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Name: Course and Year: Task Sheet #04 Life of Jose Rizal (Higher Education, Life Abroad, Trial and Execution)

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Course and Year:

Task Sheet #04

Life of Jose Rizal (Higher Education, Life Abroad, Trial and
Execution) A. Poem Interpretation
Choose one of the two poems written by Rizal and provide your interpretation and
analysis of the message that Rizal intended to convey.

Through Education our Motherland Receives Lights

(Por la Educacion Recibe Lustre la Patria)

Wise education, vital breath

Inspires an enchanting virtue;
She puts the Country in the lofty seat
Of endless glory, of dazzling glow,
And just as the gentle aura’s puff
Do brighten the perfumed flower's hue:
So education with a wise, guiding hand,
A benefactress, exalts the human band.

Man's placid repose and earthly life

To education he dedicates
Because of her, art and science are born
Man; and as from the high mount above
The pure rivulet flows, undulates,
So education beyond measure
Gives the Country tranquility secure.

Where wise education raises a throne

Sprightly youth are invigorated,
Who with firm stand error they subdue
And with noble ideas are exalted;
It breaks immortality's neck,
Contemptible crime before it is halted:
It humbles barbarous nations
And it makes of savages champions.
And like the spring that nourishes
The plants, the bushes of the meads,
She goes on spilling her placid wealth,
And with kind eagerness she constantly feeds,
The river banks through which she slips,
And to beautiful nature all she concedes,
so whoever procures education wise
Until the height of honor may rise.

From her lips the water's crystalline

Gush forth without end, of divine virtue,
and prudent doctrines of her faith
The forces weak of evil subdue,
That break apart like the whitish waves
that lash upon the motionless shoreline:
And to climb the heavenly ways the people
do learn with her noble example.

In the wretched human beings' breast

The living flame of good she lights
The hands of criminal fierce she ties,
And fill the faithful hearts with delights,
which seeks her secrets beneficent
And in the love for the good her breast she incites,
and it's the' education noble and pure
Of human life the balsam sure.

And like a rock that rises with pride

In the middle of the turbulent waves
When hurricane and fierce Notus roar
she disregards their fury and raves,
That weary of the horror great
So frightened calmly off they stave;
Such is one by wise education steered He
holds the Country's reins unconquered. His
achievements on sapphires are engraved; The
Country pays him a thousand honors; F or in
the noble breasts of her sons
Virtue transplanted luxuriant flow'rs;
And in the love of good e'er disposed
Will see the lords and governors
The noble people with loyal venture
Christian education always procure.

And like the golden sun of the morn

Whose rays resplendent shedding gold,
and like fair aurora of gold and red
She overspreads her colors bold;
Such true education proudly gives
The pleasure of virtue to young and old
And she enlightens out Motherland dear
As she offers endless glow and luster.

The Intimate Alliance Between Religion and Good

Education (Alianza Intima Entre la Religion y la Buena

As the climbing ivy over lefty elm

Creeps tortuously, together the adornment
Of the verdant plain, embellishing
Each other and together growing,
But should the kindly elm refuse its aid
The ivy would impotent and friendless wither
So is Education to Religion
By spiritual alliance bound.
Through Religion, Education gains renown, and
Woe to the impious mind that blindly spurning
The sapient teachings of Religion, this
Unpolluted fountain-head forsakes.

As the sprout, growing from the pompous vine,

Proudly offers us its honeyed clusters
While the generous and loving garment Feeds its roots; so the fresh’ning waters
Of celestial virtue give new life
To Education true, shedding
On it warmth and light; because of them
The vine smells sweet and gives delicious fruit.

Without Religion, Human Education

Is like unto a vessel struck by winds
Which, sore beset, is of its helm deprived
By the roaring blows and buffets of the dread
Tempestuous Boreas, who fiercely wields
His power until he proudly sends her down
Into the deep abysses of the angered sea.

As the heaven's dew the meadow feeds and strengthens

So that blooming flowers all the earth
Embroider in the days of spring; so also
If Religion holy nourishes Education with its doctrines, she
Shall walk in joy and generosity
Toward the Good, and everywhere bestrew
The fragrant and luxuriant fruits of Virtue.
CRITERIA Poor (20) Fair (30) Good (40) Excellent (50)

Interpretation Interpretation of Interpretation Interpretation Interpretation

poem is superficial of poem has of poem shows of poem shows
and or faulty and some much insight excellent insight
shows only depth and and a good and a large
minimal insight insight and amount of time amount time
and only a short shows some spent with the working with the
amount of amount of time poem. poem.
time spent with spent with the
the poem. poem.

Understanding Weak Some Strong Excellent

understanding understanding understanding understanding
of uses of of uses of of uses of of uses of
figurative figurative figurative figurative
language, poetic language, poetic language, poetic language, poetic
terms and terms and literary terms and terms and
literary elements in the literary literary
elements in the poem. elements in the elements in the
poem. poem. poem.

Explanation Explanation is Explanation is Explanation is Explanation is

weak, confused, somewhat strong, clearly very strong, very
unclear and weak, explained and all clearly explained
required somewhat required and all required
elements are confused, elements are elements are
missing. sometimes there. very clearly
unclear and some presented to class.
elements are
Through Education our Motherland Receives Lights
(Por la Educacion Recibe Lustre la Patria)

Education is what strengthens a nation and

encourages it to stand above the others in
terms of honor and reputation. He compares
the vibrancy of a flower to a directed and
relevant education.

From the moment a man is born until the

moment he dies, he is continuously engaged in
the journey of learning. This can take the form
of formal education and a standardized
curriculum, or it can take the form of day-to-
day life. And along the way, people begin to
explore and invent, to build and reinvent,
giving birth to great discoveries and
breathtaking wonders. Rizal compares
learning to a rivulet, stream, or brook that
gives a sense of comfort as it runs constantly.

Knowledge and wisdom inspire and empower

the youth. They will recognize and correct
mistakes with the sword of learning. They are
well-known for the thoughts they contribute
to the society. A quality education is a
powerful guide to illicit behavior and illegal
activities. When nations open their ears to the
message of enlightenment, which prevents
hate in its tracks and encourages the wellbeing
of the people, even nations who want nothing
more than to divide, dominate, and control are
silenced. When given a better education, even
savages will become champions.
Through Education our Motherland Receives Lights
(Por la Educacion Recibe Lustre la Patria)

Man is capable of defeating the forces of

darkness by the education and enlightenment
of the spirit, which are likened to the waves
that lash at the shore in this stanza. However,
as man opens his eyes to divine revelation and
achieves spiritual knowledge, he is able to
overcome evil's oppression and "climb the
divine path."

Education is compared to balsam, providing

medicinal effects for the various ills of the
human race, which are commonly and
uniquely embedded in the inclination for
harm. The practice of good knowledge allows
man to magnify his need for good and to resist
temptation at all times.

When faced with a challenge, an educated

man does not lose hope. He maintains his
confidence in the hardest of times and is brave
in the face of difficulty. Great horrors cannot
frighten him in the same way as they do some
people. Education provides her country with
good and respected people who are willing to
fight for her honor at any cost. The
achievements of an educated man are not
forgotten, and he passes his wisdom on to the
generations that come after him. He becomes
a beacon to his family and sets a good example
for the youth. In this stanza, Rizal also stresses
the great importance of a Christian education,
as opposed to one that lacks the spiritual
aspect, which he obviously considers an
essential cornerstone.
Through Education our Motherland Receives Lights
(Por la Educacion Recibe Lustre la Patria)

The poem concludes with a burst of color, as

the author compares a quality education to the
colors of the sun and the auroras. Great
wisdom has no favorites; both young and old
gain from it and rejoice in its pleasures. Rizal
concludes the verse with a picture of his
nation with the sun above, a sun that
represents the values and wonders of a good
education, which he wishes for every person to
B. The Value of Education

Jose Rizal's undying commitment to education as characterized by the four R's—

Reading, writing, aRithmetic, and Religion reflects his high value for education.

Today, education is a tool used in measuring the success and accomplishments of an

individual. Nevertheless, there are many stories of successful individuals who did not finish
their studies. More than that, the call center industry in the Philippines is no longer
requiring a college degree in their employment requirements. Write a 200-word personal
reflection on the value and significance of education to the success of a person in the
modern world.

I believe that education is the most valuable opportunity you will get to help you succeed in
today's society. Education reduces the difficulties you will encounter in life. The more skills you
acquire, the more doors will open up for individuals to pursue greater career and personal
development opportunities. Education has played a significant part in the twenty-first century
working world. An individual with a higher degree will be more eligible than those with a lower
levels of education because they will be able to perform the different tasks that jobs require as well
as follow work requirements. Education is the pillar of civilization because it gives economic and
social stability. Education prepares an individual to live a more responsible life in society. This is
attributed to the reason that education provides an environment in which a society's culture and
values can be established. I also agree that education is vital because it allows us to create our own
unique outlook on life. Education has played a significant part in the lives of all people in society. It
has enabled the society to thrive both socially and economically by allowing it to establish a shared
culture and set of values. Education is the reason our society is the way it is today; doctors have
come close to discovering cancer treatments as a result of a higher education; and our technology
has advanced since the nineteenth century, all because of education.

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