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ShipConstructor Hull and Structure Documentation

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Hull & Structure

Hull & Structure Documentation
Written by Arkadiy Zagorsky


GENERAL LEARNING OBJECTIVES ........................................................................................................................... 1

LEARNING OBJECTIVES .............................................................................................................................1
WHAT KINDS OF OUTPUT ARE THERE FOR STRUCTURE? .....................................................................................1
Assembly Drawings ......................................................................................................................1
Approval Drawings .......................................................................................................................1
ASSEMBLY DRAWINGS ........................................................................................................................................... 2
LEARNING OBJECTIVES .............................................................................................................................2
Drawing Naming Conventions .......................................................................................................2
Keymap Drawing ..........................................................................................................................4
Keymap Configuration ..................................................................................................................7
Inserting BOM Information ...........................................................................................................9
Creating Assembly Drawings using the Wizard ............................................................................. 12
REGULAR EXERCISE HSD-R001 ............................................................................................................... 15
ADVANCED EXERCISE HSD-A001 ............................................................................................................. 18
LABELING AN ASSEMBLY DRAWING ............................................................................................................ 18
Option 1: Auto Label All .............................................................................................................. 19
Option 2: Label Viewports ........................................................................................................... 21
Option 3: Viewport Options ......................................................................................................... 22
Option 4: Auto Label Parts .......................................................................................................... 25
Option 5: Manual Label ............................................................................................................... 27
REGULAR EXERCISES HSD-R002 ............................................................................................................. 29
ADVANCED EXERCISE HSD-A002 ............................................................................................................. 30
UTILITIES ........................................................................................................................................... 31
Orientation Icon ......................................................................................................................... 31
Quality Matrix ............................................................................................................................ 32
Quality Matrix Label Options ....................................................................................................... 33
Quality Matrix Options ................................................................................................................ 33
Quality Matrix Dimension Points .................................................................................................. 33
REGULAR EXERCISE HSD-R003 ............................................................................................................... 35
LEARNING OBJECTIVES ........................................................................................................................... 36
Weld BOMs ................................................................................................................................ 36
Labeling Weld Symbols ............................................................................................................... 37
Weld Symbol Table ..................................................................................................................... 38
APPROVAL DRAWINGS ........................................................................................................................................ 40
LEARNING OBJECTIVES ........................................................................................................................... 40
Insert Planar Group .................................................................................................................... 40
Save as a Bound Approval Drawing ............................................................................................. 45
HULL AND STRUCTURE DOCUMENTATION - VIDEO REFERENCE LIBRARY ............................................................. 47
General Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives
• Learn about the kinds of output for Structure

• Understand the differences between Assembly and Approval drawings

What kinds of output are there for Structure?

There are two main types of Structure documentation drawings:

Assembly Drawings – These are designed to leverage AutoCAD’s model space and paper space
drawing layouts. Assembly drawings contain special read-only versions of the parts.

• Parts still show the same properties as they do in model drawings. Parts still follow
the drawing options available in model drawings, allowing you to show the
components of the parts that you want visible.

• Parts can be moved around in the drawing to represent the assembly process.
However, you should not move parts just because they are in the wrong position in
the model - changes required in the model should be done in model drawings.

• Parts can be copied to further customize of the appearance of the production

drawing. Composite parts (Standard Assemblies, Supports and Penetrations) that
are contained in one object in model drawings are separated into their individual
component parts in production drawings.

• When production drawings are created, production objects are created in model
space at the same position as they are in the ship coordinate system.

• An Assembly drawing shows all parts within an assembly. Each part may be
annotated, making it easy for production to fabricate the assembly.

Approval Drawings - are two-dimensional views of the model. Approval drawings are mostly
used as general arrangement drawings or classification drawings (for example, for initial design
and classification), although they can be used as workshop drawings as well.

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Assembly Drawings

Learning Objectives
• Learn about Naming Conventions

• Learn to use Keymap Drawings and BOMs

• Learn to create Assembly drawings

• Learn to label Assembly drawings

• Understand how to use a Quality Matrix

Drawing Naming Conventions

Before creating an assembly drawing, make sure you have your Naming Convention defined.
Naming conventions control how ShipConstructor automatically names Assembly drawings.
Follow the steps below to view the Naming Convention for the training project.

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Keymap Drawing
The keymap drawing is used in keymap (or keyplan) viewports in Assembly drawings. The
keymap drawing usually contains a wireframe model of the whole unit or vessel.
When you create Assembly drawings, ShipConstructor can automatically insert the keymap
drawing into the keymap viewports. The assembly drawing’s objects are highlighted within the
keymap viewport using color, so you will know where that particular Assembly is positioned
within the unit.

The contents of the keymap drawing are completely up to you. However, ShipConstructor does
populate the keymap with the HullTrace construction lines of the current unit (and their related
construction lines) when the Update Keymap button is clicked.

The keymap viewports within each Assembly drawing are linked to the keymap drawing. If you
generate Assembly drawings and later update or modify the keymap drawing, ShipConstructor
automatically updates the keymap within all assembly drawings.

As with any other output drawing in ShipConstructor, Assembly drawings are based on the
template. A keymap viewport has to be defined in a corresponding template.

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Keymap Configuration

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Inserting BOM Information

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Creating Assembly Drawings using the Wizard
It is usually easiest to create all assembly drawings for a unit or stage at once; however, you can
create assembly drawings for individual assemblies if desired.

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• Check the Create Keymap info in Assembly drawings check box. This will include
Keymaps within the assembly drawings.

• Check the Automatically annotate assembly items check box. This will automatically
annotate the drawing.

• Check the Include Welds check box. This will automatically include welds in the

If you need to limit the levels included in your search, you can check or uncheck boxes in
the Levels pane on the right-hand side of the window. For now, leave them all checked.

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Note how the Status column changes to display OK.

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Regular Exercise HSD-R001
Use the images below to assist you in completing the Regular Exercise. You must complete all
Regular Exercises in order to be eligible for certification. All Regular Exercises will be submitted to
SSI for evaluation and verification.

Please complete the following steps in the unit U01:

1. In Navigator select unit U01, Assembly in the left section and click the Update Keymap
button to create the keymap drawing.

2. If you did not do so in the previous section, make the following changes in the Erection
Stages - ISO A3 Assembly template drawing:

a. Create a second smaller viewport in the top right of the drawing (by copying and
then shrinking the existing one).

b. Set the Viewport Options on the new viewport to Show KeyMap and uncheck any
options to label BOMs.

c. Insert the Weld Identification BOM under the new viewport and shrink the columns
to fit in the paper space.

d. Ensure that the Viewport Options for the main viewport have Show Keymap set to

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3. Using the Assembly Drawing Wizard, create a drawing for the U01/0104/0104-ES05/
0104-ES04/0104-ES03/P03 assembly of PRIMARY Product Hierarchy.

4. In Step 1 of 3 of the Wizard, choose the Erection Stages A3 - ISO A3 template and turn on
the Create Keymap info in Assembly Drawing option.

Property of SSI LEARNING 16

5. In Step 3 of 3 of the wizard, use the Panels Naming Convention. ShipConstructor will report
that the name is already in use. Change the name by adding -Exercise to it (i.e.0104-P03-

6. Double click in the main viewport and use CTRL+A to select all the objects. Run the AutoCAD
ZOOM command with the Object option (O).

The Assembly drawing should look like this:

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Advanced Exercise HSD-A001
Advanced Exercises are not required for certification but are for an additional challenge if you have
time in class to complete them. They are not required to be submitted to SSI.

Complete the following steps in the drawing for an additional challenge:

1. Create a Property label. Include Part Name and Stock Name in the label.

Labeling an Assembly Drawing

Labeling occurs on a per viewport basis. Labeling of production drawings uses the first column of
BOM tables as the text in the labels. Labels are placed in paper space and point to parts in the
viewport. Labeling can be done for every BOM in the layout.

Labels are created for each part in the drawing. Welds are labeled from the Weld BOM. You will learn
how to delete all labels as well as review different labeling methods.

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There are several ways parts can be labeled in the Assembly drawing:

• Automatic Labeling of All Parts - this will place gray distribution lines around the extents of
the geometry and places labels on the distribution lines. The arrow points of the labels can
optionally point to the piecemark point (for parts without piecemarks this is the logical center
of the part) or to a visible edge of parts. If a viewport has any existing distribution lines,
none will be created and the automatic labeling will use the existing line(s).

• Labeling current layout - similar to Label All but only affects the current layout.

• Labeling Viewports from all BOMs - Similar to Label All but only affects the selected

• Labeling Viewports from BOM – labels parts in the selected viewports from the selected

• Labeling from Parts - labels all the parts selected by the user from the selected BOM.

• Manual Labeling - Label parts individually with manual placement of the labels.

• Copying Labels - Lets you create labels that are copies of an existing label with the contents
changed to reflect the first BOM column of the selected part.

Option 1: Auto Label All

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All parts are labeled from all BOMs (including Weld objects which are labeled from the
Weld Identification BOM).

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Option 2: Label Viewports

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All objects are labeled in the selected viewport from all tables – parts are labeled from the
Bill of Materials BOM (the oval labels), and welds are labeled from the Weld Identification
BOM (the rectangular labels).

Option 3: Viewport Options

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The parts in the large viewport will be labeled from the selected BOM.

Option 4: Auto Label Parts

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Only the selected parts will be labeled.

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Option 5: Manual Label

Note: if you are unable to select parts, ensure that you have OSNAPs enabled.

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The label will be copied to the selected part, but the contents of the label will be changed in
accordance with the part’s properties.

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Regular Exercises HSD-R002
Use the images below to assist you in completing the Regular Exercise. You must complete all
Regular Exercises in order to be eligible for certification. All Regular Exercises will be submitted to
SSI for evaluation and verification.
Please complete the following steps in the assembly drawing 0104-P03-Exercise:
1. Delete all existing labels in the drawing, including Property labels

2. Use the Auto Label All, Auto Label Layout, Label Viewports and Label Viewports from BOM
commands for labeling the drawing. Delete all labels after each attempt. The result of all
these commands should look the same:

3. Delete all labels and use Manual Label command to label the specific parts shown:

Property of SSI LEARNING 29

Advanced Exercise HSD-A002
Advanced Exercises are not required for certification but are for an additional challenge if you have
time in class to complete them. They are not required to be submitted to SSI. Use the images below
to assist you in completing the Advanced Exercise.
Complete the following steps in the drawing for an additional challenge:

1. Create a Leader Distribution Line and assign it to the main viewport.

2. Use the Transfer Leaders to Other Lines command, attach manual labels to the created Leader
Distribution Line.

3. Change Leader Insertion Mode to Center.

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Orientation Icon
Orientation icons are useful in displaying the directions when it is not clear how the assembly is

Property of SSI LEARNING 31

Quality Matrix
A quality control matrix is a table of dimensions that you can insert into an assembly drawing and
that production can use to verify the accuracy of an assembly after its fabrication.
After fabrication, production can measure the distances between points on the physical assembly
and enter the values into the empty fields of the quality control matrix.

Property of SSI LEARNING 32

Quality Matrix Label Options
• Bubble style – The style of the bubble surrounding the letter label.

• Bubble Size/Bubble Margin/Diameter – The size of the bubble. For the Bubble and
Rectangle styles this is a margin between the text and the bubble. If Scale
dimensions to layout is checked then this value is in paper space units; otherwise it is
in model space units.

• Leader Length – The length of the leader line between the picked dimension point
and the label.

• Text style – The style of the text within the label.

• Text size – The size of the text within the label. If Scale dimensions to layout is
checked then this value is in paper space units; otherwise it is in model space units.

• Arrow size – The size of the arrow. Setting this value to zero will suppress the
displaying of an arrow. If Scale dimensions to layout is checked then this value is in
paper space units; otherwise it is in model space units.

• Orient To View – Orients the label to be facing you when you are looking from any

• Scale dimensions to layout (Paper space) – If enabled, the labels will be scaled to
paper space; otherwise model space units are used.

• Label Layer – Layer to place all the labels on.

Quality Matrix Options

• Text style – The text style of the text in the matrix of dimensions. This lists all the
text styles in the current drawing.

• Text size – The size of the text for the matrix of dimensions. This also determines
the size of the matrix. If you started the command while in a layout then this value
will be in paper space units.

• Text Layer – Layer to place the dimensions on.

• Matrix Layer – Layer to place the matrix and column headers on

Quality Matrix Dimension Points

• Picked Points – When picking points, ShipConstructor uses that point as the
dimension point.

• Points Projected to Current UCS – When picking points, ShipConstructor creates a

dashed line from that point to a point on the current UCS and dimensions from that
point. This makes it easier to pick points, since you do not have to zoom in close and
make sure you are picking points on the front of the plate.

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Note: In order to accurately select points that are on the Mold Side of the plate, you can
use the Structure Drawing Options to prevent the solids from being displayed.

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Regular Exercise HSD-R003
Use the image below to assist you in completing the Regular Exercise. You must complete all
Regular Exercises in order to be eligible for certification. All Regular Exercises will be submitted to
SSI for evaluation and verification.
Please complete the following steps in the assembly drawing 0104-P03-Exercise:
1. Insert a Quality Matrix in the drawing.

• Pick four corner points on the mold side of the plate part for the matrix.

• Match your Quality Matrix Options to those displayed below:

Your drawing should look like this:

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Learning Objectives
• Understand the parts of a Weld BOM

• Learn to label weld symbols

• Learn to insert a weld symbol table

Weld BOMs
1. Open 0202-P09-Training assembly drawing in unit U02.

Besides the Bill of Materials BOM which lists parts, the drawing also contains the Weld
Identification BOM with information about the welds. In our case, the BOM has the
following columns:
• Tag – the name of the weld.

• Standard – the name of the weld standard (as defined in Manager).

• Status – the status of the weld (can be Modelled, Failed, Passed or Welded).

• Length – the length of the weld.

• Position – the position of the weld.

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Labeling Weld Symbols

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Weld Symbol Table

An empty table will be created.

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Approval Drawings

An approval drawing is a two-dimensional view of the model. Approval drawings are used as general
arrangement drawings or classification drawings (for example, for initial design and classification).

Learning Objectives
• Learn how to insert planar groups into an Approval drawing

• Learn how to create a Bound Approval drawing

Insert Planar Group

If a little disk icon appears next to the drawing name (indicating the file does not exist), click
the Open button. Click Yes to continue when prompted for ShipConstructor to recreate the
drawing from the database, and then OK to choose the default Structure template drawing.

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Save as a Bound Approval Drawing
Planar groups and parts are inserted into approval drawings as Xrefs. You can save an approval
drawing as a bound approval drawing that contains the actual planar groups and parts (not just
Xrefs to other drawings).
If a planar group or part changes, ShipConstructor will not automatically update a bound
approval drawing.

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Hull and Structure Documentation - Video Reference Library
The list below allows you to quickly go to SSI MyLearning, our online training site, and view videos for
specific sections of this training material. Simply hold down the Ctrl key on your keyboard while left-
clicking a link and you’ll be taken to the MyLearning site where you can watch that video.

• Assembly Drawings
Drawing Naming Conventions
Keymap Drawing
Keymap Configuration
Inserting BOM Information
Creating Assembly Drawings using the Wizard
Labeling an Assembly Drawing
Orientation Icon
Quality Matrix
• Welds
Weld BOMs
• Approval Drawings
Insert Planar Group

Congratulations on completing the

Hull & Structure Documentation Training Curriculum!

Property of SSI LEARNING 47

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