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The GCP Dictionary of Pain: A Straightforward Guide To Thorny Cloud Terms

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The document discusses key concepts in GCP like IAM, VPC networks, subnets, load balancing and availability zones that often cause issues and confusion for teams. It aims to help improve baseline cloud fluency.

IAM manages permissions and identities in GCP. It is important for security and controlling access to cloud resources. The key elements are policies, roles and resources.

Premium tier traffic goes through Google's network directly while standard tier goes through peering, ISPs or transit networks. Premium is sometimes called 'cold potato' routing while standard is 'hot potato'.


of Pain
a straightforward guide
to thorny cloud terms

A Cloud Guru
The GCP Dictionary of Pain

The GCP Dictionary of Pain

This idea of helping a team reach a “baseline topics that were often represented in those
cloud fluency” is a phrase we hear a lot at A questions—and are here to help you get a
Cloud Guru. You can have two engineers that handle on them.
excel at one kind of cloud operation, but if the
rest of the team can’t speak their language, In this guide, we’ll cover some core concepts
nothing gets done. Things slow down—or (like load balancing and availability zones) as
stop—when people can’t communicate. well as some of the most common—though
clearly challenging!—GCP tools you’ll find in a
At A Cloud Guru, our goal is to teach the world modern cloud stack.
to cloud. So we turned to our data to help us
understand how we can help bring organiza- You’ll still probably want to do a lot better
tions up to that baseline cloud fluency—or at than just a C average. But while you won’t
least in the ballpark. Our goal with this guide need everyone to be an expert at everything,
is to make sure the next time someone men- they still need to speak the same language.
tions a major issue with Google Cloud Run Or, at least, understand when someone’s tell-
(the product, not the verb), you won’t be left ing a cloud-related joke that isn’t meant to be
scratching your head. taken literally.

We analyzed 2.7 million responses to hun- Here are the trip-up topics that stump
dreds of questions across multiple areas of cloud teams the world over: the GCP Dic-
cloud expertise. We specifically looked at tionary of Pain.
tough questions, where the correct response
rate fell below what you’d probably call a C
average (or 60%). From these questions we
identified key products, technologies, and
The GCP Dictionary of Pain Cloud Identity & Access Management 3

Pain Forecast: Thunderstorms

Cloud &
Identity Access
[ kloud, īˈden(t)ədē, and, akˌses, manijmənt ]
AWS AWS Identity & Access Management | Azure Identity and access management

WHAT IS IT? Identity and Access Management (or IAM) is your frontline defense for your
cloud services. Security will be at the top of mind for basically everyone running a cloud
operation—and it should be on top of mind for you as well. Google manages permissions
and identity and access management with Cloud IAM and Cloud Identity.

Cloud IAM is a unified resource access management system for both users and services.
Identities can come in many forms, such as Google accounts, unmanaged accounts, service
accounts, and collections of these items—such as Google Groups and G-Suite domains.

There are three critical elements to IAM.

POLICIES : A set of rules that governs who can do one or more tasks with
specific resources. We can decide who can do what on which resources.

ROLES : A collection of permissions assigned to identities or members.

RESOURCES : Made up, well, your resources. It can be your projects, fold-
ers, cloud services, or parts of those services like instances or buckets.
The GCP Dictionary of Pain Cloud Identity & Access Management 4

Google refers to Cloud Identity as a nice alphabet soup acronym dubbed “identity as a ser-
vice” (or IDaaS). Cloud Identity started with G-Suite with a separate administrative portal
but now integrates with Google Cloud. One of its main benefits is it can securely allow peo-
ple outside your organization access to specific resources within your organization. It also
enables single sign-on (or SSO).

WHY IS IT HARD? Lots of abstraction! Cloud large part of the surface area for Bad Things
Identity creates what Google calls “folders” To Happen. You might misconfigure the per-
for one or more Google Cloud Projects. You missions you’re giving a third party for your
might have a folder for your developer team resources or set policies too broad. Or you
and your live team. You can apply policies to might just lose the password altogether. Set-
your folders, where all resources within the ting specific, robust IAM policies is one of the
projects in those folders inherit permissions best ways to protect your cloud operations
from those policies. from breaches and bad actors.

On top of all this, IAM can quickly become one

of your points of failure in managing security.
The scope of your IAM policies represents a

A Cloud Guru learners missed tough questions related to identity and access man-
agement 50.5% of the time. Here are a few sample questions.

What IAM predefined roles allow the modification of the default cookie expi-
ration time for Google App Engine standard environments? (68.9% correct)

Google recommends organizing users with the same responsibilities

into groups, and then assigning Cloud IAM roles to those groups rather
than to individuals. As per Google’s best practices for enterprise cus-
tomers, which of the following are not recommended groups to create
when you begin to implement Cloud IAM? (43.8% correct)
The GCP Dictionary of Pain Cloud Load Balancing 5

Pain Forecast: Scattered Thunderstorms

Cloud Load
[ kloud, lōd, ˈbalənsING ]
AWS Load Balancers | Azure Also load balancers!

WHAT IS IT? Let’s say you have plenty of instances available and a buttload of traffic on
the way. How do you figure out how to optimize everything? Figuring out how to route
the traffic—and balancing it across all of those instances. If your application is popular
enough to use multiple VMs, you’ll need to consider using load balancers to ensure that
your users have a good experience.

It’s a fully managed incoming traffic service responsible for distributing traffic across
several VM instances. It is autoscaling, set by policy, CPU utilization, or serving capac-
ity (or all of them). It supports heavy traffic and is instrumental in routing traffic to the
closest instances, and can detect and remove unhealthy instances. You can also deter-
mine what percentage of failure is unhealthy.
The GCP Dictionary of Pain Cloud Load Balancing 6

WHY IS IT HARD? Part of the challenge is REGIONAL EXTERNAL : TCP/UDP within

understanding the type of traffic you need a region
to balance across your instances. There are
three main types of load balancing supported REGIONAL INTERNAL : between groups of
by Google Cloud: instances within a region


A Cloud Guru learners missed tough questions related to load balancers 53% of the
time. Here are a few sample questions.

You just created a new Google Project. After enabling the compute engine API,
the project now has a default VPC network created. You need to create a cus-
tom VPC network with subnets in the us-east1 and europe-west2 regions of
GCP. The project will also need a load balancer that can route traffic to either
region based on user location. What services must be configured to allow traffic
through the load balancer to the backend services? (58.8% correct)

Your application development team has updated files that are in use
behind a Google Cloud HTTP(S) Load balancer with Content Delivery
Network enabled. It has been determined that these files contain sen-
sitive information, and must be removed ASAP from any cache server
where they are stored. How would you accomplish this? (30% correct)
The GCP Dictionary of Pain Google Compute Engine 7

Pain Forecast: Mostly Sunny

[ ɡo͞oɡ(ə)l, kəmˈpyo͞ot, enjən ]
AWS EC2 | Azure Azure VMs

WHAT IS IT? Google Compute Engine, in short, is where just about everything happens.
GCE consists of virtual machines (VMs) that run all of the operations for your applica-
tions. Combined with Google Cloud Storage, GCE is your operation running in the cloud
without you ever needing to touch a power button. GCE is a type of infrastructure as a
service (or IaaS)

Like other providers, GCE abstracts away the complicated processes of managing serv-
er hardware. You can select the amount of compute power you need for your operations
and pay for as much as you need without having to buy or take care of the actual hard-
ware. Google Cloud offers several machine types that vary in compute power, memory,
and cost.

These VMs can run public disk images pre-configured and offered by Google, or private
disk images accessible by you and only with you. Google Cloud also configures VMs to
work with containers. They also come with virtual private network (or VPC) connectivi-
ty—we’ll have more on that later.

WHY IS IT HARD? While you can’t see it, without ever taking a look at the hardware.
it’s still your computer. And as such, you’ll You’ll have to provision the right number of
still have to maintain parts of the operation resources, configure your machine types cor-
The GCP Dictionary of Pain Google Compute Engine 8

rectly, and finally make sure you’re optimizing 3 : Compute-optimized instances, for when
for performance and cost. you need to optimize for computing power,
even if it may cost more or sacrifice memory
Fortunately, Google will offer some price es- performance.
timates right in the dashboard when you’re
configuring your GCE VM. Google Cloud, in 4 : Shared-core machine types, which
particular, offers four machine types for Goo- timeshare a physical core and may be more
gle Cloud Engine: cost-effective.

1 : General-purpose machine types that work There are, of course, other configuration
well for day-to-day needs. You’ll see types options. You’ll have to set your zone (again,
like E2, N2, N2D, and N1—all of which may more on that later), determine whether to de-
work well in different scenarios. ploy a container image to your VM, select a
type of disk image, pick sizes for those disks,
2 : A set of memory-optimized machines and so forth.
when you might have specific requirements
around managing memory. These offer more
memory per core.

A Cloud Guru learners missed tough questions related to GCE and VMs 50.3% of the
time. Here are a few sample questions.

How should you enable a GCE instance to read files from a bucket in the
same project? (40.4% correct)

You believe that the startup script for a newly created GCE instance did
not run at all. What steps should you take to help investigate this problem?
(41.8% correct)
The GCP Dictionary of Pain Google App Engine 9

Pain Forecast: Scattered Thunderstorms

App Engine
[ ɡo͞oɡ(ə)l, ap, enjən ]

WHAT IS IT? App Engine is one of the original four Google Cloud services. App Engine
requires less management than its other compute products. That means you’re ab-
stracting the hardware away from your work. Suppose your operation falls under one
the use cases of Google’s four serverless products (we’ll see the other three later). In
that case, you could save an enormous amount of money—and a lot of headaches—by
deploying your application on serverless technology. Google bills you for the time you
spend processing, and you can scale up as much as you need.

App Engine is a platform-as-a-service or PaaS. So it requires no manual server setup

and provisioning. It provides automatic scaling and load-balancing. It’s great for web-
sites, mobile apps, and line of business apps that need to get up and running quickly.
Developers often use App Engine for HTTP applications.

It’s exceptionally straightforward to get started with, code-centric, and provides auto-
matic scaling regionally. It has easy access to the rest of the platform as a full-fledged
product within Google Cloud. App Engine also has access to CloudSQL for relational
work and works with Cloud Storage.

WHY IS IT HARD? You can’t customize App creating and handling online games, and
Engine as you can with Compute Engine. App Engine can handle surges and scale
up when needed.
App Engine excels when working with
scalable mobile apps—primarily gaming. App Engine also now comes in two environ-
Rapid scalability is a crucial factor when ments: standard and flexible.
The GCP Dictionary of Pain Google App Engine 10

Standard is Google’s original App Engine containers and works with more languages as
product: 1 : It’s more proprietary. 2 : Source a result. 3 : You can access the resources of
code must be written in specific versions of your Google Cloud project that reside in the
the supported programming languages. 3 Google Compute Engine network (more on
: The standard environment has the fast- that in a moment). 4 : Flexible App Engine
est spin-up time—literally milliseconds. 4 : spin-up is slower and cannot scale down to
Good if you’re expecting spikes in traffic. 5 zero, whereas Standard can. 5 : It isn’t rec-
: It’s standard so, of course, less expensive. ommended over Standard unless what you’re
working with doesn’t work best on Standard.
Flexible is Google’s newer App Engine project:
1 : It’s less proprietary and (ironically) more
standardized. 2 : Flexible runs on Docker

A Cloud Guru learners missed tough questions related to App Engine 40.6% of the
time. Here are a few sample questions.

You need to view both request and application logs for your Python-based App
Engine app. Which of the following options would be best? (56.8% correct)

You are working together with a contractor from the Acme company and
you need to allow App Engine running in one of Acme’s GCP projects to
write to a Cloud Pub/Sub topic you own. What information do you need to
let you enable that access? (60.1% correct)
The GCP Dictionary of Pain Google Cloud Functions & Cloud Run 11

Pain Forecast: Severe Thunderstorms

Google Cloud
Functions &
Cloud Run
[ ɡo͞oɡ(ə)l, kloud, fəNG(k)SH(ə)n, and, kloud, rən ]
AWS Lambda | Azure Azure Functions

WHAT IS IT? App Engine isn’t Google’s only serverless product. Google also has three oth-
ers: Cloud Functions, Cloud Run, and Cloud Run for Anthos.

Cloud Run operates on event-driven code. Instead of App Engine, something has to trigger
them. You can think of Cloud Functions as the glue between the various services, whether
they’re on Google Cloud or third party. It scales automatically and is extremely low cost—
Google bills you for execution time to the nearest 100 ms.

You can use Cloud Run for containerized apps, like those found in Google Kubernetes En-
gine. Cloud Run also scales on-demand and is suitable for continuous integration/continu-
ous delivery. Unlike App Engine, use can use any language, library, or binary—even some-
thing completely custom.

There’s also Cloud Run for Anthos, which enables hybrid multi-cloud apps. Cloud Run for
Anthos runs on Google Kubernetes Engine. You can use custom domains, integrated log-
ging, and monitoring services.

WHY IS IT HARD? There are a lot of server- Engine, which we reviewed earlier). Let’s re-
less services from Google Cloud! And each view really quickly:
is best for different scenarios (including App
The GCP Dictionary of Pain Google Cloud Functions & Cloud Run 12

APP ENGINE : HTTP applications, such as also use it to, for example, create invoices
modern web applications, to host front-end, monthly created by a cloud scheduler task.
back-end, or both.
CLOUD RUN FOR ANTHOS : Good for enter-
CLOUD FUNCTIONS : Event-driven code, like prise-grade CI/CD pipelines so you can con-
third-party apps and API integrations, such as tinuously build new content. It’s suitable for
Twilio and Stripe. It also works well with IoT integrating on-premise services, executing
products for real-time processing, data col- your applications closest to customers (or “at
lection, and processing. And it integrates with the edge”).
a large number of services in Google Cloud,
making it work well for real-time processing. Your operation may work best with one, or
multiple, or none whatsoever. So you’ll have
CLOUD RUN : Container-based operations, to determine the best approach to take when
including mature technology stacks. It’s use- choosing whether to go serverless.
ful for internal company-only applications in
addition to regular robust websites. You could

A Cloud Guru learners missed tough questions related to serverless operations 48%
of the time. Here are a few sample questions.

You’ve been asked to evaluate Google Cloud’s implementation of its server-

less compute service. What are some of the benefits of Cloud Functions you
might include in your report? (59% correct)
The GCP Dictionary of Pain Google Cloud SQL 13

Pain Forecast: Mostly Cloudy

Cloud SQL
[ ɡo͞oɡ(ə)l, kloud, es,kyo͞o,el ]
AWS RDS | Azure Azure SQL Family

WHAT IS IT? CloudSQL is Google Cloud’s entry in the market of managing data with SQL.
It’s a relational database service that works across various needs for data-rich compa-
nies—ranging anywhere from flight services or ed-tech startups. CloudSQL manages,
maintains, and administers PostgreSQL, SQL server, and MySQL (including two gener-
ations of MySQL). It just abstracts away the need to deal with hardware, and you can
focus on working with the data.

Data is automatically encrypted and has a default firewall. CloudSQL also automates
and replicates your backups, providing you with 99.95% uptime. You can easily copy
data to another zone or region for high availability, so any time your source database
crashes, you can failover to your backup. It’s also easily accessible from GCE and App

Once you have the database instances created, all you have to do is use them. Even the
console itself is pretty sparse.
The GCP Dictionary of Pain Google Cloud SQL 14

WHY IS IT HARD? Configs! Everything, matically, may end up creating some service
again, comes down to configuration for your disruptions.
CloudSQL databases. You’ll have to add high
availability, you’ll have to specify a region, and In theory, you could just go with best-practice
you have to select a zone. And you’ll have to versions or defaults, but your service proba-
set up the times for auto-backups as well as bly has unique needs that could justify going
a maintenance schedule—which, if set auto- deep into the config options.

A Cloud Guru learners missed tough questions related to CloudSQL and relational
databases 49.6% of the time. Here are a few sample questions.

A CloudSQL database is experiencing more read transactions recently due to

the increasing need for admin reports by a system. Which of the following can
be used to reduce the load issues experienced by the system? (69.6% correct)
The GCP Dictionary of Pain Google Cloud Storage 15

Pain Forecast: Partly Cloudy

Google Cloud
[ ɡo͞oɡ(ə)l, kloud, stôrij ]
Amazon S3 | Azure Blog storage

WHAT IS IT? Cloud storage is the unstructured data service on google cloud based on
buckets and objects in those buckets. Those buckets can hold, well, anything that’s digi-
tal—pictures, files, or entire databases. It has practically infinite size, assuming you have a
credit limit high enough to hit it. You only pay for the amount of data currently in that buck-
et, and you don’t have to pre-allocate space in advance.

A project can have one or more buckets assigned to it, and it observes the inherited format
for IAM. You have the option of applying an IAM role to an individual bucket. You can think of
objects and files (often used interchangeably, even though the technical term is an object).

You can apply an IAM role to an individual bucket. Objects in those buckets inherit those
buckets’ permissions, and those buckets can inherit permissions from the project. Tech-
nically cloud storage is an object storage system, not a file system (which you would use
Filestore). It’s also not used for block storage that you need for a hard drive. It has different
write and performance characteristics.

There’s also Cloud Run for Anthos, which enables hybrid multi-cloud apps. Cloud Run for
Anthos runs on Google Kubernetes Engine. You can use custom domains, integrated log-
ging, and monitoring services.

WHY IS IT HARD? There are also different age class to an entire bucket, or even the
types of storage classes, and they are great objects in those buckets. They all have the
for various reasons. You can apply a stor- same performance, but there’s a difference
The GCP Dictionary of Pain Google Cloud Storage 16

in geolocation, the SLA, and operations re- with a retrieval fee. Nearline storage is suit-
strictions. Here are the storage classes: able for regular backups that you plan to ac-
cess periodically.
multi-regional bucket, but the bucket re- COLDLINE (ALSO IN REGIONAL AND
sides in a single region. If you’re using ser- MULTI-REGIONAL) : Even cheaper than
vices in that region, you may have slightly nearline at a per-gigabyte level, but has an
better performance accessing the data in a even higher cost per retrieval. It is suitable
regional bucket and have lower costs. for data that you don’t really intend to touch,
but you might want to have it just in case.
your data spanning multiple regions in a You can change the storage class for your
continental region, suitable for hot data from data, but you can’t change it from multi-re-
different geographic regions. It has no re- gional to regional or vice versa. When you
trieval cost and has the highest SLA. change the storage class of your bucket, it
only affects new objects coming into that
NEARLINE (ALSO IN REGIONAL AND bucket—you’ll have to change the storage
MULTI-REGIONAL) : The cost drops to a class for objects inside the bucket.
much lower per-gigabyte fee, but comes

A Cloud Guru learners missed tough questions related to cloud storage 49.2% of the
time. Here are a few sample questions.

If you have a GCE instance with no external IP address, and the instance
needs to access Google Cloud Storage, what action must be performed to
fulfill this requirement? (65.5% correct)

You are troubleshooting an issue regarding a VM instance’s ability to read in-

formation from a Google Storage Bucket. While researching the problem you
find this connection has never been successful. The VM instance is using
a project service account to access the Google Cloud APIs. You decide the
problem is that the VM does not have permissions to view the data stored in
Cloud Storage. What permissions need to be granted to the service account
to allow permissions to view Cloud Storage? (67.6% correct)
The GCP Dictionary of Pain Instance Groups 17

Pain Forecast: Scattered Thunderstorms

[ instəns, ɡro͞ops ]

WHAT IS IT? Things might start to get a little out of hand once you start spinning up doz-
ens, or hundreds, of Google Compute Engine instances. You can get around the complexity
here by batching together instances into groups—buckets of instances where you can try
to make changes to a bunch of them all at once.

There are two types of instanced groups that Google offers.

UNMANAGED GROUPS : collections of instances with different configurations, which you

can use to apply load balancing to existing configurations.

MANAGED GROUPS : collections of instances that are identical that you can manage as
a single unit. If you need to make changes to all of them at once, it’ll make more sense to
run it as an instance group. If there are health problems, the managed instance group will
automatically recreate that instance.
The GCP Dictionary of Pain Instance Groups 18

WHY IS IT HARD? There are advantages But you might frequently run into scenar-
and disadvantages to both. If you want ios where you’ll use unmanaged instance
the benefits of managed groups, you’ll groups. They’re not uniform, so you won’t
have to ensure that all the instances are get some of the features of managed
identical. And you’ll probably run into groups. You don’t get auto-scaling or up-
plenty of scenarios where you’re running date support if you’re running an unman-
multiple identical instances! That makes it aged instance group. But you can still en-
friendly and convenient when you want to able some batch processes, so you’ll want
handle auto-scaling and health checks for to group them anyway.
your instances.

A Cloud Guru learners missed tough questions related to instance groups 46.5% of
the time. Here are a few sample questions.

You have an autoscaled managed instance group that is set to scale based
on CPU utilization of 60%. There are currently 3 instances in the instance
group. You’re connected to one of the instances and notice that the CPU
usage is a 70%. However, the instance group isn’t starting up another in-
stance. What’s the most likely reason? (68.2% correct)
The GCP Dictionary of Pain Snapshots 19

Pain Forecast: Thunderstorms

[ snapˌSHät ]
AWS Snapshots | Azure Also snapshots!

WHAT IS IT? The primary backup method in which a compute engine takes a snap-
shot of an instance or attached disk, creating a backup of that disk. You can take that
snapshot in any disaster recovery situation and create a new instance or disk. You can
create a snapshot while an instance is running.

You can create a restored snapshot or instance in a completely different zone, and you
can create a snapshot from a boot disk or an attached disk.
The GCP Dictionary of Pain Snapshots 20

WHY IS IT HARD? Snapshots operate as shot when an instance runs, but you want
incremental backups, which can save you to make sure your disk is consistent and
a fair bit of money. A snapshot does not isn’t changing too much while the snap-
create a new backup of a disk. Instead, it’s shot is in process. You might want to pause
an incremental backup: the second snap- operations that write data or unmount the
shot copies the changes from the first, disk completely. You also probably want
the third from the second, and so forth. to schedule a snapshot when there isn’t a
log of data changing or if there isn’t a log
You generally want to reduce activity going on with your application.
whenever you can. You can create a snap-

A Cloud Guru learners missed tough questions related to Snapshots 50% of the time.
Here are a few sample questions.

As part of your backup plan, you create regular boot-disk snapshots of

Compute Engine instances that are running. You want to be able to restore
these snapshots using the fewest possible steps for replacement instanc-
es. What should you do? (69.2% correct)
The GCP Dictionary of Pain VPC Netowrks & Subnets 21

Pain Forecast: Severe Thunderstorms

VPC Networks
& Subnets
[ vē,pē,sē, netˌwərks, səbˈnets ]

WHAT IS IT? The GCP VPC (say that five times fast) is a virtualized network that provides ipv4
connectivity for GCP resources, such as infrastructure as a service and Google Kubernetes
Engine. It’s the central foundational component of all other networking functions. VPCs create
a virtualized global network instance to consume resources in all GCP locations.

It’s an implemented software-defined private network on Google Cloud—which means no rout-

ers, switches, servers, and tripping over tangled cables. This allows you to customize and scale
your services rapidly, and all communication between resources within that network has no
exposure to the public internet.

The VPC relies on the Google Global Network for connectivity, divided into GCP regions—or
data center locations in various geographic locations. Google also offers premium and standard
networking tiers in the VPC. GCP also requires an IP range assigned in a specific region (called
a subnet). Regions can also speak to one another via Routes that allow communication be-
tween those networks. Google Cloud assigns all this infrastructure based on availability zones.

A Google Project can contain one or more VPC networks, creating configurations within each
region. In a VPC, you can consume resources in all regions by creating a subnet within one re-
gion. Subnets use the Google global network, building subnets within a zone. We use the VPC
to assign a subnet to one, multiple, or all regions. Each IP range provides IP connectivity for our
infrastructure in those data centers. And unlike other cloud providers, subnets can span multi-
ple availability zones within a region.
The GCP Dictionary of Pain VPC Netowrks & Subnets 22

WHY IS IT HARD? While VPCs exist with- There are also two tiers of networking: pre-
in projects, projects separate users—while mium and standard. Here are some of the
VPCs separate systems. You can use shared differences:
VPCs that allow you to connect multiple
projects to a single VPC network, making it PREMIUM-TIER DATA goes through Goo-
possible for them to communicate with one gle’s network, with the user’s traffic entering
another. Google’s network at the nearest location and
exiting at the global edge. This is sometimes
Let’s say you have multiple GCE instances in referred to as “cold potato” traffic.
the same project but across numerous VPCs.
The resources in one VPC cannot communi- STANDARD-TIER TRAFFIC goes through
cate with the resources in another VPC with- Google’s network through peering, ISP, or
out VPC network peering. However, resourc- transit networks in the region where you’ve
es within one VPC can communicate over a deployed GCP resources. This is sometimes
private network within multiple regions. referred to as “hot potato” traffic.

A Cloud Guru learners missed tough questions related to GCP VPCs 42.2% of the
time. Here are a few sample questions.

Your company has begun its migration to the Google Cloud Platform. You
have already created a custom VPC network and started migrating work-
loads to the new platform. During the migration you discovered that a ser-
vice being migrated relied on an on-premises VPN connection to a third-par-
ty data source. The third-party vendor has the same data available in GCP
VPC. Which is the best option to access the data? (44.6% correct)

Shared VPC is a single VPC network that can be shared across multiple
projects within an organization in GCP. When utilizing a shared VPC
network, a service project must define these network resources within
the same service project? (36.1% correct)
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