Brochure - Det002 - Whisper Walls
Brochure - Det002 - Whisper Walls
Brochure - Det002 - Whisper Walls
(Uk Dealer)
whhperwalk setstheftfdard lor excellence ii commerclal becruseoi its
abilltylor exaclingdesign
[1 €]5y ro d6i3n Md 46iry rhe dad \eidtlx .nd qke conditioB ofi6
wti{.r $h s Inc tni n€p is in8 the d6iBmr i dr.mrric .slii8 r@l
ro meEry seler a synemnepth, cd8c nese rcv€l civiriesire availilte ae
re.e$dl flushcdor raised.ondiri.n!
andhavebcci eigineercd r.:c.epi th.
whisps whl,s ! rvJl.b c in slindiid whGpet syst€n 3ooo low
Orhu spc.ia-
r/?,r, ind 2 nchdeplhr. ::,r VohrgeLighrsydcm.Revealiitrshes
q d+rhs ile rvlilibc on an canconskrol painr, neral
wood, lid
nand.d edge candirionsare nr $iiTc Udb qcd, b€irBsiref.b-
bcwl, ridius,sldc, aid wclr€d. rtard i(onnuhtG .ll 'r'ml co.
tudiro irt8uli' i6 rr m.y beapplidl
Spchky midvJll .ondirionsirc als b .ny will d ceilingd*e in the f.m of idrcgakn *lretherit begyp6unbdrd, sbne,nerJl,
rvdls Reveilsiie ivilible n nan bri.k,, hl(k o, wood.
Itl I
:5aai lI
whkpcr w k dcLaDtiveite8ored ,eve.s idd
bcaurluldcrainE Io i qtr or .eiliig iilillaloi
with de.orarivc
a.ccds Thissyncmillows r ne ly
eides v ery ol desi8ns u! nE reea s ot . ificmr
widrn. whisperwalh dc.orarivcrNcak c ivtril
$lc in: va,ictyolshvesind ar rinished ii elher
wood,mcra, painrorspc.iahyfinishcs.Thovdrv be
r 1il:rli!
whisperwalls sysleo 3000 lN volraSetiShr sy{em
s de, tu .w rnbieir lghl
are!, rhemepa!, enrenrnnentccnrc6 di{os, and
ounBeiGa wirh syn€n 3000)o! rfe:b e ro inre
sdte )olh &!tr{lc. pe,foinrtre ind lighrinS
sFrem3000ntully hle8ded,cod.i{ nSoie edrcf
i. tinstormea,wnerictu.y. iid de.onri\€l3h1nB
elemeit s*rens ed8iee ig ir r\€ lrb eoi:n nd
whisperwalk.rftsctrrintknini|[5 trorhni$1
w h i s p c r wk i L o \ v ! r h c ( s ! n r
of dGirn v thotrr$i irhs rt,poi
.e!gn inrqlrirt sr(i. irris oi Mll ir(l rc rs
.e! )c, rnd ni!c. in f iui,! inr
. i o e n o i f f g r n e . 8 e. o n . l I o r o i . i r h r r r \ . ,
wJh A.ounicbudsirrlesynem(i8s)
i: !, F,li{{ , soraqigip!,tr^s$,d.iri.'cd
qriir ad l..t 5 .e! rd ^ Lrlile! rrc rr in.,cs
rh(k. rl d\f4 \q,r,. ..,,.^ rnd (ui. cdg.s
Itu nii(rd lynll, rnl l.dAL, rryc i in\imuii
d n , . n i i , n o ' I n , -i e d r 0,duf,l rqlifoilr
i n r h . \ r h o i n s hi \ n d r (
o!{ L,e(!ne noi' nll]t i,.d3a tr
irr.ran.. A rh,rr sutu..s !i i riit nL\ L,{
whisperwill! Acousli.loudBir,le
i n di d L i ! u s P ! n \ o no r r D r nst,ii,li,idr
end b !nr or ior .onrnrous doro.king \rnrns
li yourucouslica or wa I pojdt rcquiEa seam,
le$ widespan co!er,8ewllhhi8hacoustica I absorprion,
lookto rheWhirperspan sts€mfor lhean5w. whilF.
WalL hasincoipobteda uniquelywen I 0O%Trai6
CSfiberrabic with thewhi+€r walleslr€Lhin8syn€m,
tharcancearepanel,a5laBea5 16'wide.B4ause$e
falric ir mad€of 100%Trdna CSfib€6, n L inhe@ntly
flaru erBtnnl .d .epled wilh the class A r.r€d
whhp.r wslk td.hinS r)sr€m,makeslor rn exllene,
ly lowfire.ndsmoke mrin8.
wnilpef walb h6 tak€nSe a@6tical tabrlcw.ll rnd ceiling indlnry ro a lw rrel wilh rhe inr@du€lionoi
wfiirp€rscp€s. wfihp€66p€ isa depanue'@n theodin.ry tharinr€S'.r6crea w d6ign andacoueicsandcan
be accdpl shedin lrvotoms. Ihe nd lom h c'earedby p ntingyou ideaon anacounielly transpaHt fab'ic in
lhe lom of photogGphr086, your@n anwo i up io I6'wide. Thesond whkp.fop€s lom is a..ompl rhed
lh.oughlhecEarionol shaps usinSrheflexiblewhi,p€r whlle d rctchnSq ren roenhanredA En. Lerodin-houe
des8nnarhelpcHle anorl€lnaldes gnld yourproiecr
Send Abo'ptioni TetingmdhodAsrM c42] TerinB^Lrhod. ASTM90 andASTMt 4r l
3,,e GyFumw.ll coGrtoc(ionsIC = a2
(NRC) -.00 (SPR)
= 95 Bdh ddn cde'€d \eilhwhisps walk =a!