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3.1 Scope of the procedure

The aim of this chapter is to describe the installation, de–installation and upgrade of the Craft Terminal
software package.

3.2 Start–up of the Personal Computer

The PC is started with the power–on button.

At this point the Windows application (Windows 2000 or Windows XP) starts automatically and the
Windows desktop appears.

3.3 HW and SW requirements

3.3.1 Scope of the procedure

The procedure describes how to install, de–install and upgrade the different components of the Craft
Terminal software package.
Administrator privileges are needed to install and de–install the Craft Terminal software package.
To install and de–install the Craft Terminal software component Cygwin the user ’install’ with administrator
privileges is needed.

3.3.2 General Information

The Craft Terminal software package is contained on a Compact Disk (CT20.8.x MASTER Setup
CD–ROM), supplied by Alcatel–Lucent.

Craft Terminal 20.8.x is intended to be used for management of this product release.

In order to guarantee correct operation, you have to install the Craft Terminal software package
in one PC disk partition only.
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System HW Requirements:
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Figure 4. Hardware requirements

System SW Requirements:

Unless otherwise specified, the installation procedure, described in the following chapters, is
applicable to Windows 2000 and Windows XP environment.

Mozilla or MS Internet Explorer

Figure 5. Software requirements

Note for WinXP SP2: The firewall has to be disabled for LLman process
(see file CT20_Installation_Manual.html on the installation CD–ROM).
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3.4 Installation Procedure

The procedure describes how to install and de–install (see chapter 1.5 page 48) the different components
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of the Craft Terminal software package.

not permitted without written authorization.

Administrator privileges are needed to install and de–install the Craft Terminal software package.

Login User: For easier handling of installation use the user ’install’ with ’Administrator’ privileges.
For all components besides Cygwin any user with ’Administrator’ privileges is possible.

Cygwin instead must be installed as user ’install’ with ’Administrator’ privileges. (see
chapter 3.4.3 page 24).

The sequence of windows presented during the installation differs according to software and selection

• first installation, without Craft Terminal software previously installed in the PC

• installation with Craft Terminal software of previous or same version already installed in the PC

• all the software packages previously installed are different

• only one or some software components of the software packages previously installed are

• the operator selects to maintain the previously installed software component

• the operator selects to de–install the previously installed software component

3.4.1 Content of Installation Package

The CT20 has the following components :

1) Third party components

– JRE Java Runtime Environment used by CT20

– CygWin Cygwin used by CT20, including InstallServer

2) CT20 components

– CTK Kernel SW (e.g. NetworkElement, Map, Alarm)

– HOLAddON OnlineHelp

– DXCAddOn ElementManager (EMLIM)

– EP EquipmentProvisioning

– USM EquipmentView

– LLManES Lower Layer Manager for F–Interface / RFC1006 via LAN)

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(LLManES is NOT licensed)

– CT–NE–ConfUpg Patches for CT20 components

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3) CT20_Installation_Manual.html, which describes:

– Actual version of the components

– Short installation guide for all components
– Short configuration guide of Lower Layer Manager
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– Latest patches
not permitted without written authorization.

– Other important points

3.4.2 Installation Procedure General

• It is strongly advised to uninstall all components already existing in your system that you want
to reinstall. It is not advised to install a new version of a component over an older version. See
chapter 3.5 page 56 for deinstallation procedure.

The directory “ALCATEL_DISKS” will be deleted during CT installation. Don’t copy files to this
directory ! First installation

• Login as user ’install’ with ’Administrator’ privileges. If the user ’install’ does not exist, the user
has to be created. Refer to chapter chapter 3.4.3 page 24.

• Installation of third party component JRE :

– Install JRE as described in chapter 3.4.4 page 27 / chapter page 33.

– If JRE is installed the first time, a reboot of the PC is necessary!

– The third party component JRE may be installed in one step together with other
components (all components may be selected) ( see Figure 19. page 30) or one after the

• Installation of third party component CygWin :

– Cygwin must be installed as user ’install’ with ’Administrator’ privileges. (see chapter
3.4.3 page 24 .

– Install CygWin see chapter 3.4.4 page 27 / chapter page 53

– The third party component CygWin may be installed in one step together with other
components (all components may be selected) ( see Figure 19. ) or one after the other.

• Installation of CT20 components ( LLManES, CTK, HOLAddOn, DXCAddOn, EP, USM,

CT–NE–ConfUpg ) see chapter 3.4.4 page 27 / chapter page 36 till chapter page
51 and chapter page 54

– The CT20 components may be installed in one step together with other components (all
components may be selected) ( see Figure 19. ) or one after the other.

• Lower Layer Manager (LLManES) :

– For LLManES there is no license necessary.

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– The component LLManES is started automatically when the CT is started with

’Start–>Alcatel1320CT’ .

• Start–up the Craft Terminal (see chapter 4.1 page 97).

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• If you have created new maps or NEs, make a backup of the map (see chapter on page
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not permitted without written authorization.

For upgrade of the CT software the following sequence has to be done :

• Login as user ’install’ with ’Administrator’ privileges.

• Backup the maps (see chapter on page 105).

• Find out the actual version of the CT and check the version of each SW component (see chapter page 22) to find out which components have to be removed and newly installed.

• Version of the new software to be installed:

– See chapter 3.4.1 page 19: CT20_Installation_Manual.html

– List of software version during installation see Figure 17. page 29 / Figure 19. page 30

• Stop ’Show Equipment’ of all NEs started in window ’Network Element Synthesis’ if already

• Stop the Supervision of all NEs in window ’Network Element Synthesis’ if already running.

– For upgrade : Exit Network Element Synthesis if already running.

– For upgrade LLManES : Shut Down Lower Layers Manager if already running (see chapter
4.4 page 99).

• Remove relevant packages (see chapter 3.5 page 56).

• Install removed packages (see chapter 3.4.4 page 27 and chapter 3.4.5 page 33).

• Restore maps, if necessary (see chapter 4.5.3 page 106).

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236 Version check of the CT and its Software Components Version check of the CT

To get the CT version select in view ’Network Element Synthesis’ : CT Environment –> List Software
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The version of the Craft Terminal is denoted by the version of the EML–USM software (see
Figure 6. below).

Figure 6. CT Software Version check of Lower Layers Manager

• Double–click the red rotating triangle in the Windows taks bar to open the Alcatel Lower
Layers Manager dialog.

• Click on the About button to obtain the version of the Lower Layers Manager (see Figure 7. )

N.B. The ’Alcatel Lower Layers Manager’ is only active (i.e. red rotating triangle is presented), if the
CT is up and running.
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Figure 7. Version of the Lower Layers Manager Version check of the other Software Components (not Lower Layers Manager)

Select in Control Panel : Add/Remove Software and select the relevant software. Via ’Support information’
the exact version can be found.
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Figure 8. Add / Remove Software with ’Support Info’

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3.4.3 Create User : ’install’

Create the user “install” with Administrator right on the PC/Laptop.

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Select : Start –> Settings –> Control Panel

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Figure 9. Selection for Control Panel

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Figure 10. Control Panel

Double click to User Accounts for Windows XP / Users and Passwords for Windows 2000.

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Press ADD...
Double click to User Accounts for Windows 2000.

Figure 11. Users and Passwords

Figure 12. Add new User ( User Name )

25 / 236
Enter the User name ’install’ and click to Next.
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Figure 13. Add New User ( level of access )

Select Other and choose the option ’Administrators’. Click to Finish.

Click to OK in Figure 11. page 25 .

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3.4.4 Installation Preparation for all components (third party components and CT20
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Login as user ’install’ with ’Administrator’ privileges.

not permitted without written authorization.

The installation is only possible as user ’install’. For other users the installation will be stopped see
Figure 15.

Remove relevant packages: It is strongly advised to uninstall all components already existing in
your system that you want to reinstall. It is not advised to install a new version of a component
over an older version. See chapter 3.5 page 56. See also: chapter 3.4.2 page 20.

To install the software in the correct mode, execute the following operations:

Insert the CD–ROM disk in the CD–ROM drive (example E).


7.14 (E:)

Figure 14. Directory of Installation CD, example CT20.8.2

Double click at CD on CT–20.8.2\CT20–MSTPC_20.8.2\setup.exe to start the installation.

If this is the first installation press OK in the information window Create Dir :
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Click OK. Figure 16. will be opened, if login was done as user ’install’.

In case there was no login as user ’install’, the installation is not possible and will be stopped.
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Figure 15. Installation started as user different to user ’install’

Click to OK. The installation will be cancelled.

Figure 16. InstallShield Wizard for CT–MasterSetup

Click on Next button to access the next dialog box. Figure 17. will be opened.
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Figure 17. Information about the components / versions

Figure 17. Lists the Software Components contained on disk.

Click on Next button to access the next dialog box. Figure 18. will be opened.
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Figure 18. Setup Type for CT–MasterSetup

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The above view permits to select the following options:

– Installation of the Craft Terminal software product

– Verify of the Craft Terminal software product, complete or partial

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– De–installation of the Craft Terminal software product, complete or partial

– Quit, exiting the installation

For ’Installation’ select the first option: ’CT Products installation’.

If ’Installation’ is finished later on ’Quit’ has to be selected. ( E.g. Figure 47. page 55 )

Click on Next button to access the next dialog box. Figure 19. will be opened.

Figure 19. CT Components for CT–MasterSetup

This view permits to select the software components to be installed.

The software product to install is made up of several layers.

The operator has to select / deselect the relevant software to be installed.

– The component ( JRE ) contains the Java software product. After first installation of JRE
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a reboot of PC is necessary !

– The component ( LLManES ) contains the “Alcatel –Lower–Layer Manager” for

F–Interface and RFC1006 via LAN

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– The component ( CTK ) contains the Kernel SW (e.g. NetworkElement, Map, Alarm)

– The component ( HOLAddOn ) contains the OnlineHelp

– The component ( DXCAddOn ) contains the ElementManager (EMLIM)

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– The component ( EP ) contains the Equipment Provisioning

– The component ( USM ) contains the EquipmentView

NOTE: If component Equipment Provisioning or CT Kernel is selected, component USM

is also selected and installed automatically.

– The component ( CygWin ) contains Cygwin and the InstallServer

– The component ( ConfUpg ) contains patches for CT20 components.

The component ( ConfUpg ) has to be installed together with the last installation selection or as
last component.

Select the relevant ’Component(s)’ .

All / Some CT20 components see page 33 till page 54

Installation of each component is described separately and not in combination with other

Therefore : If in window ’Craft Terminal Master Setup’ several components are selected,
the window to ’Quit’ the installation occurs only once at the end if all selected components
are installed.

All selected components have to be removed before installation (see: Uninstallation Procedure
chapter 3.5 page 56 ), otherwise the installation procedure is different to the described one.

The directory “ALCATEL_DISKS” will be deleted during CT installation. Don’t copy files to this
temporary directory which is only used for CT installation !

Click on Next button to access the next dialog box. Figure 20. will be opened.
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Figure 20. Choose of Destination Location for CT–MasterSetup

Use the default destination location. Click the Next button to access the next dialog box (see Figure 21. )

Figure 21. Question to delete the temporary installation folder

Select Yes in case there are privat user data in this destination folder to be saved –> Installation is stopped.

Select No to delete the destination folder automatically and continue the installation.
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3.4.5 Installation of components

Installation procedure for all components.

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not permitted without written authorization. JRE Installation

The component JRE contains the Java software product. After first installation of JRE a reboot of PC is
necessary !

To install JRE select Java2Runtime Edition, SE in Figure 19. page 30 and click on Next button to start
the installation and to access the next dialog box. Figure 22. will be opened.

Figure 22. License Agreement

Change the selection in window License Agreement to : “ I accept the terms in the license agreement “

Click on Next button to access the next dialog box. Figure 23. will be opened.
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Figure 23. Setup Type

Use the default selection : “ Typical “ and click on Next button. The installation is executed.

Figure 24. JRE installation running

This may take several minutes until the next dialog box appears. Figure 25. will be opened.
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Figure 25. InstallShield Wizard Completed

Click on Finish button to access the next dialog box. If the JRE component was the only component
selected for installation in Figure 19. on page 30, the next dialog box will be again the selection of the Setup
Type for the CT–Master Setup as shown in Figure 18. on page 29.

Refer to chapter page 54 on how to continue.

If there is a request to restart your system for the configuration changes made to Java 2 Runtime
Environment then select ’No’ to do the restart after Figure 47. is answered to end the Craft Terminal Master
Setup Installation.

The restart of the system has to be done before starting–up the CT.

For first installation of JRE reboot the System via : Start–>Shut Down... –>Restart–> OK.
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236 LLManES Installation (Lower Layer Manager ES)

The component LLManES contains the “Alcatel –Lower–Layer” for F–Interface and RFC1006 via LAN
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To install LLManES select LLManES in Figure 19. on page 30 and click on Next button to start the
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installation and to access the next dialog box. Figure 26. will be opened.

Figure 26. Language

Click on OK button to access the next dialog box. The Lower Layers Manager & Tiny Tools Setup is started
and Figure 27. will be opened.

Figure 27. Welcome to the Lower Layers Manager & Tiny Tools
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Click on Next button to access the next dialog box.

During the installation two windows are opened which can be closed or set to icon :

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Explorer = LowerLayers

Explorer = Alcatel Network Time Protocol

After the installation Figure 28. will be opened.

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Figure 28. Lower Layers Manager & Tini Tools : Finish Setup

If ’Alcatel Virtual Network Card for Lower Layers’ is already installed and enabled, in
Figure 28. the selection ’Display the Lower Layers IP Manager installation guide’ is not
displayed. In this case Figure 32. till Figure 33. are not shown.

Click on Finish button to access the next dialog box will be opened.

Figure 29. shows the values to be inserted for F–Interface.

Figure 30. shows the values to be inserted for RFC1006 via LAN.

If Lower Layers Manager LLManES has to be changed after installation has been finished, see
chapter 3.6.4 page 77.
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Figure 29. Alcatel Lower Layer Settings : LLMan for F–Interface

Complete the data in Figure 29. via option button and selection of an item from the list that opens.

Possible values are :

System identifier

Mac address is not selectable, if LAN–cable is not plugged in or during first installation.

– Select from list or insert : Mac address

(See: ipconfig /all –> Physical Address)

If mac address in ’System Identifier’ is not selectable, Mac address and data can also be
inserted after installation is finished. In this case select ’Cancel’ and enter data : see
Chapter 3.6.4 page 77 .

Sub–network Type : Serial Port , IP Tunnel , Modem

– Select : Serial Port

Serial Port : COM1 , COM2 , ...

– Select : COM1 (or other Port, depending, where the F–Interface is connected)

Port speed : Default,9600,19200, 38400,56000

– Select : Default
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Click on Ok button to access the next dialog box. Figure 31. will be opened.

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Figure 30. Alcatel Lower Layer Settings : LLMan for RFC1006 via LAN

Complete the data in Figure 30. via option button and selection of an item from the list that opens.

Possible values are :

System identifier

Mac address is not selectable, if LAN–cable is not plugged in or during first installation.

– Select from list or insert : Mac address

(See: ipconfig /all –> Physical Address)

If mac address in ’System Identifier’ is not selectable, Mac address and data can also be
inserted after installation is finished. In this case select ’Cancel’ and enter data : see
Chapter 3.6.4 page 77 .

Subnetwork Type

– Select : from list : IP Tunnel

Tunnel IP Address

– <IP Address of IP Gateway> ( can be a router ) or

– <IP Address of active DCR – Board >

see also: Figure 120. on page 104 : Free: <IP Address of active DCR–Board>
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Click on Ok button to access the next dialog box. Figure 31. will be opened if the port speed is not Default.

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Figure 31. Lower Layers settings : non–default port speed

Click on Yes button to access the next dialog box. Figure 32. and Figure 34. will be opened.

Figure 32. Introduction window of LLMANNIC.HLP

This help information (Figure 32. ) can also be found in: chapter page 81 :
Start–>Programs–>Alcatel–>Lower Layers–>Lower Layers IP Manager Setup Help–>Index–>

The online help information for the installation of the Alcatel Virtual Network Card for lower
layers is not jet available for Windows XP. Refer instead to the Windows 2000 installation

Installing Alcatel Virtual Network Card for Lower Layers :

Further steps till Figure 34. page 41 are only relevant for ’First installation’ but not for ’Upgrade
Installation’, because ’Alcatel Virtual Network Card for Lower Layers’ is already created.

– Select e.g. Windows 2000 in ’Alcatel Virtual Network Card for Lower Layers Help’ and install the
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Alcatel Virtual Network Card for Lower Layers via the Add/Remove Hardware Wizard from the
Control Panel as described.

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Figure 33. Last page of selection e.g. Windows 2000 in Figure 32.

– If installation of ’Alcatel Virtual Network Card for Lower Layers’ is finished, select ’Configure TCP/IP’
to get the information how to configure the Alcatel Virtual Network Card for Lower Layers and run
the Network and Dial–up connections applet from the Control Panel as described.

Local Area Connection: Only ’Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)’ must be selected !

Internet Protocol ( TCP / IP ) Properties: IP address of Local Area Connection x has to be

different to Local Area Connection!

The help information see Figure 32. is not closed automatically. It has to be closed by the user itself after
’Windows 2000 Alcatel Virtual Network Card for Lower Layers installation help’ and ’Configure TCP/IP’
are done .
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Figure 34. LLManES starting message

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The LLManES starting message Figure 34. is closed by system after a short time if Figure 32. is closed.
Then the next dialog box opens.

If the Lower Layer Manager component was the last component selected for installation in Figure 19. on
page 30, the next dialog box will be again the selection of the Setup Type for the CT–Master Setup as
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shown in Figure 18. on page 29.

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Refer to chapter page 54 on how to continue.

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236 CTK Installation

The component CTK contains the Kernel SW (e.g. NetworkElement, Map, Alarm)
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Component HOLAddOn has to be removed, if already installed before installation of CTK,

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otherwise the installation procedure is different to the described one.

To install CTK select CTK in Figure 19. page 30 and click on Next button to start the installation and to
access the next dialog box. Figure 35. will be opened.

Figure 35. Information for Component Setups

Click on Next button to access the next dialog box. Figure 36. will be opened.
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Figure 36. Choose of Destination Location for Component Setup

The Browse button can be used to change the proposed directory.

Use the default destination location.

Click on Next button to start the installation.

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The dialog box in Figure 37. will be opened if the CT–K–ADD–ON (HOLAddOn) is already installed.

Figure 37. Question to CT–K–ADD–ON component during CTK installation

Click on Yes button to access the next dialog box. Figure 38. will be opened.
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Figure 38. Installation Completed

Click on OK button to access the next dialog box.

If the CT Kernel (CTK) component was the last component selected for installation in Figure 19. on page
30, the next dialog box will be again the selection of the Setup Type for the CT–Master Setup as shown
in Figure 18. on page 29.

Refer to chapter page 54 on how to continue.

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236 HOLAddOn Installation

The component HOLAddOn contains the OnlineHelp

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To install HOLAddOn select HOLAddOn in Figure 19. on page 30 and click on Next button to start the
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installation and to access the next dialog box. Figure 40. will be opened.

Figure 39. Installation of Online Help

After completion of the installation the next dialog box, Figure 40. , will be opened.
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Figure 40. Installation Completed

If the HOLAddon component was the last component selected for installation in Figure 19. on page 30,
the next dialog box will be again the selection of the Setup Type for the CT–Master Setup as shown in
Figure 18. on page 29.

Refer to chapter page 54 on how to continue.

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236 DXCAddOn Installation

The component DXCAddOn contains the ElementManager (EMLIM).

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To install DXCAddOn select DXCAddOn in Figure 19. page 30 and click on Next button to start the
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installation. Wait a few minutes until the dialog box shown in Figure 41. opens:

Figure 41. Installation Completed

Click on OK .

If the DXCAddOn component was the last component selected for installation in Figure 19. on page 30,
the next dialog box will be again the selection of the Setup Type for the CT–Master Setup as shown in
Figure 18. on page 29.

Refer to chapter page 54 on how to continue.

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236 EP Installation (Equipment Provisioning)

The component EP contains the Equipment Provisioning

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If component EP is selected, component USM is also selected automatically and installed in addition to
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Component ( USM ) has to be removed before installation of EP, because USM is installed in
addition to EP.

To install EP select EP in Figure 19. page 27 and click on Next button to start the installation and to access
the next dialog box. Figure 42. will be opened.

Figure 42. Choose of Destination Location for Component Setup

The Browse button can be used to change the proposed directory.

Use the default destination location.

Click on Next button to start the installation.

After the EP installation is finished, the USM installation is started automatically.

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236 USM Installation

The component ( USM ) contains the EquipmentView

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The USM component is installed automatically with the EP component. To install USM without EP select
not permitted without written authorization.

USM in Figure 19. page 30 and click on Next button to start the installation and to access the next dialog
box. Figure 43. will be opened.

Figure 43. Choose of Destination Location for Component Setup

The Browse button can be used to change the proposed directory.

Use the default destination location.

Click on Next button to start the installation. Figure 44. will be opened and closed when the installation
is complete.
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Figure 44. USM installation

If the EP/USM component was the last component selected for installation in Figure 19. on page 30, the
next dialog box will be again the selection of the Setup Type for the CT–Master Setup as shown in
Figure 18. on page 29.

Refer to chapter page 54 on how to continue.

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236 CygWin Installation

The component CygWin contains CygWin and the InstallServer

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CygWin must be installed as user ’install’ ! with ’Administrator’ privileges. (see chapter
not permitted without written authorization.

3.4.3 page 24 ).

To install CygWin select CygWin in Figure 19. page 30 and click on Next button to start the installation
and to access the next dialog box. Figure 45. will be opened.

Figure 45. CygWin installation progress

Wait until the installation is complete.

If the CygWin component was the last component selected for installation in Figure 19. on page 30, the
next dialog box will be again the selection of the Setup Type for the CT–Master Setup as shown in
Figure 18. on page 29.

Refer to chapter page 54 on how to continue.

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236 CT–NE–ConfUpg Installation

The component ConfUpg contains patches for CT20 components.

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ConfUpg has to be installed as last component or together with other selections.

not permitted without written authorization.

The Craft Terminal installation may be wrong, if after CT–NE–ConfUpg another CT20 component is
installed without ConfUpg selection.

To install CT–NE–ConfUp select CT–NE–ConfUp in Figure 19. page 30 and click on Next button to start
the installation.

Figure 46. CT NE Configuration Uploading

No further box to be answered will be opened.

The deinstallation for this component is not necessary but may be done. See chapter
page 73. Complete installation

After all CT SW components selected for installation are installed, the dialog box for the selection of the
setup type for the CT Master Setup is displayed again as shown in Figure 47.
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Figure 47. Setup Type for CT–MasterSetup

Wait some seconds before Figure 47. is answered to get time to end CT–NE–ConfUp

Choose Quit and click to Next button to finish the CT installation.

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3.5 Deinstallation Procedure

This paragraph describes how to de–install from the PC the Software Package required by the Craft
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Terminal to manage the relevant Network Element.

not permitted without written authorization.

It is strongly advised to de–install all components already existing in your system that you want to reinstall.
It is not advised to install a new version of a component over an older version.

If the de–installation of components is done not via Add/Remove in Control Panel the installation
procedure is different to the described one.

To de–install the following procedures are used :

If Network Element Synthesis is already running, stop this view.

• Component : CygWin

For CygWin there is no de–install procedure. The directory has to be deleted via Explorer.
See chapter 3.5.1

• All other components:

– The components have to be removed via Add/Remove in Control Panel. See chapter
3.5.2 selecting the relevant application and by pressing the Change/Remove button.

3.5.1 Deinstallation of third party Component CygWin

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Figure 48. Explorer with Cygwin directory

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For deinstalling CygWin, delete the directory, wherein CygWin is installed (c:/ALCATEL/cygwin) . Next
dialog box. Figure 49. will be opened
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Figure 49. Confirm deletion of folder

Click on Yes button to delete cygwin directory.

3.5.2 Preparation for deinstallation of JRE (JAVA) and CT20 components

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Figure 50. Selection for Control Panel

Click on Settings –> Control Panel. Figure 51. will be opened.

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Figure 51. Control Panel

Double click on Add/Remove Programs to open Add/Remove Programs. Figure 52. will be
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Figure 52. Add/Remove Programs

Select the relevant Program and see chapter 3.5.3 (JRE) or chapter 3.5.4 (CT20 components).

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3.5.3 Deinstallation of third party Component Java 2 Runtime Environment ( JRE )
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Figure 53. Add/Remove Programs

Select the program Java 2 Runtime Environment and press Remove. Figure 54. will be opened.

Figure 54. Remove Java 2 Runtime Environment

Click on Yes and wait a few minutes until the deinstallation is finished.

3.5.4 Deinstallation of CT20 components Deinstallation of ALCATEL CT–K (1320CT) (CTK)

Note : If component CTK is deinstalled component HOLAddOn will also be deinstalled but not the entry
see Figure 62. HOLCT–K–ADD–ON chapter Figure 62. has to be done but Figure 63. till
Figure 66. does not occur. In case this is not done, next installation of component CTK is different to the
described one.
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Figure 55. Add/Remove Programs

Select the program ALCATEL CT–K v<x.y.z> (1320CT) and press Change/Remove. Figure 56. will be
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Figure 56. CT–K v<x.y.z> Maintenance Setup Dialog

Remove is already selected.

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Click on Next button to access the next dialog box. Figure 57. will be opened.
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Figure 57. Confirmation to remove selected program

Click on OK button and wait until the next dialog box opens. Dependend on the previous installation the
next dialog will be Figure 58. , Figure 59. or Figure 60.

Figure 58. ReadOnly files detected

Click on Yes button to access the next dialog box. Dependend on the previous installation the next dialog
will be Figure 59. or Figure 60.
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Figure 59. Locked File Detected

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Click on Ignore button to access the next dialog box.

Reboot the PC after installation of new version is finished but before ’Alcatel 1320CT’ software start–up.

Figure 60. will be opened.

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Figure 60. Maintenance Complete

Click on Finish and wait until the next dialog (Figure 61. ) will be opened.

Figure 61. Uninstallation clean up

Click on Yes button.

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236 Deinstallation of ALCATEL HOLCT–K–ADD–ON (1320CT) ( HOLAddOn )

If component CTK chapter page 59 was removed before, Figure 62. has to be done but
Figure 63. till Figure 66. does not occur.
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Figure 62. Add/Remove Programs

Select the program ALCATEL HOLCT–K–ADD–ONv<x.y.z> (1320CT) and press Change/Remove.

If component CTK has already been uninstalled, the component HolAddOn will be immediately
removed without going through the dialogs shown in Figure 63. till Figure 66.
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Figure 63. HOLCT–K–ADD–ON Maintenance

Remove is already selected.

Click on Next button to access the next dialog box. Figure 64. will be opened.

Figure 64. Confirmation to remove selected Program

Click on OK button to access the next dialog box. Figure 65. will be opened.
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Figure 65. Installation Complete

Click on Finish button to access the next dialog box. Figure 66. will be opened.

Figure 66. Uninstallation dirtiness removing

If Figure 66. is available depends on previous CT execution.

Click on Yes button.

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236 Deinstallation of ALCATEL DXCCT–K–ADD–ON (1320CT) ( DXCAddOn )
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Figure 67. Add/Remove Programs

Select the program ALCATEL DXCCT–K–ADD–ONv<x.y.z> (1320CT) and press Change/Remove.

Figure 68. will be opened.
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Figure 68. DXCCT–K–ADD–ON Maintenance

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Remove is already selected.

Click on Next button to access the next dialog box. Figure 69. will be opened.
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not permitted without written authorization.

Figure 69. Confirmation to remove selected program

Click on OK button and wait a few minutes until the next dialog (Figure 70. ) will be opened.

Figure 70. Installation Complete

Click on Finish button to access the next dialog box. Figure 71. will be opened.
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Figure 71. Uninstallation clean up

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Click on Yes button. Deinstallation of Alcatel LowerLayers Manager & Tiny Tools ( LLManES )

If Lower Layers Manager is already running, then Shut Down Lower Layers Manager. See
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chapter 4.4 page 99 Shut Down Alcatel Lower Layers Manager.

not permitted without written authorization.

Figure 72. Add/Remove Programs

Select the program Alcatel LowerLayers Manager & Tiny Tools and press Change/Remove.
Figure 73. will be opened.

Figure 73. Confirmation to remove selected program

Select Yes and click on Next button to access the next dialog box. Figure 74. will be opened.
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Figure 74. Remove Programs

Click on OK button. Deinstallation of Alcatel Virtual Network Card for Lower Layers ( LLManES )

To deinstall the ’Alcatel Virtual Network Card for Lower Layers’ start the Add/Remove Hardware Wizard
via Start–>Settings–>Control Panel and select ’Uninstall/Unplug a device’ in Figure 75.

To install ’Alcatel Virtual Network Card for Lower Layers’ again see: chapter LLManES Installation
(Lower Layer Manager ES) Figure 33. page 41
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Figure 75. Uninstall / unplug a device Deinstallation of USM

Figure 76. Add/Remove Programs

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Select the program USM V.20.8.<x> and press Change/Remove. Figure 77. will be opened.

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Figure 77. Remove of USM

Click on Yes button and wait until the next dialog box (Figure 78. ) will be opened.

Figure 78. Confirmation message of successfully uninstallation for USM

Click on OK button.
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236 Deinstallation of Equipment Provisioning ( EP )
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Figure 79. Add/Remove Programs

Select the program EP and press Change/Remove. Figure 80. will be opened.
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Figure 80. Remove of EP

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Click on Yes button to access the next dialog box. Figure 81. will be opened.
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Figure 81. Confirmation message of successfully uninstallation for EP

Click on OK button. Deinstallation of CT–NE–ConfUpg

NOTE: The deinstallation of this component is not necessary.

Figure 82. Add/Remove Programs

Select the program CT–NE–ConfUpg and press Change/Remove. Figure 83. will be opened.
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Figure 83. Confirmation to remove selected program

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Click on OK button.
Click on Yes button. Figure 84. will be opened.

Figure 84. Remove Programs

74 / 236
3.6 Craft terminal configuration

3.6.1 Scope of the procedure

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The procedure describes how to configure the PC in order to manage the Network Element.
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3.6.2 Configuration issues

The Craft Terminal configuration is subdivided in the following way:

• PC hostname

• CT configuration ( Lower Layer Settings )

– Configuration for F–Interface

– Configuration for RFC1006

• Communication Protocol (TCP/IP)

– Lower Layer Help

• Screen settings

• Default browse for on–line help

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3.6.3 PC hostname

This section describes how to correct the PC hostname, if needed.

The installation of the “Windows” Operating system requires the assignment of a ”Computer Name” which
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must be filled in.

not permitted without written authorization.

A PC configured with the TCP/IP protocol has also another name called ”Hostname”. Its relationship with
the Computer Name is the following:

• in the TCP/IP configuration the Computer Name is assigned by default also as Hostname
• the TCP/IP IP-address can be then changed using the Network configuration > Protocols >
TCP/IP Properties

Note: In Windows 2000/Windows XP Operating system the “Host Name” coincides with the “Computer
Name” , so only the field “Computer Name” must be filled in.

The CT installation procedure reads the hostname in order to set its configuration files.
If the TCP/IP “hostname” or “Computer Name” (in Windows 2000) is changed after the CT installation,
the CT will not work any more.
In order to let the CT know the hostname/Computer Name change, the following command must be

– CTK –> Customization (refer to Figure 85. )

– DXC CTK Add On Customization (refer to Figure 86. )

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Figure 85. CT–K customization command

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Figure 86. DXC CTK ADD ON Customization

3.6.4 LLManES : Change of Alcatel Lower Layers Setting

If the Lower Layers Manager is already running, exit the view ’Network Element Synthesis’ and Shut Down
Lower Layers Manager. See chapter 4.4 page 99 Shut Down Alcatel Lower Layers Manager.

The CT configuration for the communication with the NE can be changed via Alcatel Lower Layers
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Figure 87. LLManES Settings

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Or via opening the Control Panel and selecting the Alcatel Lower Layers settings icon. This icon can be
found under “Other Control Panel Options” as shown in the following figures.
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Figure 88. Selecting Other Control Panel Options on left side

Figure 89. Selecting Alcatel Lower Layers settings icon

Double click on it, showing Figure 90. for F–Interface or Figure 91. for RFC1006 via LAN.

The CT communicates with the NE using the OSI protocol over the serial link (COM port) or as alternative
over an IP network (tunnel IP); in the last case it is mandatory to have a network card to use the CT.

The selection between the two mode can be made in the mask depicted in Figure 90. for F–Interface or
Figure 91. for RFC1006 via LAN:
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1) The System identifier.

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The system identifier is requested because the 1320CT plays the role of End System in the OSI
networking. Therefore it needs a unique NSAP address. The operator has to enter only the
System ID field because the Area Address port of the NSAP address is automatically retrieved
by the connected NE. The Craft Terminal becomes a new ES of the same area of the local NE.
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2) The COM port used for connecting the serial cable.

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If the PC has two serial ports on the back side, you can discover which is the COM port (COM1
or COM2) simply by assigning a value and then connecting the CT and the NE. If the connection
is active (see para. 4.5.6 on page 110) the port is valid.

3) The Tunnel IP address.

Define and displays the IP address of the tunnel end point; in order to communicate with the
NE through an IP Network it is also necessary to complete the data as shown in Figure 91. page
80. LLManES : Change of Alcatel Lower Layers Setting ( F–Interface )

Figure 90. Alcatel Lower Layer Settings : LLMan

If mac address in ’System Identifier’ is not selectable close and reopen the window after a short time again.

Possible values are :

System identifier

– Select from list or insert : Mac address

(See: ipconfig /all –> Physical Address)

Subnetwork Type
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– Select : from list : Serial Port

Serial Port

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– Select : from list : Com 1

Port speed

– Select : from list : Default

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See also: Chapter Figure 29. page 38 LLManES : Change of Alcatel Lower Layers Setting ( RCF1006 via LAN )

Figure 91. Alcatel Lower Layer Settings : LLMan

If MAC address in ’System Identifier’ is not selectable close and reopen the window after a short time

Possible values are :

System identifier

– Select from list or insert : Mac address

(See: ipconfig /all –> Physical Address)

Subnetwork Type

– Select : from list : IP Tunnel

Tunnel IP Address

– <IP Address of IP Gateway> ( can be a router ) , ( IP Address of active DCR – Board )

Example see : Figure 120. on page 104
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See also: Figure 30. on page 39.

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3.6.5 Communication Protocol Lower Layer Help

If not executed during the Craft Terminal installation phases, the Lower Layers IP Manager Setup Help
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option (from the Start –> Program–>Alcatel–>Lower Layers see Figure 92. ) allows to install the Alcatel
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Network Interface Card that is a Software component used to manage TCP/IP frames through Alcatel
Lower Layers Manager; during this procedure an IP address is assign to the COM port of the PC used
as Craft Terminal; this connection is used for communication purpose between the PC and the Equipment
Controller unit when the ISA Boards are inserted in the Equipment Shelf .
To install the Lower Layers IP Manager run the Program–>Alcatel–>Lower Layers –>Lower Layers IP
Manager Setup Help and follow the instructions of the Windows 2000 Help (a Windows XP help is not
available yet) .

Figure 92. Lower Layers IP Manager Setup

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3.6.6 Screen setting

The color palette should be configured with more than 256 colors. If 256 colors are configured the CT
application is not able of showing correctly all the needed colors.
In the following is indicated how to check or change the color configuration.
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Open the “Control Panel” and select the “Display” icon.

Figure 93. Screen setting –1

Figure 94. Screen setting –2

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Double click on it and select the ”Settings” panel.
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Figure 95. Screen setting – 2

It is important to select more than 256 colors. The second choice supported by your video card will be
sufficient (32768 colors in the above case).
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3.6.7 Default Browser for On–line Help

In order to have a correct functioning of help ( in the USM view ), the user must verify that the .html files
are associated with the default browser, otherwise it may appear an error the first time using Online Help
after a new installation from Master Setup.
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Path : Start–>Settings–>Control Panel–>Window: Folder Options

Figure 96. Folder Options

Check in Figure 96. that HTML Extentions are opened with the default browser. In this example default
browser is equal to “Internet Explorer” .
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3.7 Printer Installation

To PC a local printer and/or a network printer may be connected.

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In order to use a printer you have to:

1) physically connect the the printer to PC or to network,

2) attach the printer via windows to PC (see chapter 3.7.1),

3) attach printer to ’Alarm Configuration’ (see chapter page 95).

3.7.1 Attach local / network printer to the PC

To install a new printer select the control panel from the start menue and choose Printers and other
harware as shown in the following figure.

Figure 97. Add new printer to PC – 1

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Figure 98. Add new printer to PC – 2

Select the button Add a Printer Add Printer.

Figure 99. Welcome to the Add Printer Wizard

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Click in window ’Welcome to the Add Printer Wizard’ to Next button

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Figure 100. Selection of Local / Network printer

Select relevant to the printer to be installed: Local printer or Network printer

• If ’Local printer’ and ’Automatically detect and install my Plug and Play printer’ is selected and
the printer is found, the installation goes on with Figure 106. to print a test page.

• If ’Local printer’ was not found or ’Automatically detect and install my Plug and Play printer’ is
not selected, Figure 101. opens.

• If ’Network printer’ is selected enter in next opened window: ’Locate Your Printer’ e.g. the name
of printer and go on in installation.
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Figure 101. Selection of a network Printer

For local printer select Port = LPT1 and click to Next button

Figure 102. Selection of Manufacturers and Printers

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If the printer is not found automatically the relevant printer may be selected in the list of printers.

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• Select the connected local printer in the list of: Manufacturers and Printers

After selection of ’Manufacturers’ and ’Printers’ click to Next button

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Figure 103. Keeping / replacing existing driver

Select Keep existing driver if the driver for the printer is already installed and click to Next button
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Use e.g. the default Printer name

Select YES and click to Next button

Figure 104. Printer name

Figure 105. Printer sharing

90 / 236
For local printer select ’Do not share this printer’ and click to Next button
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Figure 106. Print test page

If you want to print a test page then select YES and click to Next button
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Figure 107. Finish of Add Printer Wizzard

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Click to Finish button if everything is ok
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Figure 108. Troubleshoot if no test page printed

If a test page was accepted it will be printed after click to OK button.

Figure 109. List of available printers

Now in ’Printers’ window a new icon is created for the new printer.

If ’Network Element Synthesis’ is already opened it has to be closed and reopened, otherwise
the printer does not work in Equipment View.

3.7.2 Print

The printer can now be used to print via:

• 1320CT
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• e.g. Cygwin / cmd window

• Windows and other programs

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236 Print via 1320CT : one local printer is added in ’Start–>Settings–>Printers’

If a print button is selected the following window opens : one printer is added to USM

Only one printer: LPT1 is defined.

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Figure 110. Print window

After pressing OK there is a printout.

If a print button is selected the following window opens : several printer are added to USM Print via 1320CT : two printers are added in ’Start–>Settings–>Printers’

Two printer: LPT1 and \\ASLDB0\n2610 are defined.

Figure 111. Print window (two printer defined)

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Select e.g. the second printer.

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Figure 112. Print window

Second printer is selected.

After pressing OK there is a printout at second printer. Print via Cygwin / cmd window

’Print’ prints a text file or displays the contents of a print queue.

This command can print in the background, if you have an output device connected to one of your system’s
serial or parallel ports.

Command : print [/d:device] [[drive:][path] filename[ ...]]

• Used without parameters, print displays the contents of the print queue.

• [/d:device] Specifies the name of the print device.

• [drive:][path] filename Specifies the location and name of a file or set of files you want to


Local printer

• print /d:LPT1 <filename>

Network printer

• print /d:\\\\<hostname printer_x>\\<printer name_x> <filename>

• print /d:\\\\ASLSDB0\\n2159 <filename> // example Print via Windows

Print depends on the programs.

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236 Attach printer to ’Alarm Configuration’

To be able to print an alarm list out of an alarm window via ’ACTION–>OUTPUT...’ see Figure 113. , it is
necessary to configure the file ’’ once after a new CT–Version is installed.
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Figure 113. Window to print the alarm list via: Action–>Output... in ’AS Current USM : Alarm Sublist :

The file ’’ can be found in the directory :


In case of a Local Printer two parameters have to be set (see also comment in file ’’):


• $PRINTER_NAME=”Local Printer Name”

In case of a Network Printer three parameters have to be set (see also comment in file ’’):


• $PRINTER_NAME=”Network Printer Name”

• $PRINT_SERVER=”xxx.yyy.zzz.ttt”

Example of configuration for Local Printer with PRINTER_NAME ’LPT1’ see Figure 114.

The PRINTER_NAME can be found in ’Properties’ of the used printer.

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Figure 114. configured for ’Local Printer’


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This chapter helps you to start your work with the CT by answering the following questions:
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– How can I start–up and exit the CT?

– What are the first steps after installation of the CT?

– What are the main functionalities of the CT?

– How can I use the on–line help?

4.1 Start–up the CT

– To start–up the CT select Alcatel 1320CT from the Windows Start menu (see Figure 115. )

Figure 115. Alcatel 1320CT menu option

– Wait a few seconds until the start–up of the CT has finished and the Network Synthesis View opens.

Do not start Alcatel 1320CT twice. If the software is started twice the processes may not run
correctly. In this case close the program “Alcatel 1320CT” and start it again only once. In case
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the processes do not run (Network Element Synthesis–>CT Environment–>Process Control)

log off and login at PC (”Shut Down” menu) again.

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