E-Learning During The Period of Pandemic (COVID-19) in The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: An Empirical Study
E-Learning During The Period of Pandemic (COVID-19) in The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: An Empirical Study
E-Learning During The Period of Pandemic (COVID-19) in The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: An Empirical Study
7, 457-464
Available online at http://pubs.sciepub.com/education/8/7/2
Published by Science and Education Publishing
Jubail Industrial College (JIC), Royal Commission in Jubail, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
*Corresponding author: mohammad_z@jic.edu.sa
Received June 02, 2020; Revised June 20, 2020; Accepted July 05, 2020
Abstract E-learning is Information Technology (IT) supported virtual education system. It has emerged as a
dominant channel of learning. The value of e-learning in education has led to a substantial development of online
courses. This study plans to commence with the notion of e-learning, and talk about its need and span in education.
There is a special focus on how e-learning can solve the disruptions in education sector due to the pandemic
(COVID-19). A survey was performed to verify teachers’ preference towards diverse features of e-learning. The
research results show that the majority of the teachers held positive opinion towards e-learning.
Keywords: E-learning, Pandemic (COVID-19), E-learning features, E-learning challenges.
Cite This Article: Mohammad Ziaul Hoq, “E-Learning during the Period of Pandemic (COVID-19) in the
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: An Empirical Study.” American Journal of Educational Research, vol. 8, no. 7 (2020):
457-464. doi: 10.12691/education-8-7-2.
Europe was about 1 billion dollars. The principal 3. Pandemic (COVID-19) &
acquiring nation in Eastern Europe is the Russian
Federation whereas The United Kingdom is the major E-Learning
acquiring nation in Western Europe. LMS does not
depend on any specific subject; rather it has more broad Huge eruption of pandemic virus, natural tragedy etc.
managerial aspects. It cares about the growth of reusable took place in the world, distressing not only health
educational contents [19]. industry, but also the education sector. For example, in
Nevertheless, although there are many advantages of 2002, SARS distressed numerous nations around the globe.
LMS, various e-learning programs assisted by them, To prevent the virus, traditional face-to-face education
particularly in emerging nations, were fully or partly was prohibited in some areas in China [27]. Likewise, in
unsuccessful [20,21]. On the other hand, e-learning assists 2009, the epidemic of H1N1 Flu distressed numerous
pupils with the entree to excellent learning opportunity. It inhabitants around the globe, causing educational
is also a decent choice for lifelong education [22]. With institution shuts in numerous nations and regions [27].
this method, educational institutes may cut terms, deliver As a matter of course, the COVID-19 is leaving new
more courses and reach learners throughout the country or lesson for all spectra of life and across all sectors. The
globe as it permits learners to learn anytime and anywhere. education sector is no exception. With the eruption of
It also helps to make preliminary as well as advance COVID-19 being acknowledged a pandemic by the World
teaching and learning more available to a larger number of Health Organization (WHO), people are facing a key
learners. Needless to say, to make online education challenge in all over the world. It has drastically
successful, the institutes ought to deliver the facilities of influenced our life styles. Moreover, it is testing our
virtual registration, automatic entree to resources and adaptability and flexibility in response to a major crisis
prompt response to queries [19,23,24]. like COVID 19. We are dealing with unusual methods of
In addition, e-learning is a program to fulfill the working, studying etc. Virtual shopping and social media
requirements of vastly experienced experts in the are not novel to us, nor is online education. Nevertheless,
contemporary scientific arena. The challenge of partition COVID-19 is stimulating the requirements to deeply
between learner and instructor is resolved by a cross investigate the prospects of virtual education [28].
mixture of a student-centered online learning [25]. Besides, UNESCO confirmed that, as of 25 March,
E-learning turned out to be extremely admired in 2020 educational institutions shut down in various nations
industrial nations, where virtual lessons have been offered for the period of the COVID-19 prepared around
for a long period of time [19,26]. 1,524,648,768 students being barred from the usual
In a nation like Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (K.S.A) learning practice. Substitute methods, like e-learning at
where education is one of the highest priorities of the house, were utilized to ensure undisrupted education. To
administration, there is a burning requirement to survive in the insecurity and challenging world, learners
investigate the teachers’ insight concerning online ought to be ready to excel the 21st century skills to work
education. The prospect of online education will be out troubles vigorously. Self-discipline ability acts a vital
dogged by the intensity of satisfaction by its most vital role in learners' accomplishment. For the period of
stakeholders, the teachers. Consequently, it is extremely learning disturbance, it is an excellent chance to uphold
important to seriously assess the teachers’ views and their learners' active learning at house to train self-discipline
opinions concerning virtual programs, which would be skills [29].
constructive in creating education more attractive and In addition, the current pandemic (COVID-19) has altered
efficient. the methods of teaching and learning perpetually. Therefore,
learning has altered significantly, with the huge increase
of e-learning. Even before COVID-19, there was rapid
2. Methodology expansion and acceptance of educational technology, with
worldwide Edtech investments getting US$18.66 billion in
A survey was conducted among the teachers of 2019 and the general market for virtual education
Management and Information Technology (MIT) predicted to be $350 billion by 2025. There has been a
Department of Jubail Industrial College (JIC) of Kingdom considerable growth in the usage of online tools (i.e. video
of Saudi Arabia (K.S.A.) in March to May, 2020 conferencing, webinar, virtual tutoring etc.) since the
about e-learning. Data were gathered in the shape of eruption of COVID-19 [28].
self-administered survey. The survey was validated by Similarly, in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Ministry
pilot research conducted on selected teachers. After of Education (MOE) is using TV and social networks to
attaining agreement on the validity and relevancy of the transmit education for all grades. It has nominated around
survey from the teachers it was disseminated to all 127 administrators and instructors to offer regular
constituents. The rationale of the research was enlightened teaching in 112 enlightening courses through 19 TV
and well-versed approval was attained. channels (transmitting nationally from a classroom in
The data were monitored for correctness and deficient Riyadh). Learners are presented five choices by the
data were barred from the investigation. The data were ministry for online education [30].
examined by utilizing the Statistical Package for Social On the other hand, although several experts consider
Science (SPSS). To judge thoughts of the teachers towards that the unintended and quick shift to e - learning - with no
e-learning, ten statements were assembled and five points guidance, inadequate bandwidth, and no homework - may
Likert scale was utilized for scoring: 5. Strongly agree, end in an unsatisfactory user experience that is
4. Agree, 3. Not Sure, 2. Disagree and 1. Strongly Disagree. unfavorable to persistent development, others consider
459 American Journal of Educational Research
that a novel fusion model of teaching may appear, with educational content progresses as the course advances and
noteworthy advantages. According to Wang Tao, Vice students interact; the teachers perform as expediters and
President of Tencent Education, e-learning will ultimately assist in the progression of knowledge.
turn out to be an essential part of education. There have Besides, e-learning is allocated into complete learning
already been successful shifts among various educational and blended learning, subject to the use of the technique
institutes. For instance, Zhejiang University administered as either extra or extension of the face-to-face education.
to obtain more than 5,000 subjects online in just two In case of complete e-learning, face to face contact is not
weeks into the shift using “DingTalk ZJU”. The Imperial necessary. However, in case of blended kind of e-learning
College London initiated offering a subject on the science face to face contact is required. For blended e-learning,
of COVID-19, which is at present the most registered both face to face and online learning is used from time to
class commenced in 2020 on Coursera [28]. time [32].
Still, many are by now touting the advantages. For Furthermore, learning management coordinators have a
instance, Dr. Amjad, a faculty member at The University key responsibility in accomplishment of e-learning
of Jordan who has been utilizing Lark (a Singapore-based outcomes. They need to take care of technical issues and
firm) method to educate his pupils states, “It has changed preserve the system well-designed for maximum benefits.
the way of teaching. It enables me to reach out to my Educators should take adequate training to be familiar
students more efficiently and effectively through chat with the system. Pupils ought to study about the e-learning
groups, video meetings, voting and also document sharing, techniques. Organization ought to create a distinct IT unit
especially during this pandemic. My students also find it to take care of all the technical issues related to e-learning.
is easier to communicate on Lark. I will stick to Lark even On the other hand, Learning Management System
after COVID-19. I believe traditional offline learning and (LMS) is used for the instructors and pupils to
e-learning can go hand by hand" [28]. provide contents, detects and measures individual and
Moreover, in reaction to high need during the pandemic, organizational learning objectives. Moreover, it gathers
various virtual learning firms are providing right of data for overseeing the educational procedures of the
entry to their services at no cost. After broadcasting institute [33]. The instructors make and distribute content,
complimentary live courses, BYJU (a Bangalore-based observe pupils action, and evaluate pupils’ performance.
educational technology firm) has noticed a 200% raise in Additionally, the pupils may access materials straight on
the number of new learners utilizing its service. In the electronic devices, may participate in the examinations by
meantime, Tencent classroom has been broadly utilized using Internet. The pupils may measure their performance.
since mid-February, 2020 after the Chinese administration LMS can perform following activities: Registration
instructed learners to restart their lessons through (Enroll and manage students online for web-based actions);
e-learning. It ended as the biggest “online movement” in Scheduling (timetable of various subjects); Delivery
the history of education. Other firms are augmenting (distribute virtual courses); Tracking (identify the
capacities to offer a one-stop store for instructors and advancement of the students); Communication (contact by
learners. For instance, Lark, started to offer unrestricted e-mail, webinars etc.); and Testing (evaluate competency,
video conferencing time, auto-translation capacities, student pledge etc.) [32].
editing of projects etc. to learners. To do so promptly and
in the period of pandemic, Lark ramped up its universal
server infrastructure and engineering capacities to 5. Advantages of E-Learning
guarantee dependable connectivity. Similarly, Alibaba’s
online education solution, DingTalk, had to arrange for a • Flexibility and comfort of entree: E-learning is not
similar situation: “To support large-scale remote work, the static or time bound to a specific timetable. It is simple to
platform tapped Alibaba Cloud to deploy more than reach. As a result, students may access it anytime and
100,000 new cloud servers in just two hours - setting a from anywhere. Instructors may improve and oversee the
new record for rapid capacity expansion,” according to educational contents anytime they want [34]. The
DingTalk CEO, Chen Hang [28]. availability of the content via mobile also supplements
this feature [35].
• Diverse nature: E-learning is sans borders. It is
4. Features of E-Learning valuable in isolated / remote villages as well [36]. The
learners can essentially be from any area of the world [37].
The three main features of e-learning are the nature of • Time-saving: Many learners can be engaged at the
the learning practice, synchronicity of involvement, and same time, thus decreasing the time required for the
existence or nonexistence of face-to-face education [31]. program. The material once prepared is everlasting, and
The learning practice is called ‘didactic’ when the may be re-examined many times. The saved time in
educational item is basically passed to learners and they making materials may be utilized by the instructors to
can’t alter it, and ‘active’ once the learner has control over improve their advanced level of intellectual e-learning
the educational procedure [32]. The learning is called [32,38].
Synchronous while the guidelines are delivered on the • Adult learning values: E-learning assists in gaining
spot. In this type of learning, learners interact with teacher knowledge in depth, escalates self-motivation, and
in real time. There is communication among the learners accomplishes the adult learning values [39]. Likewise, it
utilizing the available audio-visual supports like permits learners to establish their own learning methods. It
chat, online classrooms, as well as audio and video is personalized to learner’s needs, thus assisting in
conferencing. In case of Interactive category, the self-directed learning [40].
American Journal of Educational Research 460
• Uniformity: As same material is displayed to all the Language obstacles: Various researches identified that
learners; the curricula consistency is preserved across the language is a hurdle in execution of e-learning [49]. Alike
learners. The learners resided in off campuses obtain same traditional learning, the guidelines in e-learning are
materials. This assists in the constant accomplishment of delivered in English, which can be a challenge for the
learning goals due to identical accessibility of quality and learners who are not comfortable with the foreign
quantity of materials disseminated [32,40]. language [32].
8. Digital Literacy of Teachers respondents were male as JIC has only male campus.
Teaching experiences of the respondents range from 9
Technology alone cannot make e-learning successful. months to 21 years with mean of 10.24 years.
Digitally confident teachers are vital for the success of
e-learning. The new technologies oblige the teachers to 10.2. Computer Skills
undertake new duties as well as to cultivate verities of
innovative abilities. Numerous researches identify the Familiarity With Computer
various roles, which instructors are anticipated to accept
when applying the new technologies in teaching
[51,54,59,60,61]. The following are the examples of Others
responsibilities instructors are projected to accomplish in
e-learning: deliver curriculum, instructional materials,
learning plans; observe and judge learning, deliver Outlook
criticism and grades; as well as construct a learning group
in which students feel secured and trust their offerings are
effective [52,61]. Power Point
Presently, many institutions are not under taking
extensive policies to solve the digital knowledge Excel
requirements of their teachers. Many teachers are not
well-prepared to monitor pupils in improving the digital
capabilities they need. According to research conducted Word
by Stanford History Education Group, almost 40% of the
teachers could not identify the Internet sources.
Interestingly, these were history academics, who were 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 120%
educated for long period to check carefully and
judgmentally at texts. Moreover, several teachers could Source: Survey
not find a modest problem of web trustworthiness [56].
On the other hand, various digital atmospheres ought to Many teachers 22 (78.57%) use laptop regularly,
be generated in the educational institutes where teachers whereas 28 (100%) of the teachers use desktop computer
may investigate technology heightened education. It may for various purposes (i.e. teaching and communication).
develop required skills of the teachers to expedite learners’ On an average majority of the teachers spend 2-4 hours
engagement [54,56,57]. Apparently, as technologies per day with their computer. Majority 25 (89.27%) of the
advance and novel procedures flourish, the sense of digital teachers are familiar with the Microsoft Office (i.e. Word,
literacy will continue to change. Novel apparatuses and Excel, and Power Point etc.) as well as Outlook.
practices will challenge both instructors and pupils with
the potential desires for novel abilities and talents [52]. 10.3. Experience and Familiarity with
Contemporary E-Learning Technology
9. Reluctance of Academics to Adopt
Purpose of Use of Blackboard
Online Teaching
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cutting-edge technologies in teaching are presently rather
Interactive Sessions
restricted and many virtual applications are utilized
predominantly as supplementary tasks to offline education Case Study
[60,62,63,64]. There are numerous causes for the
unwillingness of teachers to apply the extensive range of Video
opportunities rooted in virtual education:(1) Unbundling
of the academic duty; (2) Overloaded tasks and stress; Power Point Slides
(3) Nonexistence of constant maintenance methods; and
(4) Anxieties related to copy right issues [52]. Course Description
description, power point slides etc.) with the students. teaching technology software that is incorporated with
However, during the period of pandemic (i.e. COVID-19) Blackboard education system.
all teachers were bound to use Blackboard extensively.
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