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Lesson Plan: Activity Name Description Diagram Purpose/Coaching Points

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Author: Sam Snow National Youth Certificate Course Topic: Spatial Awareness

Lesson Plan Age: U12

Activity Name Description Diagram Purpose/Coaching

Pairs with one ball go The coach has the watch and the players have The intent is to get the players to
into a 10-yard by 15- thirty seconds to use the ball as a “paint brush” move, work on passing and
yard grid. Three
rounds with a stretch
between each round.
and “paint” (via passing) as much of the grass
in the grid as they can.
10 yds.
X. X
receiving techniques, to
communicate and solve
problems together.
15 yds.

The players organize All passing is done on the move, no standing The intent is to promote vision
themselves into groups allowed. Divide into two or three groups with and communication between the
of five to seven.
Players are numbered
1-5(7) and must pass in
all groups using the same field. The groups
have to play through, over and around each
other, which increases the demand on vision
X1 . O5 X4
players without the pressure of
opponents. The activity will
cause the players to work on the
that sequence, 1 to 2, and communication and off the ball X2 O3 techniques of passing and
and 2 to 3 and so on movement. X3 receiving. Rhythm of play and
with 5(7) passing to 1. VARIATIONS: timing of support runs will
1. Reduce the playing area to half of the improve.
original size. O2 Off the ball players must get into
2. Each group starts with one ball and the field of vision of the
once they have the hang of it add a O4 teammate with the ball. A
second ball, which increases the tempo X5 dynamic run should be made to
of the session. A player should not get show for the ball.
caught with two balls.
Author: Sam Snow National Youth Certificate Course Topic: Spatial Awareness
Lesson Plan Age: U12

The players should Players can score from either side of the goal This activity promotes group
organize themselves and the game doesn’t stop after a goal is movement (tactic) and involves
into groups of four to scored. Play a normal 4v4 match except for X2 transition. The techniques of
play 4v4. The training goals being scored from either side of the goal. dribbling, passing, receiving,
grid is 40 yards long by Because of the angled goals there will be more 40 yds. O3 shooting, heading, tackling and
30 yards wide. Corner crosses into areas in front of the goalmouth. X1 crossing will have the chance to
flags or tall cones Many goals can be scored under match emerge. As a bonus fitness will
should be used for
goals and disc cones to
mark the corners of the
conditions in a short time period. Teamwork
in preparation of attack and defense will
X4 . O1
also improve in a fun and
competitive fashion.
grid. The goals are set X3
up diagonally from one O4
another and ten yards in 30 yds.
from the goal line.
Author: Sam Snow National Youth Certificate Course Topic: Spatial Awareness
Lesson Plan Age: U12


The players organize Divide the field into thirds-defensive, midfield This is a complex environment
themselves into three and attacking. Place each group (X, Z & O) X K X and will require the highest level
groups of five plus a into a third. The group Z in the midfield third X X of concentration from the
goalkeeper in each has the ball. Group Z chooses one goal to players. It will take them awhile
goal. Use a regulation attack and plays against the group X in that X to get the hang of it, so be
field and goals for the third. The group O at the other end is resting. patient. While this is a match
age group. Each group Only the group in possession of the ball may Z Z related activity, it may be the
keeps track of their own enter the midfield third. If group Z scores they most complex activity in this
score. Goalkeepers act keep the ball, go back to the midfield third and Z Z training session. Encourage one
as their own team. attack the group O goal. If the defending Z and two touch passing in the
group X wins the ball and gets it into the midfield third to change the
midfield third then group Z stays in the final point of attack and to get targets
third and group X now attacks against group O forward of the ball. A multitude
O. O of techniques, offensive and
O defensive tactics can be taught in
O O this activity. The coach should
K focus in this lesson on creating
Author: Sam Snow National Youth Certificate Course Topic: Spatial Awareness
Lesson Plan Age: U12


Play a full field For a goal to count all field players of The intent of these
match of 8v8. the attacking team must be over the K conditions is to work on
Follow the US halfway line. If any of the field players team communication, off
Youth Soccer rules are not over the halfway line and in the O O O the ball runs, vision, fitness
for 8v8 U12 soccer. opponent’s half of the field then the and most importantly
Use a goal does not count and a goal kick compactness.
painted/chalked line follows. Let them play under this O
or small disc cones condition until it is obvious they all
to mark the halfway understand it. Then if the coach feels X X
line. they are ready the second condition can
be added to the game. When a goal is
scored against the defending team they X X X
must have all of their players in their
half of the field or the goal counts K


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