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Lightning Protection Risk Management: Date: 4/12/2020 Project No.: 12/008

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Date: 4/12/2020 Project No.

: 12/008

Lightning protection
Risk management
Created according to international standard:
IEC 62305-2:2010-12

Considering the country-specific annexes for:

IEC 62305-2:2010-12

Summary of measures for

reducing damage caused by lightning effects,
resulting from the risk management
concerning the following project:

Project / object description:


Customer / principal:


NO.9, 11, 15 & 17 JALAN EKOPERNIAGAAN 1/6


Risk assessment by:




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Risk analysis for assessing the risk for structures according to
IEC 62305-2:2010-12


1. Abbreviations

2. Normative basics

3. Risk and sources of damage

4. Project data
4.1. Selection of risks to be considered
4.2. Geographic and building parameters
4.3. Division of the structure into lightning protection zones/zones

5. Supply lines

6. Properties of the structure

6.1. Risk of fire
6.2. Measures to reduce the consequences of a fire
6.3. Special hazards in the building for persons
6.4. External spatial shielding

7. Risk assessment
7.1. Risk R1, Human life
7.2. Selection of protection measures

8. Legal obligation

9. General information

10. Definition

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Risk analysis for assessing the risk for structures according to
IEC 62305-2:2010-12

1. Abbreviations

a Amortisation rate
at Amortisation period
ca Value of animals in a zone in currency
cb Value of a zone of the structure in currency
cc Value of the contents of a zone in currency
cs Value of the systems in a zone (including their activities) in currency
ct Total value of the structure in currency
CD;CDJ Location factor
CL Annual costs of the total loss without protection measures
CPM Annual costs of the selected protection measures
CRL Annual costs of the residual loss
EB Lightning equipotential bonding
H Height of the structure
HP Highest point of the structure
i Interest rate
KS1 Factor relevant to the shielding effectiveness of a structure (external spatial shielding)
KS1W Mesh size of the shielding of a structure
KS2 Factor relevant to the shielding effectiveness of a structure (external spatial shielding)
KS2W Mesh size of the shielding within a structure
L1 Loss of human life
L2 Loss of service to the public
L3 Loss of cultural heritage
L4 Loss of economic value
L Length of the structure
LEMP Lightning electromagnetic impulse
LP Lightning protection (consisting of a lightning protection system (LPS) and LEMP
protection measures)
LPL Lightning protection level
LPS Lightning protection system
LPZ Lightning protection zone (zone where the lightning electromagnetic environment is
m Maintenance rates
ND Frequency of dangerous events caused by lightning strikes to a structure
NG Ground flash density
PB Probability that a lightning strike to a structure causes physical damage
PEB Lightning equipotential bonding
PSPD Coordinated SPD system
R Risk
R1 Risk of loss of human life in a structure
R2 Risk of loss of service to the public
R3 Risk of loss of cultural heritage
R4 Risk of loss of economical value in a structure
RA Risk component (injury to living beings - Lightning strike to the structure)
RB Risk component (physical damage to a structure - Lightning strike to the structure)
RC Risk component (failure of internal systems - Lightning strike to the structure)
RM Risk component (failure of internal systems - Lightning strike near the structure)

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IEC 62305-2:2010-12

RU Risk component (injury to living beings - Lightning strike to a connected supply line)
RV Risk component (physical damage to a structure - Lightning strike to a connected supply
RW Risk component (failure of internal systems - Lightning strike to a connected supply line)
RZ Risk component (failure of internal systems - Lightning strike near the connected supply
RT Tolerable risk (maximum value of the risk which can be tolerated for the structure to be
rf Reduction factor considering the fire risk in a structure
rp Reduction factor considering the measures to reduce the consequences of a fire
SM Annual savings
SPD Surge protection device
SPM LEMP protection measures (measures to reduce the risk of failure of electrical and
electronic equipment due to LEMP)
tex Duration of the presence of a dangerous explosive atmosphere
W Width of the structure
Z Zones of a structure

2. Normative basics

The IEC 62305 standard series consists of the following parts:

- IEC 62305-1:2010-12 - "Protection against lightning - Part 1: General principles“

- IEC 62305-2:2010-12 - "Protection against lightning - Part 2: Risk management"

- IEC 62305-3:2010-12 - "Protection against lightning - Part 3: Physical damage to structures and life hazard“

- IEC 62305-4:2010-12 - "Protection against lightning - Part 4: Electrical and electronic systems within structures“

3. Risk and sources of damage

In order to avoid damage resulting from a lightning strike, specific protection measures must be taken for
the objects to be protected. The risk management described in the IEC 62305-2:2010-12 standard
includes a risk analysis which allows to determine the lightning protection requirements of a structure. The
aim of the risk management is to reduce the risk to an acceptable level by taking protection measures.

To determine the prevailing risk, the relevant object must be connsidered without any protection measures
(actual condition). Risks that may be caused as a result of direct / indirect lightning strikes to the structure
and supply lines are referred to as risk R. The risk defines the possible annual loss. Risks that must be
assessed for a structure could be:

• Risk R1: risk of loss of human life;

• Risk R2: risk of loss of services to the public;
• Risk R3: risk of loss of cultural heritage;
• Risk R4: risk of loss of economic value;

All risks or the individual risks must be assessed depending on the type of consideration. Every risk is
defined with a tolerable risk in form of a numerical value. To achieve a tolerable risk, technically and
economically sound protection measures are defined e.g. external lightning protection measures according
to IEC 62305-3:2010-12 and SPD measures according to IEC 62305-4:2010-12.

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Risk analysis for assessing the risk for structures according to
IEC 62305-2:2010-12

To be able to determine the risk focus more exactly, the risks are considered in detail. Every risk consists
of a sum of risk components.

• R1 = RA + RB + RC + RM + RU + RV + RW + RZ
• R2 = RB + RC + RM + RV + RW + RZ
• R3 = RB + RV
• R4 = RA + RB + RC + RM + RU + RV + RW + RZ

Every risk component describes a certain danger and thus a possible loss. The loss resulting from
lightning effects is defined as follows:

• L1 = Loss of human life

• L2 = Loss of service to the public
• L3 = Loss of cultural heritage
• L4 = Loss of economic value

The possible loss is assigned to the risk components as follows:

The risk components are differentiated according to the sources of damage.

Source of damage S1: Risk components based on lightning strikes to the structure

RA Component which refers to injury of living beings caused by an electric shock resulting from
touch and step voltage within the structure and up to 3 m around the down conductors
outside the structure. Type of damage L1 may occur for agricultural buildings and type of
damage L4 with possible loss of animals.

RB Component which refers to physical damage caused by dangerous sparking within the
structure resulting in fire and explosion. Even the environment can be at risk. All types of
damage can occur (L1, L2, L3, L4).

RC Component which refers to the failure of internal systems caused by LEMP. Types of
damage L2 and L4 can occur in all cases and type of damage L1 in case of structures with a
risk of explosion and hospitals or other structures in which the failure of internal systems can
be lead to loss of human life.

Source of damage S2: Risk components for a structure as a result of lightning strikes near the

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Risk analysis for assessing the risk for structures according to
IEC 62305-2:2010-12


RM Component which refers to the failure of internal systems caused by LEMP. Types of
damage L2 and L4 can occur in all cases and type of damage L1 in case of structures with a
risk of explosion and hospitals or other structures in which the failure of internal systems can
be lead to loss of human life.

Source of damage S3: Risk components for a structure as a result of lighting strikes to the
incoming supply line

RU Component which refers to injury of living beings caused by an electric shock resulting from
touch voltage within the structure. Type of damage L1 may occur for agriculture facilities and
type of damage L4 with possible loss of animals.

RV Component which refers to physical damage caused by the lightning current injected into the
structure by means of or along the supply line (fire or explosion due to dangerous sparking
between the external installation and the metal parts, typically at the point where the supply
line enters the structure). All types of damage (L1, L2, L3, L4) can occur.

RW Component which refers to the failure of internal systems caused by overvoltages injected
into the structure by means of incoming supply lines. Types of damage L2 and L4 can occur
in all cases and type of damage L1 in case of structures with a risk of explosion and
hospitals or other structures in which the failure of internal systems can be lead to loss of
human life.

Source of damage S4: Risk components for a structure as a result of lighting strikes near the
incoming supply line

RZ Component which refers to the failure of internal systems caused by overvoltages injected
into the structure by means of incoming supply lines. Types of damage L2 and L4 can occur
in all cases and type of damage L1 in case of structures with a risk of explosion and
hospitals or other structures in which the failure of internal systems can be lead to loss of
human life.

The risk components allow to analyse the risks and measures to avoid possible loss can be taken.

The following risk analysis according to IEC 62305-2:2010-12 for the project ECO GALLERIA - object
Object shows the necessity of protection measures. The risk potential for the structure is determined and,
if necessary, measures to reduce the risk have to be taken. The result of the risk analysis not only
specifies the class of LPS, but also provides a complete protection concept including the necessary LEMP
protection measures.

As a result, an economically reasonable selection of protection measures suitable for the properties and
use of the structure is ensured.

4. Project data

4.1 Selection of risks to be considered

Due to the type and use of the structure, object Object, the following risks were selected and considered:

Risk R1: Risk of losses of human life; RT: 1.00E-05

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Risk analysis for assessing the risk for structures according to
IEC 62305-2:2010-12

The tolerable risks RT were defined by selecting the risks.

The standard specifies the tolerable risk for the risks R1, R2 and R3 . No tolerable risk is defined for risk
R4. To this end, it is considered whether the protection measures make economical sense with regard to
the value of the structure.

The aim of a risk analysis is to reduce the risk to a acceptable level RT by an economically sound selection
of protection measures.

4.2 Geographic and building parameters

The ground flash density Ng is the basis for a risk analysis according to IEC 62305-2:2010-12. It defines
the number of direct lightning strikes in 1 / year / km². A value of 15.00 lightning strikes / year / km² was
determined for the location of the object Object by means of the ground flash density map. As a result,
there is a calculated number of 150.00 of thunderstorm days per year for the location of the project.

The dimensions of the building are decisive for the risk of a direct strike. The collection areas for direct /
indirect lightning strikes are determined based on these dimensions. The structure Object has the following

Lb Length: 172.70 m

Wb Width: 194.21 m

Hb Height: 29.70 m

Hpb Highest point (if applicable): 33.38 m

This results in a calculated collection area for direct lightning strikes of 123,863.00 m² and for indirect
lightning strikes (near the structure) of 1,152,308.00 m².

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Risk analysis for assessing the risk for structures according to
IEC 62305-2:2010-12

The environment surrounding the structure is an important factor for determining the number of direct /
indirect lightning strikes. It was defined as follows for the building Object:
Relative location Cdb: 0.50

If the ground flash density is referred to the size and the environment of the structure, a frequency of direct
strikes Nd to the structure of 0.929 strikes / year and indirect strikes near the structure of 17.2846 strikes /
year is to be expected.

4.3 Division of the structure into lightning protection zones/zones

The structure Object was not divided into lightning protection zones / zones.

5. Supply lines

All incoming and outgoing supply lines of the structure to be considered must be taken into account in the
risk analysis. Conductive pipes do not have to be considered if they are connected to the main earthing
busbar of the structure. If this is not the case, the risk of incoming pipes should be considered in the risk
analysis (observe that equipotential bonding is required!).

The following supply lines were considered for the structure Object in the risk analysis:

- TNB 33KV


Installation factor: Buried

Type of conductor: Telecommunication line

Environment: Suburban

Connection of the No special conditions

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Risk analysis for assessing the risk for structures according to
IEC 62305-2:2010-12


Transformer: LV power supply, telecommunication or data line

Conductor shielding: External: Aerial or unshielded buried cable

The conductor length outside the structure up to the next node is 1,000.00 m.

Based on this, the following collection areas were determined for the supply line:
- Collection area for direct lightning strikes to a supply line: 40,000.00 m²
- Collection area for indirect lightning strikes near a supply line: 4,000,000.00 m²

The dielectric strength of the electrical equipment which is connected with the TM FIBRE OPTIC is Uw <=
1.0 kV

The conductors in the building are installed via Unshielded cable – no routing precaution in order to avoid

5.2 TNB 33KV

Installation factor: Buried

Type of conductor: Power supply line

Environment: Suburban

Connection of the No special conditions


Transformer: HV power supply line (with HV/LV transformer)

Conductor shielding: External: Aerial or unshielded buried cable

The conductor length outside the structure up to the next node is 1,000.00 m.

Based on this, the following collection areas were determined for the supply line:
- Collection area for direct lightning strikes to a supply line: 40,000.00 m²
- Collection area for indirect lightning strikes near a supply line: 4,000,000.00 m²

The dielectric strength of the electrical equipment which is connected with the TNB 33KV is Uw <= 1.0 kV

The conductors in the building are installed via Unshielded cable – no routing precaution in order to avoid

6. Properties of the structure

6.1 Risk of fire

The risk of fire is one of the most important criteria for determining whether an LPS (lightning protection
system) must be installed. The risk of fire is classified according to the specific fire load. The fire load

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Risk analysis for assessing the risk for structures according to
IEC 62305-2:2010-12

should be determined by a fire safety expert or defined after consultation with the proprietor of the building
and his / her insurance company. A distinction is made according to the following criteria:

 None
 Low (specific fire load in the building less than 400 MJ/m²)
 Ordinary (specific fire load in the building between 400 MJ/m² and 800 MJ/m²)
 High (specific fire load in the building greater than 800 MJ/m²)
 Explosion: zone 2 / 22
 Explosion: zone 1 / 21
 Explosion: zone 0 / 20

The risk of fire in a structure is an important factor for determining the required protection measures. The
risk of fire for the structure Object was defined as follows:

- Normal risk of fire

6.2 Measures to reduce the consequences of a fire

The following measures were selected to reduce the consequences of a fire:

- Automatic fire extinguishing system/fire alarm system

6.3 Special hazards in the building for persons

Due to the number of persons, the possible risk of panic for the structure Object was defined as follows:

- Average level of panic (e.g. structures designed for cultural or sport events with a number of
participants between 100 and 1 000 persons)

6.4 External spatial shielding

Spatial shielding attenuates the magnetic field within a structure caused by lightning strikes to or near the
object and reduces internal surges.
This can be achieved by an intermeshed equipotential bonding network in which all conductive parts of the
structure and the internal systems are integrated. Consequently, the external / internal spatial shield is only
a part of a shielded building structure. It must be observed that metal coverings and claddings are
connected to one another and conductively to the equipotential bonding of the building. In this context, the
relevant normative requirements must be observed.

Covering of the structure Object:

- No shielding

7. Risk assessment

As described in 4.1, the following risks according to 7.were assessed. The blue bar shows the tolerable
risk value and the green / red bar shows the risk determined.

7.1 Risk R1, Human life

The following risk was determined for persons outside and inside the structure Object:

Tolerable risk RT: 1.00E-05

Calculated risk R1 (unprotected): 1.16E-04

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Risk analysis for assessing the risk for structures according to
IEC 62305-2:2010-12

Calculated risk R1 (protected): 5.24E-06

The risk R1 consists of following risk components:

To reduce the risk, it is necessary to take measures as described in 7.

7.2 Selection of protection measures

The risk was reduced to an acceptable level by selecting the following protection measures.

This selection of protection measures is part of the risk management for the object Object and is only valid
in connection with this object.

Measures With protection/target state:

Area Measures Factor

Lightning protection system (LPS)
pB: 5.000E-02
Class of LPS II
Lightning equipotential bonding
pEB: 2.000E-02
Equipotential bonding for LPL II

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Risk analysis for assessing the risk for structures according to
IEC 62305-2:2010-12

8. Legal obligation

The risk analysis performed refers to the information provided by the operator and/or proprietor of the
building or expert which has been assumed, assessed or defined on site. Please note that this information
must be verified after assessment.

The procedure of the DEHNsupport software for calculating the risks is based on the IEC 62305-2:2010-12

Please note that all assumptions, documents, illustrations, drawings, dimensions, parameters and results
are not legally binding for the person performing the risk analysis.

_____________________________________ _____________________________________
Place, date Stamp, signature

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Risk analysis for assessing the risk for structures according to
IEC 62305-2:2010-12

9. General information

9.1 Components of the external lightning protection system

Lightning protection components used for the construction of the external lightning protection system must
comply with the mechanical and electrical requirements defined in the IEC 62561-x standard series. This
standard series is for example divided into following parts:

- IEC 62561-1:2012 Requirements for connection components

- IEC 62561-2:2012 Requirements for conductors and earth electrodes
- IEC 62561-3:2012 Requirements for isolating spark gaps
- IEC 62561-4:2010 Requirements for conductor fasteners
- IEC 62561-5:2011 Requirements for electrode inspection housings and earth
electrode seals

9.1.1 IEC 62561-1:2012 Requirements for connection components

The requirements for connection components such as clamps are defined in IEC 62561-1. For the installer
of lightning protection systems this means that the connection components are to be selected for the load
(H or N) to be expected at the place of installation. Therefore, a clamp for load H (100 kA) is to be used
e.g. for an air-termination rod (100% lightning current) and a clamp for load N (50 kA) e.g. for a mesh or an
earth entry (lightning current already distributed). The suitability for these applications must be proven by
the manufacturer.

9.1.2 IEC 62561-2:2012 Requirements for conductors and earth electrodes

The IEC 62561-2 specifies concrete requirements for conductors, such as air-termination and down
conductors as well as earth electrodes. These are defined as follows:
- Mechanical properties (minimum tensile strength and elongation),
- Electrical properties (maximum resistivity) and
- Corrosion protection properties (artificial aging).

The IEC 62561-2 standard also specifies the requirements for earth electrodes and earth rods. In this
context, the material, geometry, minimum dimensions as well as the mechanical and electrical properties
are important. These normative requirements are relevant product features, which must be documented in
the manufacturers' documents and product datasheets.

9.1.3 IEC 62561-3:2012 Requirements for isolating spark gaps

Isolating spark gaps can be used to galvanically isolate an earth-termination system.IEC 62561-3 specifies
that isolating spark gaps must be dimensioned in such a way that the components, if installed according to
the manufacturer's instructions, are reliable, durable and safe for persons and nearby installations.

9.1.4 IEC 62561-4:2010 Requirements for conductor fasteners

The IEC 62561-4 standard specifies the requirements and tests for metal and non-metal conductor
fasteners used with air-termination and down conductors.

9.1.5 IEC 62561-5:2011 Requirements for electrode inspection housings and earth electrode seals
All earth electrode inspection housings and earth electrode seals must be designed in such a way that they
are reliable and safe for persons and the environment when used as intended. IEC 62561-5 specifies the
requirements and tests for earth electrode inspection housings (e.g. pressure load) and for earth electrode
seals (e.g. leak test).

10. Definition

Coordinated SPD system

SPDs properly selected, coordinated and installed to form a system intended to reduce failures of electrical
and electronic systems.

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Risk analysis for assessing the risk for structures according to
IEC 62305-2:2010-12

Isolating interfaces
Devices which are capable of reducing conducted surges on lines entering the LPZ. These include
isolation transformers with earthed screen between windings, metal-free fibre optic cables and
opto-isolators. Insulation withstand characteristics of these devices are suitable for this application
intrinsically or via SPD.

LEMP (lightning electromagnetic impulse)

All electromagnetic effects of lightning current via resistive, inductive and capacitive coupling, which create
surges and electromagnetic fields.

LP (lightning protection)
Complete system for protection of structures against lightning, including their internal systems and
contents, as well as persons, in general consisting of an LPS and SPM.

LPL (lightning protection level)

Number related to a set of lightning current parameters values relevant to the probability that the
associated maximum and minimum design values will not be exceeded in naturally occurring lightning.

LPS (lightning protection system)

Complete system used to reduce physical damage due to lightning flashes to a structure.

EB (lightning equipotential bonding)

Bonding to LPS of separated metallic parts, by direct conductive connections or via surge protective
devices, to reduce potential differences caused by lightning current.

SPD (surge protection device)

Device intended to limit transient overvoltages and divert surge currents; contains at least one non-linear

Point on a line from which onward surge propagation can be assumed to be neglected. Examples of nodes
are a point on a power line branch distribution at an HV / LV transformer or on a power substation, a
telecommunication exchange or an equipment (e.g. multiplexer or xDSL equipment) on a
telecommunication line.

Physical damage
Damage to a structure (or to its contents) due to mechanical, thermal, chemical or explosive effects of

Injury to living beings

Permanent injuries, including loss of life, to people or to animals by electric shock due to touch and step
voltages caused by lightning.

Risk R
Value of probable average annual loss (humans and goods) due to lightning, relative to the total value
(humans and goods) of the structure to be protected.

Zone of a structure ZS
Part of a structure with homogeneous characteristics where only one set of parameters is involved in
assessment of a risk component.

LPZ (lightning protection zone)

Zone where the lightning electromagnetic environment is defined. The zone boundaries of an LPZ are not
necessarily physical boundaries (e.g. walls, floor and ceiling).

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IEC 62305-2:2010-12

Magnetic shield
Closed, metallic, grid-like or continuous screen enveloping the structure to be protected, or part of it, used
to reduce failures of electrical and electronic systems.

Lightning protective cable

Special cable with increased dielectric strength and whose metallic sheath is in continuous contact with the
soil either directly or by use of conducting plastic covering.

Lightning protective cable duct

Cable duct of low resistivity in contact with the soil (concrete with interconnected structural steel
reinforcements or metallic duct).

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