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Rudra Yamala Tantra: Bala Patalam - Literal Translation

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Rudra Yamala Tantra

Bala Patalam – Literal Translation






First Published – Feb 2021

Cover Image By: Dr. Rk Rudhran

Srividya Tantra Peedom,

Kaleekal, Near GG Dental Clinic,
Thonnalloor, Pandalam P.O,
Pathanamthitta, Kerala.
Pincode: 689501 2

Verses in Sanskrit and Transliterated to IAST.

अथ बालात्रिपरु ापञ्चाङ्गम ् बालापटलम ् ।

atha bālātripurāpañcāṅgam bālāpaṭalam |

From here, the discussion is on the five limbs of Srividya Bala Tripura Sundari.
The five limbs are:
1. Patala – forms of Goddess like Yantra (visual form), mantra (sound form), dhyana (meditation
form), etc.
2. Paddhati – method of worshiping Goddess
3. Kavacha – armor for protection
4. Sahasranama – thousand names of Goddess
5. Stotra – hymn praising the Goddess
The first subsidiary text in the five limb, the Patala is discussed in verses that follow.

कै लासशिखरासीनं भगवन्तमुमापततम ् ।

चन्रार्धमुकु टं देवं सोमसूर्ाधग्ननलोचनम ् ॥ 1 ॥

kailāsaśikharāsīnaṃ bhagavantamumāpatim |
candrārdhamukuṭaṃ devaṃ somasūryāgnilocanam || 1 ||

Lord Shiva, the husband of Uma was seated on the peak of Kailasa mountain. He had crescent moon
on his diadem, and his three eyes were moon, sun and fire. (This verse including the 3 eyes as moon,
sun and fire has much depth and tantric significance, but we will limit to verbal simple meaning in this
translation.) 3

गजचमधपरीर्ानं ववरूपाक्षं सुर ार्चधतम ् ।

गणगन्र्वधर्क्षेन्र देवासरु नमस्कृ तम ् ॥ 2 ॥

gajacarmaparīdhānaṃ virūpākṣaṃ surārcitam |

gaṇagandharvayakṣendra devāsuranamaskṛtam || 2 ||

Lord Shiva wearing elephant skin and having three eyes, was worshipped by the Gods.
The Gandharvas, Yakshas, Devas and Asuras were bowing with respect.

ववहसन्तं जपन्तं च पठन्तं च मुहुमुधहुुः ।

उत्थार् प्रणता भूत्वा चेदं पृच्छतत भैर वी ॥ 3 ॥

vihasantaṃ japantaṃ ca paṭhantaṃ ca muhurmuhuḥ |

utthāya praṇatā bhūtvā cedaṃ pṛcchati bhairavī || 3 ||

After worshiping her lord, with prayers and praises, Godess Bhiravi (wife of Shiva/Bhirava) rose up
and bowed to the lord. She started asking queries to the lord.
We see that Agama approach is followed in this scripture where Goddess takes the role of asking
questions and Shiva answers. In Nigama approach, Shiva asks questions and Goddess answers.

श्रीभैरवी ।

भगवन ् करुणाम्भोर्े सवाधगमवविारद ।

त्वत्प्रसादान्मर्ा सवाधुः श्रुता ववदर्ाुः सुर ेश् वर ॥ 4 ॥

śrībhairavī |
bhagavan karuṇāmbhodhe sarvāgamaviśārada |
tvatprasādānmayā sarvāḥ śrutā vidyāḥ sureśvara || 4 || 4

Shri Bhairavi said:

O Lord, who is the ocean of compassion and revealer of agamas.
O Sureshvara, with your grace I was able to hear the various vidyas.

इदानीं श्रोतुशमच्छाशम बालां त्रिपुर सुन्दरीम ् ।

देर्ाग्स्त र्दद मे देव वद ववदर्ां महेश् वर ॥ 5 ॥

idānīṃ śrotumicchāmi bālāṃ tripurasundarīm |

deyāsti yadi me deva vada vidyāṃ maheśvara || 5 ||

Now I wish to hear about Bala Tripurasundari.

O Maheshvara, if possible please reveal this vidya to me.

श्रीभैरवुः ।

िृणु देवव प्रवक्ष्र्ाशम पञ्चाङ्गं सार्के ष्टदम ् ।

पटलं पदर्ततं वमध तथा नाम्नां सहस्रकम ् ॥ 6 ॥

śrībhairavaḥ |
śṛṇu devi pravakṣyāmi pañcāṅgaṃ sādhakeṣṭadam |
paṭalaṃ paddhatiṃ varma tathā nāmnāṃ sahasrakam || 6 ||

Shri Bhairava replied:

Listen Devi as I reveal the five limbs of Goddess Bala desired by sadhakas, which has the following sub
texts - Patala - Forms, Paddhati - Methods, Kavacha - Armor, Shasranama - thousand names.

स्तवराजं महादेवव िृणुष्वैक ाग्रमानसा ।

श्रीबाला परमेिानी भुग्ततमुग्ततप्रदातर्नी ॥ 7 ॥ 5

stavarājaṃ mahādevi śṛṇuṣvaikāgramānasā |

śrībālā parameśānī bhuktimuktipradāyinī || 7 ||

Final sub text being hymns of praises called Stavaraja. O Mahadevi, listen to this with one pointed
focus. Shri Bala Parameshwari bestows both materialistic wellbeing and spiritual liberation.

राज्र्ं देर्ं शिरो देर्ं गह

ृ ं लक्ष्मीर्त
ु ं तथा ।

सवं देर्ं महादेवव न देर्शमदमत्त

ु मम ् ॥ 8 ॥

rājyaṃ deyaṃ śiro deyaṃ gṛhaṃ lakṣmīyutaṃ tathā |

sarvaṃ deyaṃ mahādevi na deyamidamuttamam || 8 ||

O Mahadevi, one may give away kingdom, life, house, wealth and prosperity, and everything one
possesses. But this vidya should never be given away (to those who are not true spiritual seekers).

अस्र्ा ववदर्ार्ाुः सदृिी ववदर्ा नान्र्ा कलौ र्ुगे ।

श्रीबालात्रिपुर ाववदर्ा िीघ्रं शसदर्र्प्रदा स्मृता ॥ 9 ॥

asyā vidyāyāḥ sadṛśī vidyā nānyā kalau yuge |

śrībālātripurāvidyā śīghraṃ siddhipradā smṛtā || 9 ||

There is no other Vidya resembling this Vidya, suitable for Kali Yuga. Shri Bala Tripura vidya gives
siddhi (accomplishment in Sadhana) quickly.

देर्ा शिष्र्ार् िान्तार् गुरुभग्ततरतार् च ।

नाभततार् प्रदातव्र्ा ववदर्ेर्ं परमेश् वरर ॥ 10 ॥

deyā śiṣyāya śāntāya gurubhaktiratāya ca | 6

nābhaktāya pradātavyā vidyeyaṃ parameśvari || 10 ||

It should be revealed only to disciples who have control over senses, and who are devoted to their
Guru. O Parameshvari, this vidya should not be revealed to a disciple that is not dedicated to spiritual

मन्िोदर्ारं तथा र्न्िं प्रस्तारं ध्र्ानमेव च ।

प्रर्ोगान ् संप्रवक्ष्र्ाशम देवदेव्र्ा महेश् वरर ॥ 11 ॥

mantroddhāraṃ tathā yantraṃ prastāraṃ dhyānameva ca |

prayogān saṃpravakṣyāmi devadevyā maheśvari || 11 ||

O Maheshvari, I will reveal the mantra, yantra, prastara, dhyana, and prayoga of Goddess Bala.

प्रथमं िृणु देवेशि मन्िोदर्ारं फलप्रदम ् ।

गोपनीर्ं प्रर्त्नेन र्ेन शसदर्र्ुः प्रजार्ते ॥ 12 ॥

prathamaṃ śṛṇu deveśi mantroddhāraṃ phalapradam |

gopanīyaṃ prayatnena yena siddhiḥ prajāyate || 12 ||

O Deveshi, first listen to the unfolding of the fruitful mantra. All effort should be made to conceal it,
as knowledge of it gives Siddhi.

वानभवं कामराजश्च िग्ततमध्र्ेऽशभर्ं न्र्सेत ् ।

नमोऽन्ते देवव बालार्ा मन्िोऽर्ं चाष्टवणधक ुः ॥ 13 ॥

vāgbhavaṃ kāmarājaśca śaktimadhye'bhidhaṃ nyaset | 7

namo'nte devi bālāyā mantro'yaṃ cāṣṭavarṇakaḥ || 13 ||

The mantra is formed by combining aiṁ - Vagbhava Bija, klīṁ - Kamaraja Bija, sauḥ - Shakti Bija, and
adding Namah at the end. Mantra of Bala is aiṁ - klīṁ - sauḥ namah

नावप ववघ्नो न वािौचो न वारतनर्मस्तथा ।

स्वर्ं शसदर्ो महादेवव मन्िराजुः कलौ र्ुगे ॥ 14 ॥

nāpi vighno na vāśauco na vāraniyamastathā |

svayaṃ siddho mahādevi mantrarājaḥ kalau yuge || 14 ||

No obstacles, No impurity and No restrictions are linked to this mantra. O Mahadevi, it is the King of
Mantras in the Kali Yuga which can make a person a Siddha.

दक्षक्षणामूततधपङ्तत्र्ौ च मुतनश्छन्दुः क्रमात ् स्मृतम ् ।

देवता त्रिपुर ा बाला आदर्न्ते बीजिग्ततके ॥ 15 ॥

dakṣiṇāmūrtipaṅktyau ca muniśchandaḥ kramāt smṛtam |

devatā tripurā bālā ādyante bījaśaktike || 15 ||

For Mantra - Dakshinamurti is the Seer, Pankti is the Metre for pronunciation, and Goddess for the
mantra is Tripura Bala. "Aim" is the (Bija) Seed and "Sauh" the (Shakti) Energy.

तलीं कीलकं समाददष्टं र्मधक ामाथधमुततर्े ।

शिरशस वदने देवव हृदर्े गुह्र्देिके ॥ 16 ॥

klīṃ kīlakaṃ samādiṣṭaṃ dharmakāmārthamuktaye |

śirasi vadane devi hṛdaye guhyadeśake || 16 || 8

"Klim" is the Keelakam (key to unlock). For Sankalpa (stating purpose) - Its application is for attaining
Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha. Nyasa is to be done on top of head, heart region and reproductive

पादर्ोनाधशभकमले सवाधङ्गे च तथा न्र्सेत ् ।

ऋष्र्ाददकं महादेवव कु र्ाधन्न्र्ासववकल्पनाम ् ॥ 17 ॥

pādayornābhikamale sarvāṅge ca tathā nyaset |

ṛṣyādikaṃ mahādevi kuryānnyāsavikalpanām || 17 ||

Nyasa also to be done on feet, lotus in navel region and all body parts. The various nyasa prescribed
by Rishis for Goddess Bala is to be followed.

करन्र्ासं षडङ्गं च बीजैुः कु र्ाधन्महेश् वरर ।

अस्र्ा ध्र्ानं प्रवक्ष्र्ाशम सार्कानां दहतप्रदम ् ॥ 18 ॥

karanyāsaṃ ṣaḍaṅgaṃ ca bījaiḥ kuryānmaheśvari |

asyā dhyānaṃ pravakṣyāmi sādhakānāṃ hitapradam || 18 ||

The various Nyasa include Kara Nyasa (for Hands) and Shadanga Nyasa (for six key regions), which are
done with the bijas in the mantra, O Maheshvari.
Now I will reveal the dhyana form for meditation, for the benefit of sadhakas.

रतताम्बरां चन्रकलावतंसां समुदर्दाददत्र्तनभां त्रिनेिाम ् ।

ववदर्ाक्षमालाभर्दानहस्तां ध्र्ार्ाशम बालामरुणाम्बुज स्थाम ् ॥ 19 ॥

raktāmbarāṃ candrakalāvataṃsāṃ samudyadādityanibhāṃ trinetrām | 9

vidyākṣamālābhayadānahastāṃ dhyāyāmi bālāmaruṇāmbujasthām || 19 ||

Goddess Bala is to be meditated as wearing red clothes, with a crescent moon on her forehead,
effulgent as the rising sun and with three eyes. She has four hands, holding a book and a rosary,
showing the gestures of protection and blessing, and she is seated on a red lotus.

इतत ध्र्ात्वा महादेवीं जपेन्मन्िं सुशसदर्र्दम ् ।

लक्षिर्ं पुर श्चर्ाधववर्ौ सार्कसत्तमुः ॥ 20 ॥

iti dhyātvā mahādevīṃ japenmantraṃ susiddhidam |

lakṣatrayaṃ puraścaryāvidhau sādhakasattamaḥ || 20 ||

The sadhaka should meditate on this form while repeating the mantra for success in achieving Siddhi.
The sadhaka needs to repeat the mantra 3,00,000 times (japa) before doing Purascharana.
Purscharana is a ritual for attaining siddhi. In Purascharana, 1/10 of japa count is used doing homa
(offering in fire), 1/10 of homa count is used for tarpana (liquid oblation), 1/10 of tarpana count is
used for marjana (self clensing) and 1/10 of marjana count is for bhojana (to feed).

अथ वक्ष्र्ाशम देवेशि र्न्िोदर्ारं सुदुलधभम ् ।

सार्कस्र् महादेव्र्ा भुग्ततमुग्ततफलप्रदम ् ॥ 21 ॥

atha vakṣyāmi deveśi yantroddhāraṃ sudurlabham |

sādhakasya mahādevyā bhuktimuktiphalapradam || 21 ||

Now I reveal the Yantra of Goddess Bala, which is not easily obtained and which bestows both
materialistic wellbeing and spiritual liberation.

त्रबन्दुत्रिकोणवसुक ोणकनागपिवृत्तिर्ाग्ञ्चतमहीसदनिर्ं च । 10

बालाददचक्रशमदमाततधहरं र्गरीिे ब्रह्मेन्रववष्णुनशमतं गददतं मर्ा ते ॥ 22 ॥

bindutrikoṇavasukoṇakanāgapatravṛttatrayāñcitamahīsadanatrayaṃ ca |
bālādicakramidamārtiharaṃ girīśe brahmendraviṣṇunamitaṃ gaditaṃ mayā te || 22 ||

The Yantra has a Bindu in the center of a triangle, which is surrounded by eight triangles, this is
further surrounded by eight petals, adorned with three circles and also has an enclosure.
O daughter of Himavan (Himalaya mountan), this yantra of Bala along with her attendant deities
destroys greed. Vishnu and Brahma offers homage to this yantra revealed by me .

एवं ववशलखखते र्न्िे पीठिततीुः प्रपूज र्ेत ् ।

इच्छाज्ञानक्रक्रर्ाश्चैव काशमनी कामदातर्नी ॥ 23 ॥

रती रततवप्रर्ानन्दा मनोन्मन्र्वप वाग्न्तमा ।

पीठिततीररमा इष््वा पीठं तन्मनुना ददिेत ् ॥ 24 ॥

evaṃ vilikhite yantre pīṭhaśaktīḥ prapūjayet |

icchājñānakriyāścaiva kāminī kāmadāyinī || 23 ||
ratī ratipriyānandā manonmanyapi vāntimā |
pīṭhaśaktīrimā iṣṭvā pīṭhaṃ tanmanunā diśet || 24 ||

One should worship the Shaktis residing in the pedestal, while inscribing the Yantra. The pedestal
Shaktis are Will (Iccha), Knowledge (Jnana), Action (Kriya), Generate Desire (Kamini), Giver of what is
Desired (Kamadayini), Pleasure (Rati), Joy resulting from Pleasure (Ratipriyananda), and Thoughts

व्र्ोमपवधततातीर्ं सदाशिवमहापदम ् ।

पीठपदमासनार्ान्ते नमोन्तुः पीठमन्िकुः ॥ 25 ॥ 11

vyomaparvatatārtīyaṃ sadāśivamahāpadam |
pīṭhapadmāsanāyānte namontaḥ pīṭhamantrakaḥ || 25 ||

The mantra to be used for placing the pedestal (Peedha) shaktis is: " vyoma parvata tārtīyaṃ sadāśiva
mahāpadam pīṭha padmāsanāyā namah".

षोडिाणधस्ततो मत
ू ौ ग्तलप्तार्ां मल
ू मन्ितुः ।

आवाह्र् पज
ू र्ेद देवीमप
ु चारैुः पथ
ृ ग्नवर्ैुः ॥ 26 ॥

ṣoḍaśārṇastato mūrtau kliptāyāṃ mūlamantrataḥ |

āvāhya pūjayed devīmupacāraiḥ pṛthagvidhaiḥ || 26 ||

After using the 16 syllables pedestal mantra, the sadhaka should use the root mantra to invoke Devi.
After invoking the Goddess in the yantra, she is to be worshiped with the ritual accessories, following
the rules of puja.

देवीशमष््वा मध्र्र्ोनौ त्रिकोणे मततपूवधक ुः ।

वामकोणे रततं दक्षे प्रीततमग्रे मनोभवाम ् ॥ 27 ॥

devīmiṣṭvā madhyayonau trikoṇe matipūrvakaḥ |

vāmakoṇe ratiṃ dakṣe prītimagre manobhavām || 27 ||

Having invoked the Goddess Bala in the centre of the yoni (Bindu in the central triangle), one should
worship her three main attendent deities Rati on the left, Priti on the right, and Manobhava at the
apex of central triangle.

र्ोन्र्ां तु वग्ह्नकोणादावङ्गातन पररपूज र्ेत ् ।

मध्र्र्ोन्र्ां बदहुः पूवधददक्षु चाग्रे स्मरान्नवप ॥ 28 ॥ 12

वाणदेवीस्तदवदेव िततीरष्टासु र्ोतनषु ।

ु गाख्र्ा भगा पश्चात्तत
ृ ीर्ा भगसवपधणी ॥ 29 ॥

भगमाला तथानङ्गादर्ानङ्गकु सम
ु ा परा ।

अनङ्गमेखलानङ्गमदनेत्र्ष्टिततर्ुः ॥ 30 ॥

yonyāṃ tu vahnikoṇādāvaṅgāni paripūjayet |

madhyayonyāṃ bahiḥ pūrvadikṣu cāgre smarānnapi || 28 ||
vāṇadevīstadvadeva śaktīraṣṭāsu yoniṣu |
subhagākhyā bhagā paścāttṛtīyā bhagasarpiṇī || 29 ||
bhagamālā tathānaṅgādyānaṅgakusumā parā |
anaṅgamekhalānaṅgamadanetyaṣṭaśaktayaḥ || 30 ||

One should worship the Parts and accessories of Goddess (Limbs - Anga, Weapons - Ayudha and
Ornaments - Bhushana) inside the yoni (central triangle) starting from the South East.
On the four directions starting from East (East, West, North, South) and in front of the triangle one
should worship the Five Kamas (Gods of Desire - Manobhava, Makaradwaja, Kandarpa, Manmadha
and Kamadeva) and Five Baneshis (Arrow Goddesses - Dravina Bana, Samshobana Bana, Akarshana
Bana, Vashikarana Bana, and Sammohana Bana).
In the eight yoni (triangles) outside the central triangle, one needs to worship Goddess Subhaga,
Bhaga, Bhagasarpini, Bhagamalani, Ananga, Anangakusuma, Anangameghala and Anangamadhana.

पदमके सरगा ब्राह्मीमुखाुः पिेषु भैर वाुः ।

दलाग्रेऽप्र्ष्ट पीठातन कामरूपाख्र्माददमम ् ॥ 31 ॥

padmakesaragā brāhmīmukhāḥ patreṣu bhairavāḥ |

dalāgre'pyaṣṭa pīṭhāni kāmarūpākhyamādimam || 31 || 13

In the space between the eight petals, surrounding the eight yonis, one needs to worship Brahmi,
Maheshwari, Kaumari, Vishnavi, Varahi, Indrani, Chamundi and Mahalakshmi. In the eight petals, the
eight Bhiravas are worshiped (Asitanga Bhirava, Ruru Bhirava, Chanda Bhirava, Krodisha Bhirava,
Unmatta Bhirava, Kapali Bhirava, Bhishana Bhirava, and Samhara Bhirava. On the tip of the petals, the
eight primary seats are to be worshipped, starting with Kamarupa Peedha.

मलर्ं कौलर्गर्ाधख्र्ं चौहाराख्र्ं कु लान्तकम ् ।

जालन्र्रं तथौड्र्ाणं देवकू टमथाष्टमम ् ॥ 32 ॥

malayaṃ kaulagiryākhyaṃ cauhārākhyaṃ kulāntakam |

jālandharaṃ tathauḍyāṇaṃ devakūṭamathāṣṭamam || 32 ||

The eight seats are Kamarupa Peedha, Adima Peedha, Maleya Peedha, Kolhagiri Peedha, Chauhara
Peedha, Kulanthaka Peedha, Jalandhara Peedha, and Odhyana Peedha.

भूगृहे च र्राददक्षु हेरुकं त्रिपुर ान्तकम ् ।

वेतालमग्ननग्जह्वं च कालान्तककपाशलनौ ॥ 33 ॥

एकपादं भीमरूपं मलर्ं हाटके श्वरम ् ।

िक्रादर्ानार्ुर्ैुः सववुः स्वस्वददक्षु समचधर्ेत ् ॥ 34 ॥

bhūgṛhe ca dharādikṣu herukaṃ tripurāntakam |

vetālamagnijihvaṃ ca kālāntakakapālinau || 33 ||
ekapādaṃ bhīmarūpaṃ malayaṃ hāṭakeśvaram |
śakrādyānāyudhaiḥ sarvaiḥ svasvadikṣu samarcayet || 34 ||

The ten directions (8 directions starting from East, then up direction and down direction) of the three
enclosures outside the petals needs to be worshipe d. 14

The dieties in the first enclosure are: Hetuka, Tripurantaka, Vetala, Agnijihva, Kalantaka, Kapali,
Ekapata, Bhimarupa, Maleya and Hatakeshwara. The dieties in the second enclosure are: Indra, Agni,
Yama, Nirita, Varuna, Vayu, Soma, Ishana, Ananta and Brahmana. The dieties in the third enclosure
are: Vajra, Shakti, Dhanda, Khadga, Pasha, Angusha, Gadha, Trishul, Chakra and Padma.

तदबदहददधक्षु वटुकं र्ोर्गनीुः क्षेिपालकम ् ।

गणेिं ववददिासु वै वसून ् सूर्ं शिवं तथा ॥ 35 ॥

tadbahirdikṣu vaṭukaṃ yoginīḥ kṣetrapālakam |

gaṇeśaṃ vidiśāsu vai vasūn sūryaṃ śivaṃ tathā || 35 ||

Finally outside the enclosure, the dieties in the eight directions are to be worshiped. They are: Vatuka,
Yogini, Kshetrapala, Ganapati, Vasu, Surya, Rudra and Bhuta.

सवधभूतान ् समभ्र्च्र्ध पूज र्ेदार्ुर्ांस्तथा ।

बालां मध्र्े ववभाव्र्ादौ कामेश् वराङ्कमध्र्गाम ् ॥ 36 ॥

sarvabhūtān samabhyarcya pūjayedāyudhāṃstathā |

bālāṃ madhye vibhāvyādau kāmeśvarāṅkamadhyagām || 36 ||

One should worship all the elements and then the weapons.
In the center meditate on Bala along with Kameshwara.

मकारैुः पञ्चशभुः कौलुः कौलाचारपरार्णुः ।

संपूज र्ेन्महादेवव सार्को मन्िसार्कुः ॥ 37 ॥

त्रबन्दौ गन्र्ाक्षतैुः पुष्पैर्ूधपदीपाददतपधणैुः ।

लर्ाङ्गशमदमाख्र्ातं प्रर्ोगाञ ् िृणु पावधतत ॥ 38 ॥ 15

makāraiḥ pañcabhiḥ kaulaḥ kaulācāraparāyaṇaḥ |

saṃpūjayenmahādevi sādhako mantrasādhakaḥ || 37 ||
bindau gandhākṣataiḥ puṣpairdhūpadīpāditarpaṇaiḥ |
layāṅgamidamākhyātaṃ prayogāñ śṛṇu pārvati || 38 ||

A Kaula should worship using the five makaras according to the rules of Kaulachara.

Note: The five makaras would mean Madya (wine), Mamsa (meat), Matsya (fish), Mudra (parched
rice) and Maithuna (copulation) for a Vamachari (left hand path follower) and these five offerings are
replaced with substitutes by Mishrachari (mixed path follower).

The mantra sadhaka should worship Mahadevi in the bindu ( center of the yantra) with Akshata mixed
with Gandha (grain mixed with scent like sandal pasta), Pushpa (flowers), Dhoopa (incense), Dipa
(flame) and Jala tarpana (liquid oblation). This is popularly called Layanga.

Note: The Dakshinachara method (right hand approach) of worship is suggested as Layanga. Here the
5 offerings are Jala, Gandha, Pushpa, Dhupa and Dipa corresponding to five elements.

Parvati, next I will tell you the application methods.

र्ान ् ववर्ार् मनुुः िीघ्रं शसदर्र्भाग ् भवतत ध्रुवम ् ।

स्तम्भनं मोहनं चैव मारणाकषधणे तथा ॥ 39 ॥

विीकारं तथोच्चाटं िाग्न्तकं पौग्ष्टकं तथा ।

एतत्सार्नमाचक्षे सारभूतं मनोुः वप्रर्े ॥ 40 ॥

yān vidhāya manuḥ śīghraṃ siddhibhāg bhavati dhruvam |

stambhanaṃ mohanaṃ caiva māraṇākarṣaṇe tathā || 39 ||
vaśīkāraṃ tathoccāṭaṃ śāntikaṃ pauṣṭikaṃ tathā |
etatsādhanamācakṣe sārabhūtaṃ manoḥ priye || 40 || 16

The sadhaka who is skilled in performing these rites, gets results quickly. The application s are
(Stambhan) Paralysing, (Mohanam) Deluding, (Maranam) Killing, Attracting (Akarshanam),
Subjugating (Vashikaranam), Driving Away (Ucchadanam), Peace Making (Shantikam) and Healing
(Poushtikam). The key to obtaining results is proper sadhana of Goddess Bala.

अदेर्ं देव्र्भततार् गोप्र्ं गुह्र्तमं पिोुः ।

प्रततपदददवसे देवव स्नात्वा कृ त्वाग्ह्नकीं क्रक्रर्ाम ् ॥ 41 ॥

मध्र्ाह्ने तनजधनं गत्वा र्थावदर्ुतावर्र् ।

होमो दिांितुः कार्ो घृतपार्सबहधकै ुः ॥ 42 ॥

संतप्र्ध देवताुः सदर्ुः स्तम्भनं जार्ते ध्रुवम ् ।

राजसूर्ेन्दुवातानां दस्र्ुवाददमुखेषु च ॥ 43 ॥

adeyaṃ devyabhaktāya gopyaṃ guhyatamaṃ paśoḥ |

pratipaddivase devi snātvā kṛtvāhnikīṃ kriyām || 41 ||
madhyāhne nirjanaṃ gatvā yathāvadayutāvadhi |
homo daśāṃśataḥ kāryo ghṛtapāyasabarhakaiḥ || 42 ||
saṃtarpya devatāḥ sadyaḥ stambhanaṃ jāyate dhruvam |
rājasūryenduvātānāṃ dasyuvādimukheṣu ca || 43 ||

This appilication methods are to be revealed to only those devoted to Goddess and needs to be
concealed from pashus (animal like - materialistic without any spiritual inclination).

(Stambhan) Paralysing - On the first day of the Waxing Moon, the sadhaka needs to take bath and
perform daily rites. By midday the sadhaka has to go to a deserted place. Here the sadhana has to
perform japa and then homa (offering on fire pit). The fire offering using mantra of Bala, should be
1/10 count of japa (similar to purascharana). The offerings done includes ghee, payasam (type of 17

pudding), curd and so forth. After performing fire oblation to the Goddess, then person gains the
ability to paralyze.

दिे सार्ं श्मिाने तु जपेदुलूक ववष्टरुः ।

अर्ुतं तददिांिेन होमं सवपधस्सुर ाग्न्वतैुः ॥ 44 ॥

कणके सरपदमाक्षैमोहनं जगतां भवेत ् ।

भूताख्र्े वासरे देवव गत्वा प्रेतालर्ं तनशि ॥ 45 ॥

darśe sāyaṃ śmaśāne tu japedulūkaviṣṭaraḥ |

ayutaṃ taddaśāṃśena homaṃ sarpissurānvitaiḥ || 44 ||
kaṇakesarapadmākṣairmohanaṃ jagatāṃ bhavet |
bhūtākhye vāsare devi gatvā pretālayaṃ niśi || 45 ||

(Mohanam) Deluding - The sadhaka has to go to the cremation ground by dusk and perform japa of
Bala mantra on a seat made of owl feathers. Next fire oblation (homa) which is 1/10 of japa count.
The offerings in fire include ghee, wine, grain, shoots and lotus seeds. This gives the sadhaka the
ability to delude the world.

(Maranam) Killing - Having gone in the morning or at night to the place of Ghosts and Ele mentals
(Cremation Ground), the sadaka needs to do marana prayoga.

र्चताग्रे संज पेदववदर्ां वीरेन्रुः षोडिाक्षरीम ् ।

अर्ुतं च हुनेन्मन्िी र्चताननौ घृतगुन गुलम ् ॥ 46 ॥

citāgre saṃjapedvidyāṃ vīrendraḥ ṣoḍaśākṣarīm |

ayutaṃ ca hunenmantrī citāgnau ghṛtaguggulam || 46 || 18

For Maranam after following the rules in previous verse: The vira sadhaka needs to recite the vidya of
16 syllables (Shodashi mantra) in front of cremation pyre. Then homa is to be performed, by offering
ghee and fragrant balls (Gulgul) in the fire pit.

चण्डालके िसदहतं शिर्ते ररपुरुत्कटुः ।

अष्टम्र्ां िुतलपक्षे तु जपेरहशस सार्कुः ॥ 47 ॥

caṇḍālakeśasahitaṃ mriyate ripurutkaṭaḥ |

aṣṭamyāṃ śuklapakṣe tu japedrahasi sādhakaḥ || 47 ||

When performing homa, the offerings should be mixed with hair of Chandalas. Performing this mixed
offering ensures success in killing enemies.
(Akarshanam) Attracting - On the eighth day of Shukla Paksha (waxing phase - from no moon to full
moon) the sadhaka should recite main Bala mantra.

अर्ुतं मूलववदर्ार्ा ध्र्ात्वा कान्तां मनोगताम ् ।

होमो दिांितुः सवपधलाधक्षापुष्पवतीरजुः ॥ 48 ॥

ayutaṃ mūlavidyāyā dhyātvā kāntāṃ manogatām |

homo daśāṃśataḥ sarpirlākṣāpuṣpavatīrajaḥ || 48 ||

After reciting the mantra (japa) and meditating on the Goddess, the sadhaka has to perform homa
where mantra along with offering is done 1/10 of the japa count using ghee, lac and flowers.

करीरपूलगोर्ूमैुः स्िीणामाकषधणं भवेत ् ।

नवम्र्ां सार्कुः स्नात्वा कृ त्वा कमाधग्ह्नकं वप्रर्े ॥ 49 ॥

karīrapūlagodhūmaiḥ strīṇāmākarṣaṇaṃ bhavet | 19

navamyāṃ sādhakaḥ snātvā kṛtvā karmāhnikaṃ priye || 49 ||

Also use wheat, menstrual blood, and incense sticks. O, Devi this is the approach to be followed to
accomplish the ability to attract.
(Vashikaranam) Subjugating - On a the ninth day of Shukla Paksha, the after sadhaka should first take
bath and perform daily rite.

अर्ुतं घृतमत्स्र्ण्ड पदममुततैणरोमशभुः ।

होमो ववर्ेर्ो वररिैवाधसवो दासतां व्रजेत ् ॥ 50 ॥

ayutaṃ ghṛtamatsyaṇḍa padmamuktaiṇaromabhiḥ |

homo vidheyo variśairvāsavo dāsatāṃ vrajet || 50 ||

Then the sadhaka should offer ghee, fish, eggs, lotus, pearls, and body hair of deer as offering in fire
pit. By performing this, the sadhaka is able to subjugate and enslave others.

चतुर्थर्ां कृ ष्णपक्षे तु जपेच्चन्रोदर्े शिवे ।

नदीतीरे मनुं वीरोऽर्ुतं िीषाधसनग्स्थतुः ॥ 51 ॥

caturthyāṃ kṛṣṇapakṣe tu japeccandrodaye śive |

nadītīre manuṃ vīro'yutaṃ śīrṣāsanasthitaḥ || 51 ||

(Ucchadanam) Driving Away - On the fourth day of Krishna Paksha (wanning phase - after Full moon
going to No moon), the sadhaka needs to recite the mantra on a river bank. The vira sadhaka should
be seated in Shirsha Asana while reciting the mantra.

दिांिेन हुनेत्ति घृतनीलोत्पलत्वचुः ।

लवङ्गमररचाम्लादीन ् ररपोरुच्चाटनं भवेत ् ॥ 52 ॥ 20

daśāṃśena hunettatra ghṛtanīlotpalatvacaḥ |

lavaṅgamaricāmlādīn riporuccāṭanaṃ bhavet || 52 ||

After japa, the sadhaka needs to perform homa where the count of making offering is 1/10 of japa.
The fire offering should have ghee, blue lotus, cloves, black pepper and tamarind. Then one may
cause an enemy to flee.

पञ्चम्र्ां तनशि देवेशि जपेदर्ुतसंख्र्र्ा ।

हुनेद दिांितुः सवपधमधत्स्र्मत्स्र्ण्डखपधर ान ् ॥ 53 ॥

pañcamyāṃ niśi deveśi japedayutasaṃkhyayā |

huned daśāṃśataḥ sarpirmatsyamatsyaṇḍakharparān || 53 ||

(Shantikam) Peace Making - On a fifth night of Krishna Paksha, the sadhaka first needs to recite the
mantra. Then perform home with 1/10 count, offering ghee, fish, sugar cane and camphor in the fire

महामर् महाभीतत महोपरविान्तर्े ।

महाष्टम्र्ां नरुः स्नात्वा पीठे श्रेष्ठे दिार्र्काम ् ॥ 54 ॥

mahāmaya mahābhīti mahopadravaśāntaye |

mahāṣṭamyāṃ naraḥ snātvā pīṭhe śreṣṭhe daśādhikām || 54 ||

Thus sadhaka can then bring peace in great disputes, events that causes great fear and adversities .
(Poushtikam) Healing - On the eighth day of Krishna Paksha (wanning phase) the sadhaka should take
bath and get seated in a comfortable pedestal for (Poushtikam) Healing.

वीरो दिाङ्कसाहस्रीं हुनेत्ति दिांितुः । 21

घृतखज ूधर मृदवीका नागवल्लीदलस्रजुः ॥ 55 ॥

छागमांसं ररततं च महापग्ु ष्टुः प्रजार्ते ।

इदं रहस्र्माख्र्ातं सवधतत्त्वतनरूपणम ् ॥ 56 ॥

vīro daśāṅkasāhasrīṃ hunettatra daśāṃśataḥ |

ghṛtakharjūramṛdvīkā nāgavallīdalasrajaḥ || 55 ||
chāgamāṃsaṃ raraktaṃ ca mahāpuṣṭiḥ prajāyate |
idaṃ rahasyamākhyātaṃ sarvatattvanirūpaṇam || 56 ||

For (Poushtikam) Healing after following the rules in previous verse: The vira sadhaka should then
recite mantra of Goddess Bala 10000 times and should perform homa (fire offering) with 1/10 japa
count (1000 times), with ghee, camphor, grapes, betel leaves, goat flesh and blood. This is the
method to achieve accomplishment in healing. This is the secret teaching, which reveals the Tattvas .

सवधस्वं मम देवेशि रहस्र्ं गोपर्ेत ् कलौ ।

सूर्ाधददवारेषु जपैदधिसाहस्रसंख्र्कै ुः ॥ 57 ॥

sarvasvaṃ mama deveśi rahasyaṃ gopayet kalau |

sūryādivāreṣu japairdaśasāhasrasaṃkhyakaiḥ || 57 ||

A person can give all materialistic possessions, but this secret teachings should be concealed in Kali
Yuga. Starting from Sunday, the sadhaka needs to recite the mula matra of Goddess Bala 10,000

सवधशसदर्र्मवाप्नोतत नाि कार्ाध ववचारणा ।

इत्र्ेष पटलो ददव्र्ुः स्नेहात ् तव प्रकाशितुः ।

गोप्र्ाद गोप्र्ो गोप्र्तरो गोपनीर्ुः स्वर्ोतनवत ् ॥ 58 ॥ 22

sarvasiddhimavāpnoti nātra kāryā vicāraṇā |

ityeṣa paṭalo divyaḥ snehāt tava prakāśitaḥ |
gopyād gopyo gopyataro gopanīyaḥ svayonivat || 58 ||

There is no doubt that such a sadhaka will get all Siddis.

Lord Bhirava says: Thus the divine patala (first limb) has been revealed out of my love for you
Bhairavi. Conceal it, the way you would hide your own yoni.

इतत श्रीरुरर्ामले तन्िे भैर वभैर वीसंवादे श्रीबालात्रिपुर सुन्दरीपटलुः ॥

iti śrīrudrayāmale tantre bhairavabhairavīsaṃvāde śrībālātripurasundarīpaṭalaḥ ||

Thus ends Sri Bala Tripura Sundari paṭalaḥ, revealed from the conversation between Bhairava and
Bhairavi, in Rudra Yamala Tantra. 23

Srividya Tantra Peedom,

Kaleekal, Near GG Dental Clinic,
Thonnalloor, Pandalam P.O,
Pathanamthitta, Kerala.
Pincode: 689501


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