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(Complete Answers in Purple Font) : STEM 433/533 Lesson Planning Template

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STEM 433/533 Lesson Planning Template

(Complete answers in Purple font)

Name: Kylie Crites Grade: Third grade Topic: number and number sense
Brief Lesson Description: 1 full week of time allotted for this standard

Assist students in expanding knowledge of base ten numbers and place numbers in their correct place value. Using manipulatives and
visuals we will teach our students the correct place value of larger numbers.

Specific Learning Outcomes:

The student will
 read a six-digit number orally
 Determine the value of each digit in a six-digit whole number
 Write six-digit numbers in standard form that are stated verbally or written in words
How did this lesson develop as a result of your examination of research and data about employing culturally sustaining pedagogical
strategies? (Think equal opportunity, student interests, race, gender, disabilities etc.)
Place value is still a fairly new concept for our third graders so I will begin the lesson with basic vocabulary they must know throughout
the lesson. The vocabulary will help the students create a deeper understanding of the lesson and make connections with the material
later on. Before jumping into the lesson, the students will participate in group discussions about place value and what they may already
know. Lastly, I will make sure my students have mastered the beginning concepts before moving on to something more difficult.

Narrative / Background Information

Prior Student Knowledge: Students should know the place value vocabulary and the order they are written in. Students should also
know how to place numbers in their correct order when working with 3-digit numbers. Students should know how to read a six digit
number orally as well as write the number in standard form.

Math VA SOL: VisualArts VA SOL: NCTM Standard:

3.1 The student will 3.1  The student will apply creative  understand the place-value
a) read, write, and identify the thinking to artmaking. structure of the base-ten
number system and be able to
place and value of each digit in a a)  Use imaginative and expressive represent and compare whole
six-digit whole number, with and strategies to create works of art. numbers and decimals.
without models;

Specific Problem Solving Strategy being used:

 drawing and using their own place value chart
 using vocabulary to determine the value of a number

Possible Preconceptions/Misconceptions:
 Students not knowing the order of standard form
 Students don’t know the vocabulary to describe place value
 Students may confuse how to properly say a bigger number


ENGAGE: Opening Activity – Access Prior Learning / Stimulate Interest / Generate Questions: (Discrepant events are awesome to use
We will begin with a place value video from YouTube found here: (

After the video ask the students, “do you have any ideas about what place value might mean?” “Does anyone know how we would read
this number, 308,955?” (write 308,955 on the white board before asking this question.

Ask the students to take out their math journals. Students will work in their math journals to begin the lesson. In their journal they may
begin to draw out a place value chart to help them sort out the number. Use the place value chart as an example.

Students will go through vocabulary cards and discuss it will teacher and students. They will need to discuss how this relates to place
value directly. Cards used will be, value, place value, position, and digit

EXPLORE: Lesson Description – Materials Needed / Probing or Clarifying Questions:

What Is place value?
How can it be described?

Math journals
Place Value worksheet

Students will discover ways to construct their own place value chart
and determine the correct place value for a larger number.
EXPLAIN: Concepts Explained and Vocabulary Defined: The teacher will begin by writing out a place value chart. Beginning with 100,000,
10,000, 1,000, 100, 10, and 1. The teacher will write out a few numbers and have the students say them aloud to the class. We want to
make sure our students have mastered saying the number. The teacher will go over the vocabulary again and teach it by using the
numbers on the whiteboard. Using the number 120,563 students will begin to dissect the number and labeling with the correct place
value. Begin asking students some questions to gauge their understanding. What is the place of 5 in the number above? What is the
value of the 2?

Here we will also give our students their own place value chart to keep at their desk.

Vocabulary: value, place value, digit, and position.

ELABORATE: Applications and Extensions: students will open their journals and practice with their tables. They will all be given 3
different numbers to dissect and label properly. Volunteers will be able to explain their own steps when called on. When we have gone
through all numbers, we will go over them one more time.

All students will begin the Place Value worksheet. Teacher will walk around and observe students completing it. Once their worksheet is
completed have them pair up with a table friend to discuss their answers.


Formative Monitoring (Questioning / Discussion): observations during the worksheet completion

Summative Assessment (Quiz / Project / Report) (Include a rubric): Quiz on place value
Plan for differentiation: (Be sure to specifically address the following learners)
 Students with high-incidence disabilities (e.g., autism, ADHD, mild learning disorders)
 Gifted learners

 For my gifted learners they will be given more challenging numbers. Also using zeros in place of other numbers.
 Encourage my ELL students to discuss vocabulary in their home language
 Students will high-incidence disabilities will be participating in frequent discourse helping them to stay on task and busy.
Elaborate Further / Reflect: Enrichment:
 How will you evaluate your practice?
 Where might/did learners struggle in the lesson?
 How can the lesson be strengthened for improved student learning?
 Did the lesson reflect culturally sustaining pedagogies? If not, how can this be enhanced?

 I will evaluate my practice based on their quiz scores and during my observation. If the students are completing everything easily
and correctly, I can assume my teaching strategies are working.

 I believe my students will struggle more with making sure that they can label in the correct place value. Keeping their numbers in
order is the first step to mastering this concept.

 I don’t think I can know for sure if my lesson needs to be strengthened until I can accurately assess my students.

 I believe that my lesson did reflect culturally sustaining pedagogies. I made sure to go through each section of my lesson to make
sure it could be relevant for everyone in my class. Once I teach my lesson I will be able to reflect on what I should change to make
it more substantial.

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