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Region 12 Engineering Handbook: Compiled by The Region 12 Department of Engineering First Edition - Stardate 9704.01

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Region 12 Engineering Handbook

Compiled by the Region 12 Department of Engineering

First Edition - Stardate 9704.01
Region 12 Engineering Handbook
Region 12 Department of Engineering
Tal Minaar Shipyards, Silvestri

First Edition.

First Published: Stardate 9704.01

The publication is only for use as a reference by authorized Starfleet personnel. Some material in this publication
may be covered by the Federation Guideline on Secret and/or Sensitive Material (UFP/PR 595.32 § 5, UFP/PR
301.1 § 2)

Note: Star Trek, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Voyager and associated
logos, graphics, etc, are registered trademarks of Paramount, a Viacom Company. This publication is printed as a
reference for use within Starfleet: The International Star Trek Fan Assocation on a not-for-profit basis. We do not
intend to infringe on any legally held copyright.
The last few years have brought a number for changes to the face of the fleet and the region.
Three years ago, the majority of ships in Region 12 were based around the larger Heavy and Explor-
atory cruisers (such as the Galaxy, Enterprise, and Alaska Classes). However, because of the con-
tinuing problems with the Borg, Dominion and Klingons the focus has turned to smaller, faster, easier
to build ships (such as the Intrepid and Nebula Classes). In fact, there are currently six Intrepid Class
ships active, with two more under construction, while the number of Galaxy Class ships have
dropped to two, and the USS Shaun Christopher will soon be the sole Enterprise Class.

This handbook is to help you keep track of some of these rapid changes. It’s been divided into
three sections:

• Section One: Region 12 Status - This section lists the active Region 12 ships, the Region 12
Class Breakdown and Shipyards reports.

• Section Two: Ship Designs - Provides the layout and specs for most Region 12 Classes. At
first only a few classes will be included, but more will be released as they are prepared throughout the

• Section Three: Supplemental Information - Provides some reference material such as different
types of warp engines, Starfleet ship classification listings and advice on how to select a new class or
change your existing class.

As things change, we’ll prepare periodic updates for these sections and make them available to
the Region. In addition, the most recent information can be found at the Region 12 Engineering
WWW site ( on the Internet.

On a personal note, I would like to specifically thank Alex Rosenzweig, Chris Wallace, Brian
Dougherty and Michael Malotte for their assistance in helping me find some of this information. I’d
also like to thank my wife, Laura Dugas, for her patience in getting the handbook put together (“re-
ally, just look at it one more time...”).

In Service to the Fleet,

Capt. Michael Dugas

Region 12 RDC Engineering

Tal Minaar, Shipyards - Silvestri
Section One - Region 12 Status 1-1
Status Report 1-2
Region 12 Ship Listing 1-3
Class Breakdown 1-4
Breakdown by Ship Type 1-5
Top Region 12 Classes 1-5
Shipyard Status Reports 1-6

Section Two - Ship Designs 2-1

Introduction to Ship Designs 2-2
Alaska Class
Ambassador Class
Ascension Class
Avenger Class
Belknap Class
Bradbury Class
Chang Ho Class
Delphis (II) Class
Entente Class
Enterprise Class
Excelsior Class
Frederiekstad Class
Galaxy Class
Hope Class
Intrepid Class
Indomitable Class
Miranda Class
Nebula Class
Nomad Class
Olympus Class
Osler Class
Paladin Class
Peacekeeper Class
Sovereign Class
Terek Nor Class Station

Section Three - Supplimental Information 3-1

Introduction 3-2
Selecting a new Class 3-3
Working with DTS/ASDB 3-4
So You Want to Design a Starship... 3-5
Starfleet Classification Listing 3-7
Equipment Listing by Era 3-8
Contacts and References 3-9
The Answer to Life, the Universe and Everything... 3-10
Section One:
Region 12 Status
Region 12 Status
The make up of Region 12 is in a state of flux right now. Many of the older ships are being converted to
new ships (USS Nomad, USS Discovery, USS Star Empire) while many new ship are being assigned to the
Region to fill the gaps left by ships either lost or decommissioned in the last few years. While the number of
active ships in the Region has increased by about 30%, the roles that these ships are expected to fill have
changed greatly, reflecting the problems that the Federation is facing.

The biggest change has been the drop in the number of Enterprise and Galaxy class Cruisers. While
these cruisers have proven themselves time and again in combat, the public perception has always been
focused on their exploration and scientific contributions. The Enterprise class has gone from 6 ships four
years ago to 2 this year, and one of the oldest Enterprise ships in the Region, USS Discovery, is scheduled to
convert to the new Chang Ho class later this year. Of the four Galaxy class ships listed four years ago, only
one remains: USS Concord. The other active Galaxy class ship, USS Empress, upgraded from the older
Ambassador class recently.

The Intrepid class seems to be filling the void left by the loss of these vessels. Currently, the Region has
been assigned six Intrepid class cruisers, with two more under construction. To date, the Intrepid Class has
performed above expectations, although the unexplained loss of one of the first Intrepid Class vessels, USS
Voyager, almost shut down that project. In addition to the Intrepid class, the Nebula class is also common in
the Region, with four ships currently assigned and one more under construction. The introduction of two
new Sovereign Class ships in the region, with two more under construction, seems to indicate that Starfleet
is still dedicated to the larger multi-role ship.

Charts in This Section...

Active Ships
Lists the active starships and space stations in the Region.

Class Breakdown
Lists each class in the Region and the number of ships in that class this year and last year.

Breakdown by Ship Type

Lists the types of ships in the Region (cruisers, etc) and the number of ships for each type.

Top Regional Classes

Lists the top classes in Region 12.

Page 1-2 Region 12 Status

Active Starships Region 12, Starfleet

Regional Ship Listing

Stardate 9704.01
Name Registry Class

USS A.M. Valsalva NCC 4101 Osler Class

USS Ambassador NCC 10512 Ambassador Class
USS Archangel NCC 2294 Sovereign Class
USS Arlington NCC 2375 Northampton Class
USS Battlestar NCC 23110-A Olympus Class
USS Bradbury NCC 72307 Bradbury Class
USS Centurion NCC 61806 Nebula Class
USS Cochrane NCC 74525 Intrepid Class
USS Concord NCC 1989-D Galaxy Class
USS Delta Clipper NCC 72302 Peacekeeper Class
USS Discovery NCC 1308 Enterprise Class
USS Empress NCC 15025-A Galaxy Class
USS Gemini Dream NCC 64739 Nebula Class
USS Gryphon NCC 74661 Intrepid Class
USS Hexum NCC 2199 Ascension Class
USS Horizon NCC 1000-B Intrepid Class
USS Jeannette Maddox NCC 14514 Paladin Class
USS Krazny Oktyabr NCC 23102 Olympus Class
USS Marko Ramius NCC 23103 Olympus Class
USS Mirage NCC 72213 Nebula Class
USS Morning Star NCC 4126 Osler Class
USS Mystique NCC 58929 Hope Class
USS Nightshade NCC 10529 Ambassador Class
USS Nimitz NCC 74680 Intrepid Class
USS Nomad NCC 78500 Nomad Class
USS Oklahoma NCC 23137 Entente Class
USS Orion NCC 61815 Nebula Class
USS Paraclete NCC 31903 Miranda Class
USS Quo Vadis NCC 74681 Intrepid Class
USS Ranger NCC 2206 Frederiekstad Class
USS Shaun Christopher NCC 1620 Enterprise Class
USS Star Empire NCC 2116 Sovereign Class
USS Stargazer NCC 2893 Constellation Class
USS Sunflower NCC 74679 Intrepid Class
USS Superior NCC 2020 Indomitable Class
USS Traveller NCC 3145 Alaska Class
Station Troubadour SFR 1201 Terek Nor Station
USS Umiak NCC 3142 Alaska Class
USS Ursus NCC 2011 Excelsior Class

USS Vanguard NCC 2548 Belknap Class

Total Active Ships / Stations in Region 12: 40

Region 12 Status Page 1-3

Class Breakdown Region 12, Starfleet
Region 12 Breakdown Stardate 9704.01

Name Last Year This Year Proposed

Ambassador Class 2 2 0
Ascension Class 1 1 0
Alaska Class 3 2 0
Belknap Class 1 1 0
Bradbury Class 1 1 0
Constellation Class 1 1 0
Chang Ho 0 0 1
Delphis Class 1 0 0
Delphis (II) Class 0 0 1
Entente Class 1 1 1
Enterprise Class 2 2 0
Excelsior Class 1 1 0
Frederiekstad Class 1 1 0
Galaxy Class 3 2 0
Hope Class 1 1 0
Intrepid Class 6 6 2
Indomitable Class 1 1 0
Miranda Class 1 1 0
Nebula Class 5 4 1
Nomad Class 0 1 0
Northampton Class 1 1 0
Olympus Class 3 3 0
Osler Class 2 2 0
Paladin Class 1 1 0
Peacekeeper Class 1 1 0
Sovereign Class 0 2 2
Terek Nor Station 1 1 0

Cutaway view of one of one of the proposed Scout / Light Destroyer designs.

Page 1-4 Region 12 Status

Breakdown by Ship Type Region 12, Starfleet

Region 12 Breakdown
Stardate 9704.01

Ship Type Current Proposed

Battleship (BB) 2 0
Cruiser (CA) 7 2
Diplomatic Cruiser (CP) 1 0
Exploratory Cruiser (CE) 1 0
Heavy Cruiser (CH) 5 0
Large Exploratory Cruisers (CKE) 6 3
Light Cruiser (CL) 4 1
Strike Cruiser (CS) 1 0
Tactical Cruiser (CT) 0 1
Destroyers (DD) 1 0
Dreadnought (DN) 5 1
Heavy Frigate (FH) 1 0
Shuttlecarrier (SC) 1 0
Space Station (SFR) 1 0
Space Control Ship (SO) 1 0
Combat Support Ship (SP) 3 0

Top Region 12 Classes Region 12, Starfleet

Stardate 9704.01
Active Starships Only
Class Name Number
Intrepid Class 6
Nebula Class 4
Olympus Class 3

Active & Proposed Starships

Class Name Number

Intrepid Class 8
Nebula Class 5
Sovereign Class 4
Olympus Class 3

Region 12 Status Page 1-5

Region 12 Shipyard Reports Shipyard Construction Reports Region 12, Starfleet
Stardate 9704.01
Regional construction projects have remained at almost the same level for the last few years.
Happily, the Region has a fairly high completion rate, and we’ve had very good luck with almost
all vessels passing their Post-Shakedown Availability (PSA) examinations with high marks. We’ve
also been very lucky in that we haven’t had a serious accident at any of our shipyards in the last
few years.

Currently, we have eleven authorized constructions projects underway at the Regional ship-
yards. Of these, four are upgrades or refits to newer classes and the other seven are newly
authorized vessels. There are a number of proposed vessels, including the USS Discovery
upgrade to the Chang Ho class, that have not been authorized for actual construction yet at this

In addition, the following vessels are scheduled for their overhaul and systems maintenance
this year: USS Concord, USS Ranger, USS Traveller, and USS Krazny Oktyabr. The overhauls
typically only take a few weeks and should not effect Regional tactical planning.

Delphis (II) Class

Name: USS White Star Registry: CKE 71012
Crewed from: Shuttle White Star Status: Nominal
Notes: New Ship - Construction based at Tal Minaar Shipyards, Silvestri

Entente Class
Name: USS Broadsword Registry: DN 73288
Crewed from: Shuttle Broadsword Status: Nominal
Notes: New Ship

Galaxy Class
Name: USS Empress Registry: CKE 15025-A
Crewed from: USS Empress (CH 15025) Status: Performing PSA
Notes: Replacement for CH 15025 (Ambassador Class)

Intrepid Class
Name: USS Cydonia Registry: CA 74687
Crewed from: Shuttle Cydonia Status: Nominal

Notes: New Ship

Name: USS Quantum Registry: CA 1734-E

Crewed from: Shuttle Quantum Status: Nominal
Notes: New Ship

Page 1-6 Region 12 Status

Region 12 Shipyard Reports
Nebula Class
Name: USS Canaveral Registry: CE 69720
Crewed from: Shuttle Cydonia Status: Nominal
Notes: New Ship

Nomad Class
Name: USS Nomad Registry: CKE 78500
Crewed from: USS Nomad (CH 1805) Status: Performing PSA
Notes: Replacement for CH 1805 (Enterprise Class)

Sovereign Class
Name: USS Archangel Registry: CKE 2294
Crewed from: USS Archangel (SC 2294) Status: Performing PSA
Notes: Replacement for SC 2294 (Archangel Class)

Name: USS Cicero Registry: CKE 75001

Crewed from: Shuttle Cydonia Status: Nominal
Notes: New Ship

Name: USS Renaissance Registry: CKE 75004

Crewed from: Shuttle Renaissance Status: Nominal
Notes: New Ship

Name: USS Star Empire Registry: CKE 2116

Crewed from: USS Star Empire (DN 2116) Status: Performing PSA
Notes: Replacement for DN 2116 (Federation Class)


USS Ganges (NCC 72454) - A Danube Class Runabout

Region 12 Status Page 1-7

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Page 1-8 Region 12 Status

Section Two:
Ship Designs
Introduction to Ship Designs

Beyond the statistics and the theories lay the ships themselves. This section describes each class in
Region 12. Initially, only the Delphis (II), Galaxy, Intrepid, Nebula, Nomad, and Olympus classes will be
included. Soon, we will begin sending out updates for the handbook with additional classes. For those
that have online access, the latest edition of the Handbook and all available ship designs can be obtained
from the Region 12 Engineering Website at: .

Currently, each class is being given two pages. The first page will be the design itself (Side View, Top
View and, if there is enough room, front view), the Regional registry for that class, and the class logo - if
one is available. The second page will be the class specifications. Class notes and histories may be added

Ship Registry
Most of this information has been obtained from the Department of
Technical Services and the Office of Techinical Information. When
possible, specifications have be double-checked with their database for

Delphis, Delphis (II), and Nomad class designs by Michael Dugas.

Galaxy, Intrepid, and Nebula class designs by Paramount Pictures.

Olympus class design by Temporal Graphics.

Page 2-2 Ship Designs

Section Three:
Supplimental Information
This section contains reference information that may prove useful to your chapter.

Selecting a New Class

Goes over some of the points to keep in mind when you are looking for a new class for your chapter.

Working with DTS /ASDB

Explains what DTS and the ASDB can help you with, and how to contact them and the Region 12
Engineering Staff.

So You Want To Design A Starship...

Gives somes tips to the aspiring starship designer.

Equipment Listings
Breaks down some of the more common equipment by the era that it is found in. If you are designing
a new class and need help with what model of warp drive to use, this chart may help you.

Starfleet Ship Classification List

Is the complete list of the classifications that Starfleet uses.

USS Star Empire USS Shaun Christopher USS Stargazer USS Nimitz

Page 3-2 Supplimental Information

Selecting A New Class
The type of starship that a Starfleet chapter becomes goes a long way towards defining that chapter. It
helps determine which era your chapter is based in, what kind of uniform you need to have made, what kind
of fiction to write and so on. It’s one of the more important decisions made during the pre-shuttle phase of
the chapter. While considering which class to become, there are a few things to keep in mind:

What Time Era does the chapter want to belong to?

This question obviously limits your choices for class. You cannot have a chapter based in the Next
Generation Era using an old Original Series type Scout Ship. Likewise, you can’t take a Galaxy or Sover-
eign class back into the Movie era. Once you decide when to be, you can decide what you want to be.

What type of Mission would you want your ship to perform?

This question can be viewed from either the fictional or mundane point of view. For example, a chapter
that serves the community through volunteering at the local hospital or Red Cross may want to consider a
Medical Support Ship such as the Hope class. Or, if your fiction is written around a long term exploration
mission, then you would want a class such as the Constellation or Nomad that is designed primarily for

Do I want a Model of the ship?

This may seem to be a silly point at first, but think about it - if you choose a common class such as the
Galaxy or Intrepid, you can easily run out and buy a model kit for your ship. However, if you choose
something like the Olympus or Delphis class, you may be in for either many sleepless nights of work to get
it done, or paying a large sum of money to someone who is skilled at making models from scratch. Again, its
just something to keep in mind...

Once you have a good idea of what you might want, then look around for some ship designs. There are
some included in the handbook. Many can be found on the Region 12 Engineering Web Site (http://www.port- or around the Internet, or you can contact the Department of Technical Services.

After you select your class, contact the Regional Engineering Officer and DTS. They will help you
facilitate your change in class, or reserve the class and name for you if you are a shuttle. They can also help
answer any questions or may have about your new class.

Supplimental Information Page 3-3

Working With DTS / ASDB
The Department of Technical Services (DTS) is part of Starfleet
Operations. Their job is to oversee which classes, names and hull
registry numbers are assigned to which chapters. They maintain the
master ship listings and are the final source for technical information in
Starfleet. Most chapters only work with DTS once - during the pre-
shuttle stage when you have to get DTS approval for your name, class
and NCC number. However they are also there to help answer ques-
tions about your class, suggest alternate classes if you would like to
change your chapters class, and more.

Alex Rosenzweig is the current Director of DTS. He can be

contacted via e-mail at or via US Mail at:

980 Linwood Place

N. Brunswick, NJ 98083-2267

The Advanced Starship Design Bureau (ASDB) is part of the Department of Technical Services. Their
job is new ship research and development. The ASDB is responsible for most new class designs in fleet...
recent work from the ASDB has been the Nomad, Delphis (II), Sovereign, and Interpid classes. From a
chapter point of view, the ASDB can help a chapter that is developing a new class get everything in place
before taking it before DTS for final approval.

Currently, there is not a director for the ASDB, but the Director, DTS is accepting applications for that

The Region 12 Department of Engineering is here to be a resource

for Region 12 chapters. If you have a question for DTS or the ASDB, you
can pass it to us and we’ll get an official answer for you. Likewise, if you
need help selecting a new class or designing a new ship, we’re here to help.
If you would like to be part of the Region 12 Department of Engineeing,
please contact us!

Michael Dugas is the current Region 12 RDC Engineering. He can

be reached via e-mail at: or via US Mail at:

2627 Keewahdin Rd
Fort Gratiot, MI 48059

Page 3-4 Supplimental Information

So You Want To Design A Starship...
(From the DTS Informational Pamphlet)

What We Look For...

When a new starship design is submitted to the ASDB or DTS, the first thing they look at is the ship’s
overall design. Is it feasible? Does it look like it would be easy to build and maintain? Is it based on an
existing design or is it all new? What era is it - Pre-Original, Original, Movie, Next Generation, or Post-
Next Generation?

The next thing we look at is the mission this vessel is designed to fill. Explorer? Combat vessel?
Transport? Why was this design created? After that, we look at the ship’s equipment. What kind of warp
drive? How many? Tactical equipment. Ship’s crew and small craft compliment.

After reviewing all this, the ASDB then compared the design to other that may already fill some (or all)
of the rolse that this new design is supposed to do. We then make recommendations, comments, and
critiques to the design and then send it back to the submitter for further work (if necessary).

Check To See If It Already Exists...

This may seem silly, but the Office of Techincal Information currently has over three thousand designs
in it’s registry, covering almost every conceivable mission role in all three primary time-frames. The ASDB
dislikes creating “copy-cat” starships that fill roles already filled. We strongly recommend you use already
established designs whenever possible. You can save yourself a great deal of time by asking ahead of time
if we have a starship class that fills the role you are considering for your design. On the plus side, this may
give you ideas about vessels that we don’t have that you can work on.

Is It All-New or Just Improved?

The ASDB looks favorably on starship designs that are based on existing starship classes. It appears
that most Starfleet vessels share components such as engines and hulls - just in different configurations.
Component-sharing reduces development and construction costs. Again, look to the above to make sure
that you’re not creating a design for which a ship already exists to fill it’s mission role.

Why was this starship built? Is it designed to be a suppliment to an existing starship class, or is it
designed to fill a role that nothing else currently does? What makes it so special? You need to come up
with a reason why Starfleet would justify spending their limited ship-building budget on such a vessel. It
does not need to be long and involved, but the more complete the better.

Remember Starfleets Charter

While some may think Gene Roddenberry’s view of the human future overly optimistic, this is the view
that we, “living” in the Star Trek time frame, subscribe to. Starfleet is not an instrument of the Federation’s
foreign policy, like the U.S. Armed Forces. Starfleet’s charter is to protect the Federation from aggressors
beyond and to police those within. Not to enforce Federation foreign policy on other’s.

Supplimental Information Page 3-5

There has been what those of us at the ASDB personally find a disturbing trend towards building
“battlewagons” - super-powerful starships bristling with weapons emplacements of all types. While there are
a number of threats to the Federation, these types of vessels, especially in the number we have been seeing,
are unnecessary and counter to Starfleet’s charter. The ASDB takes a very dim view to such starship con-
cepts, as do we to those who take exisiting starship classes and pack more weapons on them. If you want a
powerful starship, contact us. We have a number already in existance for you to choose from.

Equipment Lists...
When you are designing a ship, take the time to look at it. If you have a ship festooned with weapons roll
bars and hanger bays, it probably won’t be very warp dynamic. Who needs a battlewagon that would get to
the front after the war is over? Consider what type of Warp Drives and Computers your ship would have and
how many crew your ship will carry. Remember that as technology develops, the actualy number of
crewmembers needed to run the ship has gone down.
Also remember that many systesm are still in the research-and-development stage and are not yet desig-
nated available for general Fleet use. The Galaxy (II) class and some of her systems are a case in point. DTS
does have a list of equipment and what ships currently use it that is based on the format developed for Ships
of the Starfleet. Any starship design submitted to the ASDB is automatically converted to this list, regardless
of what system you use (FASA, Jackill’s, etc). This is because the ASDB needs a single reference system to
make it easier to compare ships.

The top sustainable speed for a Federation starship is warp 9.9 (TNG / DS9 scale) and warp 17.5 (Classic
/ Movie scale). This represents the upper limit of Federation starship structural design and the ability of the
SDF to counter warp velocity forces. So do not think that a design with three or four nacells can match the
Traveler and cross the galaxy in a few minutes. All additional nacelles do is allow you to travel at slighty
higher speeds for less time, as these designs are less efficient than a single or dual-nacelle design so you use
your fuel supply quicker.

In Conclusion...
This is meant to assist prospecting starship designers in the creation and submission of their designs to the
ASDB. If you have any questions, please contact the Regional Engineering Officer, the ASDB or the DTS.
We are more than happy to offer suggestions and provide you with any additional information!

Page 3-6 Supplimental Information

Starfleet Ship Classifications

Starfleet Ship Classifications

CH - Heavy Cruiser CS - Strike Cruiser
CG - Battle Cruiser CD - Through-Deck Cruiser
CKE - Large Exploratory Cruiser CE - Exploratory Cruiser
CA - Cruiser CL - Light Cruiser
CT - Tactical Cruiser CP - Diplomatic Cruiser

DH - Heavy Destroyer DD - Destroyer

FH - Heavy Frigate FR - Frigate
FF - Fast Frigate FS - Small Frigate

Patrol Combatants
DN - Dreadnought CO - Command Ship
PKA - Large Perimeter Action Ship PA - Perimeter Action Ship
CV - Corvette CP - Clipper
CR - Corsair BB - Battleship

SS - Superscout ST - Scouts

SC - Shuttlecarrier SO - Space Control Ship

Support Ships
TR - Transport TT - Transport / Tug
TE - Tender SP - Combat Support Ship
ET - Escort

Supplimental Information Page 3-7

Suggested Equipment List (By Era)
Equipment Listings
Propulsion Technology
Movie Era

Warp Engines - Impulse -

LN-68 Mod 1 / LN-80 FIG-3 / RSL / RST

Next Generation

Warp Engines - Impulse -

LN-69 / LN-71A / LN-81 / LN-83 FIG-4 / FIG-5

Weapons Systems
Movie Era

Phasers - Photon Torpedoes -

RIM-12C / RIM-15A Mk 7 Mod 1
RSM-14B Phasers

Next Generation

Phasers - Photon Torpedoes -

Type X Phaser Ring / Type X+ Mk 80 / Mk 90 / Quantum Torpedo
Phaser Burst Cannon Type III Quantum Torpedo

Defensive Systems
Movie Era

Deflector / Force Fields - Cloaking Devices -

CIDSS / Merlin / Lancelot Merlin / CGCP-SCDS Cloaking Generator

Next Generation

Deflector / Force Fields - Cloaking Devices -

FSQ / FSQ-2 / FSQ-4 / CIDSS-3 FCE / FCE-4

Page 3-8 Supplimental Information

Contacts and References

Alex Rosenzweig Web Site:

980 Linwood Place
N. Brunswick, New Jersey 98083-2267
(908) 249-2526
Email to:


Currently Vacant - For Questions or Info, Contact DTS

980 Linwood Place
N. Brunswick, New Jersey 98083-2267
(908) 249-2526
EMail to:

Starfleet Corps of Engineers Engineers’ Quarterly (A publication of the Corps)

Brian Dougherty Editor: Brian Dougherty

EMail to: EMail to:

Region 12 Department of Engineering

Michael Dugas Web Site:

2627 Keewahdin Rd
Ft Gratiot, MI 48059
EMail to:


Mr. Scott’s Guide to the Enterprise

Ships of the Starfleet: 2290, Vol. 1

Ships of the Starfleet: 2290, Vol 2 - Perimeter Action Ships

Star Trek Technical Manual (Franz Joesph)

Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual

Star Trek: The Next Generation Officers Guide (FASA)

Starfleet Review

Supplimental Information Page 3-9

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