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FTG DSN On 01.07.08

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Date :- 01-07-2008


Column : C1
Soil data Details of Individual footing
SBC for LC1: dl+ll ( kn/sqm)= sbc1 650.00
SBC for LC2: dl+ll +wl ( kn/sqm)= sbc2 812.50 size of pedestal = (pl*pb) 0.80 1.00 0.45
Density of soil ( kn/cum) = rs 18.00 L (m) B (m)
Density of Rcc ( kn/cum) = rc 25.00 size of footing = (L*B) 4.60 4.80
Density of water ( kn/cum) = rw 10.00 Depth (m)
Thickness of footing = Ds 1.20
Pedstal ht above GL= H1 0.00
Lever arm( hl)=Ds = 1.20 m Depth of fdn = H2 6.00
Depth of GW table = H3 7.00
Vertical lateral long moment moment +Mz
LC Py (kn) Fx(kn) Fz(kn) Mz (kn-m) Mx (kn-m) L.F P (kn) Fx (kn) Fz (kn) kn-m
155 DL+LL 1236.326 0 0 -42.827 -115.712 1.50 1236.33 0.00 0.00 -42.83
156 DL+SLX 982.878 0 0 640.761 -42.361 1.50 982.88 0.00 0.00 640.76
157 DL+SL-X 1461.645 0 0 -699.724 -53.642 1.50 1461.65 0.00 0.00 -699.72
158 DL+SLZ 1222.261 0 0 -29.481 -48.001 1.50 1222.26 0.00 0.00 -29.48
159 DL+SL-Z 1222.261 0 0 -29.481 -48.001 1.50 1222.26 0.00 0.00 -29.48
160 DL+LL+WL(+Z)+INTPRESS -1479.163 0 0 -1.277 -1095.04 1.20 -1479.16 0.00 0.00 -1.28
161 DL+LL+WL(+Z)-INTPRESS -1154.1 0 0 101.044 -949.953 1.20 -1154.10 0.00 0.00 101.04
162 DL+LL+WL(-Z)+INTPRESS 4158.131 0 0 -89.592 981.221 1.20 4158.13 0.00 0.00 -89.59
163 DL+LL+WL(-Z)-INTPRESS 4482.862 0 0 17.695 1127.844 1.20 4482.86 0.00 0.00 17.70
164 DL+LL+WL(+X)+INTPRESS 1230.263 0 0 266.004 -70.806 1.20 1230.26 0.00 0.00 266.00
165 DL+LL+WL(+X)-INTPRESS 1556.885 0 0 382.823 78.182 1.20 1556.89 0.00 0.00 382.82
166 DL+LL+WL(-X)+INTPRESS 1343.569 0 0 -89.198 -55.772 1.20 1343.57 0.00 0.00 -89.20
167 DL+LL+WL(-X)-INTPRESS 1817.151 0 0 -273.279 91.791 1.20 1817.15 0.00 0.00 -273.28
168 DL+LL+SLX 996.943 0 0 627.416 -110.071 1.20 996.94 0.00 0.00 627.42
169 DL+LL-SLX 1475.709 0 0 -713.069 -121.352 1.20 1475.71 0.00 0.00 -713.07
170 DL+LL+SLZ 1236.326 0 0 -42.827 -115.712 1.20 1236.33 0.00 0.00 -42.83
171 DL+LL-SLZ 1236.326 0 0 -42.827 -115.712 1.20 1236.33 0.00 0.00 -42.83

Grade of concrete ( fck) 20.00 n/mm^2 Geometrical details of foundation
Grade of steel ( Fe) 415.00 n/mm^2
1b. Self weight of foundation lever arm 1.20 ,m
Volume of slab ( L*B*Ds)= ### (H1+H2)
area ( sqm) =( L*B)= 22.08 sqm
Vol. of pedestals below GL (*pl*pb*(H2-Ds))= 3.84m^3 Zxx( m^3) =L*B*B/6= 17.66 m^3
V1= 30.34 @ 25.00 758.4kn Zyy( m^3) =L*L*B/6= 16.93 m^3
Vol. of pedestals above GL (pl*pb*H1)= 0.00 @ 25.00 0.00 kx=(B/6) 0.80 m
ky=(L/6) 0.77 m
Dead wt of overburden soil(L*B*H-V1) *(rs) 102.14 @ 18.00 1838.59 if ey >ky Leff= 3*( L/2-ey) Leff= 3*( L/2-ey)
Total self wt of Foundation ( Wf) 2596.99 kn
Udl due to self wt of fdn ( u1= Wf/L*B) 117.62 kn/sqm Max. press. On soil = 2*Q/ Leff.* B
L1=(l-pl)/2 1.90 m
B1=(b-pb)/2 1.90 m

2.Check for uplift:-

Net uplift -1479.16 kn There is uplift onthe foundation
Resisting force=.9xWf 2337.29 kn
FOS = .9xWf/Uf 1.58 > 1.50 ok

3.Check for Overturning:-

Vertical Resisting Moment FOS=
LOAD COMBINATIONS load Leverarm Kn-m Overtrning moment Mz/Mx Kn-m RTM/OTM
155 DL+LL 3833.32 2.30 8816.63 115.71 76.19 >1.5 safe
156 DL+SLX 3579.87 2.30 8233.70 640.76 12.85 >1.5 safe
157 DL+SL-X 4058.64 2.30 9334.87 699.72 13.34 >1.5 safe
158 DL+SLZ 3819.25 2.30 8784.28 48.00 183.00 >1.5 safe
159 DL+SL-Z 3819.25 2.30 8784.28 48.00 183.00 >1.5 safe
160 DL+LL+WL(+Z)+INTPRESS 1117.83 2.30 2571.01 1095.04 2.35 >1.5 safe
161 DL+LL+WL(+Z)-INTPRESS 1442.89 2.30 3318.65 949.95 3.49 >1.5 safe
162 DL+LL+WL(-Z)+INTPRESS 6755.12 2.30 15536.78 981.22 15.83 >1.5 safe
163 DL+LL+WL(-Z)-INTPRESS 7079.85 2.30 16283.66 1127.84 14.44 >1.5 safe
164 DL+LL+WL(+X)+INTPRESS 3827.26 2.30 8802.69 266.00 33.09 >1.5 safe
165 DL+LL+WL(+X)-INTPRESS 4153.88 2.30 9553.92 382.82 24.96 >1.5 safe
166 DL+LL+WL(-X)+INTPRESS 3940.56 2.30 9063.29 89.20 101.61 >1.5 safe
167 DL+LL+WL(-X)-INTPRESS 4414.14 2.30 10152.53 273.28 37.15 >1.5 safe
168 DL+LL+SLX 3593.94 2.30 8266.05 627.42 13.17 >1.5 safe
169 DL+LL-SLX 4072.70 2.30 9367.21 713.07 13.14 >1.5 safe
170 DL+LL+SLZ 3833.32 2.30 8816.63 115.71 76.19 >1.5 safe
171 DL+LL-SLZ 3833.32 2.30 8816.63 115.71 76.19 >1.5 safe

4. Analysis of footing:-

Beff = Max.
Q Mz (kn- Mx ex=Mz/Q ez=Mx/Q (B-2*ez) pressure( k
LOAD COMBINATIONS (kn) m) (kn-m) (m) (m) Leff.(m) (m) n/sqm)
155 DL+LL 3833.32 -42.83 -115.71 0.01 0.03 4.60 4.80 164.53 < 650
156 DL+SLX 3579.87 640.76 -42.36 0.18 0.01 4.60 4.80 197.59 < 813
157 DL+SL-X 4058.64 -699.72 -53.64 0.17 0.01 4.60 4.80 139.44 < 813
158 DL+SLZ 3819.25 -29.48 -48.00 0.01 0.01 4.60 4.80 168.51 < 813
159 DL+SL-Z 3819.25 -29.48 -48.00 0.01 0.01 4.60 4.80 168.51 < 813
160 DL+LL+WL(+Z)+INTPRESS 1117.83 -1.28 -1095.04 0.00 0.98 4.60 4.26 114.06 < 813
161 DL+LL+WL(+Z)-INTPRESS 1442.89 101.04 -949.95 0.07 0.66 4.60 4.80 17.54 < 813
162 DL+LL+WL(-Z)+INTPRESS 6755.12 -89.59 981.22 0.01 0.15 4.60 4.80 356.20 < 813
163 DL+LL+WL(-Z)-INTPRESS 7079.85 17.70 1127.84 0.00 0.16 4.60 4.80 385.54 < 813
164 DL+LL+WL(+X)+INTPRESS 3827.26 266.00 -70.81 0.07 0.02 4.60 4.80 185.04 < 813
165 DL+LL+WL(+X)-INTPRESS 4153.88 382.82 78.18 0.09 0.02 4.60 4.80 215.17 < 813
166 DL+LL+WL(-X)+INTPRESS 3940.56 -89.20 -55.77 0.02 0.01 4.60 4.80 170.04 < 813
167 DL+LL+WL(-X)-INTPRESS 4414.14 -273.28 91.79 0.06 0.02 4.60 4.80 188.97 < 813
168 DL+LL+SLX 3593.94 627.42 -110.07 0.17 0.03 4.60 4.80 193.60 < 813
169 DL+LL-SLX 4072.70 -713.07 -121.35 0.18 0.03 4.60 4.80 135.46 < 813
170 DL+LL+SLZ 3833.32 -42.83 -115.71 0.01 0.03 4.60 4.80 164.53 < 813
171 DL+LL-SLZ 3833.32 -42.83 -115.71 0.01 0.03 4.60 4.80 164.53 < 813

Eff.slab depth assumed (ds) = 1134.00 mm

5. Design of foundation slab:- LC 155 LC 156 LC 157 LC 158 LC 159 LC 160 LC 161 LC 162 LC 163 LC 164
Load factor 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20
upward soil pressure (kn/sqm) 164.53 197.59 139.44 168.51 168.51 114.06 17.54 356.20 385.54 185.04
Downward pressure due to self wt of raft 117.62 117.62 117.62 117.62 117.62 117.62 117.62 117.62 117.62 117.62
Net Fact. Upward pressure 70.37 119.95 32.74 76.35 76.35 -4.27 -120.09 286.29 321.51 80.91
Max. Net Fact. Upward pressure 321.51 kn/sqm

Fact.Net Upward pressure= P/A- Mz/Zz- Mx/ Zx 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.91 5.35 0.00 0.00 0.00
Max Net fact. Upward pressure Kn/sqm 5.91

Check for punching shear( critical at d/2 from pedestal)

Perm. Punching shear stress ( N/mm^2) 1.12
Eff. Depth provided at crical sec. ( mm) 1134.00
Min Eff. Depth required ( mm) 591.39 mm < 1134.00 mm safe
Check for general shear( critical at d from pedestal)
Perm. shear stress ( N/mm^2) 0.28
Max. cantilever projection (m) 1.90 m
Fact.Shear force at d from pedeastal (kn) 246.28
Eff.depth provided at critcal sec. (mm) 1134.00
Min Efective depth recquired 879.55 < 1134.00 mm safe
Eff. Depth provided 1134.00 > 879.55 mm ok
Bottom Reinforcement per 1m width (Comp) a= 1.00
Max. cant. Projection ( L1= max of( L-pl ) ,
( ( B-pb)/2)) 1.90 m b= -54651
Max bending moment ( ( ms).= q1*L1*L1/2 ) 580.32 kn-m c= 77461082
M R of section ( .138* fck * b*d^2) 3549.24 kn-m > 580.32 kn-m
Area of steel req.Ref.clno.E1.1c of is456)) As= 1456.19 mm^2 dia of bars 16
Min % of steel .12% of gross area 1440.00 mm^2
Therefore provide Ast= 1456.19 mm^2 0.15
Spacing of 16 dia @ 138.00 mm C/C in both directions
16.00 120.00 1674.67
Top Reinforcement per 1m width ( Uplift)
Max.fact. Upward pressure= 5.91 kn/sqm a= 1.00
Max. cant. Projection ( L1= max of( L-pl ) ,
( ( B-pb)/2)) 1.90 m b= -54651
Max bending moment ( ( ms).= q1*L1*L1/2 ) 10.66 kn-m c= 1423288
M R of section ( .138* fck * b*d^2) 3549.24 kn-m > 10.66 kn-m
Area of steel req.Ref.clno.E1.1c of is456)) As= 26.06 mm^2 dia of bars 12
Min % of steel .12% of gross area 720.00 mm^2
Therefore provide Ast= 720.00 mm^2
Spacing of 12.00 dia @ 157.00 mm C/C in both directions
Spacing of 12.00 dia @ 150.00 mm C/C in both directions
(Fz*hl )
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe

LC 165 LC 166 LC 167 LC 168 LC 169 LC 170 LC 171

1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20
215.17 170.04 188.97 193.60 135.46 164.53 164.53
117.62 117.62 117.62 117.62 117.62 117.62 117.62
117.06 62.91 85.62 91.18 21.41 56.29 56.29

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Date :- 01-07-2008


Column : D1:-
Soil data Details of Individual footing
SBC for LC1: dl+ll ( kn/sqm)= sbc1 650.00
SBC for LC2: dl+ll +wl ( kn/sqm)= sbc2 812.50 size of pedestal = (pl*pb) 1.00 1.00
Density of soil ( kn/cum) = rs 18.00 L (m) B (m)
Density of Rcc ( kn/cum) = rc 25.00 size of footing = (L*B) 3.60 3.60
Density of water ( kn/cum) = rw 10.00 Depth (m)
Thickness of footing = Ds 1.20
Pedstal ht above GL= H1 0.00
Lever arm( hl)=Ds = 1.20 m Depth of fdn = H2 6.00
Depth of GW table = H3 7.00
Vertical lateral long moment moment +Mz
LC Py (kn) Fx(kn) Fz(kn) Mz (kn-m) Mx (kn-m) L.F P (kn) Fx (kn) Fz (kn) kn-m
155 DL+LL 4712.309 0 0 -60.014 148.131 1.50 4712.31 0.00 0.00 -60.01
156 DL+SLX 3489.054 0 0 1268.29 151.326 1.50 3489.05 0.00 0.00 1268.29
157 DL+SL-X 3389.518 0 0 -1338.534 76.412 1.50 3389.52 0.00 0.00 -1338.53
158 DL+SLZ 3439.286 0 0 -35.122 113.869 1.50 3439.29 0.00 0.00 -35.12
159 DL+SL-Z 3439.286 0 0 -35.122 113.869 1.50 3439.29 0.00 0.00 -35.12
160 DL+LL+WL(+Z)+INTPRESS 4062.251 0 0 16.493 -1879.67 1.20 4062.25 0.00 0.00 16.49
161 DL+LL+WL(+Z)-INTPRESS 3856.393 0 0 204.938 -1676.05 1.20 3856.39 0.00 0.00 204.94
162 DL+LL+WL(-Z)+INTPRESS 5359.278 0 0 -147.343 1954.286 1.20 5359.28 0.00 0.00 -147.34
163 DL+LL+WL(-Z)-INTPRESS 5157.561 0 0 52.377 2219.152 1.20 5157.56 0.00 0.00 52.38
164 DL+LL+WL(+X)+INTPRESS 4703.576 0 0 541.082 162.357 1.20 4703.58 0.00 0.00 541.08
165 DL+LL+WL(+X)-INTPRESS 4483.277 0 0 756.858 381.278 1.20 4483.28 0.00 0.00 756.86
166 DL+LL+WL(-X)+INTPRESS 4674.222 0 0 -155.562 170.139 1.20 4674.22 0.00 0.00 -155.56
167 DL+LL+WL(-X)-INTPRESS 4507.104 0 0 -516.359 457.028 1.20 4507.10 0.00 0.00 -516.36
168 DL+LL+SLX 4762.077 0 0 1243.398 185.587 1.20 4762.08 0.00 0.00 1243.40
169 DL+LL-SLX 4662.541 0 0 -1363.426 110.674 1.20 4662.54 0.00 0.00 -1363.43
170 DL+LL+SLZ 4712.309 0 0 -60.014 148.131 1.20 4712.31 0.00 0.00 -60.01
171 DL+LL-SLZ 4712.309 0 0 -60.014 148.131 1.20 4712.31 0.00 0.00 -60.01

Grade of concrete ( fck) 20.00 n/mm^2 Geometrical details of foundation
Grade of steel ( Fe) 415.00 n/mm^2
1b. Self weight of foundation lever arm 1.20 ,m
Volume of slab ( L*B*Ds)= ### (H1+H2)
area ( sqm) =( L*B)= 12.96 sqm
Vol. of pedestals below GL (*pl*pb*(H2-Ds))= 4.8m^3 Zxx( m^3) =L*B*B/6= 7.78 m^3
V1= 20.35 @ 25.00 508.8kn Zyy( m^3) =L*L*B/6= 7.78 m^3
Vol. of pedestals above GL (pl*pb*H1)= 0.00 @ 25.00 0.00 kx=(B/6) 0.60 m
ky=(L/6) 0.60 m
Dead wt of overburden soil(L*B*H-V1) *(rs) 57.41 @ 18.00 1033.34 if ey >ky Leff= 3*( L/2-ey) Leff= 3*( L/2-ey)
Total self wt of Foundation ( Wf) 1542.14 kn
Udl due to self wt of fdn ( u1= Wf/L*B) 118.99 kn/sqm Max. press. On soil = 2*Q/ Leff.* B
L1=(l-pl)/2 1.30 m
B1=(b-pb)/2 1.30 m

2.Check for uplift:-

Net uplift No Uplift kn There is no uplift onthe foundation
---- ----- kn
safe -------- > 1.50 ok

3.Check for Overturning:-

Vertical Resisting Moment FOS=
LOAD COMBINATIONS load Leverarm Kn-m Overtrning moment Mz/Mx Kn-m RTM/OTM
155 DL+LL 6254.45 1.80 11258.02 148.13 76.00 >1.5 safe
156 DL+SLX 5031.20 1.80 9056.16 1268.29 7.14 >1.5 safe
157 DL+SL-X 4931.66 1.80 8876.99 1338.53 6.63 >1.5 safe
158 DL+SLZ 4981.43 1.80 8966.57 113.87 78.74 >1.5 safe
159 DL+SL-Z 4981.43 1.80 8966.57 113.87 78.74 >1.5 safe
160 DL+LL+WL(+Z)+INTPRESS 5604.40 1.80 10087.91 1879.67 5.37 >1.5 safe
161 DL+LL+WL(+Z)-INTPRESS 5398.54 1.80 9717.37 1676.05 5.80 >1.5 safe
162 DL+LL+WL(-Z)+INTPRESS 6901.42 1.80 12422.56 1954.29 6.36 >1.5 safe
163 DL+LL+WL(-Z)-INTPRESS 6699.71 1.80 12059.47 2219.15 5.43 >1.5 safe
164 DL+LL+WL(+X)+INTPRESS 6245.72 1.80 11242.30 541.08 20.78 >1.5 safe
165 DL+LL+WL(+X)-INTPRESS 6025.42 1.80 10845.76 756.86 14.33 >1.5 safe
166 DL+LL+WL(-X)+INTPRESS 6216.37 1.80 11189.46 170.14 65.77 >1.5 safe
167 DL+LL+WL(-X)-INTPRESS 6049.25 1.80 10888.65 516.36 21.09 >1.5 safe
168 DL+LL+SLX 6304.22 1.80 11347.60 1243.40 9.13 >1.5 safe
169 DL+LL-SLX 6204.69 1.80 11168.43 1363.43 8.19 >1.5 safe
170 DL+LL+SLZ 6254.45 1.80 11258.02 148.13 76.00 >1.5 safe
171 DL+LL-SLZ 6254.45 1.80 11258.02 148.13 76.00 >1.5 safe

3. Analysis of footing

Beff = Max.
Q Mz (kn- Mx ex=Mz/Q ez=Mx/Q (B-2*ez) pressure( k
LOAD COMBINATIONS (kn) m) (kn-m) (m) (m) Leff.(m) (m) n/sqm)
155 DL+LL 6254.45 -60.01 148.13 0.01 0.02 3.60 3.60 493.93 < 650
156 DL+SLX 5031.20 1268.29 151.33 0.25 0.03 3.60 3.60 570.77 < 813
157 DL+SL-X 4931.66 -1338.53 76.41 0.27 0.02 3.60 3.60 218.22 < 813
158 DL+SLZ 4981.43 -35.12 113.87 0.01 0.02 3.60 3.60 394.50 < 813
159 DL+SL-Z 4981.43 -35.12 113.87 0.01 0.02 3.60 3.60 394.50 < 813
160 DL+LL+WL(+Z)+INTPRESS 5604.40 16.49 -1879.67 0.00 0.34 3.60 3.60 192.83 < 813
161 DL+LL+WL(+Z)-INTPRESS 5398.54 204.94 -1676.05 0.04 0.31 3.60 3.60 227.37 < 813
162 DL+LL+WL(-Z)+INTPRESS 6901.42 -147.34 1954.29 0.02 0.28 3.60 3.60 764.89 < 813
163 DL+LL+WL(-Z)-INTPRESS 6699.71 52.38 2219.15 0.01 0.33 3.60 3.60 809.07 < 813
164 DL+LL+WL(+X)+INTPRESS 6245.72 541.08 162.36 0.09 0.03 3.60 3.60 572.39 < 813
165 DL+LL+WL(+X)-INTPRESS 6025.42 756.86 381.28 0.13 0.06 3.60 3.60 611.29 < 813
166 DL+LL+WL(-X)+INTPRESS 6216.37 -155.56 170.14 0.03 0.03 3.60 3.60 481.53 < 813
167 DL+LL+WL(-X)-INTPRESS 6049.25 -516.36 457.03 0.09 0.08 3.60 3.60 459.13 < 813
168 DL+LL+SLX 6304.22 1243.40 185.59 0.20 0.03 3.60 3.60 670.21 < 813
169 DL+LL-SLX 6204.69 -1363.43 110.67 0.22 0.02 3.60 3.60 317.65 < 813
170 DL+LL+SLZ 6254.45 -60.01 148.13 0.01 0.02 3.60 3.60 493.93 < 813
171 DL+LL-SLZ 6254.45 -60.01 148.13 0.01 0.02 3.60 3.60 493.93 < 813

Eff.slab depth assumed (ds) = 1130.00 mm

5. Design of foundation slab LC 155 LC 156 LC 157 LC 158 LC 159 LC 160 LC 161 LC 162 LC 163 LC 164
Load factor 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20
upward soil pressure (kn/sqm) 493.93 570.77 218.22 394.50 394.50 192.83 227.37 764.89 809.07 572.39
Downward pressure due to self wt of raft 118.99 118.99 118.99 118.99 118.99 118.99 118.99 118.99 118.99 118.99
Net Fact. Upward pressure 562.40 677.67 148.84 413.26 413.26 88.61 130.05 775.08 828.10 544.07
Max. Net Fact. Upward pressure 828.10 kn/sqm

Fact.Net Upward pressure= P/A- Mz/Zz- Mx/ Zx 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Max Net fact. Upward pressure Kn/sqm 0.00

Check for punching shear( critical at d/2 from pedestal)

Perm. Punching shear stress ( N/mm^2) 1.12
Eff. Depth provided at crical sec. ( mm) 1130.00
Min Eff. Depth required ( mm) 742.05 mm < 1130.00 mm safe
Check for general shear( critical at d from pedestal)
Perm. shear stress ( N/mm^2) 0.30
Max. cantilever projection (m) 1.30 m
Fact.Shear force at d from pedeastal (kn) 140.78
Eff.depth provided at critcal sec. (mm) 1130.00
Min Efective depth recquired 463.08 < 1130.00 mm safe
Eff. Depth provided 1130.00 > 463.08 mm ok
Bottom Reinforcement per 1m width (Comp) a= 1.00
Max. cant. Projection ( L1= max of( L-pl ) ,
( ( B-pb)/2)) 1.30 m b= -54458
Max bending moment ( ( ms).= q1*L1*L1/2 ) 699.74 kn-m c= 93401151 p tc
M R of section ( .138* fck * b*d^2) 3524.24 kn-m > 699.74 kn-m
Area of steel req.Ref.clno.E1.1c of is456)) As= 1772.82 mm^2 dia of bars 20 0.15 0.28
Min % of steel .12% of gross area 1440.00 mm^2
Therefore provide Ast= 1772.82 mm^2 0.18 0.304
Spacing of 20 dia @ 177.00 mm C/C in both directions .
20.00 150.00 2093.33

Top Reinforcement per 1m width ( Uplift)

Max.fact. Upward pressure= 0.00 kn/sqm a= 1.00
Max. cant. Projection ( L1= max of( L-pl ) ,
( ( B-pb)/2)) 1.30 m b= -54458
Max bending moment ( ( ms).= q1*L1*L1/2 ) 0.00 kn-m c= 0
M R of section ( .138* fck * b*d^2) 3524.24 kn-m > 0.00 kn-m
Area of steel req.Ref.clno.E1.1c of is456)) As= 0.00 mm^2 dia of bars 12
Min % of steel .12% of gross area 720.00 mm^2
Therefore provide Ast= 720.00 mm^2
Spacing of 12.00 dia @ 157.00 mm C/C in both directions
12.00 130.00 869.54
(Fz*hl )
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe

LC 165 LC 166 LC 167 LC 168 LC 169 LC 170 LC 171

1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20
611.29 481.53 459.13 670.21 317.65 493.93 493.93
118.99 118.99 118.99 118.99 118.99 118.99 118.99
590.76 435.05 408.17 661.46 238.39 449.92 449.92

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Date :- 01-07-2008


Column : E1
Soil data Details of Individual footing
SBC for LC1: dl+ll ( kn/sqm)= sbc1 650.00
SBC for LC2: dl+ll +wl ( kn/sqm)= sbc2 812.50 size of pedestal = (pl*pb) 1.00 1.00 0.45
Density of soil ( kn/cum) = rs 18.00 L (m) B (m)
Density of Rcc ( kn/cum) = rc 25.00 size of footing = (L*B) 3.50 3.50
Density of water ( kn/cum) = rw 10.00 Depth (m)
Thickness of footing = Ds 1.00
Pedstal ht above GL= H1 0.00
Lever arm( hl)=Ds = 1.00 m Depth of fdn = H2 6.00
Depth of GW table = H3 7.00
Vertical lateral long moment moment +Mz
LC Py (kn) Fx(kn) Fz(kn) Mz (kn-m) Mx (kn-m) L.F P (kn) Fx (kn) Fz (kn) kn-m
155 DL+LL 4287.394 0 0 -48.336 110.292 1.50 4287.39 0.00 0.00 -48.34
156 DL+SLX 3260.478 0 0 1298.987 35.624 1.50 3260.48 0.00 0.00 1298.99
157 DL+SL-X 3334.12 0 0 -1341.496 109.803 1.50 3334.12 0.00 0.00 -1341.50
158 DL+SLZ 3297.299 0 0 -21.255 72.714 1.50 3297.30 0.00 0.00 -21.26
159 DL+SL-Z 3297.299 0 0 -21.255 72.714 1.50 3297.30 0.00 0.00 -21.26
160 DL+LL+WL(+Z)+INTPRESS 3945.478 0 0 31.91 -1693.68 1.20 3945.48 0.00 0.00 31.91
161 DL+LL+WL(+Z)-INTPRESS 3717.079 0 0 231.958 -1558.88 1.20 3717.08 0.00 0.00 231.96
162 DL+LL+WL(-Z)+INTPRESS 4808.882 0 0 -135.503 1708.292 1.20 4808.88 0.00 0.00 -135.50
163 DL+LL+WL(-Z)-INTPRESS 4594.825 0 0 76.18 1923.42 1.20 4594.83 0.00 0.00 76.18
164 DL+LL+WL(+X)+INTPRESS 4222.408 0 0 552.574 124.285 1.20 4222.41 0.00 0.00 552.57
165 DL+LL+WL(+X)-INTPRESS 3876.283 0 0 780.146 119.809 1.20 3876.28 0.00 0.00 780.15
166 DL+LL+WL(-X)+INTPRESS 4255.545 0 0 -157.754 48.722 1.20 4255.55 0.00 0.00 -157.75
167 DL+LL+WL(-X)-INTPRESS 3978.508 0 0 -511.792 259.362 1.20 3978.51 0.00 0.00 -511.79
168 DL+LL+SLX 4250.573 0 0 1271.906 73.202 1.20 4250.57 0.00 0.00 1271.91
169 DL+LL-SLX 4324.215 0 0 -1368.578 147.381 1.20 4324.22 0.00 0.00 -1368.58
170 DL+LL+SLZ 4287.394 0 0 -48.336 110.292 1.20 4287.39 0.00 0.00 -48.34
171 DL+LL-SLZ 4287.394 0 0 -48.336 110.292 1.20 4287.39 0.00 0.00 -48.34

Grade of concrete ( fck) 20.00 n/mm^2 Geometrical details of foundation
Grade of steel ( Fe) 415.00 n/mm^2
1b. Self weight of foundation lever arm 1.00 ,m
Volume of slab ( L*B*Ds)= 12.25m^3 (H1+H2)
area ( sqm) =( L*B)= 12.25 sqm
Vol. of pedestals below GL (*pl*pb*(H2-Ds))= 5m^3 Zxx( m^3) =L*B*B/6= 7.15 m^3
V1= 17.25 @ 25.00 431.25kn Zyy( m^3) =L*L*B/6= 7.15 m^3
Vol. of pedestals above GL (pl*pb*H1)= 0.00 @ 25.00 0.00 kx=(B/6) 0.58 m
ky=(L/6) 0.58 m
Dead wt of overburden soil(L*B*H-V1) *(rs) 56.25 @ 18.00 1012.50 if ey >ky Leff= 3*( L/2-ey) Leff= 3*( L/2-ey)
Total self wt of Foundation ( Wf) 1443.75 kn
Udl due to self wt of fdn ( u1= Wf/L*B) 117.86 kn/sqm Max. press. On soil = 2*Q/ Leff.* B
L1=(l-pl)/2 1.25 m
B1=(b-pb)/2 1.25 m

2.Check for uplift:-

Net uplift No Uplift kn There is no uplift onthe foundation
---- ----- kn
safe -------- > 1.50 ok

3.Check for Overturning:-

Vertical Resisting Moment FOS=
LOAD COMBINATIONS load Leverarm Kn-m Overtrning moment Mz/Mx Kn-m RTM/OTM
155 DL+LL 5731.14 1.75 10029.50 110.29 90.94 >1.5 safe
156 DL+SLX 4704.23 1.75 8232.40 1298.99 6.34 >1.5 safe
157 DL+SL-X 4777.87 1.75 8361.27 1341.50 6.23 >1.5 safe
158 DL+SLZ 4741.05 1.75 8296.84 72.71 114.10 >1.5 safe
159 DL+SL-Z 4741.05 1.75 8296.84 72.71 114.10 >1.5 safe
160 DL+LL+WL(+Z)+INTPRESS 5389.23 1.75 9431.15 1693.68 5.57 >1.5 safe
161 DL+LL+WL(+Z)-INTPRESS 5160.83 1.75 9031.45 1558.88 5.79 >1.5 safe
162 DL+LL+WL(-Z)+INTPRESS 6252.63 1.75 10942.11 1708.29 6.41 >1.5 safe
163 DL+LL+WL(-Z)-INTPRESS 6038.58 1.75 10567.51 1923.42 5.49 >1.5 safe
164 DL+LL+WL(+X)+INTPRESS 5666.16 1.75 9915.78 552.57 17.94 >1.5 safe
165 DL+LL+WL(+X)-INTPRESS 5320.03 1.75 9310.06 780.15 11.93 >1.5 safe
166 DL+LL+WL(-X)+INTPRESS 5699.30 1.75 9973.77 157.75 63.22 >1.5 safe
167 DL+LL+WL(-X)-INTPRESS 5422.26 1.75 9488.95 511.79 18.54 >1.5 safe
168 DL+LL+SLX 5694.32 1.75 9965.07 1271.91 7.83 >1.5 safe
169 DL+LL-SLX 5767.97 1.75 10093.94 1368.58 7.38 >1.5 safe
170 DL+LL+SLZ 5731.14 1.75 10029.50 110.29 90.94 >1.5 safe
171 DL+LL-SLZ 5731.14 1.75 10029.50 110.29 90.94 >1.5 safe

4. Analysis of footing:-

Beff = Max.
Q Mz (kn- Mx ex=Mz/Q ez=Mx/Q (B-2*ez) pressure( k
LOAD COMBINATIONS (kn) m) (kn-m) (m) (m) Leff.(m) (m) n/sqm)
155 DL+LL 5731.14 -48.34 110.29 0.01 0.02 3.50 3.50 476.52 < 650
156 DL+SLX 4704.23 1298.99 35.62 0.28 0.01 3.50 3.50 570.79 < 813
157 DL+SL-X 4777.87 -1341.50 109.80 0.28 0.02 3.50 3.50 217.67 < 813
158 DL+SLZ 4741.05 -21.26 72.71 0.00 0.02 3.50 3.50 394.23 < 813
159 DL+SL-Z 4741.05 -21.26 72.71 0.00 0.02 3.50 3.50 394.23 < 813
160 DL+LL+WL(+Z)+INTPRESS 5389.23 31.91 -1693.68 0.01 0.31 3.50 3.50 207.39 < 813
161 DL+LL+WL(+Z)-INTPRESS 5160.83 231.96 -1558.88 0.04 0.30 3.50 3.50 235.60 < 813
162 DL+LL+WL(-Z)+INTPRESS 6252.63 -135.50 1708.29 0.02 0.27 3.50 3.50 730.52 < 813
163 DL+LL+WL(-Z)-INTPRESS 6038.58 76.18 1923.42 0.01 0.32 3.50 3.50 772.77 < 813
164 DL+LL+WL(+X)+INTPRESS 5666.16 552.57 124.29 0.10 0.02 3.50 3.50 557.26 < 813
165 DL+LL+WL(+X)-INTPRESS 5320.03 780.15 119.81 0.15 0.02 3.50 3.50 560.23 < 813
166 DL+LL+WL(-X)+INTPRESS 5699.30 -157.75 48.72 0.03 0.01 3.50 3.50 449.99 < 813
167 DL+LL+WL(-X)-INTPRESS 5422.26 -511.79 259.36 0.09 0.05 3.50 3.50 407.31 < 813
168 DL+LL+SLX 5694.32 1271.91 73.20 0.22 0.01 3.50 3.50 653.08 < 813
169 DL+LL-SLX 5767.97 -1368.58 147.38 0.24 0.03 3.50 3.50 299.96 < 813
170 DL+LL+SLZ 5731.14 -48.34 110.29 0.01 0.02 3.50 3.50 476.52 < 813
171 DL+LL-SLZ 5731.14 -48.34 110.29 0.01 0.02 3.50 3.50 476.52 < 813

Eff.slab depth assumed (ds) = 930.00 mm

5. Design of foundation slab:- LC 155 LC 156 LC 157 LC 158 LC 159 LC 160 LC 161 LC 162 LC 163 LC 164
Load factor 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20
upward soil pressure (kn/sqm) 476.52 570.79 217.67 394.23 394.23 207.39 235.60 730.52 772.77 557.26
Downward pressure due to self wt of raft 117.86 117.86 117.86 117.86 117.86 117.86 117.86 117.86 117.86 117.86
Net Fact. Upward pressure 537.99 679.39 149.71 414.55 414.55 107.43 141.29 735.19 785.90 527.29
Max. Net Fact. Upward pressure 785.90 kn/sqm

Fact.Net Upward pressure= P/A- Mz/Zz- Mx/ Zx 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Max Net fact. Upward pressure Kn/sqm 0.00

Check for punching shear( critical at d/2 from pedestal)

Perm. Punching shear stress ( N/mm^2) 1.12
Eff. Depth provided at crical sec. ( mm) 930.00
Min Eff. Depth required ( mm) 745.10 mm < 930.00 mm safe
Check for general shear( critical at d from pedestal)
Perm. shear stress ( N/mm^2) 0.34
Max. cantilever projection (m) 1.25 m
Fact.Shear force at d from pedeastal (kn) 251.49
Eff.depth provided at critcal sec. (mm) 930.00
Min Efective depth recquired 748.47 < 930.00 mm safe
Eff. Depth provided 930.00 > 748.47 mm ok
Bottom Reinforcement per 1m width (Comp) a= 1.00
Max. cant. Projection ( L1= max of( L-pl ) ,
( ( B-pb)/2)) 1.25 m b= -44819
Max bending moment ( ( ms).= q1*L1*L1/2 ) 613.98 kn-m c= 81954135 p tc
M R of section ( .138* fck * b*d^2) 2387.12 kn-m > 613.98 kn-m
Area of steel req.Ref.clno.E1.1c of is456)) As= 1909.94 mm^2 dia of bars 20 0.15 0.28
Min % of steel .12% of gross area 1200.00 mm^2
Therefore provide Ast= 1909.94 mm^2 0.22 0.336
Spacing of 20 dia @ 165.00 mm C/C in both directions .
20.00 150.00 2093.33

Top Reinforcement per 1m width ( Uplift)

Max.fact. Upward pressure= 0.00 kn/sqm a= 1.00
Max. cant. Projection ( L1= max of( L-pl ) ,
( ( B-pb)/2)) 1.25 m b= -44819
Max bending moment ( ( ms).= q1*L1*L1/2 ) 0.00 kn-m c= 0
M R of section ( .138* fck * b*d^2) 2387.12 kn-m > 0.00 kn-m
Area of steel req.Ref.clno.E1.1c of is456)) As= 0.00 mm^2 dia of bars 12
Min % of steel .12% of gross area 600.00 mm^2
Therefore provide Ast= 600.00 mm^2
Spacing of 12.00 dia @ 189.00 mm C/C in both directions
12.00 180.00 628.00
(Fz*hl )
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe

LC 165 LC 166 LC 167 LC 168 LC 169 LC 170 LC 171

1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20
560.23 449.99 407.31 653.08 299.96 476.52 476.52
117.86 117.86 117.86 117.86 117.86 117.86 117.86
530.85 398.56 347.34 642.27 218.52 430.39 430.39

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Date :- 01-07-2008
Column : F1
Soil data Details of Individual footing
SBC for LC1: dl+ll ( kn/sqm)= sbc1 650.00
SBC for LC2: dl+ll +wl ( kn/sqm)= sbc2 812.50 size of pedestal = (pl*pb) 1.00 0.60 0.45
Density of soil ( kn/cum) = rs 18.00 L (m) B (m)
Density of Rcc ( kn/cum) = rc 25.00 size of footing = (L*B) 2.60 2.20
Density of water ( kn/cum) = rw 10.00 Depth (m)
Thickness of footing = Ds 0.70
Pedstal ht above GL= H1 0.00
Lever arm( hl)=Ds = 0.70 m Depth of fdn = H2 6.00
Depth of GW table = H3 7.00
Vertical lateral long moment moment +Mz
LC Py (kn) Fx(kn) Fz(kn) Mz (kn-m) Mx (kn-m) L.F P (kn) Fx (kn) Fz (kn) kn-m
155 DL+LL 1195.12 0 0 -28.567 86.216 1.50 1195.12 0.00 0.00 -28.57
156 DL+SLX 1401.507 0 0 781.042 51.28 1.50 1401.51 0.00 0.00 781.04
157 DL+SL-X 689.373 0 0 -805.948 66.444 1.50 689.37 0.00 0.00 -805.95
158 DL+SLZ 1045.44 0 0 -12.453 58.862 1.50 1045.44 0.00 0.00 -12.45
159 DL+SL-Z 1045.44 0 0 -12.453 58.862 1.50 1045.44 0.00 0.00 -12.45
160 DL+LL+WL(+Z)+INTPRESS 1174.292 0 0 19.47 -462.915 1.20 1174.29 0.00 0.00 19.47
161 DL+LL+WL(+Z)-INTPRESS 1195.339 0 0 138.345 -357.727 1.20 1195.34 0.00 0.00 138.35
162 DL+LL+WL(-Z)+INTPRESS 1221.409 0 0 -81.107 477.08 1.20 1221.41 0.00 0.00 -81.11
163 DL+LL+WL(-Z)-INTPRESS 1248.464 0 0 44.781 604.819 1.20 1248.46 0.00 0.00 44.78
164 DL+LL+WL(+X)+INTPRESS 1348.157 0 0 332.564 91.484 1.20 1348.16 0.00 0.00 332.56
165 DL+LL+WL(+X)-INTPRESS 1370.373 0 0 467.875 159.496 1.20 1370.37 0.00 0.00 467.88
166 DL+LL+WL(-X)+INTPRESS 1205.037 0 0 -92.618 60.419 1.20 1205.04 0.00 0.00 -92.62
167 DL+LL+WL(-X)-INTPRESS 1067.611 0 0 -306.704 189.629 1.20 1067.61 0.00 0.00 -306.70
168 DL+LL+SLX 1551.187 0 0 764.927 78.635 1.20 1551.19 0.00 0.00 764.93
169 DL+LL-SLX 839.053 0 0 -822.062 93.798 1.20 839.05 0.00 0.00 -822.06
170 DL+LL+SLZ 1195.12 0 0 -28.567 86.216 1.20 1195.12 0.00 0.00 -28.57
171 DL+LL-SLZ 1195.12 0 0 -28.567 86.216 1.20 1195.12 0.00 0.00 -28.57

Grade of concrete ( fck) 20.00 n/mm^2 Geometrical details of foundation
Grade of steel ( Fe) 415.00 n/mm^2
1b. Self weight of foundation lever arm 0.70 ,m
Volume of slab ( L*B*Ds)= 4.004m^3 (H1+H2)
area ( sqm) =( L*B)= 5.72 sqm
Vol. of pedestals below GL (*pl*pb*(H2-Ds))= 3.18m^3 Zxx( m^3) =L*B*B/6= 2.10 m^3
V1= 7.18 @ 25.00 179.6kn Zyy( m^3) =L*L*B/6= 2.48 m^3
Vol. of pedestals above GL (pl*pb*H1)= 0.00 @ 25.00 0.00 kx=(B/6) 0.37 m
ky=(L/6) 0.43 m
Dead wt of overburden soil(L*B*H-V1) *(rs) 27.14 @ 18.00 488.45 if ey >ky Leff= 3*( L/2-ey) Leff= 3*( L/2-ey)
Total self wt of Foundation ( Wf) 668.05 kn
Udl due to self wt of fdn ( u1= Wf/L*B) 116.79 kn/sqm Max. press. On soil = 2*Q/ Leff.* B
L1=(l-pl)/2 0.80 m
B1=(b-pb)/2 0.80 m

2.Check for uplift:-

Net uplift No Uplift kn There is no uplift onthe foundation
---- ----- kn
safe -------- > 1.50 ok

3.Check for Overturning:-

Vertical Resisting Moment FOS=
LOAD COMBINATIONS load Leverarm Kn-m Overtrning moment Mz/Mx Kn-m RTM/OTM
155 DL+LL 1863.17 1.30 2422.12 86.22 28.09 >1.5 safe
156 DL+SLX 2069.56 1.30 2690.42 781.04 3.44 >1.5 safe
157 DL+SL-X 1357.42 1.30 1764.65 805.95 2.19 >1.5 safe
158 DL+SLZ 1713.49 1.30 2227.53 58.86 37.84 >1.5 safe
159 DL+SL-Z 1713.49 1.30 2227.53 58.86 37.84 >1.5 safe
160 DL+LL+WL(+Z)+INTPRESS 1842.34 1.30 2395.04 462.92 5.17 >1.5 safe
161 DL+LL+WL(+Z)-INTPRESS 1863.39 1.30 2422.40 357.73 6.77 >1.5 safe
162 DL+LL+WL(-Z)+INTPRESS 1889.46 1.30 2456.29 477.08 5.15 >1.5 safe
163 DL+LL+WL(-Z)-INTPRESS 1916.51 1.30 2491.47 604.82 4.12 >1.5 safe
164 DL+LL+WL(+X)+INTPRESS 2016.21 1.30 2621.07 332.56 7.88 >1.5 safe
165 DL+LL+WL(+X)-INTPRESS 2038.42 1.30 2649.95 467.88 5.66 >1.5 safe
166 DL+LL+WL(-X)+INTPRESS 1873.09 1.30 2435.01 92.62 26.29 >1.5 safe
167 DL+LL+WL(-X)-INTPRESS 1735.66 1.30 2256.36 306.70 7.36 >1.5 safe
168 DL+LL+SLX 2219.24 1.30 2885.01 764.93 3.77 >1.5 safe
169 DL+LL-SLX 1507.10 1.30 1959.23 822.06 2.38 >1.5 safe
170 DL+LL+SLZ 1863.17 1.30 2422.12 86.22 28.09 >1.5 safe
171 DL+LL-SLZ 1863.17 1.30 2422.12 86.22 28.09 >1.5 safe

3. Analysis of footing

Beff = Max.
Q Mz (kn- Mx ex=Mz/Q ez=Mx/Q (B-2*ez) pressure( k
LOAD COMBINATIONS (kn) m) (kn-m) (m) (m) Leff.(m) (m) n/sqm)
155 DL+LL 1863.17 -28.57 86.22 0.02 0.05 2.60 2.20 355.31 < 650
156 DL+SLX 2069.56 781.04 51.28 0.38 0.02 2.60 2.20 701.37 < 813
157 DL+SL-X 1357.42 -805.95 66.44 0.59 0.05 2.12 2.20 582.42 < 813
158 DL+SLZ 1713.49 -12.45 58.86 0.01 0.03 2.60 2.20 322.60 < 813
159 DL+SL-Z 1713.49 -12.45 58.86 0.01 0.03 2.60 2.20 322.60 < 813
160 DL+LL+WL(+Z)+INTPRESS 1842.34 19.47 -462.92 0.01 0.25 2.60 2.20 109.23 < 813
161 DL+LL+WL(+Z)-INTPRESS 1863.39 138.35 -357.73 0.07 0.19 2.60 2.20 211.02 < 813
162 DL+LL+WL(-Z)+INTPRESS 1889.46 -81.11 477.08 0.04 0.25 2.60 2.20 525.07 < 813
163 DL+LL+WL(-Z)-INTPRESS 1916.51 44.78 604.82 0.02 0.32 2.60 2.20 641.50 < 813
164 DL+LL+WL(+X)+INTPRESS 2016.21 332.56 91.48 0.16 0.05 2.60 2.20 530.27 < 813
165 DL+LL+WL(+X)-INTPRESS 2038.42 467.88 159.50 0.23 0.08 2.60 2.20 621.18 < 813
166 DL+LL+WL(-X)+INTPRESS 1873.09 -92.62 60.42 0.05 0.03 2.60 2.20 318.90 < 813
167 DL+LL+WL(-X)-INTPRESS 1735.66 -306.70 189.63 0.18 0.11 2.60 2.20 270.11 < 813
168 DL+LL+SLX 2219.24 764.93 78.64 0.34 0.04 2.60 2.20 734.08 < 813
169 DL+LL-SLX 1507.10 -822.06 93.80 0.55 0.06 2.26 2.20 605.27 < 813
170 DL+LL+SLZ 1863.17 -28.57 86.22 0.02 0.05 2.60 2.20 355.31 < 813
171 DL+LL-SLZ 1863.17 -28.57 86.22 0.02 0.05 2.60 2.20 355.31 < 813

Eff.slab depth assumed (ds) = 634.00 mm

5. Design of foundation slab LC 155 LC 156 LC 157 LC 158 LC 159 LC 160 LC 161 LC 162 LC 163 LC 164
Load factor 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20
upward soil pressure (kn/sqm) 355.31 701.37 582.42 322.60 322.60 109.23 211.02 525.07 641.50 530.27
Downward pressure due to self wt of raft 116.79 116.79 116.79 116.79 116.79 116.79 116.79 116.79 116.79 116.79
Net Fact. Upward pressure 357.78 876.86 698.44 308.72 308.72 -9.08 113.07 489.94 629.65 496.18
Max. Net Fact. Upward pressure 876.86 kn/sqm

Fact.Net Upward pressure= P/A- Mz/Zz- Mx/ Zx 0.00 141.81 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 105.81 0.00
Max Net fact. Upward pressure Kn/sqm 141.81

Check for punching shear( critical at d/2 from pedestal)

Perm. Punching shear stress ( N/mm^2) 1.12
Eff. Depth provided at crical sec. ( mm) 634.00
Min Eff. Depth required ( mm) 327.81 mm < 634.00 mm safe
Check for general shear( critical at d from pedestal)
Perm. shear stress ( N/mm^2) 0.32
Max. cantilever projection (m) 0.80 m
Fact.Shear force at d from pedeastal (kn) 145.56
Eff.depth provided at critcal sec. (mm) 634.00
Min Efective depth recquired 454.87 < 634.00 mm safe
Eff. Depth provided 634.00 > 454.87 mm ok
Bottom Reinforcement per 1m width (Comp) a= 1.00
Max. cant. Projection ( L1= max of( L-pl ) ,
( ( B-pb)/2)) 0.80 m b= -30554
Max bending moment ( ( ms).= q1*L1*L1/2 ) 280.60 kn-m c= 37453780 p tc
M R of section ( .138* fck * b*d^2) 1109.40 kn-m > 280.60 kn-m
Area of steel req.Ref.clno.E1.1c of is456)) As= 1279.38 mm^2 dia of bars 16 0.15 0.28
Min % of steel .12% of gross area 840.00 mm^2
Therefore provide Ast= 1279.38 mm^2 0.20 0.32
Spacing of 16 dia @ 157.00 mm C/C in both directions .
16.00 150.00 1339.73

Top Reinforcement per 1m width ( Uplift)

Max.fact. Upward pressure= 141.81 kn/sqm a= 1.00
Max. cant. Projection ( L1= max of( L-pl ) ,
( ( B-pb)/2)) 0.80 m b= -30554
Max bending moment ( ( ms).= q1*L1*L1/2 ) 45.38 kn-m c= 6057006
M R of section ( .138* fck * b*d^2) 1109.40 kn-m > 45.38 kn-m
Area of steel req.Ref.clno.E1.1c of is456)) As= 199.54 mm^2 dia of bars 12
Min % of steel .12% of gross area 420.00 mm^2
Therefore provide Ast= 420.00 mm^2
Spacing of 12.00 dia @ 200.00 mm C/C in both directions
12.00 200.00 565.20
(Fz*hl )
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe

LC 165 LC 166 LC 167 LC 168 LC 169 LC 170 LC 171

1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20
621.18 318.90 270.11 734.08 605.27 355.31 355.31
116.79 116.79 116.79 116.79 116.79 116.79 116.79
605.26 242.53 183.99 740.74 586.17 286.22 286.22

30.28 0.00 0.00 89.89 0.00 0.00 0.00

Date :- 01-07-2008


Column : A2:-
Soil data Details of Individual footing
SBC for LC1: dl+ll ( kn/sqm)= sbc1 650.00
SBC for LC2: dl+ll +wl ( kn/sqm)= sbc2 812.50 size of pedestal = (pl*pb) 0.80 1.00 0.45
Density of soil ( kn/cum) = rs 18.00 L (m) B (m)
Density of Rcc ( kn/cum) = rc 25.00 size of footing = (L*B) 2.80 3.00
Density of water ( kn/cum) = rw 10.00 Depth (m)
Thickness of footing = Ds 0.75
Pedstal ht above GL= H1 0.00
Lever arm( hl)=Ds = 0.75 m Depth of fdn = H2 6.00
Depth of GW table = H3 7.00
Vertical lateral long moment moment +Mz
LC Py (kn) Fx(kn) Fz(kn) Mz (kn-m) Mx (kn-m) L.F P (kn) Fx (kn) Fz (kn) kn-m
155 DL+LL 1788.484 0 0 -96.36 -263.463 1.50 1788.48 0.00 0.00 -96.36
156 DL+SLX 785.376 0 0 650.151 -107.731 1.50 785.38 0.00 0.00 650.15
157 DL+SL-X 2627.012 0 0 -790.47 -129.235 1.50 2627.01 0.00 0.00 -790.47
158 DL+SLZ 1706.194 0 0 -70.159 -118.483 1.50 1706.19 0.00 0.00 -70.16
159 DL+SL-Z 1706.194 0 0 -70.159 -118.483 1.50 1706.19 0.00 0.00 -70.16
160 DL+LL+WL(+Z)+INTPRESS 1506.701 0 0 -99.712 -1025.28 1.20 1506.70 0.00 0.00 -99.71
161 DL+LL+WL(+Z)-INTPRESS 2069.498 0 0 -146.777 -691.859 1.20 2069.50 0.00 0.00 -146.78
162 DL+LL+WL(-Z)+INTPRESS 2318.046 0 0 -137.115 634.539 1.20 2318.05 0.00 0.00 -137.12
163 DL+LL+WL(-Z)-INTPRESS 2857.398 0 0 -167.05 943.033 1.20 2857.40 0.00 0.00 -167.05
164 DL+LL+WL(+X)+INTPRESS 1221.145 0 0 329.079 -152.625 1.20 1221.15 0.00 0.00 329.08
165 DL+LL+WL(+X)-INTPRESS 1778.946 0 0 290.683 190.247 1.20 1778.95 0.00 0.00 290.68
166 DL+LL+WL(-X)+INTPRESS 1791.451 0 0 -97.82 -97.913 1.20 1791.45 0.00 0.00 -97.82
167 DL+LL+WL(-X)-INTPRESS 2617.26 0 0 -408.152 201.498 1.20 2617.26 0.00 0.00 -408.15
168 DL+LL+SLX 867.665 0 0 623.95 -252.711 1.20 867.67 0.00 0.00 623.95
169 DL+LL-SLX 2709.302 0 0 -816.671 -274.215 1.20 2709.30 0.00 0.00 -816.67
170 DL+LL+SLZ 1788.484 0 0 -96.36 -263.463 1.20 1788.48 0.00 0.00 -96.36
171 DL+LL-SLZ 1788.484 0 0 -96.36 -263.463 1.20 1788.48 0.00 0.00 -96.36

Grade of concrete ( fck) 20.00 n/mm^2 Geometrical details of foundation
Grade of steel ( Fe) 415.00 n/mm^2
1b. Self weight of foundation lever arm 0.75 ,m
Volume of slab ( L*B*Ds)= 6.3m^3 (H1+H2)
area ( sqm) =( L*B)= 8.40 sqm
Vol. of pedestals below GL (*pl*pb*(H2-Ds))= 4.2m^3 Zxx( m^3) =L*B*B/6= 4.20 m^3
V1= 10.50 @ 25.00 262.5kn Zyy( m^3) =L*L*B/6= 3.92 m^3
Vol. of pedestals above GL (pl*pb*H1)= 0.00 @ 25.00 0.00 kx=(B/6) 0.50 m
ky=(L/6) 0.47 m
Dead wt of overburden soil(L*B*H-V1) *(rs) 39.90 @ 18.00 718.20 if ey >ky Leff= 3*( L/2-ey) Leff= 3*( L/2-ey)
Total self wt of Foundation ( Wf) 980.70 kn
Udl due to self wt of fdn ( u1= Wf/L*B) 116.75 kn/sqm Max. press. On soil = 2*Q/ Leff.* B
L1=(l-pl)/2 1.00 m
B1=(b-pb)/2 1.00 m

2.Check for uplift:-

Net uplift No Uplift kn There is no uplift onthe foundation
---- ----- kn
safe -------- > 1.50 ok

3.Check for Overturning:-

Vertical Resisting Moment FOS=
LOAD COMBINATIONS load Leverarm Kn-m Overtrning moment Mz/Mx Kn-m RTM/OTM
155 DL+LL 2769.18 1.40 3876.86 263.46 14.71 >1.5 safe
156 DL+SLX 1766.08 1.40 2472.51 650.15 3.80 >1.5 safe
157 DL+SL-X 3607.71 1.40 5050.80 790.47 6.39 >1.5 safe
158 DL+SLZ 2686.89 1.40 3761.65 118.48 31.75 >1.5 safe
159 DL+SL-Z 2686.89 1.40 3761.65 118.48 31.75 >1.5 safe
160 DL+LL+WL(+Z)+INTPRESS 2487.40 1.40 3482.36 1025.28 3.40 >1.5 safe
161 DL+LL+WL(+Z)-INTPRESS 3050.20 1.40 4270.28 691.86 6.17 >1.5 safe
162 DL+LL+WL(-Z)+INTPRESS 3298.75 1.40 4618.24 634.54 7.28 >1.5 safe
163 DL+LL+WL(-Z)-INTPRESS 3838.10 1.40 5373.34 943.03 5.70 >1.5 safe
164 DL+LL+WL(+X)+INTPRESS 2201.85 1.40 3082.58 329.08 9.37 >1.5 safe
165 DL+LL+WL(+X)-INTPRESS 2759.65 1.40 3863.50 290.68 13.29 >1.5 safe
166 DL+LL+WL(-X)+INTPRESS 2772.15 1.40 3881.01 97.91 39.64 >1.5 safe
167 DL+LL+WL(-X)-INTPRESS 3597.96 1.40 5037.14 408.15 12.34 >1.5 safe
168 DL+LL+SLX 1848.37 1.40 2587.71 623.95 4.15 >1.5 safe
169 DL+LL-SLX 3690.00 1.40 5166.00 816.67 6.33 >1.5 safe
170 DL+LL+SLZ 2769.18 1.40 3876.86 263.46 14.71 >1.5 safe
171 DL+LL-SLZ 2769.18 1.40 3876.86 263.46 14.71 >1.5 safe

3. Analysis of footing

Beff = Max.
Q Mz (kn- Mx ex=Mz/Q ez=Mx/Q (B-2*ez) pressure( k
LOAD COMBINATIONS (kn) m) (kn-m) (m) (m) Leff.(m) (m) n/sqm)
155 DL+LL 2769.18 -96.36 -263.46 0.03 0.10 2.80 3.00 242.35 < 650
156 DL+SLX 1766.08 650.15 -107.73 0.37 0.06 2.80 3.00 350.45 < 813
157 DL+SL-X 3607.71 -790.47 -129.24 0.22 0.04 2.80 3.00 197.07 < 813
158 DL+SLZ 2686.89 -70.16 -118.48 0.03 0.04 2.80 3.00 273.76 < 813
159 DL+SL-Z 2686.89 -70.16 -118.48 0.03 0.04 2.80 3.00 273.76 < 813
160 DL+LL+WL(+Z)+INTPRESS 2487.40 -99.71 -1025.28 0.04 0.41 2.80 3.00 26.57 < 813
161 DL+LL+WL(+Z)-INTPRESS 3050.20 -146.78 -691.86 0.05 0.23 2.80 3.00 160.95 < 813
162 DL+LL+WL(-Z)+INTPRESS 3298.75 -137.12 634.54 0.04 0.19 2.80 3.00 508.81 < 813
163 DL+LL+WL(-Z)-INTPRESS 3838.10 -167.05 943.03 0.04 0.25 2.80 3.00 638.83 < 813
164 DL+LL+WL(+X)+INTPRESS 2201.85 329.08 -152.63 0.15 0.07 2.80 3.00 309.73 < 813
165 DL+LL+WL(+X)-INTPRESS 2759.65 290.68 190.25 0.11 0.07 2.80 3.00 447.98 < 813
166 DL+LL+WL(-X)+INTPRESS 2772.15 -97.82 -97.91 0.04 0.04 2.80 3.00 281.75 < 813
167 DL+LL+WL(-X)-INTPRESS 3597.96 -408.15 201.50 0.11 0.06 2.80 3.00 372.18 < 813
168 DL+LL+SLX 1848.37 623.95 -252.71 0.34 0.14 2.80 3.00 319.05 < 813
169 DL+LL-SLX 3690.00 -816.67 -274.22 0.22 0.07 2.80 3.00 165.66 < 813
170 DL+LL+SLZ 2769.18 -96.36 -263.46 0.03 0.10 2.80 3.00 242.35 < 813
171 DL+LL-SLZ 2769.18 -96.36 -263.46 0.03 0.10 2.80 3.00 242.35 < 813

Eff.slab depth assumed (ds) = 684.00 mm

5. Design of foundation slab LC 155 LC 156 LC 157 LC 158 LC 159 LC 160 LC 161 LC 162 LC 163 LC 164
Load factor 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20
upward soil pressure (kn/sqm) 242.35 350.45 197.07 273.76 273.76 26.57 160.95 508.81 638.83 309.73
Downward pressure due to self wt of raft 116.75 116.75 116.75 116.75 116.75 116.75 116.75 116.75 116.75 116.75
Net Fact. Upward pressure 188.41 350.55 120.48 235.52 235.52 -108.22 53.04 470.47 626.50 231.58
Max. Net Fact. Upward pressure 626.50 kn/sqm

Fact.Net Upward pressure= P/A- Mz/Zz- Mx/ Zx 0.00 70.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Max Net fact. Upward pressure Kn/sqm 70.06

Check for punching shear( critical at d/2 from pedestal)

Perm. Punching shear stress ( N/mm^2) 1.12
Eff. Depth provided at crical sec. ( mm) 684.00
Min Eff. Depth required ( mm) 556.27 mm < 684.00 mm safe
Check for general shear( critical at d from pedestal)
Perm. shear stress ( N/mm^2) 0.33
Max. cantilever projection (m) 1.00 m
Fact.Shear force at d from pedeastal (kn) 197.97
Eff.depth provided at critcal sec. (mm) 684.00
Min Efective depth recquired 603.58 < 684.00 mm safe
Eff. Depth provided 684.00 > 603.58 mm ok
Bottom Reinforcement per 1m width (Comp) a= 1.00
Max. cant. Projection ( L1= max of( L-pl ) ,
( ( B-pb)/2)) 1.00 m b= -32964
Max bending moment ( ( ms).= q1*L1*L1/2 ) 313.25 kn-m c= 41812449 p tc
M R of section ( .138* fck * b*d^2) 1291.28 kn-m > 313.25 kn-m
Area of steel req.Ref.clno.E1.1c of is456)) As= 1321.40 mm^2 dia of bars 16 0.15 0.28
Min % of steel .12% of gross area 900.00 mm^2
Therefore provide Ast= 1321.40 mm^2 0.21 0.328
Spacing of 16 dia @ 152.00 mm C/C in both directions .
16.00 140.00 1435.43

Top Reinforcement per 1m width ( Uplift)

Max.fact. Upward pressure= 70.06 kn/sqm a= 1.00
Max. cant. Projection ( L1= max of( L-pl ) ,
( ( B-pb)/2)) 1.00 m b= -32964
Max bending moment ( ( ms).= q1*L1*L1/2 ) 35.03 kn-m c= 4675867
M R of section ( .138* fck * b*d^2) 1291.28 kn-m > 35.03 kn-m
Area of steel req.Ref.clno.E1.1c of is456)) As= 142.46 mm^2 dia of bars 12
Min % of steel .12% of gross area 450.00 mm^2
Therefore provide Ast= 450.00 mm^2
Spacing of 12.00 dia @ 200.00 mm C/C in both directions
12.00 200.00 565.20
(Fz*hl )
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe

LC 165 LC 166 LC 167 LC 168 LC 169 LC 170 LC 171

1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20
447.98 281.75 372.18 319.05 165.66 242.35 242.35
116.75 116.75 116.75 116.75 116.75 116.75 116.75
397.48 198.00 306.52 242.75 58.69 150.72 150.72

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Date :- 01-07-2008


Column : B2
Soil data Details of Individual footing
SBC for LC1: dl+ll ( kn/sqm)= sbc1 650.00
SBC for LC2: dl+ll +wl ( kn/sqm)= sbc2 812.50 size of pedestal = (pl*pb) 0.80 1.20 0.45
Density of soil ( kn/cum) = rs 18.00 L (m) B (m)
Density of Rcc ( kn/cum) = rc 25.00 size of footing = (L*B) 3.00 3.40
Density of water ( kn/cum) = rw 10.00 Depth (m)
Thickness of footing = Ds 0.90
Pedstal ht above GL= H1 0.00
Lever arm( hl)=Ds = 0.90 m Depth of fdn = H2 6.00
Depth of GW table = H3 7.00
Vertical lateral long moment moment +Mz
LC Py (kn) Fx(kn) Fz(kn) Mz (kn-m) Mx (kn-m) L.F P (kn) Fx (kn) Fz (kn) kn-m
155 DL+LL 3660.801 0 0 -114.044 -315.62 1.50 3660.80 0.00 0.00 -114.04
156 DL+SLX 3769.762 0 0 811.412 -145.487 1.50 3769.76 0.00 0.00 811.41
157 DL+SL-X 3059.963 0 0 -975.965 -122.376 1.50 3059.96 0.00 0.00 -975.97
158 DL+SLZ 3414.862 0 0 -82.276 -133.931 1.50 3414.86 0.00 0.00 -82.28
159 DL+SL-Z 3414.862 0 0 -82.276 -133.931 1.50 3414.86 0.00 0.00 -82.28
160 DL+LL+WL(+Z)+INTPRESS 3287.228 0 0 -120.974 -1611.53 1.20 3287.23 0.00 0.00 -120.97
161 DL+LL+WL(+Z)-INTPRESS 3454.502 0 0 -182.282 -1188.79 1.20 3454.50 0.00 0.00 -182.28
162 DL+LL+WL(-Z)+INTPRESS 4099.711 0 0 -162.938 1182.352 1.20 4099.71 0.00 0.00 -162.94
163 DL+LL+WL(-Z)-INTPRESS 4263.637 0 0 -202.924 1586.522 1.20 4263.64 0.00 0.00 -202.92
164 DL+LL+WL(+X)+INTPRESS 4199.335 0 0 418.556 -206.524 1.20 4199.34 0.00 0.00 418.56
165 DL+LL+WL(+X)-INTPRESS 4371.495 0 0 367.989 224.737 1.20 4371.50 0.00 0.00 367.99
166 DL+LL+WL(-X)+INTPRESS 3886.082 0 0 -114.667 -150.878 1.20 3886.08 0.00 0.00 -114.67
167 DL+LL+WL(-X)-INTPRESS 3961.565 0 0 -502.447 246.379 1.20 3961.57 0.00 0.00 -502.45
168 DL+LL+SLX 4015.7 0 0 779.645 -327.175 1.20 4015.70 0.00 0.00 779.65
169 DL+LL-SLX 3305.902 0 0 -1007.732 -304.064 1.20 3305.90 0.00 0.00 -1007.73
170 DL+LL+SLZ 3660.801 0 0 -114.044 -315.62 1.20 3660.80 0.00 0.00 -114.04
171 DL+LL-SLZ 3660.801 0 0 -114.044 -315.62 1.20 3660.80 0.00 0.00 -114.04

Grade of concrete ( fck) 20.00 n/mm^2 Geometrical details of foundation
Grade of steel ( Fe) 415.00 n/mm^2
1b. Self weight of foundation lever arm 0.90 ,m
Volume of slab ( L*B*Ds)= 9.18m^3 (H1+H2)
area ( sqm) =( L*B)= 10.20 sqm
Vol. of pedestals below GL (*pl*pb*(H2-Ds))= 4.896m^3 Zxx( m^3) =L*B*B/6= 5.78 m^3
V1= 14.08 @ 25.00 351.9kn Zyy( m^3) =L*L*B/6= 5.10 m^3
Vol. of pedestals above GL (pl*pb*H1)= 0.00 @ 25.00 0.00 kx=(B/6) 0.57 m
ky=(L/6) 0.50 m
Dead wt of overburden soil(L*B*H-V1) *(rs) 47.12 @ 18.00 848.23 if ey >ky Leff= 3*( L/2-ey) Leff= 3*( L/2-ey)
Total self wt of Foundation ( Wf) 1200.13 kn
Udl due to self wt of fdn ( u1= Wf/L*B) 117.66 kn/sqm Max. press. On soil = 2*Q/ Leff.* B
L1=(l-pl)/2 1.10 m
B1=(b-pb)/2 1.10 m

2.Check for uplift:-

Net uplift No Uplift kn There is no uplift onthe foundation
---- ----- kn
safe -------- > 1.50 ok

3.Check for Overturning:-

Vertical Resisting Moment FOS=
LOAD COMBINATIONS load Leverarm Kn-m Overtrning moment Mz/Mx Kn-m RTM/OTM
155 DL+LL 4860.93 1.50 7291.40 315.62 23.10 >1.5 safe
156 DL+SLX 4969.89 1.50 7454.84 811.41 9.19 >1.5 safe
157 DL+SL-X 4260.10 1.50 6390.14 975.97 6.55 >1.5 safe
158 DL+SLZ 4614.99 1.50 6922.49 133.93 51.69 >1.5 safe
159 DL+SL-Z 4614.99 1.50 6922.49 133.93 51.69 >1.5 safe
160 DL+LL+WL(+Z)+INTPRESS 4487.36 1.50 6731.04 1611.53 4.18 >1.5 safe
161 DL+LL+WL(+Z)-INTPRESS 4654.63 1.50 6981.95 1188.79 5.87 >1.5 safe
162 DL+LL+WL(-Z)+INTPRESS 5299.84 1.50 7949.76 1182.35 6.72 >1.5 safe
163 DL+LL+WL(-Z)-INTPRESS 5463.77 1.50 8195.65 1586.52 5.17 >1.5 safe
164 DL+LL+WL(+X)+INTPRESS 5399.47 1.50 8099.20 418.56 19.35 >1.5 safe
165 DL+LL+WL(+X)-INTPRESS 5571.63 1.50 8357.44 367.99 22.71 >1.5 safe
166 DL+LL+WL(-X)+INTPRESS 5086.21 1.50 7629.32 150.88 50.57 >1.5 safe
167 DL+LL+WL(-X)-INTPRESS 5161.70 1.50 7742.55 502.45 15.41 >1.5 safe
168 DL+LL+SLX 5215.83 1.50 7823.75 779.65 10.04 >1.5 safe
169 DL+LL-SLX 4506.03 1.50 6759.05 1007.73 6.71 >1.5 safe
170 DL+LL+SLZ 4860.93 1.50 7291.40 315.62 23.10 >1.5 safe
171 DL+LL-SLZ 4860.93 1.50 7291.40 315.62 23.10 >1.5 safe

3. Analysis of footing

Beff = Max.
Q Mz (kn- Mx ex=Mz/Q ez=Mx/Q (B-2*ez) pressure( k
LOAD COMBINATIONS (kn) m) (kn-m) (m) (m) Leff.(m) (m) n/sqm)
155 DL+LL 4860.93 -114.04 -315.62 0.02 0.06 3.00 3.40 399.59 < 650
156 DL+SLX 4969.89 811.41 -145.49 0.16 0.03 3.00 3.40 621.17 < 813
157 DL+SL-X 4260.10 -975.97 -122.38 0.23 0.03 3.00 3.40 205.12 < 813
158 DL+SLZ 4614.99 -82.28 -133.93 0.02 0.03 3.00 3.40 413.15 < 813
159 DL+SL-Z 4614.99 -82.28 -133.93 0.02 0.03 3.00 3.40 413.15 < 813
160 DL+LL+WL(+Z)+INTPRESS 4487.36 -120.97 -1611.53 0.03 0.36 3.00 3.40 137.41 < 813
161 DL+LL+WL(+Z)-INTPRESS 4654.63 -182.28 -1188.79 0.04 0.26 3.00 3.40 214.92 < 813
162 DL+LL+WL(-Z)+INTPRESS 5299.84 -162.94 1182.35 0.03 0.22 3.00 3.40 692.20 < 813
163 DL+LL+WL(-Z)-INTPRESS 5463.77 -202.92 1586.52 0.04 0.29 3.00 3.40 770.36 < 813
164 DL+LL+WL(+X)+INTPRESS 5399.47 418.56 -206.52 0.08 0.04 3.00 3.40 575.70 < 813
165 DL+LL+WL(+X)-INTPRESS 5571.63 367.99 224.74 0.07 0.04 3.00 3.40 657.27 < 813
166 DL+LL+WL(-X)+INTPRESS 5086.21 -114.67 -150.88 0.02 0.03 3.00 3.40 450.06 < 813
167 DL+LL+WL(-X)-INTPRESS 5161.70 -502.45 246.38 0.10 0.05 3.00 3.40 450.16 < 813
168 DL+LL+SLX 5215.83 779.65 -327.18 0.15 0.06 3.00 3.40 607.62 < 813
169 DL+LL-SLX 4506.03 -1007.73 -304.06 0.22 0.07 3.00 3.40 191.57 < 813
170 DL+LL+SLZ 4860.93 -114.04 -315.62 0.02 0.06 3.00 3.40 399.59 < 813
171 DL+LL-SLZ 4860.93 -114.04 -315.62 0.02 0.06 3.00 3.40 399.59 < 813

Eff.slab depth assumed (ds) = 830.00 mm

5. Design of foundation slab LC 155 LC 156 LC 157 LC 158 LC 159 LC 160 LC 161 LC 162 LC 163 LC 164
Load factor 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20
upward soil pressure (kn/sqm) 399.59 621.17 205.12 413.15 413.15 137.41 214.92 692.20 770.36 575.70
Downward pressure due to self wt of raft 117.66 117.66 117.66 117.66 117.66 117.66 117.66 117.66 117.66 117.66
Net Fact. Upward pressure 422.90 755.27 131.19 443.23 443.23 23.69 116.72 689.45 783.24 549.65
Max. Net Fact. Upward pressure 783.24 kn/sqm

Fact.Net Upward pressure= P/A- Mz/Zz- Mx/ Zx 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Max Net fact. Upward pressure Kn/sqm 0.00

Check for punching shear( critical at d/2 from pedestal)

Perm. Punching shear stress ( N/mm^2) 1.12
Eff. Depth provided at crical sec. ( mm) 830.00
Min Eff. Depth required ( mm) 690.94 mm < 830.00 mm safe
Check for general shear( critical at d from pedestal)
Perm. shear stress ( N/mm^2) 0.34
Max. cantilever projection (m) 1.10 m
Fact.Shear force at d from pedeastal (kn) 211.47
Eff.depth provided at critcal sec. (mm) 830.00
Min Efective depth recquired 629.39 < 830.00 mm safe
Eff. Depth provided 830.00 > 629.39 mm ok
Bottom Reinforcement per 1m width (Comp) a= 1.00
Max. cant. Projection ( L1= max of( L-pl ) ,
( ( B-pb)/2)) 1.10 m b= -40000
Max bending moment ( ( ms).= q1*L1*L1/2 ) 473.86 kn-m c= 63250560 p tc
M R of section ( .138* fck * b*d^2) 1901.36 kn-m > 473.86 kn-m
Area of steel req.Ref.clno.E1.1c of is456)) As= 1649.27 mm^2 dia of bars 20 0.15 0.28
Min % of steel .12% of gross area 1080.00 mm^2
Therefore provide Ast= 1649.27 mm^2 0.22 0.336
Spacing of 20 dia @ 191.00 mm C/C in both directions .
20.00 180.00 1744.44

Top Reinforcement per 1m width ( Uplift)

Max.fact. Upward pressure= 0.00 kn/sqm a= 1.00
Max. cant. Projection ( L1= max of( L-pl ) ,
( ( B-pb)/2)) 1.10 m b= -40000
Max bending moment ( ( ms).= q1*L1*L1/2 ) 0.00 kn-m c= 0
M R of section ( .138* fck * b*d^2) 1901.36 kn-m > 0.00 kn-m
Area of steel req.Ref.clno.E1.1c of is456)) As= 0.00 mm^2 dia of bars 12
Min % of steel .12% of gross area 540.00 mm^2
Therefore provide Ast= 540.00 mm^2
Spacing of 12.00 dia @ 200.00 mm C/C in both directions
12.00 200.00 565.20
(Fz*hl )
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe

LC 165 LC 166 LC 167 LC 168 LC 169 LC 170 LC 171

1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20
657.27 450.06 450.16 607.62 191.57 399.59 399.59
117.66 117.66 117.66 117.66 117.66 117.66 117.66
647.54 398.88 398.99 587.96 88.69 338.32 338.32

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Date :- 01-06-2008


Column : C2
Soil data Details of Individual footing
SBC for LC1: dl+ll ( kn/sqm)= sbc1 650.00
SBC for LC2: dl+ll +wl ( kn/sqm)= sbc2 812.50 size of pedestal = (pl*pb) 0.80 1.20
Density of soil ( kn/cum) = rs 18.00 L (m) B (m)
Density of Rcc ( kn/cum) = rc 25.00 size of footing = (L*B) 3.00 3.40
Density of water ( kn/cum) = rw 10.00 Depth (m)
Thickness of footing = Ds 1.00
Pedstal ht above GL= H1 0.00
Lever arm( hl)=Ds = 1.00 m Depth of fdn = H2 6.00
Depth of GW table = H3 7.00
Vertical lateral long moment moment +Mz
LC Py (kn) Fx(kn) Fz(kn) Mz (kn-m) Mx (kn-m) L.F P (kn) Fx (kn) Fz (kn) kn-m
155 DL+LL 4018.253 0 0 -100.871 -201.997 1.50 4018.25 0.00 0.00 -100.87
156 DL+SLX 3493.372 0 0 755.947 -79.557 1.50 3493.37 0.00 0.00 755.95
157 DL+SL-X 2672.88 0 0 -899.078 -78.665 1.50 2672.88 0.00 0.00 -899.08
158 DL+SLZ 3083.126 0 0 -71.565 -79.111 1.50 3083.13 0.00 0.00 -71.57
159 DL+SL-Z 3083.126 0 0 -71.565 -79.111 1.50 3083.13 0.00 0.00 -71.57
160 DL+LL+WL(+Z)+INTPRESS 6201.358 0 0 -109.383 -1862.1 1.20 6201.36 0.00 0.00 -109.38
161 DL+LL+WL(+Z)-INTPRESS 5743.707 0 0 -169.584 -1621.2 1.20 5743.71 0.00 0.00 -169.58
162 DL+LL+WL(-Z)+INTPRESS 1597.499 0 0 -144.643 1657.532 1.20 1597.50 0.00 0.00 -144.64
163 DL+LL+WL(-Z)-INTPRESS 1146.057 0 0 -185.014 1900.987 1.20 1146.06 0.00 0.00 -185.01
164 DL+LL+WL(+X)+INTPRESS 4084.708 0 0 392.852 -131.107 1.20 4084.71 0.00 0.00 392.85
165 DL+LL+WL(+X)-INTPRESS 3625.949 0 0 342.394 116.199 1.20 3625.95 0.00 0.00 342.39
166 DL+LL+WL(-X)+INTPRESS 3887.429 0 0 -101.154 -102.167 1.20 3887.43 0.00 0.00 -101.15
167 DL+LL+WL(-X)-INTPRESS 3295.285 0 0 -461.091 147.145 1.20 3295.29 0.00 0.00 -461.09
168 DL+LL+SLX 4428.499 0 0 726.642 -202.443 1.20 4428.50 0.00 0.00 726.64
169 DL+LL-SLX 3608.007 0 0 -928.383 -201.551 1.20 3608.01 0.00 0.00 -928.38
170 DL+LL+SLZ 4018.253 0 0 -100.871 -201.997 1.20 4018.25 0.00 0.00 -100.87
171 DL+LL-SLZ 4018.253 0 0 -100.871 -201.997 1.20 4018.25 0.00 0.00 -100.87

Grade of concrete ( fck) 20.00 n/mm^2 Geometrical details of foundation
Grade of steel ( Fe) 415.00 n/mm^2
1b. Self weight of foundation lever arm 1.00 ,m
Volume of slab ( L*B*Ds)= 10.2m^3 (H1+H2)
area ( sqm) =( L*B)= 10.20 sqm
Vol. of pedestals below GL (*pl*pb*(H2-Ds))= 4.8m^3 Zxx( m^3) =L*B*B/6= 5.78 m^3
V1= 15.00 @ 25.00 375kn Zyy( m^3) =L*L*B/6= 5.10 m^3
Vol. of pedestals above GL (pl*pb*H1)= 0.00 @ 25.00 0.00 kx=(B/6) 0.57 m
ky=(L/6) 0.50 m
Dead wt of overburden soil(L*B*H-V1) *(rs) 46.20 @ 18.00 831.60 if ey >ky Leff= 3*( L/2-ey) Leff= 3*( L/2-ey)
Total self wt of Foundation ( Wf) 1206.60 kn
Udl due to self wt of fdn ( u1= Wf/L*B) 118.29 kn/sqm Max. press. On soil = 2*Q/ Leff.* B
L1=(l-pl)/2 1.10 m
B1=(b-pb)/2 1.10 m

2.Check for uplift:-

Net uplift No Uplift kn There is no uplift onthe foundation
---- ----- kn
safe -------- > 1.50 ok

3.Check for Overturning:-

Vertical Resisting Moment FOS=
LOAD COMBINATIONS load Leverarm Kn-m Overtrning moment Mz/Mx Kn-m RTM/OTM
155 DL+LL 5224.85 1.50 7837.28 202.00 38.80 >1.5 safe
156 DL+SLX 4699.97 1.50 7049.96 755.95 9.33 >1.5 safe
157 DL+SL-X 3879.48 1.50 5819.22 899.08 6.47 >1.5 safe
158 DL+SLZ 4289.73 1.50 6434.59 79.11 81.34 >1.5 safe
159 DL+SL-Z 4289.73 1.50 6434.59 79.11 81.34 >1.5 safe
160 DL+LL+WL(+Z)+INTPRESS 7407.96 1.50 11111.94 1862.10 5.97 >1.5 safe
161 DL+LL+WL(+Z)-INTPRESS 6950.31 1.50 10425.46 1621.20 6.43 >1.5 safe
162 DL+LL+WL(-Z)+INTPRESS 2804.10 1.50 4206.15 1657.53 2.54 >1.5 safe
163 DL+LL+WL(-Z)-INTPRESS 2352.66 1.50 3528.99 1900.99 1.86 >1.5 safe
164 DL+LL+WL(+X)+INTPRESS 5291.31 1.50 7936.96 392.85 20.20 >1.5 safe
165 DL+LL+WL(+X)-INTPRESS 4832.55 1.50 7248.82 342.39 21.17 >1.5 safe
166 DL+LL+WL(-X)+INTPRESS 5094.03 1.50 7641.04 102.17 74.79 >1.5 safe
167 DL+LL+WL(-X)-INTPRESS 4501.89 1.50 6752.83 461.09 14.65 >1.5 safe
168 DL+LL+SLX 5635.10 1.50 8452.65 726.64 11.63 >1.5 safe
169 DL+LL-SLX 4814.61 1.50 7221.91 928.38 7.78 >1.5 safe
170 DL+LL+SLZ 5224.85 1.50 7837.28 202.00 38.80 >1.5 safe
171 DL+LL-SLZ 5224.85 1.50 7837.28 202.00 38.80 >1.5 safe

3. Analysis of footing

Beff = Max.
Q Mz (kn- Mx ex=Mz/Q ez=Mx/Q (B-2*ez) pressure( k
LOAD COMBINATIONS (kn) m) (kn-m) (m) (m) Leff.(m) (m) n/sqm)
155 DL+LL 5224.85 -100.87 -202.00 0.02 0.04 3.00 3.40 457.51 < 650
156 DL+SLX 4699.97 755.95 -79.56 0.16 0.02 3.00 3.40 595.24 < 813
157 DL+SL-X 3879.48 -899.08 -78.67 0.23 0.02 3.00 3.40 190.44 < 813
158 DL+SLZ 4289.73 -71.57 -79.11 0.02 0.02 3.00 3.40 392.84 < 813
159 DL+SL-Z 4289.73 -71.57 -79.11 0.02 0.02 3.00 3.40 392.84 < 813
160 DL+LL+WL(+Z)+INTPRESS 7407.96 -109.38 -1862.10 0.01 0.25 3.00 3.40 382.66 < 813
161 DL+LL+WL(+Z)-INTPRESS 6950.31 -169.58 -1621.20 0.02 0.23 3.00 3.40 367.67 < 813
162 DL+LL+WL(-Z)+INTPRESS 2804.10 -144.64 1657.53 0.05 0.59 3.00 3.33 561.94 < 813
163 DL+LL+WL(-Z)-INTPRESS 2352.66 -185.01 1900.99 0.08 0.81 3.00 2.68 586.12 < 813
164 DL+LL+WL(+X)+INTPRESS 5291.31 392.85 -131.11 0.07 0.02 3.00 3.40 573.10 < 813
165 DL+LL+WL(+X)-INTPRESS 4832.55 342.39 116.20 0.07 0.02 3.00 3.40 561.02 < 813
166 DL+LL+WL(-X)+INTPRESS 5094.03 -101.15 -102.17 0.02 0.02 3.00 3.40 461.90 < 813
167 DL+LL+WL(-X)-INTPRESS 4501.89 -461.09 147.15 0.10 0.03 3.00 3.40 376.41 < 813
168 DL+LL+SLX 5635.10 726.64 -202.44 0.13 0.04 3.00 3.40 659.91 < 813
169 DL+LL-SLX 4814.61 -928.38 -201.55 0.19 0.04 3.00 3.40 255.11 < 813
170 DL+LL+SLZ 5224.85 -100.87 -202.00 0.02 0.04 3.00 3.40 457.51 < 813
171 DL+LL-SLZ 5224.85 -100.87 -202.00 0.02 0.04 3.00 3.40 457.51 < 813

Eff.slab depth assumed (ds) = 934.00 mm

5. Design of foundation slab LC 155 LC 156 LC 157 LC 158 LC 159 LC 160 LC 161 LC 162 LC 163 LC 164
Load factor 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20
upward soil pressure (kn/sqm) 457.51 595.24 190.44 392.84 392.84 382.66 367.67 561.94 586.12 573.10
Downward pressure due to self wt of raft 118.29 118.29 118.29 118.29 118.29 118.29 118.29 118.29 118.29 118.29
Net Fact. Upward pressure 508.83 715.42 108.22 411.82 411.82 317.24 299.25 532.38 561.40 545.77
Max. Net Fact. Upward pressure 715.42 kn/sqm

Fact.Net Upward pressure= P/A- Mz/Zz- Mx/ Zx 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 122.15 216.31 0.00
Max Net fact. Upward pressure Kn/sqm 216.31

Check for punching shear( critical at d/2 from pedestal)

Perm. Punching shear stress ( N/mm^2) 1.12
Eff. Depth provided at crical sec. ( mm) 934.00
Min Eff. Depth required ( mm) 860.39 mm < 934.00 mm safe
Check for general shear( critical at d from pedestal)
Perm. shear stress ( N/mm^2) 0.28
Max. cantilever projection (m) 1.10 m
Fact.Shear force at d from pedeastal (kn) 118.76
Eff.depth provided at critcal sec. (mm) 934.00
Min Efective depth recquired 424.14 < 934.00 mm safe
Eff. Depth provided 934.00 > 424.14 mm ok
Bottom Reinforcement per 1m width (Comp) a= 1.00
Max. cant. Projection ( L1= max of( L-pl ) ,
( ( B-pb)/2)) 1.10 m b= -45012
Max bending moment ( ( ms).= q1*L1*L1/2 ) 432.83 kn-m c= 57773991 p tc
M R of section ( .138* fck * b*d^2) 2407.70 kn-m > 432.83 kn-m
Area of steel req.Ref.clno.E1.1c of is456)) As= 1322.37 mm^2 dia of bars 16 0.15 0.28
Min % of steel .12% of gross area 1200.00 mm^2
Therefore provide Ast= 1322.37 mm^2 0.22 0.336
Spacing of 16 dia @ 152.00 mm C/C in both directions .
16.00 140.00 1435.43

Top Reinforcement per 1m width ( Uplift)

Max.fact. Upward pressure= 216.31 kn/sqm a= 1.00
Max. cant. Projection ( L1= max of( L-pl ) ,
( ( B-pb)/2)) 1.10 m b= -45012
Max bending moment ( ( ms).= q1*L1*L1/2 ) 130.86 kn-m c= 17467782
M R of section ( .138* fck * b*d^2) 2407.70 kn-m > 130.86 kn-m
Area of steel req.Ref.clno.E1.1c of is456)) As= 391.47 mm^2 dia of bars 12
Min % of steel .12% of gross area 600.00 mm^2
Therefore provide Ast= 600.00 mm^2
Spacing of 12.00 dia @ 189.00 mm C/C in both directions
12.00 180.00 628.00
(Fz*hl )
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe

LC 165 LC 166 LC 167 LC 168 LC 169 LC 170 LC 171

1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20
561.02 461.90 376.41 659.91 255.11 457.51 457.51
118.29 118.29 118.29 118.29 118.29 118.29 118.29
531.27 412.33 309.74 649.94 164.18 407.06 407.06

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Date :- 01-07-2008
Column : A3
Soil data Details of Individual footing
SBC for LC1: dl+ll ( kn/sqm)= sbc1 650.00
SBC for LC2: dl+ll +wl ( kn/sqm)= sbc2 812.50 size of pedestal = (pl*pb) 0.80 1.00
Density of soil ( kn/cum) = rs 18.00 L (m) B (m)
Density of Rcc ( kn/cum) = rc 25.00 size of footing = (L*B) 2.80 3.00
Density of water ( kn/cum) = rw 10.00 Depth (m)
Thickness of footing = Ds 0.75
Pedstal ht above GL= H1 0.00
Lever arm( hl)=Ds = 0.75 m Depth of fdn = H2 6.00
Depth of GW table = H3 7.00
Vertical lateral long moment moment +Mz
LC Py (kn) Fx(kn) Fz(kn) Mz (kn-m) Mx (kn-m) L.F P (kn) Fx (kn) Fz (kn) kn-m
155 DL+LL 2206.583 0 0 28.85 -269.375 1.50 2206.58 0.00 0.00 28.85
156 DL+SLX 1100.244 0 0 727.505 -127.174 1.50 1100.24 0.00 0.00 727.51
157 DL+SL-X 2639.04 0 0 -708.95 -145.857 1.50 2639.04 0.00 0.00 -708.95
158 DL+SLZ 1869.642 0 0 9.277 -136.516 1.50 1869.64 0.00 0.00 9.28
159 DL+SL-Z 1869.642 0 0 9.277 -136.516 1.50 1869.64 0.00 0.00 9.28
160 DL+LL+WL(+Z)+INTPRESS 2531.305 0 0 3.674 -1041.44 1.20 2531.31 0.00 0.00 3.67
161 DL+LL+WL(+Z)-INTPRESS 2211.953 0 0 -36.794 -691.893 1.20 2211.95 0.00 0.00 -36.79
162 DL+LL+WL(-Z)+INTPRESS 1739.11 0 0 58.547 618.311 1.20 1739.11 0.00 0.00 58.55
163 DL+LL+WL(-Z)-INTPRESS 1381.473 0 0 80.152 942.94 1.20 1381.47 0.00 0.00 80.15
164 DL+LL+WL(+X)+INTPRESS 1771.477 0 0 394.823 -158.482 1.20 1771.48 0.00 0.00 394.82
165 DL+LL+WL(+X)-INTPRESS 1453.366 0 0 350.002 200.51 1.20 1453.37 0.00 0.00 350.00
166 DL+LL+WL(-X)+INTPRESS 2184.005 0 0 -142.024 -103.757 1.20 2184.01 0.00 0.00 -142.02
167 DL+LL+WL(-X)-INTPRESS 2137.373 0 0 -399.981 211.762 1.20 2137.37 0.00 0.00 -399.98
168 DL+LL+SLX 1437.186 0 0 747.077 -260.034 1.20 1437.19 0.00 0.00 747.08
169 DL+LL-SLX 2975.981 0 0 -689.377 -278.717 1.20 2975.98 0.00 0.00 -689.38
170 DL+LL+SLZ 2206.583 0 0 28.85 -269.375 1.20 2206.58 0.00 0.00 28.85
171 DL+LL-SLZ 2206.583 0 0 28.85 -269.375 1.20 2206.58 0.00 0.00 28.85

Grade of concrete ( fck) 20.00 n/mm^2 Geometrical details of foundation
Grade of steel ( Fe) 415.00 n/mm^2
1b. Self weight of foundation lever arm 0.75 ,m
Volume of slab ( L*B*Ds)= 6.3m^3 (H1+H2)
area ( sqm) =( L*B)= 8.40 sqm
Vol. of pedestals below GL (*pl*pb*(H2-Ds))= 4.2m^3 Zxx( m^3) =L*B*B/6= 4.20 m^3
V1= 10.50 @ 25.00 262.5kn Zyy( m^3) =L*L*B/6= 3.92 m^3
Vol. of pedestals above GL (pl*pb*H1)= 0.00 @ 25.00 0.00 kx=(B/6) 0.50 m
ky=(L/6) 0.47 m
Dead wt of overburden soil(L*B*H-V1) *(rs) 39.90 @ 18.00 718.20 if ey >ky Leff= 3*( L/2-ey) Leff= 3*( L/2-ey)
Total self wt of Foundation ( Wf) 980.70 kn
Udl due to self wt of fdn ( u1= Wf/L*B) 116.75 kn/sqm Max. press. On soil = 2*Q/ Leff.* B
L1=(l-pl)/2 1.00 m
B1=(b-pb)/2 1.00 m

2.Check for uplift:-

Net uplift No Uplift kn There is no uplift onthe foundation
---- ----- kn
safe -------- > 1.50 ok

3.Check for Overturning:-

Vertical Resisting Moment FOS=
LOAD COMBINATIONS load Leverarm Kn-m Overtrning moment Mz/Mx Kn-m RTM/OTM
155 DL+LL 3187.28 1.40 4462.20 269.38 16.56 >1.5 safe
156 DL+SLX 2080.94 1.40 2913.32 727.51 4.00 >1.5 safe
157 DL+SL-X 3619.74 1.40 5067.64 708.95 7.15 >1.5 safe
158 DL+SLZ 2850.34 1.40 3990.48 136.52 29.23 >1.5 safe
159 DL+SL-Z 2850.34 1.40 3990.48 136.52 29.23 >1.5 safe
160 DL+LL+WL(+Z)+INTPRESS 3512.01 1.40 4916.81 1041.44 4.72 >1.5 safe
161 DL+LL+WL(+Z)-INTPRESS 3192.65 1.40 4469.71 691.89 6.46 >1.5 safe
162 DL+LL+WL(-Z)+INTPRESS 2719.81 1.40 3807.73 618.31 6.16 >1.5 safe
163 DL+LL+WL(-Z)-INTPRESS 2362.17 1.40 3307.04 942.94 3.51 >1.5 safe
164 DL+LL+WL(+X)+INTPRESS 2752.18 1.40 3853.05 394.82 9.76 >1.5 safe
165 DL+LL+WL(+X)-INTPRESS 2434.07 1.40 3407.69 350.00 9.74 >1.5 safe
166 DL+LL+WL(-X)+INTPRESS 3164.71 1.40 4430.59 142.02 31.20 >1.5 safe
167 DL+LL+WL(-X)-INTPRESS 3118.07 1.40 4365.30 399.98 10.91 >1.5 safe
168 DL+LL+SLX 2417.89 1.40 3385.04 747.08 4.53 >1.5 safe
169 DL+LL-SLX 3956.68 1.40 5539.35 689.38 8.04 >1.5 safe
170 DL+LL+SLZ 3187.28 1.40 4462.20 269.38 16.56 >1.5 safe
171 DL+LL-SLZ 3187.28 1.40 4462.20 269.38 16.56 >1.5 safe

3. Analysis of footing

Beff = Max.
Q Mz (kn- Mx ex=Mz/Q ez=Mx/Q (B-2*ez) pressure( k
LOAD COMBINATIONS (kn) m) (kn-m) (m) (m) Leff.(m) (m) n/sqm)
155 DL+LL 3187.28 28.85 -269.38 0.01 0.08 2.80 3.00 322.66 < 650
156 DL+SLX 2080.94 727.51 -127.17 0.35 0.06 2.80 3.00 403.04 < 813
157 DL+SL-X 3619.74 -708.95 -145.86 0.20 0.04 2.80 3.00 215.34 < 813
158 DL+SLZ 2850.34 9.28 -136.52 0.00 0.05 2.80 3.00 309.19 < 813
159 DL+SL-Z 2850.34 9.28 -136.52 0.00 0.05 2.80 3.00 309.19 < 813
160 DL+LL+WL(+Z)+INTPRESS 3512.01 3.67 -1041.44 0.00 0.30 2.80 3.00 171.07 < 813
161 DL+LL+WL(+Z)-INTPRESS 3192.65 -36.79 -691.89 0.01 0.22 2.80 3.00 205.96 < 813
162 DL+LL+WL(-Z)+INTPRESS 2719.81 58.55 618.31 0.02 0.23 2.80 3.00 485.94 < 813
163 DL+LL+WL(-Z)-INTPRESS 2362.17 80.15 942.94 0.03 0.40 2.80 3.00 526.17 < 813
164 DL+LL+WL(+X)+INTPRESS 2752.18 394.82 -158.48 0.14 0.06 2.80 3.00 390.63 < 813
165 DL+LL+WL(+X)-INTPRESS 2434.07 350.00 200.51 0.14 0.08 2.80 3.00 426.80 < 813
166 DL+LL+WL(-X)+INTPRESS 3164.71 -142.02 -103.76 0.04 0.03 2.80 3.00 315.82 < 813
167 DL+LL+WL(-X)-INTPRESS 3118.07 -399.98 211.76 0.13 0.07 2.80 3.00 319.58 < 813
168 DL+LL+SLX 2417.89 747.08 -260.03 0.31 0.11 2.80 3.00 416.51 < 813
169 DL+LL-SLX 3956.68 -689.38 -278.72 0.17 0.07 2.80 3.00 228.81 < 813
170 DL+LL+SLZ 3187.28 28.85 -269.38 0.01 0.08 2.80 3.00 322.66 < 813
171 DL+LL-SLZ 3187.28 28.85 -269.38 0.01 0.08 2.80 3.00 322.66 < 813

Eff.slab depth assumed (ds) = 684.00 mm

5. Design of foundation slab LC 155 LC 156 LC 157 LC 158 LC 159 LC 160 LC 161 LC 162 LC 163 LC 164
Load factor 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20
upward soil pressure (kn/sqm) 322.66 403.04 215.34 309.19 309.19 171.07 205.96 485.94 526.17 390.63
Downward pressure due to self wt of raft 116.75 116.75 116.75 116.75 116.75 116.75 116.75 116.75 116.75 116.75
Net Fact. Upward pressure 308.87 429.43 147.88 288.66 288.66 65.18 107.05 443.03 491.30 328.65
Max. Net Fact. Upward pressure 491.30 kn/sqm

Fact.Net Upward pressure= P/A- Mz/Zz- Mx/ Zx 0.00 36.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 96.59 0.00
Max Net fact. Upward pressure Kn/sqm 96.59

Check for punching shear( critical at d/2 from pedestal)

Perm. Punching shear stress ( N/mm^2) 1.12
Eff. Depth provided at crical sec. ( mm) 684.00
Min Eff. Depth required ( mm) 558.81 mm < 684.00 mm safe
Check for general shear( critical at d from pedestal)
Perm. shear stress ( N/mm^2) 0.29
Max. cantilever projection (m) 1.00 m
Fact.Shear force at d from pedeastal (kn) 155.25
Eff.depth provided at critcal sec. (mm) 684.00
Min Efective depth recquired 539.07 < 684.00 mm safe
Eff. Depth provided 684.00 > 539.07 mm ok
Bottom Reinforcement per 1m width (Comp) a= 1.00
Max. cant. Projection ( L1= max of( L-pl ) ,
( ( B-pb)/2)) 1.00 m b= -32964
Max bending moment ( ( ms).= q1*L1*L1/2 ) 245.65 kn-m c= 32789307 p tc
M R of section ( .138* fck * b*d^2) 1291.28 kn-m > 245.65 kn-m
Area of steel req.Ref.clno.E1.1c of is456)) As= 1026.68 mm^2 dia of bars 16 0.15 0.28
Min % of steel .12% of gross area 900.00 mm^2
Therefore provide Ast= 1026.68 mm^2 0.16 0.288
Spacing of 16 dia @ 196.00 mm C/C in both directions .
16.00 180.00 1116.44

Top Reinforcement per 1m width ( Uplift)

Max.fact. Upward pressure= 96.59 kn/sqm a= 1.00
Max. cant. Projection ( L1= max of( L-pl ) ,
( ( B-pb)/2)) 1.00 m b= -32964
Max bending moment ( ( ms).= q1*L1*L1/2 ) 48.30 kn-m c= 6446690
M R of section ( .138* fck * b*d^2) 1291.28 kn-m > 48.30 kn-m
Area of steel req.Ref.clno.E1.1c of is456)) As= 196.74 mm^2 dia of bars 12
Min % of steel .12% of gross area 450.00 mm^2
Therefore provide Ast= 450.00 mm^2
Spacing of 12.00 dia @ 200.00 mm C/C in both directions
12.00 200.00 565.20
(Fz*hl )
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe

LC 165 LC 166 LC 167 LC 168 LC 169 LC 170 LC 171

1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20
426.80 315.82 319.58 416.51 228.81 322.66 322.66
116.75 116.75 116.75 116.75 116.75 116.75 116.75
372.06 238.88 243.40 359.71 134.47 247.09 247.09

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Date :- 01-07-2008
Column : B3
Soil data Details of Individual footing
SBC for LC1: dl+ll ( kn/sqm)= sbc1 650.00
SBC for LC2: dl+ll +wl ( kn/sqm)= sbc2 812.50 size of pedestal = (pl*pb) 0.80 1.20
Density of soil ( kn/cum) = rs 18.00 L (m) B (m)
Density of Rcc ( kn/cum) = rc 25.00 size of footing = (L*B) 3.00 3.40
Density of water ( kn/cum) = rw 10.00 Depth (m)
Thickness of footing = Ds 0.90
Pedstal ht above GL= H1 0.00
Lever arm( hl)=Ds = 0.90 m Depth of fdn = H2 6.00
Depth of GW table = H3 7.00
Vertical lateral long moment moment +Mz
LC Py (kn) Fx(kn) Fz(kn) Mz (kn-m) Mx (kn-m) L.F P (kn) Fx (kn) Fz (kn) kn-m
155 DL+LL 3864.119 0 0 36.801 -341.734 1.50 3864.12 0.00 0.00 36.80
156 DL+SLX 3593.148 0 0 904.078 -195.801 1.50 3593.15 0.00 0.00 904.08
157 DL+SL-X 2850.905 0 0 -878.384 -169.407 1.50 2850.91 0.00 0.00 -878.38
158 DL+SLZ 3222.027 0 0 12.847 -182.604 1.50 3222.03 0.00 0.00 12.85
159 DL+SL-Z 3222.027 0 0 12.847 -182.604 1.50 3222.03 0.00 0.00 12.85
160 DL+LL+WL(+Z)+INTPRESS 4215.249 0 0 4.937 -1653.43 1.20 4215.25 0.00 0.00 4.94
161 DL+LL+WL(+Z)-INTPRESS 3666.72 0 0 -48.819 -1207.9 1.20 3666.72 0.00 0.00 -48.82
162 DL+LL+WL(-Z)+INTPRESS 3300.344 0 0 72.755 1143.783 1.20 3300.34 0.00 0.00 72.76
163 DL+LL+WL(-Z)-INTPRESS 2775.565 0 0 95.901 1570.647 1.20 2775.57 0.00 0.00 95.90
164 DL+LL+WL(+X)+INTPRESS 3878.416 0 0 495.294 -233.248 1.20 3878.42 0.00 0.00 495.29
165 DL+LL+WL(+X)-INTPRESS 3325.726 0 0 436.18 220.808 1.20 3325.73 0.00 0.00 436.18
166 DL+LL+WL(-X)+INTPRESS 3638.438 0 0 -173.892 -176.68 1.20 3638.44 0.00 0.00 -173.89
167 DL+LL+WL(-X)-INTPRESS 2957.517 0 0 -497.66 243.943 1.20 2957.52 0.00 0.00 -497.66
168 DL+LL+SLX 4235.24 0 0 928.032 -354.932 1.20 4235.24 0.00 0.00 928.03
169 DL+LL-SLX 3492.997 0 0 -854.43 -328.537 1.20 3493.00 0.00 0.00 -854.43
170 DL+LL+SLZ 3864.119 0 0 36.801 -341.734 1.20 3864.12 0.00 0.00 36.80
171 DL+LL-SLZ 3864.119 0 0 36.801 -341.734 1.20 3864.12 0.00 0.00 36.80

Grade of concrete ( fck) 20.00 n/mm^2 Geometrical details of foundation
Grade of steel ( Fe) 415.00 n/mm^2
1b. Self weight of foundation lever arm 0.90 ,m
Volume of slab ( L*B*Ds)= 9.18m^3 (H1+H2)
area ( sqm) =( L*B)= 10.20 sqm
Vol. of pedestals below GL (*pl*pb*(H2-Ds))= 4.896m^3 Zxx( m^3) =L*B*B/6= 5.78 m^3
V1= 14.08 @ 25.00 351.9kn Zyy( m^3) =L*L*B/6= 5.10 m^3
Vol. of pedestals above GL (pl*pb*H1)= 0.00 @ 25.00 0.00 kx=(B/6) 0.57 m
ky=(L/6) 0.50 m
Dead wt of overburden soil(L*B*H-V1) *(rs) 47.12 @ 18.00 848.23 if ey >ky Leff= 3*( L/2-ey) Leff= 3*( L/2-ey)
Total self wt of Foundation ( Wf) 1200.13 kn
Udl due to self wt of fdn ( u1= Wf/L*B) 117.66 kn/sqm Max. press. On soil = 2*Q/ Leff.* B
L1=(l-pl)/2 1.10 m
B1=(b-pb)/2 1.10 m

2.Check for uplift:-

Net uplift No Uplift kn There is no uplift onthe foundation
---- ----- kn
safe -------- > 1.50 ok

3.Check for Overturning:-

Vertical Resisting Moment FOS=
LOAD COMBINATIONS load Leverarm Kn-m Overtrning moment Mz/Mx Kn-m RTM/OTM
155 DL+LL 5064.25 1.50 7596.38 341.73 22.23 >1.5 safe
156 DL+SLX 4793.28 1.50 7189.92 904.08 7.95 >1.5 safe
157 DL+SL-X 4051.04 1.50 6076.56 878.38 6.92 >1.5 safe
158 DL+SLZ 4422.16 1.50 6633.24 182.60 36.33 >1.5 safe
159 DL+SL-Z 4422.16 1.50 6633.24 182.60 36.33 >1.5 safe
160 DL+LL+WL(+Z)+INTPRESS 5415.38 1.50 8123.07 1653.43 4.91 >1.5 safe
161 DL+LL+WL(+Z)-INTPRESS 4866.85 1.50 7300.28 1207.90 6.04 >1.5 safe
162 DL+LL+WL(-Z)+INTPRESS 4500.48 1.50 6750.71 1143.78 5.90 >1.5 safe
163 DL+LL+WL(-Z)-INTPRESS 3975.70 1.50 5963.55 1570.65 3.80 >1.5 safe
164 DL+LL+WL(+X)+INTPRESS 5078.55 1.50 7617.82 495.29 15.38 >1.5 safe
165 DL+LL+WL(+X)-INTPRESS 4525.86 1.50 6788.79 436.18 15.56 >1.5 safe
166 DL+LL+WL(-X)+INTPRESS 4838.57 1.50 7257.86 176.68 41.08 >1.5 safe
167 DL+LL+WL(-X)-INTPRESS 4157.65 1.50 6236.47 497.66 12.53 >1.5 safe
168 DL+LL+SLX 5435.37 1.50 8153.06 928.03 8.79 >1.5 safe
169 DL+LL-SLX 4693.13 1.50 7039.69 854.43 8.24 >1.5 safe
170 DL+LL+SLZ 5064.25 1.50 7596.38 341.73 22.23 >1.5 safe
171 DL+LL-SLZ 5064.25 1.50 7596.38 341.73 22.23 >1.5 safe

3. Analysis of footing

Beff = Max.
Q Mz (kn- Mx ex=Mz/Q ez=Mx/Q (B-2*ez) pressure( k
LOAD COMBINATIONS (kn) m) (kn-m) (m) (m) Leff.(m) (m) n/sqm)
155 DL+LL 5064.25 36.80 -341.73 0.01 0.07 3.00 3.40 444.59 < 650
156 DL+SLX 4793.28 904.08 -195.80 0.19 0.04 3.00 3.40 613.32 < 813
157 DL+SL-X 4051.04 -878.38 -169.41 0.22 0.04 3.00 3.40 195.62 < 813
158 DL+SLZ 4422.16 12.85 -182.60 0.00 0.04 3.00 3.40 404.47 < 813
159 DL+SL-Z 4422.16 12.85 -182.60 0.00 0.04 3.00 3.40 404.47 < 813
160 DL+LL+WL(+Z)+INTPRESS 5415.38 4.94 -1653.43 0.00 0.31 3.00 3.40 245.83 < 813
161 DL+LL+WL(+Z)-INTPRESS 4866.85 -48.82 -1207.90 0.01 0.25 3.00 3.40 258.59 < 813
162 DL+LL+WL(-Z)+INTPRESS 4500.48 72.76 1143.78 0.02 0.25 3.00 3.40 653.38 < 813
163 DL+LL+WL(-Z)-INTPRESS 3975.70 95.90 1570.65 0.02 0.40 3.00 3.40 680.32 < 813
164 DL+LL+WL(+X)+INTPRESS 5078.55 495.29 -233.25 0.10 0.05 3.00 3.40 554.66 < 813
165 DL+LL+WL(+X)-INTPRESS 4525.86 436.18 220.81 0.10 0.05 3.00 3.40 567.44 < 813
166 DL+LL+WL(-X)+INTPRESS 4838.57 -173.89 -176.68 0.04 0.04 3.00 3.40 409.71 < 813
167 DL+LL+WL(-X)-INTPRESS 4157.65 -497.66 243.94 0.12 0.06 3.00 3.40 352.24 < 813
168 DL+LL+SLX 5435.37 928.03 -354.93 0.17 0.07 3.00 3.40 653.44 < 813
169 DL+LL-SLX 4693.13 -854.43 -328.54 0.18 0.07 3.00 3.40 235.74 < 813
170 DL+LL+SLZ 5064.25 36.80 -341.73 0.01 0.07 3.00 3.40 444.59 < 813
171 DL+LL-SLZ 5064.25 36.80 -341.73 0.01 0.07 3.00 3.40 444.59 < 813

Eff.slab depth assumed (ds) = 830.00 mm

5. Design of foundation slab LC 155 LC 156 LC 157 LC 158 LC 159 LC 160 LC 161 LC 162 LC 163 LC 164
Load factor 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20
upward soil pressure (kn/sqm) 444.59 613.32 195.62 404.47 404.47 245.83 258.59 653.38 680.32 554.66
Downward pressure due to self wt of raft 117.66 117.66 117.66 117.66 117.66 117.66 117.66 117.66 117.66 117.66
Net Fact. Upward pressure 490.39 743.50 116.94 430.22 430.22 153.80 169.12 642.86 675.19 524.40
Max. Net Fact. Upward pressure 743.50 kn/sqm

Fact.Net Upward pressure= P/A- Mz/Zz- Mx/ Zx 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 22.11 0.00
Max Net fact. Upward pressure Kn/sqm 22.11

Check for punching shear( critical at d/2 from pedestal)

Perm. Punching shear stress ( N/mm^2) 1.12
Eff. Depth provided at crical sec. ( mm) 830.00
Min Eff. Depth required ( mm) 708.23 mm < 830.00 mm safe
Check for general shear( critical at d from pedestal)
Perm. shear stress ( N/mm^2) 0.34
Max. cantilever projection (m) 1.10 m
Fact.Shear force at d from pedeastal (kn) 200.74
Eff.depth provided at critcal sec. (mm) 830.00
Min Efective depth recquired 597.45 < 830.00 mm safe
Eff. Depth provided 830.00 > 597.45 mm ok
Bottom Reinforcement per 1m width (Comp) a= 1.00
Max. cant. Projection ( L1= max of( L-pl ) ,
( ( B-pb)/2)) 1.10 m b= -40000
Max bending moment ( ( ms).= q1*L1*L1/2 ) 449.82 kn-m c= 60041089 p tc
M R of section ( .138* fck * b*d^2) 1901.36 kn-m > 449.82 kn-m
Area of steel req.Ref.clno.E1.1c of is456)) As= 1562.03 mm^2 dia of bars 20 0.15 0.28
Min % of steel .12% of gross area 1080.00 mm^2
Therefore provide Ast= 1562.03 mm^2 0.22 0.336
Spacing of 20 dia @ 200.00 mm C/C in both directions .
20.00 180.00 1744.44

Top Reinforcement per 1m width ( Uplift)

Max.fact. Upward pressure= 22.11 kn/sqm a= 1.00
Max. cant. Projection ( L1= max of( L-pl ) ,
( ( B-pb)/2)) 1.10 m b= -40000
Max bending moment ( ( ms).= q1*L1*L1/2 ) 13.38 kn-m c= 1785799
M R of section ( .138* fck * b*d^2) 1901.36 kn-m > 13.38 kn-m
Area of steel req.Ref.clno.E1.1c of is456)) As= 44.69 mm^2 dia of bars 12
Min % of steel .12% of gross area 540.00 mm^2
Therefore provide Ast= 540.00 mm^2
Spacing of 12.00 dia @ 200.00 mm C/C in both directions
12.00 200.00 565.20
(Fz*hl )
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe

LC 165 LC 166 LC 167 LC 168 LC 169 LC 170 LC 171

1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20
567.44 409.71 352.24 653.44 235.74 444.59 444.59
117.66 117.66 117.66 117.66 117.66 117.66 117.66
539.73 350.45 281.49 642.94 141.69 392.31 392.31

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Date :- 01-07-2008
Column : C3
Soil data Details of Individual footing
SBC for LC1: dl+ll ( kn/sqm)= sbc1 650.00
SBC for LC2: dl+ll +wl ( kn/sqm)= sbc2 812.50 size of pedestal = (pl*pb) 0.80 1.20
Density of soil ( kn/cum) = rs 18.00 L (m) B (m)
Density of Rcc ( kn/cum) = rc 25.00 size of footing = (L*B) 3.00 3.40
Density of water ( kn/cum) = rw 10.00 Depth (m)
Thickness of footing = Ds 1.00
Pedstal ht above GL= H1 0.00
Lever arm( hl)=Ds = 1.00 m Depth of fdn = H2 6.00
Depth of GW table = H3 7.00
Vertical lateral long moment moment +Mz
LC Py (kn) Fx(kn) Fz(kn) Mz (kn-m) Mx (kn-m) L.F P (kn) Fx (kn) Fz (kn) kn-m
155 DL+LL 3564.156 0 0 29.594 -211.829 1.50 3564.16 0.00 0.00 29.59
156 DL+SLX 2906.272 0 0 877.939 -122.079 1.50 2906.27 0.00 0.00 877.94
157 DL+SL-X 2781.19 0 0 -866.494 -109.58 1.50 2781.19 0.00 0.00 -866.49
158 DL+SLZ 2843.731 0 0 5.723 -115.829 1.50 2843.73 0.00 0.00 5.72
159 DL+SL-Z 2843.731 0 0 5.723 -115.829 1.50 2843.73 0.00 0.00 5.72
160 DL+LL+WL(+Z)+INTPRESS 3997.33 0 0 -0.971 -1636.7 1.20 3997.33 0.00 0.00 -0.97
161 DL+LL+WL(+Z)-INTPRESS 3762.753 0 0 -49.032 -1399.92 1.20 3762.75 0.00 0.00 -49.03
162 DL+LL+WL(-Z)+INTPRESS 3017.612 0 0 66.658 1343.207 1.20 3017.61 0.00 0.00 66.66
163 DL+LL+WL(-Z)-INTPRESS 2787.157 0 0 94.805 1581.893 1.20 2787.16 0.00 0.00 94.81
164 DL+LL+WL(+X)+INTPRESS 3524.677 0 0 473.501 -153.985 1.20 3524.68 0.00 0.00 473.50
165 DL+LL+WL(+X)-INTPRESS 3288.95 0 0 420.039 87.938 1.20 3288.95 0.00 0.00 420.04
166 DL+LL+WL(-X)+INTPRESS 3485.89 0 0 -184.113 -127.833 1.20 3485.89 0.00 0.00 -184.11
167 DL+LL+WL(-X)-INTPRESS 3236.461 0 0 -495.547 118.188 1.20 3236.46 0.00 0.00 -495.55
168 DL+LL+SLX 3626.697 0 0 901.811 -218.078 1.20 3626.70 0.00 0.00 901.81
169 DL+LL-SLX 3501.615 0 0 -842.623 -205.579 1.20 3501.62 0.00 0.00 -842.62
170 DL+LL+SLZ 3564.156 0 0 29.594 -211.829 1.20 3564.16 0.00 0.00 29.59
171 DL+LL-SLZ 3564.156 0 0 29.594 -211.829 1.20 3564.16 0.00 0.00 29.59

Grade of concrete ( fck) 20.00 n/mm^2 Geometrical details of foundation
Grade of steel ( Fe) 415.00 n/mm^2
1b. Self weight of foundation lever arm 1.00 ,m
Volume of slab ( L*B*Ds)= 10.2m^3 (H1+H2)
area ( sqm) =( L*B)= 10.20 sqm
Vol. of pedestals below GL (*pl*pb*(H2-Ds))= 4.8m^3 Zxx( m^3) =L*B*B/6= 5.78 m^3
V1= 15.00 @ 25.00 375kn Zyy( m^3) =L*L*B/6= 5.10 m^3
Vol. of pedestals above GL (pl*pb*H1)= 0.00 @ 25.00 0.00 kx=(B/6) 0.57 m
ky=(L/6) 0.50 m
Dead wt of overburden soil(L*B*H-V1) *(rs) 46.20 @ 18.00 831.60 if ey >ky Leff= 3*( L/2-ey) Leff= 3*( L/2-ey)
Total self wt of Foundation ( Wf) 1206.60 kn
Udl due to self wt of fdn ( u1= Wf/L*B) 118.29 kn/sqm Max. press. On soil = 2*Q/ Leff.* B
L1=(l-pl)/2 1.10 m
B1=(b-pb)/2 1.10 m

2.Check for uplift:-

Net uplift No Uplift kn There is no uplift onthe foundation
---- ----- kn
safe -------- > 1.50 ok

3.Check for Overturning:-

Vertical Resisting Moment FOS=
LOAD COMBINATIONS load Leverarm Kn-m Overtrning moment Mz/Mx Kn-m RTM/OTM
155 DL+LL 4770.76 1.50 7156.13 211.83 33.78 >1.5 safe
156 DL+SLX 4112.87 1.50 6169.31 877.94 7.03 >1.5 safe
157 DL+SL-X 3987.79 1.50 5981.69 866.49 6.90 >1.5 safe
158 DL+SLZ 4050.33 1.50 6075.50 115.83 52.45 >1.5 safe
159 DL+SL-Z 4050.33 1.50 6075.50 115.83 52.45 >1.5 safe
160 DL+LL+WL(+Z)+INTPRESS 5203.93 1.50 7805.90 1636.70 4.77 >1.5 safe
161 DL+LL+WL(+Z)-INTPRESS 4969.35 1.50 7454.03 1399.92 5.32 >1.5 safe
162 DL+LL+WL(-Z)+INTPRESS 4224.21 1.50 6336.32 1343.21 4.72 >1.5 safe
163 DL+LL+WL(-Z)-INTPRESS 3993.76 1.50 5990.64 1581.89 3.79 >1.5 safe
164 DL+LL+WL(+X)+INTPRESS 4731.28 1.50 7096.92 473.50 14.99 >1.5 safe
165 DL+LL+WL(+X)-INTPRESS 4495.55 1.50 6743.33 420.04 16.05 >1.5 safe
166 DL+LL+WL(-X)+INTPRESS 4692.49 1.50 7038.74 184.11 38.23 >1.5 safe
167 DL+LL+WL(-X)-INTPRESS 4443.06 1.50 6664.59 495.55 13.45 >1.5 safe
168 DL+LL+SLX 4833.30 1.50 7249.95 901.81 8.04 >1.5 safe
169 DL+LL-SLX 4708.22 1.50 7062.32 842.62 8.38 >1.5 safe
170 DL+LL+SLZ 4770.76 1.50 7156.13 211.83 33.78 >1.5 safe
171 DL+LL-SLZ 4770.76 1.50 7156.13 211.83 33.78 >1.5 safe

3. Analysis of footing

Beff = Max.
Q Mz (kn- Mx ex=Mz/Q ez=Mx/Q (B-2*ez) pressure( k
LOAD COMBINATIONS (kn) m) (kn-m) (m) (m) Leff.(m) (m) n/sqm)
155 DL+LL 4770.76 29.59 -211.83 0.01 0.04 3.00 3.40 436.88 < 650
156 DL+SLX 4112.87 877.94 -122.08 0.21 0.03 3.00 3.40 554.25 < 813
157 DL+SL-X 3987.79 -866.49 -109.58 0.22 0.03 3.00 3.40 202.10 < 813
158 DL+SLZ 4050.33 5.72 -115.83 0.00 0.03 3.00 3.40 378.17 < 813
159 DL+SL-Z 4050.33 5.72 -115.83 0.00 0.03 3.00 3.40 378.17 < 813
160 DL+LL+WL(+Z)+INTPRESS 5203.93 -0.97 -1636.70 0.00 0.31 3.00 3.40 226.83 < 813
161 DL+LL+WL(+Z)-INTPRESS 4969.35 -49.03 -1399.92 0.01 0.28 3.00 3.40 235.38 < 813
162 DL+LL+WL(-Z)+INTPRESS 4224.21 66.66 1343.21 0.02 0.32 3.00 3.40 659.60 < 813
163 DL+LL+WL(-Z)-INTPRESS 3993.76 94.81 1581.89 0.02 0.40 3.00 3.40 683.82 < 813
164 DL+LL+WL(+X)+INTPRESS 4731.28 473.50 -153.99 0.10 0.03 3.00 3.40 530.05 < 813
165 DL+LL+WL(+X)-INTPRESS 4495.55 420.04 87.94 0.09 0.02 3.00 3.40 538.31 < 813
166 DL+LL+WL(-X)+INTPRESS 4692.49 -184.11 -127.83 0.04 0.03 3.00 3.40 401.83 < 813
167 DL+LL+WL(-X)-INTPRESS 4443.06 -495.55 118.19 0.11 0.03 3.00 3.40 358.88 < 813
168 DL+LL+SLX 4833.30 901.81 -218.08 0.19 0.05 3.00 3.40 612.95 < 813
169 DL+LL-SLX 4708.22 -842.62 -205.58 0.18 0.04 3.00 3.40 260.80 < 813
170 DL+LL+SLZ 4770.76 29.59 -211.83 0.01 0.04 3.00 3.40 436.88 < 813
171 DL+LL-SLZ 4770.76 29.59 -211.83 0.01 0.04 3.00 3.40 436.88 < 813

Eff.slab depth assumed (ds) = 930.00 mm

5. Design of foundation slab LC 155 LC 156 LC 157 LC 158 LC 159 LC 160 LC 161 LC 162 LC 163 LC 164
Load factor 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20
upward soil pressure (kn/sqm) 436.88 554.25 202.10 378.17 378.17 226.83 235.38 659.60 683.82 530.05
Downward pressure due to self wt of raft 118.29 118.29 118.29 118.29 118.29 118.29 118.29 118.29 118.29 118.29
Net Fact. Upward pressure 477.87 653.93 125.71 389.82 389.82 130.25 140.50 649.56 678.63 494.11
Max. Net Fact. Upward pressure 678.63 kn/sqm

Fact.Net Upward pressure= P/A- Mz/Zz- Mx/ Zx 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 22.83 0.00
Max Net fact. Upward pressure Kn/sqm 22.83

Check for punching shear( critical at d/2 from pedestal)

Perm. Punching shear stress ( N/mm^2) 1.12
Eff. Depth provided at crical sec. ( mm) 930.00
Min Eff. Depth required ( mm) 619.41 mm < 930.00 mm safe
Check for general shear( critical at d from pedestal)
Perm. shear stress ( N/mm^2) 0.28
Max. cantilever projection (m) 1.10 m
Fact.Shear force at d from pedeastal (kn) 115.37
Eff.depth provided at critcal sec. (mm) 930.00
Min Efective depth recquired 412.02 < 930.00 mm safe
Eff. Depth provided 930.00 > 412.02 mm ok
Bottom Reinforcement per 1m width (Comp) a= 1.00
Max. cant. Projection ( L1= max of( L-pl ) ,
( ( B-pb)/2)) 1.10 m b= -44819
Max bending moment ( ( ms).= q1*L1*L1/2 ) 410.57 kn-m c= 54802714 p tc
M R of section ( .138* fck * b*d^2) 2387.12 kn-m > 410.57 kn-m
Area of steel req.Ref.clno.E1.1c of is456)) As= 1258.06 mm^2 dia of bars 20 0.15 0.28
Min % of steel .12% of gross area 1200.00 mm^2
Therefore provide Ast= 1258.06 mm^2 0.22 0.336
Spacing of 20 dia @ 200.00 mm C/C in both directions .
20.00 180.00 1744.44

Top Reinforcement per 1m width ( Uplift)

Max.fact. Upward pressure= 22.83 kn/sqm a= 1.00
Max. cant. Projection ( L1= max of( L-pl ) ,
( ( B-pb)/2)) 1.10 m b= -44819
Max bending moment ( ( ms).= q1*L1*L1/2 ) 13.81 kn-m c= 1843391
M R of section ( .138* fck * b*d^2) 2387.12 kn-m > 13.81 kn-m
Area of steel req.Ref.clno.E1.1c of is456)) As= 41.17 mm^2 dia of bars 12
Min % of steel .12% of gross area 600.00 mm^2
Therefore provide Ast= 600.00 mm^2
Spacing of 12.00 dia @ 189.00 mm C/C in both directions
12.00 180.00 628.00
(Fz*hl )
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe

LC 165 LC 166 LC 167 LC 168 LC 169 LC 170 LC 171

1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20
538.31 401.83 358.88 612.95 260.80 436.88 436.88
118.29 118.29 118.29 118.29 118.29 118.29 118.29
504.03 340.24 288.70 593.59 171.01 382.30 382.30

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Date :- 01-07-2008
Column : D3
Soil data Details of Individual footing
SBC for LC1: dl+ll ( kn/sqm)= sbc1 650.00
SBC for LC2: dl+ll +wl ( kn/sqm)= sbc2 812.50 size of pedestal = (pl*pb) 1.00 1.00
Density of soil ( kn/cum) = rs 18.00 L (m) B (m)
Density of Rcc ( kn/cum) = rc 25.00 size of footing = (L*B) 3.80 3.80
Density of water ( kn/cum) = rw 10.00 Depth (m)
Thickness of footing = Ds 1.25
Pedstal ht above GL= H1 0.00
Lever arm( hl)=Ds = 1.25 m Depth of fdn = H2 6.00
Depth of GW table = H3 7.00
Vertical lateral long moment moment +Mz
LC Py (kn) Fx(kn) Fz(kn) Mz (kn-m) Mx (kn-m) L.F P (kn) Fx (kn) Fz (kn) kn-m
155 DL+LL 5865.543 0 0 53.353 -119.301 1.50 5865.54 0.00 0.00 53.35
156 DL+SLX 4130.17 0 0 1388.72 -54.212 1.50 4130.17 0.00 0.00 1388.72
157 DL+SL-X 4447.773 0 0 -1354.44 -106.856 1.50 4447.77 0.00 0.00 -1354.44
158 DL+SLZ 4288.971 0 0 17.14 -80.534 1.50 4288.97 0.00 0.00 17.14
159 DL+SL-Z 4288.971 0 0 17.14 -80.534 1.50 4288.97 0.00 0.00 17.14
160 DL+LL+WL(+Z)+INTPRESS 5740.991 0 0 9.509 -1950.87 1.20 5740.99 0.00 0.00 9.51
161 DL+LL+WL(+Z)-INTPRESS 5566.935 0 0 -46.974 -2389.58 1.20 5566.94 0.00 0.00 -46.97
162 DL+LL+WL(-Z)+INTPRESS 5966.95 0 0 111.688 2341.944 1.20 5966.95 0.00 0.00 111.69
163 DL+LL+WL(-Z)-INTPRESS 5797.907 0 0 171.417 1968.958 1.20 5797.91 0.00 0.00 171.42
164 DL+LL+WL(+X)+INTPRESS 5760.211 0 0 740.494 -113.457 1.20 5760.21 0.00 0.00 740.49
165 DL+LL+WL(+X)-INTPRESS 5597.296 0 0 676.707 -537.557 1.20 5597.30 0.00 0.00 676.71
166 DL+LL+WL(-X)+INTPRESS 5850.759 0 0 -291.848 -94.966 1.20 5850.76 0.00 0.00 -291.85
167 DL+LL+WL(-X)-INTPRESS 5759.355 0 0 -764.648 -436.831 1.20 5759.36 0.00 0.00 -764.65
168 DL+LL+SLX 5706.742 0 0 1424.932 -92.979 1.20 5706.74 0.00 0.00 1424.93
169 DL+LL-SLX 6024.345 0 0 -1318.227 -145.623 1.20 6024.35 0.00 0.00 -1318.23
170 DL+LL+SLZ 5865.543 0 0 53.353 -119.301 1.20 5865.54 0.00 0.00 53.35
171 DL+LL-SLZ 5865.543 0 0 53.353 -119.301 1.20 5865.54 0.00 0.00 53.35

Grade of concrete ( fck) 20.00 n/mm^2 Geometrical details of foundation
Grade of steel ( Fe) 415.00 n/mm^2
1b. Self weight of foundation lever arm 1.25 ,m
Volume of slab ( L*B*Ds)= 18.05m^3 (H1+H2)
area ( sqm) =( L*B)= 14.44 sqm
Vol. of pedestals below GL (*pl*pb*(H2-Ds))= 4.75m^3 Zxx( m^3) =L*B*B/6= 9.15 m^3
V1= 22.80 @ 25.00 570kn Zyy( m^3) =L*L*B/6= 9.15 m^3
Vol. of pedestals above GL (pl*pb*H1)= 0.00 @ 25.00 0.00 kx=(B/6) 0.63 m
ky=(L/6) 0.63 m
Dead wt of overburden soil(L*B*H-V1) *(rs) 63.84 @ 18.00 1149.12 if ey >ky Leff= 3*( L/2-ey) Leff= 3*( L/2-ey)
Total self wt of Foundation ( Wf) 1719.12 kn
Udl due to self wt of fdn ( u1= Wf/L*B) 119.05 kn/sqm Max. press. On soil = 2*Q/ Leff.* B
L1=(l-pl)/2 1.40 m
B1=(b-pb)/2 1.40 m

2.Check for uplift:-

Net uplift No Uplift kn There is no uplift onthe foundation
---- ----- kn
safe -------- > 1.50 ok

3.Check for Overturning:-

Vertical Resisting Moment FOS=
LOAD COMBINATIONS load Leverarm Kn-m Overtrning moment Mz/Mx Kn-m RTM/OTM
155 DL+LL 7584.66 1.90 14410.86 119.30 120.79 >1.5 safe
156 DL+SLX 5849.29 1.90 11113.65 1388.72 8.00 >1.5 safe
157 DL+SL-X 6166.89 1.90 11717.10 1354.44 8.65 >1.5 safe
158 DL+SLZ 6008.09 1.90 11415.37 80.53 141.75 >1.5 safe
159 DL+SL-Z 6008.09 1.90 11415.37 80.53 141.75 >1.5 safe
160 DL+LL+WL(+Z)+INTPRESS 7460.11 1.90 14174.21 1950.87 7.27 >1.5 safe
161 DL+LL+WL(+Z)-INTPRESS 7286.06 1.90 13843.50 2389.58 5.79 >1.5 safe
162 DL+LL+WL(-Z)+INTPRESS 7686.07 1.90 14603.53 2341.94 6.24 >1.5 safe
163 DL+LL+WL(-Z)-INTPRESS 7517.03 1.90 14282.35 1968.96 7.25 >1.5 safe
164 DL+LL+WL(+X)+INTPRESS 7479.33 1.90 14210.73 740.49 19.19 >1.5 safe
165 DL+LL+WL(+X)-INTPRESS 7316.42 1.90 13901.19 676.71 20.54 >1.5 safe
166 DL+LL+WL(-X)+INTPRESS 7569.88 1.90 14382.77 291.85 49.28 >1.5 safe
167 DL+LL+WL(-X)-INTPRESS 7478.48 1.90 14209.10 764.65 18.58 >1.5 safe
168 DL+LL+SLX 7425.86 1.90 14109.14 1424.93 9.90 >1.5 safe
169 DL+LL-SLX 7743.47 1.90 14712.58 1318.23 11.16 >1.5 safe
170 DL+LL+SLZ 7584.66 1.90 14410.86 119.30 120.79 >1.5 safe
171 DL+LL-SLZ 7584.66 1.90 14410.86 119.30 120.79 >1.5 safe

3. Analysis of footing

Q Mz (kn- Mx ex=Mz/Q ez=Mx/Q Beff = (B- pressure( k
LOAD COMBINATIONS (kn) m) (kn-m) (m) (m) Leff.(m) 2*ez) (m) n/sqm)
155 DL+LL 7584.66 53.35 -119.30 0.01 0.02 3.80 3.80 518.04 < 650
156 DL+SLX 5849.29 1388.72 -54.21 0.24 0.01 3.80 3.80 551.00 < 813
157 DL+SL-X 6166.89 -1354.44 -106.86 0.22 0.02 3.80 3.80 267.28 < 813
158 DL+SLZ 6008.09 17.14 -80.53 0.00 0.01 3.80 3.80 409.14 < 813
159 DL+SL-Z 6008.09 17.14 -80.53 0.00 0.01 3.80 3.80 409.14 < 813
160 DL+LL+WL(+Z)+INTPRESS 7460.11 9.51 -1950.87 0.00 0.26 3.80 3.80 304.35 < 813
161 DL+LL+WL(+Z)-INTPRESS 7286.06 -46.97 -2389.58 0.01 0.33 3.80 3.80 238.15 < 813
162 DL+LL+WL(-Z)+INTPRESS 7686.07 111.69 2341.94 0.01 0.30 3.80 3.80 800.57 < 813
163 DL+LL+WL(-Z)-INTPRESS 7517.03 171.42 1968.96 0.02 0.26 3.80 3.80 754.61 < 813
164 DL+LL+WL(+X)+INTPRESS 7479.33 740.49 -113.46 0.10 0.02 3.80 3.80 586.52 < 813
165 DL+LL+WL(+X)-INTPRESS 7316.42 676.71 -537.56 0.09 0.07 3.80 3.80 521.89 < 813
166 DL+LL+WL(-X)+INTPRESS 7569.88 -291.85 -94.97 0.04 0.01 3.80 3.80 481.93 < 813
167 DL+LL+WL(-X)-INTPRESS 7478.48 -764.65 -436.83 0.10 0.06 3.80 3.80 386.52 < 813
168 DL+LL+SLX 7425.86 1424.93 -92.98 0.19 0.01 3.80 3.80 659.90 < 813
169 DL+LL-SLX 7743.47 -1318.23 -145.62 0.17 0.02 3.80 3.80 376.19 < 813
170 DL+LL+SLZ 7584.66 53.35 -119.30 0.01 0.02 3.80 3.80 518.04 < 813
171 DL+LL-SLZ 7584.66 53.35 -119.30 0.01 0.02 3.80 3.80 518.04 < 813

Eff.slab depth assumed (ds) = 1180.00 mm

5. Design of foundation slab LC 155 LC 156 LC 157 LC 158 LC 159 LC 160 LC 161 LC 162 LC 163 LC 164
Load factor 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20
upward soil pressure (kn/sqm) 518.04 551.00 267.28 409.14 409.14 304.35 238.15 800.57 754.61 586.52
Downward pressure due to self wt of raft 119.05 119.05 119.05 119.05 119.05 119.05 119.05 119.05 119.05 119.05
Net Fact. Upward pressure 598.48 647.92 222.35 435.13 435.13 222.36 142.91 817.82 762.67 560.96
Max. Net Fact. Upward pressure 817.82 kn/sqm

Fact.Net Upward pressure= P/A- Mz/Zz- Mx/ Zx 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Max Net fact. Upward pressure Kn/sqm 0.00

Check for punching shear( critical at d/2 from pedestal)

Perm. Punching shear stress ( N/mm^2) 1.12
Eff. Depth provided at crical sec. ( mm) 1180.00
Min Eff. Depth required ( mm) 902.46 mm < 1180.00 mm safe
Check for general shear( critical at d from pedestal)
Perm. shear stress ( N/mm^2) 0.30
Max. cantilever projection (m) 1.40 m
Fact.Shear force at d from pedeastal (kn) 179.92
Eff.depth provided at critcal sec. (mm) 1180.00
Min Efective depth recquired 607.84 < 1180.00 mm safe
Eff. Depth provided 1180.00 > 607.84 mm ok
Bottom Reinforcement per 1m width (Comp) a= 1.00
Max. cant. Projection ( L1= max of( L-pl ) ,
( ( B-pb)/2)) 1.40 m b= -56867
Max bending moment ( ( ms).= q1*L1*L1/2 ) 801.46 kn-m c= 106979011 p tc
M R of section ( .138* fck * b*d^2) 3843.02 kn-m > 801.46 kn-m
Area of steel req.Ref.clno.E1.1c of is456)) As= 1947.92 mm^2 dia of bars 20 0.15 0.28
Min % of steel .12% of gross area 1500.00 mm^2
Therefore provide Ast= 1947.92 mm^2 0.17 0.296
Spacing of 20 dia @ 161.00 mm C/C in both directions .
20.00 150.00 2093.33

Top Reinforcement per 1m width ( Uplift)

Max.fact. Upward pressure= 0.00 kn/sqm a= 1.00
Max. cant. Projection ( L1= max of( L-pl ) ,
( ( B-pb)/2)) 1.40 m b= -56867
Max bending moment ( ( ms).= q1*L1*L1/2 ) 0.00 kn-m c= 0
M R of section ( .138* fck * b*d^2) 3843.02 kn-m > 0.00 kn-m
Area of steel req.Ref.clno.E1.1c of is456)) As= 0.00 mm^2 dia of bars 12
Min % of steel .12% of gross area 750.00 mm^2
Therefore provide Ast= 750.00 mm^2
Spacing of 12.00 dia @ 151.00 mm C/C in both directions
12.00 150.00 753.60
(Fz*hl )
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe

LC 165 LC 166 LC 167 LC 168 LC 169 LC 170 LC 171

1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20
521.89 481.93 386.52 659.90 376.19 518.04 518.04
119.05 119.05 119.05 119.05 119.05 119.05 119.05
483.41 435.46 320.97 649.02 308.56 478.79 478.79

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Date :- 01-07-2008
Column : D3
Soil data Details of Individual footing
SBC for LC1: dl+ll ( kn/sqm)= sbc1 650.00
SBC for LC2: dl+ll +wl ( kn/sqm)= sbc2 812.50 size of pedestal = (pl*pb) 1.00 1.00
Density of soil ( kn/cum) = rs 18.00 L (m) B (m)
Density of Rcc ( kn/cum) = rc 25.00 size of footing = (L*B) 4.00 4.00
Density of water ( kn/cum) = rw 10.00 Depth (m)
Thickness of footing = Ds 1.20
Pedstal ht above GL= H1 0.00
Lever arm( hl)=Ds = 1.20 m Depth of fdn = H2 6.00
Depth of GW table = H3 7.00
Vertical lateral long moment moment +Mz
LC Py (kn) Fx(kn) Fz(kn) Mz (kn-m) Mx (kn-m) L.F P (kn) Fx (kn) Fz (kn) kn-m
155 DL+LL 5495.61 0 0 76.495 -57.591 1.50 5495.61 0.00 0.00 76.50
156 DL+SLX 4333.372 0 0 1420.014 -90.088 1.50 4333.37 0.00 0.00 1420.01
157 DL+SL-X 4022.993 0 0 -1338.468 20.918 1.50 4022.99 0.00 0.00 -1338.47
158 DL+SLZ 4178.182 0 0 40.773 -34.585 1.50 4178.18 0.00 0.00 40.77
159 DL+SL-Z 4178.182 0 0 40.773 -34.585 1.50 4178.18 0.00 0.00 40.77
160 DL+LL+WL(+Z)+INTPRESS 5086.239 0 0 33.419 -1821.43 1.20 5086.24 0.00 0.00 33.42
161 DL+LL+WL(+Z)-INTPRESS 4939.285 0 0 -12.394 -2590.47 1.20 4939.29 0.00 0.00 -12.39
162 DL+LL+WL(-Z)+INTPRESS 5936.271 0 0 138.637 2665.33 1.20 5936.27 0.00 0.00 138.64
163 DL+LL+WL(-Z)-INTPRESS 5823.452 0 0 209.956 2014.612 1.20 5823.45 0.00 0.00 209.96
164 DL+LL+WL(+X)+INTPRESS 5525.646 0 0 761.942 -37.427 1.20 5525.65 0.00 0.00 761.94
165 DL+LL+WL(+X)-INTPRESS 5387.683 0 0 708.852 -1019.45 1.20 5387.68 0.00 0.00 708.85
166 DL+LL+WL(-X)+INTPRESS 5421.33 0 0 -283.92 -148.756 1.20 5421.33 0.00 0.00 -283.92
167 DL+LL+WL(-X)-INTPRESS 5230.995 0 0 -748.229 -808.653 1.20 5231.00 0.00 0.00 -748.23
168 DL+LL+SLX 5650.8 0 0 1455.736 -113.093 1.20 5650.80 0.00 0.00 1455.74
169 DL+LL-SLX 5340.421 0 0 -1302.745 -2.088 1.20 5340.42 0.00 0.00 -1302.75
170 DL+LL+SLZ 5495.61 0 0 76.495 -57.591 1.20 5495.61 0.00 0.00 76.50
171 DL+LL-SLZ 5495.61 0 0 76.495 -57.591 1.20 5495.61 0.00 0.00 76.50

Grade of concrete ( fck) 20.00 n/mm^2 Geometrical details of foundation
Grade of steel ( Fe) 415.00 n/mm^2
1b. Self weight of foundation lever arm 1.20 ,m
Volume of slab ( L*B*Ds)= 19.2m^3 (H1+H2)
area ( sqm) =( L*B)= 16.00 sqm
Vol. of pedestals below GL (*pl*pb*(H2-Ds))= 4.8m^3 Zxx( m^3) =L*B*B/6= 10.67 m^3
V1= 24.00 @ 25.00 600kn Zyy( m^3) =L*L*B/6= 10.67 m^3
Vol. of pedestals above GL (pl*pb*H1)= 0.00 @ 25.00 0.00 kx=(B/6) 0.67 m
ky=(L/6) 0.67 m
Dead wt of overburden soil(L*B*H-V1) *(rs) 72.00 @ 18.00 1296.00 if ey >ky Leff= 3*( L/2-ey) Leff= 3*( L/2-ey)
Total self wt of Foundation ( Wf) 1896.00 kn
Udl due to self wt of fdn ( u1= Wf/L*B) 118.50 kn/sqm Max. press. On soil = 2*Q/ Leff.* B
L1=(l-pl)/2 1.50 m
B1=(b-pb)/2 1.50 m

2.Check for uplift:-

Net uplift No Uplift kn There is no uplift onthe foundation
---- ----- kn
safe -------- > 1.50 ok

3.Check for Overturning:-

Vertical Resisting Moment FOS=
LOAD COMBINATIONS load Leverarm Kn-m Overtrning moment Mz/Mx Kn-m RTM/OTM
155 DL+LL 7391.61 2.00 14783.22 76.50 193.26 >1.5 safe
156 DL+SLX 6229.37 2.00 12458.74 1420.01 8.77 >1.5 safe
157 DL+SL-X 5918.99 2.00 11837.99 1338.47 8.84 >1.5 safe
158 DL+SLZ 6074.18 2.00 12148.36 40.77 297.95 >1.5 safe
159 DL+SL-Z 6074.18 2.00 12148.36 40.77 297.95 >1.5 safe
160 DL+LL+WL(+Z)+INTPRESS 6982.24 2.00 13964.48 1821.43 7.67 >1.5 safe
161 DL+LL+WL(+Z)-INTPRESS 6835.29 2.00 13670.57 2590.47 5.28 >1.5 safe
162 DL+LL+WL(-Z)+INTPRESS 7832.27 2.00 15664.54 2665.33 5.88 >1.5 safe
163 DL+LL+WL(-Z)-INTPRESS 7719.45 2.00 15438.90 2014.61 7.66 >1.5 safe
164 DL+LL+WL(+X)+INTPRESS 7421.65 2.00 14843.29 761.94 19.48 >1.5 safe
165 DL+LL+WL(+X)-INTPRESS 7283.68 2.00 14567.37 1019.45 14.29 >1.5 safe
166 DL+LL+WL(-X)+INTPRESS 7317.33 2.00 14634.66 283.92 51.55 >1.5 safe
167 DL+LL+WL(-X)-INTPRESS 7127.00 2.00 14253.99 808.65 17.63 >1.5 safe
168 DL+LL+SLX 7546.80 2.00 15093.60 1455.74 10.37 >1.5 safe
169 DL+LL-SLX 7236.42 2.00 14472.84 1302.75 11.11 >1.5 safe
170 DL+LL+SLZ 7391.61 2.00 14783.22 76.50 193.26 >1.5 safe
171 DL+LL-SLZ 7391.61 2.00 14783.22 76.50 193.26 >1.5 safe

3. Analysis of footing

Q Mz (kn- Mx ex=Mz/Q ez=Mx/Q Beff = (B- pressure( k
LOAD COMBINATIONS (kn) m) (kn-m) (m) (m) Leff.(m) 2*ez) (m) n/sqm)
155 DL+LL 7391.61 76.50 -57.59 0.01 0.01 4.00 4.00 463.75 < 650
156 DL+SLX 6229.37 1420.01 -90.09 0.23 0.01 4.00 4.00 514.02 < 813
157 DL+SL-X 5918.99 -1338.47 20.92 0.23 0.00 4.00 4.00 246.42 < 813
158 DL+SLZ 6074.18 40.77 -34.59 0.01 0.01 4.00 4.00 380.22 < 813
159 DL+SL-Z 6074.18 40.77 -34.59 0.01 0.01 4.00 4.00 380.22 < 813
160 DL+LL+WL(+Z)+INTPRESS 6982.24 33.42 -1821.43 0.00 0.26 4.00 4.00 268.76 < 813
161 DL+LL+WL(+Z)-INTPRESS 6835.29 -12.39 -2590.47 0.00 0.38 4.00 4.00 183.19 < 813
162 DL+LL+WL(-Z)+INTPRESS 7832.27 138.64 2665.33 0.02 0.34 4.00 4.00 752.39 < 813
163 DL+LL+WL(-Z)-INTPRESS 7719.45 209.96 2014.61 0.03 0.26 4.00 4.00 691.02 < 813
164 DL+LL+WL(+X)+INTPRESS 7421.65 761.94 -37.43 0.10 0.01 4.00 4.00 531.78 < 813
165 DL+LL+WL(+X)-INTPRESS 7283.68 708.85 -1019.45 0.10 0.14 4.00 4.00 426.11 < 813
166 DL+LL+WL(-X)+INTPRESS 7317.33 -283.92 -148.76 0.04 0.02 4.00 4.00 416.77 < 813
167 DL+LL+WL(-X)-INTPRESS 7127.00 -748.23 -808.65 0.10 0.11 4.00 4.00 299.48 < 813
168 DL+LL+SLX 7546.80 1455.74 -113.09 0.19 0.01 4.00 4.00 597.55 < 813
169 DL+LL-SLX 7236.42 -1302.75 -2.09 0.18 0.00 4.00 4.00 329.95 < 813
170 DL+LL+SLZ 7391.61 76.50 -57.59 0.01 0.01 4.00 4.00 463.75 < 813
171 DL+LL-SLZ 7391.61 76.50 -57.59 0.01 0.01 4.00 4.00 463.75 < 813

Eff.slab depth assumed (ds) = 1130.00 mm

5. Design of foundation slab LC 155 LC 156 LC 157 LC 158 LC 159 LC 160 LC 161 LC 162 LC 163 LC 164
Load factor 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20
upward soil pressure (kn/sqm) 463.75 514.02 246.42 380.22 380.22 268.76 183.19 752.39 691.02 531.78
Downward pressure due to self wt of raft 118.50 118.50 118.50 118.50 118.50 118.50 118.50 118.50 118.50 118.50
Net Fact. Upward pressure 517.87 593.27 191.88 392.57 392.57 180.32 77.62 760.67 687.02 495.93
Max. Net Fact. Upward pressure 760.67 kn/sqm

Fact.Net Upward pressure= P/A- Mz/Zz- Mx/ Zx 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Max Net fact. Upward pressure Kn/sqm 0.00

Check for punching shear( critical at d/2 from pedestal)

Perm. Punching shear stress ( N/mm^2) 1.12
Eff. Depth provided at crical sec. ( mm) 1130.00
Min Eff. Depth required ( mm) 865.39 mm < 1130.00 mm safe
Check for general shear( critical at d from pedestal)
Perm. shear stress ( N/mm^2) 0.34
Max. cantilever projection (m) 1.50 m
Fact.Shear force at d from pedeastal (kn) 281.45
Eff.depth provided at critcal sec. (mm) 1130.00
Min Efective depth recquired 818.16 < 1130.00 mm safe
Eff. Depth provided 1130.00 > 818.16 mm ok
Bottom Reinforcement per 1m width (Comp) a= 1.00
Max. cant. Projection ( L1= max of( L-pl ) ,
( ( B-pb)/2)) 1.50 m b= -54458
Max bending moment ( ( ms).= q1*L1*L1/2 ) 855.75 kn-m c= 114225068 p tc
M R of section ( .138* fck * b*d^2) 3524.24 kn-m > 855.75 kn-m
Area of steel req.Ref.clno.E1.1c of is456)) As= 2185.18 mm^2 dia of bars 20 0.15 0.28
Min % of steel .12% of gross area 1440.00 mm^2
Therefore provide Ast= 2185.18 mm^2 0.23 0.344
Spacing of 20 dia @ 144.00 mm C/C in both directions .
20.00 120.00 2616.67

Top Reinforcement per 1m width ( Uplift)

Max.fact. Upward pressure= 0.00 kn/sqm a= 1.00
Max. cant. Projection ( L1= max of( L-pl ) ,
( ( B-pb)/2)) 1.50 m b= -54458
Max bending moment ( ( ms).= q1*L1*L1/2 ) 0.00 kn-m c= 0
M R of section ( .138* fck * b*d^2) 3524.24 kn-m > 0.00 kn-m
Area of steel req.Ref.clno.E1.1c of is456)) As= 0.00 mm^2 dia of bars 12
Min % of steel .12% of gross area 720.00 mm^2
Therefore provide Ast= 720.00 mm^2
Spacing of 12.00 dia @ 157.00 mm C/C in both directions
12.00 150.00 753.60
(Fz*hl )
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe

LC 165 LC 166 LC 167 LC 168 LC 169 LC 170 LC 171

1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20
426.11 416.77 299.48 597.55 329.95 463.75 463.75
118.50 118.50 118.50 118.50 118.50 118.50 118.50
369.13 357.92 217.18 574.86 253.74 414.30 414.30

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Date :- 01-07-2008
Column : F3
Soil data Details of Individual footing
SBC for LC1: dl+ll ( kn/sqm)= sbc1 650.00
SBC for LC2: dl+ll +wl ( kn/sqm)= sbc2 812.50 size of pedestal = (pl*pb) 1.00 0.60
Density of soil ( kn/cum) = rs 18.00 L (m) B (m)
Density of Rcc ( kn/cum) = rc 25.00 size of footing = (L*B) 2.60 2.20
Density of water ( kn/cum) = rw 10.00 Depth (m)
Thickness of footing = Ds 0.70
Pedstal ht above GL= H1 0.00
Lever arm( hl)=Ds = 0.70 m Depth of fdn = H2 6.00
Depth of GW table = H3 7.00
Vertical lateral long moment moment +Mz
LC Py (kn) Fx(kn) Fz(kn) Mz (kn-m) Mx (kn-m) L.F P (kn) Fx (kn) Fz (kn) kn-m
155 DL+LL 1201.228 0 0 40.946 -71.191 1.50 1201.23 0.00 0.00 40.95
156 DL+SLX 1396.662 0 0 827.255 -62.01 1.50 1396.66 0.00 0.00 827.26
157 DL+SL-X 695.731 0 0 -785.354 -40.448 1.50 695.73 0.00 0.00 -785.35
158 DL+SLZ 1046.197 0 0 20.951 -51.229 1.50 1046.20 0.00 0.00 20.95
159 DL+SL-Z 1046.197 0 0 20.951 -51.229 1.50 1046.20 0.00 0.00 20.95
160 DL+LL+WL(+Z)+INTPRESS 1225.498 0 0 15.728 -381.428 1.20 1225.50 0.00 0.00 15.73
161 DL+LL+WL(+Z)-INTPRESS 1218.269 0 0 -10.078 -639.711 1.20 1218.27 0.00 0.00 -10.08
162 DL+LL+WL(-Z)+INTPRESS 1167.012 0 0 78.34 554.951 1.20 1167.01 0.00 0.00 78.34
163 DL+LL+WL(-Z)-INTPRESS 1182.346 0 0 122.466 321.259 1.20 1182.35 0.00 0.00 122.47
164 DL+LL+WL(+X)+INTPRESS 1348.194 0 0 441.158 -66.154 1.20 1348.19 0.00 0.00 441.16
165 DL+LL+WL(+X)-INTPRESS 1343.954 0 0 410.85 -362.095 1.20 1343.95 0.00 0.00 410.85
166 DL+LL+WL(-X)+INTPRESS 1156.333 0 0 -172.253 -97.972 1.20 1156.33 0.00 0.00 -172.25
167 DL+LL+WL(-X)-INTPRESS 1037.098 0 0 -442.516 -332.195 1.20 1037.10 0.00 0.00 -442.52
168 DL+LL+SLX 1551.694 0 0 847.25 -81.972 1.20 1551.69 0.00 0.00 847.25
169 DL+LL-SLX 850.763 0 0 -765.359 -60.41 1.20 850.76 0.00 0.00 -765.36
170 DL+LL+SLZ 1201.228 0 0 40.946 -71.191 1.20 1201.23 0.00 0.00 40.95
171 DL+LL-SLZ 1201.228 0 0 40.946 -71.191 1.20 1201.23 0.00 0.00 40.95

Grade of concrete ( fck) 20.00 n/mm^2 Geometrical details of foundation
Grade of steel ( Fe) 415.00 n/mm^2
1b. Self weight of foundation lever arm 0.70 ,m
Volume of slab ( L*B*Ds)= 4.004m^3 (H1+H2)
area ( sqm) =( L*B)= 5.72 sqm
Vol. of pedestals below GL (*pl*pb*(H2-Ds))= 3.18m^3 Zxx( m^3) =L*B*B/6= 2.10 m^3
V1= 7.18 @ 25.00 179.6kn Zyy( m^3) =L*L*B/6= 2.48 m^3
Vol. of pedestals above GL (pl*pb*H1)= 0.00 @ 25.00 0.00 kx=(B/6) 0.37 m
ky=(L/6) 0.43 m
Dead wt of overburden soil(L*B*H-V1) *(rs) 27.14 @ 18.00 488.45 if ey >ky Leff= 3*( L/2-ey) Leff= 3*( L/2-ey)
Total self wt of Foundation ( Wf) 668.05 kn
Udl due to self wt of fdn ( u1= Wf/L*B) 116.79 kn/sqm Max. press. On soil = 2*Q/ Leff.* B
L1=(l-pl)/2 0.80 m
B1=(b-pb)/2 0.80 m

2.Check for uplift:-

Net uplift No Uplift kn There is no uplift onthe foundation
---- ----- kn
safe -------- > 1.50 ok

3.Check for Overturning:-

Vertical Resisting Moment FOS=
LOAD COMBINATIONS load Leverarm Kn-m Overtrning moment Mz/Mx Kn-m RTM/OTM
155 DL+LL 1869.28 1.30 2430.06 71.19 34.13 >1.5 safe
156 DL+SLX 2064.71 1.30 2684.12 827.26 3.24 >1.5 safe
157 DL+SL-X 1363.78 1.30 1772.91 785.35 2.26 >1.5 safe
158 DL+SLZ 1714.25 1.30 2228.52 51.23 43.50 >1.5 safe
159 DL+SL-Z 1714.25 1.30 2228.52 51.23 43.50 >1.5 safe
160 DL+LL+WL(+Z)+INTPRESS 1893.55 1.30 2461.61 381.43 6.45 >1.5 safe
161 DL+LL+WL(+Z)-INTPRESS 1886.32 1.30 2452.21 639.71 3.83 >1.5 safe
162 DL+LL+WL(-Z)+INTPRESS 1835.06 1.30 2385.58 554.95 4.30 >1.5 safe
163 DL+LL+WL(-Z)-INTPRESS 1850.39 1.30 2405.51 321.26 7.49 >1.5 safe
164 DL+LL+WL(+X)+INTPRESS 2016.24 1.30 2621.11 441.16 5.94 >1.5 safe
165 DL+LL+WL(+X)-INTPRESS 2012.00 1.30 2615.60 410.85 6.37 >1.5 safe
166 DL+LL+WL(-X)+INTPRESS 1824.38 1.30 2371.70 172.25 13.77 >1.5 safe
167 DL+LL+WL(-X)-INTPRESS 1705.15 1.30 2216.69 442.52 5.01 >1.5 safe
168 DL+LL+SLX 2219.74 1.30 2885.66 847.25 3.41 >1.5 safe
169 DL+LL-SLX 1518.81 1.30 1974.45 765.36 2.58 >1.5 safe
170 DL+LL+SLZ 1869.28 1.30 2430.06 71.19 34.13 >1.5 safe
171 DL+LL-SLZ 1869.28 1.30 2430.06 71.19 34.13 >1.5 safe

3. Analysis of footing

Q Mz (kn- Mx ex=Mz/Q ez=Mx/Q Beff = (B- pressure( k
LOAD COMBINATIONS (kn) m) (kn-m) (m) (m) Leff.(m) 2*ez) (m) n/sqm)
155 DL+LL 1869.28 40.95 -71.19 0.02 0.04 2.60 2.20 309.37 < 650
156 DL+SLX 2064.71 827.26 -62.01 0.40 0.03 2.60 2.20 665.15 < 813
157 DL+SL-X 1363.78 -785.35 -40.45 0.58 0.03 2.17 2.20 570.70 < 813
158 DL+SLZ 1714.25 20.95 -51.23 0.01 0.03 2.60 2.20 283.72 < 813
159 DL+SL-Z 1714.25 20.95 -51.23 0.01 0.03 2.60 2.20 283.72 < 813
160 DL+LL+WL(+Z)+INTPRESS 1893.55 15.73 -381.43 0.01 0.20 2.60 2.20 155.52 < 813
161 DL+LL+WL(+Z)-INTPRESS 1886.32 -10.08 -639.71 0.01 0.34 2.60 2.20 20.70 < 813
162 DL+LL+WL(-Z)+INTPRESS 1835.06 78.34 554.95 0.04 0.30 2.60 2.20 617.02 < 813
163 DL+LL+WL(-Z)-INTPRESS 1850.39 122.47 321.26 0.07 0.17 2.60 2.20 526.08 < 813
164 DL+LL+WL(+X)+INTPRESS 2016.24 441.16 -66.15 0.22 0.03 2.60 2.20 498.93 < 813
165 DL+LL+WL(+X)-INTPRESS 2012.00 410.85 -362.10 0.20 0.18 2.60 2.20 344.86 < 813
166 DL+LL+WL(-X)+INTPRESS 1824.38 -172.25 -97.97 0.09 0.05 2.60 2.20 202.74 < 813
167 DL+LL+WL(-X)-INTPRESS 1705.15 -442.52 -332.20 0.26 0.19 2.60 2.20 -38.82 < 813
168 DL+LL+SLX 2219.74 847.25 -81.97 0.38 0.04 2.60 2.20 690.80 < 813
169 DL+LL-SLX 1518.81 -765.36 -60.41 0.50 0.04 2.39 2.20 578.14 < 813
170 DL+LL+SLZ 1869.28 40.95 -71.19 0.02 0.04 2.60 2.20 309.37 < 813
171 DL+LL-SLZ 1869.28 40.95 -71.19 0.02 0.04 2.60 2.20 309.37 < 813

Eff.slab depth assumed (ds) = 634.00 mm

5. Design of foundation slab LC 155 LC 156 LC 157 LC 158 LC 159 LC 160 LC 161 LC 162 LC 163 LC 164
Load factor 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20
upward soil pressure (kn/sqm) 309.37 665.15 570.70 283.72 283.72 155.52 20.70 617.02 526.08 498.93
Downward pressure due to self wt of raft 116.79 116.79 116.79 116.79 116.79 116.79 116.79 116.79 116.79 116.79
Net Fact. Upward pressure 288.87 822.53 680.87 250.39 250.39 46.48 -115.31 600.27 491.14 458.57
Max. Net Fact. Upward pressure 822.53 kn/sqm

Fact.Net Upward pressure= P/A- Mz/Zz- Mx/ Zx 0.00 90.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 110.62 0.00 0.00
Max Net fact. Upward pressure Kn/sqm 110.62

Check for punching shear( critical at d/2 from pedestal)

Perm. Punching shear stress ( N/mm^2) 1.12
Eff. Depth provided at crical sec. ( mm) 634.00
Min Eff. Depth required ( mm) 326.68 mm < 634.00 mm safe
Check for general shear( critical at d from pedestal)
Perm. shear stress ( N/mm^2) 0.34
Max. cantilever projection (m) 0.80 m
Fact.Shear force at d from pedeastal (kn) 136.54
Eff.depth provided at critcal sec. (mm) 634.00
Min Efective depth recquired 396.92 < 634.00 mm safe
Eff. Depth provided 634.00 > 396.92 mm ok
Bottom Reinforcement per 1m width (Comp) a= 1.00
Max. cant. Projection ( L1= max of( L-pl ) ,
( ( B-pb)/2)) 0.80 m b= -30554
Max bending moment ( ( ms).= q1*L1*L1/2 ) 263.21 kn-m c= 35133227 p tc
M R of section ( .138* fck * b*d^2) 1109.40 kn-m > 263.21 kn-m
Area of steel req.Ref.clno.E1.1c of is456)) As= 1196.74 mm^2 dia of bars 16 0.15 0.28
Min % of steel .12% of gross area 840.00 mm^2
Therefore provide Ast= 1196.74 mm^2 0.26 0.342857
Spacing of 16 dia @ 168.00 mm C/C in both directions .
16.00 150.00 1339.73

Top Reinforcement per 1m width ( Uplift)

Max.fact. Upward pressure= 110.62 kn/sqm a= 1.00
Max. cant. Projection ( L1= max of( L-pl ) ,
( ( B-pb)/2)) 0.80 m b= -30554
Max bending moment ( ( ms).= q1*L1*L1/2 ) 35.40 kn-m c= 4724841
M R of section ( .138* fck * b*d^2) 1109.40 kn-m > 35.40 kn-m
Area of steel req.Ref.clno.E1.1c of is456)) As= 155.43 mm^2 dia of bars 12
Min % of steel .12% of gross area 420.00 mm^2
Therefore provide Ast= 420.00 mm^2
Spacing of 12.00 dia @ 200.00 mm C/C in both directions
12.00 200.00 565.20
(Fz*hl )
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe

LC 165 LC 166 LC 167 LC 168 LC 169 LC 170 LC 171

1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20
344.86 202.74 -38.82 690.80 578.14 309.37 309.37
116.79 116.79 116.79 116.79 116.79 116.79 116.79
273.68 103.14 -186.73 688.81 553.62 231.10 231.10

0.00 0.00 0.00 37.75 0.00 0.00 0.00

Date :- 01-06-2008


Column : D4
Soil data Details of Individual footing
SBC for LC1: dl+ll ( kn/sqm)= sbc1 650.00
SBC for LC2: dl+ll +wl ( kn/sqm)= sbc2 812.50 size of pedestal = (pl*pb) 1.00 0.60
Density of soil ( kn/cum) = rs 18.00 L (m) B (m)
Density of Rcc ( kn/cum) = rc 25.00 size of footing = (L*B) 2.40 2.00
Density of water ( kn/cum) = rw 10.00 Depth (m)
Thickness of footing = Ds 0.60
Pedstal ht above GL= H1 0.00
Lever arm( hl)=Ds = 0.60 m Depth of fdn = H2 6.00
Depth of GW table = H3 7.00
Vertical lateral long moment moment +Mz
LC Py (kn) Fx(kn) Fz(kn) Mz (kn-m) Mx (kn-m) L.F P (kn) Fx (kn) Fz (kn) kn-m
155 DL+LL 1458.88 0 0 18.146 -50.096 1.50 1458.88 0.00 0.00 18.15
156 DL+SLX 1006.89 0 0 619.223 -29.239 1.50 1006.89 0.00 0.00 619.22
157 DL+SL-X 1411.281 0 0 -627.071 -44.985 1.50 1411.28 0.00 0.00 -627.07
158 DL+SLZ 1209.085 0 0 -3.924 -37.112 1.50 1209.09 0.00 0.00 -3.92
159 DL+SL-Z 1209.085 0 0 -3.924 -37.112 1.50 1209.09 0.00 0.00 -3.92
160 DL+LL+WL(+Z)+INTPRESS 2127.83 0 0 34.811 -609.552 1.20 2127.83 0.00 0.00 34.81
161 DL+LL+WL(+Z)-INTPRESS 2210.372 0 0 -47.376 -731.923 1.20 2210.37 0.00 0.00 -47.38
162 DL+LL+WL(-Z)+INTPRESS 671.694 0 0 62.619 686.922 1.20 671.69 0.00 0.00 62.62
163 DL+LL+WL(-Z)-INTPRESS 682.567 0 0 308.682 584.308 1.20 682.57 0.00 0.00 308.68
164 DL+LL+WL(+X)+INTPRESS 1359.206 0 0 458.933 -48.308 1.20 1359.21 0.00 0.00 458.93
165 DL+LL+WL(+X)-INTPRESS 1457.201 0 0 334.071 -166.384 1.20 1457.20 0.00 0.00 334.07
166 DL+LL+WL(-X)+INTPRESS 1510.37 0 0 -315.13 -42.382 1.20 1510.37 0.00 0.00 -315.13
167 DL+LL+WL(-X)-INTPRESS 1613.682 0 0 -553.098 -135.44 1.20 1613.68 0.00 0.00 -553.10
168 DL+LL+SLX 1256.684 0 0 641.293 -42.223 1.20 1256.68 0.00 0.00 641.29
169 DL+LL-SLX 1661.075 0 0 -605.001 -57.969 1.20 1661.08 0.00 0.00 -605.00
170 DL+LL+SLZ 1458.88 0 0 18.146 -50.096 1.20 1458.88 0.00 0.00 18.15
171 DL+LL-SLZ 1458.88 0 0 18.146 -50.096 1.20 1458.88 0.00 0.00 18.15

Grade of concrete ( fck) 20.00 n/mm^2 Geometrical details of foundation
Grade of steel ( Fe) 415.00 n/mm^2
1b. Self weight of foundation lever arm 0.60 ,m
Volume of slab ( L*B*Ds)= 2.88m^3 (H1+H2)
area ( sqm) =( L*B)= 4.80 sqm
Vol. of pedestals below GL (*pl*pb*(H2-Ds))= 3.24m^3 Zxx( m^3) =L*B*B/6= 1.60 m^3
V1= 6.12 @ 25.00 153kn Zyy( m^3) =L*L*B/6= 1.92 m^3
Vol. of pedestals above GL (pl*pb*H1)= 0.00 @ 25.00 0.00 kx=(B/6) 0.33 m
ky=(L/6) 0.40 m
Dead wt of overburden soil(L*B*H-V1) *(rs) 22.68 @ 18.00 408.24 if ey >ky Leff= 3*( L/2-ey) Leff= 3*( L/2-ey)
Total self wt of Foundation ( Wf) 561.24 kn
Udl due to self wt of fdn ( u1= Wf/L*B) 116.93 kn/sqm Max. press. On soil = 2*Q/ Leff.* B
L1=(l-pl)/2 0.70 m
B1=(b-pb)/2 0.70 m

2.Check for uplift:-

Net uplift No Uplift kn There is no uplift onthe foundation
---- ----- kn
safe -------- > 1.50 ok

3.Check for Overturning:-

Vertical Resisting Moment FOS=
LOAD COMBINATIONS load Leverarm Kn-m Overtrning moment Mz/Mx Kn-m RTM/OTM
155 DL+LL 2020.12 1.20 2424.14 50.10 48.39 >1.5 safe
156 DL+SLX 1568.13 1.20 1881.76 619.22 3.04 >1.5 safe
157 DL+SL-X 1972.52 1.20 2367.03 627.07 3.77 >1.5 safe
158 DL+SLZ 1770.33 1.20 2124.39 37.11 57.24 >1.5 safe
159 DL+SL-Z 1770.33 1.20 2124.39 37.11 57.24 >1.5 safe
160 DL+LL+WL(+Z)+INTPRESS 2689.07 1.20 3226.88 609.55 5.29 >1.5 safe
161 DL+LL+WL(+Z)-INTPRESS 2771.61 1.20 3325.93 731.92 4.54 >1.5 safe
162 DL+LL+WL(-Z)+INTPRESS 1232.93 1.20 1479.52 686.92 2.15 >1.5 safe
163 DL+LL+WL(-Z)-INTPRESS 1243.81 1.20 1492.57 584.31 2.55 >1.5 safe
164 DL+LL+WL(+X)+INTPRESS 1920.45 1.20 2304.54 458.93 5.02 >1.5 safe
165 DL+LL+WL(+X)-INTPRESS 2018.44 1.20 2422.13 334.07 7.25 >1.5 safe
166 DL+LL+WL(-X)+INTPRESS 2071.61 1.20 2485.93 315.13 7.89 >1.5 safe
167 DL+LL+WL(-X)-INTPRESS 2174.92 1.20 2609.91 553.10 4.72 >1.5 safe
168 DL+LL+SLX 1817.92 1.20 2181.51 641.29 3.40 >1.5 safe
169 DL+LL-SLX 2222.32 1.20 2666.78 605.00 4.41 >1.5 safe
170 DL+LL+SLZ 2020.12 1.20 2424.14 50.10 48.39 >1.5 safe
171 DL+LL-SLZ 2020.12 1.20 2424.14 50.10 48.39 >1.5 safe

3. Analysis of footing

Q Mz (kn- Mx ex=Mz/Q ez=Mx/Q Beff = (B- pressure( k
LOAD COMBINATIONS (kn) m) (kn-m) (m) (m) Leff.(m) 2*ez) (m) n/sqm)
155 DL+LL 2020.12 18.15 -50.10 0.01 0.02 2.40 2.00 399.00 < 650
156 DL+SLX 1568.13 619.22 -29.24 0.39 0.02 2.40 2.00 630.93 < 813
157 DL+SL-X 1972.52 -627.07 -44.99 0.32 0.02 2.40 2.00 56.23 < 813
158 DL+SLZ 1770.33 -3.92 -37.11 0.00 0.02 2.40 2.00 343.58 < 813
159 DL+SL-Z 1770.33 -3.92 -37.11 0.00 0.02 2.40 2.00 343.58 < 813
160 DL+LL+WL(+Z)+INTPRESS 2689.07 34.81 -609.55 0.01 0.23 2.40 2.00 197.38 < 813
161 DL+LL+WL(+Z)-INTPRESS 2771.61 -47.38 -731.92 0.02 0.26 2.40 2.00 95.29 < 813
162 DL+LL+WL(-Z)+INTPRESS 1232.93 62.62 686.92 0.05 0.56 2.40 1.33 773.35 < 813
163 DL+LL+WL(-Z)-INTPRESS 1243.81 308.68 584.31 0.25 0.47 2.40 1.59 651.61 < 813
164 DL+LL+WL(+X)+INTPRESS 1920.45 458.93 -48.31 0.24 0.03 2.40 2.00 608.93 < 813
165 DL+LL+WL(+X)-INTPRESS 2018.44 334.07 -166.38 0.17 0.08 2.40 2.00 490.51 < 813
166 DL+LL+WL(-X)+INTPRESS 2071.61 -315.13 -42.38 0.15 0.02 2.40 2.00 240.97 < 813
167 DL+LL+WL(-X)-INTPRESS 2174.92 -553.10 -135.44 0.25 0.06 2.40 2.00 80.39 < 813
168 DL+LL+SLX 1817.92 641.29 -42.22 0.35 0.02 2.40 2.00 686.35 < 813
169 DL+LL-SLX 2222.32 -605.00 -57.97 0.27 0.03 2.40 2.00 111.65 < 813
170 DL+LL+SLZ 2020.12 18.15 -50.10 0.01 0.02 2.40 2.00 399.00 < 813
171 DL+LL-SLZ 2020.12 18.15 -50.10 0.01 0.02 2.40 2.00 399.00 < 813

Eff.slab depth assumed (ds) = 534.00 mm

5. Design of foundation slab LC 155 LC 156 LC 157 LC 158 LC 159 LC 160 LC 161 LC 162 LC 163 LC 164
Load factor 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20
upward soil pressure (kn/sqm) 399.00 630.93 56.23 343.58 343.58 197.38 95.29 773.35 651.61 608.93
Downward pressure due to self wt of raft 116.93 116.93 116.93 116.93 116.93 116.93 116.93 116.93 116.93 116.93
Net Fact. Upward pressure 423.11 771.01 -91.05 339.98 339.98 96.55 -25.96 787.71 641.62 590.40
Max. Net Fact. Upward pressure 787.71 kn/sqm

Fact.Net Upward pressure= P/A- Mz/Zz- Mx/ Zx 0.00 141.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 386.40 460.52 0.00
Max Net fact. Upward pressure Kn/sqm 460.52

Check for punching shear( critical at d/2 from pedestal)

Perm. Punching shear stress ( N/mm^2) 1.12
Eff. Depth provided at crical sec. ( mm) 534.00
Min Eff. Depth required ( mm) 444.61 mm < 534.00 mm safe
Check for general shear( critical at d from pedestal)
Perm. shear stress ( N/mm^2) 0.33
Max. cantilever projection (m) 0.70 m
Fact.Shear force at d from pedeastal (kn) 130.76
Eff.depth provided at critcal sec. (mm) 534.00
Min Efective depth recquired 398.66 < 534.00 mm safe
Eff. Depth provided 534.00 > 398.66 mm ok
Bottom Reinforcement per 1m width (Comp) a= 1.00
Max. cant. Projection ( L1= max of( L-pl ) ,
( ( B-pb)/2)) 0.70 m b= -25735
Max bending moment ( ( ms).= q1*L1*L1/2 ) 192.99 kn-m c= 25759989 p tc
M R of section ( .138* fck * b*d^2) 787.03 kn-m > 192.99 kn-m
Area of steel req.Ref.clno.E1.1c of is456)) As= 1043.27 mm^2 dia of bars 16 0.15 0.28
Min % of steel .12% of gross area 720.00 mm^2
Therefore provide Ast= 1043.27 mm^2 0.21 0.328
Spacing of 16 dia @ 193.00 mm C/C in both directions .
16.00 180.00 1116.44

Top Reinforcement per 1m width ( Uplift)

Max.fact. Upward pressure= 460.52 kn/sqm a= 1.00
Max. cant. Projection ( L1= max of( L-pl ) ,
( ( B-pb)/2)) 0.70 m b= -25735
Max bending moment ( ( ms).= q1*L1*L1/2 ) 112.83 kn-m c= 15059997
M R of section ( .138* fck * b*d^2) 787.03 kn-m > 112.83 kn-m
Area of steel req.Ref.clno.E1.1c of is456)) As= 599.15 mm^2 dia of bars 12
Min % of steel .12% of gross area 360.00 mm^2
Therefore provide Ast= 599.15 mm^2
Spacing of 12.00 dia @ 189.00 mm C/C in both directions
12.00 180.00 628.00
(Fz*hl )
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe

LC 165 LC 166 LC 167 LC 168 LC 169 LC 170 LC 171

1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20
490.51 240.97 80.39 686.35 111.65 399.00 399.00
116.93 116.93 116.93 116.93 116.93 116.93 116.93
448.31 148.85 -43.85 683.31 -6.33 338.49 338.49

0.00 0.00 0.00 54.97 0.00 0.00 0.00

Date :- 01-06-2008


Column : E4
Soil data Details of Individual footing
SBC for LC1: dl+ll ( kn/sqm)= sbc1 650.00
SBC for LC2: dl+ll +wl ( kn/sqm)= sbc2 812.50 size of pedestal = (pl*pb) 1.00 0.60
Density of soil ( kn/cum) = rs 18.00 L (m) B (m)
Density of Rcc ( kn/cum) = rc 25.00 size of footing = (L*B) 2.60 2.20
Density of water ( kn/cum) = rw 10.00 Depth (m)
Thickness of footing = Ds 0.65
Pedstal ht above GL= H1 0.00
Lever arm( hl)=Ds = 0.65 m Depth of fdn = H2 6.00
Depth of GW table = H3 7.00
Vertical lateral long moment moment +Mz
LC Py (kn) Fx(kn) Fz(kn) Mz (kn-m) Mx (kn-m) L.F P (kn) Fx (kn) Fz (kn) kn-m
155 DL+LL 1476.206 0 0 56.475 -29.724 1.50 1476.21 0.00 0.00 56.48
156 DL+SLX 1426.564 0 0 656.991 -38.304 1.50 1426.56 0.00 0.00 656.99
157 DL+SL-X 992.326 0 0 -589.399 -6.565 1.50 992.33 0.00 0.00 -589.40
158 DL+SLZ 1209.445 0 0 33.796 -22.434 1.50 1209.45 0.00 0.00 33.80
159 DL+SL-Z 1209.445 0 0 33.796 -22.434 1.50 1209.45 0.00 0.00 33.80
160 DL+LL+WL(+Z)+INTPRESS 2220.44 0 0 72.807 -540.141 1.20 2220.44 0.00 0.00 72.81
161 DL+LL+WL(+Z)-INTPRESS 2417.973 0 0 -12.014 -756.327 1.20 2417.97 0.00 0.00 -12.01
162 DL+LL+WL(-Z)+INTPRESS 478.137 0 0 100.132 750.048 1.20 478.14 0.00 0.00 100.13
163 DL+LL+WL(-Z)-INTPRESS 684.836 0 0 342.149 568.135 1.20 684.84 0.00 0.00 342.15
164 DL+LL+WL(+X)+INTPRESS 1563.687 0 0 499.692 -23.764 1.20 1563.69 0.00 0.00 499.69
165 DL+LL+WL(+X)-INTPRESS 1857.375 0 0 372.224 -301.639 1.20 1857.38 0.00 0.00 372.22
166 DL+LL+WL(-X)+INTPRESS 1450.648 0 0 -274.444 -56.151 1.20 1450.65 0.00 0.00 -274.44
167 DL+LL+WL(-X)-INTPRESS 1557.793 0 0 -515.097 -240.799 1.20 1557.79 0.00 0.00 -515.10
168 DL+LL+SLX 1693.325 0 0 679.67 -45.593 1.20 1693.33 0.00 0.00 679.67
169 DL+LL-SLX 1259.088 0 0 -566.719 -13.854 1.20 1259.09 0.00 0.00 -566.72
170 DL+LL+SLZ 1476.206 0 0 56.475 -29.724 1.20 1476.21 0.00 0.00 56.48
171 DL+LL-SLZ 1476.206 0 0 56.475 -29.724 1.20 1476.21 0.00 0.00 56.48

Grade of concrete ( fck) 20.00 n/mm^2 Geometrical details of foundation
Grade of steel ( Fe) 415.00 n/mm^2
1b. Self weight of foundation lever arm 0.65 ,m
Volume of slab ( L*B*Ds)= 3.718m^3 (H1+H2)
area ( sqm) =( L*B)= 5.72 sqm
Vol. of pedestals below GL (*pl*pb*(H2-Ds))= 3.21m^3 Zxx( m^3) =L*B*B/6= 2.10 m^3
V1= 6.93 @ 25.00 173.2kn Zyy( m^3) =L*L*B/6= 2.48 m^3
Vol. of pedestals above GL (pl*pb*H1)= 0.00 @ 25.00 0.00 kx=(B/6) 0.37 m
ky=(L/6) 0.43 m
Dead wt of overburden soil(L*B*H-V1) *(rs) 27.39 @ 18.00 493.06 if ey >ky Leff= 3*( L/2-ey) Leff= 3*( L/2-ey)
Total self wt of Foundation ( Wf) 666.26 kn
Udl due to self wt of fdn ( u1= Wf/L*B) 116.48 kn/sqm Max. press. On soil = 2*Q/ Leff.* B
L1=(l-pl)/2 0.80 m
B1=(b-pb)/2 0.80 m

2.Check for uplift:-

Net uplift No Uplift kn There is no uplift onthe foundation
---- ----- kn
safe -------- > 1.50 ok

3.Check for Overturning:-

Vertical Resisting Moment FOS=
LOAD COMBINATIONS load Leverarm Kn-m Overtrning moment Mz/Mx Kn-m RTM/OTM
155 DL+LL 2142.46 1.30 2785.20 56.48 49.32 >1.5 safe
156 DL+SLX 2092.82 1.30 2720.67 656.99 4.14 >1.5 safe
157 DL+SL-X 1658.58 1.30 2156.16 589.40 3.66 >1.5 safe
158 DL+SLZ 1875.70 1.30 2438.41 33.80 72.15 >1.5 safe
159 DL+SL-Z 1875.70 1.30 2438.41 33.80 72.15 >1.5 safe
160 DL+LL+WL(+Z)+INTPRESS 2886.70 1.30 3752.70 540.14 6.95 >1.5 safe
161 DL+LL+WL(+Z)-INTPRESS 3084.23 1.30 4009.50 756.33 5.30 >1.5 safe
162 DL+LL+WL(-Z)+INTPRESS 1144.39 1.30 1487.71 750.05 1.98 >1.5 safe
163 DL+LL+WL(-Z)-INTPRESS 1351.09 1.30 1756.42 568.14 3.09 >1.5 safe
164 DL+LL+WL(+X)+INTPRESS 2229.94 1.30 2898.93 499.69 5.80 >1.5 safe
165 DL+LL+WL(+X)-INTPRESS 2523.63 1.30 3280.72 372.22 8.81 >1.5 safe
166 DL+LL+WL(-X)+INTPRESS 2116.90 1.30 2751.98 274.44 10.03 >1.5 safe
167 DL+LL+WL(-X)-INTPRESS 2224.05 1.30 2891.26 515.10 5.61 >1.5 safe
168 DL+LL+SLX 2359.58 1.30 3067.46 679.67 4.51 >1.5 safe
169 DL+LL-SLX 1925.34 1.30 2502.95 566.72 4.42 >1.5 safe
170 DL+LL+SLZ 2142.46 1.30 2785.20 56.48 49.32 >1.5 safe
171 DL+LL-SLZ 2142.46 1.30 2785.20 56.48 49.32 >1.5 safe

3. Analysis of footing

Q Mz (kn- Mx ex=Mz/Q ez=Mx/Q Beff = (B- pressure( k
LOAD COMBINATIONS (kn) m) (kn-m) (m) (m) Leff.(m) 2*ez) (m) n/sqm)
155 DL+LL 2142.46 56.48 -29.72 0.03 0.01 2.60 2.20 383.17 < 650
156 DL+SLX 2092.82 656.99 -38.30 0.31 0.02 2.60 2.20 612.67 < 813
157 DL+SL-X 1658.58 -589.40 -6.57 0.36 0.00 2.60 2.20 49.04 < 813
158 DL+SLZ 1875.70 33.80 -22.43 0.02 0.01 2.60 2.20 330.86 < 813
159 DL+SL-Z 1875.70 33.80 -22.43 0.02 0.01 2.60 2.20 330.86 < 813
160 DL+LL+WL(+Z)+INTPRESS 2886.70 72.81 -540.14 0.03 0.19 2.60 2.20 276.50 < 813
161 DL+LL+WL(+Z)-INTPRESS 3084.23 -12.01 -756.33 0.00 0.25 2.60 2.20 173.74 < 813
162 DL+LL+WL(-Z)+INTPRESS 1144.39 100.13 750.05 0.09 0.66 2.60 1.33 660.01 < 813
163 DL+LL+WL(-Z)-INTPRESS 1351.09 342.15 568.14 0.25 0.42 2.60 2.04 509.84 < 813
164 DL+LL+WL(+X)+INTPRESS 2229.94 499.69 -23.76 0.22 0.01 2.60 2.20 580.12 < 813
165 DL+LL+WL(+X)-INTPRESS 2523.63 372.22 -301.64 0.15 0.12 2.60 2.20 447.55 < 813
166 DL+LL+WL(-X)+INTPRESS 2116.90 -274.44 -56.15 0.13 0.03 2.60 2.20 232.59 < 813
167 DL+LL+WL(-X)-INTPRESS 2224.05 -515.10 -240.80 0.23 0.11 2.60 2.20 66.20 < 813
168 DL+LL+SLX 2359.58 679.67 -45.59 0.29 0.02 2.60 2.20 664.98 < 813
169 DL+LL-SLX 1925.34 -566.72 -13.85 0.29 0.01 2.60 2.20 101.35 < 813
170 DL+LL+SLZ 2142.46 56.48 -29.72 0.03 0.01 2.60 2.20 383.17 < 813
171 DL+LL-SLZ 2142.46 56.48 -29.72 0.03 0.01 2.60 2.20 383.17 < 813

Eff.slab depth assumed (ds) = 584.00 mm

5. Design of foundation slab LC 155 LC 156 LC 157 LC 158 LC 159 LC 160 LC 161 LC 162 LC 163 LC 164
Load factor 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20
upward soil pressure (kn/sqm) 383.17 612.67 49.04 330.86 330.86 276.50 173.74 660.01 509.84 580.12
Downward pressure due to self wt of raft 116.48 116.48 116.48 116.48 116.48 116.48 116.48 116.48 116.48 116.48
Net Fact. Upward pressure 400.04 744.29 -101.15 321.57 321.57 192.03 68.71 652.24 472.03 556.37
Max. Net Fact. Upward pressure 744.29 kn/sqm

Fact.Net Upward pressure= P/A- Mz/Zz- Mx/ Zx 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 377.31 347.03 0.00
Max Net fact. Upward pressure Kn/sqm 377.31

Check for punching shear( critical at d/2 from pedestal)

Perm. Punching shear stress ( N/mm^2) 1.12
Eff. Depth provided at crical sec. ( mm) 584.00
Min Eff. Depth required ( mm) 468.79 mm < 584.00 mm safe
Check for general shear( critical at d from pedestal)
Perm. shear stress ( N/mm^2) 0.33
Max. cantilever projection (m) 0.80 m
Fact.Shear force at d from pedeastal (kn) 160.77
Eff.depth provided at critcal sec. (mm) 584.00
Min Efective depth recquired 490.14 < 584.00 mm safe
Eff. Depth provided 584.00 > 490.14 mm ok
Bottom Reinforcement per 1m width (Comp) a= 1.00
Max. cant. Projection ( L1= max of( L-pl ) ,
( ( B-pb)/2)) 0.80 m b= -28145
Max bending moment ( ( ms).= q1*L1*L1/2 ) 238.17 kn-m c= 31791249 p tc
M R of section ( .138* fck * b*d^2) 941.31 kn-m > 238.17 kn-m
Area of steel req.Ref.clno.E1.1c of is456)) As= 1178.95 mm^2 dia of bars 16 0.15 0.28
Min % of steel .12% of gross area 780.00 mm^2
Therefore provide Ast= 1178.95 mm^2 0.21 0.328
Spacing of 16 dia @ 171.00 mm C/C in both directions .
16.00 150.00 1339.73

Top Reinforcement per 1m width ( Uplift)

Max.fact. Upward pressure= 377.31 kn/sqm a= 1.00
Max. cant. Projection ( L1= max of( L-pl ) ,
( ( B-pb)/2)) 0.80 m b= -28145
Max bending moment ( ( ms).= q1*L1*L1/2 ) 120.74 kn-m c= 16116309
M R of section ( .138* fck * b*d^2) 941.31 kn-m > 120.74 kn-m
Area of steel req.Ref.clno.E1.1c of is456)) As= 584.78 mm^2 dia of bars 12
Min % of steel .12% of gross area 390.00 mm^2
Therefore provide Ast= 584.78 mm^2
Spacing of 12.00 dia @ 193.00 mm C/C in both directions
12.00 180.00 628.00
(Fz*hl )
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe
Kn/sqm safe

LC 165 LC 166 LC 167 LC 168 LC 169 LC 170 LC 171

1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20
447.55 232.59 66.20 664.98 101.35 383.17 383.17
116.48 116.48 116.48 116.48 116.48 116.48 116.48
397.28 139.34 -60.34 658.21 -18.15 320.03 320.03

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

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