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Basic and Advanced Laboratory Techniques in Histopathology and Cytology

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Basic and Advanced

Laboratory Techniques
in Histopathology
and Cytology

Pranab Dey

Basic and Advanced Laboratory
Techniques in Histopathology
and Cytology
Pranab Dey

Basic and Advanced

Laboratory Techniques
in Histopathology
and Cytology
Pranab Dey
Department of Cytology and Gynecologic Pathology
Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research

ISBN 978-981-10-8251-1    ISBN 978-981-10-8252-8 (eBook)

Library of Congress Control Number: 2018941817

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2018

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Dedicated to
Shree Shree Satyananda Giri,
Rini and Madhumanti

Laboratory techniques in histopathology and cytology are the foundation of

the diagnostic pathology. It is extremely essential to know all the basic and
advanced techniques in laboratory. This book discusses the principles, steps,
and troubleshooting areas of all the essential laboratory techniques in both
histology and cytology laboratories. It contains multiple illustrations, micro-
photographs, tables, and boxes that explain the techniques. In addition to the
various advanced techniques, microscopy and quality control in the labora-
tory have been discussed. I hope that the book will help all the postgraduate
students in pathology, practising pathologists, and laboratory technologists.

Chandigarh, India Pranab Dey

2017 September


I wish to express my thanks to Dr. Naren Aggarwal and Ms. Jagjeet Kaur
Saini of Springer Nature who encouraged me in every stage in this work.
I am thankful to Dr. Suvradeep Mitra who gave me his valuable sugges-
tions at the time of the preparation of this manuscript. He also provided me
many microphotographs. My sincere thanks to Dr. Charan Singh Rayat,
Lecturer in Histopathology, who shared his vast experience in laboratory
technology with me. I am grateful to my technical staffs who exchanged their
views and opinions with me.
My wife Rini and daughter Madhumanti constantly encouraged me during
the writing of this book. They are my source of inspiration.
Lastly I wish to express my gratitude to God because without His blessing
nothing can be done.


Part I  Basic Laboratory Techniques in Histopathology Laboratory

1 Fixation of Histology Samples: Principles,

Methods and Types of Fixatives�����������������������������������������������������   3
1.1 Introduction������������������������������������������������������������������������������   3
1.2 Aims of Fixation ����������������������������������������������������������������������   3
1.3 Ideal Fixative����������������������������������������������������������������������������   3
1.4 Tissue Changes in Fixation ������������������������������������������������������   3
1.5 Types of Fixation����������������������������������������������������������������������   4
1.5.1 Description of Nature of Fixation ��������������������������������   5
1.6 Essential Precautions for Fixation in General��������������������������   6
1.7 Mechanism of Fixation ������������������������������������������������������������   6
1.8 Factors Affecting Fixation��������������������������������������������������������   8
1.9 Commonly Used Fixatives in the Laboratory ��������������������������  10
1.9.1 Formaldehyde ��������������������������������������������������������������  10
1.9.2 Preparation of Different Formalin Solution������������������  10
1.9.3 Glutaraldehyde��������������������������������������������������������������  11
1.9.4 Osmium Tetroxide��������������������������������������������������������  12
1.9.5 Methyl and Ethyl Alcohol��������������������������������������������  12
1.9.6 Acetone ������������������������������������������������������������������������  12
1.9.7 Bouin’s Fixative������������������������������������������������������������  12
1.10 Mercury Salt-Containing Fixatives������������������������������������������  13
1.10.1 Zenker’s Fluid ��������������������������������������������������������������  13
1.10.2 Helly’s Fluid ����������������������������������������������������������������  13
1.10.3 B5 Fixatives������������������������������������������������������������������  13
1.10.4 Fixatives of Choice ������������������������������������������������������  13
1.11 Fixation Artefact ����������������������������������������������������������������������  15
References������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������  17
2 Processing of Tissue in Histopathology Laboratory ��������������������   19
2.1 Factors that Influence Tissue Processing����������������������������������  19
2.2 Dehydration������������������������������������������������������������������������������  20
2.3 Individual Dehydrating Agent��������������������������������������������������  21
2.3.1 Alcohol��������������������������������������������������������������������������  21
2.3.2 Dehydrating Agents Other than Alcohol����������������������  21
2.4 Clearing������������������������������������������������������������������������������������  22
2.4.1 Individual Clearing Agent��������������������������������������������  22
2.4.2 Other Clear Agents��������������������������������������������������������  23

xii Contents

2.5 Infiltration and Embedding ������������������������������������������������������  24

2.5.1 Different Impregnating Medium����������������������������������  24
2.6 Tissue Processing Methods������������������������������������������������������  25
2.7 Overall Precautions of Tissue Processing ��������������������������������  26
2.7.1 Time Schedule for Overnight Processing ��������������������  26
2.7.2 Manual Tissue Processor����������������������������������������������  26
2.7.3 Microwave Processing��������������������������������������������������  27
References������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������  27
3 Embedding of Tissue in Histopathology����������������������������������������   29
3.1 Embedding Medium������������������������������������������������������������������  29
3.2 Different Types of Mould Used for Block��������������������������������  30
3.3 Tissue Embedding Method ������������������������������������������������������  30
3.4 Tissue Orientation and Embedding������������������������������������������  32
3.5 Tissue Marking ������������������������������������������������������������������������  32
References������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������  33
4 Decalcification of Bony and Hard Tissue for 
Histopathology Processing��������������������������������������������������������������   35
4.1 Introduction������������������������������������������������������������������������������  35
4.1.1 Factors Controlling the Rate of Decalcification������������  36
4.2 The Methods of Decalcification������������������������������������������������  36
4.3 Chelating Agents����������������������������������������������������������������������  37
4.3.1 Other Procedures of Decalcification ����������������������������  38
4.4 Surface Decalcification ������������������������������������������������������������  38
4.5 End Point Determination of Decalcification ����������������������������  39
Reference ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������  39
5 Tissue Microtomy: Principle and Procedure��������������������������������   41
5.1 Introduction������������������������������������������������������������������������������  41
5.2 Microtomes ������������������������������������������������������������������������������  41
5.2.1 Microtome Knife����������������������������������������������������������  43
5.2.2 Disposable Knife����������������������������������������������������������  44
5.2.3 Materials Used in Knife������������������������������������������������  44
5.2.4 Angles of Knife������������������������������������������������������������  44
5.3 Microtome Knife Sharpening ��������������������������������������������������  44
5.3.1 Manual Method������������������������������������������������������������  44
5.3.2 Factors Involved in Cutting������������������������������������������  45
5.4 Sectioning the Paraffin Block ��������������������������������������������������  45
5.4.1 Steps of Tissue Sectioning��������������������������������������������  46
Reference ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������  50
6 Frozen Section: Principle and Procedure��������������������������������������   51
6.1 Introduction������������������������������������������������������������������������������  51
6.2 Indications of Frozen Sections��������������������������������������������������  51
6.3 The Principle of Frozen Section ����������������������������������������������  51
6.4 Cryostat Sectioning������������������������������������������������������������������  52
6.5 Staining ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������  54
6.5.1 H&E Staining����������������������������������������������������������������  54
6.5.2 Toluidine Blue Stain ����������������������������������������������������  55
6.6 Factors Affecting the Good-­Quality Section����������������������������  55
References������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������  55
Contents xiii

7 Staining Principle and General Procedure

of Staining of the Tissue������������������������������������������������������������������   57
7.1 Introduction������������������������������������������������������������������������������  57
7.1.1 Dyes Used for Staining ������������������������������������������������  57
7.1.2 Types of Dye ����������������������������������������������������������������  58
7.1.3 Types of Dye Based on Chemical Structures
and Chromophore Groups��������������������������������������������  59
7.2 Mechanisms and Theory of Staining����������������������������������������  59
7.3 Factors Influencing Staining ����������������������������������������������������  62
7.3.1 Nomenclature Used Regarding Dye ����������������������������  62
7.4 Metachromasia��������������������������������������������������������������������������  63
7.4.1 Metachromatic Dyes ����������������������������������������������������  63
7.5 Progressive and Regressive Staining����������������������������������������  65
7.6 Mordant������������������������������������������������������������������������������������  65
7.6.1 Accentuators ����������������������������������������������������������������  66
7.7 Staining Procedure��������������������������������������������������������������������  66
7.7.1 Preparation of Buffer Solutions������������������������������������  67
References������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������  67
8 Haematoxylin and Eosin Stain of the Tissue Section��������������������   69
8.1 Introduction������������������������������������������������������������������������������  69
8.2 Haematoxylin����������������������������������������������������������������������������  69
8.3 Bluing����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������  70
8.3.1 Preparation of Different Haematoxylins
and Their Properties������������������������������������������������������  71
8.3.2 Mayer’s Haematoxylin��������������������������������������������������  71
8.3.3 Ehrlich’s Haematoxylin������������������������������������������������  71
8.3.4 Cole’s Haematoxylin����������������������������������������������������  72
8.4 Counterstain by Eosin ��������������������������������������������������������������  72
8.5 Routine Haematoxylin and Eosin Stain������������������������������������  72
8.6 Iron Haematoxylin��������������������������������������������������������������������  73
8.6.1 Heidenhain’s Iron Haematoxylin����������������������������������  75
8.6.2 Verhoeff’s Iron Haematoxylin��������������������������������������  76
8.6.3 Tungsten Haematoxylin������������������������������������������������  76
8.7 Clearing of the Smear ��������������������������������������������������������������  77
8.7.1 Mounting����������������������������������������������������������������������  77
8.7.2 Coverslip ����������������������������������������������������������������������  79
References������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������  79
9 Special Stains for the Carbohydrate, Protein,
Lipid, Nucleic Acid and Pigments��������������������������������������������������   81
9.1 Introduction������������������������������������������������������������������������������  81
9.2 Carbohydrates ��������������������������������������������������������������������������  81
9.2.1 Simple Carbohydrates��������������������������������������������������  82
9.3 Staining of Different Carbohydrates ����������������������������������������  84
9.3.1 Glycogen ����������������������������������������������������������������������  84
9.3.2 Combined PAS-Alcian Blue Staining ��������������������������  87
9.4 Lipids����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������  88
9.5 Stains����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������  89
xiv Contents

9.5.1 Oil Red O����������������������������������������������������������������������  89

9.5.2 Sudan Black B��������������������������������������������������������������  90
9.5.3 Ferric Haematoxylin for Phospholipid�������������������������  91
9.6 Nucleic Acid and Proteins��������������������������������������������������������  91
9.6.1 Nucleic Acids����������������������������������������������������������������  91
9.6.2 Proteins ������������������������������������������������������������������������  91
9.6.3 Feulgen Stain����������������������������������������������������������������  91
9.6.4 Methyl Green-Pyronin Stain ����������������������������������������  92
9.7 Pigments������������������������������������������������������������������������������������  92
9.8 Hemosiderin Pigment����������������������������������������������������������������  92
9.8.1 Prussian Blue Reaction (Perls’ Reaction)
for Ferric Iron����������������������������������������������������������������  92
9.9 Bile Pigment�����������������������������������������������������������������������������  93
9.9.1 Fouchet’s Stain��������������������������������������������������������������  93
9.10 Argyrophil Pigments ����������������������������������������������������������������  94
9.10.1 Grimelius Staining��������������������������������������������������������  94
9.10.2 Melanin ������������������������������������������������������������������������  95
9.10.3 Schmorl’s Stain ������������������������������������������������������������  95
9.10.4 Calcium ������������������������������������������������������������������������  96
9.10.5 Formalin Pigment����������������������������������������������������������  97
References������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������  97
10 Connective Tissue Stain: Principle and Procedure ����������������������   99
10.1 Fibrous Part of Connective Tissue������������������������������������������  99
10.1.1 Collagen��������������������������������������������������������������������  99
10.1.2 Reticulin Fibres �������������������������������������������������������� 100
10.1.3 Elastic Fibres ������������������������������������������������������������ 100
10.1.4 Basement Membrane ������������������������������������������������ 100
10.2 Stains�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 100
10.2.1 Masson Trichrome ���������������������������������������������������� 100
10.2.2 Van Gieson Stain ������������������������������������������������������ 102
10.2.3 Reticulin Stain ���������������������������������������������������������� 102
10.2.4 Gordon and Sweet’s Method
for Reticulin Stain������������������������������������������������������ 103
10.3 Elastic Fibres�������������������������������������������������������������������������� 105
10.3.1 Verhoeff’s Stain for Collagen������������������������������������ 105
10.3.2 Weigert’s Resorcin-Fuchsin Stain ���������������������������� 106
10.3.3 Orcein for Elastic Fibres�������������������������������������������� 106
10.3.4 Phosphotungstic Acid Haematoxylin
(PTAH) �������������������������������������������������������������������� 106
References������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 108
11 Amyloid Staining������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 109
11.1 Introduction���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 109
11.2 Stains for Amyloid������������������������������������������������������������������ 110
11.2.1 Alkaline Congo Red Stain ���������������������������������������� 110
11.2.2 Congo Red Stain by Highman���������������������������������� 110
11.2.3 Thioflavine T Stain���������������������������������������������������� 111
References������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 111
Contents xv

12 Stains for the Microbial Organisms ���������������������������������������������� 113

12.1 Bacteria ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 113
12.1.1 Gram’s Stain�������������������������������������������������������������� 113
12.1.2 Ziehl-Neelsen Stain �������������������������������������������������� 114
12.1.3 Fite Acid-Fast Stain for Leprosy ������������������������������ 115
12.2 Fungal Infection���������������������������������������������������������������������� 116
12.2.1 Grocott’s Methenamine Silver���������������������������������� 116
12.3 Spirochaetes���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 117
12.3.1 Warthin and Starry Technique ���������������������������������� 117
12.4 Viral Inclusions ���������������������������������������������������������������������� 118
12.4.1 Phloxine-Tartrazine Stain������������������������������������������ 118
References������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 118

Part II  Basic Laboratory Techniques in Cytology Laboratory

13 Cytology Sample Procurement, Fixation and Processing������������ 121

13.1 Introduction���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 121
13.2 Sample Collection������������������������������������������������������������������ 121
13.2.1 Cervical Cytology������������������������������������������������������ 121
13.2.2 Respiratory Samples�������������������������������������������������� 124
13.3 Fixation ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 125
13.3.1 Special Fixatives�������������������������������������������������������� 126
13.4 Processing of Laboratory Samples������������������������������������������ 127
13.4.1 Receiving the Sample������������������������������������������������ 127
13.4.2 Glass Slides and Liquid Sample�������������������������������� 127
13.5 Processing ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 128
13.5.1 Processing of Sputum������������������������������������������������ 128
13.5.2 Processing of Fluid: Urine, Body Fluids
and Lavage���������������������������������������������������������������� 128
13.5.3 Millipore Filtration���������������������������������������������������� 130
13.5.4 Processing of Haemorrhagic Fluid���������������������������� 130
13.5.5 Cell Block������������������������������������������������������������������ 130
13.5.6 Compact Cell Block Technique �������������������������������� 131
References������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 132
14 Routine Staining in Cytology Laboratory ������������������������������������ 133
14.1 Papanicolaou’s Stain �������������������������������������������������������������� 133
14.1.1 Dyes Used in Papanicolaou’s Staining���������������������� 133
14.1.2 Principle of Basic Steps�������������������������������������������� 133
14.1.3 Papanicolaou’s Staining Steps ���������������������������������� 134
14.1.4 Bluing Solution���������������������������������������������������������� 136
14.2 Precautions to Be Taken in Papanicolaou’s Staining�������������� 136
14.3 May Grunwald Giemsa Stain�������������������������������������������������� 137
Reference ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 138
15 Basic Technique of Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology ������������������ 139
15.1 Introduction���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 139
15.2 Technique Proper�������������������������������������������������������������������� 140
15.3 Fine Needle Aspiration Procedure������������������������������������������ 141
xvi Contents

15.4 Fine Needle Sampling������������������������������������������������������������ 142

15.5 FNAC of Deep-Seated Lesions ���������������������������������������������� 143
15.5.1 USG-Guided FNAC�������������������������������������������������� 144
15.5.2 CT-Guided FNAC������������������������������������������������������ 144
15.5.3 Endoscopic Ultrasound-­Guided FNAC
(EUS-FNAC) ������������������������������������������������������������ 144
15.5.4 Complications of Guided FNAC ������������������������������ 145
15.6 Transrectal FNAC of the Prostate ������������������������������������������ 145
References������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 146
Part III Advanced Techniques in Histology
and Cytology Laboratories
16 Immunocytochemistry in Histology and Cytology������������������������ 149
16.1 Introduction���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 149
16.1.1 Basic Principles �������������������������������������������������������� 149
16.1.2 Basic Immunology���������������������������������������������������� 149
16.2 Detection System�������������������������������������������������������������������� 151
16.2.1 Peroxidase-Antiperoxidase Method�������������������������� 151
16.2.2 Avidin and Biotin Method ���������������������������������������� 152
16.2.3 Avidin and Biotin Conjugated Procedure������������������ 152
16.2.4 Biotin-Streptavidin Method�������������������������������������� 153
16.2.5 Alkaline Phosphatase-­Antialkaline
Phosphatase Method�������������������������������������������������� 153
16.2.6 Polymer-Based Labelling Method���������������������������� 153
16.2.7 Catalysed Signal Amplification
(Tyramine Signal Amplification) ������������������������������ 154
16.3 The Sample of Tissues for Immunocytochemistry ���������������� 154
16.3.1 Histopathology���������������������������������������������������������� 154
16.3.2 Cytology�������������������������������������������������������������������� 154
16.3.3 Sample Collection ���������������������������������������������������� 154
16.3.4 Fixation���������������������������������������������������������������������� 157
16.3.5 Antigen Retrieval������������������������������������������������������ 157
16.3.6 Microwave Retrieval�������������������������������������������������� 157
16.3.7 Pressure Cooker Heating ������������������������������������������ 158
16.3.8 Water Bath Heating �������������������������������������������������� 158
16.4 Immunocytochemistry Technique������������������������������������������ 159
16.4.1 Control���������������������������������������������������������������������� 159
16.4.2 Steps�������������������������������������������������������������������������� 159
16.4.3 Chromogen���������������������������������������������������������������� 161
16.5 Troubleshooting in Immunocytochemistry ���������������������������� 161
16.6 Applications���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 162
16.7 Diagnostic Immunocytochemistry������������������������������������������ 162
16.7.1 Mesothelial Cells Versus Adenocarcinoma �������������� 162
16.7.2 Mesothelial Markers�������������������������������������������������� 162
16.7.3 Adenocarcinoma Markers in Effusion Fluid ������������ 163
16.8 Different Epithelial Markers �������������������������������������������������� 163
16.9 Mesenchymal Markers������������������������������������������������������������ 163
16.10 Neuroendocrine Markers�������������������������������������������������������� 165
16.11 Lymphoid Markers������������������������������������������������������������������ 165
Contents xvii

16.12 Melanoma Markers ���������������������������������������������������������������� 165

16.13 Germ Cell Markers ���������������������������������������������������������������� 165
16.14 Site-Specific Antibody in Different Epithelial
Malignancies �������������������������������������������������������������������������� 166
16.15 Immunocytochemistry of Round Cell Tumor ������������������������ 166
16.16 Immunocytochemistry for Therapy and Management������������ 167
16.16.1 Breast Carcinoma������������������������������������������������������ 167
16.16.2 Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor�������������������������������� 168
16.16.3 Lung Carcinoma�������������������������������������������������������� 168
References������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 169
17 Flow Cytometry: Basic Principles, Procedure
and Applications in Pathology�������������������������������������������������������� 171
17.1 Introduction���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 171
17.2 Principle of Flow Cytometry�������������������������������������������������� 171
17.3 Dye Used�������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 171
17.3.1 Fluorochrome Dyes for FCM������������������������������������ 171
17.3.2 Fluorochrome Dye for Nucleic Acid ������������������������ 172
17.4 Samples for Flow Cytometry�������������������������������������������������� 173
17.4.1 Cytology Samples������������������������������������������������������ 173
17.4.2 Histology Samples���������������������������������������������������� 174
17.4.3 Control���������������������������������������������������������������������� 174
17.4.4 Sample Processing���������������������������������������������������� 174
17.4.5 Flow Cytometric Immunophenotyping (FCI)������������ 175
17.4.6 Data Acquisition�������������������������������������������������������� 176
17.5 Targets of Application������������������������������������������������������������ 176
17.6 DNA Content and Ploidy Analysis ���������������������������������������� 177
17.6.1 Clinical Application�������������������������������������������������� 178
17.6.2 Diagnosis ������������������������������������������������������������������ 178
17.6.3 Prognosis of the Patients������������������������������������������� 178
17.7 Immunophenotyping �������������������������������������������������������������� 178
17.7.1 Limitations of FCI ���������������������������������������������������� 180
17.7.2 Flow Cytometry Features
of Different Lymphomas ������������������������������������������ 181
17.7.3 Apoptosis������������������������������������������������������������������ 181
17.7.4 Assessment of Sub-G1 Fraction
of Apoptotic Cells���������������������������������������������������� 181
17.7.5 Apoptosis Detection by Annexin V Assay���������������� 182
References������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 182
18 Digital Image Analysis and Virtual Microscopy
in Pathology�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 185
18.1 Introduction���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 185
18.2 Basic Principles of Image Analysis���������������������������������������� 186
18.3 Details of the Image Analysis Steps���������������������������������������� 186
18.4 Morphologic Features ������������������������������������������������������������ 189
18.5 The Current Problems of Digital Image Analysis������������������ 190
18.6 Virtual Slide and Web-Based Teaching���������������������������������� 191
18.6.1 Advantage of Virtual Slides�������������������������������������� 191
xviii Contents

18.6.2 Disadvantages of Virtual Slides�������������������������������� 191

References������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 192
19 Liquid-Based Cytology and Automated Screening
Devices in Cytology Sample������������������������������������������������������������ 193
19.1 Introduction���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 193
19.1.1 Advantages of LBC Over Conventional Smear�������� 193
19.1.2 Limitations of Liquid-Based Cytology���������������������� 194
19.2 Sample Processing������������������������������������������������������������������ 194
19.2.1 ThinPrep (Cytic, UK)������������������������������������������������ 194
19.2.2 SurePath Test ������������������������������������������������������������ 195
19.3 Comparison of These Two Techniques ���������������������������������� 196
19.4 Automated Screening Devices������������������������������������������������ 196
19.4.1 BD FocalPoint GS Imaging System�������������������������� 197
19.4.2 Hologic ThinPrep Imaging System �������������������������� 197
19.4.3 Comparison of Manual and Automated Devices������ 198
References������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 198
20 Polymerase Chain Reaction: Principle,
Technique and Applications in Pathology�������������������������������������� 201
20.1 Introduction���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 201
20.1.1 What Is PCR and How It Works?������������������������������ 201
20.2 Steps of PCR �������������������������������������������������������������������������� 201
20.2.1 Essential Ingredients of PCR������������������������������������ 202
20.3 Procedure Proper�������������������������������������������������������������������� 202
20.3.1 Basic Precautions������������������������������������������������������ 202
20.3.2 Equipment������������������������������������������������������������������ 203
20.3.3 Thermal Cycling�������������������������������������������������������� 203
20.3.4 Troubleshooting�������������������������������������������������������� 204
20.3.5 Enhancing PCR Products Formation������������������������ 205
20.4 Types of PCR�������������������������������������������������������������������������� 205
20.5 Applications of PCR �������������������������������������������������������������� 209
References������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 210
21 Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization Techniques
in Pathology: Principle, Technique and Applications������������������ 213
21.1 Introduction���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 213
21.1.1 The Principles of FISH���������������������������������������������� 214
21.2 Steps to Do FISH�������������������������������������������������������������������� 214
21.3 Troubleshooting���������������������������������������������������������������������� 215
21.3.1 Different Types of FISH�������������������������������������������� 215
21.3.2 CGH Method ������������������������������������������������������������ 218
21.3.3 Array-Based CGH ���������������������������������������������������� 219
References������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 220
22 Tissue Microarray in Pathology: Principal, Technique
and Applications������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 221
22.1 Introduction���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 221
22.2 Tissue Microarray Technique�������������������������������������������������� 221
22.3 TMA Construction and Generation of Grid���������������������������� 221
Contents xix

22.4 Designing the Grid������������������������������������������������������������������ 222

22.5 Limitations of TMA���������������������������������������������������������������� 224
22.6 Clinical Applications of TMA������������������������������������������������ 225
References������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 225
23 Sanger Sequencing and Next-­Generation Gene Sequencing:
Basic Principles and Applications in Pathology���������������������������� 227
23.1 Sanger Sequencing������������������������������������������������������������������ 227
23.2 Next-Generation Sequencing�������������������������������������������������� 228
23.2.1 Scope of NGS������������������������������������������������������������ 230
23.2.2 Limitations���������������������������������������������������������������� 230
23.3 Comparison of Sanger Sequencing and NGS ������������������������ 230
References������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 231

Part IV  Microscopy, Quality Control and Laboratory Organization

24 Compound Light Microscope and Other Different

Microscopes�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 235
24.1 Light���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 235
24.2 Colours������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 235
24.3 Image Generation and Human Vision ������������������������������������ 236
24.4 Anatomical Components of a Light Microscope�������������������� 238
24.5 Optical Components���������������������������������������������������������������� 239
24.5.1 The Major Aberrations of the Lens �������������������������� 240
24.6 How to Take Care and Handle Your Microscope�������������������� 241
24.7 Other Types of Microscope���������������������������������������������������� 242
24.7.1 Dark-Field Microscope���������������������������������������������� 242
24.7.2 Bright-Field Microscope ������������������������������������������ 242
24.7.3 Phase Contrast Microscope �������������������������������������� 242
References����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������  243
25 Fluorescence and Confocal Microscope: Basic Principles
and Applications in Pathology�������������������������������������������������������� 245
25.1 Transmitted Fluorescent Microscope�������������������������������������� 245
25.2 Incident Fluorescent Microscope�������������������������������������������� 246
25.3 Confocal Microscopy�������������������������������������������������������������� 247
25.4 Limitations of CFM���������������������������������������������������������������� 249
25.5 Applications of CFM�������������������������������������������������������������� 249
25.6 Two-Photon Microscopy�������������������������������������������������������� 250
25.7 4Pi Microscopy ���������������������������������������������������������������������� 250
25.8 Spatially Modulated Illumination Microscopy ���������������������� 251
References������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 252
26 Electron Microscopy: Principle, Components, Optics
and Specimen Processing���������������������������������������������������������������� 253
26.1 Introduction���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 253
26.1.1 Essential Components of Electron Microscope�������� 254
26.1.2 Microscope Column and Electronic Optics�������������� 256
xx Contents

26.2 Specimen and Electron Interaction ���������������������������������������� 256

26.2.1 Electron Interaction in Transmission Electron
Microscope���������������������������������������������������������������� 258
26.3 Sample Preparation for TEM�������������������������������������������������� 258
26.3.1 Sample Collection ���������������������������������������������������� 258
26.3.2 Fixation���������������������������������������������������������������������� 258
26.3.3 Dehydration �������������������������������������������������������������� 259
26.3.4 Embedding���������������������������������������������������������������� 259
26.4 Sectioning ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 260
26.4.1 Staining of the Sections �������������������������������������������� 261
26.5 Scanning Electron Microscopy ���������������������������������������������� 262
26.5.1 Operational Principle������������������������������������������������ 262
References������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 262
27 Quality Control and Laboratory Organization���������������������������� 263
27.1 Introduction���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 263
27.2 Quality Control ���������������������������������������������������������������������� 265
27.2.1 Pre-analytic Phase ���������������������������������������������������� 265
27.2.2 Laboratory Processing ���������������������������������������������� 266
27.2.3 Tissue and Sample Processing���������������������������������� 266
27.2.4 Analytic Phase ���������������������������������������������������������� 266
27.2.5 Post-analytic Phase���������������������������������������������������� 267
27.2.6 Gold Standard������������������������������������������������������������ 267
27.2.7 Record-Keeping�������������������������������������������������������� 267
27.3 External Quality Assurance���������������������������������������������������� 268
27.4 Laboratory Organization �������������������������������������������������������� 268
27.4.1 Laboratory Construction, Equipments, etc���������������� 268
27.4.2 Laboratory Staffs ������������������������������������������������������ 268
27.4.3 Organization Set-Up and System Protocol���������������� 268
References������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 269
28 Laboratory Safety and Laboratory Waste Disposal �������������������� 271
28.1 Laboratory Waste Disposal ���������������������������������������������������� 273
28.2 Disinfectant Used in for the Contaminants���������������������������� 274
References������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 275
About the Author

Pranab Dey  is a professor in the Department of Cytology and Gynecologic

Pathology at the Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research,
Chandigarh. Professor Dey completed his MBBS at R.  G. Kar Medical
College and Hospital, Calcutta; M.D. (Pathology) at the Postgraduate Institute
of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh; and his FRCPath
(Cytopathology) at the Royal College of Pathologists, London. He has con-
ducted several research projects and has pioneered work on DNA flow cytom-
etry, image morphometry, mono-layered cytology and cytomorphologic
findings in various lesions in cytology smears. He has written numerous pub-
lications and is a member of various societies.


ACEP 3Aminopropyltriethoxysilane
APAAP Alkaline phosphatase–antialkaline phosphatase
APC Allophycocyanin
Ab Antibody
AR Antigen retrieval
Acgh Array based CGH
CEA Carcinoembryonic antigen
CEP Chromosome enumeration probe
CI Colour index
CGH Comparative genomic hybridization
CT Computerized tomography
CFM Confocal microscopy
CLM Conventional light microscopy
CP Conventional preparation
CYM Cyan, yellow, and magenta
CK Cytokeratin
DNA Deoxyribonucleic acid
DSRT Desmoplastic small round cell tumor
ddNTP Dideoxynucleotides phosphates
DIA Digital image analysis
EM Electron microscope
EUS-FNAC Endoscopic ultrasound guided FNAC
EA Eosin Azure
EMA Epithelial membrane antigen
ER Estrogen receptors
EDTA Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid
EWS Ewing’s sarcoma
FOV Field of view
FNAC Fine needle aspiration cytology
FNS Fine needle sampling
FCI Flow cytometric immunophenotyping
FCM Flow cytometry
FITC Fluorescein Iso-thiocyanate
FRAP Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching
FISH Fluorescent in situ hybridization
FPGS FocalPoint GS Imaging System
FFPE Formalin fixed paraffin embedded section

xxiv Abbreviations

GMS Gomori methenamine silver

GLCM Gray level co-occurrence of matrix
GFP Green fluorescence protein
H&E Hematoxylin and Eosin
HRP Horseradish peroxidase
HIS Hue saturation intensity
HCG Human chorionic gonadotropin
ICC Immunocytochemistry
IHC Immunohistochemistry
Ppi Inorganic pyrophosphate
LIS Laboratory information service
LBC Liquid based cytology
LSI Locus-specific identifier probe
MRI Magnetic resonance image
MGG May Grunwald Giemsa
MRD Minimal residual disease
nM Nano micrometer
NB Neuroblastoma
NGS Next generation sequencing
NHL Non-Hodgkin lymphoma
OCT Optimum cutting temperature
OG Orange G
PAP Papanicolaou
PerCP Peridinin Chlorophyll
PAS Periodic Acid Schiff
PNET Peripheral neuroectodermal tumor
PTAH Phosphotungstic acid haematoxylin
PMT Photomultiplier tube
PE Phycoerythrin
PLAP Placental alkaline phosphatase
PCR Polymerase chain reaction
PR Progesterone receptors
PSA Prostate specific antigen
QA Quality assurance
QC Quality control
QI Quality improvement
RGB Red green blue
RCF Relative centrifugal force
RMS Rhabdomyosarcoma
RNA Ribonucleic acid
SEM Scanning electron microscope
SSCP Single strand conformation polymorphism
ssDNA Single stranded DNA
SOP Standard operating protocol
TIP ThinPrep image processor
TTF-1 Thyroid transcription factor-1
TMA Tissue microarray
TEM Transmission electron microscope
Abbreviations xxv

TSA Tyramine signal amplification

USG Ultrasonography
VS Virtual slides
WT Wilms’ tumor
WT 1 Wilms’ tumor gene 1
Z N Ziehl Neelsen
Part I
Basic Laboratory Techniques in
Histopathology Laboratory
Fixation of Histology Samples:
Principles, Methods and Types 1
of Fixatives

1.1 Introduction 1 . Prevention of autolysis of the cells or tissue

2. Prevention of decomposition of the tissue by
Fixation is the first step of any histological and bacteria
cytological laboratory technique. It is the process 3. Maintaining the volume and shape of the cell
by which the cells in the tissue are fixed in a chem- as far as possible
ical and physical state, and all the biochemical and 4. Consistently high-quality staining particularly
proteolytic activities within the cells are prevented routine stain such as haematoxylin and eosin
so that the cells or tissues can resist any morpho- stain and Papanicolaou’s stain
logical change or distortion or decomposition after 5. Rapid action
subsequent treatment with various reagents. The 6. Cheap
fixation helps to maintain the tissue nearest to its 7. Non-toxic
original state in the living system.
Large number of fixatives are available in the
market. Each fixative has its own advantages and
1.2 Aims of Fixation disadvantages. In fact it is difficult to find a uni-
versally accepted ideal fixatives.
The basic aims of fixation are the following:

• To preserve the tissue nearest to its living state 1.4 Tissue Changes in Fixation
• To prevent any change in shape and size of the
tissue at the time of processing The following changes may occur in tissue due to
• To prevent any autolysis fixation (Box 1.1):
• To make the tissue firm to hard
• To prevent any bacterial growth in the tissue 1. Volume changes: Fixatives may change the
• To make it possible to have clear stain volume of the cells. Some fixatives such as
• To have better optical quality of the cells osmium tetroxide cause cell swelling. The
exact mechanism of the change in volume is
not properly understood. However the vol-
1.3 Ideal Fixative ume change may be due to (a) altered mem-
brane permeability, (b) inhibition of the
An ideal fixative should have the following quali- enzymes responsible for respiration and (c)
ties [1]: change of transport Na+ ions. Formaldehyde

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2018 3

P. Dey, Basic and Advanced Laboratory Techniques in Histopathology and Cytology,
4 1  Fixation of Histology Samples: Principles, Methods and Types of Fixatives

2. Hardening of tissue: The fixation changes the

Box 1.1 Change in Tissue After Fixation consistency of the tissue, and some amount of
• Volume changes hardening occurs due to fixation.
–– Shrinkage of the volume by formalin 3. Interference of staining: Fixation may cause
(33%). hindrance of staining of enzymes.
• Hardening of tissue Formaldehyde inactivates 80% of ribonucle-
–– Mild degree hardening may occur. ase enzyme [3]. It has been noted that
• Interference of staining osmium tetroxide inhibits haematoxylin and
–– Inhibits routine stain: Osmium eosin staining.
tetroxide inhibits haematoxylin and 4. Changes of optical density by fixation: The
eosin staining. fixation may cause the change of optical den-
• Changes of optical density by fixation sity of the nuclei, and the nuclei may look like
–– Nuclei may look like hyperchromatic. condensed and hyperchromatic [4].

may cause shrinkage of the volume by 33%. 1.5 Types of Fixation

In an ­experiment Bahr et al. noted that the
shrinkage of tissue is inversely proportional The fixative can be classified on the basis of the
to the formaldehyde concentration [2]. following criteria (Table 1.1):
Similarly glutaraldehyde also causes signif-
icant tissue shrinkage. However when glu- . Nature of fixation
taraldehyde and osmium tetroxide are used B. Chemical properties
as fixations in epoxy resin then 70% C. Component present
increased of cell size is noted. D. Action on tissue protein

Table 1.1  Types of fixation and classification of fixatives

Types of fixative Classification
A. Nature of fixation  • Immersion fixation
 • Coating fixation
 •  Vapour fixation
 • Perfusion fixation
 • Freeze-drying
 • Microwave fixation
B. Chemical properties  •  Aldehyde: formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde
 •  Oxidising agent: osmium tetroxide
 •  Protein denaturing agent: ethyl alcohol, methyl alcohol
 •  Cross-linking agents: carbodiimide
 •  Miscellaneous: picric acid
C. Component present 1.  Simple(only one chemical present)
 • Formaldehyde
 • Ethyl alcohol
 • Glutaraldehyde
 • Picric acid
 • Osmium tetroxide
2.  Compound (more than one chemical present)
 • Bouin’s fluid
 • Carnoy’s solution
D. Action on protein 1.  Coagulative: ethyl alcohol, picric acid
2.  Noncoagulative: formaldehyde, osmium tetroxide, glutaraldehyde
1.5  Types of Fixation 5

1.5.1 Description of Nature Steps:

of Fixation
• At first the thin cut tissue section is rapidly fro-
1. Immersion fixation: This is the commonest zen at −160 °C by immersing it into liquid cool-
way of fixation in the laboratories. In this ant. This is known as “quenching”. The
technique the whole specimen is immersed in commonly used fluids in the quenching bath are
the liquid fixative such as tissue samples are liquid nitrogen, propane and isopentane.
immersed in 10% neutral buffered formalin or Alternatively the tissue section can be frozen by
cytology smear in 95% ethyl alcohol. keeping it in close contact with chilled metal.
2. Coating fixation: This is commonly used in • In the next step, the ice within the tissue is
the cytology samples. The spray fixative is removed by placing the tissue in the vacuum
used for easy transportation of the slide. The chamber in higher temperature (−30 to
main advantages of spray fixatives are: −50  °C). The water of the solid tissue is
(a) Fixation of the cells removed by sublimation. The water vapour is
(b) To impart a protective covering over the absorbed by a suitable drying agent.
smear • In the final step, the tissue is gradually warmed
(c) No need to carry liquid fixative in bottle to 4  °C and is finally impregnated with the
or jar embedding medium.

The spraying over the smear should be smooth Freeze-drying technique is useful mainly to
and steady, and the optimum distance of study the soluble material and very small
10–12 inches should be maintained between the molecules.
nozzle of the spray and the smear. The spray fixa-
tive usually consists of alcohol and wax. Advantages:
Therefore, this wax should be removed before the
staining procedure. • Excellent for enzyme study
• No change of proteins
3. Vapour fixation: In this type of fixation, the • No shrinkage of tissue
vapour of chemical is used to fix either a • Preservation of glycogen
smear or tissue section. The commonly used
chemicals for vapour fixation are formalde- 6. Microwave fixation (Box 1.2)
hyde, osmium tetroxide, glutaraldehyde and
ethyl alcohol. The vapour converts the soluble Basic principle: Microwave is a type of elec-
material to insoluble material, and these mate- tromagnetic wave with frequencies between
rials are retained when the smear comes in 300  MHz and 300  GHz, and wavelength varies
contact with liquid solution. from centimetre to nanometre. Scientific and
4. Perfusion fixation: This is mainly used in medical microwave ovens operate with a fre-
research purpose. In this technique the fixative quency of 2.45 GHz and 0.915 GHz, respectively.
solution is infused in the arterial system of the The electromagnetic field is created by the micro-
animal, and the whole animal is fixed. The wave, and the dipolar molecules such as water
organ such as the brain or spinal cord can also rapidly oscillate in this electromagnetic field.
be fixed by perfusion fixation. This rapid kinetic motion of these molecules gen-
5. Freeze-drying: In this technique the tissue is erates uniform heat. The generated heat acceler-
cut into thin sections and then rapidly frozen ates the fixation and also other steps of tissue
into a very low temperature. Subsequently the processing. The most important characteristic of
ice within the tissue is removed with the help microwave heat generation is homogeneous
of vacuum chamber in higher temperature increase of temperature within the tissue, and
(−30 °C). every part of the tissue is heated.
6 1  Fixation of Histology Samples: Principles, Methods and Types of Fixatives

• Preservation of the tissue antigen and good for

Box 1.2 Microwave Fixation of Tissues immunohistochemistry.
• What it is: Electromagnetic wave with fre- • It facilitates the staining reaction without any
quencies between 300 MHz and 300 GHz. bad effect.
• Mechanism: Microwave creates electro-
magnetic field, and the dipolar mole- Disadvantages:
cules rapidly oscillate generating heat
by kinetic motion. • The tissue immersed in formalin during
microwave fixation may generate large
Advantages: amount of toxic gas. Therefore overhead hood
is required for the removal of this toxic sub-
• Uniform heat production stance from the microwave.
• No volume change of tissue • Chances of heat injury
• Good for electron microscopy after
osmium tetroxide fixation Applications:
• Facilitates fixation and other laboratory
steps • In routine surgical pathology laboratory
• Preservation of the tissue antigen • Electron microscopy after osmium tetroxide
Disadvantages: • Urgent processing of biopsy (e.g. kidney biopsy)

• Tissue in the formalin for microwave

fixation may produce toxic gas and 1.6 Essential Precautions
overhead hood is required. for Fixation in General
• Heat injury may occur from microwave.
Certain essential precautions are necessary for
Applications: proper fixation:
• In routine surgical pathology laboratory
• The tissue should be free from excessive blood
• Electron microscopy
before putting it into fixative.
• Urgent processing of special biopsies
• Tissue should be thinly cut in 3–5  mm
• The amount of fixative fluid should be 20
Factors controlling the temperature rise: The times more than the volume of the tissue.
rise of temperature in the microwave heated • The tissue with fixative should be in a tightly
media depends mainly on: screw-capped bottle.

• The dielectric property of the media

• Thermal properties of the material 1.7 Mechanism of Fixation
• Radiation level
• Orientation and shape of the object The wet fixatives usually work as:

Advantages: The main advantages of micro- • Dehydration and coagulation of protein:

wave fixation are: Methanol and ethanol are commonly used
coagulative fixatives. These two alcohols
• Rapid processing. remove water from the tissue and causing
• No change in volume of tissue. destabilization of the hydrogen bonds and
1.7  Mechanism of Fixation 7

thereby disruption of the tertiary structure of methylene bridge. This preliminary reaction of
protein. However, the secondary structure of hydroxymethyl side chain is the primary reac-
the protein is maintained. Ethanol is relatively tion, and the subsequent intermolecular and intra-
stronger dehydrating agent than methanol. molecular cross-linking of the molecules occurs
The ethanol and methanol start work from as a slow-growing process. This ultimately pro-
60–80% concentration, respectively. The duces an insoluble product. The formalin can be
dehydrating fixative has two disadvantages: removed from tissue by prolonged washing.
–– Shrinkage of the cells However, once methylene bridge is formed in the
–– Removal of the soluble substances from the tissue, the reaction is stable, and it is difficult to
tissue remove formalin from the tissue. Formaldehyde
• Cross-linking fixatives: also reacts with the nucleic acid by reacting with
Formaldehyde: Formaldehyde in aqueous the amino group of nucleotides.
solution combines with water to form methy- Glutaraldehyde: It has two aldehyde groups
lene hydrate, a methylene glycol: that are separated by three methylene bridges
(Fig. 1.2). The aldehyde group of glutaraldehyde
CH 2 O + H 2 O = OHCH 2 OH reacts with amino group of the protein predomi-
nantly lysine. When one aldehyde group reacts
In a long-standing position, this methylene with the amino group, the other free aldehyde
glycol may further react with water molecules group may help to cross-link. Glutaraldehyde
and form a polymer known as polyoxymethylene rapidly and irreversibly cross-links the protein.
glycol. This again depolymerized in methylene The penetration of glutaraldehyde is slower than
glycol in a neutral buffer system. Formaldehyde formaldehyde.
reacts with various side chain of the protein and Osmium tetroxide: Osmium tetroxide (OsO4) is
forms hydroxymethyl side group (Fig.  1.1). mainly used as a fixative in electron microscopy. It
These compounds are highly reactive and is used alone or as a combination with other agent.
­subsequently cross-linking occurs by forming a
O Glutaraldehyde
Formaldehyde Methylene glycol
R1-NH2 + C C C C C + R2-NH2
H H H H H Amino
H group
R–H+ C O R – CH2OH
Bound hydroxymethy group

R – CH2OH + R – H = R – CH2 – R + H2O
R1 N C C C C C N R2
Metyhylene bridge
Fig. 1.1  Schematic diagram showing the mechanism of Cross liking with
formalin fixation. Formaldehyde reacts with the side amino group
chain of the protein and forms hydroxymethyl side group.
Later on these highly reactive substances form cross-­ Fig. 1.2  Schematic diagram showing the mechanism of
linking and methylene bridges are formed. This is a stable glutaraldehyde fixation. The aldehyde group of glutaral-
reaction, and simple washing cannot remove formalin in dehyde reacts with amino group of the protein. Rapid and
this stage irreversibly cross-linking of the protein takes place
8 1  Fixation of Histology Samples: Principles, Methods and Types of Fixatives

Fig. 1.3 Schematic O O
diagram showing the
mechanism of osmium Os

tetroxide fixation.
Osmium tetroxide reacts
with two unsaturated Osmium tetroxide
carbon atom of the lipids
and cross-links with
them O O O
Os Os

Hexavalent osmium

HC O + H2O = HCOH + OsO3
O Osmium trioxide
Osmium tetroxide
Os = Os

Unsaturated O O
Unsaturated Cross linking
carbon atom of
carbon atom of

The compound causes oxidation of unsaturated

bonds in the biological tissue particularly lipid. It
converts the unsaturated fatty acid into a stable
product known as glycol osmate. The tetravalent
Os becomes hexavalent in this reaction. Osmic acid
monoester formed in this reaction is easily hydro-
lysed to a diol and osmic acid (Fig. 1.3). Osmium
tetroxide may react with two unsaturated carbon
atom of the lipids and may cross-link (Fig. 1.3).
Figure 1.4 demonstrates the various mecha-
nisms of fixative.

1.8 Factors Affecting Fixation

The following factors may affect the fixation

(Box 1.3):

1. Hydrogen ion concentration (pH): Most of the

fixatives work better in neutral pH.  In fact,
good fixation occurs when pH remains 6–8,
Fig. 1.4  Schematic diagram showing the mechanism of dif- and no morphological distortion is seen in that
ferent fixatives. Alcohol works by removing water molecules range of pH.  There may be changes in the
from the tissue and coagulating the protein. Formaldehyde ultrastructure when the pH is too low or too
forms hydroxymethyl side group and cross-links with protein.
Osmium tetroxide forms glycol osmate with lipid molecules high. In very low pH, the NH2 group of amino
18  Factors Affecting Fixation 9

Box 1.3 Factors Affecting Fixation

• pH of the fixative
–– Neutral pH is preferable.
–– pH 6–8 is the best range.
–– High acidity or alkalinity interferes fixation.
• Temperature
–– Room temperature suitable for routine work.
–– High temperature facilitates fixation.
–– Low temperature (0–4 °C) suitable for enzyme histochemistry.
• Duration of fixation
–– Depth of penetration of fixative is directly proportional to the square root of time of
–– Formalin fixes 1 mm/h.
–– Small tissue: 6 h in formalin is optimum.
–– Large tissue: 24 h is the optimum time,
–– Prolonged fixation in aldehyde: inhibition of enzymatic activity,
• Osmolarity of the fixative solution
–– Hypertonic: cell shrinkage
–– Hypotonic: cell swelling
–– Best: mild hypertonic (400–450 mOsm)
• Concentration
–– Mild lower concentration with neutral pH is preferable.
–– Very low concentration prolongs the time of fixation.
–– Higher concentration causes rapid fixation with undesirable effect.
• Agitation
–– Agitation increases rate of penetration.
–– Rapid agitation: damages delicate tissue.
–– Slow gentle agitation preferable.

acid is converted to NH3, and the reaction enzymes are better preserved in lower tem-
between aldehyde groups of the fixative is perature, and for enzyme histochemistry
reduced. Usually buffer solution is added to 0–4 °C is suitable.
maintain pH of the fixative. The commonly 3 . Duration of fixation: The depth of penetration
used buffers in the fixatives are phosphate, of fixative is directly proportional to the
bicarbonate, Tris and acetate. The buffers square root of time of fixation. The diffusibil-
should be chosen in such a way that they ity of different fixatives may also vary:
should not react with the fixative.
2 . Temperature: Room temperature is alright for D=k T
tissue fixation, and there is no difference of
cell morphology from 0 to 45  °C.  However, D = depth of penetration
the fixation time may be reduced in higher T = Time duration
temperature (60–65  °C). At higher tempera- k = Coefficient of diffusion of the fixative
ture the vibration and movement of the mole-
cules are increased. This increases the rate of The penetration rate of formalin solution is
penetration of the fixative within the tissue 1 mm/h. The presence of blood may hamper the
and accelerates the process of fixation. In penetration of the fixative. Therefore it is prefer-
case of very high temperature, the antigen able to wash the tissue specimen thoroughly
within the tissue may be destroyed. The before putting it in fixative. The tissue should be
10 1  Fixation of Histology Samples: Principles, Methods and Types of Fixatives

sectioned as 3–5 mm. Overall formalin fixes tis- Volume of formalin: For proper fixation the
sue within 24  h. Prolonged fixation may cause specimen should be sliced in 5 mm apart, and the
loss of lipid and protein and significant reduction amount of formalin should be 20 times the vol-
of the enzymatic activity of the cell. This may ume of tissue. The specimen should be com-
also cause hardening of tissue. pletely immersed in formalin and should not be
in direct contact with the container. There should
4. Osmolarity of the fixative solution: Osmolality be a formalin soaked clothes in between the con-
of the fixative has considerable effect on fixa- tainer and the tissue.
tion. Hypertonic fixative solution causes Removal of formalin from the tissue: As the cross-
shrinkage of the cell, whereas hypotonic fixa- linking of the amino acids and proteins is a slow pro-
tive solution induces swelling of the cells. cess, so if the tissue is washed for 24 h in water, then
Electrolytes (0.9% NaCl) or sucrose may be 50% of formalin from the tissue is removed.
added in the fixative to maintain the osmolar- Precaution: Formaldehyde is irritant to the
ity of the fixative. Mildly hypertonic fixative eye and skin and toxic for inhalation. It is a carci-
(400–450 mOsm) is preferable for routine use nogenic element.
in laboratory.
5. Concentration: Very low concentration of fixa- Advantages:
tive prolongs the time of fixation, and higher
concentration causes rapid fixation. However, • The penetration rate of formalin is high.
higher concentration of fixative may cause tissue • Cell morphology well preserved in formalin.
hardening, tissue shrinkage and artefactual • Cheap.
changes. Mildly lower concentration of fixative • Stable.
with neutral pH is needed for proper fixation. • Easy to make the solution.
Optimal concentration of formaldehyde is 10%. • Formalin is effective fixation for routine labo-
6. Agitation: Agitation increases the rate of pen- ratory staining of the tissue.
etration and therefore rapidity of fixation.
Optimum agitation is needed as slow agitation Disadvantages;
may have no effect of fixation, whereas rapid
agitation may have detrimental effect on deli- 1. Slow fixation.
cate tissue. 2. Formalin reaction with the tissue is reversible,
and it can be removed by washing.
Formalin fails to preserve acid
1.9  ommonly Used Fixatives
C mucopolysaccharides.
in the Laboratory 4. Highly vascular tissue may have dark-brown
granules (artefact)
1.9.1 Formaldehyde 5. Exposure to the skin may cause dermatitis.
6. Chronic inhalation may cause bronchitis.
Pure formaldehyde vapour dissolved in the
water is available as formaldehyde in 37–40%
concentration. This is also known as formalin 1.9.2 Preparation of Different
and is considered as 100% formaldehyde. In Formalin Solution
laboratory 10% of this formalin is used to make
neutral buffered formalin for routine labora- A. 10% neutral buffered formalin:
tory fixative (Box 1.4). • Formaldehyde, 40%: 100.0 ml
Rate of penetration: Formalin penetrates • Distilled water: 900.0 ml
approximately 1 mm/h and usually 24 h is needed • Sodium dihydrogen phosphate: 4.0 g
for fixation of a 1 cm3 tissue. • Disodium hydrogen phosphate: 6.5 g
1.9  Commonly Used Fixatives in the Laboratory 11

Box 1.4 Formaldehyde Fixative

• Commercially available as 40% concentration (considered as 100% formalin)
• Ten percent of this formalin is used to make neutral buffered formalin.
Mechanism: It reacts with various side chain of the protein and forms hydroxymethyl side
group that subsequently cross-link to form a methylene bridge. Subsequent intermolecu-
lar and intramolecular cross-linking of the molecules occurs and ultimately produces an
insoluble product.
Rate of penetration: Formalin penetrates approximately 1 mm/h.
Volume of formalin: The amount of formalin should be 20 times the volume of tissue.


• High penetration rate

• Well-preserved cell morphology
• Cheap
• Stable


1. Slow fixation.
2. Formalin reaction is reversible, and it can be removed by washing.
3. Fails to preserve acid mucopolysaccharides.
4. Not good for staining of fat and enzymes.
5. Highly vascular tissue may have dark-­brown granules.
6. Exposure to the skin may cause dermatitis.
7. Chronic inhalation may cause bronchitis.

with lipid or carbohydrate, and therefore it should

B. Preparation of 10% formal saline:
be used in combination with the other fixative.
• Formaldehyde, 40%: 100.0 ml
• Sodium chloride: 9 g Advantages:
• Distilled water: 900.0 ml
C. Formal ethanol fixative: 1 . Better fixation of ultrastructure.
• Ninety-five percent ethyl alcohol: 20 ml 2. Less cell shrinkage.
• Formaldehyde, 40%: 10 ml 3. Preservation of protein is better.
4. Good cross-linking with collagen.
5. Less irritating.
1.9.3 Glutaraldehyde
Glutaraldehyde is used as a fixative for electron
microscopy because it fixes and preserves the 1. Poor penetration and tissue should be less

ultrastructure. The fixation occurs due to the than 0.5 mm thick.
extensive cross-linking of the proteins. The pen- 2. Less stable compound.
etration power of glutaraldehyde is poor and 3. No lipid fixation.
therefore only a small piece of tissue should be 4. Glutaraldehyde polymerizes above pH 7.5.
used for fixation. Glutaraldehyde does not react 5. Costly.
12 1  Fixation of Histology Samples: Principles, Methods and Types of Fixatives

For the purpose of electron microscopy: 1.9.5 Methyl and Ethyl Alcohol

Glutaraldehyde is used 2.5% glutaraldehyde
in 100 mM phosphate buffer at pH 7.0. Methyl alcohol (methanol) and ethyl alcohol (etha-
Glutaraldehyde comes commercially as 25% nol) are used as dehydrating agent, and these two
or 50% solutions in 10 ml. alcohols are used mainly as fixatives of cytology
smears. The tissue or smear containing water
should not be put directly in the higher concentra-
1.9.4 Osmium Tetroxide tion of alcohol as it may cause distortion of the
cells due to rapid rush of fluid from the cell.
Osmium tetroxide is used for fixation in electron Therefore graded alcohol should be used for
microscopy. It reacts with unsaturated bonds in the dehydration.
lipid molecules and fixes them. The penetration of Laboratory use: 95% ethyl alcohol for
the osmium tetroxide in the tissue is poor, and if it fixation
is used alone, then a good amount of protein and
carbohydrate may be lost during fixation. Reagent preparation:

Advantages: Absolute alcohol: 950 ml

Water: 50 ml
1 . This is a very good fixative for lipid. Time of fixation: 15–30 min
2. It preserves cytoplasmic organelles such as
Golgi bodies and mitochondria,
3. Does not make the tissue hard, 1.9.6 Acetone

Disadvantages: It is mainly used for enzyme study and immuno-

cytochemistry. It is a poor fixative for morpho-
1. It does not fix the proteins and carbohydrates logical preparation as it causes significant cell
and therefore it should be used in combination shrinkage. Acetone works by dehydration of
with other fixative. cells. Cold acetone is used at 4 °C for fixation.
2. Osmium tetroxide may react with ribose

group and may cause clumping of DNA. This
can be prevented by pretreatment with potas- 1.9.7 Bouin’s Fixative
sium permanganate or post fixation with ura-
nyl acetate. Bouin’s solution contains picric acid. This is an
3. Poor penetration in the tissue. excellent fixative for glycogen. It reacts with pro-
4. Tissue swelling may occur. tein and forms protein picrate. The tissue pene-
5. Toxic and volatizes at room temperature pro- tration rate of picric acid is high, and it fixes
ducing harmful vapour. This vapour is toxic to small tissue biopsy within 3–4 h. Bouin’s fixative
the eye and respiratory tract. is not suitable for DNA quantitative study as it
6. Expensive. damages the cell membrane and causes hydroly-
sis of nuclei acid.
Laboratory use: It is commercially available
in sealed vial 0.1–1 g. Aqueous solution of 4% Advantages:
OsO4 is made. This should be stored in clean
glass vial away from sunlight. In laboratory 1. It is a good fixative for connective tissue and
2–4% OsO4 in buffer solution of pH  7.2 is glycogen.
used. 2. Rapid penetration rate.
1.10  Mercury Salt-Containing Fixatives 13

Disadvantages: Preparation
Solution A
1. It produces yellow stain to the tissue.
Distilled water: 250
Removal of yellow colour: Potassium dichromate: 6.3 g
Mercuric chloride: 12.5 g
1. The tissue should be washed thoroughly in Sodium sulphate: 2.5 g
70% ethanol. Solution B
2. This yellow colour can be removed by dipping Thirty-seven percent formaldehyde solution
the tissue in lithium carbonate in 70% Just before use mix 95 ml of Solution A with 5 ml
alcohol. of Solution B.

Bouin’s solution preparation:

1.10.3 B5 Fixatives
Picric acid solution (1% in distilled water): 15 ml
Formaldehyde stock solution (40%): 5 ml Stock A solution
Glacial acetic acid: 1 ml Mercuric chloride: 12 g
Sodium acetate: 2.5 g
Distilled water: 200 ml
1.10 Mercury Salt-Containing Stock B solution
Fixatives Thirty-seven percent formaldehyde solution
Before use mix 20 ml stock solution A with 2 ml
Among the heavy metals, mercury is commonly stock B.
used as fixative. This is a rapidly acting fixative.
Mercury is a poisonous substance and should be Table 1.2 highlights the comparison of differ-
used carefully. Mercury containing fixatives may ent fixatives.
corrode the metal so the fixative should be kept in
glass container.
1.10.4 Fixatives of Choice

1.10.1 Zenker’s Fluid The choice of fixatives is very important for

specific purposes. In case of routine histopa-
It is a good fixative for nuclear chromatin and thology tissue, the best fixative is 10% neutral
collagen. buffered formalin. Similarly for electron
Preparation microscopy and immunocytochemistry, the
Mercuric chloride: 50 g fixative of choice is glutaraldehyde solution
Glacial acetic acid: 50 g and 10% neutral buffered formalin, respec-
Potassium dichromate: 25 g tively. Table  1.3 highlights the fixative of
Distilled water: 950 ml choice for different technique.
The different types of fixative are used accord-
ing to the tissue and have been highlighted in
1.10.2 Helly’s Fluid Table 1.4.
Fixative of choice may be different according
This is a good cytoplasmic fixative. It takes to chemical compounds to demonstrate
nearly about 12 h for 3 mm tissue to fix. (Table 1.5).
14 1  Fixation of Histology Samples: Principles, Methods and Types of Fixatives

Table 1.2  Comparison of different fixatives

Fixative Ingredients Advantages Disadvantages Applications
Buffered – Formaldehyde –  High penetration –  Slow fixation –  Effective for
formalin (10%) – Water rate –  Fails to preserve acid routine
– Sodium –  Cell morphology mucopolysaccharides laboratory
dihydrogen well preserved –  Dark-brown granules staining
phosphate – Cheap in vascular tissue
– Disodium – Stable
Glutaraldehyde – Glutaraldehyde –  Better fixation of –  Poor penetration in –  Best for
–  Phosphate buffer ultrastructure tissue electron
–  Less cell –  Less stable microscopy
shrinkage –  No lipid fixation
– Protein – Costly
–  Less irritating
Osmium −2–4% Osmium –  Good fixative for –  Does not fix the –  Good for
tetroxide tetroxide in buffer lipid proteins and electron
solution –  Good for Golgi carbohydrates microscopy
bodies and –  Cause clumping of
mitochondria DNA
–  Toxic and volatizes at
room temperature
– Costly
Ethyl alcohol –  Absolute alcohol –  Fast penetration – Inflammable –  Good for
– Water –  Needs licence cytology smear
Bouin’s fixative –  Picric acid – Rapid –  Produces yellow stain –  Good fixative
– Formaldehyde penetration rate to the tissue for connective
–  Glacial acetic acid –  Very good for tissue and
trichrome stain glycogen
Zenker’s fluid –  Mercuric chloride –  Rapidly acting –  Pigments of –  Organ with
–  Glacial acetic acid –  Even penetration dichromate and very high
– Potassium mercury vascularity such
dichromate –  Mercury is poisonous as the spleen
–  Distilled water –  RBC is poorly

Table 1.3  Choice of fixative based on technique Table 1.4  Fixative of choice according to tissue

Technique Fixative of choice Tissue Fixative Time

Routine histopathology 10% neutral buffered Day-to-day sample 10% buffered Small tissue:
formalin (routine) formalin 6 h
Large tissue:
Electron microscopy Glutaraldehyde solution or
12–24 h
osmium tetroxide
Lymph node B5 solution 18 h
Immunohistochemistry 10% neutral buffered
formalin, alcoholic formalin Gastrointestinal tract 10% buffered 6 h
Immunofluorescence Unfixed cryostat
Testis 10% buffered 6 h
Enzyme histochemistry Fresh frozen section
Or Bouin’s
Bone marrow Bouin’s fluid 3 h
Spleen Zenker’s fluid 6 h
Eye 10% buffered 48 h
1.11  Fixation Artefact 15

Table 1.5  Fixative of choice for different substances

Target substance Fixative of choice Box 1.6 Formalin Pigment
Protein 10% buffered formalin • Colour: Brownish black.
Lipid Frozen section or osmium • Nature: Granular birefringent refractile.
tetroxide • Position: Extracellular.
Glycogen Alcohol-based fixative • Mechanism of formation: Formic acid
Mucopolysaccharide Frozen section
reacts with haemoglobin derivatives of
Enzyme Frozen section
the blood and produces acid formalde-
DNA and RNA Alcohol-based fixative
Iron Alcohol-based fixative
hyde haematein.
• How to avoid: Use buffered formalin.
• How to remove: Treat with 1.8% picric
1.11 Fixation Artefact acid in absolute ethyl alcohol for 15 min.

The following fixation artefact may be encoun-

tered in routine laboratory fixation (Box 1.5): 2. Subsequently the section is immersed in 1.8%
A. Formalin Pigment picric acid in absolute ethyl alcohol for
Unbuffered formalin is kept for long time and 15 min.
is converted into formic acid that reacts with hae- 3. It is then washed thoroughly.
moglobin derivatives of the blood and produces 4. Section is re-stained.
acid formaldehyde haematein which is an insolu-
ble brownish-black granular retractile birefrin- B. Mercury Pigments: When tissue is fixed by
gent pigment (Fig. 1.5) (Box 1.6). mercuric chloride, it produces a dark-brown
irregular deposit.
Removing the pigment:
Steps: Location: Throughout the tissue
Removal: Application of iodine converts it
1. The section is immersed in xylene followed into mercuric iodide which is removed by sodium
by alcohol to bring in water. thiosulphate.

C. Fuzzy Staining
Box 1.5 Fixation Artefact
Appearance: Here the nuclear and cytoplas-
• Formalin pigment: Insoluble brownish-­
mic details are obscured and the section looks
black granular retractile birefringent
fuzzy or hazy.
pigment due to reaction of formalin with
Cause: Improper fixation either due to insuf-
haemoglobin derivatives.
ficient fixative or too little time in fixative.
• Mercury pigments: Dark-brown irregu-
lar deposit.
D. Prolonged fixation: Prolonged fixation cause
• Fuzzy staining: Due to improper
shrinkage of the tissue followed by separa-
tion. The tissue may show holes or empty
• Prolonged fixation: Shrinkage of the tis-
spaces within it (Fig. 1.6).
sue causes tissue separation and empty
E. Dichromate deposit: If the tissue is not prop-
erly washed after dichromate fixation, then
• Dichromate deposit: This deposit may
the chromium salt may form. This chrome
occur after dichromate fixation if the tis-
salt reacts with alcohol, and insoluble yellow-­
sue is not washed properly.
brown precipitate may appear.
16 1  Fixation of Histology Samples: Principles, Methods and Types of Fixatives

Removal: By 1% hydrochloric acid in 70% Troubleshooting in fixation is highlighted in

alcohol for 30 min Table 1.6.

Fig. 1.5 Microphotograph
shows brownish-black
granular formalin pigment.
This is refractile
birefringent pigment
(haematoxylin and eosin
stain ×400)

Fig. 1.6 Tissue
separation due to
prolonged fixation. The
tissue shows holes and
empty spaces within it
(haematoxylin and eosin
stain ×200)
References 17

Table 1.6  Troubleshooting in fixation

Problems Cause Remedies
Nuclear margin is indistinct and Incomplete fixation –  Check the concentration of
nuclei are fuzzy with bubbling formalin
–  Keep more time in formalin for
–  Cut thin section for fixation
–  Do not put too many cassettes
Tissue shrinkage with large –  Poor fixation –  Proper fixation time
artefactual spaces –  Prolonged fixation –  Check fixative concentration
–  Immediately fix the tissue after
Insoluble brownish-black granular Formalin pigment due to acid Use buffered formalin
pigment formaldehyde haematein formation
by reaction with blood
Intraepithelial cleft formation Formalin may evaporate, and Keep formalin in closely capped
calcium carbonate is precipitated bottle

3. Jonsson N, Lagerst TS.  The effect of formalde-

References hyde containing fixatives on ribonuclease activity.
Histoehemie. 1959;1:251–6.
1. Hopwood D.  Fixatives and fixation: a review. 4. Kellenberger E, Johansen R, Maeder M, Bohrmann
Histochem J. 1969;1(4):323–60. B, Stauffer E, Villiger W.  Artefacts and morpho-
2. Bahr GF, Bloom G, Friberg U. Volume changes of tis- logical changes during chemical fixation. J Microsc.
sues in physiological fluids during fixation in osmium 1992;168(Pt 2):181–201.
tetroxide or formaldehyde and during subsequent
treatment. Expl Cell Res. 1957;12:342–55.
Processing of Tissue
in Histopathology Laboratory 2

The next step after fixation is the processing of

tissue. This is also a very important step because
poor processing of tissue may significantly affect
the section cutting and staining.
Aims of tissue processing: The basic aim of
tissue processing is to provide sufficient rigidity
to the tissue so that it can be cut into thin section
for microscopic examination.
Principle of processing: In tissue processing
the water within the tissue is removed, and
another medium (usually paraffin wax) is impreg-
nated in the tissue that provides the adequate sup-
port to the tissue. Therefore the essential steps in
tissue processing (Fig. 2.1): Fig. 2.1  Schematic diagram showing overview of pro-
cessing. The basic three steps are dehydrating, clearing,
1. Dehydration: In this step water is removed and embedding. Removal of water from the tissue is
known as dehydration. This is followed by clearing of the
from the tissue. Water is immiscible with wax, dehydrating agents by the process clearing. In the final
and therefore to infiltrate the tissue with wax, stage tissue is impregnated with an embedding medium
it is necessary to remove water.
2. Clearing: This is needed to clear the dehydrat-
ing agent and to facilitate the transition of 2.1  actors that Influence Tissue
dehydration and impregnation stage. The Processing
clearing substance is usually miscible to both
dehydrating agent and impregnating medium. The following factors influence the tissue pro-
3. Infiltration and impregnation: In this stage, cessing (Box 2.1):
the tissue is infiltrated with a supporting
medium which is suitable to provide adequate 1. Size of the tissue sample: The optimum size of
rigidity of the tissue to make thin section. the tissue is very important for effective

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2018 19

P. Dey, Basic and Advanced Laboratory Techniques in Histopathology and Cytology,
20 2  Processing of Tissue in Histopathology Laboratory

5. Vacuum: Application of negative pressure

Box 2.1 Influencing Factors of Tissue facilitates tissue processing [1]. Vacuum helps
Processing to remove the entrapped air from the tissue
• Size of the tissue: and thereby enhances the penetration of fluid
–– The smaller the size, the better the within the tissue. Negative pressure also
processing. increases the volatility of the clearing agent
• Agitation: and therefore helps to remove the fluid from
–– Agitation facilitates the contact of the tissue.
tissue with fresh solution.
• Heat:
–– Increases the better penetration of 2.2 Dehydration
• Viscosity: Every tissue contains some amount of free or
–– The higher the viscosity of the unbound water molecule. As the commonly used
medium, lower the penetration. supporting medium (paraffin) is not miscible
• Negative pressure: with water, so it is necessary to remove the free
–– Negative pressure removes trapped water molecule from the tissue for the successful
air in the tissue. impregnation of the supporting medium (Box
–– Removal of clearing agent by 2.2). The sharp difference of the concentration
increasing volatility. gradient between the tissues and the dehydrating
fluid may cause sudden rush of fluid, and this
may damage the delicate tissue. Therefore the
­ rocessing. The smaller the size of the tissue,
p dehydration should be done gradually from low
better is the infiltration of the embedding
medium. Optimum thickness of the tissue
should be kept as 3–4 mm only. Box 2.2 Dehydration
2. Agitation: The tissue gets better contact with • Removes free or unbound water mole-
the surrounding medium if it is completely cule of the tissue as the supporting
immersed and gently agitated. The agitation medium (paraffin) is not miscible with
causes continuous removal of the fluid from water.
the surface by fresh medium. This has better • Sharp difference of concentration gradi-
effect of action of fluid on the tissue. Most of ent of the dehydrating fluid may damage
the commercial tissue processors have the the delicate tissue.
facility of agitation. It is important to note that • Gradual dehydration is necessary.
too rapid agitation may damage the soft and • Too much time in the dehydrating fluid:
delicate tissue. the tissue becomes hard and brittle.
3. Heat: Heat increases the rate of penetration of the • Routine laboratory: 70, 90 and 100%
fluid within the tissue, whereas low temperature alcohol for 2 h each.
impedes the whole process. The present com- • Common dehydrating agents:
mercial tissue processors have the facility to heat –– Ethyl alcohol
the tissue in all stages of processing. Overheating –– Methylated spirit
may produce hard and brittle tissue. –– Methanol
4 . Viscosity: The viscosity of the embedding –– Butyl alcohol
media also affects the processing. Higher vis- –– Isopropyl alcohol
cosity of the medium lowers the penetration –– Dehydrating agents other than alco-
rate in the tissue. Heat reduces the viscosity of hol: dioxane, ethylene glycol and
the medium and helps in better penetration. acetone
2.3  Individual Dehydrating Agent 21

to high concentration of dehydration fluid. The • Increases the life span of alcohol
tissue should be kept in the dehydration fluid for • Better dehydration
optimal time because too much time in the dehy- • Good indicator to change alcohol
drating fluid may cause the tissue hard and brit-
tle. Too little time in dehydration fluid may be Methylated Spirit  It is also known as denatured
insufficient for removal of free water molecule. alcohol. Methylated spirit contains 99% ethanol
Thin 2–3 mm tissue needs less time in dehydra- and 1% methanol or isopropyl alcohol.
tion fluid than thick 5 mm tissue.
Methanol  Methanol is a clear, colourless, vola-
tile and inflammable liquid. It can be used as a
2.3 Individual Dehydrating substitute of ethanol, but it is rarely used in labo-
Agent ratory because of its volatility and high cost.

2.3.1 Alcohol Butyl Alcohol  n-Butanol, isobutanol and ter-

tiary butanol are used as dehydrating agents both
Ethanol  Ethanol or ethyl alcohol is the most in animal tissue and plant histology processing.
popular and most commonly used dehydrating Butyl alcohol is a slowly acting dehydrating
agent. This is a clear and colourless fluid. Ethyl agent and takes longer time than ethyl alcohol for
alcohol is flammable liquid. This is a relatively dehydration. However the tissue shrinkage is less
rapid and efficient dehydrating agent. However, it by butyl alcohol.
needs licence from the government to purchase
ethyl alcohol for laboratory use. Isopropyl Alcohol  Isopropyl alcohol is avail-
able as isopropanol (99.8%). This is miscible
As a dehydrating agent ethyl alcohol is used in with water and liquid paraffin. It is a relatively
50, 70, 90 and 100% concentration. For delicate rapid acting, non-toxic dehydrating agent caus-
tissue, the dehydration may be started from 30% ing minimal tissue shrinkage. It is a good lipid
concentration of ethyl alcohol. In routine labora- dissolving solvent.
tory, 70, 90 and 100% alcohol for 2  h each is
­sufficient for dehydration of the tissue. If tissue is
immersed in the ethyl alcohol for long time, then 2.3.2 D
 ehydrating Agents Other
the removal of attached water from the carbohy- than Alcohol
drate and protein molecules causes hard and brit-
tle tissue. Dioxane  This is 1,4-diethylene dioxide. Dioxane
is miscible with both water and molten paraffin
Anhydrous Cupric Sulphate in Final wax. This is a rapidly acting dehydrating agent
Container  Anhydrous cupric sulphate and produces very little shrinkage. Tissue can be
(CuSO4) is a white powder that draws water kept in dioxane without any harm. Dioxane liber-
from the alcohol and thereby helps in dehydra- ates highly toxic gas and proper ventilation is
tion. About 1 cm layer of this powder is kept in mandatory for its use.
the bottom of the container. The cupric sul-
phate powder should be covered with two to Ethylene Glycol  It is also known as ethylene
three layers of filter paper to prevent any glycol monoethyl ether or cellosolve. It is a
colouring of the tissue. When the CuSO4 colourless and odourless fluid. Cellosolve is a
becomes hydrated, the colour of the powder rapidly acting dehydrating and tissue can be kept
changes to blue. This gives warning signal to in it for long duration.
change the alcohol and the CuSO4 powder.
Acetone  Acetone is a colourless and inflamma-
Advantages: ble liquid with a pungent ketonic smell. It is
22 2  Processing of Tissue in Histopathology Laboratory

Table 2.1  Comparison of different dehydrating agents

Dehydrating agents Advantages Disadvantages
Ethyl alcohol • Rapid and efficient dehydrating • Needs licence from the government
agent • Inflammable
• Hard and brittle tissue if kept for long time
Methanol • Equally effective as ethanol • Volatile
• High cost
Isopropyl alcohol • Relatively rapid action • Not possible to use in celloidin technique
• Non-toxic
• Minimal tissue shrinkage
Dioxane • Rapid action • Highly toxic gas is generated
• No shrinkage of tissue
Ethylene glycol • Rapid • Very expensive
• No graded solution is needed • Clearing agent is needed
• Tissue can be kept in it for long
Acetone • Rapid action • Quickly evaporates
• Cheaper than ethanol • Inflammable
• Good for fatty tissue processing • Prolonged use may cause shrinkage and
brittleness of tissue

­ iscible with both water and alcohol. Acetone

m • Type of processor: manual versus automatic
produces tissue shrinkage and prolonged use may • Processing condition: temperature and
cause brittleness of tissue. It is best used in fatty vacuum
tissue processing. • Speed of removal of dehydrating agent
The various dehydrating agents are compared in • Ease of replacement by molten wax
the Table 2.1. • Safety factors: flammability and toxicity
• Cost

2.4 Clearing The clearing agent with low melting point is

easily and quickly removed by the molten wax.
After the removal of free water molecule from Whereas, clearing agent with high melting
the tissue, the next step of processing is to remove point takes time to be removed by embedding
the dehydrating agent itself from the tissue medium. Clearing agent with high viscosity
because many dehydrating agents are not misci- has low penetration rate. Prolonged exposure
ble with the impregnating material (paraffin of the tissue in clearing agent may make the
wax). The clearing agent should be miscible with tissue brittle and more friable. Therefore opti-
both the dehydrating agent and the embedding mal time for clearing is necessary. The amount
medium. The refractive index of the clearing of clearing agent should be 40 times of the vol-
agent is similar to the tissue, and therefore it ume of tissue for clearing.
gives clear appearance of the anhydrous tissue
(Box 2.3). So the completely transparent tissue
indicates the terminal point of the clearing pro- 2.4.1 Individual Clearing Agent
cess. Any opacity of tissue signifies incomplete
dehydration. Xylene  This is the most commonly used clear-
Selection of appropriate clearing agent: This ing agent in the laboratory. This is a clear and
depends on: inflammable liquid. The small pieces of tissue are
cleared rapidly by xylene within 30–60  min.
• Type of tissue: large tissue takes more time Prolonged exposure to xylene may make the tis-
than smaller tissue sue hard and brittle.
2.4 Clearing 23

Box 2.3 Clearing

• Aims of clearing:
–– Removal of dehydrating agent (e.g. alcohol) to facilitate impregnation of paraffin wax
–– To make the tissue clear and improve the microscopic examination
• Ideal clearing agent:
–– Low viscosity and high penetration rate
–– Low melting point
–– Miscible with both alcohol and molten wax
–– No tissue damage
–– Less toxic
–– Less inflammable
–– Cheap
• Selection of appropriate clearing agent: Type of tissue, type of processor, processing condi-
tion (such as heat, vacuum) safety factors and cost
• Volume of clearing agent: 40 times the volume of the specimen
• Total duration:
–– Smaller biopsy: 1 h
–– Larger tissue: Three changes in xylene or toluene 60 min each
• End point detection: Tissue becomes transparent
• Prolonged exposure to clearing agent: The brittle and more friable tissue
• Different clearing agents: Xylene, toluene, chloroform, amyl nitrate, cedarwood oil and

Table 2.2  Comparison of clearing agents

Properties Xylene Toluene Chloroform Esters
Tissue shrinkage Yes Yes Minimum No
Tissue hardening Yes No No No
Inflammable Yes Yes No Yes
Harmful effect Irritant but less harmful Irritant Dangerous toxic gas liberates in heating Safe
Cost Cheap Cheap Very expensive High cost

Toluene  It has almost similar properties as that 2.4.2 Other Clear Agents
of xylene. However it does not make the tissue
hard even after prolonged exposure, and its action Esters  The different esters are amyl nitrate,
is slightly slower than xylene. Toluene is also methyl salicylate and methyl benzoate. These are
flammable and toxic. less toxic and may be used in manual processing.
They do not cause tissue hardening even under
Chloroform  It is highly volatile, non-­inflammable, prolonged exposure.
expensive and toxic agent. The penetrating power of
chloroform is slower than xylene. However, it does Cedarwood Oil  This is an expensive rapid
not cause any tissue shrinkage and is mainly used in clearing agent and mainly used in clearing dense
the uterus, muscle and other dense tissue. Presently tissue.
chloroform is rarely used in laboratory.
Limonene  This is a clear liquid. It does not cause
Table 2.2 compares the different clearing any tissue hardening. However, the removal of lim-
agents commonly used in laboratories. onene from the tissue by paraffin wax is difficult.
24 2  Processing of Tissue in Histopathology Laboratory

2.5 Infiltration and Embedding 1. Size of tissue: Thicker large tissue takes more
time to impregnate with the embedding medium.
This is the next step after clearing. The clearing It also contains more clearing agent to remove.
agent within the tissue is removed by the process of 2. Type of tissue: Hard tissue such as bone and
diffusion. The tissue space is now infiltrated with cartilage takes more time for embedding than
the embedding media. Usually molten wax is used soft tissue.
as the embedding medium. After cooling in room 3. The type of clearing agent: Certain clearing
temperature, the molten wax is solidified to provide agents are easy to remove than others. Such as
support for cutting into thin section (Box 2.4). xylene and toluene are easy to remove than
Ideal impregnating medium: An ideal impreg- cedarwood oil.
nating medium should have following qualities: 4. Type of processing: Vacuum embedding
enhances impregnation.
• Miscible with clearing agent
• Liquid in higher temperature (30–60 °C) and
solid in room temperature 2.5.1 Different Impregnating
• Homogenous and stable Medium
• Non-toxic and cheap
• Transparent Paraffin Wax
• Fit for sectioning the tissue Paraffin wax is a type of hydrocarbon and is produced
as by-product during refining of crude petroleum.
The time duration and the number of changes This is the most popular universally accepted embed-
required for the impregnation in tissue depends ding medium for tissue processing. This is non-toxic
on: and inexpensive medium. The melting point of paraf-

Box 2.4 Impregnation of Embedding Medium

Aims: To provide support to the tissue.
Principle: Clearing agent is removed by the process of diffusion, and the tissue space is now
infiltrated with the embedding media.

Ideal impregnating medium:

• Miscible with clearing agent

• Liquid in higher temperature and solid in room temperature
• Homogenous and stable
• Non-toxic and cheap
• Transparent
• Fit for sectioning the tissue

Time duration and the number of changes of embedding medium:

• Size of tissue: Large versus small.

• Type of tissue: Hard versus soft.
• The type of clearing agent: Cedarwood oil takes longer time.
• Type of processing: Vacuum processing accelerates.

Different embedding medium: Paraffin wax and dimethyl sulphoxide.

2.6 Tissue Processing Methods 25

fin wax varies from 39 °C to 70 °C. The wax is sold a handful number of tissue. Automated tissue
according to its melting point. Paraffin wax with low processor is widely used in laboratories.
melting point is soft in room temperature, whereas Automated tissue processor: The basic principle
paraffin wax of higher melting point is much harder in of tissue processor is to transfer the tissue in differ-
consistency. Therefore, it is necessary to have paraffin ent fluid for a specified time in a desired environ-
wax that has suitable melting point to get good ribbon ment. There are two types of tissue processor:
of tissue. In this Indian subcontinent, the paraffin wax
with melting point around 60 °C is the most suitable 1 . Tissue transfer processor
for laboratory use. Total 3–4 h’ time in paraffin wax is 2. Fluid transfer processor
sufficient for impregnation of tissue by wax. 1. Tissue transfer processor (Fig.  2.2): In this
system the bucket of tissue is transferred from
Advantages of paraffin wax: one carousel to other after a specified time.
There are several containers with reagents.
• Tissue block can be stored for long duration. Tissue remains in a basket with 30–100 cas-
• Non-toxic. settes. The basket containing the tissue is sub-
• Cheap. merged in the specific container for a particular
• Safe. time and then transferred to the next container
automatically. A gentle agitation is created by
Disadvantages of paraffin wax: vertical oscillation or by rotatory movement
of the tissue basket. The time schedule and
• It may cause tissue shrinkage and hardening in transfer of tissue in each container are deter-
case of prolonged impregnation. mined by a microprocessor.
• Paraffin wax takes long duration for the 2. Fluid transfer processor (Fig. 2.3): This is a
impregnation of the bone and eye. completely closed processor. Here the tissue
is kept in the container, and the container is Additives and Modification ­periodically filled with particular fluid. After
of Paraffin Wax a certain period, the fluid is pumped out from
To alter the physical characteristics of paraffin the container containing the tissue. It is again
wax, the following modifications may be done: filled with the fluid required for the next step.
In this processor each step can be customized
1. To increase hardness: addition of stearic acid for vacuum, temperature, and time duration.
2. Reduction of melting point: addition of
3. Improving adhesiveness with tissue and wax:
addition of 0.5% of ceresin

Dimethyl Sulphoxide (DMSO)  The addition of

small amount of DMSO in paraffin wax reduces
the infiltration time of the wax and removes the
residual clearing agent. It produces a homoge-
nous matrix and better support.

2.6 Tissue Processing Methods

Tissue processing can be done by simple manu- Fig. 2.2  Tissue transfer automatic tissue processor. Here
ally or by automated processor. Manual tissue the whole bucket containing tissue is automatically trans-
processing is done only in a small laboratory with ferred to the next fluid station
26 2  Processing of Tissue in Histopathology Laboratory

Alcohol (graded)

50% 70% 90%





Paraffin Clearing
Fig. 2.3  Fluid transfer advanced automatic tissue proces- 100%
sor. Here the fluid itself is changed automatically, and the Xylene
bucket remains static Xylene Xylene


1. Vacuum pressure makes the system faster and IHr IHr
Fig. 2.4  Schematic diagram showing the time schedule
2. In this closed system, there is no chance for
of overnight processing
tissue drying.
90% ethanol: 1 h
Absolute alcohol: 1 h
2.7  verall Precautions of Tissue
O Absolute alcohol: 1 h
Processing Absolute alcohol: 1 h
Xylene/toluene: 1 h
1. The bulk of the tissue should be optimum for Xylene/toluene: 1 h
adequate penetration of fluid. Xylene/toluene: 1 h
2. The amount of fluid should be adequate and Paraffin wax: 1 h
the fluid level should be always higher than Paraffin wax: 1 h
the tissue level. Paraffin wax: 1 h
3. The tissue basket and cassettes should be

clean and any spillage of wax should be
cleaned. 2.7.2 Manual Tissue Processor
4. The temperature of the infiltrating medium
should be optimum, and it is preferable to It is rarely used in routine laboratory. The advan-
keep the temperature 3–4 °C above the melt- tage of manual processing are:
ing point.
5. There should be a proper record of the change 1. Small number of samples can be processed in
of fluid, number of tissues processed, etc. a small laboratory.
2. Careful monitoring in each step is possible.
3. In case of emergency when the automated tis-
2.7.1 T
 ime Schedule for Overnight sue processor is not working, one can take the
Processing (Fig. 2.4) help of the manual processing.
4. In case of manual processing, it is possible to
50% ethanol: 1 h select the reagents of choice with flexibility in
70% ethanol: 1 h time duration.
References 27

Table 2.3  Troubleshooting in processing

Problem Cause Remedies
Tissue is soft during embedding 1. Tissue is too thick during 1. Tissue should be properly cut
grossing 2. Change the reagents
2. Reagents are saturated with 3. Change paraffin
3. Paraffin is saturated with
clearing agent e.g. Xylene
Tissue is coming out from the block Dehydration process is Change the processing program and
during sectioning inadequate, so there is defective give adequate time for dehydration
paraffin infiltration in the tissue
Microchattering effect around the Excessive dehydration Change the dehydration time. It is
edges of the tissue section better to process the smaller biopsy
tissue separately from the larger
tissue to have proper dehydration
Cracked and folded tissue section Excessive dehydration The block is soaked with a wet
gauze piece before sectioning
Irregular staining of haematoxylin and Dehydration process is Change the processing program, and
eosin stain suboptimum give adequate time for dehydration
Brittle tissue after processing Excessive blood in tissue Apply a gauze piece soaked with
warm water on the surface of the
block before sectioning

The major disadvantages of manual process- The microwave processing may be used for all
ing include inconvenient for processing and time the steps of processing.
taken procedure. Tissue processing for electron microscopy:
See Chap. 26.
Troubleshooting in processing is highlighted
2.7.3 Microwave Processing in Table 2.3.

Microwave processing in histopathology reduces

the time of processing significantly [2]. It is suit- References
able for small number of delicate tissues. The
microwave oven usually has: 1. Brain EB.  Infiltration histological specimens with
paraffin wax under vacuum. Basic factors and a new
approach. Br Dent J. 1970;128(2):71–8.
1 . System to control the temperature 2. Leong AS, Leong FJ.  Strategies for laboratory cost
2. System to control the time duration of particu- containment and for pathologist shortage: centralised
lar temperature pathology laboratories with microwave-­ stimulated
histoprocessing and telepathology. Pathology.
3. Proper exhaust to remove the toxic gas 2005;37(1):5–9.
Embedding of Tissue
in Histopathology 3

After processing the tissue, the next step is 3.1 Embedding Medium
embedding of the tissue to make the block. In the
embedding process, the tissue is surrounded in a (a) Paraffin wax: As described in the previous
molten medium by using a mould. Subsequently chapter, paraffin wax is a solid polycrystal-
this medium is solidified to make a block for cut- line hydrocarbon. The paraffin wax is sold in
ting thin section of tissue. the market with different melting point.
Aims of embedding: Embedding medium has Paraffin wax with melting points ranging
three important functions: from 56 to 62  °C is used in our laboratory.
Paraffin wax is cheaper and easy to use. Little
1 . To give support of the tissue supervision is needed to make block by it.
2. To prevent distortion of the tissue during
(b) Epoxy resin: Epoxy resin is mainly used in
cutting electron microscopy as it provides better res-
3. To preserve the tissue for archival use olution and greater details of tissue.
(c) Acrylic medium: Methacrylate monomer is
The choice of the embedding medium: Various miscible with ethanol. In the presence of cata-
media are used for embedding such as paraffin lyst (benzoyl peroxide 2%), methacrylate
wax, epoxy resin, methacrylate, carbowax, etc. monomer is polymerized and provides a hard
Paraffin wax is the most commonly used embed- and clear block. Methacrylate monomer is
ding medium. The choice of the embedding available in the market along with hydroqui-
medium depends on the following factors: none which should be removed by treating with
weak alkali solution followed by thoroughly
1. Type of tissue: The density of the tissue and washing with water. The presence of water may
the embedding medium should be close other- lead to small bubbles within the block.
wise tissue may not be sectioned properly, and (d) Agar gel: Agar gel helps in cohesion of friable
tissue will be deformed. and fragmented tissue particularly in cytology
2. Type of microtome sample and also endometrial curetting and
3. Type of microscope small endoscopic biopsies. It does not provide
good support of the tissue for section cutting.
The basic technique of embedding is the same Agar-paraffin wax double embedding is more
irrespective of the embedding medium. suitable technique than agar alone.

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P. Dey, Basic and Advanced Laboratory Techniques in Histopathology and Cytology,
30 3  Embedding of Tissue in Histopathology

(e) Gelatin: It is also used in small friable tissues

and frozen section containing friable and
necrotic tissue. The melting point of gelatin
is 35–40  °C, and this low melting point
makes it unsuitable for embedding.
(f) Celloidin medium: Celloidin is nitrocellulose
and was mainly used for embedding hard tis-
sue. Nowadays it is not used in the

3.2 Different Types of Mould

Used for Block
Fig. 3.2  Stainless still mould

Leuckhard Embedding Moulds (Fig.  3.1) 

Leuckhard embedding moulds have two arms.
One arm of the L is longer than the other arm.
The two L-shaped arms are adjusted to make a
convenient size for block. Adequate lubricant
such as glycerine is applied to the L arms and
metal plate for easy removal of the tissue. The
molten wax is poured in the space between two L
arms, and then the tissue is placed within the bot-
tom of the liquid wax. The wax is subsequently
cooled, and the block with tissue in one surface is
removed for microtomy.

Stainless Still Mould  Here the mould is made

of stainless steel (Fig. 3.2). The base of the mould

Fig. 3.3  Chemical-resistant plastic mould

L shaped metal
plate is flat and well-polished that helps to remove liq-
uid paraffin. The mould can be covered by a plas-
tic ring.

Plastic Mould  Here the mould is made of

chemical-­resistant plastic (Fig. 3.3).
L shaped metal
plates Joined
3.3 Tissue Embedding Method
Paraffin wax
Tissue embedding method is essentially same for
all the types of embedding media.
The following things are needed for tissue
Fig. 3.1  L-shaped Leuckhard embedding moulds embedding:
3.3 Tissue Embedding Method 31

1 . Molten paraffin wax • Liquid paraffin is kept at a constant tempera-

2. Mould with cover ture in the dispenser of the system.
3. Metal plate (cold plate) to work • The tissue is put on the lower surface of the
mould by forceps. The cutting surface should
Nowadays there are commercially available be faced down.
system with different components together [1]. • Molten paraffin is poured on the metallic
Tissue-Tek system is the combination of (Fig. 3.4): mould.
• The mould is covered with peripheral plastic
1. Dispenser of liquid paraffin in a constant
ring on the upper surface.
temperature • Unique tissue number is put in one corner.
2. A metal plate to make the tissue block • The whole mould is put on the cold plate.
3. Cold plate • The metallic mould is detached from the plas-
tic ring, and the block is used for cutting
Tissue-Tek system I: The steps of this system tissue.
are (Fig. 3.5):

Fig. 3.4 Tissue-Tek Wax dispenser

system consisting of hot
plate, tissue warmer and
cold plate

Forceps warmer

Cold plate Tissue warmer

Hot plate

Molten paraffin poured on Tissue embedded in

Tissue trek system Tissue taken out
mould paraffin

The mold is covered with Unique number is put in The moulds are put on the
Tissue is pressed on mould
peripheral plastic ring the Plastic ring cold plate

Fig. 3.5  Illustrated view of whole embedding process. At molten paraffin. The mould is now covered with the
first the Tissue-Tek system is put on. The tissue is taken peripheral plastic ring. A unique number is placed in the
out from the processing bucket. The molten paraffin is plastic ring and the mould is now kept on the cold plate to
poured in the metal mould. The tissue is embedded with make it firm
the help of forceps. The tissue is pressed to keep in the
32 3  Embedding of Tissue in Histopathology

Tissue-Tek System II  The basic steps of Tissue-­ 2 . Tissue with epithelial surface should be placed
Tek II are similar as described above. In this sys- vertically and right angle to the surface so that
tem instead of metallic mould, we use plastic we can get all the layers.
mould to hold the liquid paraffin. 3. Multiple section of tissue such as endometrial
curetting should be placed all in central position.
4. Linear long tissue should be placed diagonally.
3.4 Tissue Orientation 5. Muscle biopsy should be placed both in longi-
and Embedding tudinal and transverse plane.
6. Long membranous tissue such as amniotic

The correct orientation of the tissue is very membrane should make as Swiss roll.
important for proper cutting and microscopic
examination. Tissue is usually placed as flat on
the central part of the mould. It should be ori- 3.5 Tissue Marking [2]
ented in such a way so that cutting is easy by
knife of the microtome. Some of the tissue The tissue marking by ink is needed for the fol-
needs special care as described below lowing purposes:
(Fig. 3.6):
1. To identify the resection plane or outer margin
1. The tubular tissue (fallopian tube, vas differ- of the tissue
ence, artery, etc.) should be placed in such a 2. To help in embedding the tissue
manner so that we get a transverse section 3. Any area of interest to identify such as the area
with all the layers. of transitional zone in cone biopsy of cervix

Fig. 3.6 Illustrated
view of embedding of
different tissue samples
References 33

The tissue markers should have the following Table 3.1  Troubleshooting in tissue embedding
characteristics features: Problem Cause Remedies
Fraction of the Tissues are Give pressure after
• The marker substance should not be dissolved embedded embedded in embedding the
in fixative and tissue processing agents. tissues are different level tissue in the
cutting molten wax in
• The marker should not penetrate the deeper mould
tissue. Tiny fragments Tissue is – Clean the
• It should be recognizable in the stained section of tissue is seen carried over forceps every time
both microscopically and macroscopically. in the by forceps after embedding
subsequent – Deal with only
The common tissue markers: The common tis- blocks one tissue at a
sue markers include: time, and so open
• India ink: This is the most commonly used only one cassette
marker in the routine surgical pathology labo- at a time
ratory. It takes 15  min time to mark the Epithelium not Wrong Please mark the
properly seen orientation tissue by ink so
tissue. that the embedding
• Silver nitrate: This is also a good marker. It upper surface can
produces brown-black colour. be identified
• Rose Bengal: For surgical margin stain, 1% Tissue is fallen Air bubbles Properly embed
out during are entrapped the tissue in the
Rose Bengal dye is used. It stains within 5 min
microtomy around the molten wax
and provides pink stain. tissue
• Application of ink:
• Clean the area and dry the tissue with bloating
paper. Completely dry the tissue. References
• Apply the dye by a cotton swab.
• Allow some time to dry it. 1. Mccormick JB.  Improved tissue-embedding method
• Put fixer over the dye. Usually 3% acetic acid for paraffin and carbowax, using Tissue-Tek system.
Tech Bull Regist Med Technol. 1959;29(1):15–6.
or 50% white vinegar is used as fixer. 2. Dimenstein IB. Grossing biopsies: an introduction to
• Dry the specimen with a sponge. general principles and techniques. Ann Diagn Pathol.
• Process now. 2009;13(2):106–13.

Troubleshooting in tissue embedding is high-

lighted in Table 3.1.
Decalcification of Bony and Hard
Tissue for Histopathology 4

4.1 Introduction Box 4.1 Decalcification

Aim: Removal of calcium salt from tissue
The presence of calcium salt in the tissues makes without damaging the morphology of the
them very firm to hard and this may damage the tissue
knife. Therefore, it is often necessary to remove Calcium-containing tissue: (1) bone, (2)
calcium salt from the tissue and to make it soft tooth, and (3) pathological calcification in
for cutting in a microtome. The process of tissue
removal calcium salt from the tissue is known as
decalcification (Box 4.1). Requisites for successful decalcification:
Aim: The basic aims of decalcification are:
• Small tissue
1 . Removal of calcium salt from tissue • Adequate fixation
2. No damage to tissue morphology • Consistency
3. No significant effect in staining • Adequate volume of decalcifying agent
• Suitable choice of the decalcifying agent
Calcium-containing tissue: The tissue con-
• Exact end point detection
taining heavy amount of calcium salts are (1)
the bone, (2) tooth, (3) pathological tissue Factors controlling the rate of decal-
such as in tuberculous lymph node, dystrophic cification:
calcification, and certain tumours such as tera-
tomas, etc. • Facilitates decalcification
Requisites for successful decalcification: The • Higher concentration of the decalcifying
following measures are helpful for successful agent
decalcification: • Higher temperature
• Agitation of the solution
• Consistency: Exact assessment of the consis- • Thin tissue
tency of the tissue is required for successful • Low density
• Small pieces: The tissue should be cut in Methods of decalcification
2–6 mm thick sections because thicker tissue
may take longer time to be decalcified. • Acid decalcification
• Fixation: Adequate fixation of the tissue is • Ion-exchange resin
necessary for proper decalcification.

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P. Dey, Basic and Advanced Laboratory Techniques in Histopathology and Cytology,
36 4  Decalcification of Bony and Hard Tissue for Histopathology Processing

Acid Decalcification  This is the commonest

Box 4.1 (continued) method of decalcification in routine laboratory
process. Acid makes the soluble calcium salt,
• Electrical ionization
and thereby calcium is removed from the
• Chelating solution
• Surface decalcification
The strong acids:
End point determination of decalcification
• Hydrochloric acid
• Radiographic examination
• Nitric acid
• Chemical test
• Physical test
Weak acids:

• Formic acid
• Washing: The fixed tissue should be washed • Trichloroacetic acid
thoroughly before decalcification.
• Choice of decalcifying agent: Suitable choice Strong Acid  The strong acids are used in 5–10%
of the decalcifying agent is required. concentration. They are rapid in action. However,
• Volume: Optimum volume of the decalcifying careful attention is needed to prevent tissue dam-
agent is a prerequisite for proper decalcification. age. Neutralizer is also used to prevent any tissue
• End point detection: The end point of the decal- distortion.
cification should be determined correctly.
Aqueous Nitric Acid  This is rapid in action. It
does not impair staining if the end point is not
4.1.1 F
 actors Controlling the Rate crossed.
of Decalcification
• Concentration: The increased concentration
Nitric acid 5 ml
of the decalcifying agent increases the rate of Distilled water 100 ml
• Temperature: Increased temperature fastens
the decalcification rate.
• Density of bone: Hard bone takes longer time
1 . Rapid in action
to be decalcified.
2. Good nuclear stain
• Agitation: Mild agitation of the decalcifying
solution increases the rate.
Precaution: Nitric acid may give yellow
• Thickness of tissue: Thinner tissue is quickly
colour to the tissue that can be removed by urea.
Nitric acid formaldehyde (10%)

Nitric acid 10 ml

Formalin 10 ml
4.2 The Methods Distilled water 80 ml
of Decalcification [1]
1. Acid decalcification
2. Ion-exchange resin 1. Rapid action.
3. Electrical ionization 2. Good nuclear stain.
4. Chelating solution 3. Less chance of tissue damage and swelling.
5. Surface decalcification 4. Long-time washing by water is not needed.
4.3 Chelating Agents 37

Von Ebner’s fluid Advantage:

Saturated solution of sodium chloride:
175 g 1. Decalcifying agent of choice in routine labo-
Hydrochloric acid (concentrated): 15 ml ratory process
Distilled water: make it up to 1000 ml
1. Slow acting and takes many days for

1. Rapid action decalcification.
2. Ideal decalcifying agent for the tooth 2. Increased concentration of formic acid may
enhance its capacity.
Trichloroacetic acid
1. Nuclear staining is not good. 10% Formal saline 95 ml
Trichloroacetic acid 5 g
Perenyi’s fluid
Nitric acid (10%) 40 ml Advantages:
Chromic acid (0.5%) 30 ml
Absolute alcohol 30 ml 1 . Good for small biopsies
2. Good nuclear stain
1 . Provides excellent result
2. Softens the fibrous tissue
1 . Not good for hard bony tissue
3. Cellular morphology well-preserved
2. Slower in action and takes 4–5 days
Table 4.1 highlights the advantages and disad-
vantages of various acid decalcifies.
1 . Slower in action.
2. End point detection is difficult.

Weak acids 4.3 Chelating Agents

Gooding and Stewart solution
Formic acid 5 ml Chelating agents are organic substances that
Formalin (40% formaldehyde) 5 ml adsorb metals. Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid
Distilled water 90 ml (EDTA): EDTA is the most commonly chelating

Table 4.1  Acid decalcifying agents

Chemicals Concentration Advantages Disadvantages
Aqueous nitric 5% 1. Rapid in action Gives yellow colour to the tissue
acid 2. Good nuclear stain
Nitric acid 10% 1. Rapid action: 1–3 days Not a very good nuclear stain
formaldehyde 2. L ess chance of tissue damage and
3. Long-time washing by water is not
Hydrochloric acid 8% 1. Rapid action Nuclear staining is not very good
2. Ideal decalcifying agent for the tooth
Trichloroacetic 5 g in 95 ml 1. Good for small biopsies 1. Not good for hard bony tissue
acid formal saline 2. Good nuclear stain 2. Slower in action and takes 4–5 days
Formic acid 5% Decalcifying agent of choice in 1. Slow acting and takes many days
routine laboratory process for decalcification
38 4  Decalcification of Bony and Hard Tissue for Histopathology Processing

agents in the routine laboratory decalcification 2. Various other laboratory tests can be done on
(Box 4.2). It binds with calcium of the hydroxy- the tissue such as immunohistochemistry, flu-
apatite crystals and forms a non-ionized soluble orescent in situ hybridization technique, etc.
complex. The action of EDTA is slow and gentle, 3. It is very good for bone marrow trephine
and it may take several weeks to remove calcium biopsy as glycogen is preserved in the
from the tissue. Therefore EDTA is not a suitable tissue.
decalcification agent for dense bone or urgent
removal of calcium. The main advantage of Disadvantages:
EDTA is the preservation of morphology and to
maintain the tissue for various other techniques 1 . Very slow process.
for research purpose. The action of EDTA is pH 2. Maintenance of pH around 7 is necessary.
dependant and it works best in pH 7–7.6. 3. Thin tissue is needed.
EDTA solution
EDTA 5.5 g
Formalin 100 ml 4.3.1 Other Procedures
Distilled water 900 ml of Decalcification

Advantages: The other uncommon procedures for decalcifica-

tion include:
1. It gives best morphological preservation of
tissue. • Ion-exchange resin method: In this technique
an ion-exchange resin (sulfonated polystyrene
resin) is used along with an organic acid as
Box 4.2 Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid decalcifying fluid. It also produces faster
(EDTA) decalcification with preservation of morpho-
• Most commonly used logical details of the tissue.
• Chelating agents • Electrolysis method: In this process electroly-
• Mode of action: Binds with calcium of sis of the tissue is done in a solution of hydro-
the hydroxyapatite crystals to form a chloric acid and formic acid. Calcium from
non-ionized-soluble complex the tissue moves to the cathode plate. This is a
• Slow and gentle in action very rapid method of decalcification and takes
only a few hours to decalcify the bone.
Advantages: However there is a risk of tissue damage in
this technique.
• Morphological preservation of tissue
• Suitable to do various other laboratory
tests 4.4 Surface Decalcification
• Very good for bone marrow trephine
biopsy In case of surface decalcification, the surface
layer of paraffin blocks is inverted in 1% hydro-
Disadvantages: chloric acid (HCl) for 1 h. The exposed top 30 μm
tissue of the paraffin block is decalcified. The
• Very slow process. block should be washed thoroughly before cut-
• Maintenance of pH around 7 is necessary. ting. Only the first few paraffin sections are
• Thin tissue is needed. expected to be free from calcium.
Reference 39

4.5  nd Point Determination

E Method
of Decalcification • Now for the chemical test, 5  ml of the
decalcifying agent from the container con-
The end point of decalcification can be detected taining the tissue is withdrawn.
by: • Mix the decalcifying agent with 5  ml of
ammonium hydroxide and ammonium
1. Radiographic examination oxalate mixture solution.
2. Chemical test • The mixture is kept overnight.
3. Physical test • Any precipitation is noted.
Radiographic examination: X-ray examina- • The presence of precipitation (calcium
tion of the tissue is the most accurate tech- oxalate) indicates that the decalcifying
nique to detect the end point of decalcification. agent contains calcium and decalcification
However, this is a costly procedure, and the is not completed.
pre-decalcification radiograph is also needed 3. Physical test: This is a crude test and it does
to assess the extent of decalcification. not accurately detect the end point of decal-
2 . Chemical test: This test is done to assess the cification. The tissue is bent or a pin is
presence of calcium in the decalcifying solu- introduced within the tissue. In case of ade-
tion in two successive times. The chemical quate decalcification, it is expected that the
test is applied when weak acid solution (e.g. tissue will be soft and could be bent easily.
formic acid) is used. Pin also should penetrate easily within the
Chemical solution tissue. The major disadvantage of physical
Stock solution test is the tissue damage by making a hole
Ammonium hydroxide stock solution or by bending it.
Ammonium hydroxide (28%) 5 ml
Distilled water 95 ml
Ammonium oxalate stock solution Reference
Ammonium oxalate 5 ml
Distilled water 95 ml 1. Skinner RA, Hickmon SG, Lumpkin CK, et  al.
Decalcified bone: twenty years of successful speci-
Before use equal volume of both the stock solu- men management. J Histotechnol. 1997;20:267–77.
tion is mixed.
Tissue Microtomy: Principle
and Procedure 5

5.1 Introduction

After embedding the tissue and preparing the

block, the next step is microtomy. The word
“microtomy” is originated from the Greek lan-
guage. Mikros means small and temnein means to
cut. So the word “microtomy” means to cut the holder
tissue in thin sections. For successful micro-
scopic examination, it is necessary to have thin Automated Blade
sections of the tissue by microtomy. microtome
setting Stage

5.2 Microtomes

It is the main instrument by which we cut the

embedded tissue in the paraffin block as thin sec-
tion. The different types of microtomes in the tra-
ditional histology laboratory are:

• Rotary microtome
• Rocking microtome
• Base sledge microtome Fig. 5.1  Semiautomated rotary microtome
• Sliding microtome
• Cryomicrotome
• Ultramicrotome tory handle attached with the microtome. In
• Laser microtome each 360° rotation of the wheel handle, the
block moves down followed by up, and the
(a) Rotary microtome (Fig. 5.1): This is the most tissue is cut as thin ribbon. This microtome
commonly used microtome in routine labo- has the option to be semiautomated or auto-
ratory. The cutting blade is kept in horizon- mated with the adjustment and control of
tal position, and the block containing tissue the movement of the block and angle of the
moves up and down with the help of rota- knife.

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42 5  Tissue Microtomy: Principle and Procedure

Advantages: Disadvantages:
1. Good-quality 2–3-μm-thin section is 1. Difficult to get thin section.
possible. 2. Large slides are required.
2. Heavy and stable automated rotary
(d) Sliding microtome: In this microtome the
microtome reduces health hazard and knife is static, and the block moves horizon-
gives the best-quality section. tally over the knife.
3. Good tissue ribbon production.
4. Easy-to-cut various types of tissue: firm, Advantages:
fragile, small biopsy, etc. 1. Large sections can be cut.
2. Mainly used for celloidin-embedded tissue.
Disadvantages: 3. Simpler design and easy maintenance.
1. Expensive. 4. Brain sections can be cut better by this
2. Unsuitable to cut large block. type of microtome.
3. Knife faces up and so may be dangerous
to the technical staff. Disadvantages:
(b) Rocking microtome: The rocking microtome is 1. The knife may glide in case of hard tis-
also known as Cambridge rocking microtome. sue and may jump.
The word “rocking” is used as there is a rock- 2. Long knives are difficult to sharpen.
ing action of the microtome like arm move- (e) Cryomicrotome: This type of microtome is
ment. In this type of microtome, the knife is used for the cutting tissue for frozen sample
static, and the block of tissue moves in a rock- (Fig. 5.2). The sample is made hard in liquid
ing motion (arc-like movement of the block). nitrogen and then cut by the microtome in the
This is one of the oldest designs of the micro- chamber that contains liquid nitrogen.
tome. The microtome can cut thin section with
ribbons and is ideal for serial section. The sec- Advantages:
tions are slightly curved in this microtome. 1. To get rapid section for rapid diagnosis
2. To study nerve biopsy
Advantages: 3. To study enzyme histochemistry
1. Thin section
2. Easy to operate Disadvantages:
3. Low-cost instrument and reliable 1. It needs continuous supervision to main-
tain the temperature.
Disadvantages: 2. Freezing artefact is often seen.
1. Tissue is curved and the microtome does 3. Very expensive instrument.
not provide flat section. 4. Fixed tissue is very difficult to cut.
2. As the microtome is of light weight so
vibration may occur.
(c) Base sledge microtome: In sledge microtome
the block is fixed in a static position within a
steel carriage. The knife slides to and fro over
the top of the block. This microtome is the
best for large tissue sample or the hard tissue.
The tissue sections are usually thick (more
than 10 μm) in base sledge microtome.

1. Hard tissue can be cut.
2. Large tissue sample can be cut.
3. The best microtome for ophthalmology
and large neuropathology section. Fig. 5.2  Cryomicrotome used in frozen section
5.1 Introduction 43

(f) Ultramicrotome: Ultramicrotome is used to

cut ultrathin sections for transmission elec- Box 5.1 Microtome Knives
tron microscopy. Sections are cut between 40 Types based on shape:
and 100 nanomicron thickness with the help
of glass knife or diamond knife. The tissue is • Plano concave (Profile A):
at first trimmed to make small block of –– Very sharp knife and is used for cut-
1 × 1 mm size, and then the section is cut by ting soft tissues
this ultramicrotome with the help of optical • Biconcave (Profile B):
microscope. The cut section is allowed to –– Used for rocking microtome
float on the water hold by a boat and then –– Vibrates during cutting
finally picked up on a metal grid. • Wedge (Profile C):
(g) Laser microtome: In this ultramodern micro- –– Most commonly used
tome, the laser beam is used to cut the bio- • Tool edge (Profile D):
logical section without any processing or –– Used for hard tissue
embedding the material. Infrared laser beam
with ultrashort pulse duration is applied, and Types based on disposability:
therefore almost no heat is generated, and the
tissue is cut without any thermal effect. • Permanent
• Disposable
–– Low-profile blade: To cut small
5.2.1 Microtome Knife biopsy
–– High-profile blade: To cut firm to
The microtome knife is important to cut uniform hard tissue
and thin section of tissue (Box 5.1). These are
made of steel. Various types of knife profiles are Materials used in knife:
available for different types of microtomes. The Conventional knife: Steel
most commonly used knife profile is Profile C or Diamond knife: Made of diamond and
wedge profile. The various types of microtome used to cut epoxy resin blocks
knife include (Fig. 5.3):

1. Plano concave (Profile A): One side of the

knife is plain and the other side is concave.
Originally these knives were used for cutting
celloidin-embedded tissue. This is a very Profile A
sharp knife and is used for cutting soft tissues. Planoconcave
However, presently these knives are less fre-
quently used.
2. Biconcave (Profile B): The knife is concave on Profile B
both sides. The knife was used for rocking Biconcave
microtome. The concavity of the knife is often
difficult to identify. This is a less rigid type of
knife and often vibrates during cutting.
Profile C
3. Wedge (Profile C): This knife is plain on both
Wedge shaped
sides. This is the most widely used knife for
routine microtomy and it is compatible with
the different type of microtome. This type of
knife is also easy to sharpen. Profile D
Chisel shaped
4. Tool edge (Profile D): The knife resembles
chisel used in wood working. Both sides of the Fig. 5.3  Different types of microtomy knives based on
knife are plain; however the cutting edge is shape. Profile C is the most commonly used knife
44 5  Tissue Microtomy: Principle and Procedure

steep. The tool edge knife is mainly used to cut Perpendicular line
the hard tissue such as decalcified bone. The From surface
of block
knife is difficult to sharpen and is not recom- Rake angle
mended presently.
5.2.2 Disposable Knife Angle of
clearance Upper
Nowadays disposable blade is used in many labo- Block surface
ratories to save time to sharpen. Two types of dis-
posable blades are available: Fig. 5.4  Schematic diagram of angles of knife

1. Low-profile blade: These blades are used to

cut small biopsy or soft large tissue. Rake angle: It is the angle between the upper
2. High-profile blade: These are used to cut firm bevel of the knife and the perpendicular line
to relatively hard tissue such as the uterus, drawn from the surface of the block. Increased
heart, etc. rake angle makes the section cutting easier.
Angle of clearance: It is the angle between
Advantages: the lower bevel of the knife and the surface of
1. Easy to replace within seconds. the block. It is usually around 5°. The angle of
2. No need to sharpen. clearance is related with the friction between
3. The overall cost of disposable blade system is the block and knife. Lower the angle of clear-
low as there is no need of any knife sharpener ance, the less will be the compression on the
or abrasive powder to sharpen the knife. block.
Bevel angle: This is the angle in between the
Disadvantages: two planes of the knife.
1. They are not very rigid like ordinary knife, Cutting edge: This is the straight line formed
and therefore vibration effect may be seen. by the intersecting of the two planes of the

5.2.3 Materials Used in Knife

5.3 Microtome Knife Sharpening
Conventional knife: The conventional microtome
knifes are made of very high-quality carbon or Sharpening of the microtome knife is needed to
steel material that are usually tempered from the get good sections. The following methods help in
edge to inside one third of the width. The desir- sharpening of knife:
able hardness of the knife is in between 400 and
900 Vickers hardness scale.
The diamond knife: This is a costly knife and is 5.3.1 Manual Method
used to cut epoxy resin blocks in electron micros-
copy. Special care is needed to sharpen this knife. Honing  Abrasive grindings are used to sharpen
Glass knife: This is used for ultramicrotomy to the knife. Stone can be used to sharpen the knife.
cut very hard tissue. The cutting edge of the knife Light oil can be used to lubricate the stone before
is parallel to one surface of the glass. use.

Iron oxide, aluminium oxide and silicon car-

5.2.4 Angles of Knife bide are usually used as abrasive. The handle of
the knife is hold by one hand, and the other hand
The various angles formed by the knife include holds the front end of the knife. The  knife is
(Fig. 5.4): pushed forward and diagonally over the slab
5.4  Sectioning the Paraffin Block 45

s­everal times. Same procedure is followed in the tissue, one can add a few drops of alcohol or
other surface of the knife also. little amount of detergent. This reduces the sur-
face tension of the water and tissue floats
Stropping  It helps to polish the cutting edge of smoothly.
the knife that is already sharped by honing and
also to remove any “burr” formed during honing. Blunt Forceps and Camel Hair Brush  Blunt
Strop is made of leather and it should be free forceps helps to manipulate the floating tissue
from any dust or grit. section (Fig.  5.6). Camel hair brush is used to
clean the blade.
Automatic Knife Sharpener  Presently auto-
matic knife sharpener is available in the market. Slide Rack with Clean Glass Slides  The clean
The knife is placed horizontally on the surface of slides are kept in the slide rack. The slides can be
the rotating plate made of glass or copper coated already labelled by diamond pencil or on the
with abrasive agents. frosted side by lead pencil. Alternatively this can
be marked after lifting the tissue section.

5.3.2 Factors Involved in Cutting Adhesive  In case of routine section and stain-
ing, no adhesive is required. However, in cer-
1. Temperature: Lowering the temperature facil- tain situations we use cell adhesive material
itates section cutting. such as:
2. Angle of rake: Higher rake angle helps in
smooth flow of ribbons. Lower rake angle is
used for hard tissue.
3. Consistency of tissue: Soft tissue is cut at a
slow rate than the hard tissue.

5.4 Sectioning the Paraffin Block

The following instruments are essential for sec-

tion cutting:

1 . Microtome with blade

2. Water bath
3. Paraffin block with embedded tissue to cut
4. Ice tray Fig. 5.5  Water bath used in microtomy. The constant
temperature (usually 40–50 °C) is maintained in the water
5. A blunt forceps or camel brush bath. This is usually 5–10 °C lower than the melting point
6. Slide rack with slides of the paraffin

Water Bath (Floatation Chamber)  Water bath

is used to float the tissue after cutting (Fig. 5.5).
The temperature of the water bath is usually con-
trolled automatically by a thermostat. The tem- Brush
perature of water in the water bath should be
10 °C below the melting point of the embedded
Blunt forcep
paraffin wax and is usually kept in 40–50 °C. It is
necessary to prevent formation of any air bubbles
within the water bath. For adequate floating of Fig. 5.6  Blunt forceps and brush used in section cutting
46 5  Tissue Microtomy: Principle and Procedure

1. Brain sections surface is always positively charged. It is eas-

2. Decalcified tissue ier to lift the tissue section with these slides.
3. Using strong alkali at the time of staining The positively charged slides are also excel-
lent for lifting frozen section tissues.
The most commonly used adhesives include:

• Mayer’s egg albumin and glycerol: This is 5.4.1 S

 teps of Tissue Sectioning
prepared by mixing (Fig. 5.7)
–– White part of egg: 100 ml.
–– Glycerol: 100 ml. 1. Trimming the tissue: Trimming of the tissue is
–– Homogenize the mixture thoroughly, and needed to expose the tissue piece within the
filter it by gauze piece. Add few crystals of paraffin wax for cutting. The block is fixed in
thymol to prevent bacterial growth. the chuck of the microtome, and the paraffin is
• Poly-l-lysine: This is a good adhesive and does cut till the tissue is fully exposed. Adequate
not produce any background staining. The caution should be taken not to overcut tissue
slides are coated with poly-l-lysine diluted by as this may produce various artefactual
distilled water (1:10) before using. changes.
• 3-Aminopropyltriethoxysilane (ACEP): The 2. Cooling the block: After the initial trimming,
slides are dipped in the dilute ACEP solution the blocks are kept for cooling for 15–20 min.
in acetone (2%) and then dried before using. This will help to maintain the same consis-
• Permanent positively charged slides: Here the tency of the paraffin and tissue. This helps in
slide is tempered in such a way that the slide easy cutting.

Trimming the block
of tissue by ice Cutting the tissue and
making ribbons of tissue

Picking up the tissue on

slide and drying
the tissue in
Water bath

Fig. 5.7  Different steps of section cutting are highlighted and the tissue ribbon is placed with the help of brush on the
here. At first the tissue is trimmed. Then the block is cooled water bath. Then the tissue is picked up by a putting a glass
in ice. The block is placed in the microtome, and the angle slide perpendicularly in front of it, and then when the tis-
of clearance is adjusted to 5 °C. The tissue is gently cut, sue is touched, the slide is withdrawn vertically
5.4  Sectioning the Paraffin Block 47

3. Cutting proper: The block is fixed in the chuck 4. Floating the ribbon: The ribbon of the tissue
of the microtome. The cutting surface of the is floated in the water bath, and this makes the
block should be parallel to the knife. The tissue flat and removes any wrinkling of the
angle of clearance should be only 2–5° to have tissue. With the help of the forceps, the indi-
good section (Fig. 5.8). The tissue in the block vidual sections are separated from each other.
is cut by gentle, smooth and slow stroke. The As mentioned before, the temperature of the
ribbon-like tissue sections are produced. The water bath should be constantly maintained
tip of the ribbon is held by forceps, and the below the melting point of the paraffin wax. In
end part of the ribbon is removed from the case of temperature variation in the bath, the
knife edge by brush. In case of any difficulty air bubbles may be formed that may rupture
to get the flat section, the cutting surface the tissue.
should be gently warmed by warm water. 5. Picking up the tissue: The slide is placed verti-
cally within the water bath in front of the tissue,
and when the tissue is touched, the slide is
withdrawn vertically from the water. The tissue
pickup process must be gentle and smooth. To
prevent any mix-up, the water bath should be
cleaned immediately after cutting each block.
6. Drying the section: The slide containing the
picked-up section is kept in slide rack. The
slides are now kept in hot oven to get dry. The
Angle of clearance
temperature of the oven should be slightly
more than the melting point of the paraffin.

Fig. 5.8  The schematic figure of the tissue and the posi-
Various problems may occur in tissue section-
tion of knife making the correct angle of clearance which ing (Figs.  5.9, 5.10, 5.11, 5.12 and 5.13) [1].
is 5° These are enumerated below in Table 5.1.

Fig. 5.9  Tear in the

tissue due to uneven
cutting edge of the knife
48 5  Tissue Microtomy: Principle and Procedure

Fig. 5.10  Large hole in

the tissue due to the bad

Fig. 5.11  Multiple air

bubbles have ruptured
the tissue. The air
bubbles are produced
due to uncontrolled
temperature in the water
bath. Note the
characteristic multiple
irregular tear of the
5.4  Sectioning the Paraffin Block 49

Fig. 5.12 Freezing
artefact of the tissue due
to immediate putting the
tissue from the
refrigerator to formalin.
Note the regular spaces
in between the tissues
due to melting of ice

Fig. 5.13 Uneven
staining pattern due to
poor deparaffinization of
the tissue
50 5  Tissue Microtomy: Principle and Procedure

Table 5.1  Troubleshooting in tissue sectioning

Faults Source of faults Solution
Ribbons not formed: the tissue •  Paraffin is hard •  Select low melting point paraffin
is twisted and curled or sticks •  Clearance angle is incorrect: small •  Correct the knife alignment
to the knife •  Dirty knife •  Clean the blade
•  Too cold or hot room temperature •  Adjust the room temperature
Ribbons are curved: the ribbons • Edges of the block are not parallel: the • The block holder should be
are not straight and are coiled sides of the block and the knife edge aligned properly
are not in right angle •  Trimming is needed
•  Surface of the block is uneven • Sharpen the knife or replace the
•  Blade is not sharp blade
•  The paraffin is too much • Trim and remove the excessive
Ribbons are excessively •  Block is warm •  Cool the block
compressed and wrinkled •  Dull blade/knife • Replace the blade or sharpen the
•  Paraffin is soft and sticky knife
• Knife clearance is not optimum and is • Cool the block and then try to cut;
too small otherwise the paraffin should be
•  Rotation of the microtome is clumsy replaced with higher melting point
•  Increase the knife clearance
• Needs consistent and gentle
rotation of the wheel
Thick and thin section (chatter) •  Knife or block is loose • Tighten the knife clamps or the
•  Blunt knife chucks
•  The clearance angle is very small • Sharpen the knife or change the
•  Paraffin is soft and sticks to the knife blade
•  Adjust the clearance angle
• Clean the knife and try to remove
the attached paraffin
Section attaches to the block • Static electricity is generated in the • Apply ionizer to remove the static
knife or ribbon charge, and/or clean the blades,
•  The clearance angle is defective holder, etc. with alcohol
•  Increase the clearance angle
Tear or scratches in the section • Defect in the blade: a nick or jagged • Hone the knife/use other part of
knife edge knife/change the blade
•  Dirt in the knife •  Clean the blade
•  Sharp particle in the tissue •  Decalcify the tissue
•  Sharp particle in the paraffin • Try to remove sharp particle by
Tissue disintegrate in the water •  Too hot water • Temperature should be lowered
bath •  Faulty and incomplete processing down
•  Reprocess the tissue
Large holes in the tissue • The underprocessed tissue ruptures •  Reprocess the tissue
when comes in contact with warm water

1. Peachey LD. Thin sections. I. A study of section thick-
ness and physical distortion produced during microt-
omy. J Biophys Biochem Cytol. 1958;4(3):233–42.
Frozen Section: Principle
and Procedure 6

6.1 Introduction times, frozen section tissue is used for the

demonstration of fat and carbohydrate in the
The frozen section is the rapid tissue section by tissue sample.
cooling the tissue with the help of cryostat to give
immediate report of the tissue sample. This is
especially needed in large hospital to diagnose 6.3  he Principle of Frozen
the lesion or extent of the lesion at the time of Section
operation. The cryostat is the instrument that has
the arrangement to freeze the tissue and also to The rapid freezing of the tissue sample converts
cut the frozen tissue for microscopic section. the water into ice. The firm ice within the tissue
acts as embedding media to cut the tissue.
Lowering the temperature makes the tissue more
6.2 Indications of Frozen firm, whereas increasing temperature makes the
Sections tissue softer.
Cryostat Machine Proper (Fig. 6.1)
The frozen section is used mainly for immedi- Temperature range in the machine: The cryo-
ate diagnosis of the lesion for management and stat machine has the usual temperature range
to know the extent of the lesion [1–3] (Box from 0 °C to −35 °C. The most of the tissue is
6.1). It is also helpful to do enzyme immuno- sectioned properly between −15  °C and
chemistry and immunofluorescence study. At −25 °C. The water-containing tissues can be sec-
tioned in higher temperature, and fat-containing
tissue needs much lower temperature to cut.
Box 6.1 Indications of Frozen Section Rotary microtome (Fig.  6.2): Rotary micro-
• Rapid diagnosis of the lesion for intra- tome is placed inside the cabinet of the cryostat.
operative management Here the knife is fixed and the tissue is moved
• To know the extent of the lesion with the help of a rotary wheel.
• To do enzyme immunocytochemistry Tissue shelf (Fig. 6.2): Just in one side of the
• To do immunofluorescence study microtome, there is a tissue shelf to keep the tis-
• To stain lipid and certain carbohydrate sue. In this place the samples are kept for freez-
in the tissue ing. Usually the temperature of tissue shelf is
lower than the overall cabinet temperature.

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2018 51

P. Dey, Basic and Advanced Laboratory Techniques in Histopathology and Cytology,
52 6  Frozen Section: Principle and Procedure

Fig. 6.1 Cryostat
machine with its parts

within a metal frame. The undersurface of the

plate has free space, and there is a gap between
Rotary microtome
the knife and the plate.
Alternating to antiroll plate, a cool sable hair
Tissue shelf brush can be used to get unrolled tissue.
Antiroll plate Specimen holder: The specimen holder or
chuck is supplied by the manufacturers in differ-
ent sizes and shapes. Usually these are round
metal structures.
Embedding medium: This medium is used to
hold the tissue over the chuck. Presently opti-
mum cutting temperature (OCT) compound is
Fig. 6.2 Microtome, blade, antiroll plate and tissue
used as embedding medium. The OCT is made of
shelves are shown water-soluble glycols and resin.

Place to keep the brush and knife holder: Just 6.4 Cryostat Sectioning
in front of the microtome machine, there remains
a small place to keep the brush and knife holder. The process of the cryostat sectioning needs the
Knife or blade: Nowadays, low- or high-­ following steps.
profile disposable blades are used. The blade
should be proper fixed to the holder to get an even 1. Grossing and cutting the specimen (Box 6.2):
pressure in the whole length. Alternatively Profile The cutting surface of the tissue should be
C steel blade is also used. The angle of the knife smooth. The following steps in grossing of the
is kept in between 5° and 7°. tissue are mandatory for accurate reporting:
Antiroll plate (Fig.  6.2): Just in front of the • Identify the tissue sample of the patient and
knife, there is an antiroll plate that prevents the the requisition form: This is the first and
rolling of the cut tissue. It is usually a glass plate foremost part of the frozen tissue grossing.
6.4  Cryostat Sectioning 53

stroke of the scalpel rather than too much

Box 6.2 Grossing for Frozen Section Tissue pressure.
• Identify the tissue sample of the patient. Cytology of the tissue: At times the imprint of
• Clinical information: provides possible the tissue on the slide provides good morphologi-
differential diagnosis. cal details such as lymphoma of the lymph node.
• Tissue appearance: colour, texture, nod- Similarly crushing of tissue also provides excel-
ule, any suture. lent morphological details such as in case of tis-
• Anatomy of the tissue: identify the resec- sue of the brain tumour.
tion planes and margins. 1. Tissue embedding in the mould (Fig. 6.3): The
• Colour the resection planes and small piece of the tissue is kept in the centre of
margins. the mould, and then the OCT is poured over it
• Section cutting: in excess. Then the tissue holder or chuck is
–– Use sharp blade. firmly placed over the tissue with overflown
–– First cut the most important area. OCT.
–– Give gentle pressure and avoid too 2. Tissue loading in the frozen section chamber:
much pressure. The tissue is now placed in the frozen section
• Cytology preparation: if needed make chamber, and cold spray can be used to make
–– Imprint smear the process faster.
–– Scrape smear 3. Loading the blade: The cutting knife or blade is
–– Crushed smear now loaded and the proper alignment is done.
4. Trimming the tissue: The loss of normal or
natural colour to whitish colour indicates that
• Salient clinical information: The essential the tissue is frozen. The frozen tissue in the
clinical information is very helpful as it tissue holder is now placed in the holder of the
guides the pathologist to reach the possible microtome. The block is trimmed to remove
differential diagnosis. the excess OCT and to get the smooth tissue
• Tissue appearance: The gross appearance surface for sectioning.
of the tissue such as colour, texture, consis- 5. Sectioning (Fig.  6.3): The tissue is now cut
tency and any suture to mark the anatomi- gently and is spread over the antiroll plate
cal position. with the help of a brush. The brush should be
• Resection margin: It is very important to cooled. The tip of the tissue is guided by the
identify the resection margins of the brush.
tumour. The resection planes and margins 6. Section lifting: The glass slide of normal room
should be inked thoroughly. The different temperature is pressed firmly over the tissue
colours of ink can be used for medial and section, and normally the tissue sticks
lateral margin identification. immediately.
7. Fixation: The tissue should be immediately
Cutting the tissue: The tissue should be fresh fixed in methanol for 1 min or 95% ethanol for
without any fixative. The tissue should be prefer- few seconds. Rapid fixation within few sec-
ably dry, and it should not be wrapped in gauze onds is mandatory. In case of delayed fixation,
piece. Any suture, staple or sharp hard structure the cells are swollen, and the cytoplasmic
should be removed from the tissue sample. Now margin may be ruptured giving hazy appear-
the tissue is cut into small pieces as it facilitates ance of the margin of the cells.
freezing. Take multiple sections of the tissue to
understand the main pathology and to minimize Troubleshooting in frozen section: Various
the error. Use a new sharp scalpel blade, and first problems may arise during the cutting of frozen
cut the most important area that needs micro- section tissue. This has been highlighted in
scopic examination. It is preferable to use gentle Table 6.1.
54 6  Frozen Section: Principle and Procedure

a b c

d e f

Fig. 6.3  Cryostat processing: (a) mould is covered with cooling chamber, (e) the brush guides the tip of the tissue,
OCT, (b) the tissue is now put on the block, (c) OCT is (f) the tissue section is gently spread over the antiroll plate
flooded over the tissue, (d) the tissue now is put in the and later picked up by touching a glass slide

Table 6.1  Troubleshooting in frozen section

Problems Cause Solution
Freezing artefact Formation of ice crystal within the tissue. •  Freeze the tissue rapidly, i.e. snap
Water-­containing tissue shows more such freezing
artefact •  The tissue specimen should not be
in saline solution before freezing
Uneven tissue embedding The surface of the tissue is uneven, and •  Make tissue even at the cutting
the vital information may be lost surface before freezing
Block is loosen during The chuck may be too cold when the •  Take the tissue out and reattach it
chucking tissue is placed on it on a clean chuck which is not too cold
Tissue crumpled The tissue in the block is warm or too •  Make the block of tissue in the
cold optimum temperature: −15 °C to
−20 °C
Chattering artefact The temperature of the block is too cold, •  Bring the block in optimum
and the tissue becomes hard. The blade temperature. Pressing the cut surface
will cut the tissue thick and thin in of the block by gloved finger may
regular interval make the block warmer
Thin stripe in tissue The perpendicular tear in the tissue is due •  Replace the blade by a sharper one
to nicks on the blade
Widely striped tissue and This may happen if the tissue is sticking •  Clean the blade or replace with a
also tearing of the tissue with the blade new one

Fixation: Immediate dip in 95% ethyl alcohol 6.5.1 H&E Staining

for a few seconds fixes the tissue.
• Rinse the slide in tap water.
• Put in haematoxylin for 1 min.
6.5 Staining • Rinse in tap water for 5 s.
• Rinse in Scott’s tap water for 5 s for bluing.
We commonly use haematoxylin and eosin • Dip in eosin for 20 s.
(H&E) and toluidine blue stain. • Rapidly rinse in tap water.
References 55

• 95% ethanol for 10 s. Table 6.2  Optimum temperature for frozen section
• 100% ethanol for 10 s. Optimum
• 100% ethanol for 10 s. Tissue temperature
• Dip in xylene for 20 s. Brain, liver, spleen −7 °C to −10 °C
• Mount by DPX. Rectum, uterus, adrenal, muscle, −12 °C to −15 °C
Heart, lung, intestine, pancreas, −16 °C to −20 °C
ovary, cervix, prostate
6.5.2 Toluidine Blue Stain Bone marrow, breast −20 °C to −25 °C

This is a very simple stain and takes only a few

seconds. The drops of toluidine blue stain are put on the knife and may make problem in
on the section, and the coverslip is put on the sec- cutting.
tion. The slide is now ready to see. The histopa- (ii) Collagenous tissue: The firm collagenous
thologist feels more comfortable in H&E stain tissue is difficult to cut.
than this unfamiliar toluidine blue stain. (iii) Necrotic tissue: Soft necrotic tissue may
create considerable problem as they may
fall from the slide making hole in the sec-
6.6 Factors Affecting the Good-­ tion. It is preferable to take only viable
Quality Section tissue for frozen section.
(iv) Bony hard tissue: Hard tissue like bone
The common factors responsible for the good-­ or cartilage may damage the blade sig-
quality smear include: nificantly. In this situation a new section
can be processed, or new blade can be
• Temperature: when the temperature falls, used.
water within the tissue becomes frozen and • Tissue size: The size of the tissue sample
gives the tissue hard consistency. The opti- should be small as the larger tissue takes much
mal temperature of frozen tissue is in longer time to freeze.
between −15  °C and −25  °C.  Warm tissue
remains soft and sections crumple. On the
other hand, the overcooled tissue becomes References
very hard and brittle and produces again
bad-quality crumpled section. Moreover the 1. Ayhan A, Ozler A, Dursun P, Haberal AN. Potential
role of increasing number of sections in frozen sec-
hard tissue may cause “chattering” artefact tion diagnosis of ovarian tumors. J Exp Ther Oncol.
and also thick and thin sections. Different 2016;11(4):245–50.
tissue contains variable amount of fat and 2. Chambers KJ, Kraft S, Emerick K. Evaluation of fro-
water. The consistency of different tissue zen section margins in high-risk cutaneous squamous
cell carcinomas of the head and neck. Laryngoscope.
varies, and therefore the optimum tempera- 2015;125(3):636–9.
ture to cool the tissue varies considerably. 3. Hatami H, Mohsenifar Z, Alavi SN.  The diagnostic
Table  6.2 shows the optimum temperature accuracy of frozen section compared to permanent
of different organs to have good frozen section: a single center study in Iran. Iran J Pathol.
• Tissue consistency: other than the optimum
cooling temperature, the consistency of tissue
has significant effect on cutting such as:
(i) Fatty tissue: It is difficult to cut the fatty
tissue in frozen section. Fat may smear
Staining Principle and General
Procedure of Staining of the Tissue 7

7.1 Introduction haematoxylin and carmine. The majority of the

synthetic dye is petroleum derivatives. All these
The tissue section is colourless because the fixed synthetic dyes have a central benzene ring
protein has the same refractive index as that of (Fig.  7.1). The benzene has chemical formula
glass. We use dyes that have specific affinity with C6H6, and it is in a ring form which is very flex-
the different tissue proteins and colour them dif- ible. Benzene is colourless; however if certain
ferently. This helps us to understand the mor- chemical group is inserted into the benzene
phology of tissue. ring, then it will impart colour, such as when
two H atoms in benzene ring are replaced by
two O atoms, then the compound quinone
7.1.1 Dyes Used for Staining (C6H4O2) is formed which is a chromogen. This
grouping in the benzene ring that imparts colour
The dye may be natural or synthetic. The natural is known as chromophore, and the chemical
dye is extracted from plants and animals. compound formed by the grouping is known as
Nowadays natural dye is rarely used except chromogen.


Fig. 7.1  Benzene ring.
Benzene itself is C
colourless. When two H C
atoms in benzene ring
H Active
were replaced by two O
atoms, then the Benzene chromatophore
compound quinone group
(C6H4O2) is formed Quinone
which is a chromogen Colourless Chromogen

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2018 57

P. Dey, Basic and Advanced Laboratory Techniques in Histopathology and Cytology,
58 7  Staining Principle and General Procedure of Staining of the Tissue

How Dye Produces Colour  The visible light • Chromophore groups: The chromophore
has the range of wavelengths between 400 and group absorbs light and imparts colour to the
650  nm. The white light contains all the seven stain. These groups have many free electrons
colours (VIBGYOR: violet, indigo, blue, green, that absorb the ultraviolet rays of light which
yellow, orange and red) with the wavelength in are not in the visible range.
between 400 and 650  nm. A chromogenic dye • Auxochrome part: This part of the dye helps to
absorbs the light of particular wavelength of the intensify the light. It is an ionizing group that
white light representing a specific colour and also helps to stick the stain with the tissue.
emits the light containing the rest of the colour. The auxochrome group augments more free
Therefore we see the particular colour of the electrons in the chromophore groups. The
dye,such as the dye that absorbs red light will be increased number of electrons in the system
visible as green coloured in the naked eye. helps to absorb light of longer wavelength in
the visible range.
The dye is the most elementary component of
staining of a tissue. In general dye has two com-
ponents: chromophore and auxochrome part 7.1.2 Types of Dye
(Fig. 7.2):
The dye can be classified on the basis of electri-
cal charge (Table 7.1):

(a) Anionic dye or acid dye

(b) Cationic dye or basic dye
(c) Neutral dye
Free electrons (d) Ligand dye (chelating)
Chromophone Auxochrome (a) Anionic dye or acid dye: These dyes carry neg-
ative charge (coloured anions), and in an elec-
trical field, they migrate towards anode. The
Dye complex
Augments the intensify the light by dye is mostly of low molecular weight and
Donating more free electrons to the
Chromophore group to absorb soluble in water. Most of the dyes have two or
Imparts colour to
more light
a dye by absorbing a more anionic groups which makes them solu-
specific wave length of light
ble in water. These acid dyes combine with the
Fig. 7.2  Schematic diagram showing colour generation tissues that carry positive charges, and those tis-
by dye. The chromophore group absorbs light and imparts sues are called as “acidophilic”.
colour to the stain. The auxochrome group donates more Example: Eosin is one of the most com-
electrons to the chromophore group and helps to absorb monly used anionic (acid) dyes.
light of longer wavelength in the visible range

Table 7.1  Types of dye based on electrical charge

Types of dye Charge of the dye Tissue to bind Example
Anionic dye or Negatively charged • Cytoplasmic Eosin
acid dye proteins
• Collagen
Cationic dye or Positively charged • Nucleic acid Methyl green, ethyl green and Alcian blue
basic dye • Epithelial mucin
Neutral dye Contain both acid and • Both nucleus and Giemsa
basic dye cytoplasm
Ligand or Weak acid so anionic and • Nucleus and • Al ligand with haematoxylin: Harris
chelating dye negatively charged cytoplasm haematoxylin and Mayer’s haematoxylin
• Fe ligand with haematein: iron
7.2  Mechanisms and Theory of Staining 59

(b) Cationic dye or basic dye: Cationic dye car- 7.1.3 Types of Dye Based
ries a positive charge (coloured cation) and on Chemical Structures
move towards cathode in an electrical field. and Chromophore Groups
The cationic dyes are mostly soluble in etha-
nol. These are basic dyes and combine with 1. Azo dye: These dyes contain –N〓N– chro-
tissues that carry negative charge. This nega- mophore group. Majority of the azo dyes are
tively charged tissue combining with basic anionic (acid) dye. Example: orange G and
dye is called as “basophilic” tissue. Congo red
Example: The examples of basic dye are 2. Thiazine dye: Thiazine dye contains –C–
methyl green, ethyl green and Alcian blue. N〓C– and –C–S〓C chromophore group.
(c) Neutral dye: These are the compound dyes Example: toluidine blue and methylene blue
that contain both acid and basic dyes in com- 3. Triphenylmethanes: Triphenylmethanes con-
bination. In aqueous solution, the acid dye tain 〓N– chromophore group. Example:
and basic dye exchange electrons and com- methyl violet, light green and malachite green
bine together to precipitate in the tissue. 4. Azin dye: This group of dye contains C–O〓C
Romanowsky-Giemsa staining is the best and C–N〓C chromophore. Example:
example of the compound dye that undergoes Celestine blue and Nile blue sulphate
electron transfer process. Romanowsky-­ 5. Diphenylmethanes: They contain –NH chro-
Giemsa contains azure B and eosin Y.  The mophore group. Example: auramine
azure B dye is the electron acceptor, and 6. Xanthene dyes: Example—eosin, Rose Bengal
eosin Y is electron donor. and phloxines
Example: Giemsa 7. Oxazine dyes: They contain C–O〓C chromo-
(d) Ligand or chelating dye: Ligand dye is the phore group. Example: cresyl violet and
complex compound that consists of dye and a Celestine blue
metal ion. They are also known as metallo- 8. Acridine dyes: The dyes of this group are
chrome. They are usually weak acids. derived from acridine. Example: acridine
Haematein is the oxidized haematoxylin, and orange
it is used as a combination of aluminium (Al) 9. Anthraquinone dyes: These dyes are derived
ions or iron (Fe) ions. The metal-ion complex from anthraquinone. Example: carminic acid
has surplus charge that increases the solubil-
ity in water and makes the dye insoluble in
alcohol, and therefore dehydration due to 7.2 Mechanisms and Theory
ethanol does not occur during staining. of Staining

Al3+-Haematein  It is a type of ligand dye where The staining is the combination of a coloured
the metal aluminium (Al) is combined with hae- substance (dye) with the tissue that retains the
matein. It is used in Harris haematoxylin and dye after washing. The staining is primarily a
Mayer’s haematoxylin. As Al3+-haematein is chemical reaction between the dye and the tis-
insoluble in ethanol, it can be used along with sue. The following chemical reactions are
other anionic dyes, and both dyes are retained involved between the dye and tissue compo-
even after dehydration with alcohol. nents (Box 7.1) [1, 2]:

Iron Haematein (Fe2+-Haematein)  Iron haema- 1. Electrostatic bond

tin is the ligand dye that consists of Fe and haema- 2. van der Waals attractions
tein. The dye is made by combining iron salt and 3. Hydrogen bond
haematoxylin. Fe binds with haematoxylin mole- 4. Covalent bond
cule by oxidizing it to haematein. Iron haematein 5. Hydrophobic bond
is used for staining myelin and elastic fibres. 6. Dye aggregations
60 7  Staining Principle and General Procedure of Staining of the Tissue

Box 7.1 Mechanism of Staining

• Electrostatic bond Anionic dye Cationic dye
–– Coulombic force (acidic dye) (basic dye)
–– The electrostatic bond between two
oppositely charged particles: dye and
tissue Nucleus
• van der Waals attractions: weak non-­
coulombic force Protein
–– Dipole-dipole interaction
–– Dipole-induced dipole interaction
–– Dispersion or London force
• Hydrogen bond
–– Weak bond Protein
–– Type of covalent bond
Collagen Nucleic acid
• Covalent bond
in nucleus
–– The two electrically neutral atoms
share electron with each other. Electrostatic bond
• Hydrophobic bond
Fig. 7.3 Schematic diagram showing interaction of
–– Misnomer as in standard chemistry, anionic and cationic dye with the oppositely charged tis-
there is no such bonding sue components. Acid or anionic dye binds with the cyto-
–– Probably a type of van der Waals plasmic protein and collagen, whereas the basic or
cationic dye binds with nucleic acid of the nucleus
• Dye aggregations
–– Dye molecules aggregate in solution itively charged chromogen of the basic dye
and then penetrate into tissue. combines with negatively charged tissue
Example: Eosin, the acid dye, stains the
cytoplasmic proteins.
1. Electrostatic bond: The electrostatic bond 2 . van der Waals attractions (Fig. 7.4): This is a
occurs between two oppositely charged par- type of non-coulombic force. This is the
ticles, and coulombic forces work between weakest force due to the intermolecular inter-
the particles. The oppositely charged dye actions. The strength of this force is only
binds with the tissue (Fig.  7.3). For exam- 0.4–4 kJ/mol compared to 20 kJ/mol in ionic
ple, acid dye containing the anionic (nega- bond. When the electrons of an atom concen-
tive charged) chromogen binds with the trate in one pole of the atom, then a dipole is
acidophilic tissue containing positive formed. This dipole is just like a magnet hav-
charge. Similarly the basic dye having a ing two poles.
positively charged cationic chromogen Dipole-dipole interaction: The positive
binds with the basophilic tissue containing charge of a permanent dipole interacts with
negative charge. other permanent dipoles, and electrostatic
The dye is the combination of chromogen interaction occurs.
and auxochrome that are oppositely charged. Dipole-induced dipole interaction:
In the solution, the dye is dissociated into Similarly a permanent dipole may induce adja-
oppositely charged chromogen and auxo- cent atom and induces dipole. This permanent
chrome, such as basic dye which dissociates dipole may interact with induced dipole.
into cationic chromogen (positive) and anionic Dispersion or London force: Permanent
auxochrome (negative). Now the cationic pos- dipole may induce the adjacent atom as
7.2  Mechanisms and Theory of Staining 61


Dipole-dipole interaction

Dipole Dipole induced dipole induced dipole


Spontaneous dipole- induced dipole interaction (London force)

Fig. 7.4  Schematic diagram of van der Waals force. The dipole. In case of London force, the permanent dipole
positive charge of a permanent dipole interacts with other induces the adjacent atom as induced dipole that further
permanent dipoles. In case of dipole-induced dipole inter- induces a chain of induced dipole and forms a large net-
action, the permanent dipole interacts with induced work of tissue with induced dipole interaction

induced dipole. The induced dipoles further with each other to satisfy the outer shell’s
induce a chain of induced dipole. In this way a required number. The covalent bond is a stron-
large network of tissue may undergo induced ger bond.
dipole interaction. This is known as dispersion Example: periodic acid Schiff’s staining
or London force. for glycogen and Feulgen reaction.
Example: elastin stain by Miller’s stain and 5. Hydrophobic bond: This is a misnomer as in
Congo red stain. standard chemistry, there is no such bonding. It
3. Hydrogen bond: Hydrogen bonding is a weak is probably a type of van der Waals force. When
bond. It is a type of covalent bond that occurs two hydrophobic molecules interact, then
between hydrogen and a strong electronegative London force, the dispersion type of van der
atom commonly O, N or F. Water forms hydro- Waals force, interacts. Therefore instead of
gen bond and so competes with stain-­ tissue hydrophobic bonding, the better terminology is
bonds. Therefore, hydrogen bonding in dye-tis- probably “hydrophobic interaction” [3].
sue less likely occurs in aqueous s­olution. Example: staining in aqueous solution and
Example: Best’s carmine dye to stain glycogen. metachromatic staining.
4 . Covalent bond: In case of covalent bond, the 6 . Dye aggregations: Dye molecules may inter-
two electrically neutral atoms share electron act with each other forming dye-dye
62 7  Staining Principle and General Procedure of Staining of the Tissue

i­nteraction. They aggregate in solution and s­ ubstances. Affinity of the dye to the specific
then penetrate into tissue. The dye-dye aggre- tissue is also influenced by the pH and the
gate increases when the dye concentration is presence of inorganic salt concentration of the
high, the molecular size of the dye is bigger solvent.
and temperature is low. 2. Specimen geometry: Specimen geometry or
topography also influences the staining.
(a) Thick tissue: If the tissue is thick, then the
7.3 Factors Influencing Staining penetration of dye is difficult, and the
central part of the tissue takes poorer
Several factors have influence on staining inten- stain.
sity (Box 7.2): (b) Surface topography: The surface of the
tissue of paraffin section is more even
1 . Dye affinity to the target tissue specimen than cryostat section, and so it takes better
2. Specimen geometry stain.
3. Target concentration (c) Disturbance of microtopography of tis-
4. Rate of reaction sue: The alcohol is a coagulative fixative
5. Rate of stain loss that disturbs the topography of the cell
1. Dye affinity to the target tissue specimen: The and tissue. The shattering effect of alco-
tendency to bind a dye with the target tissue is hol increases the dye penetration rate.
known as dye affinity. The acidic dye such as (d) Inner geometry of tissue: The inner geom-
eosin binds strongly with acidophilic target, etry of the tissue may also influence stain-
that is, cytoplasmic protein. The acidic dye ing such as bone marrow canaliculi which
has very little affinity with basophilic are rapidly stained by Schmorl’s thionine
stain than the adjacent connective tissue.
3. Target concentration: The concentration of
Box 7.2 Factors Influencing Staining the target tissue affects the staining intensity
Intensity as the more the amount of the target tissue, the
• Dye affinity to the target tissue speci- more intense will be the staining.
men: Acid dye binds with positively 4. Rate of reaction: Rate of reaction in the target
charged acidophilic tissue, and basic tissue also influences the staining pattern such
dye binds with negatively charged baso- as in Feulgen reaction, the short reaction time
philic tissue. exposes only a few aldehyde groups produc-
• Specimen geometry: ing weak staining pattern.
–– Thick tissue: Less penetration of 5. Rate of stain loss: Staining pattern is greatly
dye. influenced by rate of stain loss. At times the
–– Surface topography: More even sur- stain loss may be intentional such as differen-
face gives better stain. tiation or destaining. The differentiation often
–– Microtopography of tissue: Alcohol removes the excess stain from the cell and
fixation disturbs microtopography. thus helps to differentiate the organisms.
–– Inner geometry of tissue.
• Target concentration: The more the
amount of the target tissue, the more 7.3.1 Nomenclature Used
intense will be the staining. Regarding Dye
• Rate of reaction: Short reaction time
often decreases stain intensity. Colour Index of Dye  A certain dye may be called
• Rate of stain loss: Too much differentia- in different names, or the same name may be given
tion often removes the stain. to many different dyes. Therefore the simple name
of a dye may evoke confusion. To avoid this
7.4 Metachromasia 63

c­ onfusion, the “society of dyers and colourist” has

labelled a specific dye by the unique code known as Box 7.3 Metachromasia
colour index or colour index (CI) number. The CI Metachromasia is a staining phenomenon
number is actually a compendium of dye. With the when the tissue is stained in different
help of the CI, one can identify the exact dye such colours from the original dye colour.
as CI 52000 which indicates thionine. Metachromatic dyes
Cationic dye: Toluidine blue, methylene
blue, azure A and B, methyl violet, brilliant
7.4 Metachromasia [4] cresyl blue, etc.
Anionic dyes: Biebrich scarlet and bro-
The word “meta” means altered, and “chroma- mophenol blue.
sia” means colour, so “metachromasia” indicates Mechanism of metachromasia: The cat-
altered colour. Metachromasia is defined as stain- ionic (positively charged) dye in aqueous
ing phenomenon when the tissue is stained in dif- solution is neutralized with the polyanions
ferent colours from the original dye colour. The of the tissues. Subsequently the nonpolar
metachromatic dye is defined as the alteration of aromatic ring of the dye binds with the
the original colour of the dye without any change other dye by van der Waals force. The dye
of the chemical structure of the dye (Box 7.3). absorbs shorter wavelength of light, and
the visible colour changes.

7.4.1 Metachromatic Dyes Various types of metachromasia:

Cationic Dye  Majority of the metachromatic • Alpha (orthochromatic): Blue colour

dyes are positively charged cationic or basic dyes • Beta (di- and trimeric form): Purple
such as toluidine blue, methylene blue, azure A colour
and B, methyl violet, brilliant cresyl blue, etc. • Gamma (polymeric form): Red colour

Anionic Dyes  Only a few anionic dyes are meta- Factors enhancing metachromasia:
chromatic such as Biebrich scarlet and bromo-
phenol blue. These anionic dyes are weakly • Higher dye concentration
metachromatic. • Low pH
• Decreased temperature
Mechanism of Metachromasia (Fig.  7.5)  • Aqueous solution
Glycosaminoglycans of the connective tissue and
epithelial mucins and granules of mast cells are
negatively charged polyanions. The cationic
This causes metachromasia or altered colour,
(positively charged) dye in aqueous solution
such as pyronin Y in the tissue that gives red to
reacts with the polyanions of the tissues. The
orange colour.
binding of the dye molecule with these polyan-
ions of the tissue neutralizes the positively
Various Types of Metachromasia (Fig. 7.6)  In
charged dye. The nonpolar aromatic ring of the
relation to thiazine dye, three types of metachro-
dye binds with the other dye by van der Waals
matic change may be seen [5]:
force. The dye-dye aggregation occurs, and
dimer, tetramer and polymer of the dye molecules
• Alpha (orthochromatic): The dye remains in
are formed. Overall dye binding becomes stron-
monomeric form and gives blue colour.
ger due to van der Waals force. The dye absorbs
• Beta (di- and trimeric form): The dye forms
light of shorter wavelength, and the visible colour
dimeric structure and produces purple colour.
of the light emitted from the dye tissue changes.
64 7  Staining Principle and General Procedure of Staining of the Tissue

Water molecule

Cationic dye with

intercalated Dye
water molecule

Dye with
Polyanionic tissue intercalated
water molecule

Dye is neutralized
by poyanioninc tissue

Bound water is released

from dye

Polyanionic tissue
Dye aggregates

Fig. 7.5  Mechanism of dye aggregation in metachroma- dye aggregates and the absorption of light changes by the
sia. The cationic dye interacts with the polyanionic tissue, aggregated dye-tissue complex
and the bound water of the dye molecule is released. The


Monomeric, blue colour



Dimeric: purple colour


Fig. 7.6  The different
types of metachromasia
are highlighted in this
Polymeric: red colour
schematic diagram Gamma
7.6 Mordant 65

• Gamma (polymeric form): The dye is in poly- (b) Oxidizing agent: The oxidizing agents are
meric form and produces red colour. used to oxidize the dye and make it a colour-
less material such as picric acid, potassium
The colour changes in metachromasia may permanganate, etc.
not be homogenous. At times the anions in the (c) Mordant: Here the dye-mordant complex at
tissue may be widely distributed. In such cases, first binds with the tissue. Subsequently
there may be purple colouration of tissue due to excess mordant is used that attracts the
the mixture of orthochromatic blue and polychro- attached dye in the tissue. The mordant
matic red colour. thereby removes the excess dye from the
Factors Influencing Metachromasia  The fol- (d) One dye is replaced by other less affinity
lowing factors may influence on metachromasia: dye.

1. Dye concentration: High concentration of dye

enhances metachromasia. 7.6 Mordant
2. pH: Low pH increases metachromatic effect.
3. Temperature: Decreased temperature aug-
Mordant is the salt and hydroxides of the metals
ments metachromatic effect. that help in the attachment of dye with the target
4. Aqueous solution: Water enhances van der
tissue (Box 7.4). The metal used as mordant is
Waals force in between the dye molecules and either divalent or trivalent such as aluminium,
increases metachromatic effect. iron, copper, etc. The mordant binds with the dye
by covalent or co-ordinate bonding. This dye and
mordant combination is also known as “lake”.
7.5 Progressive and Regressive The mordant-dye combination is basic in action
Staining irrespective of the character of the dye. Mordant
is insoluble in most of the biological fluid, and
Progressive Staining  In case of progressive
staining, the dye is allowed to react with the tis-
sue until it stains the target structure. In fact, this
is a difficult task to supervise, and all other influ- Box 7.4 Mordant
encing factors should be controlled such as pH of • It is the salt and hydroxides of the met-
the dye solution, thickness of tissue, concentra- als that help in the attachment of dye
tion of dye, etc. It is always necessary to check with the target tissue.
the staining at frequent intervals to prevent over- • It makes the dye strong.
staining or to have light staining. • The mordant binds with the dye by
covalent or co-ordinate bonding known
Regressive Staining  Here the tissue is inten- as “lake”.
tionally overstained by dye. The affinity of the • Type
different structures of the tissue with dye is vari- –– Pre-mordanting: The tissue is at first
able, and this particular property is exploited to treated with mordant followed by
remove the dye from the unwanted part of the tis- dye.
sue. This procedure is also known as differentia- –– Meta-mordanting: Mordant in com-
tion. The differentiation is done by using: bination with dye is used.
–– Post-mordanting: The dye material is
(a) Acid in basic dye or base in acid dye such as applied first followed by mordant.
in Papanicolaou’s staining. Haematoxylin is
removed from the cytoplasm by using 1% Example: aluminium and haematoxylin
acid alcohol.
66 7  Staining Principle and General Procedure of Staining of the Tissue

therefore the staining is not altered even after The bench should be cleaned properly with
subsequent treatment of the tissue. arrangement of fume remover. There should be
Mordant may be used in three ways: at least two supplies of running tap water with
1. Pre-mordanting: The tissue is at first treated
with mordant followed by dye. Stains and Equipment  The reagents should
2. Meta-mordanting: Mordant in combination
be kept in the rack with proper arrangement
with dye is used. and label (Box 7.6). The list of the reagents
3. Post-mordanting: The dye material is applied should be in the laboratory catalogue. The
first followed by mordant. glass bottle is the best container to store the
reagents. The use of amber-coloured bottle is
Example: Haematoxylin itself is a poor dye. preferable for the dye that reacts with light.
However the combination of mordant such as Frequently used reagents can be kept in small
aluminium and haematoxylin makes a stronger glass bottle or Coplin jar. A microscope is nec-
dye. essary to check the stain. Automated strainer
can stain large batches of slides containing
more than 100 slides. Many laboratory prefers
7.6.1 Accentuators manual staining for small batches of slides. In
that case, the glass troughs are used. It is pref-
Accentuators are the group of substances that erable to use the series of sequential arrange-
help to increase the staining intensity of the dye. ment of glass troughs for staining. All the
Accentuators neither form any dye lake nor do troughs should be well covered to prevent
they take part in any chemical reaction. The com- evaporation of the reagents particularly alco-
mon example of accentuator is using potassium holic solution. In addition the laboratory
hydroxide in methylene blue solution. should have ample supply of distilled water.

The Preparation of the Staining Reagent  The

7.7 Staining Procedure preparation of staining reagents is one of the
most important tasks in any laboratory. Adequate
The proper organization of the staining room is cautions should be taken regarding cleaning
mandatory to get a well stained section. The glassware, using distilled water instead of tap
staining room should be well ventilated and well water, following proper stepwise protocols to
illuminated (Box 7.5). make the staining solution and maintaining the
The workflow of histology/cytology labora- concentration of alcohol in alcoholic solution
tory is fixation, grossing, processing, mounting, (Box 7.7).
microtomy and staining. Therefore the staining
room should also be designed accordingly. The
staining bench should be facing the window.
Box 7.6 Reagents and equipment
• All reagents in the rack is labelled glass
Box 7.5 Staining Room container.
• Arrange the room according to • Maintain the readily available catalogue.
workflow. • Amber-coloured bottle for the reagents
• Do not congest the staining room. that needs protection from light.
• Clean room and work bench. • The glass troughs well covered.
• Well ventilated and well illuminated. • Ample supply of distilled water.
• Running water with sink. • Light microscope.
References 67 Phosphate Buffer

Box 7.7 Essential precautions during Stock A: 0.2M of sodium dihydrogen orthophos-
preparation of staining solution phate—Mix 31.2  g of sodium dihydrogen ortho-
• Clean glassware phosphate (molecular weight 156) in 1000 ml water.
• Distilled water instead of tap water Stock B: 0.2 m disodium hydrogen orthophos-
• Alcoholic solution to keep in airtight phate—Mix 28.3  g disodium hydrogen
container orthophosphate (molecular weight 142) in
• Stepwise proper protocol to follow 1000 ml water.
• Fresh solution in case of ammonia To get pH 6: Mix 438 ml of stock A with 62 ml
solution of stock B, and make up to 1000 ml by distilled
• Proper filtration of the staining solution water.
before bacteriological stain
• Silver-containing solution to be kept in Tris-HCl Buffer
dark Stock A: 0.2M Tris.
Mix 2.42  g Tris(hydroxymethyl aminometh-
ane) (of molecular weight 121) in 100  ml
Stock B: 0.2M HCl.
7.7.1 Preparation of Buffer
Mix 1.7 ml HCl (molecular weight 36.46) in
100 ml distilled water.
To get pH  7.2: Mix 25  ml of stock A with Molar Solution
22.1  ml of stock B, and make up to 100  ml by
1M = one molar solution means molecular weight
distilled water.
of the compound expressed in gramme dissolved
in 1000 ml of water.
0.1M means one-tenth of the molecular weight
of the compound in gramme dissolved in 1000 ml
water. 1. Horobin RW.  Biological staining: mechanisms and
theory. Biotech Histochem. 2002;77(1):3–13. Citrate Buffer 2. Prentø P.  A contribution to the theory of biological
staining based on the principles for structural orga-
Citric acid: Dissolve 2.101  g of citric acid in
nization of biological macromolecules. Biotech
100 ml of distilled water. Histochem. 2001;76(3):137–61.
Sodium citrate solution: Dissolve 2.9412  g 3. Dapson RW.  Dye-tissue interactions: mechanisms,
sodium citrate in 100 ml of distilled water. quantification and bonding parameters for dyes
used in biological staining. Biotech Histochem.
Final preparation: Now mix 46.5 ml of citric
acid solution with 3.5 ml of sodium citrate solu- 4. D’mello AXP, Sylvester TV, Ramya V, Britto FP,
tion. The distilled water is mixed in it to make up Shetty PK, Jasphin S.  Metachromasia and meta-
to 100  ml. This will make 0.1  M citrate buffer. chromatic dyes: a review. Int J Adv Health Sci.
The pH of the solution is adjusted to 2.5 with the
5. Culling CF. Handbook of histopathological and histo-
help of pH metre by adding 1  N HCl and 5  N chemical techniques: including museum techniques.
NaOH. London: Butterworth; 2013.
Haematoxylin and Eosin Stain
of the Tissue Section 8

8.1 Introduction Oxidation of Haematoxylin (Fig. 8.1)  Haema­

toxylin has no capability to act as a dye. Its oxida-
Haematoxylin is the most commonly used dye in tion product haematein is a weak purple-coloured
the pathology laboratory [1, 2]. In combination dye. The oxidation of haematoxylin to haematein
with eosin, this dye is almost indispensable for can be done by two ways:
routine morphological visualization of tissue to
every histopathologist. Haematoxylin is a good
nuclear stain, and it stains the nuclei bluish black. (a) Natural: This is done by exposing the haema-
However, the dye also stains collagenous mate- toxylin powder in sunlight and air. This is also
rial, minerals and myelin fibres.

8.2 Haematoxylin HO CH2 HO CH2
Haematoxylin is extracted from the bark of CH CH2 CH CH2
Haematoxylum campechianum tree that is mainly
seen in the Campeche state of Mexico. Presently Oxidation

it is also available in West Indies.

Haematoxylin Haematin
Extraction  To get haematoxylin, the freshly
cut tree of Haematoxylum campechianum is
chopped in small pieces and is boiled in water. Dye-mordant
At first the orange-red solution is formed which binds with tissue
on cooling turns into a black solution. The com- O O
pound haematoxylin is then precipitated with H2O AI OH2
the help of urea or ether, and a brownish tan H2O OH2
powder is obtained. This is further purified and Dye-mordant complex O OH
is sold commercially. The compound haema- Base
toxylin has almost no staining capability unless DNA strand
a mordant is used to enhance its staining
Fig. 8.1  Schematic diagram showing oxidation of hae-
capability. matoxylin and its combination with aluminium

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2018 69

P. Dey, Basic and Advanced Laboratory Techniques in Histopathology and Cytology,
70 8  Haematoxylin and Eosin Stain of the Tissue Section

Table 8.1  Essential types of haematoxylin

Stain type Mordant used Application Time to stain Comments
Mayer’s Potassium or Popular nuclear 5–10 min in progressive
haematoxylin ammonium alum counterstain stain and 10–20 min in case
of regressive stain
Ehrlich’s Potassium alum Nuclear stain and also 20–30 min Natural ripening.
haematoxylin stains mucin, bone and Stain is more
cartilage long-lasting
Harris Ammonium or Good nuclear stain in 5–15 min in case of Ripening by
haematoxylin potassium alum exfoliative cytology regressive stain and 5–30 s mercuric oxide
in progressive stain
Gill’s Aluminium Good nuclear stain Regressive stain: 5–15 min The stain is stable
haematoxylin sulphate for 1 year
Cole’s Potassium alum Good nuclear stain Regressive stain: 30 min Stable for 3
haematoxylin months

known as ripening. The oxidation process is Table 8.1 highlights different types of haema-
slow and takes approximately 3 months. toxylin with their mordant and properties.
However, the useful staining life of the dye is
longer by natural ripening process.
(b) Chemical: This is done by treating the dye 8.3 Bluing
with hydrogen peroxide or sodium iodate or
mercuric oxide. Sodium iodate is the most The most of the regressive staining of haema-
commonly used oxidizing agent. The con- toxylin needs bluing. The removal of excess
version of haematoxylin to haematein is hydrogen ion from the stain is known as bluing.
instant; however the dye has short useful life Here the haemalum which is soluble is converted
span. to insoluble form. Bluing gives crisp blue colour
of the nuclei. In the process of bluing, the pH of
Dye-Mordant Complex  Haematein is a weak the solution is raised to 8.5 (alkaline side). The
anion and cannot combine with nucleic acid in tissue section is treated with alkaline reagent,
the nucleus. When a metallic salt (mordant) is and the acidic reagents are neutralized in bluing
combined with haematein, then a cationic dye-­ process. Bluing is done by the following
metal complex is formed that behaves as a strong methods:
basic dye and combines with nucleic acid
(Fig.  8.1). The type of mordant determines the • Running tap water for several minutes
type of tissue affinity of the dye and the colour of • Treating the section by Scott’s tap water
(pH is 8): 2–3 min
the stain. Commonly aluminium (Al3+), iron
• Ammonium hydroxide (5%): 2–3 min
(Fe3+), molybdenum, tungsten and lead salts are
• Ammonia vapour: few seconds
used as mordant.
Scott's tap water:
Types of Haematoxylin  Haematoxylin can be Sodium bicarbonate: 2 g
classified according to its combination with dif- Magnesium sulphate (anhydrous): 10 g
ferent mordants such as: Water: 1 l
Slowly add magnesium sulphate in water so
1. Iron haematoxylin that it dissolves and heat is dissipated.
2. Alum haematoxylin
3. Tungsten haematoxylin Warning  The higher pH of the bluing agent
4. Lead haematoxylin makes the bluing more deeper blue colour
5. Molybdenum haematoxylin quickly. However be careful the tissue section in
6. Only haematoxylin (no mordant attached) high pH may be shed out from the slide.
8.3 Bluing 71

8.3.1 Preparation of Different tochemistry, PAS or mucicarmine stain. Potassium

Haematoxylins and Their or ammonium alum is used as mordant. Mayer’s
Properties haematoxylin is used in progressive staining, and it
is best suited in automated staining procedure. Harris Alum Haematoxylin
This haematoxylin is a regressive stain and is widely Preparation of the stain:
used in exfoliative cytology as a nuclear stain. Eosin Haematoxylin: 1 g
is used as cytoplasmic stain. Ammonium or potas- Potassium or ammonium alum: 50 g
sium alum is used here as mordant. This haema- Sodium iodate: 0.2 g
toxylin takes 5–15 min in case of regressive staining Citric acid: 1 g
and 5–30 s in progressive staining. Chloral hydrate: 50 g
Distilled water: 1000 ml
Preparation of the stain:
Haematoxylin: 5 g Steps:
Absolute alcohol: 50 ml
Ammonium alum: 100 g • Dissolve haematoxylin, potassium alum and
Distilled water: 1000 ml sodium iodate in distilled water.
Mercuric oxide: 2.5 g • Gently heat the solution and stir.
Glacial acetic acid: 40 ml • Cool the solution in room temperature.
• Add chloral hydrate and citric acid in the
Steps: solution.
• Boil the mixture for 4–5 min.
• Haematoxylin is dissolved in absolute alcohol. • Cool the solution.
• Alum in hot water is added. • Filter.
• Heat to boil.
• Mix both the solution. The differences of Mayer’s and Harris haema-
• Now slowly add mercuric oxide. toxylin are highlighted in Table 8.2:
• Heat again till the colour changes to dark purple.
• Rapidly cool the flask by dipping in cold water.
• Add glacial acetic acid in the cold solution. 8.3.3 Ehrlich’s Haematoxylin

Cautions: It is a strong stain for the nuclei and also mucin,

bone and cartilage. The stain is oxidized naturally
• Addition of glacial acetic acid is optional. It by keeping it in air and sunlight for 2-month period.
gives crisp staining but reduces the life span of The bottle of stain can be kept in sunlight near win-
the stain. dow. Once the stain is matured, it can be used in
• The life span of the stain decreases within 2–3 laboratory.
months. The formation of precipitate and the Table 8.2 Differences between Mayer’s and Harris
increased stain time indicate that the stain haematoxylin
material is deteriorating. In such situation, Mayer’s
always filter the stain solution before use and Factors Harris haematoxylin haematoxylin
also increase the time of staining. Solvent Absolute alcohol Distilled
Oxidant Mercuric oxide Sodium
8.3.2 Mayer’s Haematoxylin Substance added Glacial acetic acid Chloral
to sharpen the hydrate
Mayer’s haematoxylin is used predominantly as a stain
nuclear counterstain where the cytoplasmic mate- Stain type Both progressive Progressive
rial is needed to demonstrate such as in enzyme his- and regressive stain stain
72 8  Haematoxylin and Eosin Stain of the Tissue Section

Preparation of the stain: of dye with a chemical structure “tetrabromofluo-

Haematoxylin: 2 g rescein”. Three types of eosin are seen: eosin Y,
Absolute alcohol: 100 ml eosin B and ethyl eosin. Eosin Y is the most
Distilled water: 100 ml widely used eosin among these three types. The
Glycerine: 100 ml term Y indicates yellowish. Eosin is soluble in
Glacial acetic acid: 10 ml both water and alcohol.
Potassium alum: 10–15 g Aqueous solution: 1% eosin in distilled
Steps of preparation: Alcohol solution: 0.5% in 95% ethyl alcohol
Washing the eosin stained sections by tap water
• Dissolve haematoxylin in absolute alcohol helps in the differentiation of the eosin staining.
• Add the other ingredients.
• Finally add potassium alum (10–15 g) till the 8.5 Routine Haematoxylin
full saturation occurs. and Eosin Stain
• Keep the whole flask in sunlight for 2 months
for maturation. Requirements:

Note  In case of any emergency situation to use • Haematoxylin solution

the dye, one can add sodium iodate 100  mg in • Grades of alcohol
this solution for rapid maturation. In strict sense, • 1% HCl in 70% alcohol
then this haematoxylin solution should not be • 1% eosin
called as “Ehrlich’s haematoxylin”. • Xylene

Steps (Fig. 8.2):

8.3.4 Cole’s Haematoxylin
• Deparaffinization: Keep the sections in xylene
Cole’s haematoxylin is an alum haematoxylin for 10 min each and three changes.
which is oxidized by iodine in alcohol. This is • Rehydration:
used as regressive nuclear stain. –– Absolute alcohol: 1–2 min
Preparation of the stain: –– 95% alcohol: 1–2 min
Haematoxylin: 1.5 g –– 80% alcohol: 1–2 min
Saturated aqueous potassium alum: 700 ml –– 60% alcohol: 1–2 min
Iodine (1%) in absolute ethanol (95%): 50 ml • Rinse in tap water.
Distilled water: 250 ml • Nuclear stain by haematoxylin: Harris haema-
Steps of preparation: toxylin 15 min (keep according to the type of
• Add haematoxylin in distilled water. • Differentiation: In case of regressive staining,
• Gently heat and dissolve it completely. one to two dips in acid alcohol (1% HCl in
• Mix iodine solution and alum. 70% alcohol) for differentiation are necessary.
• Boil. Please check by microscope for the desired
• Cool and filter the solution. staining of nucleus.
• Rinse in water.
• Bluing: Wash by running tap water for
8.4 Counterstain by Eosin 10–15 min.
• Counterstain by eosin: 1% aqueous eosin Y
Eosin is used as counterstain of cytoplasm. It also for 2–3 min.
stains the connective tissue and matrices. It stains • Dehydration:
rosy red to pink colour. This is a xanthene group –– 95% alcohol: 3 min
8.6  Iron Haematoxylin 73

Fig. 8.2  Basic steps of 10 minutes in xylene, 3

haematoxylin and eosin Step 1 Deparaffinization changes
stain are highlighted
Step 2 Rehydration: Graded alcohol 1-2 minutes, 2 changes

Step 3 Nuclear stain: Haematoxylin 5 to 15 minutes

1% acid alcohol: 2 dips

Step 4 Differentiation and wash

Step 5 Bluing Running tap water

Eosin Y for 2 to 3
Step 6 Counterstain : Eosin minutes

Step 7 Graded alcohol 3-5

Dehydration minutes each

Step 8 Clearing and mounting Xylene 5 minutes

Fig. 8.3 Well-stained
tissue by haematoxylin
and eosin stain
(haematoxylin and eosin
stain X 200)

–– Absolute alcohol: 3 min 8.6 Iron Haematoxylin

–– Absolute alcohol: 5 min
• Clearing: Xylene 5 min each in two jars. In this type of haematoxylin, various iron salts
• Mount in DPX. are used as mordant such as ferric chloride or fer-
ric ammonium sulphate. The different types of
Result (Fig. 8.3)  Nuclei: blue to bluish black iron haematoxylin are:

Cytoplasm: pinkish 1 . Heidenhain’s iron haematoxylin

Troubleshooting in haematoxylin staining 2. Weigert’s iron haematoxylin
has been mentioned in Table 8.3 (Figs. 8.4, 8.5 3. Verhoeff’s haematoxylin
and 8.6) 4. Loyez haematoxylin
74 8  Haematoxylin and Eosin Stain of the Tissue Section

Table 8.3  Troubleshooting in haematoxylin staining

Problems Possible causes Remedies
Pale-stained nuclei 1. Too much differentiation 1. Stain in haematoxylin again
2. Too less time in haematoxylin 2. Keep in haematoxylin for longer duration
3. Due to excessive decalcification 3. Not possible to correct
4. Haematoxylin is over oxidized 4. Change the haematoxylin solution
Darkly stained 1. Too short differentiation 1. Decolorize and do optimum differentiation
nuclei 2. Too much time in haematoxylin 2. Decolorize and give appropriate time in
3. Thick section haematoxylin
3. Recut thin section
Nuclei looks 1. Insufficient bluing 1. Restain by giving more time in bluing step
reddish brown 2. Haematoxylin is degenerating 2. Check the oxidation status of haematoxylin
Pale-coloured 1. Too thin section 1. Recut the section properly
cytoplasm by eosin 2. The eosin solution has pH more 2. This may be due to dilution of eosin by the
than 5 carryover bluing solution. Check pH of eosin
3. Too much dehydration of the solution, and if necessary, adjust pH by adding
section in alcohol acetic acid
3. Do not keep the slide in alcohol for a long time
Cytoplasmic 1. Long duration in eosin solution 1. Keep the section in eosin for shorter duration
staining is very 2. Overconcentrated eosin solution 2. Make optimally diluted eosin solution
dark 3. Very quick dehydration in alcohol 3. Increase time duration in dehydration
Bluish-black It may be due to precipitation of Filter the haematoxylin staining solution
precipitate haematoxylin
Staining is Improper deparaffinization Keep the slide in xylene for longer time to remove
irregular and spotty the paraffin
Dark-blue stain at Due to heating artefact for using No solution
the edge of the electrocautery
tissue sections
Water bubbles in Incomplete dehydration Remove the mounting medium and coverslip. Keep
the sections the section in absolute alcohol for dehydration. Do
several changes and then remount
Milky section after Incomplete dehydration Change the alcohol solution. Please dehydrate the
the xylene rinse section properly before putting in xylene
before putting the

Fig. 8.4 Pale-stained
nuclei (haematoxylin
and eosin stain X 200)
8.6  Iron Haematoxylin 75

Fig. 8.5  Too dark

nuclear stain
(haematoxylin and eosin
stain X 200)

Fig. 8.6 Imperfect
deparaffinization of the
tissue section
(haematoxylin and eosin
stain X 200)

8.6.1 Heidenhain’s Iron toxylin, and ferric ammonium sulphate is used as

Haematoxylin mordant. The approximate time of staining is
30 min.
Heidenhain’s iron haematoxylin stains the tissue
jet black. It stains various cellular constituents Preparation
such as mitochondria, chromatin and nucleoli. In Solution 1
addition it also stains myelin sheath and stria- Haematoxylin: 0.5 g
tions of the muscle. This gives regressive stain. Absolute alcohol: 10 ml
Iron alum is used as an oxidizing agent of haema- Distilled water: 90 ml
76 8  Haematoxylin and Eosin Stain of the Tissue Section

Steps: No. 2:
Ferric chloride: 10 g
• Haematoxylin is dissolved completely in Distilled water: 100 ml
absolute alcohol. No. 3:
• Add distilled water. Iodine: 1 g
• Keep the solution for 4–6 weeks for ripening. Potassium iodide: 2 g
Distilled water: 100 ml
Solution 2 No. 4: Working solution
Ferric ammonium sulphate: 5 g Add:
Distilled water: 100 ml No. 1: 40 ml
Step: Dissolve violet crystal of ferric ammo- No. 2: 16 ml
nium sulphate in distilled water. No. 3: 16 ml
Staining Mix those solutions in order.
• Dewax the tissue.
• Absolute alcohol. • Dewax.
• 95% ethyl alcohol. • Serial grade of alcohol for hydration.
• Keep section in mordant solution (solution 2) • Stain by freshly prepared working haematox-
for 60 min. ylin solution for 10 min.
• Rinse in distilled water. • Rinse in water.
• Stain by solution 1 (Heidenhain’s haematoxy- • Differentiation: by 2% ferric chloride.
lin 0.5%) for 60 min. • Wash by tap water.
• Rinse in water. • Remove iodine by 95% ethyl alcohol: 5 min.
• Differentiate in 5% alum solution. • Counterstain: 1% eosin for 1–2 min.
• Wash in running water: 5–10 min. • Dehydrate.
• Dehydrate. • Clean by xylene.
• Clean by xylene. • Mount by DPX.
• Mount in DPX.

Result  Elastic fibre takes black stain.

Result  Target tissue takes black stain.

8.6.3 Tungsten Haematoxylin

8.6.2 Verhoeff’s Iron Haematoxylin
Tungsten haematoxylin is used to demonstrate nerve
Verhoeff’s iron haematoxylin is used to stain tissue (such as astrocyte), muscle tissue and colla-
elastic tissue. The stain provides very good con- gen. Here phosphotungstic acid is used as mordant.
trast for microphotography. Ferric chloride is
used here as mordant. Strong iodine is used for Preparation
oxidizing agent. The whole solution should be Solution A
prepared just before use because the solution Haematein: 0.8 g
may be over oxidized if kept more than 1 h. Distilled water: 1 ml
Step: Dissolve 0.8  g haematein in 1  ml dis- Preparation tilled water.
No. 1: Solution B
Haematoxylin: 5 g Phosphotungstic acid: 0.9 g
Alcohol (100%): 100 ml Distilled water: 9 ml
8.7  Clearing of the Smear 77

 tep: Mix both solutions A and B to get the

S 8.7 Clearing of the Smear
final staining solution.
Removal of alcohol or clearing of the sample is
Staining done by putting the sample in xylene. The chemi-
cal compound of xylene is dimethyl benzene.
• Dewax. The clearing agent should be colourless and its
• Serial grade of alcohol for hydration. refractive index should be close to the mounting
• Treat by 0.25% potassium permanganate for media and coverslip (Box 8.1).
oxidation—5 min.
• Wash in distilled water.
• Bleach: by oxalic acid (5%) for 5 min. 8.7.1 Mounting
• Wash in tap water.
• Stain: PTAH final solution for 12–24  h in The main function of the mounting media is to
room temperature. give a protective cover over the smear and to
• Wash in distilled water. make a permanent bond between the coverslip
• Quick dehydration by 95% alcohol and abso- and the slides (Box 8.2). Mounting medium
lute alcohol. should have following properties:
• Clean by xylene.
• Mount by DPX. • The same refractive index of the coverslip and
glass slide. The refractive index of the mount-
Note: Quick dehydration prevents the removal ing medium should be 1.52–1.54.
of red stain by alcohol. • Mounting media should be colourless.
• It should quickly dry and stick to the slide.
Result  Connective tissue materials such as col- • It should resist contamination particularly the
lagen, reticulin fibres, etc.: red growth of microbes.
• It should not react with the stain or tissue.
Nuclei, centrioles, striated muscle, etc.: blue • It should be miscible with clearing agent.
The different uses of haematoxylin are high- • A neutral pH to prevent fading of the stain.
lighted in Table 8.4.

Table 8.4  Applications of different haematoxylin stains • Low viscosity; otherwise there may be air
for different purposes bubble formation at the time of putting the
Substances Haematoxylin coverslip. This air bubbles are brownish in
Routine stain in histology Harris colour and are known as a cornflake artefact.
sections and cytology smears haematoxylin
Carbohydrates Mayer’s
Phospholipid Baker’s acid
haematein Box 8.1Clearing Agent
technique • Xylene (dimethyl benzene)
Fibrin, cross striations of skeletal Tungsten
muscle haematoxylin
Connective tissue fibres Verhoeff’s iron Basic properties:
Amoeba, microfilaria Iron haematoxylin • Colourless.
Nuclear chromatin Gill’s • Refractive index should be the same as
haematoxylin the mounting media and coverslip.
Photomicrography Heidenhain’s iron
• It gives transparent cytoplasm.
Counterstaining in Ehrlich’s
immunohistochemistry and haematoxylin Warning: toxic
78 8  Haematoxylin and Eosin Stain of the Tissue Section

Box 8.2 Mounting medium
Aim: to give a protective cover over the • Yellow staining after some time.
smear and to make a permanent bond • Takes time to dry.
between the coverslip and the slides • The basic dyes are poorly preserved.

Ideal mounting medium: Canada balsam is not used nowadays.

• The same refractive index of the cover- Synthetic Resins  DPX is the most widely used
slip and glass slide (1.52–1.54). synthetic resin with a refractive index 1.523. It is
• Colourless. called DPX as it contains:
• It should quickly dry and stick to the slide.
• Resist the growth of microbes. D = distyrene
• No reaction with the stain or tissue. P = plasticizer (tricresyl phosphate)
• Miscible with clearing agent. X = xylene
• A neutral pH to prevent fading of the DPX is colourless and preserves the stains
stain. very well. It dries also very quickly.
• Low viscosity. DPX should be used liberally over the slide,
and the excess DPX should be wiped off from the
Types of mounting medium: coverslip margin.

• Neutral resins: such as Canada balsam Disadvantage:

and Euparal
• Synthetic resins: DPX • It frequently retracts from the margins of the cov-
• Aqueous media: glycerine, polyvinyl erslip. This can be prevented by adding a plasti-
alcohol, etc. cizer that makes a mesh with plastic [3].

Permanent mounting: DPX

Temporary mounting: glycerine-glyc- Aqueous Media  The aqueous media are used
erol, polyvinyl alcohol when the stains are affected by dehydration by
alcohol or clearing by xylene, e.g. fat stain by
Sudan black, needs aqueous media.
Types of Mounting Media  There are three
types of mounting media: Glycerine-glycerol: This is the commonly
used aqueous media for temporary mounting.
Polyvinyl alcohol: This is alternative to glyc-
• Neutral resins: such as Canada balsam and erine jelly and is often used in immunofluores-
Euparal cence or frozen section of lipid stains.
• Synthetic resins: DPX Table 8.5 highlights the comparison of differ-
• Aqueous media: glycerine, polyvinyl alcohol, etc. ent mounting media.

Application of mounting medium:

Neutral Resins  The commonly used neutral
resin is Canada balsam. The refractive index of it • Put one to two drops of mounting medium on
is 1.523. Canada balsam is well soluble in xylene the middle of the tissue section over the slide.
and is made as: • Select an appropriate coverslip for the section.
• Rapidly invert the slide over the coverslip.
Canada balsam: 60 g • Mounting medium slowly spreads under the
Xylene: 100 ml coverslip.
References 79

Table 8.5  The comparison of different mounting media

Mounting Refractive
medium index Common use Advantages Disadvantages
Canada 1.523 Permanent mounting Well soluble in xylene –   Yellow staining after some time
balsam –   Takes time to dry
–   The basic dyes are poorly
DPX 1.523 Permanent mounting –   Preserve the standard –   Retraction of margin of coverslip
–   Quickly dry
Glycerine-­ 1.47 –   Temporary –   Inexpensive –   Unsuitable for prolonged
glycerol mounting –   Safe preservation, and the coverslip
–   Oil red O and –   Quick to apply margin should be sealed
Sudan black stain
–   Fluorescent stain
Polyvinyl 1.5 –   Temporary Safe and good –   Unsuitable for prolonged
alcohol mounting alternative to preservation
–   Fat stain glycerine-glycerol
–   Fluorescent stain

Cautions: • Sufficiently wide to cover the smear

• Too small amount of mounting medium: Air Liquid coverslip is equally effective.
bubbles may appear. Nowadays many laboratories use automatic cov-
• Too much amount of mounting medium: It erslip machine.
may spread beyond the edges of coverslip, and
the sample may also float.

8.7.2 Coverslip 1. Chan JK.  The wonderful colors of the hematoxylin-­

eosin stain in diagnostic surgical pathology. Int J Surg
Pathol. 2014;22(1):12–32.
Coverslip gives a protective covering over the 2. King DF, King LA. A brief historical note on stain-
smear and prevents fading of the stain or any fur- ing by hematoxylin and eosin. Am J Dermatopathol.
ther physical damage. The good coverslip should 1986;8:168.
3. Brown PA. A review of technique used in the prepara-
have following characteristics: tion, curation, and conservation of microscope slides
at the natural history museum London. Biol Curator.
• Clear glass of 0.130–0.170 mm thickness 1997;10:1–33.
• Plane surface and straight margin
Special Stains
for the Carbohydrate, Protein, 9
Lipid, Nucleic Acid and Pigments

9.1 Introduction Table 9.1 Commonly used stain for different

Other than routine haematoxylin and eosin stain, Material Stain
various special stains are now essential parts in Carbohydrate • Periodic acid-Schiff (PAS)
routine laboratory works. Box 9.1 highlights the • Alcian blue
overall indications of these special stains in labo- • PAS and Alcian blue
• Mucicarmine
ratory. In this chapter we will discuss the basic Lipid • Oil red O
principles, applications and techniques of differ- • Sudan black
ent stains. • Ferric haematoxylin
Table 9.1 shows the list of commonly used Nucleic acid • Feulgen stain
special stains in histopathology and cytology • Acridine orange
• Methyl green-pyronin
laboratory. Hemosiderin pigment • Perls’ reaction
Bile pigment • Fouchet’s stain
Melanin • Masson-Fontana method
• Schmorl’s stain
Box 9.1 Applications of Special Stain
• Demonstration of various cellular prod-
ucts for diagnosis 9.2 Carbohydrates
–– Carbohydrates
–– Proteins Carbohydrates are the compounds that contain
–– Lipids polyhydroxyaldehyde or polyhydroxyketone
–– Pigments groups. They are represented by the common for-
• Demonstration of extracellular material mula Cn(H2O)m. The carbohydrates can be classi-
for the identification of diseases such as fied depending on the number of subunits as
amyloid monosaccharide, oligosaccharide and polysac-
• Identification of microbial organisms charide. They are also further classified depend-
• Estimation of DNA and RNA content of ing on their binding with protein and lipid
the cell material.

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2018 81

P. Dey, Basic and Advanced Laboratory Techniques in Histopathology and Cytology,
82 9  Special Stains for the Carbohydrate, Protein, Lipid, Nucleic Acid and Pigments

Example: Glycogen, starch. Glycogen is avail-

Box 9.2 Classification of Carbohydrate able in large quantity in the liver followed by the
A. Simple carbohydrates skeletal and cardiac muscles.
• Monosaccharide: e.g. glucose,
galactose Glycoconjugates or Proteoglycans  These
• Oligosaccharide: e.g. maltose, sucrose are primarily groups of proteins that are exten-
• Polysaccharide: e.g. glycogen, starch sively glycosylated. The proteoglycans have a
B. Glycoconjugates (complex central core protein that is covalently linked
carbohydrates) with polysaccharide. The carbohydrate part of
• Acid mucopolysaccharides the proteoglycan is known as glycosaminogly-
–– Carboxylated: e.g. hyaluronic cans. The different types of glycosaminogly-
acid cans include:
–– Sulphated: e.g. chondroitin sulphate
• Mucin • Chondroitin sulphate: Present in the cartilage,
–– Neutral mucin: Surface epithelial ligament, bone
cells of the stomach • Dermatan sulphate: Present in the skin
–– Acidic mucin • Heparan sulphate: Present in the aorta
Sialomucin: Goblet cells, salivary • Heparin: Present in granules of mast cell
glands • Hyaluronic acid: Present in synovial fluid
Sulphomucin: Mucous glands of
the bronchus Mucin  Mucins are glycoproteins of high molec-
• Others ular weight and are composed of a polysaccha-
–– Glycolipid ride chain and a protein component.
–– Membrane protein
–– Blood group antigen Mucin  =  80% carbohydrate (hexosamine-­
containing carbohydrate) + 20% protein
Mucin covers the epithelial cells and makes a
physical barrier that protects the cells from any
9.2.1 Simple Carbohydrates external injury [1]. Mucin may be of two types:
(1) secretory mucin, secreted in the respiratory
Monosaccharides  These are the simplest form tree, gastrointestinal tract and cervical part of
of carbohydrates with the empirical formula female genital tract, and (2) membrane-associ-
(CH2O)n. They are the building blocks of various ated mucin, the mucin attached with the mem-
other carbohydrates. They contain aldehyde or brane of cells. Mucin may also be noted in
ketone group and varying number of carbon non-epithelial tissues.
atoms (5C atoms = pentose, 6C atoms = hexose, The amino acid components of the protein
etc.). The monosaccharides are water soluble and core may be variable, and depending on the tan-
therefore difficult to demonstrate in routine his- dem repeats of the nucleotide sequence of the
tology section. amino acid of the protein component of mucin, it
Example: Glucose, ribose, fructose, etc. may be classified as many distinct functional
Figure 9.1 shows the structure of glucose molecule. types of mucin [2, 3] (Table 9.2). The MUC genes
are tissue specific and have distinct biophysical
Oligosaccharides (Fig. 9.1)  These are the poly- and biochemical properties. So far 20 such MUC
mers of monosaccharides that contain 2–10 genes have been described.
monosaccharide units. The carbohydrate part of mucin consists of
Example: Sucrose, lactose, maltose 80% of the molecular weight of mucin. The poly-
saccharide part of the mucin may be neutral,
Polysaccharide (Fig.  9.1)  Polysaccharide con- weakly acidic or strongly acidic.
sists of multiple monosaccharides that are linked Neutral mucin: The name itself indicates that
by covalent bonds. the polysaccharide chain here is neutral. Neutral
9.2 Carbohydrates 83

Monosaccharide CH2OH

Glucose Fructose
Oligosaccharides O O
Glucose Fructose

H OH Sucrose OH OH
Polysaccharide CH2OH CH2OH CH2OH CH2OH


Fig. 9.1  Structure of monosaccharide, oligosaccharide and polysaccharide

Table 9.2  Tissue specificity of MUC genes

MUC gene Normal locations Tumour and MUC
MUC 1 Bronchi, breast, urinary bladder, kidney, Majority of adenocarcinomas are positive for MUC
stomach, pancreas, gall bladder, prostate, 1. Adrenocortical and hepatocellular carcinomas are
cervix always negative for MUC 1
MUC 2 Small and large intestine, salivary gland Colonic carcinomas are positive for MUC 2
and endometrium
MUC 3 Salivary gland, gall bladder, small and Colonic carcinomas, pancreatic carcinoma
large intestine
MUC 4 Bronchus, endocervix, stomach, small and Increased in pancreatic, breast, lung and ovarian
large intestine carcinomas
MUC 5AC Bronchus, stomach, endocervix Endocervical adenocarcinoma and gastrointestinal
carcinomas are positive
MUC 6 Endocervix, endometrium Stomach, gall Gastric carcinomas show highly expressed MUC 6.
bladder, ileum In colonic carcinoma MUC 6 is increasingly
expressed along with low MUC 2
MUC 7 Sublingual and submandibular glands Markers of urothelial carcinoma, and the
demonstration of MUC 7 in the lymph node
identifies micrometastasis from the bladder
84 9  Special Stains for the Carbohydrate, Protein, Lipid, Nucleic Acid and Pigments

Fig. 9.2  Flow diagram

shows different stains Mucin
for mucin

Acid mucin
Neutral mucin

-PAS positive
-Alcian blue
Alcian blue positive
Alcian blue
PAS Neutral mucin
PAS positive
negative Glycogen

Acid mucin PAS positive
mucin PAS positive
mucin Glycogen

mucin is noted in surface epithelial cells of the • Colonic goblet cells

stomach and prostate and in Brunner’s gland of • Bronchial glands
the duodenum. These mucins are positive for
periodic acid-Schiff’s stain and negative for Weakly sulphated acid mucins are Alcian blue
Alcian blue stain. positive at pH 1 and negative for PAS.
Acidic mucin: Here the polysaccharide chain Both neutral and acidic mucins are positive for
is anionic. These mucins are positive for Alcian mucicarmine.
blue stain in low pH (2.8). Figure 9.2 highlights the staining pattern of
Sialomucin: It contains sialic acid. Sialic acid different types of mucin.
is derived from the acetylation of neuraminic
acid. This is a weak acidic mucin. Sialomucin is
found in goblet cells, salivary glands, etc. 9.3 Staining of Different
Sulphomucin: Sulphomucin contains the sul- Carbohydrates
phate group and it is a stronger acidic mucin.
This type of mucin is seen in the mucous glands 9.3.1 Glycogen
of the bronchus.
Strongly sulphated acid mucins: This type of Glycogen, the polysaccharide, is demonstrated
mucin consists of by periodic acid-Schiff’s (PAS) reaction.

• Connective tissue mucin: chondroitin sul- Periodic Acid-Schiff’s (PAS)

phate, keratan sulphate, heparin sulphate Stain [4]
• Bronchial glands PAS stain demonstrates neutral polysaccharides
• Some fractions of goblet cells of the intestine that are present in the basement membrane and
also secretion of various glands in our body.
Strongly sulphated mucins are PAS negative Indications to do PAS stain
and Alcian blue positive at pH 0.5.
Weakly sulphated acid mucins: They are epi- • To demonstrate polysaccharides: PAS helps to
thelial mucins. This group consists of: demonstrate glycogen, cellulose and starch. It
9.3  Staining of Different Carbohydrates 85

demonstrates glycogen in glycogen storage dis- R

orders. Basement membrane of the glands,
glomeruli, etc. can also be demonstrated by H OH HIO4
PAS stain. The capsule of the various fungi
such as cryptococci, histoplasma, blastomyco- O
sis, etc. containing carbohydrate material is R
demonstrated by PAS, R
• Glycoprotein: Mucin, particularly neutral Carbohydrate Two aldehyde
mucin, is demonstrated by PAS.  The stain groups
is helpful to stain mucin of endocervical
glands, intestinal glands and bronchial C NH2
glands. HO2SHN
• Glycolipid: PAS helps to demonstrate cerebro- SO3H
sides and gangliosides. Glucocerebrosides Schiff’s reagent
and galactocerebrosides are accumulated in
Gaucher’s and Krabbe diseases, respectively.
Gangliosides are accumulated in rare lyso- C NH2
somal storage disease. RCH(OH)O2SHN
• Pigments: Certain pigments such as lipofuscin
Dye complex
and pigments of Dubin-Johnson syndrome are
demonstrated by PAS stain. Fig. 9.3  Schematic diagram shows basic principle of
• Plasma cells: Russell bodies of plasma cells PAS stain. Periodic acid converts the hydroxyl (OH)
group to aldehyde group (CHO) that reacts with Schiff’s
are stained by PAS. reagent to give a magenta colour

Principle (Fig. 9.3)
• Add potassium metabisulphite (2 g).
• The hydroxyl group (OH) of the carbohydrate • Add activated charcoal (2 g).
molecule is oxidized to aldehyde (CHO) • Keep the solution in the dark.
group by periodic acid.
• These aldehyde groups react with Schiff’s Steps
reagent to form a magenta-coloured compound.
1. Deparaffinize.
Components of Solutions 2. Pass through graded lower concentration of
Solution 1: Periodic acid (1%) alcohol and section/smear to bring in
Periodic acid 1 g water.
Distilled water 100 ml 3. Oxidize with periodic acid (1%) for
Solution 2: Schiff’s reagent 5–10 min.
Basic fuchsin 1 g
4. Clean with water.
Distilled water 200 ml
Potassium metabisulphite 2 g
5. Keep in Schiff’s reagent for 20–30 min.
1 N hydrochloric acid (HCl) 20 ml 6. Clean in running tap water for 5 min.
Activated charcoal 2 g 7. Counterstain with haematoxylin.
8. Wash in tap water for blueing.
Preparation 9. Dehydrate in absolute alcohol.
10. Clear in xylene.
• Dissolve basic fuchsin (1 g) in 200 ml of boil- 11. Mount.
ing distilled water.
• Cool the solution. Result
• Add 1 N hydrochloric acid and mix well. Glycogen and glycoprotein: Magenta colour
86 9  Special Stains for the Carbohydrate, Protein, Lipid, Nucleic Acid and Pigments

Materials Positive for PAS Reaction  Glycogen, • Myxoma: Mucin-secreting tumours such as
starch, mucin, reticulin, basement membrane, myxomas are positive for Alcian blue stain.
capsule of fungi, etc. • Others: Mucinous materials in myxoedema,
discoid lupus erythematous lesion, etc. are
Testing Schiff’s reagent also demonstrated by Alcian blue stain.
Add drops of Schiff’s reagent to formalin.
Active Schiff’s reagent will quickly change the Basic Principle  Alcian blue is a group of water-­
colour of formalin to pink. soluble polyvalent basic dye. The dye is made of a
copper-containing phthalocyanine ring with a cop- Alcian Blue per atom in its centre. Th phthalocyanine ring is
Alcian blue stains acid mucin (in acidic pH 2.5), also attached with four isothiouronium groups that
such as sialomucin and sulphomucin. It stains are positively charged (Fig.  9.4). This positively
mucin of the salivary glands, prostate and large charged Alcian blue dye complex has an attraction
intestine. Alcian blue also stains proteoglycans of with anionic sites of the mucin. Copper imparts
cartilaginous material. the blue colour of the dye-mucin complex.

Indications Solution

• Intestinal metaplastic cells in Barrett’s Alcian blue solution

oesophagus and also in stomach biopsy: The Alcian blue, 8GX 1% aqueous solution 1 g
Acetic acid (3%) solution 100 ml
intestinal metaplastic cells contain acid mucin,
Neutral red solution
and these cells in Barrett’s oesophagus are
Neutral fast red 0.1 g
better demonstrated by Alcian blue. Aluminium sulphate 5 g
• Mucinous adenocarcinoma of the ovary. Deionized water 100 ml
• Pleural mesothelial cell: The pleural mesothe-
lial cells contain hyaluronic acid that are
Alcian blue positive and sensitive to hyaluron- Steps to make the solution
idase enzyme. In comparison, adenocarci-
noma cells are Alcian blue positive and • Dissolve aluminium sulphate in deionized
resistant to hyaluronidase enzyme. water and heat.

Fig. 9.4 Schematic
diagram shows basic
principle of Alcian blue N
stain. Copper-containing
phthalocyanine ring is
attached with four N
positively charged N N
isothiouronium groups Isothiouronium
that have an attraction group
with anionic sites of the
mucin. Copper imparts
the blue colour of the
Pthalocyanine ring
dye-mucin complex
9.3  Staining of Different Carbohydrates 87

• Mix neutral fast red in hot water. (Fig. 9.5). This is frequently applied in gastroin-
• Filter. testinal biopsy sections.

Method of staining Solution: Alcian blue, periodic acid and Schiff’s

reagent solution can be made as described before.
1. Deparaffinize.
2. Rehydration of the section/smear by graded Method of staining
3. Rinse in deionized water. 1. Deparaffinize.
4. Keep the smear in Alcian blue for 30 min. 2. Rehydration of the section/smear by graded
5. Rinse in running water: 5 min. alcohol.
6. Counterstain with neutral fast red: 10 min. 3. Rinse in deionized water.
7. Rinse in 95% ethyl alcohol. 4. Keep the smear in Alcian blue for 30 min.
8. Dehydrate in absolute alcohol. 5. Wash in tap water followed by deionized
9. Clean in xylene. water.
10. Mount. 6. Oxidize with periodic acid (1%) for 5–10 min.
7. Clean in running tap water for 5 min.
Result  Acid mucin (sialomucin, sulphomucin), 8. Keep in Schiff’s reagent for 20–30 min.
proteoglycans, hyaluronic acid will take a blue 9. Clean in running tap water for 5 min.
colour. 10. Counterstain with haematoxylin.
11. Wash in tap water for blueing.
12. Dehydrate in absolute alcohol.
9.3.2 C
 ombined PAS-Alcian Blue 13. Clear in xylene.
Staining 14. Mount.

Indications  Combined use of Alcian blue and Result

PAS in a same section helps to demonstrate both Glycogen: Magenta colour
acidic and neutral mucin in the same section Acid mucin: Blue colour

Fig. 9.5  The combined

PAS and Alcian blue
stain: PAS-Alcian blue
stain at pH 2.5
highlighting the
intestinal metaplasia
(stained blue by Alcian
blue) in an antral biopsy.
The magenta stained
mucin is the normal
neutral mucin of the
antrum (40×)
88 9  Special Stains for the Carbohydrate, Protein, Lipid, Nucleic Acid and Pigments Mucicarmine Stain [5] • Boil the whole solution by keeping the flask in
Indications hot water bath.
• Cool.
• Mucicarmine stain demonstrates acid mucin. • Filter the solution and preserve it in 4°C. This
• It stains mucin of intestinal adenocarcinoma. will be fit for use for 4–6 months.
• The capsule of fungi such as cryptococci is
stained by mucicarmine. Mucicarmine working solution

Mucicarmine stock solution 10 ml

Principles  The active dye molecule in mucicar-
Deionized water 90 ml
mine stain is carmine. Carmine is composed of a
multi-ring molecule carminic acid bound with
aluminium ion. The carmine complex is ­positively Steps
charged, and so it binds with negatively charged
anionic acid mucin (Fig. 9.6). 1. Deparaffinize.
2. Rehydration of the section/smear by graded
Applications  Mucicarmine stain is applied to alcohol.
demonstrate acid mucin in the malignant cells of 3. Rinse in water.
adenocarcinoma. It also stains capsule of 4. Counterstain with haematoxylin for
Cryptococcus. 5–10 min.
5. Wash in water.
Solution 6. Keep in mucicarmine solution for 30 min.
7. Rinse in water.
Southgate mucicarmine stock solution 8. Rinse in 95% ethyl alcohol.
Carmine 1 g 9. Dehydrate in absolute alcohol.
Aluminium hydroxide 1 g 10. Clean in xylene.
Alcohol (50%) 100 ml 11. Mount.
Anhydrous aluminium chloride 0.5 g

Interpretation  Positive mucicarmine stain

Preparation shows a dark red colour.

• Add carmine and aluminium hydroxide in

50% alcohol. 9.4 Lipids
• Mix anhydrous aluminium chloride 0.5 g.
• Gently shake. The word lipid originated from the Greek word
“lipos” which means fat. The lipids are defined as
group of naturally available organic fatty sub-
stances that are soluble in alcohol and insoluble
in water.
Lipids are the major components of the cell
membrane and the membranous component of
Carminic many cellular organelles. The myelin component
AI Mucin
of the nerve sheath is also made of lipid.
Lipids are classified as simple lipids, com-
pound lipids and derived lipids (Table 9.3).
Simple Lipids  These are the lipids which on
Fig. 9.6  Schematic diagram shows the basic principle of
mucicarmine stain. The positively charged carmine com- hydrolysis produces fatty acid and glycerol
plex binds with the negatively charged anionic acid mucin (Fig. 9.7). Example: fats, oils and waxes
9.5 Stains 89

Table 9.3  Classification of lipids

Simple lipid Compound lipids Derived lipids
• Fatty acid • Phospholipid • Steroids
• Simple triglycerides  – Glycerol based • Terpenes
• Mixed triglycerides   Phosphatidylcholine • Carotenoids
• Waxes   Phosphatidylserine
 – Sphingosine based
 – Phosphosphingosides
 – Phosphoinositides
• Glycolipid
 – Cerebroside
 – Sulphatide
 – Ganglioside

Fig. 9.7  The diagram O

shows the reaction of O
fatty acid and glycerol-­ OH CH2 O C R-1
CH2 HO C R-1 O
forming triglyceride
OH CH2 O C R-3
CH2 HO C R-2

HO C R-3

Fatty acids

Fats: Esters of fatty acid and glycerol 9.5 Stains

Wax: Esters of fatty acid and alcohol (other
than glycerol) Figure 9.8 highlights various stains for lipids.

Compound Lipids  These are composed of fatty

acid, alcohol and another group such as sulphur-, 9.5.1 Oil Red O [6]
phosphorous- or carbohydrate-producing sulpho-
lipid, phospholipid, glycolipid, etc. Indications  Oil red O stain is used for demon-
stration of lipid material. The lipid material takes
Derived Lipids  The derived lipids are the sub- a deep red colour in this stain.
stances that are derived from the hydrolysis of
simple or compound lipids. Principle  Oil red O is a diazo dye that is highly
soluble in lipid substance. Oil red O is dissolved in
Example: Fatty acids, steroids, cholesterol, alcohol solution, and in fat-containing tissue, the
carotenoids, etc. dye leaves the solution and moves to the tissue fat as
Fixation it is more dissolved in fat. As fat is dissolved in alco-
Most of the dyes are soluble in lipid more than holic solution so the processed tissue cannot be
their solvent. Therefore it is preferable to use fro- stained by oil red O and frozen section or fresh tis-
zen section tissue for lipid staining. The best fixa- sue is needed for this stain. The mounting medium
tive for lipid is formal calcium (10% formalin of oil red O also should not be alcohol based.
with 2% calcium acetate). Aqueous mounting is used in oil red O stain.
90 9  Special Stains for the Carbohydrate, Protein, Lipid, Nucleic Acid and Pigments

Fig. 9.8  Various stains

for lipid materials in Ferric
tissue section PAS

Sphingomyelin Lipofuschin


Oil red O
& Sudan black
Sudan black

Application  Oil red O is particularly useful to 9.5.2 Sudan Black B [7]

demonstrate lipid in renal cell carcinoma. The
lipoblasts are also oil red O positive. Principle  Sudan black B is a lipophilic dye and
is insoluble in water. This dye therefore is dis-
Preparation of oil red o stain solved in tissue fat and stains them. The slightly
basic dye Sudan black B combines with the
Stock solution
acidic component of the lipid.
Oil red O 0.5 g
Isopropanol 100 ml
Dissolve oil red O in the alcohol and keep it overnight Fixation  Fresh frozen section or air-dried smear
Working solution
Oil red O stock solution 30 ml Solution
Distilled water 20 ml Sudan black B 1 g
Propylene glycol 100 ml
After mixing the stock solution with dis-
tilled water, wait for 10  min and then filter to Heat the solution gently up to 100 °C and then
use. The stability of the working solution is cool it and filter the solution.
only 1 h.
Fixation  Fresh frozen section or air-dried smear
• Fresh frozen section.
Steps • Fix in 10% formalin if fresh section.
• Wash well in distilled water.
1. Put the slides directly into oil red O solution • Air-dry.
for 20–30 min. • Put in Sudan black B solution for 1–2 h.
2. Rinse with running water. • Rinse in ethyl alcohol (70%): twice for 2 min.
3. Counterstain with haematoxylin for 30 s. • Rinse in distilled water.
4. Rinse in water. • Counterstain with haematoxylin.
5. Mount in glycerine. • Rinse in water.
• Mount in glycerine jelly (aqueous media).
Result  Oil red O stains lipid, lipoprotein and tri-
glycerides. Lipid takes a red colour. Result  Fat takes dark black stain
9.6  Nucleic Acid and Proteins 91

9.5.3 Ferric Haematoxylin The constituents of nuclei acid are:

for Phospholipid [8]
• Sugar
Fixation  Frozen section tissue • Phosphate
• Base: Purine and pyrimidine
Preparation of solution

Solution 1 9.6.2 Proteins

Ferric chloride 2.5 g
Ferrous sulphate 4.5 g Proteins are made of amino acids. Each amino
Distilled water 298 ml acid contains a central carbon atom with attached
Concentrated hydrochloric acid 2 ml amino group and carboxylic group in each side
Solution 2 (Fig. 9.9).
Distilled water 10 ml
Haematoxylin 100 mg

9.6.3 Feulgen Stain [9]

Working solution
Mix 15 ml of Solution 1 with 5 ml of Solution 2. This stain is specific for DNA and it demonstrates
The working solution is stable for 1 h only. sugar deoxyribose. This is particularly helpful for
DNA ploidy examination.
Basic Principle  In the presence of acidic envi-
• Stain with the working solution for 7 min. ronment (hydrochloric acid treatment), the purine
• Wash the section in distilled water. bases of the DNA molecule are detached from the
• Differentiate in 0.2% hydrochloric acid: 5 s. deoxyribose. DNA molecule becomes apurinic;
• Wash well. however sugar-phosphate backbone of DNA is
• Dehydrate in acetone. preserved. The aldehyde group of the sugar mol-
• Clean in xylene. ecule is exposed, and this group subsequently
• Mount in DPX. binds with Schiff’s reagent to impart colour. This
hydrolysis part is the most vital part of this stain.
Result  Phospholipid takes a blue colour.
DNA  +  Hydrochloric acid  →  Exposed alde-
hyde group of deoxyribose
Aldehyde group + Schiff’s reagent → Reddish
9.6 Nucleic Acid and Proteins purple colour

9.6.1 Nucleic Acids Application  Feulgen stain is particularly help-

ful for DNA ploidy examination.
Nucleic acids are of two types: deoxyribonu-
cleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA).
DNA consists of two helical strands made of H O
alternate sugar and phosphate molecules. Four N C C
types of bases are linked with each sugar mol- H OH
ecule. These bases are purine (adenine and gua- R
nine) and pyrimidine (cytosine and thymine). Amino Carboxyl
Adenine only joins with thymine and cytosine group group
only joins with guanine. This is known as com- Side
plementary base pairing. There is another
pyrimidine base known as uracil that is found in Fig. 9.9  Structure of amino acid. It contains an amino
RNA. and also a carboxyl group
92 9  Special Stains for the Carbohydrate, Protein, Lipid, Nucleic Acid and Pigments

1M Hydrochloric acid solution • Wash in acetate buffer.

• Keep in methyl green-pyronin solution for
1M Hydrochloric acid 8.5 ml
30 min.
Distilled water 91.5 ml
• Wash with buffer.
• Rinse in distilled water.
Schiff’s Reagent  Described previously • Dehydrate in alcohol.
• Clean in xylene.
Potassium metabisulphite solution • Mount.
10% potassium metabisulphite 5 ml
1 M hydrochloric acid 5 ml
Distilled water 90 ml DNA takes a bluish green colour.
RNA takes a red colour.
9.7 Pigments
1. Rehydration of section/smear by graded alcohol.
2. Rinse in water.
Various organic and inorganic pigments are pres-
3. Put in 1 (M) hydrochloric acid (preheated at
ent in our body. The pigments may be endoge-
60 °C) for 60 min.
nous or exogenous in origin (Table 9.4).
4. Keep in Schiff’s reagent for 45 min.
5. Immerse in 0.05M metabisulphite for 2  min
three times each.
9.8 Hemosiderin Pigment
6. Counterstain with 0.01% fast green.
7. Dehydrate in absolute alcohol.
Hemosiderin is the breakdown product of
8. Clean in xylene.
9. Mount.

Result  DNA takes a reddish purple colour.

9.8.1 P
 russian Blue Reaction (Perls’
Reaction) for Ferric Iron
9.6.4 Methyl Green-Pyronin Stain [10]
Principle  Hydrochloric acid unmasks the ferric
iron. This ferric iron reacts with potassium fer-
Methyl green-pyronin stain demonstrates DNA
rocyanide to form the insoluble blue-coloured
and also RNA.
ferric ferrocyanide.
Fixation: Formalin fixation
Table 9.4  Different types of pigments
Methyl green-pyronin (2%) in distilled water 9 ml Exogenous Artefact looking
Pyronin Y (2%) in distilled water 4 ml Endogenous pigment pigment as pigments
Glycerol 14 ml Haematogenous • Calcium • Formalin
Acetate buffer (pH 4.8) 23 ml  • Haemosiderin • Copper • Starch
 • Haemoglobin • Uric acid • Malaria
 • Bile pigment • Schistosome
Add the ingredients and mix well.  • Porphyrin
Steps  • Argyrophil
 • Melanin
• Deparaffinize.  • Lipofuscin
• Pass through graded alcohol.  • Dubin-Johnson
• Wash in water.  • Chromaffin
9.9 Bile Pigment 93

Solution 9.9 Bile Pigment

Solution A: Potassium 2 g
ferrocyanide Bile pigments include conjugated and unconju-
Distilled water 100 ml gated bilirubin and biliverdin. Bile pigment is
2% aqueous solution of potassium ferrocyanide stained with Fouchet’s stain [11].
Solution B: 2% (2 ml hydrochloric acid
Hydrochloric acid and 98 ml distilled water)
Counterstain 9.9.1 Fouchet’s Stain
Neutral red 1% aqueous solution

Trichloroacetic acid 25 g
• Deparaffinize. Distilled water 100 ml
• Pass through graded alcohol to bring in water.
• Rinse in distilled water: 10–15 dips. Mix it well.
• Dip in a mixture of equal parts of Solution A
Ferric chloride 1 g
and Solution B: 30 min.
Distilled water 10 ml
• Multiple dips in distilled water.
• Counterstain with neutral red for 15 s.
• Rinse in distilled water: 10–15 dips. Mix it well.
• Dehydrate in graded alcohol. Now mix 100 ml aqueous trichloroacetic acid
• Clean in xylene. with 10 ml aqueous ferric chloride solution and
• Mount. keep the mixture in a dark bottle.
Van Gieson stain solution
Result (Fig. 9.10)
Acid fuchsin 100 mg
Hemosiderin: Blue Aqueous saturated picric acid 100 ml
Nuclei: Red

Fig. 9.10 Perls’
reaction in the cytology
smear shows dark blue
haemosiderin pigments
94 9  Special Stains for the Carbohydrate, Protein, Lipid, Nucleic Acid and Pigments

Fig. 9.11 Fouchet’s
stain: The stain
highlights bile cast
within renal tubules in a
case of bile cast
nephropathy (200×)

Steps Argyrophil cells: These cells quickly absorb

the silver salt, and the cells need a reducing agent
• Deparaffinize. to make visible silver precipitation by reduction.
• Pass through graded alcohol to bring in water. Argentaffin cells: These cells also absorb the
• Rinse in distilled water: 10–15 dips. silver salt and reduce them without any external
• Dip in fresh Fouchet’s solution: 10 min. reducing substances.
• Wash in distilled water for 2 min. Acetate Buffer
• Counterstain with Van Gieson stain solution:
2 min. Solution 1
Acetic acid 1.2 ml
• Dehydrate in graded alcohol.
Distilled water 100 ml
• Clean in xylene.
Solution 2
• Mount. Sodium acetate 2.7 g
Distilled water 100 ml
Result (Fig. 9.11)
Bile pigment: Green
Final solution: 9  ml Solution 1 with 91  ml
Collagen: Red
Solution 2, pH adjusted to 5.6
Muscle: Yellow
Reducing solution
Sodium sulphite, anhydrous 5 g
9.10 Argyrophil Pigments Hydroquinone 1 g
Distilled water 100 ml
9.10.1 Grimelius Staining [12] 2% silver nitrate
Silver nitrate 4 ml
0.2M acetate buffer, pH 5.6 10 ml
Grimelius stain can demonstrate the argyrophil
Distilled water 86 ml
9.10  Argyrophil Pigments 95

Steps Use the solution within a month.

• Deparaffinize. Steps
• Pass through graded alcohol to bring in water.
• Rinse in distilled water: 10–15 dips. • Deparaffinize.
• Dip the slides in silver nitrate solution (2%) in • Pass through graded alcohol to bring in water.
a Coplin jar: overnight. • Rinse in distilled water for 10–15 dips.
• Drain out the silver nitrate solution. • Dip the slides in ammoniacal silver nitrate in a
• Keep the slides in reducing solution for Coplin jar overnight.
1–2 min. • Wash with distilled water three times.
• Wash in distilled water. • Keep in aqueous sodium thiosulphate (5%):
• Dehydrate in graded alcohol. 2 min.
• Clean in xylene. • Wash thoroughly in running tap water: 2 min.
• Mount. • Counterstain with neutral red (0.5% aqueous):
5 min.
Result • Wash in distilled water.
Argyrophilic cells: Black • Dehydrate in alcohol.
Background: Golden yellow • Clean in xylene.
• Mount.

9.10.2 Melanin Result

Melanin, argentaffin granules, lipofuscin: Black
Melanin is the yellowish brown to black pigment. Nucleus: Red
This pigment is present in hair, the epidermis of
the skin, the eye and the substantia nigra of the
brain. Melanin is produced from tyrosine by 9.10.3 Schmorl’s Stain [13]
series of reaction.
Schmorl’s solution Masson-Fontana Method
Fresh solution of ferric chloride (1% aqueous) 30 ml
Masson-Fontana stain demonstrates melanin and
Fresh solution of potassium ferricyanide 4 ml
argentaffin granules. (0.4% aqueous)
Solution Distilled water 6 ml
10% Silver nitrate solution 25.0 ml
Stock solution
• Deparaffinize.
• Take 25 ml silver nitrate solution in a flask and • Pass through graded alcohol to bring in water.
add drop by drop with concentrated ammo- • Rinse in distilled water: 10–15 dips.
nium hydroxide. • Now keep the section in Schmorl’s solution in
• Shake gently. a Coplin jar for 15 min.
• Add the ammonia solution until all the initial • Wash thoroughly in running tap water.
precipitate dissolves. • Counterstain with neutral red (0.5%): 5 min.
• Clear solution will form. • Dehydrate in alcohol.
• Clean in xylene.
Working solution • Mount.
Stock solution 12.5 ml
Result (Fig. 9.12)
Distilled water 37.5 ml
96 9  Special Stains for the Carbohydrate, Protein, Lipid, Nucleic Acid and Pigments

Fig. 9.12 Schmorl’s
stain: Microphotograph
showing the hyphae of
the dematiaceous fungi
Schmorl’s stain
highlights the peacock
pigmented fungi (1000×
oil immersion)

Fig. 9.13 Brownish
formalin pigments in the
tissue (haematoxylin and
eosin ×200)

Melanin, argentaffin granules, lipofuscin: abnormally in necrotic tissue or in case of

Dark blue infraction.
Nucleus: Red Von Kossa technique [14, 15]
Silver nitrate (5%)
Silver nitrate 5.0 g
9.10.4 Calcium Distilled water 100.0 ml
Thiosulphate solution
Inorganic calcium is the important constituents Sodium thiosulphate 5 g
of bone and teeth. Calcium can be deposited Distilled water 100 ml
References 97

Steps References
• Deparaffinize. 1. McManus JFA. Histological demonstration of mucin
• Pass through graded alcohol to bring in water. after periodic acid. Nature. 1946;158:202.
2. Southgate HW.  Notes on preparing mucicarmine. J
• Rinse in distilled water: 10–15 dips. Pathol Bacteriol. 1927;30:729.
• Flood the section with silver nitrate: 1  h in 3. Lillie RD, Ashburn LL.  Supersaturated solutions of
strong sunlight. fat stains in dilute isopropanol for demonstration of
• Wash thoroughly in running tap water. acute fatty degeneration not shown by Herxheimer’s
technique. Arch Pathol. 1943;36:432–40.
• Keep in sodium thiosulphate solution: 5 min. 4. Sheehan DC, Hrapchak BB.  Theory and practice of
• Wash thoroughly in distilled water. histotechnology. 2nd ed. St. Louis: Mosby; 1980.
• Counterstain with neutral red (0.5%): 5 min. p. 204–5.
• Dehydrate in alcohol. 5. Elleder M, Lojda Z.  Studies in lipid histochemis-
try. XI. New, rapid, simple and selective method for
• Clean in xylene. the demonstration of phospholipids. Histochemie.
• Mount. 1973;36(2):149–66.
6. Delamater ED, Mescon H, Barger JD.  The chem-
Result istry of the Feulgen reaction and related histo-
and cytochemical methods. J Invest Dermatol.
Calcium deposits: Black
Nuclei: Red 7. Unna PG.  Eine Modifikation der Pappenheimschen
Farbung auf Granoplasma. Monatshefte für Praktische
Dermatologie. 1902;35:76.
8. Hall MJ. A staining reaction for bilirubin in sections
9.10.5 Formalin Pigment of tissue. Am J Clin Pathol. 1960;34:313–6.
9. Grimelius L.  A silver nitrate stain for alpha-2 cells
Formalin pigment is brownish black in colour. in human pancreatic islets. Acta Soc Med Ups.
Acidic formalin fixation commonly produces for- 1968;73(5–6):243–70.
10. Lillie RD.  Histopathologic technique and practical
malin pigment (Fig.  9.13). The pigment can be
histochemistry. 2nd ed. New York: Blakiston; 1954.
removed by alcoholic picric acid. Using buffered 11. von Kossa J.  Ueber die im Organismus kunstlich

formalin helps to reduce formalin pigment. erzeugbaren Verkalkungen. Beit Path Anat Allg
Pathol. 1901;29:163.
12. Meloan SN, Puchtler H.  Chemical mechanisms Malarial Pigment of staining methods: Von Kossa’s technique: what
Malarial pigment is similar to formalin pigment. von Kossa really wrote and a modified reaction for
This is also brownish black in colour. Unlike for- selective demonstration of inorganic phosphates. J
malin pigment, malarial pigment is intracellular Histotechol. 1985;8:11–3.
13. Corfield AP.  Mucins: a biologically relevant glycan
in location. RBCs are usually loaded with malar-
barrier in mucosal protection. Biochim Biophys Acta.
ial pigment. This pigment can be removed by 2015;1850(1):236–52.
treating the section with alcoholic picric acid. 14. Lau SK, Weiss LM, Chu PG. Differential expression
of MUC1, MUC2, and MUC5AC in carcinomas of
various sites: an immunohistochemical study. Am J Starch Clin Pathol. 2004;122(1):61–9.
Starch pigment is produced by talcum powder 15. Gendler SJ, Spicer AP. Epithelial mucin genes. Annu
used in the gloves of the surgeons. The pigment is Rev Physiol. 1995;57:607–34.
positive for PAS stain.
Connective Tissue Stain: Principle
and Procedure 10

Connective tissue is one of the major types of tis- Transient cells  (1) Plasma cells, (2) lympho-
sue that connects the different parts of tissue and cytes, (3) neutrophils, (4) monocytes, (5) eosino-
also supports the body parts. Mature connective phils and (6) basophils
tissue is classified as:

1. Connective tissue proper: 10.1 F

 ibrous Part of Connective
a. Loose areolar tissue Tissue
b. Dense connective tissue
2. Specialized connective tissue: The fibrous part of the connective tissue includes:
c. Adipose tissue
d. Haematopoietic tissue • Collagen
e. Bone • Reticulin
f. Cartilage • Elastin
• Basement membrane
The connective tissue consists of two major
10.1.1 Collagen
• Cells
• Noncellular substances Collagen fibres are derived from the fibroblasts.
Collagen fibre may remain as individual single
The noncellular substances can be divided fibre or in bunches. There are predominantly five
into: types of collagen fibres:
Collagen I: These are 300-nm-long and much
• Fibrous part thicker fibres. They carry the main bulk of con-
• Amorphous ground substances also known as nective tissue. Collagen I fibres are present in the
matrix skin, bone, tendon and also blood vessels.
Collagen II: Collagen II fibres are composed
Major cells in the connective tissue are divided of thin fibrils and are arranged as fine meshwork.
into: They are present in hyaline and elastic cartilage
and cornea.
Fixed cells  (1) Fibroblasts, (2) adipose cells, (3) Collagen III: It is present along with collagen
macrophages, (4) pericytes and (5) mast cells I. The tensile strength of collagen III is much less

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P. Dey, Basic and Advanced Laboratory Techniques in Histopathology and Cytology,
100 10  Connective Tissue Stain: Principle and Procedure

than collagen I.  Collagen III is present in the 10.1.2 Reticulin Fibres
basement membrane of various organs.
Collagen IV: They are fine fibrillar structures Reticulin fibres are the fine branching fibres that
that are randomly arranged. Collagen IV fibres are interwoven within closely. They are actually
are present in the glomerular basement mem- collagen III fibre. These are argyrophilic fibres.
brane of the kidney. Reticulin fibres support the parenchymal tissue
Collagen V: This is a fibril-forming collagen of the liver, spleen and lymph node.
and is present in minor quantities in specific tis-
sue such as placenta and atherosclerotic plaque.
It is also present in the interstitial tissue of the 10.1.3 Elastic Fibres
kidney and inter-alveolar septum of the lung.
Collagen VI: This is a unique member of col- These are fine fibres. They are present as branch-
lagen family. Collagen VI is connected with vari- ing fibres or sheet. The elastic fibres are made of
ous components of extracellular matrix material. microfibrils that are organized in complex pattern
Table 10.1 highlights the different types of with the help of calcium. Myofibrils of the elastic
collagen. fibres interact with various proteoglycans that
help in the integration of the supporting tissue.
Table 10.1 Comparison of the different types of Elastic fibres provide the elasticity of the blood
collagen vessels, lung and skin.
Types of Fibrillary
collagen pattern Location Function
I Fibrillar, Skin, bone, Gives tensile 10.1.4 Basement Membrane
thicker dentin, tendon strength
II Fibrillar, Cartilage Gives tensile
thin strength Basement membrane is the connective tissue ele-
III Fibrillar, Blood vessels, Provides ments that separate the epithelial and endothelial
thin, lymph node, structural cells from the underlying connective tissue. The
associated lung framework of basement membrane is divided into three layers
with type I the lymph
from cell membrane to away:
collagen node and
spleen and
gives tensile 1. Lamina lucida: This is nearer to the surface
strength to cells and is made of various carbohydrate
materials. The lamina lucida contains integrin,
tissues laminin and collagen. This layer may be sim-
IV Network Basement Makes the ply an artefact.
forming membrane framework of 2. Lamina densa: This is the next zone of basement
lamina densa membrane and consists of predominantly colla-
to provide
support gen IV, proteoglycan, laminin and fibronectin.
V Fibrillar Present along Gives tensile 3. Lamina fibroreticularis: This is the fibrous
with type I, strength component and merged with the underlying
placenta, connective tissue elements. They are composed
of bunch of microfibrils and collagen fibres.
tissue of the
kidney and
septum of the 10.2 Stains
VI Beaded Connective Possibly helps
filaments tissue of the in the 10.2.1 Masson Trichrome [1]
blood vessels, attachment of
uterus, etc. cells and Many different colours of dye are used in Masson
present along connective trichrome stain to differentiate the collagen
with type II tissue
fibres, muscle, fibrin and RBCs.
10.2 Stains 101

Indications: 2. Weigert’s haematoxylin

 Solution (a)
• Liver biopsy: To assess the degree of fibrosis   Haematoxylin 1.0 g
in the liver tissue such as in chronic liver dis-   95% ethanol 100 ml
 Solution (b)
ease, cirrhosis, etc.
   29% aqueous ferric chloride 4.0 ml
• Kidney biopsy: To see the changes of base-
  Distilled water 95.0 ml
ment membrane of glomeruli    Concentrated hydrochloric acid 1.0 ml
• Tumour: To distinguish collagen and smooth  Working solution: Mix equal proportion of solutions
muscle in tumours (a) and (b), and use immediately
3. Acid fuchsin solution
Acid fuchsin 0.5 g
Principle  The staining of a particular tissue by a Glacial acetic acid 0.5 ml
particular dye depends on the size, molecular Distilled water 100 ml
4. Phosphomolybdic acid solution (1%)
weight, ionic character and network of the mole-
Phosphomolybdic acid 1 g
cules of the tissue. Similarly the molecular
Distilled water 100 ml
weight and ionic character of the dye are impor- Mix phosphomolybdic acid in distilled water. This
tant. Dye of lower molecular weight will pene- solution is stable for 6 months
trate the tissue more easily and will stain all the 5. Aniline blue solution
components of the tissue. The dye of medium Aniline blue 2.5 g
molecular weight will penetrate only through the Glacial acetic acid 2.0 ml
muscle and collagen (leaving RBC uncoloured), Distilled water 100 ml
whereas the more higher molecular dye will pen-
etrate only through collagen, and muscle fibres Preparation: Mix aniline blue in 100  ml of
will not be stained at all. So the basic thing is that boiling distilled water. Mix 2  ml glacial acetic
the smaller dye molecule will stain the tissue, and acid. Cool the solution and then filter.
when the larger dye molecule penetrates the tis-
sue, then it will replace the smaller dye from the Steps to stain
In Masson trichrome stain, the dyes of differ- • Deparaffinize.
ent molecular weights are used in sequential • Graded alcohol to bring in water.
manner. • Rinse in distilled water: 10–15 dips.
Acid fuchsin dye is used to stain both muscle • Fix the section in Bouin’s fixative: 60 min.
and collagen tissue together. The staining time is • Rinse thoroughly in running tap water: 10 min.
kept for optimum duration so that the dye stains • Weigert’s iron haematoxylin: 10 min.
the muscle and collagen adequately. • Bluing: by keeping the section in running tap
Then, a polyacid of larger molecular size is water.
used to differentiate the tissue. It removes the • Acid fuchsin: 10 min.
stain from the bone and collagen. • Rinse with acetic acid.
Finally, another fibre-specific contrast dye • Treat with phosphomolybdic acid solution:
(aniline blue) is used that has larger molecular 5 min.
weight than the previous (acid fuchsin) dye. This • Drain the solution.
dye is kept for optimum time to stain the collagen • Aniline blue: 5 min.
fibres only. • Wash in distilled water: 10–15 dips.
Solution • Differentiate: 2% acetic acid—2 min.
1. Bouin’s fixative • Wash in distilled water.
Saturated picric acid 75 ml • Rapid dehydration.
Formaldehyde (40%) 25 ml • Clear in xylene.
Glacial acetic acid 5.0 ml • Mount.
102 10  Connective Tissue Stain: Principle and Procedure

Fig. 10.1 Masson
trichrome (MT) stain:
the stain highlighting the
portal tract bluish green,
while the hepatocytes
were stained red. The
nuclei of the cells took a
deeper shade of blue
(normal liver tissue)

Result (Fig. 10.1) Steps of staining

Muscle: red
Collagen: blue • Deparaffinize.
Nuclei: black or blue • Graded alcohol to bring in water.
Fibrin: red • Rinse in distilled water: 10–15 dips.
• Weigert’s iron haematoxylin: 10 min.
• Wash in tap water.
10.2.2 Van Gieson Stain [2] • Differentiation: 1% acid alcohol.
• Wash in water.
Aim  This stain demonstrates collagen. • Van Gieson’s solution: 5 min.
• Wash in distilled water.
Indications: • Rapid dehydration.
• Clear in xylene.
• Extent of fibrosis: It helps to assess the quan- • Mount.
titation of fibrosis.
• Tumour: It helps to differentiate collagenous Result (Fig. 10.2)
material from the smooth muscle so useful to dif- Collagen fibres: red
ferentiate fibrosarcoma from leiomyosarcoma. Nuclei: black
• Amyloid versus collagen: Van Gieson stain is Cytoplasm, muscle and fibrin: yellow
specific for collagenous material.

10.2.3 Reticulin Stain

Principle  The principle of this stain is the same
as described in Masson trichrome stain. Indications:

Van Gieson’s stain solution • Liver biopsy: Reticulin stain helps to demon-
Acid fuchsin 1% (aqueous) 10 ml strate the early cirrhosis. It is an essential stain
Picric acid (aqueous saturated) 100 ml in liver sections.
10.2 Stains 103

Fig. 10.2  Elastic van

Gieson (EVG) stain:
elastic van Gieson
staining in a case of
polyarteritis nodosa. The
elastic tissue of the
artery (elastic lamina)
was stained black, while
the fat was stained red

from the carbohydrate component. The tissue is

• Kidney: It demonstrates Kimmelstiel-Wilson treated with silver salt in basic pH. In the basic
lesion of diabetic glomerulosclerosis. medium, silver salt produces metallic silver that
• Bone marrow: It is a very useful stain to dem- reacts with the aldehyde group of the tissue.
onstrate marrow fibrosis and is particularly Subsequently sodium thiosulphate is used to
helpful in myelofibrosis. remove the excess unreactive silver. Tissue is fur-
• Lymph node: Lymph nodal architectural pat- ther treated with gold chloride to make this pre-
tern is better demonstrated by reticulin stain. cipitation permanent.
The loss of lymph nodal architecture is seen in
non-Hodgkin lymphomas.
• Tumours:
–– In endometrial stromal sarcoma, “basket-­ 10.2.4 Gordon and Sweet’s Method
weave” appearance is seen. for Reticulin Stain [3]
–– Chicken wire pattern of reticulin is noted in
myxoid liposarcomas. Solution
–– Typical Zellballen pattern in paragangli- Acidified Potassium Permanganate (1%)
oma is better demonstrated by reticulin
• Potassium permanganate 0.5 g
stain. • 3% sulphuric (H2SO4) acid 2.5 ml
–– Gliomas and sarcomas: Abundant reticulin • Distilled water 47.5 ml
fibres  Freshly prepared solution
–– Ewing’s sarcoma: Absent of reticulin
Oxalic Acid (2%)
Dissolve 2.0 g oxalic acid in 100 ml distilled
Principle  Reticulin fibres are stained reliably by water.
silver impregnation method (Fig.  10.3). The Iron Alum (2%)
reticulin fibres contain a carbohydrate ­component.
Potassium permanganate is used to oxidize the Ferric ammonium sulphate 2.0 g
Distilled water 100.0 ml
reticulin fibres, and aldehyde group is generated
104 10  Connective Tissue Stain: Principle and Procedure

Fig. 10.3 Schematic
diagram shows
mechanism of reticulin Silver
stain. Potassium salt
permanganate oxidizes
the carbohydrate
component of the
reticulin fibres to Basic
generate aldehyde Reticulin Reticulin pH
group. In the basic
medium, the silver salt
CH2OH CHO Sodium
produces metallic silver thiosulphate
that reacts with the
aldehyde group of the
Metallic Removes
tissue. Gold chloride Oxidation by Potassium
silver excess
makes this metallic permanganate
precipitation permanent. silver
In addition, sodium To make the reaction
thiosulphate is used to permanent
remove the excess
unreactive silver

10% Formaldehyde • Wash in tap water.

Formaldehyde 10.0 ml • Iron alum solution, 10–15 min.
Distilled water 90 ml • Wash in distilled water three changes.
• Silver nitrate solution: 2 min.
Gold Chloride (0.2%) • Wash in distilled water two changes.
Dissolve 0.2  g gold chloride in 100  ml dis- • 10% formaldehyde solution: 1  min (till it
tilled water. becomes grey black).
Sodium Thiosulphate (5%) • Rinse thoroughly in tap water.
Sodium thiosulphate 5 g • Toning: 0.2% gold chloride solution for 3 min.
Distilled water 100.0 ml • Rinse thoroughly in tap water.
• Fix with sodium thiosulphate (5%): 2 min.
Silver Nitrate (10%) • Wash in tap water.
Silver nitrate 10.0 g • Counterstain: Neutral red for 2  min (if you
Distilled water 100.0 ml need).
• Wash in distilled water.
Take 5 ml aqueous silver nitrate solution, and • Rapid dehydration.
add drop by drop sodium hydroxide. Initial pre- • Clear in xylene.
cipitate will be formed. Add strong ammonia • Mount.
drop by drop to dissolve the black precipitate.
Now add equal amount of distilled water. Result (Fig. 10.4)
Reticulin fibres: black
Steps to stain Nuclei: red
Warning notes
• Deparaffinize.
• Graded alcohol to bring in water. • Silver salt solution should be properly pre-
• Rinse in distilled water: 10–15 dips. pared. Do not mix excess ammonia solution in
• Potassium permanganate solution: 5 min. the silver nitrate.
• Wash in tap water. • Use a coplin jar for the silver nitrate solution
• Bleach: Oxalic acid 2 min. treatment. Time is a critical factor in this step
10.3  Elastic Fibres 105

Fig. 10.4 Reticulin
stain: reticulin stain in
the liver highlighting the
normal reticulin pattern
of the liver (400×)

It is preferable to use fresh solution

of silver salt reaction. Do not put the slide in Solution 2
silver salt solution for excess time.  Ferric chloride 10 g
• Silver salt solution should be away from  Distilled water 100 ml
sunlight. Solution 3
• Use only distilled water in each step.  Iodine 1 g
 Potassium iodide 2 g
• Clean glassware should be used. Wash them
 Distilled water 100 ml
by distilled water thoroughly, at least five
Final Verhoeff’s solution
times.  Solution 1 20 ml
 Solution 2 8 ml
 Solution 3 8 ml
10.3 Elastic Fibres
Add 8 ml “solution 2” into 20 ml of solution 1
The common stains of elastic fibres include and then add 8 ml solution 3.
Verhoeff’s stain, orcein stain and Weigert’s
resorcin-­fuchsin stain. Steps of staining

• Deparaffinize.
10.3.1 Verhoeff’s Stain for Collagen [4] • Graded alcohol to bring in water.
• Rinse in distilled water: 10–15 dips.
Principle  The haematoxylin dye binds with the • Verhoeff’s iron haematoxylin: 20 min.
elastic tissue by ionic interaction. Ferric salt acts • Differentiation: By 2% ferric chloride. This is
as an oxidizer and helps in binding of haematox- a crucial step. Allow to differentiate till the
ylin and elastic fibres. fibres take black colour. Check the colour by
Control: skin tissue • Wash in water.
Solutions • Remove iodine by washing in 95% alcohol.
• Counterstain: Van Gieson’s stain—2 min.
Solution 1 • Rapid dehydration.
 Haematoxylin 5 g • Clear in xylene.
 Absolute alcohol 100 ml • Mount.
106 10  Connective Tissue Stain: Principle and Procedure

Results • Dissolve orcein in alcohol and heat the

Elastic fibres: black solution
Nuclei: black • Cool
Collagen: red • Filter
Other tissue: yellow • Add hydrochloric acid

Steps of staining
10.3.2 Weigert’s Resorcin-Fuchsin
Stain [5] • Deparaffinize.
• Graded alcohol to bring in water.
Solution • Wash in water.
Basic fuchsin 2 g • Orcein solution: 30 min (in 56 °C).
Resorcin 4 g • Differentiate: by 1% acid alcohol.
Distilled water 200 ml • Wash in water.
• Counterstain: methylene blue.
• Mix basic fuchsin and resorcin in 200 ml dis- • Rapid dehydration.
tilled water and boil. Now add 25 ml of 30% • Clear in xylene.
ferric chloride in this boiling solution. • Mount.
• Boil for another 5 min
• Cool Result
• Filter Elastic fibres: brown
• Take the precipitate in a filter paper Fibrin and cross striation of the muscle
• Now take 200 ml of 95% ethanol in a flask and Fibrin is best stained by phosphotungstic acid
dissolve the precipitate by heating haematoxylin (PTAH).
• Remove the filter paper
• Add 4 ml of concentrated HCl
Steps of staining 10.3.4 Phosphotungstic Acid
Haematoxylin (PTAH) [6, 7]
• Deparaffinize.
• Graded alcohol to bring in water. Aim  PTAH aims to stain fibrin, cross striation of
• Rinse in distilled water: 10–15 dips. the muscle and glial fibres.
• Put the section in the stain solution for 1–3 h
in room temperature. Solutions
• Wash in water.
Haematoxylin 1 g
• Differentiate: by 1% acid alcohol.
Phosphotungstic acid 20 g
• Wash in water. Distilled water 1000 ml
• Counterstain: Eosin.
• Rapid dehydration.
• Clear in xylene. • Dissolve haematoxylin and phosphotungstic
• Mount. acid separately in distilled water by gently
Result heating.
Elastic fibres: purple • Cool.
• Combine the two solutions.

10.3.3 Orcein for Elastic Fibres 0.25% potassium permanganate

Potassium permanganate 0.25 g
Orcein 1 g Distilled water 100 ml
Hydrochloric acid 1 ml
70% alcohol 100 ml
5% oxalic acid
10.3  Elastic Fibres 107

Oxalic acid 5 g • Dehydration: rapidly by 95% ethyl alcohol.

Distilled water 100 ml • Absolute alcohol.
• Clear.
Steps of staining • Mount.

• Deparaffinize. Result (Fig. 10.5)

• Graded alcohol to bring in water. Striated muscle fibres, fibrin, nuclei and astro-
• Wash in water. cytes: blue
• Oxidation: by 0.25% potassium permanganate
for 10 min. • Cytoplasm: brown red
• Wash in water. • Collagen and bone: brown pink
• Bleaching: by 5% oxalic acid for 2–5  min
(until the colour disappears). Figure 10.6 demonstrates different staining
• Wash thoroughly in distilled water. pattern for different types of connective
• Keep the section in PTAH solution for 12–24 h. tissue.

Fig. 10.5 
Phosphotungstic acid
haematoxylin (PTAH)
stain: This stain
highlighted the fibrin
thrombi as
haematoxyphilic blue
showing numerous
glomerular fibrin
thrombi (400×)

Fig. 10.6  Staining the

colour pattern of
different connective
tissue stains (PTAH
phosphotungstic acid
haematoxylin, H&E
haematoxylin and eosin)
108 10  Connective Tissue Stain: Principle and Procedure

References 4. Verhoeff FH.  Some new staining methods of wide

applicability. Including a rapid differential stain for
elastic tissue. J Am Med Assoc. 1908;50:876–7.
1. Garvey W. Modified elastic tissue-Masson trichrome
5. Weigert C. Ueber eine method zur Farbung elastischer
stain. Stain Technol. 1984;59(4):213–6.
Fasern. Zentrablatt Fuer Allgemeine Pathologie und
2. Van Gieson I. Laboratory notes of technical methods
Pathologische Anatomie. 1898;9:289.
for the nervous system. N Y Med J. 1889;50:57.
6. Mallory FB.  A contribution to staining methods. J
3. Gordon H, Sweets HH.  A simple method for the
Exp Med. 1900;5:15.
silver impregnation of reticulum. Am J Pathol.
7. Puchtler H, Waldrop FS, Meloan SN. On the mecha-
nism of Mallory’s phosphotungstic acid-­haematoxylin
stain. J Microsc. 1980;119(3):383–90.
Amyloid Staining

11.1 Introduction multiple organs, whereas localized amyloidosis

shows only single organ involvement [1–3].
Amyloid is the eosinophilic amorphous extracel- The systemic amyloidosis is classified broadly
lular insoluble misfolded fibrillar protein. The as (Table 11.1):
deposition of this extracellular amyloid protein in
various organs and tissues is known as amyloido- 1. Primary amyloidosis
sis. Amyloid is not a single disease. The different 2. Secondary amyloidosis
diseases of variable etiopathogenesis may show 3. Familial amyloidosis
amyloidosis. 4. Other familial types of amyloidosis
Amyloid protein is the beta-fibrillar structure
which gives the characteristic staining pattern. Primary amyloidosis:
Amyloid deposit is composed of fibrillar amyloid AL type amyloidosis (AL): AL amyloidosis is
protein, plasma, proteoglycan and extracellular associated with plasma cell neoplasm, and it is
matrix material. On electron microscopy, the the commonest type of amyloidosis. The fibril
amyloid fibril shows non-branching filaments composition of AL type is variable region of
that are randomly arranged. The amyloid fibrils
are specifically arranged as beta-pleated sheet Table 11.1  Classification of amyloidosis
configuration which give their characteristic tinc-
torial pattern. Each fibril is composed of two or Type variety
more subunits. Each filamentous subunit is Systemic
2.5–3 nm in diameter and in total 10 nm in diam- Primary: related with plasma cell AL
eter. The fibrillar subunits are parallel and twist- tumour
ing with each other forming a beta-pleated sheet. Secondary: related with chronic AA
They are folded and arranged in antiparallel ori-
Haemodialysis related Aβm
entation with the adjacent polypeptide chains.
The stability of the beta-pleated sheet is a critical Hereditary polyneuropathy ATTR
factor for the further deposition of the amyloid Familial Mediterranean fever AA
protein irrespective of the chemical characters of Localized
the protein. Senile cardiac ATTR
Amyloid is classified as systemic amyloidosis Senile cerebral Aβ
or localized amyloidosis. The systemic amyloi- Endocrine: medullary carcinoma of A Cal
dosis is characterized by deposition of amyloid in thyroid

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P. Dey, Basic and Advanced Laboratory Techniques in Histopathology and Cytology,
110 11  Amyloid Staining

kappa or lambda light chain of immunoglobulin. Steps of staining

The free light chain is present in circulation and
is also deposited in the various organs. The exact • Deparaffinize.
cause of amyloidogenic potential of the light • Pass through graded alcohol to bring in
chain is not surely known possibly it depends on water.
certain sequence of amino acid. • Rinse in distilled water: 10–15 dips.
Secondary amyloidosis (AA type): • Stain by Mayer’s haematoxylin.
The fibrillar composition of secondary amy- • Blueing by running tap water.
loidosis is AA protein. This type of amyloidosis • Wash in distilled water.
is secondary to various inflammatory lesions • Alkaline alcohol sodium chloride solution:
such as tuberculosis, rheumatoid arthritis, etc. 20 min.
The amyloid is formed from serum amyloid A • Alkaline Congo red: 20 min.
(SAA), an acute phase protein. • Rapid dehydration.
Familial amyloidosis (ATTR) • Clear in xylene.
In this autosomal dominant disorder, the amy- • Mount.
loid is formed from the mutant transthyretin
(ATTR). Transthyretin is a transport protein of Result (Fig. 11.1):
thyroxine- and retinol-binding protein. Amyloid: Deep pink
Localized amyloidosis Apple green birefringence in polarized light
In case of localized amyloidosis, the amyloid
is deposited in the isolated organ such as the
lung, kidney or tongue. 11.2.2 Congo Red Stain by Highman [5]

Congo red solution

11.2 Stains for Amyloid 50% ethyl alcohol 100 ml
Congo red 0.5 g
11.2.1 Alkaline Congo Red Stain [4] Potassium hydroxide (0.2%)
80% ethyl alcohol 100 ml
Principle  Congo red intercalates between the Potassium hydroxide 0.2 g
parallel fibrils of the amyloid protein and forms a
non-polar hydrogen bond. Steps

Solution • Deparaffinize.
1% sodium hydroxide • Pass through graded alcohol to bring in
Sodium hydroxide 1 g water.
Distilled water 100 ml • Rinse in distilled water: 10–15 dips.
Saturated sodium chloride in ethanol (80%) • Congo red: 5 min.
80% ethanol 100 ml • Differentiation by alcoholic potassium
Sodium chloride 1 g hydroxide: Few seconds.
Alkaline alcohol sodium chloride solution
• Wash in water.
Sodium hydroxide (1%) 1 ml
• Counterstain: Alum haematoxylin.
Sodium chloride ethanol (80%) 100 ml
Freshly made solution should be used • Running tap water for blueing.
Alkaline Congo red stock solution • Wash by distilled water.
Congo red 0.5 g • Rapid dehydration.
Alkaline alcohol sodium chloride solution 300 ml • Clear in xylene.
Working solution of Congo red • Mount.
Alkaline Congo red stock solution 100 ml
1% sodium hydroxide 1 ml Result
Use only fresh solution Amyloid: Red colour
References 111

Fig. 11.1  Apple green

birefringence of amyloid
material in Congo red
stain with polarized

11.2.3 Thioflavine T Stain [6] Result

Fluorescence microscope using BG12 exciter
Thioflavine T is a very sensitive technique. filter and K 530 barrier filter: Bright yellow
However, it is not a specific stain for amyloid. fluorescence
Thioflavine T Solution
Thioflavine T 1 g
Distilled water 100 ml References

Steps 1. Blancas-Mejía LM, Ramirez-Alvarado M.  Systemic

amyloidoses. Annu Rev Biochem. 2013;82:745–74.
2. Wechalekar AD, Gillmore JD, Hawkins PN. Systemic
• Deparaffinize. amyloidosis. Lancet. 2016;387(10038):2641–54.
• Pass through graded alcohol to bring in water. 3. Falk RH, Comenzo RL, Skinner M.  The systemic
• Rinse in distilled water: 10–15 dips. amyloidoses. N Engl J Med. 1997;337(13):898–909.
4. Puchtler H, Sweat F, Levine M.  On the binding of
• Counterstain with alum haematoxylin: 2 min. Congo red by amyloid. J Histochem Cytochem.
• Wash in water. 1962;10:355–64.
• Thioflavine T solution: 3 min. 5. Highman B.  Improved methods for demonstrating
• Rinse in water. amyloid in paraffin sections. Arch Pathol (Chic).
• Differentiation: 1% acetic acid for 20 min. 6. Vassar PS, Culling CF. Fluorescent stains, with spe-
• Wash in water. cial reference to amyloid and connective tissues. Arch
• Dehydrate. Pathol. 1959;68:487–98.
• Clear in xylene.
• Mount in glycerine jelly.
Stains for the Microbial Organisms

Microbial organisms or microbes are sub-­ that helps to retain the dye crystal violet on the
microscopic infective organisms that may pro- cell wall. Now Gram’s iodine is added that helps
duce disease in human. to bind the crystal violet on the wall of the bacte-
Broadly these microbes can be subdivided ria. This dye-iodine complex does not diffuse out
into (1) bacteria, (2) fungi, (3) protozoa, (4) hel- in the presence of acetone. Therefore, Gram-­
minths and (5) virus. positive organism shows blue colour even after
Routine haematoxylin and eosin stain may not acetone treatment. The dye-iodine complex is
distinctly identify the microbial organism in tis- diffused out easily from the Gram-negative bac-
sue or smear, and therefore special stain is teria and so it becomes colourless. The counter-
needed. Special stain helps to delineate the mor- stain carbol-fuchsin is applied to give
phology and characteristic colour of the organ- Gram-negative organism a pink colour.
isms [1–3] (Table  12.1). It is advisable to have
culture of the microbes if possible. Reagents
Crystal violet solution
Crystal violet 1.0 g
12.1 Bacteria Absolute alcohol 20 ml
Ammonium oxalate (1%) 80 ml
The common stains of the demonstration of bac- Lugol’s iodine
terial organisms are: Iodine crystal 1.0 g
Potassium iodide 2.0 g
Distilled water 300 ml
• Gram’s stain
Basic fuchsin
• Ziehl-Neelsen stain Basic fuchsin 1.0 g
Distilled water 100 ml

12.1.1 Gram’s Stain [4, 5] Steps of staining

This stain is discovered by Hans Christian Gram • Deparaffinize.

in 1884. It helps to identify the Gram-positive • Pass through graded lower concentration of
organism. alcohol and section/smear to bring in water.
• Crystal violet solution: 1–2 min.
Principle  The Gram-positive bacteria contain • Lugol’s iodine: 1 min.
good amount of peptidoglycan on their cell wall • Differentiation by alcohol: 1 or 2 dip.

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P. Dey, Basic and Advanced Laboratory Techniques in Histopathology and Cytology,
114 12  Stains for the Microbial Organisms

Table 12.1  Special stains for microbial organisms

Organisms Stain Comment
Mycobacterium Ziehl-Neelsen (Z-N) stain, auramine-­ Red bacilli in Z-N stain yellow
tuberculosis rhodamine stain fluorescence in auramine-rhodamine stain
Mycobacterium Fite acid-fast stain Red bacilli
Actinomycosis Papanicolaou’s stain, May Grunwald Giemsa, Clustered bacilli with sunray appearance
Gomori methenamine silver
Nocardia MGG, Gram stain, modified acid-fast stain Thin slender long bacilli
Helicobacter MGG, H&E and Gram stain Flying birds like bacilli in rows
Candida Papanicolaou’s stain, May Grunwald Giemsa, Thin slender pseudohyphae and spores
Gomori methenamine silver, PAS
Aspergillus PAP, PAS, H&E and GMS Slender bacilli with acute angle branching
Mucormycosis PAP, H&E and GMS Broad, wide-angle branching, nonseptate
Cryptococci Mucicarmine, Masson-Fontana silver stain Small 3–5 μm round structure
Histoplasma GMS, PAS Small 2–3 μm round structure
Pneumocystis GMS
Amoeba (E. PAS, H&E, iron haematoxylin stain Round-shaped small organisms
Giardia lamblia H&E Pear-shaped small organisms
Echinococcus H&E, GMS, PAS
H&E haematoxylin and eosin, PAP Papanicolaou, GMS Gomori methenamine silver, Z-N Ziehl-Neelsen, PAS periodic

• Counterstain by basic fuchsin: 2 min. Reagents

• Wash with water. Carbol-fuchsin
• Dehydrate by absolute alcohol. Basic fuchsin 0.5 g
• Clear in xylene. Absolute ethyl alcohol 5 ml
• Mount. 5% phenol (aqueous) 100 ml
Methylene blue
Result Methylene blue 1.4 g
95% ethyl alcohol 100 ml
Gram-negative bacteria: Purple
Acid alcohol
Gram-positive bacteria: Pink
Hydrochloric acid 10 ml
Alcohol 1000 ml

12.1.2 Ziehl-Neelsen Stain

Steps of staining
Aim  Ziehl-Neelsen stain demonstrates acid-fast
tubercular bacilli. • Deparaffinize.
• Pass through graded lower concentration of
alcohol and section/smear to bring in water.
Principle  The organisms are stained with basic • In hot carbol-fuchsin solution for 30 min.
fuchsin dye by heating. They resist decolouriza- • Thoroughly washing in water.
tion by acid alcohol (1%). The methylene blue • Differentiation: By acid alcohol till the tissue
counterstain is used to stain decolourized non-­ is pale.
acid-­fast bacilli. • Counterstain: By methylene blue for 15 s.
12.1 Bacteria 115

• Wash in water. Sulphuric acid 5 ml

• Dehydrate by absolute alcohol. 25% ethyl alcohol 95 ml
• Clear in xylene. Xylene in peanut oil solution
• Mount. Xylene 50.0 ml
Peanut oil 50.0 ml

Result (Fig. 12.1): This solution can be used for 1 year.

• Acid-fast bacilli: Red colour Steps of staining

• Nuclei: Blue colour
• Deparaffinize: Keep the section in xylene/pea-
nut oil solution for 2 min.
12.1.3 Fite Acid-Fast Stain • Blot the excess oil.
for Leprosy [6] • Wash in water: 5 min.
• Put the slide in carbol-fuchsin solution for
Aim  Fite acid-fast stain helps to demonstrate 30 min (room temperature).
mycobacterium leprosy. • Rinse in water: 5 min.
• Decolourize: By 5% sulphuric acid.
• Wash in water.
Principle  Mycobacterium leprae bacilli are • Counterstain: By methylene blue for 1 or 2 dips.
weak acid fast organisms, and therefore weak • Wash in water: 5 min.
concentration of sulphuric acid (5%) is used. • Blot the section.
• Dry.
Methylene blue • Clear in xylene.
Methylene blue 1.4 g • Mount.
95% ethyl alcohol 100 ml
Carbol-fuchsin Result
Basic fuchsin 0.5 g Acid-fast bacilli and Mycobacterium leprae
Absolute alcohol 5 ml (Fig. 12.2): Red
5% phenol (aqueous) 100 ml Background: Blue
Sulphuric acid (5%)

Fig. 12.1 Abundant
acid-fast bacilli in a case
of atypical mycobacteria
(Ziehl-Neelsen stain
116 12  Stains for the Microbial Organisms

Fig. 12.2 Abundant
lepra bacilli in a lymph
node aspirate in Fite
acid-fast stain for
leprosy (Fite acid-fast
stain for leprosy ×1200)

Sodium thiosulphate solution (5%)

12.2 Fungal Infection Sodium thiosulphate 1.0 g
Distilled water 100.0 ml
12.2.1 Grocott’s Methenamine Sodium bisulphite (1%)
Silver [7] Sodium metabisulphite 1.0 g
Distilled water 100.0 ml
Aim  Grocott’s methenamine silver stains the Chromic acid (2%)
cell wall of the fungi. It stains the outer wall of Chromium trioxide 10.0 g
the Pneumocystis carinii organisms. Distilled water 500.0 ml

Reagents This solution can be used for 6 months.

Stock solution of methenamine silver Gold chloride solution (0.1%)
Methenamine (3%) 100 ml Gold chloride 0.1 g
Silver nitrate (5%) 5 ml Distilled water 100.0 ml
Stock solution of light green (0.2%)
Add silver nitrate solution slowly drop by Light green 0.2 g
drop. The white precipitate will appear. It will Distilled water 100.0 ml
Glacial acetic acid 0.2 ml
dissolve slowly. Filter the solution. Keep the
Light green working solution
solution in a brown coloured bottle (stable for
Light green stock solution 10 ml
3 months). Distilled water 50.0 ml
Sodium borate solution (5%)
Sodium borate 5.0 g
Steps of staining
Distilled water 100.0 ml

• Deparaffinize.
This solution can be used for 3 months. • Pass through graded lower concentration of
Methenamine silver working solution alcohol and section/smear to bring in water.
Stock solution of methenamine silver 50 ml • Oxidation: 2% chromic acid, 30 min.
5% sodium borate 5 ml • Wash in distilled water.
12.3 Spirochaetes 117

• Dip: 1% sodium bisulphite for 1 min. Buffer solution

• Wash in distilled water. Sodium acetate 1.64 g
• Working methenamine silver solution: 15 min Acetic acid 2.5 ml
in water bath at a temperature of 60 °C. Tissue Distilled water 200 ml
Silver solution
will take brown colour.
Silver nitrate 0.5 g
• Wash in distilled water.
Buffer solution 50 ml
• Tone: Gold chloride solution 5 s. Developer solution
• Wash in distilled water.  Solution A
• Sodium thiosulphate solution: 5 s.   Hydroquinone 300 mg
• Wash in water.   Buffer solution 10 ml (as prepared above)
• Counterstain: Light green working solution    The solutions are stored in 37 °C
for 10 s.  Solution B
• Dehydrate by absolute alcohol.    Silver nitrate (2%) 3 ml
• Clear in xylene.
• Mount. Mix 10  ml solution A and 3  ml solution B
(prewarm to 60 °C) just before use.
Result (Fig. 12.3)
Fungi and pneumocystis: Black Steps
Background: Green
• Deparaffinize and bring the section in water.
• Wash in buffer solution.
12.3 Spirochaetes • Stain in 1% silver nitrate solution at 60 °C: 1 h.
• Keep the section in freshly prepared developer
12.3.1 Warthin and Starry solution at 60 °C: 3–4 min.
Technique [8] • Wash in water at 60 °C.
• Wash in buffer solution.
Fixation  Formalin-fixed section • Dehydrate.
• Clear.
Reagents • Mount.

Fig. 12.3 Methenamine
silver stain for
Pneumocystis carinii
infection (Methenamine
silver stain ×1200)
118 12  Stains for the Microbial Organisms

Result Result
Spirochaetes: Black colour. Background: Viral inclusion: Bright red. Background:
Brown to yellow Yellow

12.4 Viral Inclusions References

12.4.1 Phloxine-Tartrazine Stain 1. Woods GL, Walker DH.  Detection of infection or

infectious agents by use of cytologic and histologic
stains. Clin Microbiol Rev. 1996;9(3):382–404.
Reagents 2. Kwon-Chung KJ, Hill WB, Bennett JE. New, special
Phloxine 0.5 g stain for histopathological diagnosis of cryptococco-
Calcium chloride 0.5 g sis. J Clin Microbiol. 1981;13(2):383–7.
3. Madison BM. Application of stains in clinical micro-
Distilled water 100 ml
biology. Biotech Histochem. 2001;76(3):119–25.
Tartrazine to saturate in 2-ethoxy ethanol 100 ml 4. Gram HC. Über die isolierte Färbung der
Schizomyceten in Schnitt- und Trockenpräparaten.
Steps of staining Fortschr Med. 1884;2:185–9.
5. Engbaek K, Johansen KS, Jensen ME.  A new tech-
nique for Gram staining paraffin-embedded tissue. J
• Deparaffinize. Clin Pathol. 1979;32(2):187–90.
• Pass through graded lower concentration of 6. Wade HW. A modification of the Fite formaldehyde
alcohol and section/smear to bring in water. (Fite I) method for staining acid-fast bacilli in paraffin
sections. Stain Technol. 1957;32(6):287–92.
• Nuclear stain: Alum haematoxylin for 10 min. 7. Grocott RG. A stain for fungi in tissue sections and
• Differentiates in acid alcohol. smears using Gomori's methenamine-silver nitrate
• Wash in tap water. technique. Am J Clin Pathol. 1955;25:975–9.
• Stain in phloxine solution: 20 min. 8. Warthin AS, Chronister AC.  A more rapid and
improved method of demonstrating spirochetes in
• Wash in tap water. tissues (Warthin and Starry’s cover-glass method).
• Keep in tartrazine: 5–10 min American Journal of Syphilis. 1920;4:97–103.
• Dehydration by absolute alcohol
• Xylene
• Mount
Part II
Basic Laboratory Techniques in Cytology
Cytology Sample Procurement,
Fixation and Processing 13

13.1 Introduction cytology, fine needle aspiration cytology

(FNAC) under radiological guidance
The routine laboratory technique includes the • Gastrointestinal tract: gastric brush,
following components: lavage, transendoscopic FNAC
• Urine: voided urine, catheterized urine,
• Specimen collection: Unlike histopathology, ureteric urine
the specimen collection is variable in different • Effusion cytology: effusion fluid
body samples in cytology. • Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF): clean vial
• Fixation: Different types of fixatives are used • Vitreous fluid: clean vial
in various cytology samples. • Joint fluid: in anticoagulant
• Processing: The processing of the cytology B. Fine needle aspiration cytology: This is usu-
sample is widely different. It largely depends ally done directly by the cytologist.
on the type of sample and available laboratory
• Staining: The common stains in cytology lab- 13.2.1 Cervical Cytology [1, 2]
oratory are Papanicolaou’s and May Grunwald
Giemsa (MGG) stain. The cervical cytology sample is usually col-
lected by the gynaecologist or the trained nurse.
The collection of cervical cytology is important
13.2 Sample Collection because the success of a cervical cancer screen-
ing program largely depends on adequate
The following broad types of samples are com- sampling.
monly received in cytology laboratory:
Preparation of the patient
A. Exfoliative cytology
• Cervical cytology: cervical smear, liquid-­ • Two weeks after the first day of the last men-
based cytology in vial strual period
• Respiratory samples: sputum, bronchial • No sexual intercourse 2  days prior to
wash, bronchial brush, bronchoalveolar sampling
lavage, trans bronchial needle aspiration • No use of vaginal cream, jellies or tampons

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P. Dey, Basic and Advanced Laboratory Techniques in Histopathology and Cytology,
122 13  Cytology Sample Procurement, Fixation and Processing

Collection devices 4. Cervix brush (Fig. 13.2): (a) mainly used for

The ideal collection device should have the liquid-­based cytology (LBC) sample collec-
following properties: tion, (b) procure sample from both ecto- and
endocervical material, (c) costlier than all the
• Able to collect materials from both ectocervi- above devices
cal and endocervical regions
• Non-traumatic Collection Proper (Box 13.1):
• Non-sticky
• Cheaper • Keep the patient in dorsolithotomy position.
• Disposable • Clean the vagina by wet swab.
• Do not use any lubricant jellies.
The following collection devices are available: • Introduce a speculum to visualize the cervix.
• Inspect both the ectocervix and transforma-
1. Wooden spatula (Fig. 13.1): cheaper, easy to tion zone; ectocervix is smooth pink and
handle, cells may be attached to wood opaque, whereas the endocervix is dark pink.
Plastic spatula: costlier than wood, • For the conventional smear
non-sticking –– Broom or spatula is used.
3. Endocervical brush: easy to collect material, –– Insert the spatula within the vagina so that
traumatic due to stiff bristle the tip of the spatula fits with the contour of
the cervix.

Fig. 13.1 Wooden Fig. 13.2  Cervix brush:

spatula: this is a this is mainly used in
disposable spatula liquid-­based cytology
13.2  Sample Collection 123

Endocervical canal
Box 13.1: Cervical Smear Collection
Basic precautions

• Avoid vaginal cream, jellies or tampons

2 days prior to the test.
Cervex-brush • Avoid collection during menstruation
• No sexual intercourse within 2 days.

Collection devices
For LBC: Cervix brush, LBC collection
Fig. 13.3  Schematic diagram of cervical smear collec- fluid in vial
tion. The brush is introduced in the cervical canal the tip
of the brush remains in the endocervical canal and the For conventional:
brooms are touched in the ectocervix. The brush is rotated
and then withdrawn
• Endocervical broom stick, plastic spat-
ula or wooden spatula
–– Rotate the spatula in a complete round turn. • Clean glass slides
–– Withdraw it gently. • Permanent slide marker
–– Spread the sample on the spatula on the • Fixative: 95% ethyl alcohol
glass slide.
–– Immediately fix the slide in 95% ethyl Collection proper
alcohol. Position of the patient: Dorsolithotomy
• For LBC preparation Preparation
–– Use cervix brush.
–– Introduce the central part of the broom into • Open the vagina by speculum for proper
the endocervical canal so that the shorter visualization of the cervix.
bristles of the broom touch to the ectocer- • Clean the vagina by wet swab with
vix (Fig. 13.3). water.
–– Rotate the broom four to five times in a • Insert the cervix brush or plastic spatula
clockwise direction. within in the vagina.
–– Withdraw the broom and put it in the fixa- • Rotate full circle.
tive solution as given by the company. • LBC: Rinse the brush in the fluid within
• Label the glass slide or the vial (for liquid-­ the vial.
based cytology). • Conventional:
Vaginal smear: The cytology sample is col- –– Spread the material on the glass
lected from the lateral vaginal wall by using a slide.
spatula. –– Immerse the smear immediately in
Endometrial aspiration smear: With the help 95% ethanol for fixation.
of a sterile cannula and a syringe, the endometrial
sample is aspirated.
124 13  Cytology Sample Procurement, Fixation and Processing

13.2.2 Respiratory Samples [3, 4] • The stylet is withdrawn, and aspiration is done
by applying negative suction.
The respiratory samples include sputum, bron- • The needle is withdrawn.
chial brush, bronchial brush, bronchoalveolar • The inside material is ejected by reintroducing
lavage, transbronchial needle aspiration cytology the stylet within the needle.
and fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) • Multiple smears are made (both air-dried and
under radiological guidance. alcohol-fixed).

Sputum sample
Gastrointestinal Tract  Gastric Brush, Lavage
• Collect the morning sputum in a wide-­ and Transendoscopic FNAC
mouthed container.
• No fixative is needed. Gastric brush:

Bronchial brush • A flexible fiberoptic endoscopy is introduced

in the stomach. The endoscope contains spe-
• Visualized the lesion through the bronchoscope. cific channels for biopsy forceps and brush.
• Make the smear immediately on the slide. • The brush is covered by a Teflon sheath to pre-
• Prepare both alcohol-fixed and air-dried smears. vent the loss of cytology material.
• The mucosal lesion is visualized, and the
Bronchial wash
brush is withdrawn from the outer Teflon
• Visualized the lesion through the sheath.
bronchoscope. • The brush is gently rubbed on the lesion.
• Introduce 5  ml normal saline through the • Finally the brush is retracted into the Teflon
bronchoscope. sheath and is withdrawn from the endoscope.
• Aspirate the solution. • Multiple smears are made by rubbing the
• Send the fluid immediately to laboratory. brush on the glass slide.

Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) Gastric lavage:

• A fiberoptic bronchoscope is introduced under • A flexible fiberoptic endoscopy is introduced

local anaesthesia in a selected subsegmental in the stomach.
bronchus. • Through the endoscope 100 ml normal saline
• Normal saline (20  ml) is flushed through is flushed in the lesion.
bronchoscope. • By gentle suction the solution is withdrawn.
• The lavage solution is recollected by gentle • It is repeated two to three times.
suction. • Sample is sent to laboratory.
• The procedure is repeated four to five times.
• Overall 40–50 ml solution is procured. Endoscopic ultrasound-guided (EUS) FNAC:
• BAL fluid is sent to laboratory immediately.
• The lesion is visualized by endoscopic
Transbronchial needle aspiration ultrasound.
• The FNAC needle is introduced through the
• The lesion is visualized by endoscopic channel of the fiberoptic endoscope.
ultrasound. • The needle is moved to and fro in the lesion
• A 22 gauze needle with an internal stylet is maintaining negative suction.
inserted through the endoscope to the mass • Finally, the needle is withdrawn, and the aspi-
under EUS guidance. rated material is spread on the glass slide.
13.3 Fixation 125

• Endoscopic FNAC is particularly helpful in 13.3 Fixation

submucosal tumours and is complementary to
biopsy. The fixatives in cytology should have same
essential properties as described in histopathol-
Urine  Voided urine, catheterized urine and ure- ogy sample in Chap. 1. The common fixatives in
teric urine cytology include (Box 13.2):

Voided urine: Preferable for routine cytology • Ethyl alcohol (95%): It is the most commonly
used fixative. Ethanol causes dehydration of
• Collect second voided urine. the cell and mild shrinkage.
• Collect urine in a clean container. • Methanol (100%): Not cost-effective.
• No fixative. • Denatured alcohol: This is unsuitable for human
• Send the sample in the laboratory immedi- consumption and so less chance of misuse.
ately for processing.
Time of fixation
Bladder wash: • At least 15–30 min.
• If necessary, one can keep the smear in fixa-
• Introduce a catheter or cystoscope.
tive for long duration in a closed bottle or jar.
• Wash the bladder by 50–100 ml normal saline.
• Withdraw the solution.
• Sent the sample immediately to laboratory Box 13.2 Fixation
without any preservative. Ideal fixative

Ureteric urine: • Rapid action

• Prevention of cellular distortion
• The urine is collected from the each ureter by • Good nuclear details
separate catheter. • Facilitation of staining
• Inactivation of microbial organisms
Urinary brush:  With the help of a ureteric cath- • Fixing the cell on glass slide
eter, the lesion is brushed.
Routine fixatives for Papanicolaou’s and
• The smears are made. haematoxylin stains

Effusion fluid sample: • 95% ethyl alcohol

• 100% methanol
• Collect fresh effusion fluid in a clean • Denatured alcohol
container. • ThinPrep system: Methanol-based
• No fixative needed. preservative
• To prevent coagulation 1:9 ratio of ammonium • SurePath system: Ethanol-based
oxalate fluid can be used. preservative
• In case of long delay in processing, an equal
amount of 50% ethyl alcohol is mixed with the Time of fixation: 15–30 min
fluid. Haemorrhagic fluid: Carnoy’s fixative
• Do not allow the fluid to be frozen. Cell block: 10% neutral buffered
CSF and vitreous fluid Immunocytochemistry: 95% ethanol,
cold acetone, etc. (cell block preferable)
• To collect as fresh in a clean container Electron microscopy: Glutaraldehyde
• Process immediately solution (2.5%)
126 13  Cytology Sample Procurement, Fixation and Processing

Coating fixatives: Optimal distance of spray 13.3.1 Special Fixatives

fixative is 12 inches away from the smear (Box
13.3). This prevents any distortion of morphol- Haemorrhagic Fluid
ogy and damage of the smear. Carnoy’s Fixative  Acetic acid in the solution
lyses the RBCs. Cell morphology is well pre-
Major advantages served in Carnoy’s fixative. Main disadvantages
of this fixative are (a) cell shrinkage and (b)
• Easy to carry. nuclear overstaining.
• Wax makes a protective covering over the
smear. Ingredients of Carnoy’s fixative

Precautions • 95% ethanol (60 ml)

• Chloroform (30 ml)
• The major ingredients of spray fixative are • Glacial acetic acid (10 ml)
alcohol and wax. Therefore wax should be
removed before staining. Use only fresh fixative and discard the remain-
• Maintenance of optimal distance. ing solution after use.
• Bloody smear should not be fixed by spray Fixatives for liquid-based preparation
fixative as this may cause RBC clumping.
• Fluid samples should not be fixed by spray. ThinPrep system: Methanol-based preservative
SurePath: Ethanol-based preservative

Fixatives for cell block: Ten percent neutral

Box 13.3: Spray Fixatives buffered formalin is the best fixative for cell
Advantages block materials.
Fixatives for immunocytochemistry: Cell
• Easy to carry block section should be used for
• Routine fixative such as 95% ethanol can be
• Protection of smear by wax cover used for immunocytochemistry.
• Cell fixation
Fixatives for electron microscopy:
Optimal distance of spray Glutaraldehyde solution (2.5%)
• Overall 10 in away from the smear
Preservation of sample prior to processing
• Process the specimen immediately.
• If the sample is not possible to process
• Cervical smear
­immediately, then it can be kept depending on:
Not to use –– Mucus content
–– Protein content
• Smear of fluid specimen –– Sugar content
• Smears with blood –– pH of the sample

Precaution: Wax should be removed by Specimens with no sugar or protein, with

95% alcohol before staining. extreme pH, should always be processed imme-
diately (Fig. 13.4).
13.4  Processing of Laboratory Samples 127

Fig. 13.4 Outline
shows the maximum
Sputum Effusion Urine, Gastric
time duration between
fluid CSF aspirate
the collection of smear
and processing

High High Low mucus

mucus protein and protein Low pH
content content content

Maximum Maximum
time can be time can be
time can
kept: 24 kept: 24 Immediate
be kept:
hours in hours in
1-2 hours
refrigerator refrigerator

Requisition form
13.4 Processing of Laboratory
Samples Name Age Sex
Unique identification of the patient
Date of collection
Processing of a laboratory sample includes the Site
following steps: Procedure of collection
Clinician’s name and contact information
Tests to be done
• Receiving Clinical history
• Preparing smear Chief complaints
Physical findings
• Staining Radiological features
• Mounting and final submission of the slide Important history: Surgery, chemotherapy,
radiotherapy, exposure of chemicals etc.

13.4.1 Receiving the Sample Fig. 13.5  Requisition form of the cytology specimen

Requisition form: The sample should always be • Smear should be properly fixed and
accompanied with a proper requisition form as labelled.
mentioned in Fig. 13.5. • Paper form should be in a separate bag, and
slide should not be wrapped by requisition
13.4.2 Glass Slides and Liquid form.
Precautions for liquid samples:
The following precautions are essential regarding
the receiving of glass slides: • Container should be air tight.
• Properly labelled.
• Slide should be received in a shock-resistant • Plastic container is preferable than glass
container. container.
128 13  Cytology Sample Procurement, Fixation and Processing

Unique identification number:

Sputum Direct
• Check the unique identification number of the
sample and requisition form at the time of
receiving and processing. Moderate amount
of fluid (50 to 100 ml)
Laboratory bar code: Effusion

• Each sample should have a unique laboratory
bar code number. This is separate from the
Less than 1ml (CSF,
unique identification number. Vitreous fluid etc)
• Stick the bar code number on the container,
smears and forms. Cytocentrifuge

Large amount of clear

fluid (100 to 500 ml):
13.5 Processing Urine

The commonly used processing techniques Milipore filter

include: Sample for
immunocytochemistry Cell block

(1) Direct smear

(2) Centrifuge Fig. 13.6  Outline of the processing of different speci-
(3) Cytocentrifuge mens. Sputum is traditionally processed by the direct
smearing; moderate amount of fluid (up to 100 ml) is pro-
(4) Liquid-based preparation cessed by centrifuge, whereas small volume (0.5  ml) of
(5) Millipore technique fluid is better processed by cytocentrifuge. Large amount
(6) Cell block of fluid is processed by Millipore filtration technique

Figure 13.6 shows overview of processing of • Put the fluid sample in clean air tight centri-
different samples. fuged tube.
• Rotate the tube at 1500 rounds per minute
(RPM) for 10 min.
13.5.1 Processing of Sputum • Discard the supernatant liquid.
(Fig. 13.7) • Make multiple smears from the sediments.

• Pour the sputum sample in a Petri dish kept on Cytocentrifuge: Small amount of clean fluid
a black background. such as 0.5–1 ml is processed by cytocentrifuge,
• Carefully examined for any tissue fragments e.g. CSF, ureteric urine, vitreous fluid, etc.
or grey-white substance or bloody material. (Fig. 13.9).
• Pick up the tissue fragments by a clean
forceps. • Rotate the sample 1000 rounds per minute for
• Prepare the smears on the clean glass slide. 5 min.
• A thin layer of smear is formed on the glass
13.5.2 Processing of Fluid: Urine, • Fix the smears in 95% ethanol.
Body Fluids and Lavage

Centrifuge: The fluid of moderate amount (50– Basic Principle of Centrifuge  Rapid circular
100  ml) should be processed by centrifugation, movement of a particle around a central axis
e.g. effusion fluid, turbid urine, etc. (Fig. 13.8). generates a centrifugal force that drives the par-
13.5 Processing 129

Fig. 13.7 Schematic
diagram of processing of

Spread the tissue

on the slide

Petri dish

White paper
Pour the specimen on petri dish

Pick up greyish or blood stained tissue

by a forceps

Prepare the smear on a clean glass slide

Fix it immediately in 95% alcohol



Fig. 13.9  Cytocentrifuge machine to process small quan-
fluid tity of sample

ticle away from the centre. This centrifugal

Make smear force is counteracted by two other forces, (1)
from sediment buoyant force that means floating capacity of
the particle and (2) frictional force that devel-
ops due to friction of the particle and liquid
media. We can express the forces by this
Air dried Alcohol fixed equation:

Fig. 13.8  Schematic diagram shows processing of fluid RCF = 1.11 × 10−5 × (round per minute)2 × r
130 13  Cytology Sample Procurement, Fixation and Processing

rw 2 • Fix the slides immediately in 95% alcohol for

RCF = 30 min.

Relative centrifugal force,  RCF; rotational
radius,  r; angular velocity in radians per unit 13.5.4 Processing of Haemorrhagic
time, ω; gravitational acceleration, g Fluid
There are two types of commercially available
cytocentrifuge: • Carnoy’s fixative: This can be used for pro-
cessing of haemorrhagic fluid.
1. The cytocentrifuge that removes the fluid dur- • Buffy coat preparation:
ing the time of sedimentation –– Centrifuge the haemorrhagic sample in
2. The cytocentrifuge that retains the fluid 2000 RPM for 10 min.
–– Discard the supernatant fluid.
Cytocentrifugation may cause morphological –– Take the residual suspension in 2–3  cm
distortion of the cells, and careful attention long capillary tube.
should be given in this aspect. The optimum –– Seal the one end of the tube.
rotational speed of the machine is the most
­ –– Centrifuge the capillary tube.
important factor in this respect. –– Break the capillary tube in the buffy coat
–– Make fish tail preparation of smear.
13.5.3 Millipore Filtration • Commercially available lysing solution
–– Presently ThinPrep and SurePath compa-
The Millipore filtration technique is done for pro- nies supply the fixative solution that lyses
cessing large quantity of clear urine sample. the RBCs of the sample.

• Put the moistened Millipore filter paper with

normal saline on the sieve. 13.5.5 Cell Block [5]
• Attach the filter cup.
• Put the sample in the filter cup. The cell block technique is mainly used for:
• Put on the suction process.
• The negative pressure at 100  mm mercury 1. Immunocytochemistry
is created, and the fluid is drained into the 2. Cytochemistry
bottle leaving the cell on the filter paper 3. Preservation of archival tissue for future use
(Fig. 13.10).
• Make multiple imprint smears on albumin-­ The cell block is made by the following steps
coated slides. (Fig. 13.11):
13.5 Processing 131

Fig. 13.10 Basic Upper cup

principles of the
Millipore filtration Filter paper
technique. Here negative
suction is used to draw
the fluid from the upper
container. The fluid Fluid passing
passes through the filter through
filter paper
paper, and the cell sticks
on the upper surface of
the filter paper

Filter paper
pressed on slide

lower cup

Negative suction


Upper cup

Filter paper


• Collect the specimen in 10% neutral buffered Steps 

• Keep it 4 h in formalin to fix the cells. 1. Centrifuge the material in the fluid.
• Centrifuge the sample 1500 RPM for 10 min. 2. Add CytoRich solution (designed for haemol-
• Wash the sediment twice in PBS by ysis and gentle fixation of the cell) in 1:1 ratio
centrifugation. to the sediment.
• Add 100 μl of plasma and 30 μl thrombin. 3. Keep it for 2 min.
• Remove the clot and collect it on filter paper. 4. Add four drops of plasma and three drops of
• Process the clot in the tissue processor as usual. thrombin (5000 IU/ml).
5. Agitate the mixture gently to make a cell
13.5.6 Compact Cell Block Technique 6. Transfer the clot into the lens paper.
7. Wrap the compact clot and then fix into

Young et  al. [6] described compact cell block formalin.
technique that is in a small area and completely 8. Process the clot in the tissue processor.
free of RBCs.
132 13  Cytology Sample Procurement, Fixation and Processing

Fig. 13.11  Basic steps

of cell block preparation
are highlighted in this

Pour sample Keep 4 hours
in 10% formalin for fixation

Discard Centrifuge by phosphate Add 100 mico liter

supernatant buffer solution of plasma and 30
micro liter thrombin

Put the clot on filter

paper and process
Allow to clot

guideline. NCCLS document GP 23-A[ISBN

References 1-56238-380-9]. Wayne: NCCLS; 1999.
4. Nongynecologic cytology practice guideline. Acta
1. Schumann JL, O’Connor DM, Covell JL, Greening Cytol. 2004;48(4):521–46.
SE. Pap smear collection devices: technical, clinical, 5. Jain D, Mathur SR, Iyer VK. Cell blocks in cytopa-
diagnostic, and legal considerations associated with thology: a review of preparative methods, utility in
their use. Diagn Cytopathol. 1992;8(5):492–503. diagnosis and role in ancillary studies. Cytopathology.
2. Martin-Hirsch P, Jarvis G, Kitchener H, Lilford 2014;25(6):356–71.
R.  Collection devices for obtaining cervical cytol- 6. Yang GC, Wan LW, Papellas J, Waisman J. Compact
ogy samples. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. cell blocks. Use for body fluids, fine needle aspira-
2000;(2):CD001036. tions and endometrial brush biopsies. Acta Cytol.
3. NCCLS.  Nongynecologic cytologic specimens: col- 1998;42:703–6.
lection and cytopreparatory techniques; approved
Routine Staining in Cytology
Laboratory 14

The most commonly used two routinely available 14.1.1 Dyes Used in Papanicolaou’s
stains in the cytology laboratory are Staining

1. Papanicolaou’s stain Haematoxylin: Harris haematoxylin for nuclear

2. May Grunwald Giemsa stain stain.
Orange G: OG-6 for cytoplasmic counter
stain. It also stains keratin component of the
14.1 Papanicolaou’s Stain [1] cytoplasm.
Eosin Azure (EA): It is a polychrome stain and
Dr. George Papanicolaou, the father of cytopa- consists of three dyes: Eosin Y, light green SF
thology, first introduced this stain. Papanicolaou’s yellowish and Bismarck brown Y.
stain (PAP stain) is the most important stain in
cytology and is used in all cervical smear and
non-gynaecologic exfoliative smears. This stain 14.1.2 Principle of Basic Steps
has the following excellent properties: (Fig. 14.1)

• Cytoplasmic differentiation: It helps in the 1. Rehydration of the smear: With the help of
assessment of cellular differentiation. subsequent dip in the graded concentration of
• Nuclear details seen. alcohol.
• Transparent stain. 2. Nuclear staining by haematoxylin: Harris hae-
• Demonstrates intracytoplasmic keratin. matoxylin is a good rapid nuclear stain.
Subsequent differentiation is done to remove
Progressive method: As mentioned before, in excess haematoxylin by acid alcohol.
case of progressive stain, the nuclei are optimally 3. Bluing: This is done by treating the smear
stained, and the cytoplasm does not take the dye. with running tap water; alternatively weak
Regressive method: In regressive staining, the alkaline solution can be used.
nuclei are intentionally overstained by haema- 4. Cytoplasmic staining by Orange G (OG): As
toxylin dye. Subsequently the excess stain is OG is alcohol-soluble dye, so the smear is again
removed by acid alcohol. brought into alcohol and stained with OG.

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2018 133

P. Dey, Basic and Advanced Laboratory Techniques in Histopathology and Cytology,
134 14  Routine Staining in Cytology Laboratory

Fig. 14.1 Basic
principles of
Papanicolaou’s stain are Rehydration
Nuclear Bluing: Weak
highlighted in this of the smear:
stain: alkaline
diagram By graded
Hematoxylin solution

Cytoplasmic Dehydration
stain: Orange
stain: by EA Clearing

5. Cytoplasmic staining by EA: The cell cyto- R  esult (Figs. 14.2, 14.3
plasm is stained as blue-green colour by EA. and 14.4)
6. Dehydration: It is done by absolute alcohol. Nuclei: Dark blue
7. Clearing: Xylene. Cytoplasm: Blue green
8. Mounting: By DPX mounting medium. Keratin: Orange
Figures 14.2, 14.3 and 14.4 describe the nor-
mal cervical cytology smear, high-grade squa-
14.1.3 Papanicolaou’s Staining Steps mous intraepithelial lesion and squamous cell
carcinoma, respectively, of the routine cervical
1. 70% ethanol: 1 min smear. These are the routine cervical smears of
2. 50% ethanol: 1 min the liquid-based cytology preparation in our lab-
3. Distilled water: 5 dips oratory in Post Graduate Institute of Medical
4. Harris haematoxylin: three and half minutes Education and Research, Chandigarh, India.
5. Distilled water: 5 dips
6. 0.25% aqueous solution of hydrochloric Haematoxylin Solution for Papanicolaou’s
acid: few dips Stain
7. Water: 1 min Harris haematoxylin 5 gm
8. Lithium carbonate: one and half minute Distilled water 1000 ml
9. Water: few dips Alum 100 gm
10. 70% ethanol: 2 min Absolute alcohol: 50 ml
11. 90% ethanol: 2 min Mercuric oxide 2.5 gm
12. Orange G: few dips
13. 95% ethanol: 2 min • Dissolve haematoxylin 5  gm in 50  ml
14. EA modified: 2 min alcohol.
15. Absolute ethyl alcohol: 2 min • Mix 100  gm alum in water and boil it to
16. Absolute ethyl alcohol: 2 min dissolve.
17. Absolute ethyl alcohol and: 2 min • Now mix haematoxylin and alum in water and
18. Xylene: 5 min boil.
19. Xylene: till clear • Take out the flask from heat.
20. Mounting in DPX • Put 2.5 gm mercuric oxide in the solution.
14.1  Papanicolaou’s Stain 135

Fig. 14.2 
Papanicolaou’s stain of
the normal cervical
smear (SurePath
preparation of
stain ×240)

Fig. 14.3 
Papanicolaou’s stain of
the cervical smear in a
case of high-grade
squamous intraepithelial
lesion (SurePath
preparation of
stain ×440)

• Mix thoroughly by stirring till the colour Water 240 ml

becomes dark purple. Alcohol 250 ml
• Cool the flask. Phosphotungstic acid 1 gm
• Filter. Glacial acetic acid 10 m
• Store in dark place.
Orange G solution
EA solution Orange G (10% aqueous) 50 ml
Eosin 2 gm Ethyl alcohol (95%) 950 ml
Light green 0.2 gm Phosphotungstic acid 0.15 gm
136 14  Routine Staining in Cytology Laboratory

Fig. 14.4 
Papanicolaou’s stain of
the cervical smear in a
case of squamous cell
carcinoma of the cervix
(SurePath preparation of
Papanicolaou’s stain

14.1.4 Bluing Solution • Orange G: It is less stable than haematoxylin,

and the strength reduces quickly within days. Lithium Carbonate Solution Replace OG whenever the cytoplasmic colour
Stock solution appears less crispy.
Lithium carbonate (LiCO3) 1.5 g • Xylene: It may be contaminated with the stain-
Water 100 ml ing dye. Change immediately if it is tinted.
• Alcohol: Check the concentration of the alco-
Working solution hol on regular basis. Discard the first container
Water 1000 ml of alcohol, and replace it with the second and
Stock solution of lithium carbonate 30 drops third.
• The stain solution should be free of stain
deposits and should be filtered daily.

14.2 Precautions to Be Taken Coverslip

in Papanicolaou’s Staining
• Smears should not dry before placing the
The following precautions should be taken in coverslip.
Papanicolaou’s staining: • No air bubbles should be present between the
coverslip and smear.
Staining Solutions
Staining Proper
• The container should be covered; otherwise,
the evaporation of water or alcohol may • Gentle and slow agitation of the slides within
change the concentration of the dye. the staining solution helps to prevent staining
• The containers should be washed regularly. deposit and also gives better staining.
• Haematoxylin solution: It is a stable solution. • Rapid agitation may cause dislodging the cells.
However the addition of small amount of fresh • Stain rack should not hit the bottom of the
dye solution increases staining quality. container.
14.3  May Grunwald Giemsa Stain 137

Table 14.1  Troubleshooting areas of Papanicolaou’s stain

Problems Possible causes Remedies
Too dark • If the smear is kept in Harris haematoxylin for a • Keep less time in Harris haematoxylin
nuclear stain long time
• Too less hydrochloric acid concentration • Maintain the concentration of acid
• Too less number of dips in hydrochloric acid • Differentiates properly
• Too much bloody smear or high protein • Try to take better smear
content of the smear
Too pale • If haematoxylin is diluted • Maintain the proper dilution of haematoxylin
nuclear stain or change the solution
• Too less bluing • Give time for bluing
• Too much concentration of hydrochloric acid • Maintain the concentration of acid
• Too much dip in hydrochloric acid • Control this step and give less dips in acid
• Air-dried smear prior to fixation • Try to fix the smear properly in the future
Improper • Smear is air-dried prior to fixation • Try to fix the smear properly in the future
cytoplasmic • If the slides remain in alcohol for too long • Maintain the time of fixation in alcohol
stain time, then the cytoplasmic stain may be pale
• If the pH of EA is not optimum • Maintain pH of EA solution
• If the slide remains in haematoxylin for too • Control the staining time in haematoxylin
long time

Table 14.1 highlights the troubleshooting for FNAC smear. Table 14.2 compares the rela-
areas of the Papanicolaou’s stain. tive advantages and disadvantages of MGG stain
over Papanicolaou’s stain.
Destaining and Restaining of the Smear
• Dip the smear in xylene until the coverslip
drops. 1 . May Grunwald solution: 5 min
• Keep the smear in acid alcohol for 20  min 2. Running water: 1 min
(80  ml of 95% ethanol and 20  ml of 0.5% 3. Giemsa stain: 15 min
hydrochloric acid). 4. Running water: 1 min
• Wash the smear with running water. 5. Air-drying
• Restain.
Clearing and mounting have been discussed in
Chap. 8.
14.3 May Grunwald Giemsa Stain
Storage of Slides
May Grunwald Giemsa (MGG) is a
Romanowski’s stain and is routinely used in • All the positive slides should be stored for
many laboratories. This stain provides excellent indefinite period.
cytoplasmic detail character (Fig. 14.5). This is a • The negative slide should be stored for a mini-
metachromatic stain. MGG is a convenient stain mum of 5 years.
138 14  Routine Staining in Cytology Laboratory

Fig. 14.5 May
Grunwald Giemsa
stained smear in a case
of pleomorphic
adenoma. Note the
metachromatic staining
of the chondromyxoid
substances as deep
material (May Grunwald
Giemsa stain ×440)

Table 14.2  Comparison of Papanicolaou’s stain and May Grunwald Giemsa stain
Features PAP stain MGG stain
Nuclear detail Excellent and very good The chromatin pattern cannot be studied
stain for chromatin stain
Keratin demonstration Orange G stains keratin as Cannot be demonstrated
bright orange colour
Metachromasia Not a metachromatic stain Metachromatic stain
Transparency Transparent stain Not a transparent stain
Background mucin or necrosis Not good Good for demonstration of extracellular
MGG May Grunwald Giemsa, PAP stain Papanicolaou’s stain

Marshall PN.  Papanicolaou staining--a review.
Microsc Acta. 1983;87(3):233–43.
Basic Technique of Fine Needle
Aspiration Cytology 15

Table 15.1  Tissue biopsy versus fine needle aspiration

15.1 Introduction cytology
Features FNAC Surgical biopsy
Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) is a Tissue architecture Lost Preserved
major area of cytology. With the help of FNAC, Lymphatic and Impossible Possible to assess
cytologists can procure sample from any part of capsular invasion to assess
the body. It is an easy and safe technique and can In situ carcinoma Difficult to Possible to
be done as routine office procedure [1]. FNAC diagnose diagnose
Individual Excellent Not so good as
does not require any anaesthesia or special pre-
cytomorphology that of FNAC
cautions. This is an economical, cost-effective material
and highly specific technique. FNAC is compa- Immunocytochemistry Possible Possible
rable or even better than the frozen section in cer- and other tests
tain situations such as thyroid or breast lesions. FNAC fine needle aspiration cytology
Presently many ancillary techniques can be done
on FNAC material, and therefore it is possible to
Tissue Biopsy Versus FNAC (Table 15.1)  The
provide exact diagnosis with the help of this tech-
loss of architecture of the tissue is the major limi-
nique (Box 15.1).
tation of this technique. In situ versus invasive
lesions are often difficult to predict on FNAC
material. Moreover capsular and lymphatic inva-
Box 15.1 FNAC: Advantages sion cannot be assessed on FNAC sample. In fact,
• Simple special skill is needed to report FNAC material as
• Easy to do it is quite different from tissue biopsy [2].
• Rapid
• Cheap Exfoliative Cytology Versus FNAC  FNAC
• Multiple area of sampling sample is also different than the exfoliative cytol-
• High sensitivity and specificity ogy. FNAC sample shows limited tissue architec-
• Bypass tissue biopsy tural pattern along with well-preserved cell
• Ancillary techniques possible on FNAC morphology. The overall cellular characteristics
sample are important in FNAC sample compared to exfo-
liative cytology (Fig. 15.1).

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2018 139

P. Dey, Basic and Advanced Laboratory Techniques in Histopathology and Cytology,
140 15  Basic Technique of Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology

Fig. 15.1 Comparison
of exfoliative cytology
and FNAC
Pattern of cells
Overall appearance
Abundant diagnostic cells

FNAC smear

Cell morphology
Nuclear details
Scanty diagnostic cells

Exfoliative cytology smear

Complications  FNAC of superficial masses

does not have any significant complications
except minor haematoma. FNAC of deep-seated
masses are usually safe. Rarely following com-
plications may occur: swab

Coplin jar
• Surgical emphysema in lung FNAC
• Rupture of aneurysmal vessel
• Anaphylaxis in case of hydatid cyst Glass slides

• Biliary peritonitis and bowel perforation Forceps

• Needle tract seedling of cancer cells (if thick
bore needle is used) [3] Pistol handle, syringe, needle

Fig. 15.2  Essential equipment to do FNAC

Contraindications  FNAC technique does not
have any contraindications. It should not be done
time of FNAC. The one hand of the operator
in vascular organ in case of coagulation disorders
remains free to hold the swelling.
such as haemophilia or thrombocytopenia.
• Syringe: Disposable 10 or 20  ml plastic
• Needles: Ordinary disposable hypodermic
15.2 Technique Proper
needle of 22–25 gauge is needed.
–– Large bore needle: For hard and fibrotic
Equipment (Fig. 15.2)
lesion or cyst with viscous material.
• Pistol handle to hold the syringe: The pistol –– Thin bore needle: For small lymph node or
has the provision to attach syringe within it. vascular organ-like thyroid.
The pistol handle helps to hold the syringe • Clean glass slides: Labelled clean glass slides.
properly also to apply negative suction at the • Spirit swabs: Clean sterile sprit swabs to clean
the area of aspiration.
15.3  Fine Needle Aspiration Procedure 141

• Suitable fixatives: 95% ethanol for fixation of • Chief complaints with duration
slide. • History of previous FNAC
• Additional • Any bleeding disorder
–– Few capped vials containing 10% formalin
solution for cell blocks. Preparation of the Patient  The following
–– Few capped vials containing balanced salt measures may help during preparation of the
solution for flow cytometry. patient:
–– Clean sterile vial for culture (bacterial, fun-
gal, etc.). • Explain the whole procedure in brief.
–– Vials for PCR and other molecular • Take proper consent from the patient particu-
techniques. larly for FNAC of deep-seated lesions and
• Talk with the patient and give assurance to
15.3 F
 ine Needle Aspiration make him/her relax.
Procedure (Box 15.2) • Clean the area of the site of FNAC with a
spirit swab.
Clinical History  The following information are
mandatory before FNAC: Aspiration (Fig. 15.3) 
• The cytopathologist should personally per-
• Exact site of swelling form FNAC [4].
• Size of the lesion

a b

c d

Fig. 15.3  FNAC technique is demonstrated on dummy and negative suction is given along with to and fro move-
patient: (a) The area of FNAC is cleaned. (b) The needle ment. (c) The material is expelled on the glass slide. (d)
attached with the syringe is introduced into the swelling The smear is made
142 15  Basic Technique of Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology

• Take the pistol handle with attached plastic • The material comes to the hub of the needle by
syringe and needle. capillary pressure of the atmosphere.
• Immobilize the swelling by two fingers of one • Gently withdraw the needle.
of your free hands. • Fill the syringe with air, and attach the needle
• Gently introduce the needle and move the nee- with the syringe.
dle to and fro in the mass. • Expel the aspirated material on the glass slide.
• Apply negative suction by withdrawing the • Make the smears.
• Lastly, release of the plunger to stop negative Advantages  The major advantages of FNS are:
• Withdraw the needle. • To get material without any admixture of
• Apply firm pressure in the site of FNAC to blood.
stop any bleeding. • FNS is helpful in vascular organ-like thyroid.
• Retract the plunger to get enough air within • Small swellings are often difficult to fix and
the syringe. can be done by FNS.
• Reattach the needle. • Easy to manipulate the needle as it is light and
• Eject the material on the slide. without any attachment of syringe.

Smear Preparation 
• Push the material on a clean glass slide.
• Material should be a few cm away from the Box 15.2: Fine Needle Aspiration Procedure
end of the slide. • Clinical information:
• Needle should be parallel to the slide and little –– Location
bended. –– Size of the swelling
• Make smear by gently pressing a clean glass –– Duration of the lesion
slide over the lower one to spread the –– Major complaints
material. –– Any history of coagulation disorder
• Make 3/4 smears. • Preparation of the patient:
• Keep both air-dried and alcohol-fixed –– Discuss the technique.
smears. –– Take written consent.
• Aspiration:
–– Clean the area of aspiration by spirit.
15.4 Fine Needle Sampling –– Hold the swelling in between the two
fingers to make it immobilized.
Fine needle sampling (FNS) is done without –– Insert the needle within the mass.
using any syringe. No artificial negative suction –– Make to and fro movement of the
is applied, and the material is aspirated with the needle.
help of negative capillary pressure of the atmo- –– Apply negative suction.
sphere [5]. –– Stop the suction.
–– Withdraw the needle.
Steps  –– Detach the needle.
• Clean the area by sprit swab. –– Fill the syringe with air.
• Press the swelling in between the two fingers –– Reattach the needle.
to make it prominent. –– Eject the material on the glass slide.
• Introduce a thin bore needle within the –– Make adequate number of smears.
swelling. –– Apply firm pressure on the site of
• Move the needle to and fro in the same direc- FNAC with the help of cotton swab.
tion and also slowly in different directions.
15.5  FNAC of Deep-Seated Lesions 143

Advantages of Guided FNAC  The major

Box 15.3: Fine Needle Sampling Technique advantages of guided FNAC are:
• All vascular tissue particularly thyroid • Easy to sample from the area of particular
• Small mobile swelling that are difficult interest (representative part of tissue)
to fix • Avoids any injury to major structures
• Avoids aspiration from the necrotic tissue or
Advantages cystic area
• Completely painless • Possible to aspirate from the tiniest lesion
• Absence of blood • Helps to aspirate from the deep-seated non-­
• Rich in material palpable lesion

Limitations Major indications of deep-seated guided

• Chance of spillage in cyst FNAC:
• Less volume
• Unsuitable for bony and fibrotic lesions • Diagnosis of the primary lesion
• Assessment of staging of the malignant lesion
• To collect material for ancillary studies such
as flow cytometry, microbial culture, etc.
• The overall material is less in volume and Ideal Radiological Imaging Modality  The
therefore difficult to get multiple smears. ideal radiological imaging modality should have
• There is a chance of spillage in cystic lesion. following qualities:
• FNS is not suitable for bony and fibrotic
lesion. • Free from any radiation hazard
• High-resolution image generation
• Real-time visualization of the needle
15.5 FNAC of Deep-Seated • To localize the smallest lesion
Essential Information for the Guided
The basic technique of FNAC is similar in both FNAC  The following information are essential
superficial lesion and deep-seated lesions. before performing guided FNAC:
However, appropriate radiological guidance is
needed to localize the deep-seated lesion. The • Clinical history
common types of guidance of deep-seated FNAC • Simple X-ray, USG or CT scan picture
include: • Size of the lesion
• Routine blood test
• Ultrasonography (USG)-guided FNAC • Coagulation parameters
• Computerized tomography (CT)-guided
FNAC Fluoroscopy-Guided FNAC  This is particularly
• Endoscopic ultrasound-guided FNAC helpful in case of FNAC of cortical bony lesion.
• Mammographic-guided FNAC Advantage: Easiest method to do
• Fluoroscopy-guided FNAC Disadvantage: High radiation exposure so
• Magnetic resonance image (MRI) guidance adequate shield is necessary.
144 15  Basic Technique of Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology

15.5.1 USG-Guided FNAC • Not very high resolution.

• Completely operator dependent.
This is the most popular and simple technique
without any radiation hazards. USG machine is Procedure 
portable and cheap. With the help of USG, the radi- • Identify the lesion by USG.
ologist can monitor the passage of the needle by • Introduce the needle with stylet.
real-time monitoring at the time of FNAC. Therefore • Withdraw the stylet.
it helps to insert the needle in the exact position • Apply suction with the help of syringe.
within the lesion. USG-guided FNAC can be done • Withdraw the needle and stylet.
from any part of the body. However this is widely • Spread the material over the slide.
used in intra-abdominal organs, small thyroid
lesions and breast lesions (Fig. 15.4).
15.5.2 CT-Guided FNAC
Principle  In case of USG-guided FNAC, high-­
frequency sound wave is used. The reflection of Computed tomographic scan (CT scan) is also
the wave from tissue interface is recorded, and the popular and useful for deep-seated FNAC.
the image is constructed.
Principle  CT uses X-ray beam to create multiple
Advantages  The major advantages of USG-­ tomographic or cross-sectional images of the
guided FNAC are: body depending on the difference of physical den-
sity of the tissue. The computer accumulates all
• Economic. the data and produces multiple images in different
• Portable. planes. Multiple images of few mm thickness are
• Rapid. generated. Therefore small and inaccessible
• Easy to do. lesion can also be reached by CT scan.
• Real time.
• No radiation exposure. Advantages 
• Angular approach can be done. • High resolution.
• Exact localization of the needle possible.
Disadvantages  • Operator independent.
• Significant obscuration due to air or bone may • Deep lesion near vital structure needs CT
affect the image. guidance.

• Costly
• Time taken procedure
• Good radiation exposure

Application  Small lesions situated near vital

structures such as mediastinal lesions or small
lung lesions.

15.5.3 Endoscopic Ultrasound-­

Fig. 15.4 USG-guided FNAC of pancreatic tumour
(Courtesy by Prof Anupam Lal, Radiology Department,
Here FNAC is done through endoscope under the
PGIMER, Chandigarh) guidance of USG [6]. EUS-FNAC can be done
15.6  Transrectal FNAC of the Prostate 145

from mediastinal, lung, oesophageal, biliary tree

and pancreatic lesions.

• Localize the lesion by endoscopic ultrasound.
• Insert the needle with the stylet through the
endoscope to the mass under EUS
• Withdraw the stylet and aspirate with the help
of 20  cm3 syringe by applying negative
• Do FNAC from multiple sites.
• Finally withdraw the needle, and expel the
material on the slide by reintroducing the sty-
let within the needle. Fig. 15.5  Franzen’s guide is fixed with the left index
Others  Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
uses radiofrequency energy and is free from any Urinary bladder
radiation hazards. MRI-guided FNAC is still not
popular because of longer time to do, high cost
and complicated procedure. In addition,
mammographic-­ guided FNAC or core needle
biopsy is also popular nowadays. Core needle
biopsy has the added advantage to detect the in
situ carcinoma of the breast, and therefore it has
almost replaced the FNAC of breast [7].
15.5.4 Complications of Guided
FNAC Rectum

There is no significant complication in the guided Fig. 15.6  Schematic diagram showing transrectal fine
FNAC.  However, occasionally, there may be needle aspiration cytology with the help of Franzen’s
bleeding, medical pneumothorax or infection.
• Fix Franzen’s guide in the left index finger
with the help of finger stall.
15.6 Transrectal FNAC
• Now introduce Franzen’s guide gently through
of the Prostate
the rectum to the area of the lesion of
Transrectal FNAC of the prostate is easy to do,
• Introduce Franzen’s needle with attached
and it can be done in outdoor basis. It samples
syringe within the guide.
from the different areas of the prostate in a single
• Do FNAC with the help of Franzen’s needle
and syringe.
• Take out the needle and syringe.
Steps (Figs. 15.5 and 15.6) 
• Expel the aspirated material on the slide.
• Keep the patient in his left lateral position
• Make multiple smears.
with the lower leg extended.
• Palpate the prostate first.
146 15  Basic Technique of Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology

References 5. Dey P, Ray R.  Comparison of fine needle sam-

pling by capillary action and fine needle aspiration.
Cytopathology. 1993;4:299–303.
1. Brown LA, Coghill SB.  Cost effectiveness of
6. Jhala NC, Jhala DN, Chhieng DC, Eloubeidi MA,
a fine needle aspiration clinic. Cytopathology.
Eltoum IA. Endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine-­needle
aspiration. A cytopathologist’s perspective. Am J Clin
2. Orell SR.  Pitfalls in fine needle aspiration cytology.
Pathol. 2003;120(3):351–67.
Cytopathology. 2003;14(4):173–82.
7. Mitra S, Dey P. Fine-needle aspiration and core biopsy
3. Tyagi R, Dey P.  Needle tract seeding: an avoidable
in the diagnosis of breast lesions: a comparison and
complication. Diagn Cytopathol. 2014;42(7):636–40.
review of the literature. Cytojournal. 2016;13:18.
4. Polacarz SV.  Why pathologists should take needle
aspirates. Cytopathology. 1995;6(5):358.
Part III
Advanced Techniques in Histology and
Cytology Laboratories
in Histology and Cytology 16

16.1 Introduction

Immunohistochemistry (IHC)/immunocyto-
chemistry (ICC) is the technique to visualize rec-
ognition of antigen present in the tissue with the
help of corresponding antibody. Coons et al. first
time applied immunofluorescence technique on
the frozen section by using fluorescence labelled
antibodies [1]. The antibody conjugated with
enzyme acid phosphatase and horseradish per-
oxidase was used first time by Nakane and Pierce
in 1967 [2]. IHC technique was successfully Fig. 16.1  Antigenic determinant site provokes antibody
introduced in routine formalin-fixed paraffin-­ formation
embedded (FFPE) section by Taylor and Burns in
1974 [3]. Subsequently the development of antibody. The antigen epitope site and antibody-­
monoclonal antibody introduced a new era in the binding site have complementary geometrical
immunohistochemistry [4]. However, it took and chemical features (Fig. 16.1). This is respon-
another 10–15 years to have regular routine use sible for the antigen-antibody reaction. This
of IHC in pathology diagnostic laboratory. antigen-­antibody reaction is further visualized by
Presently IHC is an essential technique in every attaching certain label to the primary or second-
pathology laboratory. ary antibody.

16.1.1  Basic Principles 16.1.2  Basic Immunology

The basic principle of immunocytochemistry is Antigen  Any substance that is capable of pro-
to demonstrate the specific antigen in the cell by ducing an immunogenic response is called as
applying the corresponding antibody to have antigen. There are specific set of chemical com-
antigen-antibody reaction. The antigen contains ponents that evoke immunogenic response of the
an epitope or antigenic determinant site that antigen which is known as epitope or antigenic
evokes specific immunologic response to develop determinant site.

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2018 149

P. Dey, Basic and Advanced Laboratory Techniques in Histopathology and Cytology,
150 16  Immunocytochemistry in Histology and Cytology

Antibody (Immunoglobulin)  Antibody is also cell. Each hybridoma cell produces only a spe-
known as immunoglobulin. The antibody is pro- cific antibody for a specific antigen.
duced by plasma cells in response to antigenic
stimulation. Immunoglobulin has specific affinity Polyclonal Antibody  Polyclonal antibody is
against the epitope of the antigen. Each immuno- generated from the different B lymphocytes in
globulin is composed of a pair of light chains and response to the different epitopes of a single anti-
a pair of heavy chains polypeptides. The light gen. As they are generated from the different
chains of immunoglobulin are of two type κ clone of B cells, these antibodies are known as
(kappa) and λ (lambda). There are five types of polyclonal. There is a chance of batch-to-batch
heavy chain, α (alpha), γ (gamma), δ (delta), ε variation in case of polyclonal antibody.
(epsilon) and μ (mu), and depending on the nature
of heavy chain, immunoglobulins are labelled as The differences between the two types of anti-
IgA, IgG, IgD, IgE and IgM, respectively. The bodies are highlighted in Table 16.1.
antibody is a Y-shaped structure. The two tips of
the Y are known as antigen-binding site of the Affinity  Affinity represents the strength of the
immunoglobulin (Fig.  16.2). The base of each binding capacity of the antigenic epitope with the
arm of Y is the hinge region that is flexible region corresponding site of the antibody. It is actually
of the immunoglobulin. the three-dimensional fit of the epitope site of the
antigen with antibody.
Hybridoma Technique  In this technique abun-
dant unlimited amount of pure homogenous Avidity  Avidity means the overall functional
immunoglobulin is produced. The antibody pro- strength of binding capacity of antibody and anti-
ducing B lymphocyte is fused with a malignant gen complex. The polyclonal antibody reacts
immortal plasma cell. The resultant hybrid cell with multiple epitope sites of the antigen, and
acquires the capability of unlimited proliferation therefore the overall strength of antigen-antibody
and production of specific antibody. The resultant complex is strong. The avidity of an antibody
antibody in this condition is known as “monoclo- depends on these factors:
nal antibody”. They are named as “monoclonal”
because they are produced from a single clone of 1. Valency: The more valency of the antibody,
the greater is the avidity.
2. Affinity: The affinity between the individual
Antigen binding site epitope of the antigen and the corresponding
antigen-binding site of the antibody.

Table 16.1  The differences between monoclonal and
polyclonal antibody
Light chain
Monoclonal antibody Polyclonal antibody
High production cost Low production cost
Hinge region
Specialized training is No special training is
required to produce required to produce
Heavy chain Directed to a particular Directed to multiple
epitope of an antigen epitopes of an antigen
No variation of batch to May vary from batch to
batch batch
High specificity Low specificity
Fig. 16.2  Schematic diagram of immunoglobulin mole- Less robust of detection More robust in detection
cule. The antibody is a Y-shaped structure, and the two as the antibody is as the antibodies are
tips of the Y are known as antigen-binding site of the directed to a single directed to multiple
immunoglobulin epitope epitopes
16.2  Detection System 151

3. Structural arrangement: Three-dimensional Secondary antibody

structural arrangement of antigen and labeled

Antibody Specificity  The antibody specificity

indicates the precise detection of specific epit-
ope of the antigen by the antibody. A particular
antigenic determinant site (epitope) can be Primary antibody
present in more than one antigen, and therefore
a single antibody may react with different Indirect method
Fig. 16.4  Schematic diagram of indirect immunostain-
Sensitivity  This is related to the detection of the ing. In this method, a labelled secondary antibody is used
against the primary antibody
relative amount of antigen by the antibody in a
particular technique. The highly sensitive tech- Disadvantages:
nique detects low amount of antigen, and the rel-
ative intensity of the signal of antigen-antibody 1. Different primary antibody should be labelled
reaction is much strong. differently for the antigen.
2. Low sensitivity.

16.2 Detection System Indirect Method  In case of indirect conjugated

method, the primary antibody is unlabelled. The
It is not possible to detect antigen-antibody reac- secondary antibody is conjugated and is directed
tion by light microscope. Therefore suitable against the primary antibody (Fig.  16.4). The
detection or visualization system is necessary for antigen-primary antibody-secondary antibody
the demonstration of such reaction. The different complex is visualized by a suitable chromogen.
types of detection systems are highlighted below:
Direct Method  In the direct method, the pri-
mary antibody is directly tagged with an enzyme 1. A single conjugated secondary antibody can
or fluorescence (Fig. 16.3). The antibody should be used against different primary antibodies.
be specific for the particular antigen otherwise 2. Higher dilution of primary antibody can be used.
non-specific staining may occur. 3. Large amount of secondary antibody can be
easily produced against the primary antibody.
Advantage: 4. For negative control, the primary antibody can
be omitted.
1. Rapid and simple method

16.2.1  Peroxidase-Antiperoxidase
Method (Fig. 16.5)
Primary antibody
labeled Peroxidase-antiperoxidase reagent is an immune
Antigen complex substance. It consists of horseradish per-
oxidase antigen and antibody against horseradish
Direct method peroxidase. Here a secondary bridging antibody is
used between the primary antibody and peroxi-
Fig. 16.3  Schematic diagram of direct immunostaining.
In this method the primary antibody is directly tagged dase-antiperoxidase complex. The primary anti-
with an enzyme or fluorescence body and peroxidase-antiperoxidase reagents are
152 16  Immunocytochemistry in Histology and Cytology

Peroxidase-antiperoxidase Avidin conjugated with

complex peroxidase


Antiperoxidase Secondary antibody

Primary antibody


antibody Fig. 16.6  Schematic diagram of avidin-biotin immunos-
taining. In this method the secondary antibody is tagged
Primary antibody with biotin, and avidin conjugated with horseradish per-
oxidase is used. The biotinylated secondary antibody
Antigen tightly binds with the peroxidase-conjugated avidin

Fig. 16.5  Schematic diagram of peroxidase-­

antiperoxidase immunostaining. In this method, a second-
ary bridging antibody is used between the primary Biotin
antibody and peroxidase-antiperoxidase complex

from the same species, whereas the secondary link- Peroxidase

ing antibody is from a different species. This sec-
ondary antibody is usually highly specific against
the primary antibody and the antibody present in
the peroxidase-­antiperoxidase complex. Secondary antibody

Primary antibody
1. High degree of sensitivity: peroxidase-­

antiperoxidase method is 1000 times more
sensitive than the indirect conjugated method. Fig. 16.7 Avidin-biotin-conjugated staining. In this
method, a preformed complex of avidin-biotin and horse-
radish peroxidase is used
16.2.2  Avidin and Biotin Method
2. The affinity of the biotin and avidin may vary
The biotin has the high affinity for avidin. In this
widely in different batches. This may signifi-
method the secondary antibody is tagged with
cantly affect the sensitivity and reproducibil-
biotin. Now avidin conjugated with horseradish
ity of the test.
peroxidase is used. The biotinylated secondary
antibody is tightly bound with the peroxidase-­
conjugated avidin (Fig. 16.6).
16.2.3  Avidin and Biotin
Conjugated Procedure

1. Rapid and sensitive method This is the modification of the above-mentioned

procedure to further increase the sensitivity of the
Disadvantages: test. Here a preformed complex of avidin-biotin
and horseradish peroxidase is used (Fig.  16.7).
1. Tissue may contain endogenous biotin which The presence of multiple molecules of horserad-
may react with the avidin. Therefore there is a ish peroxidase enhances the visualization reac-
chance of false-positive reaction. tion. The steps are such:
16.2  Detection System 153

• Primary antibody
• Biotinylated secondary antibody
• Preformed complex of avidin-biotin and
horseradish peroxidase phosphatase

Advantage: Alkaline
1. Highly sensitive

1. Endogenous biotin may cause false-positive antibody
Primary antibody

16.2.4  Biotin-Streptavidin Method
Fig. 16.8  Alkaline phosphatase-antialkaline phosphatase
method. In this method, a complex of alkaline phosphatase-­
In this system the avidin is replaced by the tet- antialkaline phosphatase (APAAP) is used. The secondary
rameric antibody streptavidin that is directly antibody or linking antibody is used to bridge the primary
conjugated with enzyme. The streptavidin mol- antibody and APAAP complex
ecule has very high affinity against biotin. The
streptavidin complexes give better antibody in the APAAP complex are both from
amplification and detection than avidin-biotin the same species, whereas the secondary linking
complex. antibody is from a different species.

Advantages: Advantages:

• Streptavadin does not cross react with the 1. It is used in cases where the tissue contains high
lectin-­like substances. quantity of endogenous peroxidase such as in
• The enzyme is more stable and can be stored the bone marrow, lymph node, etc. [5]. It is often
for longer duration as this is directly bound used in dual immunostaining such as APAAP
with streptavidin. and peroxidase-antiperoxidase staining.
• There is no non-specific electrostatic binding 2. APAAP method provides distinct bright red
with streptavidin as its isoelectric point is near colour which is easy to identify compared to
to neutrality. conventional peroxidase stain.
3. APAAP is stable for long duration.

16.2.5  Alkaline Phosphatase-­

Antialkaline Phosphatase 16.2.6  Polymer-Based Labelling
Method [5, 6] Method

In alkaline phosphatase-antialkaline phosphatase In this technique a polymer backbone is used.

method, we use a complex of alkaline phosphatase-­ This may be dextran, polypeptide or dendrimer
antialkaline phosphatase (APAAP). The second- polymer. The dextran polymer is often used as a
ary antibody or linking antibody is used to bridge polymer backbone. The large number of enzyme
the primary antibody and APAAP complex molecules (at least 100 peroxidase) and more
(Fig. 16.8). Similar to peroxidase-­antiperoxidase than 20 secondary antibodies are conjugated
method, here also the primary antibody and within this dextran polymer (Fig.  16.9). At first
154 16  Immunocytochemistry in Histology and Cytology

HRP and hydrogen peroxide. The HRP converts the

biotinylated tyramine to reactive biotinylated tyra-
mide. This activated biotinylated tyramide further
reacts with tyrosine in the amino acid of the tissue
and deposits biotin. This biotin is deposited only in
the antigen-antibody reaction site. This biotin is
visualized by avidin-biotin technique (Fig. 16.10).

polymer • Do initial horseradish peroxidase-conjugated
• Add biotinylated tyramine solution.
Secondary • Wash.
• Add horseradish peroxidase-conjugated
Primary antibody
• Add chromogen (DAB) to visualize the
Antigen reaction.

Fig. 16.9  Polymer-based labelling method. In this tech- The comparison of different visualization
nique a polymer backbone (dextran) is used, and a large techniques in immunohistochemistry is high-
number of enzyme molecules and secondary antibodies
are conjugated within the polymer. The primary antibody lighted in Table 16.2.
followed by dextran-enzyme secondary antibody complex
is applied to enhance the sensitivity
16.3 T
 he Sample of Tissues
primary antibody is applied followed by dextran-­ for Immunocytochemistry
enzyme secondary antibody complex [7].
16.3.1  Histopathology
• Formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue
1 . This is simple and rapid two-step technique. • Frozen section
2. Compared to avidin-biotin technique, this is
more sensitive because the large number of
enzymes takes part in a single binding of pri- 16.3.2  Cytology
mary and secondary antibody.
3. No background staining as it bypasses biotin • Cell block tissue
and avidin bindings. • Smear from liquid-based cytology
• Direct cytology smear: imprint or FNAC
16.2.7  Catalysed Signal • Cytospin smear
Amplification (Tyramine
Signal Amplification)
16.3.3  Sample Collection
Catalysed reporter deposition technique is also
known as tyramine signal amplification (TSA) Histopathology
method [8]. This technique exploits the catalytic Formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue:
property of HRP in the presence of hydrogen perox- This is the most popular sample for IHC. Presently
ide. Biotinylated tyramine is used in the presence of most of the antibodies work on FFPE tissue section.
16.3  The Sample of Tissues for Immunocytochemistry 155

Fig. 16.10 Tyramine Biotinylated tryamine

signal amplification
(TSA) method. In this
technique biotinylated
tyramine is used in the
presence of HRP and HRP
hydrogen peroxide. The
HRP converts the Tyrosine
biotinylated tyramine to H2O2 Biotin deposited
in tissue
reactive biotinylated in reaction site
tyramide that further
reacts with tyrosine in Activated tyramide
the amino acid of the
tissue and deposits
biotin. This biotin is

deposited only in the T


reaction site. This biotin HRP

is visualized by T

avidin-biotin technique
Secondary antibody

Primary antibody


Table 16.2  Comparison of different visualization techniques in immunohistochemistry

Name of Primary Secondary
technique antibody antibody Visualization system Advantages Comments
Peroxidase-­ Primary Ab and Different HRP antigen and Ab High degree of Unsuitable for
antiperoxidase antibody species than against HRP sensitivity bone marrow/
method against HRP are that of primary complex along with blood smear that
of same species Ab. This is a DAB used as contains lot of
linking antibody chromogen endogenous
Avidin and biotin Primary Ab Biotinylated Peroxidase-­ Rapid and Endogenous biotin
method secondary Ab is conjugated avidin sensitive in the tissue may
tagged with and a substrate for react with the
biotin peroxidase avidin
Avidin- and Primary Ab Biotinylated Preformed complex Highly sensitive False positivity
biotin-­conjugated secondary Ab of avidin-biotin and due to endogenous
procedure horseradish biotin
Biotin-­ Primary Ab Biotinylated Streptavidin is • No cross
streptavidin secondary Ab directly conjugated reaction
method with enzyme • More stable
Alkaline Primary Ab and Secondary Ab Alkaline • Used in tissue Dual immunostain
phosphatase-­ Ab against phosphatase-­ containing high with peroxidase-­
antialkaline alkaline antialkaline quantity of antiperoxidase
phosphatase phosphatase are phosphatase complex endogenous method is possible
method of same species peroxidase
• Stable
• Bright red
colour is easy to
156 16  Immunocytochemistry in Histology and Cytology

Table 16.2 (continued)
Name of Primary Secondary
technique antibody antibody Visualization system Advantages Comments
Polymer-based Primary Ab Secondary Ab Polymer backbone • Simple and
labelling method conjugating with rapid two steps
large number of technique
enzyme molecules • More sensitive
and more than 20 because the
secondary Abs large number of
enzymes takes
part in a single
binding of
primary and
secondary Ab
• No background
Tyramine signal Primary Ab Secondary Ab Biotinylated • Good sensitivity • Time consuming
amplification tagged with tyramine reacts in • Non-specific
HRP the presence of HRP background stain
and hydrogen may appear
peroxide to generate
activated biotinylated
tyramide that reacts
with tissue tyrmine
Ab antibody, HRP horseradish peroxidase

Frozen section: The use of frozen section for Direct Smear  The smears from the FNAC or
IHC is now discouraged. other sample are made directly and fixed immedi-
ately. The direct smear gives poor quality of the
Cell Block  The cell block from the cytology immunostaining as there may be severe back-
material is preferable in case of cytology sample. ground artefact after immunostaining.
Any specimen can be used for cell block except
the specimen with very low cellularity. Advantages:

Advantages of cell block: • No extra sampling

• No wet preparation
1 . Multiple sections available.
2. The tissue can be further used for archival use. Disadvantages:
3. Minimum background staining.
• Background staining artefact
• Limited antibody panel
Liquid-Based Cytology  Multiple smears can
be made by liquid-based cytology (LBC). The Cytospin Preparations  Multiple wet-fixed
smears are small and contain good number of slides can be prepared from cytospin prepara-
representative cells. tion of CSF, effusion or FNAC samples for the
application of a panel of antibodies for
Advantages: ICC. Gross blood-mixed or mucus-mixed mate-
rials are unsuitable for cytospin. Background
• Clean background artefact may be seen in cytospin preparation, but
• Concentrated cells in a small area overall cytospin preparation gives good result
• Multiple smears for ICC.
16.3  The Sample of Tissues for Immunocytochemistry 157

Advantages: ogy. Alcohol fixative is not suitable for the dem-

onstration of Her-2/neu oncoprotein, oestrogen
• Multiple smears can be made. and progesterone receptors, and buffered forma-
• Panel of antibodies possible. lin solution is the most desirable fixative in this
• Overall good result. context.

16.3.5  Antigen Retrieval
• Specimen not fit for bloody and mucoid
materials Formalin-fixed tissue often gives inconsistent
• Difficult on scanty cellularity results of IHC.  In real life it is very difficult to
• Best choice for lymphoid neoplasm replace formalin as a tissue fixative. Enzymatic
digestion of the tissue also does not always pro-
vide good result. Therefore there is a great need
16.3.4  Fixation to have antigen retrieval in FFPE tissue. The term
“antigen retrieval” (AR) means the recovery of
Appropriate fixation of the tissue/cell is manda- the antigenicity of the tissue which is unmasked
tory to get good IHC. at the time of formalin fixation [10]. Fraenkel-­
Conrat et  al. showed that the reaction between
Buffered Neutral Formalin  Buffered neutral formalin and tissue is to some extent reversible if
formalin (10%) is still now the best fixative for heat is applied [11]. Based on this theory, subse-
tissue and cytology sample. quently different studies have shown that the AR
is possible by heating the tissue [12, 13].
Advantages: The important factors that control the AR:

• Cell morphology is well preserved 1. Heating temperature and time period: There
• Cheap is an inverse correlation between the heating
• Sterilizes the specimen from bacteria temperature and time needed for AR.  A test
• Prevents diffusion of protein from the cell by battery approach may settle the optimum tem-
cross-linking the protein perature and time period for successful
AR.  However, low temperature (around
Disadvantages: 90 °C) with prolonged heating period helps in
the perseveration of tissue morphology.
1. Buffered formalin is not good for RNA-based 2. pH of the AR solution: Majority of the anti-
IHC.  For RNA stain PAX gene, RCL2 or bodies work well if pH is used around 7.4.
Z7-fixative is suggested [7]. PAX gene fixa-
tive gives excellent staining quality for RNA-­
based IHC [9]. 16.3.6  Microwave Retrieval
2. Cross-linking of proteins by formalin hinders
the access of the antibody to the epitope of the This is the most effective and popular method of
antigen. Therefore the antigen retrieval is AR [14]. It is always better to standardize the
often necessary for IHC on formalin-fixed tis- technique to get the consistent result. The follow-
sue [10]. ing factors may need attention:

Others  Commercially available fixatives are 1. Wattage: The range of wattage of the micro-
used in LBC preparations and they give equally wave oven can be 750–800 W.
good results. Various other fixatives are ethanol, 2. AR buffer solution: Usually 0.01  M citrate
methanol and acetone which are used in cytol- buffer of pH 6 gives good result.
158 16  Immunocytochemistry in Histology and Cytology

3. Volume of AR buffer solution. Requirements:

4. Number of slides in individual container.
5. Thickness of tissue section: Thinner tissue • Pressure cooker: 4–5 L. Approximately 103 kPa
section (3 μm) requires less time. will reach at a temperature of near about 120 °C
6. Type of antigen: Nuclear antigen takes longer • AR solution
time for AR. • Plastic slide holder
• AR solution
Requirements: • Silanized slides
• Tris-buffered saline
• Microwave oven
• Plastic container for incubation (microwave Steps:
oven resistant)
• Plastic slide holder (microwave oven • At first remove paraffin and rehydrate the tis-
resistant) sue section.
• AR solution • Arrange the slides in a plastic holder.
• Silanized slides • Put AR solution within the pressure cooker.
• Tris-buffered saline • Heat the system so that the AR solution is
• Gloves, etc. for personal protection heated near to the boiling point.
• Keep the plastic holder with slides within the
Steps: AR solution.
• Seal the lid of the cooker.
• At first remove paraffin and rehydrate the tis- • Heat the cooker for 30 s to few minutes.
sue section. • Cool the cooker for 20 min.
• Arrange the slides in a microwave oven-­ • Open the lid.
resistant plastic holder. • Transfer the slides in the Tris-buffered saline.
• Keep the holder with slides in the plastic con-
tainer filled with AR solution. The solution Precautions:
should be adequate in amount to immerse the
slides completely. • The slides should be completely immersed in
• Cover the container with a lid. AR solution.
• Set the microvan for 10  min time • The slides should not be dry under any
(750–850 W). circumstances.
• Remove the container and slides.
• Keep it cool for 20–30  min in room
temperature. 16.3.8  Water Bath Heating
• Wash the slides in distilled water.
• Keep the slides in Tris-buffered saline. Water bath heating is the conventional procedure
as water bath is easily available in most of the
Warnings: laboratories.

• Never allow the slides to dry. Requirements:

• Never use metallic container or holder.
• Water bath. This should be temperature
16.3.7  Pressure Cooker Heating • AR solution.
• Container to keep the AR solution.
Pressure cooker heating provides uniform heat- • Plastic slide holder.
ing to all the slides. • AR solution.
16.4  Immunocytochemistry Technique 159

• Silanized slides. laboratory test. The control slides indicate the

• Tris-buffered saline. specificity of the test because it is essential to
know that the antibody is reacted specifically to
Steps: the specific epitope of the particular antigen and
not with the other antigen.
• At first remove paraffin and rehydrate the tis-
sue section. Negative Control  For negative control the pri-
• Pour good amount of AR solution to submerge mary antibody is omitted. In the absence of pri-
the slides. mary antibody, no staining reaction should occur.
• Warm the container with AR solution in the
water bath up to 98 °C.
• Now submerge the slide holder with slides Positive Control  The known tissue section with
within the already heated AR solution. the presence of antigen is used for positive con-
• Cover the lid of the container and incubate for trol such as desmin stain wherein one can take
30 min. uterine myometrial tissue as positive control.
• Take out the container and cool it.
• Rinse the slides in distilled water. The laboratories, which work on cell block
• Transfer the slides in the Tris-buffered saline. only, should have adequate sections from cell
block of each positive case. Paraffin-embedded
sections should not be kept as a control for smear
16.4 Immunocytochemistry preparation.

16.4.1  Control 16.4.2  Steps

In any IHC staining, it is extremely essential to The basic steps of immunocytochemistry are
have proper control because it validates the (Fig. 16.11):


Deparaffinization Rehydration Antigen retrieval

Endogenous enzyme Normal serum Primary

blocking antibody

Blocking endogenous
Blocking nonspecific Incubation with
binding primary antibody
antibody Chromogen

Fig. 16.11  Basic steps

of immunocytochemistry Incubation with Chromogen to visualize
is shown in this diagram labled secondary antibody
160 16  Immunocytochemistry in Histology and Cytology

Table 16.3  Enzymes and blockage

Blocking or Box 16.1: Background Non-specific
prevention of Immunostaining
Enzymes Present in tissue reaction • Charged primary antibody reacts with
Peroxidase RBCs, polymorphs, 0.5% hydrogen oppositely charged molecules such as
histiocytes and peroxide in
hepatocytes absolute collagen.
methanol for • Fc receptors over cell surface of certain
10 min cells bind the antibody.
Alkaline WBC, liver, 1 mM • Blocking:
phosphatase intestine, bone and levamisole in
placenta. However 0.5 M HCl
• Incubate with 5% bovine serum albumin
absent in formalin-­ solution for 30–60 min.
fixed tissue • Block the Fc receptors by using Fab
Biotin Liver, kidney, Polymer-based fragments.
spleen technique

1. Antigen retrieval: Described before.

2. Blocking of endogenous enzyme: In case of incubation with 2% normal serum or 5%
immunoperoxidase enzyme method, it is nec- bovine serum albumin for 1  h may reduce
essary to block the tissue endogenous peroxi- the unwanted non-specific binding. The nor-
dase enzymes that are commonly present in mal serum protein binds with the charged
RBCs, polymorphs and histiocytes. To block particles and neutralizes them. To block the
this endogenous peroxidase, the tissue should Fc receptors instead of whole IgG, one can
be kept in 0.5–1% hydrogen peroxide in abso- use Fab fragments.
lute methanol for 10  min (Table  16.3). 4. Incubation with primary antibody: Optimal
Alkaline phosphatase (AP) is present in the dilution of primary antibody is needed to
WBC, liver, intestine, bone, etc. When AP is avoid any false negative staining. Too much
used as a visualizing enzyme, it is necessary diluted antibody may fail to react with the tis-
to block this enzyme. Usually AP is not sur- sue antigen. Therefore in case of any untested
vived in FFPE tissue; however, it may give antibody, one should verify it with different
trouble in frozen section. 1 mM levamisole in series of dilution prior to its laboratory use.
0.5  M HCl solution is capable to block AP Only the dilution with intense clear staining
enzyme. Endogenous biotin may create prob- should be considered as optimum dilution. In
lem in biotin-based visualization technique. most of the commercially available antibody,
Biotin is present in the liver, kidney, spleen, the range of optimal dilution is already
etc. Polymer-­ based method can effectively mentioned.
overcome this problem of endogenous biotin 5. Incubation with labelled secondary antibody:
staining. Secondary antibody is usually labelled and
3. Blocking the background staining: Primary directed against the primary antibody.
antibody are highly charged molecules, and 6. Visualization: Appropriate chromogen is
they may bind by ionic and hydrophobic applied to visualize the reaction.
interaction with other reciprocally charged 7. Counter staining: Light counterstain is
molecules such as collagen or other antibod- applied to visualize the nuclei and tissue
ies present in the serum (Box 16.1). architecture.
Moreover Fc receptors are present over the 8. Dehydration and mounting: These are done
surface of macrophages, lymphocytes, after finishing all the previous steps.
monocytes and polymorphs. These Fc recep-
tors may also bind with the antibody and Immunohistochemistry Protocol  We gener-
may produce background staining. Pre- ally follow this protocol in our institute.
16.5  Troubleshooting in Immunocytochemistry 161

• Deparaffinize by three changes in xylene. 16.5 Troubleshooting

• Rehydrate the tissue section by graded in Immunocytochemistry
• Antigen retrieval: If necessary, by microwave The common problems of IHC have been high-
treatment. lighted in Table 16.4.
• Endogenous peroxidase blocking: Apply 3%
hydrogen peroxide in methanol for 10  min Table 16.4  Troubleshooting in immunocytochemistry
(3  ml hydrogen peroxide in 100  ml
Result and possible causes
No stain
• Wash thoroughly twice by TBS 3 min each. • No stain or very little stain in
• Blocking non-specific sites: Apply 3% bovine both positive and test slide
serum albumin directly on the smear for • No background stain
30 min. Possible causes Remedies
Defective primary or secondary • Expiry date may be
• Primary antibody: Apply primary antibody
antibody over. Use fresh
with proper dilution in TBS with 1% bovine reagents
serum albumin for 30 min. • Defective storage
• Wash thoroughly twice by TBS for 3  min of the antibodies
each. Forget to add primary antibody, • Repeat the
secondary antibody or substrate procedure
• Secondary antibody: Apply secondary anti- material
body conjugated with HRP or AP for 30 min Primary antibody is very much • Concentrate the
(or biotinylated secondary antibody). diluted and is almost absent primary antibody
• Wash thoroughly twice by TBS for 3  min Chromogen and substrate • Use proper
each. improperly used chromogen and
substrate and repeat
• Chromogen: Apply appropriate chromogen the test
and incubate for 3–10  min. Check under Overstain by the counterstain • Give less time for
microscope after 3 min. counterstain
• Rinse in water. Insufficient deparaffinization • Give longer time in
• Counterstain: By haematoxylin for 10 s. xylene and use
fresh xylene
• Dehydrate in alcohol.
Very little or no antigen present • Use a highly
• Clear in xylene. in the tissue sensitive IHC
• Mount in DPX. technique
Antigenic epitope site is • Use wax of melting
destroyed during paraffin point below 60 °C
16.4.3  Chromogen
No stain in test section but
Positive control is stained
For HRP: 3,3′-Diaminobenzidine (DAB) is used. properly
Preparation: Too much fixation or improper Take precaution on
10 mg DAB fixation fixation time and
fixative solution
10 μl hydrogen peroxide
Necrotic or crushed tissue Take better sample
10 ml Tris-buffered saline (TBS) from the viable area
For AP: AP substrate solution: Fast red kit is Background staining
used. Both negative and positive
Tris-buffered saline controls are stained
Secondary antibody is Apply the normal
Tris base 61 g cross-reacting with the serum to block the
NaCl 90 g background substance cross-reacting antigen
Distilled water 1000 ml of the tissue
162 16  Immunocytochemistry in Histology and Cytology

Table 16.4 (continued)
Section or smear is dried during • Take proper Box 16.2: Major Applications of
staining precaution to avoid Immunocytochemistry in Histology and
drying of the tissue Cytology
Chromogen is incompletely • Dissolve the • Diagnosis
dissolved chromogen
properly –– Classification malignant round cell
Positive control and test samples tumors
are showing background –– Differentiating carcinoma, sarcoma,
staining, but negative control is melanoma, etc.
free from background stain
–– Diagnosis of malignancy in effusion
Primary antibody is over • Dilute the primary
concentrated antibody properly sample
Only test sample showing –– Sub-classification
background stain Lung carcinomas
Over fixation and possibly the • Standardize the Lymphoma
test sample and controls are proper fixation of –– Diagnosis of soft tissue neoplasm
differently fixed the test sample
Small round cell sarcomas
Spindle cell tumors
16.6 Applications Pleomorphic sarcomas
• Prognosis
IHC is now an essential component in laboratory. –– Cell proliferation analysis
It has widespread use in diagnosis, sub-­ –– Hormone receptors
classification and prognosis of the tumors. IHC –– Prognostic markers
also helps in the identification of various infec- • Therapeutic applications: Receptor
tive organism of our body. studies for specific therapy
Box 16.2 highlights the major applications of • Infective organisms to identify

16.7 Diagnostic
Immunocytochemistry • HBME-1 stains intensely around the periph-
ery of the mesothelial cells.
16.7.1  Mesothelial Cells Versus • The specificity of HBME-1 is about 80%, and
Adenocarcinoma the majority of the mesothelial cells show
strong positivity.
IHC is often proved as very helpful to differenti-
ate reactive mesothelial cells from adenocarci- Wilms’ tumor gene 1 (WT-1):
noma [15]. Few important mesothelial markers
are briefly outlined here: • This is a transcription factor isolated in the
cells of the kidney.
• It is expressed in the cytoplasm and nucleus of
16.7.2  Mesothelial Markers the mesothelial cells.
• The WT-1 positivity is also seen in desmo-
Calretinin: plastic small round cell tumors and ovarian
serous carcinoma.
• Present in the mesothelial cells, steroid pro-
ducing cells of ovary and testis, renal tubular D2-40:
cells and lipocytes.
• The sensitivity and specificity of calretinin are • It is a relatively sensitive (85%) and specific
about 100% and 80%, respectively [16]. (95%) marker of mesothelial cells.
16.9  Mesenchymal Markers 163

Cytokeratin 5 and 6: The demonstration of specific cytokeratin is

immensely helpful in pointing out the origin
• Cytokeratin 5/cytokeratin 6 (CK5/CK6) of an unknown metastatic tumor.
shows diffuse cytoplasmic positivity in both • Cytokeratin 7 and cytokeratin 20 phenotyping
benign and malignant mesothelial cells. are particularly helpful to find out the primary
• CK 5/CK6 also stains other tumors such as tumor in metastasis. A combination of CK 7
squamous cell carcinoma, breast carcinomas, and CK 20 often helps to locate the primary
thymoma and salivary gland tumors [17]. site of the malignancy (Fig.  16.12).
Figure  16.13 and Table  16.5 illustrate the
expression of CK and probable origin of
16.7.3  Adenocarcinoma Markers tumors.
in Effusion Fluid
Epithelial Membrane Antigen (EMA)  This
BER EP4: complex glycoprotein is developed from milk fat
globules and is unrelated to CK or intermediate
• BER EP4 antibody is highly specific and sen- filament. EMA is present in majority of the epi-
sitive for adenocarcinoma. thelial cells except certain tumors such as hepato-
cellular carcinoma and also adrenocortical
Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA): carcinoma. Unfortunately, cells other than epi-
thelial origin such as meningeal cell, mesothelial
• It is usually present in a scanty amount in cells, certain lymphomas (anaplastic large cell
normal epithelial cells and large amount in lymphoma) and some sarcomas are also positive
gastrointestinal adenocarcinoma and lung for EMA.
• Specificity of CEA is very high (100%) to differ- Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA)  CEA is
entiate mesothelial cells from adenocarcinoma. best demonstrated in the foetal epithelial cells.
This glycoprotein is abundantly present in gas-
MOC 31: trointestinal and lung adenocarcinomas. Normal
epithelial cells usually do not show CEA.
• MOC 31 is positive in all the cases of adeno-
carcinoma of the lung and many non-­
pulmonary adenocarcinomas. 16.9 Mesenchymal Markers
Leu M1 (CD 15):
• Leu M1 (CD 15) specifically demonstrates
• Vimentin is usually expressed in mesenchy-
carcinoma cells. Sensitivity of Leu M1 is low
mal cells such as fibroblast, endothelial cells,
smooth muscle, etc. However, it has been
demonstrated in epithelial neoplasms such as
renal cell carcinoma and also mesothelial
16.8 Different Epithelial Markers cells.

Cytokeratin: Desmin:

• Depending on their molecular weights, cyto- • Desmin is present in smooth muscle, skeletal
keratin is classified into 20 different types. muscle and cardiac muscle.
164 16  Immunocytochemistry in Histology and Cytology

a b c

d e f

Fig. 16.12  Antibody panel helps to determine the exact enlargement and pleomorphism. The immunocytochemis-
sit of origin of the metastatic tumor. A 55-year-old female try panel on cell block sections shows CK 7 (c), PAX 8 (e)
presented with massive ascites. Cytology smear (a) shows and WT 1 (f) positivity and CK 20 negativity (d). The
abundant tight ball like cluster, and cell block section immunocytochemistry result indicates the ovarian origin
shows (b) sheets of malignant cells with moderate nuclear of the carcinoma

Fig. 16.13  The figure

shows the various
combinations of CK 7
and CK 20 positivity
and the possible origin
of the tumors
16.13  Germ Cell Markers 165

Table 16.5  Expression of CK and probable origin of tumors

Tumor type CK 7 CK 20 CK 5/6
Adenocarcinoma of colon − + −
Adenocarcinoma stomach + Occasional focal positive −
Squamous cell carcinoma of the lung − − +
Adenocarcinoma of the lung + − −
Infiltrating duct carcinoma of the breast + − Positive in basal type of carcinoma
Transitional cell carcinoma + Occasional focal positive −
Ovarian adenocarcinoma (non- mucinous) + − −
Renal cell carcinoma, clear cell − − −
Pancreas and bile duct adenocarcinoma + Occasional focal positive −
− negative, + positive

Actin: Table 16.6 Panel of antibodies for lymphoma

• Actin is present in smooth muscle cells and Cells and tumors Markers
myofibroblasts. All lymphoid cells CD 45
B cell CD 19, 20, 23, 10
T cell CD 3, 5, 4, 8
NK cell Positive: CD 3, CD 56
Negative: CD 19, CD 10, CD 23
16.10 Neuroendocrine Markers Hodgkin CD 15, CD 30

• Chromogranin is present in the neurosecretory 16.12 Melanoma Markers

granules in the neuroendocrine cells.
• HMB 45 is a highly specific marker of
• Synaptophysin is a marker of neuroendocrine melanoma.
and neuroectodermal tumors. • It also identifies neural crest-derived tumors,
occasional carcinomas and immunoblastic
S-100 protein: lymphomas.

• S-100 protein is present in the nucleus and Melan A (Mart-1):

cytoplasm of glial and Schwann cells.
• It is also seen in melanocytes, Langerhans • This is a melanocyte-associated marker
cells and myoepithelial cells and the neoplasm • Melan A is also positive in peripheral nerve
derived from those cells. sheath tumor, angiomyolipoma and steroid
producing cells of adrenal cortex [18].

16.11 Lymphoid Markers

16.13 Germ Cell Markers
• The detailed immunophenotyping of lym-
phoid markers is very useful for identification Placental alkaline phosphatase (PLAP):
of lymphoid cells and sub-classification of
lymphomas. • PLAP is expressed in normal placenta.
• The essential lymphoid markers are high- • It is used to differentiate germ cell tumor and
lighted in Table 16.6. any other undifferentiated malignancy.
166 16  Immunocytochemistry in Histology and Cytology

Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG): TTF:

• HCG is normally secreted by the syncytiotro- • Thyroid transcription factor-1 (TTF-1) is pres-
phoblast cell of the placenta. ent in follicular epithelial cells of the thyroid,
• The beta subunit of HCG is hormone bronchial epithelial cells of the lung and ade-
specific. nocarcinomas developed from those cells.

Oestrogen and progesterone receptors (ER and

16.14 Site-Specific Antibody PR):
in Different Epithelial
Malignancies • ER and PR are present in the nucleus of the
breast and endometrial adenocarcinomas.
PSA and androgen receptor:

• Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is positive in 16.15 Immunocytochemistry

normal, hyperplastic and neoplastic prostate of Round Cell Tumor
• PSA is also positive in breast carcinoma and Round cell tumors are often difficult to catego-
salivary gland tumors [19]. rize by morphology alone particularly in cytol-
ogy material. A panel of antibody is helpful to
Androgen receptor: differentiate the different round cell tumor
(Fig. 16.14). Table 16.7 highlights the basic panel
• It is present in the nucleus of the prostate epi- to differentiate the different malignant round cell
thelial cells. tumors.

a b c

d e f

Fig. 16.14  Antibody panel to determine the type of a 45 (b) and CD 99 (c) and positive for NSE (d), chromo-
malignant round cell tumor. A 13-year-old male presented granin (e) and synaptophysin (f). The result of the immu-
with 5 cm diameter right upper abdominal mass near the nocytochemistry panel indicates the diagnosis of
adrenal gland. The cytology smear (a) shows discrete neuroblastoma
monomorphic round cells. The cells are negative for CD
16.16  Immunocytochemistry for Therapy and Management 167

Table 16.7  Basic panel to differentiate the different malignant round cell tumors
Tumor type CD 45 CD99 Myogenin Pancytokeratin Desmin Chromogranin
NB − + − − − +
EWS/PNET − + − − − +
NHL + − − − − −
RMS − − + − + −
DSRCT − − − + + −
WT − − − + + −
NB neuroblastoma, EWS Ewing’s sarcoma, PNET peripheral neuroectodermal tumor, NHL non-Hodgkin lymphoma,
RMS rhabdomyosarcoma, DSRCT desmoplastic small round cell tumor, WT Wilms’ tumor

a b

c d

Fig. 16.15  The cell block of a case of infiltrating duct carcinoma of the breast (a). Oestrogen receptor (b), progester-
one receptor (c) and Her-2/neu immunostain (d) were done that showed strong positivity

16.16 Immunocytochemistry the therapy and management of breast carcino-

for Therapy mas (Fig. 16.15).
and Management
Oestrogen and progesterone receptors:
16.16.1  Breast Carcinoma
• ER/PR nuclear positivity is related to anti-­
Various hormonal receptors along with Her-2/ oestrogen hormone therapy of breast
neu status of breast carcinoma are mandatory for cancer.
168 16  Immunocytochemistry in Histology and Cytology

a b

c d

Fig. 16.16  A case of lung carcinoma (a) shows p63 (b) and CK 5/CK6 positivity (c) and TTF-1 negativity (d). This
indicates the diagnosis of squamous cell carcinoma

Table 16.8  Markers of lung carcinoma

Type p40 p63 TTF1 Napsin CK 5/6 CK 7
Squamous cell carcinoma + + − − + −
Adenocarcinoma − − + + − +
+ positive, − negative

Her-2/neu: 117 expression) is responsive to tyrosine kinase-­

inhibiting agent (imatinib) therapy [20].
• The status of Her-2/neu overexpression in
breast cancer is helpful for anti-Her-2/neu
antibody therapy.
16.16.3  Lung Carcinoma

16.16.2  Gastrointestinal Stromal A panel of antibody is helpful to differentiate

Tumor squamous cell carcinoma from adenocarcinoma
of lung (Fig. 16.16). The cases of lung adenocar-
CD117 (C-Kit)  Gastrointestinal stromal tumor cinoma should be investigated for EGFR muta-
with C-Kit mutation (high surface level of CD tional changes for specific receptor inhibitory
References 169

drugs. Table  16.8 shows the basic panel for the samples: comparison of five molecular fixatives. J
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cell carcinoma of the lung. niques: current perspectives. J Histochem Cytochem.
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reaction of formaldehyde with proteins. IV: participa-
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4. McMichael AJ, Pilch JR, Galfre G, Mason DY, Fabre enhancement method for immunohistochemical stain-
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5. Erber WN, McLachlan J. Use of APAAP technique on TH. Complementary value of five carcinoma markers
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tissue morphology in paraffin-embedded clinical -evolving concepts. Surgeon. 2009;7(1):36–41.
Flow Cytometry: Basic Principles,
Procedure and Applications 17
in Pathology

as channel. The result of the events is expressed

17.1 Introduction as dot plot or histogram (Fig. 17.1).

Flow cytometry (FCM) is the method by which

the various characteristics of individual particle 17.3 Dye Used
or cells are studied. FCM provides us very quick
assessment of cell surface antigens, DNA con- 17.3.1 Fluorochrome Dyes for FCM
tent and intracellular proteins. The instrument is
now used not only for research but also for rou- What is Fluorescence  When a fluorochrome
tine clinical activities [1–3]. It is now a well-­ compound absorbs quantum of light, the electron
established technique for the diagnosis and moves from lower orbit to the higher orbit, and
classification of lymphoid neoplasms, identifi- compound remains in excited state. When the
cation of malignant cells in effusion cytology compound comes back to its ground state, the
and other body fluids. Modern flow cytometer is electron returns to its original orbit, and the com-
now much more user-friendly and smaller in pound emits the quantum of light of lower wave-
size. length with a different colour (Fig.  17.2). The
whole phenomenon is known as fluorescence. As
the excited light wave and emitted light waves are
17.2 Principle of Flow Cytometry of different wavelength and colour, the emitted
light is easily visible and can be recorded.
Single dissociated cells in liquid medium are
essential for flow cytometry. The specific compo- Each fluorochrome dye compound has certain
nent of the cell is identified by the antibody properties:
tagged with a fluorescent dye. Similarly DNA
can also be stained by a DNA stoichiometric dye. • Specific excitation spectrum of light
The single cells rapidly pass in front of a laser • Specific emission spectrum of light
beam, and the laser beam of particular wave • The quantum efficiency
length hits the cell. The individual cells absorb
the light and emit light of different wavelength. The difference between the wavelength of
The emitted light is detected by the photomulti- excitation or absorption spectrum and emission
plier tube and is converted into a digital pulse. spectrum is known as Stokes shift. The higher the
The intensity of the digital signal is stored in the value of the Stokes shift, the greater the separa-
computer and expressed in a relative scale known tion of the excitation and emission spectrum.

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2018 171

P. Dey, Basic and Advanced Laboratory Techniques in Histopathology and Cytology,
172 17  Flow Cytometry: Basic Principles, Procedure and Applications in Pathology

Fig. 17.1 Schematic Single cell

diagram of basic
principle of flow
cytometry is highlighted
in the picture. The single
cells are hit by the laser Emitted fluorescence
beam of particular
wavelength. The emitted
light is detected by the
photomultiplier tube and Laser
is converted into a beam
digital pulse. The result
of the events is
expressed as dot plot or

Photomultipler Computer

Histogram Dot plot

17.3.2 Fluorochrome Dye for Nucleic

Box 17.1: Principle of Flow Cytometer Acid
• Single cell suspension.
• The specific component of the cell is The common dyes in DNA FCM include propid-
stained with a fluorescent-tagged ium iodide, ethidium bromide, Hoechst 33342
antibody. and diamidinophenylindole (Table 17.1).
• DNA-binding dye binds with DNA
stoichiometrically. Fluorochrome Dye for Antibody and
• A laser beam of particular wavelength Protein  Various fluorochrome dyes are used for
hits the cell. conjugating antibodies and protein. The most
• The cell absorbs light and emits commonly used fluorochrome dye is fluorescein
fluorescence. isothiocyanate (FITC). Table 17.2 highlights the
• The emitted fluorescence is recorded excitation and emission spectrum of different
with the help of the photodetectors. commonly used fluorescein dyes.
• The electronic signal is converted into
digital signals. Dye for RNA Content Measurement  RNA
• The results are then displayed as histo- content is measured with acridine orange, pyro-
gram or two-dimensional dot plots. nin Y and oxazine 1.
17.4  Samples for Flow Cytometry 173

Fig. 17.2  The diagram Electron moves

shows the principle of in higher orbit
fluorochrome dye
activation. When a
fluorochrome compound
absorbs quantum of
light, the electron moves
from lower orbit to the Exited
higher orbit, and the state
compound remains in
excited state. When the Excitation
jumps back
compound comes back wave length
and emits light
to its ground state, the
electron returns to its
original orbit and the
compound emits the Emission
quantum of light of wave length
lower wavelength with
different colour

Hit by laser beam

Table 17.1  Fluorochrome dye used in DNA Table 17.2 Fluorochrome dye for conjugating with
Excitation Emission
maximum maximum Excitation Emission
Flurochrome (nm) (nm) maximum maximum
Propidium iodide 305, 540 620 Fluorochrome (nm) (nm)
Ehidium bromide 493 620 Fluorescein isothiocyanate 495 519
Hoechst 33342 350 461 (FITC) 488
Hoechst 33258 352 461 Phycoerythrin (PE) 496 576
Diamidinophenylindole 359 461 Allophycocyanin (APC) 650 660
(DAPI) Rhodamine Red-X 570 590
Acridine orange 503 530 (DNA), Texas Red® 595 613
640 (RNA) PE-Cy7® 488 566 778
Peridinin chlorophyll 477 678
nm nano micrometre, 10−9 m

17.4 Samples for Flow Cytometry The special advantages of cytology speci-

mens (Box 17.2) over the histopathology tissue
17.4.1 Cytology Samples include:

The various types of cytology specimens for 1. Cytology samples are easy to process and

FCM include: require less effort for disaggregation and
thereby single cell preparation is easier to
1. Fine needle aspiration cytology materials:
make for FCM.
Lymph node, breast, lung, prostate, etc. 2. It is relatively easy to procure cytology

2. Exfoliative samples: Effusion fluid, CSF,
bladder wash
174 17  Flow Cytometry: Basic Principles, Procedure and Applications in Pathology

Flow cytometric immunophenotyping: The

Box 17.2: Advantages of Cytology Sample indications for use of controls are:
for FCM
• Easy to process • Any suspicion of artefactual change
• Less effort to disaggregate the cells • To monitor the autofluorescence and non-­
• Easy to procure the sample specific binding in the sample
• Possible to study from the multiple
areas of the tumor or lymph nodes Negative control: Unlabelled processed sam-
• Viable cells so functional studies are ple may work as negative control.
possible With the help of commercially available
fluorescein-­labelled beads, one should do the set-
ting of optics, fluidics and electronics. The spe-
cific company provides certain instructions and
this should be obeyed strictly.
Box 17.3: Citrate Buffer
• Sucrose: 85.3 g
• Trisodium citrate (Sigma): 11.8 g
17.4.4 Sample Processing
• 50 ml of dimethyl sulfoxide in 100 ml of
DNA flow cytometry [1]
• pH keep at 7.6
• Centrifuge the sample: 3000 rounds per min-
ute for 3–5 min.
3. Multiple areas of the tumor or lymph nodes
• Discard the supernatant fluid.
can be collected for processing.
• Resuspend in citrate buffer.
4. The different functional studies can be done
• Prepare single cell suspension by repeated
as the cells are viable.
syringing through nylon mesh or by
Collection  The cytology samples can be col-
• Keep the cell concentration in the buffer is
lected in 1  ml of citrate buffer solution (Box
kept as at least 2 × 106 cells per ml in 0.4 ml
17.3). The sample can be processed immediately
PBS (pH 7.4).
or may be kept at −70 °C to process later on.
• Add 500  μl of solution A containing Triton
X-100, RNAse and propidium iodide fresh
solution (see below).
17.4.2 Histology Samples
• Incubate for 30  min in room temperature in
the dark.
• Frozen section tissue
• Run in flow cytometer within 2–3 h.
• Paraffin-embedded tissue
Stock solution of propidium iodide (PI)
Histopathology sample needs thorough disag-
gregation for flow cytometry. In fact, paraffin-­ • Propidium iodide (PI) 1 mg
embedded tissue does not give good result on • Water 2 ml
FCM. Store in 4 °C in the dark
Solution A
1. RNAse A 2 mg
17.4.3 Control
2. Triton X-100 10 ml: 0. 1% (v/v)
3. Propidium iodide 0.40 ml of stock solution
DNA FCM control: Lymphocytes from the (500 μg/ml)
peripheral blood samples of healthy individuals.
Make fresh solution
17.4  Samples for Flow Cytometry 175

17.4.5 Flow Cytometric • Wash the cells three times in PBS solution by
Immunophenotyping (FCI) 3000 rounds per minute for 3–5 min.
• Discard supernatant.
Direct stain: • Resuspend the cells in 500 μl PBS solution.
• Run in FCM.
• Centrifuge the sample: 3000 rounds per min-
ute for 3–5 min. Indirect staining procedure [2, 3] (Fig. 17.3):
• Discard the supernatant fluid.
• Re-suspend in citrate buffer. • Collect sample in citrate buffer.
• Prepare single cell suspension by repeated • Wash the cells in PBS (3000 rounds per min-
syringing through nylon mesh or by trypsin- ute for 3–5 min).
ization [1]. • Discard the supernatant and resuspend the
• Keep the cell concentration in the buffer is cells in ice-cold PBS, 3% BSA, 1% sodium
kept as at least 2 × 106 cells per ml. azide.
• Take in 100 μl in PBS (pH 7.4). • Keep 100 μl solution of cells (1.5 × 106 cells/
• Add 10 μl of labelled antibodies for 25 min in ml concentration of cells) into multiple small
the dark place at room temperature. aliquots.

Fig. 17.3 Schematic
diagram explains the
steps of indirect
176 17  Flow Cytometry: Basic Principles, Procedure and Applications in Pathology

• Take 100 μl solution of cells and incubate with –– Cell ploidy analysis: DNA ploidy patter,
50 μl of primary nonconjugated antibody for percentage of S-phase cells
30 min at room temperature in the dark. –– Mention summary of the different findings,
• Wash the cells in PBS. conclusions and further suggestions
• Add 50  μl of a conjugated secondary
• Keep for 30 min at room temperature. 17.5 Targets of Application
• Wash three times in PBS.
• Discard the supernatant and resuspend the FCM can be used for quantitative measurement
cells in 500 μl PBS. of various cellular characteristics (Box 17.4).
• Run in FCM. Many of the targets of application of FCM are
research oriented.
The most common applications of FCM in
17.4.6 Data Acquisition [4] clinical laboratory include [5, 6] (Fig. 17.4):

• Mention clear labelling of the specific sample

and the name of the antibody used.
Box 17.4: Measurement of Cellular Features
• Mention approximate total number of events.
• Carefully monitor the fluidics. • DNA ploidy analysis
• Cell cycle analysis
Data interpretation • Intracellular and cell surface receptors
• Cell size
• At the time of reporting, it is essential to assess • Cell viability and apoptotic cells
the overall quality of the sample: light scatter, • Enzyme activity: phosphatase, gluc-
fluidics, etc. uronidase, etc.
• Do the doublet exclusion in case of cell • Metabolic studies: oxidative burst, intra-
aggregation. cellular pH, intracellular calcium
• Follow appropriate gating strategy. • Cellular protein, lipid, haemoglobin
• RNA content
Reporting • Mitochondrial function
• Physical phenomena: phagocytosis,
• Sample pinocytosis, etc.
–– Identify the sample number.
–– Type of sample.
–– Test to do.
• Details of patient’s information:
–– Name
–– Sex
–– Age
–– Chief complaints
–– Clinical diagnosis
• Report of FCM
–– Percentage of cell of interest showing posi-
tive staining of the antibodies
–– Cell of interest showing negative staining
–– Detailed description of abnormal cell pop-
ulation: Antigenic expression, light scatter
Fig. 17.4  Common applications of flow cytometry is
properties highlighted in this diagram
17.6  DNA Content and Ploidy Analysis 177

• Immunophenotyping of lymphoma and cells. In DNA histogram the aneuploid popula-

leukaemia tion will form a peak somewhere other than dip-
• DNA ploidy analysis and cell cycle analysis loid peak.
• Detection of malignancy in body fluid
The relative DNA content of the aneuploid
In addition, FCM is used also for histocom- population of cells is calculated by DNA index.
patibility, cross matching, HLA-B27 detection,
CD 4 and CD 8 counting for immunodeficiency, Mean channel number of
reticulocyte enumeration and PNH detection in aneuploid peak
DNA index =
immunology and haematology laboratories. Mean channel number of
normal diploid peak

17.6 D
 NA Content and Ploidy The different types of aneuploidy are men-
Analysis tioned below:

Basic principle: Hyperdiploid Aneuploidy (Fig.  17.5)  Here

the aneuploid peak lies in between diploid and
• DNA-specific dye stochiometrically binds tetraploid peak (DNA index is in between 1
with the DNA of the nucleus. and 2).
• Emitted fluorescence from the dye-DNA com-
plex is directly proportional to the DNA con- Hypodiploid Aneuploidy (Fig.  17.5)  Here
tent of the nucleus. the aneuploid cell population forms a peak left
• The data are displayed as DNA histogram. to the diploid peak as they contain less than
• The majority of the normal cells contain dip- the 2n amount of DNA (DNA index is lower
loid (2n) chromosome so they emit a certain than 1).
amount of fluorescence represented by a chan-
nel number. This forms a single peak known Tetraploid Aneuploid (Fig.  17.5)  Aneuploid
as the diploid peak in DNA histogram. population of cells makes a peak on G2M peak.
• The cells in G2M phase contain the double It is often difficult to distinguish tetraploid
amount of DNA (4n) so they emit the double
amount of fluorescence and are present in
double channel number in the DNA histogram
forming a small tetraploid peak.
• In between these two peaks, the cells have
varying amount of DNA from 2n to 4n, and
they are in synthetic (S) phase.
• Any peak, other than these two peaks is con-
sidered as an aneuploid peak.

The following information is obtained from


1 . Identification of aneuploid cell population

2. DNA index
3. Proliferative cell fraction (% of S phase)

DNA Ploidy  The clone of cells containing the Fig. 17.5  Schematic diagram of different types of aneu-
abnormal amount of DNA is known as aneuploid ploidy in DNA histogram
178 17  Flow Cytometry: Basic Principles, Procedure and Applications in Pathology

peak from normal G2M peak. However, the Bladder Washings  DNA ploidy estimation in
presence of more than 20% cell population in the gated population of cytokeratin positive cell
this peak suggests a tetraploid aneuploidy is helpful in the detection of malignancy in fol-
(DNA index is 2). low-­up cases of urothelial carcinoma of the blad-
der [8].
Hypertetraploid Aneuploidy (Fig. 17.5)  Here
the aneuploid population of cells forms a peak
beyond the G2M peak as they have more than 4n CSF  Due to low cellularity, DNA FCM has less
amount of DNA peak (DNA index is greater diagnostic capability in the detection of malig-
than 2). nancy in CSF. It has been demonstrated that the
combined use immunophenotyping and DNA
S Phase  The S-phase fraction of cells has 2n–4n FCM is more helpful in the diagnosis of lym-
amount of DNA so they remain in between G0G1 phoma in CSF [9, 10].
and G2M peak. The number of such cells can be
calculated from the DNA histogram.
17.6.3 Prognosis of the Patients

17.6.1 Clinical Application DNA aneuploidy and high S phase are poor prog-
nostic factors in various solid tumors such as
DNA FCM provides usual information on the bladder, prostate, ovarian and endometrial carci-
DNA ploidy and S-phase fraction of the tumor nomas [11].
cell population. The presence of aneuploidy cell
population and/or high S phase suggests a malig-
nant lesion [1, 2]. However, we should keep in 17.7 Immunophenotyping
mind that malignant tumors may often show dip-
loid cell population, and also uncommonly A large number of CDs have been described in
benign tumor may have aneuploidy population of different cells of lymphoid origin [12]
cells. (Table 17.3). Monoclonal antibodies against var-
ious CDs are now also available for the use of
flow cytometric immunophenotyping (FCI)
17.6.2 Diagnosis (Figs. 17.6, 17.7, 17.8 and 17.9). The antibodies

Effusions  Diagnosis of malignancy only on the

Table 17.3  CD markers of lymphoid cells
basis of DNA ploidy has limited use. DNA FCM
along with staining of other markers (BER EP4, Cells Markers
Leu M1, etc.) helps to identify adenocarcinomas All lymphoid cells CD 45
T lymphocyte CD 2
in effusion fluid [7]. Ber-EP4 is an epithelial cell
CD 3
adhesion molecule. BER-EP4 monoclonal anti- T helper cell CD 4
body is directed against the protein moiety of the T cytotoxic cell CD 8
glycopeptides of the epithelial cells. This mole- T regulatory cell CD 4
cule is expressed in the epithelial cell and its CD 25
malignancies. As epithelial cells are not normally NK cell CD 56
present in the effusion fluid, the presence of B lymphocytes CD 19
CD 20
BER-EP4 positive cells in effusion usually indi-
Plasma cell CD 138
cates metastatic epithelial tumor. The sensitivity Plasmacytoid dendritic cell CD 304
and specificity of BER-EP4 in detection of malig- Stem cell and progenitor cell CD 34
nancies in effusion are about 80 and 90%, respec- CD 117
tively [7]. CD 271
17.7 Immunophenotyping 179




Q1 Q2 Q1 Q2


Q3 Q4 Q3 Q4

102 103 104 105 102 103 104 105


Fig. 17.6  Dot plot of CD 45 stain in flow cytometry Fig. 17.8  Dot plot of CD 20 stain (B cell marker) in flow



Q1 Q2
Q1-1 Q2-1


Q3-1 Q4-1
Q3 Q4

102 103 104 105 102 103 104 105


Fig. 17.7  Dot plot of CD 19 stain (B cell marker) in flow Fig. 17.9  Dot plot of CD 2 and CD 3 stain (T cell marker)
cytometry in flow cytometry

are labelled by different fluorochromes of differ- Diagnosis:

ent emission spectrums. Therefore judicious use
of the fluorochrome-tagged antibodies may help • Most of the cases of lymphoma are mono-
to perform multicoloured FCI. This has a great clonal. So light chain restriction of either
impact in application of FCI as one can study on lambda or kappa chain indicates lymphoma
the large number of CDs in a small volume of (of B cell origin). In FCM the kappa/ lambda
sample. The demonstration of various CD mark- ratio more than 4:1 or more than 1:2 is usu-
ers on the lymphoid cell surface helps in the ally considered as an evidence of
diagnosis and also sub-classification of monoclonality.
180 17  Flow Cytometry: Basic Principles, Procedure and Applications in Pathology

• Clonality demonstration in T cell NHL is dif- 17.7.1 Limitations of FCI

ficult in FCM.  However the aberrant
­expression of CD 2, CD 5 and CD 7 expres- FCI bears certain limitations that include:
sion may suggest T NHL [13].
1. No morphological correlation: This is the
Sub-classification of Lymphomas greatest disadvantage of FCI. It is not possible
FCI can be done easily on FNAC material to correlate morphological findings with the
because the cells are discrete in cytology mate- FCI data. Laser scanning cytometry over-
rial. The advantages of FCI over immunocyto- comes this problem.
chemistry are: 2. Admixture of other material: Benign reactive
components of the lymph node such as vascu-
• It is a fast technique to analyse large popula-
lar or stromal material are often admixed with
tion of cells.
the cells of interest, and appropriate gating is
• The various CD markers can be applied in
needed to eliminate such cells.
small volume of aspirate.
3. Scanty cells may be missed: It is difficult to
• Dual expression of CD markers.
identify Reed-Sternberg cell in the specimen
• Additional features such as DNA ploidy, cell
of Hodgkin’s lymphoma because of scanty
cycle analysis, etc. can be done simultane-
R-S cells in the specimen.
ously along with immunophenotyping.
4. No light chain restriction: All cases of B-NHL
• Quantitation of antigen-positive cells is
may not always show light chain restriction.
This may be due to failed expression of light
Figure 17.10 highlights the comparison of chain on the surface of the cell.
FCM immunophenotyping and immunocyto- 5. High cost of FCM instrument: FCM is overall
chemistry. a costly technique and needs good skill.

Fig. 17.10 The
diagram highlights the
differences between flow
immunostaining versus
17.7 Immunophenotyping 181

17.7.2 Flow Cytometry Features 17.7.4 Assessment of Sub-G1

of Different Lymphomas Fraction of Apoptotic Cells

Table 17.4 highlights the different CD markers of 1. Cells are washed in 1500 RPM for 5 min in
lymphoma cases. PBS.
2. Resuspend the cells in PBS and keep the
concentration as 1.5 × 106 cells/ml.
3. Take the cells in 60 μL of PBS.
17.7.3 Apoptosis [14, 15] 4. Add 1 ml ice-cold 70% ethyl alcohol drop by
FCM is one of the important technologies to
5. Keep for 1–2 h in −20 °C for permeabilization.
detect apoptotic cell death. Quantitation of the
6. Wash the cells in PBS by centrifuging.
apoptotic cells is possible with the help of light
7. Discard the supernatant fluid.
scatter (a loss in forward light scatter), plasma
8. Add 1  ml solution containing propidium
membrane changes, and DNA content (a sub-­
iodide, RNAse and Triton X. [RNAse 2 mg,
diploid peak).
Triton × 10 ml and PI 0.40 ml of (500 μg/ml)]

Table 17.4  CD expression of different lymphomas

Diagnosis Immunophenotyping
Small lymphocytic Positive for: CD 5, CD 23, CD 19, CD 20
Co-expression of CD 5 and CD 23
Negative for: CD 10
Mantle cell lymphoma Positive for: CD 5, CD 19, CD 20
Paraffin section: Cyclin D1, FMC7
Negative for: CD 10, CD 23
Follicular lymphoma Positive for: Surface Ig, CD 10, CD 19, CD 20, Bcl2, Bcl6
Negative for: CD 5
Lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma Positive: Cytoplasmic immunoglobulin, CO I9, CD 20, CD 22, CD 79a, CD 38
Negative: CD 5, CD 23, CD 10
Marginal zone lymphoma Positive: Surface Ig, CD 19, CD 20
Negative: CD 5, CD 10, CD 23
Hairy cell leukaemia Positive: CD 103, CD 11c+, CD 25+
Negative: CD 10, CD 3, CD 5
Plasmacytoma/multiple Positive: CD 38+, CD 138+
myeloma Negative: CD 10, CD 3, CD 5, CD 23
Precursor B lymphoblastic Positive: Tdt, CD 10, CD 19, CD 20
Negative: Surface Ig
Burkitt’s lymphoma Positive: CD 10, CD 19, CD 20, surface Ig+
Negative: CD 5, CD 23
Ki67 index is more than 85%
Diffuse large B cell lymphoma Positive: Surface Ig+/−, CD 10+/−, CD 19, 20
Negative: CD 5 (90%)
Ki 67 index less than 90%
T lymphoblastic Positive: TdT, CD 3, CD 7, CD 4+/−, CD 8
Peripheral T cell Positive: CD 3, CD 7 and CD 4/CD 8
Anaplastic large cell Positive: CD 30 (Ki-1), EMA, ALK
Negative: CD 45+/−, CD 3+/−
182 17  Flow Cytometry: Basic Principles, Procedure and Applications in Pathology

9. Incubate for 1 h in the dark. Detection of Minimal Residual Disease

10. Vortex and then run in FCM. Multicolour FCM by using a panel of antibody
11. Measure the sub-diploid population of cells. against a wide range of CD markers is helpful in
rapid detection of minimal residual disease
(MRD). A panel consisting of CD 19/CD 34/CD
17.7.5 Apoptosis Detection by 10/TdT or CD 19/CD 34/CD 10/CD 13 is used in
Annexin V Assay B cell NHL.  Aberrant expression of markers
indicates MRD. In case of T cell NHL, CD 34/
1 . Wash the cells in PBS by centrifuging. CD 3 panel is used [18].
2. Discard supernatant fluid.
3. Keep the cells and keep concentration of

1.5 × 106 cells/ml. References
4. Resuspend cells in 500 μL of binding buffer.
5. Add 5 μL of annexin V conjugated with FITC. 1. Saikia UN, Dey P, Vohra H, Gupta SK.  DNA flow
cytometry of non Hodgkin’s lymphomas: correla-
6. Incubate at room temperature for 5 min in the tion with cytologic grade and clinical relapse. Diagn
dark. Cytopathol. 2000;22:153–6.
7. Run in FCM for the detection of annexin-­ 2. Kentrou NA, Tsagarakis NJ, Tzanetou K, Damala
binding cells. M, Papadimitriou KA, Skoumi D, Stratigaki
A, Anagnostopoulos NI, Malamou-Lada E,
Athanassiadou P, Paterakis G.  An improved flow
FCM in HIV Infection  The quantitation of CD cytometric assay for detection and discrimination
4 and CD 8 count in the blood sample of HIV-­ between malignant cells and atypical mesothelial
infected patients is possible by FCM. This is very cells, in serous cavity effusions. Cytometry B Clin
Cytom. 2011;80(5):324–34.
helpful in monitoring the HIV patients.
3. Dey P, Amir T, Al Jassar A, et  al. Combined appli-
cations of fine needle aspiration cytology and flow
Reticulocyte Count  FCM analysis of reticulo- cytometric immunphenotyping for diagnosis and clas-
cyte is a standard and preferred method. Auramine sification of non Hodgkin lymphoma. Cytojournal.
O and thiazole orange are FDA-proved reagents
4. Johansson U, Bloxham D, Couzens S, Jesson J,
for reticulocyte analysis using FCM. Morilla R, Erber W, Macey M, British Committee
for Standards in Haematology. Guidelines on the
Steps [16] use of multicolour flow cytometry in the diagnosis
of haematological neoplasms. British Committee
for Standards in Haematology. Br J Haematol.
1. Thiazole orange reagent (1 ml). 2014;165(4):455–88.
2. Add 5 ml peripheral blood. 5. Chang Q, Hedley D.  Emerging applications of
3. Incubate for 30 min. flow cytometry in solid tumor biology. Methods.
4. Vortexing the mixture. 2012;57(3):359–67.
6. Adan A, Alizada G, Kiraz Y, Baran Y, Nalbant A. Flow
5. Run in FCM. cytometry: basic principles and applications. Crit Rev
Biotechnol. 2017;37(2):163–76.
7. Diaz-Arias AA, Loy TS, Bickel JT, et  al. Utility of
Predicting Response to Monoclonal Ber-EP4  in the diagnosis of adenocarcinoma in
effusions:an immunocytochemical study of 232 cases.
Therapy  As a therapy of low-grade NHL, ritux- Diagn Cytopathol. 1993;9:516–21.
imab, a monoclonal antibody, is applied against 8. Sánchez-Carbayo M, Ciudad J, Urrutia M, Navajo
CD 20 on B cells. The follow-up of these cases JA, Orfao A.  Diagnostic performance of the urinary
needs the close monitoring of the measurement bladder carcinoma antigen ELISA test and multipa-
rametric DNA/cytokeratin flow cytometry in urine
of monoclonal antibody CD 20. This is possible voided samples from patients with bladder carcinoma.
by the help of FCM [17]. Cancer. 2001;92(11):2811–9.
References 183

9. Yu GH, Vergara N, Moore EM, King RL.  Use of 15. Darzynkiewicz Z, Bruno S, Del Bino G, Gorczyca W,
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tive disorders in fluid specimens. Diagn Cytopathol. totic cells measured by flow cytometry. Cytometry.
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der Holt B, Smitt PS, van den Bent MJ, van’t Veer M, G.  Reticulocyte analysis by flow cytometry and
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cytometry in analysis of cell cycle and apoptosis.
Semin Hematol. 2001;38(2):179–93.
Digital Image Analysis and Virtual
Microscopy in Pathology 18

18.1 Introduction in the parent computer. The classical cases can

be used for teaching purposes [2].
In the last few decades, there is massive develop- 2 . Online opinion (telepathology): With the help
ment of the computer technology followed by of digital imaging system, it is possible to
marked advancement in the field of high-­ send the scanned image of the whole slide to
resolution image digitization, image storage, the distant centre. The experts can examine
extraction of features and analysis. Virtual the virtual slide and give their opinion.
microscopy has also significantly advanced in the Thereby the physical transfer of the slides can
last few years. Previously the pathologists used to be avoided, and rapid opinion may be avail-
give opinion on holistic viewing of the image of able in a particular case [3].
the tissue/cells. Presently there is increasing 3. Detection of malignancy: DIA is useful in the
demand to provide semi-quantitative features detection of malignant cells in cytology
along with the quantitative information of vari- smears and in images of histopathology sec-
ous biomarkers on the tissue section or cytology tions [4, 5]. It helps in the detection of false
smear [1]. Digital image analysis (DIA) provides negative cervical cytology smears. Large
more objective and consistent information of the number of slides can be re-screened after ini-
images and also helps in the diagnosis, grading tial manual screening. In case of any suspi-
and classification of the disease. It provides vari- cious cells, the computer gives alarm signal,
ous prognostic information and guidance to ther- and the slide is again screened in that particu-
apy. Nowadays it is essential to have a good lar area to avoid any false negative report.
knowledge on digital analysis and virtual micros- 4. Detailed morphologic study of DNA and chro-
copy for the effective improvement of reporting mosomes: DNA and structure of chromosome
tissue specimen. have been studied with the help of digital
image analysis [6].
Applications of Digital Pathology  The digital 5. Pattern recognition and grading of carci-
pathology has the following applications in the noma: Image analysis has been applied to
field of pathology (Box 18.1): diagnose and grading of carcinomas. Accurate
grading of prostate and breast carcinoma were
1. Education: Presently the entire slides can be done by different workers on the basis of
scanned and stored in the computer system. image analysis [7, 8].
The slides can be available in the web page or

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2018 185

P. Dey, Basic and Advanced Laboratory Techniques in Histopathology and Cytology,
186 18  Digital Image Analysis and Virtual Microscopy in Pathology

• Image digitalization: Pixel is the basic unit of

Box 18.1: Applications of Digital Image any image. Each pixel is located in particular
Analysis X and Y axis. On the basis of the grey inten-
• Education: The digital slides to use for sity of the pixel, the individual pixels are given
teaching. a particular grey value. In a coloured image in
• Telepathology: Digital slides to use for a particular pixel, three values are given based
immediate online opinion. on the intensity of red, green and blue colour.
• Detection of malignancy: Malignant Therefore the pixels are stored in the com-
cells are detected such as in cervical puter as the representation of a particular grey
smear. value. This is known as digitization of the
• Detailed morphologic study of DNA image. From the digitized stored image, the
and chromosomes. original image can be easily retrieved.
• Pattern recognition and grading of • Image detection and segmentation: By adjust-
carcinoma. ing grey threshold value, one can detect the
• Quantitation of immunohistochemistry. cells or image of the interest.
• Assessment of aggressiveness of a tumor • Image editing: With the help of editing, the
for personalized medicine. images are processed, and the unwanted
objects are eliminated from the background.
• Feature extraction: Next important step of
6. Quantitation of immunohistochemistry: With image analysis is the measurement of various
the help of digital image analyser and geometric data from the object of interest that
appropriate software, it is now possible to
­ include diameter, perimeter, area, roundness
quantify the HER 2/ER/PR immunostaining and texture. The other components of the fea-
on the histopathology section. Automated tures are the margin or periphery of the duct,
quantification of fluorescent in situ hybridiza- gland or cell-stromal interface detection.
tion (FISH) is also possible on histology tis-
sue [9].
7. Assessment of aggressiveness of a tumor for 18.3 Details of the Image
personalized medicine: With the help of digi- Analysis Steps
tal image analysis, it is now possible to find
out the aggressiveness of individual tumor in (a) Image processing: In case of image process-
individual persons. It is often seen that the ing, the images are modified to have better
same tumor with same type of treatment has quality. We use three techniques for the res-
different outcome in two different patients. toration of the image: (1) image smoothing,
Digital image analysis can provide useful (2) image denoising and (3) image
information on (a) tumor morphology, (b) enhancement.
tumor classification, (c) tumor grading, (d) Image smoothing: Gaussian filtering or
tumor stroma reaction, (e) quantification of bilateral filtering is used to remove the back-
biomarkers and (f) molecular phenotypes. The ground noise of the image and also to remove
combined data of all those features may be finer details.
helpful to plan for personalize treatment [10]. Image denoising: The noises that are pro-
duced at the time of image acquisition and
reconstruction should be removed by image
18.2 B
 asic Principles of Image denoising technique. Wavelength threshold-
Analysis ing, variational methods or robust statistic is
used for image denoising [11].
The basic principles and steps of image cytome- Image enhancement: Image enhancement
try includes below (Fig. 18.1): technique is used to enhance the contrast
18.3  Details of the Image Analysis Steps 187

Fig. 18.1 Illustrated
figure of the basic steps
of image analysis: (a) at
first the coloured image
is captured. (b)
Subsequently the
coloured image is
converted into grey
image. (c) The cells of
interest are detected by
adjusting the grey value.
(d) Finally the
measurement is done

a b
Coloured image is captured Coloured image converted into grey

Cells of interest are detected
By adjusting grey value Measurement is done

between the objects of interest and the back- • Similarity of the region of image: The
ground. We use adaptive filters or inverse image is segmented according to the sim-
anisotropic diffusions technique for image ilarity and dissimilarity of the data. At
enhancement. first scale-space filtering technique is
( b) Automated segmentation: Automated seg- used followed by watershed clustering
mentation is the most important step to have technique [14].
a successful analysis of the digital images. In –– Scale-space filtering: In this technique
fact, this is the most challenging area of the the filtering is done in a continuum of
digital image analysis. Automated segmenta- scales by applying Gaussian filters.
tion can be done by: –– Watershed clustering technique: This
• Grey level threshold method: As the nuclei is also known as region-based seg-
are differently stained, so they can be sep- mentation approach. The watershed
arated by adjusting the grey threshold lines are constructed around the
[12]. At first, the colour of the different boundary of the different objects of
components of the image is noted such as interest, and this watershed technique
nuclei, cytoplasm and stromal area. Then is applied to determine the individual
the image of the interest is segmented by objects in the image. The major prob-
utilizing the colour and gradient informa- lem of watershed technique is over-
tion [13]. segmentation and thick watershed.
188 18  Digital Image Analysis and Virtual Microscopy in Pathology

Fig. 18.2 Object-based
features of digital image Object based
are highlighted here. features
There are four types of
object-based features:
(1) geometric features, Geometrical features Co occurrence of Matrix
(2) textural features, (3)
densitometric features Area, diameter, perimeter
and (4) topological Convex area, convex deficiency,
features Entropy
Major and minor axis length Smoothness
Equivalent diameter, sphericity, Markovian
Extent, aspect ratio Run length texture
Optical density, Topological
Integrated optical Voronoi diagram
density, Mean optical Delaunay triangulation
density Minimum spanning tree

(c) Feature extraction and unnecessary data The non-linear data reduction techniques
reduction: The different sorts of features are are:
extracted from the digital images such as
(Fig. 18.2): • Spectral clustering
1. Geometric features: Shape and size • Isometric mapping
2. Topological features: Voronoi diagrams, • Locally linear embedding
Delaunay triangulation and minimum • Laplacian eigenmaps
spanning trees
3. Densitometric study: Optical density, After significant data reduction, the remaining
integrated optical density and mean opti- features can be used as input features to deter-
cal density mine the disease identification, classification or
4. Textural features: Co-occurrence of grading.
matrix (energy, uniformity, entropy,
smoothness), Markovian texture, run Instruments Requirements  Nowadays no spe-
length texture, wavelets and fractal cial equipments are needed for image analysis. A
dimension digital camera attached to the microscope and a
It is essential to reduce the vast quantity of suitable software is sufficient for image analysis.
data for the feasible interpretation. Either linear ImageJ software is now freely available in the
or non-linear data reduction techniques can be Internet (
used. The linear techniques of data reduction html), and various geometric measurements are
include: possible by this software. There are many other
free softwares available in the Internet to do
• Principal component analysis image analysis.
• Multidimensional scaling
• Linear discriminant analysis
18.4  Morphologic Features 189

18.4 Morphologic Features is available along with fluorescent images data. The
spatial arrangement of the objects is the important
The various morphometric features can be step of the pattern recognition.
detected with the help of digital image analysis
such as (1) geometrical shape and size, (2) densi- The following features are used for the spatial
tometric features and texture, (3) pattern of distri- arrangement of histopathology image analysis:
bution and (4) chromatin specific.
1. The local information around a single cell

Geometrical Shape and Size  These features cluster
include cell diameter, perimeter, area, cell 2. The global information around a single cell
shape, nucleo-cytoplasmic ratio, etc. Area is cluster
calculated by measuring the number of pixels 3. Information regarding the global connectivity
occupied by the cell. Similarly the maximum of the graph
number of pixels in the particular axis repre- 4. Information from the spectral graph
sents the maximum diameter of the cell (consid-
ering that the cell is round). Eccentricity is Data Fusion  The image analysis data can be
calculated as dividing the minor axis length by combined with the epigenetic, genetic and pro-
major axis length. The nuclear shape is described teomic data. These complex data sets represent-
by circularity, eccentricity and irregularity of ing the spatial arrangement of the histopathology
the nuclei. These shape features are important to images, cell morphological features and genetic/
identify malignant cells. epigenetic information may be very helpful in the
disease classification, the grading of the tumor
Texture  The texture analysis of the image of and the recognition of the aggressive subset of
interest gives important visual clues. Nuclear tex- the disease [15] (Fig. 18.3).
ture analysis helps in the assessment of interchro-
mosomal coarseness. The most commonly used Subcellular Quantification of the Substances 
statistical method of texture analysis is grey level The computer-assisted digital image analysis is
co-occurrence of matrix (GLCM). The following able to quantify the immunohistochemically or
parameters describe GLCM: immunoflurescently stained cellular target pro-
teins on the slide or in tissue microarray speci-
• Energy men [16]. With the help of using colour code,
• Uniformity size and shape of the positively stained nuclei,
• Entropy the digitally scanned slide can be quantified for
• Smoothness particular substances. Various algorithms are
used to quantify the target proteins such as HER
Densitometric Features  The various densito- 2 receptors, oestrogen and progesterone receptor
metric features include minimum grey value, (ER/PR), etc. Various commercially produced
maximum grey value, average grey value, mean softwares including hardwares are now available
grey intensity, standard deviation, kurtosis and to quantify the cytoplasmic, nuclear and mem-
the span of histogram. branous staining of the protein [9]. Automated
detection of fluorescent in situ hybridization
Pattern Recognition  There are significant (FISH) is also possible with the help of computer-
advances in image analysis as whole slide scanning assisted image analysis technology [9].
190 18  Digital Image Analysis and Virtual Microscopy in Pathology

Fig. 18.3  Data from

digital images can be Genetic
fused with genetic,
epigenetic and Epigenetic
Spatial arrangement
proteomic data for better Proteomic data features
therapeutic guidelines
and prognostic Local and global
assessment information
Data around a single
Extraction Data
cell cluster
Extraction Information
from the spectral

Data fusion

Disease classification
Prognostic prediction
Therapy guidance

18.5 T
 he Current Problems
of Digital Image Analysis Box 18.2: Limitations and Difficulties of
Image Analysis
The various problems in DIA are described below • Auto-segmentation: Various modules
(Box 18.2): used such as edge-based, region-based
and model-based.
• Auto-segmentation: As mentioned before till • Decision on individual patient:
now, auto-segmentation unaided by any Knowledge-­based software helps in this
human interference is the major challenge in aspect.
digital image analysis. The digital analysis • Three-dimensional imaging data.
system should be capable to identify the • Computational complexity and immedi-
images of interest. It should also process the ate application: Complex data set and
image and finally extract the data from the difficult to handle.
images. Different modules have been used to
solve the problem such as edge-based, region-­
based and model-based module. • Three-dimensional imaging data: We gather
• Decision on individual patient: It is very two-dimensional image data which is too
important to take the decision of diagnosis or some extent not the real representation of the
classification or grading, etc. in individual cell. Three-dimensional construction of the
patients. Simple linear statistics is not helpful image and analysis of the data are the most
to take decision on individual patients. informative. With the help of the 3D recon-
Different knowledge-based techniques have struction, the ultrastructure of the cells is also
been used to solve this problem. The com- better studied [17].
monly used knowledge-based techniques are • Computational complexity and immediate
(1) K-means and spectral clustering, (2) artifi- application: The large amount of data gener-
cial neural network, and (3) supervector ated by the image analyser gives significant
machine. computational complexity and this may
18.6  Virtual Slide and Web-Based Teaching 191

interfere the immediate application of the

system. Box 18.3: Advantages of Virtual Slides
• Multiple users can view the slides.
• Only a computer and Internet access are
18.6 V
 irtual Slide and Web-Based enough to teach.
Teaching • Same images are seen both by students
and the teacher so better interaction is
Till now training and education of the histopa- possible.
thology and cytology are based on the glass slides • No need to have multiple microscopes
and traditional microscopy, text book and web and their maintenance.
pictures. In the last few years, there is massive • Consistent classical cases can be stored
advancement in the digital technology, and pres- as VSs
ently the entire slide is available in the computer • More than one slide can be viewed in a
as “whole slide imaging” with the help of whole same screen to compare the lesion.
slide scanning. In this whole slide imaging, a • The specific area or the particular object
complete digital slide is generated. The observer can be labelled for attention and
can examine any part of the slide by increasing or display.
decreasing the magnification. The particular area • No fading or damage of digital slides.
of the section is zoomed immediately like the • No need of multiple slides and thereby
glass slide under the microscope [18–20]. tissue is not exhausted.
• The cases can be accessed instantly and
there is no need of museum staff.
18.6.1 Advantage of Virtual Slides • Distant teaching (tele-education) and
even self-learning.
There are several advantages of virtual slides • Virtual workshop.
(VSs) over conventional light microscopy
(CLM). These advantages are mentioned in Box
18.3. tory, simple radiographs, computed tomography
The VSs have revolutionized the area of con- or magnetic resonance imaging can be added
ventional concept of glass slides and microscopy. along with the VSs. Therefore a complete disease
Unlike conventional microscopy VS needs only a picture may be available along with VSs.
computer with Internet access. Therefore there is Distant learning is possible with the help of
no need of multiple microscopes or multiheaded VSs. One can even conduct online workshop as
microscopes for teaching and training. The great- the VSs can also be available in Internet site.
est advantage of VS is that simultaneously many Moreover, the good quality VS of the classical
people may have the access to the slides and disease can be used for conducting examination.
therefore it can be used in teaching or training in Unlike conventional glass slides, VSs will never
pathology (Box 18.3). Same image is seen by fade and there is no need of extra slides, so tissue
both the students and teachers, and therefore will not be exhausted particularly in case of small
there is better interaction in teaching session. The biopsy specimen.
initial low-powered image of the slide provides
the orientation of the tissue. The annotation on
the image also highlights the important features 18.6.2 Disadvantages of Virtual
of the slide for better understating of the lesion. Slides
Moreover, the VSs may be accompanied with
immunocytochemistry or other histochemical One of the major disadvantages of the VSs is the
stains that help in the proper diagnosis and clas- initial cost of the equipments [18] (Box 18.4).
sification of the lesion. In addition, clinical his- The slide scanner and the accessories of the
192 18  Digital Image Analysis and Virtual Microscopy in Pathology

matic identification of metaphase spreads. Med Biol

Box 18.4: Disadvantages of Virtual Slides Eng Comput. 2002;40:479–84.
7. Tabesh A, Teverovskiy M, Pang HY, Kumar VP,
• Initial high cost of the equipments Verbel D, Kotsianti A, Saidi O. Multifeature prostate
• Need of huge storage space cancer diagnosis and Gleason grading of histological
• Unfamiliarity to handle the conven- images. IEEE Trans Med Imaging. 2007;26:1366–78.
tional light microscope 8. Weyn B, Wouver G, Daele A, et al. Automated breast
tumor diagnosis and grading based on wavelet chro-
matin texture description. Cytometry. 1998;33:32–40.
9. Mulrane L, Rexhepaj E, Penney S, Callanan JJ,
whole slide scanning system are very costly. The Gallagher WM.  Automated image analysis in his-
next important problem of VS is the storage of topathology: a valuable tool in medical diagnostics.
Expert Rev Mol Diagn. 2008;8(6):707–25.
the high-resolution data. Huge amount of disc
10. Madabhushi A, Lee G.  Image analysis and machine
space is required for the storage of the individual learning in digital pathology: challenges and opportu-
slides. Therefore servers with high capacity stor- nities. Med Image Anal. 2016;33:170–5.
age capability are needed. 11. He L, Long LR, Antani S, Thoma GR.  Histology
image analysis for carcinoma detection and grading.
The other probable disadvantage is the
Comput Methods Prog Biomed. 2012;107(3):538–56.
reduced interaction of the students and light 12. Losa GA, Castelli C.  Nuclear patterns of human

microscopic examination of the slides. This is not breast cancer cells during apoptosis: characterisation
a problem of the undergraduate training as very by fractal dimension and co-occurrence matrix statis-
tics. Cell Tissue Res. 2005;322:257–67.
few students get a chance to handle light micro-
13. Lezoray O, Elmoataz A, Cardot H, Gougeon G,

scope in their future career. However, for the Lecluse M, Elie H, Revenu M. Segmentation of cyto-
postgraduate training, overemphasis of training logical images using color and mathematical mor-
through the VSs may be detrimental to the rou- phology. Eur Conf Stereol. 1999;18(1):1–14.
14. Jiang K, Liao QM, Xiong Y. A novel white blood cell
tine examination of the independent diagnosis of
segmentation scheme based on feature space cluster-
the glass slide. ing. Soft Comput. 2006;10:12–9.
15. Madabhushi A, Doyle S, Lee G, Basavanhally A,

Monaco J, Masters S, Tomaszewski J, Feldman
M.  Integrated diagnostics: a conceptual framework
References with examples. Clin Chem Lab Med. 2010;48:989–98.
16. Turbin DA, Leung S, Cheang MC, Kennecke HA,
1. Laurinavicius A, Laurinaviciene A, Dasevicius D, Montgomery KD, McKinney S, Treaba DO, Boyd
Elie N, Plancoulaine B, Bor C, Herlin P. Digital image N, Goldstein LC, Badve S, Gown AM, van de Rijn
analysis in pathology: benefits and obligation. Anal M, Nielsen TO, Gilks CB, Huntsman DG. Automated
Cell Pathol (Amst). 2012;35(2):75–8. quantitative analysis of estrogen receptor expres-
2. Qi X, Wang D, Rodero I, Diaz-Montes J, Gensure RH, sion in breast carcinoma does not differ from expert
Xing F, Zhong H, Goodell L, Parashar M, Foran DJ, pathologist scoring: a tissue microarray study of 3,484
Yang L. Content-based histopathology image retrieval cases. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2008;110(3):417–26.
using CometCloud. BMC Bioinf. 2014;15:287. 17. López-Velázquez G, Márquez J, Ubaldo E, Corkidi G, Echeverría O, Vázquez Nin GH.  Three-dimensional
3. Farahani N, Pantanowitz L.  Overview of telepathol- analysis of the arrangement of compact chromatin in
ogy. Surg Pathol Clin. 2015;8(2):223–31. the nucleus of G0 rat lymphocytes. Histochem Cell
4. Chan SWK, Leung KS, Wong WSF.  An expert sys- Biol. 1996;105:153–61.
tem for the detection of cervical cancer cells using 18. Paulsen FP, Eichhorn M, Brauer L.  Virtual micros-
knowledge-based image analyzer. Artif Intell Med. copy – the future of teaching histology in the medical
1996;8(1):67–90. curriculum? Ann Anat. 2010;192:378–82.
5. De Solórzano CO, Costes S, Callahan DE, Parvin B, 19. Roerdink J, Meijster A.  The watershed transform:

Barcellos-Hoff MH. Applications of quantitative digi- definitions, algorithms and parallelization strategies.
tal image analysis to breast cancer research. Microsc Fundam Inform. 2000;41:187–228.
Res Tech. 2002;59(2):119–27. 20. Ordi O, Bombí JA, Martínez A, Ramírez J, Alòs L,
6. Vega-Alvarado L, Márquez J, Corkidi Saco A, Ribalta T, Fernández PL, Campo E, Ordi
G.  Interchromosome texture as a feature for auto- J.  Virtual microscopy in the undergraduate teaching
of pathology. J Pathol Inform. 2015;6:1.
Liquid-Based Cytology
and Automated Screening Devices 19
in Cytology Sample

19.1 Introduction
Conventiona Liquid based
The liquid-based cytology (LBC) is an increas- preparation preparation
ingly popular technique of the preparation of the
cervical sample and also other exfoliative sam-
ples such as effusion fluid, sputum, bronchoal-
veolar lavage, etc. This technique is relatively
costly than the other sample collection and prep-
aration. However, LBC preparation provides
clean, monolayered smear in small area of the
slide. As the smear is free of blood, mucus and
drying artefact, so it is easy to interpret [1, 2].

19.1.1 Advantages of LBC Over

Conventional Smear
Fig. 19.1 Smear of conventional and liquid-based
The major advantages of LBC over conventional ­cytology. Note the small area of liquid-based smear
preparation (CP) include:

• Majority of the collected cells are available in ­preparation, and the cells are present in small
the liquid medium of the collection vial, area which is easy to screen (Fig. 19.1).
whereas the major part of the collected cells is • Monolayered preparation of the cells is pres-
sticked in the spatula of the convention smear ent in certain LBC preparation.
preparation and the cells are thrown in the • HPV test is possible for the residual material
waste basket. of LBC sample.
• LBC preparation is completely free of any air-­ • The monolayered cell preparation may be use-
drying artefact. ful in automated detection of malignant cells
• There is almost complete absence of any in the smear.
blood, mucus or necrotic debris in LBC

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2018 193

P. Dey, Basic and Advanced Laboratory Techniques in Histopathology and Cytology,
194 19  Liquid-Based Cytology and Automated Screening Devices in Cytology Sample

Box 19.1: Advantages of Liquid-Based Box 19.2: Limitations of Liquid-Based

Cytology Cytology
• No air-drying. • High cost
• Representative cells in adequate • Trained cytotechnicians needed
number. • Loss of certain background information
• Small smear area is easy to screen. • No define evidence of increased sensi-
• Clean background. tivity of the detection of HSIL cases
• Monolayered cells.
• HPV testing.
• Multiple slides can be made.
19.2 Sample Processing

19.1.2 Limitations of Liquid-Based Presently there are two commercially available

Cytology liquid-based technologies that are approved by
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), USA:
The major limitations of LBC are the initial cost of ThinPrep Pap test and SurePath test. The prepara-
the machine. Moreover the collection fluid, spat- tion techniques of these two techniques are dif-
ula and processing cost are also significantly high ferent and are described below.
than CP (Box 19.2). The laboratory staffs also
need adequate training for the preparation and
screening of the smear. The cells are dispersed 19.2.1 ThinPrep (Cytic, UK) (Fig. 19.2)
from the neighbouring cells, and certain architec-
tural features in adenocarcinoma may be lost [3]. The steps of ThinPrep processing are:
Moreover the smear may be free of any tumor dia-
thesis, and therefore the diagnosis of squamous Dispersion and collection of the cells on the
cell carcinoma may be difficult. There is no defi- filter
nite evidence that LBC reduces the inadequate
smear rate or it detects more number of high-grade • Collect the sample in PreservCyt fixative solu-
squamous intraepithelial lesion (HSIL) [4]. tion supplied by the company.
• The cylindrical tube with attached filter in the
Collection Procedure of LBC lower surface is submerged within the vial con-
taining the cells in the PreservCyt solution.
• Patient should be in lithotomy position. • The cylinder rapidly rotates within the vial
• Inspect the cervix with the help of a and disperses the cells mechanically.
speculum. • Simultaneously negative suction pressure is
• Clean any watery discharge or mucus by wet applied within the cylinder that drains the
cotton. fluid of the vial.
• Insert the cervical broom within the cervical • The cells cannot pass through the filter and
canal so that shorter bristles touch the sticks on the undersurface of the filter of the
ectocervix. cylinder tube. The negative suction pressure
• Rotate the broom several times in clockwise can be adjusted by an inbuilt software to con-
and anticlockwise direction. trol the flow of the fluid.
• Remove the broom and rinse it vigorously
within the liquid provided by the Cell Transfer  The trapped cells are now accu-
company. mulated on the surface of the filter attached with
• Cap the vial tightly for further processing. the cylindrical tube. The machine now
19.2  Sample Processing 195

Fig. 19.2 Schematic Filter Negative suction

diagram highlighting the
basic principle of
ThinPrep technique. The
rapid movement of the
filter causes cellular
Simultaneously negative
suction is applied within
the vial of filter that
helps to remove the fluid
and the cell sticks on the

Negative suction
Rapid movement
removes the fluid
of the filter causes
and cells are
cellular dispersion
on the filter
surface Cells are finally transferred
on the glass slide

Fig. 19.3 Schematic
diagram highlighting the
basic principle of
SurePath technique. The
cells are dispersed by
vortexing. Cell-rich
suspension is made by
buffy coat preparation.
These cells are taken out
and resuspended in fluid.
Finally the cells are
settled down by gravity
on the glass slide Vortexing
causes cell
dispersion Centrifugation
and enrichment of cells

Resuspension Cells are settled by density

of cells gradient separation

a­ utomatically transfers the cells from the sur- 19.2.2 SurePath Test (Fig. 19.3)
face of the vial to the glass slide. The glass slide
is automatically submerged in the fixative The overall steps of SurePath test are highlighted
solution. in Fig. 19.3.
196 19  Liquid-Based Cytology and Automated Screening Devices in Cytology Sample

Fig. 19.4  Vortexing causes cell dispersion in SurePath Fig. 19.6  The vials are kept in the settling chamber to
technique settle the cells by gravity

• Transfer the solution in the PrepStain slide


Cell sedimentation

• Pour the cell suspension in the PrepStain®

Settling Chamber (Fig. 19.6).
• With the help of gravitational force, the cells
are sedimented on the pre-coated slide.

19.3 Comparison of These Two

Fig. 19.5  Centrifugation of the sample with the addition Techniques
of density gradient mixture helps to enrich the cells

The processing techniques of the two above-­

Vortexing (Fig. 19.4)  At first with the help of
mentioned systems are completely different.
vortexing, the cells are mechanically
ThinPrep technique is more automated than
SurePath technique. Both the techniques have
certain advantages and limitations. Table  19.1
Cell enrichment
highlights the comparison of these two
• Mix the sample with PrepStain® Density
Reagent and centrifuge (Fig. 19.5).
• Decant the supernatant elements containing
19.4 Automated Screening
blood, mucus and necrotic debris by applying
vacuum suction.
• Recentrifuge the remaining fluid to have a
There is no fully automated screening device in
cell-rich pellet.
the market. We only have semiautomated sys-
tems. There are two FDA-approved semiauto-
mated screening devices in the market:
Re-vortex the cell-rich pellet
1. BD FocalPoint GS Imaging System
• Resuspend the cells. 2. Hologic ThinPrep Imaging System
19.4  Automated Screening Devices 197

Table 19.1 Comparison of Pap test and SurePath • The system then scans the slides both in low
techniques and high power.
ThinPrep SurePath • The slides are ranked according to the degree
Methanol-based Ethanol-based collection of abnormality, and the device gives a score to
collection fluid fluid
each slide depending on the probability of
Completely automated Manual
Cell dispersion is done Cell dispersion is done by
by circular rotatory manual vortexing • The slide profiler classifies the slide as:
filter submerged within –– No further review: Highest probability that
the vial the smears are normal.
Cells are concentrated Cells are concentrated by –– Further review: Here manual review of the
on the surface of the density gradient, and
vial by negative suction therefore the cells may be
slide is needed to confirm the abnormality.
present in more than one Usually 75% of such cases contain abnor-
layer mal cells.
Blood and mucus may Better cellularity as there is
block the pores of the such problem BD FocalPoint GS Review Station  This is a
review station and the cytotechnologists followed
Good monolayered cell Cells are in multiple layers
preparation possible by cytologist review all the slides to detect the

• The slides are placed over the printed

19.4.1 BD FocalPoint GS Imaging PAPMAP that indicates the maximum possi-
System [5, 6] bility of the microscopic field of view (FOV)
containing the abnormal cell.
FDA has approved these screening devices for • Screen the areas of FOV.
both primary and rescreening of SurePath and • Reconfirm the findings of the
conventional smear. cytotechnologist.
The BD FocalPoint GS Imaging System
(FPGS) has two parts:
19.4.2 Hologic ThinPrep Imaging
1. BD FocalPoint™ Slide Profiler System [7, 8]
2. BD FocalPoint GS Review Station
Hologic ThinPrep Imaging System has two parts:
BD FocalPoint™ Slide Profiler  The slide pro-
filer scan the cervical smear and analyse the spe- 1. ThinPrep Imaging System
cific cytological features. The system finally 2. ThinPrep Review System
classifies the slide as “no further review” or
“review” category. ThinPrep Image Processor  The ThinPrep image
processor (TIP) system scans the slide, detects the
• Label the cervical smear slide by the specific abnormal cells and marks the field of view for
barcode, and load it into the BD FocalPoint™ rescreening. The system analyses the various cel-
Slide Profiler. lular features along with the optical density of the
• There are total 36 trays and each tray contains nucleus. Therefore the smears have to be stained in
8 slides. ThinPrep 2000 or 3000 Processor with ThinPrep
• Each slide automatically moves from the tray Stain. This particular processing and stain is
to the microscopic stage. needed to maintain the consistency of the stain.
• The device reads the barcode and verifies the The integrated optical density of the nucleus is
physical integrity of the slide. measured from the Feulgen stained nuclei.
198 19  Liquid-Based Cytology and Automated Screening Devices in Cytology Sample

Table 19.2  Differences of BD FocalPoint GS Imaging Table 19.3  Comparison of the automated screening ver-
System versus Hologic ThinPrep Imaging System sus manual screening
BD FocalPoint GS Imaging Hologic ThinPrep Automated
System Imaging System screening Manual screening
Special slide preparation is It is mandatory to have No chance of Tiring and boring job
not mandatory ThinPrep processing fatigue
and stain Automated system Erratic and subjective approach.
The cellular features The cellular features follows consistent Inexperienced worker may miss
mainly nuclear size, shape, along with optical logic the abnormal cells
nucleocytoplasmic ratio, density of the nuclei are Machine takes There may be variable time
etc. are picked up and analysed fixed amount of period of screening and
analysed time technologist takes longer time
The slides are ranked The most abnormal 22 Very costly device Cheap
according to “device score” fields are recorded in
and labelled as “review” or each slide. No ranks to
“no review” the slides are given The study group raised doubts about the imple-
Cytotechnologist can Cytotechnologist has to mentation of the automated screening devices
screen only “review” screen every slides
because of the reduced sensitivity and cost-
labelled slides again in those 22
marked areas effectiveness. There is no doubt that automated
screening devices increase the productivity of
• Place the slides in the cartridge that contains the cytotechnologists as less number of fields
25 slides. The total of 10 such cartridges can are needed to screen by them. Automation may
be operated at a single time. reduce the load of the tedious job of the cyto-
• The slides within the cartridge are imaged. technologists (Table  19.3). However, the
• The system records 22 FOV of the micro- increased economic burden in the screening
scopic fields that may contain abnormal cells. program may be one of the major obstacles of
• It transforms the information to the review the automation. Moreover, the HPV testing
scope along with manual screening may give more
meaningful result. Therefore, in the future we
Review Scope  Place the slide in the review may have to give a serious thought before we
scope. implement automated screening.

• Access the stored location of the 22 FOV by

the review scope. References
• Now the areas are screened as geographical
1. Luthra UK, Chishti M, Dey P, Jolly SV, Abdulla
manner rather than rank of abnormality. M, Das DK, et  al. Performance of ThinPrep smear
• If any abnormal cells are detected, then screen method in a gynaecology outpatient setting in Kuwait.
the entire slides. Acta Cytol. 2002;46:303–10.
2. Moseley RP, Paget S.  Liquid-based cytology: is the
way forward? Cytopathology. 2002;13:71–82.
The difference of operating systems of the two 3. Herbert A, Johnson J.  Personal view. Is it reality
technologies is highlighted in Table 19.2. or an illusion that liquid-based cytology is better
than conventional cervical smears? Cytopathology.
4. Davey E, Barratt A, Irwig L, Chan SF, Macaskill P,
19.4.3 Comparison of Manual Mannes P, Saville AM.  Effect of study design and
and Automated Devices quality on unsatisfactory rates, cytology classifica-
tions, and accuracy in liquid-based versus conven-
In a large study these two automated systems tional cervical cytology: a systematic review. Lancet.
were compared to the manual screening [9]. It 5. Colgan TJ, Bon N, Clipsham S, Gardiner G,
was noted that the automated screening devices Sumner J, Walley V, McLachlin CM.  A valida-
are 8% less sensitive than manual screening. tion study of the FocalPoint GS imaging system for
References 199

g­ ynecologic cytology screening. Cancer Cytopathol. 8. Chivukula M, Saad RS, Elishaev E, White S, Mauser
2013;121(4):189–96. N, Dabbs DJ. Introduction of the Thin Prep Imaging
6. Passamonti B, Bulletti S, Camilli M, D’Amico MR, System (TIS): experience in a high volume academic
Di Dato E, Gustinucci D, Martinelli N, Malaspina practice. Cytojournal. 2007;4:6.
M, Spita N.  Evaluation of the FocalPoint GS sys- 9. Kitchener HC, Blanks R, Cubie H, Desai M, Dunn G,
tem performance in an Italian population-based Legood R, Gray A, Sadique Z, Moss S, MAVARIC
screening of cervical abnormalities. Acta Cytol. Trial Study Group. MAVARIC  - a comparison of
2007;51(6):865–71. automation-assisted and manual cervical screening:
7. Dawson AE.  Can we change the way we a randomised controlled trial. Health Technol Assess.
screen?: the ThinPrep Imaging System. Cancer. 2011;15(3):iii–iv, ix–xi, 1–170.
Polymerase Chain Reaction:
Principle, Technique 20
and Applications in Pathology

20.1 Introduction 20.2 Steps of PCR

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is one of the The basic steps of PCR are described as [1, 2]
most important techniques in molecular pathol- (Box 20.1, Fig. 20.1):
ogy [1, 2]. With the help of PCR, the single or the
pieces of target DNA can be amplified many
folds. This technique is now an integral part in Box 20.1: Principle of Polymerase
every modern laboratory for both the diagnosis Chain Reaction
and research use. The specific gene is amplified by using a
pair of DNA primer, heat-resistant DNA
polymerase enzyme and nucleotides.
20.1.1 What Is PCR and How It
Works? Steps
• Denaturation: Heat breaks the double-­
PCR acts like a “molecular photocopying” stranded DNA to single-stranded DNA.
machine and amplifies the specific target DNA. • Annealing: Forward and reverse DNA
The basic principles of PCR are: primer bind with the complementary
DNA strand in 3′ region of each sepa-
• Double-stranded target DNA is made into rated DNA strand.
single-­stranded DNA by applying heat. • Extension: Heat-resistant DNA poly-
• Two oligonucleotide strands or primers are merase (Taq polymerase) enzyme grabs
added. The oligonucleotide strand binds with the nucleotides and extends the DNA
its complimentary DNA strand to the 3′ ends. strand from 3′ to 5′ direction.
• The DNA strand is now extended with the
help of DNA polymerase (Taq polymerase). Repetition of this thermal cycle for
This polymerase enzyme incorporates the 25–30 times increases the DNA product.
nucleotides in the DNA to make it elongated.
• The cycle is repeated.

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2018 201

P. Dey, Basic and Advanced Laboratory Techniques in Histopathology and Cytology,
202 20  Polymerase Chain Reaction: Principle, Technique and Applications in Pathology

the complementary strands of the 3′ end of

each strand of target DNA.  Primers usually
consist of 20–30 nucleotides.
• DNA polymerase (Taq polymerase): Taq poly-
merase is a type of DNA polymerase enzyme
that extends the new DNA strand. It combines
at the end of the primer and then sequentially
adds new nucleotides to the DNA strand at 3′
end complementary to the target DNA. High
temperature (94 °C) is needed to separate the
double-stranded DNA.  Ordinary DNA poly-
merase breaks down in this temperature.
However, the Taq polymerase has the unique
characteristic to work efficiently in higher
temperature. This Taq DNA polymerase is
extracted from the bacteria Thermus aquati-
cus. These bacteria live in hot spring and can
survive there.
• Deoxynucleotide triphosphates (dNTPs):
Deoxynucleotide triphosphates (dNTPs) are
dATP, dCTP, dGTP, and dTTP. These are the
Fig. 20.1  Schematic diagram shows the basic principle raw material or the basic building blocks of
of PCR. The basic steps are denaturing of double-stranded the new DNA strands. The Taq polymerase
DNA to single-stranded DNA, annealing with the primer captures these dNTPs from the working solu-
and extension of DNA strand
tion and attach them to the terminal part of the
primers to extend the DNA chain.
• Denaturation step, 94  °C: DNA is heated to
• The target DNA from the sample: The target
94 °C to make it single stranded. Only 1–2 min
DNA is extracted from the sample.
are given to this heating process in each cycle.
• Buffer solution: It provides the optimum
• Annealing, 54  °C: The temperature is rapidly
chemical environment for the reaction to
cooled. In this lowered temperature, the primer
quickly anneals with the respective site of
• Magnesium chloride (MgCl2): Magnesium
DNA.  With the help of Taq polymerase, the
chloride works as a cofactor of the Taq poly-
reaction starts at the primer-DNA template site.
merase enzyme.
• Extension, 72 °C.
• The complementary nucleotides are attached
from the 3′ to 5′ end of DNA.  There is an
exponential increment in the number of genes 20.3 Procedure Proper [3, 4]
in each cycle. At least 30  cycles of
denaturation-­ annealing-extension is done in 20.3.1 Basic Precautions
each PCR.
• Always wear gloves to avoid any
20.2.1 Essential Ingredients of PCR • Completely thaw all the reagents before doing
• Primers: The primers are the small pieces of • Keep all the reagents in an ice basket through-
artificially made DNA strands that are actually out the time of PCR experiment.
20.3  Procedure Proper 203

20.3.2 Equipment G = guanine, C = cytosine, A = adenine,

T = thiamine
• Thermal cycler
• PCR tubes and caps • Extension: 72 °C for 1 minute per kilobase of
• Ethanol-resistant marker the PCR product
• Micropipettes set • Final extension: 72 °C for 10 minute
• Termination: The reaction is terminated by
Addition of the Ingredients in a 50 μgredieTube chilling the mixture to 4 °C.

• Target DNA: 1 µLDNA template (1 ng total Cycling Time  The PCR thermal cycle rapidly
amount) heats and cools the PCR reagent mixture. The
• Forward primer: 1 µL of 50 µM primer (final cycling time depends on (1) size of the DNA tem-
concentration is 1 µM) plate and (2) G-C content of DNA. The number
• Reverse primer: 1 µL of 50 µM primer (final of the thermal cycler is usually set as 25–30 cycles.
concentration is 1 µM) If the thermal cycle is increased more than 35,
• dNTPS: 4 µL dNTP mix ( 2.5 mM dNTP, final then too many unwanted DNA products may be
concentration is 200 µM) produced.
• Taq DNA polymerase: 0.25 µL of 5 U/µL of
Taq polymerase (total amount 1.25 U) The product is calculated as
• Buffer: 5 µL 10 X polymerase buffer (com-
M f = M ´ 2N
monly this buffer is supplied by the
manufacturer) Mf = final number of DNA molecule, M = initial
• MgCl2: 5 µL of 25 mM MgCl2 number of DNA molecule, N = number of PCR
Purification of the Amplified Product
• Add the template DNA and DNA polymerase The following measures are taken to purify the
just before the PCR to start. PCR products from the reaction solution:
• Please put at least one negative control and if
possible one positive control. • Agarose gel electrophoresis of the product:
Agarose gel electrophoresis is done from the
20.3.3 Thermal Cycling portion of the PCR product to verify the valid-
ity of the test.
• Close the cap of the PCR tubes and then put • Note the following things:
them in the thermal cycler. –– Any band present in the agarose gel elec-
trophoresis or not?
Standard Steps –– Is there any other bands of different
• Initial denaturation: At 94 °C for 1 minute –– Is there smear pattern?
• Denaturation: At 94 °C for 30 seconds –– The successful PCR amplification product
• Annealing: 50–60  °C for 30 seconds: The shows a single sharp band with expected
temperature may vary depending on the size.
primer used. The temperature of annealing • Cloning of products: In this technique further
stage should be 3 to 4 °C lower than the melt- PCR is done to confirm the PCR product. This
ing point (Tm) of the primers. is done when the gene is present in very tiny
Tm of the primers = ( 4 ´ [G + C ]) + • Sequencing of products: This is done by auto-
mated sequencer machine to analyse the
( 2 ´ [ A + T ])
sequence of DNA formed as PCR product.
204 20  Polymerase Chain Reaction: Principle, Technique and Applications in Pathology

20.3.4 Troubleshooting • Denaturation temperature is either too

high or too low: In such condition change
The various problems in PCR are described here the temperature 1°C low or high at a time.
(Table 20.1): • Primer annealing temperature is very high:
In such case, lower the temperature 2 °C at
1. No amplification of DNA: The possible causes a time.
may be: • Primer dimer formation: Two primers may
• Too small amount of DNA template: If self-anneal or anneal with each other. In
there is very less amount of DNA template, this case the gel electrophoresis shows a
then there may not be adequate amplifica- small product of less than 100 base pair.
tion. The amount of DNA template should Addition of DMSO may solve this prob-
be increased in such condition. lem. Alternatively hot start thermal cycling
• Too stringent reaction condition: If the may resolve this issue.
reaction condition is kept as very strict, • Suboptimal number of thermal cycle:
then there may not be any amplification of Suboptimal number of thermal cycle may
PCR products. produce less amount of PCR product. In
• Reagent is not added: One or more reagents such condition, increase 5–10 more num-
may not be added in the reaction mixture. ber of thermal cycle.
The whole reaction should be done again • Faulty primer: The primer may be faulty
by carefully adding the reagents. and therefore PCR may not function at all.
• Reagents are not in optimum concentration In such case, redesign the primer.
or expired: The reagents should be made 2 . Non-specific product: Non-specific product
fresh, and one new reagent is changed at a may be formed in PCR, and in this case
time to find out which reagent created ­multiple bands with variable lengths are seen
problem. in gel electrophoresis. This may be due to:

Table 20.1  Troubleshooting in PCR

Problem Cause Solution
No PCR Too small amount of DNA template Increase the amount of DNA template in the reaction
product mixture
Too stringent reaction condition Reduce the stringency
Suboptimal number of thermal cycle Increase 5–10 more cycles
Denaturation temperature is either too Change the temperature 1°C low or high at a time
high or too low
Primer annealing temperature is very high Lower the the temperature 2 °C at a time
Reagent is omitted by mistake Do the reaction again
Reagents not in optimum concentration or Make fresh reagents and one at a time in the reaction
expired mixture
Primer dimer formation Add dimethylsulfoxide
Faulty primer Redesign the primer
G-C-rich DNA template Add dimethylsulfoxide
Spurious Too less stringency in PCR Stringent PCR condition to maintain
product Too many number of thermal cycles Maintain optimum thermal cycles
Too much DNA template Reduce the amount of DNA template
Too many thermal cycles Reduce the number of thermal cycle 5–10
Magnesium concentration is very high Lower the concentration
Faulty primer Redesign the primer
Carry over contamination Change the place of PCR
20.4  Types of PCR 205

• Too less stringency in PCR: Too less strin- RNA of the target sample. This cDNA is then
gent condition generates unwanted DNA amplified by PCR technique [5].
products in PCR. 3. Asymmetric PCR: In this technique unequal
• Too much DNA template: Too much DNA concentration of primers is used. The great
template may produce undesired product in excess of primers is used for the targeted DNA
PCR. strand that we need to amplify. As the reaction
• Too many thermal cycles: In such case, proceeds, only the adequate amount of primer
reduce the number of thermal cycle 5–10. in the reaction mixture produces the particular
• Magnesium concentration is very high: DNA strand in excess. Therefore ultimately
Adjust the concentration and make it low. single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) is formed as
• Faulty primer: Redesign the primer. PCR product. As the reaction is slow and goes
• Carry over contamination: Change the on arithmetically, so many more cycles are
place of PCR. needed in this technique. Asymmetric PCR is
used for DNA sequencing and hybridization as
only one strand is needed in such conditions [6].
20.3.5 Enhancing PCR Products
Formation Disadvantages or limitations:
• The ssDNA is vulnerable to damage by
The following measures help to enhance the PCR many physical and chemical factors, and
products [4]: a more stable second structure may
• Addition of non-ionic detergents: Triton • Different ssDNA may be formed even in
X-100, Tween 20, and NP-40 help to stabilize the same reaction.
the DNA polymerase enzyme and enhance the • It needs more thermal cycle.
reaction. However, these agents may lower the 4. Hot start PCR [7]: Normally DNA poly-
PCR stringency, and undesirable DNA prod- merase acts in the room temperature and even
ucts may be formed. More than 1% concentra- in the ice pack. Thereby there always remains
tion of these detergents may have inhibitory the possibility of spurious products. In hot
effect on PCR. start PCR technique, the DNA polymerase is
• The addition of dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) in unreactive at the lower temperature and works
the G-C-rich DNA template (1–2%): Addition only at higher temperature. This is done by
of DMSO disrupts the base pair and enhances conjugating an inhibitor with the polymerase
the reaction. enzyme, and in the higher temperature, the
• Optimized annealing temperature: It is neces- inhibitor is free from the polymerase enzyme
sary to optimize the annealing temperature to and allows it to work.
increase PCR products. The various ways to do hot start PCR:
• Withheld the key agents until the end of ini-
tial denaturation process.
20.4 Types of PCR –– DNA polymerase enzyme or magnesium
There are different types of PCR methods for • Mechanical barriers of the reagents:
diagnostic purposes. These are: –– DNA polymerase is encapsulated and is
only released at higher temperature.
1. Direct PCR: This is the standard PCR tech- –– Wax barrier is used to separate the key
nique as has been described in the previous components till the temperature is high.
section. –– Microfluidic devices are used to create
2. Reverse transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR): In case barrier.
of RT-PCR, at first cDNA is prepared from • Modification of DNA polymerase:
206 20  Polymerase Chain Reaction: Principle, Technique and Applications in Pathology

–– Antibodies are used to inhibit DNA poly-

merase activity at lower temperature, and it
releases the enzyme in higher temperature.
–– DNA polymerase enzyme is chemically
modified so that it works only in higher
–– The ligand is used that binds with DNA
polymerase in a temperature-dependent way.
–– Amino acid mutation is done in DNA poly-
merase enzyme to have reduced activity in
lower temperature.
• Accessory proteins: The accessory proteins
can be used that sequester primers at lower
Main advantage of hot start PCR: It reduces
any unwanted PCR product.
5 . In situ PCR: In case of in situ PCR, the reac-
tion takes place within a cell on the glass slide.
The PCR product is accumulated within the
cell, so it is possible to locate the origin of the
amplified DNA. The specially designed PCR
machine is used to put the slide within it. Fig. 20.2  Schematic diagram explains the basic principle
This technique is used to amplify the of inverse PCR. At first DNA is isolated followed by cir-
nucleic acid in the fixed tissue and cell instead cularization of double-stranded DNA.  With the help of
in solution [8]. endonuclease enzyme, the circular DNA is cut to make
linear DNA fragments with two fragments of known DNA
in two ends. With the help of the known primer, the known
Use: DNA sequence is amplified along with the attached
• Detection and location of virus within the unknown DNA sequence
• Detection and also localization of the can- sample and then cut into pieces by restric-
cer cells tion endonuclease enzymes. The DNA is
• Demonstration of the genetic mutation in cut in such a way that the known sequences
case of inherited genetic disease of DNA are in the inner region with
• Demonstration of location of gene expres- unknown sequence in two sides.
sion within the tissue • Circularization of double-stranded DNA:
In this step the linear DNA molecule is cir-
Advantages: cularized under low DNA concentration.
• High specificity • Reopening of the circular DNA: With the
• High turnaround time help of endonuclease enzyme, the circu-
• Low background stain lar DNA is now cut to make linear DNA
• Avoidance of any radioactive elements fragments. The known DNA sequence
6. Inverse PCR: Inverse PCR (IPCR) amplifies remains in the two ends of the unknown
anonymous DNA sequence. It helps to identify the sequence.
flanking DNA sequence of the genome outside the • Amplification of reverse DNA fragment:
boundary of the known target sequence [9]. Now with the help of the known primer,
There are four steps of IPCR (Fig. 20.2): the known DNA sequence is amplified
• DNA isolation: This is the initial basic step along with the attached unknown DNA
where genomic DNA is isolated from the sequence.
20.4  Types of PCR 207

Applications of IPCR Application: The detection of single

• Identification of flanking sequence base change mutation and polymorphism
• Identification of viral gene insertion within in essential hypertension, carcinoma, dia-
the genome betes, etc.
• Chromosomal rearrangement of oncogene 8. Real-time PCR: Real-time PCR is also known
7. Single-strand conformation polymorphism as quantitative PCR (qPCR) as it constantly
(SSCP): monitors the quantity of the amplified DNA
The basic principle of SSCP is that the single-­ in the reaction process [12, 13]. In case of
stranded DNA has a specific conformation [10, qPCR, the amplified DNA is fluorescently
11]. Any alteration of the single base change labelled, and the emitted fluorescent is
due to mutation may lead to different migra- directly proportional to the amount of the
tion pattern of the single-stranded DNA, and amplified fluorescent dye. Therefore in each
therefore in electrophoresis one can distin- cycle, the amount of the product can be
guish wild-type DNA from mutant DNA. The directly monitored, and it is also possible to
following steps are done in SSCP (Fig. 20.3): quantitate the initial amount of the target
• PCR amplification of the target DNA. DNA in the sample.
• The double-stranded DNA product is Mechanisms to quantitate the amplified DNA:
denatured. • Hydrolysis of the probe (Fig. 20.4): In this
• The sample is cooled so that denatured sin- real-time TaqMan® assay technique, we
gle-stranded DNA undergoes self-annealing.
• Electrophoresis is done to see the mobility
of the single-stranded DNAs.

Fig. 20.4  Schematic diagram shows the basic principle

of TaqMan probe using in PCR. The “TaqMan” probe is
attached with a fluorescence reporter dye and a quencher
dye. In case of intact TaqMan probe, the reporter dye and
the quencher dye remains in close proximity, and no fluo-
Fig. 20.3  Schematic diagram explains the basic principle rescence is emitted. During PCR the endonuclease breaks
of single-stranded conformation polymorphism. down the “TaqMan” probe, and the reporter dye is away
Alteration of the single base change due to mutation leads from quencher dye that allows emission of fluorescence
to different migration pattern of the single-stranded DNA which is directly proportional to the amount of PCR
in electrophoresis products
208 20  Polymerase Chain Reaction: Principle, Technique and Applications in Pathology

use a “TaqMan” probe. This is an oligonu- • Dual hybridization (Fig. 20.6): In this tech-
cleotide probe which is attached with a nique two hybridization probes are applied.
fluorescence reporter dye at its 5′ terminal The first probe is attached with a donor
and a quencher dye at the 3′ terminal end. fluorophore at the 3′ end, and the other
In case of the proper target sequence, this probe carries an acceptor fluorophore at the
probe anneals with one of the target 5′ terminal. In denaturation step there is no
sequence of DNA template. The “TaqMan” emission of fluorescence as any fluorescent
probe is cleaved by Taq polymerase during emission by donor fluorophore is degraded
PCR. When the “TaqMan” probe is intact, by the acceptor fluorophore. In the anneal-
the reporter dye and the quencher dye ing stage, the donor and the acceptor fluo-
remain in close proximity, and therefore rophore probes hybridize to the target DNA
fluorescence emitted from the reporter dye sequence, and they are adjusted in head to
is absorbed by the closely placed quencher tail position so that donor fluorophore
dye. So no fluorescence emitted. During comes in close contact with the acceptor
PCR the endonuclease breaks down the fluorophore. This allows fluorescence reso-
“TaqMan” probe, and the reporter dye is nance energy transfer. The intensity of the
away from quencher dye that allows emis- fluorescence is measured which is directly
sion of fluorescence. The increased inten- proportional to the amount of PCR
sity of fluorescence is directly proportional products.
to the amount of PCR products. • Molecular beacons (Fig.  20.7): In this
• DNA-binding dye (Fig. 20.5): In this tech- case the hybridized probe is designed like
nique DNA-intercalating agents SYBR®
Green are used. The SYBR® Green dye
molecules do not exhibit any fluorescence
in solution. However, the dye molecules
emit fluorescence when they are interca-
lated within the double-stranded DNA that
is formed after the primer extension and
polymerization. After each cycle the emit-
ted fluorescence from the polymerized
DNA is measured to estimate the total
amount of the amplified DNA.

Fig. 20.6  Schematic diagram explains the basic principle

of dual hybridization technique to quantitate the PCR
Fig. 20.5  Schematic diagram shows the basic principle products. In this technique the first probe is attached with
of using DNA-binding dye to quantitate the PCR prod- a donor fluorophore, and the other probe is attached with
ucts. The free SYBR Green dye molecules do not exhibit an acceptor fluorophore. During PCR process the donor
any fluorescence in solution. In PCR extension, the dye and the acceptor fluorophore probes hybridize to the tar-
molecules are intercalated within the double-stranded get DNA sequence and come in close contact. This allows
DNA and emit fluorescence fluorescence resonance energy transfer
20.5  Applications of PCR 209

Fig. 20.7  Schematic diagram shows the basic principle Fig. 20.8  Schematic diagram shows the basic principle
of molecular beacon technique to quantitate the PCR of nested PCR. Here more than two pairs of primers are
products. Here the hybridized probe is designed like a used for DNA amplification. At first primer is used for the
hairpin-like loop, and the reporter and quenching dyes are conventional PCR of the sample. In secondary PCR the
attached in the two ends of the loop. The close proximity product of the first PCR is used as the target of the second
of them prevents the emission of any fluorescence. During set of primers
annealing of the hybridized probe, the hairpin loop
becomes a straight probe, and the reporter and quenching
dyes stay away that allows emission of fluorescence

a hairpin-like loop. The reporter and 20.5 Applications of PCR

quenching dyes are attached in the two
ends of the loop, and the close proximity The various applications of PCR in clinical area
of them prevents the emission of fluores- are described below (Table 20.2) [14, 15]:
cence. At the time of annealing of the
hybridized probe, the hairpin loop (a) DNA sequencing: PCR is often used in case
becomes a straight probe, and the reporter of DNA sequencing.
and quenching dyes stay away. This allows (b) Diagnosis of infection: PCR is widely used
emission of fluorescence. The increased for the diagnosis of viral, bacterial and para-
fluorescent intensity is measured to quan- sitic infection. As mentioned before Q-PCR
tify the PCR products. can quantitate the viral load in the body [16].
9 . Nested PCR (Fig.  20.8): In case of nested PCR rapidly detects the tuberculosis within a
PCR, more than two pairs of primers are used few hours, whereas the culture of mycobac-
for DNA amplification. The first PCR is a con- teria takes few weeks to develop. As a sensi-
ventional PCR, and the primer is used for the tive technique PCR is able to detect
DNA template of the sample. In secondary tuberculosis in the early latent phase.
PCR the product of the first PCR is used as the (c) Diagnosis and prognostic information on
target of the second set of primers. The DNA cancer: PCR technique is extensively used in
sequence of secondary PCR is different, and the field of cancer:
therefore there is no chance of undesired PCR • Mutation detection: PCR is applied to
product formation. detect mutation of the oncogenes and
210 20  Polymerase Chain Reaction: Principle, Technique and Applications in Pathology

Table 20.2  Applications of PCR in basic research and (e) Forensic pathology: PCR technique is help-
clinical field ful in forensic pathology in different ways:
Applications of PCR • To detect paternity of the child
Basic research Clinical applications • To identity of the corpse or mutilated
• DNA •  Diagnosis of infections body
• To identify the criminal from the crime
• Bioinformatics • Cancer
• Classification  – Detection of chromosomal site and biological materials of the
of organisms abnormalities criminal.
• Gene  – Genetic mutation (f) Gene therapy: PCR helps to engineer the
expression  – Detection of minimal residual specific gene to introduce in the diseased
studies disease
person to cure various diseases [20].
• Drug discovery • Genetic disease: intranatal
detection of inherited genetic
disease, e.g. Down’s syndrome,
Gaucher’s disease, etc.
•  Forensic pathology: References
 – Paternity detection
 – Identification of mutilated 1. O’Leary JJ, Engels K, Dada MA.  The poly-
body merase chain reaction in pathology. J Clin Pathol.
 – Crime site investigation 1997;50(10):805–10.
•  Gene therapy 2. Pan LX, Diss TC, Isaacson PG.  The polymerase
chain reaction in histopathology. Histopathology.
3. Lorenz TC. Polymerase chain reaction: basic protocol
tumor suppressor gene such as mutation plus troubleshooting and optimization strategies. J Vis
in p53, c-myc, ras gene, etc. [17, 18]. Exp. 2012;63:e3998.
• Chromosomal changes: PCR helps to 4. Grunenwald H.  Optimization of polymerase chain
reactions. Methods Mol Biol. 2003;226:89–100.
identify the specific chromosomal
5. Tse WT, Forget BG. Reverse transcriptase and direct
changes such as chromosomal transloca- amplification of cellular RNA transcripts by Taq poly-
tion, gene rearrangement, loss of hetero- merase. Gene. 1990;88:293–6.
zygosity, etc. [16]. 6. Gyllensten UB, Erlich HA.  Generation of single
stranded DNA by the polymerase chain reaction and
• Monoclonality detection: PCR can detect
its application to direct sequencing of the HLA-DQA
B and T cell gene rearrangement and locus. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1988;85:7652–6.
thereby can prove the monoclonality in 7. Paul N, Shum J, Le T. Hot start PCR. Methods Mol
doubtful case of lymphoma [17]. Biol. 2010;630:301.
8. O’Leary JJ, Chetty R, Graham AK, McGee JO’D. In
• Minimal residual disease: In case of fol-
situ PCR: pathologist’s dream or nightmare? J Pathol.
low-­up of a cancer case, PCR particularly 1996;178:11–20.
Q-PCR can detect and quantitate certain 9. Jong AY, T’ang A, Liu DP, Huang SH.  Inverse
genetic change to detect any minimal PCR.  Genomic DNA cloning. Methods Mol Biol.
residual disease of a patient [18].
10. Orita M, Iwahana H, Kanazawa H, Hayashi K,

( d) Genetic diseases: PCR technique is very Sekiya T.  Detection of polymorphisms of human
helpful to detect various genetic diseases DNA by gel electrophoresis as single-strand confor-
such as Down’s syndrome, cystic fibrosis, mation polymorphisms. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.
Gaucherec disease, etc. The main advantage
11. Dong Y, Zhu H.  Single-strand conformational poly-
of PCR technique is that it can bypass the morphism analysis: basic principles and routine prac-
aggressive placental bed biopsy to detect tice. Methods Mol Med. 2005;108:149–57.
these inherited diseases. The minute amount 12.
Higuchi R, Dollinger G, Walsh PS, Griffith
R. Simultaneous amplification and detection of specific
of foetal cells collected from the mother’s
DNA-sequences. Biotechnology. 1992;10(4):413–7.
blood or cervical mucosa are enough to reach 13. Arya M, Shergill IS, Williamson M, Gommersall

at a diagnosis [19]. L, Arya N, Patel HR.  Basic principles of
References 211

real-­time quantitative PCR.  Expert Rev Mol Diagn. 18. Lee MS, Chang KS, Cabanillas F, Freireich EJ,

2005;5(2):209–19. Trujillo JM, Stass SA. Detection of minimal residual
14. Greiner TC.  Polymerase chain reaction: uses and
cells carrying the T(14:18) by DNA sequence amplifi-
potential applications in cytology. Diagn Cytopathol. cation. Science. 1987;237:175–8.
1992;8(1):61–4. 19. Tutschek B, Sherlock J, Halder A, Delhanty J, Rodeck
15. Bermingham N, Luettich K.  Polymerase chain
C, Adinolfi M. Isolation of fetal cells from transcer-
reaction and its applications. Curr Diagn Pathol. vical samples by micromanipulation: molecular con-
2003;9(3):159–64. firmation of their fetal origin and diagnosis of fetal
16. Ronai Z, Yakubovskaya M. PCR in clinical diagnosis. aneuploidy. Prenat Diagn. 1995;15:951–60.
J Clin Lab Anal. 1995;9(4):269–83. 20. Sun H, Pan Y, He B, Deng Q, Li R, Xu Y, Chen J, Gao
Wan JH, Trainor KJ, Brisco MJ, Morley T, Ying H, Wang F, Liu X, Wang S. Gene therapy for
AA.  Monoclonality in B cell lymphoma detected in human colorectal cancer cell lines with recombinant
paraffin wax embedded sections using the polymerase adenovirus 5 based on loss of the insulin-like growth
chain reaction. J Clin Pathol. 1990;43:888–90. factor 2 imprinting. Int J Oncol. 2015;46(4):1759–67.
Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization
Techniques in Pathology: 21
Principle, Technique
and Applications

21.1 Introduction Limitations of FISH:  FISH has following

Fluorescent in situ hybridization technique
(FISH) is also known as interphase cytogenetics. • The FISH technique can be used only in the
In this technique the double-stranded DNA is at case of known chromosomal abnormalities as
first converted into single-stranded DNA, and we use only the specific probes.
then subsequently a fluorescent-tagged probe is • It is not suitable for a screening test as only
used to visualize the target DNA part [1–3]. known chromosomal probes are used,
whereas in cell culture or conventional tech-
Advantages  FISH techniques have many advan- nique, we may get a wide range of chromo-
tages over the conventional cytogenetic tech- somal abnormalities.
niques (Box 21.1). It is possible to do FISH on • FISH does not give any allele-specific
the paraffin-embedded tissue material, and there- information.
fore it can be used in archival materials. FISH
technique bypasses the tedious cell culture tech- Applications of FISH:
nique. Most importantly cytogenetic abnormality
of the cells can be demonstrated along with the • Gain and loss of chromosome: FISH is helpful
morphology of the cell, and these two can be to detect total gain or loss of chromosome
correlated. such as trisomy 12  in chronic lymphocytic
leukaemia which can be detected by FISH in
cytology or histology sample.
Box 21.1 Advantages of FISH • Chromosomal rearrangements: FISH is help-
ful to identify typical chromosomal
• No need of cell culture. ­translocation such as t (11; 22) (q24; q12) in
• FISH can be done on paraffin cell block Ewing’s/primitive neuroectodermal tumor [4].
material. • Gene amplification: Gene amplification such
• Archival tissue can be used for FISH. as HER-2 in breast carcinoma can be detected
• Morphology of the cell can be seen by FISH.
along with cytogenetic abnormalities. • Gene deletion: Gene deletion such as 9p21
• High resolution. deletion in urothelial cell carcinoma can be
• The slide can be stored for long time. detected by FISH.
• Fluorescent tags are safe and simple.

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2018 213

P. Dey, Basic and Advanced Laboratory Techniques in Histopathology and Cytology,
214 21  Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization Techniques in Pathology: Principle, Technique and Applications

• Disease monitoring: To assess the progression• Centromeric probes or chromosome enumera-

or regression of disease and also to identify tion probes (CEP): CEP is directed against the
the minimal residual disease. alpha or beta satellite repeat sequence of the
centromeric region of the chromosome.
Therefore it helps to enumerate the number of
21.1.1 The Principles of FISH chromosome. The CEP can detect the mono-
somy or aneuploidy.
The basic principles of FISH are (Fig. 21.1): • Locus-specific identifier (LSI) probes: LSI
probe is used to demonstrate the other specific
• To convert double-stranded DNA into single-­ region of the chromosome. These probes are
stranded DNA. used for the demonstration of various struc-
• DNA probes tagged with fluorescent dyes are tural abnormalities such as gene deletion,
also made to single stranded. translocation, etc. LSI also helps in the detec-
• The florescent-tagged single-stranded DNA tion and localization of gene and the demon-
probes are allowed to bind with the corre- stration of gene amplification.
sponding single-stranded DNA. • Whole chromosome probes (WSP): The whole
• The hybridized probe-target DNA complexes chromosome probes consist of multiple
are visualized by fluorescence microscope. smaller probes with complimentary DNA
sequence of different parts of a single chromo-
Probes Applied in FISH  Three types of probes some. Multiple WSP can be used to stain a
are applied for FISH and they include: whole chromosome. Therefore using different
fluorochrome for different chromosome, one
can paint each chromosome with different
colour. WSPs are used to demonstrate chro-
mosomal structural abnormalities (transloca-
tion or deletion).

21.2 Steps to Do FISH [5–7]

Histology and Cytology Specimen:

1. Fixation: The cytology slides are fixed with

4% paraformaldehyde for 10  min. Histology
tissues are already fixed in 10% buffered
2. Deparaffinization of the histology section:
(a) Cut 5-μ-thick section.
(b) Deparaffinize the histology section by

baking the slide overnight in 56 °C.
(c) Keep the slide in xylene for 10 min: two
Fig. 21.1  Schematic diagram shows the basic principle (d) Dehydrate by treating in 70% and 100%
of FISH technique. At first double-stranded DNA and ethyl alcohol twice for 5 min.
also primer DNA are converted into single-stranded
DNA. DNA probes are tagged with fluorescent dyes and
(e) Dry the smear in hot plate.
are allowed to bind with the corresponding single- 3. Pretreatment: 20  μg/ml proteinase K for
stranded DNA 5–15 min
21.3 Troubleshooting 215

• Dehydrate the smear by dipping in 70%, 7. Visualization: If the probes are directly
80% and 95% ethyl alcohol and dry the labelled with the fluorochrome dye, then no
smear. further procedure is needed. In that case,
• Treat the smear with proteinase K solution counterstain the slide by 5  μl DAPI/antifade
(20 μg/ml) for 15 min in room temperature. solution. Now visualize the cells by an epiflu-
• (Proteinase K solution preparation: add 32 μl orescence fluorescence microscope.
of proteinase K solution (25 mg/ml proteinase
K solution) in 40 ml 2× SSC, pH 7.4.)
• Gently wash the slide in deionized water. 21.3 Troubleshooting
• Dehydrate the smear.
Saline sodium citrate (SSC): Table 21.1 has described the problems in FISH
Add techniques and their remedies.
Sodium chloride 175.3 g
Sodium citrate 88.2 g
Distilled water 800 ml 21.3.1 Different Types of FISH

Keep pH 7.2 by adding drops of 10 N solution of 1. Three-dimensional FISH (3D FISH): In this type
NaOH. Now add water and make it 1 litre. of FISH, multiple images of the nuclei are taken,
4. Denaturation: and with the help of a suitable software, a three-
Denaturing of target DNA: Denature DNA dimensional image is made [8]. 3D FISH helps
of the target cells in the smear by treating the to study the topology of the genes in respect to
smear with denaturing solution for 2 min time the chromosomal territory within the nucleus.
at 72 °C. 2. Living cell cytogenetics (four-dimensional
Denaturing solution: 70% formamide in 2× FISH): Fluorescent-tagged nucleotide can be
SSC (add 10 ml of double-distilled water, incorporated into DNA that may help in the
5 ml of 20× SSC, 25 μl of 250 mM EDTA simultaneous visualization of DNA distribution
and 35 ml of formamide). and genomic organization in the living cells [9].
Denaturing of probe DNA: Add 1 μl of 3. Multi-coloured FISH (M-FISH)/spectral
labelled probe with 9  μl of 65% for- karyotyping (SKY): In the case of SKY tech-
mamide solution, 10% dextran sulphate nique, DNA is tagged with different fluoro-
in 2× SSC. chrome dyes (the chromosome-specific
Now heat the mixture at 75  °C for painting probes), and all the chromosomes are
5–6 min. stained. The different chromosome therefore
5. Hybridization: takes different colour (Fig.  21.2). There are
• Add 10 μl of denatured probe solution over three essential steps of M-FISH:
the slide. (a) Hybridization: The fluorescent-tagged
• Put a coverslip over the smear and close the whole chromosome probes (WCP) are
margins of the coverslip. hybridized with the metaphase chromo-
• Incubate it at 37 °C for 1 day (24 h). some spread. WCPs consist of multiple
6. Post-hybridization: probes tagged with spectrally different
• After the incubation, remove the coverslip fluorochrome in combinatorial manner.
gently, and rinse the slides in SSC for (b) Visualization and image acquisition: In
5 min twice. this step the images of the chromosomes
• Put the slides in a Coplin jar filled with pre-­ are visualized by the fluorescence micro-
warmed SSC at 70 °C. scope with attached filters. Subsequently
• Keep the slide in Coplin jar filled with SSC the images are acquired by the digital
at room temperature. camera and appropriate software.
216 21  Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization Techniques in Pathology: Principle, Technique and Applications

Table 21.1  Troubleshooting of FISH technique

Problems Possible cause Remedies
Weak signal or no • Poorly digested tissue section • Check the pH of the proteinase K solution
signal • Check the temperature of the tissue digestion step
• Make fresh proteinase K solution
• Low concentration of the probe • Maintain the optimum concentration of the probe
• Faulty hybridization step • Check the total time of hybridization (at least 14 h)
• Check the incubation temperature
• Loss of DNA • The solution should be DNase-free
• Faulty microscope • Check the bulb of the microscope
Intense background • Non-specific attachment of the • Add species-­specific excess amount of Cot-1 DNA
staining probe and interspersed • Wash the slide stringently after the hybridization
repetitive sequences of DNA step
Variable staining in • Uneven distribution of the • Avoid any air bubbles under the coverslip
different areas hybridization solution
Tissue morphology is • Overdigestion of tissue • Check the digestion time and reduce the time period
poorly preserved • Improper fixation • New sample has to be taken
Speckled appearance • Less stringent solutions • Maintain stringent concentration of the buffer
solution, temperature, etc.

(c) Analysis: Finally the images are analysed • Add 10 μl denatured M-FISH probe solution
with the help of the specialized software over the denatured chromosome preparation.
to find out any structural chromosomal • Put coverslip over the smear and seal the mar-
abnormalities. gins of the coverslip with rubber cement.
Steps of M-FISH [10, 11] • Keep the slide in a humidified chamber for
Pretreatment of the metaphase spread by 2 days at 37 °C.
trypsin: • Remove the slide from the chamber, and take out
• Incubate the slide in pepsin at 37  °C for the coverslip by removing the rubber cement.
5 min. • Wash the slides in SSC at 72 °C for 2 min.
• (Pepsin 1: 20,000 in 10 mM HCl.) • Counterstain with DAPI and place a
• Wash the slide in PBS: 5 min. coverslip.
• Fix the slide by 1% formaldehyde. • The slide is now ready to visualize in the fluo-
• Wash again in PBS: 5 min. rescence microscope.
• Dehydrate in serially graded alcohol (70%, 4. Comparative genomic hybridization (CGH):
90% and 100%) for 2 min each. CGH provides the global view of gain or loss
Denaturation of chromosome of chromosome of the tumor genome [12].
• Incubate the slide in 50 ml denaturing solution
within a Coplin jar for 3 min at 72 °C. Basic principles (Fig. 21.3):
• Immediately dip the slide in ice-cold ethanol Tumor DNA is extracted from the sample and
70%, 90% and 100% each for 2 min. labelled by green fluorochrome dye.
• Dry the slide. Normal DNA from the control is also extracted
and labelled by red fluorochrome dye.
Denaturation of probe The mixture of both green-labelled tumor DNA
• Centrifuge the M-FISH probes. and red-labelled control normal DNA is mixed
• Mix the contents gently and take 10 μl probe and allowed to hybridize on the normal meta-
solution for each slide in an Eppendorf phase chromosome.
Tube. With the help of digital image analyser, the green/
• Incubate the Eppendorf Tube at 80  °C for red ratio is measured.
5–7 min to denature the probe. Excess green fluorescence represents chromo-
Hybridization somal gain or amplification.
21.3 Troubleshooting 217

Fig. 21.2  Schematic diagram shows the basic principle

of spectral karyotyping. DNA is tagged with different
fluorochrome dyes, and the different chromosome takes
different colour

Fig. 21.3 Schematic
diagram shows the basic
principle of comparative
genomic hybridization.
Tumor DNA is labelled
by green fluorochrome
dye, and normal DNA
from the control is
labelled by red
fluorochrome dye. They
are allowed to hybridize
on the normal metaphase
chromosome. With the
help of digital image
analyser, the green/red
ratio is measured. The
excess green
fluorescence represents
chromosomal gain or
amplification, whereas
excess red fluorescence
represents chromosomal
218 21  Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization Techniques in Pathology: Principle, Technique and Applications

Excess red fluorescence represents chromosomal 2. Add 1/10th volume of 3  M sodium acetate
loss. (pH 5.2) and mix them.
Advantages of CGH: CGH technique is helpful in 3. Add 2.5 volume of 100% ethyl alcohol (ice
tiny amount of micro-dissected tissue. The cold) and vortex again.
technique can be done without any prior 4. Remove the supernatant fluid.
knowledge of the chromosomal abnormalities 5. Resuspend the pellet by adding 10 μl hybrid-
in the tumor DNA. ization mixture.
Li mitations of CGH: CGH is not helpful if there
Denature target metaphase smear and hybridiza-
are chromosomal abnormalities without any
tion mixture
gain or loss of genetic material. Similarly
from CGH we do not get any information on 6. Fix the metaphase slide by 4% paraformal-
the structural changes of the chromosome. dehyde for 15 min at 4 °C.
CGH is much less sensitive than PCR, and 7. Rinse the slide in PBS.
the result may be changed due to contamina- 8. Incubate the slide in proteinase K solution
tion of normal cells with tumor cells. for 5 min at 37 °C.
9. Rinse in PBS for 5 min.
10. Denature the metaphase spread smear: Keep
Box 21.2 Advantages and limitations of CGH the slide in preheated Coplin jar in water
Advantages bath containing denaturing solution at 75 °C
for 5 min.
• Tiny micro-dissected tissue can be pro- 11. Dehydrate the slide by graded alcohol and
cessed for CGH. dry in air.
• No need of details of chromosomal 12. Simultaneously denature the DNA samples:
abnormalities of tumor tissue. Heat the sample at 75 °C for 5 min. Immediately
incubate the sample at 37 °C for 20 min.
• Ineffective technique if there are chro- 13. Pour 10 μl of the probe mixture on the meta-
mosomal abnormalities without any phase smear. Cover the area by a coverslip
gain or loss of genetic material and seal the edges by rubber cement.
• No information of any structural 14. Incubate the slide in a humid chamber at
abnormalities 37 °C for 48 h.
• Tedious and prolonged process

1 5. Peel off the rubber cement.

21.3.2 CGH Method [13] 16. Wash the slide twice in SSC for 5 min each.
17. Wash the slide twice by pre-warmed hybrid-
Preparation of probe mixture: ization buffer at 45 °C for 10 min.
18. Wash the slide in PBS for 5 min at 37 °C.
1. Add the following substances in microcentri- 19. Dehydrate the slide by graded alcohol and
fuge tube. air-dry the smear.
• Fluorescein-tagged test DNA (10 μl 20 μg/
ml) Counterstain
• Texas red-labelled reference probe DNA
(10 μl 20 μg/ml) 20. Pour 8 μl DAPI and apply coverslip over the
• Human Cot-1 DNA (20 μl 1 μg/ml) smear.
21.3 Troubleshooting 219

Analysis rial artificial chromosome or cDNA in the

21. Analyse the slide under fluorescence micro-
scope with attached digital camera and appro- Basic steps of aCGH (Fig. 21.4)
priate software.
1. Tumor DNA is extracted and labelled with a
green fluorochrome dye.
21.3.3 Array-Based CGH [14] 2. Control DNA from healthy person is extracted
and labelled with red fluorochrome dye.
The basic principle of array-based CGH 3. The mixture of the above two samples is

(aCGH) is similar to CGH.  However aCGH hybridized with multiple specific DNA probe
uses specific target DNA sequence instead of in the microarray plate.
metaphase chromosome. Microarray plate 4. The hybridization reaction plate is read by
with multiple wells contains genomic bacte- image analyser with appropriate software.

Fig. 21.4 Schematic
diagram shows the basic
principle of array-based
comparative genomic
hybridization. Tumor
DNA is labelled with a
green fluorochrome dye,
and the control DNA is
labelled with red
fluorochrome dye. The
mixture of them is
hybridized with multiple
specific DNA probe in
the microarray plate, and
the hybridization
reaction plate is
220 21  Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization Techniques in Pathology: Principle, Technique and Applications

References 8. Solovei I, Cavallo A, Schermelleh L, Jaunin F,

Scasselati C, Cmarko D, Cremer C, Fakan S, Cremer
T.  Spatial preservation of nuclear chromatin archi-
1. Xiao S, Renshaw A, Cibas ES, Hudson TJ, Fletcher
tecture during three-dimensional fluorescence
JA.  Novel fluorescence in situ hybridization
in situ hybridization (3D-FISH). Exp Cell Res.
approaches in solid tumors. Characterization of fro-
zen specimens, touch preparations, and cytological
9. Belmont A.  Dynamics of chromatin, proteins, and
preparations. Am J Pathol. 1995;147(4):896–904.
bodies within the cell nucleus. Curr Opin Cell Biol.
2. Levsky JM, Singer RH. Fluorescence in situ hybridiza-
tion: past, present and future. J Cell Sci. 2003;116(Pt
10. Schröck E, du Manoir S, Veldman T, Schoell B,

Wienberg J, Ferguson-Smith MA, Ning Y, Ledbetter
3. Nath J, Johnson KL. A review of fluorescence in situ
DH, Bar-Am I, Soenksen D, Garini Y, Ried
hybridization (FISH): current status and future pros-
T. Multicolor spectral karyotyping of human chromo-
pects. Biotech Histochem. 2000;75(2):54–78.
somes. Science. 1996;273(5274):494–7.
4. Desmaze C, Brizard F, Turc-Carel C, Melot T,
11. Liyanage M, Coleman A, du Manoir S, Veldman T,
Delattre O, Thomas G, Aurias A.  Multiple chromo-
McCormack S, Dickson RB, Barlow C, Wynshaw-­
somal mechanisms generate an EWS/FLI1 or an
Boris A, Janz S, Wienberg J, Ferguson-Smith MA,
EWS/ERG fusion gene in Ewing tumors. Cancer
Schröck E, Ried T. Multicolour spectral karyotyping of
Genet Cytogenet. 1997;97:12–9.
mouse chromosomes. Nat Genet. 1996;14(3):312–5.
5. Hyytinen E, Visakorpi T, Kallioniemi A, Kallioniemi
Weiss MM, Hermsen MA, Meijer GA, van
OP, Isola JJ.  Improved technique for analysis of
Grieken NC, Baak JP, Kuipers EJ, van Diest
formalin-­fixed, paraffin-embedded tumors by
PJ. Comparative genomic hybridisation. Mol Pathol.
fluorescence in situ hybridization. Cytometry.
13. DeVries S, Gray JW, Pinkel D, Waldman FM, Sudar
6. Ensinger C, Obrist P, Rogatsch H, Ramoni A, Schäfer
D.  Comparative genomic hybridization. Curr Protoc
G, Mikuz G.  Improved technique for investigations
Hum Genet. 2001;Chapter 4:Unit4.6.
on archival formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tumors
14. Lucito R, Healy J, Alexander J, Reiner A, Esposito D,
by interphase in-situ hybridisation. Anticancer Res.
Chi M, Rodgers L, Brady A, Sebat J, Troge J, West JA,
Rostan S, Nguyen KC, Powers S, Ye KQ, Olshen A,
7. Werner M, Wilkens L, Aubele M, Nolte M,
Venkatraman E, Norton L, Wigler M. Representational
Zitzelsberger H, Komminoth P.  Interphase cytoge-
oligonucleotide microarray analysis: a high-­resolution
netics in pathology: principles, methods, and appli-
method to detect genome copy number variation.
cations of fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH).
Genome Res. 2003;13(10):2291–305.
Histochem Cell Biol. 1997;108(4-5):381–90.
Tissue Microarray in Pathology:
Principal, Technique 22
and Applications

22.1 Introduction from the TMA block to produce TMA slide

(Fig. 22.2). The section now can be used for IHC,
Tissue microarray (TMA) is a novel technology FISH or other molecular studies.
that helps to study a large number of tissue sam-
ples in a single section [1–3]. In this technique
few hundreds to thousands of tissue samples
from the different paraffin block can be taken and 22.3 TMA Construction
are precisely put into a recipient paraffin block. and Generation of Grid
TMA helps to perform immunocytochemistry
(ICC), fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) or The construction of the TMA and the generation
RNA analysis in the single section from the of the grid depend mainly on the type of the
recipient block. Therefore the technique is faster study.
and cheaper than the conventional method.

22.2 Tissue Microarray Technique

At first, haematoxylin- and eosin-stained section

from the donor block is studied, and the represen-
tative area of the donor block is marked. With the
help of tissue microarray instrument, core tissue
biopsy (0.6–2  mm diameter) is taken from the
donor paraffin block and is placed in an empty
paraffin block (the recipient block) in precise
manner (Fig.  22.1). The recipient block can
accommodate few hundreds to thousand speci-
mens. The co-ordinates of the core biopsies in the
recipient block are recorded typically in a spread-
sheet (preferably in Microsoft Excel file). Now
Fig. 22.1  Basic steps of tissue microarray are described
with the help of a microtome, 5 μ sections are cut in this diagram

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2018 221

P. Dey, Basic and Advanced Laboratory Techniques in Histopathology and Cytology,
222 22  Tissue Microarray in Pathology: Principal, Technique and Applications

• Control tissue: Positive and negative control

tissues are placed in asymmetric location (see
green dots in Fig. 22.4).
• Tumor tissue: The tumor tissues are placed in
small groups (see the red dots in Fig. 22.4).
• Normal heathy tissue: In between the groups
of tumor tissue, the matched normal healthy
tissues are placed in one or two rows (see the
black dots in Fig. 22.4). The presence of these
normal tissue rows may help in the better ori-
entation of the tumor tissues.
• Empty cores in small row: Intentionally few
cores in a row should be kept empty to imme-
diately identify the orientation of TME grossly.
Fig. 22.2  The schematic diagram shows the detailed • The different disease processes can be grouped
steps of tissue microarray. With the help of tissue microar-
ray instrument, core tissue biopsy is taken from the donor
together such as carcinoma cases; in situ car-
paraffin block and is placed in an empty paraffin block cinoma and normal cases are clubbed in dif-
(the recipient block) ferent groups.

• At first make a list of suitable cases. Diameter of the Core  The diameter of the
• Study all the section of these cases. punches of the core biopsy may vary from 0.6 to
• Review the cases and reclassify if needed. 2  mm. In fact most of the people take 0.6  mm
Then mark the representative area on the diameter core that includes 0.14 square mm
stained section on glass slide. It is preferable tissue.
to use different colour for different diagnostic
area such as green for normal area, red for Number of Cores in TMA  In a 2.5  ×  4.5  cm
tumor and black for in situ carcinoma. block, at least 1000 cores can be adjusted.
• Collect the representative block of the slides However it is preferable not to take more than
and identify the area. 500 cores in a single block.

Recipient Block  The recipient block is made of

22.4 Designing the Grid [4] fresh molten paraffin. The average size of the
block is 2.5 × 4.5 cm. Adequate precautions should
• Capital letters indicate the quadrant, and small be taken to avoid any bubbles within the block.
letters indicate the co-ordinate of the tissues in
the recipient’s block (Fig. 22.3). Automated TMA  Presently automated tissue
• The primary data are entered for each tissue microarray machine is available that bypasses the
core such as biopsy number, location, diagno- tedious manual punching procedure. It helps to
sis, grade of tumor, stage, etc. The data is design the array design or layout, and the machine
usually entered in a Microsoft Excel file
­ automatically creates holes in the paraffin wax
(Fig. 22.3). and places the donor tissue in the hole of the
• Protection wall: The peripheral boundary walls recipient paraffin wax.
of the TMA are made of single row of core tis-
sue (Fig. 22.4). These core tissues may consist 5.Advantages of TMA  There are several advan-
of any tissue and they are not analysed. tages of TMA that include (Box 22.1):
22.4  Designing the Grid 223

Fig. 22.3 The
schematic diagram of
the organization of the A B
grid for tissue
microarray. The capital
letters indicate the
quadrant, and small
letters indicate the
co-ordinate of the tissues
in the recipient’s block.
The primary data for
each tissue core such as
biopsy number, location,
diagnosis, grade of
tumor, stage, etc. are
entered in a Microsoft
Excel file

1. Amplification of the resource: Ordinarily from a 10 batches of 20 slides each), and the slide-to-­
standard 5 mm thick section of tissue, we can slide variation may occur due to several vari-
get maximum 100 sections for study. Whereas ables such as antigen retrieval, concentration
depending on the size of the tissue in the origi- of different reagents, incubation period, wash-
nal block, at least 200 core biopsies can be taken ing time, etc. However in case of TMA, each
to make TMA block. After the construction of tissue section consists of 100–1000 core biop-
the TMA, we can cut at least 1000 sections of sies from the different patients, and the single
3 μ thickness from the 5 mm thick array block. section is stained that avoids all the slide-to-­
Therefore we get a total 1000  ×  200 means slide variability.
200,000 sections from the limited resource. 3 . Faster, cheaper and reduction of manpower:
2. Uniformity in staining conditions: At the time In TMA a single slide requires less reagents,
of conventional staining, the different tissue labour and time. Therefore, TMA saves cost,
sections are stained at different time (such as time and total work force.
224 22  Tissue Microarray in Pathology: Principal, Technique and Applications

• Preservation of the original block is pos-

sible: Even after multiple core biopsies,
the donor tissue block is useable for the
• Effective in quality assurance program.


• Tissue heterogeneity
• Not suitable in small series with occa-
sional use
Fig. 22.4  The schematic diagram shows the elaborated • Loss of the tissue
design of the grid for tissue microarray. The peripheral • Confusion on orientation
boundary walls of the TMA are made of single row of
core tissue. Positive and negative control tissues are
placed in asymmetric location (green dots). The tumor tis-
sues are placed in small groups (red dots). Normal healthy
tissues are placed in one or two rows (black dots) 22.5 Limitations of TMA

4. Original block can be preserved: Only a few The main limitation of TMA is tissue
core biopsies from the original block are suf- heterogeneity.
ficient to make TMA. The original block can
be preserved and can be used for further 1. Tissue heterogeneity: This is one of the main
sectioning. concerns of TMA. The tumor may vary from
5. Effective in quality assurance program: Due area to areas such as Hodgkin lymphoma
to significant amplification of the laboratory which may have different morphologies in
material, TMA can be used for external and different areas. Therefore small 2  mm tissue
internal quality control program. The TMA may not represent the whole tumor and find-
section can also be used for standardization of ing may vary. However, several studies have
reagents for positive control. shown that TMA and whole tissue data are
6. The whole analysis of TMA is now automated almost similar [5, 6].
and computer can keep track of the huge data. 2. Less cost-effective in small series of cases:
TMA is not very effective if it is done once in
a while in a small series of cases.
Box 22.1: Advantages and Limitations of 3. Prone to loss the tissue: The core biopsy tis-
TMA sues may be lost due to its tiny size. Tissue
rich in keratin, bone or cartilages are likely to
Advantages: be lost.
4. Disorientation of the core biopsy tissue: Due
• Amplification of the resource: Nearly to large number of core biopsies, there is a
about 100,000 times amplification is chance of disorientation when TMA is done
possible. manually. Rows of empty core tissues may
• Uniformity in staining conditions: help in the immediate orientation of the
Overall uniformity of the staining is tissue.
• Faster and cheaper: When large number
of core tissue is processed, it becomes
References 225

22.6 Clinical Applications of TMA 2. Dancau AM, Simon R, Mirlacher M, Sauter G. Tissue
microarrays. Methods Mol Biol. 2016;1381:
TMA helps to implement various molecular dis- 3. Bubendorf L, Nocito A, Moch H, Sauter G.  Tissue
coveries in clinical areas. The novel genes can be microarray (TMA) technology: miniaturized pathol-
identified by DNA microarray technique, and ogy archives for high-throughput in situ studies. J
Pathol. 2001;195(1):72–9.
subsequently these gene products can be vali- 4. Parsons M, Grabsch H. How to make tissue microar-
dated by TMA [7, 8]. rays. Diagn Histopathol. 2009;15:142–50.
There are three different categories of TMA 5. Kononen J, Bubendorf L, Kallioniemi A, et  al.
which are described in this respect: Tissue microarrays for high-throughput molecu-
lar profiling of hundreds of specimens. Nat Med.
1. Different types of tumor for the novel markers: 6. Parker RL, Huntsman DG, Lesack DW, Cupples
Large varieties of tumor can be studied for the JB, Grant DR, Akbari M, Gilks CB.  Assessment of
novel markers in an ultrashort time. interlaboratory variation in the immunohistochemi-
cal determination of estrogen receptor status using
2. Tumor progression array: One particular a breast cancer tissue microarray. Am J Clin Pathol.
tumor type is studied for its progression such 2002;117(5):723–8.
as in a single section, one can study normal 7. Sallinen S-L, Sallinen PK, Haapasalo HK, et  al.
prostatic tissue, prostatic hyperplasia, intraep- Identification of differentially expressed genes in
human gliomas by DNA microarray and tissue chip
ithelial neoplasia and carcinoma [9]. techniques. Cancer Res. 2000;60:6617–22.
3. Prognostic array: Novel markers related to 8. Moch H, Schraml P, Bubendorf L, et  al. High-­
the prognosis of the malignant tumor can be throughput tissue microarray analysis to evaluate
studied by TMA. genes uncovered by cDNA microarray screening in
renal carcinoma. Am J Pathol. 1999;154:981–6.
9. Varambally S, Dhanasekaran SM, Zhou M, Barrette
TR, Kumar-Sinha C, Sanda MG, Ghosh D, Pienta
References KJ, Sewalt RG, Otte AP, Rubin MA, Chinnaiyan
AM.  The polycomb group protein EZH2 is
1. Fejzo MS, Slamon DJ. Frozen tumor tissue microar- involved in progression of prostate cancer. Nature.
ray technology for analysis of tumor RNA, DNA, and 2002;419(6907):572–3.
proteins. Am J Pathol. 2001;159:1645–50.
Sanger Sequencing and Next-­
Generation Gene Sequencing: 23
Basic Principles and Applications
in Pathology

DNA sequencing means the determination of the

order of sequence of the base pair in DNA.

23.1 Sanger Sequencing

Sanger sequencing is named under Sanger F. This is

the widely used commercial DNA sequencing [1].

Basic Principle  In Sanger sequencing tech-

nique, 2′,3′-dideoxynucleotides are used for
DNA synthesis. In the absence of 3′-hydroxyl
group in 2′,3′-dideoxynucleotides, DNA can-
not be synthesized further as no phosphodiester
bond can be formed with the next dNTP, and the
chain terminates (Fig. 23.1). The four DDNTPs
(dideoxynucleotides phosphates such as ddATP,
ddTTP, ddCTP, and ddGTP) are labelled by dif-
ferent fluorochrome dyes so that they are recog- Fig. 23.1  Schematic diagram showing the principle of
nized by laser beam. Each fluorescent-labelled Sanger sequencing technique. Here 2′,3′-dideoxynucleo-
terminated fragment of DNA is recorded and tides are used for DNA synthesis, and in the absence of
from this data DNA sequence is assessed. 3′-hydroxyl group, the DNA chain is terminated. The four
DDNTPs are labelled by different fluorochrome dyes so
that they are recognized by laser beam, and from this data
Reagents needed: DNA sequence is assessed

• Primers: Small piece of single-stranded DNA

is used. • ddNTP (fluorescent labelled): All four ddNTPs
• DNA template: This chain is sequenced. such as ddATP, ddTTP, ddCTP and ddGTP
• DNA polymerase enzyme. are labelled with different fluorochrome dyes.
• dNTPs (dATP, dTTP, dCTP, dGTP). These are chain-terminating nucleotides.

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2018 227

P. Dey, Basic and Advanced Laboratory Techniques in Histopathology and Cytology,
228 23  Sanger Sequencing and Next-Generation Gene Sequencing

Main steps: 23.2 Next-Generation Sequencing

• Mix the above reagents, and denature the Next-generation sequencing (NGS) is the newer
complementary strands of DNA template by gene sequencing technology that rapidly per-
heating at 96 °C. forms sequencing from abundant small fragments
• Lower the temperature to 50 °C for annealing of DNA [2]. NGS is also called as high-­throughput
the primer with DNA template. sequencing.
• Raise temperature to 60 °C for the elongation of
DNA with the help of DNA polymerase.  The There are several categories of NGS:
DNA chain elongates till it incorporates
fluorescent-­labelled ddNTP.  At that point the 1. Pyrosequencing
DNA chain elongation is terminated. The DNA 2. Microelectrophoretic methods
chain is terminated with various lengths bearing 3. Hybridization sequencing
the terminal-labelled ddNTP (fluorochrome-­ 4. Real-time observation of single molecules
labelled A, T, C and G). 1. Pyrosequencing [3]: The pyrosequencing tech-
• The PCR cycle of DNA is repeated several nology was the first available NGS system
times to have all the base position of the DNA in the market. Pyrosequencing works on the
template. At the end, variable lengths of DNA principle of “sequencing of sequencing”. In
chains with terminal unique fluorescence this technique fixed amount of inorganic pyro-
labelled A, T, C and G are obtained. phosphate (PPi) is released whenever a nucle-
• DNA chains undergone capillary gel electro- otide is incorporated in polymerization reaction
phoresis, and then the coloured emission spec- by DNA polymerase enzyme (Fig.  23.3). The
trum of all these fluorochrome-labelled DNAs released PPi initiates a chain of reaction that
is recorded by capillary gel electrophoresis liberates light energy and is detected by colour-
(Fig. 23.2). With the help of a suitable software charged device camera. The DNA sequence is
from the data of the terminal bases, the exact assessed from the pyrogram that is generated
sequence of the bases in the DNA is generated. during each nucleotide incorporation.


• Compared to Sanger sequencing, it is very

• Much cheaper than Sanger sequencing.
• DNA sequencing of the different samples can
be determined by the same run.


• Error-prone in case of the sequencing of long


2. Microelectrophoretic method: In microelec-

trophoretic method microfabricated technical
device is used for the electrophoretic separa-
tion of the DNA fragments [4]. Here an intri-
cate ultradense channel arrays are made that
Fig. 23.2  Schematic diagram showing the capillary gel
electrophoresis of different fragments of PCR products help in micron precision. This technique has
23.2  Next-Generation Sequencing 229

Fig. 23.3 Schematic
diagram showing the
basic principle of
technique. Here fixed
amount of inorganic
pyrophosphate (PPi) is
released whenever a
nucleotide is
incorporated in
polymerization reaction
by DNA polymerase
enzyme. The released
PPi initiates a chain of
reaction that liberates
light energy and is
detected by colour-­
charged device camera.
The DNA sequence is
assessed from the
pyrogram that is
generated during each
nucleotide incorporation

integrated sample processing, DNA amplifi- obtained. Finally the complete DNA sequence is
cation, isolation and concentration of DNA decided by assembling the overall information
fragments and sequencing. from the multiple hybridization tests.
There are two ways to hybridize: (a) The DNA
Advantages: is immobilized on a membrane, and then various
small oligonucleotide probes are used for hybrid-
• Very fast technique ization. (b) Microfabricated tilling array contains
• Minimal reagent consumption more than 6,000,000 distinct probes, and the
• Good quality optical property genomic DNA to be sequenced is hybridized to
determine the complete base sequence of the
entire DNA [5].
3. Hybridization sequencing (Fig.  23.4): In this
technique, numerous oligonucleotide probes are Advantages:
used to hybridize with the target DNA. The com-
plementary probes are hybridized with DNA, • Fast
and therefore the sequence of bases of DNA is • High throughput
230 23  Sanger Sequencing and Next-Generation Gene Sequencing

• Clinical decision support: The demonstration

of complete mutation data of a disease may
help in the identification of the driver muta-
tion. Once the driver mutation is identified, we
can plan a therapy of the individual patient on
the basis of it such as erlotinib EGFR muta-
tion and vemurafenib in BRAF mutational
• Study of cancer genome for diagnosis, classi-
fication and prognosis: NGS is able to provide
the complete data of the individual cancers.
This data may be helpful in the diagnosis,
classification and prognosis aspects of the

23.2.2 Limitations

• Cost: NGS is very costly and needs adequate

Fig. 23.4  Schematic diagram showing the basic princi-
infrastructure, experience, storage capacity
ple of hybridization sequencing. In this technique, numer-
and computational capacity.
ous oligonucleotide probes are used to hybridize with the
target DNA, and the sequence of bases of DNA is • Intratumor heterogeneity: There may be varia-
obtained. Finally the complete DNA sequence is obtained tion of mutations in a particular type of tumor
by assembling the overall information from the multiple
in different patients (intertumoral heterogene-
hybridization tests
ity) or different mutational changes in a same
tumor at different sites (intratumor heteroge-
4. Real-time observation of single molecules: In
neity). This is a complicated issue, and there-
real-time sequencing, DNA chain is passed
fore the response of therapy may vary in a
through a nanopore. This is an alpha-­
particular tumor.
haemolysin pore covalently bound with cyclo-
dextrin. The different base pair of DNA
generates fluctuation of electrical signal dur-
ing the passage through the nanopore, and the
23.3 Comparison of Sanger
exact DNA sequence is assessed by measur-
Sequencing and NGS
ing the fluctuation of pore conductance [6].
The differences of the above two techniques are
Advantages: highlighted in Table 23.1.

• There is no need of DNA amplification or

Table 23.1  Comparison of Sanger sequencing and Next-
cloning. generation sequencing
• Read length of the technique is much longer
Sanger Next-generation
than other techniques. Features sequencing sequencing
Speed Very slow Fast
Knowledge of The prior Unselective and
23.2.1 Scope of NGS complete knowledge of no need of
genomic data the loci of the knowledge of
gene is needed loci of gene
• Identifies broader spectrum of mutational
Detailed Only base Detailed
changes: In addition to base sequence of DNA, molecular sequences mutational
NGS detects all novel mutational changes mutational possible changes can be
such as small insertions and deletions. change demonstrated
References 231

References 4. Paegel BM, Blazej RG, Mathies RA.  Microfluidic

devices for DNA sequencing: sample preparation
1. Sanger F, Nicklen S, Coulson AR. DNA sequencing and electrophoretic analysis. Curr Opin Biotechnol.
with chain-terminating inhibitors. Proc Natl Acad Sci 2003;14:42–50.
U S A. 1977;74(12):5463–7. 5. Mockler TC, Chan S, Sundaresan A, Chen H,
2. Shendure J, Ji H. Next-generation DNA sequencing. Jacobsen SE, Ecker JR.  Applications of DNA til-
Nat Biotechnol. 2008;26(10):1135–45. ing arrays for whole-genome analysis. Genomics.
3. Siqueira JF Jr, Fouad AF, Rôças IN. Pyrosequencing 2005;85(1):1–15.
as a tool for better understanding of human microbi- 6. Deamer DW, Akeson M.  Nanopores and nucleic
omes. J Oral Microbiol. 2012;4:10743. https://doi. acids: prospects for ultrarapid sequencing. Trends
org/10.3402/jom.v4i0.10743. Biotechnol. 2000;18:147–51.
Part IV
Microscopy, Quality Control and
Laboratory Organization
Compound Light Microscope
and Other Different Microscopes 24

24.1 Light

Light is an electromagnetic wave with specific

amplitude and wavelength. The distance between
the two successive peaks of the light wave indi-
cates the wavelength of the light. The distance
between the crest to the horizontal axis is known
as amplitude. The time to travel one crest to suc-
cessive next crest is known as period. The fre-
quency of light wave is indicated by the number
of the wave cycle per unit of time (Fig. 24.1). The
visible light remains within the wavelength of
400–750  nm. This is a very tiny fraction of the
electromagnetic spectrum (the radio waves are
104 m and ʏ rays 10−10 m). The wavelength of the
red light is 750 nm (1 nm = 10−9 m) and that of
blue light is 400 nm (Fig. 24.2). Ordinary white
light is comprised of all the colours. The domi-
nant wavelength of the source of the light deter-
mines its colour. Fig. 24.1  Schematic diagram showing wave of light. The
distance between the two successive peaks of the light
wave indicates the wavelength of the light
24.2 Colours
dark. Intensity measures the brightness of the
There are different modules to express the colour. colour.

Hue Saturation Intensity (HSI)  This is one Red Green Blue (RGB)  There are three pri-
of the common modules to express colour. Hue mary colours: red, green and blue. The other
indicates the basic colour such as blue, green or colours that we perceive are the mixture of these
red. The saturation means how deep is the colours such as admixture of red and green colour
colour that means whether the colour is pale or will produce yellow colour. The percentage

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P. Dey, Basic and Advanced Laboratory Techniques in Histopathology and Cytology,
236 24  Compound Light Microscope and Other Different Microscopes

Ultraviolet Retina
Infrared Fovea

Visible light
Iris Optic
400 nm 750 nm
Sclera nerve
Fig. 24.2  Visible spectrum of light is 400–750 nm wave- Vitreous humor
length of light
Fig. 24.3  Image formation in the human eye is high-
expression of these three primary colours repre- lighted in this schematic diagram. The image of the object
is formed on the retina of the eye. The initial image in the
sents the colour of that particular object. retina is an inverted image of the object. The photorecep-
tor cells of the retina pass the electrical signal through the
CYM  The subtraction of one or more primary optic nerve to the brain. The human brain corrects the
colour from the white light produces three other inverted image to the normal erect image
secondary colours: cyan (C), yellow (Y) and
magenta (M). Therefore this CYM colour model
is known as primary subtractive colours. This
model is mainly used in optical filter and

Perception of Colour  Cone cells are the pho-

Virtual Object
toreceptor cells of the retina. They are exclu- image
sively related with the colour perception and F
consist of only 5% cells. The cone cells are Lens
mostly concentrated in the fovea centralis of the Eye
retina. We perceive white colour when the light
equally stimulates all the three types of cone Fig. 24.4  Schematic diagram showing the formation of
image by a convex lens. If the object is placed within the
cells that means red, green and blue. If the light focal length of the lens, then we see a virtual enlarged
stimulates only the red-sensitive pigments of the image formed in the same side of the lens
cone cells, then we perceive red colour. Similarly
if the light stimulates both red and blue pig- the object. The photoreceptor cells of the retina
ments of the cone cells, then we perceive pass the electrical signal through the optic nerve
magenta colour. to the brain. Human brain corrects the inverted
image to the normal erect image.

24.3 Image Generation Image Formation by Simple Lens  The image

and Human Vision formed in the retina of the human eye is non-­
magnified. The image of the object can be mag-
Eye Is a Biological Camera  The image of the nified if a convex lens is placed between the
object is formed on the retina of the eye object and eye and appropriately focused
(Fig. 24.3). At first the light rays from the object (Fig.  24.4). If the object is placed within the
pass through the cornea, aqueous humour, lens focal length of the lens, then we see a virtual
and vitreous humour, and finally the light stimu- enlarged image formed in the same side of the
lates the photoreceptor cells of the retina. The lens. The focal length of the lens is defined as
initial image in the retina is an inverted image of the distance between the optical centre of the
24.3  Image Generation and Human Vision 237

lens and the focal centre where the image is per- them as two separate entities. However, the more
fectly focused. and more they are kept close together, the more it
is difficult to recognize them as two separate enti-
Light Microscope [1]  The light microscope ties. At a certain distance, it may be impossible to
deals with the visible light and so it is named as distinguish these two objects, and they may look
light microscope. The predominate three func- as one object. The minimum distance where the
tions of this microscope are: two objects can be distinguished separately is
known as resolution capacity (D) of the micro-
• Magnification
scope. The resolution of the microscope is depen-
• Resolution
dent on two factors:
• Contrast
1 . The wavelength of the light
Magnification  The word magnification indi-
2. The maximum angle of light that can be

cates the enlargement of the image of object of
obtained by the objective lens from the object
interest. The objective and the eyepiece take part
in the magnification of the image of the object.
Numerical Aperture (Fig.  24.5)  Numerical
The first magnification takes place by the objec- aperture (NA) is related with the light gathering
tive. The power of magnification is written on the power of the objective. In fact the resolution
wall of the objectives of the microscope. power of the microscope is largely dependent on
Normally the power of magnification varies from the NA of the objective, and it is represented by
4 times to 100 times in ordinary biological light the equation below:
microscope. The second magnification is done by
the eyepiece, and so the final magnification is 0.61s
equal to the first magnification done by objective NA
multiplied by the second magnification done by
the eyepiece. D = resolution
Sigma (σ) = the wavelength of light
M = M1 ´ M 2 NA = numerical aperture
Numerical aperture is calculated as:
M = Final magnification NA = n × Sin μ
M1 = Linear magnification by objectives n = refractive index of air (it is 1)
M2 = Linear magnification by eyepiece μ  =  half of the angular aperture of the
The final magnification of the different objec- objective
tives is shown in Table 24.1.

Resolution  The term resolution means the abil-

ity of the microscope to distinguish two closely
spaced objects. If we put two objects at a dis-
tance, then we are immediately able to identify
Air µ
Table 24.1  Magnification of the microscope using dif-
ferent objectives
Objectives Eyepiece Final magnification Object
2× 10× 20×
4× 10× 40× Numerical aperture= n x sin µ
n= refractive index of air (1)
10× 10× 100×
20× 10× 200×
Fig. 24.5  Numerical aperture of the microscope is calcu-
40× 10× 400×
lated as mentioned in the diagram. Numerical aperture is
100× 10× 1000× related with the light gathering power of the objective
238 24  Compound Light Microscope and Other Different Microscopes

Contrast  The contrast of the microscope means

the ability to detect an object from the back- Box 24.1: Image Formation in Microscope
ground material. If we want to know the details • First image is formed by the magnifica-
of an object, then we need to have the difference tion by the objective.
of intensity of the colour between the object and • First image:
the background material. –– Real
–– Magnified away from the lens in the
Image formation by the light microscope same side
(Fig. 24.6) –– Formed in the body of the
The compound light microscope works in microscope
the same way as described in the magnification • Second image is formed by the eyepiece
by convex lens (Box 24.1). The microscope is which is the magnification of the first
composed of bunches of properly placed lens image.
that magnifies the image of the object in sever- • Second image:
alfolds. There are two sets of lens: objectives –– Virtual
and the eyepiece. The object remains in between –– Highly magnified
the condenser and the objective. The condenser –– Formed 25 cm away from the eye
condenses light through the object. The lens of –– Location: Between the stage and
the objective has short focal length and gener- condenser
ates a magnified real image within the body
tube of the microscope. Subsequently lens in
the eyepiece further magnifies this real image,
and a virtual more magnified image is formed
Eye approximately 25 cm distance from the eye in
the same side of the lens near the object in the
Eye piece

First magnified 24.4 Anatomical Components

real image of a Light Microscope
(Fig. 24.7)

Base  The base is the supporting platform of the

Objective microscope.

Stage  The stage is the moveable component of

Stage the microscope. The slide is placed on the stage,
and then the stage is moved up and down to focus
the object. The slide on the stage is also moved in
different directions.
Final magnified
virtual image
Coarse and Fine Adjustment Knobs  These are
two knobs placed in both sides of the body of the
Fig. 24.6  Schematic diagram showing the formation of microscope. These knobs are rotating and help-
image by the light microscope. The lens of the objective ing in the focusing of the objectives by moving it
has short focal length and generates a magnified real up and down.
image within the body tube of the microscope.
Subsequently lens in the eyepiece further magnifies this
real image, and a virtual more magnified image is formed Tube  The tube is the connecting part between
in the same side of the lens near the object in the stage the objectives and eyepiece.
24.5  Optical Components 239

of light. However once the objective is

Eye piece changed, then the position of the condenser
has to be readjusted.
2 . Objectives: Each microscope contains a set of
Arm multiple objectives attached with the rotating
nosepiece. The circular ring of the objective
represents the magnification power of objec-
tive, and the different objectives have different
coloured rings on it (Fig.  24.8). The various
Light source information such as lateral magnification,
numerical aperture, etc. are engraved on the
Coarse Base objective. Presently the objectives are
Adjustment designed as infinitely corrected. The follow-
screw ing are the different types of objectives:
• Achromat: The achromatic objectives con-
Fig. 24.7  Simple light microscope and its parts
tain two doublets and a single front lens.
They are relatively cheaper and quality
Arm  Arm connects the base of the microscope
suitable for the low magnification images.
with the tube.
However they are not very satisfactory for
higher magnification.
Revolving Nosepiece  The various objectives
• Fluorite or semiapochromat lens: Fluorite
are placed in the resolving nosepiece.
type of objective lens is made of fluorspar
or newer synthetic substitutes and provides
Diaphragm  The diaphragm is located below the
good level of colour correction. They are
stage and helps to control the amount of light on
highly transparent and give high contrast.
the object.
Therefore this type of objectives is suitable
for immunofluorescence microscopy and
Light Source  The source of light is located on
polarized microscopy.
the base of the microscope; the light travels
• Apochromatic: These are relatively costly
directly from the source to the object and then
lens and give very good correction. The
through different lenses.
apochromatic objectives are the most suit-
able for colour photography as the chro-
matic aberration is nearly zero in such lens.
24.5 Optical Components [2, 3]

The following parts are the constituents of the

optical part of the light microscope:

1. Condensers: The condenser of the micro- Manufacturer’s name

Optical correction
scope accumulates light from its source and Lateral magnification
then concentrates the light on the object as a Numerical aperture
cone of light so that the maximum light
Working distance
passes through the object to get better resolu-
tion. The object is illuminated by parallel Magnification colour
beam of light with uniform intensity. The
condenser aperture diaphragm helps in con-
trolling the diameter of the light beam. With
the help of a screw, the condenser can be Fig. 24.8  Objective of the compound microscope. Note
adjusted for the proper focusing of the cone the basic information engraved on it
240 24  Compound Light Microscope and Other Different Microscopes

24.5.1 The Major Aberrations lens with different dispersing properties for the
of the Lens different colours so that the final images overlap
in the same location.
The spherical lens of the microscope may have
several optical faults or aberrations. Image dis- Spherical Aberration (Fig. 24.9b)  The spheri-
tortion occurs due to these various optical aberra- cal aberrations occur when spherical lens is used
tions. The common aberrations are: for magnification in the microscope. The cause of
spherical aberrations is the different bending
Chromatic Aberration (Fig.  24.9a)  The chro- capacities of the central and peripheral part of the
matic aberration occurs due to the different spherical lens. The incident rays of light that pass
refractions of different wavelengths of light. Blue through the peripheral part of lens bend more
light is bended more than the red light. Therefore than the incident rays that pass through the centre
there are different locations of images for the dif- of the lens. Therefore in case of spherical aberra-
ferent wavelengths of the colour, and overall the tion, the images are formed in different focal
image becomes distorted. More disastrous is the planes, and the image may be blurred in the
different magnifications of the different colours periphery.
of images as they are located in different dis-
tances from the lens. Solution: The solution of spherical aberrations
is to apply a collection of different thickness of
Solution: The solution of the chromatic aber- positive and negative lens.
ration is to use the different components of the
Astigmatism  This is an off-axis aberration, and
a it occurs due to the defect in the manufacture of
the proper curvature of the lens or defective
placement of the lens. Here the rays of light from
the object going through the horizontal and verti-
cal diameters of the lens focus in two separate
focal planes. The astigmatism increases when the
object is more away from the optic axis.

Solution: Good quality lens and proper place-

Chromatic aberrations ment of the lens
Curvature of Field  In this aberration the image
is curved instead of flat, and the whole image
cannot be focused in a single flat plane.

Solution: The curvature of field can be cor-

rected by proper designing of the lens of the

Spherical aberrations 3. Eyepiece: Eyepiece or the ocular lens mag-

Fig. 24.9 (a) Principle of chromatic aberrations is
nifies the real image produced by the objec-
explained in this schematic diagram. The chromatic aber- tive in the body tube of the microscope.
ration occurs due to the different refractions of different Ocular lens generates the final image which
wavelengths of light. (b) Principle of spherical aberrations is a virtual image and 25 cm away from the
is explained in this schematic diagram. This is due to dif-
ferent bending capacities of the central and peripheral part
eye. The specification of the ocular lens is
of the spherical lens usually engraved on the lens barrel.
24.6  How to Take Care and Handle Your Microscope 241

Nowadays most of the eyepieces provide

magnification in the range of 10× to 20×. Box 24.2: Basic Care of Microscope
The ocular lens or eyepiece can be focus- • Plugging: Connect the plug in the rec-
able or non-focusable. Eyepieces may be of ommended electrical power supply.
two types: • Bulb: Always put off the bulb when you
do not use the microscope. Remember
Negative Eyepiece  It contains internal dia- that the bulb is expensive.
phragm between the lenses of the ocularis (eye- • Focus:
piece). The simple negative eyepiece is also –– Do not hurry.
known as Huygenian eyepiece which is com- –– Gently focus your object and take
monly used in routine light microscope. care that the objective should not
touch the slide.
Positive Eyepiece  It contains internal dia- –– Always use lowest power of objec-
phragm below the lens of the ocularis (eyepiece). tive first.
This type of eyepiece is also called as Ramsden • Cleaning: Clean the lens before and
eyepiece. after you use. Clean only by lens paper.
Do not use distilled water or any sorts of
organic solvent.
24.6 H
 ow to Take Care and Handle • Transport:
Your Microscope –– Grasp the arm of microscope.
–– Keep the microscope parallel to the
The basic care of microscope is highlighted in ground.
Box 24.2. –– Keep it close to your body.
• Damage: Never try to repair any dam-
• Starting: Connect the plug of the micro- age. Report to the authority.
scope with recommended electrical power • After finishing work:
supply. –– Unplug.
• Focus: Focus gently and do not be fast. During –– Do not put any slide on stage. Clean
the focusing of the object, please take care so the stage.
that the objectives do not touch the slide and –– Adjust the nosepiece for the lowest
break it. power objective.
• Bulb: The bulb of the microscope is costly so –– Cover the microscope to protect it
please turn off the illumination when the from dust.
microscope is not used.
• Transport: Grasp the arm of microscope by
one hand and support the base by the other Do not use distilled water or any sorts of
hand. Keep the base of the microscope parallel organic solvent as they may dissolve the coat-
to the ground so that the optical systems are ing of the lens. It is important to note that
not displaced or fall down. Never swing a excessive cleaning may be harmful to the lens.
microscope. The best way to clean a lens is using com-
• Touch: Never touch the lens of the microscope pressed air.
by hand or any body parts because the nor- • Closing the work: After finishing the work
mally producing oil in the body may blur the with the microscope, please take out the slide
lens. from the stage, keep the low power objective
• Cleaning: Clean the lens of the microscope towards the stage and far away from the stage,
only by lens paper. Do not use any toilet paper disconnect the electric power source and cover
or towel paper as they may scratch the lens. the microscope by dust cover.
242 24  Compound Light Microscope and Other Different Microscopes

24.7 Other Types of Microscope be kept at low. The light passes through the sam-
ple, and the denser area of the object absorbs part
24.7.1 Dark-Field Microscope of the light. So the object looked dark in a bright
In this type of microscope, a hollow beam of light Use: Stained or natural specimen
is produced by blocking the central part of the Advantages:
beam of light (Fig.  24.10). The scattered light  • Very simple.
from the object passes through the objective to  • No additional equipment’s are needed.
the eye, and the object is seen as bright in a dark  • Object can be seen without staining.
background. Ordinary light microscope can be Limitations:
used as dark-field microscope by using dark-field  • Low contrast
block condenser. The central cylinder of light is  • Low resolution
obstructed, whereas the peripheral rim of light  • Low magnification
reaches to the object.

Use: 24.7.3 Phase Contrast Microscope

• The bacteria, spirochaetes, or fungi in suspen- Principle  In this microscope the objects having
sion are better seen in dark-field microscope. different refractive indices are identified as they
• Movement of the cells in culture medium is produce different contrasts. The object with scat-
better seen in this microscope. tered light is identified from the illuminating back-
ground light. If the light passes through a transparent
object, then due to the change of refractive index of
24.7.2 Bright-Field Microscope the object, the pathway of light will be deviated
slightly, and the light wave is retarded. In case of
This is the simple light microscope where the denser particle (higher refractive index) in the
object is examined by attenuated light. No addi- object, the deviation of light will be more, and the
tional equipment is required for the bright-field light wave is more retarded. This is known as phase
microscopy. The diaphragm of the microscope difference. Usually these phase differences are
should be fully opened, and light intensity should invisible to us; however, the phase contrast micro-
scope makes these changes significantly visible.
System (Fig.  24.11)  In phase contrast micro-
Divergent beam of
scope, a condenser annulus and modified objec-
tive with phase plate are used. Intense beam of
Object light source is passed through the substaged con-
Cone of light denser annulus which is located in the focal plane
of the condenser. So a hollow cone of light is gen-
erated that can be controlled. Now this light
passes through the objects/sample, and they are
Light either deviated or undeviated depending on the
blocked refractive indices of the different structures of the
object. Now both undeviated (central ray) and
deviated light pass through the objective and are
Fig. 24.10  Schematic diagram showing pathway of light
segregated by the phase plate that is located
in the dark-field microscope. A hollow beam of light is
produced by blocking the central part of the beam of light behind the focal plane of the objective.
References 243


• This is used to see the living cells: shape, size,

• Unstained protozoa or fungi are best seen in
this microscope.
• Motility of the organism.

1. Wollman AJ, Nudd R, Hedlund EG, Leake MC. From
animaculum to single molecules: 300  years of the
light microscope. Open Biol. 2015;5(4):150019.
2. Wolf DE. The optics of microscope image formation.
Methods Cell Biol. 2003;72:11–43.
3. Goodwin PC.  A primer on the fundamental prin-
ciples of light microscopy: optimizing magnifica-
tion, resolution, and contrast. Mol Reprod Dev.

Fig. 24.11  Schematic diagram showing pathway of light

in the phase contrast microscope. Here a condenser annu-
lus and modified objective with phase plate are used. A
hollow cone of light is generated that passes through the
objects, and the lights are either deviated or undeviated
depending on the refractive indices of the different struc-
tures of the object. The light passes through the objective
and is further segregated by the phase plate behind the
focal plane of the objective
Fluorescence and Confocal
Microscope: Basic Principles 25
and Applications in Pathology

Fluorescence microscopy applies high-inten- • The fluorescent dye absorbs high-energy light
sity light to illuminate the substance that emits and immediately releases photon of low-­
fluorescence light. The light of shorter wave- energy light.
length strikes the fluorescent object, and the • The emitted light is passed through the filter
object emits the light of the longer wavelength, and is detected by the observer against a high-­
and the image of the object is visualized by the contrast black background.

Principles of Fluorescence [1, 2] (Fig.  25.1)  25.1 Transmitted Fluorescent

When a fluorescent molecule in the ground state Microscope
absorbs a photon of excitation light, the electron
of its outer shell jumps to the next orbit, and the In case of transmitted fluorescent microscope, we
molecule changes from the ground state energy use mercury or xenon gas lamp for the high-­
level to the excitation state energy level. However energy excitation beam of light (Fig. 25.2). These
within a fraction of second, very rapidly the mol- burners contain gas with high pressure, and there-
ecule releases the photon of light and returns to fore careful handling is needed for these light
the ground state again. In this whole process, the sources. The beam of light generated by the
molecule losses some amount of energy and burner passes through the heat-absorbing filter
therefore vibrates in lower frequency. So the followed by the red light stop filter and wave-
released fluorescent light has longer wavelength length selective filter. Now the beam of light hits
than the excitation light. the object, and the excitation beam passes through
the objective towards the barrier filter. The barrier
Basic Steps of Fluorescence Microscopy  The filter allows only the emitted fluorescence light to
basic steps of fluorescence microscopy are high- pass through it to the observer.
lighted below:
Selective Filter  This type of filter specifically
• The high-energy light beam is passed through allows only the desired excitation beam of light.
the filter and is directed to the object which is Careful selection of the filter is necessary for
stained by a fluorescent dye. the selection of the wavelength of light nearer

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246 25  Fluorescence and Confocal Microscope: Basic Principles and Applications in Pathology

Fig. 25.1 Schematic
diagram showing the Excited state
principle of fluorescent

of photon
Emitted light
Excitation light
or emission

light released
Ground state
light Electron

Ground state Excited state Ground state

Fluorescent molecule
to the excitation maximum of the particular
fluorescent dye.
Eye piece

Barrier Filter  This filter is placed between the

Barrier filter objective and the eyepiece. This type of filter pre-
vents the passage of the light of short wavelength
Emitted beam and helps to protect the retina. However barrier
of light filter allows the emitted fluorescent light of lon-
Objective ger wavelength.

25.2 Incident Fluorescent
Excitation Microscope
Red stop filter beam of light
In this type of microscope, a dichroic mirror is used
Heat Filter
(Fig. 25.3). This dichroic mirror has certain unique
properties. The mirror only allows the selected exci-
Light Selective tation beam of light to be reflected on the object,
source filter and the remainder unwanted beam of light is trav-
elled through the mirror and is lost. Similarly, the
Fig. 25.2  Schematic diagram showing the principle of emitted fluorescent light from the object is allowed
transmitted fluorescent microscope. The beam of light to pass through the mirror to the eyepiece. Therefore
passes through the multiple filters and ultimately hits the
object. The excitation beam passes through the objective in incident fluorescent microscope, the high-energy
towards the barrier filter and reaches to the observer light passes through the various filters, and then
25.3  Confocal Microscopy 247

Table 25.1  Maximum excitation and emission spectra of
different fluorochrome dyes
Eye piece Maximum Maximum
excitation emission
Fluorochrome dye wavelength (nm) wavelength (nm)
Barrier filter
Selective Fluorescein 494 520
filter Objective isothiocyanate
Dichroic Hoechst 33342 346 460
mirror DAPI 359 461
Rhodamine 570 590
Cy3 548 561
Light Texas Red 595 613
source Emitted
beam of light
Excitation • Hoechst 33342
beam of light
• Rhodamine
Object • Texas Red Cy3

These fluorochrome dyes are tagged with the

Fig. 25.3  Schematic diagram showing the principle of specific antibodies or molecular probes. Each fluo-
incident fluorescent microscope. In this type of micro-
scope, a dichroic mirror is used that allows the selected rochrome dye has a specific excitation spectrum
excitation beam of light to be reflected on the object. that means the dye is excited by the light of spe-
Similarly, the emitted fluorescent light from the object is cific wavelength which is also known as maximum
allowed to pass through the mirror to the eyepiece excitation wavelength. Similarly the dye also
emits photon of specific higher wavelength which
is known as maximum emission wavelength.
with the help of a dichroic mirror, the selected Table  25.1 shows the maximum excitation and
wavelength of the light is allowed to pass through emission spectra of different fluorochrome dyes.
the objective to the object. The emitted fluorescent
light from the object again passes through the Applications of fluorescence microscope
dichroic mirror to the eyepiece. A barrier filter in
between the objective and eyepiece is located and 1. The fluorescence microscope helps to study
protects the eye from any high-energy light. the specific component of the cell or object of
The advantages of incident fluorescent importance.
microscope: 2. DNA and RNA sequencing.
3. To study the chromosomal abnormalities with
• The dichroic mirror helps to gather most of the the help of fluorescent in situ hybridization
excitation beam and also reflects major part of (FISH) technique.
emitted fluorescence. Therefore the image is 4. Biomolecular assay.
much brighter in this type of microscope. 5. Gene expression along with the location of the
• Different types of objectives can be used in proteins in the living cell by green fluores-
this microscope. cence protein (GFP).

Dye used in fluorescence microscope

The common dyes used in fluorescence micros- 25.3 Confocal Microscopy
copy include:
The confocal microscopy (CFM) provides three-­
• DAPI dimensional optical resolution. The principle of
• FITC image formation in CFM is different than the
248 25  Fluorescence and Confocal Microscope: Basic Principles and Applications in Pathology

ordinary light microscope. In case of conven-

tional light microscope when the lens (objective)
is focused on a specific point of the object, the Detector
light comes from the entire depth of the object.
Therefore in the fluorescence microscope, we
Barrier filter of
get light from above or below the focal plane and fluorescence
the image becomes blurred. In contrast, in CFM Excitation Laser
at one time, we see the image of the particular Dichroic filter
depth of the object at a small point. All the out- mirror
of-focus light is eliminated by passing the light
through the pinhole (Fig. 25.4). Multiple images
at different depths are accumulated and then Objective
reconstructed to provide a three-dimensional

Principle (Fig. 25.5)  In CFM the high-intensity

laser light is directed to the object with the help Focal plane
of a dichroic mirror. The light hits the object, and
the emitted fluorescence from the fluorochrome-­
stained object passes through the dichroic mirror
to the confocal pinhole to the photomultiplier Fig. 25.5  Schematic diagram showing the principle of
detector. The confocal pinhole aperture omits all confocal microscope. The confocal pinhole aperture
the out-of-focus light from the upper and lower allows the light to pass that comes through the focal plane
plane of the focus. It only allows to pass light that
comes through the focal plane. Now multiple 1. Light source: Usually high power laser beam
images from the different focal planes are col- generated from laser or a mercury arc lamp.
lected by the computer software, and finally the 2. Microscope: It has the X-Y axis controller
three-dimensional image is constructed. along with Z axis stepper.
3. Scan head: This consists of a confocal aper-
Components of Confocal Microscope  ture, shutter, scanning mirror and filter wheels.
The major components of the CFM include: There are two types of scanning: (a) line scan
occurs horizontally in X and Y axis and is usu-
ally very fast, and (b) frame scan occurs verti-
cally in Z axis and is a slow scan process
(Fig. 25.6). It helps to achieve the better tem-
poral resolution. The confocal aperture is
another important component of the scan
head. There are two types of confocal aperture
present: pinhole type and slit type. The differ-
ent sizes of aperture are available, and the user
can change them either manually or with the
help of software. The barrier filter in the scan
head prevents any unwanted light to allow to
the detector (Fig. 25.5).
4. Signal detector: This is a photomultiplier tube
(PMT) that converts the light energy into elec-
Fig. 25.4  Comparison of light scattering in conventional trical energy. The light hits the phosphor and
and confocal microscope. Light from the focal plane releases electron. The released electrons are
reaches to the observer in case of confocal microscope
25.5  Applications of CFM 249

collected and stored as signal. The signals are 5. Reconstruction of three-dimensional images
finally displayed in a video monitor. There is possible.
may be multiple PMT for the signal process- 6. Images are free from artefacts seen in ordi-
ing of simultaneously different fluorochrome nary microscope.
5 . Computer with appropriate software: The
computer is an essential component of CFM 25.4 Limitations of CFM
and has the following functions: image detec-
tion, image processing, image reconstruc- CFM has the following limitations:
tion, image storage and video display of the
image. 1. Very expensive.
2. Photobleaching technique is not very good
Advantages (Box 25.1): compared to conventional microscope.
3. Depth of penetration of CFM in live image is
1. It helps to assess the spatial distribution of limited.
various intra- and extracellular macromole-
cules of the cells [3].
2. It provides high-resolution and high-contrast 25.5 Applications of CFM [5–7]
clear images.
3. CFM can work on living tissue, and the fixa- Table 25.2 highlights the biological applications
tion of tissue is not required for the study of of CFM.
confocal fluorescence imaging.
4 . Thick tissue section can be studied by
1. Study of fluorochrome-stained section: Single
CFM [4]. or multiple fluorescent dye-stained samples
can be studied by CFM. It can detect simulta-
neously many fluorochrome dyes. Moreover
fluorescence recovery after photobleaching
(FRAP) is possible in CFM.
2. The detection of co-localization: CFM is help-
ful to determine the exact localization of two
closely situated tissues. It provides blur-free
very good resolution of fluorescent-stained
3. Green fluorescence protein (GFP): CFM can
Fig. 25.6  Two types of scan occurs in confocal micro- help to track the distribution and function of
scope: line scan and frame scan
protein by tagging it with GFP.  It helps in
tracking cell signalling pathway, intracellular
trafficking and also gene expression in the
Box 25.1: Advantages of Confocal cells.
Microscope 4. Epitope tagging: CFM is helpful in the track-
• Spatial distribution of intracellular and ing of epitope of the antigen by tagging it with
intercellular substances. green fluorescence protein (GFP).
• High-contrast, high-resolution images. 5. Diagnosis: Screening of the colorectal cancer
• Live images possible. can be done with the help of CFM, etc. It also
• 3D reconstruction. helps to measure the corneal thickening.
• Free from artefacts. 6. Functions of cytoplasmic organelles:
• Thick tissue can be studied. Organelle-­specific fluorescent probes are
helpful to study the function of various cellu-
250 25  Fluorescence and Confocal Microscope: Basic Principles and Applications in Pathology

lar organelles such as mitochondria, endoplas- 25.6 Two-Photon Microscopy

mic reticulum, Golgi bodies, etc.
7. Nucleus: CFM helps to study the detailed spa- This is a three-dimensional imaging micro-
tial distribution of the different genes with the scope. The basic principle of the two-photon
help of fluorescent in situ hybridization. It microscopy is selective excitation of the fluoro-
also helps to study the relative position of the phore in a particular focal plane that means non-
chromosomal parts like telomere, kineto- linear excitation of the fluorophores. Unlike
chores, etc. conventional fluorescence microscope, where
8 . Morphometry: Three-dimensional structure of single photon is absorbed by a fluorophore, in
the tissue can be studied by CFM. Even recon- two-­photon microscopy, two photons with half
struction of four-dimensional images (time energy and double wavelength are used to excite
considered as fourth dimension) is possible the fluorophore (Fig.  25.7). The combined
with the help of GFP. energy of two photons is optimum to excite the
9 . Microcirculation: CFM helps in the assess- fluorophores. The excitation of the fluorophores
ment of blood circulation in small vessels by the two photons is the highest in the focal
such as velocity of the blood and also the dis- plane as the photon flux is maximum in the focal
tribution of various agents in the microvessels plane. The fluorophores above and below the
of the tissue. focal plane are not excited. No pinhole is needed
like CFM because the light from only that thin
focal plane is emitted. In two-photon micro-
Table 25.2 Applications of confocal microscopy in scope, pulsed infrared laser beam is used to illu-
pathology minate the object at a particular focal plane [8].
Area Applications
Study of • Possible to study single or multiple Advantages
fluorochrome-­ fluorescent dye-­stained samples
stained section • Fluorescence recovery after 1. Very good for live cell imaging as there is no
photobleaching (FRAP) is possible
Co-localization • Possible assess the exact
photodamage of the living cell.
localization of two closely situated 2. This microscope has the capability of resolu-
tissues tion to several hundred microns and helps to
Green • Possible to track the cell signalling study 1–0.5  μ thin section of tissue without
fluorescence pathway, intracellular trafficking any physical sectioning.
protein (GFP) and also gene expression in the
cells 3. Better penetration of the infrared excitation
Epitope tagging • Possible to track the epitope of the beam of light.
antigen by GFP 4. The desired plane of section can be studied
Diagnosis • Screening of the colorectal cancer without wasting any tissue and therefore very
• Measurement of corneal thickness effective in small biopsy material.
Functions of • Organelle-specific fluorescent 5. The microscope eliminates any contamination
cytoplasmic probes help to study the functions
organelles of cytoplasmic organelles of fluorescence signal from up and down
Nucleus • Spatial distribution of the different plane of the focus and therefore produces very
genes good high-sensitivity image.
• Relative position of the
chromosomal parts
Morphometry • Three-dimensional structure of the
25.7 4Pi Microscopy
• Four-dimensional images of the
tissue This is a specially equipped microscope that has
Microcirculation • Velocity of the blood the significantly improved capability of axial
• Distribution of various agents in resolution. Increasing the angular aperture of the
the microvessels objective helps to increase the resolution of the
25.8  Spatially Modulated Illumination Microscopy 251

Fig. 25.7  The detailed

principles of two-photon
microscopy is explained
in this schematic
Pulsed infrared
diagram. Instead of laser
single photon, here two Dichroic
photons containing half
of the energy are used.
The combined energy of Objective
the two photons excites
the fluorophore (see
lower two figures). The
Focal plane
laser beam can only
excite the fluorophores
in the focal plane (see Specimen
upper left figure). The
fluorescent light from
the focal plane only Excited state Excited state
selectively comes out

Absorption Two
of photon photons
Emitted light excitation Emitted light
Fluorescence Fluorescence
or emission or emission

Ground state Ground state

microscope. In 4Pi microscope the two identical

objectives are used on both sides of the sample so
that the effective angular aperture becomes two-
fold [9] (Fig. 25.8). The increased angular aper-
ture increases the resolution in the Z axis of the
microscope (200 nm).

25.8 Spatially Modulated

Illumination Microscopy

This type of microscope exploits the “Moiré

effect”. When two densely packed images are
placed together, a new pattern develops. By
manipulating the illumination, it is possible to
reveal the exact image. The series of images
with mildly changed illumination pattern are
collected, and from these images with the help
of computation, the underlying structure is
revealed [10]. This spatially modulated illumi-
nation may be added in an epifluorescence
The Table 25.3 shows the comparison of dif- Fig. 25.8  Two identical objectives placed both sides of
ferent types of advanced microscopy. the sample in the case of 4Pi microscope
252 25  Fluorescence and Confocal Microscope: Basic Principles and Applications in Pathology

Table 25.3  Comparison of different types of advanced microscopy

Microscope Principle Advantages Limitations
Confocal Pinhole is used to allow light from only a Image of particular plane is Limited depth of
microscope selected focal plane seen, and three-dimensional imaging is
reconstruction can be done possible near
about 100 μ
Two-photon Two photons with half energy and Optical sectioning of image Pulse laser is very
microscopy double wavelength are used to excite the is possible without any costly
fluorophore and light from one particular physical interference
focal plane
4Pi microscopy Two identical objectives are used on both Increased resolution of Z It has limited
sides of the sample to increase the axis diffraction
angular aperture of the objective and
therefore to double the resolution in Z
Spatially The series of images with mildly Add on to epifluorescence It has limited
modulated changed illumination pattern are microscope diffraction
illumination collected, and from these images, the
microscopy exact image is computed

6. Patel DV, McGhee CN.  Quantitative analysis of

References in  vivo confocal microscopy images: a review. Surv
Ophthalmol. 2013;58(5):466–75.
1. Lichtman JW, Conchello JA.  Fluorescence micros- 7. Nwaneshiudu A, Kuschal C, Sakamoto FH, Anderson
copy. Nat Methods. 2005;2(12):910–9. RR, Schwarzenberger K, Young RC.  Introduction
2. Yuste R.  Fluorescence microscopy today. Nat to confocal microscopy. J Invest Dermatol.
Methods. 2005;2(12):902–4. 2012;132(12):e3.
3. Weichselbaum M, Everett AW, Sparrow MP. Mapping 8. Diaspro A, Chirico G, Collini M. Two-photon fluores-
the innervation of the bronchial tree in fetal and post- cence excitation and related techniques in biological
natal pig lung using antibodies to PGP 9.5 and SV2. microscopy. Q Rev Biophys. 2005;38(2):97–166.
Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 1996;15(6):703–10. 9. Hell S, Stelzer E.  Properties of a 4Pi confo-
4. Cook RJ, Azzopardi A, Thompson ID, Watson cal fluorescence microscope. J Opt Soc Am.
TF.  Real-time confocal imaging, during active air 1992;A9(12):2159–66.
abrasion–substrate cutting. J Microsc. 2001;203(Pt 10. Gustafsson MG.  Nonlinear structured-illumination

2):199–207. microscopy: wide-field fluorescence imaging with
5. Jensen E. Technical review: colocalization of antibod- theoretically unlimited resolution. Proc Natl Acad Sci
ies using confocal microscopy. Anat Rec (Hoboken). U S A. 2005;102(37):13081–6.
Electron Microscopy: Principle,
Components, Optics and Specimen 26

26.1 Introduction Resolution power of microscope

Microscope magnifies the image of the object so Electron microscope

that we can visualize the smallest particles. The Light microscope

resolution power of the light microscope is lim-

1m 10 -3 m 10 -6 m 10 -7 m 10 -9 m 10 -10 m
ited. The visible light has the wavelength of 300–
700  nm. Light microscope uses the visible 1 m =10
m 1 nm=10 -9 m
spectrum of light, and so the maximum resolu-
tion power of the light microscope is 0.2  μm Fig. 26.1  Schematic diagram shows the resolution power
(Fig.  26.1). The improvement of the resolution of light and electron microscope
capacity of the microscope can only be improved
by reducing the wavelength of the light.
Therefore, with the help of electron as a probe, we
Ultraviolet ray has the wavelength of 100–
can improve the resolution up to 0.1 nm (10−10 m).
300 nm and the resolution power is improved to
The electron microscope is an advanced type
0.1 μm. Long-time scientists tried to find out the
of microscope [1, 2]. Unlike light microscope,
probe that has much smaller wavelength. During
EM is an expensive, large, fixed instrument and
the first part of the twentieth century, the wave-­
should be kept in a separate room. The differ-
like property of the electron was demonstrated,
ences between EM and light microscope are
and subsequently this has been utilized in elec-
highlighted in Table 26.1.
tron microscope (EM). The formula shows:
EM uses high-energy electron beam to visual-
h ize the material under study [2]. The electron
l= beam as a probe has several advantages.

λ is wavelength, h = 6.626 × 10−34 (Planck’s con- 1. Electrons have shorter wavelength and pro-
stant), m = mass and v = speed of the electron. vide very high-resolution capacity.
Now increasing the speed of the electron, we can 2. It is easy to manipulate.
reduce the wavelength significantly, and 0.001 nm 3. Electron gives high brightness.
wavelength of the electron can easily be achieved. 4. Electron beam interacts strongly with matter

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254 26  Electron Microscopy: Principle, Components, Optics and Specimen Processing

Table 26.1 Comparison of electron microscope and cathode shield is negatively charged and deflects
light microscope the electron to make it a central beam. The central
Characteristic Light beam of electron emerges from the small hole of
features microscope Electron microscope the (Wehnelt cylinder) cathode shield.
Probe used Ordinary High-energy
visible light: electron beam: 4 nm
700–300 nm monochromatic Sample Illumination (Condenser System) 
Maximum 0.5 μm 0.1 nm Several lenses are used as condenser for focusing
resolution the electron beam in a particular plane. Unlike
Maximum 1000 times 500,000 times light microscope, in case of electron microscope,
magnification we use electromagnetic coil as lenses. By apply-
Condenser Made of Electromagnetic coil
ing electrical current through the coil, the strong
Objective Made of Electromagnetic coil magnetic field is created. The strength of the
glass magnet can be changed by adjusting the electri-
Interior of the Air filled Vacuum cal current through the coils. So if we increase
optic column the current, then the focal length of the beam will
Image On eye On the fluorescent be shortened, whereas, reducing the current will
formation screen
increase the focal length.

26.1.1 Essential Components of

Electron Microscope (Fig. 26.2a, b) Objective Lens  The objective lens or imaging
lens produces magnified image of the object. The
The main components of EM include: objective lens has small focal length. The electri-
cal current through the objective lens should be
1. Electron source stable to have a highly focused stable image.
2. Sample illumination
3. Objective lens
4. Intermediate and projector lenses Intermediate and Projector Lenses  Intermediate
5. DetectorsElectron Source and projector lenses are used to change the magnifi-
(Fig. 26.3)  Electron gun generates the beam cation of the image further. The projector lens
of electrons. It consists of a: highly magnifies the last image created by the inter-
mediate lens and focuses it on the screen or camera
(a) Tungsten filament plate.
(b) Wehnelt cylinder (cathode shield)
(c) Anode plate
The Vacuum System  The beam of electron
Tungsten filament is made of V-shaped tungsten should be in the vacuum chamber. The vacuum is
wire. Alternatively lanthanum hexaboride crystal needed because of:
or field emission gun can be used for the source of
electron. The V-shaped tungsten wire is encased 1. The presence of gas molecule will collide

with Wehnelt cylinder or cathode shield. The anode with the electrons, and subsequently the gas
plate is located away from the cathode shield, and molecule will scatter the electrons from their
both the cathode shield aperture and anode plate pathway. Therefore to maintain the optical
are placed centrally in the same axis. Now a high pathway of the electron beam, the vacuum is
voltage positive potential is applied to the anode mandatory.
plate, and simultaneously the tungsten wire is 2 . The vacuum chamber prevents the oxida-
heated at 2700 K with the help of direct current. In tion of the tungsten molecule and there-
this high temperature, the wire generates electrons fore increases the longevity of the electron
by the process known as thermionic emission. The gun.
26.1 Introduction 255

Microscopic column

Digitized image
in computer

Fluorescent screen

b Electron source

Anode plate

First condenser lens

Second condenser lens


Objective lens

First intermediate lens

Second intermediate lens

Third intermediate lens


Fig. 26.2 (a) Electron microscope and its parts. (b) The various components of transmission electron microscope and
microscopic column have been highlighted in this schematic diagram
256 26  Electron Microscopy: Principle, Components, Optics and Specimen Processing

Anode plate on the sample. This helps in intense illumina-

tion in small area of the sample. As mentioned
before we can change the focal plane of the
Electron beam condenser lens by adjusting the electric
3. Sample: The sample is placed in the micro-
scope column below the condenser with the
help of a holder that holds the grid containing
Wehnelt cylinder
(cathode shield)
the tissue section. Now the electrons interact
with the thin tissue and hit the atoms of the
tissue. Heavier atoms deflect the electrons and
are known as electron-dense areas, whereas
Fig. 26.3  The components of electron gun the electron passes through the lighter atoms
and ultimately produces an “electron transpar-
To maintain the vacuum in the column of the ent” area. Therefore, we get a specific pattern
microscope, multiple vacuum pumps are used at of emerging electron beam.
various levels. The maximum vacuum is needed 4. Objective: The electromagnetic lens of the
between the electron source and the specimen. In objective is very powerful and is the strongest
most of the microscope, mechanical rotary pump lens in the whole system. It creates highly
is used that can generate vacuum of 1  Pa. This magnified image that is also known as inter-
vacuum is still high for the tungsten wire elec- mediate image.
tronic source. The diffusion pump can be added to 5. Projector lenses: The intermediate image is
obtain intense vacuum of 1 × 10−5 Pa. There is a further modified and also magnified by the
chance of oil contamination in case of diffusion projector lenses. There are three sets of pro-
pump. Therefore to avoid this possibility, more jector lenses:
expensive turbomolecular pump can be used (a) Diffraction lens or first intermediate lens:
which is a high-speed turbine fan. The ion pump is It magnifies the first image created by the
used in the modern EM equipment that can reduce objective lens.
the pressure up to 1 × 10−8 Pa. There are series of (b) The second intermediate lens.
air locks in the system to isolate the parts of the (c) The third intermediate lens or final pro-
column from the other sections. In the modern jector lens: This lens magnifies the image
EM instrument, the vacuum chamber is automati- further and finally projects it on the screen
cally controlled by the electronic system. of the detector.
6. Detectors: The final image is focused on the
screen of the detector. This is a fluorescent
26.1.2 Microscope Column screen, and when the electrons are bombarded
and Electronic Optics on this screen, it emits light in the visible
(Fig. 26.2b) range to produce visible image. The image
can be captured permanently with the help of
The microscopic column has the following suc- a charge-coupled device camera.
cessive components:

1. Electron source: The high-energy electron 26.2 Specimen and Electron

beam is generated from the electron gun and Interaction
is directed towards the condenser lenses.
2. Condenser lenses: There are two or more At the time of transmission of beam of electrons
electromagnetic condenser lenses are present through the specimen, two types of interaction
that subsequently focus the beam of electron may occur (Fig. 26.4):
26.2  Specimen and Electron Interaction 257

1. Elastic scattering: This is interaction between hit the atom of the specimen. The orbital electron
the nucleus of the atom and the electron of the gets excited and leaves the atomic orbit and
beam (primary electron). In this type of reac- moves towards the surface of the object. This
tion, the kinetic energy and velocity of the pri- released excited electron from the atom is known
mary electron are unaltered. Only the pathway as secondary electron. The secondary electron
of electron is altered. The nucleus of the atom also undergoes elastic and inelastic interaction
is very tiny (3 × 10–15 m) compared to the atom and ultimately exits from the surface. This sec-
as a whole (3  ×  10–10  m). Therefore, there is ondary electron can be detected. This is the basis
actually minimal chance of truly hitting the of scanning electron microscope (SEM).
electron with the nucleus. However, the posi-
tive electrostatic force of the nucleus works on Backscattered Electrons  When the high-­
the electron and deflects it from its pathway. energy incident beam of electron hits the speci-
2. Non-elastic scattering: Here, the principle men, some of the electrons of the incident beam
electron of the microscope column interacts are reflected back towards the surface. These
with the electrons of the orbit of the atom. The electrons are known as backscattered electrons.
orbital electron repulses the incident principle The object with higher atomic number will have
electron. Here also the pathway of the electron more backscattered electrons than that of lower
is changed, and moreover the energy is lost by atomic number objects.
the principle electrons.
Excited Electrons of the Atom  The incident
Secondary Electrons (Fig. 26.5)  At the time of beam of electrons when hit by the electrons of the
transmission of beam of incident electrons atom of the object, the atom changes in an excited
through the specimen, the incident electron may state. This is due to the ejection of electron from
the orbit of the atom. Later on, the atom comes to
the stable unexcited state that occurs by shifting
Non elastic the electron from the outer shell to fill up the
interaction vacancy of the ejected electron. The excess
energy is released in the form of Auger electrons,
cathodoluminescence and X-ray.

Negatively Incident beam of electron

charged Secondary
electron electrons Backscattered
deflects electrons
the beam

Elastic interaction

charged nucleus
attracts the electron

Deflection Elastic scattered Direct transmitted Inelastic scattered

of the pathway electrons electrons electrons

Fig. 26.4  Elastic and non-elastic interaction of electron. Fig. 26.5  Schematic diagram shows interaction between
In elastic scattering the nucleus of the atom deflects the the electrons and the object. When the beam of incident
pathway of the primary electron of the beam. In non-­ electrons hits the majority of the electrons, they are trans-
elastic scattering, the principle electron of the microscope mitted through the object, and some amount of electrons
column is repulsed by the electrons of the orbit of the is backscattered. Occasionally electrons from the object
atom come out as secondary electrons
258 26  Electron Microscopy: Principle, Components, Optics and Specimen Processing

26.2.1 Electron Interaction 3. Dehydration

in Transmission Electron 4. Clearing
Microscope 5. Embedding
6. Sectioning
In case of transmission electron microscope 7. Staining
(TEM), three types of interaction take place:

• The beam of incident electrons of the micro- 26.3.1 Sample Collection

scope column passes through the sample with-
out any alteration of its path. The more thin The sample should be cut in small pieces of
the specimen, more amount of un-scattered 1–3 mm in thickness of 1 square mm area. Try to
electron will be transmitted. So this area will fix the sample immediately. Transfer the needle
be lighter in colour, and the thick area will biopsy sample directly into the fixative solution.
have less transmitted electrons and will appear
darker in screen.
• A part of incident electrons will hit the nucleus 26.3.2 Fixation
of the atom, and elastic scattering will occur
without any loss of energy. These scattered The major aims of fixation are:
electrons will also pass through the specimen.
The heavier atoms with more atomic number 1. To prevent any change in the tissue and pre-
will scatter the incident electrons more than serve the tissue as much as possible to its liv-
the lighter atoms with less atomic number. ing condition
Same type of atom will form same type of 2. To prepare the tissue for the further process-
scattered electron pattern. ing so that the tissue does not disintegrate or
• Lastly, another set of electrons will interact tear
with the electrons of the atomic shell or orbit,
and inelastic interaction will occur. These There is no ideal fixative for EM, and the
electrons will lose their energy considerably. choice of fixative depends on the type of tissue
and the particular chemical constituents to
study. The most commonly used fixative in EM
26.3 Sample Preparation for TEM is glutaraldehyde. However, glutaraldehyde
alone is not suitable as the lipid is not fixed by
The preparation of sample is an important pre- it. Therefore, the best fixative is the combination
requisite for EM. The major criteria of the good of glutaraldehyde followed by osmium
sample preparation include: tetroxide.

1. The sample should be thin and electron trans- Volume of Fixative  The volume of fixative
parent. The thickness of the sample varies should be 15 times more than the volume of the
from 30–50 nm, and the upper limit of thick- sample.
ness is 100 nm.
2. The sample should be mechanically robust so Duration  The average time of fixation is 9 h by
that it can withstand the handling in high 4% glutaraldehyde at room temperature and 1 h
temperature. for osmium tetroxide. The tissue should not be in
fixative for more than 12 h. Prolonged fixation is
The steps of sample preparation for TEM not recommended as this may extract the protein-
include [3]: aceous material from the tissue, and the proper
sectioning will be difficult. Under fixation may
1. Sample collection cause swelling of the mitochondria and disrup-
2. Sample fixation tion of the other cell organelles.
26.3  Sample Preparation for TEM 259

Glutaraldehyde Fixation  Glutaraldehyde causes 70% ethyl alcohol: 10 min

cross-linking of the protein and denatures them. It 90% ethyl alcohol: 10 min
stabilizes the protein without any coagulation. 100% ethyl alcohol: 10 min
However glutaraldehyde is not a good fixative for
lipids and causes cell shrinkage. This effect of glu-
taraldehyde can be balanced by osmium tetroxide 26.3.4 Embedding
which is a good fixative for lipid and causes swell-
ing of the cytoplasm and nucleus. The embedding medium helps to provide firm
base for sectioning of the tissue and also to help
Preparation  in electron microscopy procedure. The ideal
embedding medium should have the following
2% glutaraldehyde solution. desirable criteria:
1M phosphate buffer solution
1M of sodium dihydrogen phosphate 1 . Easy to cut the section
(NaH2PO4): 31.6 ml. 2. Stable in electron beam and withstand higher
1M of disodium hydrogen phosphate temperature (200  °C) at the time of
(Na2HPO4): 68.4 ml of 1M. microscopy
Double-distilled water: 900 ml. 3. Easy to procure the medium
Maintain pH: 7.2. 4. Evenly polymerized
Glutaraldehyde is available as 50% solution in
10 ml vial. Presently the following media are used for
Now add 10  ml glutaraldehyde in 240  ml EM:
phosphate buffer solution to make 250  ml total
solution. 1. Epoxy resin
Osmium tetroxide solution (1%) 2. Acrylic media
3. Polyester resin
Osmium tetroxide 1 gm
Distilled water 100 ml
Epoxy Resin  This is the most commonly used
embedding medium for EM.  The advantages of
Combined Fixation Technique  At first the tis- epoxy resin are:
sue is kept in 2% glutaraldehyde solution for 2 h.
After 2 h the fixative should be poured out, and • Stable at higher temperature
the tissue is washed in phosphate buffer solution • Uniform polymerization
for 5 min three times. Then the tissue is fixed in • No damage or tissue shrinkage
1% osmium tetroxide for 1 h followed by two to
three washing in double-distilled water. The main disadvantages of epoxy resin are
high viscosity that requires long infiltration time.
26.3.3 Dehydration Epoxy resin also causes dermatitis and therefore
any direct contact of this substance should be
Removal of water (dehydration) from the sample avoided.
is necessary because most of the embedding The vial cap should be taken out and the tissue
media are not miscible with water. Therefore a is embedded in freshly made resin for overnight
dehydrating agent is used that remove the water at 60 °C.
and then replaces the water with a different solu-
tion which is soluble in the embedding medium. Acrylic Media  Butyl methacrylate and methyl
The dehydration is done by treating the sam- methacrylate are the common acrylic media.
ple in the series of graded alcohol: They cause significant cell shrinkage (20%). At
30% ethyl alcohol: 10 min the time of polymerization, bubble formation
50% ethyl alcohol: 10 min may occur and this may damage the block.
260 26  Electron Microscopy: Principle, Components, Optics and Specimen Processing

Moreover methacrylate may undergo sublima- • Diamond knives: The diamond knives are rel-
tion and disintegrate in the presence of high-­ atively expensive. The section quality of dia-
energy electron beam. mond knives is far better than glass knives.
These knives are more durable than the glass
Araldite: Araldite is an aromatic amine. This knives.
is one of the epoxy resins used for EM. Araldite
is used in combination with a hardener, an amine Semi-thin Sections  It is the preliminary screen-
accelerator and a plasticizer. The amine accelera- ing procedure to see the adequacy of the sample.
tor accelerates the reaction between the resins. At first the resin-embedded blocks are trimmed
The components should be mixed properly to to expose the underlying tissue. Approximately
avoid the formation of any air bubbles. 1  μ thick multiple sections are cut from each
Epon: Epon is an alternative embedding block. The sections are picked up from the water
medium for EM. This is an aliphatic resin and has trough placed directly below the glass knife. The
low viscosity. Therefore it can infiltrate within semi-thin sections are dried in a hot plate at
the tissue more quickly compared to Araldite. 60 °C. The dried sections stick to the glass slide.
The semi-thin sections are stained with 1% tolu-
Polyester Resin  Polyester resins have similar idine blue in 1% sodium tetraborate solution for
properties as that of epoxy resin. They do not 1 min to see the adequacy of the sample. If the
cause any cell shrinkage and polymerize uni- section contains the representative areas, then
formly. Vestapol W is the commonly used poly- further ultrathin sections are made from the
ester resin. block.

Toluidine blue 1% solution

26.4 Sectioning Toluidine blue: 1 g
Sodium tetraborate: 1 g
To make a thin section is the crucial point of sec- Distilled water: 100 ml
tioning. Ordinary histological microtomy is not At first dissolve the borax in the distilled
suitable for the electron microscopy sectioning, water. Then add toluidine blue and dissolve by
and ultrathin microtomy is needed. constant stirring. Filter the solution and keep it at
room temperature.
Knives  Glass knives: Glass knives are cheap
and convenient (Fig. 26.6). Ultrathin Section  The trimmed blocks are cut
further by an experienced technician. The ultra-
microtome is set in an auto mode to have opti-
mum thin sections (Fig.  26.7). As mentioned
Block holder Glass knife
before we need less than 100  nm thick section
and the optimum thickness is 80 nm. The reflected
light from the section gives information about the
thickness of the slide:

Grey colour: <60 nm

Silver colour: 60–90 nm
Gold colour: 90–120 nm
The sections float either in ethanol or acetone.
To stretch the sections, one can take the help of
xylene or chloroform. A small piece of filter
Fig. 26.6  Block holder and glass knife used in electron
paper soaked with either xylene or chloroform
microscope can be hold just above the section. The evapo-
26.4 Sectioning 261

Ultra microtome
Mix lead nitrate and sodium citrate in distilled
water and shake them for 1 min.
Now add 8 ml 1M NaOH and mix them well.
Gently add 50 ml distilled water to dissolve the
precipitated lead nitrate. Keep pH 12. The solu-
tion will be stable for 6 months. Uranyl Salt

Aqueous or alcoholic solution of uranyl acetate
is used for the staining of TEM. Uranyl acetate
combines with protein and lipids and gives
good contrast of various membranes and nucleic
acid. The major disadvantage of uranyl acetate
Fig. 26.7  Ultramicrotome used in electron microscope to is the rapid precipitation in the presence of
cut ultrathin section light.
Either aqueous or alcoholic solution of uranyl
rated vapour usually stretches the section. The acetate can be used. Alcoholic solution has short
stretched sections are finally picked up by small staining time, and it penetrates easily within the
copper grid. There are shiny and dull side of the sample. It also gives better contrast. Saturated
copper grid. The sections are lifted on the dull alcoholic solution of uranyl acetate is used for
side of the grid. staining.
Aqueous solution of uranyl acetate also pro-
vides good contrast. However this solution is
26.4.1 Staining of the Sections photosensitive and therefore rapidly
The sections are stained along with grid. They are The overall comparison of the laboratory pro-
commonly stained with lead or uranyl acetate. cedure of light microscope and electron micro-
scope is highlighted in Table 26.2: Lead stain
Reynold’s lead citrate solution is used for the
staining. Lead rapidly reacts with the atmo- Table 26.2  Comparison of processing, staining and sec-
spheric carbon dioxide and may form lead car- tioning between light microscope and electron
bonate as precipitate. Therefore adequate care microscope
should be taken to prevent such precipitation. Light
The solution should always be filtered before Characteristics microscope Electron microscope
use. Fixative 10% formalin 2% glutaraldehyde
Stain: (2%) and osmium
tetroxide (0.1%)
Embedding Wax Epoxy resin
• Stain the section by dipping it in Reynold’s medium
lead citrate solution for 15 min. Section 4–5 μ 80 nm
• Wash each grid by 0.1 N NaOH solution. thickness
• Wash by two change of distilled water. Cutting Ordinary Ultramicrotome
• Dry the grid and keep it in a grid box.
Knife Disposable Glass or diamond
knife knife
Reynold’s Lead Citrate solution Section Glass slide Copper grid
Lead nitrate: 1.33 g holding
Sodium citrate: 1.76 g Routine stain Haematoxylin Lead impregnation
Distilled water: 30 ml eosin stain
262 26  Electron Microscopy: Principle, Components, Optics and Specimen Processing

Fig. 26.8 Schematic Electron source

diagram shows the
various components of Anode plate
scanning electron
microscope. Here
instead of transmitted Second condenser lens
electrons, the secondary
electrons and the Scan coils
backscattered electrons
are recorded Objective lens
Back scattered electron
Specimen Detector

Scan Secondary electrons


26.5 Scanning Electron Table 26.3  Comparison of transmission electron micro-

scope and scanning electron microscope
Microscopy [4]
electron microscope Scanning electron microscope
Scanning electron microscope (SEM) provides
Incident beam of Incident beam of electron is
information of the surface structures of the object. electron is static dynamic and scans the object
The spatial resolution of the SEM is ten times horizontally in two
better than the light microscope. The image of the perpendicular directions
SEM is developed point by point from the emit- Image is formed Image is formed like a scanner
instantly image
ted secondary electrons like a scanner image.
Incident beam of Incident beam of electron hits
Therefore the instrument is known as SEM. electron passes the object and emits secondary
through the object and backscattered electrons that
forms the image
26.5.1 Operational Principle

As mentioned before, when the electron beam References

hits the specimen, the secondary electron and
1. Jensen EC. Types of imaging, part 1: electron micros-
backscattered electrons come back from the sur-
copy. Anat Rec (Hoboken). 2012;295(5):716–21.
face (Fig. 26.8). These electrons emitted from the 2. Müller SA, Aebi U, Engel A. What transmission elec-
same side of the incident beam create an image. tron microscopes can visualize now and in the future.
Therefore the construction and operational mode J Struct Biol. 2008;163(3):235–45.
3. Haggis GH. Sample preparation for electron micros-
of SEM and TEM are totally different
copy of internal cell structure. Microsc Res Tech.
(Table 26.3). 1992;22(2):151–9.
Specimen preparation for SEM: The fixation, 4. Carr KE, Toner PG, Saleh KM.  Scanning electron
processing, sectioning and staining for SEM are microscopy. Histopathology. 1982 Jan;6(1):3–24.
same as that of TEM.
Quality Control and Laboratory
Organization 27

27.1 Introduction Quality Assurance  Quality assurance (QA) is

defined as the program that does systemic moni-
In the manufacturing company, we produce the toring and evaluation of various areas of the
final product from the raw materials and then quality control result and quality practice so that
deliver to the customers. The final product is the laboratory delivers excellent healthcare ser-
always verified to maintain a particular stan- vice [2].
dard. Such as a car company assembles the raw
materials and after making a car, the company The QA is a co-ordinated dynamic process
takes measure to maintain the standard of the that detects the error and takes measures to con-
car. If there is any defect, the company immedi- trol and prevent it in order to provide the best
ately rectifies it and also prevents to produce healthcare service.
such defects in the future. In the histopathology
(or cytology) laboratory, we receive the tissue or Quality Improvement (QI)  QI means an over-
sample, process the sample, make stained sec- all attempt to improve the specific quality of the
tion on the slide for the interpretation and finally laboratory by assessing the performance and
report the tissue sample. This is very similar to improvement of the laboratory service.
the industrial company. Stringent maintenance
of quality or standard is also needed for good Objectives of Quality Control  The main objec-
laboratory service. Several terminologies arise tives of the quality control are:
in this area that are defined below.
1. To give correct and complete test report to the
Quality Control  The term quality control (QC) patient
means the collection of operational techniques to 2. To generate and delivery the report in a mini-
verify and maintain a desired set level of quality mum amount of time
in the laboratory test or process [1]. The quality 3. To maintain ethics and professional service
control activity is a continuous process, and it 4. To provide excellent service to the patient so
starts immediately from receiving the specimen that it satisfies the patient
to the final dispatch of the report along with post 5. To provide continuous training and current
verification of the test result. education to the laboratory staffs

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2018 263

P. Dey, Basic and Advanced Laboratory Techniques in Histopathology and Cytology,
264 27  Quality Control and Laboratory Organization

Fig. 27.1 Technical
requirements for quality Laboratory design:
control in the laboratory Space, ventilation, safety
are highlighted in this
diagram Scope and overall
facilities: Tests

Work definition:
Responsibility, license
for the quality Financial resources:
control Budget allocation

Equipment and
reagents: Good quality

Laboratory Ensuring the quality of

information service: service: Quality of processing
and reporting
Final report

Essential Technical Requirements for Quality etc. This knowledge of the financial budget
Control  The essential technical requirements for gives the idea of the capability of the labora-
the quality control measures include (Fig. 27.1): tory to fulfil the customer’s need.
5. Laboratory equipments and reagents: The
1. Laboratory design: The laboratory should be standard equipments and reagents are needed
designed in such a way that there remains to provide good quality well-stained sections
enough space for receiving the sample, pro- and smears. The microtome, processing
cessing and staining and for the interpretation machine, etc. should be regularly updated.
area, storage, etc. There should be proper ven- There should be a proper log book mentioning
tilation and safety arrangement in the the use of the equipments, purchase date and
laboratory. expiry date of the chemicals.
2. Scope and overall facilities in the laboratory: 6 . Ensuring the quality of the processing and
Overall laboratory facilities should be clearly reporting: The quality of the processing
documented. Detailed description of all the should be regularly checked and recorded.
tests in the laboratory should be mentioned to Similarly the reporting quality should be veri-
the patients. fied periodically.
3. The work definition of the laboratory person- 7. Laboratory information service (LIS): LIS
nel: The work responsibilities of the different generates unique accession number of the
categories of the laboratory staffs should be specimen. This number provides the identifi-
clearly described. The staffs should be highly cation of the sample or section. The patient’s
competent with professional licence to prac- clinical history and other necessary
tise the respective work. information are listed in LIS.  The final
4. Financial resources: It is necessary to know report is also entered in LIS, and the report
the overall financial budget allocation for lab- is recoverable instantly by the end service
oratory personnel, equipments, chemicals, providers.
27.2  Quality Control 265

27.2 Quality Control form should always include the following

information: name of the patient, name and
Quality control involves three important steps address of the requesting consultant, test
(Fig. 27.2): required, clinical history and diagnosis,
drug history, etc. The sample and requisi-
1. Pre-analytic phase: It starts from receiving the tion form should be identified properly.
sample up to the final processing for reporting. • Allocation of the unique accession number
2. Analytic phase: It mainly involved the inter- to the patient’s sample: This unique acces-
pretation of the test or slide (in case of histo- sion number of the sample should be allo-
pathology or cytology service). cated immediately after the initial registration
3. Post-analytic phase: It is the post-­interpretation of the patient. This can be given as a com-
phase and involves the report delivery, storage puter-generated bar code number and can be
of slide, review of the slide or test, etc. given in all the subsequent tissue, blocks and
27.2.1 Pre-analytic Phase • Patient’s clinical history to include in the
The pre-analytic phase has the following • Check the proper fixative for the histopa-
components: thology and cytology sample: The fixation
of the specimen is a necessary step as
1. Receiving the sample: This is the first step of delayed fixation may cause significant
the quality control. The laboratory staff in the autolysis. Surgical specimen should be fixed
reception should follow the following aspects: immediately with 10% buffered formalin.
• Identification of the sample and the Cytology sample should be sent in proper
patient’s requisition form: The request recommended fixative.

Receiving the sample

Pre analytical
phase Tissue and sample
Laboratory processing


Safety precautions

Microscopic examination

Analytical phase
Synoptic reporting

Typing of the report

Post analytic phase Delivery of the report

Storage of the slide and report

Review of the report

Fig. 27.2  Three important steps of quality control: pre-analytic, analytic and post-analytic phases
266 27  Quality Control and Laboratory Organization

27.2.2 Laboratory Processing the junior and senior pathologists only.

However, in a cytology part, the cervical
• Grossing: Strictly speaking, grossing of the smears are screened by the primary screener
sample is an analytic phase. This is the duty of who may be a cytotechnologist. The final
the qualified pathologist. The grossing room reporting should always be done by the consul-
should be well equipped with gloves, knives, tant cytopathologist [3].
scissors, measuring tape and weighing
machine. The automatic bar code accession Synoptic Reporting Format  The pathologist
number can be attached in the block. This bar should follow the standard reporting format.
code number is same as that of in the requisi- Synoptic reporting is helpful to cover all the
tion form and the specimen. information regarding the sample particularly in
a large specimen. In addition, the synoptic
reporting format generates uniform reporting
27.2.3 Tissue and Sample Processing and is more efficient. The data analysis and
research are easier in such format.
(a) Processing: The tissue and sample should be
processed according to the standard operat- Cytology  Cervical smears: After the initial
ing protocol (SOP) of the laboratory. The bar screening by the cytotechnicians, re-screening is
coding of the block and slides help to track recommended to reduce the false-negative rate.
the individual cases, and this prevent poten- Commonly used re-screening techniques are:
tial mix-up. The stained slides may be
scanned by a whole slide image system. This • Proportional re-screening: A certain fraction
may replace the glass slide in the future. (10%) of the negative smears are screened by
Recently FDA has approved whole slide the cytopathologist.
scanning image to report directly from the • Selected re-screening: The cytopathologist re-­
monitor bypassing the glass slide (https:// screen only the selected high-risk cases such as previously diagnosed abnormal smears,
PressAnnouncements/ucm552742.htm). history of bleeding per vagina, etc.
(b) Vigilance by the senior laboratory person- –– Rapid review: In this method all the smears
nel: It is mandatory to check the section/ are re-screened rapidly to pick up the false-­
smear quality periodically. The error negative cases.
should be mentioned in the log book along –– Automated re-screening: The computer
with the remedies taken to overcome the screens all the smears and indicates the
problems. smears to be re-screened again.
(c) Log book of equipments, reagents, etc.
should be maintained. Number of slides to screen: The primary cyto-
(d) Health and safety of the staff: Laboratory screener should not screen more than 100 slides
supervisor should do close scrutiny and in 1 day. The maximum time limit to screen the
effective measures to maintain the safety and slide is 8 h [4].
health of the laboratory staffs.
Fine needle aspiration cytology smears and non-
gynaecological smears:
27.2.4 Analytic Phase
• The cytopathologist should follow the consis-
Microscopic Examination  This is the vital tent pattern of reporting and should discard
step and the final interpretation of the slide is the ambiguous terminologies as far as
always done by a qualified licenced patholo- possible.
gist. In a histopathology laboratory, the pre- • In problematic cases the consultant should
liminary and final interpretation are done by take the opinion of other fellow colleagues.
27.2  Quality Control 267

27.2.5 Post-analytic Phase • Error in typing: type of malignancy is wrongly

This phase enjoys the relative freedom from time • Error in classification.
pressure. The implementation of the quality • Error in the involvement of lymph node.
assurance is applicable in the post-analytic phase. • Error in the interpretation of the margin of the
This phase involves: resected tumour specimen.
• Mistake in the identification of side: right ver-
• Proper typing of the report sus left.
• Manual or electronic delivery of the report • Error in the identification of the patient.
• Storage of the slide and report
• Review of the signed out report The Rectification of Error  It is essential to cor-
rect the detected error. The new revised report
Quality Check of the Signed Out Report  The may consist of:
following measures may help in this aspect:
• Corrected diagnosis.
• Review the report of a specific system by the • Corrected information.
expert second consultant in that system. • Any additional information should be given as
• Random review of certain percentages of footnote.
cases (2–10%) depending on the resource of
the laboratory.
• Different interdepartmental meeting: Liver 27.2.7 Record-Keeping
biopsy round, kidney biopsy round, various
oncology meeting, clinicopathological confer- All the data should be stored preferably in the com-
ence, etc. puter. There should be proper backup of the data.
• Correlation of frozen section and permanent
section. Royal College of Pathologists, UK, recommends
• Cytology and final histopathology correlation: [5]:
All the discorrelated cases should be discussed
in detail so that the error can be overcome in • Preserve the tissue block forever.
future. • Preserve the histopathology slides for
• Review of the cases by other institutions. 10 years.
• Keep the wet tissue for 4 weeks after the dis-
patch of the report.
27.2.6 Gold Standard
There are definite guidelines for storage of cervi-
Cytology  Final histopathology report is the gold cal smear and this are [6]:
standard of the cytology cases.
• Irrespective of the diagnosis the cervical
Histopathology  In case of histopathology cases, cytology smear should be kept for 5 years.
clinical follow-up of the patient is the ultimate • The test requisition form should be retained
gold standard. The opinion of the external expert for 2 years.
may be taken into consideration as final judge- • Test reports must be retained for 10 years.
ment. In case of death, the final autopsy report
should be considered as the gold standard. Interlaboratory Comparison  The laboratory
should join in the interlaboratory slide exchange
Type of Errors  The following types of error program. The primary diagnosis offered by the
may occur [2]: laboratory should be verified by other groups of
laboratory and vice versa. There should be a peri-
• Categorical change: benign versus malignant. odic meeting or feedback to correct the error.
268 27  Quality Control and Laboratory Organization

27.3 External Quality Assurance • The floor and wall should be made in such
a way that they can be cleaned easily by
External quality assurance consists of: disinfectant.
• The room should have water supply, proper
• Proficiency test racks and closed almirah to keep the haz-
• Continuing medical education ardous chemicals separately. The process-
ing room must have a safety cabinet.
Proficiency Test  The proficiency test is a volun- • The screening room should be isolated,
tary program. The various laboratories should take spacious and free from any noise.
part in the proficiency test to improve the diagnos- • The rooms for the secretarial staffs should
tic skill. In UK, the proficiency test is mandatory have adequate space for the typing equip-
for the reporting consultants who work in the NHS ment and furniture.
Breast Screening Program. Overall the proficiency 3 . Safety arrangement: The room should be
test is educational, and it points out the strength equipped with proper safety arrangement such
and weakness of the pathologists [7]. as fire extinguishers, etc.

Continuing Medical Education  All the labora-

tory personnel should take active participation in 27.4.2 Laboratory Staffs
the various workshops, CME, seminars, etc.
The laboratory staffs should be in the following
27.4 Laboratory Organization
• Laboratory directors
The organization of the pathology laboratory has • Consultant pathologist
three essential parts: • Biomedical scientist or technical chief
• Cytology screeners
1 . Laboratory construction, equipments, etc. • Laboratory technicians
2. Laboratory staffs • Clerical staff
3. Organization set-up and laboratory protocol • Others: Cleaner, receptionists, etc.

Job Description  The duties and responsibilities

27.4.1 Laboratory Construction, of the different category of the staffs should be
Equipments, etc specified at the time of recruitment.

The laboratory access pathways should be as fol- Qualifications and Training  The technical
lows: sample collection, sample processing and staffs and the pathologists should have proper
staining and reporting, followed by the post-­ qualification and licence. Periodic evaluation of
examination area. the staffs should be done.

Physical aspects of the rooms:

27.4.3 Organization Set-Up
1. Location: Other than the specimen and the and System Protocol
report collection rooms, all other laboratory
rooms should be inaccessible to the patients The overall organization process of the sample is
and other trespassers. important for the maintenance of good quality
2. Rooms: The rooms should have the following: work. Each laboratory should have a documented
• All the laboratory rooms should be well plan of the scope of the laboratory service, flow
ventilated with high ceilings. chart of the work plan, allocated budget in the dif-
• The wall of the laboratory should be well ferent areas and proper quality planning with peri-
painted. odic review of the whole laboratory work process.
References 269

References 4. Clinical laboratory improvement amendments of

1988. Final rule. Fed Regist. 1992;57:493. 1257(b).
5. Venkatraman NT, Bhadranna A, Shenoy S, Mohanty
1. Travers H, Davey D, editors. Quality improvement
L.  To err is human: quality management practices
manual in anatomic pathology. Chicago: College of
in surgical oral pathology, a safety net for medico-­
American Pathologists; 1993.
legal complications. J Oral Maxillofac Pathol.
2. Association of Directors of Anatomic and Surgical
Pathology. Recommendations for quality assurance
6. Clinical laboratory improvement amendments of
and improvement in surgical and autopsy pathology.
1988. Final rule. Fed Regist. 1992;57:493. 1105
Am J Surg Pathol. 2006;30(11):1469–71. Erratum in:
7. Roberts PF, Chairman RCPath EQA steering com-
Am J Surg Pathol. 2007 Jan;31(1):16.
mittee for histopathology and cytopathology, 2001,
3. Royal College of Pathologists. Medical and scientific
Personal Communication.
staffing of NHS pathology departments. London:
Royal College of Pathologists; 1992.
Laboratory Safety and Laboratory
Waste Disposal 28

Each laboratory should have overall safety pre- • During preparing the diluted solution, the
cautions. The laboratory safety officers should concentrated acid or alkali should be
look after this following issue: added in water.
Overall security: This involves the general . Infective: The laboratory personnel should
security of the laboratory such as safety of the always take universal precautionary measures
equipment and reagents and prevention of entry because we do not know the HIV status of a
of any unwanted persons. sample [1, 2].
• Universal precautions (Box 28.1): Health
A. Security: education of the technical staff regarding
• Proper security of the laboratory staff, the universal precaution is very important
chemicals and valuable equipment is to prevent the transmission of infection.
mandatory. Universal precautionary measures imply
• Entry of unauthorized person should be that all the patients should be treated as a
restricted to the laboratory. potential source of blood-borne
B. Fire hazards: infections.
• The fire extinguishers, smoke alarm and • What is it? Universal precautions indicate
fire blankets are necessary in every to take adequate measures to prevent con-
laboratory. tact with various body fluids of the
• The laboratory personnel should know the patients. Various barrier measures are
basic operation protocol of the fire taken to avoid contact with body fluids
equipment. that are the potential sources of transmis-
C. Chemical hazards: sion of infection.
• The toxic and inflammable chemicals • The high-risk pathogens: The pathogens
should be in closed door fireproof metal that cause serious health hazards are hepa-
cabinet with original labels. titis B, hepatitis C and HIV.
• Never do suction by mouth. • Body fluids that need universal precau-
• Always put the alkali or acid in water dur- tions: This includes blood, peritoneal and
ing the procedure of dilatation. pleural fluid, CSF, semen, vaginal secre-
• Facilities to wash eye and shower in case tions, synovial effusion and faecal
of toxic exposure. material.
• Wear gloves, mask and laboratory coat • Body fluids that do not need universal pre-
during dealing with chemicals. cautions: These are faecal material, urine,

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2018 271

P. Dey, Basic and Advanced Laboratory Techniques in Histopathology and Cytology,
272 28  Laboratory Safety and Laboratory Waste Disposal

nasal secretions, sweat, vomitus and spu-

tum provided these materials are not con- Box 28.1: Universal Precautions
taminated with blood. Universal precautions mean to take ade-
quate measures to prevent contact with
Universal precautions proper (Fig. 28.1): various body fluids of the patients.

• Hand-washing: Simple maintenance of hand • Infective agents with serious health haz-
hygiene is the single most important factor to ards: hepatitis B, hepatitis C and HIV
prevent the transmission of infection. The • Body fluids that need universal precau-
cleaning of hands by anti-infectant soap tions: blood, peritoneal and pleural
removes the bacteria. The approved alcohol-­ fluid, CSF, semen, vaginal secretions,
based products such as gel or foam are supe- synovial effusion and faecal material
rior as these substances have better • No need for universal precautions: fae-
microbicidal activity and do not produce dry- cal material, urine, nasal secretions,
ing effect. Moreover no water is needed to sweat, vomitus and sputum unless con-
clean with alcohol-based cleaning agent. taminated with blood
• Gloves: Gloves prevent the blood or contami- • Measure:
nated substances to have direct contact with –– Hand-wash
the skin. Latex or nitrile gloves are better than –– Gloves
vinyl gloves. The gloves should not be washed –– Mask
for reuse as the removal of the micro-­ –– Goggles
organisms is not always possible from the –– Apron
gloves. –– Take caution with sharp objects
• Isolation gown: The isolation gown helps to –– Proper discarding of the contami-
prevent contamination with blood or mucus nated waste
product with the skin. It should only be worn –– Cleaning the area
when there is a chance of contamination of
blood or blood products. For routine labora-
tory work, wearing of simple laboratory gown
is enough. agents. Mask prevents transmission of infec-
• Mask: The mucus membranes of the upper tion from the patient to the healthcare person-
respiratory tract are vulnerable to infecting nel or vice versa. The masks may be of variable
sizes with different filtration capacities. The
Hand types of the mask depend on the need of the
Wear Wear
particular staff.
• Goggles: The various viral infections and
Staphylococcus aureus can be transmitted by
direct contact of splashed blood or touching
the eye with the contaminated hand to the eye
mucosa. Goggles should be used to prevent
the transmission of infection through the eye
Take care • Precautions from the sharp objects [3, 4] (Box
Wear Proper
sharp disposal 28.2): The most important pathogens that can
objects of waste be transmitted through needle prick injury are
HIV, HBV and HCV. The injury may happen
Fig. 28.1  Schematic diagram of universal precautionary during (1) recapping the needle, (2) transfer of
measures in laboratory the blood from container to container and (3)
28.1  Laboratory Waste Disposal 273

• Sick person: The laboratory workers with skin

Box 28.2: Needle Stick Injury lesions such as weeping dermatitis or open
Common causes wound in the hand should be refrained from
the laboratory work area.
• Recapping the needle (25% cause)
• Inadequate disposal of needle
Standard norms in the laboratory
• Transfer of fluid from one to other
container • Do not smoke, eat or drink within the
Avoidance laboratory.
• Always wear laboratory gown and gloves
• Use alternative safe technique if when you work in the laboratory.
possible. • Do not wear sandals and shoes with open toes.
• Do not recap the needle. • Always avoid pipetting by mouth.
• Use needle cutter. • Always clean your hand and face after remov-
• Dispose needle promptly. ing the gloves.
• Universal precautionary measure. • Never recap the used needle.
• Health education. • Always dispose the sharp objects in the leak-
proof metal container.
What to do in case of needle prick
• Always clean the laboratory area before and
• Immediately report to your employer. after working with 10% sodium hypochlorite
• Take appropriate care and follow-up solution.
such as post-exposure prophylaxis. • Keep the compressed gas cylinders under
• Report to appropriate authority. secured condition.

Possible transmission of diseases

• Hepatitis B (6–30%) 28.1 Laboratory Waste Disposal

• Hepatitis C (1.8%)
• HIV (0.3%) All the laboratory staffs should take active par-
ticipation in the proper disposable of the labora-
Factors that determine infection tory waste material. The different categories of
the waste materials are highlighted in the table:
• Immunity status of the victim: whether
vaccinated or not (a) General waste
• Severity of the prick: superficial or deep (b) Biohazardous waste
• Appropriate post-exposure prophylaxis • Chemical waste
• Type of pathogen • Biological waste
• Radioactive material

improper disposal of the needle. Following Basic Norms to Dispose the Waste Material  The
precautions are helpful in needle stick injury: basic norms to dispose the waste material are:
–– Do not bend or recap the needle.
–– Use needle cutter to cut the needle. • Do not store waste in metal container.
–– Put all the sharp objects in proper • Do not store the chemical waste under the
container. fume hood.
–– Take universal precautionary measures. • Properly label the containers of the waste.
–– Written document on post-exposure • Store waste only in a closed container which
situation. is leakproof and no chance of puncture in case
–– Post-exposure follow-up and evaluation. of sharp material.
274 28  Laboratory Safety and Laboratory Waste Disposal

Table 28.1  Types of waste and their treatment

Colour of
the bag Waste material Container Disposal
Black • Discarded medicinal substances: outdated Plastic bag Local authority for
or remnants of medicine routine waste disposal
• Various chemicals used for disinfection
Yellow • Human anatomical waste: human Plastic bag Disinfection and
anatomical organ, body parts subsequently
• Anatomical waste: body parts of animal, incineration
various waste material of animals,
discharge, etc.
• Microbiology and biotechnology wastes:
wastes developed from laboratory
cultures, toxin, etc.
• Solid-contaminated waste: materials
contaminated with blood such as cotton,
linen, bed
Red • Solid-contaminated waste: materials Container with disinfectant Disinfection and
contaminated with blood such as cotton, subsequently
linen, bed incineration
• Solid waste: disposable items such as
Blue • Sharp materials: blade, needle, broken Closable, puncture-resistant Incineration
glasses, etc. and leakproof hard plastic

• Use only one type of container for the particu- hypochlorite generates chlorine, so it is
lar type of waste. highly corrosive and should not be kept in
• Do not keep incompatible chemicals in a same a metallic container.
container such as acid and alkali should not be B. Iodophors: Iodophores are the disinfectant
kept together. containing iodine in aqueous solution.
Betadine and povidone-iodine are widely
Table 28.1 highlights the different types of available commercially.
waste and their treatment protocol. C. Quaternary Ammonium Compounds: These
are also good detergents and disinfectants.
These compounds act against various bacteria
28.2 Disinfectant Used and viruses. However their action diminishes
in for the Contaminants with organic matter and many detergents.
These compounds are good for cleaning the
A. Chlorine-Based Compounds: laboratory floor.
• Sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl): It is a D. Phenolics: These are derivatives of phenol and
rapid oxidant material and is a broad spec- act by damaging the membrane of the bacteria
trum disinfectant. Chlorine is generated and fungi. Lysol is the widely available com-
from the diluted mixture and works as dis- mercial product. Many phenolic compounds
infectant. For laboratory purpose 10% are inactivated by hard water, and so it is pref-
sodium hypochlorite solution is used as erable to dilute them with distilled water.
chemical disinfectant. The solution should E. Others: Acid, alkali and alcohols are also
be made fresh every day. As the sodium used as disinfectants.
References 275

References immunodeficiency virus, hepatitis B virus, and other

bloodborne pathogens in health-care settings. MMWR
Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 1988;37(24):377–82.
1. Siegel JD, Rhinehart E, Jackson M, Chiarello L,
3. Tan L, Hawk JC, Sterling ML.  Report of the coun-
Health Care Infection Control Practices Advisory
cil on scientific affairs: preventing needlestick
Committee. 2007 guideline for isolation precautions:
injuries in health care settings. Arch Intern Med.
preventing transmission of infectious agents in health
care settings. Am J Infect Control. 2007;35(10 Suppl
4. NIOSH releases guidelines on preventing needle-
sticks. National institute for occupational safety and
2. Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Update: universal
health. AIDS Alert. 2000;15(1):suppl 1–2.
precautions for prevention of transmission of human

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