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Astrologia Vedica Face

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Saturn the disciplined, practical, rule abiding, pedant, slow, cruel, punishing, boundary setter
when Come close to Moon the flamboyant, lustful, free, emotional, clever, fast planet, makes native
go through a lot of ups and downs.
Saturn wants to set boundaries, Moon doesn't care about boundaries, Saturn is old don't want
much while Moon is full of life want to do everything, their nature creates a lot of problems for each
Moon represents our mind, emotions.
Saturn creates huge insecurities, fear and confusion in mind this makes the person ruffled and always
worried. This people find it very hard to move on, their past always haunt them .
This combination also shows that the parents of native doesn't cared much about his/her emotions
in childhood/been very cold towards their feelings.
Moon represent water element/emotions and Saturn is very dry planet it makes native go through
such circumstances and events that native loses his ability to express emotions.
These natives finds it very hard to sell their house, they don't want to shift to new place
because moon represents the place you get comfort which is generally your home and saturn doesn't
like change as saturn is a old in age finds it very hard to adjust in new environment.
Moon also represents woman, when Saturn is associated with moon it shows that native desires to
get into relationship with older/mature people.
These people order their partners, and have dominating nature ,you should do this, you
shouldn't do this, you should be this way, you shouldn't behave that way because of which their
relationship gets problematic. The do all this to control their partners and put boundaries around
them(a tendency of saturn). They will find it hard to show their emotions to their partners as Saturn
is a very a cold planet.
Nature of these people will be a bit rash and aloof. These people also have a habit of eating late at
night , also of eating stale food.
The first half of life will not be very good financially but as the life progress their financial
situation will get better. There will be problems in attaining education, kids with this combination
are generally dragged to school.
Saturn is natural ruler of 10th house and Moon is karka of short travel this show natives
profession may involve multiple short travel.
Degree in this conjunction plays an important role like any other planetary conjunction:
If Saturn is degree wise below and is strong, than this Saturn will dictate the results of this
conjunction, Moon and house ruled by Moon will get afflicted and their will be multiple hurdles in
gaining fruits regarding significance of that house, for example if Moon rules 7th house, marriage
will be full struggles, when married at young age, if person become flamboyant and have multiple
relationship than Saturn will destroy other signficance of 7th house such as buisness, well being of
family, will bring secret enemies, loss of ancestral property, problem in education and jobs of first
child, mother main gain heart or lung disease.
Mother of native creates a lot problem in his life.
But if Moon controls itself and be in restrictions of Saturn and respect the boundaries then after
testing Moon few times Saturn will grant better results regarding significance of the house ruled by
These native will lose the risk taking ability as Saturn will create so much fear that they will try to
choose the conventional path and avoid new things.
The house in which this conjunction is happening that house and relative will create huge emotional
stress to native. Native will lose not be interested in dealing with matters related to the house in
which this conjunction is happening as native have extreme fear and insecurities in the aspect of life
in which this conjunction is happening.
For example in 9th house than avoiding teacher, father, being atheist.
On the other hand if Moon is at lower degrees and Saturn is above than the story will be a bit
Now, Moon will fill control the direction of this conjunction Moon will control Saturn and transform
the nature into its own benefit, he will use the planning skills of Saturn, patience of Saturn,
experience of Saturn and strength of Saturn achieve his goals of Flamboyance, enjoyment, luxury
and comfort.
If the native is born at night, then moon will become more strong.
These native will have multiple jobs, their status in society will always go through ups and downs.
Moon has a tendency to cheat and here moon is strong it will make native cheat profession, these
people at times will say “Fake it till you make it”.
Here Moon is free they will be risk takers but only calculated risk as Saturn is still influencing
moon (it will a situation similar to when you are with your grand parents in adventure parks you will
choose only those rides which are good for your old grandparents also).
Their professional belief will completely different of what they portray because now Saturn is
behaving like Moon which changes his colors according to situation.
They will earn a lot after first transit of Saturn over it's natal position.
Their professional decisions will be based on their emotions they will do a job just because they are
emotionally attached to the boss not because they like the job.
The best way to get rid of bad effects is to pray ardhanarishwar roop of God Shiva.
Donation of food to needy and poor.
help needy people
go for orphanage

1.Signs indicating intuition abilities are cancer Scorpio and Pisces.

2.Moon is the ruler of mind so the placement of moon in the following signs represents strong
intuition specially in the house 4th, 8th and 12th.
3.Moon conjuncted with Ketu or Jupiter, or expected by Ketu aur Jupiter in the house 4th, 8th or
12th, or in signs Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces.
4. Moon conjucted with Mercury in Pisces or Cancer or in 4th, 8th or 12th house gives intuitive
ability in decision making.
5. Neptune conjucted or aspected with/by Moon or Jupiter in 4th or 12th house.
6. Rahu or Ketu placed in Cancer/Scorpio/Pisces or in 4th, 8th and 12th destine to explore
7. Ketu in 8th or 12th house or in Scorpio or Pisces, conjucted/aspected by Jupiter makes native
highly intuitive.
8. Nakshatras Ashwini, Mula, Purva Bhadrapada, Shatabhisha and Revati denotes high Intuition.

wealth and business

Wealth of a person is judged through 2nd house, 9th house and 11th house.
Jupiter is the karaka prosperity and Venus the karaka of luxury.
When 2nd, 9th and 11th house are strong native gains good wealth. If Jupiter and Venus are well
placed native leads a happy luxurious life.
When weak Saturn is aspecting any of the above native have to rise/start from level zero.
Apart from this one thing I observed if Venus-Mars-Ketu are interconnected and any one of them
is well placed native go from Rag to Riches.
some important rules
1.if mars is conjucted with ketu
2.if venus is placed in mars sign(house of mars)
3.if mars venus and ketu are aspecting each other.
4.if there is a connection between mars venus and ketu

Combinations of intuition or psychic abilities in birth chart

1.Signs indicating intuition abilities are cancer Scorpio and Pisces.
2.Moon is the ruler of mind so the placement of moon in the following signs represents strong
intuition specially in the house 4th, 8th and 12th.
3.Moon conjuncted with Ketu or Jupiter, or expected by Ketu aur Jupiter in the house 4th, 8th or
12th, or in signs Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces.
4. Moon conjucted with Mercury in Pisces or Cancer or in 4th, 8th or 12th house gives intuitive
ability in decision making.
5. Neptune conjucted or aspected with/by Moon or Jupiter in 4th or 12th house.
6. Rahu or Ketu placed in Cancer/Scorpio/Pisces or in 4th, 8th and 12th destine to explore
7. Ketu in 8th or 12th house or in Scorpio or Pisces, conjucted/aspected by Jupiter makes native
highly intuitive.
8. Nakshatras Ashwini, Mula, Purva Bhadrapada, Shatabhisha and Revati denotes high Intuition

Pragya Pathak
   reagiu à publicação de 
Piyush Arya
: "Lord Shiva’s abode in astrology – A study This is an attempt to decipher the most complex subject
via the realms of astrology. To praise, define & associate a deity whose character is so diversified
that it still can’t be defined completely by all the Vedas together. It’s not grandiose to say that if the
whole ocean of world would turn into the ink, all human hands would turn into the writing pens,
whole earth would be used as the writing surface & all the sages would start writing His praise, then
also we would miss some aspects of His revered personality. When it comes to associate a planet
with Shiva, we all know the answer in the form of a beautifully adorned crown in His head (Moon).
But which Zodiac sign gets the honour of completely associating with Shiva has always wondered
me, the sign which has the potential to completely encapsulate the contradicting aspects of Him.
Recently, I have come across an article where the author has described Aquarius as the presiding
sign of Lord Shiva. This further intrigued me to do a research on the Aquarius sign to get the
underlying truth. This article is result of that work only. While trying to find its symmetry with the
Lord Blue Throat, on surface these claims look bit plausible as Aquarius is the 11th zodiac sign, a
number which is considered as the most spiritual & extraordinary in Numerology. Along with being
ruled by three planets Saturn (aloofness, contemplative & solid energy of ‘Muladhara Chakra’),
Rahu (Most knowledgeable & philosophical) & Uranus (rebellion, transcendence, blissful &
consciousness energy of ‘Sahasrara Chakra’). It also inherits the qualities of the original 11th House
which stands for all the large network circle (Vast following), which is completely in sync with
Shiva’s all embracing, & accepting nature in the form of His worshippers (Macabre, homemakers) .
But to strengthen our claim, further digging is required. This can’t get complete without knowing the
underlying operational force of the zodiac sign. These are the three Nakshatras which infuses their
qualities in every zodiac sign. So let’s study them one by one Dhanistha It’s the peak of Martian
energy with its symbol none other than a musical drum Damru. Our ancient scriptures are full of
stories of Shiva’s immense music ability. Shiva, even while wreaking havoc & destruction, does so
in a graceful and rhythmical dance form known as Tandava, exemplified by His famous Nataraja
posture Shatabhisha This is the Nakshatra of mystery, contemplation, seclusion, which has produced
(Moon/ ASC/ Jupiter/ 9th Lord in Shatabhisha) some of the greatest healers, saints, ascetics, human
kind has ever witnessed. Ramakrishna Paramhansa, the leading spiritual light in the late 19th
century, had his Ascendant, Sun as well as Mercury placed in Shatabhisha making him a triple
Shatabhisha. Purvabhadrapada It is the culmination of Jupiterian energy which can be described in
one word “diabolical”. All the Human sacrifices, fierce aggression, violence, extreme penance, self
torture & self mortification can be ascribed to this Nakshatra. This is completely in sync with the
destructive form of Lord Shiva (Though he destroys the ego, darkness & ignorance of humankind)
Contemplating all the above, we can confidently say that Lord Shiva presides over the sign
Aquarius. Post from Clairvoyance 🙏🙏 Vedic Vision Astro Piyush"

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