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Waste Disposal Practices of Backyard Poultry Owners in San Jose Batangas Philippines

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International Journal of Advanced Research and Publications

ISSN: 2456-9992

Waste Disposal Practices Of Backyard Poultry

Owners In San Jose, Batangas, Philippines
Benedict O. Medina, Erron M. De Torres, Anne Kristel R. Dela Peña
Batangas State University, College of Arts and Sciences,
Rizal Avenue, Batangas City, Philippines, +63 917 633 7779

Batangas State University, College of Arts and Sciences,

Rizal Avenue, Batangas City, Philippines, +63 966 821 3040

Batangas State University, College of Arts and Sciences,

Rizal Avenue, Batangas City, Philippines, +63 927 775 5467

Abstract: This study aimed to determine the waste disposal practices of the backyard poultry owners in San Jose, Batangas particularly the
different problems caused by the disposed backyard poultry waste to the environment, health and sanitation and community. The
researchers employed the descriptive research in a quantitative approach to describe and interpret the data collected through survey
questionnaire. The 100 respondents of the study were the backyard poultry owners from the three barangays of San Jose, Batangas, 46 from
Galamay-Amo, 33 from Lumil and 21 from Palanca. They were chosen through purposive and quota sampling techniques. Majority of them
often sold the manure waste to be used as fertilizer and other purposes. They agreed that there were problems, caused by the disposed
poultry waste to environment, health and sanitation and community through the environmentally unsound or improper waste disposal. The
LGU of San Jose, Batangas may provide effective promotional strategies to encourage poultry owners to practice proper waste disposal.

Keywords: waste disposal, practices, backyard, poultry, environment

Introduction and human interactions with the environment. It is the

Waste disposal is a process of throwing and treating solid application of communication approaches strategies to
wastes and offers variety of solutions for recycling items that environment management and protection. Environment
do not belong to trash. It is how waste can be used as a Communication emerged from interdisciplinary work
valuable resource. It is something that each and every involving communication and environment studies [2].
household, industries and business owner in the world needs. Development Communication may help balancing the top-
Waste disposal is the treatment handling, reuse and residual down and bottom up approaches on this supports effective
disposition of wastes. The various types of solid wastes are participation of strategies. In this study, this may serve as an
residential, industrial, commercial, institutional, construction avenue to help the poultry owners to be aware on the
and demolition, municipal services, process like different problems that they encounter on improper waste
manufacturing, and agricultural wastes [1]. In the locality of disposal. Communication is also indispensable in conflict
San Jose, Batangas hundreds of poultry farms were management as well as knowledge and information system.
established as these serve as the major source of income for This study may a baseline work to produce educational
the residents. With this industry, the place has been dubbed communication platforms. Through disseminating and
as the Egg Basket Capital City of the Philippines. Through conducting these communication platforms which is
the big demand on agricultural crops specifically chicken educational in nature it may enhance the practices of
meat and eggs, there is a rapid growth of poultry farming backyard poultry owners and may raise awareness among
either commercial or backyard poultry in San Jose, Batangas. them about the causes and effects improper poultry waste
According to the local government, one of the problems disposal. On this note, as Development Communication
encountered in this type of business is the indiscriminate specialists and practitioners, they may deem importance for
waste disposal practices of poultry owners that have led to them to take part in contributing to the resolve the existing
the different problems especially in environment. One of the problem on poultry waste disposal in San Jose, Batangas.
social science fields that push community development This research was conducted as it was observed that
advocacies is Development Communication. It serves as the problems abound because of the improper waste disposal.
integral part of the environmental communication in The researchers have become interested and wanted to be of
protection and management of the environment. In this field, help to the Municipal Agriculture Office of the said
Commoner presented the four laws of ecology. The second municipality to determine the condition of poultry farming
law is applicable to waste disposal, in which he quoted that and help poultry owners to enhance their knowledge on the
everything else must go somewhere. This pertains to waste different consequences they may encounter in the continuous
and its management. Waste becomes part of the mismanagement practices in disposing of the poultry manure
environment. It cannot be discarded in the strictest sense of wastes.
the word. Although it may not end up in one’s backyard, it
will always end up somewhere. Environmental Research Objectives
communication is the study and practices of how individuals This study determined and assessed the waste disposal
and society understand and see messages about environment practices of the backyard poultry owners in San Jose,

Volume 3 Issue 3, March 2019 194
International Journal of Advanced Research and Publications
ISSN: 2456-9992

Batangas. Specifically, this aimed to determine and analyze because they profit from waste and able to dispose it well,
the common disposal practices of backyard poultry owners in not harming the environment. They seldom dispose the
San Jose, Batangas, and to determine and assess the manure to the creek, filtrate and convert to fertilizer, flow
problems caused by disposed backyard poultry waste to through streams with rainwater or current, and store under
environment, health and sanitation, and community. chicken cages because they were aware of it’s possible bad
effects to the environment as a whole, although, it could be
Materials and Methods noted that there are still some of them who maybe of less
This study was conducted among selected barangays in San care to the environment and still engage in doing it the not so
Jose, Batangas eliciting the respondents’ knowledge and good practice. Lastly, the respondents disclosed that they
practices on poultry waste management. The researchers never leave at dumps and let it decomposed; give the manure
used the descriptive type of research in a quantitative waste to be used as fertilizers; dry, recycle and mix as part of
approach. Survey questionnaire was utilized as the major animal feed; and treat to produce biogas or methane gas. The
data gathering instrument. The purposively chosen results were parallel to what they practice often since they
respondents of this study were residents of barangay Palanca sell the manure to others for profit. As to drying and mixing
(33), Lumil (21), and Galamay-Amo (46) in San Jose it to animal feeds and biogas or methane gas production,
Batangas, who own backyard poultry farm. Those barangays probably, a community or home-based technology to do the
were chosen purposively because it had the most number of mentioned processes is not readily available yet.
backyard poultry (San Jose MLPD, 2015). One hundred
respondents (100) were determined through quota sampling Problems Caused by the Disposed Backyard Poultry
in the top three (3) barangays; they had the large number of Waste. The following tables show the problems caused by
poultry farm in San Jose, Batangas. The statistical tools used the disposed backyard poultry waste in terms of
in this research were weighted mean to determine, classify environment, health and sanitation and community.
and analyze the common waste disposal practices of
backyard poultry owner’s and identify problems caused by Environment. The table below shows problems caused by
disposed backyard poultry waste to the environment, health the disposed backyard poultry waste in terms of
and sanitation, and community. Hypothetical mean range environment. Some of the respondents practice improper
was employed to set for each item with corresponding waste disposal that is environmentally unsound and that may
equivalent range and verbal interpretation. lead to the different consequences to our environment. From
the listed items on problems caused by the disposed
Results and Discussion backyard poultry waste affecting environmental condition, it
showed that the respondents agreed that disposed poultry
Common Waste Disposal Practices of Backyard Poultry waste brought problems. It showed that the respondents are
Owners. The table 1 shows the common waste disposal aware on the problems and consequences that they may
practices of backyard poultry owners. encounter on improper waste disposal practices.

Table 1. Common Waste Disposal Practices of Backyard Table 2. Problems caused by Disposed Backyard Poultry
Poultry Owners Waste in the Environment

Items WM VI Items WM VI
1. Manure waste is disposed on creek. 2.32 Seldom 1. Manure waste causes air pollution. 2.88 Agree
2. Manure waste is treated to produce 2. Large amount of manure waste pollutes the
1.00 Never 2.90 Agree
biogas/methane gas. soil.
3. Manure waste is disposed through filtration 3. Manure waste deposits excessive
2.18 Seldom 2.77 Agree
and converted to fertilizer. fertilizer/minerals on soil.
4. Over fertilized soil affects the growth of
4. Manure waste is stored temporarily and let it 2.87 Agree
1.72 Seldom plants.
flow through streams with rainwater / current. 5. Manure waste contaminates ground water. 2.27 Disagree
5. Manure waste is left at dumps and let to 6. Manure waste blocks free flow of water in
1.48 Never 2.49 Disagree
decompose. nearby streams.
6. Manure is placed in pits and covered or
1.66 Seldom
buried to prevent bad odor.
They agreed that large amount of manure wastes pollute the
7. Manure waste is stored under poultry/chicken soil, causes air pollution, over fertilized soil affects the
1.61 Seldom
growth of plants, and manure waste deposits excessive
8. Manure waste is given freely to neighborhood fertilizer/minerals on soil. This could be possible because
1.32 Never
owners for land application (as fertilizer).
poultry waste is a good fertilizer in the soil. Mismanagement
9. Manure waste is dried, recycled and mixed as of disposing waste will cause soil pollution. Manure waste
1.14 Never
part of animal feed.
contains chemicals that are harmful to the soil. Pollution of
10. Manure waste is sold to be used for land soil with pathogens and heavy metal is generally caused by
3.06 Often
application (as fertilizer).
poor disposal of manure and occur when waste is stored.
Mostly, poultry waste or litter is applied to land near poultry
The respondents disclosed that they often sold the manure production farms. But with few exceptions, such land
waste to other interested owners who may use it as fertilizer. management of poultry waste brings risk of soil from
This could be the easiest way of the poultry owners to pollutants contained of poultry waste. When the large
dispose the manure waste. This is an advantageous practice amount of manure waste contaminates the soil it will lead to

Volume 3 Issue 3, March 2019 195
International Journal of Advanced Research and Publications
ISSN: 2456-9992

nutrient loading and build-up, it causes nutrient imbalance with the cited study, it proves that there were problems
and adverse effects to environment [4]. Improper waste caused by the disposed poultry waste in environment. Soil,
disposal practices cause air pollution. Stored or disposed air and water pollution are the environmental consequences
poultry waste may cause air pollution because of the poultry of improper disposal of poultry waste.
waste smell. Food and Agriculture Organization mentioned
that there are various gases from animal waste are all major Health and Sanitation. The table below shows the
sources of air pollution [5]. The ammonia from waste creates respondents’ encountered problems caused by the disposed
acid that evaporates and causes pollution. In addition, poultry backyard poultry waste in terms of health and sanitation.
waste is also responsible for greenhouse gas emission; it
includes anthropogenic and methane gas which is more Table 3. Problems Caused by Disposed Backyard Poultry
potent to climate change. Some respondents dig pits where Waste on Health and Sanitation
the manure is stored and covered it to prevent the bad smell.
Over fertilized soil affects the growth of the plants. Through Items WM VI
these excessive amounts of manure waste that pollutes the 1. Odor from manure waste causes respiratory
2.66 Agree
ground it affects the growth of plants which may cause crops diseases.
underdevelopment. Over-fertilization of soil affects the 2. Odor from manure mixed with air / wind
growth of plants is a growing environmental concern. 2.65 Agree
causes loss of appetite.
Nowadays, there are several reasons why soil might be over-
fertilized. Human activity is often the cause excessive 3. Manure wastes stored in creek or dump
2.70 Agree
nutrients including over fertilization or the overuse of pollutes surface water.
compost like poultry waste. On the other hand, the 4. Manure waste causes fish kill. 2.30 Disagree
respondents disagreed that manure waste blocks free flow of 5. Manure waste stored in creek attracts flies
water in nearby streams. They disposed manure waste in 2.92 Agree
that carry diseases to the community/people.
creek, and they dig canal to the creek for the waste to pass 6. Manure waste causes skin allergy, and other
2.42 Disagree
thoroughly. Some of the respondents are not aware that the skin diseases.
7. Manure waste contaminates ground water
manure waste that they disposed on creek and pits can causing diarrhea and other gastrointestinal 2.51 Agree
negatively affect the environment, particularly the surface diseases.
water. The respondents are also not aware that manure waste 8. Manure waste produces ammonia that
2.33 Disagree
contaminates groundwater. Various challenges associated pollutes the air.
with indiscriminate poultry dumping has been reported, 9. Manure wastes stored in dump or creek
attracts mosquitoes which can transmit 2.50 Agree
nitrates from poultry waste can caused pollution in malaria, and dengue fever.
groundwater which is hazardous to health if consumed. It COMPOSITE MEAN 2.55 Agree
could also lead to eutrophication of rivers. Poultry waste
consist of different chemicals like phosphorous can pollute Improper disposing of manure waste has a big factor that
groundwater if the water table is shallow. Poultry waste affects the health and sanitation of the people in the
dumping can also lead to influx of bacteria into groundwater community. The respondents agreed that manure waste
that was harmful for human when it contaminates the caused problems in health specifically respiratory diseases,
drinking water. All these environmental challenges are loss of appetite, water pollution, attracts flies and
imminent if the poor method of poultry waste management mosquitoes, diarrhea and other gastrointestinal diseases. This
was not checked [6]. This proves that dumping too much is an indication that the respondents are aware on the
waste into ground will contaminate the ground water that is possible harmful effects to human health of improper
harmful to human and environmental health. The local backyard poultry waste disposal. Moreover, they don’t
government is aware to these phenomena, and they take believe that backyard poultry waste may cause fish kill, skin
responsibility to inform the poultry owners about the effects allergy and diseases, and air pollution. What they believe and
of poultry waste especially to the ground water which is the stand for is that as long as they dispose their poultry wastes
source of drinking water. In addition according to the poultry properly such mentioned problems won’t be experienced,
owners that few of them practice covering of manure waste and if they will be irresponsible in managing their poultry
because of some alternative ways of disposing it like selling wastes, a bigger possibility is expected that they will
it to be used as fertilizer. Despite of immense socio- experience such problems that they have agreed. Pollock
economic benefits in terms of production of eggs, meat and determined the infectious diseases acquired through rearing
the employment generations often constitute some practices or consumption of eggs, inappropriate waste
environment risks to both human and animal lives through management, interaction with pests and predators and
water, soil and air pollution. In line with the study of Akanni nuisance factors such as noise and odor [8]. It showed that
and Benson states that the waste products are produced in poultry operations are commonly source of flies that brings
form of hatchery waste, litters and on-farm moralities in this harm to health public. Poultry manure contains chemicals
study [7]. Activities in livestock production facilities cause which affect the surface water like nitrogen, phosphorous
environmental problems such as odor nuisance and land and other excreted substances such as hormones, antibiotics
pollution resulting from improperly discharged manure. This and heavy metals which are introduced through feed [9].
study therefore examined the types and quantities of poultry Leakage and overflow of these substances has the potential
wastes that are generated by the farms and the management to result in contamination of surface water and groundwater
strategies being used by the farms. It also assessed the resources.
implications of the wastes being generated on the
environment. The determinants of the level of impact of
poultry wastes on human health were also examined. In line

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International Journal of Advanced Research and Publications
ISSN: 2456-9992

Community. The table below shows the respondents’ needs. It is 21st century already, but still the practices on
encountered problems caused by the disposed backyard poultry of the respondents seem to be as old as their
poultry waste in terms of community. backyard. In some point, the old school or classic practices
are still relevant to be done today, but then, people may also
Table 4. Problems caused by Disposed Backyard Poultry open their minds to new possibilities and try new
Waste technological advancements to a better future. Moreover, the
problems brought by improper poultry waste disposal are
Items WM VI simply a manifestation of lack of discipline and good attitude
1. Complaints on improper disposal of poultry towards work and utilization of new or advanced poultry
2.79 Agree
wastes are filed in the barangay
2. Nearby industries, food stalls and other non- farming technologies. As per results, it is but natural to have
poultry businesses are affected by waste 2.79 Agree an adverse effect to the environment, health and sanitation,
disposal practices and odor carried by air/wind. and community.
3. Residents live inconveniently in the community
2.98 Agree
because of disposal practices.
4. The community is not clean because of the Recommendation
2.80 Agree
disposal practices. Based on the findings and conclusions of the study, the
5. The manure waste can affect the cleanliness in following are the recommendations: The San Jose Local
2.95 Agree
the community.
Government may conduct benchmarking activities to
institutions with established scientific knowledge on poultry
The respondents agreed that because of improper disposing farming, and from there, use it as groundwork or basis in
of manure waste from backyard poultry, can affect the designing a viable operational plan to improve the
community. Through the big demand in agricultural products respondents’ perception on the use of new and advanced
like eggs and chicken meat, most residents of San Jose, poultry technology practices. The LGU of San Jose,
Batangas, established their own poultry farm either backyard Batangas may provide effective promotional strategies to
or commercial. Some of the respondents encountered that encourage poultry owners to practice proper waste disposal.
there are complaints filed in the barangay due to improper This could be in a form of educational communication
waste disposal. The unnecessary odor from manure wastes platforms like seminars, trainings and workshops. It may be
cause conflict and problems among people in the included in the operational plan to be of help to poultry
community. They encounter complaints about the odor but owners whether commercial or backyard poultry, to enhance
they resolve it through conversation in the barangay their knowledge and practices on the proper poultry waste
promising that they will try to do other ways of disposing disposal. San Jose LGU may also seek help or establish
manure waste to eliminate or avoid problems. There may be partnerships and linkages among agricultural institutions in
instances that no one complaints about the odor of poultry the national or international levels like the Department of
manure because most of the residents in San Jose, Batangas Agriculture, Agricultural Training Institute, and Food and
have the same poultry business. The nearby industries, food Agriculture Organization for further help and assistance in
stalls and other non-poultry businesses are affected by waste developing the good practices of poultry owners. The results
disposal practices and odor carried by air. There are other may be written into a project proposal, to be submitted to the
businesses besides poultry farming, and they admit most of concerned agricultural institutions and organizations, for
the affected residents or establishments are schools and food their perusal and consideration and for funding and
stalls nearby their poultry farm. One of the visible effects of implementation in the San Jose LGU. It may be a way to be
this improper practice is that it attracts flies that go to the of help in protecting and conserving the environment while
food stalls. These flies are carriers of different diseases. The sustainably using its resources.
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