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EFDC - Explorer Users Manual (040416-Draft)

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User’s Manual for

A Pre/Post Processor for the
Environmental Fluid Dynamics Code

April 16, 2004

Paul M. Craig, P.E.

Dynamic Solutions, LLC

P.O. Box 24176
Knoxville, TN, 37933
(865) 212-3331, FAX (865) 212-3398

Version 040415
© Copyright 1999-2004
The author would like to acknowledge the contributions of several key people that have helped
in a number of ways:

Earl Hayter, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency – For his vision and commitment to help
develop EFDC/EFDC_Explorer into a tool that can really assist the scientific, engineering and
regulatory community to better understand, assess and manage our water resources.

John Hamrick, Tetra Tech, Inc. – For his commitment to the EFDC code and continuous
development and support.

Dudley Benton, Dynamic Solutions, LLC – For his ongoing support, suggestions, comments,
and code segments.

Christopher Wallen – For his commitment to the author and unfailing support.

DS, LLC iii EFDC_Explorer

Table of Contents

Acknowledgements...................................................................................................................... iii

,Table of Contents........................................................................................................................ iii

Table of Contents......................................................................................................................... iv

List of Tables............................................................................................................................... vii

List of Figures .............................................................................................................................viii

1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................1-1
1.1 Capabilities.................................................................................................................1-1
1.2 Conventions ...............................................................................................................1-3
1.2.1. Windows Interface..............................................................................................1-3
1.2.2. Message Boxes and the Clipboard ....................................................................1-4
1.2.3. Operators ...........................................................................................................1-4

2 Installation & Startup ..........................................................................................................2-1

2.1 Installation ..................................................................................................................2-1
2.2 Quick Startup..............................................................................................................2-2
2.2.1. File Management................................................................................................2-3 Open Operation ..............................................................................................2-3 Write Operation ..............................................................................................2-4
2.2.2. Printer Setup ......................................................................................................2-5
2.2.3. EFDC_Explorer Settings ....................................................................................2-5
2.3 EFDC Files .................................................................................................................2-6
2.4 General Program Operation .......................................................................................2-7

3 Pre-Processor Operations..................................................................................................3-1
3.1 Timing, Labels and Output Options............................................................................3-1
3.2 Grid & General ...........................................................................................................3-2
3.3 Hydrodynamics...........................................................................................................3-3
3.3.1. Eddy Viscosity & Diffusivities .............................................................................3-4
3.3.2. Wave Generated Turbulence .............................................................................3-4
3.4 Groundwater & Vegetation .........................................................................................3-5
3.4.1. Vegetation ..........................................................................................................3-5
3.4.2. Groundwater.......................................................................................................3-6
3.5 Sediment & Toxics .....................................................................................................3-6
3.5.1. Toxics .................................................................................................................3-7
3.5.2. Sediments ..........................................................................................................3-7
3.6 Initial Conditions .........................................................................................................3-9
3.6.1. Restart Options ..................................................................................................3-9
3.6.2. Set Initial Conditions – Water Column................................................................3-9
3.6.3. General Horizontal Spatial Assignment Form ..................................................3-10
3.7 Boundary Conditions ................................................................................................3-11
3.7.1. “Edit” Boundary Conditions ..............................................................................3-12
3.7.2. Import HSPF Data ............................................................................................3-13
3.7.3. Check Boundary Conditions .............................................................................3-14

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4 Post-Processing Operations ..............................................................................................4-1
4.1 Hydrodynamics...........................................................................................................4-1
4.2 Sediments & Toxics....................................................................................................4-2
4.2.1. Mass Balance Tool .............................................................................................4-3
4.2.2. Sediment Profile .................................................................................................4-4
4.3 Miscellaneous Series .................................................................................................4-4
4.4 Calibration ..................................................................................................................4-5
4.4.1. Time Series Comparisons ..................................................................................4-5
4.4.2. Load 2D Measured Data ....................................................................................4-6
4.4.3. Load Comparison Model ....................................................................................4-7

5 Generate New Model .........................................................................................................5-1

5.1 Getting Started ...........................................................................................................5-1
5.1.1. Topographic Information File..............................................................................5-1
5.1.2. EFDC.INP Template File ....................................................................................5-2
5.1.3. Grid Type............................................................................................................5-2
5.1.4. Cartesian Grid ....................................................................................................5-2 Uniform Grid ...................................................................................................5-3 Expanding Grid...............................................................................................5-3
5.1.5. Riverine Curvilinear Grid ....................................................................................5-5
5.1.6. Import ECOMSED Model ...................................................................................5-6
5.1.7. Import Third Party...............................................................................................5-6

6 Other Toolbar Functions ....................................................................................................6-1

6.1 Toolbag ......................................................................................................................6-1
6.2 Editor ..........................................................................................................................6-2
6.3 Run Model ..................................................................................................................6-2
6.4 Run Times ..................................................................................................................6-3

7 ViewPlan ............................................................................................................................7-1
7.1 Simulation Results Loading........................................................................................7-2
7.2 Introduction ................................................................................................................7-3
7.2.1. Mouse Functions ................................................................................................7-4 Repositioning Legend & Other Objects ..........................................................7-4 Cell Information ..............................................................................................7-4 Right Mouse Click...........................................................................................7-4
7.2.2. Keystoke Functions ............................................................................................7-5
7.3 Toolbar Summary.......................................................................................................7-5
7.4 Navigating the View....................................................................................................7-5
7.5 Polyline/Polygon Creation Tool ..................................................................................7-7
7.6 Pre-Processing Functions ..........................................................................................7-7
7.6.1. Single Cell Edits .................................................................................................7-7
7.6.2. Multiple Cell Edits ...............................................................................................7-7
7.6.3. Cell to Cell Copy/Assign .....................................................................................7-8
7.6.4. Data Field Smoothing .........................................................................................7-8
7.6.5. Bathymetry Comparison to Another Model.........................................................7-8
7.6.6. Create/Assign/Edit Boundary Conditions ...........................................................7-9
7.6.7. Courant Calculator .............................................................................................7-9
7.7 Post-Processing Functions ......................................................................................7-10
7.7.1. Export EMF Files ..............................................................................................7-10
7.7.2. Export Tecplot Files..........................................................................................7-10

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7.7.3. Time Series ......................................................................................................7-10
7.7.4. General Statistics .............................................................................................7-11
7.7.5. Water Flux Tool ................................................................................................7-11
7.7.6. Animation of Results ........................................................................................7-11

8 ViewProfile .........................................................................................................................8-1
8.1 General.......................................................................................................................8-1
8.2 Slice/Profile Selection ................................................................................................8-1
8.3 Toolbar Summary.......................................................................................................8-2
8.4 Primary Display Options.............................................................................................8-3

9 References.........................................................................................................................9-1

Appendix A: EFDC Internal Array Visualization Instructions.................................................... A-1

Appendix B: Data Formats....................................................................................................... B-1

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List of Tables
Table 1.1 EFDC_Explorer user interface conventions..............................................................1-3
Table 1.2 Operator descriptions................................................................................................1-4
Table 2.1 Main toolbar summary of functions. ..........................................................................2-2
Table 7.1 Main Functions of ViewPlan.....................................................................................7-1
Table 7.2 Summary of ViewPlan toolbar..................................................................................7-6
Table 8.1 Summary of ViewProfile toolbar. .............................................................................8-2

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List of Figures

Figure 1.1 EFDC_Explorer Splash Screen ..........................................................................1-1

Figure 2.1 Main EFDC_Explorer form .................................................................................2-1

Figure 2.2 Main form toolbar ...............................................................................................2-2
Figure 2.3 Project Open (Main Form) ..................................................................................2-3
Figure 2.4 Select Directory: Open Operation.......................................................................2-4
Figure 2.5 Select Directory: Write Operation .......................................................................2-4
Figure 2.6 Printer Setup ......................................................................................................2-5
Figure 2.7 EFDC_Explorer settings form.............................................................................2-6

Figure 3.1 Tab: Model Title, Timing and Output ..................................................................3-1

Figure 3.2 Runtime, Output and Title. .................................................................................3-2
Figure 3.3 Tab: Grid, numerical solution and miscellaneous options. .................................3-2
Figure 3.4 Tab: Hydrodynamics and layering options .........................................................3-3
Figure 3.5 Eddy Viscosities & Diffusivities...........................................................................3-4
Figure 3.6 Wave generated turbulence options...................................................................3-4
Figure 3.7 Wave generated turbulence, import data form ...................................................3-4
Figure 3.8 Tab: Groundwater and Vegetation .....................................................................3-5
Figure 3.9 Vegetation class parameters ..............................................................................3-5
Figure 3.10 Tab: Sed/Tox/Others ..........................................................................................3-6
Figure 3.11 Toxic Transport Options .....................................................................................3-7
Figure 3.12 Sediment Transport – Cohesives .......................................................................3-7
Figure 3.13 Sediment Transport – Non-Cohesives. ..............................................................3-8
Figure 3.14 Sediment Transport – Miscellaneous. ................................................................3-8
Figure 3.15 Sediment Transport – Initial Conditions. ............................................................3-9
Figure 3.16 Tab: Initial Conditions.........................................................................................3-9
Figure 3.17 Initial Conditions Functions ..............................................................................3-10
Figure 3.18 Tab: Initial Conditions.......................................................................................3-11
Figure 3.19 Tab: Boundary Conditions ................................................................................3-12
Figure 3.20 Boundary conditions time series editor ............................................................3-12
Figure 3.21 Boundary Conditions Edit Form........................................................................3-13
Figure 3.22 HSPF model results import utility .....................................................................3-14

Figure 4.1 Tab: Hydrodynamics...........................................................................................4-1

Figure 4.2 Example water surface elevation time series .....................................................4-1
Figure 4.3 Example grid profile plot .....................................................................................4-1
Figure 4.4 Example water surface elevation profile with bathymetry...................................4-2
Figure 4.5 Tab: Sediments/Toxics .......................................................................................4-2
Figure 4.6 Mass Balance Tool options form ........................................................................4-3
Figure 4.7 Mass balance results example. ..........................................................................4-3
Figure 4.8 Plot of total sediment (TSS) loading from flow type boundaries.........................4-3
Figure 4.9 Example sediment profile plot with the water column.........................................4-4
Figure 4.10 Tab: Miscellaneous Series .................................................................................4-5
Figure 4.11 Tab: Calibration ..................................................................................................4-5
Figure 4.12 Time series calibration EFDC cell and data linkage definitions..........................4-5
Figure 4.13 Example of the automated calibration time series tool .......................................4-6
Figure 4.14 Loading measured 2D calibration data...............................................................4-6
Figure 4.15 Load a comparison EFDC model .......................................................................4-7

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Figure 5.1 Generate new model options form, with expanding Cartesian option. ...............5-1
Figure 5.2 Example digital topographic data .......................................................................5-2
Figure 5.3 Expanding Cartesian grid example of San Francisco Bay. ................................5-4
Figure 5.4 Generate new model options form, showing the curvilinear option ....................5-6
Figure 5.5 Curvilinear grid generation example for the Cedar River. ..................................5-6
Figure 6.1 Toolbar functions................................................................................................6-1
Figure 6.2 Example of the model run times. ........................................................................6-3

Figure 7.1 Model results loading options.............................................................................7-2

Figure 7.2 View Grid main form ...........................................................................................7-3
Figure 7.3 View Grid Context Area ......................................................................................7-3
Figure 7.4 Cell Information Example. ..................................................................................7-4
Figure 7.5 Boundary condition edit form for View Grid. .......................................................7-4
Figure 7.6 Modify Cell form with bed layer-sediment mass sub-option. ..............................7-5
Figure 7.7 Boundary condition edit form for View Grid. .......................................................7-9
Figure 7.8 Tecplot export timing options. ..........................................................................7-10
Figure 7.9 Water flux tool control options. .........................................................................7-11
Figure 7.10 Water Flux tool example results using Dominant Flow.....................................7-12

Figure 8.1 ViewProfile example showing salinity at one snapshot in time during
a tidal cycle........................................................................................................8-1
Figure 8.2 Profile display options ........................................................................................8-3

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1 Introduction
EFDC_Explorer (Fig. 1.1) is a Microsoft
Windows™ based pre-processor and post-
processor for the three-dimensional (3D)
Environmental Fluid Dynamics Code (EFDC)
initially developed by John Hamrick (Hamrick,
1996). EFDC is now being supported by the
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

The EFDC model has been released in at least

three separate versions. These versions
represent different computational options and
functionality. Two versions include the “full”
production version of EFDC which include Figure 1.1 EFDC_Explorer Splash Screen
almost all of EFDC’s capabilities. The other
version is a reduced version that includes the
3-time level solution for hydrodynamics (including salinity and temperature affects), toxics and
sediments. This reduced version has been named “EFDC Hydro Version” and was developed
primarily for Region IV. The two full versions are continuing to be developed by Tetra Tech, Inc.
(EFDC_TT) and Dynamic Solutions, LLC (EFDC_DS).

This user’s manual provides guidance in the use EFDC_Explorer. This manual is NOT the
user’s manual for EFDC. It is assumed that the user is familiar with the types of data and
information required by EFDC. EFDC_Explorer is a tool to assist qualified engineers and
scientists in the development, testing, calibration and interpretation/analysis of the model.

It is recognized that many more options and features could be added to EFDC_Explorer. It is
anticipated that many new features will be added as resources are available.

1.1 Capabilities

The following lists provide a summary of the major feature of EFDC_Explorer. The lists are
grouped into three primary categories based on the general use of each feature. The first group
contains general purpose features while the other two groups summarize the major pre- and
post-processing features.

♦ Graphical interface to most of the commonly used EFDC features.
♦ Extensive visualization and point and click inquiries of input and output data.
♦ Extensive use of popup tips to help the user select the proper inputs.
♦ Extensive error and range checking for user inputs.
♦ Continuing support and development of the utility.

♦ Pre-Processor for the EFDC 3D Version.
♦ Easy and fast plan views of the model domain with model option specific viewing

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♦ Import many previous versions of the main control file (i.e. EFDC.INP).
♦ Build Cartesian or Curvilinear (limited) models from digital terrain models.
♦ Build complex Curvilinear models using grids generated by third party utilities.
♦ Build/Edit sediment beds with toxics.
♦ Set and edit boundary conditions by “point & click” on the model grid.
♦ Set and edit cell properties by “point & click” on the model grid.
♦ HSPF model boundary condition interface to quickly import HSPF results to EFDC.
♦ User defined polygon cell selections for editing.
♦ Use simple operators to edit one or any number of cells.
♦ View/Set Vegetation mapping (if used).
♦ View/Set Groundwater mapping (if used).
♦ Refine grid manually by activating/deactivating cells from the cell map.
♦ Simple water layer resetting (KC) to investigate layering impacts.
♦ Rapid setting of the initial conditions water surface or depths.
♦ Boundary conditions time series intelligent editor and one-button plotting.
♦ Use of a 2D polyline to assist in setting initial conditions.
♦ Create/Read a compact binary “archive” file for a model run.
♦ Perform QA checks on input data prior to model runs.
♦ View boundary condition time series
♦ View "Channel Modifier" information/configuration (if used).

Post-Processor- Miscellaneous
♦ View water surface time series plots with
♦ View vertical slice of grid showing
♦ View time-step history for dynamic time-stepping runs
♦ View water surface profile plots
♦ View detailed single column sediment/water column processes.
♦ Sediment & toxics “Mass Balance Tool”.
♦ Compute and view boundary mass loadings.
♦ View profiles of sediment bed and water column properties with time.
♦ Store and quickly display time series calibration comparisons.

Post-Processor- Plan View

♦ Post-Processor for the 3D (sigma stretch) EFDC Version.
♦ View/label cell maps.
♦ Quickly animate many of the results to the screen or an AVI file.
♦ Export results to the commercial graphics package TECPlot®.
♦ Compute model results statistics for current view or by polygon.
♦ Courant # calculator tool.
♦ View Sediment/Bottom results for any time output or animation, (by layer or
averaged/totaled over the number of sediment layers):
• Bottom topography elevations,
• Bottom scour/deposition,
• Bottom grain size distributions,
• Bottom sediment mass distributions (by layer or totaled over KB),
• Bottom sediment mass fractions (by layer or averaged over KB),
• Bottom sediment porosity (by layer or averaged over KB),

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• Bed surface shear stress.

♦ View water surface/depth maps, animations and time series.

♦ View Water Column results for any time output or animation, (by layer or
averaged/totaled over the number of water column layers):
• Salinity,
• Temperature,
• Dye,
• Toxics (by class or totaled)
ƒ Partition Options,
o Total Toxic
o Freely Dissolved
o DOC complexed,
o POC bound.
• Sediments (by class or totaled).

♦ View Velocity field results and animations.

• Depth averaged, specified layer, or all layers
• Velocity profiles
♦ Water flux calculator by layer or totaled for all layers.
o Single Snapshot
o Time Series
♦ Boundary water discharge/parameter flux calculator for open boundaries.
♦ View boundary conditions map.
♦ View roughness field.
♦ View Courant # map.
♦ View Wind Sheltering Factors
♦ View Groundwater Series Map
♦ View computational features like masks and channel modifiers.
♦ Compare velocity data to other model runs or field data (e.g. ADCP)
♦ Compare model results from two different models to each other.

Post-Processor- Vertical Profiles

♦ View cross plots along any I or J index.
♦ View cross sections through user defined polylines (i.e. drape lines).

1.2 Conventions

1.2.1. Windows Interface

While the general use of EFDC_Explorer is fairly standard with respect to a user interface for
the Windows® operating system, some basic conventions will be explained here that should
help the user.

Table 1.1 EFDC_Explorer user interface conventions.

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A black box with green text provide information only, it cannot be edited from that
location. The information/data may be modified elsewhere.

A while box with black text is the primary data/text input interface.

A radial button indicates a range of options. Only one can be selected for each
operation requested.

A check box is true (i.e. the option is selected) if it contains a black “X” in the
The “Browse” button is used extensively in the program to allow the user the
ability to navigate to the requested/desired file(s) rather than typing in the
adjacent text box.

The user will notice several “grayed out” or disabled features in EFDC_Explorer. This indicates
that a particular feature is not available for the currently applied version of EFDC or unavailable
based on the user selected options. The “grayed out” options are not available to the user.

1.2.2. Message Boxes and the Clipboard

During the use of EFDC_Explorer various informational message boxes will be displayed,
presenting the results of some calculation or other message. Most of these messages are also
placed into the Windows clipboard for ease of transferring the information to some other
application. The data are generally tab delimited.

1.2.3. Operators

Several places in EFDC_Explorer the user has the option of entering a value to replace the
current value of some input parameter (e.g., bottom elevation) or to use an “operator”. The
latter is a simple mathematical function that will be applied to the current value of the parameter.
A field that allows “operators” recognizes the inputs described in Table 1.2. Operators must be
followed by a space then the value, unless it is a simple replacement value.

Table 1.2 Operator descriptions.

Current Input
Input Description Value “Operator” Result
A Number Replacement value 300 310 310
+ Number Additive Operation 300 +1 301
- Number Subtraction Operation 300 - 20 280
* Number Multiplication Operation 300 * 1.1 330
/ Number Division Operation 300 / 1.1 272.73

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2 Installation & Startup
2.1 Installation

1) If you received EFDC_Explorer in a zip file (EFDC_Explorer.ZIP), unzip the zip file into
a temporary directory on your hard drive. To simplify the cleanup of files later it is
recommended that the temporary directory be empty before unzipping.

2) You may either a) Select File|Run from the Program Manager or File Manager and run
the EFDC_Explorer Install program (SETUP.EXE), or b) use Explorer to display the
directory files in the directory you unzipped the files to and then double click the file

3) Choose the directory and install EFDC_Explorer.

4) If you used a temporary directory you should delete the files that were unzipped. Keep a
copy of the zip file in case you need to install the program again.

Figure 2.1 Main EFDC_Explorer form.

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2.2 Quick Startup

Upon starting EFDC_Explorer the user will be presented with the form shown in Figure 2.1.
This form is basically divided into two parts. The upper section represents the pre-processor
functions and the lower section provides access to some of the post-processor functions.
Another major section of EFDC_Explorer is the toolbar located at the top of the form (Fig 2.2).
This provides access to the program configuration options and the main model viewing

Figure 2.2 Main form toolbar.

Table 2.1 Main toolbar summary of functions.

Exit EFDC_Explorer. Does not save project, only Pre-/Post-processor settings.

Generate an EFDC model using a template.

Open/Read an EFDC model.

Save current EFDC model into the same or new directory.

Setup current printer.

EFDC_Explorer configuration options, including where the EFDC model is


Toolbox of miscellaneous features and utilities.

View/Edit main EFDC.INP file for the current project.

Run EFDC using the current project. Does not save the project first.

Get runtime and other timing information for a completed model run.

ViewPlan. Display the model in plan view. This is used for some pre-
processing tasks (e.g. setting boundary conditions and modifying cell properties)
and post-processing results.
ViewProfile. Display the model profile view along an I or J or a user defined
section. This is used for post-processing results.

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2.2.1. File Management

EFDC currently uses fixed file names for its input files; therefore each run/project needs to be
stored in separate directories. EFDC_Explorer operates in the same manner. EFDC_Explorer
reads and writes the files with the standard fixed file names to/from the specified subdirectory
(called a “project” by EFDC_Explorer) Figure 2.3 shows the main file management toolbar and
Browse buttons to access the opening and/or saving of a project.

Figure 2.3 Project Open (Main Form) Open Operation

To open an existing project click on either on the toolbar folder button or the browse button
highlighted. They accomplish identical tasks. The “Select Directory: Open Operation” form is
then displayed. An example is shown in Figure 2.4. The directory displayed will be the last
project directory opened. The last 20 projects are available in the dropdown list located near
the bottom of the form. The panel on the right shows the files contained in the selected
directory. For Open operations, the EFDC.INP file must exist in the directory.

An option to open a previously EFDC_Explorer saved archive file is given. These files all have
an extension of “efdc”, for example “CedarRiver.efdc”. When you select the “Open Archive”
check box, the right panel only shows the available archive files in the selected directory.

The “Scale” input box allows the user to apply a conversion factor to the centroid units used in
the LXLY file. EFDC_Explorer defaults these units to meters. Many applications use
kilometers, UTM’s or miles as the unit base. Simply enter the conversion factor from whatever
units were used to meters in this box when loading the model for the first time and the model will
be correctly displayed. Note: When a model is loaded and then viewed and it looks like a
bunch of large cells stacked on top of one another, it is likely to be a LXLY units conversion

Cross Platform Note

Many users may want to use EFDC on both a PC and a UNIX

based computer. When transferring the input files from the UNIX
machine to the PC, the carriage control MUST be reset to the
Windows/DOS carriage control.

EFDC_Explorer has the ability to convert non-Windows/DOS

carriage control to Windows/DOS, via the Toolbox.

Also, the user may use one of several ASCII editors that have
this capability as well..

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Figure 2.4 Select Directory: Open Operation Figure 2.5 Select Directory: Write Operation

Historically, different versions of EFDC used different CELL.INP formats. EFDC_Explorer

automatically handles the file format to correctly load the CELL.INP file. Similarly, the main
EFDC.INP file and other input files have changed over the recent development history of EFDC.
EFDC_Explorer attempts to correctly read most of the historical input files, while ensuring the
latest version works and is the standard.

The check boxes concerning resetting boundary condition groups apply to existing projects that
have been managed by EFDC_Explorer. During the initial loading of a project or if the “Reset”
check box is selected, EFDC_Explorer tries to logically group boundary condition cells into
groups by type and location. EFDC_Explorer then manages the boundary conditions using this
group approach. If the user has modified the boundary conditions somehow and wants a
different logical grouping, they should select one of these options Write Operation

To save a currently opened project (i.e. Write Operation), click on the disk button highlighted on
the toolbar shown in Figure 2.3. The “Select Directory: Write Operation” form will be displayed
(Fig. 2.5). The user has the option to select which files are written by selecting the appropriate
“Save Option” button. For a complete save of all the input files select the “Full Write” option. If
you have only made changes the formatting options in EFDC_Explorer and want those saved,
select the “Save Profile” option. The profile is always saved for the other save options also.

If the user only has the “.efdc” archive file and wants to create a set of files that EFDC needs to
run that project, the user must select the “Full Write” option to create all the input files required.

To create a new project using the existing project, use the “Create New” button to create a new
subdirectory under the currently displayed directory. All the .INP files will be copied to the new
directory after the user selects OK on the “Write Operation” form..

Use the radial option button “DS, LLC” or “Tetra Tech” to select the desired model and
corresponding file structures. This method allows quick reformatting of the EFDC.INP file for
the different models. Care must be exercised to ensure that all the parameters have the desired
values when switching models.

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2.2.2. Printer Setup

The current default printer is automatically used by EFDC_Explorer. Figure 2.6 shows an
example printer setup form that appears when the highlighted toolbar button is pushed. If no
printers are available during the startup of EFDC_Explorer, it will display a warning but will
continue. Besides being used for printing, the settings from this form also impact certain
exported graphics. The primary setting used is the portrait versus landscape option to set page

Figure 2.6 Printer Setup

2.2.3. EFDC_Explorer Settings

This toolbar button allows the user to specify some installation specific parameters, like the
location of the EFDC executable to use, as well as project specific settings like default
precisions. Figure 2.7 shows the settings form.

The precision settings are for setting the output/display precisions for the indicated data types.
The default settings shown are fine for most applications. However, for special cases (e.g.
flume studies or other types of research applications) the user will likely have to make
adjustments to the defaults. This information is stored in the project specific EFDC.DS file. The
default settings for EFDC_Explorer are saved in the EFDCVIEW.INI file that is located in the
same directory as the EFDC_Explorer executable.

Many installation/machine specific default EFDC_Explorer settings are saved in the

EFDCVIEW.INI file. This is an editable ASCII file, though care should be exercised to not
corrupt the file. The file structure follows the Windows standard INI file using groups and tags.

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Figure 2.7 EFDC_Explorer settings form.

The project specific settings for information/data that the EFDC model does not use (i.e. labels,
plot formatting, etc) are saved in the EFDC.DS file that is located in the project directory. If the
user wants to maintain a complete data set (either with all the ASCII .INP files or the binary
archive file) the user must also save the EFDC.DS file. This also applies when the user is
sending the model to another person. The EFDC.DS file is also an ASCII file that can be edited
with any ASCII editor.

2.3 EFDC Files

The main control file for every EFDC application is the EFDC.INP file. EFDC.INP is an ASCII
file structured into card groups that generally have the same basic objective, e.g. card group 8
(C8) contains the settings for the run time but it also contains miscellaneous other parameters.
This file contains almost all of the computational options and data settings.

The EFDC model uses fixed file names (e.g. DXDY.INP) based on the type of information each
file contains. The files that are required for a model application vary based on the
computational and grid options selected. For example, if the ISVEG flag (C5) is >0 then the
VEGE.INP file, which contains vegetation information to compute vegetation based flow
resistance must be supplied. EFDC_Explorer reads and writes these same files and reduces
the need for the user to remember exactly which file and/or which card group has what flag or

In order for EFDC_Explorer to post-process the data the following files must be generated by

SURFCON.OUT Required. This file contains the water depths.

VELVECH.OUT Recommended. This file contains the 3D velocity field.
BED_TOP.OUT Always generated using EFDC_DS, an option with EFDC_TT.
This file contains the water column results as well as the sediment
surface information.
BED_LAY.OUT Always generated using EFDC_DS if sediment transport active
(ISTRAN(6) or ISTRAN(7) > 0) and KB>1, an option with
EFDC_TT. This file contains the sediment bed data for each
layer, including the toxics associated with each layer.

DS, LLC. 2-6 EFDC_Explorer

EFDC_INT.OUT This is an optional file that the EEXPOUT subroutine in EFDC
optionally generates. This file contains snapshots of almost any
internal EFDC array desired. EFDC_Explorer automatically loads
this file and provides visualization, if it exists. (See Appendix A for
more details)

2.4 General Program Operation

Upon starting EFDC_Explorer the user will be presented with the form shown in Figure 2.1.
This form is basically divided into thee parts. At the top of the form, the main Toolbar is shown
providing quick access to many of the primary EFDC_Explorer features and actions. The main
form is then divided into two primary sections. The upper section represents the pre-processor
functions and the lower section provides access to some of the post processor functions. The
operation and further instructions for each of these groupings will be described in the following

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3 Pre-Processor Operations
In the pre-processor section of the main form, EFDC_Explorer provides a simple user interface
to many of the commonly used options in EFDC that are stored in EFDC.INP. Some
parameters and settings are adjustable directly from this form while some others, usually some
specific subgroup, are available from buttons located on the main form.

Many of the input boxes have tips/values that pop up as the user pauses the mousepointer over
the input box. In addition, many of the input boxes have internal range checks, though they are
so broad to cover a large range of applications that they should not be relied upon in any way to
validate user inputs.

The PlanView function also provides some pre-processing features and functions that will be
described later in Section 7

3.1 Timing, Labels and Output Options

Figure 3.1 shows the “Timing &

Labels” tab. On this tab the user
also sets the output options that are
available from EFDC_Explorer. The
model run time , time steps,
including activating auto-stepping,
and output options are adjustable
by clicking on the “Modify” button.
Figure 3.1 Tab: Model Title, Timing and Output.
The “Procedure Timing” check box
turns on/off the internal to EFDC subroutine timing which is then output to the log file and read
by EFDC_Explorer’s “Get Runtime” button on the main toolbar. Total model run timing is not
effected by this option. In the current versions of EFDC/EFDC_Explorer, this is always on.

“Run Time Status” frame (Fig 3.1) contains the settings for EFDC’s feedback to EFDC’s runtime
screen during the model run. The user can simply type in the desired I and J or the user can
set them using the mouse. To set using the mouse, select “ViewPlan/Cell Map” view, then right
mouse click on the desired cell and select “Set as Show I J”.

Figure 3.2 shows the model timing and output options available to EFDC_Explorer. EFDC has
many more output options but the majority of them have become obsolete due to the
capabilities of EFDC_Explorer. The timing units have been set by EFDC_Explorer and are
displayed in the “Time Options” frame. To active autostepping set the “Safety Factor” to a
positive number >0 and <1. The users should be aware that EFDC_TT and EFDC_DS use
different autostepping routines so a safety factor set for one model may not work with the other
model. Generally, the safety factor ought to be less than 0.8 but some runs work with the safety
factor>1 and some require a value <0.3.

DS, LLC. 3-1 EFDC_Explorer

Figure 3.2 Runtime, Output and Title.

“Model Simulation Start Time” frame is used to set a real solar calendar date to link the model
Julian dates to. This is required when the user is using real date/time stamped files for
calibration graphical and statistical comparisons.

3.2 Grid & General

Figure 3.3 shows the “Grid &

General” options tab. This tab
has a range of different types of
inputs including the numerical
solution scheme.

The “Numerical Solutions

Schemes” frame provides
access to several of the Figure 3.3 Tab: Grid, numerical solution and
numerical solutions schemes miscellaneous options.
available in EFDC. Most of the
recent development and testing has been made using the conjugate gradient solver, which is
array solver option 9.

The “Mass Balance” frame enables mass balance checking and reporting for EFDC. The
number of steps relates to the number of time steps accumulated between reporting. The “V”
button provides quick access to the mass balance file. Consistent with the fixed naming
convention, the mass balance file written by EFDC is BAL.OUT for the 3 time level solution and
BAL2T.OUT for the 2 time level solution.

If any of the “factor” settings for water depth, bottom
elevation or roughness are 0 (or blank), EFDC will
compute a zero for that parameter for the initial

DS, LLC. 3-2 EFDC_Explorer

The “Computational Options” frame simply provides access to the computational and transport
switches and options that are contained in C6 in EFDC.INP. These switches are the primary
activation switches to specify which state variable(s) will be simulated by EFDC.

3.3 Hydrodynamics

Figure 3.4 shows the “Hydrodynamics” tab with the primary water layer settings (KC = number
of water layers) and the distribution of the relative layer thicknesses. The relative thicknesses
must add to 1 (or very close). EFDC_Explorer checks this for the user.

A feature here that is very

useful during preliminary
testing of a model application
is the rapid adjustment of
layering simply by changing
the number of layers.
EFDC_Explorer simply
reallocates the layering based
on the new KC and then
adjusts all the boundary Figure 3.4 Tab: Hydrodynamics and layering options.
conditions to reflect this
change. Use this feature with care but it has been tested on several applications and found to
work well.

The “Channel Modifier Flag” option box is used to enable the use of the channel modifiers
capability of EFDC. The normal “on” option is when this flag is set to 2. If set, EFDC requires
the MODCHAN.INP file to be input. EFDC_Explorer has the ability to create and edit channel
modifiers. The most robust and user friendly way is to turn on this option, then enter the
ViewPlan, select “Modchannel”, enable edit and use the right mouse click to add, delete or
modify channel modifiers (i.e. “pipes”). Edits to existing channel modifiers can also be made
from the “Toolbox” button on the main toolbar. Care should be exercised in using channel
modifiers as model instability is sometimes increased and mass balance errors can occur.

The “Use MASK File” check box enables the user to enable masks (zero thickness flow barriers)
in EFDC. The MASK.INP file will then be required by EFDC. EFDC_Explorer can generate
masks using the “Create Masks” utility under the “Toolbox” button on the main toolbar. The
“Create Masks” utility does not automatically turn on the mask computation button, it just
generates the masks and writes the MASK.INP file. The user must manually click the mouse
curser inside the “Use MASK File” check box to use the masks generated.

Under “Roughness Options”, other than the standard additive and multiplicative factors that
EFDC will apply to whatever z0’s are input in the DXDY.INP file, EFDC_Explorer has several
methods to set and/or modify the z0’s that will be written in the DXDY file.

“Floodplain Z0’s” and “Channel z0’s”: If the model was constructed with channel and floodplain
cell ID’s (i.e. 5 for channels and 7 for the floodplain in the cell map file, i.e., cell.inp) then the
user can set each one quickly using these buttons.

“Polygon Set”: The user can use a user defined polygon to modify/set the z0’s. This tool may
be applied as many times as needed anytime during the model construction and calibration

DS, LLC. 3-3 EFDC_Explorer

The hydrodynamic parameters like eddy diffusivities and activation of wave generated
turbulence are adjustable from the form available by clicking on the “Modify” button.

3.3.1. Eddy Viscosity & Diffusivities

Figure 3.5 shows the main form for

the computational options for the
horizontal and vertical eddy
viscosities and diffusivities. The
parameters and options have been
grouped according to which
dimension they used for, i.e.
horizontal or vertical.

The resulting horizontal diffusivity

from these options can be viewed
from within ViewPlan if velocities
are also available. The vertical
eddy viscosities and diffusivities
(AV & AD arrays in EFDC,
respectively) can also be viewed if Figure 3.5 Eddy Viscosities & Diffusivities.
the user configures the Internal
Array Viewer (See Appendix A) to include these arrays.

3.3.2. Wave Generated Turbulence

EFDC has the ability to import wave generated turbulence from wave models, such as
REF/DIF1 Ver 2.5 (1994). These imported stresses can then be used to either impact only the
boundary stresses (for sediment transport, ISWAVE=1) or can be used to impact the flow field
and boundary layer (ISWAVE=2). DSLLC has tested and verified this option for both EE and
EFDC using the RefDif/ShoreCirc modeling of rip tide currents (Svendsen, et. al., 2000).

Figure 3.6 shows the main input form for the wave parameters. After selecting the primary
wave option the user can import the data into EE. The data importing process uses the form
shown in Figure 3.7. Here the user must match the input data file (which should be in XYZ
format tab, space or comma delimited) to the parameter drop down list “Wave Field Parameter”.

Figure 3.7 Wave generated turbulence,

Figure 3.6 Wave generated turbulence import data form.

DS, LLC. 3-4 EFDC_Explorer

The user can either have wave height (2*wave amplitude) or wave energy, EE will compute the
one from the other. The user has the option of using a data selection polygon to subset the
EFDC cells to set. If a Poly file is not selected, then the entire model domain will be matched to
the raw data. EE then interpolates and converts the wave model results into formats needed for
EFDC. The interpolation process has two options, nearest neighbor interpolation or cell
averaging. Cell averaging should be used when the imported data is denser than the EFDC
model grid (this will usually be the case). The nearest neighbor interpolation scheme should be
used if the imported data is sparser than the EFDC model grid.

3.4 Groundwater & Vegetation

Figure 3.8 shows Groundwater and

Vegetation options. On this form
the user can only set the
computational option for enabling
the feature and at what level (see
the tooltips). The main settings and
data are available from the button
options listed. Each one is briefly
described below. Figure 3.8 Tab: Groundwater and Vegetation.

3.4.1. Vegetation

The “Modify Classes” button provides a user interface to the data that are needed for the
VEGE.INP file (Fig. 3.9). First the user should specify the number of vegetation classes they
need. Enter the number of the “Number of Vegetation Classes” input box and press return. The
grid will be expanded to accommodate the desired number of classes. All of the inputs required
by EFDC are shown with a couple of exceptions. The Beta1 & Beta2 variables are actually not
used but are included in the list. The VEGE.INP file must have data in those columns but they
are not actually used by EFDC.
The other exceptions are the ID
and Description fields. They are
only used by EFDC_Explorer.
The ID field is used to match
vegetation classes to polygon
ID’s (see the following description
of “Apply Overlays”) to
automatically set the vegetation
map that is needed for input via
the LXLY.INP file. The
Description field is only used for
Figure 3.9 Vegetation class parameters.
The “Apply Overlays” button uses
the vegetation class ID field and matches it to input polygon ID’s. The file containing one or
more polygons in the same file (see Appendix B for polygon formats) needs to be opened (via
the “Browse” button). The polygon file will be read and the polygon ID’s will be matched to the
vegetation class ID’s. If any vegetation classes do not have any defining polygons the user will
be notified. Once the initial matching process is complete the user then must choose to perform
the actual vegetation assignment. If there are unmatched vegetation classes, the user can
choose to process anyways but they need to be aware that no EFDC cells will be matched to

DS, LLC. 3-5 EFDC_Explorer

any the vegetation classes that do not have a polygon. The classes can always be edited later,
if desired.

3.4.2. Groundwater

In the “Groundwater Interactions” frame the user

can select a range of groundwater interaction
options. Care should be exercised as some of the
options have not been thoroughly tested and the
option may not apply to the intended use for the
current application. However, if the user has
reviewed the EFDC code and is confident of the
application, the user may assign the groundwater
parameters from this frame.

The “Modify Series” button gives access to the

groundwater class data. The number of series is
input in the appropriate box and then the grid
allows the user to specify the groundwater class
data. As with the vegetation class data, the ID
and the Description are used only by
EFDC_Explorer. Figure 3.11 Toxic Transport Options.
The ID, as with the vegetation classes, is again
used to match the groundwater classes to the EFDC cells using the “Apply Overlays” button.
The same process as discussed for the vegetation classes is applied here.

The “Apply Polygon” button is similar in function to the “Apply Overlays” button but does not
require a matching ID in the polygon file. Simply open the polygon file and then specify the
groundwater class, and then click the “Apply” button to assign all the cells that are “inside” the
polygon to that groundwater class.

3.5 Sediment & Toxics

Figure 3.10 shows an example of the sediment, toxics and the heat/temperature settings tab.
Each of the major sections are discussed in the following subsections.

Figure 3.10 Tab: Sed/Tox/Others

DS, LLC. 3-6 EFDC_Explorer

3.5.1. Toxics

The toxic transport parameters and options are set using the form shown in Figure 3.11. The
number of toxics included in the simulation are displayed in the top frame titled “Major Settings”.
This can be changed by the user, but since boundary and initial conditions are predicated on
the number of toxics, changing this value resets many of the toxics inputs. Therefore, this
should only be changed when the user is prepared to reset all the initial and boundary
conditions. A special case here is if the user sets the number to 0; then the toxics inputs are
skipped for that project from that time forward.

To enable the simulation of Toxics you need to select “Compute Toxics” checkbox or set the
simulate toxics (ISTRAN(5)) flag to 1 under the “Grid & General” tab, “Computational Options”

Each toxic has many of its own settings so the user must first select the toxic to be
edited/entered by using the drop down list in the upper left corner of the “Toxic Transport
Parameters” frame. Once a toxic has been selected all the appropriate information is displayed
on the form. The “Toxic Name” field is only used by EFDC_Explorer for labeling and
information. The contents of the grid (i.e., field) under the “Partition Coefficients” changes
based on the partitioning model selected.

3.5.2. Sediments

The sediment transport parameters and options are set using the form shown in Figures 3.2 to
3.15. The principal settings for the number of sediment classes and bed layers are specified in
the top frame under “Major Settings”. As with the toxics, these “Major Settings” parameters
should only be changed with care and usually early in the model calibration process so as not to
lose your initial and boundary conditions.

Figure 3.12 shows the form with the “Cohesives” tab shown. On this tab the user can tell EFDC
whether or not to simulate cohesives. Unchecking the “Simulate Cohesives” box does not
delete previously entered data on this

Figure 3.12 Sediment Transport – Cohesives.

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The number of columns shown in the
input parameter grid varies with the
number of classes to be modeled. The
Diameter setting located at the bottom
of the parameter grid sets the grain
size that will be used in calculating
D50’s for the sediment bed. It is not
used for any other calculations.

Figure 3.13 shows the form with the

“Non-Cohesives” tab shown. It is
similar in function and operation as the
cohesives tab. Grain size for each
non-cohesive class is required for the
sediment transport computations. This
value is also used as the grain size for
the D50 calculations.
Figure 3.13 Sediment Transport – Non-Cohesives.
The use of the Gamma parameters is
slightly different between the different EFDC codes. The user should know how the Gamma’s
are used by reviewing the code prior to finalizing the desired inputs. Generally these factors
have a value of either 0 or 1.

Figure 3.14 shows the form with the “Consolidation & Misc” tab shown. On this tab the user
must specify various bed consolidation
and bed morphology settings.

Figure 3.15 shows the sediment

parameters form with the “Initial
Conditions” tab selected. On this form
the user selects how they would like to
initialize the bed sediments for the
model. This is done by selecting the
option from the “Sediment Initial
Conditions Options” frame.

To set up a simple horizontally uniform

sediment bed for the model the user
can select the “Create Uniform Bed”
option. This brings up a dialog form
that asks the user to input the number
of layers, the number and types of
sediments, and allows the user to
specify the sediment fractions, Figure 3.14 Sediment Transport – Miscellaneous.
thickness, and bulk densities for each
layer. The user must still set the cohesive and non-cohesive erosion & deposition parameters,
but once the user finishes this option, the sediment bed configuration is ready for EFDC.
Digital Sediment Model: A very useful feature in EFDC_Explorer is its ability to build the EFDC
sediment files from a defined digital sediment model (DSM) that was generated by some third
party package (e.g., Spatial Explorer). The DSM format requires a polygon followed by the

DS, LLC. 3-8 EFDC_Explorer

layer thickness, bulk density, porosity
and grain size distribution for each
depth available (sediment depth
intervals are based on data). More
information on the data structure is
available in Appendix B.
EFDC_Explorer uses the DSM coupled
with the number of size classes
requested, the maximum size for each
class, the number of sediment layers
and the layer options (e.g., minimum
layer thickness) to build the EFDC
sediment files.

When then user clicks on the “Apply”

button after all the inputs have been
provided, EFDC_Explorer generates
the sediment map in memory and then
writes out the files. The current Figure 3.15 Sediment Transport – Initial Conditions.
sediment map (if any) will be replaced
by the new one. It is recommended
that the project be saved into a new subdirectory prior to implementing this option in order to
save different versions of the sediment bed configurations.

3.6 Initial Conditions

Figure 3.16 shows the “Initial” tab

that contains access to some of the
initial condition options available in
EFDC_Explorer. It is recognized
that many more options and
features could be added to
EFDC_Explorer. It is anticipated
that many new features will be Figure 3.16 Tab: Initial Conditions.
added as resources become

3.6.1. Restart Options

The user can turn on the use of the RESTART.INP file for hot-starting the model.
EFDC_Explorer checks to see if the file exists and if not, asks the user to point to the
appropriate RESTART file. EFDC_Explorer then copies it to the current project directory and
renames the file, if required (i.e. RESTART.OUT -> RESTART.INP)

3.6.2. Set Initial Conditions – Water Column

This section contains methods to assist the user to assign the initial conditions for the water
column. The check boxes next to each parameter sets the correct flags for EFDC to read and
use these initial condition fields. When the option buttons (e.g. “Salinity”) are pressed, a spatial

DS, LLC. 3-9 EFDC_Explorer

assignment form is displayed with appropriate options for the parameter. Polygons can be used
to apply to subsets of the model, operators (i.e. +/-*) can be applied, and/or raw data
interpolated to cell centroids or averaged into a cell.

The “Special Cases” button brings up a form (Figure 3.17) with some miscellaneous options to
set the bottom elevations and water surface elevations. This form has three separate function
areas. The top frame contains the ability to set and/or modify the entire model bottom. This
feature is somewhat redundant with an even more robust bottom editing functionality located
elsewhere in EFDC_Explorer. You can use this feature with operators to set/modify the bottom

The next two frames, “Sloping Surface

Based on Polyline” and “Flat surface”
can be used to modify the water
surface elevation or the water depth.
The “Sloping Surface Based on
Polyline” function loads a 2-D or a 3-D
polyline and “drapes” it across the
model water surface using the “Width
of Influence” option to determine how
far out laterally the utility will be
applied. If the computed surface is
below the land surface, a fraction of the
dry depth will be applied. If only a 2-D
polyline is available the user can use it
along with a computed slope and
starting elevation (from the
downstream point) to assign the water Figure 3.17 Initial Conditions Functions.
surface. Typically, this option is most
useful for river applications. You can apply this approach multiple times to different areas of the
grid to fully define the water surface for a complex stream network. It can also be used in
conjunction with the “Flat Surface” option. The “Flat Surface” option does just what it says. It
fixes either a single value for the water surface or for the depth. If a polygon file has been
specified, then it will apply this value to only those cells inside the polygons located in the file.
This feature is most applicable to estuaries, coastal zones and some reservoirs and lakes.

3.6.3. General Horizontal Spatial Assignment Form

EFDC_Explorer often needs to assign constant or varying values across the entire model
domain or within subsets. To meet this need a general horizontal spatial assignment utility has
been constructed to meet this need. The utility is context/parameter sensitive and displays
different options and features, based on what the user requested and/or specified for data.
Figure 3.18 shows one example of this utility for salinity

The “Poly File” field is an optional field to specify a polygon file that contain one or more
polygons. Cells that are inside the polygon(s), using the “Inside Cell Test” options, will be
adjusted according to the options specified in the “Modify Options” frame.

The XYZ file is an optional file that identifies the measured or otherwise determined data that
the use wants to assign to the EFDC cells. Generally, this file is required unless the user is
simply applying a constant to the cells or is applying an operator.

DS, LLC. 3-10 EFDC_Explorer

Under the “modify Options” frame various
functions and features will be displayed,
based on what the user selected. In this
case (Fig 3.18), sediments are being
assigned. The user can select either to
apply an operator or interpolate the data in
the XYZ file to the selected cells (via the
Poly File). Nearest neighbor approach is
used to interpolate the horizontal spatial data
onto the grid.

As this is for the water column, the user must

specify which layer this assignment is for, Figure 3.18 Tab: Initial Conditions.

one layer or all the layers. Also,

since this is for sediments, the
user must specify which class the
assignment is for.

The “Options” button brings up

another form allowing the user to
change the interpolation options.
Depending on whether
Figure 3.19 Tab: Boundary Conditions.
bathymetry or wave parameters
are being set the “Option” button also allows the user to define raw data zonation options. The
zonation option simply automatically divides the raw data into a specified number of X and Y
zones (with overlap to handle zone edges) before applying the requested interpolation process.
This significantly speeds up many applications with no loss in accuracy. Zonation is
recommended if the raw data has a large number of points. EFDC_Explorer informs the user of
the range in number of data points in each zone before conducting the actual assignment.

For bathymetry and wave data the user has two choices for cell assignment, spatial
interpolation via nearest neighbor or averaging data into each cell. If the XYZ data is very
dense, relative to the model cell size, then the best approach will be to use cell averaging.
However, if the XYZ data is not dense enough to completely assign at least one value for every
applicable model cell, then the nearest neighbor interpolation option is better.

3.7 Boundary Conditions

Figure 3.19 shows an example of the “Boundary” tab that contains access to the available
boundary condition editing features. The user can also create and edit boundary conditions
from the ViewPlan “Boundary Conditions” feature.

EFDC applies the boundary conditions in a cell by cell manner. However, EFDC_Explorer takes
a more physically based approach to handle boundary conditions. It groups boundary cells into
logical groupings, e.g., a river inflow, a tributary or an open boundary along one face. Ideally,
the user will create the group, name it with something meaningful to the project, assign all the-
cells included in that group to the group (this can be done manually or via polylines/polygons),
and then set the boundary condition. The boundary group information is stored in the EFDC.DS
project file located in the project directory. However, if there are no current groupings when

DS, LLC. 3-11 EFDC_Explorer

EFDC_Explorer loads a project, it groups the existing boundary cells into groups based on the
type of boundary condition and their locations. Within a group many of the water quality
parameters are the same, but flow, head and pressure settings can vary from cell to cell. This
limits the complete specification of each cell that EFDC provides, but gives a much more logical
way to manage the boundary conditions.

The types of boundary conditions available in EFDC are displayed in the “Number of Input
Tables and Series” frame (see Fig 3.19). The number of currently defined tables and series are
displayed along side of a button labeled “E”. A time series boundary condition editor is
displayed if the user clicks the “E” button (Figure 3.20). This form has several useful features
like applying “operators” to the date column or any/all of the data columns, import and export the
series, automatic determination of data points in each series, adding, duplicating and deleting
whole series and viewing any/all series. The tool can be used to create new time series for any
of the boundary condition stresses.

3.7.1. “Edit” Boundary Conditions

The “Edit” button provides access to the general boundary group edit form. In this form (Fig.
3.21) the user can add, modify and/or delete boundary groups and cells in the groups. The cell
group selected defines the option context for the form. The number of cells in each group and
the ability to edit the cell list is displayed in the frame to the right of the group list. This frame
varies in style depending on whether the group is using the “Cell by Cell” or the “Polygon”
definition method. Typically, if the user wanted to use the “Polygon” method, they would only do
so the first time and then switch to the “Cell by Cell” method for subsequent use.

Groups are added and deleted by setting the focus to the group list and then pressing “INS” or
“DEL” as is appropriate. If
deleting a group, make sure
the correct group is

For flow BC’s the “Flow

Definition” frame has
several useful features. If
the user has an input flow
series for a river that
requires assigning the BC at
several cells, the single flow
input can be used and the
“Table Factor” can be set to
split the flow appropriately.
The “Set Table Factors”
sets the “Table Factor”
based on volumes. A
constant inflow can also be
set in a similar manner by
using the “Set Group Flow”
button. A feature that is Figure 3.20 Boundary conditions time series editor.
needed in the future will be
the ability to turn flow on/off
based on an input water

DS, LLC. 3-12 EFDC_Explorer

level series to accommodate floodplain or
tidal marsh flow at the boundary.

The “A” button next to several field allows

the user to quickly assign all the boundary
cells in the current group to the parameter
specified in the adjacent field. For
example, pressing the “A” next to the
“Table” field shown in Fig. 3.17 would set
the flow series number for all 63 cells in
flow group “Flows07” to 7.

Each cell can be added or removed from a

boundary group using the “Cell by Cell”
option. Initially, the user can use the
“Polygon” option to select a polygon or
polyline to initially assign the cells that are
to be included in the group. Once set, the
user should switch bac to “Cell by Cell” for
normal usage. Figure 3.21 Boundary Conditions Edit Form.
A limitation of EFDC_Explorer is that a
group must use the same concentrations boundary conditions. This applies to both the input
time series tables and the inflow constant concentrations. If this is an issue with a particular
application, then simply split the group up into separate logical groups and apply each
concentration boundary condition, as appropriate.

It is anticipated that a time series create/modify utility will be added as resources allow. This will
apply to both data series for flow, head and concentrations as well as tidal harmonics.

3.7.2. Import HSPF Data

The “HSPF” button provides access to the import function for the Hydrologic Simulation
Program in Fortran (HSPF) (Bicknell et al., 2001). This is a hydrologic watershed modeling tool
that is commonly used to predict flows and some water quality parameters. If this tool is used to
predict the flows in a basin/watershed in which the EFDC model is being applied, then these
results can be imported as boundary conditions for EFDC.

The import tool, shown in Figure 3.22, works by linking HSPF files to specific boundary groups.
The only groups that can have HSPF data assigned to them are flow boundaries. Each group
can have its own HSPF file and import options. Flow, temperature, and solids are optionally
selected (“Import” check box for each parameter) along with the column which contains the data
and a conversion factor to convert whatever units are in the file to m3/s for flow, °C for
temperature and mg/l for solids.

The solids are a special case. Along the rows the solids classes for HSPF are displayed. In the
1st grid column (“Col”) the user specifies the data column number that contains the clay, silt and
sand. Then the user assigns weights or factors to each grain size class modeled in EFDC to
the data columns. In this manner the user may combine HSPF sizes into whatever EFDC class
they desire. If the class weights totaled for each row add up to 1, then the same mass that is
predicted by HSPF will be input to EFDC. It is possible to assign more of any HSPF size class

DS, LLC. 3-13 EFDC_Explorer

to EFDC than HSPF computed by using weights that add up to more than one. This same
approach is true in reverse as well.

The HSPF file does not need to be imported in its entirety. The period of extraction from the
HSPF is controlled by the “Begin” and “End” dates specified in the input boxes located at the
bottom of the HSPF preview pane. The column count for all the data is based on the first actual
data column, not including the time date stamp. For example the HSPF file preview pane
shown in Figure 3.22 shows that for the date 1/1/1994 at 01:00, the flow is 541 cfs. The flow in
this example is data column 1 and there would be a total of 5 data columns.

3.7.3. Check Boundary Conditions

The “Check Boundary Conditions” button runs through all the currently defined boundary
conditions and checks to see if they are valid with respect to cell pointers, table series, matching
head/concentration cells for open boundaries, etc.

Figure 3.22 HSPF model results import utility.

DS, LLC. 3-14 EFDC_Explorer

4 Post-Processing Operations
Most of the post-processing visualization features of EFDC_Explorer are located in the
ViewPlan and ViewProfile functions, which are discussed later. However, there a several
other features for post-processing model runs that are available from the main form (see Fig.
1.2). The post-processing functions are located in the lower half of the main form. Four tabs
provide access to the feature, and each tab is discussed below

4.1 Hydrodynamics

Access to some of the profiling and time series

options are available on the “Hydrodynamics” tab
(Fig. 4.1). Each major option or feature will be
discussed below.

The “Slice/Extraction Options” frame needs to be

set first before a slice can be extracted from
EFDC. There are three options. The user may
Figure 4.1 Tab: Hydrodynamics.
either select a value of I to extract the active J
cells along that I, or select a value of J to extract
the active I cells along that J. The third option is to use a “Drape Line”, which is a polyline in the
same coordinate system as the LXLY data. The I & J’s from along the line will be assembled
and the profile will be output along that slice.

The “Water Surface Time Series” button outputs brings up a form where the user selects the I
and J (or from an X & Y) for up to 10 cells that the user wants to get a plot of either water
surface elevation or water depths. Figure 4.2 shows an example water surface elevation plot for
a river/floodplain application with floodplain and river cells shown.

The “View Vertical Slice of Grid” button simply extracts a profile using the settings in the
“Slice/Extraction Options” frame and displays the water column and sediment bed layering (if
KB>0). Figure 4.3 shows an example slice. If the drape line or the I/J extraction falls across
inactive cells a gap will be displayed.

The “Time Step History” button provides a time series plot of the internal time step that EFDC
used for the simulation being reviewed. This is of any particular interest only when dynamic
time stepping was used for the simulation.

Storm Hydrograph with Wetting & Drying 'Cedar-Ortega-St Johns River Curvilinear Grid Model'
Grid Profile: I=75
Cell by Cell Time Series 1

291.00 -1

Water Surface (m)

Elevation (m)




289.50 i=32,j=37 -6


4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 6.00 6.50 7.00 7.50 8.00 -1000 1500 4000 6500 9000 11500 14000
Time (days) Distance (m)

Figure 4.2 Example water surface elevation Figure 4.3 Example grid profile plot.
time series.

DS, LLC. 4-1 EFDC_Explorer

The “Water Surface Profile” button extracts a profile using the settings in the “Slice/Extraction
Options” frame and then displays the results. Two lines are shown, one for the water surface
elevation and the other for the bottom. The user can “scroll” up and down along all the
snapshot times by pressing the PgUp and PgDn keys using a snapshot increment of 1. Larger
snapshot increments are available using the Shift key for increments of 10 and the Ctrl key for
increments of 100. An example water surface profile is shown in Figure 4.4.

'Cedar-Ortega-St Johns River Curvilinear Grid Model'

EFDC Time: 117.750 Days

Elevation (m)



Water Surface

0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000
Distance (m)

Figure 4.4 Example water surface elevation profile with bathymetry.

4.2 Sediments & Toxics

Access to some of the sediment post-processing

functions is located on the “Sediments/Toxics”
tab (Fig. 4.5). Each major option or feature will
be discussed below.

The features located in the “Single Column

Sediment Layers” frame all deal with looking in
some detail at a single cell and its sediments Figure 4.5 Tab: Sediments/Toxics.
with time. These options produce single cell
plots similar in style to the profile plots, but for only one cell. You can use the PgUp and PgDn
keys to scroll up and down in time.

DS, LLC. 4-2 EFDC_Explorer

4.2.1. Mass Balance Tool

The Mass Balance Tool allows the user to evaluate the total model’s sediment and/or toxic
balance as well as determining the mass fluxes through each boundary type (Figure 4.6 and
Figure 4.7). Time series plots of the mass loading through the flow type boundaries can also be
obtained (Figure 4.8). The mass loading plots can be obtained It can be used without
computing the mass balance. The mass balance calculations work for flow, head control and
open type boundaries.

Figure 4.6 Mass Balance Tool options form.

Figure 4.7 Mass balance results


Housatonic River, Sediment stabilization run


TSS Loading (MT/Day)

Group: East Branch

Group: West Branch
Group: Sackett Br
Group: Roaring Br
Group: Flow05
750 Group: WWTP
Group: Flow07
Group: Flow08
Group: Flow09
Group: Flow10



18.25 18.50 18.75 19.00 19.25 19.50 19.75 20.00 20.25 20.50 20.75 21.00 21.25 21.50 21.75 22.00
Time (days)

Figure 4.8 Plot of total sediment (TSS) loading from flow type boundaries.

DS, LLC. 4-3 EFDC_Explorer

4.2.2. Sediment Profile

The “Sediment Profile” button extracts a profile using the settings in the “Slice/Extraction
Options” frame and then displays the results. What is plotted is the sediment mass fractions for
the top most active sediment layer and, if desired, the water column concentrations for any
active constituent. This is very similar to the ViewProfile post-processing function but each
defined sediment class is separately shown for only the top layer. Figure 4.9 provides an
example plot. Again you can use the PgUp and PgDn keys to move in time. Use the Ctrl-O key
combination or right mouse click on the key to obtain access to the profile settings. The solid
line through the color ramp separates the key into the water column (upper section) and the
sediment bed (lower section).

Project: Somewhereville, Dirty River

Calibration Results: June 2000 Storm Event
Specified IJ, Time: 5.29
Total Suspended Solids
291.50 0 (mg/l) 100

0 1
Mass Fraction for each

291.00 Size Class
Profile: User Defined


Elevation (m)







1000 1025 1050 1075 1100 1125 1150 1175 1200 1225 1250
Distance (m)

Figure 4.9 Example sediment profile plot with the water column.

4.3 Miscellaneous Series

Access to a general purpose time series and profile utility is located in the “Misc. Series ” tab
(Figure 4.10). Currently, only a simple and limited utility is available. This will be substantially
improved as resources become available.

DS, LLC. 4-4 EFDC_Explorer

Figure 4.10 Tab: Miscellaneous Series. Figure 4.11 Tab: Calibration.

4.4 Calibration

Figure 4.11 displays the “Calibration” tab that provides access to some of the calibration tasks
available in EFDC_Explorer. As resources become available, additional statistical and
graphical comparisons will be developed.

4.4.1. Time Series Comparisons

The “Time Series Comparisons” frame contains the buttons that configure (“Define/Edit”) and
plot (“View”) a series of EFDC cells and measured time series data. Once configured, the
linkages between the EFDC cells and the data is automatically available and the user simply
needs to press the “View” button to compare model to data for each run. Figure 4.12 displays
the form used to link cells to data and other parameters. The ID field is only used for labeling by

The “Get I & J” button allows the user to input X and Y values in the LXLY units to automatically
set the values of I & J. The I & J values will be inserted into the grid for the row where the text is
selected on the grid. Right mouse click on the cells to obtain additional input options or guides.
Currently, this feature is only functional for water surface time series (Param=1).

Figure 4.12 Time series calibration EFDC cell and data linkage definitions.

DS, LLC. 4-5 EFDC_Explorer

Project: Somewhereville, Dirty River
Calibration Results: June 2000 Storm Event




Water Surface (m)

293 Site2-Data




0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.25 3.50 3.75 4.00
Time (days)

Figure 4.13 Example of the automated calibration time series tool.

Figure 4.13 shows an example if the plotted results this option produces after the finished with
the definition process.

4.4.2. Load 2D Measured Data

The “Load 2D Measured Data” button brings up the form displayed in Figure 4.14. Currently,
only velocities can be loaded here, but this feature will be expanded as resources become
available. The options area is context sensitive to the option selected for importing.

The data format used for the 2D data currently is the ASCII PLT format used by Tecplot®. An I,
J and K 3D regular grid or a series of discrete measured 3D vectors (X,Y,Z,Vx,Vy,Vz ) can be
input. Pre-processing of the data is expected to be completed so that the data are ready for

Figure 4.14 Loading measured 2D calibration data.

DS, LLC. 4-6 EFDC_Explorer

direct comparison to the model results. For example, if Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler
(ADCP) data are being used, the spatial and temporal averaging must be done prior to
importing to average the Reynolds stresses (i.e., turbulent fluctuations). One exception to this
is EFDC_Explorer has the ability to average the data into the matching EFDC cells. Once
imported, these data are available for plotting and statistical analysis via the ViewPlan /
“Velocities” option. To view and calculate statistics for both the model and the data, make sure
the “Show Comparison” check box is checked.

4.4.3. Load Comparison Model

The “Load Comparison Model” button allows the user to load a comparison model into
EFDC_Explorer for plotting a range of comparisons between the two models. Figure 4.15
displays the load options form. Browse to the project directory and then select the project
desired. Next, you MUST press the “Load” button before the comparison model is actually
loaded into EFDC_Explorer. The “Time Tolerance” input box allows for some slight differences
in model output times when
comparing time snapshots during the

Currently, this option is only

applicable for comparing bottom
elevations and velocities. As
resources become available this
option can be expanded.

Figure 4.15 Load a comparison EFDC model.

DS, LLC. 4-7 EFDC_Explorer

5 Generate New Model

EFDC_Explorer has the ability to generate a new model. However, many of the files required
will have come from other third party packages or custom applications. Figure 5.1 shows an
example model generation options form. The “Grid/Element Generation Options” frame
contents vary based on the type of desired grid to be constructed as selected in the “Grid Type”
frame. Currently the user can build Cartesian grids, curvilinear grids for riverine systems, and
import existing ECOMSED (Ref) grid files. It can also import third party grid files but this option
requires the user to contact DS to customize the input grid file routine. Each of the major input
options will be discussed in the following subsections.

Figure 5.1 Generate new model options form, with expanding

Cartesian option.

5.1 Getting Started

5.1.1. Topographic Information File

Fundamental to any model is an understanding of the topography/bathymetry of the region. For

modeling purposes this is best expressed as a digital terrain model (DTM). The DTM should be
detailed enough to resolve the significant features of interest (e.g. channel definition). The
DTM is the primary basis for generating, along with the griding option, a new model using
EFDC_Explorer. A file must be selected with topographic data over the region to be modeled.
The formats of this type of file are provided in Appendix B. After the user browses to the file,
EFDC_Explorer automatically loads the file and displays the corner coordinates in the “Upper
Right” and “Lower Left” frames. The units displayed are assumed to be in meters with direct
correspondence to the coordinates to be used for the LXLY file. An example digital topographic
data file using colors to represent the elevation range is displayed in Figure 5.2.

DS, LLC. 5-1 EFDC_Explorer

EFDC_Explorer allows the user an ability to reapply revised or new topographic information to
an existing model quickly and easily. Load the existing model as normal with EFDC_Explorer,
then open the “Generate” form displayed in
Figure 5.1. After the user has selected the
new topographic data file, the user clicks the
“Apply Topo to Existing Model” button, and
when the process is finished, press the
“Return” button. The new cell bottom
elevations will be assigned based on the
new topographic data and the elevation
computation options shown in the grid
generations frame.

5.1.2. EFDC.INP Template File

There are many settings that need to be

assigned when building a new model. The
approach taken by EFDC_Explorer is to
input a template EFDC.INP file that has the
basic features the user desires. This only
applies to computation options,
hydrodynamic settings, and a range of
miscellaneous settings. The major settings Figure 5.2 Example digital topographic data.
such as the grid settings, water layers, cell
map, and processes simulated are all reset
by EFDC_Explorer. A valid EFDC.INP must
be selected prior to being able to generate a new model.

5.1.3. Grid Type

The “Grid Type” frame contains the primary selection of grid generation function. The contents
of the center frame, “Grid/Element Generation Options”, will vary depending on the option
selected. Shown in Figure 5.1 is the frame contents for the Cartesian grid option.

5.1.4. Cartesian Grid

There are two types of Cartesian grid options available. One for a simple uniform grid spacing
and one for variable grid spacing. The user selects the desired option and then fills in the
appropriate settings as outlined below.

The coordinate system used in the topographic file, if used, boundary polygons and specified in
the various required coordinate parameters must be the same.

The elevation options can actually be used for grid generation types other than Cartesian, but
only those applicable to Cartesian grids will be discussed here. EFDC_Explorer provides the
user with several methods of generating the cell bottom elevations from the input topographic
data. This functionality is primarily associated to dealing with matching the topographic grid
spacing to the model grid spacing. Ideally, the topographic data are much more refined than
the model grid but this may not always be the case. The “Average All Z’s in a Cell” is the most

DS, LLC. 5-2 EFDC_Explorer

standard approach; however, the minimum Z or the Z nearest the centroid may be the more
appropriate application. This may need some testing by the user. However, it is an easy
process to generate and compare different model bathymetries.

The last three elevation options are mainly used for building test or evaluation models, or
preliminary models with actual grids.

Typically the user is not building a rectangular model domain. Therefore the user has the option
of entering a polygon file that specifies the model domain. Any cells that are inside the polygon
will be set as active for the model. The “Cell Test” frame allows the user to set the inside
polygon test options to determine if the cell is inside the model domain or not.

If the user is modeling a riverine system with overbank/floodplains, the user may provide a
“Channel Polygon” file. This file assigns all cells outside this polygon but inside the model
domain as floodplain cells (Cell type = 7). Those cells inside the polygon receive a standard
computational cell type (Cell type = 5). This allows some of the tools in EFDC_Explorer to be
quickly applied, e.g. Roughness Options. Uniform Grid

For the Cartesian grid option, the user must specify the model corner coordinates and spacing.
Several utilities have been provided to speed this process. The “Set to Data” button simply
copies the data from the topographic data corners to the grid corners. The user can edit them
afterwards as desired. Secondly, the “Update” button computes empty fields. For example, if
the user enters the lower left (LL) corner, the DX, DY and NX (IC-2) and NY (JC-2) then presses
the “Update” button, the upper right (UR) coordinates are set. Likewise, if the LL and UR
coordinates are set and the NX and NY values are set the DX and DY are computed. Expanding Grid

An expanding grid is simply a variable spaced Cartesian grid that expands in all directions from
a focal point. The form shown in Figure 5.1 shows the parameters needed for developing an
expanding grid. The user must specify the coordinates of the focal point, the initial (smallest)
delta X & delta Y’s, the rate at which the user wants them to expanding in and the maximum cell
sizes. Specify an “Active Cell Polygon” to trim the cells to the desired model domain. The
spatial limits of the grid are set either by the topographic data or the active cell polygon.

Figure 5.3 shows an example of the expanding grid developed for the San Francisco Bay. The
focal point is just offshore from Hunters Point.

DS, LLC. 5-3 EFDC_Explorer

San Francisco Bay Demonstration Model

Bottom Elev
-50 Time: 0.000 -2

Figure 5.3 Expanding Cartesian grid example of San Francisco Bay.

DS, LLC. 5-4 EFDC_Explorer

5.1.5. Riverine Curvilinear Grid

Figure 5.4 is the grid generation form with curvilinear grid option selected showing the required
input files Three grid definition files are required, along with the topographic data file and the
EFDC.INP file to generate a model. The three files are a section/transect file that contains a
series of transect locations. This defines the longitudinal sectioning. The centerline/thalweg file
defines the grid centerline curvature and flow path between sections. Lastly, the user specifies
a model domain boundary polygon file that limits the lateral growth of the cells out from the
centerline. The user then must specify some additional options for the grid generation process.

The radial option buttons near the bottom of the form specify how the curvilinear cells will be
inserted into the boundary file (e.g. shoreline). The options are:

Centerline Dominant - This option attempts to center either the middle of the center
lateral cell (odd number of cell across) or the edge between the middle two cells (even
number of cells across) with the cells on either side fitted into the remaining space on
each side.

Equi-Distance Widths – This option calculates the width across the section and then
divides it by the number of cells across specified. The cells are then fitted into the

Maximum Width – For this approach the user must specify the minimum number of cells
across the channel and then a maximum width allowed for any single cell. The
centerline dominant approach is then used until the computed widths exceed the
maximum width. At that time the width is set to the maximum and additional cells are
added on either side to fill the channel.

Uniform (Fixed) Width – This approach uses a fixed cell width and attempts to fill the
channel with as many cells as needed, yet to generally stay in the channel.

Once the files are specified and options selected, the user clicks the “Generate” button and a
new model is constructed. Figure 5.5 shows an example of a curvilinear model developed for
the Cedar River.

DS, LLC. 5-5 EFDC_Explorer

g p (

Bottom Elev
-2.316 Time: 1.00 -.9

Figure 5.4 Generate new model options form, showing the Figure 5.5 Curvilinear grid
curvilinear option. generation example for the
Cedar River

5.1.6. Import ECOMSED Model

This feature allows the user to import an existing ESOMSED DX/DY file into EFDC. This
approach also requires a “Corners” file which is a specific data format that contains the output
cell corner coordinates from the grid generator for each cell. The topographic data file is not
required as the cell bottom data should already exist in the DX/DY file from ECOMSED.

5.1.7. Import Third Party

Lastly, a general purpose model generation capability using third party grid files is functional,
but is not ready for general use. Please contact Dynamic Solutions if you have need of this

DS, LLC. 5-6 EFDC_Explorer

6 Other Toolbar Functions
This section contains brief descriptions of several miscellaneous functions that are available
from the main toolbar of EFDC_Explorer.

6.1 Toolbag

The “Toolbag” function on the toolbar contains a range of different functions and utilities that
has been needed. Figure 6.1 shows a screen capture of the current functions available under
the toolbag.

Unix -> Windows CRLF Conversion: This utility scans a specified

directory and determines if any of the files contained in
the directory do not use the Windows CRLF standard.
The user then has then option to automatically convert all
non-Windows CRLF files to the Windows standard.

Delete Unnecessary EFDC Generated Files: This utility allows

the user to specify certain groups of output files from
EFDC to be deleted. The main purpose of this function is
to clean up all the project directories and save disk space
Figure 6.1 Toolbar
by deleting all the files in a project directory that are not
needed by EFDC or EFDC_Explorer. This utility works on
the specified directory and ALL subdirectories under the top level directory specified.
The utility scans the directory structure and then lists all the files that may be deleted if
the user presses the “Delete Matched Files” button. If there are a few files the user
doesn’t want deleted that are listed, simply deleting their name from the list will keep
them from being deleted as the utility uses the files in the list to delete.

Create Uniform Bed Files: This routine does exactly what the title says it does. It does not
actually update the existing model data that are currently loaded into EFDC_Explorer. It
simply creates new files based on the settings chosen. This is similar to the EFDC
option of creating uniform beds, but the user has more control over the settings and
process per layer.

Export Bottom Elevations: This option outputs an ASCII file with each line containing the X, Y
(@ the cell centroid) and Z for each cell in the file.

Rotate Velocities: This option modifies, using an operator in degrees, the rotation matrix (in
LXLY) and re-computes the new cell corners based on the DX and DY’s. The cell
centroids are not effected by this tool.

Modify ModChan File: This option provides access to a channel modifier global editor
recalculates channel lengths, change orientation from U to V and vice-a-versa. It also
has a Q/A function to ensure all the upstream and downstream I & J’s point to valid cells.

Create Masks: This is a rudimentary mask generator. This utility generates masks along
specified I or J’s for a specified length. The user has the option of resetting the number

DS, LLC. 6-1 EFDC_Explorer

of masks to 0 prior to generation or to add to the existing masks. When you use this
utility it does not automatically activate masks in the main form. Thus, the user must do
this. It does not write the MASK.INP file until the project is saved.

Create Tracer: This routine creates an injection tracer into specified cells. You can use existing
flow boundaries or the utility will create both a flow BC and a concentration time series.
You can specify the length of time and the number of pulses to be injected. No files are
written until the project is saved.

Categorize Bottom Shears: This utility scans the Bed_Top.Out file for the entire simulation
period and builds a list of categorized shears into predetermined bins. The results are
displayed in a message box and placed onto the clipboard for pasting into Excel® or
some other display/plotting package.

Subset Model: Not operational at this time. This feature will be enabled as resources become

Calculate HSPF FTables: This utility computes the data necessary for creating an FTable for
the HSPF model. It assumes that the current project has been designed to be able to
generate the necessary information for the FTable. This type of project is simply the
base model, but instead of actual inflows into the domain all the flow boundaries have a
step flow to allow the system to achieve steady state at that flow and then all the flows
must be stepped up again to the appropriate level. Generally, this can be done with just
one upstream flow BC, but each case needs to be evaluated. After the run is complete
the EFDC results should be a series of steady state flow regimes throughout the model
domain. This utility then uses these results along with the reach polygons to build the

6.2 Editor

This button on the toolbar starts the configured editor and loads the EFDC.INP file in the current
project. It uses the editor configured in the EFDC_Explorer Settings form (see Section 2.2.3).
Future versions will include an EFDC file list to select the file to edit.

6.3 Run Model

This is the button that actually runs an EFDC project. It does not store the EFDC project loaded
in EFDC_Explorer prior to running, so if the user has made changes that they desire the run to
reflect, then the user must save the project first.

This function actually builds a batch file, saves it in the EFDC_Explorer application directory,
and then launches the batch file. The file name is RunEFDC.Bat.

DS, LLC. 6-2 EFDC_Explorer

6.4 Run Times

The “clock” button provides a summary of the project’s run times. As EFDC runs it keeps track
of its run time, and when the run finishes it writes the information to the file TIME.LOG. When
this button is pressed, EFDC_Explorer reads the TIME.LOG file and provides a summary of the
information. Figure 6.2 shows an example.

The internal subroutine timing may be 0.0 if the user did not activate “Procedure Timing”
checkbox on the “Timing & Labels” tab of the main pre-processor form. Overall run times are
still available.

Figure 6.2 Example of the model run times.

DS, LLC. 6-3 EFDC_Explorer

7 ViewPlan

The ViewPlan button of the main toolbar provides access to the primary utility for all the pre-
processor visualization and map based interface functions as well as the primary post-
processing utility.

Table 7.1 contains a list of the parameters that can be visualized using ViewPlan. The Sub-
Options column only lists the major sub-options. Almost every function has a number of sub-
options and features to combine and split the data in a range of different ways.

Table 7.1 Main Functions of ViewPlan

ViewPlan Option Description Sub-Options
Displays the model domain with the I & J
Cell Indicies NA No
indices labeled
Displays the computational cell map that is
Cell Map NA No
saved in the CELL.INP file
Each time snapshot.
Can overlay the
Bottom Elev Displays the bottom elevation Yes
velocities or cell
Displays the model domain with the
Boundary C's NA Yes
boundary cells shown by type
Displays the channel modifier showing
ModChannel NA No
Roughness Displays the bottom roughness NA No
Water Depth Displays the water depth NA Yes
WS Elevation Displays the water surface elevation NA Yes
Displays a simple wet/dry map of the
Wet/Dry NA Yes
model domain
Displays a EFDC_Explorer computed
Courant # NA Yes
Courant number
Salinity, temperature,
Dye, POC, DOC, toxics
(dissolved, POC
Displays the water column parameter bound, DOC
Water Column Yes
values for the selected sup-option. complexed),
cohesives, & non-
cohesives, total
suspended sediments
Top active layer,
Displays the sediment bed parameter thickness, sediment
Sediment Bed Yes
values for the selected sup-option. mass, mass fraction,
porosity, computed d50,

DS, LLC. 7-1 EFDC_Explorer

ViewPlan Option Description Sub-Options
Vegetation Map Displays the vegetation map No
Groundwater Map Displays the groundwater series map Yes
Wind Shelter Displays the wind sheltering factor map No
Energy, height,
Displays the wave parameter parameter radiations shears (XX,
Wave Params No
values for the selected sub option YY, XY) dissipation
and angle
Can be over-layed the
bathymetry, can
display two models or
model- data at the
Velocities Display the velocity plots Yes
same time, flow rates
along any user
selected line can be
Can select total or
Displays the bed shear stress computed sediment type specific
Bed Shear Stress Yes
by EFDC bed shears, depending
on model options.
By sediment class or
Bedload Display the sediment bedload flux Yes
total bedload flux
Displays the internal EFDC for the
Computed Vars horizontal diffusivities Yes
selected sub option

7.1 Simulation Results Loading

As a post-processor, ViewPlan (sometimes called

Model_Explorer) requires the output data as well as the input
data to be loaded. Before the ViewPlan button is pressed, view
the series of check boxes in the “General Options” frame located
in the post-processing section of the main EFDC_Explorer form
(Fig. 7.1). These options have been provided to enable the user
to select only the parameters that need to be viewed. Once the
appropriate output file(s) have been loaded, it will not be
reloaded for that project until the user checks the “Reload” check
box, loads a new project or exits EFDC_Explorer and then
restarts it.
Figure 7.1 Model results
The “Clear All” button can be pressed to quickly clear any
loading options.
checked boxes. If an output data file has been loaded, this does
not unload the data. After the check boxes have been cleared
the button caption changes to “Set All”. Pressing this button will cause EFDC_Explorer to scan
the project directory and check the output data box if the required file exists. It does not check
to see if the file is valid for that project and/or current settings.

DS, LLC. 7-2 EFDC_Explorer

The “Reload” button is useful when the user is loading the results while the EFDC model is
running. It is better to pause EFDC before you load the data to prevent file handling errors but it
is not required, especially if EFDC is writing to the EFDC_Explorer files infrequently. If the
“Reload” button is checked when the ViewPlan option is selected, it will cause EFDC_Explorer
to reload the model results requested at that time.

The “JIT” check box is a relatively new feature that stands for “Just in Time”. When this box is
checked the only file that is actually loaded at any time is the water surface file. This file is very
compact and usually loads very quickly; plus it is needed for just about any post-processing.
After EFDC_Explorer loads the water surface file it “scans” the other files and builds a pointer
list to be able to quickly jump to the desired results and only load that time snapshot.

7.2 Introduction

The ViewPlan form viewing options is adjusted based on what parameters are being modeled,
what data has been loaded, and what option has been requested at a particular time by the
user. Figure 7.2 shows an example of the ViewPlan form showing bottom elevations for an
example application (Hayter et al. 2003). The “Viewing Opt’s” frame contains a dropdown list of

Figure 7.2 View Grid main form. Figure 7.3 View

Grid Context Area

DS, LLC. 7-3 EFDC_Explorer

all the available viewing, editing, and/or post-processing major topics. The list of items in this
list may change each time the user changes parameters in the pre-processor function or loads a
different model results file (see Sect. 7.1). Figure 7.3 shows the ViewPlan context sensitive
area with different options based on having selected the “Water Column” major option shown in
the “Viewing Opt’s”. Within the context area only the appropriate options will still be available
Notice that in the “Options” section of Figure 7.3 only the salinity and sediments are available
for post-processing.

The toolbar located at the top of the form provides functions within the current “Viewing “Opt’s”
context. For example, clicking on the animate button animates the variable that is being
displayed, e.g., salinity - depth averaged as seen in Figure 7.2.

The “Timing” frame provides a scroll bar that provides direct access to the model output snap
shots. When the slider bar is scrolled completely to the left (Timer = 0) the data displayed are
the initial conditions specified in the model input. The current time is displayed in Julian date in
the legend. The resolution of the time display is controlled by the EFDC_Explorer settings for
time resolution.

The form may be resized (shrinking it too small will cause EFDC_Explorer to limit the size),
maximized and minimized. However, if minimized, it must be restored prior to doing anything
with EFDC_Explorer.

7.2.1. Mouse Functions

The toolbar changes the function of some of the mouse clicks, but in general the following
summarize the basic mouse click functions. Repositioning Legend & Other Objects
To reposition EFDC_Explorer pop-up’s, the legend, labels, notes, dialog windows and frames
the user may left mouse click, hold it down and drag it to move the object to another location on
the plot. If the legend is moved off the display and the then form resized so that the legend is
no longer visible, it will be repositioned to the center of the current view. Cell Information
Using the mouse, point to a specific cell and then left mouse click
(LMC) to display that cell’s general information along with the
data of the currently selected parameter, with any sub-options.
Holding the ALT key down when LMC on the cell also copies this
information to the Windows clipboard. Figure 7.4 shows an
example for salinity. Right Mouse Click

Right mouse click (RMC) on the object to perform the following: Figure 7.4 Cell Information
The Legend Brings up the Display Options form
A Cell (BC) Displays the pop-up shown in Figure 7.5.
Depending on the BC type clicked, the view cell will display the primary
boundary condition parameter as well as the corresponding
concentrations. The view group displays total group flows or fluxes.

DS, LLC. 7-4 EFDC_Explorer

A Cell (Edit) When displaying the domain with the
“Enable Edit” check box selected, except
for boundary conditions, a “Modify Cell”
form (Figure 7.6) is displayed that allows
the user to modify many of the cells
properties in one location.
7.2.2. Keystoke Functions Figure 7.5 Boundary
Conditions cell pop-up
General menu.
^S – Smooth the current view (only certain
^F – Set the view to a specified size.
^G – Jump to the a specified date in the output.

Model Comparison
Alt-V – Compute Cut/Fill volume differences
between two models.

For Polyline/Polygon Editing

INS – Move to the 1st point
DEL – Move to the 1st point
1 – Move to the 1st point in the polygon
n or N – Move to the next point in the polygon
p or P – Move to the previous point in the polygon
d or D – Delete the entire selected polygon

Courant # View
T – Ask the user to enter another time step to
calculate and display an updated Courant
Number field.

7.3 Toolbar Summary

The ViewPlan toolbar provides access to a range of different

functions and utilities. Some of these functions are dependent
on the current context while some are not. Table 7.2 contains
a summary of each function.
Figure 7.6 Modify Cell form
with bed layer-sediment mass
7.4 Navigating the View
The ViewPlan toolbar has a range of different viewing
navigation functions. However, the mouse and mouse – keyboard combination also have some
very useful navigation capabilities. The following summarize the two main navigation features
not on the toolbar.

Zooming: The user may zoom to any region of the view simply by RMC, holding down and
dragging the mouse. When the user releases the mouse button the screen will be zoomed,
centered on the area selected.

DS, LLC. 7-5 EFDC_Explorer

Table 7.2 Summary of ViewPlan toolbar.
General Functions
Exit ViewPlan.
Printer setup options.

Print to current printer the current view.

Export Functions
Export the current view to a Windows enhanced metafile (EMF).

Export the current major option to Tecplot.

Display options for color ramp, vectors, grid lines, overlays, etc.
Navigation Functions
Zoom extents.

Zoom in at fixed increments.

Zoom out at fixed increments.

Pan Left.

Pan Right.

Pan Up.

Pan Down.
Post-Processing Utility Functions
Distance tool. Distances are displayed in the coordinate window.

Time series tool. Point and click on cells to build a group of cells.

General statistics tool. Results are copied into the clipboard.

Flux tool. Only available during velocity viewing.

Animation tool. Output animations to the screen and/or AVI files.

Pre-Processing Utilities & Poly Functions
Polyline/polygon creation/edit tool.

A point & click data extraction tool.

Multi-cell selection tool for general purpose editing using Modify Cell
A rapid point & click method of cell by cell adjustments using operators.

DS, LLC. 7-6 EFDC_Explorer

Panning: The user may pan in any direction by holding the Ctrl key down and RMC, holding
down and dragging the mouse in the direction and distance desired.

The other zooming and panning functions provided on the toolbar are also available. At times
the zoom extents button is grayed out due to the view already being zoomed to full .

7.5 Polyline/Polygon Creation Tool

This tool is the primary utility to create and edit the various polylines and polygons that the user
may need to help define boundary cells, flux lines, model annotation, velocity profiles, etc.
When the toolbar button is pressed, EFDC_Explorer asks the user for a file to load in order to
edit existing data. The user can either select the file to edit or press cancel to start with no
existing lines.

To start a new line, hold the shift key and LMC the first point. Then, to add points LMC on each
point desired until finished. Hold the shift key and LMC to end the polyline/polygon. The last
LMC with the shift key pressed is not included in the defined line. At the end of the line
definition, the user will be asked for a title for the line. This title is used by some utilities for

To edit the lines use the mouse to select, press and move points, use the INS or DEL to add or
delete points in the line, press n/N or p/P or 1 to move the currently selected points. Use the
Ctrl-D to delete and entire line.

When the toolbar button is pressed again to toggle off the polygon editing, the user is requested
for a file name to write the data to. The default format is DX. P2D files can also be written by
explicitly specifying the file extension as P2D.

7.6 Pre-Processing Functions

ViewPlan provides access to the visual/point & click editing features of EFDC_Explorer.
Fundamental to this process is understanding that you can only edit the initial conditions data,
not the model results. When the user desires to edit the initial conditions data, make sure the
timing scroll bar is moved to the far left. The “Enable Edit” check box should then be displayed
and enabled. As a safeguard to prevent inadvertent data modification, you can only edit data if
the “Enable Edit” check box is checked. The following discussions assume that the above two
conditions have been met.

7.6.1. Single Cell Edits

To edit the cell properties of a single cell, RMC on the desired cell. The “Modify/Edit Cell” form
is then displayed (see Fig. 7.6). You may enter a new value for any of the parameters displayed
or use an operator (see Sect. 1.2.3).

7.6.2. Multiple Cell Edits

A group of cells may be edited at the same time using the same “Modify/Edit Cell” form. The
groups of cells may be selected in one of two ways. The simplest is to use the shift-LCM and

DS, LLC. 7-7 EFDC_Explorer

drag method to select a group of cells within a rectangular box. All the cells whose centroids
are within the box will be included in the group edit. The second method is to use the polygon
based selection tool from the toolbar. Click on the toolbar button and you will be asked for a
polygon file. This option allows you to have more control over which cells will be selected than
a simple rectangle. Select your file and the selection method and then press “Apply”. A list of
cells that match the criteria will be included in the cell group to edit.

The Edit/Modify form will come up allowing the user to make group changes to the parameters.
The properties that do not have any values in the input box reflect properties that vary between
the cells. If a fixed value is shown, then that value is currently constant for all the cells selected.
To replace some property with a new value, simply enter the new value into the appropriate
input box. To use the "Operator" function to offset or otherwise adjust all the properties in the
selected region, simply put a "+", "-", "*", or a "/" as the first character followed by a space and
then the value to apply. For example, say the user wants to lower a region’s bottom elevations
by 0.5 meters. Select the region desired, then type in the "Bottom Elev": input box "- 0.5".
EFDC_Explorer will then lower all the bottom elevations of the cells in the group by the amount
specified. The method can be used for any of the cell properties.

7.6.3. Cell to Cell Copy/Assign

This feature allows the user to select a "Source Cell" and then copy the current property into
subsequent cells ("Target Cell"). First the user must turn on the "Copy Cell Properties" button
on the toolbar. The "Source Cell" is then selected using Shft-LMC. An input box is then
displayed and filled with the Source Cell's property. The user can change the value or use the
operator method noted above. The user can then apply the "Source Cell" property (or whatever
is in the property input box) by Shft-RMC. The user can keep applying the value or operator by
continuing to Shft-RMC"ing on the desired cells.

7.6.4. Data Field Smoothing

The bathymetry, salinity and temperature data can be smoothed over the whole domain or using
a polygon file to subset the cells. Pressing Ctrl-S displays the smoothing control form. The
“Load” button in the “Polygon” frame can be used to input the polygon file, otherwise the entire
domain will be used. Enter a weight in the “Smoothing Factor” input box and then click “Apply”
as many times as desired. Each click performs a single pass through the data. After each pass
the data are redisplayed so that the user can view the results prior to applying another
smoothing pass.

Other input fields can be added as the need and resources allow. The process was made such
that any model field can be smoothed.

7.6.5. Bathymetry Comparison to Another Model

Load another EFDC model that you want to compare to the currently loaded model. This new
model must use the same cell map for correspondence. If during the loading process
EFDC_Explorer reports that there is a bad velocity file, ignore it. Next, view the model in
ViewPlan. You will notice that a new check box is displayed in the right option bar, "Show
Compare". Check the box and now EFDC_Explorer will display the bottom bathymetry
differences instead of actual elevations. You can then compute the volume differences by

DS, LLC. 7-8 EFDC_Explorer

pressing Alt-V. The total cut/fill/net volumes will be displayed and then placed onto the

7.6.6. Create/Assign/Edit Boundary Conditions

EFDC boundary conditions call be assigned and edited from the ViewPlan display. This is
similar in function to the boundary condition editing form discussed in Section, but has
the advantage of being able to point and click exactly on the cell desired. However, only a singe
group can be created/edited for each RMC. The edit form is displayed in Figure 7.7.

Figure 7.7 Boundary condition edit form for View Grid.

7.6.7. Courant Calculator

If the user selects the “Courant #” from the “View Opt’s”. , the Courant numbers are displayed
for the model based on the time step settings of the model. If adaptive time stepping is
specified, the time step used for the initial display of the Courant numbers will be 0 seconds.

EFDC_Explorer provides the option of calculating a new Courant map using the current water
surface. Press the “T” key and a dialog box will come up asking the user for a new time step in
seconds. Type a new one in and press enter. A new Courant map will be displayed.

DS, LLC. 7-9 EFDC_Explorer

7.7 Post-Processing Functions

The basic use of EFDC_Explorer’s ViewPlan post-processing function is 2D maps of various

parameters at user specified times. This has many variations depending on the context. For
example, for water column information the user may specify depth averaged results or review
the results for each layer of the water column. Another example is for the sediment bed, for
which the user may view the results as either mass weighted depth averaged results (e.g.
d50’s), total mass summed over all the layers, or layer by layer.

The desired time is scrolled to using the “Timing” scroll bar. The output settings are set using
the “Display Options” form accessible from either the toolbar or RMC on the legend.

Some of the special features of the post-processing will be discussed in the following

7.7.1. Export EMF Files

As most of the modeling efforts end up in engineering and scientific reports, it is very important
for EFDC_Explorer to have the ability to produce high quality graphics that can go directly into
all of the most popular word processing packages. The ability to export enhanced metafiles
(EMF’s) meets this need. EMF’s are a native Windows based graphic that easily imports into
almost all word processing and presentation packages.

The size and shape of the metafile depends on two things in EFDC_Explorer. If you are
exporting the results using the “Show Border” check box, then the size and shape will reflect the
printer settings. If the check box is not displayed then the size and shape will reflect the current
ViewPlan window.

7.7.2. Export Tecplot Files

It is recognized that EFDC_Explorer does not and likely will never handle
all the post-processing desires/needs of very modeler. Therefore, the
capability to export the data to third party packages via an ASCII file is
provided by the inclusion of the TP function from the toolbar. This is the
Tecplot® export utility. When selected, ViewPlan displays the form
shown in Figure 7.8. Here the user can select the beginning and ending
times to export as well as the skip interval.

7.7.3. Time Series

A family of time series curves of the same parameter can quickly be

displayed. Press the “Time Series” button on the toolbar and then
simply click on each cell desired. Each time the user selects a new cell,
the time series will be displayed. The user can close the time series and
select a new cell, up to a maximum of 10 cells. Whenever the user Figure 7.8 Tecplot
changes the view option, the view series is reset. export timing

DS, LLC. 7-10 EFDC_Explorer

7.7.4. General Statistics

EFDC_Explorer/ViewPlan has the ability

to calculate some general statistics of the
current parameter and snapshot time.
Click the “General Statistics” button and
the user will be prompted with a browse
window to select a polygon file. If the Figure 7.9 Water flux tool control options.
user clicks “Cancel”, EFDC_Explorer will
use the current window (not the entire domain). If the user selects a polygon file, then the cells
inside that polygon will be used.

From the selected cell list a set of general statistics of the currently displayed snapshot in time
will be computed. The exact statistics vary with the parameter. It is anticipated that this section
will be enhanced in the future as resources become available.

7.7.5. Water Flux Tool

The water flux tool calculates the discharge across a user defined section. The calculated flux
can be for either a single snapshot in time or a complete time series of the model run. Figure
7.9 show the flux options form. The water flux tool computes either total discharge across the
section or on a layer by layer basis, based on the options selected on the PlanView form. If a
single snapshot is selected then the results will be displayed in a dialog box and also placed
onto the clipboard. If “Show Timeseries” is selected then the user must specify which flow
component desired. The following is a description of each type:

Total Flow: The absolute value of the total flux across the section.
EW Flow: The sum of the flows in the EW (based on the cell map, i.e. EW=I component flow)
NS Flow: The sum of the flows in the NS (based on the cell map, i.e. NS=J component flow)
Dominant Flow: Computes the total flow across the section and assigns a sign based on

The “Dominant Flow” option is the most useful for most applications.
The layer options must be selected before the toolbar button is pressed. Check the “Depth Avg”
check box to look at total flow. If layer specific flows are desired uncheck the box and scroll the
layer scroll up or down to the desired layer.

If the “Poly File” has more than one section/flux line defined, EFDC_Explorer will compute the
fluxes for all the defined lines (up to 10 max). Figure 7.10 shows an example of total discharge
using the dominant flow option for the San Francisco Bay application.

7.7.6. Animation of Results

The results of any of the time dependent results can be output as an animation to either the
screen or an AVI file. If the animation is to be saved to an AVI file, the user is asked for the
number of frames per second to output to the file. This will be application specific, but a number
of 4 frames per second seems to provide a fairly smooth, but not too fast animation. Be careful

DS, LLC. 7-11 EFDC_Explorer

as these files can get quite large quickly. The frame size of the animation will match the frame
of the ViewPlan.

San Francisco Bay Demonstration Model





Discharge (cms)




-40000 Legend

Line: North Bay, N/S Flow

Line: South Bay, N/S Flow
1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 6.00 6.50 7.00 7.50 8.00 8.50 9.00
Time (Days)

Figure 7.10 Water Flux tool example results using Dominant Flow

DS, LLC. 7-12 EFDC_Explorer

8 ViewProfile

8.1 General

The ViewProfile button of the main toolbar provides access to the profile/cross section post-
processing utility of EFDC_Explorer. An example of the type of plot available is shown in Figure

The contents of the current cell can be displayed, as in ViewPlan, by LMC’ing on the cell.
Much of the operations of this feature is similar to ViewPlan.

The user can “scroll” up and down along all the snapshot times by pressing the PgUp and PgDn
keys using a snapshot increment of 1. Larger snapshot increments are available using the Shift
key for increments of 10 and the Ctrl key for increments of 100.

8.2 Slice/Profile Selection

The “Slice/Extraction Options” frame needs to be set first before a profile can be extracted from
EFDC. There are three options. The user may either select a value of I to extract the active J
cells along that I, or select a value of J to extract the active I cells along that J. The third option
is to use a “Drape Line”, which is a polyline in the same coordinate system as the LXLY data.
The I & J’s from along the line will be assembled and the profile will be output along that slice.
Once the profile for an I or a J is displayed, the user can use the + /- keys to scroll up and down
the respective coordinate. This feature does not apply to the “Drape Line” option.

'Cedar-Ortega-St Johns River Curvilinear Grid Model'




Elevation (m)




Specified IJ, Time: 117.25
-7 0 Salinity (ppt) 15

0 Sediment Mass 1000

Class: Coh(1), (kg/m^2)

0 2500 5000 7500 10000 12500 15000 17500
Distance (m)

Figure 8.1 ViewProfile example showing salinity at one snapshot in time during a tidal cycle.

DS, LLC. 8-1 EFDC_Explorer

8.3 Toolbar Summary

The ViewProfile toolbar provides access to a range of different functions and utilities. Some of
these functions are dependent on the current context while some are not. Table 8.1 contains a
summary of each function
Table 8.1 Summary of ViewProfile toolbar.
General Functions
Exit ViewProfile.
Printer setup options.

Print to current printer the current view.

Export the current view to a Windows enhanced metafile (EMF).

Toggles & Options
Toggle the grid.

Show/Edit comment boxes

Show/Hide Markers

Edit text and fonts for the titles.

Navigation Functions
Display options/settings.

Access the X Axis options form.

Access the Left Y Axis options form.

Access the Right Y Axis options form.

Set all the axes formats to the one last edited.

Navigation Functions
Zoom in at fixed increments.

Zoom out at fixed increments.

Pan Left.

Pan Right.

Pan Up.

Pan Down.
Utility Functions
Toggle the display of the coordinates.

Animation tool. Output animations to the screen and/or AVI files.

DS, LLC. 8-2 EFDC_Explorer

8.4 Primary Display Options

The user may select which parameters are

to be displayed by accessing the “Display
Options” form by RMC’ing on the legend,
pressing Ctrl-O or using the toolbar. The
an example of the form is shown in Figure

Figure 8.2 Profile display options.

DS, LLC. 8-3 EFDC_Explorer

9 References
Haas, K. A. , I. A. Svendsen and M. C. Haller. 1998. “Numerical modeling of nearshore
circulation on barred beach with rip channels,” ASCE 26th Int. Conference on Coastal

Hayter, E.J., V. Paramygin, and C.V. John. 2003. “Three-Dimensional Modeling of Cohesive
Sediment Transport in a Partially Stratified Micro-tidal Estuary to Assess Effectiveness of
Sediment Traps," 7th International Conference on Nearshore and Estuarine Cohesive
Sediment Transport Processes, Virginia Institute of Marine Science.

Hamrick, J.M. 1996. “Users manual for the environmental fluid dynamic computer code”, The
College of William and Mary, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Special Report, 328,
224 pp.

Kirby, J. T. & R. A. Dalrymple (1994) Combined refraction/diffraction model REF/DIF1, version

2.5. Res Report CACR-94-22, Center for Applied Coastal Research, University of

DS, LLC. 9-1 EFDC_Explorer

Appendix A

EFDC Internal Array Visualization


DS, LLC. A-1 EFDC_Explorer

The only thing the user need to do to use EFDC_Explorer to plot and otherwise visualize arrays
from within EFDC is to modify the EEXPORT subroutine in the section of code listed in the
following textbox. To turn on the feature, use the following statement:


To turn off the feature, use


There are basic two types of output, one for time static arrays and one for those that vary as the
model progresses (the standard case). Depending on the temporal nature of the array, the user
must code the loops inside the IF/THEN block for time static arrays and outside/below the
IF/THEN block for time variable arrays. The basic code for outputting the arrays is very simple
and examples for both are shown in the text box. The user must make sure the flags are set
right in order for EFDC_Explorer to correctly handle the arrays. The EFDC_INT.OUT file is a
binary file for efficient reads and disk storage. The following is the basic structure:

DimFlag, TimeFlag Two Integer*4 flags

ArrayName One Character*8 name to identify the array
The array Loop over the appropriate dimensions and output
the array.

Remember to recompile after any changes to the source code.

DS, LLC. A-2 EFDC_Explorer

A section of code from the EEXPOUT subroutine in EFDC.






! 1 = L,KC DIM'D
! 2 = L,0:KC DIM'D
! 3 = L,KB DIM'D




WRITE(97)QQ(L,K) ! Turbulent Intensity (


DS, LLC. A-3 EFDC_Explorer

Appendix B

Data Formats

DS, LLC. B-1 EFDC_Explorer

P2D Format

Any number of polylines/polygons can reside in the same file. Each one
begins with a single line header that is used as the “ID” of the
polyline/polygon. Next comes the data in either 2D or 3D format, the
importing automatically handles either. Finally the polyline/polygon is
finished (not necessarily “closed”) by an “*” in column 1. There is no
difference between polyline and polygon in a P2D file, only how the data
are treated by the application reading the file.

Polyline Test
609115.69390674 3643612.72035394 0
608828.057738002 3642922.39387814 0
608569.186338242 3642232.06904821 0
608396.604307826 3640908.94563456 0
601493.350247946 3628713.19503985 0
601464.586301899 3627763.99747289 0
601522.11337106 3627016.14485373 0
601522.11337106 3626642.21854415 0

TB2 Format

This format is a compact way to store regular grid X, Y and Z data. It

contains three lists, each with the number of data points as the first
value in the list. The file contains a list of the X coordinates, a list Y
coordinates and a list of the Z’s.

195 Nx
113 Ny
22035 Nz

DS, LLC. B-2 EFDC_Explorer

DX Format

The DX format is described by the following outline. The vertical bar "|" indicates the
actual left side of the file.

Notes |Contents of line beginning

\/Column 1 of the actual file
Line01 |Description Line ] Header lines (1st line in the file)
Line02 |#Polylines ]
Line01p1 |Index,nPts,branch,type,angle,deltax }Header lines for each polyline
Line02p1 |PolyLine ID } branch,angle,deltax are only used
Line03p1 |PolyLine Desc } for special cases but must be input.
Line01p1n1 |X,Y or X,Y,Z ] Data Points } Type = 0 Undefined (defaults to open)
Line02p1n2 |X,Y or X,Y,Z ] Loop over nPts } Type = 1 Polyline (Open)
Line03p1n3 |X,Y or X,Y,Z ] } Type = 2 Polygon (Closed)
Linennp2nn |X,Y or X,Y,Z ] }End of Polyline Block
Line01p2 |Index,nPts,branch,type,angle,deltax }Header lines for each polyline
Line02p2 |PolyLine ID }
Line03p2 |PolyLine Desc }
Line01p2n1 |X,Y or X,Y,Z ] Data Points }
Line02p2n2 |X,Y or X,Y,Z ] Loop over nPts }
Line03p2n3 |X,Y or X,Y,Z ] }
Linennp2nn |X,Y or X,Y,Z ] }End of Polyline Block

HR Test Sections
Geomorph XS022
Geomorph Transect XS023

DS, LLC. B-3 EFDC_Explorer

Measured 3D Velocity Point Data


VARIABLES = "X", "Y", "Z", "V_E_W", "V_N_S", "V_U_D"
ZONE I= 257, J=1, K=1,F=POINT, T="Avg Vel"
56730.14 906511.90 288.38 -0.0443 -0.1582 -0.0001
56731.96 906530.90 288.42 -0.0570 -0.1482 -0.0001
56730.98 906533.00 288.45 -0.0599 -0.1219 -0.0001
56731.46 906535.70 288.49 -0.0578 -0.1042 -0.0001
56733.52 906512.90 288.39 -0.0548 -0.1524 -0.0001

I, J, K Formatted Measured 3D Velocity Data


VARIABLES = "X", "Y", "Z", "V_E_W", "V_N_S", "V_U_D"
ZONE I=40, J=26, K=1, F=POINT, T="Velocity"
56728.00 906511.00 288.54 -0.0457 -0.1574 0.00000
56732.00 906511.00 288.51 -0.0492 -0.1563 0.00000
56736.00 906511.00 288.52 -0.0549 -0.1551 0.00000
56740.00 906511.00 288.73 -0.0530 -0.1438 0.00000

DS, LLC. B-4 EFDC_Explorer

DSM Format

The Digital Sediment Model (DSM) format is file that contains any number of polygons that define an area
followed by a data block that contains the sediment data. The polygon ID and the data block ID’s must
match. The data block consists of a line for each depth (beginning at the surface or 0.0 depth) for which
data exists. On each line the user must include the depth (m), thickness (m), porosity, and then the
grain size. The number of grain size classes and the associated size breaks are determined by the space
delimited data of the label line (see example). The number of grain size classes and their sizes must be
the same for every sediment data block in the file. However, the size classes can vary from file to file
or project to project to meet the project needs.

depth thick density porosity Size1mm Size2mm Size3mm ... SizeNmm
Depth 1 data
Depth 2 data

POLY L125.01
56694.6 901917.7
56697.3 901937.2
56678.3 901944.2
56674.4 901924.5
DATA L125.01
depth thick density porosity 50mm 19mm 9.5mm 0.85mm 0.25mm 0.075mm 0.065mm 0.023mm 0.013mm 0.004mm 0.003mm
0.000 0.152 1749.3 0.500 1.00000 0.99998 0.99988 0.98257 0.90709 0.70847 0.67613 0.41642 0.28167 0.09082 0.06417
0.152 0.152 1787.6 0.490 1.00000 0.99996 0.99976 0.97702 0.89186 0.68776 0.65569 0.40369 0.27499 0.09192 0.06584
0.305 0.152 1826.7 0.479 0.99999 0.99991 0.99956 0.97004 0.87468 0.66569 0.63396 0.38991 0.26726 0.09230 0.06695
0.457 0.152 1866.7 0.469 0.99998 0.99982 0.99921 0.96138 0.85544 0.64229 0.61100 0.37518 0.25857 0.09199 0.06749
0.610 0.152 1907.6 0.459 0.99996 0.99964 0.99864 0.95077 0.83405 0.61762 0.58686 0.35958 0.24902 0.09101 0.06747
0.762 0.152 1949.4 0.449 0.99990 0.99933 0.99772 0.93794 0.81045 0.59174 0.56162 0.34323 0.23869 0.08941 0.06692

DS, LLC. B-5 EFDC_Explorer

DS, LLC. C-1 EFDC_Explorer

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