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Ebook HandHygiene General

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Dive deeper into hand hygiene, one of the most
important processes for every individual to embrace

In this eBook, we explore hand hygiene, one of the most
important processes for everyone to embrace. In this
eBook we compare the most commonly used handwashing
methods, review the importance of skin health for hand
hygiene, and explore how to reinforce good hand hygiene
behaviors with employees.

Table of Contents
Hand Hygiene Methods Compared..................... 3
• Manual Handwashing........................................................ 6
• Semi-Automated Handwashing........................................ 9
• Automated Handwashing................................................ 12
• Hand Dip Pan / Buckets.................................................. 15
• Instand Hand Sanitizers.................................................... 16
Hand Drying Methods........................................... 18
• Paper Towel........................................................................ 19
• Air Dryers............................................................................ 20
Skin Health........................................................... 21
• Soap and Sanitizer Cautions............................................. 23
• Moisturizing....................................................................... 23
Creating a Culture of Hand Hygiene..................... 24
• Uphold Personal Hand Hygiene Standards...................... 25
• Stay Aware of Contamination Points............................... 26
• Keep Hand Hygiene Part of the Conversation................. 27
• Ensure Everyone Thinks Like an Owner............................ 28
Hand Hygiene
Methods Compared

Hand hygiene is one of the most important aspects

of your Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures
(SSOPs). Anytime an outbreak occurs, one of the first
and strongest recommendations you hear is “wash your
hands often”. Even though we know that it is the best
defense against pathogens, many illnesses are directly
attributed to ineffective handwashing.

There are a few common methods widely used to wash

hands. Each method has its benefits, but some have
critical pitfalls that can result in ineffective pathogen
reduction (and sometimes, increased contamination
risk!) Here are some of the most common handwashing
methods used today and the pros and cons of each:

arrow-to-left Download our hand hygiene comparison guide

quickly compare the top handwashing methods!

Manual Hand Hygiene

The most well-known and commonly-used handwashing method involves manually washing hands
in a traditional sink where the faucet is manually turned on and off and soap is manually dispensed.

• Low cost
• Familiar system to all

Potential Concerns:

• Highly dependent on user

• Unreliable and inconsistent level of pathogen
• No compliance tracking
• May be wasteful of water as water used may never
come in contact with hands
• Cross contamination touch points on faucet
• May be wasteful of water as water used may never
come in contact with hands
• Unreliable and inconsistent level of pathogen

Manual Hand Hygiene

Manual handwashing sinks serve as a fair low-cost option that is familiar to all. No matter the style, the
mechanics of these main types of manual handwashing sinks are essentially the same:

Manual Faucet Sinks Knee or Foot-Pedal Sinks Multi-User Fountain or Trough Sinks

Unfortunately, while these systems may be familiar, that does not mean that most people know how to
wash their hands correctly in them, or will do it properly every time.

Manual Hand Hygiene

The main drawback of a manual handwashing sink? Human

behavior. No matter how stringent your handwashing procedures
and SSOPs are, humans are prone to variability and error, resulting
in poor hand hygiene and increased risk of pathogen spread.

Whichever type of manual sink is used, its efficacy depends on

how thorough each individual is during the handwashing process.
The length of time and the steps taken during handwashing are
crucial to ensure pathogen removal.

The recommended steps for manual handwashing include:

1. Wet your hands with clean, running water (warm or cold)

2. Apply soap
3. Lather your hands
4. Scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds. (Need a timer?
Hum or sing “Happy Birthday” from beginning to end twice.)

5. Rinse your hands well under clean, running water.

6. Dry your hands using a clean towel or air dry them.

arrow-to-left Download this handwashing steps

poster in both English and Spanish!

Manual Hand Hygiene

With manual handwashing, the level of

pathogen removal is highly dependent upon
the user. Therefore, relying on traditional
sinks requires added time to train and
continually re-train team members on
the proper handwashing steps to ensure
consumer safety. With increased workforce
diversity, the challenge of training for hygiene
is compounded. In the same token, you
are also relying on these same individuals
to always be diligent about avoiding cross
contamination touchpoints such as turning
off dirty faucets with clean hands.

question-circle Did You Know

Temperature does not change the effectiveness of a hand wash. Scientists found
that varying water temperature had no effect on pathogen reduction.

See More Handwashing Myths


Semi-Automated Hand Hygiene

Another well known and commonly-used method is referred to as semi-automated handwashing, in which
the water and/or soap is automatically dispensed once a user’s hands are detected by a photo-eye sensor.

• Low cost
• Familiar system to most
• Fewer touch points reduce cross-contamination

Potential Concerns:

• Highly dependent on user

• Unreliable and inconsistent level of pathogen removal
• Increased time for onboarding or retraining on
proper handwashing steps
• No compliance tracking
• May be wasteful of water or have low water flow
• No way to ensforce proper handwashing duration
• Can be used as a dump sink
• Inconsistent operation due to photoeye hand detection
• No indication if soap solution is empty

Semi-Automated Hand Hygiene

The main benefit of using a semi-automated handwashing

sink is that the touchless activation helps reduce cross-
contamination points. Manual faucets often have the very
pathogens hand hygiene should eliminate, creating a point
where pathogens can be reintroduced to clean hands when
water is turned off. Touch-free faucets and even touchless
soap dispensers can help prevent the spread of pathogens
from one staff member to another.

While semi-automated sinks do reduce the number of

contamination points, they still have the same critical
pitfall as manual sinks: relying on human behavior. While
the water and soap may be dispensed automatically, the
handwashing process itself is still manual and relies on the
individual to follow proper steps for the correct length of
time to ensure effective pathogen removal.

There is also risk of poor hygiene events with semi-

automated handwashing stations. Rushed workers may
find the “hand dance” of waving a hand in front of a photo-
eye sensor to get water or soap too time consuming or
frustrating. Therefore, they may forgo the use of soap or
skip a crucial step in the handwashing process, resulting in
a poor hand hygiene event.

Semi-Automated Hand Hygiene

Another potential pitfall of touchless faucets and soap dispensers lies within the limited or excessive use of water and
solutions. While touchless faucets can be set to operate for a particular period of time, such as 20 seconds, to encourage a
more thorough wash, this can also lead to considerable waste. Most of the water used may not even come into contact with
hands during the washing process.

If not too much water, there could also be the case of low flow or limited water pressure from semi-automated faucets. Some
semi-automated faucets do not flow enough water for a long enough period of time to rinse the hands thoroughly. This results
in soap and pathogens not being effectively rinsed away and, unlike a manual sink, users cannot increase the water flow of
semi-automated sinks to ensure effective pathogen removal.

question-circle Did You Know

Soap and water does not kill germs. Instead, they work by mechanically removing them from your
hands. Running water alone removes some pathogens, but soap allows you to tackle the hard-
to-remove germs by acting like a crowbar and prying unwanted pathogens from hands.

Learn More

Automated Hand Hygiene

The previous two handwashing methods rely heavily on team members to follow proper handwashing steps to ensure the
removal of pathogens. Thus, consumer safety may be compromised by normal human behaviors, as stressed, bored or hurried
staff members rush through manual handwashing protocols. Automation removes the variability of human behavior from the
equation altogether and quality-controls the handwashing process to ensure consistently effective hand hygiene events.

• 12-second wash time for high-throughput
• Easy compliance monitoring
• Automation ensures reliable and consistent results
• Clinically-validated to remove more than 99.9% of
pathogens for each and every handwash
• Up to 75% water savings compared to traditional
handwashing - only 0.6 gallons per hand wash
• Quick and easy to use for training
• Soap empty indication

Potential Concerns:

• Slightly higher priced than industrial sinks

• New technology can be unfamiliar to some

Automated Hand Hygiene

Automated hand hygiene technology

takes the responsibility of performing
and timing each step of the handwashing
process off the shoulders of employees.
Instead, employees simply insert their
hands into the station and the photo-eye
sensor begins the handwashing event.

Water and solution moves in a cylindrical

pattern for 12 seconds to ensure that all
parts of the hand, including the backs,
palms and fingertips, are evenly cleansed.
During this time, 99.9% or greater of
pathogens are removed, ensuring
employees always have clean hands that
are free of dangerous pathogens.

arrow-to-left Watch the video to see Meritech

automated handwashing
stations in action!

Automated Hand Hygiene

Other benefits of automated handwashing

stations include the lack of cross-contamination
touchpoints and the need to monitor solutions
levels. There are no faucets for employees to
turn on or off, nor soap dispensers to monitor
and refill. Instead, each station has an automatic
hand was cycle tracker for simplified compliance
monitoring and a solutions empty indicator to
proactively alert when hygiene solutions need to
be replaced. These stations also feature closed-
loop drainage systems to minimize microbial
growth and use up to 75% less water than
traditional washbasins.

lightbulb-on Discover
Not only is it important to select the right hand washing method for your facility, it’s important to validate
its efficacy for pathogen removal. One of the methods Meritech uses to validate the efficacy of CleanTech®
Automated Handwashing Stations is the ASTM standard E1174 or “Glove Juice” method.

Read Validation Studies


Hand Dip Pans / Buckets

While this archaic method of hand sanitation does not meet best practices for hand hygiene
and is not recommended, hand dip pans and buckets remain in use at some organizations.

• Low cost
• Does not require a water source

Potential Concerns:

• Does not remove visible soils or debris

• Soils and debris can build up inside bucket
• Sanitation PPM can deplete over time
• Frequent use can be detrimental to skin health
• Not as effective as soap and water against some

While this method may seem appealing because it is quick and does not require a water source to rinse off surface soils, it actually
presents added risk. Because these are typically static bins, if sanitizing chemicals are not closely monitored and replaced often it
is unlikely that the appropriate chemical concentration level (PPM) of sanitizer in these hand dip pans or buckets is effective against
pathogens. Irregular maintenance may contribute even further to the transfer and proliferation of pathogens as they remain in the hand
dip pan or bucket and be spread from one employee’s hands to another. Overall, hand dip stations are not a substitute for handwashing,
and it is recommended that if this method is still used, management replace it with a more effective handwashing station.

Instant Hand Sanitizers

A common alternative when water is not available, instant hand sanitizers are used in many facilities.
Quick and easy-to-use, this may seem like a great option at first glance, but there are a few significant
factors that make handwashing with soap and water superior to alcohol-based sanitizers.

• Low cost
• Does not require water source
• Quick / high throughput
• Easy to use and train new users
• Mobile / portable

Potential Concerns:

• Does not remove soils and debris

• Large volume required to be effective
• Frequent use can be detrimental to skin health
• Emollients can build up overtime leaving hands
feeling uncomfortable
• Doesn’t remove all pathogens and only kills some

Instant Hand Sanitizers

One of the obvious pitfalls of sanitizers, is that they do not remove soils and debris. Instant sanitizers are not a substitute for
handwashing and not recommended for use in facilities producing products high in protein, fat or other soils that cannot be
easily removed from hands. These soils can substantially interfere with the effectiveness of alcohol gels, as instant sanitizers
are intended to kill pathogens on hands that are free of debris.

Essentially, hand sanitizers are intended to kill pathogens with a high concentration of alcohol. This high alcohol concentration
can result in dehydrated skin much more quickly than washing hands with soap and water. Chronic overuse of sanitizers can
lead to irritation and cracked skin, which actually increases the possibility of infection from pathogens.

These adverse effects on skin health can even discourage proper hand hygiene practices by team members, so if it is necessary
to use a hand sanitizer, staff should be provided with moisturizing products to rehydrate the skin in break areas. We recommend
educating staff on the 4x4 rule or using lotion on the hands 4 times a day every 4 hours (i.e. 8am, 12pm, 4pm and 8pm).

quote-left In Other Words

“Alcohol-based hand sanitizers can quickly reduce the number of microbes on
hands in some situations, but sanitizers do not eliminate all types of germs”

- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Hand Drying

Hand Drying Methods

An effective hand hygiene event doesn’t stop at handwashing. The final step of the handwashing
process, hand drying, is just as important for skin health and can even help prevent pathogen spread.

Paper Towels
Many facilities offer paper towels as the
final step in a hand hygiene protocol. The
quality and cost of these towels can vary
widely, but many plants supply their workers
with inexpensive brown craft paper towels.
While cheap, these products are abrasive
and can cause skin irritation.

To avoid skin irritation, employees may

opt not to use them at all, leaving hands
wet or wiping their hands on clothing or
other contamination points. Cheap paper
towels, also have limited absorbency and
dry unevenly, requiring employees to use
more. Because of this, using a “cheaper”
paper towel may actually end up costing
you much more in the long run.

Hand Drying Methods

Air Dryers
Facilities may choose to avoid the use of paper
towels entirely and instead install air dryers.
While notorious for being eco-friendly, hand
dryers still come with significant environmental
cost as they require considerable electricity
to use. Not only does this electricity add to
operating costs, but these dryers also pose
significant safety risks.

The airflow from dryers circulates air (and

pathogens!) from the room which can actually
spread pathogens on to workers’ clean hands.
Buttons or levers used to activate the dryer
also serve as contamination touchpoints that
can harbor dangerous pathogens.

Air dryers also require significant time to

use and do not create a smooth workflow
through hygiene zones. Instead of waiting,
frustrated or hurried workers may give up
on drying completely. Rather, they may dry
their hands on clothing which can also cause
contamination to clean hands, squander the
results of an otherwise well-performed hand
wash completely.
Skin Health

Skin Health
While handwashing is a critical component of hand hygiene, skin health is equally as important and often goes overlooked. Skin
is our largest organ and protects the body from the environment and infection. There are both resident and transient pathogens
on the skin. Resident pathogens are natural to our skin and are helpful microorganisms that protect us from infection. Transient
pathogens like Listeria monocytogenes and E. coli can cause infection and risk to consumers, but can be removed by proper
handwashing. Overall, skin is crucial to our health and needs to be protected with good hand hygiene practices.

Skin Health

Soap and Sanitizer Cautions

It may surprise you to know that repeatedly washing
your hands without taking measures to maintain skin
health can actually increase the risk of infection or
contamination. In fact, soaps and sanitizers have been
described as the most damaging of all substances
routinely applied to skin. Excessive use of sanitizers
and solutions can deteriorate skin health, resulting in
dried skin with cracks and crevices that serve as ideal
breeding grounds for bacteria. While often promoted as
a way to combat viruses and infections, hand sanitizers
can be even worse for your skin health. Instant hand
sanitizers are extremely high in alcohol content that
dehydrates hands and kills all pathogens, including the
good resident pathogens that protect us.

Dry hands are a threat to overall skin health as cracks in
our hands give pathogens the perfect place to hide and
flourish. Therefore, it’s critical to protect employee hands
from the dehydrating effects of excessive washing and
sanitizing. Providing moisturizers in break areas not
only will bring comfort to employee hands, but also help
replenish skin oils that protect and heal dry, cracked
Creating a
Culture of
Hand Hygiene

Creating a Culture of Hand Hygiene

It is important to create a culture of hygiene excellence at your organization. To further develop this
culture and promote good hand hygiene practices, it is key to:

Uphold Personal Hand

Hygiene Standards
Hand hygiene doesn’t begin at the workplace
door. Every employee has a responsibility
to uphold their own personal hand hygiene
standards to ensure consumer safety
and should be prepared before entering
the workplace. To guarantee maximum
pathogen removal during the handwashing
processes, employees should ensure:
• Fingernails are trimmed to an
acceptable level and free of nail polish
that can chip off into products
• Fingers are free of rings and other
jewelry that should be left at home or
in a locker
• No soils are on the hands or impacted
under fingernails. If present, extra
steps should be taken to remove
these soils during handwashing

Creating a Culture of Hand Hygiene

Stay Aware of
Contamination Points
There’s a lot to remember when it comes to hand
hygiene. To maintain your facility’s employee hygiene
culture, it’s key to continually reinforce good PPE
behaviors and remind employees to avoid potential
contamination touch points including:
• Putting PPE on the right way and following
proper donning order in hygiene zones to ensure
hands are clean before entering production
• The proper way to put on gloves, how to check
gloves for damage or deterioration before
starting a shift, and when to replace gloves
throughout the day
• How adjusting PPE such as hairnets and smocks
are a contamination touch point and that a hand

Did You Know

hygiene event needs to occur after doing so

question-circle Gloves are not a substitute for hand hygiene. Tears or punctures can easily cause
pathogen spread if hands are not cleaned prior to donning gloves. Gloves can
• The various surfaces that when touched, need a
hand hygiene event afterwards such as buttons,
door handles, and handrails

also serve as incubators for pathogens if employees’ hands are contaminated • Human behaviors and unconscious actions to
when they don them. Workers should always be provided with hand washing be aware of such as scratching your nose or
stations and follow proper hand hygiene and drying procedures before donning eyes or even re-tying shoelaces that require a
gloves. hand hygiene event afterwards

Creating a Culture of Hand Hygiene

Keep Hand Hygiene Part of the Conversation

Training someone only one time on complex hygiene SSOPs designed to ensure consumer safety is almost as bad as not
training them at all. Proper hygiene practices must be constantly reinforced so that team members can memorize the SSOPs,
embrace a mindset of hygiene excellence, and take an active role in upholding the hygiene culture at your facility. It is important
to regularly make hand hygiene part of the conversation, especially during:

Hygiene Safety Days

To eliminate risks that may develop from misunderstanding hand hygiene SSOPs, falling out of good hygiene habits
or deliberately taking shortcuts, we recommend employing “Safety Days.” These are training events that occur at
regular intervals throughout the year to remind everyone of hygiene best practices and their importance for consumer
safety. A company can integrate a Hygiene Safety Day with normal operations, or it can be a training event where team
members take a break from their usual tasks and engage in unique educational activities for hygiene awareness.

Huddle Talks
Before each shift, during huddle talks, it is important that team leaders highlight good hand hygiene behaviors with
their teams. Reminding everyone of the basics or calling out good or bad behaviors seen that week helps reinforce
handwashing best practices.

Hygiene Safety Committees

A dedicated Hygiene Safety Committee that is open to individuals from all departments and all levels of your
organization should be created to support good hand hygiene practices at your facility. This committee should bring
attention to any issues in the facility that can affect consumer safety as well as find new ways to communicate the
importance of proper handwashing to team members throughout the year.

Creating a Culture of Hand Hygiene

Ensure Everyone Thinks Like an Owner

It is important to put everyone on a flat line of hygiene leadership and
accountability, and ensure that everyone is “Thinking Like an Owner” when
it comes to hygiene. For hand hygiene this means:

Always Performing Proper Handwashing Steps

Team members should always think like an owner when it comes to hygiene.
This includes washing hands the right way, for the proper length of time to
ensure pathogen removal, even when no one is watching.

Maintaining Hand Hygiene Stations

Hand hygiene stations, particularly sinks, can pose significant safety risks
if they are not regularly cleaned and maintained. Sinks can actually spread
infection and should be disinfected regularly, especially touchpoints like
faucet handles. Soap dispensers should also be disinfected regularly and
cleared of residues as these provide a medium for bacterial growth.

While team members may not be directly in charge of the cleaning and
maintenance of handwashing stations, it’s important that they stay aware of
station conditions. Hand hygiene stations should always contain adequate
supplies, including soap and paper towels to meet shift demands. If the
station is dirty, in need of supplies or the water pressure is too low to
perform a proper hand hygiene event, team members should quickly advise
management to fix the situation in order to ensure consumer safety.

Overall, effective hand hygiene is at the core
of hygiene best practices, and employees
are on the front lines in the fight against
contamination from pathogens. Hand
hygiene is the one variable that is dependent
upon each member of your team, so it’s
important that each person has pride in
contributing to the overall safety and health
of your consumers through proper hand
hygiene. It is also important to take steps
to implement this culture among your team
and design your facility with handwashing
stations that reduce the spread of pathogens.
Learn more handwashing tips and get useful
hand hygiene tools and guides to share with
your team at Meritech’s hygiene resource
Your Partner in Hygiene Excellence (800) 932-7707

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