The first meeting of the FSSAI was held on December 19, 2008 in New Delhi. The Chairperson welcomed members and highlighted the role of integrating food safety standards and regulations in India. Leave of absence was granted to some members unable to attend. The Chairperson administered oaths of office and secrecy to members present. Members also declared any potential conflicts of interest.
The first meeting of the FSSAI was held on December 19, 2008 in New Delhi. The Chairperson welcomed members and highlighted the role of integrating food safety standards and regulations in India. Leave of absence was granted to some members unable to attend. The Chairperson administered oaths of office and secrecy to members present. Members also declared any potential conflicts of interest.
The first meeting of the FSSAI was held on December 19, 2008 in New Delhi. The Chairperson welcomed members and highlighted the role of integrating food safety standards and regulations in India. Leave of absence was granted to some members unable to attend. The Chairperson administered oaths of office and secrecy to members present. Members also declared any potential conflicts of interest.
The first meeting of the FSSAI was held on December 19, 2008 in New Delhi. The Chairperson welcomed members and highlighted the role of integrating food safety standards and regulations in India. Leave of absence was granted to some members unable to attend. The Chairperson administered oaths of office and secrecy to members present. Members also declared any potential conflicts of interest.
Minutes of the First Meeting of FSSAI at its Head Office at FDA Bhawan
on 19th December, 2008 at 1100 hrs.
Following were present:
1. Sh. P. I. Suvrathan, Chairperson
2. Sh. G. Balachandhran, CEO and Member Secretary 3. Members (As per Annexure I)
At the outset, Sh. G. Balachandhran, Member Secretary welcomed the
Chairperson and other Members of the Food Authority to the First meeting of the Authority and requested Chairperson for his opening remarks.
Shri P. I. Suvrathan, Chairperson extended a welcome to all the Members and
invitees to the first meeting and highlighted the mandate and role expected of the Authority in matters relating to the Food safety and Standards regulations/enforcement. He observed that the task of integrating/convergence of regulations and standards in a federal structure as envisaged in the new law is challenging and has to be completed in a defined time frame. He looked forward to contribution from all Members and stakeholders in the task of bringing science into standards formulation and regulation of food safety.
Leave of absence was granted to Sh. Debashish Panda, Dr. Sanjay Singh, Smt. Navraj Sandhu, Sh. Tape Bagra and Sh. Gibson G. Vedamani, who could not attend the meeting.
Item No. 1
Sh. P. I. Suvrathan, Chairperson, administered the oath of office and secrecy to
Members present in the meeting in terms of section 7 (3) of Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 and rule 16 of Food Safety and Standards Authority of India, (Salary, allowances and other conditions of Service of Chairperson and Members Rules, 2008). Duly signed Forms I & II were taken on record.
Item No. 2
Members present declared/filed their Annual Declaration of Interest (Annexure 2)
and Specific Declaration of Interest (Annexure 3). Duly signed Declarations in the prescribed format were taken on record.