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Tennis Striking Rubric

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Assessment/Assignment Project “Draft”

★ Forehand Strike in Tennis
★ Standard 1: The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement
★ Standard 2: The physically literate individual exhibits knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics
related to movement and performance.
Overall Goals
★ Tennis will help increase social interaction and create new friendships.
★ Working together in partners/teams will enable leadership skills, teamwork and cooperation in achieving victory.
★ Students will understand that winning isn’t important and learn to accept the outcome.
★ See a steady progression within each student within their skills and sportsmanship.
★ The student will be able to explain the rules, guidelines, and cognitive skills necessary for active participation in a
game of tennis by answering questions when asked at any given time.
★ The student will be able to analyze and evaluate their opponents during a game by providing at least 2 positive and
corrective feedback during or after the game.
★ The student will be able to apply the knowledge gained to pursue tennis in a safe and appropriate manner.
★ The student will be able to demonstrate the ability to perform a forehand swing using the proper technique and
forms in an effort to hit the ball into the hula hoops at least 12 out of 15 attempts.
★ The student will be able to demonstrate sportsmanship appropriately by working effectively with their partner in
covering the court.
Type of Assessment
Qualitative Rubric

Skills Excellent Advanced Intermediate Basic 0

Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1
Knowledge - Shows that he/she - Shows that he/she has - Shows that he/she has - He/she may need to No Effort
of Rules understands and applies the knowledge to apply some evidence of revisit the rules of the
the rules through the rules usually. knowledge but doesn’t game.
scrimmage/game. - Rotates with partner fully apply the rules. - Relies on the partner
- Take turns with your when serving. - Makes a few errors. to remind him/her
partner when time to - Student is able to - Struggles when asked a when to rotate when
serve. answer most questions question. serving.
- Student is able to answer when asked. - Student struggles
any question when asked. answering most

Court - Moves around the court - Covers part of the court - Covers court but - Needs to move No Effort

Movement covering all of their part of and attempts to return to occasionally out of around the court
the court. home position. position. more. Tend to stay in
- Consistently return the - Frequently returns the - Student attempts to one place.
ball to the other side. ball to the other side. return the ball to the - Students reaches for
- Student is quick with - Weight is on the balls other side. the ball instead of
their feet and maintain of the feet for quick - Needs to work on being in position.
weight shifts when in movement. shifting the weight onto - No feet control and
motion. - Student is usually in the balls of the feet for off balance when
- Student is in position to position to play all shots. quick movements. moving around the
play all shots. - Student barely makes it court.
into position to play
Shot - Executes all shots taught - Executes most of the - Form needs minor - Needs more practice No Effort
Execution with good form. shots taught with good tweaks when stroking. with form when
- Student has ball control form. - Ball control isn’t as striking.
when hitting over the net. - Student has decent ball accurate, hits the net a - Hits the ball out of
- Student knows in control when hitting over couple of times. control.
advance which shot to use the net. - Student arrive in - Student is not in
while moving into position. - Needs to move into position to play the ball ready position when a
- Shot lands within the position a little quicker. just in time. shot is attempted.
boundaries almost all the - Shot lands within the - Shot lands within the - Shot lands within
time. boundaries at least 75% boundaries at least 50% the boundaries at
of the time. of the time. least 25% of the time.

Strategy - Demonstrates the ability - Demonstrates the - Use some strategy - Use little strategy No Effort
to use strategy against an ability to use strategy against the opponent. against the opponent.
opponent. against an opponent. - Attempts to return the - Hits shots directly
- Looks for open places - Usually returns the ball ball into open spaces. toward the opponent
when returning the ball into open spaces. - Need to work on shot making it easy for
back. - Usually knows which execution when returning them to return.
- Knows which type of type of shot to use when the ball to the opponent. - No communication
shot to use to gain an returning the ball. - Some communication with their partner, at
offensive advantage. - Cooperates with with partner when times both players go
- The ability to know their partner to cover the covering the court. after the ball.
opponents strengths and court. - Need to work on - No evidence of
weaknesses for a better - Tries to anticipate studying opponents' next wanting to score a
advantage. opponents' shots by move. point.
- Tries to anticipate moving into position.
opponents' shots by
moving into position to
play them.

Sports- - Congratulates opponents - Recognizes good play - Occasionally recognizes - Rarely No Effort
for a good game regardless by others. good plays by others. communicates with
manship of the outcome. - Communicates with - Hit a few bumps when others.
- Communicates partner most of the time covering the court with - Does not work as a
frequently with partner to when covering the court. partner. team with partner.
cover the court at all - Shows evidence of - Shows some evidence of - Complains about
times. cooperation and cooperation and calls made by
- Shows evidence of teamwork. teamwork. opponents.
cooperation and - Does not try to play the - Mostly dominates the - Makes incorrect
teamwork. entire court alone. court. calls to benefit self.
- Doesn’t try to play the - Calls most of the shots - Calls shots honestly and
entire court alone. honestly and fairly. fairly.
- Calls all shots honestly
and fairly.
Quantitative Rubric

With your partner, decide who will go first. One person will have the racket and stand behind the middle baseline
and attempt to make 15 forehand strokes into the hula hoops. While your partner will be observing and rating your
forehand stroke using a scale from 4 (always) to 0 (never).

★ 4 (always) = Student performs the skills consistently with no or few errors in technique.
★ 3 (frequently) = Student performs the skills most of the time with good technique and are able to correct
their errors.
★ 2 (sometimes) = Student performs the skills with some technique and few minor errors but relies on guidance
to correct their skill.
★ 1 (never) = Student is unable to perform the skills and techniques correctly and have no motivation to
perform tasks.

Forehand Stroke
Criteria Never Sometimes Frequently Always
Grip is held in a “V” formation by your thumb and 1 2 3 4
forefinger. Roughly at 11 o’clock (1 o’clock if left-handed).
My partner starts in a ready position with knees slightly 1 2 3 4
bent and turned sideways to the object as it travels
toward them.
My partner swings their racket back, locking their wrist. 1 2 3 4
Weight is transferred onto the back foot.
My partner steps with their opposite foot forward, 1 2 3 4
contacts the ball at waist level and moves the racket from
low to high.
Racket follows through the swing across their body and 1 2 3 4
returns back into ready position.

Total Points: ______ out of 24 points

How many times did the ball land inside one of the three hula hoops. ______ out of 15 attempts

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