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ATM Scenario Builder

Quick start guide

Nefedov Aleksandr
Table of contents
1. Basics ..................................................................................................................................................... 3
2. Interface ................................................................................................................................................ 3
2.1. Navigation controls ....................................................................................................................... 3
2.2. Lists of elements............................................................................................................................ 4
3. Getting started ......................................................................................................................................5
3.1. Create a new scenario ................................................................................................................... 5
3.2. Reading scenario from the database ............................................................................................ 7
3.2.1. Scenario parameters .............................................................................................................7
3.2.2. Scenario blocks ...................................................................................................................... 7
3.2.3. Scenario analysis ................................................................................................................... 9
3.2.4. State graph ..........................................................................................................................10
4. Screen edition .....................................................................................................................................11
5. Receipt edition ....................................................................................................................................12
6. Additional editors ................................................................................................................................13
7. Working copy and DB scenario synchronization .................................................................................14
8. DB manager and embedded DB ..........................................................................................................14
9. Scenario backups .................................................................................................................................16

1. Basics
ATM operation scenario (hereinafter referred as scenario) is a set of instructions loaded on the ATM and
defining its behavior. In SVFE scenario is represented by a group of database records having the same
value of LUNO filed (scenario ID). Some records are responsible for the ATM configuration and others
for the formation responses to the ATM transaction requests.

Scenario editor does not work directly with the scenario in the database. User can edit a working copy of
the scenario, which it is based on. User can synchronize the working copy of the scenario and the
database at any time.

Before start working user needs to select the "workspace" where scenario files and the user's session
information will be stored.

The working copy of the scenario is stored in app_dirictory\scenario\scenario_name.

2. Interface
2.1.Navigation controls

ATM Scenario Builder

Main menu:

 Scenarios - scenario control operations menu: switching between scenarios, creation, deletion,
work with backups.
 Scenario settings – scenario settings dialog menu: general options, BINs, opcode mask, EMV
configuration, etc.
 Dialogs - open dialog control menu: close all dialogs, show minimized dialog and so on.
 Scenario operations: DB related scenario operations: save scenario to the database, compare
the working copy and the database version, merge scenarios, etc.
 Open configuration editor – open templates and directories editor

2.2. Lists of elements

Lists of elements

In most cases, scenario elements presented in the form of lists, grouped lists or tables. Above the lists
there are operation buttons for adding / deleting / copying / renaming elements (if these functions are
available). There's also a search element field.

3. Getting started

Start page

The editor provides the ability to work in two modes:

Creation mode - simplified mode, in which the scenario is assembled from templates and the bulk of it is
generated automatically.

Editing mode - advanced mode, where the user has full control over the scenario and can manually set
each parameter. This mode provides more options for customization of the scenario.

IMPORTANT: You can start working in the "Creating mode", quickly assemble scenario from templates,
and then go to "Editing mode" bringing the scenario to match customer requirements. But you cannot
return from the "Editing mode" back to the "Creation mode".

If you want to continue work with the scenario in the DB that you created not in ASB application, or you
want to create a new one based on it, select the operation "Read scenario from DB" on the home page
or in the "Scenarios" menu.

3.1.Create a new scenario

By creating a new scenario (on the home page or in the Scenarios menu), you are automatically
transferred to the "Creation mode" (this mode is at the moment only available for the NDC protocol). To
create a scenario you have to specify a few parameters (which can be changed later via Scenario settings
menu) and the template which the scenario will be based on.

Scenario graph

According to the selected template scenario graph will be built. The vertices of the graph are the
scenario blocks. Scenario block is a meta-description of the scenario that is responsible for a certain
stage of the ATM operation. To set up a block you need to click the right mouse button on it and in the
opened dialog, set the desired parameters: link languages to the buttons in language selection block,
specify the cash amount for the cash amount selection block, etc.

For convenience, the graph can be split into several pages. To jump to another page you must click on
the appropriate tab above the graph area. To create / delete / rename pages click appropriate button on
the toolbar.

IMPORTANT: to transfer block to another page, drag it to the title of the desired page tab and release it
when the page will be switched.

To add a new block on the graph you need to drag it out of the templates panel.

To set the order of passing the user-selected stages by ATM, you must specify the connections between
the blocks. To do this, click the left mouse button on the center block area, and choose one of the links if
necessary. And then click on another block, which connection will be set with. If instead of choosing
second block you will click on the empty space (outside any block) new block creation will be offered.

IMPORTANT: If at some point you realize that an abstract representation of scenario will isn’t enough
for your purpose or you need an ATM functionality not covered by templates, you can go to "Edit Mode"
by selecting the appropriate item from the Scenarios menu. New scenario will be created based on the
current. Basic principles of "Editing mode" described in the next section.

3.2.Reading scenario from the database

When you select a scenario reading option from the Scenarios menu or on the home page will be
initialized the process of creating a new working copy, and loading scenario from DB in it.

IMPORTANT: After reading and parsing scenario it is recommended to comparing the working copy of
the script and the database version (Working copy and DB scenario synchronization). Differences may
only occur in the receipt formats and tokens, because the system automatically creates the missing
items in all languages. The same inconsistency can arise if the formats / tokens with the different names
was saved under the same number. Such problems should be solved manually.

3.2.1. Scenario parameters

Before reading the scenario, you must specify some key parameters, including the size of screen
language groups and ranges of checks formats numbers. If you do not know the parameters of the
script, read the script to a temporary working copy, which then can be removed.

Languages and currencies of the scenario are determined automatically by opcode masks. Each currency
and language must have its own mask.

Ranges of receipt formats numbers are detected automatically but their correctness can be checked in
scenario receipts list in Receipt editor (Receipt edition).

The size of the screen language group is the range of numbers allocated to the screens of one language.
Usually it is a multiple of 100 and it can be determined by finding on witch number screens of the
second language start (Screen edition). The picture path is usually standard "c:\s4pict\", but also it can
be viewed (and changed) by opening the editing dialog of the picture insertion command.

IMPORTANT: The size of the language group can be set in Scenario settings menu Additional

3.2.2. Scenario blocks

After reading the scenario blocks will be created. In "Editing mode" work with the block is slightly
different from the "Creating mode". The "Creation mode" block is a kind of meta-description, which will
be used to generate the part of the scenario (and the user has restricted access to its content). Block can
be set up by defining values for the predefined set of parameters and by setting relations between the
blocks. In "Editing mode" user works with concrete scenario and blocks contain states and transaction
responses. In fact only they determine the sequence of ATM actions. Thus block is just a related group of
states. State represents simple operations without context: fill the buffer, show the menu and read the
key value. Combining State in blocks by operations helps to simplify the human reading of scenario.

Scenario graph (Editing mode)

In order to edit the contents of the block you must click on the right mouse button.

Block dialog

Some of the state parameters are references to the other states or screens. To quickly jump to edit an
item that is referenced by the parameter, you must click on the icon in a separate column on the right of
the parameter. When you hover over the screen link preview of the screen will be shown.

If the state, which current state has reference to, is located in other block, then reference between
these blocks will be visualized in the graph. If blocks are on the different pages, the button with state
number and connection link icon (finish icon if block contains finish state J) will appear on first block.

3.2.3. Scenario analysis

After reading scenario state will be analyzed and pre-allocated by blocks. But the graph will not be
automatically built. All blocks will be added into the unallocated blocks list. It is necessary to drag the
blocks one by one in the graph. You have to begin with the first block.

Unallocated blocks list

Hover your mouse over the link button on the block, a tooltip with a block name should appear. Click on
it, and next block will be selected in unallocated blocks list. Add it to the graph. In this way you can build
the entire graph.


 Do not add Finish block to the graph. Most likely it is an error, timeout or cancellation link. Such
blocks make reading scenario more difficult because of their large number or a large number of
links to them.
 Standard scenario structure assumes the presence of the initialization process, and set of menus
and operations for different groups of cardholders (us, their, supervisor, etc.). It is
recommended to have the initialization blocks on main page and separate page for each group.
 If at any point there is a merge of many branches in one (for example, all operations using one
state to send a request), create a separate page or don’t add a block to the graph.
 For more accurate understanding of what is happening in the block, see its contents. State
names and screen preview (you have to add images to scenario for it Screen edition) in most
cases give an unambiguous understanding of the block meaning.
 After reading scenario it is recommended to combine the blocks. If possible, join ATM
operations with options menu (the currency of the check printing) located prior them, combine
successive stages of EMV initialization, etc.
 If several states in block used in several operations, bring them into a single separate unit.
 Replace block names with more meaningful to you.
 Set block icons.

In order to combine the blocks you must open the block’s dialog. Drag another block in a state list. To
separate state in its own block, transfer it from the block state list to the empty graph area (outside the

IMPORTANT: Although the construction of the graph is a basic operation after which the scenario is
already possible to work, it is recommend gradually give scenario objects (screens, bins, etc.) more
appropriate and meaningful names. Most scenario elements in the database have only numeric
identifiers. When reading scenario default names are given, but they rarely can fully describe the
essence of the element.

3.2.4. State graph

State graph drawing tool may also be very useful when working with blocks. To use it select desired
blocks (on the graph or in the unallocated block list) and press appropriate button on the toolbar.

State graph

4. Screen edition

The screen is a set of instructions specifying what will be displayed on the terminal monitor.

To edit screen select it the list and double click on it. Editor will open in a separate tab on the right.

Basic commands:

 Insert the image: drag images from the "Images" area on the ATM screen area (for this it is
necessary to pre-add them by clicking on the "Add images" button).
 Add text: using mouse select the starting position on the screen and start typing text.
 Insert the screen: drag the screen from the list to the desired position on the screen.
 Setting the background color and font: on the toolbar, select the desired color and type text

Also screen edition is available directly in the form of sequencing commands ("Commands" panel).

IMPORTANT: screen creation/deletion is only available in the "Editing mode". In the "Creating mode" a
set of screens is completely determined by blocks used in the scenario.

Screen editor

5. Receipt edition
The ASB system introduced additional entity - receipt. In SVFE four separate formats are connected to
the transactional response. The editor uses a receipt, which is a set of four formats.

To set the formats to the receipt you need to open it by selecting and double-clicking in the receipt list.

Receipt editor

To specify the text of format, you must open it by selecting and double-clicking in the format list.

Format editor

6. Additional editors
Dialogs for setting scenario parameters (name, number, languages, currencies, etc.) are available in the
"Scenario settings" menu. Additional editors can also be found in this menu:

 EMV configuration
 BINs table
 ATM timers
 ATM parameters
 Opcode masks table
 Mini-statement configuration
 АCODE & CNCODE tables
 Special screens

7. Working copy and DB scenario synchronization
Operations available in "Scenario operations" menu:

 Save working copy to DB.

 Update working copy from DB. All changes in working copy will be reverted and replaced by
elements from DB.
 Scenario merging – performs scenario comparisons, and offers you to manually select the
changes that will apply from DB to working copy and vice versa.
 Compare scenarios - shows only the differences between the scenarios.
 ACODEs/CNCODEs synchronization– similar to a "Scenario merging" only with

IMPORTANT: When you merge scenarios the contents of the left side of the scenarios (Working copy)
gets in a working copy, if you press "Save to working copy" button. The content of the right (Scenario in
db) gets in the database if you press "Save the DB".

IMPORTANT: To quickly find the desired item, you can build a scenario overview. Double-clicking on the
row of this element will open its editor. This functionality is also available in merge and comparison

IMPORTANT: Scenario merging can be used to copy items from one scenario to another.

Scenario merging

8. DB manager and embedded DB

If the user does not have access to the stand with SVFE DB, then he can use the embedded database. To
do this switch to the use of the embedded database in the" Database connection settings". Before you
start working with embedded DB you must download the schema of scenario tables. When you first try
to work with the embedded DB, if there are no tables you will be prompted to download the schema of
scenario tables from the SVFE database or from a script.

IMPORTANT: you can call the helpers to create SQL queries in the context menu of the tables in the
tables list. To insert a table or column name in the query text, drag it from the list to the text editor.

IMPORTANT: The database manager can also be used with the SVFE database.

IMPORTANT: Each scenario has its own embedded database, with its own table schema.

DB manager

9. Scenario backups
For the user to have an opportunity to rollback or recover scenario data application creates scenario
backups. Temporary backups (with TEMP tag) are being created periodically and during some
operations. The first backup for current day is created with tag "DAILY". The first backup the current
month is created with tag "MONTHLY".

When the application starts temporary backups are being removed automatically if they are older than:

 TEMP – 3 days
 DAILY – 30 days
 MONTHLY and any other mark – never being removed

You can open Backup manager from "Scenarios" menu. It has following features:

 Restore scenario from backup

 Create a new backup
 Remove backup
 Change backup’s tag

IMPORATNT: newer versions of the application cannot support backups made in the earlier versions.

Scenario backup manager


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