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Gordon College College of Education, Arts and Sciences

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Republic of the Philippines

City of Olongapo
College of Education, Arts and Sciences
Olongapo City Sports Complex, Donor Street, East Tapinac, Olongapo City

A Detailed Lesson Plan in Grade 11

PE and Health 2

A. CONTENT STANDARD: Demonstrates understanding of fitness and exercise in optimizing

one’s health as a habit; as requisite for PA performance, and as a career opportunity.

B. PERFORMANCE STANDARD: Leads SPORTS events with proficiency and confidence

resulting in independent pursuit and in influencing others positively.

C. LEARNING COMPETENCIES (MELCS): Sets FITT goals based on training principles to achieve and/or
maintain HRF.
CODE: PEH11FH-Ii-j-7

I. Objectives
At the end of the time frame, the student should be able to attain at least 75% proficiency
level in the following:
a. Recap/Recall : History of Arnis
b. Discuss the rules and regulations for the conduct of sports arnis.
c. Application of Technical Rules in Contact event and Scoring

II. Subject Matter

A.Topic: Nature and scope of Arnis Sports
B.Materials: PPT
C.Reference; Arnis Pederasyon Internasyonal
III. Procedure (Collaborative and Cooperative Learning)

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Routinely Activity
Good morning class!
Good morning ma’am
I will give 5 minutes of our time for the
others to join our class

(5 minutes countdown to be able for the

student to join the link.)

As you enter, you may comment your full

name in our chat box, surname first, for your
attendance. And for those students who can
open their camera will be much appreciated. (students will follow)
(The secretary will inform the teacher if there
are students whose having internet/technical

B. Settings of Classroom Standard

And please be reminded that we’re on a

classroom set up, so avoid being distracted and (student will answer)
please participate on mic or through our chat
box. Thank you.

C. Motivation

Before we will proceed to our topic, We will

be having a little activity.

When someone says ARNIS, I think of


Heres’ the top 7 answers, and you may fill

them in.

1. s___- _______ 1. self- defense

2. c_____ 2. combat
3. s____ 3. stick
4. g___ 4. gear
5. c__________ 5. competition
6. a___ 6. anyo
7. c____ 7. coach

Very good!

D. Lesson Proper
Okay, from our little activity,

Of course, we will Discuss the rules and

regulations for the conduct of sports arnis.

But let us all have a recap about the history of

the said sports.

(the teacher will present)

Kali Escrima- this is the other name of Arnis

which can be played by 2 players.

Ferdinand Magellan was defeated by _____ Lapu-lapu ma’am.

this was the recorded incident which Kali was
used against foreign invaders.

Moro moro, a comedy folk drama that tells

about the battling of Christians and muslim
moro, where in the word arnis is derived from
the word arnes.

1873 was the fighting system was renamed


Professor Remy Amador Presas the father and

founder of Modern Arnis

And now let us proceed in the rules and

regulations, first is FULL CONTACT

Shall refer to the area by which the conduct of
the competition shall be set or held including the
free zone around it.

-Dimensions (student will read the what’s on their screen)

-Lines of the Playing Area
-Outside Lines
-Match Lines
-Referee Line
-Warning Lines


Padded stick
should be foaming shall have a maximum
grip diameter not greater than 3.81?
Wooden Stick

stick shall measure not less than 60cm and

not more than 90 cm in length with a
diameter of not less 1.3 cm and not more
chin guard than 3.8 cm. It must not have sharp edges or
pointed ends.?
Body Protector

refers to a pair of protective head gear to
include an impact worthy face mask.

head gear a body defender, appropriately padded to

stay away from wounds and the details will
be as indicated by the I-Arnis.?

yellow flag

a compulsory to also avoid serve injuries

The Coach while having a fight or competition.

Here’s the different division

shall be used by the timer to declare the start
and the end of performance

The coach is responsible for the conduct and

discipline of the players. He MUST attend
the solidarity meeting.

What do you notice?

Very good!


Super heavyweight is not included in the


When an injury occurs during the game and it
cannot be continued, the decision of the judges salutation is done by placing the right hand
shall be based on the following grounds : with the weapon pointing upward over the
left chest, while the left arm is at the side and
a.) When an injured player is responsible for the is followed by a Nod
injury, the other player wins.
b.) When the injury is caused by a legal blow, the
injured player loses. However, when the injury is is when disarmed padded stick used to
caused by an illegal blow, the injured player wins. immediately hit an opponent successfully.
c.) When the responsibility of the injury cannot be
determined, the judges decision shall be based on
the score.
d.) Only the medical doctor can determine and
make a decision as to the fitness of the injured

A player who commits a dangerous intentional

foul that inflicts injury or not to the other player is
a ground for disqualification.


A player wins the match if his opponent forfeits or

defaults the game.

A player wins the match if his opponent was

disqualified in the game.

JUDGEMENT CALL cannot be protested.


A player who wins two out of three rounds
wins the game.
Same as the full contact.

We have 4, which are?


Only members of the team who are officially listed
to perform/s are allowed to sit on the bench
during the competition -Wooden Stick
Any substitution is not allowed - Wooden Replica of a Bladed Weapon
- Metallic Blunt Replica of a Bladed Weapon
DIVISIONS - Wooden Replica of a Dagger or Knife
Individual Event
(A team may field in one player per category. Only
players listed in the entry form may participate in
Yellow flag shall be used by the timer to
the competition.)
declare the start and the end of performance.
A. Single Weapon Category
B. Double Identical Weapon Category
Blue flag shall be raised by the official to
C. Sword & Dagger Category
indicate looses control of the weapon/s.
Team Event
(A team shall composed of three (3) performers Red flag shall be raised by the official to
per category. Only players listed in the entry form indicate stepping outside of the playing area.
shall participate in the competition.)
A. Single Weapon Category
B. Double Identical Weapon Category
C. Sword & Dagger Category

Coordination of Movements (Individual Event)
Synchronization (Team Event)
Artistic Execution
Bearing and Stage Presence
- Manner, composure, costume, poise and
posture of the performer/s during the
- Costume
- Musical Accompaniment (optional)
- Degree of Difficulty
- Creativity

The player/team garnering the highest score-

First Place, second highest score– Second
Place, and third highest score-Third Place


Violation of Standard Salutation shall cause

the performer/s deductions of five (5) points
per violation and per player in a team.

Violation of Time Limit shall cause the

performer/s deductions of two (2)points in short
of the minimum one (1) minute time limit or in
excess of the maximum two (2) minute time limit

Stepping or going outside of the playing area will

cause the performers a deduction of two (2)
points. Per violations and per players in a team.

A Performer/s who looses control of the

weapon/s shall be given a deduction of five (5)
points per violation.

Weapon gets destroyed or has any apparent

damage to any part of the weapon will cause the
performers a deduction of five (5) points per
violation and per player in a team.

That ends our discussion,

E. Generalization
may I ask, what’s your take down notes?
You may answer on mic or through our chat box.

(students will answer)

IV. Evaluation

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

As you all know, we will be having a Long quiz
for this topic. I will give you 10 minutes of our
time, so you can review but please include the Okay ma’am.
OFFICIAL CALLS AND HAND SIGNALS (students will do as they told)

The quiz is multiple choice, but numbered 1-60.

At exactly 9am. I will post the link for the quiz.
Challenge yourself, do not cheat!

V. Assignment

Finish your other asynchronous task,

Any clarifications? If none, class dismissed.

Good bye class.

Prepared by:
Erika Chloe H. Yabut

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