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Diapedesis Leucocitaria

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The transcellular railway: insights into

leukocyte diapedesis
Elisabetta Dejana

Leukocyte recruitment from blood to areas of infection is a key step in both innate and adaptive immunological responses. The
predominant model has been that leukocytes transmigrate through the junctions between adjacent endothelial cells. However,
leukocytes can also migrate through the endothelial cells, and new insights suggest that both caveolae and intermediate filaments
are important for this.

To reach the site of infection, leukocytes need

to adhere to the vessel wall, migrate across the Blood JAMs
endothelium and infiltrate into the underlying ESAM
tissues. Most of the adhesion molecules that
mediate leukocyte rolling and arrest on the
Endothelial cells
vascular surface have been identified and stud-
ied in detail. In contrast, leukocyte diapedesis Basal membrane
through the endothelium is still poorly defined
and remains a matter of debate. The most Figure 1 Diapedesis of leukocytes through endothelial cell junctions. Leukocytes can cross the
accepted view is that leukocytes find their way endothelium by interacting with adhesive proteins at junctions. Some have been identified, including
the PECAM (platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule) and JAM (junctional adhesion molecules)
through endothelial cell–cell junctions which,
family of adhesive proteins, as well as other factors such as CD99. For further details, see refs 1–4.
acting as sliding doors, would open to allow
their passage and then rapidly close to maintain in ref. 5). Thus, the controversy of whether adhesion molecule), which bind beta2 and
the integrity of the endothelium1–4. migration in vivo uses the ‘para-’ or ‘trans-’ beta1 integrins on leukocytes1–4. These pro-
However, some studies have challenged this cellular pathway remains unresolved. Now two teins concentrate in an actin-rich, cup-like
model and support the idea of an alternative papers in this issue — Millàn et al.9 on page 113 structure formed by endothelial projections
pathway whereby leukocytes may migrate and Nieminen et al.10 on page 156 — analyse that embrace the leukocytes. This ‘docking’
through single endothelial cells (reviewed in the possible mechanisms of leukocyte transen- structure is enriched not only in adhesive
ref. 5). This possibility is supported by a series dothelial migrations further, and bring new proteins but also in cytoskeletal compo-
of morphological studies in vivo. Already in the strength to the idea that the transcellular and nents12,13. Carman and Springer14 previously
1960s, Marchesi and Florey6 described leuko- paracellular pathways may co-exist. showed that this cup-like structure — the
cyte penetration through the endothelial cyto- Once the molecular organization of endothe- transmigratory cup — is important not only
plasm, and Williamson and Grisham7 observed lial junctions became clear11, it became possible for leukocyte arrest but also for their migra-
leukocytes present in endothelial cytoplasmic to develop new tools with which to modulate tion through individual endothelial cells.
vacuolar structures. Feng et al.8 described the leukocyte diapedesis. For example, block- In the first of the new studies, Millan
transcellular passage of neutrophils through ing endothelial junctional proteins such as et al.9show that the clustering of ICAM-1
the microvasculature of the skin in response the JAMs (junctional adhesion molecules) or (and to a lesser extent that of VCAM-1) by
to chemotactic agents8. However, these papers PECAM (platelet endothelial cell adhesion specific antibodies induces their redistribu-
were then contradicted by other morphologi- molecule) significantly impaired leukocyte tion into caveolin-1-rich regions and their
cal observations showing leukocytes migrating extravasation, and supported the concept that subsequent internalization. Upon internali-
through inter-endothelial junctions (reviewed leukocytes traverse the junctions by binding to zation, ICAM-1 is delivered to the basal side
these proteins1–4 (Fig. 1). of the endothelial cell membrane where it
Elisabetta Dejana is in the Department of Firm adhesion of leukocytes to endothelial remains in vesicular structures that have the
Biomolecular Sciences and Biotechnology, Faculty of cells is mediated by the endothelial adhesion characteristics of caveolae.
Sciences, University of Milan and FIRC Institute of
Molecular Oncology, Milan Italy.
molecules ICAM-1 (intercellular adhesion The use of clustering antibodies is a strat-
e-mail: molecule) and VCAM-1 (vascular cell egy that mimicks leukocyte binding to these


©2006 Nature Publishing Group


Blood Fusion of VVO?

Endothelial cell

Basal membrane Caveolin

Adhesion/transmigratory cup

Endothelial cell

Basal membrane vimentin

Figure 2 Leukocytes can cross the endothelium by penetrating the cell surface, an adhesion/transmigration cup is formed. This docking structure
cytoplasm. (a) Leukocytes may actively penetrate the endothelial cell contains microvilli that elongate from both endothelial cells and leukocytes.
cytoplasm by elongating pseudopods inside vesicles containing caveolin The microvilli contain adhesion molecules (such as ICAM-1 and VCAM-1)
and ICAM-1. These vesicles can fuse with vesiculo-vacuolar organelles and cytoskeletal proteins (such as vimentin and actin). The adhesion/
(VVOs), forming a channel that allows leukocyte migration through the transmigratory cup may mediate leukocyte phagocytosis and movement
endothelial monolayer. (b) When leukocytes adhere to the endothelial towards the basal membrane of endothelial cells.

proteins. The investigators, therefore, went on All the described changes require remod- and vim−/− lymphocytes are unable to correctly
to study the effect of ICAM-1 engagement by elling of the cytoskeleton. Actin seems to be polarize and maintain directional movement.
leukocytes. They found that, after adhering to implicated and it is likely that ERM proteins Taken together, these observations point to
endothelial cells, lymphoblasts extend protru- (ezrin/radizin and moesin) are also impor- a cup-like structure on the endothelium that
sions that penetrate into the endothelial cell tant for linking ICAM-1 at, and controlling its embraces leukocytes and directs their passage
cytoplasm. ICAM-1 and caveolin co-cluster in a movement on, the cell surface. through the cell body (Fig. 2b). This process
‘ring’ around the penetrating lymphoblast pseu- In the second study, Nieminen et al.10 put is reminiscent of cell phagocytosis of foreign
dopod and follow the passage of the lymphoblast forward the possibility that intermediate fila- organisms but, whereas phagocytosis is usually
by moving towards the basal side of the mem- ments, and in particular vimentin, might also followed by death of the pathogen inside the
brane (Fig. 2a). The overall picture is that leuko- be important for leukocyte diapedesis. These cells, leukocytes can traverse the endothelium
cyte adhesion induces ICAM-1 clustering and authors describe a structure very similar to without apparent functional alterations.
recruitment to caveolae. These, in turn, may fuse the docking/transmigration cup discussed by It is probable that the structures described by
into multivesicular structures that form a sort of Carman and Springer14 (Fig. 2b). They show Niemen et al.10 are identical to those reported by
channel through which leukocytes squeeze and that after leukocyte adhesion, both endothe- Millan et al.9, but more work on their molecular
cross the endothelial cell body. These observa- lial cells and leukocytes form microvilli that organization and functional interaction with the
tions fit with a previous publication8 showing elongate and embrace the cells. This process cytoskeleton is needed to clarify this point.
that leukocytes migrate through the endothe- is followed by the penetration of leukocytes Several questions remain. It is not clear what
lial cell cytoplasm in vivo through multivesicular through the endothelial cell cytoplasm. They the trigger is that induces the formation of the
structures called vesiculo-vacuolar organelles. found that the microvilli, both at endothelial transmigratory cup. It is likely that engagement
Interestingly, junctional proteins such as and leukocyte sites of contacts, are enriched in of ICAM-1 or VCAM-1 by adhering leukocytes
PECAM or VE-cadherin are absent in areas vimentin, but not in actin or tubulin. In addi- induces their clustering, which in turn medi-
of ICAM-1 and caveolin clustering, suggesting tion, lymphocyte homing at peripheral lymph ates re-shaping of the cytoskeleton and forma-
that the para- and trans-cellular pathways are nodes and spleen is reduced in vimentin−/− tion of the cup; however, which intracellular
regulated by different molecular mechanisms. (vim−/− mice, suggesting that this protein is signals are responsible for these changes is not
This is further supported by the evidence that necessary for lymphocyte trafficking. This known. In addition, it remains to be clarified
silencing caveolin with short-interfering RNA may be explained by the observation that in which cytoskeletal proteins are required and
(siRNA) only inhibits the transcellular, not the vim−/− endothelial cells, ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 how they might contribute. Actin, tubulin and
paracellular, pathway of leukocyte migration. expression and clustering are strongly reduced, vimentin all seem to be involved in the process.


©2006 Nature Publishing Group


It could be that they each have separate and spe- poorly organized), the paracellular pathway the leukocyte be activated and instructed by
cific roles, or because they are interconnected would be favoured. endothelial cells in a different way during pas-
the disorganization of one type of cytoskeleton Niemenen et al.10 show that the choice of sage through each pathway? By addressing
also affects the others. the migratory pathway may also be cell spe- these issues, the eventual hope is that we might
Another important question is whether cific. In their system, only lymphocytes use the be able to modulate leukocyte trafficking dur-
both para- and trans-cellular pathways co- transcellular route, whereas neutrophils cross ing inflammation and homing.
exist. Only a small proportion (approximately intercellular junctions. It is possible that the
1. Muller, W. A. Trends Immunol. 24, 326–333 (2003).
10–30%) of leukocytes follow the transcellular conditions used (for example the activation
2. Johnson-Leger, C., Aurrand-Lions, M. & Imhof, B. A. J.
pathways; the majority cross junctions9. Millàn of endothelial cells or leukocytes), the type of Cell Sci. 113, 921–933 (2000).
et al.9 show that there are differences when stimuli or the exposure to flow, influence and 3. Vestweber, D. Nature 421,703–705 (2003).
4. van Buul, J. D. & Hordijk, P. L. Arterioscler. Thromb.
they compare endothelial cells of different direct the leukocyte’s passage through one or Vasc. Biol. 24, 824–833 (2004).
origin, and that the percentage of leukocytes another pathway. 5. Engelhardt, B. & Wolburg, H. Eur. J. Immunol. 34,
2955–2963 (2004).
migrating through the transcellular pathway Together, these two studies provide new tools 6. Marchesi, V. T. & Florey, H. W. Q. J. Exp. Physiol. Cogn.
increases using microvascular endothelium. and approaches with which to probe this path- Med. Sci. 45, 343–348 (1960).
7. Williamson, J. R. and Grisham, J. W. Am. J. Pathol 39,
This suggests that, depending on the region way. But numerous other issues remain to be 239–256 (1961).
of the vascular tree, leukocytes may predomi- investigated. For example, it will be important 8. Feng, D. et al. J. Exp. Med 187, 903–915 (1998).
nantly use one pathway or the other. It is likely to identify experimental methods to selectively 9. Millàn, J. et al. Nature Cell Biol. 8, 113–123 (2006).
10. Nieminen, M. et al. Nature Cell Biol. 156–162
that where endothelial cell–cell junctions are inhibit one, but not the other, pathway. One (2006).
particularly tight and well organized (such possibility, however, is that the two pathways 11. Dejana, E. Naure. Rev. Mol. Cell. Biol. 5, 261–270
as in the brain microcirculation), leukocytes are interconnected, so that blocking one will 12. Barreiro, O. et al. J. Cell Biol. 157,1233–1245
might preferentially cross the endothelium also interfere with the other. On another note, (2002).
13. Yang, L. et al. Blood 106, 584–592 (2005).
through the transcellular pathway. By contrast, which is the biological significance of these two 14. Carman, C. V. & Springer, T. A. et al. J. Cell Biol. 167,
in post-capillary venules (where junctions are pathways and why do we need both? Could 377–388 (2004).

V-ATPase: a potential pH sensor

Chiara Recchi and Philippe Chavrier

An interaction between V-ATPase, a multi-subunit complex responsible for endosome acidification, and ARNO, the GDP/GTP
exchange factor for ARF1 and ARF6, indicates that V-ATPase is the long-sought pH-sensor that regulates trafficking in the
endocytic pathway.

Endocytosis is responsible for internalizing may couple intra-endosomal pH to the forma- responsible for H+ translocation2. The activity
extracellular fluid and macromolecules, as well tion of endocytic transport vesicles has been of V-ATPases in different compartments of the
as plasma membrane proteins, receptors and postulated, but this mechanism has remained endocytic pathway result in a pH gradient that
their bound ligands. While most internalized poorly defined at the molecular level. On page decreases from pH ~6.0 in early endosomes to
surface molecules are recycled, many endocy- 124, Hurtado-Lorenzo et al. demonstrate that pH 5.0–5.5 in lysosomes (Fig. 1). Intra-endo-
tosed ligands dissociate from their receptors the V-ATPase interacts directly with the endo- somal acidification is required for the dissocia-
because of the low endosomal pH and travel cytic transport machinery. In addition, through tion of ligands bound to internalized receptors
through endosomal compartments for degrada- its pH-dependent interactions with the small in early endosomes, the release of lysosomal
tion1. Endosomal acidification is accomplished GTP-binding protein ARF6 and its GDP/GTP enzymes from mannose 6-phosphate receptors
by vacuolar (H+)-ATPases (V-ATPases), which exchange factor ARNO, the V-ATPase regu- in late endosomes, and the enzymatic activity
translocate protons across endosomal mem- lates transport from early to late endosomes, of hydrolytic enzymes2. Specific inhibitors of
branes2. In addition to triggering ligand–recep- thus meeting the criteria expected of the pro- the V-ATPase proton pump, including bafilo-
tor dissociation, intra-endosomal acidification posed pH sensor3. mycin, prevent endosomal acidification and
is also known to have an impact on transport V-ATPases are large multi-protein complexes hence interfere with endocytic functions.
along the endocytic pathway. A pH-sensor that that translocate protons from the cytosol to the Moreover, inhibiting intra-endosomal
luminal compartment; they consist of two sub- acidification also inhibits transport along the
Chiara Recchi and Philippe Chavrier are in the domains, a peripheral V1 complex that cataly- endocytic pathway. Indeed, several laboratories
Membrane and Cytoskeleton Dynamics Group, ses ATP hydrolysis and a Vo integral complex have previously observed that in bafilomycin-
UMR144 CNRS/Institut Curie, Paris, France.
e-mail: composed of five subunits (a, d, c, c′ and c′′) treated cells, transport of endocytic markers


©2006 Nature Publishing Group

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