
friendly chimpanzees see each like joy, sadness and love
other  d. she serves as an example of
4. after her baby chimpanzee had animal emotion
died e. Sheena became very sad
5. before six months had passed  f. that is not true 
6. since Banzo was born  g. Sheena has been quite happy
7. wherever Banzo goes  and smiles a lot
8. since Sheena changed after h. Sheena became pregnant
Banzo’s birth again.

Type 5: Reduced relative or adverbial clauses

We use -ing clauses to say what someone or something is or was doing at
a particular time.
 Who was the girl dancing with your brother last night?
(=… who was dancing/ who danced with your brother last
 The IELTS test, a test of four macro-skills, is used as an indicator
of overseas students’ English language proficiency.
(=… which is a test of four macro-skills)
We use past participle clauses for a passive meaning.
 The majority of people interviewed used e-mail on a daily basis.
(=… who were interviewed)
Reduced adverbial clauses usually have no subject or finite verb (i.e. the
verb doesn't have tense)
Having interviewed all the candidates for the job, I then put a short list
(= After I had interviewed all the candidates for the job,…) 
Having trained all the staff on the new software, the company soon
saw an increase in productivity. 
(= As the company trained all the staff on the new software, …)
Exercise 3: Reduced relative clauses/ adverbial clauses
Rewrite the following sentences to include a reduced relative clause.
1. A plane crashed into the ocean yesterday. It was carrying 28
2. Some staff were trained to use the new technology. They showed great
improvements in productivity.
3. When I was walking home, there was a man. He was following me. 

4. The window has now been repaired. It was broken in last night's storm.
5. Most of the suggestions were made at the meeting. They were not very
6. The paintings have not been found yet. They were stolen from the
Rewrite the following sentences to include a reduced adverbial clause
(participle clause) 
7. After I had analyzed the essay question, I began brainstorming ideas.

8. As he had already passed the IELTS test, he was ready to enter

9. After he had travelled around the world for five years, he started to work
for the government in 1999.

10.Because it has not passed the censors, the film cannot be shown.
11.When he has carried out his instructions, he will inform the headquarters.
12.He started to work for the government in 1976 and he was employed as
an interpreter.
A. Look carefully at the instructions for this writing task. Highlight the
key words and make sure you understand what you have to do.
As part of a class assignment, you have been asked to write about the following
Some students prefer to study at a university close to their hometown. Others
prefer to study in a new city or even in another country so that they can
experience life. 
Which do you think is the better option? Give reasons for your answers and
include any relevant examples from your experience. Write about 250 words.
      B.  Work with a partner
1. Brainstorm points that you could include in the composition.
2. Make a table of the advantages and disadvantages of both options
if it helps.
3. Make quick notes in your own language if you want to, but think
about how you can make the point in English.
Write the composition. Remember you don't need to include all the points
you brainstormed in the exam, you will need to write 250 words, but for
now try to use about 200 words.

Remember every sentence must have 5 things:
6. Verb
7. Subject
8. Complete idea 
9. Begin with a capital letter
Look at the following sentences and indicate if they are complete sentences by
placing a tick (√) or cross (×) next to them. If incomplete, rewrite them to make
them complete.
8. _________ As a result of globalization, more and more Vietnamese
companies has made huge investment on overseas markets.
9. _________ Technological change has had an enormous impact on
10._________ Because of rising unemployment, the government has
enforced several policies to support the jobless.
11._________ Have a worldwide staff.
12._________ The Ministry of Economy has offered various perks to
stimulate multinational companies to spread all over the globe.
13._________ Coca-Cola dominates the world soft drink market.
14._________ Owing to the increase in computer crime, the authority is
taking numerous restrictive actions.
Type 1: Simple sentence (one independent clause)
Globalization is a popular issue in the media.
Type 2: Compound sentences (two or more independent clauses joined
by a coordinating conjunction) 
Internet technology is growing, and many companies are investing a lot of
money in it.
AND = additional information.
Internet technology is growing, but yet some small companies cannot afford
to invest in it.
BUT = different information YET = unexpected, different, surprising
Internet technology is growing rapidly, so many companies are investing lots
of money in it.
SO = results/ reason
Many companies are investing in new technology, or they are planning to
invest in it.
OR = option
Type 3: Two sentences with a sentence link 
Internet technology is growing rapidly. However, some companies do not
have the funds to invest in it.
HOWEVER = different information, linked across two sentences 
Some companies lack sufficient funds to invest in new technology.
Consequently, / Therefore, they are being left behind.
THEREFORE = result 
Companies are investing vast amounts of money in new technology. In
addition, they are spending considerable sums of money training their staff
to use this technology.
IN ADDITION = additional information 
Companies need to invest in new technology. Otherwise, they will fall
OTHERWISE = an alternative 
Exercise 1: Writing compound sentences and sentences with a sentence
Combine each of the following pairs of simple sentences and join them with
a sentence link.
1. Robots can do boring, repetitive work. They can do unsafe jobs.
a. , and
b. . In addition,
2. Robots can make minor decisions. They cannot really think.
a. , for
b. Robor cannot really think. Consequently,
3. Robots don't get tired, sick or hungry. They can work twenty-four hours a
a. , so
b. Therefore,
4. Human factory workers must learn new skills. They will be out of work
because of robots.
a. , or else
b. Otherwise,
5. Companies need to invest in new technology. They will fall behind.
Type 4: Complex sentences ( an independent clause and one or more
dependent clauses which include a subordinating conjunction)
 Computer crime has become a problem because computers are
increasingly used in many areas of daily life.
BECAUSE = reason/ result
 Although globalization has had many benefits, it has also caused
some problems.
ALTHOUGH: different/ contrasting information
 Technological change, which has touched many areas of our life,
has had its greatest impact in the area of communication.
WHICH = relative pronoun subordinating conjunction
Exercise 2: Writing complex sentences
Combine a dependent clause from column A with an independent clause
from column B and write a complex sentence. Some dependent clauses
can come either at the beginning or end of a sentence. Provide capital
letters and punctuation where necessary.
9. although many people believe i. they clasp hands and call out
animals do not feel emotions, greetings
n j. Sheena watches him with
10.because they are social love
animals, k k. chimpanzees feel emotions
11.for example, whenever two like joy, sadness and love
friendly chimpanzees see each l. she serves as an example of
other, i animal emotion
12.after her baby chimpanzee had m. Sheena became very sad
died, m n. that is not true 
13.before six months had passed, o. Sheena has been quite happy
p  and smiles a lot
14.since Banzo was born, o  p. Sheena became pregnant
15.wherever Banzo goes, j again.
16.since Sheena changed after
Banzo’s birth, l
Type 5: Reduced relative or adverbial clauses
We use -ing clauses to say what someone or something is or was doing at
a particular time.
 Who was the girl dancing with your brother last night?
(=… who was dancing/ who danced with your brother last
 The IELTS test, a test of four macro-skills, is used as an indicator
of overseas students’ English language proficiency.
(=… which is a test of four macro-skills)
We use past participle clauses for a passive meaning.
 The majority of people interviewed used e-mail on a daily basis.
(=… who were interviewed)
Reduced adverbial clauses usually have no subject or finite verb (i.e. the
verb doesn't have tense)
Having interviewed all the candidates for the job, I then put a short list
(= After I had interviewed all the candidates for the job,…) 
Having trained all the staff on the new software, the company soon
saw an increase in productivity. 
(= As the company trained all the staff on the new software, …)
Exercise 3: Reduced relative clauses/ adverbial clauses
Rewrite the following sentences to include a reduced relative clause.
2. A plane crashed into the ocean yesterday. It was carrying 28
The plane carrying 28 passengers crashed into the ocean yesterday.
3. Some staff were trained to use the new technology. They showed great
improvements in productivity.
The staff trained to use the new technology showed great improvements in
4. When I was walking home, there was a man. He was following me. 
When I was walking home, there was a man following me. 
5. The window has now been repaired. It was broken in last night's storm.
The window broken in last night's storm has now been repaired.
6. Most of the suggestions were made at the meeting. They were not very
Most of the suggestions made at the meeting were not very practical.
7. The paintings have not been found yet. They were stolen from the
The paintings stolen from the museum have not been found yet.

Rewrite the following sentences to include a reduced adverbial clause

(participle clause) 
8. After I had analyzed the essay question, I began brainstorming ideas.
Having analyzed the essay question, I began brainstorming ideas
9. As he had already passed the IELTS test, he was ready to enter
Having already passed the IELTS test, he was ready to enter university.
10.After he had travelled around the world for five years, he started to work
for the government in 1999.
Having travelled around the world for five years, he started to work for the
government in 1999.
11.Because it has not passed the censors, the film cannot be shown.
Having not passed the censors, the film cannot be shown.
12.When he has carried out his instructions, he will inform the headquarters.
Having carried out his instructions, he will inform the headquarters.
13.He started to work for the government in 1976 and he was employed as
an interpreter.
Starting to work for the government in 1976 and he was employed as an

B. Look carefully at the instructions for this writing task. Highlight the
key words and make sure you understand what you have to do.
As part of a class assignment, you have been asked to write about the following
Some students prefer to study at a university close to their hometown. Others
prefer to study in a new city or even in another country so that they can
experience life. 
Which do you think is the better option? Give reasons for your answers and
include any relevant examples from your experience. Write about 250 words.
      B.  Work with a partner
4. Brainstorm points that you could include in the composition.
5. Make a table of the advantages and disadvantages of both options
if it helps.
6. Make quick notes in your own language if you want to, but think
about how you can make the point in English.
Write the composition. Remember you don't need to include all the points
you brainstormed in the exam, you will need to write 250 words, but for
now try to use about 200 words.
Independency is probably the most important part of moving to another city.
The sense of unfamiliarity and the fear of being alone will really force your
character to strengthen and you’ll become so much more self-reliant because of
it. Having to do things on your own, even simple things like laundry, booking
dentist appointments and washing your dishes, will really make you grow up
and it will feel incredibly rewarding when you realise you can stand on your
own two feet.

When you move to a brand new location, you’ll find that the friendships you
make will feel deeper and more important. As you’ve grown up and developed
as a person, you know what you want and don’t want from friends and you have
the opportunity to be selective about your connections, rather than being close
to someone due to a sense of long-term obligation.

A big element of deciding which universities you’re interested in will likely
come down to location, and this is where you’ll need to make the choice
between studying in your hometown or moving away. There are, of course, pros
and cons to both options.
The most obvious pro is probably that you already know your way around.
While this might seem like a fairly minor thing, it means that you have a level
of familiarity and comfort with the location, which will give you an extra
element of confidence as you embark on the next step of your education.
Studying in your hometown can also result in a huge cost efficiency. You may
be able to live with your parents, which, though not appealing to everyone,
means that you’ll save quite a bit of money and will likely benefit from decent
meals free access to electricity and water. Being close to parents can also
provide you with a solid grounding for when the stress of university starts to get
to you as they’ll be readily available to talk and listen.
It may also be that some of your friends are staying close to home for work or
university as well, meaning that you’re more likely to have a social network in
place from the get go. While it’s important to meet new friends at university,
this can be quite an intimidating experience, especially if you’re in a new city
and don’t know anyone. The comfort of knowing that you’ve got friends readily
available can take some of that pressure off.

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