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Self-Directed Learning Activity Sheet in Reading and Writing Skills

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2nd Quarter; School Year 2020-2021

Name of Learner: Noelle T. Caballera Grade Level & Section: STEM 11- INQUISITIVENESS Week 6

MELC: Formulate evaluative statements about a text read:
b. counterclaims in response to claims made in a text read.

At the end of the lesson, learners are able to:
● identify counterclaims;
● describe its nature;
● formulate counterclaims; and
● point out its importance.


The previous lesson introduced you to making evaluative statements. These statements
are in response to previously read texts. A claim of fact, policy or opinion is better understood and
evaluated by looking at its different sides. This could be better explained in evaluative statements
which could be in forms of assertions or counterclaims.

Counterclaims: Its Nature and Importance

An evaluative statement is a way of giving a better explanation to show the strength and
weaknesses of something through writing (Belino, 2017). It is an objective and tactful way of
reacting to a text (Hernandez,et al, 2017). This process of reacting critically to a read text may be
done in two ways: first by formulating assertions about the content and the properties of a text and
second, by formulating a meaningful counterclaim in response to a claim made in the text read.

A counterclaim is just the opposite of a claim. Counterclaims are provable and supportable by
reasons and evidence.

A counterclaim is a statement that goes against or disagrees with a stated claim. In

persuasive or argumentative writing, a writer can cite several counterclaims to his or her
own claims. The purpose of such counterclaims is to show all the sides of the issue at hand. By
providing counterclaims and explaining the pros and cons of the counterclaims, the writer
further strengthen his or her own claims. He or she uses phrases like “An opposing point of
view is . . .,” “One counterclaim to this is . . .,” and “An alternative viewpoint to consider is . . .”
to introduce the counterclaims.

Below is an excerpt from Mark Twain’s essay “Advice to Youth.” It uses satire, a
technique of using humor to show that a person, an institution, or a way of thinking is foolish,
weak, or bad.

Always obey your parents, when they are present. This is the best policy in the long run,
because if you don’t, they will make you. Most parents think they know better than you do,
and you can generally make more by humoring that superstition than you can by acting on
your own better judgment.

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writer, and of Sorsogon National High School. November 10, 2020
In the first sentence, Twain seems to claim that it is good to obey one’s parents always when
they are present. However, the next two sentences imply what he really meant, that is, blind

A counterclaim must be explained. The more “real” you make the opposing position, the
more “right” you will seem when you disprove it.

Look at this statement:

Water bottles should be allowed in schools because they could increase grades, help
students stay healthy and reduce drowsiness.

Based on the claim made which could be the counterclaim in the two sentences below?

A. Students need not buy drinks if they bring water bottles to schools.
B. Students might go to the comfort room more often if they bring water bottles and disrupt

If you chose the first, don’t worry, practice exercises are coming your way to help you
fully understand counterclaims.

If you chose the second, then you are doing great.


1. Readers formulate their own counterclaims in response to the claims that they read in a
text. The counterclaims express their disagreement with the stated claim and state a
side of the issue that they support.
2. To formulate meaningful counterclaims, a reader should look at a text with a critical eye.

3. The reader should consider the different sides of the issue that the author excludes from
his or her argument.

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writer, and of Sorsogon National High School. November 10, 2020
4. Being able to formulate meaningful counterclaims helps one become better at
argumentation. Such ability would come in handy during debates, in writing a
persuasive or argumentative text, or even in a simple conversation where the people
have different perspectives.


A. Practice Task 1: Right or Wrong?
Write R if the statement is correct and W if it is incorrect. Do this on your answer sheets.
1. A counterclaim is a statement about a stand. W.
2. The purpose of a counterclaim is to show all sides of the issue. R.
3. The writer of a counterclaim strengthens his side alone. R.
4. Counterclaims are implied statements. W.
5. Counterclaims are made in response to claims made. R.
6. When a writer reacts, he evaluates statements made. R.
7. One could disagree with no reason at all. W.
8. One could do counterclaims of his own claim. W.
9. An argument is a counterclaim. W.
10. One uses counterclaim to confuse the issue. W.

B. Practice Task 2: Which is Which?

Read and understand each question and answer them correctly. Write your answers on a
separate sheet of paper.

D. 1. “Curfews keep teenagers out of trouble.” Which of these statements make a counterclaim?
a. The local government should immediately put the city under curfew.
b. It is wise for parents to impose a curfew on their children to keep them safe.
c. Curfews especially for young children and teenagers are necessary for security.
d. Curfews alone do not make teenagers safe, but constant reminder from people they trust
like teachers, parents, guardians, etc.

B. 2. Which of the following should not be done in formulating counterclaims?

a. Examine the supporting information of a claim.
b. Identify the points that are backed up by outdated evidence.
c. Cite some textual evidence to support the counterarguments.
d. Be clear about your counterclaim regardless of the length of your statement.

D. 3. Which of these situations does not likely call for counterclaims?

a. Reading a text closely
b. Engaging in a debate
c. Writing an argumentative text
d. Listening passively to a conversation

C. PRACTICE TASK 3: The Right Choice

Choose the correct answer from the options given.

D. 1. Which is not true? D. 2. A counterclaim serves the following

a. One presents another point in a purposes except
b. One may provide a counterclaim on a. Show all sides of the issue
his own claim. b. Disprove a claim

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writer, and of Sorsogon National High School. November 10, 2020
c. A counterclaim is another proposition. c. Strengthen ones claim
d. A counterclaim will present one side d. Prove others wrong
of an issue.

A. 3. Which could best introduce a B. 4. Teachers should use social media to get
counterclaim more students interested. Which could be an
effective way to present a counterclaim?

a. Present benefits of social media

a. An alternative viewpoint to consider is…
b. Imply the negative effects of using social
b. I believe that…
c. Many think that…
c. Enumerate advantages and disadvantages
d. Always….
d. Give the opposite side of the issue

B. 5. Which best defines a counterclaim? D. 6. Which is not true?

a. It states a personal opinion. a. One presents another point in a counterclaim.

b. It goes against or disagrees with a stated b. One may provide a counterclaim on his own
claim. claim.
c. It is a persuasion. c. A counterclaim is another proposition.
d. It is a statement of support. d. A counterclaim will present one side of an

D. 7. A counterclaim serves the following A. 8. Which could best introduce a counterclaim

purposes except

a. An alternative viewpoint to consider is…

a. Show all sides of the issue
b. I believe that…
b. Disprove a claim
c. Many think that…
c. Strengthen ones claim
d. Always….
d. Prove others wrong

B. 9. Teachers should use social media to B. 10. Which best defines a counterclaim?
get more students interested. Which could
be an effective way to present a

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writer, and of Sorsogon National High School. November 10, 2020
counterclaim? a. It states a personal opinion.
b. It goes against or disagrees with a stated
a. Present benefits of social media
c. It is a persuasion.
b. Imply the negative effects of using social
media d. It is a statement of support.
c. Enumerate advantages and
d. Give the opposite side of the issue

IV. GENERALIZATION. What’s on your Mind?

In your own words, explain what a counterclaim is and why is it important to learn how to
formulate counterclaims. Write a five-sentence paragraph on a separate sheet of paper.

A counterclaim is a claim made to offset any other claim and offer an

acknowledgment of a probable opposing factor of view. Offering a counterclaim
and giving sufficient proof to disprove, counterclaim strengthens the argument by
reassuring the reader that the student is well-knowledgeable and capable of
determining more than one perspective as well as in questioning and abilities of
argumentation. Moreover, including the opposing aspect as a counterclaim
facilitates the readers or the writer itself to discover what the alternative side is
saying and in turn provides discovery of the common ground of the author and the
readers. A counterclaim is likewise vital in order that the audience isn't swayed
with the aid of using weak unrefuted arguments.


Think of a current issue and ask another person about his or her stand on the issue. You
may ask a friend or a family member. After learning about that person’s stand on the issue, ask for
two or three reasons why he or she chooses that stand. Take note of the information the person
gives. Then make a counterclaim to disprove, weaken, or undermine the person’s claim and
explain it in a five-sentence paragraph. Support your counterclaim with textual evidence.

Violent video games sometimes don’t lead to violence due to people being
less distracted by violent images in other contexts, a phenomenon Alex Hern called
“emotion-induced blindness”. However, in such video games, victims
dismembered, beheaded, ripped to shreds, boned, and cut into small pieces as they
shout in agony and beg for pity with every imaginable tool, including machine guns,
batons, and hammers. Specifically, a 2001 report of the U.S. Surgeon General on
the topic of youth violence made a similar judgment that violent video games are
associated with increased aggressive thinking and behavior in youths which in turn
make teenagers living in higher conflict families with more media violence exposure
show more aggressive behavior. Dr. Cheryl Olson of the Massachusetts General
Hospital Center for Mental Health and Media led a study of 1,254 students in public
schools within the range of 12-14 years old in South Carolina and Pennsylvania and
found that certain situations such as locating game consoles and computers in
children's bedrooms and allowing older siblings to share games with younger ones
increased exposure to violent video games.

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writer, and of Sorsogon National High School. November 10, 2020

In this part, you can tell your teacher what confused you, what part did you find difficult or
what you learned about.
Most tasks are easy to accomplish since the topic is easy to follow and understand.
What I learned was the difference between the claims and the counterclaims and how to
make a counterclaim based on the claim in the text. At first, the difference between the two
terms was somewhat confusing, but I got the hang of it after completing the third practice

Prepared by: MARK ESPENOCILLA ENTICO, Teacher I (Substitute)

Source: Region V Modules
Quality Assured by: ANNE E. MANCIA

No portion of this activity learning sheet may be reproduced without the expressed consent of the
writer, and of Sorsogon National High School. November 10, 2020

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