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Department of Applied Psychology: The Islamia University of Bahawalpur Baghdad-ul-Jadeed Campus

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Department of Applied Psychology

The Islamia University of Bahawalpur

Baghdad-ul-Jadeed Campus

Course Outline

Course Title: Abnormal Psychology Course Code: PSY -26205 (3-CH)

Program: MSc 2nd Semester (E)
Course Instructor: Miss Ruhma Naeem Email:

Course Objective:
• The main aim is to familiarize students with history, main concepts, methods, and
theoretical frameworks in psychopathology.
• This course will provide students with an understanding basic principles and
psychological theories to understand abnormal behavior, personality conflicts/issues and
psychological disorders.
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course the students will be able to describe:
 Have a grasp over basic concepts and theoretical perspectives explaining abnormal
 The field of abnormal psychology and its importance to the broader field of Psychology.

Course Material:
Recommended Text book:
Comer, R. J., & Comer, J. S. (2017). Abnormal Psychology. Worth Publishers.
APA (American Psychiatric Association). (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of
mental disorders (5th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.
For further readings; Recommended Text book:
Neale, J. M. & Davison, G. C. (2004). Abnormal psychology. New York: John Wiley &
Barlow, D., Durand, V. M., & Hofmann, S. G. (2017). Abnormal
Psychology: An Integrative Approcah (8th ed.). Cengage Learning.
Miller, R. B., (2015). Not so abnormal psychology. (1st ed.). Washington:
American psychological association.
Oltmanns, T. F., & Emery, R. E. (2012). Abnormal psychology. (7th ed.).
Ray, W. J., (2020). Abnormal psychology. (3rd ed.). United states of
America: Sage.
Website Sources
American Psychiatric Association
APA (American Psychiatric Association). (2017). DSM-5 Diagnostic Criteria (Version
1.6.0) [Mobile application software].

Course Grading Policy:
1. Learning will be accomplished through lecture, class exercises and student participation
in the class discussion and presentations.
2. Grading will tend to focus on your overall performance rather than one or two aspects. A
mid-term examination and a comprehensive final examination will be given.
3. Another portion of the course grade will include the discussion/attendance grade, quizzes,
and other assignments.
4. Excessive absences (more than 03) will result in nonappearance in exams.
5. Test Questions may be taken from text book readings, hypertext material discussed in
class and other assigned readings.
6. Students may prepare notebooks for taking notes and for references.
Grading Criteria (On-Campus):
Mid Term Exam 30
Final Exam 50
Sessional Marks 20
Distribution of sessional marks is as under:
Quizzes (two sudden quizzes) 05
Assignments 05
Presentation 05
Class participation and behavior 05
Total 100
Grading Criteria (Online):
Multiple Choice Questions 100
The Teaching/Learning Environment & Course Classroom Protocol:
I. The instructor manages his classroom as if it is an executive training meeting or session
in a business or government setting.
II. The teaching/learning environment created in the classroom is led by the instructor but it
is also understood that the most beneficial learning environment is one where students
teach each other through optimum preparation, active classroom participation, and
sharing of their own personal insights gained from lifelong experiences.
III. Electronic gadgets, especially mobile phones must be on flight mode or silent mode.
Statement on Faculty and Student Code of Ethics
The Code of Ethics sets the parameters for proper conduct in the classroom by both faculty and
students. This is basic but it underscores the main principle here that we will follow as a team:
The faculty member will do his best to provide the best teaching and learning environment for
each student as an individual and for the class as a whole. Students will be fairly evaluated in all
their work and the contributions they make to enhance the objectives of the course. Students, on
the other hand, will be responsible for their own work-product, will provide proper
documentation when they use the work of others as references.

Course Outline

Course Coverage
1. Basic concepts of Abnormal Psychology; about historical development and
current status of abnormal Psychology.
2. Systems of classification, symptoms, etiology, prevalence, course, diagnostic
criteria, differential diagnosis and management of different psychological
3. DSM 5 for diagnostic purpose.
4. Clinical manifestations, epidemiology, etiology, treatment, course and
prognosis of selected disorders.
5. Physical / organic problems that can cause or exacerbate emotional and
interpersonal problems.
6. Case formulation and Report writing

Topic Activity Schedule

Criteria of normality and abnormality Class Discussion Week 1
Diagnostic classification system (DSM 5 & ICD 10) and Assignment
Abnormal Psychology in Science and Clinical Practice
Historical Background of Abnormal Psychology
Research in Abnormal Psychology Case Study Week 2
Models of Abnormality
Clinical Assessment, Diagnosis, and Treatment
Neurodevelopment Disorders
Intellectual Disabilities Case Study Week 3
Communication Disorders
Autism spectrum Disorder
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Specific Learning Disorder
Motor Disorders
Anxiety Disorders
Types, Symptoms, Etiology, Prevalence, Course, Diagnosis, Case Study Week 4
Differential Diagnosis and Management
Obsessive Compulsive and Related Disorders
Types, Symptoms, Etiology, Prevalence, Course, Diagnosis,
Case Study Week 5
Differential Diagnosis and Management
Trauma and Stressor Related Disorders
Types, Symptoms, Etiology, Prevalence, Course, Diagnosis,
Case Study Week 6
Differential Diagnosis and Management

Depressive Disorders
Types, Symptoms, Etiology, Prevalence, Course, Diagnosis,
Case Study Week 7
Differential Diagnosis and Management
Bipolar and Related Disorders
Types, Symptoms, Etiology, Prevalence, Course, Diagnosis,
Case Study Week 8
Differential Diagnosis and Management
Schizophrenia Spectrum and other Psychotic Disorders
Types, Symptoms, Etiology, Prevalence, Course, Diagnosis, Case Study Week 9
Differential Diagnosis and Management
Somatic symptoms and related Disorders
Types, Symptoms, Etiology, Prevalence, Course, Diagnosis,
Case Study Week 10
Differential Diagnosis and Management

Eating Disorders
Types, Symptoms, Etiology, Prevalence, Course, Diagnosis,
Case Study Week 11
Differential Diagnosis and Management
Substance Related and Addictive Disorders
Types, Symptoms, Etiology, Prevalence, Course, Diagnosis,
Case Study Week 12
Differential Diagnosis and Management
Disorders of Sex and Gender: Sexual Dysfunctions,
Gender Dysphoria and Paraphilic Disorders
Case Study Week 13
Types, Symptoms, Etiology, Prevalence, Course, Diagnosis,
Differential Diagnosis and Management
Personality Disorders
Types, Symptoms, Etiology, Prevalence, Course, Diagnosis,
Case Study Week 14
Differential Diagnosis and Management
Neurocognitive Disorders
Types, Symptoms, Etiology, Prevalence, Course, Diagnosis,
Case Study Week 15
Differential Diagnosis and Management
Sleep Disorders
Types, Symptoms, Etiology, Prevalence, Course, Diagnosis,
Case Study Week 16
Differential Diagnosis and Management

Utility of theoretical knowledge

Students will be instructed to formulate a portfolio after a detailed examination of a patient
having psychological disorder. (Case report will be prepared by students individually on the
disorders assigned by course instructor)
Note: Final Reports will be checked in the plagiarism detect software like TURNITIN.COM
available in the university.

Instructor wishes you every success and hope you would enjoy the course and find it something
that has made you worthy of market as a young researcher, consultant or middle manager.


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