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User'S Manual: February 13, 2006

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February 13, 2006

Technical Support

Before you call

Write down where you were in the program and what you were trying to do.
Record any error messages that appeared.
If it is a printing problem, quit Maximizer and try printing from another program.
Try reinstalling Maximizer.

Who to call

Call the Goodyear technical support line @ 1-800-235-4632 or your local Goodyear representative.
Welcome to Maximizer from Goodyear

Maximizer is an exciting program, which allows the user to have Goodyear belt specifications and information right
at their fingertips. It is easy to install and easy to use, making inquiries a snap. With Maximizer, available belts,
sprockets, pulleys, and bushings are matched with requirements specified by the user. The Maximizer screen allows
the user to select the most efficient drive. With other pertinent information such as relative price index, belt
tensioning information, and engineering drawings included, the benefits of Maximizer are quickly realized.

Setting up Maximizer
Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 98, Windows 95, or Windows NT.
At least 40MB of hard disk space.
Internet access or a CD-ROM disk drive.

To set up from CD
1. Make sure no other programs are currently running. Insert the Maximizer Setup disk in your CD-ROM disk
2. Click on the Start button and select Run. In the Run dialog box, type D:\setup.exe and click OK. (If your CD-
ROM is assigned a letter other than "D", use that letter instead).
3. Follow the instructions for each dialog box that follows. A default value will be entered for all entries, which
can be accepted by clicking on Continue or pressing Enter. Except for your Name and Company, it is
recommended to accept the default values. The Name and Company can only be entered on the first
To Install from the Internet
Make sure no other programs are currently running. Run the downloaded setup program. Follow the on screen
Working Inside Maximizer
Check Box Field Spin Buttons

Drop Down List Field Scroll Bar

To click, move the mouse pointer over the item and press the left mouse button once. To double click, move
the mouse pointer over the item and press the left mouse button twice in rapid succession. To drag, move the
mouse pointer to the starting position, hold the left mouse button down, and move the mouse pointer to the
end position.

• Click on a data entry field to move to the field.

• Double click on a data entry field to move to the field and select the data.
• Drag over all or part of the data in a field to select all or part of the data.
• Click on the top or bottom part of a Spin Button next to a number field to increase or decrease the value in the
field. The position of the Spin Button relative to comma or decimal point separators indicates which digit in the
number field will be adjusted.
• Click on a check box field to check or uncheck the box.
• On a scroll bar, click the end buttons or the space between the end buttons and the thumb button to move the
scroll bar thumb button position or drag the thumb button to the desired position.
• Click on the drop down button attached to a drop down list field to open the list and then click on an item in the
list to select it.
• Click a menu item on the menu bar or on a drop down menu to select it.
• Click on a button to activate it.
Configure Information Screen and the Toolbar Cost Buttons
The Configuration screen allows you to work with factors that effect the Cost Index, the Distributor Cost, and the
Consumer Price. It also allows you to set which cost button is default and the visibility of the cost buttons and the
configure menu item when the program starts. Click on the Configure menu item on the Input screen to access the
Configure screen. The cost buttons are located on the Selected List and Selected Detail screens.

• Select the Costing Factors notebook tab to view and / or revise the costing factors being used.

• After entering the costing factors for each drive type, click the OK button to use the factors in the following
selections. Check the Save as Default box and click the OK button to use the factors in the following selections
and to set the factors as the default factors. Click the Cancel button to leave the configure screen without making
any changes.
• Select the notebook tab for Default Startup to set which cost button is default and to set if the configure menu item
and the cost buttons are to be visible or hidden the next time the program is started.

• Click the option button for the desired program startup options.

Note: If the visibility of the Configure menu item and the cost selection buttons is set to hidden for program startup,
they must be made visible again after program startup before the Configure menu item is available for other changes.
After program startup, the visibility of the Configure menu item and the cost selection buttons can be toggled on and
off. Double click with the left mouse button on any blank part of the toolbar to the right of the last sort button on the
selected list or selected detail screens or hold the Ctrl key and the Alt key and press the F1 key.

Note: The first time the program is run, it will not continue from the Input screen until default values have been
The Input Screen

The Input screen allows you to input all of the drive specifications you require.

The Toolbar buttons Action

New Open a new un-named file and a new drive.

Open Open a previously saved data file.

Save Save the current data to a data file.

Previous Move to the previous drive in an open data file.

Next Move to the next drive in an open data file.

Delete Delete the current drive from an open data file.

Add Add a new blank drive to an open data file.

Copy Copy the current drive information.

Paste Paste the drive information last copied into the current drive.

Undo Undo all changes to the current drive since the last save.

• The File Information fields are not for input. These fields will show information about the active data file. A data
file is active if the current data is saved to a file or if a previously saved data file is loaded.
• In the Drive Description box, type any information you wish to attach to the drive. This will be included on some
• Select English or Metric for Units of Measure. If you change the Units of Measure after you have entered data, a
dialog box will ask you if you desire to convert values and change units or simply to change units. Shaft Diameter
units and values will not be changed.
• Use the Table button next to the Service Factor scroll bar to find recommended service factors based on Driving
Unit, Driven Unit and Type of Service or set the Service Factor with the scroll bar.
• There are seven required information fields: Horsepower (or Kilowatt) Load, Driver RPM, Driven RPM, Driven
RPM Limits + and - %, Center Distance, Center Distance Limit Plus, and Center Distance Limit Minus. A value
of zero is not allowed in these fields.
• There are six Optional Limits fields: Driver Max. O.D., Driver Max Width, Driver Shaft Size, Driven Max. O.D.,
Driven Max Width, and Driven Shaft Size. No limits will be used as criteria for drive selection where a value of
zero has been entered.
• Once all information has been entered, click the Maximize button.
The Maximizer Screen
The Maximizer screen is the tool to use to optimize drive performance based on Annual Energy Lost. The drive with
the lowest Annual Energy Lost is shown for each drive type. In each case the Annual Energy Lost is compared to the
best selection. The Current Customer Drive can also be added to this screen for comparison.

• To add Current Customer Drive, click the row for the desired Drive Type and then click the Selections button to
get all of the selections for that Drive Type. Or double click the row for the desired Drive Type to get all of the
selections, show the Selected List screen, and have the selections sorted by the belt part number and the driver and
driven sizes. Having the selections sorted in this way will make it easy to find the Current Customer Drive.
Double click on Current Customer Drive and this drive will be transferred to the Maximizer Screen.
• Click the Data Input button to return to the Input screen.
• On the Maximizer Screen, Click the print button in the upper left corner of the screen to print the input
information and the Maximizer selections.
About Energy

The selected drives shown on the Maximizer screen are based on Annual Energy Lost and Consumer Drive Cost.
Click on the About menu item and click on Energy on the drop down menu to see information about energy as it is
used in this program.

For some systems, changing to a belt drive with less energy loss will result in a savings on energy consumed. For
other systems, changing to a belt drive with less energy loss will result in more work being done by the driven unit.

About Costs
The Consumer Drive Cost shown on the Maximizer screen and costs throughout the program are based on list costs, a
multiplier to get distributor cost, and margins of profit for consumer prices. Click on the About menu item and then
click on Costs in the drop down menu to see additional information about costs used in this program.
The Selections Screens (List and Detail)
The selections screens provide an easy way to view, sort, and print the resulting selections. The Selected List screen
will be shown first if, on the Maximizer screen a row was double clicked, or a different Drive Type is selected, or any
changes were made on the Input screen. Otherwise the screen shown depends on which screen was chosen last using
the List / Detail button.

The Toolbar Buttons Action

Print Print the drive input information and the selection results. (A list report of several
selections or a detail report of one highlighted selection is printed.)

Previous Move to the previous selection.

Next Move to the next selection.

Drive Parts Order selections by belt size, driver diameter, and driven diameter.

Driven RPM Order selections by closest to the nominal driven RPM.

Center Distance Order selections by closest to the nominal center distance.

Drive Width Order selections by the narrowest to widest drive width.

Driver Diameter Order selections by smallest to largest driver diameter.

Noise Order selections by lowest to highest noise level. (Synchronous belts only)

Hub Load Order selections by the lowest to highest hub load.

Power Rating Order selections by the highest to lowest power rating.

Cost Order selections by lowest to highest cost. (The three different cost buttons determine
which cost is used.)

Energy Order selections by lowest to highest annual energy lost.

Cost Index Show the cost index for the selected drives.

Distributor Cost Show the distributor cost for the selected drives.

Consumer Price Show the consumer price for the selected drives.

Selected List Screen

The Selected List screen allows you to view and compare partial information about several selections at a time. From
this screen, the Current Customer Drive can also be found and added to the Maximizer screen. Double click on the
desired drive and then click on Maximize. The Current Customer Drive will be seen among the selections.
• The first eight columns from the left are always showing. The eighth column (cost column) shows Cost Index,
Distributor Cost, or Consumer Price depending on which of the three cost buttons is selected. A ninth column
will be added to show noise, hub load, power rating, or energy information if one of these sort buttons is selected.

• The highlighted column heading(s) corresponds to the selected sort button.

• Click the Maximize button to return to the Maximizer screen.

• From the Selection Screen double click on a row to add information about that drive to the Current Customer
Drive information on the Maximizer screen and return to the Maximizer screen by clicking on Maximize.

• From the Selection Screen click the Detail button to see the detail of the drive that is selected (highlighted). Note
that the drive that is selected is shown in a box in the lower right corner of the screen.

Selected Detail Screen

The Selected Detail screen provides all of the detail for the selected (highlighted) drive.

• Cost information is visible following the part numbers if either the distributor cost or the consumer price button is

• Drive Noise Level information is visible if any of the synchronous drives have been selected. If an Eagle Pd drive
is selected, the Noise Level button will present a Noise Comparison Chart.

• Click one of the buttons to the left of any drive part number, the Drive Layout button, or the Belt Tensioning
button to view (and optionally print) a drawing with additional information on these items. (My Address
information will be added to the drawings if available. See the information on the Address screen later in this

• Click the List button to return to the Selected List screen.

• Click the Maximize button to return to the Maximizer screen.

Example Drawing
Printing the Selected List or the Selected Detail Report

Click the Print button on the toolbar to print a Selected List report or a Selected Detail report. The report printed
corresponds to the screen showing when the print button is clicked. For a Selected List report, a dialog box is
presented to enter which selections to include in the printed list. For either report an address information screen is
presented unless you have previously checked a field on the Address screen indicating not to show the Address screen
when printing.

Address Information Form

The Selected List report and the Selected Detail report will include address information (Prepared By and My
Address, and / or, Prepared For and Customer Address) if available from the Address information screen. The
drawings will include only the Prepared By address information if available.

• Click on the notebook tab for Customer Address or My Address to view and accept or revise the address

• Changes to either address stay in effect

until changed again or the program is
exited and restarted.

• Type a new address or changes to an

existing address and click the OK
button to make the changes effective.

• Click the Erase Address Information

button to clear the address

• Each time the program is restarted, My

Address is set to the default and
Customer Address is cleared.

• On the My Address form, check the

Save as Default box and click the OK
button to save the address as a default.

• The Use Default button will restore the

default address.
• Multiple customer addresses can
be saved and retrieved for use by
clicking the Get Saved Address
button. Any changes or
additions made here are
permanently saved unless the
Cancel button is selected before
moving from the currently
changed or added address.

• The Add button will present a

blank address form for a new address.

• The Delete button will delete the address selected.

Selected List Report
Selected Detail Report
Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co.
Goodyear Engineered Products
4021 North 56th Street
Lincoln, NE 68504-1796
Phone (800) 235-4632

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