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Active Harmonic Filter Basics

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Issue 26

Basics of Active Harmonic Filter:

Modern industries are defined by widespread use of non-linear loads such as DC drives, VFDs etc. which
introduce large content of harmonics into the system and its subsequent effects. There arises the need for
intelligent solutions for harmonic mitigation. Active harmonic filters have developed as the most ideal solution
for harmonic filtering in both industrial and commercial facilities. Added advantage is that they also offer
solutions for phase balancing and power factor improvement. This article briefs about its basic principle of
operation, need for active compensation and sizing.

Principle of Operation

An active harmonic filter is based on the following principle:

It detects the difference between the ideal current sine wave () and the actual current which has been
deformed by harmonics (O). It, then, injects this difference (), which is the negative of the harmonic
currents present in the load current, into the system on a real-time basis. This cancels out the high frequency
harmonics and results in almost pure sine wave.

Wave shapes of the currents - MAN, LOAD & FLTER Line Diagram of Active Harmonic Filter
The active filter monitors the line Harmonic Supply
current in real time and converts the Generating System
data to digital signals. The Load
compensating current, as already Current
explained, is generated by an IGBT Sensing
bridge using Pulse Width Modulation
(PWM) technology. Source of IGBT IGBT
Bridge is a DC link capacitor which is Bridge

charged simultaneously with DSP /

generation of compensating current Controller
to the network. The generated DC Link
output is injected into the network Capacitor
via a reactor or filter circuit.
Simplified Layout of Active Harmonic
dvantages over etuned & uned ilters

Active Harmonic Filters provide many advantages over the various solutions for harmonic mitigation as under:


Passive Active Hybrid

ctive: IGBT-based power converter

Detuned Tuned that reduces harmonic distortion

Hybrid: Combination of passive and

Mitigates harmonics by acting as a active filters
7% 14% sink
Series LC combination helps in erits:  Reduces THD till 5% to 8%
avoiding harmonic resonance  Reduces %THD  Dynamic correction of THD is
and amplification possible
emerits:  Improves Distortion PF
erits:  Tuning efficiency is susceptible  Load balancing and Displacement
 Simple and economical to system frequency & load PF improvement possible
variations leading to  Modular – Can be expanded along
emerits: with the load
overheating & failure of filter
 Marginal reduction of  Extensive harmonic audit is
%THD mandatory before installation
 High VTHD will affect the
 Cannot handle wide harmonic
eed for ctive Compensation:

Unlike detuned passive filters, active filters provide actual reduction in THD as recommended by IEEE. The
IEEE 519-1992 guidelines on limits for current and voltage harmonics at Point of Common Coupling (PCC) are
as under:

aximum Harmonic Current istortion in % 

ndividual Harmonic Order (Odd Harmonics)
sc /  <11 11 ≤ h <17 17 ≤ h <23 23 ≤ h < 35 35 ≤ h 
<20 4.0% 2.0% 1.5% 0.6% 0.3% 5.0%
20 - 50 7.0% 3.5% 2.5% 1.0% 0.5% 8.0%
50 - 100 10.0% 4.5% 4.0% 1.5% 0.7% 12.0%
100 - 1000 12.0 % 5.5% 5.0% 2.0% 1.0% 15.0 %
>1000 15.0% 7.0% 6.0% 2.5% 1.4% 20.0%
Isc = maximum short-circuit current at PCC [Can be calculated as MVA/(%Z x V)]
IL = maximum demand load current (fundamental frequency component) at PCC

Voltage istortion imits

Bus Voltage at PCC ndividual Voltage istortion VH
≤ 69 kV 3.0% 5.0%
69 kV < V ≤ 160 kV 1.5% 2.5%
> 160 kV 1.0% 1.5%

The use of active harmonic filters helps in reducing harmonics as can been seen under:

Before H fter H

100 100

80 80
mplitude (%)
mplitude (%)

60 60

40 40

20 20
0 0
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21
Harmonics order Harmonics order

Frequency spectrum of current before and after active harmonic filtering

Some of the areas where active harmonic filters can be used are:

• In areas with critical loads like automobile industry, precision equipment manufacturing etc., the
harmonic load may vary frequently. This may have immediate adverse impacts like poor quality of
manufactured products and equipment failures leading to huge monetary losses. Active filters prove to
be suitable as they provide real-time reduction of THD.
• Certain segments like textile industry, having huge VFD loads suffer from high harmonics. Due to this,
the use of detuned filters may not be adequate, resulting in frequent capacitor failures and overheating
or saturation of reactors. Only active harmonic filters provide necessary solutions in such cases.
• Active harmonic filters have an added advantage of providing unsymmetrical reactive power
compensation and also, provide load balancing.
• Even usage of 14% reactor may not be sufficient to reduce neutral overloading due to triple-N
harmonics. However, 3 phase, 4 wire active filter helps in achieving the same more effectively.

Selection / Sizing of ominal Current of ctive Harmonic ilter

Active harmonic filter is rated in Amperes. The current rating is decided on the basis of harmonic content (THD)
in the system which can be obtained from harmonic study. The required nominal current can be obtained by
multiplying the initial current of harmonics measured in the load by a safety factor (Sh) of 20%. In other words,

filter (AHF) = 1.2 x load x %THD()

Ifilter (AHF) : Nominal Current of Active Filter (A)
Iload : Maximum Load Current (A)
% THD(I) : Load Current Harmonic Distortion (%)

Majority of the energy saving devices are non-linear in nature. Consequently, the problem of harmonics has
become inevitable. Advanced devices like active harmonic filter provide an ideal solution to this problem. These
filters help in maintaining a stable and healthy power system thereby increasing productivity and efficiency.

Product Management
Reactive Power and Harmonics Management

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