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Design 1qsy1718 Questions

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INSTRUCTIONS: Read the following problems and answer the questions, choosing the
best answer among the choices provided. Shade the letter of your choices on the
answer sheet provided. Shade letter E if your answer is not among the choices
provided. Strictly no erasures.

SIT. A: A special-purpose bolt of shank diameter d = 12 mm passes through a hole

in a steel plate. The hexagonal head of the bolt bears directly against
the steel plate. The radius of the circumscribing circle for the hexagon
is r = 8.66 mm. The thickness of the bolt head is t = 6 mm and the under
a tensile stress of 35 MPa.
1. Determine the average bearing stress (MPa) between the hexagonal head of the
bolt and the plate.
A. 48.42 B. 26.98 C. 32.61 D. 19.84
2. Determine the average shear stress (MPa) in the head of the bolt
A. 17.5 B. 10.02 C. 19.14 D. 11.57

SIT. B: The fixed-end aluminum bar ABCD consists of three prismatic segments, as
shown in the figure. The end segments have cross-sectional area A1 = 840 mm2 and
length L1 = 200 mm. The middle segment has cross-sectional area A2 = 1260 mm2 and
length L2 = 250 mm. Loads PB and PC are equal to 25.5 kN and 17.0 kN,
3. Determine the reaction (kN) RA at the left fixed support.
A. 10.5 B. 15.3 C. 2.0 D. 6.8
4. Determine the axial stress (MPa) on segment CD.
A. 12.5 B. 18.21 C. 2.38 D. 8.09
5. Calculate the deformation (mm) on the middle bar BC if E = 72 GPa.
A. 0.023 B. 0.041 C. 0.070 D. 0.056


SIT. C: The three-bar truss ABC shown in the figure has a span of L = 3 m and is
constructed of steel pipes having cross-sectional area A = 3900 mm2. A load P
acts horizontally to the right at joint C.
6. If P = 650 kN, what is the horizontal displacement of joint B?
A. 1.50 B. 2.00 C. 1.75 D. 1.25
7. What is the maximum permissible load (kN) Pmax if the displacement of joint B
is limited to 1.5 mm?
A. 650 B. 780 C. 1040 D. 910

SIT. D: A stepped shaft ACB having solid circular cross sections with two different
diameters is held against rotation at the ends.
8. If the allowable shear stress in the shaft is 43 MPa, what is the maximum
torque, To (N·m) that may be applied at C?
A. 150 B. 125 C. 175 D. 100

SIT. E: A cantilever beam AB with a rectangular cross section has a longitudinal

hole drilled throughout its length (see figure). The beam supports a load P 0.4 m
from the fixed end. The cross section is 25 mm wide and 50 mm high, and the hole
has a diameter of 10 mm.
9. Calculate the maximum load P (N) if the allowable tensile stress in the beam
is 24.5 MPa and the allowable compressive stress is 27.2 MPa
A. 695 B. 650 C. 585 D. 625


SIT. F: A wood beam ABC with simple supports at A and B and overhang BC has a depth
of 280 mm. The length of the main span L = 3.6 m and the beam supports a
concentrated load of 3P = 15 kN at midpoint and P = 5 kN at the end of overhang.
If the wood has a density of 5.5 kN/cu.m.
10. Determine the required width “b” of the beam based on an allowable bending
stress of 8.2 MPa.
A. 100 B. 75 C. 90 D. 70
11. Determine the required width based on allowable shear stress of 0.7 MPa.
A. 100 B. 75 C. 90 D. 70

SIT. G: The vertical mast supports the 4-kN force and is constrained by the two
fixed cables BC and BD and by a ball-and-socket connection at A (support force in
all directions).
12. Calculate the tension (kN) in BD.
A. 4.90 B. 6.12 C. 4.08 D. 5.75
13. Calculate the tension (kN) in BC.
A. 8.16 B. 4.47 C. 5.59 D. 8.94
14. Calculate the reaction (kN) at A.
A. 11.99 B. 12.17 C. 12.32 D. 13.84

SIT. H: A rectangular beam 400 mm wide and 780 mm deep is reinforced with 2-φ22 mm
bars with bar centroid 70 mm from the top and 4-φ36 mm bars with bar centroid 80
mm from the bottom. Using f’c = 21 MPa and fy = 420 MPa, calculate the following:
15. Depth (mm) of neutral axis from extreme concrete compression fiber at
ultimate strength in positive bending. Consider the resistance of the
compression bars.
A. 194.78 B. 229.52 C. 237.92 D. 280.16
16. Design moment strength in positive bending (kN·m).
A. 1038 B. 935 C. 892 D. 991
17. Design moment strength in negative bending (kN·m). Disregard the resistance
of compression bars.
A. 197.59 B. 194.72 C. 175.24 D. 177.83

SIT. I: The given I-shaped beam is reinforced with 10-mm-diameter stirrups spaced at
150 mm on centers. Material strengths are f’c = 28 MPa and fy = 420 MPa. The
provisions for shear in reinforced concrete are presented at the back pages.
18. Calculate the design shear strength (kN) of the beam section.
A. 82.97 B. 183.83 C. 162.18 D. 320.65

SIT. J: A rectangular beam section shown in the figure on the next page is to be
designed for a shear force of Vu = 265 kN with compressive strength of light-
weight concrete f’c = 21 MPa and steel yield strength fy = 420 MPa with b = 0.5d.
Form sizes of the beam are in 25 mm increments.
19. Calculate the required width “b” of the beam if no web reinforcing is used
A. 775 mm B. 550 mm C. 675 mm D. 425 mm
SIT. K: For the beam given in the figure above, f’c = 21 MPa and fy = 280 MPa. The
dead load shown includes the beam weight.
20. Calculate the factored shear force (kN) at the critical section for shear.
A. 326.40 B. 356.80 C. 266.83 D. 183.12
21. Determine the required center to center spacing (mm) of 10-mm-diameter two-
legged stirrups at the critical section.
A. 160 B. 360 C. 250 D. 320
22. What is the maximum spacing allowed by NSCP?
A. 160 B. 360 C. 250 D. 320

SIT. L: A tied column section reinforced with 8-φ20 mm vertical bars is shown in the
figure above. Use f’c = 21 MPa and fy = 420 MPa.
23. Calculate the location (mm) of the plastic centroid from the top edge of the
A. 350 B. 175 C. 250 D. 320
24. Calculate the nominal axial capacity (kN) of the column at balanced
condition considering bending about the x-x axis.
A. 1,599 B. 1,505 C. 1,780 D. 1,798
25. Calculate the balanced eccentricity (mm) with bending about the x-x axis.
A. 162 B. 223 C. 286 D. 347

SIT. M: A reinforced concrete beam has a width of 250 mm and a total depth of
450 mm. It is reinforced with a 5-φ20 mm flexure bars placed at an effective depth
of 375 mm. Specified compressive strength of concrete is 28 MPa and yield
strength of steel reinforcement is 420 MPa.
26. Calculate the depth (mm) of the uniform compression block at ultimate
A. 133.06 B. 156.53 C. 110.88 D. 130.44
27. Calculate the tensile strain when the concrete crushes at a strain of 0.003.
A. 0.0042 B. 0.0056 C. 0.0071 D. 0.0021
28. What is the condition of failure for this amount of reinforcement according
to the provisions of NSCP 2010?
A. Balanced stain failure C. Tension controlled failure
B. Compression controlled failure D. Transition failure

SIT. N: An angle bar, A36 steel (Fy = 248 MPa, Fu = 400 MPa) is connected to an A36
steel gusset plate with 25-mm-diameter bolts as shown in the figure above.
29. Calculate the allowable strength (kN) of the tension member based on its
gross area under tension.
A. 557 B. 595 C. 636 D. 464
30. Calculate the allowable strength (kN) of the tension member based on tensile
fracture on effective net area using a reduction coefficient U = 0.85.
Damaged hole diameters are 3.2 mm bigger than the bolt diameter.
A. 500 B. 568 C. 483 D. 438
31. Calculate the block shear strength (kN) of the connection.
A. 544 B. 591 C. D.

SIT. O: A W12x53 is used as a compression member shown in the figure above is piied
at both ends and laterally supported at midheight. It is subjected to the
following service loads: dead load = 568 kN and live load = 840 kN. Use Fy = 345
MPa, sectional area A = 7900 mm2, Ix = 176.70 x 106 mm4, Iy = 39.90 x 106 mm4.
32. If the column has a length of L = 5.5 m, calculate the critical slenderness
A. 36.78 B. 38.69 C. 77.40 D. 73.56
33. Calculate the factor of safety for the allowable axial stress of the column.
A. 1.80 B. 1.75 C. 1.67 D. 1.92
34. Calculate the ratio of the axial stress to the allowable axial stress.
A. 0.92 B. 1.34 C. 1.46 D. 0.75

SIT. P: The beam shown in the figure above is a W21x68 of A992 steel and has lateral
support at the ends and midspan. Allowable stresses are Fbx = 0.6Fy and Fby =
0.75Fy. Section properties are as follows: self-weight, w = 101 kg/m, d = 536
mm, bf = 210 mm, Ix = 615.68 x 106 mm4, Iy = 26.92 x 106 mm4.
35. Calculate the maximum bending stress for bending about the strong axis.
A. 37.60 B. 165.31 C. 41.33 D. 82.66
36. Calculate the maximum bending stress for bending about the weak axis.
A. 37.60 B. 165.31 C. 41.33 D. 82.66
37. Calculate the ratio of the maximum bending stresses to allowable bending
A. 0.81 B. 0.47 C. 0.70 D. 0.62
SIT. J: A 300 mm thick footing slab supports a 300 mm thick wall carrying
uniform service dead load of 214.31 kN/m and service live load of 145.94 kN/m.
The base of the wall footing slab is 1.2 m from the ground surface. Design
parameters are as follows: γsoil = 16 kN/m3, γconcl = 24 kN/m3, qa = 215.46 kPa, f’c
= 27 MPa and fy = 414 MPa.
38. Calculate the minimum required width of the wall footing slab.
A. 1.9 m B. 2.0 m C. 1.8 m D. 1.7 m
39. Calculate the required center to center spacing of 16 mm bars for flexure.
A. 160 mm B. 170 mm C. 180 mm D. 190 mm
40. Calculate the nominal beam shear stress on the footing slab.
A. 1.25 MPa B. 0.91 MPa C. 0.87 MPa D. 0.77 MPa

SIT. Q: A simply supported, wide-flange beam carries a concentrated load at the mid
span. The base plate of length N = 600 mm is used to prevent web yielding.
41. Compute the maximum concentrated load that the beam section could support to
prevent web yielding if the web thickness is 12 mm and the width of the
fillet toe k = 31 mm. Use A36 steel with Fy = 250 MPa.
A. 1220 kN B. 1090 kN C. 1495 kN D. 1340 kN

SIT. R: A W360x110 is used as a column to support an axial load of 1,650 kN on a

base plate 414 mm x 550 mm resting on a concrete pedestal.
42. If Fy = 250 MPa, flange width bf = 256 mm and depth d = 360 mm, compute the
required thickness of the base plate.
A. 36 mm B. 42 mm C. 30 mm D. 50 mm

SIT. S: A folding table is shown in the figure. The contact points A, D and E are
43. Find the reaction (kN) at D.
A. 480 B. 460 C. 490 D. 470
44. Find the reaction (kN) at C.
A. 630 B. 720 C. 580 D. 850
45. Find the tension (kN) in FG.
A. 6000 B. 900 C. 4500 D. 3600


SIT. T: The man is trying to push the homogeneous 20-kg ladder AB up a wall by
applying the horizontal force P as shown in FIG. MECH002. The coefficient of
static friction between the ladder and both contact surfaces is 0.3.
46. Determine the smallest value of P that would move the ladder.
A. 14.44 kg C. 15.72 kg
B. 17.43 kg D. 16.21 kg
47. Determine the reaction at A.
A. 24.17 kg C. 19.17 kg
B. 16.85 kg D. 22.65 kg
48. Determine the reaction at B.
A. 8.59 kg C. 10.95 kg
B. 12.15 kg D. 15.36 kg

SIT. U: A concrete floor slab 75 mm thick is cast monolithic with concrete beams
2.0 m on centers. The beams have a span of 4 m and have a web width of 250 mm,
an effective depth of 400 mm and overall depth of 500 mm. The tensile
reinforcement consists of 6-ϕ32 mm bars in two rows. Use material strengths f’c
= 30 MPa and fy = 415 MPa.
49. Calculate the effective flange width in mm of typical interior T-beam of the
monolithic floor .
A. 2000 B. 1450 C. 1000 D. 750
50. Calculate the nominal bending moment strength of the T-beam in kN·m.
A. 721 B. 649 C. 778 D. 700

Design of cross sections subject to shear shall be based on Vn  Vu
Where Vn  Vc  Vs
Shear strength Vc, provided by concrete for non-prestressed member shall be
computed as follows:
1. For members subject to shear and flexure only, Vc  0.17λ f 'c b w d
 N 
2. For members subject to axial compression, Vc  1   0.17λ f 'c b w d

 14A  g 
Quantity Nu/Ag shall be expressed in MPa

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