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Minutes of The Lesson

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Minutes of the Lesson 9.

January 14,2020 10. Rock Climbing

*Philippines had been gaining popularity because of its Water Recreational Outdoor Activities
outdoor scenery. 1. Swimming
2. Snorkeling
Outdoor Recreation- refers to activities engaged outdoors, 3. Diving
includes hiking and camping 4. Surfing
5. Canyoning
There are natures and background of outdoor recreations: 6. Kayaking
WHEN should it be done? 7. Water rafting
 During vacations or school breaks 8. Sailing
 Should be done to have fun 9. Fishing
 Outdoors with nature 10. Bamboo rafting
*Recreation is derived from the latin word “re” and “creare”
which means to be refreshed or refresh. Air Recreational Outdoor Activities
1. Skydiving
Recreational Activities could be done: 2. Paragliding
1. Land 3. Parasailing
2. Water
3. Air *The Philippine is rich in natural resources despite we are a
small country.
Land Recreational Outdoor Activities *Its been listed in the fact book that Philippines ranked fifth
1. Mountaineering on the longest coastline in the world.
2. Hiking
3. Camping Benefits of Recreational Outdoor Activities
4. Back packing 1. Physical Health Benefits
5. Picnic -prevent a person from having a sedentary lifestyle
6. Bird watching 2. Psycho Emotional Benefits
7. Mountain biking -helps people to rest, relax, distress or unwind.
8. Orienteering 3. Social Benefits
-way for families to become closer - Use maps and compass
-allows one to meet and interact with others who have 2. Travel and camp on durable surfaces
the same passion that can turn into friendship. -Walk, run, bike on durable surfaces
4. Economic Benefits - Avoid walking on soft surfaces
-people who have relaxed body and mind tend to be - Use existing trails on campsites
more productive at work. - To avoid erosion, walk in single file
-creates job opportunities for others which leads to - Avoid places where impacts are just beginning to
economic growth. show
5. Spiritual Benefits - Keep campsite small
-can stir up spiritual values - Camp at least 200 feet away from lakes to protect
-heals, rejuvenates, and soothes the body and soul water
3. Dispose waste properly
Minutes of the lesson - Pack in and pack out
January 21, 2021 4. Leave what you find
- Archaeological structures, old walls and artifacts
Outdoor Activities should not be touched nor leave marks on them
- Interaction between man and nature - Leave nature as you find them
- Should come with care and respect - Avoid introducing non native plants and animals
- Enjoy what nature offers - Do not build structures, furniture or doing trenches
- Everyone should be responsible to protect and 5. Minimize Campfire Impact
preserve nature - Use lightweight stove when cooking
Leave no trace seven principle - If fires are permitted, use fire rings or mound fires that
1. Plan ahead and prepare are already made
- Check if your plan activity is permitted - Keep fire small and use stick from the ground
- Make sure to know the rules and guidelines - No burning of plastics or other substances that emit
- Make sure you have the needed equipment toxic fumes
- Plan how to cope up on emergencies - Burn al wood to ash and make sure fires are
- Check weather forecast completely out
- Learn where areas are most crowded
- Keep group small to minimize impact on nature
- Repack food to minimize waste
6. Respect wildlife - It helps the overall fitness of a person, workout quadriceps,
- Observe animal from a distance hamstrings, calves, ankles, hip flexors, core muscles and
- Do not feed animals as it is not their neutral food. shoulders.
- Protect wildlife and your food by storing and securing - Builds stronger lung capacity
- Increases oxygen uptake which is a positive indicator of
the trash well.
aerobic fitness.
- In case you decide to bring your pet make sure it is
- Good cardiovascular workout as it increases heart rate and
allowed/permitted. strengthen heart muscle.
7. Be considerate to other visitors Basic Equipments:
- Respect people who live and work in the countryside Mask
- Let them have a momentous experience as well - Viewing device in appreciating the world beneath the water.
- All the sound of nature to prevail, not your noise or the - Without mask everything viewed underwater will be
radio blurred.
- Be courteous - The airspace in the mask is what helps in seeing clearly
- Camp away from trails and other visitors underwater
2 important things in choosing a mask
Minutes 1. Fit
January 28, 2021 2. Comfortable
Parts of a mask
Aquatic Activities 1. Strap
- Has a certain reaction to people in all ages 2. Mask
- Can be a great venue to relax and pump up 3. Nose pocket
*Philippines have more than 7,000 island that can host numerous Snorkel
aquatic activities. This can attract locals and foreigners. - Is a piece of equipment that makes it possible to breathe in
the surface when submerged in water.
Snorkeling Composed of:
- One of the simple way to see, discover and appreciate the - Tube also called barrel
intriguing underwater life. Kinds of Snorkel
- Helps us to see the beauty of marine life 1. Classic Snorkel
- It is peeking through life underneath water by swimming 2. Snorkel with a flexible tube
with the aid of snorkel and mask. Snorkeling Fins
- Not only used for recreational purposes it has also been - Water resists or pushes back anything moving through
used in water based search by rescue teams and in water it,this is the principle behind what fins do.
sports such as water hockey and spear fishing.
- This provide much of the propulsion created by a moving - When one feels comfortable in breathing through a snorkel,
fin. it is time to start floating.
- Speed and efficiency in swimming are what one gains in 3. Kicking to move
wearing fins. -the next step to learn to be comfortable with the
- They provide necessary locomotion to propel effortlessly in snorkeling fins practice in the deeper part of the water.
water. Float then do the basic flatter stroke, the most common
Two basic kind of fins: underwater kick.
1. Full foot fin 4. Diving Deeper
- Coverthe heel and are put on like a slip on shoes. - To see a better view
2. Adjustable fins a. Feet first dive – the feet go down first, during the dive.
- Are on the heel and have a adjustable straps to secure the b. Head – first dive – while at a horizontal position, kick
fit forward, bent at the hips and pull knees and arms
*Paddle fin- have a single, full back while the splitfin is semi parted toward the chest.
in he web separating the blade into two long, stiff blades. What should be done when the following problem arise?
Snorkel Vests 1. Water is filling the mask
- Small and inflatable, provide more buoyancy while floating - If the mask comes with a purge valve, simply bow air out
on water that will help in consuming less energy in moving through the nose while the mask is on. The water will be
around. pushed out the valve clearing the mask.
Note: Snorkel vest is not equivalent and should never be used as a - If mask does not have a purge valve simply lift head out of
substitute to life vest. the water.
Skin Protection 2. Water entered the snorkel
- In order to protect the skin from the heat of the sun. - Blowing out through the snorkel to force the water out
Swimming Cap through the top nut if the snorkel has a purge valve then
- Is a big help in keeping hair out of the snorkel and the face water will exit through the valve.
as well. It will also help in preventing the scalp from burning 3. Pressure is felt in the ear while diving
in the sun. - Do the “pinch-blow- technique”
Mask Defogger 1. Close the mouth
- Helps to prevent the mask from fogging up. Be sure to 2. Pinch the nose
choose one that is non toxic, biodegradable and alcohol free 3. Gently blow out the air through the blocked nose.
for one’s protection and the protection of marine life. To have an enjoyable adventure in snorkeling follow and
How is Snorkeling done? remember the following safety tips:
1. Test and practice S- tay close to the shore if you are a beginner.
- It is best for beginners to try gears on shallow water.
2. Floating motion
N- ever do it alone, always have a buddy so whatever happens
someone is there to help you.
O-ne up, one down *The word “canoe” originated from the carib word “Kenu”
R-ain check, always check the weather forecast and the state of the which means dugout.
sea. *Canoes were originally made from large tree trunks. The
K-now your surroundings. trunks were dried for months and then on the middle part
was burned.
E- nergy retention. Do not overestimate your limits. To avoid being * Well known version of the canoe was introduced by the
worn out and the flotation of device.
North American Indians where the frame is built in wooden
L- eave them aloe. Do not touch marine life. Maintain safe distance ribs.
as well. Touching them may damage their habitats and hurt marine
*Kayak or “qakak” meaning “man’s boat” or “hunter’s boat”
originated from the tribes of Arctic North America.
Basic Parts of Canoe:
February 4, 2021
1. Stern
A great way to explore the rivers are through the use of boats.
2. Yoke
3. Bow
Two kinds of boat we have:
4. Thwart
1. Kayak
5. Seat
2. Canoe
Basic Parts of Kayak:
Things to distinguish the difference between kayaking and
1. Deck
2. Footbrace
 They both need a paddle
3. Hatch
 The difference is the structure of the boat
4. Cockpit
 A kayak has a covered deck while canyon are wide 5. Hull
 Historically there are some similarities and differences Basic Parts of a Canoe and Kayak:
in terms of the kayak and canoe’s function and in how
they are built. Both boats are used for a day to day
Length Long boats – are faster and move
economic needs.
The distance from the on a straight line. They can also
 Canoe- for transporting goods
tip of the stern to the carry more people and not easy to
 Kayak- hunting marine life top of the bow. maneuver.
Shorter boats – lighter and easy to
handle  Paddles are the equipment used to maneuver the
Longer boats – best when touring, boat. Single bladed paddles are usually used for
cruising the open water. canoes and double bladed paddles are for kayak. They
are placed in the water as one moves the boat.
Beam 1. The wider the boat, the more Just like the boats paddles also come in different kinds
The width of the boat. stable it is however a narrower according to use:
kayak or canoe may be faster but  Wider and taller kayaks need longer paddles.
less stable.  If a person has a small build, then a shorter and lighter
2. A narrower kayak is more paddle is best so as not to overexert oneself.
suitable for those who want to  Another way of measuring canoe paddle is while in
travel a greater distance since it standing position.
has speed.  Wider blades give you more acceleration but must also
3. A wider boat is suitable for bird deal with more resistance.
watching, fishing and photography.  Narrower blades use less effort per stroke but require
Bottom Shape 1. Flat – has good stability in calm more stroke
waters.  Canoe blades increase power of each stroke.
2. Round- designed for speed and What activities can be done?
efficiency. 1. Sea kayaking is done in open waters such as the ocean
3.Vee- this boat is in between the and lake. Kayaks may be a si-on-top or decked design.
flat and round bottom deigned 2. While water kayaking or canoeing is paddling down.
boats, thus with practice it comes 3. Flatwater
with a good all around 4. Sailing
performance. 5. Surf Kayaking
Profile or sides of the 1. Tumblehome design- the sided 6. Marathon Racing
boat of the boat is curve.
2. Flared sides- curves outward Aside from boats and the paddle, what other equipment will
3. Straight sides - is a little bit of one need?
the two. 1. A Personal Flotation Device
- Such as life vest or jacket will help one float in case
How should one choose a paddle? the boat capsizes.
2. Helmet
- That protects the head specially when paddling in a a. Entering from the shore
rock area. - Put the paddle in the end of the boat.
3. The appropriate clothing - Slide part of the boat in the water and then hold
- Depending on the air and weather temperature. the boat so it will not float away.
Wetsuit or nylon jackets and pants are b. Entering from the dock
recommended. - When entering from the dock, the same is basically
4. Footwear done, however it will be best to keep that boat
- Should be light weight canvas shoes or sturdy river parallel or horizontal to the doc
sandals 2. Learn the correct position
5. A water bottle for rehydration. a. Canoeing
6. Extra clothes and energy food. - The first thing to do is to relax, this way the
7. Protective gears such as sunscreen and hats. muscles will not be too tight while seated lean just
8. Whistle for emergency slightly forward form the pelvis.
9. Fist aid kit b. Kayaking
10. Spray skirt (for kayaking) - Good posture is key if one wants to use body
Sea Kayaking requires more specific extra equipment such efficiently. Do not lean on the backrest but just sit
as: straight and relax the shoulder, opening the chest
1. Waterproof torch that floats for ease in breathing.
2. Bilge pump and bailing device 3. Learn the proper way of holding the paddle
3. Distress signal devices a. Canoeing
4. Compass - Holding the paddle incorrectly causes loss of power
5. Spare paddle during forward stroke and put the paddler’s body
How does one start Canoeing and Kayaking adventure? in any awkward position.
1. Entering from the dock - Canoe paddle has only one blade
- Make sure that paddle is within the reach - The T- grip of the paddle should be held by the top
- Keep in mind that weight should be at the hand with full palms covering it.
Getting from the shore b. Kayaking
- Put the paddle right behind the cockpit and the - The recommended grip is usually the distance
other end against a rock. between the two elbows.
Getting a canoe:
- Hold the paddle above and center over the head C- heck weather condition
just adjust your hands so that your elbows are at A – lways plan ahead
the right angle. N-
4. Learn the basics of making the boat move forward O – rientaion given by facilitators
Canoeing E – quipment should always be tried and tested.
a. Catch
- This is the start of the stroke where blade enters What are the health benefits of Canoeing and Kayaking?
the water. 1. Includes cardiovascular fitness
b. Power phase 2. Stronger muscles and muscular endurance
- A strong stroke is what actually move the boat 3. Develop the torso and legs strength power
c. Exit and Recovery Minutes
- The stroke is finished when body rotation is
March 11,2021
complete. The blade moves out of the water.
- The torso and legs will do most of the works. The
What is Scuba Diving?
shoulder and arms will be used to transfer power.
a. To start paddling, make sure that the front part or  It allows us to see the beauty of corals, caves and even
power face of the blade is facing front. sunken cities.
b. Place the blade in the water, close to the feet and to  The development of scuba diving became possible because
the kayak’s waterline. of people’s interest and curiosity in deep water which
c. The lower arm should be almost straight. motivated inventors to create safer means in going to a
d. The upper am should be slightly bent. greater depth.
What are the important things that we should always  Scuba diving will require a certification or C-card for one to
remember to be safe? be allowed to dive or even to rent a scuba diving
K- now first your skills in swimming and canoeing or kayaking. equipment.
A – void paddling alone  SCUBA ( Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus), a
Y – ield to safety and know where to go diver uses regulator as a breathing apparatus and a tank
A – lways waer rotation device with compressed air.
K- eep hydrated
Timeline: are diving group who aim to promote diving among
physical challenged individuals.
4. Swimming Skill
- For enrolling in a one day experience course, the basic
requirement is being comfortable in the water even to
the deep end of the swimming pool.

Basic Scuba Diving Equipment:

1. Dive Mask
- Creates the air pocket to have a clearer view of the
underwater life.
2. Snorkel
- Is a breathing tube allowing you to inhale and exhale
through your mouth.
Who can Scuba dive? 3. Regulator
- Lets you breathe underwater
1. Age
4. BCD
- A child as young as eight years old can start in shallow
- Buoyancy Control Device
5. Regulator
- A ten year old can be qualified to train and be certified
- Delivers the steady supply of air from cylinder.
as a junior open water diver.
6. Octopus
- A fifteen year old or older can apply for an open water
- back up regulator
diver’s certificate.
7. Weight belt
2. Health
- Used to counteract buoyancy
- It is important for a diver to be physically fit to be
8. SPG
enable to cope with strenuous physical task which may
- Shows how much air is left
happen at an expected time such as maneuvering
9. Scuba Tank
through strong current to reach a dive site.
- Contains pressured air
3. Disabilities
10. Fins
- Instructors do not hinder anyone from scuba diving.
- Provides the propulsion that makes it possible to swim
Many of the instructors can provide training which is
with lesser effort
designed for physically challenged dives. Further, there
11. Scuba or wetsuit
Other Accessories - Scuba tanks should be full
- Confirm that the regulator breathes
1. Dive Computer
5. Final Okay
2. Dive Lights
- Check to see if all the gears are in the proper places
3. Dive Knife
4. Dive Case After equipment have been checked following procedures should
be followed
What are the skills needed in scuba diving?
1. Signal
1. Pre- dive
2. Orient to some surface object for references
-there is a detailed safety check of equipment and readiness
3. Remove snorkel and replace with regulator
on the diver as well. The procedures are standardized and
4. Time check
observing it step by step is a must.
5. Deflate BCD just enough that are slowly begins to sink
and exhale
Pre – dive safety check
6. Feet first in descent or at least the head is above to
- Must be done before going to water.
remain oriented
Five steps of pre dive safety check:

1. Check the buoyancy compensator for making sure that the

inflator and deflator buttons work.
2. Check the weights
- Quick release system for the weights should be visible
How do we communicate underwater?
- Weight belt should be oriented as a right hand release
- Free the end of the visible belt Communication is very essential among divers and the best way for
- If using integrated weight system pockets should be them to communicate is through hand signals. The Recreational
inserted securely. Scuba Training Council agencies came up with a set of hand signals
3. Check the releases of universal use. These signals are taught to every diving student
- Check the BCD clips and must be practiced and mastered.
- Tank band connecting the BCD to the scuba tank should
be snapped. Where can you enroll to earn scuba diving certificate?
4. Check the air regulator The most popular institutes are the Professional Association of
- Function well Diving Institute and Scuba School International.
- Check the tank valve by breathing
What are the health related benefits of diving? AFTER

1. Maintains general fitness and stamina level 1. Stow all gear away from boat
2. Natural Resistance 2. Debrief with guide and buddy and discuss what you can
3. Improves cardio vascular performance translated into improve for the next dive
reduced of heart attacks and stroke. 3. If you feel something strange, let others know
4. Muscle tone and strength are improved 4. Do not fly until 1-24 hours.

Safety Reminders: Minutes

March 18, 2021

1. Make sure you are fit to dive Romeo Roberto “Romi” Garduce
2. Always listen to instructor or dive guide
3. Plan dive depth, time and safety stop with your buddy - First Filipino to climb the seven summits
4. Choose dives that match your skills
Mountain Climbing
5. Check equipment thoroughly
- According to britannicce it is a sport attaining high points in
mountainous regions,mainly for pleasure of the climb.
1. Breathe normally all the time – never hold your breathe. - Enthusiast see this as a sport a profession, or a creation as it
2. Equalize your ears frequently challenge ones determination, capacity and skill.
3. Stay aware where your guide and buddy are located
Classification Scale:
4. Keep an eye on our air gauge
5. Dive within the limits of your dive computer 1. Walking
6. Do not overexert yourself 2. Hiking along path
7. Do not touch anything 3. Scrambling using hands
8. Always ascend slowly from every drive 4. Climbing easy cliffs
9. Listen to inner voice 5. Using free hands
10. When finishing descent, establish neutral buoyancy, tighten 6. Very difficult and need to use artificial method
your weight belt if necessary and communicate if you are
In mountaineering we often hear hiking and trekking:
11. Watch your ascent rate on all dives
12. Make a safety stop
 Hiking is done on man made road or well made - Most activities end up unsuccessful and even disasters due
trails and basically shorter distance, which to poor planning.
sometimes take 2-3 days. - It will be organized
 Trekking becomes more rigorous such that it is done - You will know the facts about the mountain, learn
over a variety of terrain and takes a longer time and itineraries and the rules and procedure.
thus entails more days and nights. - Checking weather condition
- Talking to people who have experienced the activity would
How do mountaineering begin as an activity?
also be helpful as they can use knowledge and advice.
*In 18th Century, natural philosopher begin trips to the Alps of
What are the hiking essentials?
Europe for their observation.
*In Philippines, the first two attempts to reach the highest peak of
Mt. Apo, was in 1852 by Jose Oyangurenand in 1870 by Senor Real - Is very important during a hike since everything that one
however both failed to reach the peak. It was in Oct.10,1880 that a will be needing is carried in this pack.
successful expedition led by Don Joaquin Rajal. - Have frames designed to give wearer more support
protection and better weight.
How do we prepare for a hike or trek?
Two kinds of backpack:
The demands for preparation of a hike or a trek depende on the
intensity. Preparing for a hike on an easy trail, which only entails a 1. Internal
day or less will have a different preparation. 2. External

Physical Conditioning Footwear

- It is important that one should be in good health and - The most important equipment at this point.
reasonably fit - With the wrong footwear trekking experience will surely be
- Preparation for a long trek may be more intensive as it will a disaster.
need to prepare the body for the physical demands on the
Types of footwear:
- Nutrition is also important in the preparation 1. Hiking shoes
- They are lighter compared to boots and more flexible but
less support.
Trip Planning
2. Hiking boots
- Basic to many activity - Give more support and have more protective features
3. Backpacking boots 14. Extra batteries for mobile
- For longer and heavy loads
Health Related benefits:
- They are heavier compared to most hiking shoes
Contributes to the strengthening of the cardio muscle and further
What are the nutritional considerations for hiking?
builds a more robust hurt.
1. Calorie requirement
Safety reminders
2. Manageability to load, carry, store and cook food.
3. Duration of the activity H- ike within a group and never be alone
What are the basic skills in hiking? I-nstructors from guides, facilitators or the leader sould be given
1. Setting hiking pace
- The hiker set the pace to make the body to feel good. K-eep in mind the leave no trace seven principles
2. Establishing your rhythm
- Rhythm is the pace one can maintain for a long time E-nsure safety of self and others
without requiring a break. Minutes
3. Taking breaks April 8,2021
- Give the heart,lungs and muscles a chance to rest a bit.
Safety Practices in Outdoor Recreation
Other essentials things that I need to bring:
This chapter will deal with medical injuries and illness commonly
1. First aid kit
encountered in the outdoors and how one can help others in these
2. Water
3. Trail food
4. Compass What should one do when faced with a medical emergency
5. Extra layers and rain gear situation?
6. Fire starter and matches
 Danger- always check from the danger and source of injury.
7. Multi toofpll or knife
 Responsiveness- can the casualty hear your voice? Can they
8. Flashlight
open and close their eyes? Are there any movements? Do
9. Sunscreen
they respond t touch?
10. Insect repellant
 Send – send for help or shout for help.
11. Camera
12. Phone  Airway- is the person airway clear?
13. Altimeter watches
 Breathing- make sure that the victim is breathing by looking Cuts, scrapes and punctures
at breathing sights, listening to inhales and exhales.
1. Clean up cuts with soap and water then apply antibiotic
 CPR (Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation) - if an adult is
cream then cover with sterile bandage and secure using
unconscious, no pulse and not breathing perform the CPR.
medical tape.
How is cardiopulmonary resuscitation administered? 2. If bleeding apply direct pressure using clean cloth to the
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is a lifesaving technique that is
3. If wound is on the arm or leg, raise limb above the heart to
administered when breathing and heartbeat stopped, such as
help slow down bleeding.
during a heart attack and drowning.
4. Do not apply tourniquet unless the bleeding is severe and
In CPR the following must be done: does not stop even if with direct pressure.

1. Put the person on his or her back in a firm surface. Sprains, strains and fractures
2. Locate hand position for compression by drawing a
Applying Compression Using athletic tape
imaginary line from armpit to center chest for hand
placement. 1. Apply an “anchor strip” around the back of the calf.
3. Place heel of one hand on the lower part of the breastbone. 2. Place another anchor strip under the instep of the foot.
4. Put other hand over the first, interacting your fingers for 3. Apply the “stirrup strip” down the call, over the ankle,
support. under the foot, and back around to the top anchor strip.
5. With straight arms and shoulder positioned over the 4. Apply a “horseshoe strip” under the ankle, around the heel,
victim’s chest, push down on the victim’s chest. For adult and back around to the bottom anchor strip.
victims, push it down for at least 2 inches of 5 cm deep. 5. Continue applying stirrup strips and horseshoe strips in an
6. Give 30 compressions in 18 seconds or less and let chest rise overlapping pattern just like a woven basket until ankle is
completely between compression. fully supported.
7. After 30 compressions give two rescue breaths.
8. Repeat cycle until help arrives or when there are signs of
 Through the range of experiences that Physical
movement. Education subject offers, we learn how to be effective 
competitive and creative in challenging situations. It enables
First Aid of Common Emergencies in Outdoor Activities
all students to enjoy and succeed in many kinds of physical
The term first aid refers to administration of care to prevent activity, in addition it develop a wide range of skills and the
deterioration of the victim. ability to use tactics, strategies and compositional ideas to
perform successfully. When we are performing, we think about
Common injuries and illness in the outdoors what are we  doing, analyze the situation and make decisions.
Students like us also reflect on our own and others’  Enables joint mobility(hip motion and spine flexibility)
performances and find ways to improve upon them. As a  Helps improve and maintain bone density, this helps to
result, we develop the confidence to take part in different prevent osteoporosis
physical activities and learn about the value of healthy, active  Helps recover coordination and neuro mascular skills
lifestyles. after injury
Dance is a form of art,from the music to the culture and Emotional Benefits:
the history behind it, dance has been a way for people to
express ourselves for decades It is through this type of social Dancing also gives mental/ emotional health benefits as
and cultural expression that we are able to delve, firsthand, compared to other form of exercises,the following benefits are:
into the significance of such traditions, the symbolism of the  It helps to keep the brain sharp and active
dances, and the roots that feed them. Dance is a reflection of  Release Stress
social and political life of the age in which some thing is  It decreases the incident of dementia and Alzheimer.
produced it is the history and the only  history of the human  Decreases depressive symptoms
soul.  Increase self-esteem and improve body image
Chapter 1: Dance Benefits  It helps to release emotional and physical tension

Dance is an art, a creative portal, a form of expression and  it Social Benefits:

is a sport furthermore  it can also help us physically,mentally Dance provides a unique opportunity for meaningful group
and emotionally, socially and also on cultural aspect. The involvement as it encourages the social aspect of one self by:
benefits of dancing are endless it works k to engage all parts
of the body to not only create harmony, but to create a better  Gives togetherness within a group
lifestyle.  Encourages social interaction and interpersonal
relationship in a group
Physical Benefits:  Contributes to the individual’s potential for self-
Dancing is a great form of exercise with benefits that extend to actualization in society
not just those who desire to stay fit, but also to those who Cultural Benefit:
would like to keep themselves healthy. Dancing can help us
physically by: Dance promotes a place or a country’s rich culture through
showcasing different cultural dances and  by promoting
 It develop cardiovascular and muscular endurance cultural values.
 Lower risk of cardiovascular disease
 Improves coordination, balance, flexibility and body Chapter 2: Elements and characteristics of Dance
Elements of Dance
 Lower  Body Mass Index 
 Improves  lipid metabolism  Space- area of performers occupied 
 Lowers resting heart rate            -place where they move
Space can be divided into four and are known as Mentioned 4 bodily shape
“spatial elements”
1. Direction – can travel to any direction in forwarding, 1. Pin
backward, circle, sideward 2. Ball
2. Size- movement can be varied whether smaller of 3. Wall
bigger action 4. Twist
3. Level- movements can be done in high, medium, or The 4 bodily shape are said to be the warm up for the
low level  dancers
4. Focus- performer may change focus in looking at a
different direction  CHARACTERISTIC OF GOOD DANCE 
 Timing/time - the movement may go with rhyming with
1. Unity-  coherent and flow smoothly
2. Continuity and development- some dances develop
                         - Performer move with the tempo of the
underlying sound known as beat or pulse.   
3. Variety And Contrast- highlight the faucet of the motif 
                         - timing can be varied by a slower or
4. Transition- the link between movements phrases and
faster beat.     
sections of the dance
                         -  the silence of pauses also adds to the
    -makes logical progression
rhythmic pattern                      
5. Repetition- emphasizes movement and phrases that
 Energy- the movement profile energy or force. 
are important in the dance.(example: repetition of steps
6 different energies:
in chorus)
1. sustain- movements are dance continuously.
5. Climax-  should be done in the beginning and end of
pause. There is no clear beginning and end. 
the dance
2. percussive- clear beginning and ending
5. Variation- mostly about ones facial expression or
3. swinging- movements traces in curve line, relax
giving gravity
4. suspended- raise in hanging in the air Chapter 3: Philippine Folkdance and Modern dance
5. collapsing- release in tension, 
6. vibratory- movements with shaking or vibrating Different types of Philippine Folk Dance

Two kinds of Bodily Shapes  Tribal dances from Cordeliers - non-Christian dances
from the Cordilleras 
1. symmetrical- balance shape movement, identical  Lowland Christian dances Dances coming from places
similar to both side with Western influences such as of Tagalog, Ilokano,
2. asymmetrical- completely different from each other Pampangeno, Pangasinan and Visayas and
*Video Presentation Bicolanans
 Muslim dances -dances from the people of Southern designed carefully to prepare the body for it. Each ballet class
Island of the Philippines such as in Mindanao and Sulu should consist of the following segments: 
-these dances are Arabic and Indo Malyan culture -
Malong dance, Asik   Warm-up- limbering and stretching exercises that warm
 Life cycle dances a courtship dance, wedding dance, and gentle stretch the muscle before trying the difficult
funeral dance movies. 
                  -they are function or content of courtship,  Barre exercises- the students hold on a barre to help
wedding, and funeral  maintain balance and correct placement of the body.
Exercises include a variety of bending and stretching
                                 -called as Pipe of Philippine folk dance small movement of the legs which gradually increase in
range of motion and tempo as the leg is lifted from the
 Festival dance -dances that are either religious or floor Center work exercises.- stretching and relaxing
secular and connected to the celebration exercises, form arms head
 Occupational dance - dances that depict the means of   Corner drills (Grand Allegro)- a sequence of step
the livelihood of Filipino people.  combining big jumps, lift, run 
                                                     -It portrayed dances like rice
growing, planting, rice-growing Basic Dance Position of Ballet:
 Center Exercise Port de Bras- the carriage of the arms
 Ritual and ceremonial dances -dances as part of ritual gracefully movements of the arms through a series of
and ceremonies of certain tribes of a group of people positions
 Games dances – mostly used in celebration    Arabesque-. Comes from the Moorish ornament that
 War Dances -two male dancer is in physical combat, has similar lines. It can be posted, a step in Adagio
like in Spartans -maglalatik (example) (slow combination), or a step in Allegro (fast
 Social amenities dances -dances that express social movement) 
graces, hospitality, and offering of a gift -ballroom  Saute Arabesque- while doing the Arabesque position
dancing, Philippines western dances do a complete hop, hold the pose in a demi pile then
repeat on the other side
*Ballet Dance Ballet was taken from the Italian word “Bellare”   Attitude- the bent leg is raised in front of or behind the
meaning to dance and ballo a dance performed in a ballroom. body. It gives a feeling of enclosing spaces because of
the wrap-around the quality of the raised leg 
* It was in the 15th Century during the Renaissance period
 Pas de Bouree- means” Stuffed step” from the starting
when ballet began in Italy. It started as a performance in the
position and moving right, step the working left foot
royal court where the male servants would execute a
behind the supporting right foot. 
movement related to the course they are serving during the
 Glissade- means gliding step. In the starting position do
court dinner
the demi plie. 
* Composition of a Ballet dance Dancing imposes great
physical demands on the body. Therefore a ballet class is FOR CORNER EXERCISES
 Ballet walk Chapter 4: Cheer Dance
  Chasse
  Saute Cheer dance is relatively new in the field of sports and
 Jete  dance as it has only emerged during the early 1990s as part of
 Grand Jete  the cheerleading events. It is one of the categories in
 Assemble  International Cheerleading Competition that focuses on dance
techniques and basic elements of cheerleading, excluding
stunts and advance gymnastic skills. The performers are
cheerleaders and not just dancers per se.
 LOVE History of Cheerleading
 CRYING  Cheerleading history is linked closely to the United
 DEATH States history of sports, its sporting venues, as well as the
historical development of overall crowd participation at many
athletic events. However, its origins can be traced as far back
Modern Dance - it is the term described as a contemporary as the late 191 century was in the 1860s. students from great
dance. Britain began to cheer and chant in unison for their favorite
athletes at sporting events. This event eventually reached and
-it is a style of dancing wherein the dancer are
influenced America.
free to express their emotions through
movement without adhering any rules in dance In the late 1880s. The first organized recorded yell did
particularly of ballet and folk dance. in locomotive style was performed on an American campus
and was first seen and heard during a college football game.
*It is said that compared to most kind of dances folk and ballet
However, organized all-male cheerleading only transpired
dance are difficult because of its rules
when Thomas Peebles one of the graduates of Princeton
Basic Modern Dance Skills University brought the yell and the football sport to the
University of Minnesota, that cheerleading officially began on
1. Dance Walk November 2, 1898.
2. Run
3. Triplet Cheerleading for the first 25 years was an all-male
4. Waltz activity. It was only during the 1920s when women
5. Gallop cheerleaders participated in cheerleading A lot had happened
6. Chasse/ slide then in the world of cheerleading in America.
7. Jump
Types of the position of Cheer Dancing 
8. Leap
9. Falling Hand Positions:
10. Rolls
1. Bucket  Body Positions:
2. Candlestick  1. Beginning Stance
3. Blade  2. Cheer Stance 
4. Jazz hands  3. Side Lunge 
5. Clap  4. Squat 
6. Clasp 5. Kneel
Arm Positions: Basic Gymnastic Skills
1. Flying V  1. Jumps 
2. Low V  2. Approach 
3. T Motion  3. Lift 
4. Half T  4. Landing
5. Touchdown  What is the basic form of cheer dance?
6. Low Touchdown  1. Bowling Pin- like a bowling pin
2. Staggered Line- windowing
7. Bow and Arrow 
8. Muscle Man  Two segments of the Dance routine in dancing

9.Overhead Clap  1. Music section- set tones and plays as well as ads to
add creativity and choreography also motivate
10. Dagger  cheerleaders. 
Example: Drum beater, yell
11. Box 
2. Cheer section- group of people cheer dancing
12. Pouch 
13. L Motion  Basic Gymnastic skills
14.Diagonal  1. jumping requires stamina, strength, and flexibility.
2. approach the first stage of a jump
15. K Motion  3. lift course after cheerleader approach the ground
16. Checkmark 4. execution picks in maximum height
5. landing involves wiping of leg and feet together to the  Pasa Doble
end  Jive
 Five Standard dances 
 Waltz
 tuck
 Tango
 spread eagle
 Viennese Waltz
 double hook
 Slow Foxtrot and Quickstep
 toe touch
 side handler
 free handler Dance sport is now recognized by the international Olympic
 pike committee and is included in the Olympic program. The World
  double nine Dance Council and the World Dance Sport Federation are
the bodies governing dance sport. 
tumbling What are the characteristics of Dance Sport? 
 forward roll 1. Posture- enable a dancer to stand out on the floor
 backward roll which shows sophistication and confidence 2. Timing-
 cartwheel dancing o time with the music 
 round off
  3. Line the stretching of the body 

Chapter 5: Dance Sport and Street Dance 4. Hold- the correct position of the body with the
partner in closed position 
Dance Sport -a combination of art and sport.
5. Poise- the stretch of the woman’s body upward and
          - It was called competitive ballroom dancing in outward and leftwards into the man’s right arm to
the past. achieve balance and connection with his frame as well
as to project outwards to the audience 
         - This goes (male and lady) competing against
another partners dancing on the floor at one time.  6. Togetherness- dancing of two people as one on the
provides an avenue to gain discipline of the body and dance floor 
mind of the dance athletes 
7. Musicality and expression- the basic characterization
Five Latin Dance of the dance with the particular music being played and
the choreographic adherence to musical phrasing and
 Samba
 Cha-Cha
 Rumba
 8. Presentation- how the couple presents their dancing d. Quickstep- was developed during WWI in NY and
to the audience as well as the player costuming and became popular in ballrooms. 
It has a common origin as that of the Foxtrot 
 9. Power- the energy chat is controlled and not wild 
e. Viennese Waltz- is a controversial dance with so
10. Foot and leg action- the use of lower extremities many claims about its original but known to be the
that creates balance, beauty, strength.  modest outskirts of Austria and Bavaria 
11. Shape- the combination of turn and sway to create B. International Latin
a look or a position 
 a. Cha cha- is the new copper in Latin American
12. Floorcraft- the ability to avoid bumping into other centuries 
couples and continue dancing visual and body weight 
b. Samba- is a national dance of Brazil which
13. Lead and follow- non verbal communication of a originated in Africa.
 It is a dance during Carnival time. 
13. Intangible – how the couple look together while
performing c. Rumba- originates primarily in Cuba in the 26th
century which has its routes in African rythms and
Dance sport style  brought to American by slaves 
The standards and International Latin techniques were d. Pasa Doble- means double step which originated in
codified by the imperial society of teachers of dance to Spain and inspired by bull fighting. 
come up with a unified syllabus for all those interested
in learning ballroom dancing                           -One of the most dramatic dances in
dance sport 
A. International Standard 
e. Jive- was develop from the dance jitterbug from
a. Waltz- was introduced in England in 1874 but it was American. 
in 1992 that it became fashionable as Tango b. Tango-
was first to dance in Europe before WWI.  Basic Dance sport terminologies

               - It orginated from Buenos Aires where it was  Name of figure 

first danced in “Barrio de las Ranas”  Step Numbers- number of steps in figures 
 Alignment- position of the feet to the room 
 c. Foxtrot- was named after the American performer  Amount of terms- measure of the feet
Harry Fox, which was premiered in 1914, W.C.  alignments to the room 
 Footwork 
 Timing- synchronization of the action of the fee 
 Line of dance- Counterclockwise   Agility and Coordination 
 Waltz  Fun
 Center- direction perpendicular pointing to the
center of the room  Chapter 6: Dance Injuries
 Outside partner position 
 Prominade position- a man and a lady move  Poor body alignment and techniques-  how the dancer
forward in the same position  properly stands. The anatomical alignment and
 Close position  techniques are some of the intrinsic factors that are
 Open position  commonly associated with injuries. Dance requires
moving the limbs in a controlled and precise manner. 
Streetdance- one of the newest dance in the 20 century
 Excessive training duration and intensity- Excessive
 Attracts the new generation training and limited recovery impairs the ability and
 Came from African- American hip-hop  culture repair damaged tissues, intense technique training will
be most likely microscopic injury to the musculoskeletal
Hip hop Culture-  African culture Street dance Dances done structures repetitive loading
on streets ,basements and houses in New York  Hard dance floor- the floor is where dancers rehearse.
An optimal dance floor should be to absorb the impact
-creative outlet to show their thoughts in the that is generated by the performer. A hard floor does
community not help in dissipating the impact and return the force
Four  fundamental characteristics of hip hop  of the dancer.
 Poor shoe design- Footwear is able to correct foot
 Raping- vocal element and rap music is the mechanics and reduce the impact on the foot. A shoe
heart of the hip hop generation that does not fit properly or has insufficient shock
 Disk jacking- recording mixing of music absorption will significantly contribute to injury risk. 
 Breakdancing   Muscle imbalance- is an uncoordinated muscle action
 Graffiti art also known as aerosol art because of uneven strength between muscle groups
this is attributed to various factors such as atomy,
* Hip hop word is invented a New York rapper known Africa
techniques and past injury.
Bambaata, Kevin Donadan, was called grandfather of hip
*Hip hop  emerged in Philippines way back 1990s
 Acute musculoskeletal injury- occurs when the
 Elements of street dance
mechanical force that is absorbed. The onset of the
 Bounce on recoil  pain occurs after the impact.  Example: Ankle sprain 
 Tightening of the body 
 Chronic musculoskeletal injury- occurs due to repetitive Tips to minimize stress
trauma, body did not give time to repair. It is usually in
activity and training.  Example:Stress fracture   Accept that you are unique 
 Invest on training and enhancing your technique
WHAT ARE SOME STRATEGIES THAT COULD REDUCE  Prepare your mind and body for a performance 
RISK INJURY?   Perform breathing exercises 
 Experience the joy when you dance
 Programmed exercise and training- warm-up
technique, choreography and cool down
All in all dance is a great way to build invaluable social
 Adequate recovery- phase of training, period where
skills. Much more importantly however, it is an opportunity to
body repairs and rebuild itself. 
teach your children the importance of being part of something
 Appropriate environment- a suspended floor is floor
larger than themselves. Dancers learn to take turns, to share
design for jumping and such, this reduces injury. Floor
attention, and to cooperate with others as they work within a
must be properly maintained. Dancer needs a warm
group. These life lessons are part of the appeal of dance
environment for warmup and such. 
classes to parents around the world.  Much like team sports,
 Proper footwear- shoes reduce impact, it corrects
dance for children can teach some invaluable and important
premonition of the foot. 
 Proper warm-up and technique- great degree of
flexibility, proper warmup improves flexibility.
 Cross training- many dancers feel stress because they
are pressured to be perfect. Help maintain physical
fitness and lessen stress. Example:
Running,bodybuilding.  Helps in stamina and
cardiovascular systems.
 Early recognition- to prevent injury
 Body image- a dancer uses his/her body to create lines
that the audience appreciates from the distance. 
 Technique- dance is a n art form that needs a yeast of
practices to perfect.  Athletes are worried if they can
please with their technique. 
 Performance- the dance athlete needs to remember all
choreography specially to the ones that want to be
 Injury- you cannot move well.

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