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Test For Organic Compounds Intro

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Test for Organic Compounds

Understanding the chemistry of living organisms is an important part of biology. The structures
of cells are made up of many different molecules. Cell metabolism involves the production and
breakdown of many types of molecules. Most of the common molecules found in living things
belong to four classes of carbon-containing molecules: carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and
nucleic acids.

• Determine the presence of starch by a chemical test
• Analyze solutions for the presence of simple reducing sugars
• Analyze a sample of vegetable oil for the presence of lipids
• Analyze solutions for the presence of protein.

Droppers (9) test-tube brush brown paper
2% gelatin solution test tubes (3) test-tube rack
Hot Plate iodine solution clock or watch
Wax marking pencil water bath soluble starch solution
Test-tube holder vegetable oil biuret reagent
Thermal mitts test-tube stoppers (2) glucose solution
Water lab apron
95% ethanol benedict’s solution


Part A: Test for Carbohydrates

Test for Starch
1. Put on goggles and an apron. Label three test tubes 1, 2 and 3. Place them in a test-tube
2. Using a separate dropper for each solution, add 10 drops of soluble starch solution to test
tube 1, 10 drops of glucose solution to test tube 2, and 10 drops of water to test tube 3.
Record the color of each tube’s contents in Table 1.
3. Add 3 drops of iodine solution to each test tube. CAUTION: If iodine is spilled, rinse
with water and call your teacher immediately.
4. Record in Table 1 the color of each tube’s contents after addition of the iodine. A blue-
black color indicates the presence of starch.
5. Discard the contents of the test tubes according to your teacher’s directions. Gently use a
test-tube brush and soapy water to clean the three test tubes and rinse with clean water.
Test for Simple Reducing Sugars
1. Heat the water bath to boiling on the hot plate.
2. Label three test tubes 1, 2 and 3.
3. Using separate droppers for each solution, add 10 drops of soluble starch solution to test
tube 1, 10 drops of glucose solution to test tube 2, and 10 drops of water to test tube 3.
Record the color of each tube’s contents in Table 2.
4. Add 20 drops of Benedict’s solution to each of these three test tubes and place in a
boiling water bath for 3 minutes. CAUTION: If Benedicts solution is spilled, rinse with
water and call your teacher immediately.

Benedict’s solution tests for the presence of simple reducing sugars (monosaccharides and some
disaccharides, but not polysaccharides). Thus, a color change might or might not occur when
Benedict’s solution is added to a carbohydrate and heated. A change from blue to green, yellow,
orange or red occurs if a monosaccharide or certain disaccharides are present. The original blue
color will remain after heating if a polysaccharide or certain other disaccharides are present.

5. Remove the three test tubes from the water bath using a test-tube holder and place them
in a test-tube rack to cool. CAUTION: Be careful not to burn yourself.
6. Record the color of each tube’s contents in Table 2.
7. Discard the contents of the test tubes according to your teacher’s directions. Gently use a
test-tube brush and soapy water to clean the three test tubes and rinse with clean water.

Part B: Tests for Lipids

Brown Paper Test for Lipids

1. Place a drop of water on a small piece of brown paper. Place a drop of oil on the same
piece of paper. Allow the paper to dry for a few minutes.
2. Hold the piece of paper up to the light. If a semi-transparent (translucent) spot is evident,
the sample contains lipids. Record the appearance of each spot in Table 3.

Solubility Test for Lipids

1. Label two test tubes 1 and 2.
2. Using separate droppers, add 20 drops of 95% ethanol to test tube 1 and 20 drops of
water to test tube 2.
3. Add 5 drops of oil to test tubes 1 and 2 and stopper each tube.
4. Shake each tube well, let settle, and record in Table 4 whether the oil is soluble in either

Lipids are soluble only in nonpolar solvents because lipids, themselves, are nonpolar. Water is
polar; ethanol is not.

5. Dispose of the contents of the test tubes according to your teacher’s directions. Gently
use a test tube brush and soapy water to clean the two test tubes and rinse with clean
Part C: Test for Proteins
1. Label three test tubes 1, 2 and 3.
2. Using separate droppers, add 30 drops of 2% gelatin to test tube 1, 30 drops of glucose
solution to test tube 2, and 30 drops of water to test tube 3. Record the color of each
tube’s contents in Table 5.
3. Add 10 drops of biuret reagent to each test tube. CAUTION: Biuret reagent is extremely
caustic to the skin and clothing. If biuret reagent is spilled, rinse with water and call your
teacher immediately.

When biuret reagent is mixed with a protein, it will produce a lavender to violet color.

4. Record in Table 5 the color of each tube’s contents after adding biuret reagent.
5. Discard the contents of the test tubes according to your teacher’s directions. Gently use a
test-tube brush and soapy water to clean the test tubes and rinse with clean water.
6. Fill in the last column of all five tables with the correct interpretations of the test results.
Name ____________________________________ Date _____________
Class Period _______________________________

Test for Organic Compounds

Data Sheet
Table 1
Test for Starch
Test Substance Color at Start Color after adding Starch Present
Tube iodine (+, - )
Table 2
Test for Simple Reducing Sugars
Test Substance Color at Color after adding Reducing
Tube Start Benedict’s solution sugar present
(+, -)

Table 3
Brown Paper Test for Lipids
Substance Translucent on brown paper? Lipids present (+,-)

Table 4
Solubility Test for Lipids
Test tube Substance Dissolves? (yes, no) Polar +/ Nonpolar -

1 Oil in ethanol
2 Oil in water
Table 5
Test for Proteins
Test Substance Color at Color after adding Reducing
Tube Start Benedict’s solution sugar present
(+, -)
1 Gelatin
2 Glucose
3 Water

Name ____________________________________ Date _____________

Class Period _______________________________

Test for Organic Compounds

Analysis and Conclusions
1. What is used to test for the presence of starch?

2. How can you tell by using this test that a substance contains starch

3. What is used to test for the presence of simple reducing sugars such as monosaccharides?

4. How can you tell by using this test that a substance contains a simple reducing sugar?

5. Why was water tested for each chemical?

6. What is used to test for the presence of protein?

7. How can you tell by using this test that a substance contains protein?

8. Biuret reagent will turn the skin brownish-purple. Explain why this occurs.

9. a. When greasy food is spilled on clothing, why is it difficult to clean with water alone?

b. What would be better than plain water for removing a greasy food stain? Why?

1. Choose a number of common substances that are available and conduct your own tests
for the presence or absence of carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins. Cotton, animal hair,
fingernails, and various foods such as egg white and cheese are among the many things
you might test.
2. Investigate the difference between saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. Find recent
information concerning the relationship between these fatty acids and good health.

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