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Improve Your Brain Health: Healthmeans

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Some of the key takeaways are that diet, lifestyle factors like exercise and stress management, social connection and cognitive stimulation can impact brain health. The document discusses various dietary patterns, nutrients and lifestyle recommendations to support brain function.

Some of the dietary options discussed that may support brain health include the Mediterranean diet, DASH diet, MIND diet and following a ketoflexible approach with metabolic flexibility.

Lifestyle factors discussed that impact brain health include sleep quality, physical activity, gut health, toxin exposure, heart health and management of stress and infections.


2 HealthMeans

3 What is Brain Health and Why Should You Care?
5 Dietary Options: Mediterranean, DASH, MIND
and Ketoflex 12/3
6 Metabolic Flexibility and Mild Ketosis
7 Rethink Fat
8 Wild-Caught Fatty Fish
Grass-Fed Meat
9 Nuts and Seeds
10 Phytonutrients
11 Cold-Pressed Extra-Virgin Olive Oil
Eat to Reduce Toxins
12 Eat Eggs
13 Hydrate with Healthy Beverages
Insulin Sensitivity and Optimal Weight
14 Time-Restricted Eating and Longer Term Fasting
15 Optimize Your Gut Health, Feed Your Gut Bacteria
16 Reduce Unhealthy Stress
17 Bacopa Monnieri
18 Move Your Body
19 Provide Your Brain the Hormones it Needs
20 Assure Oxygenation All Day, All Night
Identify and Address Hidden or Chronic Infections
21 Avoid and Remove Toxins
22 Avoid Substances That Negatively Impact Your Brain
23 Keep Your Heart and Arteries Healthy
24 Improve Sleep Quality and Quantity
25 Protect Your Head
Fill and Challenge Your Brain
26 Connect with People
Find Your Purpose
27 Summary
29 References
Are you striving to optimize your health to live and the brain ran on carbohydrate-based fuels only, but
enjoy your best life? Then you may want to improve recent studies show that the brain may run even
your brain’s health and performance. Our focus more efficiently when fueled by ketones resulting
here is to explore brain health, what it is, why it’s from fat metabolism [1,2]. This state is called ketosis.
important and what you can do to protect your One way to improve your brain health is to make
brain and enhance your performance. sure you have metabolic flexibility, meaning your
body will effortlessly switch back and forth between
IT IS IMPORTANT TO HAVE A using carbs or ketones as fuel.
We all know that brain cells die throughout our
Your brain is the control center of your body and lives due to injury, aging and various assaults
communicates with your heart and most other such as infections and toxins. Only recently
abdominal organs via your vagus nerve. Because have we understood that we can grow new
of this, your brain is involved with movement, brain cells (neurogenesis) and make new neural
coordination, breathing, heart rate, and your five connections in response to learning and experience
senses. And if that isn’t enough, your brain also (neuroplasticity) throughout our life. These are two
helps you learn, create, store memories, navigate exciting and positive new discoveries that should
the world and process external inputs. It controls inspire us and give us hope for lifelong brain health.
executive function: a set of skills that includes focus, A critical protein that plays a key role in creating the
planning, decision making, working memory, time new brain cells is BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic
management and self-control. This is why focusing factor). The good news is that there are many
on good brain health is so important to living your choices within your control that influence the
best life! production of BDNF. Exercise is the most powerful
of these choices, but diet, lifestyle and supplements
While your brain may be a small percentage of your like curcumin and omega-3 fatty acids are also
total body weight, it uses about 20 percent of all the helpful to facilitate neurogenesis. This is a powerful
energy expended by your body. We used to think and important message!
While we often think about failing cognition as a are on the continuum heading toward poor brain
common symptom and consequence of aging, we health, which can lead to Alzheimer’s Disease, other
now know that it does not have to be, and should dementias or mental health issues.
not be, considered “normal.” As a matter of fact,
there are a variety of factors other than aging that The brain changes that result in dementia often start
cause cell death or faulty connections between brain two or three decades before the first symptoms.
cells, which can impact your brain function. Most Not everyone on this path will experience brain
of these fall into two categories: lack of nutrients or fog or other obvious symptoms, so it is never too
attacks on your brain and body that result in brain early to think about taking steps toward a healthier
inflammation. Providing your brain with the right brain. So, how do you know if you are moving on
nutrients, vitamins, minerals and hormones will the path toward an unhealthy brain? Knowing your
support neurogenesis and neuroplasticity. But that health status in areas like insulin sensitivity (HbA1c),
is not enough. inflammation (hs-crp, homocysteine), nutrient levels
(Vitamin D, hormones) and potential toxins is a good
Minimizing inflammation is also critical. Your place to start. In fact, expert neuroscientists and
brain is protected by a blood-brain barrier, but physicians recommend that everyone should get a
this barrier can be easily compromised allowing baseline evaluation at midlife to understand their
bacteria, viruses, toxins and other inflammatory health status and risk of future disease.
substances to get into your brain. If infectious
organisms or other toxins reach your brain, they Carrying the ApoE4 gene is a risk factor for cognitive
can activate special immune cells called microglia. decline that you cannot control. However, to
When they are activated, they cause inflammation improve your brain health, there are so many more
which leads to the production and accumulation of risk factors that are under your control and may
beta-amyloid and tau protein. The beta-amyloid is dampen the genetic influence. These include diet,
a protein fragment that forms plaques between the exercise, brain training, response to stress, sleep,
nerve cells in an attempt to protect the cells from relationships and supplements. It’s important to
the organisms or toxins. But in the process, it can focus on these foundational issues that impact the
accumulate so much that it prevents nerve to nerve overall health of your body.
signaling. Tau proteins may accumulate inside the
cells and prevent them from transporting nutrients PUT YOUR FOCUS ON FOUR AREAS:
and other molecules they need for survival. Both of
these situations can lead to cell death. What defines • Stop any attacks on your brain that
Alzheimer’s disease and distinguishes it from other lead to inflammation
dementias is the presence of these beta amyloid • Nourish your brain with everything it
plaques and tau tangles in the brain. needs to thrive
• Create an environment for
People of any age can experience symptoms of detoxifying and clearing the brain
brain fog, memory problems, lack of mental clarity, • Stimulate the growth of new
poor concentration or inability to focus. These neuronal connections
symptoms are often referred to as “cognitive
decline” and can be an early indication that you

You probably know that what you eat and drink can affect your heart health, but did you know that it can
affect your brain health as well? In fact, what is good for your heart is generally also good for your brain.
Great news! Because you eat multiple times a day, you have many opportunities to make choices that keep
your brain functioning well.

Before we talk about individual foods that may improve cognitive function, let’s look at broader dietary
options that support good brain health.

Both a Mediterranean diet and the MIND diet (a combination of the Mediterranean diet and the Dietary
Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet) are associated with less cognitive decline and a lower risk
of Alzheimer’s disease [3]. Those who adhere most closely to the Mediterranean diet retain more brain
volume and have a reduced risk of major chronic diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease [4,5].

What are the foods common to these dietary plans? They all encourage eating fish, lean meats, plentiful
fresh produce, olive oil, and high fiber legumes and whole grains (if tolerated), while minimizing salt, sugar
and processed foods.

Are you already experiencing brain fog or early cognitive decline? Then you may want to take it one step
further and consider the Ketoflex 12/3 food plan. This way of eating, promoted by Dr. Dale Bredesen,
reduces inflammation even further and puts your body into mild ketosis allowing your brain and body
to burn ketones. You achieve ketosis by eating a colorful plant-rich diet, clean proteins, reducing your
carbohydrate intake (like whole grains, legumes and starchy vegetables), increasing healthy fats and
incorporating at least a 12 hour fast each night which includes a three-hour fast before bedtime. If you
carry an ApoE4 gene, you may want to gradually increase your overnight fast to 14-16 hours or more. As
part of a comprehensive personalized approach, the Ketoflex 12/3 food plan has contributed to reversing
symptoms of cognitive decline, even early-stage Alzheimer’s [6].

Exploring one of these approaches to eating may be a great place to start on your journey to better brain
health! Remember, there’s not one ‘best’ diet for everyone – work with your healthcare provider to find the
best one for you.
6 HealthMeans

What is ketosis and why might it be helpful? By achieving a state of mild ketosis, your body and brain
become metabolically flexible to burn ketones or glucose as fuel, and this can improve your brain
function. It is especially helpful to achieve mild ketosis if you are experiencing any insulin resistance,
cognitive decline and if you carry the ApoE4 gene. Look out for the keto flu as you adapt to eating fewer
carbohydrates and generating your own endogenous ketones. Keto flu is a cluster of transient symptoms
like headaches, nausea, brain fog, fatigue and light-headedness that is often experienced when your
body is transitioning to creating endogenous ketones. It is thought to be caused by dehydration and
lost minerals. Make sure you ingest plenty of electrolytes to prevent these symptoms while your body
transitions to burning fat for fuel instead of carbohydrates. If you experience keto flu symptoms or feel
that you need more energy during the adjustment period, you may want to consider using exogenous
ketone esters or salts, such as Perfect Keto or KetoneAid brands, to provide your body with fuel. These
are available online or at stores like Whole Foods. But remember, the goal is to eventually generate your
own endogenous ketones. Keep track of your ketone levels at home by using a blood test like Keto Mojo
and Precision Xtra, or a breath test like Biosense.
7 HealthMeans

Your brain is made up of more than 50% fat, yet for
years, you were told to avoid eating fat. Your body
needs dietary fat to create phospholipids, which are
important nutrients for brain functioning, especially
learning and memory. Yes, it’s time to rethink eating
fat! So, let’s dig a little deeper and explore what to
eat to make sure you get the fatty acids that your
brain needs.

Eating enough fat is important, but the type of fat you eat also matters. For optimal brain health, your body
needs the correct balance of omega-3 ALA, EPA and DHA as well as omega-6 linoleic acid. Your body can’t
produce ALA or linolenic acid, and is not efficient at making EPA and DHA, so look for food or supplement
sources of these essential fatty acids. These nutrients are especially important for brain formation and
optimal brain functioning because they support neuroplasticity [7] and help you avoid dementia [8,9].
The balance of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids in the standard American diet is tipped too far in the
direction of omega-6, which tends to be more inflammatory. So, focusing on adding more omega-3 fatty
acids in your diet may be helpful. You may also need to add a high-quality supplement to meet your needs
for these important nutrients. (Note that some omega-6 fatty acids such as GLA can be anti-inflammatory
[10]. (These may be found in borage oil or evening primrose oil.)

So, embrace eating enough good quality fats to give your brain the nutrients and essential fatty acids it
needs to function well. What are good quality fats? Some examples include: olives and olive oil, avocados
and avocado oil, salmon, nuts and seeds.
8 HealthMeans


You’ve probably heard that fish is brain food. In
truth, fatty fish is one of the best dietary sources
of essential omega-3 fatty acids, contains high
quality protein and is associated with a slower rate
of cognitive decline [11]. Focus on getting at least
two servings of fatty fish per week. Make sure to
select wild caught over farm-raised options since
they generally have a more favorable fatty acid
profile and may contain fewer toxins from feed.
And choose mainly from the cold water “SMASH”
fish: salmon, mackerel, anchovies, sardines and
herring, because they have a shorter lifespan and
less time to accumulate mercury which has been
linked to memory loss and other health issues.
Higher concentrations of mercury have been found
in some patients with Alzheimer’s disease [12].

If you choose to eat meat, choose 100% grass-fed for a better fatty acid profile (higher omega-3 to omega-6
ratio, which may be less inflammatory). Meat from animals fed exclusively grass contains two to five times
more polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids than meat from feedlot animals [13]. Make sure that the animals
are not “grain finished” for the most supportive nutrients.
9 HealthMeans


Enjoy eating nuts and seeds daily on their own or in your smoothies or salads. They contain good quality
fats, fiber, magnesium and other nutrients. Nuts such as walnuts are rich in the polyunsaturated fatty acids
and contain many other phytochemicals important for minimizing inflammation. They have been found to
encourage the growth of new brain cells and improve communication between neurons [14]. If you are
following a ketogenic diet and trying to reduce your carbohydrate intake, macadamia nuts or sacha inchi
seeds are optimal choices as they are low in carbs.

Flax seeds are a very rich whole-food source of the omega-3 fatty acid ALA. You can get the benefits from
the seeds themselves or from flax oil. If you eat the seeds, be sure to grind or mill them to allow for better
digestion and absorption of the nutrients.

Chia seeds are also rich in omega-3 and other polyunsaturated fatty acids. A one-ounce serving has five
grams of complete protein (contains all the essential amino acids). Proteins are one of the building blocks of
neurotransmitters which improve mood and brain functioning.
10 HealthMeans

Be sure to eat a large variety of plant foods. These are rich in the phytonutrients such as polyphenols, and
have powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects which support your brain. These compounds
reduce your risk for chronic diseases, including Alzheimer’s and other dementias [15,16].

Many phytonutrients give plant foods their colors. To make sure you are eating these brain-protective
compounds, choose a variety of plant foods in different colors to increase your intake of protective
polyphenols and other phytonutrients in your diet.

To include a wide variety of polyphenolic compounds in your diet, eat plant foods in every color. Eat green
leafy vegetables like spinach and kale, blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, pumpkin, brussels sprouts
and summer squash. These foods contain high levels of flavonols, carotenoids and anthocyanins that may
protect against developing Alzheimer’s disease [17] or reduce the neurotoxicity of the beta-amyloid in the
brain associated with Alzheimer’s disease [18]. Include brown plant foods too by eating more mushrooms.
They are full of powerful antioxidants like glutathione.
11 HealthMeans

8. COLD-
Perhaps the richest source of polyphenols is freshly
cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil which protects your
memory and learning ability, and reduces the classic
markers of Alzheimer’s [19,20,21,22]. Because olive oil
is such an important part of the Mediterranean diet, it
may be responsible for much of the brain protective
effect of that food plan.

When you choose an extra-virgin olive oil, pay

attention to the color of the oil (darker is better) and
consume as close to the pressing date as possible.
Polyphenols are easily oxidized themselves, so protect
them in your olive oil by keeping the oil away from
light or heat, and storing in a dark bottle.


We mentioned earlier how important it is to remove toxins from the body to improve brain health. Eat
vegetables from the brassica family to help you detox: broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts and cabbage.
Be sure to eat them chopped and raw or lightly steamed to release the most sulphoraphane—a potent
antioxidant that helps the liver remove toxins [23]. For the highest sulforaphane intake, grow and eat
your own broccoli sprouts. Also consider adding lemons, garlic, parsley, cilantro, dandelion greens and
supplements like milk thistle and glutathione, which all support your body’s ability to detox effectively.
Eating for your brain includes eating more eggs, especially eggs from pasture-raised chickens. There is
no reason to fear eating these superfoods, and this includes the yolk! Eggs contain many vitamins and
high levels of choline, a precursor to the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which is critical for learning and
memory and can help you sleep better too [24,25]. And remember, eggs aren’t just for breakfast—enjoy
them all day long.

Note that since eggs are one of the top allergens, you should be mindful of any symptoms like runny nose,
congestion, headaches or cramps within 72 hours of eating eggs.
The beverages you drink can be just as important as
the foods you eat when it comes to your brain health.
Drink a full glass of filtered water when you wake
up to replenish the fluids your brain and glymphatic
system lost overnight. Even a dehydration loss of less
than 1% of your body weight can make a difference in
your memory, cognition and ability to detox, [26] so
drink clean filtered water frequently throughout the
day. Berkey, Aquasana and AquaTru are brands of
water filters you may want to consider for your home.
Include antioxidant-rich green tea, coffee (just a little,
and not too late in the day) or mushroom-infused
beverages like Four Sigmatic brand to give you a
boost in focus and cognition [27,28,29]. Regularly
drinking silicon-rich mineral water can decrease levels
of aluminum in your brain [30]. Tart cherry juice and
beet juice can help reduce your blood pressure and
increase blood flow to your brain [31]. There are lots
of ways to drink yourself to brain health!


Maintain an optimal weight with a body mass index (BMI) between 18.5 and 25. To best support your brain,
you want to avoid obesity in mid-life and avoid a BMI that is too low late in life [32,33]. Work to improve
your fasting blood glucose level to achieve insulin sensitivity [34]. You can do this by exercising more,
getting more sleep, limiting simple sugars and eating more soluble fiber, colorful vegetables and even a few
pinches of cinnamon. Test your blood glucose levels at home using a Keto Mojo or Precision Extra meter or
a continuous glucose monitor (CGM) like the Freestyle Libre. (Note that you will likely need a prescription for
a CGM, but you may find companies that will sell directly to consumers.) Avoiding insulin resistance is critical
for the growth, health and vitality of your brain cells.
14 HealthMeans


Eating less or less often may also be helpful for your brain health and promotes ketone production and
metabolic flexibility, which has been linked to improved thinking, learning and memory [35,36]. Eating this
way also reduces insulin spikes throughout the day since you are eating less often.


• Daily time-restricted eating in which you eat only during an eight-to-12-hour window
(example: eat only between 10:00 am and 8:00 pm for a 14-hour fast).
• Weekly 5:2 fast in which you eat normally for five days and fast for two days each week. On
fasting days, eat only one meal with less than 500 calories for two days each week.
• Monthly fast-mimicking diet in which you eat small portions of foods that are balanced
for macro- and micronutrients for five days each month. This fools your body into thinking
it is fasting. If you don’t want to create this menu for yourself, Prolon offers kits containing
foods needed for the fast.

Before you try any of these approaches, please consult with your healthcare providers to determine if they
are right for you.
15 HealthMeans


We’ve talked about what you should eat to nourish your body and brain, but did you know you should
also take care of your gut health and feed the good organisms that live in your gut? Inflammation
and leaky gut often go hand in hand. When you have a leaky gut, undigested food, toxins and
other substances that should be eliminated as waste may enter your bloodstream instead, causing
inflammation. To reduce inflammation and prevent leaky gut, first identify and eliminate the foods to
which you are sensitive. Then eat prebiotic fiber including resistant starch so your gut organisms can
thrive and protect your health [37]. They produce short-chain fatty acids like butyrate that keep your
gut healthy and may be critical for communication between your gut and your brain [38,39]. Some good
foods to include are dandelion greens, garlic, onions, leeks, green bananas, jicama and apples. Resistant
starch examples include cooked and cooled sweet potatoes, white potatoes and rice.
16 HealthMeans


When you experience stress, do you feel disorganized and forget things? This is not uncommon, and if you
experience stress over the long term, it can change your brain in ways that affect your mood and memory.
Stress can affect you most when it is unpredictable and chronic, with no end in sight. Long-term stress can
actually rewire your brain and have a negative effect on memory [40].

So, what can you do to protect yourself from damaging stress? Create routines to control the things that
you can control, let go of the things you can’t. Yes, we know that’s easier said than done! Avoid caffeine
and get a good night’s sleep. Know your limits and learn to say no to non-essential activities when your
responsibilities seem overwhelming. Reach out to loved ones or professionals to get support if you need it.

In addition, can you change your attitude toward stress? Rather than strive for no stress in your life, can you
focus on how you respond to stress? Try practicing mindfulness, gratitude or engage in physical activities.
To take it to the next level, perhaps explore tools like HeartMath, which measure your heart rate variability
(HRV). When your system is relaxed (and not in fight-or-flight mode) the variation between heartbeats is
high and this allows you to show more resilience. Lower HRV is associated with worsening depression,
anxiety, cardiovascular disease and risk of death. The HeartMath device measures HRV and offers
biofeedback to allow you to train your system to relax. When you have optimal heart rate variability you set
the stage for better cognitive function [41]. Your brain will thank you for implementing any of these stress-
reduction strategies!
17 HealthMeans


Looking for a rock star supplement to improve your brain function? Try Bacopa monnieri. It has been used
by Ayurvedic medical practitioners for years to improve memory and reduce anxiety [42]. It is considered
an adaptogenic herb, is a powerful antioxidant and may also reduce inflammation.

Spice up your life while you support your brain!
Curcumin is the active component of turmeric
which is found in many Eastern curry dishes. It has
anti-inflammatory effects, binds beta-amyloid in
the brain and improves mild memory problems
[43]. You can take curcumin as a supplement or
use turmeric in your food. Because curcumin is not
well absorbed by itself, eat it with black pepper and
a healthy fat, which may increase its bioavailability.
Check out ‘Golden Milk’ recipes for one tasty and
healthy way to use turmeric.
18 HealthMeans


You probably know that being active by exercising or otherwise moving your body is good for your health.
But, did you know that movement also protects your brain? Studies indicate that exercise, both aerobic and
strength training, might be one of the most effective strategies to prevent cognitive decline and maintain
good brain health, including memory and executive functioning. Better leg power reliably predicted both
better cognitive testing, greater brain volume and healthier cognition as people aged [44].

Movement which increases your heart rate is helpful in several ways. It increases blood flow which helps
with memory and executive functioning, it turns on the genes that increase BDNF which stimulates the
growth of new brain cells, and it stimulates glymphatic flow which clears beta-amyloid and other waste
from your brain [45,46,47]. There is also growing evidence that resistance or strength training, which helps
preserve or build muscle mass, triggers neurobiological processes which preserve your brain and cognition,
especially executive functioning [48].

So, make time daily, if possible, to take a walk, go running, hiking or biking, do some gardening, play
tennis, dance to your favorite song, take a yoga class, lift weights or use resistance bands to get both
aerobic movement and strength training to preserve your muscle mass and protect your brain! Experts
recommend at least 20 minutes of exercise per day.

If you’re already fit and have limited time to exercise, try adding some running to your daily walk or try high
intensity interval training (HIIT). The goal is to push your muscles and cardiovascular system to maximum
capacity for short periods. HIIT has been found to improve brain function in older adults, especially in
speed processing, memory and executive function [49].

Remember, if you haven’t been exercising, consult with your healthcare provider first and start slowly.

Optimal hormone levels are critical for maintaining cognitive abilities such as memory, thinking, problem
solving, spatial ability and even emotion for both men and women. Studies have found that hormonal
fluctuations are one of the key factors that lead to defects in cognitive function [50]. Relevant hormones
include thyroid, pregnenolone, estradiol, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, cortisol and vitamin D (actually
a hormone!).

In post-menopausal women, there is significant evidence that supports the beneficial effects of transdermal
estradiol on cognition and the protective effects regarding Alzheimer’s disease [51]. In men, preliminary
evidence suggests that testosterone loss may be a risk factor for cognitive decline and dementia in elderly
men [52].

Vitamin D, produced by the skin under UV stimulation or ingested from food, is actually a hormone,
essential for human health. More and more evidence indicates that low levels of vitamin D may be
associated with increased risk of developing age-related cognitive decline, dementia and Alzheimer’s.
Vitamin D plays a role in neurotransmission, reducing beta-amyloid and Tau accumulation, and taming
inflammation, all of which are associated with Alzheimer’s [53].

What should you do? Reach out to your healthcare provider and initiate a dialog about optimizing your
hormone levels for overall health and more specifically for your brain health.
20 HealthMeans


Our brains need adequate oxygen to function
properly. Studies indicate that people with sleep
apnea—pauses in breathing or reduced oxygen
levels during sleep—are more likely to develop
cognitive impairment in later years, especially
affecting attention and executive functions [54].
Check your oxygen saturation levels using a pulse
oximeter or other technological tools such as the
Beddr SleepTunerTM, Apple watch, Fitbit with SPO2
or Wellue O2 Ring. Your daytime oxygen levels
should be between 96-100%, and when you sleep
they should be very close to your normal daytime
levels. If you find that your oxygen levels drop more
than 1-2% at night, explore causes and solutions
with your doctor. Your overall health, including your
brain health, depends on it!


More and more evidence links hidden or chronic infections to the onset and development of poor brain
function, including brain fog, poor memory and Alzheimer’s disease [55]. Specific infections you might want
to explore and address include sinus infections, viral infections like herpes simplex, Candida, Lyme and co-
infections, and oral infections like gingivitis. Work with your healthcare team to determine which infections
might be relevant for you given your history, lifestyle and symptoms and then work to clear them.
21 HealthMeans


We are exposed to a wide variety of toxins daily! These include: heavy metals like mercury and other
inorganic chemicals, glyphosate, pesticides and other organic chemicals, and biotoxins like mycotoxins from
mold. They can be found in our food, water, air, cleaning products, cookware, personal care products, on
our furniture, carpets and bedding, and even in our mouths if we have mercury dental amalgams.

There is growing evidence that toxins, like mercury, lead, cadmium and aluminum may be associated with
increased risk for poor brain health, including cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s [56,57].

Did you know that the human body has built-in detoxification mechanisms to identify and clear toxins that
might be harmful to its health? Unfortunately, with the quantities of toxins that most of us are exposed to,
the detox pathways can become overwhelmed. And some people also have genetics that further reduce
their ability to detox.

What can you do about this? Minimize your exposure to toxins as much as possible and support your
body’s ability to detox.

To minimize toxins, buy organic food as often as possible (consult the Environmental Working Group), drink
clean, filtered water, use air purifiers at home, transition to less toxic cleaning and personal care products,
use stainless steel cookware, avoid eating larger fish like swordfish and tuna to avoid high mercury intake,
work with a biological dentist to safely remove your mercury dental amalgams if you have high mercury
levels, check for mold if you have had water damage in your home, and try to minimize incidents of general
anesthesia as it can impact your brain function [58].

Improve your ability to detox by supporting your body’s efforts to eliminate waste and toxins through
urination, bowel movements and sweating. Stay hydrated to flush toxins out of your body, increase sweat
by exercising or using an infrared sauna, and be sure to wash up with castile soap to prevent reabsorbing
toxins through your skin [59]. Make sure you have enough fiber in your diet to facilitate regular bowel
movements and add foods and herbs that support detox pathways (see examples in Tip #9)
In addition to the toxins we’ve already discussed, there are some commonly used products that can
negatively impact your brain. These include tobacco, excessive alcohol and anticholinergic drugs.

While an occasional glass of red wine might offer some health benefits from the phytonutrient resveratrol,
excessive alcohol acts as a neurotoxin that damages multiple structures in your brain while also impacting
your liver’s ability to detox. This damage can lead to brain atrophy, memory loss and sleep interference,
especially our ability to reach REM sleep which impacts memory formation and cognition. If you choose to
indulge occasionally, choose dry red wine and look for organic, sugar free, low-alcohol options such as
Dry Farm Wines.

By now you probably know that smoking is bad for your health – especially for your lungs. However, did you
know that it also negatively impacts your brain health? Yes! Nicotine and other toxins found in cigarettes
are linked to an increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease. They increase oxidative stress in the brain, impact
cardiovascular health and hypertension, along with other markers that correlate with poor brain health and
increased risk for Alzheimer’s [60]. So, if you’re still smoking, quit!

Higher cumulative anticholinergic medication use is associated with an increased risk for dementia [61].
So, what are anticholinergic medications? The list includes any drugs that block the neurotransmitter
acetylcholine in the central and peripheral nervous system. This impacts the transmission of messages
which affects learning and memory. These include some medications for depression, Parkinson disease,
schizophrenia and similar disorders, overactive bladder and epilepsy. Common OTC examples include
Benadryl, Tylenol PM, Advil PM and Sominex. Work with your healthcare providers to explore options to
minimize use of prescription and OTC anticholinergic drugs when possible.
23 HealthMeans


Keep your heart and arteries healthy if you want to reduce your risk for cognitive decline and dementia.
Vascular dementia is the second most common form of dementia after Alzheimer’s and is caused by
decreased blood flow to the brain. Studies indicate that people with better heart health and lower blood
pressure have a lower risk for cognitive decline. One study showed that high cardiovascular fitness was
associated with a 9.5-year delayed onset of dementia relative to those with lower cardiovascular fitness

How can you improve the blood flow to your brain? In addition to the diet and exercise recommendations
we’ve already discussed, you may want to decrease inflammation, manage your stress and optimize your
blood pressure. Nitric oxide supports cerebral blood flow, so try adding arugula, beet root or tart cherry
juice to your diet [64].

There are other foods that can lower your blood pressure. Consider adding celery, garlic and dark
chocolate. Yes, chocolate! High levels of flavonols in dark chocolate allow it to act as a vasodilator that can
reduce blood pressure and increase blood flow to the brain. So, enjoy a bit of dark chocolate daily. Just
be sure that it is at least 70% cacao, low in sugar and dairy-free. Cacao can be high in cadmium and lead,
some make sure to look for a high quality brand such as Endangered Species or Hu. The most effective
chocolates are bitter in taste, so learn to savor the bitter notes.
One of the most important ways to protect your brain from deterioration is to get enough good quality
sleep! Lack of enough good quality sleep is directly correlated to an increased risk of dementia, including
Alzheimer’s disease [65]. Target seven to eight hours of sleep per night.

Why is sleep so important? At least two critical functions for good brain health happen when you sleep:
(1) Your brain processes the information collected during the day and consolidates it to create your
memories, and (2) Your brain’s glymphatic system works to clear beta-amyloid and other waste products;
it is especially efficient during deep sleep and when you sleep on your side [66].

What can you do to improve the quantity and quality of your sleep?

Keep a regular sleep schedule, develop a routine to prepare you for bed and confirm that you don’t have
sleep apnea. Tips that can help include: Limit caffeine after noon, keep your bedroom dark and cool
(65 degrees F recommended), engage in activities that promote stress reduction and relaxation in the evening
to prepare yourself for a restful night – perhaps take a hot bath with Epsom salts (magnesium in the salts aid
sleep) and lavender essential oil (which may help you relax), meditate or listen to relaxing music.

Reduce exposure to blue light after dark as

it impacts the production of melatonin, a
necessary hormone for good quality sleep –
so put away your electronic devices or wear
blue-light-blocking glasses. Another way to
improve the quality of your sleep is to get
exposure to morning sun – this helps regulate
your circadian rhythm and increases the
production of melatonin later at night [67].

Consider tools like the Oura ring, Beddr

SleepTunerTM, Fitbit and Apple watches
that can monitor the impact of your efforts
to improve your sleep. These will give you
information on how long you’re sleeping and
the amount of deep sleep, REM sleep and
your heart rate variability while sleeping.
A history of a traumatic brain injury (TBI) can increase your risk for poor brain health. Studies indicate that
about 5 percent of all dementia cases may be attributable to a TBI [68]. To minimize your risk for dementia
or other brain function issues, protect your head! Take precautions when engaging in sports and other
activities to avoid concussions and head injuries. Wear helmets when biking, skiing or engaging in other
sports where you might fall or get hit in the head, wear your seatbelt when in the car and avoid situations
that put you at risk for falls and other activities that might injure your head.


You’ve heard the saying “Use it or lose it,” right?
Well, this applies to your brain function as well!

Studies have shown that exercising the brain,

learning and education strengthen your brain to
improve memory, focus, processing speed and
overall functionality [69,70]. Engage in activities
that challenge your mind: take a class, learn a new
language, learn to play a musical instrument, take
a dance class, use your nondominant hand for
routine tasks, take a different route when you drive
to the store or work and try brain training exercises
like BrainHQ or Lumosity. Be creative, find ways to
continue to learn and challenge your brain while
having fun!
26 HealthMeans

Build your social networks and nurture your
relationships to live a longer, healthier life while
decreasing your risk of developing dementia by 46
percent [71,72]. Use online communities, Zoom,
Skype and your phone to stay in touch with friends
or family and to make new friends. Join a virtual
book club, take an online group class in art, music
or meditation. Prioritize connecting with people who
support you, nurture you and bring you joy!


Yes, finding your purpose can improve the quality of your life! Research shows that people who know their
life purpose and why they wake up in the morning live longer, better lives and may also reduce their risk for
developing dementia, including Alzheimer’s [73]. According to the Blue Zones project, knowing your sense
of purpose can increase your life expectancy by seven years. If you already have a passion and purpose,
wonderful! If not, think about your values and causes that are important to you and then get involved to
make a difference. Perhaps volunteer at your local humane society, mentor or tutor young people online,
write poetry or create art that touches people, engage with a nonprofit that supports education, health
access or other issues important to you.
Because of neurogenesis and neuroplasticity, it’s never too late to make positive changes in your habits to
optimize brain health and performance. You have it within your power to grow new brain cells and rewire the
connections between them. As presented here, there are many factors within your control to improve your
brain health today and throughout your life. Minimize inflammation by stopping attacks on your brain and
improve detoxification. Be sure to consume all the nutrients essential for your brain. Create an environment
that is stimulating for your brain. This will also support a healthy body and heart. Just as it’s never too late to
make changes to optimize your brain health, it’s also never too early, so get started today to live your best life!
29 HealthMeans

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