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Now with Testing Program & Resource CD-ROM Expanding TACTICS for LISTENING THIRD EDITION Teacher's Book Jack C. Richards with Grant Trew More listening. More testing. More effective. VE IY pol gop 3) , co OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS OXFORD 198 Madson Avene ‘New Yor, NY 0016USA ‘Great Clarendon Stret, Oxford 0x2 607 UK “OnfrdUalversity Press isa department ofthe Unversity of Oxford. 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Enquiries concerning reproduction outside the scope ofthe above should beset to the HLT Rights Department, Oxford University Pres, atthe address above ‘You mis not circulate this book in any ther binding or cover and you mustimpose this same condition on any acquire. ‘Any websites refered to inthis pablcation are inthe pubic domain and thei adresses are provided by Oxford University Pres fer infrmation ony Onford Universiy Pres disclaims any responsibility forthe content. General Manager Laura Pearson Bitola Ditetr, International Schools and Adult: Pam Murphy Executive Publishing Manager: ik Gundersen ‘Associate Etr:jnathan Buchino Director, ADP: Susan Sanguily| ‘ecutive Design Manager: Maj-Bit Hays Designer (cover; Debbie ofixo ectonic Production Manager: Julie Armstrong Image Manager: Trisha Masterson Production Coordinator: izabeth Matsumoto Senior Manufacturing Controller: Eve Wong 'SBN: 9780194013802 Teacher’ Book (pack component) ISBN: 9780194012772 Teacher's Book (pack) ISBN, 978--19401389-9 Teacher's Book CD-ROM (pack component) rated in China ‘Thisbook sprinted on paper om certified and welimanaged sources, 10987654321 How to Teach a Tactics Unit... ss 0eveeeseseseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees wv Unit 1 Small Talk... e sete eee eens 2 Unit2 Plans o.oo cece eee eeee eee eee eeeee eee es 3 Unit 3 Successful Businesses, 0... 6.6 e eee ee cece eee 4 Unit 4 Apologies and Excuses. .... 0... .6c eee eee eee ees 5 Unit CharacterTraits. 00... eee e eee eee 6 Unit 6 Travel... eee cece eee cece eee eee eee eens 7 Unit7 Housing . Unit 8 Can You Believe It? . . Unit9 Friendship... 6... eee e eevee ees Unit 10 Television ........ Unit 11 Cities... ... 6... Unit 12 Urban life... eee eee eee Unit 13 Special Days... 62.0.6. e eee cece eee eee eee Unit 14 Fashion... eee eee Unit 15 Favorites... Unit 16 Phone Messages... 0. . 0000s Unit 17 Past Events .0. 0... eee ee eee Unit 18 Vacations. 0.0.2... e ee eee eee Unit 19 TheNews ....... 0.0005 Unit 20 Opinions . Unit 21 Famous People. Unit 22 Food and Nutrition Unit 23 Predicaments........ 0.2002. ee Unit 24 Global Issues 0.2.62... 2. Tactics for Testing Notes and Answer Key. . Vocabulary Worksheets Units 1-24 Audioscript. 0.06.0 cee cece ee Tactics for Testing Audioscript ............ Contents How to teach a Tactics for Listening unit Unit-opening Activities Vocabulary Worksheet ‘Use the Vocabulary Worksheet at the back of this Teacher's Book to pre-teach the unit's vocabulary. The Vocabulary Worksheet can ‘be done in class or as homework before the start of a new unit. Getting Ready ‘The purpose of this activity is to introduce the unit topic, pre-teach vocabulary, and activate students’ prior knowledge. * Focus students’ attention on the title of the unit. If the term or phrase is unfamiliar to students, teach it to them. © Pre-teach unfamiliar terms or phrases from the activity. ‘+ Read directions to the students. If necessary, complete the first item to model the activity. ‘* Have students complete the activity either individually, in pairs, or in small groups. © Check students’ answers, correcting and explaining mistakes. Listening 1 ‘The purpose of this activity is to listen to short audio passages, focusing on listening for general context, gist, or main idea. ‘Use the vocabulary list to pre-teach any unfamiliar words or phrases. ‘+ Read the first sentence of the directions aloud. The sentence describes the general context of the listening passage. ‘© Ask students to predict what they might hear based on the description in the directions. * Read the rest of the directions aloud. They indicate what students should listen for. Make sure students focus on listening for the answer to this question. * Play the first item in the audio passage. Make sure that students understand why the answer is correct. + Play the rest of the audio passage and have students complete the activity. + Check students’ answers. Replay the audio, pausing at appropriate points to show where the answers are given. Listening 2 Task 1 ‘The purpose of this activity is to listen to short audio passages, focusing on listening for general context, gist, or main idea, © Use the vocabulary list to pre-teach any unfamiliar words or phrases to students. * Read the first sentence of the directions aloud. The sentence describes the general context of the listening passage. iv How to teach a Tactics for Listening unit * Ask students to predict what they might hear based on the description in the direction line. + Read the rest ofthe directions aloud. They indicate what students should listen for. Make sure that students focus on listening for the answer to this question. Play the firs item in the audio passage. Make sure that students understand why the answer is correct. © Play the rest of the audio passage and have students complete the activity © Check students’ answers. Replay the audio, pausing at appropriate points to show where the answers are given, Task 2 ‘The purpose of this activity is to listen to short audio passages, focusing on listening for specific details. + Explain to students that they will isten to the same audio ‘passage that they listened to in Listening 2 Task 1. © Read the activity directions. Make sure that students understand what piece of information they should listen for. Play the first item in the audio passage. Make sure that students understand why the answer is correct. + Play the rest of the audio passage forthe students and have them complete the activity. © Check students’ answers, Replay the audio, pausing at appropriate points to show where the answers are given. Listening 3 Task 1 ‘The purpose of this activity is to listen to short audio passages, focusing on listening for general context, gist, or main idea. © Use the vocabulary list to pre-teach any unfamiliar words ‘or phrases to students. © Read the first sentence of the directions to the class. The sentence describes general context of the listening passage. * Ask students to predict what they might hear based on the description in the direction line. * Read the rest of the directions to the class, They indicate what students should listen for. Make sure students focus on listening for the answer to this question. «Play the first item in the audio passage. Make sure that students understand why the answer is correct. ‘Play the rest of the audio passage and have students complete the activity. * Check the students’ answers, Replay the audio, pausing at appropriate points to show where the answers are given. Task 2 ‘The purpose of ths activity is to listen to short audio passages, focusing on listening for specific detail, Explain to students that they will listen to the same audio passage that they listened to in Listening 3 Task 1 Read the directions. Make sure that students understand ‘what piece of information they should listen for. Play the first tem in the audio passage. Make sure that students understand why the answer is correct. «+ Play the rest ofthe audio passage for the students and hhave them complete the activity. Check the students’ answers. Replay the audio, pausing at appropriate points to show where the answers are given, Pronunciation ‘The purpose of this activity is to familiarize students with the intonations, stress patterns, and reductions commonly used by native speakers of English, and to improve students’ listening comprehension skills. Task 1 «+ Preview the pronunciation models with the students, © Play the audio track, focusing the students’ attention on the pronunciation point. «Replay the audio, pausing ater each pronunciation example to allow students to repeat it. Repeat this procedure until students can accurately reproduce each example Task 2 ‘Task 2 can either be a discrete listening activity or a pair work activity + IF Task 2 is a discrete listening activity play the audio for the students. Have students focus on distinguishing between sounds as directed in the activity. Check the students’ answers and replay the audio until all students can correctly distinguish between sounds, «+ If Task 2 is a pair work activity place the students in pairs and have them practice the pronunciation examples in Task 1. Write other sentences focusing on the pronunciation point on the board and have students practice these as well Dictation ‘The purpose of this activity is for students to improve their discrete listening skills and reinforce their understanding of the pronunciation point through focused dictation practice. Task 1 * Pre-read the dictation activity with the students. Ask the students to summarize the conversation tothe best of their ability. If the students lack the language skills to create an effective summary, ask questions to help them identify key details from the conversation, © Play the audio passage. Instruct students to listen to the complete conversation without filling in the dictation blanks * Discuss the conversation with the students again, asking them to revise their previous summaries to include any new information they have heard «+ Replay the conversation. Pause afte each line to give students an opportunity to fil in any blanks. If necessary, replay lines until students have successfully filled in the blanks. Check the students’ answers. Task 2 + Replay the audio passage. Pause after each line and ask: students to repeat it as a class. Focus their attention on correctly replicating the pronunciation point. + Have students practice the conversation in pairs. Circulate through the class to monitor students’ pronunciation. © After students have completed the conversation, have them switch roles and practice it again Conversation The purpose of this activity is to practice the vocabulary and language models students have learned in the unit in an open conversation. * Set the context for the students by discussing directions ‘with them. Elicit words or phrases that may be useful in the activity and write them on the board. * Model a sample conversation for the students using the words and phrases on the board. * Place students in pairs and have them complete the activity. Circulate through the class monitoring the students’ conversations and providing assistance as needed. Unit Closing Activities Conversation Worksheets ‘The Teacher Resource CD-Rom contains a Conversation ‘Worksheet for each unit of the Student Book. These ‘worksheets provide an additional opportunity for students to practice using the language they have encountered in the unit. Unit Tests ‘The Teacher Resource CD-Rom contains a Unit Test for each unit of the Student Book. The Unit Test assesses students’ ability to listen for both gist and details as wel as their understanding of the vocabulary and language presented in the unit. How to teach a Tactics for Listening unit v Unit 1 Small Talk Page 2 Getting Ready Vocabulary ret 1 do think we've met introduce yourself Nice to se you again, Answers es ‘introduce 2. Greet 3. Introduce 4, Greet 5. Introduce 6, Greet 7. Introduce Listening 1 irae Vocabulary ‘Don’t we work in the same building? Haven't we met somewhere? Hey, you're (name), right? Remember me? Skill: Listening for greetings and introductions MMR 1. Haven'tmet 2. Have met 3. Haventmet 4, Havemet 5.Havemet 6, Havent met Page 3 Listening 2 constacks Vocabulary airconditioning hot and humid at home Tve got to run, challenging makes (someone) chips laugh courses moving shead Enjoy the party. stuck Goodluck to you, ‘That looks realy nice on you 2 Unit 1 Task 1 Siill: Listening fr topics Task 2 Skill Listening for attitudes 1. End the conversation 2, Continue the conversation 3, End the conversation 4. Continue the conversation 5. End the conversation 6. Continue the conversation Optional Activity ut the students into pairs. Have the students listen to the recording again and write a question and an answer about two of the conversations. When everybody is finished, have each pair read their questions aloud for another pair to answer. Page Listening 3 DI Tack4 Vocabulary design company Do you like living here? enough Have you been having fun here? Me, neither. That's too bad. video ‘What kind of work would you ike? Task 1 Pages Pronunciation D1 Tracks This pronunciation lesson focuses on the reduction of the h sound in words such as he, hint, his, and her. The objective of this lesson is to increase students’ awaréness of the reduction and improve listening ‘comprehension skills. Dictation 1 Tacks Task 1 1. youseen her 2, talked with her 3. Howshedoing 4, he got 5, happy to 6. tell him) Conversation © Help students contextualize the activity by describing an instance in Which you met an old acquaintance ‘on the street * Model the greetings you used and the questions you asked during that conversation and write them on the board. * Elicit similar encounters students have had and the language they used. ‘Add these to the list on the board + Ask students to at outa similar situation in pairs, Students may use the sample language on the board for support Unit 2 Plans Pages Getting Ready Vocabulary go out(to dinner) play (sports hang out take a trip out of town video games Answers will vary Listening 1 Diack Vocabulary careful ocean dangerous sal Tcan hardly wait! ski instructor stay home Stil: Listening for plans eb Bec 4a 5b 6a Optional Activity Hiave the students listen again and write down three expressions the speakers use to express excitement about their plans Conversation 1:1 can hardly walt Conversation 2:1 wouldnt mssit foranything! Conversation 3: Its supposed to be beautiful Conversation 6: It sounds very exciting to me! age? Listening 2 iacke Vocabulary alone Iplan to (do favorite something) final exams library godowntown visit (Go) out of town What are you up to? Task 1 __ Skil Listening for topic Tafalbe 2.fale 3, Tue A. False 5, False 6. Tue Optional Activity Put students into pairs. Have them ask cone another what they most like to do on the weekends and what they least like to do on the weekends, When the ‘exchange is done, have the students switch partners and ask the same ‘questions again, Repeat as time allows. Pages Listening 3 DI Frack9 Vocabulary. busy jst in ime campfire paper (report) finals present going on road trip 1 can't wait. age9 Pronunciation 1 Track 10 In this promunciation lesson, the focus {s on intonation in sentences that end ‘with tag questions. The objective of this lesson isto familiarize students with these changes in intonation, improving listening comprehension and speaking skills Dictation @iteckt Task 1 Aisntit 2. could gosee 3, doyou 4, We could go Conversation ‘© Begin a class discussion by sharing ‘with students some of the things you do on weekends, whether exciting or mundane List the activities onthe board as you go. © Elicit other weekend activities from ‘students. What do they like? What do they not like? Write these on the board as well. * Ask several students to talk briefly about what their ideal weekend ‘would be, using the activities listed onthe board © In their pairs, have students use this same language to frame a conversation about what they plan to doin the upcoming weekend Unit2 3 Unit 3 Successful Businesses Page 10 Getting Ready Vocabulary atmosphere facilities language school popularity staff ‘Answers will vary Liste Tack 2 g1 Vocabulary 10 percent cheaper convenient machines (etercie equipment) all ride service Skil Listening for negative information Page 11 Listening 2 D1 Tack 13 Vocabulary bright lights comfortable styles stylists the latest stuff organized displays fits (x) ‘garage (repair shop) 4 Unit3 Task 1 Skill: Listening for gist “Answers Optional Activity ‘Have the students listen again and write down the reason wity the people ke the things mentioned in Task 2 1. There i great music 2. They have all the latest stuff 3. The stylists are really good 4, There are bright lights at the front door. 5. They‘ about half the price of other paces. 6. Allof their stuff looks great and fits perfectly Page 12 Listening 3 Wi Tacks Vocabulary a good value speed chefs website quality Task 1 Skil Listening for gist Page 13 Pronunciation I Tack 15 ‘The Focus ofthis pronunciation lesson isthe stress put on certain words when stating a complaint The objective of this lesson is to help students identify and use the acepted stresses on words that express the exact reason for the complaint. Dictation @iTeckt6 1. are not very 2. are really bad 3.fellapart 4, takes too long 5 favorite jeans Conversation + Put the exercise into context by sharing with students what your favorite place to shop or eat is. What isthe main thing you ike about i? + Draw two columns onthe board, one for “likes” and one for "dislikes", List ‘a couple of things you like and don’t like about the business, using relevant vocabulary words. * Elicit favorite businesses from several students, recording what they like and don’t like about the business in ‘the same fashion as above. + Ask students to discuss this same topic in pairs Stadents may use the vocabulary words from the comparison charts on the board. Unit 4 Apologies and Excuses Page 14 Getting Ready Vocabulary all right Don't worry about it. Its no probem. Tt won't happen again rake it upto (Someone) ‘mean to (do something) worry 1. Apology 2 Response 3. Apology 4, Apology Page 16 5. Response 6, Apology eg 7. Response 8 Response Listening 3 DVirck19 Listening 1 Vocabulary Ova? ankle graduation ceremony Job interview Vocabulary cousin neighbors. book bag insurance information cgworkers wiece copy (of aCD) occasion food poisoning turned out to be dents seratch (something) dozens tripped Task 1 Skill: Listening for main idea - stening for implied information Page 15, Listening 2 Diack 18 Vocabulary accident on time break down roommate directions tow truck Optional Activity Put the students into pairs. Have the students take turns describing a time they missed an important event, modeling their responses on the emergency room unusual freeway ow nker irLanguage om monologues in Listening 3. Walk around the room and assist with grammar and vocabulary. Students should give at least one excuse and tll how they made up for the mistake. When they ate finshed, have the students share their stories with other pars Page 17 Pronunciation cov ack20 ‘The focus of this pronunciation lesson is differing intonations in yes/no and Wh: questions. The objective ofthis lesson is to increase students’ awareness of changing intonation and improve their listening comprehension Sills. Dictation 1rack21 Task 1 Answers 1. Where were you 2. ate you okay 3, Issomething wrong Conversation * Give the exercise some context by sharing a story with the class about a time you missed a date, meeting, ‘or appointment with another person. How did you apologize? What were ‘your excuses? + Ask the class to provide another ‘example of this same type of mistake Elicit responses about details such as how to apologize and possible excuses, Write class suggestions on the board, + In their pairs, have one student act the part of someone who missed an appointment, offering apologies and excuses, and the other student respond, Then let them switch roles and do the exercise again. Unit 4 5 Unit 5 Character Traits Page 18 Getting Ready Vocabulary caring patient enthusiastic persuasive honest sensitive informed strict intelligent Shanes Answers wil vary. Listening 1 1Tack22 Vocabulary effective ood with children elementary school issues get angry landlady gets mad rales Page 19 Listening 2 Dutiack3 Vocabulary can't stand criticize waTacke — Dictation A2 BS Vocabulary oateae a Oe Oe bumped around —_ pajamas. finally palled her out Task 1 in raffle tickets Poge 67 teen O - F injure sign brew i Listen ig 2 locked outof skid 1. about what happened 2.Tre (somewhere) ee 2. when suddenly the road 3. did you do Vocabulary Juckily es 4. justasl alarm button embarrassed Task 1 all of asudden —_go sailing an Sal Comnereatiom broke out aaa Shi: Listening for gist . he clas abo ompotied ——realont a Share a story with the class about a a time when something interesting levator suddenly ~ happened to you that you did not fi expect. As you tell the story, write Task 1 7 7 transition words and important time —— - plnrases onthe board Skill: Listening for attitudes Task 2 In their pairs, students may use these cues to record the parts of their story. Only note taking is allowed here. The storytelling must be done : verbally. Students will tell their 1. Frightened 2. Embarrassed 3, Disappointed 4. Disappointed EC a) ‘Te 2 Tive 3, Fale stories to one another and, when 4 fale 5.falbe 6, True done, share them with other pairs. Assist with vocabulary and grammar as necessary 18 Unit 17 Unit 18 Vacations Page70 Getting Ready Vocabulary Disney World safari white-water rafting Answers Answers will vary. Listening 1 (3,Tack? Vocabulary dying to (do motor coaches, something) prefer fascinating ski resort Jungle Sill: Listening for preferences Optional Activity Have students listen again and discuss Which trips they would prefer, and why. Page 71 Listening 2 D3,Tacks Vocabulary end up ina place) start off in (a place) get up to (a pace) off to (a place) straight on to (a place) Answers ‘The paces the people wil visit are: 1, Taipei, Seoul, Hong Kong Thailand 2, London, Oxford, Pars, Switzerland, Italy 3. Los Angeles, Denver, Washington, D.C, New York Task 2 Still: Listening for details Seoul:3 days Hong Kong: 2 days Thailand: 5 days 2. London: 1 week Oxford: 2 days Paris: 5 days Switzerland: 3 days Italy: S days 3. Los Angeles: 3 days Denver: 1 week Washington, D.C: 2 days [New York: 3 days Page 72 Listening 3 o3,tack9 Vocabulary alone ‘group tours art galleries on my own ‘backpackers plays (n) colonial towns practice do my own thing spend time free travelers Task 1 Task 2 Optional Activity Pat the students into groups of three or four. Have them listen to the recording again and decide which two speakers are the most similar, Have each group present their ideas to another group. Page 73 Pronunciation @3tad 10 Tn the pronunciation lesson students will see word pairs that sound as if they are “linked” by vowel sounds at the end of the first word and the beginning of the second (eg, do it= dow). The objective of the lesson is to increase students’ awareness ofthis common speech paern and improve listening comprehension Dictation O3,Track 1. goon vacation 2. Did you do 3. did go out 4, They were great Conversation + Begin the activity by sharing with students a memorable vacation you once took. Include details ike where ‘you stayed, what you di, sights you saw, how you got there, how long ‘you stayed, tc ‘+ Write these same questions on the board and ask students to describe cone of their own memorable ‘vacations by elaborating on each of the questions. Write responses on the board along with your own, * Put students in pais. They will converse about memorable vacations they have taken in the past, using the ‘models on the board as a rough guide Encourage students to question their partners if they wish to know more, or if they feel some information has been left out Unit 18 19 Unit 19 The Ne Page 74 Getting Ready Vocabulary crime magazines entertainment polities Answers wil vary. Listening 1 cb3,Tack12 Vocabulary collision investigating exports stock market fans stolen finals suffered heavy losses theft Ski: Listening for topics Optional Activity ut the students into groups of three or four. Have each group choose one news report from the recording, listen to it again, and then answer the question, What do you thine happened next? As the students prepare their answers, go around the lass helping asmneeded, When. everyone is ready, have each group share their answer with another group. Page75 Listening 2 stacks Vocabulary broke down giant panda closed down given birth Coast Guard guest room destroyed rescued escape searching 20 Unit 19 ws stranded twin the sizeof (Something) vehicle Task 1 Skill: Listening for gist “Answers 5 1. comect 2 incorrect 3. comrect 4 incorrect 5. correct 6. comect Task 2 1. Probably happened 2, Actually happened 3. Actually happened 4, Probably happened 5. Probably happened 6, Actually happened Page 76 Listening 3 @3Tacks Vocabulary checked protest combine sandbags flames sculptures fleeing snakes gallery works (of art) merger Task 1 Skill: Listening for topics ‘Answers ab 3b ac Sa 6b Task 2 Skil Listening for details Vefalse 2. False 3, Tue 4.Falsee 5. True 6 False Optional Activity Divide the students into groups of three of four. Play the recording again and have the groups write a headline for each story. When everyone is finished, have each group compare headlines with two other groups Page 77 Pronunciation D3 Tack 5 The promunclaton lesson focuses on syllable stress when talking about large numbers. The objective of the lesson is ‘to familiarize students with the rhythm in which large numbers are pronounced and improve both speaking and listening ‘comprehension skills. Dictation (3,Track 16 Task 1 1. watch the news 2. away with $850,000, 3. $15,000 reward Conversation + To give the activity some context, read aloud from a recent newspaper or summarize a few of the stories for the clas + On the board, write the allmportant W questions: Who? What? When? Where? Why? As you speak, record these basic details under each heading. © Ask several students to take turns making up their own short news story by offering answers for each of the questions and forming them into a sentence or two (eg. Yesterday, ‘a young man from New York won ant award for doing charitable acts.) © In their pairs, students may refer to the five W's onthe board to frame their own nevis stores and tell them to their partners. Unit 20 0 Page 78 Getting Ready Vocabulary. companions smoking informative the Olympic Games pride ‘waste time “Answers he 2d Listening 1 cD 3.Tacki7 Vocabulary bungee jumping out there (in space) company rope develop ‘space exploration distracting TV commercials jump off (a ‘waste of money bridge) Skill: Listening for topics 6b Page79 Listening 2 co3Tackt8 Vocabulary action movies raise money allowed TV programs encourage universe can't wait violent interrupt worth it lotteries: Task 1 ‘Skill: Listening for opinions Answers 1. For 2 Against 3, For 4.For 5. Against 6. Against pinions Task2 Skill: Listening for reasons Answers. ee. 1b 2b Ba 4c Ba Gb Optional Activity Pat the students into pairs. Have the students write three more reasons that support each speaker's opinion. Have cach pair share their reasons with another pair. Page 80 Listening 3 cD 3.Tack'9 Vocabulary absolutely, Sure, garden try (something) on T know. written for teenagers T'm not sure You're right about that. Lagree. Task 1 2, Dontt agree 1. Agree 3. Aare 4, Agee 5. Don'tagree 6. Don'tagree Task 2 Skill: Listening for details a LTwe 2 Tue 3. Fake Ate 5.Tue 6. Tue Pages! Pronunciation (3 Tack20 ‘The focus of this pronunciation lesson Js the intonation of words or phrases in a series. The objective of this lesson is to familiarize students with the natural rise and fall of such intonations and increase both speaking and listening comprehension skil Dictation (3 Track21 Task 1 2. big move theater 3. boring, dirty, small Conversation + Explain what the following activity ‘about, then spend a few minutes telling students what your favorite places in your city are. Choose a specific type of place, ikea restaurant ‘Why is it your favorite? How does it compare with other restaurants? Elicit similar responses from willing students, Elicit the reasons for their opinions by asking these same questions along the way, and encourage classmates to politely dispute this opinion. + In their pairs, students will choose their favorite places in the city and take turns making arguments for why that place isthe best. Make sure students are backing up their opinions with reasons, and ‘encourage each partner to question the other’ opinion. Unit 20 a Unit 21 Famous People age82 Getting Ready Vocabulary changed (one's) mind piece of music famous people the Mona Lisa invented Ba 6f Listening 1 cD3,Tack22 Vocabulary ‘Academy Award independent ‘African American physics athlete political leader ‘beauty pageants reggae horror stories scientist Skil Listening for gist Optional Activity Write the vocabulary items on the board, Play the reconding again and have the students raise their hands when they hear each item. Page ss Listening 2 CD 3,Track 23 Vocabulary advertisements award school plays biography starring role Indiana stage acting modeling newoomer 2 Unit21 2. California 1. Indiana 3. Indiana 4. California 5. NewYork 6, California Task 2 Stil: Listening for sequence He won an award. He had a staring rol... He acted in. He went to college. Rebel Without a Cause... He did modeling... Page 84 Listening 3 3.Tack24 Vocabulary African National assistant Congress chief prison deputy president released lected retired inspired ‘non-violent organization Task 1 Siill: Listening for details peaceful political ie sentenced to life State President 2.19823, 1952 1.1918 4.1964 5.19906, 1994 7. 1999 Task 2 Skil: Listening for details Answers ‘Tue = 2. Tue 3. False ATue —5.Fale 6, False Optional Activity Put te students into pairs Have the students listen to the monologue again and wirite one question of their own about Nelson Mandela, When everyone is finished, have pairs read their questions aloud to another pair Pages Pronunciation 3,Tack25 The focus of this pronunciation lesson 4s the reduction ofthe phases would ‘you, could you, and did you in everyday speech. The objective ofthis lesson isto make students aware of and alert to this reduction and improve their listening comprehension skills Dictation cD 3,Track26 Task 1 Sil ee 1. didyoudo 2. yousee anyone 3. would youdo 4. afamous actor Conversation + Announce that your favorite movie star is coming to town. Explain why this movie star is your favorite, and speculate what he or she might be lke in real life. Based on your description, what would he or she do in your town? Where would he or she go? + Ask students who thei favorite movie stars are, and record their answers on the board forall to see Elicit reasons wiy these are their favorites, and write afew of those down as well + For students who offered responses, ask them what they think their favorite movie star might be ike in real if, Write down some ofthese traits. If they visited your town, what ‘would they find fun and interesting there? Unit 22 Food and Nutrition Page 86 Getting Ready Vocabulary beans pancakes: carrots pineapples cereal poultry fats pyramid noodles sweets oils tuna de 3F 4d 5d 6d Re B&F ae Listening 1 D3 eck27 Vocabulary cholesterol put on weight cut down on steak given (Something) up sweet tooth pay attention Pages? Listening 2 D3. Tack28 Vocabulary cholesterol level high blood pressure dessert high cholesterol fat ‘sodium Task 1 Sill: Listening for suggestions Answers Lb de Be 4a Sa 6a Task2_ - Skill: Listening for details ae Ac Sa 6b Pagess Listening 3 cb 3,Taek29 Vocabulary bacteria matured bubbles pasteurized carbon dioxide process cultivated reacted cultures release curd ripens drained vitamins fermentation Task 1 Skill: Listening for details Answers 3, False tte 2. Tue 4.fale Ste 6. Fake 7. False 8 False Task 2 Skil: Listening fo sequence ‘The mit forms a solid substance. Specially cultivated bacteria are ‘added tothe milk 2 The milk is heated to remove all bacteria, 1 The curdis removed and drained. 5 The milkis kept warm so the cultures can grow, 3 Optional Activity Put the students into pairs. Have the students listen tothe talk again and write down one more step in the cheese raking process. When everyone is finished, have each pair share their step ‘with another par. Pages Pronunciation 0 3,Tack30 ‘This pronunciation lesson focuses on the differing pronunciations ofthe plural s in everyday speech (eg. cakes as opposed to eggs). The objective of this lesson is to increase students’ awareness of these pronunciations and improve listening comprehension ski Dictation 3 ,Tack31 1. would you lke 2. peas and carrots 3. chicken and vegetables Conversation + Ask students what they like to eat at restaurants, Ask about main dishes, side dishes, and desserts, Write several responses on the board to create a class “ment * Play the part of the waitperson at a restaurant Let students volunteer to play the part of customers and give you their orders from the menu ‘on the board. Write down your questions and student response on the board, + In their pairs, students will take turns playing waitperson and diner, using the menu and conventions written on the board asa guide Unit 22 23 Unit 23 Predicaments Page90 Getting Ready Vocabulary aloan predicament cheats solution ‘Answers wil vary. Listening 1 03 Tack32 Vocabulary ask (someone) out barks invite (someone) hhouse guest borrowed out forgoten lend graduation party pay (money) back Ski: Listening for gist Answers 1b Ra 4b Ba Page st Listening 2 03 Tack33 Vocabulary apologized dropped autograph ——_got stuck in traffic broke uy came up to looking over (someone's) (someone) shoulder cheated signed (someone's) name cleaning up unfortunately Task 1 Skil Listening for gist —Beswers A2 BS Gt D6 4 ORS 24 Unit 23 Optional Activity Have the students listen again and decide if they agree withthe way each person solved the predicament. Put the students in pais to discuss what they ‘would do diferenty (if anything) and ‘why, Ask afew pairs to share their ‘opintons with the class. Page 92 stening 3 cD 3,Tack34 Vocabulary acting weird depressed anonymous manager aware psychologist, awkward send (someone) a breath Rote brother-in-law ‘snores Task 1 Skill: Listening for attitudes Pages? Pronunciation 0 3,Tack35 ‘The focus of the pronunciation lesson {s word stress in compound nouns, The objective of this lesson is to familiarize students with the proper placement of stresses in such noun phrases and improve speech and listening comprehension skills Dictation (3 Tack36 1. house guest staying 2. his apartment building 3. insurance company. Conversation © Make alist on the boar that includes several situations or activities in ‘which one might encounter a predicament, such as work, school, relationships, travel, going out, et. * Choose a scenario from thelist and tella story in wich you faced a particular predicament. It an be real ot fictional. How did it happen? How was it resolved? *+ Allow volunteers from the lass to choose their own scenario and tell a bref story from their lives about a time they faced a predicament. Assist with vocabulary and grammar when eliciting responses. * In their pairs, students may use the categories and key words on the board to guide their own discussion of past predicaments in their lives. Go around the classroom eliciting extra facts and asisting with speech, Unit 24 Global Issues Page 94 Getting Ready Vocabulary AIDS averpopulation air pollution poverty crime terrorism destruction of the unemployment rain forests war lobal warming issue Answers. water pollution Answers will vary. Listening 1 co3tack37 Vocabulary a growing problem focus on (doing something) housing places to live public transportation, spend more on (something) What we really have to do is, eae Lb kb Ba Page 9s Listening 2 03 Tack38 Vocabulary bombs chemicals dumping explosions fighting freeways, garbage That's why ‘Skill: Listening for gist high-rise buildings industries landfills mayor move (to a new cin) polluted sports magazines upward waste the country the only solution Task1 ‘Skill: Listening for topics Answers 1b da Be 4b 5b 6a Task 2 Stil: Listening for details 1efalse -2.Tue 3, True 4.false 5. True 6, False Optional Activity Write the following question on the board: Do you think the speakers response will solve the problem? Put the students into groups of tree or four. Play the monologues again and have the groups discuss the question on the board for each monologue, Page 96 Listening 3 co 3.rack9 Vocabulary artacted huge availble image believe in realty difficult to find low (salary) expect make a living farmers ‘megacities find work no longer glamorous salaries health care Task 1 Skil: Listening for details Answers The correct reasons are 1,3, 6,and 8 3. False Tue 2. Tue A.fale Ste 6. Fae age 7 Pronunciation D3, Tecks0 This pronunciation lesson will focus on syllable stress in two syllable nouns and verbs The objective ofthis lesson i to teach students the ways in which the stresses are consistently diferent between most nouns and verbs, thus improving speaking and listening comprehension skills Dictation 3,Tackat 1. somany problems 2. forests, trafic problems 3. reduce pollution 4, big problem Conversation + Ask students what ar the most important problems facing the world today. Elicit responses and write them on the board ‘+ Which i the most important problem right now? Have willing volunteers offer arguments in support of one tlobal issue over all the others Encourage other students to question these opinions. 4+ How are we to solve these problems? lit some solutions from students, ‘writing key words onthe board as you go along, + In their pairs, students will choose a major global issue and discuss it with 2 partner. They may use the framework and key words on the board as @ rough guide Unit 24 25 Tactics for Testing Notes and Answer Key Tactics for Testing Units 1-4 + Read the testing tip atthe bottom of page 99 withthe students + Look at each picture and ask students to describe what they see. Have the students focus on describing the main action in the pictures. Explain that correct answer choices usually describe the main action or ‘general idea of the picture. Incorrect answers often use words that appear in the picture, but incorrectly describe the action of the picture. For example, the correct answer choice for picture 4 should say something about people attending a meeting, Incorrect answer choices may reference things in the picture, such as the chairs, but will do so in a way that incorrectly describes the picture. By previewing the pictures and developing their own description of the action in each one, students can anticipate what they will likely hear in the correct answer choice. Page 98 Part 1 car Procedures. + Read the directions to the students ‘Explain that they will need to choose the answer choice that accurately describes each picture. ‘+ Remind students to quickly preview the pictures, focusing on the main action of the piture 4 Remind students to use the answer sheet on the le hand side of page 98 ‘ofl in their answers. * When students are ready, play the recording. Do not pause berween items as the appropriate answer time is built into the audio track © Check students’ answers. Replay the recording, pausing tis time to discuss the correct answers with the students. Page99 Part 2 a3 Procedures + Read the directions tothe students. Explain that they will hea a question ‘ora statement and will need to choose the most appropriate response from the answer choices + Remind students to use the answer sheet onthe left hand side of page 98 to fill in their answers. * When students are ready, play the recording. Do not pause between items as the appropriate answer time is built into the audi track * Check students’ answers. Replay the recording, pausing this time to discuss the correct answers withthe students. Part 3 waa Procedures + Read the directions tothe students. Explain that they will hear a short conversation followed by three questions about the conversation + Remind students to use the answer shoot onthe let hand side of page 98 to fil in their answers. + When students are ready, play the recording, Do not pause between items as the appropriate answer time is built into the audio tack © Check students’ answers. Replay the recording, pausing this time to discuss the correct answers with the students Tactics for Testing Units 5-8 Answers o>n>e a boen Testing Focus Activity “Read the testing tip at the bottom of page 100 with the students. If students are unfamiliar with the term. inference, explain the term and give the following example on the board: © Company A only hires college graduates, Bob works for Gompany A «+ Explain to students that from these two statements they can infer that Bob isa college graduate. Explain that this is logical inference to make because i is based on information that is directly stated. ‘+ Explain that an illogical inference ‘would not be based on information that is directly stated. For example it ‘would be illogical to infer that Bob ies tis job. because there is nothing directly stated about Bobs opinion of his job. + Explain to students that they can recognize inference questions by looking for key words such as suggest, imply. infer, most likely, and probably. 4+ Have students scan the questions on pages 100 and 104 and pick out the inference questions. (Questions 4, 7, and 10 ate inference questions) «After students complete each question set, replay the audio track, pausing to focus on the inference question Discuss with students how the correct answer is based on information directly stated inthe passage 26 Test Notes and Answer Key © Oxford University Press. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. Page 100 Part 1 as Procedures + Read the directions to the students. Explain that they will hear part of a lecture followed by four questions about the lecture. Encourage students to take notes as they listen and to use these notes when answering ‘the questions «+ Remind students to use the answer sheet on the left hand side of page 100 to fill in their answers. When students are ready, play the recording. Do not pause between items asthe appropriate answer time is built into the audio track © Check students’ answers. Replay the recording, pausing this time to discuss the correct answers with the students Page 101 Part 2 4s Procedures + Read the directions to the students. Explain that they will hear a short conversation followed by three ‘questions about the conversation, Encourage students to take notes as ‘they listen and to use these notes ‘when answering the questions + Remind students to use the answer sheet on the left-hand side of page 100 to fill n their answers. ‘+ When students are ready, play the recording. Do not pause between items as the appropriate answer time is built into the audio track. + Check students’ answers, Replay the recording, pausing this time to discuss the correct answers with the students Part 3 war Procedures + Read the directions tothe students, Explain that they will hear a short conversation followed by three © Oxford University Press. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. questions about the conversation Encourage students to take notes as they listen and to use these notes ‘when answering the questions. «Remind students to use the answer sheet on the left-hand side of page 100 toll in their answers © When students are ready play the recording. Do not pause between items as the appropriate answer time is built into the audio tack. © Check students’ answers Replay the recording, pausing this time to discuss ‘the correct answers with the students. Tactics for Testing Units 9-12 Answers uC RA 3.8 48 5, east 6. Olympic Vilage 7. iver 8, bicycle routes 9. government website 10. parents 11, wooden structures 12, yellow 13. tiles 14, Earth heaven 15.1 Testing Focus Acti + Read the testing tip atthe bottom of ‘page 103 with the students, Explain that on some tests, such as IELTS™ and the TOEFL® test, students will listen to long passages. On these tests it can be difficult for students to know ‘what information is important and ‘what information isn’t important. Explain that by previewing the questions before the start of the recording, students can focus their attention on listening for the specific information they will need to answer the questions. “Ask students to preview the questions on page 102. Ask students what details they think they will need to listen for in the recording and write their responses on the board, «© As students listen to the recording for Part 1, have them focus on the listening forthe details written on ‘the board. Page 102 Part 1 cae Procedures + Read the directions tothe students Explain that they will ear two parts of a conversation between a man and a woman, After each part oF the conversation, they will answer a series of questions about that pat of the conversation. Questions 1-4 are multiple choice questions and students should circle the appropriate answer choice. Questions 5-10 ae filln- the blank questions, Students should vwritea maximum of two words for each blank. ‘© When students are ready, play the recording, Do not pause between items as the appropriate answer time is built into the audio track + Check students’ answers. Replay the recording, pausing this ime to discuss ‘the correct answers with the students Page 103 Part 2 4g Procedures + Read the directions tothe students, ‘Explain that they will hear two parts of a talk by a tour guide After each part of the conversation, they will answer series of questions about that part of the conversation. Questions 11-14 are fillin-the-blank questions. Students should write a maximum of two ‘words foreach blank. Questions 15-20 correspond to the map inthe center of page 103, Students should write the appropriate letter from the map in the blank provided in each question. Test Notes and Answer Key 7 + Give students an opportunity to preview the questions on page 103. Discuss what important details they should listen for and write these on the board, + When students are ready, play the recording. Do not pause between items as the appropriate answer time is built into the audio track * Check students’ answers, Replay the recording, pausing this time to discuss the correct answers with the students, Tactics for Testing Testing Focus Activity ‘+ Read the testing tip atthe bottom of page 105 with the students, Explain ‘that statement/response items are ones in which students hear a statement or 1 question and then choose the most appropriate response (asin questions 72 on page 105.) + Write the following question and response item on the board: Do you went to get something 1 eat? A:T had bunch a ite while go. B:No I don’ like piza Yes, Thad hunch with Susan + Explain to students that che most appropriate answer choice is A. It answers the question indirectly; it doesn't directly give a "yes” ora “no” to the question, but a “no” is implied by the response, Answer choices B and C, on the ‘other hand, both start with Yes or No, but the actual responses do not match the question. Explain that this is @ common tactic on statement/response questions. Students must think carefully about the meaning of every answer choice and how it matches up with the question. Page 104 Part 1 cai0 Procedures © Read the directions to the students, Explain that they will need to choose ‘the answer choice that accurately describes each picture, © Remind students to use the answer sheet om the left-hand side of page 104 to fill in their answers. © When students are ready, play the recording, Do not pause between items asthe appropriate answer time is built into the audio track © Check students’ answers, Replay the recording, pausing this time to discuss the correct answers with the students, Page 105 Part 2 oan Procedures + Read the directions to the students, Explain that they will hear a question or a statement and will need to choose ‘the most appropriate response from the answer choices + Remind students to think carefully about the meaning of each answer choice and how it matches up with the question, + Remind students to use the answer sheet on the lef-hand side of page 104 to fill in their answers + When students are ready play the recording, Do not pause between items as the appropriate answer time is built into the audio track. Check students’ answers. Replay the recording, pausing this time to discuss the correct answers with the students, Focus on questions 10 and 12, Discuss with students how the correct answer choices (B and C) contain indirect answers to yes/no questions. Procedures © Read the directions tothe students. Explain that they will hear a short conversation followed by three questions about the conversation © Remind students to use the answer sheet on the left-hand side of page 104 to fill in their answers © When students are ready, play the recording, Do not pause between items as the appropriate answer time is built into the audio track © Check students’ answers. Replay the recording, pausing this time to discuss the correct answers with the students. Tactics for Testing Units 17-20 Beoay >eren Testing Focus Activity + Read the testing tip at the bottom of page 106 with the students Explain that many students feel pressure to finish tests quickly and that, as a result, they do ‘not read the questions and the answer choices as carefully as they should. Explain that when reading quickly, it is easy to miss words like not and only, but that these words change the meaning of a question or sentence in Important ways. Missing these ‘words in a question for answer chioice will lead to incorrect answers on the test, ‘+ Have students read the question and answer choices on pages 106 and 107 slowly and carefully: Have students circle any negatives (such as not) or restrictive words (such as only) 28 Test Notes and Answer Key © Oxford University Press, Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. Page 106 Part 1 on Procedures + Read the directions tothe students Explain that they will hear part of a lecture followed by four questions about the lecture. Encourage students to take notes as they listen and to use these notes when answering the questions “+ Remind students to use the answer sheet om the left-hand side of page 106 to fill in their answers. + When students are ready play the recording, Do not pause between items as the appropriate answer time is built into the audio trac. © Check students’ answers, Replay the recording, pausing this time to discuss the correct answers with the students Page 107 Part 2 Crear Procedures ‘+ Read the directions to the students. Explain that they will hear a short conversation followed by three questions about the conversation. Encourage students to take notes as ‘they listen and to use these notes when answering the questions. ‘Remind students to use the answer sheet on the left-hand side of page 106 to fill in their answers + When students are ready play the recording, Do not pause between items asthe appropriate answer time is built into the audio track. + Check students’ answers. Replay the recording, pausing this time to discuss the correct answers with the student. Part 3 4s Procedures + Read the directions tothe students Explain that they will hear a short conversation followed by three questions about the conversation. Encourage students to take notes as they listen and to use these notes ‘when answering the questions © Remind students to use the answer sheet on the left-hand side of page 106 to fill in their answers. © When students are ready play the recording. Do not pause between items asthe appropriate answer time is built into the audio track. © Check students’ answers. Replay the recording, pausing this time to discuss the correct answers with the students Tactics for Testing Units 21-24 Answers elena er 48 X 5. 13 6. fat 7. potatoes 8. oily 9 nuts 10, label 11, farming 12, air pollution 13, reliable 14, costeffective 15, community members 16. 60 liters irLanguage om nope Testing Focus Activity + Read the testing tip atthe bottom of page 109 with the students. Explain thatthe listening passages in tests can be very long and that itis important to have a strategy for keeping track of the information. Explain that listening for transition words is one way of keeping track of information, and that a passage can be divided into parts based on the transition words. Words such as meanwhile, in summary, finally, or fr example, signal when important information will be heard, + Ask students to make a list of other transition words they know. Write a few of their responses on the board. «As student listen tothe recordin, have them focus on lstening for transition words and writing them down in their notebooks. Page 108 Part 1 wre Procedures + Read the directions to the students Explain that they will hear two parts of a conversation between @ man and a woman. After each part of the conversation, they will answer a series of questions about that part of the conversation. Questions 1-4 are multiple choice questions and students should circle the appropriate answer choice. Questions 5-10 are filkin-the-blank questions, Students should write a maximum of two ‘words for each blank. © When students are ready, play the recording, Do not pause between items as the appropriate answer time is built into the audio track. Check students’ answers. Replay the recording, pausing this time to discuss the correct answers with the students. Page 109 Part 2 oo Procedures + Read the directions tothe students ‘Explain that they will hear two parts of a talk in an environment class. After each part of the conversation, they will answer a series of questions about that par of the conversation Questions 11-16 ae fill-n-the-blank questions, Students should write a ‘maximum of two words for each blank. Questions 17-20 correspond to the map in the center of page 109. Students should write the appropriate letter from the map inthe blank provided in each question. ‘+ When students are ready, play the recording. Do not pause between items as the appropriate answer time is built into the audio tack + Check students’ answers. Replay the recording, pausing this time to discuss the correct answers with the students © Oxford University Press. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. Test Notes and Answer Key. 29 Vocabulary Worksheet 1 Expanding Tacs for steing Third Ei Part 1 Use the words in the box to complete the crossword puzzle. design ie enough c introduce course ace greet ahead humid remember Across Down 1, to plan or create something 2. to help someone meet someone else 3, to have a memory of something 4, in the front 6. aclass 5, all that is necessary 7. warm and wet 8. to meet and welcome someone 30 Vocabulary Worksheets © Oxford University Press. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. Joca b u | ja ry Worksheet 2 Expanding Tactics for Listening Third Edition art 1 latch the words and phrases on the left with their definitions on the right. 1. dangerous ‘A. with a lot of things that you must do 2. hang out B. agift 3. instructor C. risky and possibly harmful 4. careful D. a brief stay with others away from home 5. favorite E. cautious; avoiding harm or injury 6. present F. a teacher or professor 7. paper G. a report you write for class 8. busy H. being without the company of others 9. alone I. to spend free time with friends 0. visit J. preferred more than all others art 2 omplete the sentences. Use the words or phrases from Part 1. 1. Itis important to be ___ when driving on icy roads. 2. I met my friends at the mall so we could just —___ 3. His parents were out of town, leaving him _______ for the weekend. 4, She was very ______ with her many afterschool activities. 5, The _____ was strict in class, but very friendly outside of school. 6. At Christmas, I bought a_____ for my friend. 7. The assignment was to write a about the American Civil War. 8. During the summer, I like to___ my grandparents for a week. 9. His ___ sport used to be hockey, but now he thinks soccer is the best. (0. Fearing injury, the hikers said the mountain trail was too —_____ © Oxford University Press. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. Vocabulary Worksheets 31 Vocabulary Worksheet 3 E 6 u Part 1 Find the words in the box in the word search puzzle. atmosphere comfortable vo. : A BQ popular stylist : nor os staff quality service speed oo M rude website rose Lott nyu RLS 1B Nos Ee For Ww Part 2 Complete the sentences. Use the words from Part 1. 1. 5. 32 ‘This new mattress is much more than the old one. ‘The runner will win the marathon if he can maintain his With such thoughtful servers, it’s no wonder the is great. The dim lighting and soft music give the restaurant a great Jim was hired as a member of the company’s sales 10. Expanding Tactics for Listening Third Editiot sesuuc HP K TOO we RY Mm oumee L416 xo virB Ra, PRT oT MH VY A uve cs ce RL EB Y Je ‘We should really tip the valet, so we don't seem ‘The fresh seafood arrives daily, so it is of the very best My always gives me great haircuts. The offered the option of tracking my diet online. The kids are known by everyone at school Vocabulary Worksheets © Oxford University Press. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. Vocabulary Worksheet 4 Expanding Tactics for Listening Third Edition ook at the words and the definitions below. Make a sentence using each word. Word Definition My sentence worry ‘to be concerned about something | scratch a depression cut into a surface dozen 12 of something occasion an important event tripped fell over something | | on time | at the expected time breakdown | to stop working; usually refers to acar directions an explanation of how to get to someplace accident. something that happens suddenly or by chance, often with bad results unusual not normal or ordinary graduation | a ceremony for people who have completed a high school, college or university degree neighbors | people who live very near each other (© Oxford University Press. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. Vocabulary Worksheets 33 Vocabulary Worksheet 5 Expanding Tacs for stening 7 Editio: Part 1 a Use the words in the box to complete the crossword puzzle. enthusiastic 7 intelligent 2. 3. patient strict a S criticized ~ raise u 7. athletic depressed bother a. iB. Across Down 2. to compliment someone 1. feeling sad and hopeless 7. cheerful; eager 3. closely following and enforcing the rules 8. judged; looked for faults 4, smart; informed 9. fit, healthy, and active 5. to trouble oneself 6. able to stay calm when you are waiting 34 Vocabulary Worksheets © Oxford University Press. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. focabulary Worksheet 6 expanding Tactiesfr Listening Tir Eton art 1 ead the definitions and unscramble the words below. raggage platform departure passengers delayed arrival exhausted flight refreshments seat belt Very tired Leaving a place dehusxateu —___— perdarute . The place where you board a train 7. What travelers keep their belongings in fropmalt gabegag }. Beginning later than planned 8. A single, specific trip on an airplane ledayde —___ ghilft t. Snacks such as sodas and chips 9. A device to hold passengers to their chairs thremrefsens —____ blasteet —______ A person riding on a bus, train, or airplane 10. Coming toa place gaspsenser raviral art 2 omplete the sentences. Use the words from Part 1. at the carousel. 1. After the plane landed, I picked up my 2. The flight attendant asked me to fasten my 3. After waiting to leave for an hour, the plane was finally ready for 4. Iwas so when I arrived that I fell right to sleep. 5. She asked an attendant which the train would arrive at. 6. Because of the bad weather, the flight had to be 7. On the flight, people were offered ________ instead of a full meal. 8. Having shown up early, I patiently waited for the train's —___ that there were no empty seats. 9, The plane was s0 full of. 0. The __to Sydney was very long and boring. © Oxford University Press. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. Vocabulary Worksheets 35 Vocabulary Worksheet 7 expanding Tacs for istning Third Ea Part 1 ‘Match the words and phrases on the left with their definitions on the right. 4. suburbs A. traveling to work 2, annoying B. the grassy area around a house 3. yard C. household machines, like a dishwasher or an oven 4, commuting D. cleaning, repairing, and taking care of something, 5. ancient E, smaller towns that surround a big city 6. single F, the state that a house or car is in 7. convenient G. very old 8. condition H. making you a little angry 9, maintenance I. simple, easy, and useful 10. appliances J. not ina romantic relationship Complete the sentences. Use the words from Part 1 1. After the accident, the car was in very bad 6. The store was very ___, since it — was only a block from his apartment. 2. The old apartment was falling apart, and required 7. ‘She found her neighbor's frequent visits to be constant 3. I decided to leave the city for a quiet life in the 8. She decided to buy all new = for the kitchen. 4, Fora while, [was ________to the office 9. After years of dating different people, somehow by train. she was still —___ 5. He visited Greece to see all the 10, After lunch, we should go outside and play buildings from long ago. football in the 36 Vocabulary Worksheets © Oxford University Press. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. focabulary Worksheet 8 expanding Tacs for Ustening Third Eton rt 1 nd the words in the box in the word search puzzle. 6 ys TAD TUM I ghost plumbing " pPous NES VA KN ingredients stadium ELABORATE G neglect elaborate a viet 1cux G¢HWCOXR tuition identify TeBOMFULTVE column scam uRotBY x Ss ¥ D INR GUtPOK TPs cAMNH BE ios kK 8 Q@tLNGHIN oTYNEGLECT N10 €N TIF YS eck osesTM™MR art 2 ‘omplete the sentences. Use the words from Part 1. 1. Ineed to go shopping to get the ___ for this recipe. 2, Despite all the clues, the police could not _________— the criminal. often leaked. 3, Because the building was old, the — of her dead husband. 4. The old woman claimed to see the 5. Without regular servicing, the car fell into a state of 6, The _______ for this university is very expensive. 7. The concert was so big, it had to be held in a ___ 8. The decorations for the princess's wedding were incredibly 9. Don’t reply to that email; itis clearly just a in this morning's newspaper. 0. Iread a very interesting © Oxford University Press. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. Vocabulary Worksheets 37 Vocabulary Worksheet 9 Expanding Tacs for List Part 1 ' Use the words in the box to complete the crossword puzzle. autograph 7 education appearance director diet : os festival crowds. s craft Across Down 2. the way something looks 1. a person's handwritten signature 5. a big party or celebration 3. the process of learning 6. a job or activity for which you need skill with 4, a manager or supervisor (sometimes for actors) your hands 7. large groups of people 8. the foods that a person eats regularly 38 Vocabulary Worksheets © Oxford University Press, Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. Yocabulary Worksheet 10 Expanding Tactics for Listening Third Edition ook at the words and the definitions below. Make a sentence using each word. Word Definition My sentence documentary | a film or television program about real-life events sitcom ja television program about people | in a funny situation soap opera _| a television program about | romance and relationship drama hurricane a storm with very strong winds episode | one part in a television series | 7 miserable | experiencing extreme unhappiness defense protection from harm impression | a quick judgment based mostly on | ‘outward appearances breakthrough | an important discovery, as in research or an investigation contestant a person who competes on a game show hilarious very funny trivia very specific facts about a particular subject © Oxford University Press. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. elena er irLanguage om Vocabulary Worksheets 39 Vocabulary Worksheet 11 Part 1 Read the definitions and unscramble the words below. culture nightlife safety traffic clubs 1. free from worrying about something leriveed — 2, all kinds of fun activities after dark genthilif 3, taking a tour and visiting landmarks sestigehing 4, people who play instruments or write music acismunis 5. places to dance and hear music bules Part 2 Complete the sentences. Use words from Part 1 1. We listened to the 2. There was a lot of 3. We decided to go dancing at the relieved crime sightseeing musicians _—_ wallet 6. an action that is against the law mecir 7. freedom from harm or injury festay —_ 8. a place to keep money and credit cards lawtel 9. the ways and customs of a people ructule 40, all the cars on the road fractif ____ play beautiful songs in the street. on the road, so I was late for dinner. on my birthday. 4, Studying abroad is a great way to learn a lot about a different 5. A thief stole my 7. Twas 8. The man committed a 9. The concerts. 10, ____ so many tourist attractions, we spent the whole day just when I found the papers I thought I'd lost. by breaking into his neighbor's house. ___in Tokyo is amazing, with so many dance clubs and is a major concern in the city, where crime can be high. 40 Vocabulary Worksheets © Oxford University Press. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. Vocabulary Worksheet 12 Expanding Tacks for Listening Third Eaton Part 1 Match the words and phrases on the left with their definitions on the right. 4. economy ‘A. a group for people with the same interests 2. fence B. a facility for manufacturing goods 3. industry C. lacking knowledge, training, or involvement 4. factory D. people or companies that produce and sell goods 5. club E, totally empty of people 6. business F. a barrier 7. out of business G. having to do with money, business, and sales 8. public transportation H.a single money-making enterprise 9. deserted I. means of mass travel, such as trains, subways, and buses 0. inexperienced J. no longer in operation art 2 Complete the sentences. Use the words or phrases from Part 1. 1. Tuse___to get around the city because I don’t have a car. 2. No one was in the building when he arrived; was completely 3. My first___ was an Internet company that I started while I was in school. 4. No one would hire the young man because he was still 5. In college, I belonged to a______ devoted to movies and filmmaking. 6. After several banks and companies closed, the ______ began to worsen. 7. The company built anew _____ to produce its new line of cars. 8. Having lost too much money, the company finally went 9. Ibuilta tall ____ around my yard so I could have privacy from my neighbors. 0. With more _________ in the area, there would be more jobs. ‘© Oxford University Press. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. Vocabulary Worksheets 4 Vocabulary Worksheet 13 Expanding Tats for Listening Third Eton Part 1 Find the words in the box in the word search puzzle. GNTVALENT INE bother fan Pp 1c Ho} wuetom honor anniversary 5 RX o0GMN BMI CP! admission romantic ne o ¢ BA 1 VOR P EH FD celebrate midnight i mMouo3 S 1 K FOF TN invite valentine AP TH S T FNAL SI NF HW it £€ 05 XN 8G TR EQoRtLTeET SH voR RN KL OV Y OT cK HE TAR BELEC yo oR AS MRE V I NN AO Part 2 Complete the sentences. Use the words from Part 1 4. On Sundays, _____ to the Natural History Museum is free. 2. They threw a big party for their parents’ fiftieth wedding __ dinner at an Italian restaurant. 3, My girlfriend and I enjoyed a 4, On Memorial Day, Americans — soldiers who died in wars. 5. Are you going to a lot of guests to the party? 6. After we won the soccer match, we decided to go out and 7. Look how late it is; it’s past —______ 8. Please be quiet, so we don’t _______ our neighbors. 9. Isent a card, some chocolates, and a red rose to my special 10. Mia is a big _____ of Halloween, because she loves to wear costumes. 42 Vocabulary Worksheets © Oxford University Press. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. Vocabulary Worksheet 14 Expanding Tacs for steing Third El Part 1 Use the words in the box to complete the crossword puzzle. formal elegant handsome 3. trousers fa. typical blouse |_| promotion Es plain imported Across Down simple; lacking style 2, made in and sold from another country I. getting a higher position at work 3. long pants a shirt worn by women 6. refined; neat; graceful 7. wearing very nice clothes (as to a wedding) 3. being good-looking (usually refers to men) ). normal; ordinary © Oxford University Press. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. Vocabulary Worksheets 43 Vocabulary Worksheet 15 expanding Tctes for stening Third Eon cere neneoncneneceennnmenniaent Look at the words and the definitions below. Make 4 sentence using each word. Word Definition My sentence useful being of use; practical and helpful rather used to express a preference for one thing over another kind of slightly, somewhat delicious tasting very good work on to fix or repair something background | a person's previous experience or training make sense to be logical and easy to understand position ajob ins a company with specific responsibilities trendy in fashion disturbed bothered; interrupted housekeeping | a service offered by a hotel for the purpose of cleaning hotel rooms guide ‘one who leads, as on a tour 44 Vocabulary Worksheets © Oxford University Press. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. Vocabulary Worksheet 16 Expanding Tacties for Listening Third Eaton Part 1 Read the definitions and unscramble the words below. appointment congratulations remind suggestion request absent damage tiedup pleased scared 1. to help someone remember something 6. an expression of happiness for someone else's nimerd good fortune 2. to break or cause harm to something rastioncuglotan magade 7. not there nsaetb _ 3. an agreed-on date to meet with someone noptampient 8. satisfied with something an idea that is recommended saplede 9. toask for something gistugenso 5. to be busy doing something sterque —______— udit pe 10. afraid dercas — Part 2 Complete the sentences. Use the words from Part 1. 1. Did the accident ‘your car? 2. Lam____ flying, so I usually take the train. 3. Mike was very ______ with the good grade he got on the test. 4, She offered her ______________ to John when she heard about his raise. 5, Atthe meeting, I made a ______ about how to improve sales. 6. Iwas running late for my _____ with the doctor. 7. Jason was so with schoolwork that he didn’t have time to eat. 8. Ann was____ from school because she had a cold. 9. She promised to ____ me to take out the garbage if I forgot. 10. Thad to__ another application, since I spilled coffee on the first. © Oxford University Press. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. Vocabulary Worksheets 45 Vocabulary Worksheet 1 7 Part 1 Expanding Tactics for Listening Third Ed Match the words and phrases on the left with their definitions on the right. 4. valuable 2. exactly 3. alarm 4. injured 5. pajamas 6. nervous 7. suddenly 8. realize 9. elevator 10. luckily Part 2 A. to have one’s expectations unmet B, without warning C. to become aware of something D. worth a lot of money E, precisely; very accurately F. easily excitable; anxious G. a device that signals a bad event H. fortunately I. a machine that takes people up and down between floors ina building Complete the sentences. Use the words or phrases from Part 1 4. Please put on your and get into bed. 2, My grandmother left me a pearl necklace that is very —___ 3, ______, your leg isn’t broken. 4, [will not pay for food if it is not what I ask for. at the thought of w He was very giving a presentation for the boss. 6. I took the — _____ to the 14th floor, since the stairs took too long, ___, the ear burst into flames while driving down the road. 8. [have an______ that goes off when someone enters the house. 9. After waking up with a fever, I that I should see the doctor. 10. He playing soccer. his knee when he was 46 Vocabulary Worksheets © Oxford University Press. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. Vocabulary Worksheet 18 Expanding Tactics for Listening Third tion art 1 “ind the words in the box in the word search puzzle. FPGALLERIES safari plays ARIVPLAY 5S KB jungle backpacker SA FAR INGDVA galleries fascinating resort free practice. onmyown art 2 Complete the sentences. Use the words from Part 1. 1. While usually quite boring, today’s astronomy lecture was actually 2. We went to lots of museums and art _ during our vacation. 3. We don't have much money, so we like to go to____ concerts 4. The hostel in Berlin was a great place to stay for a penniless like me. 5. I'll never become a famous musician if I don’t ______ every day. 6. On our trip to the Caribbean, everything we needed was right there at the 7. The best part of our trip was the day we went on ain the savanna. 8. I love theater, so I go to____ often. 9. At the hotel in Borneo, we could hear noises coming from the nearby all night long. - 0. I decided that I would be happier _____ than with a group of people. © Oxford University Press. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. Vocabulary Worksheets a7 Vocabulary Worksheet 19 Expanding Tacties for Listening Third Editor ncaininarntcet nine ARN Part 1 Use the words in the box to complete the crossword puzzle, suffer 7 5. entertainment i magazine a B politics theft escape rescued protest Across Down 2. to get out of a bad situation 4. stealing 4, yo experience something bad 3. the study of government 7, amusing activity for fun 5. to show disagreement 6. saved from danger 8. a weekly or monthly publication that contains pictures, articles, and stories 48 Vocabulary Worksheets © Oxford University Press. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. Vocabulary Worksheet 20 Expanding Tacs for Ustening Tied ation .ook at the words and the definitions below. Make a sentence using each word. Word Definition | My sentence companion | a friend who spends a lot time with you informative | providing useful facts pride a feeling of respect for oneself | commercials | advertisements on TV or radio distracting | taking one’s attention away from —_ | more important matters | develop to build up unused land or neighborhoods allowed —_| given permission todo something | encourage _| to inspire someone to have confidence interrupt __| to distract someone from a conversation or activity universe everything that exists anywhere — — | violent | forceful, aggressive, and often | harmful absolutely | without any doubt © Oxford University Press. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. Vocabulary Worksheets 49 Vocabulary Worksheet 21 Expanding Tacks for Ustening Third dor Part 1 ~ Read the definitions and unscramble the words below. famous invent athlete scientist advertisement © newcomer inspired prison elected _ retired 4. someone who is good at sports a new participant in some activity teelaht menworec 2. where most criminals are sent 7. extremely popular among many people nposir —_______ somafu 3. to create something entirely new 8, no longer working, by choice nevtin tredire —__ 4. encouraged to act by someone or something 9. a way of promoting a product in media repsindi ——____ esitnamdevret 5. voted into a government office 10, someone who studies biology, physics, or ‘teclede similar subjects cinetsits Part 2 Complete the sentences. Use the words from Part 1 4. Martin wanted to ____ something totally new. 2, The thief was sent to____ for his crimes. 3. On his first day at school, the ____. was welcomed by his classmates. 4, Jessica often dreams of becoming a actor. 5, The director's latest film was _____ by his trip to Africa. 6. The was busy doing research in his laboratory. 7. After 30 years of hard work, Frank finally ______ from his business. 8. A professional ____ must train many hours every day to stay strong, 9. The made Lisa want to buy the new product. 10, On Tuesday, the people voted and __ a new prime minister. 50 Vocabulary Worksheets © Oxford University Press. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. Vocabulary Worksheet 22 Expanding Tactics for Listening Third Edition Look at the words and the definitions below. Make a sentence using each word. Word Definition My sentence | poultry | a type of meat including many birds | like chicken, turkey, duck dessert an often sweet dish served at the end ofa meal sodium a mineral and nutrient from which salt comes | cholesterol anatural substance produced by | the body that can become | dangerous iflevels rise too high pyramid a shape or structure with triangular sides and a flat base vitamin | a substance that provides required | nutrition to the body cultivated | having promoted the growth of something, lke plants or crops fermentation | a process that is used to make alcohol and pickled foods ay attention | to focus on (something) ripe fully developed; ready to be eaten (in the case of plants) mature toreach full growth or development blood the force of blood pushing on pressure blood vessel walls; can be | dangerous if too high or too low © Oxford University Press. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. elena er irLanguage om Vocabulary Worksheets 51 Expanding Tactics for Listening Third Edition Vocabulary Worksheet 23 Part 1 Match the words and phrases on the left with their definitions on the right. 1. predicament ‘A. having knowledge or understanding of something 2, cheated B. unluckily 3. aware C. very strange 4. borrow D a difficult situation with no easy solution 5. forget E, to take something from someone for a limited time 6. apologize F. tobe unable to remember 7. unfortunately G. uncomfortable or embarrassing 8. awkward H. did something that is not honest or fair 9. anonymous 1. to say you are sorry 10. weird J. having no known identity Part 2 Complete the sentences. Use words from Part 1. 1. Thad to ruining her favorite shirt. 2. David's mother was very disappointed when she found out that he had ___ on. the test ___ the sudden rainstorm caused the game to be cancelled. 4, When walking alone at night, itis important to be ___ of your surroundings. 5, My friend has been acting —___ lately, and I'm worried about him. to my friend for 6. Unable to identify the donor, the foundation accepted the donation. . Being in the middle of a fight between friends is a terrible ____. . We had nothing to talk about, so our first date was kind of ). He wrote himself a note so he wouldn't __ his wife's birthday. My neighbor asked to power tools for two or three days. __ my 52 Vocabulary Worksheets © Oxford University Press, Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. Vocabulary Worksheet 24 —sxpaningteciestortstening tirteston Part 1 Use the words in the box to complete the crossword puzzle. pollution poverty issue i. bombs chemicals - freeways garbage landfills megacities Across 1. exploding devices 4, harmful substances in the air and water 5. waste material 7. large roads for fast traffic 8. places to bury waste Down 2. an important topic 3. solid or liquid materials that can be unsafe (often found in industrial waste) 4. the state of being very poor 6. extremely large cities Audio Scripts Unit 4: Smail Talk page2, CD1-2 Listening 1 Hi. Idon't think we've met, have we? No, don't think so, My name’ Mia. [Nive to meet you, Mia I'm Tim Clark. Hey, you're Mike Thompson, right? That’ right. And you're Jenny. Yeah! Jenny Lindsay ‘Yeah, right, We met at Jake's wedding. Ils great to see you again! Great to see you, too! Haven't we met somewhere? No, don't think so. ‘Aren't you Kevin Grant? No, my name is Greg, Greg Brown. (Oh, Pm sorry. I was postive we'd ‘met before. POP REY BERREEM PEeS Jeff) Hi, Remember me? Sue? Sue Thomas? ‘That's right. We were in that computer class together. Yeah, Boy, was that class boring! ‘Sure was. So how’ve you been? Pretty good, thanks. BeEe (Oh, hi. You're Jonathan, aren't you? Yes, and you're Wendy. Yeah. We met atthe conference in Hlawail last summer. Right. Nice to see you again. [Nice t0 see you, too. Peey eee RO Re Hil Don't we work in the same building? Yes, I think we do. Tm Gary James. 'm in accounting Hi, fm Lynn Williams. !'™m in ‘marketing. ee page, CD1-3 Listening 2 1 [N: Hey, Annie that looks really nice on you. Is it new? B: Yeah I got iton sale at George Brothers Department Store never mis their sales They've got realy good prices. [Ac Well, you made a good choice. That colo looks great. B: Thanks, wEeEN & pew Ree wee (Ob! Look atthe time, I didn't realize it was o late, I've got to run. Good seeing. you! ‘What are you taking this year? ‘Mostly literature courses. Oh, realy. Are they any good? ‘Some of them are. Except for Professor ‘Scot's class. I mean, the books are interesting, and the lectures are great, bout his tests are so hard, Really? Are they essay or short answer tests? ‘What an awful month we are having Its prety bad, isnt it? So hot and humid, T's hard to sleep at night, too. 1 ‘wish Thad air conditioning, ‘Me, too. Funny it not usually this hot inthe fall. ‘Thar’ true, Well, I think I'm going to get some more chips. Enjoy the party! So tll me, Kim, What's he lke? ‘Well, he’ really fun tobe with. He always says funny things and makes me laugh, He sounds really nice Hie ix And he's always giving me ile presents, But I guess the gifts will stop ‘when he knows me beter. Yeah, probably. So how Tong have you knowin him, anyway? So, are you still doing the same thing, David? Yeah, 1am, unfortunately I wish I was doing something more challenging, So why don't you look for something cle? really should, I feel stuck in that office ‘because I'm not moving ahead. That's the worst thing about it ‘Well, good luck to you. If hear about any jobs I'll let you know. ‘So, everybody's fine at home, Sarah? Yes, they are, thanks. Oh, some exciting news! My sister Jenny's geting married! Really? When? [Next month, She's marrying a guy she ‘met when she was studying in Canada, and we're all going to Toronto for the ‘wedding, I'l be fun. Sounds great. And how about your brother? What's he been doing lately? pages, CD1-4 Listening 3 1 ‘Yes, do, I really enjoy living here. So far everything has been fine. The downtown area is really prety, and [love al the cafes and restaurants there. The other thing | like is that the town's small, 0 it's easy 0 get to know people. 2 Yes, Ido, It's very difficult language to learn, but I guess all languages are dificult. 1 tried to learn Japanese once, and it was really hard. These days, though is easier to learn @ foreign language because you can buy some fantastic courses online and on DVD. 3 Thave two children, a girl and a boy. ‘They're both going to school, so they keep us very busy, My husband comes froma big family and would love to have more children, but I think two is enough. 4, TThave a small design company. We design ‘menus, calendars, and things lke that. There are just three of us in the company. Last year ‘was a very quiet year for us, butt Hooks as if busines is really improving this year. Would you like to visit our office sometime? 5. Oh yeah, I've been having a great time since I arrived. Everyone's been very helpful, and I've made some wonderful now friends. I still have afew more days here, so I'm thinking of renting a car and driving up to the mountains. 6 Tm from a town called Cairns, on the northeast coast of Australia. It's small town, but [enjoying living there I's not far from the Great Barrier Reef, which is ‘one of the most famous places in Australia You should go there sometime, pages, CD 1-5 Pronunciation 1. Where does he goto school? 2. have to cal his teacher. 3, What's her job? 4. Have you known him for a long time? page 5, CD1-6 ‘A: Hi, haven't we met before? B: Yeah, I think we met at Kates wedding ‘A: That’ right! Have you seen her lately? B: No, haven't seen her in months. But I talked with her husband lst week ‘A: Oh, really? How’s he doing? B; He's doing realy well. He told me that hae gota great new job ‘ks Tm happy to hear that. Wel, ve got to 20, bu it was great to see you. B: Yes, you, to! Ifyou se John again, tell him I sid hello, Unit 2: Plans pages, CD1-7 Listening 1 1. A: You're excited about next December, aren't you? B: Yes, realy am. [can hardly wait! ‘A; What exactly are you planning to do? By My frend and Tare going on a cruise in the Caribbean, ‘A: Your family’s going to Florida next summer aren't they? By I'm not really sure where they're planning to go. ‘A: You're going with them, arent you? B: Of course. F wouldnt miss learning 10 sail for anything! ‘A: Theard you and two friends are going coma long drive next May. B: Yeah, I'm geting a newer carro drive across Canada, A: You'll be visiting Vancouver, won't you? B: Oh, yeah, we're excited about visiting there. It’s supposed to be beautifull 4, A: Do you have any idea what you're doing, next August? B: Well, we've been talking about going to the beach. ‘A: You really love the ocean, don't you? BB: Yeah, but I think this year I'm going to play golf insted. ‘A: What can we do next summer? By Well, we could take a course at the university ‘You wouldn't want to do that, would ‘you? You work so hard al year long. B: You're right. How about if we both work ina camp? AA: You're not going to learn to ski next ‘winter, are you? B: Why no® It sounds very exciting tome! A It sounds rather dangerous to me B: I'll be careful. Besides, the instructor ‘willbe right there to help me if 1 fall down, page 7, CD 1-8 stening 2 Hey, Mark. How's it going? Pretty good, how about you? T'm good, thanks. So, what are you up to this weekend? Sam and I are going toa baseball game atthe new stadium, ‘A: Wow! Really? Have a great time! 4 & B: A @ Hey Jennifer You're planning to 0 Steven's paty this weekend, aren't you? No. [really want to go, but I can't (Oh no! Why no? TThave to go out of town with my parents. We're going to vist my aunt in Chicago. And we're driving the whole way! A: So, what are your plans this weekend, Angela? B: Well, on Saturday I'm going to the beach with some friends: How about you? ‘A: I'm going to the beach, too! Maybe Ti see you there. Are you going to Baker Beach? B; No, we're going to Stinson Beat. ‘A: Oh, Wel, maybe my friends won't ‘mind changing plans. AL So, Ill see you later, Jo. BB: Yeah, Ill probably see you at the library tomorrow. A: Really? But you usually play basketball on Saturdays, don’t you? B: Yeah, but we're not playing this Saturday. ‘A: Why nov B: We always take a week off for final exams, I'm planning on studying all weekend. Got any fun plans forthe weekend? TThave to work most of the weekend, but I'm going out on Friday night. ‘Where ae you going? My friends and I are going to go out to dinner, We're going to try that new Mexican restaurant on Branch Steet. I hear is great BEM we 'A: What are you doing this weekend, Jehyun? B: I don’t have any plans for Saturday, but Pm going shopping on Sunday. ‘A: You're going to the mall, aren't you? BB: No, 'm going to go downtown. I like the stores better there. pages, (D1-9 Listening 3 1 Ihave a really busy weekend ahead of me. 1 have to work about ten hours on Saturday Ym really excited about Saturday night, though. 'm going to my friend Alex’s party. He always has great parties. don't have to go to work on Sunday, but I do have to spend all morning and afternoon writing @ paper for my history class. Then on Sunday night, I'm going to the movies with some friends 2. This is going to bea great weekend. Tean't wait for Sunday afternoon! My soccer team is playing inthe finals! I hope ‘we win! On Saturday, I'm going to the beach with my friends, And on Saturday night, we're going to have dinner at my favorite restaurant 3. {don't really have a lot going on this ‘weekend, I was so busy last weekend that didn't want to make any big plans for this ‘weekend, I played soccer and went hiking last Saturday, then went fora long bike ride on Sunday. This weekend, I'm just going to stay home and read a book. 'm excited about being home by myself and relaxing all weekend. 4 My friends and fate taking a road trip to Los Angeles this weekend. We're planning on leaving on Friday after class. ‘Well get to LA at around 7:00 in the evening—just in time for dinner. On Saturday, well probably hang out at the beach during the day. We're going to have a fire and sing songs all night, Ie’ soing to be fantastic 5. I plan to study most ofthis weekend, but ‘on Saturday evening, I'm going over to my friend's house. I's her birthday, so she's having a few friends over for dinner I'm really looking forward to sing hher! We haven't seen each other in two ‘months! I knew I wouldn't have time to go shopping on Saturday, so I bought her birthday gift on Friday. I got her a sweater. I hope she likes it 6. [play the guitar in a band, and my band has two shows this weekend. We're playing ina litle cafe on Sunday night, ‘We play there a lot and have alot of fans there, so i'l be fun. I'm really excited about Saturday night, though. We're playing ata club downtown. We've never played in a big club before, so T'm kind of nervous. page9, CD 1-10 Pronunciation 41, You made a reservation, didn't you? 2, Sho's in your clas, isn't she? 3, He's driving, isn't he? 4, We're busy Friday, aren't we? page9, CD1-11 Dictation ‘A: Do you want to play soccer this Saturday? B: It's supposed to rain this weekend, isnt ie ‘A: Oh, I didn’t know that. Well, chen what do you want to do? B: We could go toa movie? We could go, see the new action movie. ‘A: You saw that movie last weekend, didn't you? BB: Yeah, but Id like to see it again. But you don’ like action movies, do you? A: Not really B: We could go see that new comedy at Star Cinema! Unit 3: Successful Businesses page 10, CD 1-12 Listening 1 1 ‘A: What’ the new Indian restaurant on Sith Street like? B; Well, everyone sai it was very good, tht I wasnt too satisfied when I went there the other night fk: Why not? B: The Food was good, but it took too long to arrive, We bad to wait for nearly an hour before we got anything 1 eat ‘A: Oh That's terile service ‘A: I'm going to get the textbook for our biology class atthe campus bookstore. Do you want to come? No, I don't think so. ‘Why not? Don't you think it's convenient having a bookstore right ‘on campus? B: Yes, itis, But have you compared their prices with other bookstores? That store in the mall is usually about 10% cheaper. [And you save about 20% buying your books online ‘A: Oh. I didn't know that. ze [A: Do you belong toa health club? B: Noi right now: I used to goto the Metropolitan Health Club on Third Street, I thought it was great because it ‘was 50 cheap, but then I stopped going, A: Really? I heard it was prety popular B: That was the problem. It was too popular. It was always full of people. ‘Sometimes T had to wait along time to use the machines. So how was the hotel in Honolulu? Te-was pretty good. The staff was really nice—very friendly and helpful. There ‘was one problem with it, though, What was that? ‘The locaton. It was to far from the restaurants and clubs. Next time, I think Til stay much closer tothe downtown, ee BRA Do you want to try Italian food tonight? Sure. Where would you like to go? How about Little Roma—you know, that Italian restaurant across from the movie theater? I heard the prices ae cheap. BB: That's true, But the service is pretty bad. ‘The waiters are really slow, and they're not very friendly either, A: Oh, I didn't know that. Let's try another place. BeEY A: Lheard there's sale at Brenda's Boutique. Do you want to check it out? ‘They have some really good clothes. B: I know, but the service is terrible. The people who work there are so rude, A: know what you mean. page 11, CD 1-13 Listening 2 1 I really enjoy going there with friends ater ‘work. There’ always something intresting on the meng. I also love the atmosphere. It's very cool and they have really comfortable sofas 2 Tm glad I decided to study there. My ‘Spanish is much better now. It's pretty expensive, but the facilities are very good. ‘They have a great computer lab, and there's free wifi all over campus. I'S much beter than the school I was going, co last year. 3. T've been going there for over a year. 1 Jjust love the way they make my hair look. "The stylists are really good at their work. ‘The atmosphere makes you feel at home, to0, with coffee and snacks, plus really good music. Sure, its expensive, but I only go there every two months or so 4 I's. a great place to stay. The atmosphere {s so glamorous and exciting, There are bright lights at the front door, and people always arive in really expensive cars. The rooms are really beautiful, too. Of course, it's not the cheapest hotel in Miami, but it’s definitely the best 5. always take mine toa garage on Market Strect. It takes a long time to get there from ‘my house, bu its worth the trip. the best repair shop in the city. The mechanics do great work, and they never try t0 charge you too much. In fat, the prices are great—about half the cost of some other places in town. 6 get most of my shirts there. You'll love the store, All of ther stuf looks great and fits perfectly. I's realy good quality, 100. ‘They also have lots of different styles and colors to choose from. The window displays are a problem, though. They aren't well: lit soit’ hard to see what they have from outside the store page 12, CD 1-14 Listening 3 1. 1 think the most important thing is service If customers feel like they are treated poorly, then they probably won't come back. That's why I tain all of my workers to give excellent service. They greet ‘customers politely, show them to a table right away, and explain the items on the ment, Of course, the food is important, too, The fish has to be as fesh as possible and you have to find talented che to prepare it 2. ‘The Internet has totally changed this busines. In the old days, poop had to come toa travel agency to get tickets. Now they go online and get ther tickets by themselves. When they come to me, I know they're looking for a good value. ‘That's really the most important thing, Of course, our travel agency provides convenience for some clients who don't have the time to plan their own trips. 3. ‘These days, nothing is more important than speed. Time is money. People want a job dlne well, but they want it done quickly. And they're usualy prepared to pay a litle ‘more if you can promise it will get done fast And, ofcourse, quality i important, too, We're building people's homes, so ‘we want them to enjoy living therefor a long time 4 12 so important to have the right kind of displays. Creating effective clothing displays is an art. You want people to see the items right away, pick them up touch them and then go try the clothes on. And ‘you want them to buy something, to! Good prices ae also important, but the display is realy the number one thing page 13, CD1-15 Pronunciation 1. The food took too long to arrive 2. They were not professional 43. The prices ate realy high. 4 The waiters were really slow ‘That hotel is too far from the restaurants and clubs. ‘The rooms are nat nice page 13, CD 1-16 Dictation A: Do you want to go to the Century Fashions sale on Saturday? B: Td like to, but the salespeople there are not very professional. A: Tknow what you mean, They're not very friendly, either, B: Yeah, and some of the clothes are nice, but some of them are really bad quality ‘A: That’ true. I bought a sweater there last winter, and it fll apart after I wore i twice B: Also, it takes hours to pay for things. ‘The lines are always really long ‘A: Then again, I did get my favorite Jeans there! Unit 4: Apologies and Excuses page 14, CD1-17 Listening 1 1 A: Oh, I'm so sorry T didn't mean to hit you B: Don't worry about it. It’s just alittle scratch, A: Here, et me give you my insurance information. B: That's okay. I’ a really old car, It has dozens of dents and scratches already. A: So, what did you do this weekend, Carrie? B: Well went out to dinner at Sabrina’s ‘with my family on Saturday night. ‘A: Wow, Sabrina! I's such a nice restaurant, What was the occasion? B: Um, it was my birthday. A; Oh, no! Did T forget again this year? 1 feel terible. It won't happen again. B: That’ all right. I always forget people's birthdays. A: Hi, Gina. 1 don't want to bother you. 1 just came by to see if you're finished ‘with that CD I loaned you. B: Oh, sure. Come on in, and I'l get i. Let’ see, I had it in my book bag, Uh-oh. A: Is something wrong? Bz [can’t find it. I must have lost i this ‘morning, I'm sorry. ‘A: Oh, well, tha’ allright B: I'll go buy you a new copy right now, ‘A: Hi, Sarah, What's wrong? Are you upse®? B: It's 6:30, You were supposed to be here half an hour ago. A: I'm sorry. There was so much traffic on the freeway. It won't happen again. B: Well, tit go this time. But you should realy leave your house earlier ‘when you have to drive somewhere during rush hour bt! Are you okay, Sam? Tim not sure. My ankle hurts alittle. 1 really apologize. I was walking too fast, and I wasn't watching where T was going. I didn't mean to trip you. B: I know you didn’t, but I chink my ankle ‘might be sprained, A: Oh, no. Here, let me help you up. We should goto the hospital ReEY ‘Where were you last night? 1 was home studying, Why? ‘You were supposed to meet me at the movies last night. Oh, no! forgot I'm sory {tried to call you, but kept getting ‘your voicemail B: I'm so sorry. Unfortunately, I ost my hone yesterday. B: A: page 15, CD1-18 Listening 2 1 A: Hi, Linda, I'm so sorry 'm late. BB: You'te really late. You were supposed to be here aver an hour ago. What happened? ‘A: There was heavy traffic on the freeway, and I couldn't call because my cell phone died By That's weied, There isn’t usually any traffic at this time of day. |A: Tknow, but there was a really bad accident on the freeway about ten miles north of here. Traffic was completely stopped for over an hour. Hmm...Tha's very unusual Hi, Mike, Hi, Kylie. What's wrong? have to apologize I wasn't able to finish ‘my half of ou clas projet lst night. Butt’ due today. 1 know. I feel terrible about i ‘What happened? My roommate burned her hand while she was cooking lastnight, and Thad to take her to the emergency room. We ‘were there all night. BREN & 2eee © Oxford University Press, Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. B: No wonder you look so tired. Is she okay? A: Heer hand is burned pretty badly, but she'll be all right. 1: Hey Ken, Why did you come to ‘Alex part ast nigh? We were al expecting tse you tee B: Ohm sory aout tha got ost trying find Alor’ house Ray? Bt T pave you dectons Wel, I wrote the directions down sc Wel did’ you cl or we he GPS on your phone? BU did't fave ny cel phone with me, A: Tate ange You aways carry your cal phone wid you ‘A: Where have you been? We've been waiting for you. The meeting was supposed to stat half an hour ago, B: I know. I apologize. My car broke down, and I had to wait for a tow truck AA: Again? Didn't your car break down last ‘week, t00? B: Um, yeah, it did, Ita really old car. A: And the week before that, you were late because you were helping someone look for their lost cat B: I'm sorry I promise I'l be on time for next week's meeting page 16, CD1-19 Listening 3 1 A Tell me all about how it went! B: I wish I could, but I missed it.I got really sick on Friday night. 1 thought Thad the flu, but it tumied out to be food poisoning. I was sick all day Saturday, so Teoulda’t go tothe wedding. I thought ‘my cousin would be mad, but she just fot bad that I was sick al day. ‘A; Hi its Paul. missed class yesterday Can you tll me what the homework was? B: Oh, sory, I wasn't there yesterday, either. was on my way to catch the bus when I ell and broke my ankle. One of my neighbors who was on his way to work drove me tothe hospital. 'l call Katie and ask her about the homework and then I'l call you back. How did your sister do yesterday? ‘Wall, her team won, but I didn’t get to see it I ad just gotten to the soccer field when my boss called. One of my ‘coworkers called in sick with the fu, he asked me to come in and work, Bey Student Book Audio Scripts 57 'A: Well, how did it go’on Monday? B: You're not going to believe this, but 1 missed it eft really early so I wouldn't be late, but I wrote the adress down ‘wrong, and I couldn't find the office. 1 was 0 nervous about the interview that forgot my phone, oo, 0 T coulda call them and ask for directions. 1 was 30 mad at myself. I rally wanted that job! ‘So how was i? {don't know because I missed it! I was so disappointed, and so was my niece. had flowers and a card to give her, and I really ‘wanted tobe therefor her special day. But [ran out of gas on my way tothe school (Can you believe that? made it to her graduation party later that evening, but really wanted to make it to the ceremony. pew So was it fun? ‘Wall, I think the people who went had fun, but I had to study for my history test. My friend Kelly went, and she said It was a great party. L hope Sarah has another one for her birthday next year Bee page 17, CD 1-20 Pronunciation 1. Is everything okay? 2. Where were you last night? 3. Did you forget our appointment? 4 Why are you so late? page 17, CD1-21 Dictation ‘A: Where were you this afternoon? You were supposed to meet me for lunch, B: I'm so sorry. I was at a doctors appointment. I thought I would be out of there by noon, but the appointment took a long time. A: Oh, are you okay? 1B: Fm fine Ie was just a check-up, Did you get the movie tickets for tonight? A: No, I didn’t. 'm sorry. I couldn't get online at home. B; Is something wrong with your Internet connection? AA: [ think so, Sometimes I can't get ‘connection. Unit 5: Character Traits page 18, CD 1-22 Listening 1 1 AN Jef iste perfect elementary school teacher He's so good with children BB: T know what you mean. He never gets angry with those kids, even when they're not listening to him. A: Sheila speaks very well. When she talks, people stop and listen, B: I know. A lot of people even change their opinions after talking to her, 3 ‘A: How does Mary ike her new job? B: Oh, she loves it, She's really excited about working there. Infact, she even. ‘works on weekends because she enjoys being there so much. A: I've been having problems with my boss lately, B: Why is that? ‘A: Woll, he has a lot of rules. He gets really angry if Tcome to work two ‘minutes late, or if I let the office phone ring more than twice before I answer 5 And if I make a tiny mistake, he yells at me, A: [don’t know about you, but I'm voting for Dave Thomas for school president. He knows everything about this school and all the important issues, B: Yeah, He really knows what he’s talking about A: My landlady is really nice. She doesn’t ‘get angry if | pay the rent a few days late, And when I'm sick, she always brings me homemade chicken soup. B: Wow. She sounds really thoughtful, page 19, CD1-23 Listening 2 1 A: What do you think of Chris? B: [lke talking to him. He knows something interesting about practically everything. A: Yeah, know. And he’s really serious about studying, too. He wants to goto ‘medical school, so his grades have to be perfect. B: He must be a good student A: He'sa great student—top of the class last year. You know Brandon Kent, don’t you? Ob, sure. He's really nice guy. He took a whole day off last month to help me move into my new apartment. Then he drove me to the mall so T could pick up some furniture for my new place. ‘A: Yeah, that’s what Llike about him. Ia fact, he's coming over this afternoon to help me with my math assignment B: Lucky you! BEN 3. A: Ican't stand that Terry Dey. B: Really? A: Yeah. The other day, we were walking down the street past this homeless man ho asked us for money. His clothes wore torn and dirty B: Yeah? A: Well, as soon as we walked past him, ‘Terry made jokes about his clothes B: No way! That’ terrible 4, A: Are you going to Tony's party on Friday night? B: Yeah, Are you? AA: Of course. He has great parties, don't you think? B: Definitely. e's because he gets so excited about everything, Everyone sees him Jaughing and having fun, and then they start enjoying themselves, too. ‘You're right. He's an amazing guy. Have you seen Patrick recently? No, I haven't. We were supposed to go toa concert last weekend, but he said he ‘was too sick to go. Oh, that’s too bad. ‘The thing i, he didn't tell me the truth ‘My brother saw bim ata party the same night, having a good time. A: Obi I really hate it when people lie ike that Me, too. Bee > Be 1 just talked to Chuck, How is he today? ‘The same as usual. He's always ina bad ‘mood. Talking to hi is really dificult, Ws easy to say something that rally ‘upsets him, know. I wonder why he's like that. Think it’s because he isn’t doing well at school this year. RRR o ze page 20, cD 1-24 Listening 3 1 ‘Now that John has that new job, you ‘wouldn't recognize him. I guess you have to bbe more conservative when you havea job like that. He works really long hours now ‘and wears a suit and tie And when he comes home from work, he never wants to go out Al he does is sit in his chair and watch TV, He looks totally exhausted, That's nat how fhe was in college Back then he used to go around in old Tshirts and jeans, And he had ‘that crazy green halt! 2. Tan into Akiko the other day. I hardly recognized her Do you remember her from high schoo? She was a litle chubby and out of shape back then, I don't think she ever exercised or played any sports. Well, she looks really different now. She’ los a lt of weight. In fact, she looks terrific. She told me that she 58 Student Book Audio Scripts © Oxford University Press. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. Aecided to got in better shape ater she got ‘married last year. Now she goes to the gym. three times a week, 3 “Have you had a chance to talk to Maria lately? She's gotten so depressed—you iknow, sad and worried all the time. It’s a real change. She used to be so enthusiastic and happy in high school. She was @ cheerleader, and she was always laughing and making jokes. Now she just sits in coffee shops al by herself and just looks really sad. You can tell that something is really bothering her. It must be because she and her boyfriend recently broke up. 4 Do you remember what Ted Rodgers used te look like? He used to be so athletic, with really big muscles. He went tothe gym all te time and was always careful aboint What he ate and drank. Well, you wouldn't believe how much he’s changed. 'm sure he weighs over 200 pounds now. It doesn't look like he does any exercise at all, and he eats just about anything. Someone told me hie changed after he got realy wealthy from Internet stocks. They sai that after he got rich, he decided just to enjoy himself. page 21, CD 1-25 Pronunciation 4, Loe is really caring 2, He asks a lot of questions. 3. Is she enthusiastic? 4. [es important to be informed, 5. She always does nice things for people. 6. Did be ever call you? page21, CD 1-26 Dictation ‘A: So, tell me about your new neighbor. B: He’ rally funny and nice. And we found out we have alt in common ‘A: Oh, rally? Like what? B: Well, he’ about the same age as T am, And he used to live in the same neighborhood as Idi in New York ‘Wow! What kinds of things doos he lke todo? BB He told me that he always plays soccer ‘on Saturdays, And he likes to go hiking and bike riding. And he loves movies. > Unit 6: Travel page22, CD 1-27 Listening 1 1 Ladies and gentlemen, we hope you enjoyed your flight to Toronto. When ‘we land, you can locate your bags on Carousel 5 in Baggage Claim. Just stay to ‘your let, go down the steps, and Carousel © Oxford University Press. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. 5 wall be on the right past Johnnie's Hamburger Stand. 2. Passengers on Flight 87 to Miami, your departure gate has been changed to Gate 64 Again, that’s Gate 64. You need to take a right past the restaurants and the git shop to find Gate 64. Passengers on Flight 102 t0 ‘Tampa, your departure gate is still Gate 62 Ladies and gentlemen, our crew will be serving refreshments. Well have complementary soft drinks, juices, and coffee. If you are interested, you may purchase snacks lke chips, cookies, or pretzels for three dollars a bag 4, Passengers waiting for Flight 774 ta Chicago, may T have your attention, please. Your flight will be departing at 11:30, Will passengers Tom and Carrie Simpson please report to an agent as soon as possible at Gate 162 5. ‘The 9:20 train to Los Angeles will be departing from Platform 10 in two ‘minutes. All passengers who are waiting for the 9:20 train, will you please proceed {o Platform 10 immediately? 6 Your attention, please. The 12:10 train to Concord has been delayed. The train will ‘now arrive on the same platform at 12:30. That's half past 12:00. page 23, CD 1-28 1 Could you please tell me which platform the train to Toronto leaves from? And is it on the right or the lef? 2 ‘Would you please help me get my bags down so I can get off the plane? They're too high for me to reach, 3. Excuse me, sir. Do you know where the Transamerica Airlines counter is? Ts it past the Northern Airlines counter? 4, Molly, we're about to land, so you need to fasten your seatbelt now. Do you need me to help you? 5. Lets find window seats so we can see things as they go by. I don‘ like having to look around other people, 6. But J have to be in Toronto tonight! Isn't there another flight I could take? I really hhave to get there tonight! page24, CD 1-29 Listening 3 1. A: How was your flight? B: Ob, it was great! My flight was overbooked, and the airline asked for volunteers to go ona later flight. T volunteered because the next flight ‘was only an hour later, and the airline ave me $300! It pays to be bumped! 2 A: Did you have a good flight? B: Ugh, no, it was terrible. A: Ob, no! Why? B: The flight was fully booked, so every seat was taken, I was crammed between this guy who was snoring the whole time and a really messy kid who got his chips all over me. T couldn't wait fr it to be over! 3. ‘A: Did you have any trouble finding the house? B: No, not at all, We used the GPS. But it sure was along drive ‘A: Did you stop anywinere? By Yeah, we stopped ata rest stop about halfway hereto got old drink and seretch ou legs It was really hot ou, and there wera ton of people there 1 guess it was good weekend for road tips How was the drive? Te was okay. Really? You look worn out. Wel, I guess we are pretty exhausted. It ‘was soot out, and the air conditioning, ‘broke an hour into the tip. We stopped atthe halfway mark to switch drivers and eat lunch. Then we had trouble starting the ca. eeeee Bey Did you enjoy the ride? Ob, it was great Tt was nice to just relax and not have to worry about driving. I read my book and did sudoku puzzles the whole way, And I met some really nice people, oo. They were on their way to Boston, t00. don't know why I've never taken the train before! How was the trip? rety good, I guess 1 don't really know because I was asleep the whole time A: Really? B: Yeah, pretty much. I started reading a ‘book, bur then I fell asleep and didn’t ‘wake up until ten minutes after my stop. Thad to get off the train and get on another one going the other direction. TI have to set the alarm on my phone next time BRm Student Book Audio Scripts 59 page25, CD 1-30 Pronunciation 4. Did you go to Los Angeles? 2, You need to go on vacation. 53. We like to travel 4, Lets go 10 Tokyo, 5, Its hard to drive ten hours 6. Tm going to London page25, CD1-31 Dictation A: Welcome back! Tell me about your trip! BB Oh, it was so mach fun! Fes, we went to New York A: Did you goto the Museum of Modern Ar? B: Yes, we loved it 1 had always wanted <0 see that museum, We also went 10 Central Patk, ofcourse, and lots of. osher sts. Where did you go after that? After New York, we went to Philadelphia for three days. And then wwe went to Boston fortwo days. It was a great vacation! Be Unit 7: Housing page 26, CD 1-32 Listening 1 1 ‘Well, I'm single and I spend a lot of time traveling so 'm not home very much. So there's really no point in my spending ‘money on a large place with lots of rooms. 2. ‘We've got three small children, and they like to play outside, so I don‘ think it makes sense for us to live ina high-rise building, 3. [work right in the city and I don't have car. [like a place close to my work so that I don't have to spend a lot of time commuting. 4 J run my own business and I work out of my home, I'm lucky because I don't have t0 0 into town very often, so Td like a place ‘that's quiet and away from the city. 5. need a new place I need a good-sized apartment because I have two teenage sons, and they each need to have their own bedroom. We want to live downtown, too. 6 Both my wife and I work for an airline and ‘wel lke something fairly close to work. ‘We don't mind if its small, because there’s only the two of us. We don't even mind the noise ofthe planes. In fac, we kind of like it page 27, CD1-33 Listening 2 1. My neighbors ae fantastic, They're relly friendly, and some of them have great parties too. a lke more space, though ‘There's hardly enough space for all my stuff. guess T should throw some of it out but I just cant 2. ‘The apartment I rent is okay. It’s near a lot of stores, so it’s convenient for shopping ‘The problem, though, is thatthe owner hasn't spent any money on the place in years. The furniture is falling apart, and the carpet in the living room is stained in places. 3. ‘There are advantages and disadvantages to living out here in the suburbs. I's not really the most convenient place to live. It takes forever to get into town, especially during rush hour, And there aren't any good stores out here, On the other hand, i's nice and quiet on the weekends 4. love my apartment. I wish I could afford to stay here, The location is perfect. It has Inuge windows with a beautiful view, and ove being able to step outside and walk to cafes and shops, The only problem is the rent. It's just too high now, so I can‘ stay 5. ‘My place is huge. It has room for all my stuff, and there's a big kitchen, too. OF course, i's really old, so it needs a coat of paint and some new appliances. The refrigerator and dishwasher are really ancient. And I think the stove is about a hundred years old! 6. T recently moved into an apartment building for the first time. 've always lived In houses. It takes a while to get used to having neighbors right next door I feel like they're always listening to me, like they want to know everything I do. Its annoying. But the rent is much cheaper than my old place, and I like that page 28, CD 1-34 ‘We used to have a nice apartment downtown. It had great views of the city! But then these new people moved in ‘upstairs. They played loud music all the time, and the sound came straight through the ceiling and into our apartment. It was terrible so we moved. Now we're living in nice small house inthe suburbs. And our neighbors are very quiet. 2. ‘My new apartment ison a high floor, and its great. There's no noise at all. 1 only hear the birds in the park. Before that, I lived in a firs floor apartment. It had alittle yard, which was nice, but [heard people coming, and going all the time, And it was lose to the street, so T heard all the traf too. ‘We didn't really want to move because we loved our apartment. We had a wonderful landlady, too, She didn’t raise the rent for years, and if anything was broken, she ‘would get it fixed really fast. But with the children getting older, we needed to be loser to a good school, So that's why we moved, Now we live in an apartment in the suburbs. 4 used to lve ina nice apartment downtown, in a pretty interesting neighborhood. But the thing was, they ‘wouldn't let you keep a pet. [really ‘wanted t0 get a cat, so I moved toa place ‘where you could keep pets. Now T live in ‘a building near the park. And there's two of us—me and my cat, Flix. We play all the time, 5, ‘My new apartment has a huge kitchen and a great stove. I'm really happy abovt it, Tove to cook and have parties, but the kitchen in my old place was so tiny. ‘And the dining room was small, too. The Tocation was good, but T could never have people over for dinner, so I needed to find something different. 6 used to live in a house, I had a nice yard in the front, and another yard in the back ‘The trouble was the maintenance. It was really expensive to take care of So I moved. Now I live in an apartment with no yard Even though I have much less space now, ies wonderful, because it's alot cheaper. page29, CD 1-35, Pronunciation 1 My apartment building i five stories high. 2. My sons ae in college ‘The yard is pretty big. (ur neighbors are very quiet ‘My house is too small for my family. ‘The bathrooms are small. page 29, CD 1-36 A: Hows it going? apartment? B: Oh, [ove it, My neighbors are really friendly, and the landlord is nice A: That's great! What's the building like? B: The building is ten stories high, and 0 you like your new 60 Student Book Audio Scripts © Oxford University Press. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. there are ten apartments on each floor. So, I guess there are 100 apartments ‘A: Wow, it sounds huge Have you seen some ofthe other apartments? B: Yeah, my next-door neighbor invited me over for coffe the other day. She and her husband are doctors. They've been in the building for five years Believe It? page 30, CD 1-37 istening 1 1 A: Did you hear about that woman in Florida? B: No, what happened? ‘A: She pulled out the power cable to her office building so she could be sent hhome early with pay. B: No way! A: Yeah, and she had done the same thing to the telephone lines inthe past in ‘order to get out of work B: That's awful! What finally happened toher? A: She lost her job and was arested for damaging property A: Did you hear about the woman who has to spend a month in jail because her pet Is too overweight? B: What? No! ‘A: Yea, her potbellied pig weighs 200 pounds. Most weigh between 65 and 100 pounds. I's unhealthy for the poor animal to be that big, and it has trouble walking BB: So what happened? ‘A: Well, the police charged her with animal neglect. She also has to pay a $500 fine ‘A: What are you laughing abou? B: This story I'm reading. You know how calFforwarding works, right? ‘A: Yeah, you can have calls to one phone umber forwarded to another number. B: Right. Well, this plumber in Pennsylvania had the calls to five other plumbers forwarded to his own busines. So he stole the other plumbers’ customers? ‘Yeah, but just the customers with big expensive jobs, He's in jail now, and lost his plumber’ license. Be ‘A: I just read something amazing in the news. B: What was i? ‘A: These two robbers robbed a convenience store. B: What happened next? © Oxford University Press, Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. ‘A: Well, after the robbery, they decided 10 steal a car, ‘B Yeah? Did they get away? A: No, They jumped in the stolen getaway car, but couldn't drive it B: Why was that? A: Because the guy didn't know how to drive a car witha stick shift! And so the police caught them! 5 A: Did you read this story about the man in Sweden? No, what happened? It says, “Customs officials in Sweden had an unusual experience today Asa ‘man was going through the customs checkpoint, officers noticed that his shirt was moving, ‘That's weied ‘Yeah, I know. Listen, When they searched him, they found 65 baby snakes and six lizards inside his shir The man said he wanted to open a reptile farm, They arrested him for smuggling.” Pe ze 6 A: Did you hear about that guy who tried to rob a pharmacy in Canada? B: No, what happened? A: He was in the drugstore, and he told the employees there that he was going to come back in half an hour and rob them, B: So what did they do? A: They called the police, of course. So when the guy came back 30 minutes later with his frien, the police were waiting for them, B: Oh, thats hilarious! page31, CD 1-38 stening 2 1 ‘A young man in Tinois wes having trouble paying his college tuition, so he came up ‘with quite a creative solution. He wrote to ‘a newspaper columnist and asked him to print request in his column. He wanted the columnist to ask readers to send in ‘one penny to help him pay for his college education, Readers of the newspaper ‘thought it was a funny idea so they sent in their pennies, and in the end, the young ‘man collected $28,000. 2. ‘An American football eam wants to hire 250 students to help them get their new football arena ready for vistors. The job? Flushing toilets. Apparently, when a new stadium or arena is built, you have to make sure all the plumbing is working properly ‘before you can open for business. And the only way to do that isto lush all the toilets atthe same time, 3. ‘We all know that Egyptians mummified ‘their pharaohs when they died in order to preserve their bodies for eternity. The Egyptians had an elaborate process for ‘mummification involving various chemicals and techniques. But they may have been better off just going to Colombia, South America its been discovered that the oil in the town of San Bernardo, Colombia contains ingredients that naturally ‘mumamify anyone buried there 4 What would you do if you were bored ‘with your job because you didn’t have enough work to do? Would you quit? That's ‘not what a man working in a New Mexico government office did, Instead, he decided {sue his employer for "wrongful hiring,” He argues that he left a higher paying business job to take the government job and ended up with nothing to do! age 32, CD 1-39 istening 3 1 A; Hey listen to this “In Florida today, a ‘man was found drifting about a mile offshore. He was ona swimming pool float sound asleep.” Can you believe that? B: No way! What was he doing out there? A: Lot's see... It says, “Apparently the man hha fallen asleep and wasn't aware that he was drifting out to sea. After rescuing him, the Coast Guard sad that hhe was very lucky that they found hien.” A: Wow, did you hear about the twin sisters that were separated at birth? B: No, what happened? A: They were adopted by different families ‘when they were babies and grew up in different cities. 1B: Yeah? ‘A: But afer high school, they both attended the same college! B: Wow! And they met there? A Yes! They figured out they were twins. ‘They were even in the same clas! 3. A: Hey, has an alrline ever lost your luggage? B: Yeah, once. A: Well, this Britsh guy claimed that different airlines lost his luggage dozens of times. And since the airlines pay you hen they lose your luggage he's gotten about $135,000 in lost luggage claims. ‘Wow, that’s amazing. Itsounds amazing, but it int really. The guy had an illegal scam going. He would check two or three bags. ‘Then when he reached his destination, he would put one bag inside another ‘one and claim that it was lost! ze Student Book Audio Scripts 61 A: I just read che most amazing story online B: What was it about? ‘A: Well his guy in Florida found a camera floating in the ocean in a plastic case. He decided he would try to find the owner of the camera, so he posted the photos online, Believe it or not, people who saw the photos helped him identify the owner of the camera, And it urns out ‘the owner had dropped it in the ooean in Aruba several months earlier It had floated 1,000 miles! ee Did you hear that amazing story about the newborn twins? ‘Yeah, one twin was really sick, right? ‘That's right. She wouldn't stop crying, and she was turning blue. No one could ‘alm her. Then a nurse atthe hospital put her twin sister next to er, and ‘when the healthy twin put her arm over her sister, the sick twin stopped crying and started getting better! ze ‘Wow, I think I need to get a parrot! Why? What are you reading about? T'm reading a story about @ parrot that saved two people’ lives. A man and his son fell asleep on the couch watching a movie. While they were sleeping, their house caught on fire, They woke up suddenly when they heard their parrot Imitating a smoke alarm. Apparenty, their smoke alarm did go off, bu it ‘wasn't loud enough to wake them up. BERS page 33, CD 1-40 Pronunciation 1. The drugstore employes called the police after he Ie. 2. When he came back, the police were ‘waiting for him. 4, While they wore sleeping, their house caught on fire, 4, The smoke alarm went off, but it dda’t wake them up. page 33, CD 1-41 Dictation ‘K; Did you hear about that guy who sent himself somewhere in 2 box? B: What? No! What happened? 'A: Wel this guy wanted to goto Dallas to vst his father, but he didn't want 9 pay fora plane ticket. ‘Yeah? What did he do? He figured he would save money by roan himself to Dallas, so he packed himself inside a box! B: You're kidding me! That most have been some trip! ee Unit 9: Friendship page 34, CD2-2 Listening 1 1 {really like Allison, Shes suc fun tbe ‘with, She always makes me laugh. Did she tll you the story about her frst day of school? I don't think I've laughed so hard in ‘my whole ie 2 went out with this guy a couple of times, ‘Ted Roberts. Maybe you know him. He's okay, I guess, but the guy's got no future. 1 think he just wants to spend the rest of his lie surfing atthe beach 3. ‘Tony Lee asked me out the other night, and Tsaid no. You know, he i really ‘embarrassing to be with. Last time I ‘went out to a party with him, he nearly {got into a fight with someone. And then ‘he wouldn't leave the party even after everyone else left 4, T've been out with Sandra Bronstein twice. She’ realy an interesting person, | didn't realize her father isa pretty well ‘known artist and her mother isa successful stockbroker, I'd realy lke to meet her parents sometime Do you know Rod, the guy in our Spanish clas? Anyway, he invited me out on a date. You know the guy I mean—he's kind of thin, very tll, with long curly hair And he's ‘got those dark brown eyes. Just my type! 6. |L was stuck sitting next to Martha ata dinner party the other evening, No matter ‘what I said or did, I couldn't get her 10 laugh. T wonder why she i so terribly page 35, CD 2-3 1 Hello. B: Oh, hello, Lance. Tiss Dave ‘A: Oh, hil How are you? B: Fine, thanks. Hey, are you doing anything on Saturday? 1: Not really. Well some friends of mine are having a barbeoue. Do you want to come with me? ‘A: Ob, that sounds like fun, Wht can Tring? Hello. :: Hey, Paula. I's Tina 'm calling about next week. I wondered if you had anything planned for Wednesday. A: No, not really. Why? 1B: Well, there's going to be a talk atthe bookstore, by that guy whose book we real in cass last semester. Remember? A: Oh, yeah. Sure. That sounds kind of interesting, and I don't really have plans. 1B: Great! I'll meet you atthe bookstore ‘Wednesday at 7, peN Hi, Rose. How are you? s: Not bad. And you? (Okay. Listen, are you interested in going foam art show on Sunday? A friend of mine is having an exhibition of her paintings. Ie's the opening. night—free drinks and Food. B: Wal, actualy, I don't have anything planned, It sounds kind of fun, Why not? ‘Well then, why don'tT pick you up a 6302 ‘Okay. I'l be ready and waiting, zee > Hi, Melissa, Ob, hello, Suze. Do you have any plans for tonight? A few friends and I were thinking of going out fora pizza B: Geo, fd really love to, But Ihave to work late Ob, that’s too bad, ‘Yeah. I really wish I could go, Pe) Doing anything after class? Nothing much. Woy don't we go downtown and take a Took atthe new shoe store? Great idea, I need some new gym shoes. 1 don't realy need new shoes. I just love shoe shopping! Bz See you aftr class then, ERRY E ee ‘A: Hey, George, are you interested in going to the car show? It going on at the exhibition center. B: Yeah, I like those kinds of shows. When isiv? A It opens on Saturday morning B: How about we go in the afternoon? want to sleep late ‘A: That's fine with me page 36, CD 2-4 Listening 3 1 ‘A: Td really like to see this. Kids from all ‘over the country are participating. And the things they're playing sound really 62 ‘Student Book Audio Scripts © Oxford University Press, Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. wee ae eee ze wee ificult. There's one kid who's been playing the violin since he was two years old! ‘When is it? Let’ see...Its Saturday afternoon. Td really like to see it, but T was planning to watch soccer on TV that day, Hoy, this sounds interesting, You get to see how all sorts of unusual foods are ‘prepared, and you get to ty different dishes, too, They have chefs from Japan and India, from China, from Mexico, and from Taly, too. What do you think? ‘Well, it does sound interesting, but 1 can't Pve just started a new diet, so 1 can't eat too much, Let’ go and see this. I love these kinds of events. A Iot of famous people are going to be there All of the actors who are in it are coming to see it, and the director and producer are going to be there, 100. Really? ‘Yeah, We'd neod to get tothe theater carly, though, to get a good view, ‘Thousands of people always show up for these premieres, Actually fd rather not go, I don't lke big crowds ‘This event down atthe bookstore could be interesting, I'l be a chance to get a famous person's autograph, Ob, yeah? Are you into autographs? Sure I's fun to meet famous people ‘Yeah, but she's not really one of my favorite writers. In fact, I think her ‘books are kind of boring Let's go and watch this tomorrow afternoon. It should be a good game ‘The home team just got two new really good players. But haven't they lost a fot of games recently? ‘Well, yeah. But they're playing better now. ‘Thanks for asking me, but I think TL stay home. I heard it's going to be pretty cold tomorrow. Let’ check out this exhibition at the gallery downtown. The artists seem prety talented, Hmm, What artists? Any big names? ‘No, not really: They're all local artists ‘Well, thanks anyway, but I'm only interested in seeing works by famous anists © Oxford University Press Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. page 37, CD2- Pronunciation 4. She's such fun to be with. 2. She's really an interesting person. 3. She's the only teacher I realy like. 4, He js really embarrassing to be with, 5. He's kind of thin and very tall, 6, Tjust love his sense of humor. page37, (D2-6 Dictation ‘A; Do you know Sandra Thomas? B: Yeah, Ido. Why do you ask? Ay She's in my history class. realy lke her. Shes so funny. B: Tknow, She makes me laugh all the time, A: She seems very intelligent, t00. B: She really is smart, She gets As in all her clases. Have you met her brother and sister? A: No, what are they like? Are they ike Sandra? B: Her brother’ completely different, He's intelligent, but he's not friendly tal Unit 10: Television page 38, CD2-7 Listening 1 1 A: Did you watch it taday? I missed it B: It was great. One of the best episodes cever! Ted married Isabella, and Isabella's laughter is upset. So now Ted's ‘worried, and Isabella’s miserable. can’t ‘wait to see what happens tomorrow, Did you watch the show last night? {I started to, but I had to go out. Did you see i? Yeah. ‘Who won the grand prize? A 20-year-old university student. She ‘won a new car. PEN Bee |A: How was that sho you watched the other nigh? Bs Te was crazy! All he people on the show ‘wore constant arguing and saying mean things about each other T dont know why anyone would want tobe on a show lke that, ‘A: Tknow, me neither Ar you going watch iagan? B: Definitely. T want to see if Erica and isa get another fight! ‘A: Did you hear about what happened in Florida? B: No, what happened? A: Well, here was @ huge hurricane there yesterday. B Really: Tha’ terrible! ‘A: Lknow! And there were some major floods. Lots of people have had to move ‘out of their homes, 5 ‘A: Did you watch the game? B: Yeah, it was prety exciting, Too bad our twam lost, though ‘A: Yeah, I thought they were going to win B: [know. But they really need to work on their defense. A: Did you like that show you were watching when I calfed last night? B: Yeah I thought it was prety interesting always wonder how they can take video of birds flying like thet. You get the impression you're up there flying with them, age39, CD 2-8 Listening 2 1 ‘AL930 pm. tonight, panel of experts vill discus developments in information technology and how new innovations are going to change the way we watch TV. If you like to know about the latest trends in technology this isthe show for you. 2 At 10 o'clock. we'll present a documentary about new treatments for cancer. It will report on major breakthroughs in cancer research, including an exciting new treatment for skin cancer and information about cancer fighting foods that you probably have in your kitchen right now. If you have cancer or know someone who does, please don't miss this program. 3 ‘At 1030, lea about modern architecture and the influence tha some of the major 20° century architects had on cites around the world 4, Coming up on AFC tonight is Seu Crazy, a new stom about a cruise ship where everything goes wrong. Tonight, the kitchen staff goes on strike, andthe passengers have to cook their own meals—with hilarious results. If you're thinking about taking a ‘ruse, stay tuned for tis one. 5 “Tonight at 10 pm, only on AEC, watch the final round ofthe game show Question ‘Time. Twenty contestants will play for the big prize—one milion dollars! They'll answer questions about history movies, Sports, and even math. Ifyou love facts and teva, this the show for you Student Book Audio Scripts 6

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