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Biomechanical and Optical Properties of 2 New Hydrophobic Platforms For Intraocular Lenses

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Biomechanical and optical properties of 2 new

hydrophobic platforms for intraocular lenses
Dimitriya Bozukova, PhD, Christophe Pagnoulle, PhD, Christine Jer^
ome, PhD

PURPOSE: To compare the biomechanical and optical properties of 2 new hydrophobic platforms
and a series of commercially available foldable intraocular lenses (IOLs).
SETTING: Center for Education and Research on Macromolecules, University of Liege, Liege, Belgium.
DESIGN: Experimental study.
METHODS: Eleven benchmark foldable IOLs (iPure, Podeye, Acrysof SN60WF, Envista MX60,
Sensar AR40e, Tecnis ZCB00, Isert 251, AF-1 YA-60BB, Finevision, Acri.Tec 366D, and Ioflex)
were tested by standard analytical methods for biomechanical, rheological, and optical
investigations under identical conditions.
RESULTS: With 1 exception, IOLs equilibrated in aqueous medium had a lower glass-transition
temperature, higher deformability, lower injection forces, and complete recovery of their initial
optical properties after injection. Typical hydrophobic acrylic dry-packaged IOLs required higher
injection forces with high residual deformation and lost part of their initial optical quality after
injection. Hydrophobic acrylic C-loop, double C-loop, and closed quadripod haptics applied
optimum compression forces to the capsular bag with negligible optic axial displacement and tilt
compared with plate haptics and poly(methyl methacrylate) haptics.
CONCLUSIONS: The combination of the C-loop haptic and the bioadhesive glistening-free material,
which absorbs a predetermined amount of water, allowed for a biomechanically stable IOL. The
same material used in association with a double C-loop haptic design facilitated the perioperative
manipulation and placement of the IOL in a smaller capsular bag without impairing the other
biomechanical properties of a single C-loop design.
Financial Disclosure: Dr. Pagnoulle has a proprietary interest in the GF material. Drs. Pagnoulle and
Bozukova are employees of Physiol S.A. Dr. Jer^ome has no financial or proprietary interest in any
material or method mentioned.
J Cataract Refract Surg 2013; 39:1404–1414 Q 2013 ASCRS and ESCRS

Recently, the trends in cataract and refractive surgery state that sharp-edge is not able to prevent PCO alone.4
are toward diminishing corneoscleral incisions to In that aspect, the materials' properties,5–7 the IOL
lower the risk for postsurgical complications.1 There- design,5,7 and the haptic shape, material, and
fore, foldable intraocular lenses (IOLs) of acrylic or strength6–8 remain important factors. Previous studies
silicone polymers are preferred for replacement of report higher biocompatibility with a reduced risk for
the opacified cataractous natural lens. PCO formation,9,10 better biomechanical stability,7
An IOL is considered to be compatible with mini- and better refractive and rotational stability8 of hydro-
mally invasive cataract surgery when it (1) is injectable phobic acrylic IOLs compared with their silicone plate-
via a sub-3.0 mm incision, (2) does not permanently haptic counterparts.
change its optical and mechanical properties as a result For 1-piece IOLs, the material should be able to pro-
of IOL folding and compression during injection, (3) vide the IOL with excellent optical properties as well
preserves its biocompatibility, (4) does not induce as sufficient rotational and mechanical stability, which
higher posterior capsule opacification (PCO) rates, is usually obtained by selecting the proper haptic de-
and (5) provides sufficient refractive stability.1 sign. It has been thought that haptics that apply stron-
Sharp-edged IOL platforms have proved their effi- ger compression force to the capsular bag provide the
ciency in PCO prevention,2,3 although some authors IOL with better biomechanical stability.11 However, in

1404 Q 2013 ASCRS and ESCRS 0886-3350/$ - see front matter

Published by Elsevier Inc.

experimental studies, Lane et al.7 and Pandey et al.6 Acri.Tec 366D (Carl Zeiss Meditec AG), Ioflex (Mediphacos
found that the risk for posterior capsule striae, capsule Ltda.), Acrysof SN60WF (Alcon Laboratories, Inc.), Envista
MX60 (Bausch&Lomb, Inc.), Tecnis ZCB00 and Sensar
stretch, and capsulorhexis ovaling was higher when
AR40e (Abbott Medical Optics, Inc.), and Isert 251 and
silicone or hydrophilic acrylic IOLs with poly(methyl AF-1 YA-60BB (Hoya Surgical Optics GmbH) (Table 1).
methacrylate) (PMMA), polypropylene, or plate Systematically, new IOLs were used for each test. When
haptics were implanted than when hydrophobic appropriate, method validation was performed with a series
acrylic 1-piece IOLs were used. Such deformations of of 5 samples of the Podeye IOL and the corresponding and
similar variation in the measured value was used for all tested
ocular tissue may result in an increased risk for PCO,
IOL models.
fibrosis, IOL decentration, and IOL tilt and may cause
zonular stress in a direction parallel to the IOL
haptics.6 Water Uptake
Meanwhile, the mechanical resistance of the mate- The quantity of water present in a material influences its
rial of a typical hydrophobic acrylic IOL is an rigidity, opacity, sterilization ability, and biocompatibility.
important advantage but may also be a major limita- For determining the water uptake, IOLs (1 per IOL model)
tion. Such material is usually slow to fold and unfold, were incubated in water for 24 hours at 65 C to reach their
equilibrium water content. Their surface was then dried by
which may cause it to become damaged during a short air flush to eliminate water droplets, and the IOLs
injection and lead to loss of optical quality after were weighed with a laboratory microbalance to obtain their
implantation as a result of IOL deformation.1 The pres- weight in the hydrated state (Wh). They were then dried at
ence of a low, but controlled, quantity (!5 wt%) of 65 C for 24 hours and their weight in the dry state (Wd)
small molecules with a plasticizing effect, such as was measured. The water uptake was determined according
to the following equation:
water, may significantly improve this aspect.12 It
imparts the hydrophobic acrylic IOL with shape WU wt% Z ½ðWh  WdÞ  100=Wd
memory properties, improved foldability, and The measurements were performed with a balance with
controlled unfolding while preserving its mechanical precision of 0.0001 g, which can induce 0.45% variation in
stability and biocompatibily.13 the measured value.
The purpose of this study was to experimentally
evaluate the biomechanical and rheological properties
Glass-Transition Temperature
of 11 benchmark IOLs of hydrophobic and hydrophilic
acrylic materials with different optic designs (refrac- Glass-transition temperature (Tg) is the temperature at
which an amorphous material passes from its rigid glassy
tive, diffractive) and haptic designs (C-loop, double- state to its soft rubbery state.15 It is particularly important
C-loop, plate, PMMA, closed quadripod). The results in the case of IOLs because it determines their ability to
in this study should be considered in relation to results fold upon implantation in the eye. Hence, the lower the
in clinical trials. glass-transition temperature (Tg) of the material, the more
foldable the IOL. This parameter was determined for all
test IOLs in their original packaging state with a differential
MATERIALS AND METHODS scanning calorimeter (Perkin-Elmer series 7, operating with
Tested Intraocular Lenses Pyris version 8 software). Specimens were hermetically
sealed in aluminum capsules, placed in the equipment,
The iPure (C-loop) and Podeye (double C-loop) IOLs cooled to 60 C and then heated from 60 C to 100 C
(Physiol S.A.) are of a proprietary, patented hydrophobic with a heating speed of 15 C/min. One measurement was
acrylic glistening-free material (GF)14 and have obtained performed per IOL model. The method was validated with
Conformite Europeenne certification. The other tested a series of 5 samples of the Podeye IOL, and a value variation
benchmark IOLs were as follows: Finevision (Physiol S.A.), coefficient of 10.7% was established.

Submitted: September 6, 2012. Haptic Compression Force

Final revision submitted: January 9, 2013. The force applied by the haptics to the capsular bag is im-
Accepted: January 27, 2013. portant for IOL rotational and refractive stability and may
have some effect on its resistance to PCO. The force was
From the Research and Development Department (Bozukova, determined with a compression force tester (MFC-1385-
Pagnoulle), Physiol S.A., and the Center for Education and IOL, Applied Micro Circuits Corp.); the possible value
Research on Macromolecules (Jer^ome), University of Liege, variation was less than 0.2%. Before the measurement, the
Liege, Belgium. equipment was calibrated according to the standard manu-
facturer's procedure. Intraocular lenses in their original
Supported by the Region Wallone (public Belgian support). packaging state (1 per IOL model) were placed between
the 2 jaws, and the compression force, in milligrams force,
Corresponding author: Dimitriya Bozukova, PhD, Liege Science was measured for well diameters of 11.0 mm, 10.5 mm,
Park, Allee des Noisetiers, 4, B-4031 Liege, Belgium. E-mail: 10.0 mm, and 9.5 mm, corresponding to various sizes of the capsular bag. In all cases, measurements were taken



Table 1. Experimental and manufacturers' data for the test and reference IOL models.

Hazardous-Light Packaging
Model Design* Material* Protection* Sterilization* State* WU, %† Tg,  C† RI @ 23 C*

iPure Monofocal, 1-piece, C- Hydrophobic acrylic UV/blue Steam Hydrated 4.9 9 1.52
loop GF materialA
Podeye Monofocal, 1-piece, Hydrophobic acrylic UV/blue Steam Hydrated 4.9 9 1.52
double C-loop GF materialA
Envista Monofocal, 1-piece, Hydrophobic acrylic UV Gamma Hydrated 4.9 21 1.54
MX60 double C-loop
Acri.Tec Bifocal, double-plate Hydrophilic acrylic UV Steam Hydrated 28.0 1 1.46
366D haptics with hydrophobic
Finevision Trifocal, 1-piece, Hydrophilic acrylic UV/blue Steam hydrated 25.0 1 1.46
Ioflex Monofocal, 1-piece, Hydrophilic acrylic UV Steam Hydrated 25.4 1 1.46
Acrysof Monofocal, 1-piece, Hydrophobic acrylic UV/blue EO Dry 1.1 15 1.55
SN60WF C-loop
Tecnis Monofocal, 1-piece, Hydrophobic acrylic UV EO Dry 2.4 14 1.47
ZCB00 C-loop
Sensar Monofocal, 3-piece, Hydrophobic acrylic UV EO Dry 1.4 16 1.47
AR40e C-loop with PMMA haptics
AF-1 Monofocal, 3-piece, Hydrophobic acrylic UV/blue EO Dry 0.0 18 1.52
YA-60BB C-loop with PMMA haptics
Isert 251 Monofocal, pseudo Hydrophobic acrylic UV/blue EO Dry 0.6 18 1.52
1-piece, C-loop with PMMA haptics

EO Z ethylene oxide; GF Z glistening free; RI Z refractive index; PMMA Z poly(methyl methacrylate); UV Z ultraviolet; WU Z water uptake
*Data from the intraocular lens specification

Experimental data

30 seconds after haptic compression to give the haptic Tilt maximum  Z ½asinðAD=RÞ
material time to relax.
where AD is the measured axial displacement for a certain
well diameter and R is the radius of the respective IOL optic.
Axial Displacement in Compression
On compression, the haptics of the IOLs may deform Rheological Properties
differently and, therefore, the IOL optic may remain at the
The IOLs were tested for their rheological properties on
initial position or not, moving forward or backward along
compression and relaxation with the aim of predicting their
the optical axis. This is referred to as the effective lens posi-
behavior during and after implantation, respectively. The
tion (ELP).
results from the creep step of the rheological analyses give
This displacement was measured in air at 20 C G 2 (SD)
an idea of the IOL's mechanical resistance during folding
for all tested IOL models (1 per IOL model) in their original
and injection and are compared with the forces required
packaging state (hydrated or dried). The IOLs were placed in
for IOL injection in an in vitro model (see Intraocular Lens
wells of 11.0 mm, 10.5 mm, 10.0 mm, and 9.5 mm. The axial
Injection Force below).
displacement was determined using an optical comparator
The data obtained for the recovery refer to the shape
with a precision of G0.01 mm according to the procedure
memory of the IOL and its ability to recover its initial optical
described by International Organization for Standardization
properties, which is monitored on an optical bench (see
(ISO) 11979-9.16
Optical Bench Measurements below).
The rheological behavior of the optic portion of the IOLs
was tested by dynamic mechanical analyses with the IOLs
Theoretical Maximum Optic Tilt
in their original packaging state (1 per IOL model; method
As a consequence of haptic compression and eventual validation with 5 Podeye IOLs) with a dynamic mechanical
optic axial displacement, optic tilt can occur. This degree of analyzer (Perkin-Elmer series 7) in the creep/recovery
theoretical maximum optic tilt was calculated based on mode. The IOLs were placed between the two 15.0 mm circu-
the measured axial displacement according to the adapted lar parallel plates, and the system was closed. Initially, they
protocol described in ISO 11979-916 (1 per IOL model). were conditioned by applying 20 mN force for 3 minutes to
The following equation was applied: reach the test temperature of 20 C, corresponding to the



temperature at which they are usually implanted in the (3) closing the cartridge and placing it on the mechanical
surgical room. In the first step, the creep step, a static force bench, (4) pushing the piston 20.0 mm at a speed of
of 1000 mN was applied for 60 seconds. This step evaluates 200.0 mm/min, (5) pushing the piston 18.0 mm more at
the behavior of the IOL on compression, as in the case of a speed of 150.0 mm/min, (6) pulling the piston back
IOL folding during implantation. For the second step, the 5.0 mm with a speed of 200.0 mm/min, and (7) pushing
recovery step, the force was dropped to 20 mN and the the piston 10.5 mm at a speed of 150.0 mm/min. The IOL
material relaxation was observed for 300 seconds, which cor- was typically expulsed during step 7, and the value of the
responds to the IOL unfolding in the eye. Longer relaxation force maximum was taken into consideration.
times were not tested because the water-absorbing materials A control assay was performed, where an injection simu-
dehydrated and false results were obtained. The method lation was performed with an empty cartridge (no IOL
was validated with 5 Podeye IOLs, and a value variation inside). The purpose of this test was to determine the force
coefficient of 10.5% was established. generated by the friction of the silicone cushion within the
Hence, a purely elastic material, such as rubber, deforms cartridge.
immediately on force application, achieving its deformation
equilibrium level instantly (Figure 1). Such material also rap-
idly recovers its initial shape once the force is removed, with
Optical Bench Measurements for Monofocal
no residual deformation and with preserved molecular Intraocular Lenses
organization. A manufacturer of an IOL predicts the quality of the
In contrast, plastic or viscous materials, such as modeling retinal image of an IOL by measuring a parameter called
clay, deform continuously on applied stress. Their molecules the modulation transfer function (MTF).1 For the monofocal
irreversibly reorganize so that once the stress is removed, IOLs in this study, the MTF was measured by an eye model
these materials are no longer able to recover their shape with an optical bench (NIMO TR0815, Lambda X) according
and high residual deformation is observed.17 to ISO 11979-2.18 The IOLs (1 per IOL model) were posi-
tioned in a quartz cuvette filled with buffered salt solution
(0.9% sodium chloride, Baxter). The measurement was
Intraocular Lens Injection Force performed at a 3.0 mm aperture and spatial frequency of
The force necessary to inject an IOL is an important factor 100 cycles/mm. The relative contrast sensitivity recovery
because high injection forces may be related to an enhanced was calculated according to the formula:
risk for IOL damage (scratches, haptic or optic cracks) or 
injection system damage (cartridge breaking). Relative contrast sensitivity % Z MTF  =MTF0  100
Although the manufacturers of the IOLs in this study usu- where MTF0 and MTF* are the MTF values measured before
ally recommend the use of particular injection systems, the injection and at each timepoint after injection, respectively.
force required for IOL injection was tested each time with The relative contrast sensitivity is presented as the percent-
the Accuject 2.2 -1P (Medicel AG) to allow comparison of age of contrast sensitivity recovered after injection at
the mechanical properties of the IOL materials (1 per IOL different timepoints.
model). The injection system uses a standard cartridge that In a practical way, after IOL implantation, when 70% of
is connected to the injector device. Sodium hyaluronate MTF recovery is achieved, the IOL is properly unfolded,
1.55% (Physiovisc Integral) was used as the ophthalmic the surgeon can manipulate it if necessary, and the surgery
viscosurgical device (OVD), and the measurements were can be achieved within a reasonable time.
performed at 21 C with a compression/traction mechanical
bench (FL Plus Lloyd Instruments, Ametek) with a possible
value variation of less than 0.05%, simulating surgical Optical Bench Measurements for Diffractive
manipulation. The test equipment is supplied with a load Multifocal Intraocular Lenses
cell of 100 N and operates with Nexygen FM software
(Chatillon, Ametek, Inc.). The typical injection procedure The MTF of multifocal IOLs was measured by real-time
includes the following traditional operational steps: (1) fill- MTF and optical-power measuring using an eye model
ing the empty cartridge with OVD, (2) loading the IOL, optical bench (PMTF, Lambda X) according to ISO
11979-9.16 The IOLs (1 per IOL model) were positioned in
a quartz cuvette filled with buffered salt solution (0.9%
sodium chloride). The MTF value was determined for far
vision, corresponding to the main optical lens power,
3.0 mm aperture, and spatial frequency of 100 cycles/mm.
The relative contrast sensitivity was calculated as described
above. This equipment takes longer to measure than
the NIMO TR0815; therefore, only the result 1 hour after
injection was taken into consideration.
The optical properties of the IOLs after injection were
determined by measuring their MTF before folding and up
to 1 hour after injection with the model injecting system
and the OVD. The IOLs were divided into 4 MTF groups
according to the criterion of having recovered 70% of their
initial MTF over a fixed time interval. These groups were
as follows: Group 1, recovered 70% in fewer than 30 seconds;
Group 2, recovered 70% in fewer than 1 minute; Group 3,
Figure 1. Relationship between the deformation level over time for recovered 70% in fewer than 4 minutes; Group 4, recovered
viscous and elastic materials during and after compression. 70% in 5 minutes or more.



RESULTS contrast, dry-packaged hydrophobic acrylic IOLs left

General Intraocular Lens Characteristics, Water their glassy state at temperatures higher than 14 C,
Uptake, and Glass-Transition Temperature which was the case for the Acrysof SN60WF, Tecnis
ZCB00, Sensar AR40e, AF-1 YA-60BB, and Isert
Table 1 and Figure 2 show the main IOL character-
251 models. Envista MX60 IOLs, although conditioned
istics and platforms as they were experimentally
in water, showed a relatively high Tg.
obtained or derived from the manufacturers' data-
According to the refractive index values provided
sheets. Except for the AF-1 YA-60BB, all IOLs absorb
by the manufacturers, hydrophobic acrylic IOLs that
water on heating. The hydrophobic acrylic IOLs
are said to comprise aromatic polymers in their for-
iPure, Podeye, and Envista MX60 and the hydrophilic
mulations (Acrysof SN60WF, iPure, Podeye, Envista
acrylic IOLs Finevision, Acri.Tec 366D, and Ioflex are
MX60, AF-1 YA-60BB, Isert 251) were distinguished
packaged and sterilized in saline buffer solution and
by their high refractive index (O1.5). Meanwhile, the
achieve their equilibrium water content before
other hydrophilic and nonaromatic hydrophobic
IOLs presented a limited refractive index (range 1.46
The water present in the IOLs packaged in their
to 1.47). Therefore, at a constant dioptric power,
hydrated state imparted them with flexibility, and
thinner IOLs can be obtained from higher refractive
lower Tg values were measured for these models,
index materials.
which decreased with increasing water content. In

Figure 2. Designs of the test and

reference IOLs derived from the
manufacturers' datasheets.



Haptic Compression Force displace along the optic axis on haptic compression,
For a test well diameter of 10.0 mm, corresponding which may result in severe tilt (up to 20 degrees)
to a mean anatomic capsular bag size, higher compres- (Table 2). As expected, diminishing the test-well
sion forces were measured for the IOLs with PMMA diameter resulted in more severe shift and tilt.
C-loop haptics (Sensar AR40E andAF-1 YA-60BB) The 1-piece C-loop (iPure, Acrysof SN60WF, Tecnis
and plate hydrophilic acrylic haptics, followed by ZCB00, Isert 251), double C-loop (Podeye), and closed
those with closed quadripod hydrophilic haptics quadripod (Finevision) platforms showed lower axial
(Table 2). Significantly lower compression forces in displacement. Thus, the calculated theoretical tilt
nearly the same range were measured for all 1-piece was also low even with smaller well diameters.
hydrophobic C-loop and double C-loop IOLs and This axial stability was also observed for the hydro-
were 1 order of magnitude lower than those in the first phobic acrylic Envista MX60 IOL with a well diameter
3 categories. up to 10.0. However, a 2.79-degree tilt was calculated
The general tendency, whatever the haptic design for the 9.5 mm well diameter (Table 2).
and IOL material, was toward increasing compression
force with a decreasing test well diameter. However,
Rheological Properties
the slope of this increase was stronger for the PMMA
C-loop and the plate-haptic IOLs. It was intermediate Three groups of IOL materials may be distinguished
for the closed quadripod models and lowest for the with respect to their compressibility (Table 3 and
C-loop and double C-loop IOLs. Figure 3) and shape memory: (1) (hydrophilic) elastic
The Envista MX60 IOL behaved as a 1-piece hydro- like, (2) (hydrophobic) viscoelastic, and (3) hydropho-
phobic model for the higher well diameters (11.0 mm bic plastic-like materials. The first group comprises the
and 10.5 mm) but showed elevated radial compression hydrophilic models Acri.Tec 366D, Finevision, and
for the lower diameters (10.00 mm and 9.5 mm), Ioflex, which had higher equilibrium deformation
comparable to 3-piece PMMA C-loop IOLs. levels (15% to 16%) after 60 seconds of applied con-
stant stress, which is in accordance with their high
water uptake and low Tg (1 C). These IOLs completely
Axial Displacement in Compression and Theoretical recovered their initial shape with less than 0.2% of
Maximum Optic Tilt residual deformation 300 seconds after the stress was
For a well diameter of 10.0 mm, the optical part of removed as a result of the hydrogel elastic memory.
the plate-haptic (Acri.Tec 366D) and PMMA C-loop Among the hydrophobic acrylic models, soft visco-
(Sensar AR40e, AF-1 YA-60BB) IOLs was prone to elastic and less deformable plastic-like materials may

Table 2. Compression forces applied by the IOL haptics to the capsular bag.

Acrysof Tecnis AF-1 Envista Acri.Tec Sensar

Ioflex SN60WF ZCB00 Podeye iPure Isert 251 YA-60BB Finevision MX60 366D AR40E
Parameter 21.0 D 19.5 D 22.0 D 20.0 D 20.0 D 19.5 D 20.0 D 20.0 D 20.5 D 20.0D 20.0 D

Haptic compression
force (mg)
11.0 mm test well 15 15 24 5 17 11 77 3 19 100 178
10.5 mm test well 28 22 29 22 35 12 132 26 31 371 265
10.0 mm test well 34 34 39 38 50 28 222 195 126 318 365
9.5 mm test well 46 45 54 63 69 94 346 367 380 388 456
Axial displacement
11.0 mm test well 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
10.5 mm test well 0.027 0.000 0.024 0.011 0.011 0.007 0.106 0.021 0.053 0.297 0.200
10.0 mm test well 0.046 0.000 0.034 0.047 0.027 0.018 0.291 0.032 0.057 1.032 0.200
9.5 mm test well 0.032 0.054 0.084 0.091 0.065 0.063 0.436 0.045 0.146 1.025 1.135
Maximum tilt (mm)*
11.0 mm test well 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
10.5 mm test well 0.54 0.00 0.46 0.21 0.21 0.13 2.02 0.39 1.01 5.68 3.82
10.0 mm test well 0.92 0.00 0.65 0.90 0.52 0.34 5.57 0.60 1.09 20.12 3.82
9.5 mm test well 0.64 1.03 1.60 1.74 1.24 1.20 8.36 0.84 2.79 19.98 22.23

*Absolute value



Table 3. Residual optic deformation after 60 sec of compression and 300 seconds relaxation after compression.

Optic Deformation on Compression (%)

Acrysof Tecnis AF-1 Envista Acri.Tec

Ioflex SN60WF ZCB00 Podeye iPure Isert 251 YA-60BB Finevision MX60 366D Sensar AR40E
Parameter 21.0D 19.5 D 22.0 D 20.0 D 20.0 D 19.5 D 20.0 D 20.0 D 20.5 D 20.0 D 20.0 D

After 60 s compression 14.7 9.87 11.07 9.7 9.7 5.36 8.01 16.11 6.14 16.1 7.84
After 300 s relaxation 0.18 1.57 2.4 0.7 0.7 1.71 2.46 0.11 2.3 0.20 2.33

be distinguished. The Acrysof SN60WF, iPure, Intraocular Lens Injection Force

Podeye, and Tecnis ZCB00 IOLs, belonging to the With the tested in vitro model simulating the surgi-
intermediate group of hydrophobic soft IOLs, cal intervention, lower injection forces (14 to 16 N)
deformed spontaneously on compression, reaching were measured for the hydrophilic acrylic models
up to 11.07% deformation within 30 seconds. They (Finevision and Ioflex) and were comparable to the
recovered their initial shape almost completely after force of the control assay without IOL in the cartridge
1 hour of relaxation with 0.7% to 1.57% residual (Figure 4). A force of 19 N was required for injection of
deformation. Mechanically, the IOLs of the the Acri.Tec 366D IOL.
glistening-free hydrophobic acrylic material (Podeye The hydrophobic IOLs from the less deformable,
and iPure) were closer to the hydrophilic acrylic plastic-like category of the compression test (Sensar
IOLs, with a low Tg (9 C) and lower residual defor- AR40e, Isert 251, Envista MX60, and AF-1 YA-60BB)
mation levels (0.7%) than the other soft hydrophobic required higher injection forces (23 to 29 N; up to
IOLs. 71 N for AF-1 YA-60BB with cartridge damage)
The less deformable hydrophobic IOLs (Sensar compared with the 18 to 19 N required for the soft
AR40e, AF-1 YA-60BB, Isert 251, and Envista MX60) hydrophobic viscoelastic IOLs (Podeye, iPure, Acrysof
after 60 seconds of compression achieved equilibrium SN60WF, and Tecnis ZCB00).
deformation levels of 5% to 8%, 2 to 3 times lower These results are indicative only and should be
than the levels of their hydrophilic counterparts. On considered with caution because the injection
relaxation, they had a residual deformation of forces may change when using injecting systems rec-
1.71% to 2.46%. These IOLs had a higher Tg (between ommended or provided by the suppliers for each
16 C and 21 C). IOL model.
The Tecnis ZCB00 IOL had a particular behavior,
presenting relatively high residual deformation
(2.4%) after 300 seconds, although it compressed Optical Properties After Intraocular Lens Injection
similarly to the soft hydrophobic models and its Tg Table 4 shows the loss of contrast sensitivity 1 hour
was moderate (14 C). after IOL injection. Figure 5 shows the contrast

Figure 3. Rheological properties of the test and reference IOL models Figure 4. Force required for the injection of the IOLs.
tested at 20 C in their original state of packaging (dry or hydrated).



Table 4. Loss of contrast sensitivity 1 hour after injection.

Acri.Tec Acrysof Tecnis Sensar AF-1

Parameter Finevision 366D Ioflex iPure/ Podeye SN60WF Envista ZCB00 Isert 251 AR40e YA-60BB

Contrast sensitivity loss (%) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.7 3.5 4.1 7.1 9.6 14.5

sensitivity of the IOLs before and after folding during medical device can be preconditioned in aqueous
injection. medium, allowing it to achieve its equilibrium water
The hydrophilic acrylic trifocal Finevision and bifo- content before implantation. This is especially impor-
cal Acri.Tec 366D IOLs were in MTF Group 1, recover- tant for IOLs, which can develop glistenings after
ing 70% of their initial MTF in less than 30 seconds. implantation, particularly if packaged in their dry
Within 1 minute, these IOLs had recovered 100% of state.19 In such cases, the devices are sterilized by
their initial contrast sensitivity, unfolding more rap- steam or gamma sterilization. According to Davis,20
idly than their hydrophilic acrylic counterparts Ioflex, steam sterilization is advantageous because of its
iPure, and Podeye. These IOLs were in MTF Group 2, efficacy, speed, process simplicity, and lack of toxic
recovering 70% of their initial MTF in less than 1 min- residues. In contrast, gamma sterilization may lead
ute. They recovered 100% of their MTF0 in 1 hour and to partial oxidative degradation of the implant 20 or
had 0.7% residual deformation after 5 minutes. of its packaging.21 It may induce generation of
The hydrophobic acrylic Acrysof SN60WF, Tecnis radicals, crosslinking, and chemical decomposition of
ZCB00, and Sensar AR40e IOLs were in MTF Group the material or of some of its additives, such as
3, unfolding quite slowly (up to 4 minutes for 70% chromophores.22–24
MTF recovery). None of these models completely The iPure and Podeye IOLs are made of a proprie-
recovered their initial MTF value, losing 1.7%, 4.1%, tary, patented hydrophobic acrylic glistening-free
and 9.6% of MTF0, respectively, even 1 hour after the material incorporated with both ultraviolet and blue-
injection. These values are in good agreement with light protection filters covalently copolymerized with
the corresponding residual deformation levels of the main polymer network. The IOLs are steam steril-
1.57%, 2.4%, and 2.33%, respectively, measured after ized. Despite the small amount of absorbed water, the
5 minutes of relaxation. glistening-free material shows bioadhesiveness com-
The Envista MX60, Isert 251, and AF-1 YA-60BB parable to that of typical hydrophobic acrylic IOL
IOLs were in MTF Group 4. They were the least materials, and it is plasticized by this water content.13
deformable hydrophobic models according to the This bioadhesiveness and the 360-degree squared
rheological classification of the previous test, and edge of the 2 IOLs minimize PCO rates.7
they required more than 5 minutes to unfold. Any water molecules present in the material would
One hour after injection, the IOLs showed a loss of have a plasticizing effect, facilitating the chain mobil-
3.5% and 14.5% of their MTF0, respectively. ity within the polymer network. This would contribute
to a decrease in the Tg of the IOL material, making the
DISCUSSION IOL softer, even at lower temperatures; more elastic;
and easily injectable. It would also give the IOL good
The water absorbed by some polymers for biomedical
shape memory. However, for a 1-piece IOL made of
application at a predetermined level means the
such material, the IOL design should be precisely
selected to compensate for the material deformability
and ensure appropriate haptic compression.
According to Krag and Andreassen25 and Fisher,26
the ultimate load resistance of the posterior capsule
for persons between 40 years old and 60 years old is
in the range of 400 to 800 mg force. This means that
for an average capsular bag size of 10.0 mm, the hap-
tics of the Sensar AR40e IOL and Acri.Tec 366D IOL
apply forces that are close to the mechanical resistance
of the posterior capsular bag.
On the other hand, excessive force applied to
the capsular bag by the IOL can result in decentration
Figure 5. Contrast sensitivity of the IOLs before and after folding and tilt, which would affect visual quality.7
during injection (MTF Z modulation transfer function). Indeed, this was the case for the Acri.Tec 366D, AF-1



YA-60BB, Sensar AR40e, and Envista MX60 IOLs, compression forces and a bioadhesive hydrophobic
which shifted significantly along the optical axis. In acrylic material is a prerequisite for IOL rotational
such cases, the ELP would not be easily predictable and refractive stability.5,8,10 The haptic compression
and refractive errors due to inappropriate IOL power test simulates capsular bag compression on symmetric
calculation would be significant. fibrosis and contraction of the capsular bag. The
In contrast, the haptics of iPure, Podeye, Acrysof results should be considered in relation to actual
SN60WF, Tecnis ZCB00, Isert 251, and Ioflex IOLs clinical cases.
have a C-loop or double C-loop 1-piece design. These The optic of a hydrophilic acrylic IOL, such as the
IOLs applied a relatively constant force, always lower Finevision, Acri.Tec 366D, and Ioflex, has a relatively
than 94 mg, whatever the capsular bag size. C-loop high water content; relatively high compressibility,
haptics have high bending deformation capacity to elasticity, deformability; and good shape memory.
allow the IOL to adapt to all capsule sizes with low These characteristics provide easy IOL folding, moder-
stress to the capsule. This finding implies that the ate injection force, entire recovery of the initial IOL
C-loop haptic design in a 1-piece IOL prevents capsu- shape, and recovery of optical quality within a reason-
lar bag damage, which is in accordance with previous able time after injection of the IOL. Here, the Acri.Tec
clinical11 and experimental6,7 results. Such biomechan- 366D IOL was an exception, with a slightly higher
ical behavior helps prevent capsular bag striae. injection force than that measured for the other 2 hy-
Although reversible in some cases, these striae can drophilic IOLs (Finevision and Ioflex). This may be
initiate lens epithelial cell migration and eventually because the IOL's hydrophobic surface affects its
PCO formation and fibrosis. Moreover, the axial friction and increases the injection force.
displacement and tilt tests showed that whatever the The diffractive IOLs (trifocal Finevision and bifocal
test-well diameter, the optical part of the C-loop and Acri.Tec 366D) unfolded more rapidly than their
double C-loop IOLs remained in a stable position. monofocal counterpart, Ioflex, probably because of
Clinically, the C-loop haptic design combined with a the reinforcing effect of the diffractive optic pattern
1-piece hydrophobic acrylic platform and the applica- in accordance with the rheological behavior of these
tion of compression forces in the measured magnitude IOLs during the recovery step.
provides rotational stability, which is necessary, espe- The low predetermined water uptake of the
cially for the astigmatism-correcting toric IOLs.7,8 glistening-free hydrophobic acrylic material resulted
In the case of the Finevision IOL, the deformation of in relatively low injection forces for the Podeye and
the 4 closed haptics with the reduction in the capsule iPure IOLs. They unfolded within approximately 1
size yielded higher compression force to the capsular minute, as shown by the relaxation and contrast sensi-
bag than C-loop IOLs, but without impairing the tivity recovery results. Thus, they unfolded more
IOL's position stability. The 4 closed haptics act as anti- slowly than their hydrophilic acrylic counterparts,
vaulting deformable loops and can deform in such which may help prevent ocular tissue damage.25,26
a way that the optic remains in nearly the same plane There was no residual deformation 1 hour after injec-
as the haptics. This is especially important when the tion, which indicates these IOLs have predictable
diffractive trifocal optic of the Finevision is used visual quality.
because its optical properties can be altered by any The Envista MX60 IOL, although containing the
optic shift or tilt. same amount of water at the equilibrium as the Podeye
In this study, the Acri.Tec 366D IOL showed a con- and iPure IOLs, showed less deformable behavior.
siderable shift with reduction of the test-well diameter, This IOL had a Tg of 21 C, which is higher than that
and that shift might significantly affect the IOL's clin- of the glistening-free material of the iPure and Podeye
ical optical performance. Indeed, plate haptics intrinsi- IOLs (Tg 9 C). Thus, the Envista MX60 IOL was in-
cally have limited deformation capacity in the IOL jected with higher force and required longer relaxation
plane. times. The plasticizing effect of water was limited in
The haptic compression forces measured in this this case, and high residual deformation was mea-
study for the 1-piece C-loop and the PMMA haptics sured, resulting in significant loss of contrast sensitiv-
are in agreement with the results reported by Lane ity at least 1 hour after injection. This IOL would
et al.7 for similar models. The authors suggested that restore its initial shape slowly in a real clinical case,
1-piece hydrophobic acrylic C-loop IOLs provide sta- and the surgeon would require a longer time to locate
ble postoperative refraction, maintain their initial posi- it properly in the capsular bag. A possible explanation
tion in the capsular bag, and ensure long-term for this is the excessively high Tg of the initial polymer
refractive stability.4 Assia et al.27 reached a similar matrix before water uptake or crosslinking reactions
conclusion. The combination of a C-loop or a dou- within the polymer material during gamma
ble C-loop haptic design that applies moderate sterilization, which would increase the IOL's rigidity.



Rheologically, typical hydrophobic acrylic IOLs Hence, cartridge damage was observed with the
(Acrysof SN60WF, Sensar AR40e, Isert 251, and AF-1 AF-1 YA-60BB IOL.
YA-60BB) were more plastic due to the lack of water Meanwhile, a predetermined amount of water
in their composition. The slow and low deformation absorbed by the glistening-free material plasticized
measured during the creep step explains the relatively it, allowing iPure and Podeye IOLs to completely re-
high injection forces. High residual deformation was cover their initial shape and optical properties within
established in these cases and could account for the a reasonable time after injection while preserving an
short-term decrease in optical quality after IOL advantageous bioadhesivity13 that is comparable to
injection. that of typical hydrophobic acrylic materials. These
This corroborates that the injection is driven mainly IOLs are equilibrated and steam sterilized in physio-
by the optic deformation rather than by surface logical solution before implantation, thus avoiding
friction. Thinner IOLs are expected when the material the risk for glistening formation.
refractive index increases. However, this was not This experimental study may help surgeons make
found to significantly influence the injection forces proper IOL selections but should be considered in
(compare Acrysof SN60WF, which has a refractive relation to clinical results. Several clinical studies are
index of 1.55, and the Tecnis ZCB00, which has a refrac- being performed with the iPure and Podeye IOLs,
tive index of 1.48). and the results will be reported in following publica-
Over the long-term, the relaxation processes are tions to reinforce the knowledge and comprehension
expected to continue, and the IOLs may recover their of these IOLs and of the glistening-free material.
optical properties, which would benefit the patient's
vision. However, testing this process for longer
periods would be difficult with conventional optical WHAT WAS KNOWN
benches because the IOL position in the experimental  Hydrophobic IOLs can lose their optical properties due to
setup may be affected, leading to biased measure- residual deformation after implantation. This is in contrast
ments. However, the purpose of the present test was to hydrophilic IOLs, which are more elastic and have
to evaluate the rheological behavior of the IOL during better shape memory.
implantation, which takes a few minutes. Moreover,
testing period of 1 hour is long enough to give a clear
idea about the material shape recovery capacity. WHAT THIS PAPER ADDS
In conclusion, this experimental study assessed the  The new hydrophobic glistening-free material with low
biomechanical properties of 11 commercially available and controlled amount of absorbed water completely
IOLs to compare their compressibility, deformability, recovered its initial shape and optical properties after
injectability, and optical quality before and after injec- injection.
tion. It was found that the double C-loop and the
closed quadripod 1-piece IOLs provided moderate
haptic compression force, which contributes to an
IOL's positional and refractive stability. In contrast,
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