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Sars-Cov-2 Can Recruit A Haem Metabolite To Evade Antibody Immunity

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Cite as: Rosa et al., Sci. Adv.

10.1126/sciadv.abg7607 (2021).

SARS-CoV-2 can recruit a haem metabolite to evade

antibody immunity
Annachiara Rosa1, Valerie E. Pye1, Carl Graham2, Luke Muir3, Jeffrey Seow2, Kevin W. Ng4, Nicola J. Cook1,
Chloe Rees-Spear3, Eleanor Parker5, Mariana Silva dos Santos6, Carolina Rosadas5, Alberto Susana7, Hefin
Rhys8, Andrea Nans9, Laura Masino9, Chloe Roustan9, Evangelos Christodoulou9, Rachel Ulferts10, Antoni G.
Wrobel11, Charlotte-Eve Short5, Michael Fertleman12, Rogier W. Sanders13,14, Judith Heaney15,16, Moira
Spyer15,16,17, Svend Kjær9, Andy Riddell8, Michael H. Malim2, Rupert Beale10, James I. MacRae6, Graham P.
Taylor5, Eleni Nastouli15,16,17, Marit J. van Gils13, Peter B. Rosenthal18, Massimo Pizzato7, Myra O. McClure5,
Richard S. Tedder5, George Kassiotis4,5†, Laura E. McCoy3†, Katie J. Doores2†, and Peter Cherepanov1,5†
1Chromatin Structure and Mobile DNA Laboratory, The Francis Crick Institute, London, UK. 2Department of Infectious Diseases, School of Immunology & Microbial Sciences,
King's College London, UK. 3Institute of Immunity and Transplantation, Division of Infection and Immunity, University College London, London, UK. 4Retroviral Immunology

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Laboratory, The Francis Crick Institute, London, UK. 5Department of Infectious Disease, St-Mary’s Campus, Imperial College London, UK. 6Metabolomics Science
Technology Platform, The Francis Crick Institute, London, UK. 7Department of Cellular, Computational and Integrative Biology, University of Trento, Italy. 8Flow Cytometry
Science and Technology Platform, The Francis Crick Institute, London, UK. 9Structural Biology Science Technology Platform, The Francis Crick Institute, London, UK. 10Cell
Biology of Infection Laboratory, The Francis Crick Institute, London, UK. 11Structural Biology of Disease Processes Laboratory, The Francis Crick Institute, London, UK.
12Cutrale Perioperative & Ageing Group, Imperial College London, UK. 13Department of Medical Microbiology, Amsterdam UMC, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam

Institute for Infection and Immunity, Amsterdam, Netherlands. 14Weill Medical College of Cornell University, New York, US. 15Advanced Pathogen Diagnostic Unit, University
College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK. 16Crick COVID-19 Consortium, The Francis Crick Institute, London, UK. 17Department of Infection, Immunity
and Inflammation, UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health. 18Structural Biology of Cells and Viruses Laboratory, The Francis Crick Institute, London, UK.

Corresponding author. Email: (PC); (KJD); (LEM); (GK).

The coronaviral spike is the dominant viral antigen and the target of neutralizing antibodies. We show that
SARS-CoV-2 spike binds biliverdin and bilirubin, the tetrapyrrole products of haem metabolism, with
nanomolar affinity. Using cryo-electron microscopy and X-ray crystallography, we mapped the tetrapyrrole
interaction pocket to a deep cleft on the spike N-terminal domain (NTD). At physiological concentrations,
biliverdin significantly dampened the reactivity of SARS-CoV-2 spike with immune sera and inhibited a
subset of neutralizing antibodies. Access to the tetrapyrrole-sensitive epitope is gated by a flexible loop on
the distal face of the NTD. Accompanied by profound conformational changes in the NTD, antibody binding
requires relocation of the gating loop, which folds into the cleft vacated by the metabolite. Our results
indicate that SARS-CoV-2 spike NTD harbors a dominant epitope, access to which can be controlled by an
allosteric mechanism that is regulated through the recruitment of a metabolite.

INTRODUCTION structural information exists about neutralizing epitopes on

Trimeric coronaviral spike glycoproteins form prominent the NTD (7–11). Mutations within the SARS-CoV-2 spike NTD
features on viral particles that are responsible for the are associated with viral escape from antibody immunity (12–
attachment to a receptor on the host cell and, ultimately, 14) and have been observed in circulating viral strains (15, 16).
fusion of the viral and cellular membranes (1, 2). Encoded by Here we show that the NTD of SARS-CoV-2 spike binds
a single viral gene, the mature spike glycoprotein comprises biliverdin with high affinity. The recruitment of the
two subunits, S1 and S2, which mediate binding to the tetrapyrrole leads to stabilization of the NTD structure and
receptor and facilitate fusion, respectively. The recognition of makes the viral envelope glycoprotein refractory to neutrali-
the betacoronavirus SARS-CoV-2 host receptor, the cellular zation by a subset of human antibodies. Using cryogenic elec-
membrane protein angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), tron microscopy (cryo-EM) and X-ray crystallography we
maps to the S1 C-terminal domain (referred to as the receptor dissect the mechanism of the competition between the me-
binding domain, RBD) (3–5), while the function of the N- tabolite and antibodies for binding to the spike.
terminal domain (NTD) remains enigmatic. The immune
properties of the spike glycoprotein underpin ongoing SARS- RESULTS
CoV-2 vaccine development efforts (6). Both S1 domains can SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV-1 spike NTDs bind biliver-
be targeted by potent neutralizing antibodies that arise in din and bilirubin
infected individuals. Majority of the characterized In the course of our activities to support the development of
neutralizing antibodies bind the RBD, while minimal serology for SARS-CoV-2, we produced a range of

First release: 22 April 2021 (Page numbers not final at time of first release) 1

Copyright 2021 by American Association for the Advancement of Science.

recombinant coronaviral spike antigens by expression in hu- Phe192, Phe194, Ile203, and Leu226), which form van der
man cell lines (fig. S1A). Surprisingly, preparations of SARS- Waals interactions with the ligand. Biliverdin packs against
CoV-2 trimeric spike and S1 carried a distinctive green hue, His207, which projects its Nε2 atom toward pyrrolic amines,
with prominent peaks at ~390 and 670 nm in their light ab- approaching three of them at ~3.6 Å. Pyrroles A and B are
sorbance spectra (fig. S1A-B). These unusual features were involved in a π-π stacking with side chain of Arg190, which
also evident in the spectrum of S1 from SARS-CoV-1, another is stabilized by hydrogen bonding with Asn99. The binding
member of the sarbecovirus subgenus, but not those from the of biliverdin largely buries the side chain of Asn121, which
seasonal human coronaviruses NL63 and OC43 (fig. S1B-C). makes a hydrogen bond with the lactam group of pyrrole D.
The property was confined within the spike NTD and absent In agreement with the extensive interactions observed in the
in isolated RBD (fig. S1B). The spectra of the SARS-CoV spike crystal structure, the melting point of isolated NTD increased
constructs were consistent with biliverdin (fig. S1B), a prod- by over 8°C in the presence of biliverdin (fig. S3K). Unidenti-
uct of haem metabolism responsible for the coloration of fied entities at the tetrapyrrole binding site were observed in
bruises and green jaundice. We isolated the pigment from de- published SARS-CoV-2 spike reconstructions (1, 4, 18–22),
natured SARS-CoV-2 S1 and confirmed the presence of bili- presumably obtained with partial occupancy by the metabo-
verdin IXα by mass spectrometry (fig. S2). lite; in some cryo-EM maps, the bound biliverdin molecule is

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Haem is an essential prosthetic group in many proteins resolved remarkably well (fig. S6) (19–22).
involved in processes requiring oxygen and/or electron trans- We speculated that the protonation state of His207 in the
fer, such as cellular respiration (e.g. mitochondrial cyto- biliverdin binding pocket (Fig. 2), and indeed of the
chrome c oxidase), oxygenation (P450 cytochromes), nitric tetrapyrrole itself, may affect the interaction. Concordantly,
oxide and peroxide metabolism (17). Because free haem is the Kd of the S1-biliverdin interaction increased to 250 ±100
highly toxic, its cellular levels are tightly regulated through μM at pH 5.0 (fig. S3E,H and Table S1), and purification un-
constitutive synthesis and catabolism. Biliverdin is produced der acidic conditions greatly reduced the biliverdin content
at the first step of endogenous haem detoxification through of recombinant SARS-CoV-2 S1 (fig. S1D). Substitutions of
the action of oxygenases and is then reduced to bilirubin, spike residues closely involved in ligand binding (H207A,
which is the final product of tetrapyrrole catabolism in hu- R190K and N121Q) diminished pigmentation of purified re-
mans. We measured tetrapyrrole binding to immobilized combinant protein (fig. S1E). The biliverdin binding affinity
SARS-CoV-2 S1 using surface plasmon resonance (SPR) and of SARS-CoV-2 S1 was reduced by two and three orders of
estimated the dissociation constant (Kd) for the interaction magnitude by the R190K and N121Q amino acid substitu-
with biliverdin and bilirubin at 9.8 ±1.3 nM and 720 ±250 nM, tions, respectively (fig. S3F-H, Table S1). The latter ablated
respectively (fig. S3A-B, Table S1). S1 bound haem considera- the interaction with bilirubin, confirming that the
bly more weakly, with a Kd of 7.0 ±1.2 μM, while no interac- tetrapyrroles share the binding site on the spike (fig. S3H).
tion was observed with protoporphyrin IX, the intact The residues corresponding to Asn121 and Arg190 appear to
macrocyclic tetrapyrrole of haem (fig. S3C-D, Table S1). be strictly conserved across the entire sarbecovirus subgenus.
By contrast, position 207 is variable, usually occupied by a
Structural basis for biliverdin recruitment by SARS- tyrosine residue, as is the case in SARS-CoV-1 (fig. S7). Be-
CoV-2 spike cause SARS-CoV-1 S1 retained nanomolar affinity for biliver-
Next, we imaged single particles of the trimeric SARS-CoV-2 din (Kd=19.6 ±0.8 nM; fig. S3I, Table S1), the tetrapyrrole
spike ectodomain (3, 18) in the presence of excess biliverdin binding may be a common property of all sarbecoviral spike
using cryo-EM. Image processing resulted in the 3D recon- glycoproteins.
struction of closed (3RBDs-down) and partially open (1RBD-
up conformation) states of the spike at 3.35 and 3.50 Å reso- Biliverdin binding significantly downmodulates the
lution, respectively (Fig. 1, fig. S4, Table S2). Close inspection reactivity of SARS-CoV-2 spike with immune sera
of the cryo-EM maps revealed features interpretable as a bil- SARS-CoV-2 spikes carrying R190K and N121Q mutations
iverdin molecule buried within a deep cleft on one side of supported infection of Vero-ACE2 and Huh7-ACE2 cells by a
each of the NTD domains (Fig. 1, fig. S5A). To define the struc- pseudotyped lentiviral vector (fig. S8A). Moreover, infectivity
tural basis for the interaction more precisely, we co-crystal- of replication-competent SARS-CoV-2 was not affected by the
lized the isolated NTD with biliverdin and determined the presence of 100 μM biliverdin (fig. S8B). Thus, the metabolite
structure at 1.8 Å resolution (Fig. 2, fig. S5B, Table S3). The does not appear to play a critical role in viral entry under
metabolite fits snugly into the cleft with the pyrrole rings B standard tissue culture conditions. Because biliverdin bind-
and C buried inside and propionate groups appended to rings ing conceals a deep hydrophobic cleft on the NTD (Fig. 2), we
A and D projecting toward the outside. The pocket is lined by suspected that it may mask or modify the antigenic proper-
hydrophobic residues (Ile101, Trp104, Ile119, Val126, Met177, ties of the viral spike. To test this hypothesis, we measured

First release: 22 April 2021 (Page numbers not final at time of first release) 2
the reactivity of sera from 17 SARS-CoV-2-infected and con- expected, addition of biliverdin had no effect on neutraliza-
valescent individuals with full-length WT and N121Q SARS- tion by COVA1-18. Neutralization of replication-competent
CoV-2 spike using a flow cytometry-based assay (23). Remark- SARS-CoV-2 by P008_056, COVA1-22 or COVA2-17 was sub-
ably, addition of 10 μM biliverdin reduced binding of patient stantially decreased by addition of biliverdin (Fig. 4F). Intri-
IgGs to WT spike, reducing the reactivity of some of the im- guingly, while P008_056 seemed somewhat less potent in the
mune sera by as much as 50% (with a median change of - pseudotype assay (Fig. 4E), it efficiently neutralized live
31.4%, ranging from -10.4% to -49.5%) (Fig. 3). By contrast, SARS-CoV-2 virus, achieving 50% and >90% inhibition at
antibody binding to N121Q SARS-CoV-2 spike was not af- concentrations of 0.03 and 1.56 μg/ml, respectively, in a bili-
fected by addition of biliverdin (median change -2.0%, range verdin-sensitive manner (Fig. 4F, fig. S11B).
+10.8% to -12.9%) (Fig. 3). Binding of IgM and IgA antibodies,
which are present at lower titers in these patients (23), was Biliverdin inhibits antibody binding to SARS-CoV-2
more variably, but, statistically, not significantly affected (fig. spike NTD via an allosteric mechanism
S9B-D). In a separate experiment, we tested 91 clinical serum To establish the structural basis for SARS-CoV-2 neutralization
samples in an IgG capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent as- by a biliverdin-sensitive antibody, we imaged single particles
say (ELISA). SARS-CoV-2 specific antibodies were detected of the viral spike in complex with P008_056 antigen binding

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using WT or N121Q S1 conjugated to horseradish peroxidase. fragment (Fab). Cryo-EM image processing resulted in recon-
Biliverdin-depleted WT S1 was significantly more reactive struction of structures with one, two and three Fab moieties
than the same protein supplemented with excess metabolite bound per trimeric viral glycoprotein (fig. S11A-B), and the best
(fig. S10). By contrast, addition of biliverdin did not dampen map was obtained for the complex containing a single Fab (Fig.
detection of the SARS-CoV-2 antibodies with N121Q S1 (fig. 5A, fig. S12C-D). The reconstruction with a local resolution of
S10). ~4 Å at the NTD-Fab interface allowed for tracing of the pro-
tein backbone and revealed positions of key amino acid side
Identification of biliverdin-sensitive monoclonal anti- chains (Fig. 5A, fig. S5C). P008_056 binds the spike at the side
bodies to SARS-CoV-2 spike NTD of the NTD β-sandwich fold, which undergoes profound con-
It is remarkable that a small molecule with a footprint of 370 formational rearrangements (Movie S1). Access to the epitope
Å2, corresponding to less than 0.9% of solvent-exposed sur- is gated by a solvent-exposed loop composed of predominantly
face (per spike monomer, Fig. 1), competes with a considera- hydrophilic residues (“gate”, SARS-CoV-2 spike residues 174-
ble fraction of the spike-specific serum antibody population 188; Fig. 2). To allow P008_056 binding, the loop swings out of
(Fig. 3). These results prompted us to evaluate a panel of hu- the way, with a backbone displacement in the middle of the
man antibodies cloned from B cells of SARS-CoV-2 convales- loop of ~15 Å (Fig. 5B). The gating mechanism is accompanied
cent individuals. We used 38 IgGs reported in a recent study by insertion of Phe175 and Met177, which are located in the
(11), as well as a panel of 15 novel SARS-CoV-2 S1-specific IgGs beginning of the loop, into the hydrophobic pocket vacated by
obtained from individuals with asymptomatic infection, or biliverdin (Fig. 5B, fig. S5C). Thus, when bound, the metabolite
mild/severe disease undergoing characterization in one of appears to act as a wedge that restricts gate opening. Antibody
our laboratories (14). We tested these monoclonal antibodies binding is additionally complemented by an upward move-
for binding to recombinant WT and N121Q S1 by ELISA. Re- ment of a β-hairpin (“lip”, SARS-CoV-2 residues 143-155),
markably, 9 of 53 (17%) IgGs lost binding to WT, but not to which overlays a cluster of aromatic residues (Fig. 2, Fig. 5B).
N121Q S1, in the presence of 10 μM biliverdin (Fig. 4A,C, fig. Both loop regions are variable, although the gate residues that
S11A). Furthermore, addition of biliverdin strongly sup- replace biliverdin display considerable sequence conservation
pressed binding of these antibodies to full-length WT but not (consensus: 175[F,L]q[L,M]177; fig. S7). The marked gain in ther-
N121Q SARS-CoV-2 spike expressed on the surface of trans- mal stability upon biliverdin binding (fig. S3K) is consistent
fected HEK293T cells (Fig. 4B,D). By contrast, reactivity of with resistance to an antibody that requires major conforma-
both RBD-specific controls (COVA1-18 and COVA1-12), was tional remodeling of the NTD for binding (Movie S1).
not affected by the metabolite (Fig. 4A-D). As expected, all
biliverdin-sensitive antibodies recognize the NTD (11, 14). DISCUSSION
Two of the biliverdin-sensitive monoclonal IgGs, COVA1- Our data show that the NTD of SARS-CoV-2 harbors domi-
22, COVA2-17, were previously reported to efficiently neutral- nant epitope(s), responsible for a considerable fraction of
ize SARS-CoV-2 pseudotyped retrovirus (11). Addition of bili- spike antigenicity (Figs. 3 and 4). It is well-established that
verdin suppressed neutralization of the pseudotype carrying viruses employ extensive glycosylation of their envelopes to
WT but not N121Q spike (Fig. 4E). The mutation had a differ- shield antibody epitopes from recognition by humoral im-
ential effect on neutralization showing a decrease in potency munity (24–26). Here, we propose a novel mode of immune
for COVA1-22 and no effect for P008_056 or COVA2-17. As evasion via allostery, regulated through recruitment of a

First release: 22 April 2021 (Page numbers not final at time of first release) 3
metabolite. In contrast to glycosylation, co-opting a metabo- MATERIALS AND METHODS
lite may allow conditional unmasking, for example under Protein expression and purification
acidic conditions within the endosomal compartment. Of DNA fragments encoding SARS-CoV-2 S1 (Uniprot ID:
note, a recent study proposed pH-dependent conformational P0DTC2; residues 1-530), NTD (1-310), RBD (319-541), SARS-
masking of the epitopes on SARS-CoV-2 RBD (27). CoV-1 S1 (Uniprot ID: P59594; residues 1-518), HCoV NL63
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, consider- (Uniprot ID: Q6Q1S2; residues 1-618), HCoV OC43 (isolate
able effort was directed to monitoring the genetic changes LRTI_238, NCBI accession code KX344031; residues 1-619)
within the virus. The biliverdin-binding cleft has remained were codon-optimized for expression in human cells and
intact in the dominant SARS-CoV-2 variants (such as B.1.1.7, cloned control of the cytomegalovirus promoter for produc-
B.1.351, and B.1.1.28). However, while this manuscript under tion of the recombinant proteins carrying a C-terminal exten-
review, R190S was reported in the emerging P.1 strain. It is sion containing human rhinovirus 14 3C protease recognition
currently unclear how widespread this mutation is, and it will site followed by a TwinStrep tag. The signal peptide from im-
be important to continue monitoring adaptation of the bat munoglobulin kappa gene product
sarbecovirus to human host. Biliverdin levels in plasma of (METDTLLLWVLLLWVPGSTGD) was used to direct secre-
healthy individuals (0.9-6.9 μM) and more so under patho- tion of the RBD construct. The vector for production of the

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logical conditions (>50 μM) (28) greatly exceed the Kd of its His6-tagged stabilized trimeric SARS-CoV-2 has been de-
interaction with the spike (~10 nM) and are therefore suffi- scribed (18). Expression constructs encoding heavy and light
cient to impinge on SARS-CoV-2 antigenic properties and chains of P008_056 Fab were made by inserting the respec-
neutralization. Although SARS-CoV-2 spike bound bilirubin tive coding sequences into pHLsec (38), including a sequence
with lower affinity (fig. S3), this final product of haem catab- encoding a hexa-histidine (His6) tag on the heavy chain frag-
olism accumulates at higher levels in vivo (28). Elevated bili- ment C terminus.
rubin levels correlate with the symptoms and mortality With exception of trimeric stabilized SARS-CoV-2 spike
among COVID-19 patients (29–32). Therefore, the ectodomain, the proteins were produced by transient trans-
tetrapyrroles may share a role in SARS-CoV-2 immune eva- fection of Expi293 (Thermo Fisher Scientific) cells with endo-
sion. It is important to note that the binding of biliverdin and toxin-free preparations of the corresponding DNA constructs
bilirubin to the spike is characterized by fast association and using ExpiFectamine293 (Thermo Fisher Scientific). The cells
dissociation kinetics (fig. S3). The affinity of a typical anti- were maintained in shake flasks in FreeStyle293 (Thermo
body (10-200 pM) greatly exceeds that of the biliverdin-spike Fisher Scientific) medium at 37°C in humidified 5% CO2 at-
interaction (33). Accordingly, the metabolite is able to sup- mosphere. To produce SARS-CoV-2 S1 NTD fragment for crys-
press antibody binding (Figs. 3 and 4), because it can reach tallography, cell culture medium was supplemented with 5
considerably higher molar concentrations. In addition, μM kifunensine (Sigma-Aldrich) to suppress complex glyco-
tetrapyrrole levels are likely to vary between anatomical loca- sylation (39). Conditioned medium containing recombinant
tions and during the course of natural infection, explaining product was harvested twice, 4 and 8 days post-transfection,
the emergence of the biliverdin sensitive antibody fraction. or once, for production of the NTD and P008_056 Fab, 5 days
Severe COVID-19 symptoms and death are associated with post-transfection. For production of the trimeric SARS-CoV-
neutrophil infiltration in pulmonary capillaries and alveolar 2 spike ectodomain, Expi293 transfected with the pcDNA3-
space (34). Indeed, nasopharyngeal swabs of COVID-19 pa- based expression construct (18) were selected with 250 μg/ml
tients are enriched in neutrophil myeloperoxidase (35), a geneticin. Stably transfected cells, grown to a density of 3.5
highly abundant haem-containing protein responsible for million per ml at 37°C, were shifted to 32°C for 3 days prior
coloration of mucus (36). Incidentally, host mechanisms to to harvesting conditioned medium to enhance secretion of
minimize inflammation in viral infections include the activa- the viral glycoprotein (40).
tion of haem oxygenase 1 (37). Alongside extensive vascular TwinStrep-tagged proteins were captured on Strep-Tactin
damage, these symptoms provide rich source of haem catab- XT (IBA LifeSciences) affinity resin. Following extensive
olites, which may contribute to the inability to control the washes in TBSE (150 mM NaCl, 1 mM ethylenediaminetet-
infection in severe cases. Although more work is required to raacetic acid (EDTA), 25 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0), the proteins
validate this model, our results suggest that biliverdin bind- were eluted in 1xBXT buffer (IBA LifeSciences). His6-tagged
ing may impair the sensitivity of SARS-CoV-2 immunoassays. proteins were captured on HisTrap Excel (Sigma-Aldrich)
Furthermore, it would be of interest to evaluate spike con- resin and eluted with 300 mM imidazole in phosphate buff-
structs deficient for the interaction with tetrapyrroles as vac- ered saline. For the use in crystallography, SARS-CoV-2 S1
cine candidates. Our results demonstrate a remarkable NTD was digested with Endo Hf (New England Biolabs) and
structural plasticity of the NTD and highlight the importance rhinoviral 3C protease to trim glycans and to remove the C-
of this domain for antibody immunity against SARS-CoV-2. terminal twin Strep tag; Endo Hf was depleted by absorption

First release: 22 April 2021 (Page numbers not final at time of first release) 4
to amylose resin (New England Biolabs). The proteins were levels were typically 4,000 response units. Analyte binding
further purified by size exclusion chromatography through a was studied in running buffer comprising 150 mM NaCl, 50
Superdex 200 16/600 column (GE Healthcare) in HBSE (150 mM HEPES-NaOH, pH 8.0 or 50 mM BisTris-HCl, pH 5.0,
mM NaCl, 1 mM EDTA, 20 mM Hepes-NaOH, pH 8.0) and 0.05% Tween-20, and 1% dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). Biliver-
concentrated by ultrafiltration using a Vivaspin-20 with 10- din, bilirubin, haem, and protoporphyrin were obtained from
kDa cut-off (Sartorius). To deplete biliverdin from SARS-CoV- Sigma-Aldrich (product codes 3089, 14370, 51280, and P8293,
2 S1, recombinant protein eluted from Strep-Tactin XT resin respectively). Generally, analyte stock solutions were pre-
was supplemented with 0.5 M sodium acetate, pH 5.2 and pared in DMSO prior to dilution in running buffer, maintain-
subjected to size exclusion chromatography through a Super- ing the final DMSO concentration of 1%. The final analyte
dex 200 16/600 column in 200 mM sodium acetate, pH 5.2; concentration was verified by spectrophotometry, using the
fractions containing S1 were pooled and dialyzed overnight following molar extinction coefficients: biliverdin 39,900 (at
against HBSE buffer. Light absorbance spectra of recombi- a wavelength of 388 nm), bilirubin 53,846 (460 nm), haem
nant proteins were acquired using Jasco V-550 UV/VIS spec- 58,440 (385 nm), and protoporphyrin IX 107,000 (407 nm).
trophotometer. Alternatively, biliverdin, which is highly soluble at pH>7, was
dissolved directly in running buffer to omit DMSO from the

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Mass spectrometry experiment. The presence of DMSO did not affect the meas-
Recombinant SARS-CoV-2 S1 (3.5 mg/ml, 500 μl), denatured ured Kd of the S1-biliverdin interaction (Table S1). All experi-
by addition of 1% (w/v) sodium dodecyl sulfate, was extracted ments were conducted using a CM5-kinetics-multicycle
with 500 μl n-butanol. Organic phase containing green pig- template at 25°C. Flow rate was 30 μl/min with a contact time
ment was allowed to evaporate under vacuum, and dry resi- of 180 s, followed by a dissociation time of 10 min; three start-
due was re-dissolved in 20 μl water. Liquid chromatography- ups were performed at the beginning of each experiment. Sol-
tandem mass spectrometry was performed as described pre- vent correction was deemed unnecessary for the assays that
viously (41). LC-MS/MS analysis was conducted using a Di- contained DMSO. Biliverdin displayed very fast association
onex UltiMate LC system (Thermo Scientific) with a ZIC- precluding detailed kinetics analyses due to mass transfer ef-
pHILIC column (150 mm × 4.6 mm, 5 μm particle, Merck fects. Data were analyzed using the 1:1 binding model in the
Sequant). A 15-min elution gradient of 80% Solvent A (20 mM Biacore S200 Evaluation software to estimate equilibrium
ammonium carbonate in Optima HPLC grade water, Sigma- binding constants (Kd).
Aldrich) to 20% Solvent B (acetonitrile Optima HPLC grade,
Sigma-Aldrich) was used, followed by a 5-min wash of 95:5 Protein thermostability assay
Solvent A to Solvent B and 5-min re-equilibration. Other pa- Biliverdin-depleted SARS-CoV-2 NTD (corresponding to
rameters were as follows: flow rate, 300 μl/min; column tem- spike residues 1-310) was diluted to 1 mg/ml in 150 mM NaCl,
perature, 25°C; injection volume, 10 μl; autosampler 20 mM HEPES-NaOH, pH 8.0 and supplemented with biliver-
temperature, 4°C. Metabolites were detected across a mass din from a 5-mM stock prepared in 100 mM Tris-HCl, pH8.0
range of 70-1050 m/z using a Q Exactive Orbitrap instrument where appropriate. Melting curves were recorded using
(Thermo Scientific) with heated electrospray ionization and 20−95 °C 1.5 °C/min temperature ramps on a Promethius
polarity switching mode at a resolution of 70,000 (at 200 NT.48 instrument (Nanotemper). Melting points were deter-
m/z). MS parameters were as follows: spray voltage 3.5 kV for mined from inflection points of fluorescence intensity ratios
positive mode and 3.2 kV for negative mode; probe tempera- (350 and 330 nm) using first derivative analysis (fig. S3K).
ture, 320°C; sheath gas, 30 arbitrary units; auxiliary gas, 5
arbitrary units. Parallel reaction monitoring was used at a Cryo-electron microscopy
resolution of 17,500 to confirm the identification of biliver- Four μl stabilized trimeric SARS-CoV-2 spike ectodomain (0.6
din; collision energy was set at 30 in high-energy collisional mg/ml final concentration in TBSE supplemented with 0.1%
dissociation mode. Data was recorded using Xcalibur 3.0.63 n-octyl glucoside) with 25 μM biliverdin or 0.2 mg/ml
software and analyzed using Free Style 1.6 and Tracefinder P008_056 Fab, was applied onto glow-discharged 200-mesh
4.1 software (Thermo Scientific) according to the manufac- copper holey carbon R2/2 grids (Quantifoil) for 1 min, under
turer’s workflows. 100% humidity at 20°C, before blotting for 3-4 s and plunge-
freezing in liquid ethane using Vitrobot Mark IV (Thermo
SPR Fisher Scientific). The data were collected on Titan Krios mi-
Experiments were performed on a Biacore S200 (Cytiva); S1 croscopes operating at 300 keV (Thermo Fisher Scientific).
protein, diluted to 50 μg/ml in 10 mM sodium acetate, pH 5.0, Single particles of spike-biliverdin were imaged using a Fal-
was immobilized on a CM5 sensor chip (Cytiva product code con III direct electron detector (Thermo Fisher Scientific). A
BR100530) using amine coupling chemistry. Immobilization total of 15,962 movies were recorded with a calibrated pixel

First release: 22 April 2021 (Page numbers not final at time of first release) 5
size of 1.09 Å and a total electron exposure of 33 e-/Å2, spread adjusted in Coot (51) and refined using phenix.real_space_re-
over 30 frames in single electron counting mode. The spike- fine (version 1.19rc5-4047) (52). The model was then docked
Fab complex was imaged on a GIF Quantum K2 detector with into the cryo-EM map of asymmetric 1RBD-up reconstruction
a post-column energy filter (Gatan), selecting a 20-eV win- and one RBD refitted to the extended position in Chimera;
dow, in single electron counting mode. A total of 17,010 mov- the model was manually adjusted in Coot and refined using
ies were collected with a pixel size of 1.38 Å and total electron phenix.real_space_refine. For the spike-Fab model, 3RBD-
exposure of 51 e-/Å2 spread over 40 frames. Both datasets down spike model was fitted to the map using Chimera; the
were acquired with a defocus range of -1.6 to -4 μm (Table RBD of chain A was fitted in to the extended position, which
S2). is less well defined, and the NTD of chain C was extensively
remodeled. The protein data bank was searched for similar
Cryo-EM image processing and real-space refinement structures using the sequence of the Fab chains; 6APC (53)
Micrograph movies were aligned with dose weighting applied and 6PHB (54) were selected as templates for the heavy and
using MotionCor2 (42), and the contrast transfer function light chains of the Fab respectively, variable and constant
(CTF) parameters were estimated from the frame sums with sub-domains were fitted individually using either phe-
Gctf (43). Images exhibiting ice contamination or poor CTF nix.dock_in_map (55) and/or fitted in Chimera. The Fab frag-

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estimation were discarded at this stage, leaving 15,803 (bili- ments were manually adjusted to match the sequence of
verdin complex) and 16,619 (Fab complex) movies for further P0008_056 antibody and fitted to the cryo-EM map. The con-
processing. An initial set of particles, autopicked with Lapla- stant domains of the Fab are less well resolved in the map
cian-of-Gaussian function in Relion-3.1 (44), was used to gen- and minimal adjustments were made to these domains. The
erate 2D class averages that served as templates for picking whole structure was subjected to automatic flexible fitting us-
both datasets with Gautomatch (https://www.mrc- ing Namdinator v2.13 (56) and then phenix.real_space_refine Particles (1,209,334 and 2,505,265 before another round of manual rebuilding in Coot and a fi-
for spike-biliverdin and spike-Fab, respectively) were ex- nal round of phenix.real_space_refine. Biliverdin (BLA) lig-
tracted from weighted frame sums, binned 4-fold, and sub- and geometry definition file was generated by Grade (Global
jected to reference-free 2D classification in cryoSPARC-2 (45). Phasing) and model quality was assessed using Molprobity
371,422 spike-biliverdin and 709,127 spike-Fab particles be- (57).
longing to well-defined classes containing trimeric spike were
selected for further processing (figs S4A, S11A). An initial 3D Crystal Structure of the NTD in complex with biliverdin
model was generated using ab initio procedure in cryoSPARC- Protein construct (spanning SARS-CoV-2 S1 residues 1-310) at
2. Selected particles, re-extracted with 2-fold binning, were 10 mg/ml was supplemented with 90 μM biliverdin before
subjected to 3D classification into 11 (spike-biliverdin) and 16 mixing with crystallization mother liquor in a 1:1 ratio. Plate-
(spike-Fab) classes in Relion-3.1. Particles belonging to se- like crystals grew to 80-120 μm in two dimensions and ~10-
lected 3D classes were re-extracted without binning and used 20 μm in the third dimension in conditions containing 24%
in 3D reconstruction followed by CTF refinement (beam tilt PEG 3350 (w/v) and 0.25 M NaSCN by hanging drop vapor
and per-particle defocus) and Bayesian polishing in Relion-3.1. diffusion over 1-2 weeks at 18°C. Crystals were cryoprotected
The final 3D reconstructions were done using non-uniform re- by the addition of PEG 400 to a final concentration of 30%
finement procedure in cryoSPARC-2. Resolution is reported (v/v) to the drop solution and frozen by plunging in liquid
according to the gold-standard Fourier shell correlation (FSC), nitrogen. X-ray diffraction data were collected at the PX1
using the 0.143 criterion (46, 47) (figs S4C-D and S12C-D, Ta- beamline, Swiss Light Source, using wavelength 1 Å, 100%
ble S2). To aid in model building process, the maps were fil- transmission, a 40-μm beam, 0.1-s exposure and 0.5° rotation
tered and sharpened using deepEMhancer (48) or using per image. Data were indexed, scaled and merged using XDS
density modification procedure in Phenix (49). An additional (58) and Aimless (59) via Xia2 (60). SARS-CoV-2 spike NTD
spike-Fab reconstruction was obtained using multibody re- (residues 14-290; PDB ID 6ZGE) (18) was used as a model for
finement in Relion-3.1 accounting for two rigid bodies (one molecular replacement and yielded a solution containing one
spanning the Fab moiety plus the associated NTD, and the NTD per asymmetric unit, with a log likelihood gain of 490
second encompassing the rest of the structure) was used for and translation function Z-score of 22.7, in space group C2221
illustration purposes (Fig. 4A). using Phaser (61) within the Phenix package (55). The initial
For the 3RBD-down spike model, coordinates from pro- molecular replacement solution was subjected to morph
tein databank entry 6ZGE (18) were docked into the cryo-EM model in Phenix before commencing with rounds of manual
map in Chimera (50). Residues 14-319 were replaced with the fitting in Coot (51) and refinement using phenix.refine (ver-
NTD crystal structure for each of the chains along with the sion 1.19rc4-4035) (55). First, the protein chain was fitted and
associated biliverdin molecules. The model was manually extended where possible, and refined, then glycosylation

First release: 22 April 2021 (Page numbers not final at time of first release) 6
moieties were added where visualized in the positive Fo-Fc IgG capture assay
density, followed by conceivable PEG and water molecules. WT (depleted of biliverdin by chromatography under acidic
The electron density around the disulphide bonds suggested conditions) and mutant SARS-CoV-2 S1 proteins (4.1 mg/ml;
that they were labile and as such were modeled as alternative 100 μl) were conjugated to horseradish peroxidase (HRP) us-
conformations between oxidized and reduced where appro- ing the Lynx rapid HRP conjugation kit (BioRad). Following
priate and the occupancy refined between these states. The quenching and dilution in conjugate stabilizer (Clintech,
stability of the disulphide bonds could have been affected by Guildford, UK; product code #MI20080), half of each conju-
trace amounts of DTT introduced during the treatment of the gate was supplemented with 10 μM biliverdin. Nunc 96-well,
protein with 3C protease and EndoH. The Rfree and Rwork were U8 MaxiSorp plates (Fisher Scientific) were coated overnight
21.5 and 18.5%, respectively, before a biliverdin molecule was at 4°C with AffiniPure rabbit anti-human IgG antibody
fitted into the prominent positive difference density; rings A, (Stratech; product code #309-005-008) diluted to 5 μg/ml in
B and C are defined very well in the density, ring D appears coating buffer (Clintech; product code #643005). Following a
to be marginally less well defined. The final refinement in- 3-hours incubation at 37°C, and a 1 hour incubation at room
cluded four Translation/Libration/Screw groups (residues 14- temperature, the wells were washed with washing buffer
67, 68-202, 203-278, 279-319) that had been segmented by the (Clintech; product code #20024) and incubated for 4 hours in

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TLSMD server (62). Ligand geometry definitions were gener- blocking solution (Clintech; product code #MI20011). The
ated by Grade (Global Phasing). The final model consists of wells were air-dried and stored desiccated at 4°C until use.
spike residues 14-319, one biliverdin molecule, seven N-linked For ELISA, 100-μl serum samples, each diluted 1:100 in dilu-
glycans (attached to asparagine residues at positions 17, 61, ent buffer (Clintech, product code #2040), were added to the
122, 149, 165, 234, and 282), 10 PEG moieties, and 351 water coated wells and incubated stationary at 37°C for 1 hour. To
molecules and has reasonable geometry and fit to the elec- detect S1-specific IgGs, the wells were washed with washing
tron density (Table S3, fig. S5B). Model quality was assessed buffer (Clintech) and aspirated to dryness, following which
using Molprobity (63). The alignment of the sarbecoviral 100 μl of S1-HRP fusion conjugate diluted in conjugate dilu-
spike sequences with the NTD secondary structures (fig. ent (Clintech; product code #100171) to a previously defined
S7) was formatted using ESPript3 server optimum concentration (1:1,500) were added and incubated
( (64). for one hour at 37°C. The wells were then washed as before
and developed for 30 min at 37°C using tetramethylbenzidine
Human sera substrate (Clintech; product code #2030b), quenched by the
Following written informed consent, serum samples from addition of 50 μl stop solution (Clintech; product code
staff and patients of the Imperial College Healthcare NHS #20031). The resulting optical densities (ODs) were acquired
Trust (ICHNT) and the Wellington Hospital diagnosed with using a SpectraMax M2 reader (Molecular Devices).
SARS-CoV-2 infection were donated to the Communicable The IgG capture ELISA data was modeled with a Bayesian
Diseases Research Tissue Bank (CDRTB) of the Section of Vi- linear model, using the gamma likelihood function:
rology, Department of Infectious Disease, Imperial College Gamma(μ, Scale). The linear model took the form of log(μ) =
London. The use of these sera was approved by the CDRTB intercept[Sample] + offset[Protein], where the intercept[Sam-
Steering Committee in accordance with the responsibility ple] term allows varying intercepts across samples (to account
delegated by the National Research Ethics Service (South for the repeated measurements of each serum sample across
Central Ethics Committee Oxford – C, NRES references conditions, assumed to be distributed as Gamma(μintercept, sca-
15/SC/0089 and 20/SC/0226). The median time from onset of leintercept)), and the offset[Protein] term accounts for variation
symptoms (or positive RT-PCR test in the case of asympto- attributable to different protein coatings. Pairwise contrasts
matic infection) was 29 (0-94) days. Additionally, serum or were drawn from the posterior distribution to construct cred-
plasma samples were obtained from University College Lon- ible intervals for the difference in OD values between different
don Hospitals (UCLH) COVID-19 patients testing positive for protein coatings. Priors: offset[Protein]∼Normal(-3,0.2),
SARS-CoV-2 infection by RT-qPCR and sampled between scale∼Exponential(5), μintercept∼Normal(1,0.2), scaleintercept∼Ex-
March 2020 and April 2020 (23). The sera were collected a ponential(5). Monte Carlo settings: 10,000 iterations, 4 chains,
median of 21 (9-31) days post onset of symptoms. Patient sera adapt_delta = 0.95, sampler = NUTS.
were from residual samples prior to discarding, in accord-
ance with Royal College Pathologists guidelines and the Flow cytometry
UCLH Clinical Governance for assay development and ap- Serum antibody binding to full-length SARS-CoV-2 S ex-
proved by HRA (IRAS reference 284088). All serum or plasma pressed on HEK293T cells was performed using a recently
samples were heat-treated at 56°C for 30 min prior to testing described method (23). Briefly, HEK293T cells were trans-
by flow cytometry. fected with an expression vector (pcDNA3) carrying codon-

First release: 22 April 2021 (Page numbers not final at time of first release) 7
optimized genes encoding either the wild-type SARS-CoV-2 S P008_056, P003_027, P008_039, P008_051, P008_052,
(UniProt ID: P0DTC2) or N121Q SARS-CoV-2 S, using P003_014, P008_057, P008_100, P008_081, P008_017,
GeneJuice (EMD Millipore). Two days after transfection, cells P008_087, P054_021, P008_007, P003_055, and P008_108 is de-
were trypsinized and transferred into V-bottom 96-well scribed elsewhere (14).
plates (20,000 cells/well). Cells were incubated with sera (di-
luted 1:50 in PBS) for 30 min, with or without addition of 10 ELISA with monoclonal IgGs
μM biliverdin throughout the staining period. They were The assays were performed in a similar manner to the previ-
then washed with FACS buffer (PBS, 5% BSA, 0.05% sodium ously described protocol for serum samples (23, 65, 66).
azide) and stained with FITC anti-IgG (clone HP6017, Bio- Briefly, high-binding ELISA plates (Corning, product code
legend), APC anti-IgM (clone MHM-88, Biolegend) and PE 3690) were coated with 3 μg/ml (25 μl per well) SARS-CoV2
anti-IgA (clone IS11-8E10, Miltenyi Biotech) for 30 min (all WT S1 antigen (purified with or without acid treatment) or
antibodies diluted 1:200 in FACS buffer). Samples were run N121Q S1 in PBS, either overnight at 4 °C or for 2 h at 37 °C.
on a Ze5 analyzer (Bio-Rad) running Bio-Rad Everest soft- Wells were washed with PBS supplemented with 0.05%
ware v2.4 and analyzed using FlowJo v10 (Tree Star Inc.) Tween-20 (PBS-T) and blocked with 100 μl 2% casein in PBS
analysis software. To calculate the effect of biliverdin, the for 1 h at room temperature. The wells were emptied and 25 μl

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mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) of positively stained cells of 2% (w/v) casein in PBS was added per well. This solution
only was used in each condition. The MFI data was modeled was supplemented with biliverdin at 10 μM where indicated.
with a Bayesian linear model, using the gamma likelihood Serial dilutions of IgGs were prepared in separate 96-well
function: Gamma(μ, Scale). The linear model took the form plate (Greiner Bio-One) in 2% casein, and then 25 μl of each
of log(μ) = intercept[Sample] + offset[Protein], where the in- serial dilution added to the ELISA assay plates and incubated
tercept[Sample] term allows varying intercepts across sam- for 2 h at room temperature. Wells were washed with PBS-T.
ples (to account for the repeated measurements of each Secondary antibody was added and incubated for 1 h at room
serum sample across conditions, assumed to be distributed temperature. IgG binding was detected using goat-anti-hu-
as Normal(μintercept,σintercept)), and the offset[Protein] term ac- man-Fc conjugated to alkaline phosphatase (1:1,000; Jackson,
counts for variation attributable to different protein coatings. product code 109-055-098). Wells were washed with PBS-T,
Pairwise contrasts were drawn from the posterior distribu- and alkaline phosphatase substrate (Sigma-Aldrich) was
tion to construct credible intervals for the difference in MFI added and read at 405 nm. Area under the curve values were
values between samples ±biliverdin. Priors: offset[Pro- calculated using GraphPad Prism.
tein]∼Normal(0,400), scale∼Exponential(0.1), μintercept∼Nor-
mal(2500,200), σintercept∼Exponential(0.01). Monte Carlo Pseudotype infectivity assay
settings: 10,000 iterations, 4 chains, adapt_delta = 0.95, sam- Simian immunodeficiency (SIV) particles were used to assess
pler = NUTS. effects of H207A, R190K and N121Q mutations on the func-
The same procedure was performed to assess monoclonal tion of SARS-CoV-2 spike. HEK293T cells, seeded one day ear-
IgG binding to cell surface SARS-CoV-2 spike with the follow- lier in 10-cm dishes in complete Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s
ing alterations: Transfection was performed with PEI-Max medium (DMEM, supplemented with 10% (v/v) fetal bovine
(1 mg/ml, Polysciences), FACS wash buffer (FWB) containing serum, FBS), were co-transfected with 17 μg SIVMAC239-
PBS supplemented with 1% BSA. Monoclonal IgGs were seri- GFP, an env- and nef- defective provirus construct expressing
ally diluted 10-fold from 50 μg/ml prior to mixing with trans- a GFP reporter (67), and 4 μg pcDNA-SARS-CoV-2-del19, en-
fected cells. Antibody binding was detected with APC anti- coding SARS-CoV-2 spike with or without mutations in the
IgG (Biolegend) diluted 1:200 in FWB buffer. Samples were biliverdin binding pocket. To improve pseudotyping effi-
run on a NovoCyte 96-well plate flow cytometer and analyzed ciency, the constructs encoded a truncation of the spike C-
using FlowJo v10 (Tree Star) analysis software. Three buffer terminal 19 amino acid residues (68). Viral pseudotypes were
only samples and secondary antibody alone conditions were harvested 48 hours post-transfection, clarified by low-speed
used to define the spike-positive gate. centrifugation at 300×g for 5 min and filtered through a 0.45-
μm filter. The stocks of viruses pseudotyped with the spike
Monoclonal human antibodies variants were diluted to an equal reverse transcriptase activ-
The following IgGs COVA1-26, COVA1-23, COVA2-38, COVA2-17, ity (69). Six 5-fold serially diluted virus stocks were inocu-
COVA1-20, COVA2-26, COVA1-22, COVA3-07, COVA2-03, lated in quadruplicate in 96-well plates onto Huh7 and Vero
COVA1-18,COVA1-12, COVA1-16, COVA2-01, COVA2-02, COVA2- cells, modified to overexpress ACE2 from a lentiviral vector,
04, COVA2-07, COVA2-11, COVA2-15, COVA2-29, COVA2-39, seeded one day before infection in 96-well plates. At 48 hours
COVA2-44, COVA2-46, COVA2-10, COVA2-25, COVA2-30 have post-infection, fluorescent cells were counted using the En-
been reported (11). Cloning and characterization of human IgGs sight plate reader (Perkin Elmer). Infectivity was calculated

First release: 22 April 2021 (Page numbers not final at time of first release) 8
from values falling into a linear dilution range by dividing SARS-CoV2 neutralization assay
the number of infected cells in a well for the amount of re- Vero E6 (Cercopithecus aethiops derived epithelial kidney
verse transcriptase activity associated to the virus inoculum, cells, provided by Prof. Wendy Barclay, Imperial College Lon-
expressed in mU. don) cells were grown in DMEM, supplemented with Gluta-
MAX (Thermo Fisher Scientific), 10% (v/v) FBS, and 20 μg/ml
Pseudotype neutralization assay gentamicin, and incubated at 37°C in 5% CO2 atmosphere.
HIV-1 particles pseudotyped with SARS-Cov-2 spike were pro- SARS-CoV-2 Strain England 2 (England 02/2020/407073) was
duced in a T75 flask seeded the day before with 3 mil- obtained from Public Health England. The virus was propa-
lion HEK293T/17 cells (American Type Culture Collection; gated by infecting Vero E6 cells in T75 flasks (60-70% conflu-
catalog code CRL-11268) in 10 ml complete DMEM, supple- ent), at a multiplicity of infection 0.005 in 3 ml of DMEM,
mented with 10% (v/v) FBS, 100 IU/ml penicillin and supplemented with GlutaMAX and 10% (v/v) FBS. Cells were
100 μg/ml streptomycin. Cells were transfected using 60 μg of incubated for 1 hour at 37°C before adding 15 ml of the same
PEI-Max (Polysciences) with a mix of three plasmids: 9.1  μg medium. Supernatant was harvested 72 hours post-infection
HIV-1 luciferase reporter vector (65), 9.1  μg HIV-1 p8.91 pack- following visible cytopathic effect, and filtered through a
aging construct (70) and 1.4  μg WT SARS-CoV-2 spike expres- 0.22-μm filter, aliquoted and stored at -80C. The infectious

Downloaded from on April 30, 2021

sion vector (23) or its N121Q mutant version. Supernatants virus titer was determined by plaque assay in Vero E6 cells.
containing pseudotyped virions were harvested 48 h post- Neutralization assays were performed as previously de-
transfection, filtered through a 0.45-μm filter and stored at - scribed (65). Cells were seeded at a concentration of 20,000
80°C. Neutralization assays were conducted by serial dilution cells/100 μl per well in 96-well plates and allowed to adhere
of monoclonal IgGs at the indicated concentrations in DMEM overnight. Serial dilutions of monoclonal antibodies were
(10% (v/v) FBS and 1% penicillin–streptomycin) and incu- prepared with DMEM media (supplemented with 2% FBS,
bated with pseudotyped virus for 1 h at 37°C in 96-well plates. 100  IU/ml penicillin and 100 μg/ml streptomycin, Thermo
HeLa cells stably expressing ACE-2 (provided by J.E. Voss, Fisher Scientific) and incubated with SARS-CoV-2 for 1 hour
Scripps Institute) (71) were then added to the assay (10,000 at 37°C. Biliverdin was added to the virus at a final concen-
cells per 100 μl per well). After 48-72 h luminescence was as- tration of 25 μM before addition to the antibody. The media
sessed as a proxy of infection by lysing cells with the Bright- was removed from the pre-plated Vero-E6 cells and the se-
Glo luciferase kit (Promega), using a Glomax plate reader rum-virus mixtures were added to the Vero E6 cells and in-
(Promega). Measurements were performed in duplicate and cubated at 37°C for 24 hours. These virus/serum mixtures
used to calculate 50% inhibitory concentrations (IC50) in were aspirated and cells fixed with 150 μl of 4% formaldehyde
GraphPad Prism software. at room temperature for 30 min and then topped up to 300
μl with PBS. The cells were washed once with PBS and per-
SARS-CoV-2 infectivity assay meabilized with 0.1% Triton-X100 in PBS at room tempera-
SARS-CoV-2 strain BetaCoV/England/02/2020 (obtained ture for 15 min. The cells were washed twice with PBS and
from Public Health England) was propagated and quantified blocked using 3% milk in PBS at room temperature for 15
as described previously (72). VeroE6 cells were grown in min. The blocking solution was removed cells were incubated
DMEM (supplemented with 10% FBS) at 37°C and 5% CO2 in with 2 μg/ml SARS-CoV-2 nuclear protein-specific murinized-
96-well imaging plates (Greiner #655090). SARS-CoV-2 (0.5 CR3009 antibody in PBS supplemented with 1% milk at room
plaque forming units per cell) was added to DMEM with 2 or temperature for 45 min. The cells were washed twice with
10% (v/v) FBS with or without 100 μM biliverdin and added PBS and horse anti-mouse-IgG-conjugated to HRP was added
to the cells. At 22 hours post-infection, cells were fixed, per- (1:2,000 in 1% milk in PBS, Cell Signaling Technology; prod-
meabilized and stained for SARS-CoV-2 N protein using uct code S7076) at room temperature for 45 min. The cells
Alexa488-labeled CR3009 antibody (73) and 4′,6-diamidino- were washed twice with PBS, developed using 3,3′,5,5′-tet-
2-phenylindole (DAPI). The plate was imaged using the high- ramethylbenzidine substrate for 30 min and quenched using
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68. F. Schmidt, Y. Weisblum, F. Muecksch, H. H. Hoffmann, E. Michailidis, J. C. C. mass spectrometry; AR and VEP crystallised NTD-biliverdin complex; AN and
Lorenzi, P. Mendoza, M. Rutkowska, E. Bednarski, C. Gaebler, M. Agudelo, A. Cho, PBR acquired and evaluated cryo-EM data; VEP collected and processed X-ray
Z. Wang, A. Gazumyan, M. Cipolla, M. Caskey, D. F. Robbiani, M. C. Nussenzweig, diffraction data, built and refined all atomistic models; AR and PC refined cryo-
C. M. Rice, T. Hatziioannou, P. D. Bieniasz, Measuring SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing EM structures; NC and LM conducted SPR measurements; AR performed
antibody activity using pseudotyped and chimeric viruses. J. Exp. Med. 217, thermostability assays; ELP, CRdO, MOM, and RST performed IgG capture
e20201181 (2020). doi:10.1084/jem.20201181 Medline ELISA; HR and AR did statistical modelling of IgG capture assay data; RU and RB
69. M. Pizzato, O. Erlwein, D. Bonsall, S. Kaye, D. Muir, M. O. McClure, A one-step SYBR evaluated SARS-CoV2 infectivity in the presence of biliverdin; AS and MP
Green I-based product-enhanced reverse transcriptase assay for the quantitation conducted pseudotype infectivity assays; C-ES, MF, JH, MS, GPT, and EN
of retroviruses in cell culture supernatants. J. Virol. Methods 156, 1–7 (2009). assembled the panels of human sera samples; MJvG, RWS, KJD, JS, and CG
doi:10.1016/j.jviromet.2008.10.012 Medline isolated or provided monoclonal antibodies; KWN and GK did flow cytometry
70. R. Zufferey, D. Nagy, R. J. Mandel, L. Naldini, D. Trono, Multiply attenuated assays with human sera; KJD, JS, CG, ELP, LEM, LMuir, MHM, and CR-S
lentiviral vector achieves efficient gene delivery in vivo. Nat. Biotechnol. 15, 871– characterised monoclonal antibodies; PC, KJD, LEM, and GK wrote the paper
875 (1997). doi:10.1038/nbt0997-871 Medline with contributions from all authors. Competing interests: P. C., A. R. and. R. T.
71. T. F. Rogers, F. Zhao, D. Huang, N. Beutler, A. Burns, W. T. He, O. Limbo, C. Smith, are inventors on a patent application related to the use of N121Q S1 for enhanced
G. Song, J. Woehl, L. Yang, R. K. Abbott, S. Callaghan, E. Garcia, J. Hurtado, M. detection of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in ELISA (indirectly related to data in Fig.
Parren, L. Peng, S. Ramirez, J. Ricketts, M. J. Ricciardi, S. A. Rawlings, N. C. Wu, S10.) UK Patent Application 2020199. Filed on 23, Dec. 2020. The authors
M. Yuan, D. M. Smith, D. Nemazee, J. R. Teijaro, J. E. Voss, I. A. Wilson, R. Andrabi, declare no other competing interests. Data and materials availability: All
B. Briney, E. Landais, D. Sok, J. G. Jardine, D. R. Burton, Isolation of potent SARS- manuscript data are available. The crystal structure of the NTD in complex with
CoV-2 neutralizing antibodies and protection from disease in a small animal biliverdin and associated X-ray diffraction data are deposited with the Protein
model. Science 369, 956–963 (2020). doi:10.1126/science.abc7520 Medline Data Bank under accession code 7B62. The cryo-EM maps and refined models of
72. H. Huerga Encabo, W. Grey, M. Garcia-Albornoz, H. Wood, R. Ulferts, I. V. the trimeric SARS-CoV-2 spike are deposited with the EM Data Bank (EMD-
Aramburu, A. G. Kulasekararaj, G. Mufti, V. Papayannopoulos, R. Beale, D. Bonnet, 12585, EMD-12586, and EMD-12587) and Protein Data Bank (7NT9, 7NTA, and
Human Erythroid Progenitors Are Directly Infected by SARS-CoV-2: Implications 7NTC), respectively.

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Submitted 26 January 2021

Accepted 2 April 2021
Published First Release 22 April 2021

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Fig. 1. Cryo-EM structures of the SARS-CoV-2 spike-biliverdin complex. 3D reconstructions of trimeric SARS-
CoV-2 spike ectodomain in 3RBD-down (left) and 1RBD-up (right) conformations determined under saturation
with biliverdin. Spike protomers are color-coded. Biliverdin and glycans are shown in green and grey,

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Fig. 2. Crystal structure of isolated SARS-CoV-2 spike NTD bound to biliverdin. Details of the biliverdin
binding pocket in the crystal structure refined at 1.8 Å resolution. SARS-CoV-2 NTD is shown as cartoons with
selected amino acid residues and biliverdin in sticks. Carbon atoms of the protein chain, sugars (NAG), and
biliverdin are in purple, grey and green, respectively; the remaining atoms are colored as follows: oxygen, red;
nitrogen, blue; and sulfur, yellow. Dark grey dashes are hydrogen bonds.

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Fig. 3. Biliverdin strongly downmodulates the reactivity of SARS-CoV-2 spike with antibodies present in
immune sera. Left: Mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) of IgG staining of HEK293T cells expressing full-length
WT or N121Q SARS-CoV-2 spike by individual patient sera in the absence or the presence of 10 μM biliverdin.
Each symbol represents an individual patient (n=17) and colored dotted lines represent the linear regression
for each spike variant. The inset shows posterior probability density plots of values for pairwise contrasts
(±biliverdin) for the WT and N121Q spikes. Black dots indicate the median of the distribution, thick and thin line
ranges correspond to the 85% and 95% highest density interval, respectively; the dotted vertical line indicates
a zero difference. Right: Changes in MFI caused by the addition of 10 μM biliverdin, as percent of staining
without biliverdin, for serum for IgG antibodies. Each pair of connected symbols represents an individual
patient. The p value reported above the plot was calculated using a two-tailed paired Student’s t test comparing
the effect of biliverdin (% change in binding) on the WT spike versus the effect of biliverdin on the N121Q spike
for each serum sample.

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Fig. 4. Biliverdin decreases binding to SARS-CoV-2 spike by a group of human monoclonal IgGs. (A) Antibodies
were titrated 6-fold and assayed by direct ELISA for binding to recombinant S1 biliverdin-depleted by purification
under acidic conditions (-biliverdin), same protein but supplemented with biliverdin (+biliverdin) or N121Q S1. Area
under the curve (AUC) is shown for IgG that were sensitive to biliverdin and two unaffected control IgGs. AUC values
are color-coded as per the key; fold change compared to WT protein are reported. (B) Biliverdin-sensitive IgGs were
titrated 10-fold and incubated with 293T cells expressing full-length WT or N121Q SARS-CoV-2 spike with or without
10 μM biliverdin. Binding was detected using an anti-IgG antibody and reduction in binding in the presence of biliverdin
is shown as % MFI reduction and color-coded as a heatmap of the quartile values. (C) ELISA titration curves for four
neutralizing IgG including the biliverdin-insensitive control COVA1-18. (D) Relative MFI dose-dependent curves for
four neutralizing IgG including the biliverdin insensitive control COVA1-18. Relative MFI calculated by normalising to
the MFI of the biliverdin-insensitive COVA1-18 at the highest concentration against spike. (E) IgG indicated above each
graph were titrated 5-fold against SARS-CoV-2 spike pseudotype, in the presence and absence of 10 μM biliverdin,
and a version of spike encoding the mutation N121Q. COVA1-18 was used as a biliverdin-insensitive control IgG. (F)
Neutralization of SARS-CoV-2 (England 02/2020/407073) by IgGs was measured in the absence and presence of 10
μM biliverdin in Vero-E6 cells. P003_027 was used as a biliverdin-insensitive control IgG.

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Fig. 5. Cryo-EM structure of the spike-Fab complex. (A) Reconstruction obtained with
multibody refinement in Relion (left) and a zoom on the spike-Fab interface in the
structure obtained by consensus refinement (fig. S12d). (B) Refined model of the spike-
Fab complex shown as cartoon, with selected amino acid side chains in sticks and
indicated. Carbon atoms of the gate and lip NTD elements that relocate to allow Fab
binding (arrows), are shown in black. Fab heavy (HV) and light (LV) chains are shown
in blue and beige, respectively.

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SARS-CoV-2 can recruit a haem metabolite to evade antibody immunity
Annachiara Rosa, Valerie E. Pye, Carl Graham, Luke Muir, Jeffrey Seow, Kevin W. Ng, Nicola J. Cook, Chloe Rees-Spear, Eleanor
Parker, Mariana Silva dos Santos, Carolina Rosadas, Alberto Susana, Hefin Rhys, Andrea Nans, Laura Masino, Chloe Roustan,
Evangelos Christodoulou, Rachel Ulferts, Antoni G. Wrobel, Charlotte-Eve Short, Michael Fertleman, Rogier W. Sanders, Judith
Heaney, Moira Spyer, Svend Kjær, Andy Riddell, Michael H. Malim, Rupert Beale, James I. MacRae, Graham P. Taylor, Eleni
Nastouli, Marit J. van Gils, Peter B. Rosenthal, Massimo Pizzato, Myra O. McClure, Richard S. Tedder, George Kassiotis, Laura E.
McCoy, Katie J. Doores and Peter Cherepanov

published online April 22, 2021

Downloaded from on April 30, 2021



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