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Restitution of Conjugal Rights

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Restitution of Conjugal Rights


The remedy of Restitution of Conjugal Rights is a new for the Indian matrimonial
jurisprudence that finds its origin in the Jewish laws. The remedy was unknown to
Hindu law till the British introduced. In fact it is the only matrimonial remedy which
was made available under the British rule to all communities in India under the
general law. After independence this remedy found place in the Hindu Marriage Act,
1955. This remedy opposed by-

 Khardekar (former MP) had opposed the remedy, saying, “to say the least this
particular cause is uncouth, barbarous and vulgar. That the government
should be abettors in a form of legalized rape is something very shocking”
 Bromley (Author of family law book) has also opposed this concept in his

As stated by Paras Diwan, the remedy of restitution of conjugal rights was neither
recognized by the Dharmashastras nor did the Muslim law made any provisions for it.
Restitution of conjugal rights has its roots in feudal England, where marriage was
considered as a property deal and wife was part of man’s possession like other
chattels. The concept of restitution of conjugal rights was introduced in India in the
case of Moonshee Buzloor Ruheem v. Shumsoonissa Begum 1867, where such
actions were regarded as considerations for specific performance.

Hindu Law has been wedded to notion that on marriage husband and wife become
one. Marriage as an important institution has been accepted in the personal laws of all
the religions. The particular fall out of the common law doctrine of unity of
personality was that one spouse could not sue the other. The passage of time,
complexity increased with areas of divorce, judicial separation and conjugal rights
came up in personal law and it became necessary to codify the laws relating to
marriage in India. The result was that the only remedy that a deserted spouse had
against the other was the petition for restitution of conjugal rights. The remedy of
restitution of conjugal rights is a positive remedy that requires both parties to
the marriage to live together and cohabit.

Marriage under all matrimonial laws imposing certain marital duties and gives to each
of them certain legal rights. The necessary implication of marriage is that parties will
live together. Each spouse is entitled to comfort of the other.

After the solemnization of marriage both husband and wife are legally bound by the
law to maintain their conjugal life together. If either of the spouse depart from the
other then the aggrieved spouse may acquire a statutory matrimonial relief guaranteed
under the codified personal law to restore their status of the other subject to validation
of certain facts. This can be done by filing a petition in court seeking for resumption
of cohabitation. This right is known as Restitution of Conjugal rights.

Restitution of conjugal rights basically comprises of two major words, “Restitution”

and “Conjugal Right”.
 RESTITUTION: The restoration of something lost.
 CONJUGAL RIGHT: Rights relating to marriage or the relationship between
husband and wife.

If either party to a marriage withdraws from the society of the other without
reasonable cause, the aggrieved party has a right to file a petition claiming relief for
restitution of conjugal rights. The court will grant the relief if there is no legal bar to
such decree.

The legal definition given under Section 9 of Hindu marriage act 1955. The idea of
providing for restitution by a court decree is to preserve the marriage tie as far
as possible, by enabling the court to intervene and enjoin upon the withdrawing
party to join the other. The condition to be satisfied for obtaining such decree are-

1. The other spouse has withdrawn from the society of the petitioner.
2. There is no reasonable excuse for such withdrawal. Should the respondent
allege reasonable excuse, the burden of proof lies on him/ her.
3. The court satisfied as to the truth of the statements made in the petition.
4. No legal grounds exist for refusing the decree.

What is withdrawal per se?

There is withdrawal from society when one of the spouses, without reasonable excuse,
terminates an existing relationship with the intention of forsaking the other, and
permanently or indefinitely abandoning such relationship. Thus, while a husband
and wife might be at times living apart, but maintaining a frequent and regular
social and conjugal relationship, in such a case there would be no withdrawal
from society. So after the solemnization of the marriage if either of the spouses
without reasonable excuse withdraws himself or herself from the society of the other
then aggrieved party has a legal right to file a petition in the matrimonial court for
restitution of conjugal rights.

In Ranjana Kejriwal v. Vinod Kumar Kejriwal AIR 1997 Bom 380, Petitioner Wife
alleged that the husband was already married and had suppressed the fact from her.
The Court held that the petition for restitution of conjugal rights is not maintainable
since there is no legal marriage.

The provisions dealing with restitution of conjugal rights in the various personal laws,
the remedy is available under

1. Section 9 of the Hindu marriage act, 1955.

2. Section 32 or 33 of the Indian divorce act 1869
3. Section 36 of the Parsi marriage & divorce act 1969
4. Section 22 of the Special Marriage Act, 1954 in case of inter-Religion


During the time of introducing the provision for restitution of conjugal rights in the
Special Marriage Act, 1954 and the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, there were heated
debates in the Parliament for and against it. It is significant to note that in 1983-1984,
the constitutional validity of section 9 of Hindu marriage act 1955 became a subject
matter of debate as a result of these case laws-

The constitutional validity of the provision for restitution of conjugal challenged

before the Andhra Pradesh High Court in Sareetha v. T. Venkatasubbaiah AIR
1983 AP 356. In this case Sareetha claimed that section 9 of the Act is liable to be
struck down as violative of the fundamental rights in part III of the Constitution of
India, specifically Article 14 and 21. Justice Choudhary held that section 9 is a
savage and barbarous remedy, violating the right to privacy and human dignity
guaranteed by Article 21 of the Constitution. It denies the women her free choice
whether, when and how her body is to become the vehicle for the procreation of
another human being. The woman loses her control over her most intimate
decisions. Clearly therefore, the right to privacy guaranteed by Article 21 is
flagrantly violated by a decree of restitution of conjugal right. As a result the
section 9 of Hindu marriage act 1955 was unconstitutional.

In Shakila Banu v. Gulam Mustafa, 1970, the Hon’ble High Court observed: “The
concept of restitution of conjugal rights is a relic of ancient times when slavery or
quasi-slavery was regarded as natural. This is particularly so after the Constitution
of India came into force, which guarantees personal liberties and equality of status
and opportunity to men and women alike and further confers powers on the State
to make special provisions for their protection and safeguard.”

Ultimately Supreme Court in Saroj Rani v. Sudharshan AIR SC 1984 1562 gave a
judgment which was in line with the Delhi High Court views and upheld the
constitutional validity of the Section 9 of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 and over-
ruled the decision given in Sareetha v. T. Venkatasubbaiah.

In Para 87 the learned Judge recognizes restitution of conjugal rights is an archaic

remedy “I cannot agree that S.9 is unconstitutional howsoever the remedy may be
outmoded or out of tunes with the times. The restitution decree in the scheme of
the Act is a preparation for divorce if the parties do not come together”.

Para 91 shows the true intention of the Judge “in the end I will repeat what I have
said before it is for the legislature to abolish the remedy of restitution and not for
the Courts to strike it down in the ground that it is unconstitutional. In my opinion
S. 9 is perfectly valid”. The judge seems to want to do away with the remedy, but
the existing laws tie his hands.

The court observed that the object of the section is to bring about cohabitation
between estranged parties so that they can live together. That in the privacy of home
and married life neither article 21 nor article 14 has any place.

 Hindu

Section 9 of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 provides for the restitution of the conjugal
rights. The aggrieved party may apply, by petition to the District Court, for the
restitution of conjugal rights. One of the important implications of Section 9 of the
Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 is that it provides an opportunity to an aggrieved
party to apply for maintenance under Section 25 of the Hindu Marriage Act,
1955. The legal grounds for refusing to grant relief are:

 For instance, any ground on which the respondent could have asked for a
decree for judicial separation or for nullity of marriage or for divorce;
 Reasonable excuse for withdrawing from the society of the petitioner;
 Any conduct on the part of the petitioner or fact tantamount to the petitioner
taking advantage of his or her own wrong or any disability for the purpose of
such relief;
 Unnecessary or improper delay in instituting the proceeding.

 Muslim
If the husband either deserts a wife or neglects to perform his marital obligations
without any proper reason, then the wife can apply for restitution of conjugal
rights. Even husband can apply for restitution of conjugal rights.

 Christian

A Christian husband and wife can also apply for an order of restitution of conjugal
rights. The Court cannot pass the decree for following reasons:

 Cruelty of husband or wife

 If either of the spouse is insane
 If any one of the spouse marries again.

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