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Overview Burma 3

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Burma 1930 - 1947:

Overview Burma Campaign

Burma Command was a pre-war formation that covered the country of
Burma. Post the Great War, the Burma Independent District was a
second-class district under India Command. It was a Major General’s
appointment. In Burma, there were two British Army infantry
battalions, together with some Indian Army units.

In April 1937, Burma was granted independence from India, becoming

a semi-autonomous country reporting direct to the Colonel Office.
Burma Command separated from the Indian Army at this time.
Chronology of Events
» Chronology of Events Burma 1943 – 1948
Order of Battle Structure Diagram(s)
» Situation May Burma September 1943
» Situation Map Burma February 1944
» Situation Map Burma April 1944
» 44.08 14 Army Order of Battle Structure Diagram

Japanese troops first entered Burmese territory on 12 December

1941, four days after they had invaded Malaya and entered the
Second World War. The initial Japanese incursion was at the extreme
south of the country at Victoria Point. The main threat to southern
Burma was seen as coming from Thailand, nominally an independent
and neutral country, but one supporting Japan.

British forces in Burma were weak to defend such a large country. The
Japanese captured Moulmein on 31 January 1942, and then headed
north. They crossed the Bilin River, forcing the 17 Indian Division to
withdraw over the River Sittang. The railway bridge over the river, the
only one in the vicinity, was blown up on 23 February 1942 by British
forces. Unfortunately, two of the brigades of the division were still on
the eastern bank of the river.
This left the 17 Indian Division very weak, but it still managed to fight
itself out of encirclement. The arrival of the 7 Armoured Brigade at
Rangoon was timely. The I Burma Corps was formed in March 1942 to
assume command of the two British divisions and one armoured
brigade. There was another major battle in central Burma, but Burma
Corps was safely extracted from Burma.

British forces in Eastern India were still weak, in fact there was only
one infantry brigade to hold the whole of the Assam front in May 1942.
The General Officer Commanding Eastern Army ordered a limited
offensive on 17 October 1942 in response to pressure from General
WAVELL for an offensive in the Arakan. This offensive became
bogged down, and ground to a halt as a result of Japanese resistance.
More troops were committed to the Arakan, but they failed to break
the stalemate.

After the failure of the First Arakan Campaign, a thorough review was
undertaken on the reasons for the failure of that campaign and the
retreat from Burma. Two divisions were redesignated as training
divisions, and the whole programme of training revised. A new
command structure was put in place, and medical issues addressed.

In January 1944, the 5 Indian Division (which had returned from the
Middle East), and the 7 Indian Division (which had remained in India
until now), both under command of XV Indian Corps, launched
another limited offensive in the Arakan. At the same time, the
Japanese 28 Army was beginning a major offensive itself, however,
this was a subsidiary operation to the main thrust by 15 Army intended
to capture the Imphal Plain and then advance into India.

The advance by the 28 Army surrounded the 7 Indian Division, but

instead of retreating, this time the division stood and fought. This was
made possible by the fact the British now enjoyed air superiority over
Burma, so the division could be supplied by air. The Battle of the
Admin Box in February 1944 can be seen as a turning point in British
fortunes in South East Asia, and the Japanese failed in their offensive
and were forced to call off their advance.
Soon afterwards, the major offensive in central Burma commenced.
The 17 Indian Division was forced to withdraw along the Tiddim Road,
with IV Corps being cut off on the Imphal Plain. Meanwhile, the
courageous stand by the 50 Indian Parachute Brigade at Sangshak
delayed the advance of the 15 Army. Delays imposed by the 1 Assam
Regiment also allowed reinforcements to reach Kohima, where the
famous seige took place in April 1944.

The road between Kohima and Imphal was cut on the 29 March, with
the seige of Kohima lasting from 8 until 20 April 1944. It took several
more weeks to clear the Kohima area, with the road to Imphal being
reopened on 22 June. The Japanese were exhausted and starving,
and withdrew in confusion.

The 14 Army followed up on the Japanese retreat, driving them back

to the River Chindwin. The 14 Army crossed the Chindwin, and
advanced towards the Irrawaddy River. Meanwhile, XV Indian Corps
(under command of A.L.F.S.E.A.) captured Akyab. Formations from
the 14 Army crossed the Irrawaddy River as if advancing towards
Mandalay, whilst a strking force from IV Corps was quietly brought up
the river further downstream.

This heralded the launch of Operation Extended Capital, with IV Corps

striking for Meiktila. This thrust a dagger in the side of the Japanese
Army in Burma. Meiktila was captured and held, and then Japanese
resistance collapsed. Central Burma was regained, with IV Corps and
XXXIII Indian Corps heading for Rangoon. They were beaten by XV
Indian Corps, which fought a superb amphibious campaign to reach

Plans were being formulated for the final clearance of Japanese

forces from Burma, and the invasion of Malaya, when the atomic
bombs dropped on Japan led to the cessation of hostilities

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