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Sex-Linked and Blood Type Practice Problems KEY

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Sex Linked Problems – Answer Key

1. If a human male and female produce children, what proportion of their offspring should be males? What
proportion should be females? Illustrate using a Punnett square.

Male = 50%

2. What conditions are necessary in order for colorblindness to appear in women?

Both X chromosomes carry the recessive allele XcXc.

3. In humans, normal vision (XC) is dominant to colorblindness (X c) and is sex-linked. A normal-visioned man,
whose father was colorblind, marries a colorblind woman. What are the chances that a son will be colorblind. A
daughter? Explain.

There is a 100% chance that the son will be color blind. The daughter will have normal vision but carry the recessive X cXc trait.

4. Hemophilia is due to a sex-linked recessive gene (X h) and the normal condition to the gene (X H). A hemophiliac
man marries a woman who is not. Their first son has hemophilia. What are the chances that their daughter, if
they had one, will be hemophilic?

There is a 50% chance their daughter will be a hemophilic. She can either receive an X H or an Xh from her mom.

5. In humans, pseudohypertrophic muscular dystrophy is a condition in which the muscles gradually waste away,
ending in death in the early teens. In some families it is dependent upon a sex-linked recessive gene. This type
occurs only in boys and has never been reported in girls. Why is it not to be expected in girls?
In order for a female to have PHT, her parents must be a woman carrying the gene and a male with the condition, this is impossible because
the male would die before.

6. Why does the sex-linked gene for pseudohypertrophic muscular dystrophy not become eliminated from the
human race since all boys showing the trait die before reaching maturity?
If a woman carries the trait, she can have children with a man without the trait, and they can have a daughter who carries the gene, who will
then pass it to the kids, and so on.

7. In a certain family there are two boys and two girls. One of the boys develops pseudohypertrophic muscular
dystrophy, and dies at 14 years of age. The other boy and the two girls grow up and marry. What are the chances of
their offspring showing this condition?
Assuming the boy does not marry a carrier, no chance of him passing it on. The females have a 1/8 chance of having a PMD son. ½ chance
being a carrier X ¼ chance having infected son = 1/8.

8. Ichthyosis hystrix gravior (a greatly thickened horney condition of the skin) is a rare human abnormality, but in the
single extensive pedigree which has been studied it occurs only in males. All the sons of each affected father have the
condition. Females are not only unaffected, but never transmit the gene for this defect. Can you suggest a possible
explanation for this curious and unusual type of inheritance?
It is carried on the Y chromosome.

9. In humans, aniridia (a type of blindness) is due to a dominant gene. Optic atrophy (another type of blindness) is due
to a recessive sex-linked gene. A man blind from optic atrophy marries a woman blind from aniridia. Would any of their
children be expected to be blind? Which type of blindness would they have?
Yes. Aniridia.

Blood Grouping Problems – Answer Key

1. If a man with A type blood marries a woman of O type blood and they have five children, all of blood type A:
a. What is the most probable genotype of the man?
b. What is the genotype of the woman?
io io
c. Of the children?
IA i o
2. A friend of yours has B type blood. He knows his mother has O type blood.

a. What is his blood genotype?

IB io
b. What genotypes of blood might his father have?
IB IB , I B i o , I A IB

With this basic information, find probably solutions to the following genetic problems:

3. What blood types might possibly result in children of a family whose mother has B blood and whose father has
AB blood?
IA io or IB IB x IA IB B, A, AB

4. Suppose a father of blood type A and a mother of type B has a child of type O. What types are possible in their
IA i o x IB i o A, B, AB, O

5. Suppose a father of type B and a mother of type O have a child of type O. What are the chances that their next
child will be type O? __1/2___ Type B? ___1/2_ Type A? ____O___
Type AB? ____O___

6. Assuming you do not know the blood type of your future husband or wife, but you do know yours, what blood
type might you possibly expect your children to have? What blood types can’t they possibly have?
If type A could be IA IA or IA io
- could have all possibilities
If AB, no chance of type O
If O, no chance of type AB

7. You are the judge in a case in which a type O man claimed a $50,000 inheritance after the death of type A and
type AB parents.
a. What would be your decision? Explain.
No. Could not be related because AB parent does not have a recessive allele to pass on.

b. What if the man had type B blood? Explain.

It is possible. Would need further tests IA iBx IA io

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