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Agricultural Water Management 229 (2020) 105835

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Agricultural Water Management

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Planning for groundwater sustainable use: A case study in Nishapur Plain, T

Ahmad Abrishamchia, Faezeh Khakbazan Fardb, Ali Taghavic,*
Dept. of Civil Engineering, UNESCO Chair in Water and Environment Management for Sustainable Cities, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
Dept. of Civil Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
Woodard & Curran, Inc., CA, United States


Keywords: In Iran, due to arid and semi-arid climate, groundwater resources play an essential role in food production, as
Sustainable yield well as domestic and industrial water supply. In recent years, increasing population, scarcity of surface water
Groundwater sustainable use resources, and effects of worldwide and regional climate change have resulted in over-exploitation and un-
Capture concept sustainability of these resources in the country. The present study aims to estimate groundwater sustainable
Groundwater modeling
yield, examine effects of spatial and temporal scale, and propose a plan for groundwater sustainable use in
Nishapur Plain
Nishapur Plain, in the north-east of Iran. In investigating the effects of spatial scale, the area of the plain is
divided into several zones, with estimation of groundwater recharge and discharge for each zone and the
temporal scale refers to the different time-scales used to estimate the average value of groundwater recharge and
discharge. The results of the transient groundwater model of Nishapur Plain, revealed that average annual
groundwater storage depletion is about 311 MCM1 during the 8-year period of 2005–2013 with the minimum,
average, and maximum water table decline of 0.6 m, 7.7 m and 11 m, respectively. The study results suggest that
sustainable yield is closely correlated to the spatial and temporal scales, and refinement of spatial and temporal
scales increases sustainable yield from 39 % to 59 % of the current pumping volume equal to about 100 MCM of
water (or 8000 ha of irrigated land). Furthermore, when the groundwater withdrawals are limited to sustainable
yield, increasing irrigation efficiency from 38 % (current efficiency) to about 60 %, can potentially result in
maintaining irrigated areas and minimize adverse social and economic impacts of limiting groundwater usage.
This is an achievable rate, based on data from the Iranian government organizations. The results of this study can
be extended to other semi-arid agricultural areas, which primarily depend on groundwater.

1. Introduction existing water laws and water rights, as well as potential environmental
problems. Todd (1959) defined safe yield as the amount of water which
Groundwater is the main source of water for many people around can be withdrawn from a groundwater basin annually without any
the world and plays a fundamental role in irrigation of crop fields and undesirable results. Sophocleous (1997) defined safe yield as main-
the protection of ecosystems. In recent decades, an increasing demand taining a long-term balance between the annual groundwater abstrac-
of water on one hand and over-exploitation of groundwater resources tion and recharge. However, this definition has been mainly criticized
on the other hand has led to the unsustainability of these scarce re- due to a common misperception that the development of a groundwater
sources worldwide.(Wada et al., 2010) system is safe if the average annual rate of groundwater discharge does
In the last century, safe yield has being brought to scientists atten- not exceed the average rate of natural recharge through precipitation
tion (Lee, 1915; Theis, 1940; Todd, 1959; Sophocleous, 1997). Lee and surface water seepage (Todd, 1959; Sophocleous, 2000). Actually,
(1915) pioneered to describe the maximum value for regular and per- the notion of safe yield ignores the fact that aquifer outflow in the form
manent withdrawal without endangering the storage reserve. In addi- of evapotranspiration and seepage into streams and springs is balanced
tion, the concept of safe yield has been further developed from different by recharge under natural conditions in the long term. Thus, if pumping
aspects such as economic feasibility, groundwater quality protection, equals recharge, streams and springs may eventually dry up and the

Corresponding author.

E-mail addresses: (A. Abrishamchi), (F. Khakbazan Fard), (A. Taghavi).
Million Cubic Meters
Received 7 May 2018; Received in revised form 16 September 2019; Accepted 28 September 2019
0378-3774/ © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A. Abrishamchi, et al. Agricultural Water Management 229 (2020) 105835

aquifer may be depleted of groundwater as the result of continued calculate the average groundwater recharge and discharge.
pumping in excess of recharge (Sophocleous, 2000). This misconception
has led to a shift in terminology from safe yield to sustainable yield,
defined as the development and use of groundwater resource in such a 2. Description of study area
way that can be maintained for an infinite time without any un-
acceptable environmental, economic, or social consequences (Alley 2.1. General information and water resources
et al., 1999; Sophocleous, 2000; Custodio, 2002). Kalf and Woodlley
(2005) reviewed the gradual change from safe to sustainable yield and Nishapur Plain, with an area of about 6000 Km2, is located in
discussed the method for estimating sustainable yield, based on the Khorasan Razavi Province, in the north east of Iran and bordered by
water balance equation at the water basin scale. Binalood Mountain in the north. The average annual precipitation in
In order to apply the concept of sustainability to water resources, it the plain is 234 mm, compared to high potential annual evapo-
is necessary to understand and quantify the effects of human activities transpiration of 2300 mm.
on the water resources and environment as far into the future as pos- The only surface water resources in Nishapur Plain is the main
sible. In addition, the systems should be robust and flexible so that they branch of Kalshur River. Due to the limited availability of surface
can be easily adapted to unexpected future changes. Therefore, defining water, groundwater is the main source of water supplying more than 90
and measuring sustainability is a major challenge (UNESCO, 1999; % of water consumption in the plain. The available data shows that the
Loucks, 2000). Norton and Toman (1995) emphasized that the term long-term average annual volume of groundwater pumpage in the plain
sustainability includes some conceptual ambiguities, which are difficult is about 509 MCM, of which more than 96 % is used in agriculture. In
to resolve such as the relation between sustainability and measures of addition, the total domestic and industrial demand in Nishapur Plain is
economic well-being and the problem of defining the physical scales of about 40 MCM, of which about 10 MCM is supplied from groundwater
sustainability evaluations in case of multiple stakeholder groups. wells.
Practically, sustainable yield is often calculated as the percentage of the Fig. 1 shows the location of Nishapur Plain in Iran and Kavir Mar-
long-term average recharge (Norton and Toman, 1995). However, kazi Basin and land use map of the plain. The Digital Elevation Model
Bredehoeft (2002) argued that the changes in recharge and discharge (DEM) map of Nishapur Plain is also presented in Fig. 2.
caused by abstraction, influence the sustainable yield. Zhou et al. The total irrigated area of Nishapur Plain is 54,245 ha which is di-
(2012) emphasized that sustainable yield cannot be simply calculated vided into traditional and modern irrigation area. Traditional irrigation
as a single value by using the water balance. However, the dynamic systems with low irrigation efficiency are used in about 63 % of total
response of the groundwater levels to the groundwater abstraction irrigated area (equal to about 34,174 ha) which is defined as traditional
should be evaluated2, although it has been ignored in most of the stu- irrigation area. While modern irrigation methods such as pressure ir-
dies conducted so far. In addition to these complexities, sustainable rigation systems and pipeline networks are mainly used in about
groundwater yield varies with spatial and temporal scales. 20,071 ha of the total irrigated area in Nishapur Plain (Sazab Co.,
Hugman et al. (2013) stated that defining sustainable yield based on 2009). The irrigation efficiency of Nishapur Plain was estimated in the
long-term averages or annual values of recharge can lead to over- or study conducted by Sazab Co. (2009). This study concluded that irri-
under exploitation of groundwater. In their study, different time scales gation efficiency of traditional and modern irrigation areas are 28 %
were used to calculate groundwater recharge and extraction. These and 54 % respectively, resulting in the total basin irrigation efficiency
time-scales included 1-day, 1-month, 3-month, 6-month and 1-year. of approximately 38 %. This estimate was primarily based on weighted
The study defines sustainable groundwater yield in South Portugal as a average efficiency estimated for conveyance system, distribution
percentage of groundwater recharge during a defined time period. They system, water application, and irrigation technology and management.
concluded that reducing the time-scale of sustainable yield definition A significant portion of total extracted water in Nishapur Plain is
allows for an increase in withdrawal volumes while maintaining the allocated to wheat (36.5 %) and sugar beet (31.6 %), both of which
sustainability of the system. benefit from a set price and pre-purchase by the government entities.
On the other hand, sustainable yield also depends on the definition Wheat is one of the oldest crops grown in Nishapur Plain including 41
of spatial scale. One can argue that defining the sustainable yield over a % of the total irrigated area. Barley, sugar beet, and cotton are regarded
relatively large area with a fixed volume of extraction may lead to low as the other important products in the plain. Table 1 illustrates the
rates of withdrawal per unit area. Although, the total groundwater monthly net irrigation demand of major crops in Nishapur Plain which
extraction compared to the total recharge and discharge may show a is close to the worldwide averages3 and agricultural production in-
sustainable condition, it is misleading in the sense that it ignores the formation of the current crop pattern is shown in Table 2. As illustrated
local inverse effects of groundwater pumping, i.e. substantially influ- in this table, due to the relatively low irrigation efficiency, the annual
ence a potential ecosystem. Therefore, sustainable yield should be de- gross irrigation water requirement of the current crop pattern is about
fined based on a reasonably small spatial scale to properly address 12,600 m3/ha using the weighted value of gross irrigation demand of
significant and important local effects, but reasonably large enough to major crops (Sazab Co., 2009)
identify the ability of aquifer systems to adjust to pumping stresses Fig. 3 shows the distribution of monthly gross irrigation demand.
(Maimone, 2004). According to this figure, gross irrigation demand in winter is almost
The present study aims to estimate the maximum sustainable yield zero and the peak of demand occurs in April, May, and June. Gross
of an aquifer by using the concept of capture, which refers to the sum of irrigation demand is less than 1250 m3/ha in March, July, and August
the increase in recharge and decrease in discharge brought about by and less than 1000 m3/ha in autumn.
pumping. This is performed for the Nishapur Plain in Iran using a Based on the information derived from previous studies in Nishapur
MODFLOW model. In addition, various temporal and spatial scales Plain, about 170 MCM of agricultural demand is supplied by surface
were examined using the model for the purpose of planning for sus- water, aqueducts and springs. It is worth noting that as aqueducts are
tainable groundwater management in the region. Spatial scale refers to located outside the boundary of Nishapur Plain aquifer, the effect of
different groundwater zones over which groundwater recharge and extracted water from aqueducts is merely considered in the ground-
discharge are estimated, and temporal scale is the time step used to water recharge.

Bidwell et al. (2007), Dogrul et al. (2016), Gao et al. (2016), and Sidle
(1986) FAO Crop Water Needs

A. Abrishamchi, et al. Agricultural Water Management 229 (2020) 105835

2.2. The Aquifer of Nishapur Plain

Accordicing to the previous studies, the aquifer of Nishapur Plain is

unconfined (Sazab Co. and Izady, 2014). Fig. 4 shows the geologic map
of Nishapur Plain and two cross sections of the aquifer.
The physical properties of the aquifer including bedrock map and
aquifer thickness map and hydraulic properties including hydraulic
conductivity (K) and specific yield (Sy) were derived from the study
done by Izady (2014) and presented in Fig. 5 and 6 respectively.
According to the available data, there are 1690 pumping wells in
Nishapur Plain, which are mainly located near the eastern boundary of
the plain. Also, there are 50 observation wells in the plain which are
used in the calibration procedure. Fig. 7 shows the location of pumping
and observation wells in the plain.
Fig. 8 presents a hydrograph representing the regional groundwater
level trends based on the observed groundwater levels. This regional
hydrograph is developed using observation data from all the observa-
Fig. 1. Land use Map of Nishapur plain.
tion wells in the region, using a thiessen polygon method over the
whole area of the plain. Based on this regional hydrograph, the

Fig. 2. Digital Elevation Model (DEM) map of Nishapur Plain (masl).

Table 1
Monthly net irrigation demand of major crops in Nishapur Plain (millimeter) (Sazab CO., 2009).
Crop Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Annual

Wheat 60 116 157 53 0 0 34 11 6 3 1 9 450

Barley 64 116 93 0 0 0 39 13 7 4 2 11 349
Sugar Beet 41 55 107 176 174 136 69 20 0 0 0 0 778
Cotton 32 43 96 190 181 110 20 0 0 0 0 0 672

A. Abrishamchi, et al. Agricultural Water Management 229 (2020) 105835

Table 2
Agricultural production information of the current crop pattern in Nishapur plain (Sazab CO., 2009).
Crop Irrigated Area Percent of Irrigated Area Gross Irrigation demand Gross Irrigation demand Agricultural Productivity Total Production (Ton)
(ha) (%) (MCM) (m3/ha) (Kg/ha)

Wheat 22420 41.3 251 11201 2450 54929

Barley 14497 26.7 126 8686 2650 38417
Sugar Beet 11091 20.4 215 19366 34600 383749
Cotton 3541 6.5 59 16727 2430 8605
Other Crops 2696 5.0 32 11852 – –
Sum 54245 100.0 683.0 12591 – –

(LT−1) is regarded as the change in discharge caused by pumping. The

value of SΔh/Δt describes the rate of change in storage in which S is
specific yield and Δh (L) and Δt (T) are change in groundwater level and
time interval respectively. The right side of the Eq. 1 shows the total
recharge and the left side indicates the total discharge of the aquifer
after pumping.
Based on the capture equation, it is evident that R=D and S Δh/
Δt = 0 under the natural condition. Thus, the following equations are
obtained when the pumpage is introduced and equilibrium conditions
are obtained:

ΔR = ΔD + Q or Q = ΔR – ΔD (2)

ΔR and ΔD are calculated according to the pumping time step

(Seward et al., 2006).
In the present study, capture principle, defined by Eq. 2, was used to
estimate the groundwater sustainable yield.

Fig. 3. Monthly gross irrigation demand in Nishapur Plain (Sazab CO., 2009). 3.2. Numerical model

groundwater levels have experienced a declining condition, which is In the present study, a MODFLOW-2005 groundwater flow model
reflective of the condition that the long-term amount of recharge has was used to simulate groundwater dynamics in Nishapur Plain aquifer.
beenless than groundwater withdrawals. The regional hydrograph in- The groundwater basin was discretized into grid of cells with a size of
dicates that during wet hydrologic conditions, there are short-term re- 500 m. The model includes one unconfined layer and uses a monthly
coveries in the groundwater levels. stress period and time step for simulation. The eastern and a small
In recent decades, groundwater depletion in Nishapur Plain resulted portion of the southern boundary of the groundwater basin were de-
from uncontrolled withdrawal, causes considerable decline in ground- fined as constant inflow boundary and a small portion of the western
water levels and land subsidence, as well as the degradation of boundary was defined as constant outflow boundary. Other boundaries
groundwater quality. The results of the previous studies showed that were determined as no-flow boundary. Fig. 10 illustartes a schematic
the average annual land subsidence in Nishapur Plain is about 10 cm map in which the network of cells, boundary conditions of the
(IWRM4 Co. 2015, Sazab Co., 2009). Some of the consequences of land groundwater model of Nishapur Plain, and the location of pumping
subsidence in Nishapur Plain are damage to roads, oil and gas trans- wells are presented. In order to use capture concept, groundwater re-
mission lines, and potential damage to Mashhad-Nishapur railways. charge and discharge in natural and post-development condition (i.e.
after abstracting groundwater) were determined using this groundwater
3. Materials and method model.
The model was calibrated by the automated PEST calibration
3.1. Concept of capture method. Aquifer properties including hydraulic conductivity and spe-
cific yield, rainfall infiltration factor, recharge from surface water, and
Capture refers to the increase in recharge and decrease in discharge recharge from return flow of irrigation water were modified during the
(Lohman et al., 1972) and equilibrium is obtained when pumping calibration process. The calibration target was set so that Root Mean
equals to capture. The relationship between change in storage, de- Square Error (RMSE) of simulated and observed hydraulic head would
creased outflow, and increased inflow, as a result of groundwater be less than 1.5 m.
withdrawal is presented in Fig. 9. (Seward et al., 2006). As shown in In order to calibrate hydraulic conductivity and specific yield, some
this figure change in storage equals zero when pumping equals sum of control points were defined over the whole area of the plain. Fig. 11
the increased recharge and decreased discharge (capture). presents the location of these control points in the plain.
According to Lohman et al. (1972), capture is described by a simple According to the results of the previous studies and based on the
water balance equation: topography of the plain, soil type, and expert experiences, the rainfall
infiltration factor was assumed to be 0–5 % of the long term average
R + ΔR = D + ΔD + Q + S Δh/Δt, (1) rainfall. In addition recharge from surface water (main branches of
Where Q (LT ) is the rate of groundwater pumpage, R (LT ) re- −1 Kalshur River) was considered to be 10–15 % of the long term average
presents natural recharge, ΔR (LT−1) indicates the change in the re- river discharge and recharge from return flow of irrigation water was
charge caused by pumping, D (LT−1) shows natural discharge, ΔD considered to be 15–25 % of the annual groundwater withdrawal
(Sazab Co., 2009; Izady, 2014). The values of these factors were de-
termined in the model calibration.
Iran Water Resource Management Company In this study, the development and calibration of groundwater

A. Abrishamchi, et al. Agricultural Water Management 229 (2020) 105835

Fig. 4. Geologic map of Nishapur Plain and A-A and B-B cross sections of the aquifer.

A. Abrishamchi, et al. Agricultural Water Management 229 (2020) 105835

Fig. 5. Physical properties of the aquifer: (a) Bedrock Depth Map (masl) and (b) Aquifer Thickness Map (m) (Izady, 2014).

Fig. 6. Hydraulic properties of the aquifer: (a) Hydraulic Conductivity Map (m/s) and (b) Specific Yield (%).

model was done in two steps. In the first step, the steady state model the calibration parameters were derived from the results of first step
was developed and calibrated using the 8-year (2005–2013) average and adjusted at the end of this step. Then the developed model was
values of the groundwater recharge and discharge. After the calibration validated in the period of 2012–2013.
of this model, the value of rainfall infiltration factor, the share of river Next, in the transient groundwater model, monthly areal recharge
discharge and return flow of irrigation water that infilltrates the rate was estimated as the sum of the rainfall infiltration, return flow of
aquifer, and the value of hydraulic conductivity and specific yield in the irrigation water and Kalshur River seepage and groundwater inflow
defined control points were determined. from adjacent aquifers in the east and south of the aquifer. In this
The calibrated steady state model was used to construct pre-devel- condition, groundwater discharge was equal to outflow to adjacent
opment or natural groundwater model in which groundwater with- aquifers in the west of the aquifer. It is worth noting that the results of
drawal equals zero. Next, natural groundwater recharge and discharge the groundwater model shows that the groundwater outflow to natural
were estimated using this model. Natural groundwater recharge was drainage equals zero in the developed condition. This occurs due to the
calculated by summing the recharge from rainfall infiltration and low groundwater table after groundwater abstraction.
Kalshur River seepage and groundwater inflow from adjacent aquifers Then, increase in recharge (ΔR) and decrease in discharge (ΔD) as a
in the east and south of the aquifer. In addition, natural discharge results of abstracting groundwater were estimated by subtracting
equals the sum of groundwater outflow to natural drainage and ad- groundwater recharge and discharge in the natural condition from
jacent aquifer in the west of the aquifer. value of these parameters in the developed condition. Afterward, based
In the second step, under post-development condition, the transient on the capture concept, groundwater sustainable yield of Nishapur
groundwater model of Nishapur Plain with 84 monthly stress periods Plain was estimated using the values of ΔR and ΔD and Eq. 2. It should
and one time step in each stress period was developed and calibrated be noted that according to this equation, by limiting the groundwater
during the 7-year period of 2005-2012. In this step, the initial value of withdrawal to the estimated sustainable yield, change in the

A. Abrishamchi, et al. Agricultural Water Management 229 (2020) 105835

Fig. 7. Location of pumping and observation wells in Nishapur Plain.

Fig. 9. Effect of pumping on inflow, outflow and storage (Seward 2006).

four scenarios were defined to examine the effect of temporal scale by

using the spatial scale which maximizes sustainable yield, derived from
Fig. 8. Nishapur plain aquifer unit hydrograph.
the results of the first step.
In the first scenario of the first step, the sustainable yield was de-
groundwater storage and as a result change in the groundwater level fined over the whole area of the plain as a large scale. In the second
will be almost zero and the groundwater will reach a new equilibrium. scenario, the area of the plain was divided into different groundwater
zones based on the location of the pumping wells and sustainable yield
3.3. Simulation scenarios was estimated in each zone. The sustainable yield of the plain equals
the sum of the estimated sustainable yield of these zones. Using the
In order to examine the effect of spatial and temporal scale on the results of the second scenario, other scenarios were defined in a trial
groundwater sustainability, the sustainable yield of Nishapur Plain was and error procedure. According to the sustainability status of the
estimated based on the results of the calibrated transient groundwater groundwater zones in the previous scenario, sustainable groundwater
model and capture concept. This part of the study was divided into two zones were combined with each other and unsustainable zones divided
steps. The first step involved different scenarios in which the effect of into smaller zones in each scenario. The procedure was continued until
spatial scale on the sustainable yield was evaluated. In the second step, the change in the sustainable yield in two consecutive scenarios was

A. Abrishamchi, et al. Agricultural Water Management 229 (2020) 105835

Fig. 10. Network of cells, boundary conditions, and location of pumping wells.

negligible and the maximum sustainable yield was reached. the calibrated steady state model. According to the results of steady
It is possible to use different time-scale to calculate groundwater state model calibration, the MR,5 MAR,6 and RMSE of simulated hy-
recharge and discharge. Therefore, duirng the second step, four dif- draulic head in the steady state condition was about 0.21, 0.94 and
ferent scenarios were defined to examine the effect of temporal scale on 1.32 m respectively and the calibrated value of rainfall infiltrtion factor,
the groundwater sustainable yield of Nishapur Plain. In the first two recharge from Kalsur River discharge, and recharge from return flow of
scenarios, sustainable yield was calculated by using 1-year and 6-month irrigation water was determined to be 5 %, 15 % and 20 % respectively.
average values of the groundwater recharge and discharge. Then, two The hydraulic conductivity and specific yield maps were also modified.
other scenarios were defined to assess the effect of seasonal and Therefore, in the steady state groundwater model, areal recharge rate
monthly time-scale on the groundwater sustainable yield. Fig. 12 Shows equals sum of the 5 % of the 42-year period of 1971–2013 average
the flowchart of the simulation scenarios in this part of the study. rainfall, 15 % of the 41-year period of 1971–2012 average Kalshur
The results of the previous studies indicated that reaching a new River discharge, and 20 % of average annual groundwater withdrawal.
equilibrium takes a long period of time after limiting the groundwater Then in the calibrated steady state model, the groundwater with-
withdrawal with a specific value such as sustainable yield (Kalf and drawal was set to zero to develop natural groundwater model. In the
Woolley, 2005; Hu et al., 2010; Gleeson et al., 2012). However, de- pre-development or natural condition, the aquifer is in equilibrium, the
termining the sustainable yield results in reaching a new equilibrium change in the storage equals zero, and the natural recharge equals
during a short period of time is important from the perspective of natural discharge. Table 3 shows the water balance components of
planning for sustainable management of groundwater resources. Nishapur plain in the natural condition. As shown in this table, both
Therefore in each of the scenarios in the present study, the groundwater natural recharge and discharge of Nishapur Plain equals 69 MCM.
sustainable yield was determined in a long planning horizon (more than
75 years) and a short planning horizon, which was assumed to be equal
4.2. Developed condition
to the simulation period (8 years in this study). In this study, the short
planning horizon was selected based on the maximum continuous
The transient groundwater model of Nishapur Plain was developed
period of the available data.
and calibrated in the 7-year period (2005–2012). After the calibration
process, the value of calibration parameters7 which were derived from
4. Results and discussion
Mean Residual
4.1. Natural (pre-development) condition 6
Mean Absolute Residual
rainfall infiltration factor, the share of Kalshur River discharge and return
Natural (pre-development) condition was simulated to estimate the flow of irrigated area that infiltrates the groundwater, hydralic conductivity,
natural groundwater recharge and discharge in Nishapur Plain using and specific yield

A. Abrishamchi, et al. Agricultural Water Management 229 (2020) 105835

Fig. 11. Location of control points in the calibration of hydraulic conductivity and specific yield of the aquifer.

calibration of the steady states model, has been adjused. The results of estimate sustainable yield using Eq. 2 and the results of the steady state
the calibration of model indicated that MR, MAR, and RMSE of simu- model.
lated hydraulic head was 0.17, 0.87 and 1.15 m respectively. Then
validation of the groundwater model was done in 2012–2013 and the
results illustrates that MR, MAR, and RMSE of the simulated hydraulic 4.3. Effect of spatial scale
head in the validation prosecc was 0.18, 0.9 and 1.23 m which show the
accuracy of the groundwater model. In order to examine the effect of spatial scale on the sustainable
Based on the results of the transient groundwater model, the yield, the groundwater sustainable yield of Nishapur Plain was de-
average annual groundwater storage depletion in the 8-year period of termined by using capture concept in five different scenarios. Table 5
2005–2013 is about 311 MCM (Table 4). It should be noted that the indcates the number of groundwater zones in these scenarios. In each
values of recharge from rainfall, surface water, and return flow of ir- scenario, the first and second numbers represent the number of the
rigation water in this table water were the input of the model. scenario and step, respecively.
The distribution map of the groundwater level in the end of the In scenario 1.1, using the concept of Capture and results from
simulation period is presented in Fig.13. MODFLOW model, the sustainable yield was calculated based on the
The results indicated that the maximum groundwater table decline, annual average recharge and discharge derived from the whole area of
occurred in the north-east of the plain, is about 11 m. In addition, the plain. As shown in Table 4, the groundwater recharge and discharge
maximum groundwater table rise, observed in the north-west of the in the developed condition are 207 MCM and 9 MCM, respectively.
plain, is 0.5 m. In general, a significant groundwater table decline oc- Thus, using the capture concept (Eq. 2) groundwater sustainable yield is
cured in the north and south of the plain due to the excessive with- about 198 MCM by subtracting decrease in groundwater discharge
drawal in spite of the considerable recharge in these regions as a result (ΔR=-59.8) from increase in groundwater recharge (ΔD=137.9) which
of the high hydraulic conductivity and hydraulic slope. is equal to almost 40 % of the current groundwater abstraction. The
Fig.14 illustrates the variation of the simulated and observed components of the capture concept in scenario 1.1 is presented in
groundwater level and 95 % confidence interval upper and lower limit Table 6.
in the developed condition and Fig.15 shows the variation of simualted Based on the simulation results, it takes about 100 years to reach a
groudwater levels versus observed values for four different observation new equilibrium by equating the groundwater withdrawal to the sus-
wells as an example. The R-squared values of the simulated hydraulic tainable yield. Fig. 16 illustrates the variation of the simulated
head in these observation wells were also presented in Fig. 15. groundwater level for Piezo#1 as an example of limitting groundwater
The transient groundwater model of Nishapur Plain is used to cal- abstraction with the sustainable yield determined in scenario 1.1. As
culate the groundwater recharge and discharge and change in the sto- shown, after about 96 years, the groundwater level changes have been
rage after abstracting groundwater. Then these values were used to stopped and the aquifer has reached a new equilibrium.
According to the results, in order to reach a new equilibrium in a

A. Abrishamchi, et al. Agricultural Water Management 229 (2020) 105835

Fig. 12. The flowchart of the simulation scenarios.

Table 3 Table 7 indicates the results of the groundwater sustainable yield in

Water balance component in the natural (pre-development) condition. Nishapur Plain in the long and short planning horizon. As illustrated in
Water Balance Component Annual Rate (MCM)
this table, different spatial scale results in achieving different ground-
water sustainable yields. In this study, minimum suatainable yeild was
Recharge Inflow from adjacent aquifers 22.9 achieved in scenario 1.1, in which the spatial scale equals to the whole
Recharge from rainfall 27.7 area of the plain in oreder to evaluate the effect of large spatial scale on
Recharge from surface water 18.4
the sustainable yield. Thus, large spatial scales could result in under-
Total 69.0
Discharge Outflow to Drain 52.0 estimating the groundwater sustainble yield of the palin.
Outflow to adjacent aquifers 17.0 According to the results presented in Table 7, the maximum sus-
Total 69.0 tainable yield was achieved in scenario 5.1, which is equal to about 295
Change of Storage 0.0
and 189 MCM in a long and short planning horizon, respectively. In this
scenario, the sustainable yield is about 58 % of the current pumpage in
a long planning horizon while the current groundwater pumpage
short period of time (8 years in this study), the sustainable yield should
should be reduced about 63 % to be sustainable in the short planning
be reduced to about 100 MCM (20 % of the current pumpage).
horizon. Thus, sustainable yield in scenario 5.1 is almost 97 and 89
In scenario 2.1, the area of the plain was divided into 32 zones
MCM more than scenario 1.1 in the long and short planning horizon,
based on the location of the pumping wells. Using the results of scenario
respectively. This amount of water is about 20 % of the current
2.1, scenarios 3.1, 4.1, and 5.1 were defined in a trial and error pro-
groundwater consumption in Nishapr Plain. In other words, in scenario
cedure. The number of zones in scenario 3.1, 4.1, and 5.1 was 23, 29
5.1, it is possible to irrigate nearly 8000 ha of land more than that of
and 31, respectively. Fig. 17 illustrates the groundwater zones in
scenario 1.1. Therefore, spatial scale can significantly affect on de-
Nishapour plain in scenario 2.1 as an example. Based on the results,
termination of sustainable yield and planning for sustainable ground-
maximum sustainble yield was achieved in the scenario 5.1. Therefore,
water management. The results show that decreasing trend in the
defining another scenario is not necessary in this regard.
groundwater level was stopped in all of the studied scenarios as a result

A. Abrishamchi, et al. Agricultural Water Management 229 (2020) 105835

Table 4 planning horizon.

Water balance component in the developed condition. Based on the results in Table 8, no significant difference was ob-
Water Balance Component Annual Rate (MCM) served in the sustainable yields obtained in the scenario 5.1 and 1.2
because the annual changes in the groundwater recharge and discharge
Recharge Inflow from adjacent aquifers 59.8 in Nishapur Plain are negligible. Calculating the groundwater recharge
Recharge from rainfall 26.0 and discharge based on the 6-month average values in the scenario 2.2
Recharge from surface water 19.3
Recharge from return flow of irrigation 101.8
results in determining the sustainable yield in the autumn and spring
water less than what is actually sustainable since the agricultural water de-
Total 206.9 mand in the summer is less than that of spring and equals to zero in the
Discharge Groundwater withdrawal 508.9 winter in almost all the cultivated area in Nishapur Plain. Therefore,
Outflow to adjacent aquifers 9.2
using a 6-month time-scale results in underestimating the groundwater
Total 518.1
Change of Storage −311.2 sustainable yield. Based on the results, maximum sustainable yield was
achieved in the scenario 4.2, which is almost 5 and 10 MCM more than
the amount in the scenario 5.1 in the long and short planning horizon,
of limitting groundwater abstraction with sustainable yield determined respectively. Due to the absence of seasonal variation in the ground-
in each scenario and the maximum groundwater level was achieved in water recharge and discharge, the amount of groundwater sustainable
scenario 5.1. Hence, defining appropriate spatial scale can influecne yield in the scenario 3.2 is very close to that of the scenario 4.2.
groundwater sustainbale yield, resulting in producing higher sustain- The results illustrate that he maximum simulated groundwater level
able groundwater table. was achieved in scenario 4.2. Thus, temporal scale can influence sus-
tainable yield and defining a proper temporal scale based on the nature
4.4. Effect of temporal scale of the temporal variation in each groundwater system could result in
achieving maximum sustainable yield and groundwater table.
During the second step, the groundwater sustainable yield of As a general conclusion for the step 1 and 2, the simultaneous effect
Nishapur Plain was determined in four different scenarios in order to of spacial and temporal scale on the groundwater sustainable yield in
examine the effect of temporal scale on the groundwater sustainable Nishapur Plain leads to about 100 MCM increase in the sustainable
yield using the spatial scale defined in the scenario 5.1. Each scenario yield, compared to the scenario 1.1 which is of great economic and
was simulated in two different planning horizons. The results of the social significance. Further, it is concluded that the maximum
simulated scenarios in this step were compared with those in the sce- groundwater sustainable yield in Nishapur Plain is about 300 and 200
nario 5.1. MCM in the long and short planning horizon, respectively.
Tables 8 indicates the results of the groundwater sustainable yield of
Nishapur Plain in the scenarios under study during the long and short

Fig. 13. The distribution map of the groundwater level in the end of the simulation period (masl).

A. Abrishamchi, et al. Agricultural Water Management 229 (2020) 105835

Fig. 14. Simulated and observed groundwater level and 95 % confidence interval upper and lower limit in the developed condition- (a) Piezo#1, (b) Piezo#2, (c)
Piezo#3, and (d) Piezo#4.

4.5. Planning for groundwater sustainable use wheat could be irrigated except in the scenario 1.1 and a maximum of
55 % of the current area of sugar beet can be irrigated in the scenario
The reduction of irrigated area and an increase in irrigation effi- 4.2. Thus, irrigating barley and cotton is impossible. It is worth noting
ciency are considered as two strategies for groundwater sustainable use that curtailing the irrigation area has many social and economic con-
in Nishapur Plain. It is worth noting that about 170 MCM of water sequences. Therefore, this strategy could endanger the social and eco-
derived from other resources is used in supplying irrigation demand in nomic balance of the region and requires more extensive social and
Nishapur Plain in addition to the groundwater resources. Therefore, the economic studies.
total irrigable area is calculated by using groundwater sustainable yield
in different scenarios and 170 MCM of water derived from other re-
sources in each related strategy. 4.5.2. Efficiency increase strategy
The irrigation system in about 63 % of the irrigated area of Nishapur
Plain is mainly flood irrigation methods (basin, border and furrow).
4.5.1. Irrigation area curtalge strategy Therefore, the irrigation efficieny is very low in Nishapur Plain and
In the area curtalge sterategy, it is assumed that the total irrigation according to previous studies it is about 38 %. Regarding the crop
efficiency equals to 38 % (the irrigation efficiency in the current con- pattern and agricultural conditions, a variety of irrigation method such
dition). Therefore, the irrigated area should be decreased in order to as surface and sprinkler irrigation can be used in Nishapur plain in
meet irrigation demand with acceptable criteria in the condition of order to increase the irrigation efficiency. Based on this strategy, it is
limiting the groundwater withdarawal by sustainable yield which is assumed that the irrigation efficiency could be increased to about 60 %
estimated in the long and short planning horizon in the simulated due to improving the irrigation system. This is an achievable rate, based
scenarios in Section 4.3 and 4.4. on data from the Iranian government organizations.
The results indicates that by applying this strategy, the total current According to the results, in this strategy the total current irrigated
area of wheat and sugar beet can be irrigated in all of the scenarios area in Nishapur Plain could be irrigted except in the the long-term
except in the scenario 1.1 during the long planning horizon. The area of scnarios 1.1 and 1.2.. Thus, increasing efficiency makes the ground-
barley equals to zero in the scenario 1.1 with minimum sustainable water resources of Nishapur Plain sustainable in the long planning
yield and should be decreased to about 21 % of the current irrigated horizon and makes it possible to irrigate the total irrigated area of the
area in the scenario 4.2 in which maximum sustainable yield was plain.
reached. In addition, it is not possible to cultivate cotton during the Also the results show that the total current area of wheat and sugar
long planning horizon in this condition. beet can be irrigated in the short planning horizon. In this condition, a
Regarding the short planning horizon, the total current area of maximum of 80 % of the current area of barley can be irrigated in the

A. Abrishamchi, et al. Agricultural Water Management 229 (2020) 105835

Fig. 15. Simulated groundwater level versus and observed values - (a) Piezo#1, (b) Piezo#2, (c) Piezo#3, and (d) Piezo#4.

Table 5
The definition of the scenarios in the first step.
Scenario Number of groundwater zones

1.1 1
2.1 32
3.1 23
4.1 29
5.1 31

Table 6
The components of the capture concept in scenario 1.1.
Component of Capture Concept Annual Rate (MCM)

Natural recharge 69.0

Groundwater rechrage in the developed condition 206.9
Increased recharge 137.9
Natural discharge 69
Groundwater dischrage in the developed condition 9.2 Fig. 16. Simulated groundwater level for Piezo#1 in Scenario 1.1 in the long
Decreased discharge −59.8 planning horizon.
Sustainable yield 197.7

withdrawal have resulted in groundwater depletion, which underlines

scenario 4.2 and the total irrigable area of cotton and other crops be- the necessity and importance of sustainable groundwater management.
comes zero. Groundwater is the main source of water supply in Nishapur Plain,
located in Khorasan Razavi Province in the northeast of Iran. In
5. Summary and conclusions Nishapur Plain, the long-term annual average groundwater abstraction
is about 509 MCM, of which more than 96 % is used in agriculture.
In Arid and semi-arid areas, groundwater resources play an im- In the present study, MODFLOW-2005 was employed to develop and
portant role in supplying demands due to limitations in runoff and calibrate a single-layer groundwater model in Nishapur Plain. Based on
availability of surface water resources. Excessive goundwater the results of the transient groundwater model, average annual

A. Abrishamchi, et al. Agricultural Water Management 229 (2020) 105835

Fig. 17. Groundwater zones in scenarios 2.1 in Nishapur Plain.

groundwater storage depletion is about 311 MCM during the 8-year maximum groundwater sustainable yield to reach a new equilibrium
period of 2005–2013. Therefore, planning for sustainable groundwater was about 300 and 200 MCM in the short and long planning horizon,
management in Nishapur Plain plays an important role in satisfying respectively. Accordingly, the sustainable yield was about 59 % and 39
ever-increasing water demand. % of the current groundwater withdrawals in the short and long plan-
In this study the effect of spatial and temporal scale on the ning horizon, respectively.
groundwater sustainable yield caculalation in Nishapur Plain was ex- Next, two different strategies of cultivated area curtilage and irri-
amined using capture concept in two steps. The first step involved five gation efficiency increase were proposed in order to suggest a sustain-
scenarios in which the effect of spatial scale on the sustainable yield able groundwater use in the plain. For this purpose, the total irrigable
was evaluated. During the second step, four scenarios (yearly, 6-month, area of four majour crops in Nishapur Plain including wheat, sugar
seasonal and monthly) were defined to examine the effect of temporal beet, barley and cotton was determined for all the simulated scenarios
scale using the spatial scale which maximizes sustainable yield. In each in the section 4.3 and 4.4 in each strategy.
of these scenarios, groundwater sustainable yield was determined in In the cultivated area curtilage strategy, it is assumed that irrigatin
two different planning horizon; a long planning horizon (75 years) and efficiency equals to 38 % (current efficiency). Based on this strategy,
a short planning horizon (equal to simulation period of 8 years long). the total current hectarage of wheat and sugar beet can be irrigated in
Based on the results of the step 1 and 2, defining an appropriate spatial all of the scenarios except in the scenario 1.1 during the long planning
and temporal scale could result in achieving maximum sustainable yield horizon. In this condition, the minimum and maximum irrigable area of
with highest groundwater level. The results indicated that the barley equals to 0 % and 21 % of the current irrigated area,

Table 7
Groundwater sustainable yield in Nishapur Plain in the long and short planning horizon: Effect of spatial scale.
Scenario NO. Long planning horizon Short planning horizon

Groudwater Percent of the Groudwater Sustainable Yield Groudwater Percent of the Groudwater Sustainable Yield
Sustainable Yield Current Pumpage Compared to Scen. 1.1 (MCM) Sustainable Yield Current Pumpage Compared to Scen. 1.1 (MCM)
(MCM) (%) (MCM) (%)

1.1 198.0 39 – 100.0 20 –

2.1 263.5 52 65.5 152.7 30 52.7
3.1 279.5 55 81.5 179.6 35 79.6
4.1 289.8 57 91.8 180.9 36 80.9
5.1 295.1 58 97.1 189.4 37 89.4

A. Abrishamchi, et al. Agricultural Water Management 229 (2020) 105835

Table 8
Nishapur plain groundwater sustainable yield in the long and short planning horizon: Effect of temporal scale.
Scenario NO. Long planning horizon Short planning horizon

Groudwater Percent of the Groudwater Sustainable Yield Groudwater Percent of the Groudwater Sustainable Yield
Sustainable Yield Current Pumpage Compared to Scen. 5.1 (MCM) Sustainable Yield Current Pumpage Compared to Scen. 5.1 (MCM)
(MCM) (%) (MCM) (%)

5.1 295.1 58 – 189.4 37 –

1.2 295.7 58 0.6 189.8 37 0.4
2.2 298.3 59 3.2 194.9 38 5.5
3.2 299.8 59 4.7 198.7 39 9.3
4.2 300.2 59 5.1 199.8 39 10.4

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