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IJPPR, Vol 9, Issue 7, Article 11

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International Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemical Research 2017; 9(7); 961-964
doi: 10.25258/phyto.v9i07.11163
ISSN: 0975-4873
Research Article

Evaluation of Antioxidant Status in Cold Brewed Tea with Respect to

Hot Decoction: Comparative Study Between Green and Black
Chandrima Das, Sirshendu Chatterjee*
Department of Biotechnology, Techno India University, West Bengal, EM-4, Sector V, Salt Lake, Kolkata: 7000091,

Received 29th May, 17; Revised 29th June, 17, Accepted 12th July, 17; Available Online 25th July, 2017

Tea is known as nature low calorie wonder drink. Consumption of hot tea decoction became popular from the ancient
times. Currently researchers observed that many secondary metabolites that are heat sensitive might get destroyed on
heating. Moreover people, who are permanently live at higher altitude or the members of high altitude expedition team, are
deprived of various tea brewing facilities like electricity, fuel etc and hence they have to depend on brewing tea at cold
condition only for consumption. In this backdrop present study aims at analysis of antioxidants like polyphenols, flavonoids
and free radical scavenging activity of cold brewed tea and compared with its hot decoction. The study highlighted that
cold brewed green tea harbour more polyphenolics and flavonoids with respect to its hot decoction. However no significant
change being observed between hot and cold decoction of black tea. It is also observed that mg Ascorbic Acid Equivalent
per cup of cold and hot tea brew has no significant difference and hence both the brews can be consumed for replenishment
of antioxidant requirements.

Keywords: Antioxidant; Black tea; Cold tea brew; Green tea; Flavonoids; Polyphenolics.

INTRODUCTION from their diet10 because from the time unknown drinking
Tea decoction is the most preferred beverage in the world hot tea decoction becomes the only popular way to
next to water1. Tea decoction is generally prepared by consume the tea. Recent research shows that heating
brewing tea in hot water or milk or both. Among the sometime deactivates or destroys several important heat
several commonly available varieties, green and black teas sensitive bioactive molecules mainly flavonoids class of
are preferred most throughout the world. Green and black compounds present in the tea or other green vegetables or
teas are preferred for aroma, taste, brew colour and various fruits11. It is also observed that people of several high
positive physiological functions2. Health benefits of tea altitudes or extreme environments are devoid of all such
consumption have been well known to human civilization facilities to prepare hot tea brew. In this backdrop finding
for centuries. Since the early days hot tea infusions was an easiest low cost method become essential to serve tea
very much popular for improving mood, cognition ability, and its bioactive components to all without any bar. Hence,
blood flow, detoxification and prevention of different the aim of this study was to screen total polyphenolics
diseases3. Phytochemical screening of tea leaves have content (TPC), flavonoids content and free radical
shown the presence of more than 700 chemicals viz. scavenging property of cold water decoction of tea and to
polyphenols, flavonoids, alkaloids, tannins, volatile compare with the traditional hot water decoction.
constituents and amino acids as the main active ingredients
having potent antioxidant activities, anti-ulcer, anti-cancer MATERIAL AND METHODS
and hepato-protective activities4-9. Among the several Instruments and Apparatus
bioactive components of tea, polyphenols and flavonoids Analytical digital weighing balance (Wensor), UV-
play an important role in maintaining health and wellness Visible Spectrophotometer (Systronics117), Centrifuge
by boosting up the body’s antioxidant system. Antioxidant (Remi PR 23) was used for the experiments.
is a group of compounds that help to protect the cells in Chemicals and Reagents
from free radical damage, and thereby controlling stress For quantitative estimation of polyphenols content,
and the rate of ageing. Scot et al showed that tea decoction flavonoids content and their anti-oxidants activity in tea
can reduce fatigue of the team members during their high samples the following reagents and chemicals were used:
altitude expedition. During their journey Gallic Acid standard (Sigma), Ascorbic acid (Sigma),
hot brewed tea formed a major part of the required fluid Sodium carbonate (Merck), Sodium Hydroxide(Merck),
intake where brewing tea at hot was possible, but at Anhydrous Sodium Nitrite (Merck), Anhydrous
unfavourable condition for tea brewing, tea was excluded

*Author for

Chandrima et al. / Evaluation of Antioxidant…

Table 1: Tea Samples used for the present Study.

Sample Types of Tea Different tea samples were collected from the locally
No. Sample Brands situated shop in Kolkata, West Bengal. Name of the tea
T1 Black Tea Roasted Darjeeling Tea brands are summarized in the table 1:
T2 Black Tea Brooke Bond Taj Mahal Preparation of tea infusion
T3 Black Tea Tetley Tea Bags Prior to extraction, tea samples were grinded by using
Castleton Vintage mortar pestle and pass through a sieve in order to obtain a
T4 Black Tea Darjeeling Tea homogeneous fine powder. For preparing hot infusion 100
Goodrick Thurbo ml boiling water was added into 2 gm of powdered tea in
T5 Black Tea Darjeeling 250ml conical flask and kept in 90 degree C temperature
Barnesbeg Organic for 05 min, then clarified through Whatman filter paper
T6 Green Tea Darjeeling (Grade 1). Similarly, cold tea brew was prepared by adding
Eco valley Pure Long 100 ml water (at room temperature) into 2 gm of powdered
T7 Green Tea Leaf tea in 250ml conical flak and kept in 40C for 06 hr with
T8 Green Tea Te-A-me Natural Teas intermittent shaking, then clarified through Whatman filter
T9 Green Tea Tetley Tea Bags paper (Grade 1).The clear flow through was collected in a
T10 Green Tea Dilmah Natural Tea 100 ml volumetric flask, volume was made up with water
and used for subsequent assay12.
Determination of Total Polyphenolics Content (Follin-
Ciocalteau Assay)
Tea infusions prepared from different samples were used
to determine the total polyphenolics content using standard
method13 with slight modification. Follin-Ciocalteu (1:10)
reagent was added to each samples of both experiments
followed by addition of 7.5% Sodium Carbonate. This
reaction was incubated for 2 h. The absorbance was
recorded at 765nm. The calibration curve was prepared
using Gallic acid as standard12,13.
Determination of Flavonoids Content (Aluminium chloride
Aluminium chloride colorimetric method14 was used for
determination of flavonoids with slight modification. Tea
extract was mixed with 5% sodium nitrate followed by
10% aluminium chloride. After 6 min 1M sodium
hydroxide was added to it. Absorbance was recorded at
Figure 1: Comparative analysis of Total polyphenols
510nm. The calibration curve was prepared by using
contents in hot and cold decoction of green (n=5) and
Catechin as standard12,14.
black tea (n=5). Here BTE5 and GTE5 denote black tea
DPPH Radical Scavenging Assay
hot decoction and green tea hot decoction (5 min
DPPH Scavenging Assay was performed according to
incubation at 90 degreeC) whereas BTCE and GTCE
standard method15 with some modification to measure
denote black tea cold decoction and green tea cold
antioxidants properties present in natural products with
decoction (6 hr incubation at 4 degreeC). Here ‘ns’
slight modifications. DPPH (1, 1 – Diphenyl-2-
signifies non-significant P>0.05and ‘**’ signifies
picrylhydrazyl) is a stable free radial. 0.1mM DPPH
significant having p value = 0.0026.
solution was prepared in methanol solution and its OD was
adjusted in between 0.9 to 1.000. 100 µL of each Tea
Table 2: TPC in Hot and Cold decoctions of black and
samples (of suitable dilution) were added to DPPH
green varieties of tea. Here 5 black teas and 5 green teas
solution and incubated for 30 min in dark. Absorbance was
were used for this experiment.
noted at 517 nm. The calibration curve was prepared by
Tea Type TPC in Hot TPC in Cold
using Ascorbic acid as standard15.
Decoction (mg Decoction (mg
Statistical Analysis
GAE/ cup of tea) GAE/ cup of tea)
Graph Pad Prism7 has been used for statistical analysis of
Black Tea 89.31 ± 23.99 87.97± 27.69
the data. Paired t test has been performed to study the
Green Tea 107.63 ± 15.17 125.10 ± 13.37
significant changes among the data <0.005.
Aluminium Chloride(Merck), methanol (Merck), RESULTS
catechins (Sigma), Follin-ciocalteu reagent (Merck) and Total polyphenols content (TPC)
2,2 diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl DPPH (Merck). All From the present study it was observed that the TPC in
chemicals were analytical graded. HPLC grade water black tea has no such significant difference when brewed
(Merck) was used throughout the experiment. in cold and hot water. However a significant difference in
Sample Collection hot and cold decoction of green tea was observed (Fig.1.).

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Total Flavonoids content (FC)

From the present study it was observed that the FC in black
tea has no such significant difference when brewed in cold
and hot water. However a significant difference in hot and
cold decoction of green tea was observed (Fig.2.). With
respect to hot green tea decoction cold green tea decoction
contain significantly high amount of flavonoids as seen in
the Fig.2.
Interestingly, like TPC hot decoction a cup of cold green
and black tea contains a good amount of flavonoids (Table
Total Ascorbic Acid Equivalent Content (TAAEC)
In this experiment TAAEC in different tea decoction has
been calculated based on % DPPH radical scavenging
Figure 2: Comparative analysis of Flavonoids contents assay where Ascorbic Acid was used as standard. Both in
in hot and cold decoction of green (n=5) and black tea the case of green and black tea extracts infused in hot and
(n=5). Here BTE5 and GTE5 denote black tea hot cold water on average have shown no such significant
decoction and green tea hot decoction (5 min incubation difference statistically.
at 90 degreeC) whereas BTCE and GTCE denote black Another interesting point was observed that like hot
tea cold decoction and green tea cold decoction (6 hr decoction a cup of cold green and black tea contains a good
incubation at 4 degreeC). Here ns signifies non amount of antioxidant (Total ascorbic Acid Equivalent
significant and **** signifies ‘highly significant’ Content).
having p value = 0.0001.
Table 3: FC in Hot and Cold decoctions of black and Work stress is one of the most common factors nowadays.
green varieties of tea. Here 5 black teas and 5 green teas Antioxidants, flavonoids and polyphenols are very much
were used for this experiment. needed for proper maintenance of health. Generally,
Tea Type FC in Hot FC in Cold vegetables, fruits and beverages have been suggested for
Decoction (mg Decoction (mg better health as they full of important antioxidants,
CE/ cup of tea) CE/ cup of tea) flavonoids and polyphenols. There are many medicinal
Black Tea 12.5± 4.693 18.09± 6.219 plants whose bark, stem are being soaked in water for
Green Tea 13.6± 2.748 22.68± 2.835 whole night and the water is drunk in the whole day. Our
present work aimed to compare antioxidant status of cold
brewed tea with the traditional hot tea infusion.
Tea is chosen for that study because tea is full of good
antioxidants and easy to prepare. People of every
economical background can procure tea as its price range
from very low to high which based on the cultivation
process, region, production process, tea cultivar etc. But
one thing is true that all kind of tea contains good
polyphenols that have huge health promoting activities. In
common practice tea is commonly prepared by pouring hot
or boiling water over cured leaves of the Camellia
sinensis16. But problem occurs when there is scarcity of
fuel or electricity. Basically high altitude areas are devoid
of all the facilities for preparing tea. Moreover many
Figure 3: Fig. 1. Comparative analysis of mgAA/cup of secondary metabolites that are heat sensitive might get
hot and cold decoction of green (n=5) and black tea destroyed during hot decoction preparation time 12. In this
(n=5). Here BTE5 and GTE5 denote black tea hot situation drinking cold brewed tea is only the option. But
decoction and green tea hot decoction (5 min incubation this method is not popular like hot brewing procedure. So
at 90 degreeC) whereas BTCE and GTCE denote black detailed scientific study only can popularize the cold
tea cold decoction and green tea cold decoction (6 hr brewed tea to common people. Very few works has been
incubation at 4 degreeC). Here ns signifies non done to date17-18. Hence in the present have been designed
significant. to see the antioxidant status of cold brewed tea in
compared to hot. We found that the almost similar amount
With respect to hot green tea decoction, cold green tea of polyphenolics, flavonoids and anti-oxidants are released
decoction harbour more polyphenolics as seen in the Fig.1. in both the brewing condition. However, it was observed
Another interesting point was observed that like hot that polyphenols and flavonoids content are significantly
decoction a cup of cold green and black tea contains a good higher in cold brewed green tea with respect to hot
amount of polyphenolics (Table 2). decoction. However, it was observed that cold brewed tea

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Table 4: TAAEC in Hot and Cold decoctions of black metabolite fingerprinting. Journal of Agricultural Food
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Bandyopadhyay, Ex. Professor, KPC Medical College and antioxidant activities, and sugar content in six onion
Dr. B. Bera, Director (Research), Tea Board for varieties. 23( 2), Pages 243–252.
unconditional help throughout the work. Authors also 12. Chatterjee S., Roy N., Saha A., Roy S. Chatterjee A.,
grateful to Chairman, Techno India University, West Hazra N., Lahiri S., Maity C., Bandyopadhyay S.K.
Bengal for all necessary lab facilities for research work. 2014. Black Tea Consumption Enhance Antioxidant
Status, Reduce Inflammatory Stress vis-à-vis Insulin
CONFLICT OF INTEREST resistance: Hint from a Small Clinical Cohort Study on
No conflict of interest Pre-diabetic Subjects. International Journal of
Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research.
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