Music: Anne Joyce A. Edmilao LPT
Music: Anne Joyce A. Edmilao LPT
Music: Anne Joyce A. Edmilao LPT
Music of Medieval,
Renaissance, and
Baroque Periods
The learner demonstrates an understanding of basic concepts and processes in
music and art through appreciation, analysis and performance for his/her self-
development, celebration of his/her Filipino cultural identity and diversity, and
Key-stage standard
The learner demonstrates understanding of salient features of music and art of the
Philippines and the world, through appreciation, analysis, and performance, for
self-development, the celebration of Filipino cultural identity and diversity, and
the expansion of one’s world vision.
Content standard
The learner demonstrates understanding of the characteristic features of the music
of the medieval, the renaissance and the baroque periods.
Performance standard
The learner…
Performs selected songs from the Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque periods.
• Chants • Excerpts from Oratorio • Troubadour
Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque Music
• Madrigals • Chorales
The first three periods of Western Music History are classified as Medieval,
Renaissance, and Baroque. Each period has its distinctive characteristics,
historical and cultural background.
A type of music from the Medieval Era is Gregorian chant, which was mainly used
in the early Christian church.
Music during the Renaissance Period became an important leisure activity.
Members of the upper class were expected to have received musical training.
Imitative polyphony is the distinctive characteristic of Renaissance music.
The Baroque Period is characterized by grand and elaborate ornamentation of
sculptures, theaters, arts and music. The music genres which flourished during the
Baroque Period were the Concerto, the Fugue, the Oratorio and the Chorale.
Music evolved alongside with man’s constant quest for growth and development.
At the end of this module, you, as a learner, are expected to:
➤ Relate Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque music to its historical and cultural
background through dramatization.
➤ Explore other arts and media that portray Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque
To assess what you know about the music of the Medieval, Renaissance and
Baroque Periods, answer the following activities.
Do as Directed:
Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque Music
Music is timeless. Melodies from the past can still be heard today. Tunes may be
played differently in the techno – world, but one thing never changes, “Music will
always be part of man’s everyday life”.
➤ Look for other songs which were originally composed during the Medieval,
Renaissance or Baroque periods that have been revived today. They may have
been used as background music for commercial, movie, “teleserye“, and other
media purposes. reflection:
1. Were you aware that some of those music were composed centuries ago?
2. How was it used as background music?
3. Do you think they were used creatively? Was the music used appropriately?
4. If you were one of the original composers, would you allow your compositions
to be used as they are used today? Why or Why not?
What to know
In this module, you will learn the first part of the history of Western music.
We will be discussing the characteristic features of each period, composers,
historical and cultural backgrounds.
• monophonic
• Free meter
• Modal
Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque Music
Listen to the link that features a Gregorian Chant of the Medieval Period reflection:
After listening to the selection, were you able to identify the characteristics of
Gregorian Chants?
During the latter part of the Medieval Period, secular music which was not
bound by Catholic traditions emerged. Most of these songs were performed
across Europe by groups of musicians called Troubadours. troubadour Music:
• Usually monophonic
• Sometimes with improvised accompaniment
• Tells of chivalry and courtly love
• Originated in France
• Written in the French language famous composer of the Medieval period:
Adam de la Halle, France, 1237 – 1288
Polyphonic rondel and motets in the style of early liturgical polyphony. His
musical play, “Jeu de Robin et Marion” was considered the earliest surviving
secular French play with music.
Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque Music
• Mostly polyphonic
• Imitation among the voices is common
• Use of word painting in texts and music
• Melodic lines move in a flowing manner
• Melodies are easier to perform because these move along a scale with a few
Listen to the link below that features one of the main sections of the mass.
“Gloria” by Joasquin de Prez
Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque Music
was as an organist and choir master at both the Sistine Chapel and at St.
Peter’s which may have influenced his distinctively pure and restrained
style in musical compositions. Palestrina also served as an organist in St.
Agapito. His first book Masses became popular and was greatly appreciated
by Pope Julius III.
Palestrina has two sons but lost them both during the plague epidemic
that struck Rome in 1570’s. He had planned to become a priest but
eventually changed his mind and married a wealthy widow. This improved
his wealth and enabled him to pursue a musical career for the rest of his life.
Listen to the links below that feature the opening Kyrie
(Excerpt from “Pope Marcellus Mass)
Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque Music
Vivaldi’s Winter
3. Fugue
• A contrapuntal piece, developed mainly by imitative counterpoint
• The entire piece grows mainly from a single brief tune of strong musical
Reflection: reflection:
Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque Music
• Fugues
e.g. Fugue in G minor
Toccata and Fugue in D minor
• Works for clavichord and harpsichord
e.g. Well-Tempered Clavier (one of his more well-
Johann Sebastian Bach
known ketboard improvisations)
Date: 1746
2. Antonio Vivaldi
Born: Venice, March 4, 1678; Died: Vienna, July 28, 1741
Antonio Lucio Vivaldi Antonio Lucio Vivaldi , nicknamed il
Prete Rosso (“The Red Priest”) because of his red hair, was an
Italian Baroque composer, Catholic priest and a virtuoso violinist.
Recognized as one of the greatest Baroque composers, his
influence during his lifetime was widespread over Europe. Vivaldi
is known mainly for composing instrumental concertos,
especially for the violin, as well as sacred choral works and over
forty operas. He entered the priesthood and was ordained in
1703. Vivaldi is well known for giving the strings a major role in
his compositions.
His most famous piece is The Four Seasons. This composition is a series of four
violin concerti depicting each of the seasons, “Spring,” “Summer,” “Autumn,” and
Listen to the link that features “Spring” (one of the four parts of The Four Seasons)
Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque Music
Individual assessment
3. There are five main sections of the Mass. Which of the following is the
only section of Mass with Greek text.
A. Kyrie B. Gloria C. Agnus Dei
What to process
Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque music have distinctive characteristics. The
following activities will develop your musical skills as you incorporate the
different musical concepts that you have learned in the first part of this module.
In the beginning, chants were taught orally. However, as the number of
chants increased, singers needed help in remembering the outlines of the
melodies. Later, the chants were notated in the manuscript as a single melodic
line without accompaniment. Neumes were written above the words to suggest
the contour of the melody. Eventually, musical notation of the period was
written as square notes on a four–line staff. listening activities
The following listening activities will help and guide you to experience the
beautiful musical compositions and presentations composed during the
Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque Periods. Be guided by the musical sheets
and music selections for each listening activity. listening activity
The first part of “Kyrie Eleison”, written in neumes, was taken from Liturgical
Music Series Part I of
Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque Music
A. Write the letter of your answer based on the music selection that you have
_____ 1. Which text – setting style was used?
a. Syllabic b. Neumatic c. Melismatic
_____ 2. What is the texture?
a. Monophonic b. Homophonic c. Polyphonic
_____ 3. In what language was the selection written?
a. Greek b. Latin c. Spanish
Listening Activity: Listen to the songs in the following pages. Use the chart
below to guide you in analyzing the songs.
Title: ______________________
Composer: ______________________
Era: ______________________
Song #1 -
Song #2 -
Song #3 -
Illustrator: Please RE-DRAW ALL the music sheets. Erase the song titles and
composer’s names. For clearer view of the music sheets, visit Song #1
Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque Music
Song #2
Song #3
Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque Music
What to understand
Musical notation has evolved through time. The following activity will help you
understand how to express Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque music in a
different way.
What to perform
The following activities will showcase your talent and what you have learned
about Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque Music.
Part I Melody
Part II Accompaniment
Criteria 5 pts 4 pts 3 pts 2 pts 1 pt 0 pts
Stage Played with Played with Played with Played with Played with Cannot play
Presence excellent very good good confidence less
confidence confidence confidence confidence
Overall Superior Very Good Pretty Good Fair Poor Cannot play
Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque Music
cantus firmus – also known as “fixed song” or a pre-existing melody which forms the basis of a
polyphonic composition
Monophony – music consisting of a single melodic line without chordal accompaniment; it is the oldest
type of music
polyphony – music consisting of several (two or more) melodic lines, each having individual
significance and independence sacred music – music that was specifically written for use in religious
services secular music – music that was composed for purposes other than religious
through-composed – songs in which there is new music to each stanza; the opposite of strophic
tonality – system where the musical piece is based on a key center
A. Books
Burkholder,Peter, ( ) Norton Anthology of Western Music. Vol.1: Ancient to Baroque 5th
Wright, Craig. (2013) The Essential Listening to Music, 6th Edition. Yale University.
B. Website