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ALTA Part 4

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Mike Dry

Arithmetek Inc., Canada

Presenter and Corresponding Author

Mike Dry

This is the fourth and final paper in a series examining the economics of processing a hypothetical
nickel-cobalt laterite. Part 1 outlined the processes examined and their applicability to limonite and
saprolite. Part 2 presented the results of process modelling done to quantify reagent and utility
requirements and to calculate the variable portion of the operating costs. Part 3 extended the
comparison to the fixed operating and capital costs and used simple financial modelling to compare
the different processes. In these papers, the assumption was that the nickel and cobalt are
recovered as an intermediate oxide or hydroxide product that would be processed further elsewhere.

This paper examines processing the intermediate product to nickel and cobalt metal. The question
addressed is whether or not on-site processing of the intermediate product would enhance the
economics of the project. Three possible routes for this onward processing are examined:

• Leaching the intermediate product in an ammonia-ammonium sulphate system, with solvent

extraction and electrowinning of the nickel, precipitation of cobalt sulphide from the resulting
raffinate, oxidative leaching of the cobalt sulphide and electrowinning of cobalt from the
resulting solution.
• Leaching the intermediate product in spent electrolyte from nickel electrowinning, solvent
extraction and electrowinning of cobalt from the resulting solution and electrowinning nickel
from the raffinate.
• Eliminating production of the intermediate hydroxide by using synergistic solvent extraction to
recover nickel directly from the solution from which the intermediate product would otherwise be
produced, stripping the organic phase with spent electrolyte and electrowinning nickel from the
loaded strip liquor. Then using the same synergistic solvent extraction system to extract cobalt
from the nickel raffinate, stripping and electrowinning cobalt in the same way as the nickel.

While the previous papers examined several processing routes for making the intermediate product,
this paper assumes just the conventional HPAL route, but the analysis would apply equally to the
other routes making a mixed hydroxide.

The three onward processing options are ranked. The impact on the process economics of metal
and reagent prices and the percentage of the metal prices for which the intermediate hydroxide is
sold are examined.
Increasingly, future nickel supplies will have to be produced from lateritic deposits, including the
lower grade limonite zones which are not suitable for pyrometallurgical processing. This has led to
pressure acid leaching and to other processes operating at atmospheric pressure, including heap
leaching and agitated tank leaching with sulphuric acid. Processes using hydrochloric acid and
nitric acid are also under development.

The technical status of several processes was presented in the Part 1 of this series1. Part 2
presented a review of the reagent and utility costs associated with the established and the
developing processes2. Part 3 extended the comparison to include capital and fixed operating

The processes covered in Parts 1 to 3 of this series are listed in Table 1. The commercial category
contains processes that are currently applied to laterites on a stand-alone basis. Heap leaching
and atmospheric tank leaching with sulphuric acid have been commercially applied1. The
developing processes are the Neomet and Direct Nickel processes.
Table 1 - Processes & Products

Processes Product
Commercially Applied
Pressure Acid Leaching Nickel-cobalt hydroxide
Enhanced Pressure Acid Leaching Nickel-cobalt hydroxide
Heap Leaching with sulphuric acid Nickel-cobalt hydroxide
Caron Reduction Roast-Ammonia Leach Nickel oxide and nickel-cobalt sulphide
Rotary Kiln Electric Furnace Smelting Ferronickel
Sintering/Blast Furnace Smelting Nickel pig iron
Sintering/Submerged Arc Smelting Nickel pig iron
Commercially Applied as Satellite Operations
Atmospheric tank teaching with sulphuric acid Nickel-cobalt hydroxide
Developing Technologies
Neomet chloride leach Nickel-cobalt oxide
Direct Nickel nitric acid leach Nickel-cobalt hydroxide

The results presented in Part 3 indicated that, in the absence of by-product revenue, the HPAL
technology appears to offer the strongest overall economics for processing laterite, at least to the
intermediate product. A caveat is that the two developing processes, Neomet and Direct Nickel,
both reject the iron as pure hematite, and if this can be sold for appreciably more than as iron ore,
both Neomet and Direct Nickel could well offer distinctly superior economics.

HPAL technology was chosen as the baseline for the exercise presented in this paper because it is
the dominant currently proven option. While similar exercises could certainly be done for the other
laterite processing routes, covering them all in a single paper would be excessive.


Table 2 lists the composition of the feed limonite used in this exercise. The rationale for the choice
of this laterite is discussed in the previous papers of this series1,2,3.
Table 2 - Hypothetical ore analysis, mass %

Ni Co Al₂O₃ Cr₂O₃ Fe₂O₃ CaO MgO MnO Na₂O K₂O SiO₂

1.22 0.2 5.61 3.36 64.31 0.06 1.54 1.51 0.17 0.01 7.62

Figure 1 illustrates the process model used to represent the HPAL technology. It includes a
standard sulphur-burning acid plant that produces the required amount of sulphuric acid and the
steam needed for heating the autoclave.
Figure 1 – HPAL circuit





SULPHUR Magnesia H




Mixed hydroxide


BFW H Iron residue


Mg residue

The incoming laterite is mixed with recycled process water and pumped through three pre-heating
steps in which it is contacted with steam from three flash-down steps after the autoclave. The pre-
heated slurry and concentrated sulphuric acid are pumped into the autoclave. Steam from the acid
plant is injected into the autoclave to heat the leach. After leaching in the autoclave, the pressure of
the slurry is reduced to atmospheric in three stages. The steam flashed off is used in the pre-
heating sequence.

The leached slurry is first contacted with recycled hydroxide precipitates from downstream to re-
dissolve co-precipitated nickel and cobalt and to partially consume the free acid left after the leach.
The partly neutralised slurry is neutralized further with limestone to precipitate the bulk of the iron
and aluminium while co-precipitating essentially no nickel or cobalt. The resulting iron-aluminium
slurry is thickened and the thickener underflow is washed with recycled process water in a six-stage
counter-current decantation train. The washed iron-aluminium residue leaves the circuit.

The Fe-Al thickener overflow is combined with the supernatant from the counter-current decantation
train and neutralized further with more limestone, to precipitate essentially all of the remaining iron
and aluminium. Some nickel and cobalt are co-precipitated in this step, and the underflow from the
subsequent thickening step is recycled. The remaining solution is neutralized further with
magnesium oxide to precipitate the bulk of the nickel and cobalt as hydroxides. The resulting slurry
is thickened, the underflow is filtered and the filter cake is washed with water. The washed filter
cake is the intermediate hydroxide product. The supernatant and filtrate are combined and
neutralized again, this time using lime, to precipitate the remaining nickel and cobalt as hydroxide
and gypsum that are thickened, the underflow recycled and the supernatant contacted with lime to
precipitate the magnesium and manganese into a hydroxide-gypsum residue that leaves the circuit
after thickening. The supernatant from the final thickening step is recycled as process water.


Three routes for taking the intermediate product to cathode nickel and cobalt were chosen for this

• Leaching the intermediate product in an ammonia-ammonium sulphate system, with solvent

extraction and electrowinning nickel, sulphide precipitation of cobalt from the resulting raffinate,
oxidative leaching of the cobalt sulphide and electrowinning cobalt from the resulting solution.
• Leaching the intermediate product in spent electrolyte from nickel electrowinning, solvent
extraction and electrowinning cobalt from the resulting solution and electrowinning nickel from
the raffinate.
• Eliminating production of the intermediate product and using synergistic solvent extraction to
recover nickel selectively from the solution from which the intermediate product would otherwise
have been produced, stripping the organic phase with spent electrolyte and electrowinning
nickel from the loaded strip liquor. Then using the same synergistic solvent extraction system
to selectively extract cobalt from the nickel raffinate, stripping and electrowinning cobalt in the
same way as nickel.

Ammonia route
Figure 2 illustrates the ammonia-ammonium sulphate route, which is based on the circuits used by
Queensland Nickel and Cawse Nickel4,5. The intermediate hydroxide product (MHP) is leached in
recycled solution with air and ammonia/ammonium sulphate. The nickel and cobalt hydroxides
dissolve and the cobalt is oxidized. The stoichiometry used to represent the leach chemistry is
shown in Table 3. Any manganese present is oxidised and precipitated as manganese dioxide.
The slurry (the solids being essentially magnesium oxide/hydroxide and a minor amount of
manganese dioxide) is filtered and washed with water. The washed filter cake is discarded and the
filtrate is stripped with steam to remove the excess ammonia for recycle to the leach.

Figure 2 – Ammonia-ammonium sulphate circuit

Ni cathode Vent
- +

MHP Leach Ni
Water Stripper
Residue Ni
Co Steam
precipitation Ammonium bisulphide
Vent H

Oxygen Vent
Vent Co

Co releach Water
Sulphide oxidation
Water Vent
Acid - +

Sulphur to
Scrubber Co EW
Ammonium sulphate acid plant
Bleed to main circuit

Nickel is removed from the steam-stripped solution by solvent extraction with an organic reagent
such as LIX-84I. The loaded organic phase is stripped with spent electrolyte from the subsequent
nickel electrowinning step and the nickel is recovered from the resulting advance electrolyte by
electrowinning. The stoichiometry used to represent the relevant chemistry is shown in Table 4.
The raffinate from the nickel solvent extraction section is contacted with ammonium bisulfide (or
H₂S and NH₃) to precipitate the cobalt as cobalt sulphide that is filtered from the resulting slurry and
washed with water. The filtrate returns to the MHP leach via an oxidation step to convert residual
sulphide to sulphate. The filter cake is pressure leached with oxygen in spent electrolyte from the
subsequent cobalt electrowinning step, converting the cobalt sulphide to dissolved cobalt sulphate
and solid elemental sulphur. The resulting slurry is filtered, the filter cake is washed with water and
the washed elemental sulphur is returned to the acid plant in the laterite circuit. The wash filtrate is
returned to the laterite circuit to purge impurities. Cobalt is recovered from the primary filtrate by
electrowinning. The spent electrolyte, minus a small bleed to the main laterite circuit to purge
impurities and the balance supplemented with fresh sulphuric acid, is returned to the pressure
oxidation step. The applicable chemistry is represented by the stoichiometry shown in Table 5.
Table 3 – Ammonia leach stoichiometry

Ni(OH)₂ + 2NH₃ + 2NH₄⁺ → Ni(NH₃)₄²⁺ + 2H₂O

Ni₄(OH)₆SO₄ + 8NH₃ + 6NH₄⁺ → 4Ni(NH₃)₄²⁺ + SO₄²⁻ + H₂O
2Co(OH)₂ + 6NH₃ + 6NH₄⁺ + ½O₂ → 2Co(NH₃)₆³⁺ + 5H₂O
Co₄(OH)₆SO₄ + 14NH₃ + 10NH₄⁺ + O₂ → 4Co(NH₃)₆³⁺ + SO₄²⁻ + 8H₂O

Table 4 – Nickel SX and EW chemistry

Ni(NH₃)₄²⁺ + 2RH → R₂Ni + 2NH₃ + 2NH₄⁺
R₂Ni + 2H₃O⁺ → Ni²⁺ + 2RH + 2H₂O
Ni electrowinning
Ni²⁺ + 3H₂O → Ni + ½O₂ + 2H₃O⁺

Table 5 – Cobalt precipitation, oxidation and EW chemistry

Sulphide precipitation
3NH₄HS → 3NH₄⁺ + 3HS⁻
Co(NH₃)₆³⁺ + 2HS⁻ → CoS + S + 2NH₄⁺ + 4HN₃
Residual sulphide oxidation
H₂S + 2O₂ → H₂SO₄
Oxidative dissolution
CoS + 2H₃O⁺ + ½O₂ → Co²⁺ + 3H₂O + S
2Co²⁺ + 6H₂O → 2Co + O₂ + 4H₃O⁺

Sulphuric acid route

This option is based on work published by Iliev et al6 on the solvent extraction of cobalt with Cyanex
272 from nickel sulphate solution. This process is used commercially by Níquel Tocantins at their
São Paolo Refinery in Brazil. Figure 3 illustrates the circuit and Table 6 shows the stoichiometry
used to represent the leach chemistry. Table 7 shows the stoichiometry used to represent the
electrowinning of nickel and the solvent extraction and electrowinning of cobalt.
Figure 3 – Sulphuric acid leach circuit

Vent MHP

Acid Vent
+ -
Ni cathode

MHP Leach
Water Sodium hydroxide
Mg/Mn Caustic
residue To laterite circuit
Co cathode
Vent + -


Co EW Acid Acid
Table 6 – Sulphuric acid leach stoichiometry

Ni(OH)₂ + 2H₃O⁺ → Ni²⁺ + 4H₂O

Ni₄(OH)₆SO₄ + 6H₃O⁺ → 4Ni²⁺ + SO₄²⁻ + 12H₂O
Co(OH)₂ + 2H₃O⁺ → Co²⁺ + 4H₂O
Co₄(OH)₆SO₄ + 6H₃O⁺ → 4Co²⁺ + SO₄²⁻ + 12H₂O
Mn(OH)₂ + 2H₃O⁺ → Mn²⁺ + 4H₂O
Mg(OH)₂ + 2H₃O⁺ → Mg²⁺ + 4H₂O

Table 7 – Ni EW, Co SX, IX and EW stoichiometry

Ni²⁺ + 3H₂O → Ni + ½O₂ + 2H₃O⁺
(Co,Mn,Ni)²⁺ + 2LH + 2H₂O → L₂(Co,Mn,Ni) + 2H₃O⁺
L₂Ni + Co²⁺ → L₂Co + Ni²⁺
L₂(Co,Mn) + 2H₃O⁺ → (Co,Mn)²⁺ + 2LH + 2H₂O
Co²⁺ + 3H₂O → Co + ½O₂ + 2H₃O⁺

The MHP is dissolved using fresh sulphuric acid and spent electrolyte from the nickel electrowinning
section. The residual solids are filtered from the resulting slurry, washed with water and discarded.
The wash filtrate returns to the laterite circuit to purge magnesium and manganese and to recycle
any contained nickel and cobalt to the hydroxide precipitation step. The primary filtrate goes to the
cobalt solvent extraction section, which uses Cyanex 272 to extract the cobalt, the manganese and
a part of the nickel. The loaded organic phase is scrubbed with some of the loaded strip liquor from
the subsequent stripping section to remove the co-extracted nickel, the spent scrub solution
returning to the feed to the extraction section. The scrubbed organic phase proceeds to the
stripping section where it is stripped with spent electrolyte from the cobalt electrowinning section.
The loaded strip liquor, less the part used as scrub solution, goes to the cobalt electrowinning
section via an ion exchange stage to remove any residual nickel. The loaded resin is stripped with
sulphuric acid, the spent eluate returning to the laterite circuit. Cobalt is recovered from the purified
solution by electrowinning. The spent electrolyte, minus a small bleed to the laterite circuit to purge
manganese, is replenished with fresh sulphuric acid and returned to the solvent extraction section.

Synergistic solvent extraction route

This option arises from the assumption that eliminating the precipitation and re-dissolution of nickel
and cobalt hydroxide could reduce the cost of recovering metallic nickel and cobalt from solution
produced by leaching laterite. Work has been published on synergistic systems that appear to be
applicable. CSIRO has developed a synergistic solvent for just this application 7, but the information
required to effectively model that particular system was not available in time for this paper.

Work was previously published by Du Preez and Kotze8 on solvent extraction using versatic acid
and a synergist called Nicksyn™ to extract nickel and cobalt from laterite leach liquor. Figure 4
shows data published by Du Preez and Kotze and the fit to their data achieved using an Aspen
Plus® model reproducing that experimental work. This model fitted equilibrium constants for the
reactions listed in Table 8, in which H₂A₂ is the versatic acid dimer, L is the synergist, HA.L is a
versatic acid-synergist complex and NiL₂A₂, CoL₂A₂, etc. are the metal species extracted into the
organic phase. The process by which this model was built and fitted to the data will be presented
as a separate paper at an appropriate future occasion.

Once built and fitted to the experimental data, the model was used to investigate the application of
this synergistic solvent extraction system to the solution going to MHP precipitation in the HPAL
circuit assumed for this paper. Figure 5 illustrates the circuit developed, which would replace the
MHP precipitation section in the main laterite circuit.
Figure 4 – SSX data and model fit

Table 8 – SSX reaction stoichiometry

Ni²⁺ + H₂A₂ + 2L ↔ NiA₂L₂ + 2H⁺

Co²⁺ + H₂A₂ + 2L ↔ CoA₂L₂ + 2H⁺
Mn²⁺ + H₂A₂ + 2L ↔ MnA₂L₂ + 2H⁺
Mg²⁺ + H₂A₂ + 2L ↔ MgA₂L₂ + 2H⁺
Ca²⁺ + 3H₂A₂ ↔ CaA₆H₄ + 2H⁺
H₂A₂ + 2L ↔ 2HA.L

The feed to the previous MHP precipitation section combines with spent aqueous liquor from the
scrub section and passes through three equilibrium stages of nickel extraction, extracting
essentially all of the nickel, some of the cobalt and a little of the manganese. The raffinate from the
third nickel extraction stage proceeds to the cobalt extraction section.

The loaded organic phase from the first nickel extraction stage passes through three equilibrium
stages of scrubbing with advance nickel electrolyte from the subsequent stripping section, in which
essentially all of the manganese and cobalt are removed from the organic phase and replaced with
nickel. The spent scrub liquor leaves the first scrub stage and returns to the nickel extraction

The scrubbed organic from the third scrub stage is stripped in two equilibrium stages with spent
electrolyte from the nickel electrowinning section, plus make-up sulphuric acid replenishing the acid
removed in the portion of resulting advance electrolyte used in the scrubbing section. The resulting
advance electrolyte, less the part used in the scrubbing section, goes to the nickel electrowinning
section, where cathode nickel is produced. The spent electrolyte returns to the stripping section.

The raffinate from the nickel extraction section is combined with the spent strip solution from the
cobalt scrubbing section and essentially all of the cobalt, some of the manganese and very minor
amounts of magnesium and calcium are extracted into organic phase of the same composition as is
used for the nickel, in two equilibrium stages. The resulting raffinate returns to the laterite circuit,
where the remaining magnesium, manganese and calcium are rejected.
Figure 5 – SSX circuit

Feed solution

NaOH Water
NaOH Ni cathode
Acid +



Raffinate Co cathode
Acid +


The loaded organic phase from the extraction section is scrubbed in three equilibrium stages with
part of the advance electrolyte produced in the stripping section, removing essentially all the
manganese, magnesium and calcium and replacing them with cobalt. The spent scrub solution
recycles to the cobalt extraction section, and the scrubbed organic is stripped in two equilibrium
stages with spent electrolyte from the cobalt electrowinning section and make-up sulphuric acid.
The stripped organic phase returns from the second stripping stage to the cobalt extraction section.
The advance electrolyte from the first stripping stage, less the part used in the scrubbing section,
goes to the cobalt electrowinning section where cathode cobalt is produced. The spent electrolyte
returns to the stripping section.

The raffinate from the cobalt extraction section returns to the main circuit. The sodium hydroxide
and sulphuric acid added in the nickel and cobalt solvent extraction sections become sodium
sulphate that ends up in the cobalt raffinate, and ultimately as sodium jarosite in the iron-aluminium
residue leaving the main laterite circuit. Table 9 lists the numbers calculated for this route.
Table 9 – SSX parameters

Nickel section
Concentration, g/L
Stream pH
Ni Co Mn Mg Ca
Aqueous to extraction 5.2 6.06 1.19 2.51 1.98 0.30
Aqueous ex extraction 5.8 0.00 0.44 2.42 1.92 0.29
Organic ex extraction 13.52 1.64 0.02 0.000 0.000
Organic to extraction 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Aqueous to scrubbing 4.1 56.25 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00
Aqueous ex scrubbing 5.8 45.56 10.56 0.13 0.00 0.00
Organic to scrubbing 13.52 1.64 0.02 0.00 0.00
Organic ex scrubbing 15.17 0.01 0.000 0.000 0.000
Aqueous to stripping 1.3 51.16 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00
Aqueous ex stripping 4.0 100.58 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00
Organic to stripping 15.17 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00
Organic ex stripping 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Extraction efficiency (O:A=0.46) 99.98% 61.9% 0.4% 0.00% 0.01%
Scrub efficiency (O:A=6.45) - 99.6% 100% 100% 100%
Strip efficiency (O:A=3.18) 100% 100% - - -
Overall recovery to Ni cathode 99.95% 0.30% 99.95% Ni in cathodes

Cobalt section
Concentration, g/L
Stream pH
Ni Co Mn Mg Ca
Aqueous to stage EX1 5.8 0.001 0.438 2.416 1.916 0.288
Aqueous ex stage EX2 6.0 0.000 0.002 2.348 1.862 0.279
Organic ex stage EX1 0.017 2.381 2.860 0.004 0.004
Organic to stage EX2 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Aqueous ex stage SC3 4.1 0.199 11.661 44.097 0.066 0.065
Aqueous to stage SC1 4.1 0.198 60.001 0.000 0.000 0.000
Organic to stage SC3 0.017 2.381 2.860 0.004 0.004
Organic ex stage SC1 0.018 5.466 0.000 0.000 0.000
Aqueous to stage ST1 1.5 0.154 45.880 0.000 0.000 0.000
Aqueous ex stage ST2 4.0 0.286 86.811 0.000 0.000 0.000
Organic to stage ST2 0.018 5.466 0.000 0.000 0.000
Organic ex stage ST1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Extraction efficiency (O:A=0.27) 100% 99.7% 24.1% 0.06% 0.4%
Scrub efficiency (O:A=15.62) - - 100% 100% 100%
Strip efficiency (O:A=7.61) 100% 100% - - -
Overall recovery to Co cathode 0.05% 99.3% 99.67% Co in cathodes
Commercially available process simulation software known as Aspen Plus® (AP) was used to build
process models (numerically rigorous mass/energy balances) for the three process examined. The
reagent and utility consumptions predicted by the process models were combined with estimates of
the various unit costs to calculate variable operating costs for each process.

Estimates of the capital and fixed operating costs were generated using commercially available cost
estimation software known as Aspen Process Economic Analyser ® (APEA). For each process, the
mass-energy balance generated using the AP software was electronically exported into the APEA
software, the process equipment, material of construction and residence time were specified for the
various unit operations and the APEA software was used to estimate the capital cost of the installed
process equipment and the fixed operating cost, for each process. In Part 3 of this series, the
results obtained for a number of different processes were checked against published information, as
a validation exercise3. The methodology3 is described in more detail in Part 3.

Table 10 lists the capital costs calculated for the for the installed process equipment required to
produce cathode metal from the hydroxide intermediate. Table 11 lists the calculated additional
fixed costs.
Table 10 – Capital costs for add-on processing, $ million

Account SSX Ammonia Acid

Equipment 50.1 35.7 22.1
Piping 63.9 55.1 40.5
Civil 5.4 3.4 2.0
Steel 32.6 32.5 31.9
Instruments 29.2 32.9 24.2
Electrical 20.5 19.2 17.8
Insulation 1.9 1.9 0.3
Paint 2.0 1.9 1.5
Total Direct Field Costs 205.7 182.8 140.5
Indirect Field Costs 23.5 23.1 16.6
Total Field Costs 229.2 206.0 157.1
Freight 26.0 22.8 17.7
Taxes and Permits 13.0 11.4 8.8
Engineering and HO 9.4 9.1 5.0
Other Project Costs 16.9 15.5 11.7
Contingency 53.0 47.7 36.1
Total Non-Field Costs 118.3 106.5 79.4
Project Total Costs 347.5 312.5 236.4

Table 11 – Additional fixed costs, $ million/year

SSX Ammonia Acid

Manpower 0.8 1.3 0.8
Maintenance 2.7 2.0 1.1

Table 12 gives a breakdown of the additional equipment costs by process section. The estimated
equipment costs for the nickel and cobalt electrolysis sections are very similar for all three options
because the quantities of cathode nickel and cobalt are determined by the amounts of nickel and
cobalt in the feed, which is the same in all three cases.
Table 12 – Equipment cost breakdown, $ million

Section SSX Ammonia Acid

MHP leach - 6.0 4.7
Nickel solvent extraction 41.2 35.8 -
Nickel electrowinning 101.4 101.0 101.2
Cobalt sulphide precipitation & leach - 7.6 -
Cobalt solvent extraction 24.3 - 5.7
Cobalt electrowinning 22.5 22.9 22.4
Sub-total 189.4 173.3 133.9

The economic benefit associated with onward processing arises from the extra revenue accruing
from the sale of nickel and cobalt for the full market price of these metals instead of the discounted
price realized by selling the intermediate hydroxide. Processing the intermediate product entails
additional operating costs, thus the economic evaluation has to consider the incremental revenue
less the incremental operating costs against the incremental capital cost associated with each
option. Table 13 lists the reagent and utility costs calculated for the HPAL process producing the
mixed hydroxide intermediate and for the HPAL circuit plus each of the three additional processing
options. The reagent costs are long term averages calculated from data from the open literature 3.
In Table 13, the reagent costs for each route are for the production of MHP from laterite plus, in the
three cases of further processing, the costs for converting the hydroxide to cathode metals.
Table 13 – Variable costs, laterite to product

Reagent & utility costs, $/lb Ni+Co

Reagent Cost
MHP SSX Ammonia Acid
Laterite $5/t 0.170 0.170 0.170 0.170
Sulphur $187/t 0.726 0.927 0.738 0.767
CaCO3 $60/t 0.375 0.452 0.446 0.442
MgO $616/t 0.170 - 0.171 0.270
CaO $119/t 0.202 0.134 0.182 0.214
NaOH $148/t - 0.250 - 0.037
NH₃ $650/t - - 0.067 -
H₂S $800/t - - 0.046 -
O₂ $3000/t - - 0.067 -
Steam $10/t - - 0.001 -
Water $1/t 0.002 0.016 0.059 0.059
Power $11/GJ 0.073 0.086 0.090 0.091
Variable cost, $/lb 1.788 2.035 2.201 2.050

The incremental benefit depends on the metal price and the percentage of the metal value realized
from the intermediate hydroxide. In the exercise presented in Part 3 of this series the intermediate
hydroxide was assumed to fetch 85 percent of the market value of the contained nickel and cobalt.
The long term average prices, inflation-adjusted to US dollars (year 2013), for nickel and cobalt are
$7.21/lb and $26.07/lb, respectively, with standard deviations of $2.76/lb for nickel and $13.15/lb for

The long term average metal prices, assuming 85 percent of the metal values for the intermediate
hydroxide, the costs listed in Table 13 for the various reagents and utilities and the additional capital
and fixed costs listed in Table 10 and Table 11 lead to the cash flow calculations shown in Table 15,
Table 16 and Table 17. The baseline cash flow calculation for production of the MHP from laterite
is shown in Table 14.
Table 14 – Cash flow analysis, HPAL circuit, selling MHP for 85% of metal prices

Cash flow Year

$ million 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11→
Capital cost 572 572
Fixed costs 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
Variable costs 32 65 130 130 130 130 130 130 130
Revenue 151 303 605 605 605 605 605 605 605
Gross margin -572 -572 113 232 470 470 470 470 470 470 470
Tax 0 0 0 0 0 42 141 141 141 141 141
Net margin -572 -572 113 232 470 428 329 329 329 329 329
IRR , 10 year 18%
IRR, 20 year 23%

Table 15 – Differential cash flow analysis, ammonia leach option, MHP to metal

Cash flow Year

$ million 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11→
Capital cost 156 156
Fixed costs 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Variable costs 4 8 16 16 16 16 16 16 16
Revenue 27 53 107 107 107 107 107 107 107
Gross margin -156 -156 20 42 88 88 88 88 88 88 88
Tax 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 26 26 26 26
Net margin -156 -156 20 42 88 88 84 62 62 62 62
IRR , 10 year 10%
IRR, 20 year 17%

Table 16 – Differential cash flow analysis, acid leach option, MHP to metal

Cash flow Year

$ million 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11→
Capital cost 118 118
Fixed costs 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Variable costs 5 9 19 19 19 19 19 19 19
Revenue 27 53 107 107 107 107 107 107 107
Gross margin -118 -118 20 42 86 86 86 86 86 86 86
Tax 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 26 26 26 26
Net margin -118 -118 20 42 86 86 61 60 60 60 60
IRR , 10 year 15%
IRR, 20 year 21%

Simplistically, at least, in terms of the calculated internal rates of return for the differential benefit
versus the differential cost and the capital required for the extra processing, it would appear that
processing the intermediate hydroxide to cathode metal, while not a complete loss proposition, may
not be as financially rewarding as producing and selling the intermediate hydroxide. Of the three
options for the additional processing, the best would appear to be re-leaching the intermediate
hydroxide in spent nickel electrolyte, extracting the cobalt from the resulting solution by solvent
extraction and electrowinning nickel and cobalt. The option replacing the precipitation of hydroxide
with synergistic solvent extraction and electrowinning appears to be the worst option, economically,
even though it seems to have the lowest variable cost, because it appears to have the highest
capital cost.
Table 17 – Differential cash flow analysis, SSX option, MHP to metal

Cash flow Year

$ million 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11→
Capital cost 174 174
Fixed costs 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Variable costs 4 9 18 18 18 18 18 18 18
Revenue 27 53 107 107 107 107 107 107 107
Gross margin -174 -174 19 41 86 86 86 86 86 86 86
Tax 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 26 2 29
Net margin -174 -174 19 41 86 86 86 69 60 60 60
IRR, 10 year 7%
IRR, 20 year 15%

Selling the intermediate hydroxide for 85 percent of the value of the contained nickel and cobalt is
an assumption. Changing this assumption would change the differential economics associated with
the extra processing to convert the intermediate hydroxide to cathode metals. Figure 6 shows the
impact of this assumption on the 10-year and 20-year IRR (internal rate of return) numbers.
Figure 6 – Effect of MHP price

As the selling price of the intermediate hydroxide rises, the economics of making and selling it
improve, while the incremental benefit associated with processing it to cathode metals decreases.
When the IRR for processing the intermediate to cathode metals is higher than the IRR for simply
making and selling the intermediate hydroxide, it could be argued that going to the metals would
enhance the economics of the overall operation. When the IRR for going from the intermediate
hydroxide to metals is at or below the IRR for making and selling the intermediate hydroxide, going
from the hydroxide to metal products might not be the best use of the extra capital.

A further assumption used so far in this exercise is that the market value of nickel and cobalt is the
long term average, as presented in Part 3 of this series. Figure 7 shows the historical prices of
nickel and cobalt, inflation-adjusted to 2013 US dollars. The dashed lines are the simple long-term
average price, plus or minus one standard deviation. Similar graphs were presented in Part 3 for
the prices of the major reagents used in the HPAL circuit.

One way of accommodating price and cost uncertainty in evaluating a potential project is to require
the economics to remain acceptable for all combinations of costs and revenue between selected
upper and lower bounds. However, examination of the historical price data shows that as nickel
and cobalt prices move up and down, the prices of the major reagents used to extract the nickel and
cobalt also move up and down in a manner not totally different from the movement of the prices of
nickel and cobalt.

Figure 8 is an example of this, showing the inflation-adjusted price of sulphur (in 2013 US dollars)
on the left and a dual plot of the nickel price and the sulphur price on the right. Clearly, although the
correlation is far from perfect, these two prices follow similar trends. There are similar broad
correlations between the nickel price and the prices of the other major reagents used in HPAL
processing of laterite.
Figure 7 – Historical nickel and cobalt prices

Figure 8 – Sulphur and nickel prices

This implies that the impact of rising reagent prices on the overall economics of the project should,
to some extent at least, be countered by the rising price of the metals or intermediate product sold.
Similarly, the negative impact of falling metal prices should be countered, at least somewhat, by
falling input costs. This hypothesis was tested via a set of cash flow calculations in which the yearly
historical prices of nickel, cobalt and the various major reagents were used to calculate the revenue
and variable cost numbers over a set of 20 year periods beginning between 1941 and 1992, i.e.
1941 to 1960, 1942 to 1961, etc. Figure 9 shows the results of this exercise.
Figure 9 – IRR calculations using historical price data

The left hand graph in Figure 9 plots the 20 year IRR values calculated for the scenario in which the
intermediate hydroxide is sold, and the right hand graph is for processing the intermediate
hydroxide to metals by the acid route. The selling price of the hydroxide was assumed to be 85
percent of the contained metal prices. The horizontal lines are the IRR numbers calculated
assuming upper-bound metal prices and lower-bound reagent costs (H-L), metal prices and reagent
costs at their respective upper bounds (H-H), the long term average metal prices and reagent costs
(A-A), metal prices and reagent costs at their respective lower bounds (L-L) and metal prices at
their lower bounds with reagent prices at their upper bounds (L-H).

Over any twenty year period beginning between 1941 and 1992, the economic performance of the
HPAL circuit assumed for this series of papers would have been substantially better than predicted
by the most two conservative scenarios, low metal prices and high or low reagent prices. Similarly,
the two most optimistic scenarios, high metal prices and low or high reagent prices, appreciably
over-estimated the economics of the project. From Figure 9, it would appear that using the long
term average prices for metals and reagents is a plausible approach.

The exercise presented in this paper is necessarily generalised. For a real situation there would be
other aspects to consider as well, such as the ability of the secondary refinery to handle the various
impurities in the intermediate hydroxide.


The exercise presented in this paper was done to examine the merits of processing a hypothetical
laterite ore to cathode nickel and cobalt instead of to an intermediate hydroxide product that is sold
for onward processing by others. Three processing options were examined for producing nickel
and cobalt metal instead of the intermediate hydroxide:

1. Leaching the intermediate product in sulphate electrolyte from nickel electrowinning, solvent
extraction of cobalt, electrowinning cobalt from the loaded strip solution and electrowinning
nickel from the raffinate.
2. Leaching the intermediate product in an ammonia-ammonium sulphate system, with solvent
extraction and electrowinning of the nickel, sulphide precipitation of cobalt from the resulting
raffinate, oxidative leaching of the cobalt sulphide and electrowinning cobalt from the resulting
3. Eliminating production of the intermediate hydroxide and using synergistic solvent extraction to
recover nickel directly from the solution from which the intermediate product would otherwise be
produced, stripping the organic phase with spent electrolyte and electrowinning nickel from the
loaded strip liquor. Then using the same synergistic solvent extraction system to extract cobalt
from the nickel raffinate, with stripping and electrowinning of cobalt in the same way as nickel.

For the conditions assumed for this exercise, if the intermediate hydroxide product can be sold for
about 80 percent or more of the contained value of the nickel and cobalt, the overall economics of
the operation would probably not be significantly improved by making nickel and cobalt metal. If the
intermediate hydroxide can only be sold for less that about 80 percent of its metal content, further
processing to metal products may well be worth consideration.

Of the three options examined, route 1 (leaching the hydroxide in spent nickel anolyte, etc.) appears
to be the strongest, economically. The weakest option, economically, appears to be replacing the
hydroxide precipitation step with synergistic solvent extraction. It should be noted, however, that a
synergistic solvent extraction route that extracts nickel and cobalt directly from the leach solution,
before removal of the iron and aluminium, has not yet been evaluated.

Using the long term averages for metal and reagent prices would appear to be a realistic way of
evaluating the economics of processes such as the processing of laterite.


1. Taylor, A. Technical and Cost Comparison of Laterite Treatment Processes, Part 1. Alta Ni Co
Conference, May 2014, Perth, Australia.
2. Dry, M. J. Technical and Cost Comparison of Laterite Treatment Processes, Part 2. Alta Ni Co
Conference, May 2014, Perth, Australia
3. Dry, M. J. Technical and Cost Comparison of Laterite Treatment Processes, Part 3. Alta Ni Co
Conference, May 2015, Perth, Australia
4. Mackenzie, M. Solvent Extraction of Nickel – 28 Years of Endeavour. Alta Ni Co Conference,
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7. Zhang, W., Cheng, C.Y., Wang, W. and Pranolo, Y. Recovery of Nickel and Cobalt Directly
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8. Du Preez, A.C. and Kotze, M. H. Evaluation of a Versatic 10 Acid/Nicksyn Synergistic System
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