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Milan Critical Reflection Essay 2

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Critical Reflection Essay

Amiee Milan

Brandman University

LBSU 487 Applied Studies Capstone

Professor Jwad

March 20, 2021



In this paper, I will discuss what I have gained from my academic work over the last nine terms

while attending Brandman. I will highlight the major learning insights I have gained from my

education at Brandman. I will share how my education has helped me grow not only

professionally but in my personal life as well.


Critical Reflection Essay

As I near the end of my journey of obtaining my bachelor’s degree at Brandman I am

realizing how much I have grown in the last seventeen months. I have taken 13 courses over the

last nine terms. A couple of these courses I had never heard of before and I had no idea how they

would help me with my education or my future career. Now that I have taken these thirteen

courses, I understand the importance of these courses and how they will help me in my future,

not only in my career of teaching but also in my own life. All of my courses have helped me not

only with my education and helping me prepare for my future career but also to help me better

understand diversity and how to handle myself more ethically.

One of the classes that really challenged me was my Child Development course (PSYU

323). This course taught me the importance of a nurturing and supportive environment in a

child’s life from a very early age. I learned the connection a child makes to their caretaker as

early as in the womb affects brain development. One of the most important connections I made

in this class to my role as both a parent and a teacher is how vital exposure to creativity and the

arts are to a child’s growth and understanding. I learned that support and exposure to art are not

only beneficial in the classroom but are just as crucial outside of the classroom. I chose to

showcase one of my projects from this class because the research I did on the correlation

between parent support and exposure to art enrichment programs give insight into success this

can provide in an educational setting. I found this information to be very important to me as both

a parent and a teacher. I gained inspiration from this project on how to engage and motivate my

children creatively as well as my future students. This information also allowed me to realize that

getting my future students’ parents involved in the process of being creative at home will also be

beneficial to their learning process and creativity. This project also allowed me to be creative

while learning how to creatively motivates others. This artistic process taught me how to make a

brochure in Microsoft Word which help me to expand on my computer skills.

Another course that surprised me was my Music, Movement, Drama & Human

Expression course (LBSU 310). This course gave the insight to understand how music is also an

important aspect of learning. When applied correctly in a quality way it can help increase

memory, creativity, and inspiration in the classroom. I chose the project from this course to be

displayed in my portfolio because I believe this assignment showcased my ability to be

persuasive, concise, as well as enlightened on how music programs can benefit education. This

project introduced me to a new program called Piktochart, which I have never used before this

assignment. This allowed me to gain new skills and expand on my computer skills.

I have to admit the one course that intimidated me the most was Professional Writing

(ENGU 380). I got more out of this course than I expected to. One of the most beneficial

assignments to me in this course was creating my resume. This class not only gave me the skills

to communicate better on a more professional level but also helped me to be more confident in

my writing. I was able to learn from the examples of my peers and I was able to improve my

writing with the feedback I gained from peer reviews. I was also not experienced in writing

professional biographies or familiar with Linkedin. I found gaining experience with this to be

extremely beneficial to helping me find a future job.

In my last trimester, I took the course Teaching and Learning (EDUU 350), this course

better prepared me for how to engage students. As well as how to successfully deal with students

that are struggling academically and behaviorally. I chose to display the PowerPoint project I did

in this course because I was particularly proud of the way this assignment turned out. I enjoyed

displaying my knowledge on memory and how this knowledge is necessary to support

meaningful learning in the classroom environment creatively and engagingly. I have learned the

benefits of attracting the attention of my audience in a visually pleasing presentation. In my

future career, I will have to become comfortable with presenting information to both children

and adults in a fascinating way. The practice I gained from this assignment was valuable as well

as a confidence booster.

Looking back on my journey I realized I started attending Brandman to become a better

educator and receive an education on how to become a successful teacher. I surprisingly received

an education on how to better myself as an individual. The insight and information I have gained

through my experiences at Brandman have helped me to better support and understand not only

the students I work with but also to have a better relationship with my co-workers. I have gained

life skills, a better understanding of how to communicate with others, and express myself more

positively. This new insight has allowed me to learn more about myself and has made me a

happier and more confident person. The gain of this new insight has also positively affected the

relationship I have with my husband and kids. The education I have gained from Brandman has

allowed me to pursue so many more opportunities than I ever thought possible. I started my

education to become an elementary school teacher, but now I realize the growth I am capable of.

I also now know that my education and growth should not stop with my bachelor’s degree. I can

become a lifelong learner.

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