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A Global Resource For Genomic Predictions of Antimicrobial Resistance and Surveillance of Salmonella Typhi at Pathogenwatch

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A global resource for genomic predictions of

antimicrobial resistance and surveillance of
Salmonella Typhi at pathogenwatch
Silvia Argimón 1 ✉, Corin A. Yeats2, Richard J. Goater 1,10, Khalil Abudahab1, Benjamin Taylor 2,
Anthony Underwood1, Leonor Sánchez-Busó 2,11, Vanessa K. Wong3, Zoe A. Dyson 3,4,5, Satheesh Nair 6,
Se Eun Park 7, Florian Marks 7, Andrew J. Page8,12, Jacqueline A. Keane8, Stephen Baker9, Kathryn E. Holt4,5,
Gordon Dougan3 & David M. Aanensen1,2 ✉

As whole-genome sequencing capacity becomes increasingly decentralized, there is a

growing opportunity for collaboration and the sharing of surveillance data within and between
countries to inform typhoid control policies. This vision requires free, community-driven tools
that facilitate access to genomic data for public health on a global scale. Here we present the
Pathogenwatch scheme for Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi (S. Typhi), a web application
enabling the rapid identification of genomic markers of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and
contextualization with public genomic data. We show that the clustering of S. Typhi genomes
in Pathogenwatch is comparable to established bioinformatics methods, and that genomic
predictions of AMR are highly concordant with phenotypic susceptibility data. We demon-
strate the public health utility of Pathogenwatch with examples selected from >4,300 public
genomes available in the application. Pathogenwatch provides an intuitive entry point to
monitor of the emergence and spread of S. Typhi high risk clones.

1 Centre for Genomic Pathogen Surveillance, Wellcome Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridgeshire, UK. 2 Centre for Genomic Pathogen Surveillance, Big Data

Institute, Nuffield Department of Medicine, University of Oxford, Oxford, Oxfordshire, UK. 3 Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS
Foundation Trust, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, Cambridge, UK. 4 London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, UK. 5 Department of Infectious
Diseases, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia. 6 Gastrointestinal Bacterial Reference Unit, Public Health England, Colindale, London, UK. 7 International
Vaccine Institute, Seoul, Republic of Korea. 8 Pathogen Informatics, Wellcome Sanger Institute, Wellcome Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridgeshire, UK.
9 Cambridge Institute of Therapeutic Immunology & Infectious Disease, Department of Medicine, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK. 10Present address:

Wellcome Sanger Institute, Wellcome Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridgeshire, UK. 11Present address: Genomics and Health Area, Foundation for the
Promotion of Health and Biomedical Research in the Valencian Community (FISABIO-Public Health), Valencia, Spain. 12Present address: Quadram Institute
Bioscience, Norwich Research Park, Norwich, Norfolk, UK. ✉email:;

NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | (2021)12:2879 | | 1


he ability to rapidly sequence microbial genomes facilitates where users can create an account to upload and analyse their
the tracking of pathogen evolution in real-time and with a genomes (Fig. 1 and video14). User data remains private and
geographical context. Genomic surveillance provides the stored in their personal account. Pathogenwatch provides com-
opportunity to identify the emergence of genetic signatures patibility with typing information for MLST13, cgMLST8, in silico
indicating antimicrobial resistance (AMR), or host adaptation, serotyping (SISTR11), a SNP genotyping scheme (GenoTyphi4),
facilitating early intervention and minimizing wider dissemina- and plasmid replicon sequences15. The results for a single genome
tion. Consequently, genomic data has the ability to transform the are displayed in a genome report that can be downloaded as a
way in which, we manage the emergence of microbes that pose a PDF. The results for a collection of genomes can be viewed online
direct threat to human health in real time. and downloaded as trees and tables of genotypes, AMR predic-
Genomic data is being generated at a remarkable rate, but we tions, assembly metrics, and genetic variation. Results can also be
need to bridge the gap between genome science and public health accessed at a later date and shared via a collection ID embedded
with tools that make these data broadly and rapidly accessible to in a unique weblink, thus facilitating collaborative surveillance.
those who are not expert in genomics. To maximize the impact of
ongoing surveillance programs, these tools need to quickly Clustering genomes into lineages with Pathogenwatch. The
highlight high-risk clones by assigning isolates to distinct lineages pairwise genetic distance between isolates provides an operational
and identifying genetic elements associated with clinically rele- unit for genomic surveillance. Typhi Pathogenwatch clusters
vant features such as AMR or virulence. In this way, new isolates genomes based on their genetic distance and displays their rela-
can be examined against the backdrop of a population framework tionships in a collection tree. We benchmarked the Pathogen-
that is continuously updated, and that enables both the con- watch clustering method against established methods of SNP-
textualization of local outbreaks and the interpretation of global based tree inference, using three sets of published genomes. The
patterns. Pathogenwatch trees clustered diverse genomes according to
Salmonella Typhi (S. Typhi) causes typhoid (enteric) fever, a genotype assignments4 (Supplementary Fig. 1a), and detected
disease that affects approximately 20–30 million people every phylogeographic signal in a set of closely related genomes from a
year1,2. The disease is predominant in low-income communities, clonal expansion of 4.3.1 within Africa3 (Supplementary Fig. 1b).
where public health infrastructure is poorly resourced. Similar to In addition, we found that the Typhi Pathogenwatch clustering
other infections, typhoid treatment is compromised by the algorithm produced trees comparable to established methods
emergence of S. Typhi with resistance to multiple antimicrobials, based on the tree space (visualizations of pairwise distances
including those currently used for treatment2. Whole genome between trees in two or three dimensions) and the tree topology
sequencing (WGS) has proven key to identify S. Typhi high-risk (Supplementary Fig. 2).
clones by linking the population structure to the presence of
AMR elements. For example, the resurgence of multidrug resis-
tant (MDR) typhoid (defined as resistance to chloramphenicol, Contextualization with public data. A fundamental process for
ampicillin, and co-trimoxazole) has been explained in part by the interpreting genomic datasets is to identify the nearest neighbors
global spread of an MDR S. Typhi lineage known as haplotype to the genome(s) under investigation. Pathogenwatch con-
H58 or subclade 4.3.13,4, which is associated with both acquired textualizes the user-uploaded genomes with public genomes using
AMR genes and fluoroquinolone resistance mutations3,5. a population tree of 19 diverse genome references (Supplemen-
WGS is increasingly being implemented in local and national tary Fig. 3) to guide their SNP-based clustering into subsets of
public health laboratories, and web applications can provide rapid closely related genomes (population subtrees). A previous inves-
analysis and access to actionable information for infection control tigation of a typhoid outbreak in Zambia identified clonal
in the context of a global population framework. Online resources diversity and two repertoires of AMR genes within outbreak
are available for the identification of acquired AMR mechanisms organisms, which belonged to haplotype H58 (genotype 4.3.1)16.
in bacterial pathogens, including Salmonella spp.6,7, and for in Using Pathogenwatch, the outbreak strains can be rapidly con-
silico typing and visualization of genome variation and related- textualized with public genomes, which revealed two different
ness based on WGS data8–12. Here, we describe Typhi Patho- clusters with close relationships to contemporary genomes from
genwatch, a web application to support genomic epidemiology neighboring countries Malawi and Tanzania (Fig. 2).
and public health surveillance of S. Typhi. Typhi Pathogenwatch Users interested in exploring the public genomes without
rapidly places new genomes within the broader geographic and creating their own collections can browse the public data as a
population context, predicts their genotype according to estab- whole17 or view by published study18. As of November 2020,
lished nomenclatures4,8,13, and detects the presence of AMR Typhi Pathogenwatch included 4389 public genomes from 26
determinants and plasmid replicon genes to assess public health published articles (Supplementary Table 1). The genomes
risk. Results can be downloaded or shared via a web address spanned the years 1905–2019 and 77 different countries, with
containing a unique collection identifier. Our approach allows the the largest representation from 2000 onwards (n = 3795, 86.49%)
rapid incremental addition of new data and can be used to and from the Indian subcontinent (n = 1602, 36.50%), respec-
underpin the international surveillance of typhoid, MDR, and tively (Table 1 and Supplementary Fig. 4). Over half of the
other public health threats. genomes (n = 2500, 57.0%) belonged to the globally dominant
MDR genotype 4.3.1, although the five different genotypes
comprising 4.3.1 showed different temporal distributions and
Results relative abundance (Supplementary Fig. 5).
Overview of Typhi pathogenwatch. We developed a public
health focused application for S. Typhi genomics that uses gen- Genotypic predictions of antimicrobial resistance. Typhi
ome assemblies to perform three essential tasks for surveillance Pathogenwatch queries genome assemblies with BLAST19 and a
and epidemiological investigations, i.e., (i) placing isolates into curated library of AMR genes and mutations (Supplementary
lineages or clonal groups, (ii) identifying their closest relatives Table 2). The antibiotics table reports the presence of known
and linking to their geographic distribution, and (iii) detecting the AMR determinants as resistance, only discriminating between
presence of genes and mutations associated with AMR. The resistance and decreased susceptibility (intermediate) for cipro-
application can be accessed at, floxacin. To benchmark the Typhi Pathogenwatch predictions, we

2 NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | (2021)12:2879 | |


Fig. 1 Workflow of the Typhi Pathogenwatch application. Input assemblies or sequence reads and metadata files can be uploaded via drag-and-drop onto
the Upload page. Once the analyses completed, the genomes are listed on the Genomes page with Pathogenwatch outputs for speciation and MLST.
Clicking on a genome name on the list pops up a Genome Report. The user can create collections of genomes. The Collection view displays the user
genomes clustered by genetic similarity on a tree, their location on a map, a timeline, as well as tables for metadata, typing and AMR. The Population view
displays the user genomes by their closest reference genome in the population tree. Clicking on one of the highlighted nodes (purple triangles) opens the
Population subtree view, which contextualizes the user genomes with the closest public genomes.

first compared the genotypic resistance genotypes to the available detected. Only mutations outside of the QRDR of parE (A364V,
drug susceptibility phenotypes (SIR interpretation) of 1316 gen- n = 17) or gyrA (D538N, n = 2) were found in 20 genomes.
omes. The sensitivity of the Pathogenwatch genotypic predictions The specificity of the Pathogenwatch genotypic predictions was
was at least 0.96 for all antibiotics with a computed value at least 0.95 for most antimicrobials (Table 2), with the exception
(Table 2). The false negative (FN) calls for ampicillin (n = 4), of ciprofloxacin, for which a third of the ciprofloxacin susceptible
cephalosporins (n = 2), chloramphenicol (n = 6), and isolates were reported as insusceptible by Pathogenwatch. A
sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim (n = 7) were paralleled by the closer inspection of the 57 false positive (FP) results showed
original genome studies20–22, and by an alternative bioinformatics that Pathogenwatch reported one (n = 55), two (n = 2), or three
method23. The 49 FN calls for ciprofloxacin were also in agree- (n = 1) mutations in the QRDR of gyrA, gyrB, and/or parC,
ment with the in silico analyses reported in the original genome most frequently the single mutations gyrA_S83F (n = 25)
studies22,24, in which no QRDR mutations or qnr genes were and gyrB_S464F (n = 16). For 54 of these samples, the same

NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | (2021)12:2879 | | 3


Fig. 2 Pathogenwatch provides genomic context for outbreak investigations. a, b Genomes from an outbreak in Zambia (purple markers on tree and
map) are linked by genetic relatedness to genomes from neighboring countries Malawi and Tanzania (gray markers) forming two separate groups
containing 16 (a) and 4 (b) outbreak genomes, respectively. The number of pairwise differences (range) between outbreak and related genomes in the
Pathogenwatch score matrix are indicated on the bottom-right of the tree panel. c, d Differential distribution of trimethoprim resistance genes dfrA7 (c) and
dfrA14 (d) across the two clades containing outbreak genomes. The presence of the dfr genes is indicated in red on the tree and map. The data are available

Table 1 Characteristics of 4389 public genomes in mutations were reported in the original genome studies. For the
Pathogenwatch. remaining three genomes, no mutations were reported in the
original studies, but we confirmed the presence of gyrB_S464F
Year of isolation Number of genomes (%) (n = 2) or gyrB_S464Y (n = 1) in the assemblies using
1905–1969 41 (0.9) Resfinder25.
1970–1989 79 (1.8) To benchmark the predictions of ciprofloxacin resistance/
1990–1999 395 (9.0) decreased susceptibility, we then evaluated the ciprofloxacin
2000–2009 1187 (27.0) MICs of 889 S. Typhi isolates from nine previous studies against
2010–2019 2609 (59.4) the different combinations of resistance mechanisms identified by
No date 78 (1.78) Pathogenwatch. The isolates with one or two QRDR mutations
displayed mostly intermediate MICs against ciprofloxacin, and
Country of isolation (top 6) Number of genomes (%) support reporting as intermediate in Pathogenwatch (Fig. 3). The
Bangladesh 637 (14.51) MIC values of seven isolates carrying single mutations on gyrA
United Kingdom 629 (14.33) (S83F, S83Y) and gyrB (S464F), however, were below the
India 486 (11.07) intermediate breakpoint, consistent with the lower specificity
Nepal 318 (7.25) reported for ciprofloxacin in Table 2. The highest ciprofloxacin
Vietnam 220 (5.01) MIC values were observed for the combination of gyrA_S83F-
Cambodia 209 (4.76)
gyrA_D87N-parC_S80I mutations, reported as resistant by
Pathogenwatch26–28. However, the triple combination gyr-
Assembly Stats Median (range) A_S83F-gyrA_D87G-parC_E84K was represented by nine isolates
Number of contigs 51 (1–633) with MICs in both the resistant (n = 6) and the intermediate
Assembly length 4,747,975 (4,535,494–5,211,763) (n = 3) ranges, and is reported by Pathogenwatch as intermediate.
N50 204,317 (19,527–4,806,333) Further susceptibility testing of isolates with this combination of
Non-ATCG 152 (0–48,002) mutations is needed to refine genotypic predictions. Likewise,
GC content (%) 52.0 (51.4–52.4)
several other mechanisms potentially conferring insusceptibility

4 NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | (2021)12:2879 | |



The total number of comparisons, true negatives (TN), true positives (TN), false negatives (FN), false positives (FN), sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), negative predictive value (NPV), very major error (VME) rate, major error (ME) rate, and concordance
are shown for ampicillin (AMP), chloramphenicol (CHL), broad-spectrum cephalosporins (CEP), ciprofloxacin (CIP), sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim (SXT), tetracycline (TCY), azithromycin (AZM), colistin (CST) and meropenem (MEM). Confidence intervals (95%) are
Pred SIR − Obs SIR

Concordance (%)
S−>I / I−>R
102 R−>I / I−>S
46 56 36 60
9 26 6 12 7



ME rate

Ciprofloxacin log(MIC)


0.5 R


0.25 S

Number of strains
VME rate

0.06 10
0.03 50




0.99 (0.97– 0.99)

1.00 (0.97– 1.00)

0.69 (0.62–0.76)
0.99 (0.98–1.00)
0.99 (0.97–1.00)

1.00 (0.97–1.00)
1.00 (0.91–1.00)

1.00 (0.91–1.00)

PPV (95% CI)
0.99 (0.98–1)

gyrA.D87G 16
gyrA.D87N 82
gyrA.S83F 530
gyrA.S83Y 158
gyrB.S464F 26
gyrB.S464Y 12
parC.E84K 9
parC.S80I 46
parE.L416F 6
0.96 (0.94–0.98)
0.98 (0.96–0.99)

0.95 (0.93–0.96)

0.94 (0.91–0.96)

1.00 (0.40–1.00)
1.00 (0.96–1.00)

1.00 (0.74–1.00)

No known mechanism 60
PPV (95% CI)

Fig. 3 Genotypic predictions of antimicrobial resistance. Distribution of

minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values (mg L−1) for ciprofloxacin
in a collection of S. Typhi isolates with different combinations of genetic

mechanisms that are known to confer resistance to this antibiotic. Only

combinations observed in at least five genomes are shown. Dashed
horizontal lines on the violin plots mark the CLSI clinical breakpoint for
Specificity (95% CI)

ciprofloxacin. Point colors inside violins represent the genotypic AMR

1.00 (0.97– 1.00)
0.98 (0.97–0.99)

0.97 (0.96–0.99)
0.66 (0.58–0.73)
0.95 (0.93–0.97)
1.00 (0.99–1.00)

1.00 (0.97–1.00)
1.00 (0.91–1.00)

1.00 (0.91–1.00)

prediction by Pathogenwatch on each combination of mechanisms. Barplots

on the top show the abundance of genomes with each combination of
mechanisms. Bar colors represent the differences between the predicted
and the observed SIR (e.g., red for a predicted susceptible mechanism when
the observed phenotype is resistant). S susceptible, I intermediate, and R
Sensitivity (95% CI)

0.98 (0.96–0.99)
0.96 (0.94–0.97)
0.98 (0.97–0.99)

to ciprofloxacin were found in the public genomes but had no or

0.99 (0.97–1.00)
0.98 (0.92–1.00)

1.00 (0.40–1.00)
1.00 (0.74–1.00)

little associated MIC data, including seven additional triple

Table 2 Benchmark of Typhi Pathogenwatch AMR predictions.

mutations (Supplementary Table 3 and Supplementary Fig. 6).

The user can overlay the AMR predictions on the tree and the
map views for one or multiple antibiotics, genes, or SNPs, thus

intuitively linking resistance with genome clustering and

geographic location. For example, the distribution of genomic


predictions of ciprofloxacin-resistant, MDR, or extremely drug



resistant (XDR) S. Typhi on the map and on the tree of 4389

public genomes highlights the lineages that represent a particular




challenge to treatment and their geographical distribution

(Supplementary Fig. 7).

MDR and XDR phenotypes have been associated with the





acquisition of plasmids in S. Typhi3,20. Pathogenwatch identifies


plasmid replicon sequences in the user genomes and reports them

on the genome report and on the typing table in the collection







view (Fig. 1). Pathogenwatch reported between one and four

plasmid replicon marker sequences in a third of the public
genomes (1571/4389, 35.79%, Supplementary Fig. 8a). The





cryptic plasmid pHCM2, which does not carry resistance genes29,


shown in parenthesis.

was the most common replicon detected amongst genomes in

which acquired resistance genes were not detected. The distribu-

tion of replicon genes showed that the combination of IncH1A


and IncH1B(R27) was prevalent in MDR genomes from South-




east Asia and East Africa belonging to clade 4.3.1, while the same

NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | (2021)12:2879 | | 5


Fig. 4 Pathogenwatch data reusability. Fifteen genomes carrying the acrB_R717Q mutation recently linked to azithromycin resistance in S. Typhi are
shown in red on the tree of 4389 public genomes and on the map. The presence of the mutation is also indicated by the red circles on the SNPs table.
Three of these genomes (tree labels) belong to isolates collected before the mutation was first described and are shown in more detail in the bottom
panels. The data are available at

combination with the addition of IncFIA(HI1) was more collection of 12 Bangladeshi genomes of genotype isolated
prevalent in West Africa, and associated with clade 3.1 between 2013 and 2016 in which this mutation was first described
(Supplementary Fig. 8b–d). The IncH1A and IncH1B(R27) (Fig. 4). Notably, Pathogenwatch also detected the acrB_R717Q
sequences detect fragments of the repA2 and repA genes, mutation in three additional genomes, two from isolates recov-
respectively, of the IncHI1 conjugative plasmid which has ered in England in 2014 (no travel history available32), and one
historically been associated with the majority of MDR typhoid3. from an isolate recovered in Samoa in 20073. The Samoan gen-
IncFIA(HI1) detects fragments of the repE gene that is present in ome 10349_1_30_Sam072830_2007 was typed as genotype 3.5.4,
a subset of IncHI1 plasmids, including the plasmid sequence type while the English genomes 65343 and 32480 (no travel infor-
PST2 variant common in S. Typhi 3.1 in West Africa, but lacking mation available) belonged to genotypes and,
from the PST6 variant that is widespread in S. Typhi 4.3.1 in East respectively. Genome 65343 was closely related to the cluster of
Africa and Asia30. 12 genomes from Bangladesh where this mutation was first
described, while genome 32480 belonged to a small cluster of five
genomes from India or with travel history to India. Thus, rea-
Maximizing the utility of genomic data. Azithromycin is one of nalysis of public data with Pathogenwatch showed that the
the last oral treatment options for typhoid for which resistance is acrB_R717Q mutation has emerged in multiple genetic back-
currently uncommon, of particular importance in endemic areas grounds, in multiple locations, and as early as 2007.
with high rates of fluoroquinolone-resistance and outbreaks of
XDR S. Typhi. A non-synonymous point mutation in the gene
encoding the efflux pump AcrB (R717Q) was recently singled out Pathogenwatch applied to rapid risk assessment. Typhoid fever
as a molecular mechanism of resistance to azithromycin in S. is rare in countries with a good infrastructure for the provision of
Typhi31. Pathogenwatch detected the acrB_R717Q mutation in a clean water and sanitation, with most cases arising from travel to

6 NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | (2021)12:2879 | |


Fig. 5 Rapid risk assessment of typhoid fever cases in non-endemic regions. Pathogenwatch places genome PHL5950 from an isolate recovered in
Canada and with travel history to Pakistan within the XDR-outbreak in Pakistan. Red markers on the tree and table indicate XDR isolates. The data are
available at

endemic areas33. Ceftriaxone-resistant typhoid fever was recently Fig. 6a3,22,26,32,37–40) and from as early as 2006 (Japan, with travel
reported in developed countries from patients with travel history history to India, Fig. 6b38). Linking the tree and the map high-
to Pakistan34–36. The isolates were associated to the recent out- lights distinct clusters of genomes that show evidence of trans-
break of XDR S. Typhi in the Sindh province of Pakistan by the mission across borders, for example between India–Pakistan and
epidemiological data, the antibiograms, and information derived India–Nepal (Fig. 6c, d). In addition, Pathogenwatch confirmed
from WGS of the clinical isolate, such as presence of resistance the presence of resistance genes dfrA15, sul1, and tetA(A) and the
genes and mobile genetic elements. In some cases, the genomes IncN replicon in three genomes from the United Kingdom (two
were contextualized with retrospective genomes by building a with travel history to India)26 and, additionally, in two related
phylogenetic tree using an existing bioinformatic pipeline34,35. genomes from Japan with travel history to Nepal and India
We exemplify how Pathogenwatch facilitates this analysis with (Fig. 6b). Altogether, these observations suggest that this lineage
the genome from an isolate recovered in Canada (PHL5950, circulating in South Asia and linked to treatment failure with
accession RHPM00000000 [ fluoroquinolones can acquire plasmids with additional AMR
nuccore/RHPM00000000.1/]36). Pathogenwatch provides a prin- genes, with the concomitant risk of the clonal expansion of a
table genome report (Supplementary Fig. 9) including genotyping lineage that poses additional challenges to treatment.
and in silico serotyping information, predicted resistance profile,
and the presence of resistance genes and mutations. In addition, Discussion
Pathogenwatch places the genome within the Pakistani XDR Our understanding of the S. Typhi population structure, includ-
outbreak (Fig. 5) and shows the close genetic relatedness (between ing MDR organisms has improved dramatically since the intro-
three and eight pairwise differences) of the isolates via the duction of WGS providing a much needed level of discrimination
downloadable score matrix. for a human-adapted pathogen that exhibits very limited genetic
variability. Progress towards the widespread implementation of
Pathogenwatch as a tool for international collaboration in WGS for epidemiological investigations and integrated routine
typhoid surveillance. As WGS capacity becomes established in surveillance within public health settings needs to be accom-
typhoid endemic countries, there is a growing opportunity for panied by i) surveillance programs in endemic regions; ii)
local genomic surveillance and for collaboration across borders. implementation of WGS at laboratories in endemic regions; iii)
This is underscored by the growing number of genomes from the analysis of WGS data with fast, robust, and scalable tools that
Indian Subcontinent (Supplementary Fig. 3), where epidemic deliver information for public health action; iv) dissemination of
clone 4.3.1 (H58) and the nested clade of fluoroquinolone- WGS data through networks of collaborating reference labora-
resistant triple mutants belonging to genotype (H58 line- tories at national, international and global scales; and v) provision
age II) have been shown to have originated3,27. The triple mutants of WGS data and associated metadata through continuously
were first reported in Nepal (isolated in 2013–2014) and linked to growing databases that are amenable to interaction and
isolates from India from 2008 to 201227 and are still circulating in interpretation41. Here, we introduced Typhi Pathogenwatch, a
the region24,37. The public data integrated in Pathogenwatch web application for genomic surveillance and epidemiology of S.
showed that, at the time of writing, this lineage is represented by Typhi, which enhances the utility of public WGS data and
195 public genomes from seven countries (India, Bangladesh, associated metadata by integration into an interactive resource
Nepal, Pakistan, Myanmar, Japan, and United Kingdom, that users can browse or query with their own genomes.

NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | (2021)12:2879 | | 7


Fig. 6 Pathogenwatch to for collaborative international surveillance of S. Typhi. a Pathogenwatch highlights 195 ciprofloxacin-resistant triple mutants on
the public data tree and map by simultaneously selecting the mutations gyrA_S83F, gyrA_D87N, and parC_S80I on the SNPs table (red markers). b Detailed
visualization of the triple mutants showing the temporal distribution of the genomes on the timeline. Purple arrowhead: four genomes with sul1, dfrA15, tetA
(A) and the IncN replicon from the UK and Japan. Selecting individual clades on the tree shows distinct clades that span neighboring countries India-
Pakistan (c) and India-Nepal (d). The data are available at

8 NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | (2021)12:2879 | |


We demonstrated that genomic predictions of AMR in can be derived from the genomes. The metadata linked to the
Pathogenwatch were highly concordant with the resistance phe- public genomes in Pathogenwatch can be expanded and retro-
notype. A previous study of 332 S. Typhi isolates analysed in a spectively updated following recommendations of the expert
single reference laboratory reported only 0.03% discordant community, and buy-in from international surveillance networks
results28 versus 3.66% from our data. Similarly, AMRFinder7 and to make the metadata available.
Resfinder 4.06 reported ≥98.0% overall concordance, but for two Pathogenwatch can facilitate collaborative surveillance in
large collections of non-typhoidal Salmonella genomes. A lim- endemic areas via data integration and shared collections for the
itation of our study is that it amalgamated published susceptibility early detection and containment of high-risk clones. Collections
data from thirteen different publications conducted in eight dif- can be set to off-line mode to work while disconnected from the
ferent countries. The availability of consistent laboratory anti- internet, which may be advantageous in settings with unreliable
microbial susceptibility testing data is key for the periodic internet connections. Despite recent efforts to promote data
benchmarking and refinement of genomic predictions of AMR42, openness46,47, several challenges to sharing genomic data and
as made evident by the different mechanisms and combinations linked metadata remain in both the academic and public-health
thereof identified for ciprofloxacin. Phenotypic resistance data settings41. User-uploaded genomes, their metadata, and derived
consistently collected and reported could also be included in the collections remain private in the Pathogenwatch user account,
Pathogenwatch metadata table. The unique combination of unless the user specifically shares them via a collection URL.
phenotypic and genotypic resistance with location, time, and Users can also integrate private and potentially confidential
population structure could aid the investigations of emerging metadata into the display without uploading it to the Pathogen-
resistance and discovery of novel resistance mechanisms. watch servers. This private metadata will not be shared even if the
The growing collection of public genomes is updated each time collection is set to be shared via web link48.
that a novel AMR mechanism is added to the curated Patho- Recent improvements in our understanding of the disease
genwatch AMR library. This can potentially reveal the presence of burden and the dissemination of AMR in S. Typhi, and the
a newly identified gene or mutation in historic isolates, thus development of new typhoid conjugate vaccines have bolstered
maximizing data reusability from which new insights into novel efforts to employ routine vaccination for the containment of
AMR mechanisms can be derived. The utility of maintaining a typhoid fever49. Routine surveillance coupled with WGS can
regularly updated archive of WGS data that can be rapidly inform decisions on suitable settings for the introduction of
“mined” for the presence of newly discovered AMR determinants vaccination programs and on the evolution of pathogens in
was elegantly illustrated before by the retrospective discovery of response to them50,51. Pathogenwatch should be linked to routine
the colistin resistance gene mcr-1 in S. enterica and Escherichia genomic surveillance around typhoid vaccination initiatives to
coli genomes from Public Health England43. With Pathogenwatch monitor the population dynamics in response to the deployment
the entire Typhi community can access the updated AMR pre- of new vaccines. The consistent provision of patient demographic
dictions, thus democratizing the reusability of the genomic data. data in the metadata would be of particular utility in this context.
Contextualizing new genomes with existing data has become a Rapid, timely access to information on local patterns of AMR
routine part of genomic epidemiology, as it can complement may inform treatment regimens, which could ultimately lead to a
epidemiological investigations to place the new genomes in or out reduction in morbidity and mortality associated with enteric
of an outbreak, link to past outbreaks, and determine if the fever52. Typhi Pathogenwatch combines accurate genomic pre-
success of a resistant phenotype is the result of a single clonal dictions of AMR with broad geographic and population context
expansion or multiple independent introductions44. Analyzing within an easy-to-use interface delivered for the community and
new genomes in the context of global genomes involves the accessible to users of all bioinformatics skills levels to support
retrieval, storage, and bioinformatic analysis of large amounts of ongoing typhoid surveillance programs. The modular architecture
sequence data and linked metadata, which is time-consuming and of Pathogenwatch allows new functionalities to be added to cater
largely unfeasible for hospitals or public-health agencies with to the community needs.
limited computing infrastructure. We demonstrated how Patho-
genwatch circumvents this obstacle using the public genomes to Methods
exemplify outbreak investigations in endemic areas and patient The Pathogenwatch application. The Pathogenwatch user interface is a React53
management in non-endemic countries with travel history to single-page application with styling based on Material Design Lite v1.3.054.
endemic areas. Phylocanvas55 is used for phylogenetic trees, Leaflet v1.4.056 is used for maps, and
Sigma v1.2.157 is used for networks. The Pathogenwatch back-end, written in
The interpretation of the genomic context relies heavily on the Node.js, consists of an API service for the user interface and four “Runner” services
completeness of the public collection used for contextualization to perform analysis: species prediction, single-genome analyses, tree-building, and
and of its metadata. The International Typhoid Consortium core genome multilocus sequence typing (cgMLST) clustering. Runner services
collected and sequenced around 40% of the global genomes spawn Docker containers for queued tasks, streaming a FASTA file or prior ana-
available in Pathogenwatch for comparison3,4, but local, national, lysis through standard input and storing JSON data from standard output. Data
storage and task queuing/synchronization are performed by a MongoDB cluster.
and international genomic surveillance programs are needed for
the real-time management of emerging lineages that pose a direct
threat to human health45. Pathogenwatch does not currently S. Typhi genome assemblies. Genome assemblies can be uploaded by the user in
FASTA format or assembled de novo from high-throughput short read data with
support automated updates or submissions, which instead the Pathogenwatch pipeline58, as described in the Pathogenwatch documentation59.
requires retrieval and curation of genome data and associated Genomes from published studies with geographical localization metadata and
metadata. For example, as of November 2020 Pathogenwatch short read data on the European Nucleotide Archive (ENA) are available as public
comprises 4234 of 4389 (96.5%) S. Typhi genomes with at least data and accessible to all users for browsing and for contextualization of their own
datasets. As of November 2020, 4389 public S. Typhi genomes from 26 studies were
both year and country of isolation, while the same applies to 3473 available (Supplementary Table 1). Genomes were assembled de novo with a
of 7743 (44.9%) genomes on Enterobase12, 3936 of 5618 (70.1%) previously described assembly pipeline60. Briefly, FASTQ files were used to create
genomes on GenomeTrakr (14), and 2085 of 3100 (67.3%) gen- multiple assemblies using VelvetOptimiser v2.2.5 and Velvet v1.261 and/or SPAdes
omes on PATRIC9. Pathogenwatch also displays patient travel v3.9.058 and a range of k-mer sizes of 66–90% of the read length (in increments of
4). An assembly improvement step was applied to the assembly with the best N50
information when available. While automated updates are needed and contigs were scaffolded using SSPACE v2.0 and sequence gaps filled using
to ensure the most up-to-date collection of genomes, the provi- GapFiller v1.11. Assemblies were evaluated based on their metrics and the
sion of genomes with available metadata maximizes the value that Pathogenwatch core genome stats (number of contigs, assembly length, N50,

NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | (2021)12:2879 | | 9


non-ATCG characters, GC content, number of core matches). Seventeen public assemblies assigned to the same reference genome (public data subtrees), all of
and published genomes were excluded as the assemblies either contained more which are downloadable in Newick format.
than 700 contigs, more than 50,000 non-ATCG characters, a GC content below the We benchmarked the Pathogenwatch clustering method against other methods
smallest GC content or above than the largest GC content of the S. enterica subsp of SNP-based tree inference with three subsets of published genomes: Dataset I)
enterica genomes in RefSeq, or a total length that is <10% smaller than the smallest 118 genomes spanning the population diversity of S. Typhi defined by GenoTyphi
genome or >10% larger than the largest S. enterica subsp enterica genome in (Supplementary Data 2); Dataset II) 138 closely related genomes, from a recent
RefSeq, For five isolates, we used genome assemblies deposited in GenBank that clonal expansion of the multidrug-resistant haplotype H58 within Africa
met the same quality criteria. The metadata and assembly stats and method of the (Supplementary Data 3); and Dataset III) 43 strains from clade 3.2 including CT18,
public genomes is available on (Supplementary Data 1). the first completed S. Typhi genome, which remains reference of choice for most
population genomics studies (Supplementary Data 4). For each subset a tree was
generated with four different methods: 1) Pathogenwatch; 2) maximum likelihood
Pathogenwatch typing of S. Typhi genomes. For both user-uploaded and public (ML) with RAxML v8.2.877 on SNPs extracted from an alignment of concatenated
genomes, Pathogenwatch outputs a taxonomy assignment, a map of their locations, core genes generated using Roary v3.6.072; 3) neighbor joining (NJ) with FastTree
and assembly quality metrics. The taxonomy assignment is the best match to a v2.1.878 using the option –noml on the same alignment as 2); and 4) ML with
microbial version of the RefSeq genome database release 78, as computed with RAxML v8.2.8 on SNPs extracted from a previously published CT18-guided
Mash v2.162 (k = 21, s = 400)63. alignment3. Five hundred bootstrap replicates were computed for the ML trees
Pathogenwatch also provides compatibility with Salmonella serotyping (methods 2 and 4). We compared the topology of the trees thus generated using the
(SISTR11), multi-locus sequence typing (MLST13), core-genome MLST (cgMLST8) treescape function from the Treescape v1.10.18 R package (now available as
and S. Typhi single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)-based genotyping Treespace79) with the Kendall-Colijn distance and lambda parameter set to 0. The
(GenoTyphi4), as detailed in the documentation64. The MLST and cgMLST topology of the Pathogenwatch tree from dataset III was compared to the tree from
schemes are periodically downloaded from Enterobase65,66, and samples are typed method 4 using the Tanglegram algorithm of Dendroscope v3.580. The tree files
as described in the documentation67,68. Exact allele matches are reported using used in the tree comparisons are provided in the ref. 81.
their allele ID. Multiple allele hits for a gene are reported if present. Inexact allele Genomes can also be clustered in Typhi Pathogenwatch based on their cgMLST
matches and novel STs are reported by hashing the matching allele sequence and profile using single linkage clustering. Distance scores are calculated between each
the gene IDs, respectively. pair of samples by identifying the genes which have been found in both samples
Pathogenwatch implements SISTR (Salmonella In Silico Typing Resource11), and by counting the number of differences in the alleles. The SLINK algorithm82 is
which produces serovar predictions from WGS assemblies by determination of used to quickly group genomes into clusters at a given threshold. For a given
antigen gene and cgMLST gene alleles using blastn v2.2.31+. Pathogenwatch uses genome, users are able to see how many other genomes it is clustered with at a
the cgmlst_subspecies and serovar fields from the SISTR JSON output to specify range of distance thresholds, view the structure of the cluster as a network graph,
the serovar. and view the metadata and analysis for sequences in that cluster.
Pathogenwatch uses an implementation of GenoTyphi4,24 designed to work
with assemblies to assign S. Typhi genomes to a regularly updated predefined set of Genomic predictions of antimicrobial resistance. The Pathogenwatch AMR
clades and subclades based on a curated set of SNPs. The blastn v2.2.30 program is prediction module queries the genome assemblies with blastn v2.2.3019 for the
used to align the query loci and identify positions of diagnostic SNPs, which are presence of genes and single point mutations known to confer resistance in S.
then processed according to the rules of the GenoTyphi scheme69. The genotype Typhi to ampicillin (AMP), chloramphenicol (CHL), broad-spectrum cephalos-
assignment and the number of diagnostic SNPs identified on the assemblies are porins (CEP), ciprofloxacin (CIP), sulfamethoxazole (SMX), trimethoprim (TMP),
reported. the combination antibiotic co-trimoxazole (sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim, SXT),
The plasmid replicon marker sequences are detected in the user and public tetracycline (TCY), azithromycin (AZM), colistin (CST), and meropenem (MEM)
genome assemblies with Inctyper, which uses the PlasmidFinder Enterobacteriaceae (Supplementary Table 283), as detailed in the documentation84.
database15, as detailed in the documentation70. The Pathogenwatch AMR prediction module also provides a prediction of AMR
phenotype inferred from the combination of identified mechanisms. To benchmark
the genotypic resistance predictions, we used a set of 1316 genomes from 16
The Pathogenwatch S. Typhi core genome library. Pathogenwatch supports published studies (Supplementary Table 1) with drug susceptibility interpretation
SNP-based neighbor joining trees of S. Typhi both for user genomes (collection available for at least one of the 12 antibiotics reported by Typhi Pathogenwatch,
trees) and public genomes (population tree and subtrees). The trees are inferred grouping the Resistant and Intermediate classifications as insusceptible. For each
using a curated core gene library of 3284 S. Typhi genes71 generated from a pan- antibiotic, the sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV) and negative
genome analysis of 26 complete or high-quality draft genomes (Supplementary predictive value (NPV) for detection of known resistance determinants, and their
Table 4) with Roary v3.2.072 and identity threshold of 95%. The core gene families 95% confidence intervals (CI) were calculated with the epi.tests function of the epiR
were realigned using MAFFT v7.2.2.073, and filtered or trimmed according to the v1.0-14 package85. False negative (FN) and false positive (FP) results were further
quality of the alignments. The gene with the fewest average pairwise SNP differ- investigated with alternative methods by querying the genome assemblies with
ences to the other family members was selected as the representative for each Resfinder v3.2.125 and/or by mapping and local assembly of the sequence reads to
family. We then selected 19 reference genomes (Supplementary Table 4) belonging the Bacterial Antimicrobial Resistance Reference Gene Database (Bioproject
to different genotypes according to the population structure previously described4. PRJNA313047) with ARIBA v2.14.423.
The gene families were searched against each of the 19 reference genomes and Seven studies reported ciprofloxacin MICs for a total of 889 S. Typhi strains
filtered according to the following rules: a) only universal families with complete (Supplementary Table 1). We compared the Typhi Pathogenwatch ciprofloxacin
coverage of the representative were kept; b) all paralogues were removed; c) resistance predictions for the different combinations of genetic AMR determinants
overlapping gene families were merged into a single, contiguous pseudo-sequence. against the MIC values re-interpreted with the ciprofloxacin breakpoints for
A BLAST19 core library was then built with the representative genes, and a profile Salmonella spp. from CLSI M100 30th edition (susceptible MIC ≤ 0.06 mg L−1;
of variant sites determined for the core genes present in each reference genome. intermediate MIC = 0.12 to 0.5 mg L−1; resistant MIC ≥1 mg L−186) with a script
Each of the 4389 public genomes was then clustered with its closest reference that is available at ref. 81.
genome based on this profile of variant sites, thus constituting each of the 19
population subtrees that Pathogenwatch employs to contextualize user-uploaded
genomes. Reporting summary. Further information on research design is available in the Nature
Research Reporting Summary linked to this article.

Pathogenwatch genome clustering of S. Typhi. The relationships between

genomes are represented with trees (dendrograms) based on the genetic distance Data availability
computed from substitution mutations in the core gene library, as described in The genome assemblies and linked metadata analysed in this study are available from:
detail in the documentation74. User-provided assemblies are queried against the S., https://pathogen.
Typhi core gene library with blastn v2.2.3019 using an identity threshold of 90%. watch/collection/g5pbucot6e58-hendriksen-et-al-2015, and
The core gene set of each query assembly is compared to the reference genome core collection/11lsok8nrzts-wong-et-al-2018-idcases-15e00492. The raw sequence data is
that has the most variant sites in common. An overall relative substitution rate is available from the European Nucleotide Archive via the accessions provided in
determined, and loci that contain more variants than expected assuming a Poisson Supplementary Data 1, and also found in the metadata table of
distribution are filtered out. Pairwise distances between assemblies (including user- collection/07lsscrbhu2x-public-genomes.
provided and reference) are scored via a distance scoring algorithm that compares
all variant positions from all pairs of core gene sets, SNPs are counted (generating a
downloadable pairwise difference matrix) and normalized by the relative propor- Code availability
tion of the core present (generating a downloadable pairwise score matrix). The The tree comparison and AMR benchmarking input files and script are available from
pairwise score matrix is then used to infer a midpoint-rooted neighbor-joining tree The
using the Phangorn v2.4.075 and Ape v5.176 R packages. Trees are computed for Pathogenwatch web application is available at and works best on
the user assemblies only (collection tree), and for the user assemblies and public Chromium-based web browsers.

10 NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | (2021)12:2879 | |


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method. Comput. J. 16, 30–34 (1973). article’s Creative Commons license and your intended use is not permitted by statutory
83. Centre for Genomic Pathogen Surveillance (CGPS). Pathogenwatch S. Typhi regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from
AMR library the copyright holder. To view a copy of this license, visit
master/90370.toml. Accessed 28 January 2021. licenses/by/4.0/.
84. Centre for Genomic Pathogen Surveillance (CGPS). Pathogenwatch AMR
resistance-prediction/pw-amr. Accessed 28 January 2021. © The Author(s) 2021

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