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Plea Bargaining CRPC

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Plea bargaining is a pre-trial negotiation between the accused and the prosecution where the
accused agrees to plead guilty in exchange for certain concessions by the prosecution. It is a
bargain where a defendant pleads guilty to a lesser charge and the prosecutors in return drop
more serious charges. It is not available for all types of crime e.g. a person cannot claim plea
bargaining after committing heinous crimes or for the crimes which are punishable with
death or life imprisonment.

 History of Plea Bargaining

In the Jury System, the need for plea bargaining was not felt because there was no legal
representation. Later on, in 1960 legal representation was allowed and the need for Plea
Bargaining was felt. Although the traces of the origin of the concept of Plea Bargaining is in
American legal history. This concept has been used since the 19th century. Judges used this
bargaining to encourage confessions.

 Plea bargaining in India

Plea Bargaining is not an indigenous concept of Indian legal system. It is a part of the recent
development of Indian Criminal Justice System (ICJS). It was inculcated in Indian Criminal
Justice System after considering the burden of long-standing cases on the Judiciary.
The Criminal Law (Amendment) Act, 2005, which amended the Code of Criminal Procedure
introduced Plea bargaining in India. A new chapter XXI (A) was enforced in the code from
July 5, 2006.Plea bargaining is allowed in case where the maximum punishment is
imprisonment for 7 years. The first case was in 2007, Sakharam Bandekar case. But in that
case court rejected his plea and CBI argument and he was sentenced to 3 years of
imprisonment. Plea bargaining is not applicable in offences committed against socio-
economic condition or women or a child below 14 years.

 Different types of Plea Bargaining

1. Sentence bargaining: Motive of this is to get lesser sentence. Defendant agrees to the
charges and in return gets a lighter sentence.



2. Charge bargaining: It is common in criminal cases. Defendant agrees to plead guilty to a

lesser charge in return of dismissing of greater charge.

3. Fact bargaining: Defendant agrees to stipulate certain facts in return he prevents other
facts to enter as evidence.


Section 265A to 265L, Chapter XXIA of the Criminal Procedure Code deals with the concept
of Plea Bargaining. It was inserted into the Criminal Law (Amendment) Act, 2005. It allows
plea bargaining for cases:1
Section 265-A: Plea bargaining is available to the accused who is charged of any offence
other than the offences punishable with death or imprisonment for life. Section 265-A (2)
Gives power to notify the offences to the Central Government.

Section 265-B: Application for plea bargaining which is too filed by the accused. It shall
contain brief details about the cases including the offences to which the case relates. It shall
be accompanied by an affidavit of the accused. The court shall thereafter issue notice to the
investigation officer and public prosecutor and the victim of the case.

Section 265-C : Prescribes the procedure to be followed by the court in working out a
mutually satisfactory disposition of the case.

Section 265-D : A meeting is conducted and after that a satisfactory disposition of the case is
concluded by preparing a report signed by the presiding officer and participants of the
meeting. However if there is no such conclusion brought then the court shall record
observation and proceed further in accordance with sub- section(1) of section 265-B.

Section 265-E : After completion of filing a report, court has to hear the parties and decide
the quantum of the punishment or release them on probation.

Section 265-F : It deals with the judgment in terms of mutual disposition.

Section 265-G : There is no appeal against such judgment.

Section 265- H : Powers of the court in plea bargaining .

Section 265- I : Section 428 is applicable to disposition awarded in plea bargaining.

Section 265- J : Notwithstanding anything inconsistent therewith contained in any other
provisions of the Code and nothing in such other provisions shall be construed to contain the
meaning of any provision of chapter XXI-A.\



Section 265- K : It specifies that the statements given by the accused shall not be used for
any other purposes.

Section 265- L : This act shall not apply in any case under Juvenile justice Act, 2000.

 Plea bargaining in different countries

o United States
Plea bargaining is followed differently in each state and it is significant part of criminal
justice. They endure uniformity in all cases by following “Federal Sentencing guidelines”.
There are 2 main types of plea agreement :11 (c)(1)(B) and 11(c)(1)(C). It is common in
Superior Courts of California, they have published an optional seven-page form to help in the
procedures of plea agreements. Once a plea bargain is decided and accepted by the courts, it
is final and cannot be appealed. But defendant can withdraw his plea and accept conditional
plea bargain whereby he pleads guilty and accepts a sentence.2
o Canada
In plea bargaining, The Crown has the power to give lighter sentence and withdraw some
charges against the defendant in exchange of guilty plea. The crown has to decide whether to
decide the matter summarily or by indictment prior the defendant making his plea. If it
proceeded summarily and then the defendant pleads not guilty then crown cannot change its
election. Judges are not bound to the decisions of the Crown, they could impose harsher
sentences. The crown and the defense will make a joint submission with respect to the
sentencing. Judges are not bound to impose sentence within that range of submission.
o England and Wales
Plea bargaining is executed according to the guidelines given by the “Sentencing Council”.
Discount of the sentence given according to the timing of the plea. The earlier the guilty plea
is entered,  the discount given is greater. If it entered on the first day of the trial then a
discount of one tenth is given. Discount can involve in changing the type of punishment also.

 Arguments against Plea Bargaining in India3

1. Voluntarily adopted Mechanism

As per the legal provision dealing with Plea bargaining, it is a voluntary mechanism which is
only entertained when accused opts it willingly. But the law is silent on the point that in case,
the settlement reached is contrary to the purpose of the legal system.
2. Involvement of Police




The Involvement of the police in plea bargaining also attracts criticism. As India is infamous
for the custodial torture by police. In such scenario, the concept of Plea Bargaining is more
likely to aggravate the situation.
3. Corruption
The role of victims in plea bargaining process is also not appreciated. The role of victim in
this process would attract corruption which is ultimately defeating the purpose which is
sought to be achieved by such action.
4. Independent Judicial Authority
The provisions of Plea Bargaining do not provide for an independent judicial authority to
evaluate plea-bargaining applications. This is one of the glaring reasons for its criticism.
The in camera examination of the accused by the court attract may lead to public cynicism
and distrust for the plea-bargaining system. The failure to make confidential any order passed
by the court rejecting an application could also create biases towards the accused.
5. Not the Final Solution
The reasons given for the introduction of plea-bargaining are the tremendous overcrowding
of jails, high rates of acquittal, torture undergone by under trial prisoners etc. But the main
factor behind all these reasons is a delay in the trial process. In India, the reason behind the
delay in trials is many e.g. the operation of the investigative agencies as well as the judiciary,
personal interest of lawyers etc. Therefore, the need of the hour is not a substitute for trial but
an overhaul of the system which can be in terms of structure, composition and its work
culture. All these measures would ensure reasonably fast trials.

 Arguments for Plea Bargaining in India
1. Fast disposal of cases
The plea bargaining is beneficial for both the prosecution and the defense because there is no
risk of complete loss at trial. It helps the attorneys to defend their clients in an easy way
because both the parties possess bargaining power. This is how the long-standing disputes
can be resolved and the court would also not need to face encumbrance of case files.
Moreover, Plea bargaining helps the courts in preserving scarce resources for the cases that
need them most.




2. Less serious offenses on one’s record

In a country like India, society plays a vital role. Once a person is stigmatized by society it
becomes very difficult for that person to survive. Many a time stigmatization leads to
ostracization. In such scenario, Plea Bargaining allows a person to plead guilty or no contest
in exchange for a reduction in the number of charges or the seriousness of the offenses. This
results in recording less serious offenses on the official court records of an accused. This can
be good for the accused when he is convicted in the future.

3. A hassle-free approach
Indian is known for its long-standing case. Many cases proceedings go for 8-10 year thereby
both the parties suffer. There have been instances where accused spent more time in jail than
the maximum punishment for which he was accused. Such instances show a grave
infringement of their human rights. Plea bargaining allows a person to plead guilty without
hiring a lawyer. But If they waited to go to trial, they would have to find and hire a lawyer,
and in that process, they have to spend at least some time working with the lawyer to prepare
for trial and pay the lawyer. The concept of plea bargaining safeguards the interest of such
persons by avoiding the hassles that they face when the case remains pending.

4. It avoids publicity
Moreover, Plea Bargaining is also a good mechanism to avoid publicity because the longer
the case goes the more publicity the accuses gets. Therefore plea bargaining avoids such
publicity by a fast settlement of the case. Famous and ordinary People who depend on their
reputation in the community for their living, and those people who want to escape any
unnecessary stigmatization. Although the news of the plea itself may be public yet it stays
only for a short time when compared to news of a trial.




In Murlidhar Meghraj Loya vs State of Maharashtra 5 The Hon’ble Supreme Court

criticized the concept of Plea Bargaining and said that it intrudes upon the society’s interests.

In  Kasambhai vs State of Gujarat  Ṅ6 & Kachhia Patel Shantilal Koderlal vs State of

Gujarat and Anr, the Apex court said that the Plea Bargaining is against public policy.
Moreover, it regretted the fact that the magistrate accepted the plea bargaining of accused.
Furthermore, Hon’ble Court described this concept as a highly reprehensible practice.
The Court also held that practice of plea bargaining as illegal and unconstitutional and tends
to encourage the corruption, collusion and pollute the pure fount of justice.

Thippaswamy vs State of Karnataka 7 the Court said that inducing or leading an accused to
plead guilty under a promise or assurance would be violative of Article 21 of the
The Court also stated that “In such cases, the Court of appeal or revision should set aside the
conviction and sentence of the accused and remand the case to the trial court so that the
accused can, if he so wishes defend himself against the charge and if he is found guilty,
proper sentence can be passed against him”. 

In State of Uttar Pradesh vs Chandrika 8, the Apex Court disparaged the concept of plea
bargaining and held this practice as unconstitutional and illegal. Here the Hon’ble Court
was of the view that on the plea bargaining Court cannot basis of disposing of criminal
cases. The case has to be decided on the merit. In furtherance of the same, court said that
if the accused confesses his guilt, he must be given the appropriate sentence as required
by the law.

In  the State Of Gujarat vs Natwar Harchandji Thakor 9, the Court acknowledged the
importance of plea bargaining and said that every “plea of guilty” which is construed to
be a part of the statutory process in the criminal trial, should not be understood as a “plea

(AIR 1976 SC 1929)
(1980 AIR 854)
[1983] 1 SCC 194,
2000 Cr.L.J. 384(386
(2005) 1 GLR 709

bargaining” ipso facto. It is a matter of matter and has to be decided on a case to case
basis. Considering the dynamic nature of law and society, the court said that the very
object of the law is to provide an easy, cheap and expeditious justice by resolving

Kasambhai Abdulrehmanbhai Sheikh v. State of Gujarat 10, The court held in this case that
Plea bargaining is against public policy and it pollutes the pure front of justice. The court has
challenged the morality of plea bargaining. It also regretted the fact that magistrate had
accepted the plea bargaining.

Murlidhar Mehraj Loya v. State of Maharashtra 11, The Supreme court did not encourage
the concept of Plea bargaining. The believed it be a formal inducement. The enormous power
in the hand of prosecutor will lead to corruption and collusion of justice. It held that plea
bargaining intrudes upon the society’s interest and public morale.


The concept of plea bargaining is not entirely new in India. Indian has already recognized it
when it got its constitution in 1950. Article 20(3) of Indian constitution prohibits self-
incrimination. People accuse plea bargaining of violatory of the said article. But with the
passage of time the considering the encumbrance on the courts, the Indian court has felt the
need of Plea bargaining in Indian legal system. When a change is brought it is hard to accept
it initially but society needs to grow so is our legal system. Everything has advantages and
disadvantages and both have to be analyzed in order reach a sound conclusion. Rejecting
something only on the basis of its disadvantages would not be justified in any case. The
concept of plea bargaining is evolving in India and it is not appropriate to expect it to be
perfect. It can only be improved by debate, discussions, and discourses.

AIR 1980 SC 854
AIR 1976 SC 1929


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