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Bill Gates

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While the document text is in Spanish, the videos mentioned seem to be comedic sketches focusing on sexual or risque situations, based on their titles and categories. The view counts are generally quite high, ranging from tens of thousands to millions, and the video lengths vary but many are quite long, suggesting they are full sketches rather than short clips.

The videos mentioned span several pages and seem to feature comedic sketches focusing on situations involving sexual encounters, infidelity, and risque medical exams, based on their titles.

The titles and categories of the videos imply they contain sexually suggestive or explicit comedy content, with titles mentioning encounters between various characters and locations like hotels, cabarets, and doctors' offices.

Sin Censura TV - �LA PRIMERA DEL 2021! EL DR.


The Royal Institution - The Pattern Seekers: A New Theory of Human Invention
Sabine Hossenfelder
Zona Franca - Caso Carolina Sanin


Red Tsunami
Hace 9 minutos
Scary part is who is going to draw the line as to what is true or not. Historically
great men and entire countries considered themselves perfectly sane while violently
eradicating other races and would ruin the lives and reputations of those who dared
to claim the Earth wasn't the center of the universe.

Some Things In Life

Hace 8 horas
It's not just Gill Bates that predicted the Pandemic. It's one of the most
predicted things out there. The problem is/was/will be no one wants to listen
and/or do anything about it.


Hace 8 horas
Agreed. We should stop the hero worship and actually listen to the scientists who
know for decades that a pandemic was guaranteed to come. The only questions was
when. Gates didn�t have any special insight, he just gets noticed more than others.
On the other hand I am glad that Gates uses his fame for positive things.


Shaggy Rogers
Shaggy Rogers
Hace 8 horas
Bill gates knew because him and his satanic buddies caused it


Some Things In Life

Some Things In Life
Hace 8 horas
@Shaggy Rogers oh go away you sheep. Or parrot perhaps. Go back to your flat earth

Leo Queen
Leo Queen
Hace 8 horas
@Some Things In Life you don�t need to be unkind just because someone has a
different opinion than you.


Colin Hamilton
Colin Hamilton
Hace 7 horas
@Leo Queen That's not an opinion, it's just a lie. An opinion is something like,
"Bill Gates is evil." A lie is something like, "Bill Gates caused the pandemic."


Hace 7 horas
@Leo Queen falsely accusing someone of a pandemic is not kind either??


Some Things In Life

Some Things In Life
Hace 7 horas
@Leo Queen You are right, I try to be kind. But I'm human and sometimes anger gets
the better of me. However, what he is saying is not about opinion, it's about
facts. He's a religious nut and a conspiracy theorist.


Hace 7 horas
me neither

Patrick Kelly
Patrick Kelly
Hace 7 horas (editado)
If you don't read anything else in this, watch corbettreport and computing forevers
videos on bill gates. They back up their claims with sources, so it is hilarious to
see Gates lying so well. It is completely justified to be skeptical of him.

Oh yes Bill gates, who's father was connected to the Eugenics movement +planned
parenthood which was started by margaret sanger, also connected to the Eugenics
movement. Bill gates, buying up all the farmland in the US whilst pushing lab grown
meat, who has a stake in the pharma/vaccine company moderna, whilst "predicting"
the exact scenario of a pandemic. How did they create a vaccine so quickly without
foreknowledge of the exact makeup of the virus? Regular vaccines take a very long
time to produce, and test. Especially a type of vaccine that has never been used
nor tested on anyone before. How can you know a pandemic will happen right before
it happens if it's spontaneous? Bill gates is not a scientist nor doctor. Why is
the pandemic being used for mass-control, increased surveillance, intimately
connected to the great reset by the world economic forum? Why, during the pandemic,
did the greatest wealth transfer in history take place? Bill gates amongst many
other billionaires have made so much money off of this... Gates has never been a
caring philanthropist... And never will be. His goal is to make more money, and
gain more control, just like the other billionaires that I would get in trouble for
even mentioning.

I am sure this comment will get deleted or I will be attacked by shills, but come
on. Putting trust in billionaires is not the best idea. If you want sources for my
claims, I'll give you sources. Why not be skeptical?


The Mind Of Opex

The Mind Of Opex
Hace 7 horas
The whole world changed everything in their daily lives. Did. Not. Help. It isn't
that we aren't doing anything about it. It is that we are doing EVERYTHING WRONG.
Build your immune system, don't shut down a family's income. Think for yourself
instead of being mislead by murderers.


Kulm Kulm
Kulm Kulm
Hace 7 horas
@Patrick Kelly they to busy getting news from Facebook

bill ted
bill ted
Hace 7 horas
China knew about the virus back in Oct/Nov
They hid or just didn't report to even their own people about it untill it was too
We could have contained the virus at early stages or delayed worldwide infection
for many months

Patrick Kelly
Patrick Kelly
Hace 7 horas (editado)
@Kulm Kulm So basically, what I have found is that you absolutely cannot listen to
any mainstream news sources if you actually want the truth told to you. Obama
introduced the smith-mundt modernization act, which basically allowed for networks
to propagandize to citizens. It is not like they haven't done this before, lol.
Project mockingbird involved propagandizing to citizens through mainstream news as
well. It is easy to look that one up. People think that they would just stop doing
this? If these people cannot be skeptical of a billionaire who says he is here to
help, even a little bit, or don't look into the well-sourced videos because the
news told them conspiracy theories are bad, I don't know how to help them.


j lirie
j lirie
Hace 7 horas
Even in the middle of one! Unbelievable..

j lirie
j lirie
Hace 7 horas
@bill ted the were to blame for that. But many of our citizens are to blame for not
behaving in a way to reduce/contain it.

Susan Lubbe
Susan Lubbe
Hace 6 horas
They created it??

Hace 6 horas
@Patrick Kelly right on the money, good luck trying to convince people who are so
brainwashed by the media.

Hace 6 horas
@The Mind Of Opex Self Preservation is good for everyone. The reflections of it
will echo into the future and people will remark upon it.

Hace 6 horas
@Colin Hamilton It's an opinion, people can have alternative opinions.

Leo Queen
Leo Queen
Hace 6 horas
@Isaija I agree, falsely accusing someone of a Pandemic is not kind but it
shouldn�t change your behavior if you are a kind person
no shopping
no shopping
Hace 6 horas
@Colin Hamilton Then who started the pandemic Colin?

Silver eyes
Silver eyes
Hace 6 horas
I haven't heared a thing about the... What's the word for it...

Prediction of the future problems? Idk, all I know is that I haven't heared about
the predictions that the next world even would be a pandemic.

Hace 5 horas
There are those who work to make predictions come true. ??

f f
f f
Hace 5 horas
Fuxyou zombie take vacancies

r mac
r mac
Hace 5 horas
He predicted it because he's in on it! His sole purpose is to reduce global
population thus reducing carbon footprint.

Muslim - One who submits to God

Muslim - One who submits to God
Hace 5 horas
That's because he created the fake pandemic with shill Fauci to try and sterilize
and kill people with the vax because he's a eugenicist.

Hace 5 horas
@r mac that would work best if the v accine made everyone sterile???? we Va c
ourselves aand our kids and it'll just work itself out ...??????

Chronic Blast
Chronic Blast
Hace 5 horas

Hace 5 horas
@Patrick Kelly I heard there is a patton on covid and other sicknesses we have had
to deal with and they said it has to be man made to patten it.

Hace 5 horas
*caused, he caused the pandemic.

Some Things In Life

Some Things In Life
Hace 5 horas
Ignorance and stupidity and propaganda and lies and misinformation and manipulation
just coalesce on the internet. Before this, nutjobs couldn't pass on their illness
to more than a few people on the street corner. But now it's big business because
people just want to be fooled instead of dealing with reality.
Wearing a mask is tedious, therefore the virus must be a hoax.
Can't change anything about your life so as to not kill other humans? The virus
must have been planned.
So on and so forth.

Hijack the Ripper

Hijack the Ripper
Hace 4 horas
Operation Lockstep

Lenee Baylor
Lenee Baylor
Hace 4 horas
@Patrick Kelly - Patrick I agree ?? ??

Hace 4 horas
No ignorance or stupidity, he broadcast that he was going to do it, he's been
planning these things for years, why do you think someone with no background in
medicine has been forcing his experimental "vaccines" into people who are dying of
starvation and polluted water. If he cared so much, you'd think he'd be going after
those first when they're the direct threat. Nothing suspicious about that...

r mac
r mac
Hace 4 horas
@Shadeaux Yeah but that leaves a footprint and it would be to obvious. With the
virus they can release in societies let certain number of people die, vaccinate and
then restart the process again with a different virus until they reach their
desired goals.

Hace 4 horas
@Hijack the Ripper dont forget operation dark winter

Gareth W
Gareth W
Hace 4 horas
@Kevin you're brainwashed by the rubbish you see online. The first step in
brainwashing is to tell the subject that everything they know is wrong and that
they have been brainwashed their entire life. After that the way is clear to
convince them of anything. You can think what you like about any source of
information or the media but ultimately you have to go on facts and I'm yet to see
anything factual from the covid deniers anti vax brigade. Not a shred of evidence
and the amount of rubbish I read just completely undermines their arguments and
actually doesn't help with rational discussion about real issues. The truth as
usual is in the middle ground.

Mariusz Krawiec
Mariusz Krawiec
Hace 4 horas
@r mac so that wasn't very effective way to do that, since the mortality rate for
COVID-19 is rather low. If someone really wanted to decimate population they would
use something really deadly like smallpox or ebola etc.
Also if someone wants to make money by selling stuff to people depopulating Earth
is not a good business idea.
Your theory lacks logic.

alex mackay
alex mackay
Hace 4 horas
He predicted it because he created/ordered it.

jakub gadzala
jakub gadzala
Hace 4 horas
Put that mask on your brain.

Hace 4 horas
Ya because people like Bill Gates form their opinions after hearing from experts.

Some Things In Life

Some Things In Life
Hace 4 horas
I thought Lord Trump said it was the China virus...Why are you people trying to
blame Bill Gates? Cuz he's rich and trying to do some good?
You would love it if he didn't care and took a dump on you instead, then you'd be
worshipping him like Trump.

Mariusz Krawiec
Mariusz Krawiec
Hace 4 horas
@TheJerbol ya, because you use your own criteria to assess others.

Hace 3 horas
Yeah, even James Veitch predicted it.

Cani Terrae
Cani Terrae
Hace 3 horas
@bill ted Possibly, yes. China's government definitely did drop the ball. So did
ours. Should've instituted a world wide travel restriction pending two weeks
quarantine. Why most nations didn't do this remains baffling to me...unless greed
overwhelmed them.

Steve-O Navajo
Steve-O Navajo
Hace 3 horas
@Some Things In Life keep telling yourself that ??

Cani Terrae
Cani Terrae
Hace 3 horas
@Patrick Kelly Skepticism is fine. Evidence is better. Where's yours?

Blaxk Velvet
Blaxk Velvet
Hace 3 horas

Patrick Kelly
Patrick Kelly
Hace 3 horas
@Cani Terrae challenge accepted lol, give me a little bit and I'll give you some
evidence. I am mostly summarizing from the corbettreport and computing forever so I
recommend looking those up first. I would say those would be enough to convince you
that something is up, but I'll still give you sources in a bit nonetheless

Tomas Siqveland
Tomas Siqveland
Hace 3 horas (editado)
To the OP�s question: Politicians call it economic growth. Leftists call it
neoliberalism. Economists call it financialization. Right-wingers call it personal
liberty. Most people call it the free global market. Whatever your stance may be,
this is why nobody will listen.

�ltimo controle
�ltimo controle
Hace 3 horas
So things about future problems dont make money, so people dont do it

Gambeir Bay
Gambeir Bay
Hace 3 horas
@staticzero01 These gullible sheeple have no clue staticzero01. Hegelian Dialectic
you fools

Hace 3 horas
There are a few countries in the world who actively done simulations over at last
20 years.
Even WHO did these simulations, latest in 2018.

May the Science be with You

May the Science be with You
Hace 3 horas
@Leo Queen Yeah, lets be nice to the guys who calls people satanic. You are white
knighting a harmful idiot.

Gambeir Bay
Gambeir Bay
Hace 3 horas
@Hijack the Ripper Operation Goose Step: Know your place, shut your face, for the
duration of vaccinations

Gambeir Bay
Gambeir Bay
Hace 3 horas
@ConcreteHades Christ sakes, you are using logic, can it work?

Gambeir Bay
Gambeir Bay
Hace 3 horas
@Cani Terrae Communist bastards and all the corporate clowns that are in on it with
them is what you're really saying huh?

Phil Indeblanc
Phil Indeblanc
Hace 3 horas
Predicted?? LOL, they created it. Hello? there are patents, and papertrails that
prove this. This is a mainstream channel. Not gonna see anything special on here.
Just what supports the mainstream narrative. Amazing that people dont know this.
Freedom of press certainly does not exist.

FunChum s
FunChum s
Hace 2 horas
Is no one going to comment on the fact that he said �Gill Bates� instead of Bill

May the Science be with You

May the Science be with You
Hace 2 horas
@Some Things In Life That's how these deplorables are. They love rich people, but
oly if they are selfish sociopaths showcasing their life in luxury, because those
are the kind of rich people they want to be.But a rich person who does actual good
and donates his money for the betterment of the world, that one is suspect and must
be the devil.

Hace 2 horas
@Gareth W did you grow up being told left wingers care for the people and right
wingers hate the people?
When you've been lied all your life and events point it out, it's not brainwashing,
its release from brainwashing. I hope you manage it soon

r mac
r mac
Hace 2 horas
@Mariusz Krawiec Remember this was just a controlled experiment. They will
eventually turn it up a notch but to your point the rich top 1% cant just kill
everyone at once and disrupt their cashflow which would eliminate their slave labor
and working class.

Food for thought

Food for thought
Hace 2 horas
many predicted..why Bill..he introduced the biggest boin and bane to mankind.

Jeff Padgett
Jeff Padgett
Hace 1 hora
@Patrick Kelly I watched what you�re talking about. They cite sources that they
intentionally misconstrued or falsely tied to make their dramatic documentary
appear like a morally sound presentation. They did a decent job and even have
dramatic sound or music for emotional effect. I�m sure many do actually fall for

But yeah, trust the experts. Bill Gates does good to create a foundation that
gives grants to life saving projects. He�s simply a geek statistical analyst
speaking about the experts findings just how he always does in interviews.
Google scholar is better for actual papers and research compared to rabbit hole
content on YouTube like that documentary because it will totally poison a person�s
ability to even want to understand realty about this new virus and vaccines in
general to something that is a dangerous fantasy. Just sayin

Jeff Padgett
Jeff Padgett
Hace 1 hora
@Patrick Kelly there is no such eugenics thing. No stakes in pharmaceutical
financial interests. No claims or actions as a doctor is implied by relaying
statistical analysis. No mystery exists that Gates alone �predicted�. It�s a
simple fact that virologists have been dealing with mostly with farm animals but
also aware novel zoonotic viruses are a significant concern with human population
too. They will continue to occur be it more or less dangerous variants as our
population grows to encroach on wildlife and land never before touched by mankind

Gareth W
Gareth W
Hace 1 hora (editado)
@Miff I was taught nothing like that. I try and steer clear from simplistic black
and white thinking of that sort. I'm pretty good at seeing reality as it is and in
my job I have no other choice.

Chip Cooper
Chip Cooper
Hace 58 minutos (editado)
There are two kinds of people in the world, those who understand that the world is
complex; and those that think no one wants to listen and/or do anything about it.
I noticed a key factor in the disinformation of conspiracy theories: a majority of
the people spreading the false information believe that no one cares about anyone
but themselves, and a majority aren't even sure about themselves.

In supporting the false claims by accepting like minded experts, they contradict
themselves. Apparently, the only ones, they think, who care are those who hold the
same view as they do; and so instead of doing the work of discovery on their own,
they think that one who is like minded does care because they've found someone who
is a little more like them. So, while they claim, or presume to claim that no one
listen or cares; they think that because they care about this or *that*, similar
and like minded people must also care.

Unfortunately, reality shows that the people who care the most are the one's who
are willing to listen to others; and do not get stuck in accepting even their own
theories; but, are willing to look into other "non-like minded" theories... and
work their way toward the truth, especially when that non-like minded person proves
they're an unreliable source. And that's the difference between people who care;
and those who think no one listens or cares.

So, like a person who cares; I've considered your claim that "No one wants to
listen and/or do anything about it." I've left the concept of "it" pretty broad,
but also aligned with you talking about the pandemic; and found it to be false, not
just broadly; but specifically regarding the pandemic. I'd like to add that I've
cared enough to write this, and point out that "No one listens or cares" is a
false statement. It does however point to a category or a classification about the
people who think like that. I presume you care; because you question; but I feel
that having that attitude causes you to tread very closely to those who heap to
themselves teachers having itching ears; and I suggest instead that you turn to the
truth; and discover it for yourself. But, I reject the concept that "no one"
listens or that "no one does anything about it". It is a very dangerous stance to
claim an absolute.

randombandit dad
randombandit dad
Hace 52 minutos
How did bill gates know about it simples hin and his cronies engineered it and his
next climate changed after they choppd all the forests down to build on them

Hace 37 minutos
Oh really? So the lockdowns and all the government control over information and
movement wasn�t �doing anything about it?�

Mariusz Krawiec
Mariusz Krawiec
Hace 34 minutos
@r mac no, it wasn't an experiment. Don't spread the lies you found on FB or YT.
There is nothing controlled about an exponential growth of infection. If something
is growing exponentially it pretty much shows you that's a runaway process. Nothing
"controlled" about that.
That's not rocket science. More like high school math.
And yes, there will be more epidemics sooner or later. There have always been
pandemics throughout human history. Nothing new here. There are a lot of pathogens
out there. The most recent one in XX century claimed ~50 million people.

Sagittarius A*
Sagittarius A*
Hace 27 minutos
95% of people are stupid.
I don't know for sure how many people are scientists who know the facts (1%, 0.1%,
less?) - the problem is, that these 95+% think they know everything and thus
believe those scientists are stupid/bought/Satan/.... etcpp

Mariusz Krawiec
Mariusz Krawiec
Hace 26 minutos
@bill ted quite possible. Early detection - early response is the fundament of
dealing with any infectious disease outbreak. We need to build an early warning
network throughout the world, otherwise we will have to repeat the lesson with
another, probably more deadly pathogen.

America's Least Wanted

America's Least Wanted
Hace 25 minutos
@Colin Hamilton
How about this - "The Chinese purposely caused the pandemic." Better?

Mariusz Krawiec
Mariusz Krawiec
Hace 24 minutos
@Patrick Kelly i would be extremely skeptical about a nut-jobs who constructs
worthless conspiracy theories that have no evidence in reality, just because he
didn't succeed in life and has nothing better to do, but to spread BS.

Hace 24 minutos
@Sagittarius A* it doesn�t matter. Stupid people should be allowed to make mistakes
without the government subsidizing their mistakes, nor preventing them. And some
people are mechanically inclined, others are labcoat inclined. The guy who fixes
cars can call a scientist dumb because he can�t change his oil, and the scientist
calls the mechanic dumb because he doesn�t memorize useless equations

Gareth W
Gareth W
Hace 20 minutos
@TK UA I think the point was about taking action to be prepared for a pandemic
rather than about the action taken once the pandemic had started.

Pure Powah!
Pure Powah!
Hace 15 minutos
@Some Things In Life you make no sense, flat earth channel..ok..bill gates is a
piece of sheit he just bought the most farmland in America..he wants to gmo fruits
and vegetables, and grow meat in a lab..hes investment in cloud seeding and geo
engineering so he can control the environment..hes evil

Hace 1 hora
Elephant in the room: politics and bad government.
Whatever your political views, I think it's safe to say that politics and
maladministration have played a huge part in the transmission of Covid, and has
worsened the suffering, right from the get-go in China, to around the world.
Having better tech is for naught if we have bad rules and systems, and, well,


Traveling Through Time

Traveling Through Time
Hace 1 hora
Yeah, we need EVEN MORE LOCKDOWNS for a virus with a 99.8% survival rate (according
to official numbers).

Sir. ButtersWorth
Sir. ButtersWorth
Hace 1 hora
@Traveling Through Time I think he's talking about the fact people thought it was a
hoax because former president trump didn't act properly against the pandemic. Now
the thing is we were extremely lucky the covid virus wasn't as deadly as other
previous Virus.

Hace 1 hora
@Sir. ButtersWorth It's not just Trump. It's about government at all levels. From
the authoritarian Chinese response, to the lack of border closures in Europe early
on, to the authoritarian lock-down overkills, to to Trump's government, to
governments that flat-out denied there was a problem.
Not everything is about Trump.
Bad government is bad government, across the world.

Bryan Cardenas
Bryan Cardenas
Hace 1 hora
It's the negligence, arrogance but above all the ignorance of democratic countries
that causes these. Have people who know how to run the various intricate parts of
countries, have technology and science be the driving force for improvement and
policy, and this probably wouldn't have happened. But ignorants choosing the
ignorant to be the pilot of a complex vessel is waiting for something bad to go
down. There will be a point that countries have to choose a more technocratic
approach to ensure survival of any system.

Sir. ButtersWorth
Sir. ButtersWorth
Hace 1 hora
@w0mbles well I was speaking from my perspective since I live in the U.S. And I
wasn't saying it was just trump because obviously he doesn't govern the entire
world. I was just stating that many governments reacted poorly either due to
inexperience or because they didn't think it was a problem.

Hace 54 minutos
Nope, we�ve had pandemics for a long time and always will. Peoples utopian vision
of eradicating all illnesses is just an illusion. There is nothing anyone could
have done to stop this pandemic, yes we managed to �flatten the curve� but the
virus did its job no matter how much people wore 3 masks and walked around in a

Sincere Presence
Sincere Presence
Hace 47 minutos
@ original comment: I agree, politics and bad government along with economics and

Hace 42 minutos
@Bryan Cardenas Pish posh. The problem started in China: a very technocentric,
undemocratic country.
We need more humane governments, not more authoritarian ones with Social Credit

Hace 41 minutos
@TK UA Many countries could have done a much better job in containing the virus,
and managing the pandemic. If China had acted sooner, hundreds of thousand (if not
millions) of lives would have been saved.

Unfiltered Reality
Unfiltered Reality
Hace 39 minutos
The media spread COVID. Other than that, it's so irrelevant that you have to get
tested to even know you had it. Over-amplified PCR tests not meant to diagnose
anything mind you.

Hace 31 minutos (editado)
@w0mbles True... over here in France we've had one successful lockdown, with the
propagation going almost to zero for several months afterwards. Then we had a
"lockdown" that essentially kept schools opened, allowed everyone to go to work,
and kept most businesses opened - as you can guess it had a rather small effect,
contaminations being only staved off because this time everyone had masks and
cleaning gel... So they added a curfew at 20:00, which had a very negligible effect
since most people stayed at home in the evening regardless. Then they added an
18:00 curfew, that seems to be at risk of making it worse, since now people can't
get groceries after work so everyone's packing themselves in stores on Saturdays to
get food and stuff... And now the government is saying there is a "plateau" in the
contaminations, while every single group of medical experts in the country is
saying it's progressing dangerously and that we should have had a full-on lockdown
3 months ago. Political choices have made this pandemic much more deadly than it
should have ever been :(

Mark Meridian
Mark Meridian
Hace 12 minutos
@Sir. ButtersWorth The pandemic spread throughout most of the world. It wasn't
just Trump. I'll be the first to say that former President Trump did misjudge the
pandemic but so did Cuomo and many others. The real problem is that Fauci, the
CDC, the WHO - the experts upon which we rely for good advice - turned out to be
no experts at all.

Sir. ButtersWorth
Sir. ButtersWorth
Hace 1 minuto
@Mark Meridian Faucci and the WHO as well as the CDC did have regulations and
advice but people didn't listen.

Hace 1 d�a
Vaccines against misinformation would be cool


Kaizoku Jimbei
Kaizoku Jimbei
Hace 1 d�a
They already exist. They are called education. :)


Hace 1 d�a
ah, maybe one day they'll make them. They already wanna throw em in jail!

James S.
James S.
Hace 1 d�a
They do have one. It's called sterilization of the unimaginably super-stupid. ??


Hace 1 d�a
@Kaizoku Jimbei HAHAHAH

wait, you're serious?


Jesus Fried Christ

Jesus Fried Christ
Hace 1 d�a
@James S. Whelp. There�s goes all the kids of leftists.


Anthony Bowers
Anthony Bowers
Hace 1 d�a
Great answer !!

Hace 1 d�a (editado)
@James S. Yeah, I wonder why misinformation sticks for some people, eh?
I posted the following on a covid denialists comment else where. But I think it
also applies to haters calling for those who hold any disagreeable opinions to be
sterilised, even in jest.
Every last one of us knows that human beings in power have an history of corruption
and deceit, yet almost nobody accepts the fact that they personally would be the
same once they went through what it takes to win said power.
The inevitable result is that once most don't have enough power to even control
their own life, the only defenses available become
1) to be very wary of anyone's influencing what you think and feel and/or
2) to start preaching to everyone the solutions (you believe in) to their
powerlessness over any given problem.
The next thing that happens is that with case
1) it tends to paranoia and the accompanying conspiracy theories and/or
with case
2) it tends to meddling and the accompanying self righteous arrogance towards
"dumb" people who won't believe.
Suckful joke mate. Knock it off.


Hace 1 d�a
@lordchickenhawk wtf is this supposed to mean? i'm autistic bro

you saying that those in power will do anything to stay in power? if you are saying
that i agree just can't tell what you're trying to say

Hace 1 d�a
@lordchickenhawk r/verysmart

Hace 1 d�a
@Kaizoku Jimbei It's not that simple, you just wanna sound smart. Foremost we
believe in our experiences in life coupled with education and even then sufficient
information on the matter then you might be able to make decision. If they don't
add up, contradict each other and/or lacking (causing contradiction), don't expect
everyone to agree, it's impossible.


Vladimir Goryachev
Vladimir Goryachev
Hace 1 d�a
Vaccines against vaccines would be even cooler


Fractal Equation
Fractal Equation
Hace 1 d�a
you realise that a vaccine against misinformation is a vaccine against (a certain
type of) information? Then who decides what type of information is vaccinated
against? you? me? bill gates? let's hope who ever it is 100% has your best interest
at heart and has no selfish motivations or you are going to be missing information
you might need.

do you know what deductive reasoning is? sometimes you can only ascertain what is
by looking at what is not.

you realise that fiction is untruth? what if someone decides you cant watch your
favourite marvel hero film because someone doesn't want people to think they can
fly? who get's to decide what stories can be told, if any.
a medicine for your mind has the same effect as medicine for the body. any medicine
you take makes you weaker. the more you walk with a stick the more you need the
stick to walk with. these people give you medicines that make you weaker and people
pay for it. you want a medicine created that is completely redundant, taking a
medicine to hide untruth, when you could train your mind to reveal it.

"prediction". classic snake oil salesman pitch. he tells you about a problem you
didn't know you had then sells you the cure. sure you want this guy making your


Kaizoku Jimbei
Kaizoku Jimbei
Hace 1 d�a
@wenton Dead serious.

Tyler Durden
Tyler Durden
Hace 1 d�a
A vaccine works by intentionally giving someone a disease in a controlled scenario,
so that their immune system can learn and remember how to fight it.

So we should inject controlled misinformation, to prevent misinformation??? Seem



Hace 1 d�a
@Tyler Durden No... we should allow (even silly ideas) that are misinformation in
your sight to prevent YOU from being silenced when others interpret YOUR ideas as


Ibrahim Farid
Ibrahim Farid
Hace 1 d�a
@lordchickenhawk so you're saying anyone who comes into power turns evil, but we
should just forget about trying to conspire against them because we're all too

Sounds very tunnel ??

Hace 1 d�a
@Kaizoku Jimbei Do you know who controls the education that is fed to kids? Do you
KNOW what the hell they're teaching??
It's mandatory to state your pronouns in a university class, if that gives you a


Hace 1 d�a
Trick gullible conspiracy theory people into signing away their right to use social
media. "Did you know chemtrails are eroding our democracy? Join us to fight the
government conspiracy! Just sign right here....

James S.
James S.
Hace 1 d�a
It's called a "sense of humor" my friend. And no, I won't "knock it off". The
world is a cartoon panel (The Far Side maybe? ??), and that's how I see it! ??

Hace 1 d�a
@Subparanon Conspiracy has been slandered by the media. Yknow going against
Epstein's "sulcide" is still considered a conspiracy theory, even though it's
pretty obvious he didn't kill himself? (If you still believe that spoon-fed lie,
you are re'tarded.)


Hace 1 d�a
@Ibrahim Farid Missed the point mate. You're not too paranoid, you are inevitably
paranoid. As for conspiring against entrenched power structures, it's not
necessary. No conspiracy was required to slap the hedge funds with their own
conspiracy (ie, greater than 100% of the float shorted)

Hace 1 d�a (editado)
@James S. You're not the only absurdist here mate. But you did manage to reveal
yourself as somebody you would have sterilised... ...but only as a joke of course.

Gaius tesla
Gaius tesla
Hace 1 d�a
How do you know how something works without knowing how it doesn't work?

How do you know what right is without being wrong?

How do you have a perfect world where everything is just totally correct, every
single time?

These are rhetorical questions. You just haven't thought about things enough.

Hace 1 d�a
@Jesus Fried Christ The right*


Hace 1 d�a
@Fractal Equation hehe... yep

Julian H
Julian H
Hace 1 d�a
Vaccine against stupidity would already do the trick, no more stupidity, no more
misinformation possible.

James S.
James S.
Hace 1 d�a
@Gaius tesla

Emppu T.
Emppu T.
Hace 1 d�a
That's called censorship

Max Rodgers
Max Rodgers
Hace 1 d�a (editado)
@James S. haha lets all laugh at genocide its so funny haha /s

Julian H
Julian H
Hace 1 d�a
@Emppu T. Saying that shows, that you have no idea, what censorship even is.
Censorship can only happen on a federal level. Platforms like youtube, twitter,
facebook, whatever are private companies. You agree to their terms and services
when you register on their platforms. If you don't abide them, they have every
right to cancel you and that's it. Full stop, no ifs buts or whens. Censoring can
only take place from the very top downwards not somewhere in the middle.
What it is, is protection of the general public from getting dulled. It's public

Max Rodgers
Max Rodgers
Hace 1 d�a
@I Own Me - You Own You oh ok I'll let you do my thinking instead of the people
you disagree with ; )

Matthew TIKI
Matthew TIKI
Hace 1 d�a
@Kaizoku Jimbei mere education is not enough, since media are being controlled
after all, even if we think logically but if the source are already bias, the
conclusion we reach will also be biased.

James S.
James S.
Hace 1 d�a
Where did I advocate sterilization of anyone? I say something in JEST (to spark a
DISCUSSION) and you take it as gospel? I'm sorry for you my friend. Your outlook
on the world is far too dreadful?? for my company. I only associate with those
that show happiness??, love?? and humor??.

Hace 1 d�a
Why would he make something to expose his own evil plans? Actually, he already
has, just research him and what he has said about depopulation, vaccines and more.

Hace 1 d�a
Dems calling the truth missinformation

Hace 1 d�a
@Kaizoku Jimbei couldn�t agree more! The failing education system is to blame for
the exploding number of people who are conspiracy theory susceptible.

It isn�t about being told a thing isn�t true. That�s just information which can be

It�s about having the ability to think critically about an idea and realize if it
is true.

Anyone can be lied to. That�s different from accepting a large scale easily
disproved conspiracy theory.

James S.
James S.
Hace 1 d�a
If you're gonna blame Bill Gates for something, blame him for Windows Vista.
That's something we can all get behind ??

Dominic Ryan Osborne

Dominic Ryan Osborne
Hace 1 d�a
You mean like a robust healthcare system? Caring for healthcare workers first?
Having a robust education system? Or just attacking journalists and scientist all
the time?

Kaizoku Jimbei
Kaizoku Jimbei
Hace 1 d�a
@Matthew TIKI Education is obtained through educational institutions such as public
schools and universities as well as through every individual's personal decision to
go to the library and study on their own. Education is not obtained through the
media, much less through social media.

James S.
James S.
Hace 1 d�a
@Jesus Fried Christ
A friend asked me if I had any regrets on my life. I said yes. "Not getting a
vasectomy at 14" ??

Hace 1 d�a
@Emppu T. it�s censorship if you don�t let stupid people say stupid things. People
should be allowed to be stupid just like they should be allowed to be hateful.

In a society we should still strive to reduce ignorance and hatred though. Not by
telling people they�re not allowed to think those things, rather by giving them
tools and opportunity to come to different conclusions on their own.

Dominic Ryan Osborne

Dominic Ryan Osborne
Hace 1 d�a
5:20.. when you state the obvious to a billionaire who you're interviewing for
having 'predicted' a national failure to react to an impending catastrophe...
Mhmm.. mhmm...

Rain Dog
Rain Dog
Hace 1 d�a
There is. Stop listening to mainstream media.


James S.
James S.
Hace 1 d�a
@Dominic Ryan Osborne
???? Well said!

Music Easel Cat

Music Easel Cat
Hace 1 d�a
Bill gates fixing windows viruses would be magical.

Hace 1 d�a
@Matthew TIKI Yeah, I think media control in all this is under scrutinised,
although the education system can often be a concern in that regard.

Hace 1 d�a
Well, good quality education and having great access/free good quality education
would benefit society.

James S.
James S.
Hace 1 d�a
There's only two ways to learn. From someone or source, or from practical
experience. I can warn someone not to piss on an electric fence. He can heed my
warning or experience it first hand. Both learning systems are valid. Conspiracy
theories and lies ultimately pass and the truth ultimately prevails.

Hace 1 d�a
Can�t vaccinate the WHO.

Ix Suomi
Ix Suomi
Hace 1 d�a
Only truly a nazi could explore final solution like vaccine for misinformation.
They will come after you next.

Hace 1 d�a
@Rain Dog ??????

Hace 1 d�a
@Dominic Ryan Osborne that's exactly what dems don't and do, they nonstop attacking
conservatives on a criminal terroristic level, literally worse than Hitler

Hace 1 d�a
@Dominic Ryan Osborne what you call journalists is nothing but spreading
missinformation, lies and do nothing but splitting the world, they (including
yourself) are responsible for the civil war

Ix Suomi
Ix Suomi
Hace 1 d�a
@Fractal Equation Questioning is semi-illegal in future. Technically it's a bug or
glitch to get more than one opinion (scientific or not) on search algorithm.
It's quite odd that there was One Certain public narrative about: Your body your
choice. Read now: Your body their choice (on mRna vaccine experiments).

Hace 1 d�a
Flat Earthers now have more credibility that than Veritasium. Why would Bill Gates
know anything about virology?
He doesn't. How did he predict this pandemic? He was part of the group that made
it happen.

I would have asked. Why did you and Dr Fauci move your Corona virus research from
a lab in Pennsylvania to the the Wuhan Institute of Virology along with 3.7 million

Or...How is it that a computer guy who has ZERO Doctorates in any field relating to
virology is the worlds go to virology expert?

Or...Why do you laugh when people interview you about the tragedies of Covid?

Or...How were you guys able to so accurately predict Covid with your event 201

Or...what did you really mean by "The Final Solution"? Is it similar to Hitlers
Final solution?


TTT Prank Calls

TTT Prank Calls
Hace 1 d�a (editado)
Starting by muzzling Bill Gates. It never ceases to amaze me how the media and
leftists drool over having a computer guy who dropped out of college talk about
coronavirus. Maybe talk to an ACTUAL doctor or epidemiologist next time?

Ix Suomi
Ix Suomi
Hace 1 d�a
@Tyler Durden Please delete this, damn 4chan.

Hace 1 d�a
@Fractal Equation If recent times have taught me anything its how absolutely
worthless the common man is. At best maybe half the country and at worst something
like 10% of the country is even aware of their own material reality. Let alone what
to do about it. Frankly i trust Bill Gates far far more than my neighbors.
Considering he as done more for humanity than 99.9% of anyone who has ever lived.

Hace 1 d�a
@Jesus Fried Christ HaHahHahahAhA get it it�s funny because you have political

Hace 1 d�a
Misinformation like Bill Gates being some sort of an expert on viral outbreaks and

Divad Ignawm
Divad Ignawm
Hace 1 d�a
This video is brought to you by...

Planned parenthood

Hace 1 d�a
Plus if there was a vaccine against misinformation it would totally kill off Main
Stream Media

Hace 1 d�a
@wenton Some states don't teach evolution or sexual education. Must be those damn
liberals huh? Conspiracy is slandered by anyone who even has the faintest idea how
reality functions past what the TV says.

Mystic_ lynx
Mystic_ lynx
Hace 1 d�a
I thought that was the whole idea behind the tide pod challenge?

Nikita Webber
Nikita Webber
Hace 1 d�a
Only affects those with poor immune system. Next to zero info on how to strengthen
it. What's to stab everyone with mass produced gmp compounds. Elites won't be
getting what the poor get I put money on that.

Hace 1 d�a
That's like exactly what he meant when talking about Flat Earth. You get to see
this harmless and obvious misinformation and it teaches you to spot more

Hace 1 d�a
@zero11010 The tools already exist. Most of these people arent even capable of
critical/independent thought. People cant be trusted to make smart choices because
people, as a whole, are just useful idiots.

Divad Ignawm
Divad Ignawm
Hace 1 d�a (editado)
@Fractal Equation stop wasting your time, the whole anti-defamatory league has been
sent here. LOL. They're not really interested in any truth about your points,
they're here to shut you up and shape the public's perception of vaccines.

This video is sponsored by... ?

Fun fact, did Veritassium really really reach out to Bill gates as an expert on
vaccines info, or did Bill and colleagues reach out to him? LOL

Society needs a system update

Society needs a system update
Hace 1 d�a
The cure to misinformation is to stop watching billion dollar corporate media.

Hace 1 d�a
@James S. I actually liked Vista, once the over-active security screen thing was
quieted down and it had a service pack it was the first windows version to look
attractive and classy.

Hace 1 d�a
@Nikita Webber Wrong. Dangerously ignorant. Covid can destroy even a healthy young
adult and leave them with permanent damage. Again you are an active threat to every
single person you talk to.

Divad Ignawm
Divad Ignawm
Hace 1 d�a (editado)
@Theorem LOL I see what you did there. funny comment. I wonder whether veritasium
is in the billionaires league with their great reset agenda.

Kaizoku Jimbei
Kaizoku Jimbei
Hace 1 d�a
@csibesz07 Climate change is caused by humans. There is no contradiction of
information here. Just pure science.

I try to focus on STEM education, here. And perhaps on the Humanities as tertiary
subjects. My focus is NOT on politics neither is it on ideology, political or

Hace 1 d�a
@RiwenX I mean, clearly the mans rather smart considering Windows and considering
he at least has the namesake of an international charity that provides vaccines in
bulk, id imagine he�s more qualified than most. It�s a bit easier for someone with
the household recognition of bill gates to promote stuff then some doctor you�ve
never heard of

Kaizoku Jimbei
Kaizoku Jimbei
Hace 1 d�a
@Theorem You are criminally insane. -_-

Hace 1 d�a
@Society needs a system update Couldn't agree more.

Hace 1 d�a
@Kaizoku Jimbei Why is that. Do you dispute something i say. You guys are all
fricking sleeping morons

Hace 1 d�a
@OP: It's called psychiatry.

John Small
John Small
Hace 1 d�a
Finland already do that. They teach school kids and adults how to spot fake news.

Hace 1 d�a
you forgot about the anti-vaxxers

Hace 1 d�a
I am not so sure about the vaccine developed in 8 months...

Hace 1 d�a
@DSAK55 I got a question for you. The Flu shot is 50% effective. It is only 50%
because it constantly mutates.

The experts have told us that these vaccines are 95% effective and yet they have
also told us that covid is constantly mutating. So how can the vaccine be 95%

Its not about being anti vax. Its about questioning things before you submit and
get genetically modified organisms jabbed into your veins which will be in your

Jack O'Neil
Jack O'Neil
Hace 1 d�a
Wouldn�t it be great if the government didn�t lie to us too?

Top Secret
Top Secret
Hace 1 d�a
@Jesus Fried Christ
Said the guy whose party can�t even agree on a decent stimulus check.

Top Secret
Top Secret
Hace 1 d�a

Free will is not the same as what you want to be taught in university.

Hace 1 d�a (editado)
@Kaizoku Jimbei education? Do you know how shallow that is? Imagine you live in
hitler era and you were in germany. All the information in the world will tell you
misinformation. Radio ?? TV ?? and schools ??.

You have no idea how big this problem is. I will tell you this. There is a lot of
information not shown but they will never tell you. So you are missing a lot of

Hace 1 d�a
There you go, your 1 thousandth like.
Bilbo Swaggins
Bilbo Swaggins
Hace 1 d�a
Honestly I think it's going to be responsible memes. It sounds like a joke but
seriously, fast spreading memorable pieces of info.

Hace 1 d�a
It's called a reformed, and well supported (by governments) education system....

Tyler Durden
Tyler Durden
Hace 1 d�a
@Ix Suomi Rupert Murdoch? Is that you?

Hace 1 d�a (editado)
You could see when he started to mention that the internet doesn't seem to be free
Bill started to close off, he had something he was going to say as I bet he thought
it was going to touch on this year(2020).

Hace 1 d�a
My brother thinks the covid-19 vaccine has cancer in it. Also won't get his
children vaccines. Him and his wife think the virus is like the common cold. There
is no reasoning with him.

GAMING : Trsier
GAMING : Trsier
Hace 1 d�a
Misinformation is going to be here as long as we remain BIASED. Twisting the facts
to support our opinion is not going anywhere :)

Molly Gundies
Molly Gundies
Hace 1 d�a
Sniff test: That just doesn't seem right. Sometimes I'm surprised, but have a
little skepticism. Check the facts.
Ix Suomi
Ix Suomi
Hace 1 d�a
@Tyler Durden No I'm his French lawyer.

Hace 1 d�a
@Kaizoku Jimbei education is not exclusive from misinformation

Kaizoku Jimbei
Kaizoku Jimbei
Hace 1 d�a
@TankNSpank Which is why everyone of us needs to actively seek it out on our own
volition. Passively expecting for someone to fix the educational system will not
yield the desired results. We must all take personal responsibility for our own
education. If there is something you want to learn then go learn it. Be curious.
Explore life. And most importantly, have fun while doing so.

??????? ?????????
??????? ?????????
Hace 1 d�a
@Kaizoku Jimbei And therefore if you consider yourself as an educated person you'd
look at this video as misinfromation and brainwashing because this self-proclaimed
specialist in medicine and climate for some reason making his speech on every
channel while other real specialists have no chance to share their evidence
regarding climate change and other issues,it even goes to extreme when real doctors
get banned but this billionaire can easily express his "expertise" and for some
reason he doesn't violate rules...
Do you understand that it's not about your well being?
They (billionaires) want full control over you,what you eat,what you hear and what
you see.
While you're restrained of flying they have their own mega billions planes.
While you can't eat in a restaurant they have their own fine dining with waiters.
All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than other.
If that's fun for you,keep living in your dream world and deem yourself as
"educated" person.

Ena Lo
Ena Lo
Hace 1 d�a
Can someone here google bill gates on breastfeeding, youtube deletes links asap,but
just read the article from guardian where they praise him for wanting to save
environment by stopping women from breastfeeding...he's not gonna let babies hungry
of course cause he already invested into making a baby formula from human
cells...since you all seem to be experts on these new vaccines maybe you could also
shed some light on this?

N-Gnoid TV
N-Gnoid TV
Hace 1 d�a
It's not that hard. I learned this in High School 13 years ago: Check your damn

e.g. The Sun, DailyMail, DailyWire are not good sources, especially if they're the
only sources that link to a certain event.

Kaizoku Jimbei
Kaizoku Jimbei
Hace 1 d�a (editado)
@Gau The Earth is round and Climate Change is man made. Why not focus on the facts
instead of fixating on the fallacies of stupid people ? Education can be used to
teach people about the real world. Its flaws can be fixed if only there were some
honest desire for it to work on the side of those who criticize it. My advice is
that we should not throw the baby out with the bath water.

Hace 1 d�a
@Kaizoku Jimbei Let's say there is billions of dollars being passed around so you
don't obtain this new information. No amount of school will help you. The best
thing to do is question everything. That way you can make the most informed
decision. Education shouldn't be a top priority on the list. Hitler told everyone
misinformation and caused people to believe him. If everyone was to question
everything then they wouldn't have been into that situation. From police and
political figures.

We are at a point we question and they avoid answers, so you must either leave or
gather people to go against it.

Kaizoku Jimbei
Kaizoku Jimbei
Hace 1 d�a
Why do some of you here keep equating the Educational system with Social Media ?
Those two things are not equivalent. For one thing, Education requires rigorous
study on the side of the student whereas Social Media requires that you be a
passive receiver of whatever personalized crap Facebook throws at your face. Those
two things are not the same.

Kaizoku Jimbei
Kaizoku Jimbei
Hace 1 d�a
@??????? ????????? Learning is a personal choice. You either choose to be curious
about the world or you let yourself be buried in ignorance.

Kaizoku Jimbei
Kaizoku Jimbei
Hace 1 d�a
@TankNSpank "The best thing to do is question everything."

No. The best thing to do is to fight for YOUR HUMAN RIGHT TO FREE EDUCATION.

"That way you can make the most informed decision."

You cannot make informed decisions when you refuse to consider any and all
information. Even a five year old would be able to surmise that much.

"Education shouldn't be a top priority on the list."

This line of thought is a very dangerous one. Refusing to learn and be curious
about the world will only lead us back to the Dark Ages. The only reason why we
enjoy so many freedoms and so much luxury today is precisely because of free access
to education. Knowledge is what has transformed our society and a lack of it will
cause it to collapse. Do not advocate for destruction and mayhem, instead advocate
for the improvement of society through the collective effort of all humans. This is
not the time to divide ourselves into different camps and go to war against one
another. It is imperative that we realize and accept that we are all, first and
foremost, human beings, Bill Gates included.

Selah Si
Selah Si
Hace 1 d�a
What a malaka.

Kaizoku Jimbei
Kaizoku Jimbei
Hace 1 d�a
@Selah Si ?? ???esa? a?e??? se pa?a?a??.

Gabriel Schoene
Gabriel Schoene
Hace 1 d�a

Selah Si
Selah Si
Hace 1 d�a
@Kaizoku Jimbei God is watching and waiting. Get nervous . Fast

Zack sinclair
Zack sinclair
Hace 1 d�a

Bill Dewahl
Bill Dewahl
Hace 1 d�a
@James S. Das rayciss

jakub gadzala
jakub gadzala
Hace 1 d�a
@James S. Take the jab man. You will have many healthy kids.

Kaizoku Jimbei
Kaizoku Jimbei
Hace 1 d�a
@Selah Si I am agnostic. I lack any evidence to either prove or disprove the
existence of any god.

jakub gadzala
jakub gadzala
Hace 1 d�a
You mean like jabbing people with mild misinformation would cure them from the
bigger one? Cause that's definition of vaccine.

Kaizoku Jimbei
Kaizoku Jimbei
Hace 1 d�a
@jakub gadzala A vaccine trains the body to both recognize and kill an invading
virus. Now imagine if we created an analogous system but instead of killing
biological viruses we target misinformation. We could create special classes in
school where we teach students how to search for factual and useful information,
and we can also teach them how to spot misinformation and discard it.

Hace 1 d�a (editado)
@Julian H found the government clown.
Censorship is censorship. Facebook, Twitter, etc are the soap boxes of the social
sphere of the entire world. They control social discourse. Billions of people use
these two sites.
Twitter in particular deliberately censors people on the right, but will refuse to
apply their "terms of service" to left leaning blue checkmarks.

Echad Lev Shtim

Echad Lev Shtim
Hace 1 d�a
Unfortunately, there may be evidence of this in the mRna sequence on Chromosome 8.
That its LIKELY they are infact mutating a Dumbing Down into the genome.

Not Bendy Snowball's Alt

Not Bendy Snowball's Alt
Hace 1 d�a
@Jesus Fried Christ *of the kids of QAnon conspiracy theorists, anti vaxxers, flat
earthers, far right conspiracy theorists, and far left conspiracy theorists

Information Overload
Information Overload
Hace 1 d�a
It's called do your own research... you'll find out how misinformed you really

Hace 1 d�a
Then you get the time to build your train tracks ??

Hace 1 d�a
@Kaizoku Jimbei Education to the wrong knowledge can be dangerous. Even more so
that everyone believes it. If you can't prove it then the education is meaning
less. If you were in a era of an hitler school then you would see the impact it
would do. Army personnel willing to kill for their knowledge (education) of that
they are right.

Question everything makes it so that you are not under false authority / knowledge.

I have a bachelor's in business administration. Do you know what I can do with that
knowledge? Nothing. kick rocks as the job market is competitive. They are not
willing to hire based on education, but experience. Actually degrees are meaning
less and less as time goes on.
Chris Kelly
Chris Kelly
Hace 1 d�a
It�s called censorship and anti freedom of speech

Chris Kelly
Chris Kelly
Hace 1 d�a
@Tyler Durden you�re a bit late they already do that

Gerry Glasso
Gerry Glasso
Hace 1 d�a
@James S. Is that why some doctors are recommending men store their sperm before
taking the China Virus vaccine?

Chris Kelly
Chris Kelly
Hace 1 d�a
@Subparanon all that foolishness you just made up is a product of your own
dissolution, that�s not accurate at all

Chris Kelly
Chris Kelly
Hace 1 d�a
@Kaizoku Jimbei you being. Alive is evidence of God

Hace 1 d�a
@csibesz07 Amen !!! Why punish those of us who use critical thinking....

Kaizoku Jimbei
Kaizoku Jimbei
Hace 1 d�a
@TankNSpank People keep bringing up Hitler as a scare tactic to make others fear
education and learning. Here is an interesting little fact about life, education
does not end at the moment you either get your degree or drop out of school, rather
education keeps happening up until the time you die, long, long after you've
finished schooling. As long as you are alive then you are capable of learning new

If a career in business did not work out for you then don't lose heart. As long as
you draw breath you can keep trying to make your dreams come true. You just have to
not give up and not believe that life is pointless, because it is not. And by that
I don't mean that you were born for a reason. What I mean is that as long as you
exist you can create your own reason for being, whether that reason is to enhance
and improve the lives of others including your own or whether that reason is to
just believe in ridiculous nonsense such as the Earth being flat. The choice is
yours and nobody else's. And you are not powerless, no matter what social media and
the darkest aspects of capitalism may have told you. We are all in this together.
And we can make a better world together.

Hace 1 d�a
@Kaizoku Jimbei I am not bringing it as a scare tactic. I am only proving my point
that to question everything. Do not go on based off of what you have read in a book
by one person. Get as much knowledge from many and question them.

Kaizoku Jimbei
Kaizoku Jimbei
Hace 1 d�a
@TankNSpank I agree. Obtaining as much knowledge as one can and in a variety of
subjects ought to be the goal of everybody.

I'm just confused as to what you mean when you say that we should "question the
knowledge we obtain." Could you please elaborate on than ?

Hace 1 d�a
@Kaizoku Jimbei yes News outlets are going to show their points of view whether
right or wrong.. we are currently at a point where the media is showing some of the
most extreme view points and we have to question their knowledge. What is true? How
do they know? Is it a reputable source? Why are they doing this? Etc.

I used hitler because it's all political. We can observe and say that the view
points are bad. Some fought with his viewpoints. We have to question their
knowledge or moral values.

Benjamin Cohen
Benjamin Cohen
Hace 1 d�a
@Kaizoku Jimbei clearly some people need a booster shot

All Seeing Lies

All Seeing Lies
Hace 1 d�a
You can�t link one double blind placebo of completely unvaccinated people FACT
Hace 1 d�a
Most western education is more about making good little sheep than free thinking

Martiddy - Sama
Martiddy - Sama
Hace 1 d�a
@Kaizoku Jimbei Education and critical thinking, without the latter, you can be a
doctor that still believes in astrology or homeopathy.

Julio Agosto
Julio Agosto
Hace 1 d�a
Get in the line smart-ass

Jesse James
Jesse James
Hace 1 d�a
Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Xi Xing Ping, Emperor Nero, and Emperor Biden agree

Hace 1 d�a
@Julian H You're not looking at it correctly. These social media platforms can and
do restrict free speech and they shouldn't. They are to big and far to meshed into
out society and culture. They can swing elections and spread narratives very easily
by censoring peoples speech. I don't give two shits if they are "private
companies" or not.

Kaizoku Jimbei
Kaizoku Jimbei
Hace 1 d�a
@Martiddy - Sama Then we agree that what we need as a society is not to deny
science but to try and learn as much as we can about the world while keeping an
open mind to the possibility that new data could come up and completely change our
understanding of reality ?

Hace 1 d�a
That's easy, take down the Fox,Newsmax,Oneamerica hydra.

Martiddy - Sama
Martiddy - Sama
Hace 1 d�a
@Kaizoku Jimbei Yeah of course, being open minded and informing yourself in peer
reviewed science is part of of the critical thinking and skepticism.

Perry Zheng
Perry Zheng
Hace 23 horas
@Kaizoku Jimbei how do i get one of those?

Abel l
Abel l
Hace 22 horas
Disgusting comment

Learn history

Perry Zheng
Perry Zheng
Hace 22 horas
@Abel l what makes it disgusting?

Hace 22 horas
@Kaizoku Jimbei G'Day mate. I've followed your comments down the thread and thumbed
up a few. I've also thumbed up a few of the comments from those arguing against
you. It's been nice to read comments that demonstrate a little effort of thought.
You sparked a worthwhile discussion, I think
I believe the problem for education as a means to overcoming inaccurate information
is much the same as it is in media, both old and new. The problem isn't so much
education and media so much as education systems and media ownership.
I alluded in my first post as to how an imbalance in power between those who run
the show and the rest of us here leads to people tend toward becoming
1)defensive to the point of paranoia about the "political intent" of incoming
information and/or
2)desperate to unite us all in their particular arguments against over-arching
power structures. Desperate to the point of becoming meddlesome and then
condescending to the "stupid plebs" who are defensive to the point of paranoia.
In my mind the failure in our system has more to do with the concentration of power
in the hands of the few than the existence of misinformation. Some on the left
point out this concentration as the inevitable end point failure of capitalism. On
the right people recognise that communism has historically always actually started
out at the very same point.
In actual fact the same failure is inherent in feudalism, organised religion or
just about any human organisation because it's actually intrinsic to US, the human
animal. I tied to project that idea in my first comment as well.
We The People have been fighting a culture war while our entrenched elites are
fighting a class war. The culture conflict is making the power position of the
establishment in-assailable.

Pat Rick
Pat Rick
Hace 22 horas
Good news everybody!!! the new vaccine has been developed and its a great thing!!!
its just straight piss so now they will no longer have to piss in our pockets
everyday after you recieve only one dose of this miracle vaccine!!!

Caribbean Man
Caribbean Man
Hace 22 horas
It's called Critical Thinking.

Toby Rix
Toby Rix
Hace 22 horas
@Jesus Fried Christ Most antivaxxers are on the right.

William Stanley
William Stanley
Hace 22 horas
Vaccines are misinformation.

William Stanley
William Stanley
Hace 22 horas
@Tyler Durden they do that already.

Scott Nunan
Scott Nunan
Hace 21 horas
Bill is making out that covid is a naturally occurring virus rather than an
engineered weapon....

Ola Ogunleye
Ola Ogunleye
Hace 21 horas
@lordchickenhawk Lmfao! Thank you for your (not so commom these days) common sense.
But its useless arguing with the conspiracy "hypothesists" believe me ive tried!

Hace 21 horas
@Kaizoku Jimbei You meant books, education? More like indoctrination

Kaizoku Jimbei
Kaizoku Jimbei
Hace 21 horas
?@lordchickenhawk Indeed. The Plutocrats holding all the wealth and power on the
planet does play a role in the creation of desperate people who try to and
recontextualize their serfdom.

But I need to point out one thing for them so that is very clear. When I say
"education" I don't just refer to the system of formal education (teachers,
curriculums, textbooks, etc) but I also refer to the existence of all human
knowledge in the form of books, e-books, online data bases, papyruses, sacred
scrolls, stone carvings, wall paintings, cave paintings, video sources, audio
material, and even vr pornography. All of these methods of inscribing and storing
information (yes, even the vr pornography part) are for the most part, and
depending on what country you may live in, freely available to the general public.
And if they aren't freely available there always ways to view them such as buying a
temporary access to them. So, the thing about knowledge, and considering that we
are living in the era of digital information, is readily available to us at the
push of a button.

Understanding the reasons which lead people to have paranoid delusions such as the
the Earth being flat, or believing that climate change isn't real is quite
interesting from a psychologist's perspective. But I'm no psychologist and I derive
no pleasure from attempting to psychoanalyze the minds of idiots. My purpose here
is simple. I want to break the ideological bubble and bring them back into reality.
And the only way I know how to do this is by reminding them that while certain
facts are kept from them or they are altered in a biased way that does not mean
that they should give up raze civilization to the ground. If those people are truly
pissed because the Plutocrats control the flow of their information, if those
people are truly honest about desiring knowledge then they should actively seek it
out instead of complaining about their current situation which, let's face it,
isn't gonna fix itself nor will anyone else come along to fix it for them. If
people, such as myself, believe that there is more to life than the limited
information provided to us at public schools then we should endeavor to get out of
our comfort zones and actually try to learn something new.
This the reason why I am currently trying to learn Japanese, because I've always
wanted to but no public or private school in my country ever offered a course.
Whenever I have free time I endeavor to memorize vocabulary and I try as hard as I
can to wrap my head around the strange grammar. I'm still at the beginner level and
this language really gives me a headache sometimes. But I will not give up. Because
this is something that I've always wanted to do. When I was a kid fifteen years ago
I had no access to the internet. I did not even have a personal computer until my
late teens as my parents would refuse to buy one. Now, I have it all. I have most
of human knowledge readily accessible from a tiny device that I can put in my
pocket. How crazy is that ? I would say it's pretty damn crazy. And I am privileged
to be a part of this insanity.

Anyway, this is all from me for today. Goodnight. :)


Hace 21 horas
@Sawyer oh yes, opposing opinions are threatening to idiots.

Bruh Mania
Bruh Mania
Hace 21 horas
@Tyler Durden not every vaccine works like that and also you can't (currently)
inject someone with something to stop them from learning things that are incorrect.
it was just a joke.

Kire EDC
Kire EDC
Hace 21 horas
@James S. Wow that is exactly what adolf hitler wanted. You are unbelievable in
your complete lack of self awareness.

Hace 21 horas
@lordchickenhawk You're talking utter crap the reason it stick is because were
being bombarded with this info everyday by mainstream media if they would have
done the same with the flu before covid you would be wearing mask a long time ago
and be saying the same shite.
Covid is going to get worse. They're doing away with the old folks first because
it's easier, and they're saving on pensions, operations and so on. They'll get
round to the rest of society in time though - You don't deliberately downsize the
economy unless you intend to downsize the population too. I pretty much understood
the economic aspect of this scam from the start, but it was only after watching the
Guardian interview with Stanley Johnson from 2012 that I really grasped that a
depopulation agenda goes hand-in-hand with it. Starmer and the Government have been
playing a game together. People assume that Conservatives always want economic
growth, but they don't realise that some just want stable 'per capita' growth,
which can be achieved with less people. Not saying it's all the Conservative
Government of course - I know it's much bigger than that. I'm just saying that the
British public's preconceptions about them have been used to fool them into
thinking the measures are all for their own good smh.

James S.
James S.
Hace 20 horas
@Kire EDC
Jesus F. Christ! Another one!
As I said earlier here, where did I advocate sterilization of anyone? I say
something in JEST (to spark a DISCUSSION) and you take it as gospel? I'm sorry for
you my friend. Your outlook on the world is far too dreadful?? for my company. I
only associate with those that show happiness??, love?? and humor??.

Joe S
Joe S
Hace 20 horas
Georgia guidstones

Joe S
Joe S
Hace 20 horas
@Tyler Durden
Or since its been planned years ago Georgia guidstones its perfect way to get world
down to manageable population... remember they had it written in stone in 10
lanquages and the profit and power and control for elite would be insane. They
would truely br abke to dominate everything. Where thier is smoke thiers fire.
Remeber this is a monument for elite

Robert Kraft
Robert Kraft
Hace 19 horas
Education as it's currently done is not the answer. teachers are telling the kids
what to think not teaching them how to think.

Elizabeth Sebok
Elizabeth Sebok
Hace 19 horas
@Fractal Equation John D. Rockefeller was a snake oil salesman before he got into
oil. Seems like a logical assessment.

Tyler Durden
Tyler Durden
Hace 19 horas
@Bruh Mania CNN? Is that you? Or Fox news perhaps?

Hace 19 horas
@lordchickenhawk watch fake woke he literally sings about everything on why its bad

Joe S
Joe S
Hace 19 horas
@Robert Kraft of course and also the fact these people belive the government wants
to help them with vaccine is stupid .. they wrote the goal in stone on Georgia
guidstones. To have the world down to a manageable population.. funny how all
conspiracy theroist knew of covid being used by government years before it happened
. We didnt know by name but we knew a pandemic was how they were going to do.
Create problem offer solution.. it reminds me of christians that were literally
warning almost exactly what would happen.. crazy but true. They dont want to help
people at all its about control and power and the world losing most of its people
is exactly what they wanted. Look into Georgia guidstones its written in stone in
10 lanquages

Hace 19 horas
@James S. Well, this is the discussion you sparked, well done. But if you expect
the discussion to revolve around attacking "disagreeable" people you happen to
think are stupid then you are full of it claiming to have "happiness??, love?? and
And if you don't expect to spark discussion revolving around that with your piss-
ant attempt at humor then you show yourself to actually BE ONE WHO IS stupid.
So here we are... discussing your tasteless lack of decency.

James S.
James S.
Hace 18 horas
Actually I didn't "intend" to do anything. It's just how the cards fell into place
??. The only one that's complaining is you and one other. (I go through life with
love and humor and I've already been compared to Hitler!) ?? Go figure!
If I ruffled your feathers a bit, well that's just tough! You have all the humor
of a dark age inquisitor. And don't think for one second you're gonna say anything
to me that's insulting. I don't accept that. ??
Take care, my friend. Enjoy and love life. ????
::End of Discussion::

Hace 18 horas (editado)
Bill Gates is a hypocrite. He has never wore a mask yet insists everyone else do
so. Fun exercise, try and find even one picture of him wearing a mask. I wonder if
he had something to do with the pandemic? Seems fishy. Look at who doesn't have to
submit to laws and you'll find who is in charge as the famous saying goes.

Aditya Bayu
Aditya Bayu
Hace 18 horas
@Kaizoku Jimbei That's funny. Averyone have education in Facebook and Youtube
University nowadays

Hace 18 horas
... But then try getting the idiots to take it. ????

Hace 18 horas
@James S. You think it's just Kire IDC and myself? Re- read the comments from your
first post onwards.
"And if you don't intend to spark discussion revolving around that with your piss-
ant attempt at humor then you show yourself to actually BE ONE WHO IS stupid."
As to my ruffled feathers, you seem determined to pluck yours right out, (Take
care, my friend. Enjoy and love life. ????
::End of Discussion::)
I doubt you can see what the problem is with that...

Hace 18 horas
@F00k SBMM Thanks for the link mate. Not my usual genre but the lyrics are as
direct as

Boo Hoo
Boo Hoo
Hace 17 horas
@Kaizoku Jimbei Not in the US.

Boo Hoo
Boo Hoo
Hace 17 horas
@odobenus159 Gates never finished college. He's a mediocre marketer that had a
straight up mega-rich daddy.

Hace 17 horas
@Boo Hoo Idk who you think you're talk to, but you click the wrong reply button.

Hace 17 horas
misinformation like books from Smil ... which are pro-fracking
Thx Gates but no thx.
I dont trust or like u

michael getachew
michael getachew
Hace 17 horas
What's coming is already written in Isaiah 13 & 14. It's coming, and it's going to
be because of what Mr. Gates and the rest of the Satanists are doing right now.
Repent and follow THE LORD JESUS CHRIST or you will go into eternal fire!!! (please
try to comprehend what burning in fire for all of eternity means)

DowskiVision MagicalOracle
DowskiVision MagicalOracle
Hace 16 horas
Alternate title. "Whatcha got cookin' next in that Wuhan Lab, bud?"

Hace 16 horas
Vaccines against misinformation .... who will administer it.
We have to deal with misinformation like we did before the internet.
Gather all info you can, good or bad and ....THINK

my god there is a lot of push for censorship lately

your nans bald

your nans bald
Hace 15 horas
Google legal name fraud.
Break the Chains
Break the Chains
Hace 15 horas
And who, exactly, would be the ultimate arbiter of what information is and isn't

Beyond Absolute Infinity

Beyond Absolute Infinity
Hace 15 horas
I mean there is, we call that death.

Hace 15 horas
@Kaizoku Jimbei *They are called indoctrination. :)

Peter Russell
Peter Russell
Hace 15 horas
Fractal Equation
You have a choice. Trump and his voodoo doctor or the top experts in the world at
the CDC ? It's your choice

Peter Russell
Peter Russell
Hace 15 horas
The elected School board, parents and the school council make decisions on what
public school children learn in school.

Peter Russell
Peter Russell
Hace 15 horas
It's the parents failure to teach there own children they learn the most from you
and then you get butt hurt when a teacher tries to discipline your child

Peter Russell
Peter Russell
Hace 15 horas
Boo Hoo
Wrong. Gates is a self made man.

Peter Russell
Peter Russell
Hace 15 horas
michael getachew
The 10th and final plague of Egypt was a deadly virus that swept through the
villages and countryside like a low hanging fog and took the life of the first born
child of each Egyptian family including the evil pharaohs eldest son and God sent
the angels to warn the Jews to put lambs blood on there doors and the deadly virus
would Passover the Jewish family's homes and Moses said for the last time...let my
people go. Trump was the evil pharaoh..and God said...let my people go

BS Abstracts
BS Abstracts
Hace 15 horas
Get off google, Facebook, instagram and Twitter. There, you�re cured

BenJamin Hull
BenJamin Hull
Hace 15 horas
Dude, think of what you're saying. Death of free speech.

Peter Russell
Peter Russell
Hace 15 horas
BenJamin Hull
Death of misinformation and propaganda and conspiracy theories and half truths and
out and out provable lies and a distorted sense of reality and hate speech and race
bating is not free speech and it undermines our Democracy

Peter Russell
Peter Russell
Hace 15 horas
BS Abstracts
Listen to the experts at the CDC and not wild conspiracy theories

Peter Russell
Peter Russell
Hace 14 horas
BenJamin Hull
What free speech are you concerned about losing ?
Abhinavv Arora
Abhinavv Arora
Hace 14 horas
Man oh man that would be miraculous

BS Abstracts
BS Abstracts
Hace 14 horas
@Peter Russell who are the experts? Experts in what? What are their qualifications?
Color and gender or merit and experience? Oh! You don�t know!? You just know other
people call them experts? Who are them specifically that we deem as the experts at
the CDC? I work with nothing but �experts� and they didn�t get their jobs because
they were experts. Good try, trying to make me look like I don�t listen to �the
experts.� When you can�t even tell me who �they� are. Good luck googling!

Abhinavv Arora
Abhinavv Arora
Hace 14 horas
@lordchickenhawk wrong question. Why legitimate information sticks at all is the
better question. Misinformation is the default.

Aaron E
Aaron E
Hace 14 horas
@Kaizoku Jimbei That doesn't work when 'education' has an agenda.

Peter Russell
Peter Russell
Hace 14 horas
Vaccines for the uneducated.

haffish calldwanda
haffish calldwanda
Hace 14 horas
@James S. That is hilarious. Trying to claim the moral high ground while wishing
someone to have the physical and emotional pain of not being able to have
children..... Take a look in the mirror.

Peter Russell
Peter Russell
Hace 14 horas
James S.
Are you a Goddess atheist ?
Peter Russell
Peter Russell
Hace 14 horas
BS Abstracts
Science is fact and a theory is a educated guess and religion is based on
faith. You don't believe in medical science or doctors ?
Knowledge makes a man unfit to be a slave
Fredrick Douglas

Peter Russell
Peter Russell
Hace 14 horas
Aaron E
You don't believe in medical science or doctors ?
Knowledge makes a man unfit to be a a slave
Fredrick Douglas

Peter Russell
Peter Russell
Hace 14 horas
Aaron E
The Spanish flu never went away it mutated into the seasonal flu

Peter Russell
Peter Russell
Hace 14 horas
Abhinavv Arora
You don't believe in medical science or doctors ?

Sebastien Roux
Sebastien Roux
Hace 14 horas
@Kaizoku Jimbei You mean indoctrination right?

Dario Haruni
Dario Haruni
Hace 13 horas
How would you make sure it doesn't turn into a propaganda vaccine?

Hace 13 horas
"Vaccines against misinformation would be cool"
Yeah, start with "Veritasium" - the ministry of TRUTH. This channel is pathetic.
ROFL. Oh, and I can also recommend the video in which Kill Gates says that none of
his children are vaccinated.
He knows why, his father was an eugenicist. Get the information, it is out there in
the open.

Jesse P
Jesse P
Hace 13 horas
@Kaizoku Jimbei Depends on where you get your education.

Peter Russell
Peter Russell
Hace 13 horas
You don't believe in medical science or doctors ?

Peter Russell
Peter Russell
Hace 13 horas (editado)
Jesse P
Science is fact and a theory is a educated guess and religion is based on faith
You can believe in medical science and doctors or Trump and his voodoo doctor.
You have that choice in America and you can save a lot on doctor bills.

Peter Russell
Peter Russell
Hace 12 horas
Jesse P
The Spanish flu never went away it mutated into the seasonal flu

Peter Russell
Peter Russell
Hace 12 horas
Global mass vaccinations stopped Polio in the 60s

BluJayzr Beats
BluJayzr Beats
Hace 12 horas
what is misinformation to you?

Minh Nh?t Ng�

Minh Nh?t Ng�
Hace 12 horas
@Kaizoku Jimbei Best reply right here

Hace 12 horas
@Peter Russell Ummm.. right. You know absolutely nothing about my attitude to
teaching my kids nor what I think of their teachers apparently...

Matthew Vaughan
Matthew Vaughan
Hace 12 horas
@wenton No, retarded is formulating a strong opinion on something there isn�t
conclusive evidence for. The smart thing to say is �I don�t know� whether Epstein
killed himself, but it�s certainly highly suspicious and perfectly possible. This
is EXACTLY why conspiracy theorists are rightly made a laughing stock, not by the
�media,� but just normal thinking people; they�re too arrogant to say I�m not 100%
sure, and as a result they go from 0-100 on nothing more than speculation and

Hace 12 horas (editado)
It's called censorship and it has been poluting internet for quite long time. The
only misinformed people are the lazy one.

Denise Skinner
Denise Skinner
Hace 12 horas
Chimpanzee adenovirus is in Covid19 vaccines.

Michael Little
Michael Little
Hace 12 horas
Translation: Cancel the first amendment, shut people up who don't agree with you.

Peter Russell
Peter Russell
Hace 12 horas
Teach your children good morales and treat everyone with respect teachers and
especially people of authority and be good US citizens and allow God into there
life and to believe in Science is fact and a theory is a educated guess and
religion is based on faith

Peter Russell
Peter Russell
Hace 12 horas (editado)
Matthew Vaughan
Saying retarded to describe people with mental disabilities is a response from the
50s and 60s and it's mostly people that are Godless cruel and heartless and

Kaizoku Jimbei
Kaizoku Jimbei
Hace 12 horas
@Peter Russell "Death of misinformation and propaganda and conspiracy theories and
half truths and out and out provable lies and a distorted sense of reality and hate
speech and race bating is not free speech and it undermines our Democracy" <----

Kaizoku Jimbei
Kaizoku Jimbei
Hace 11 horas
@Abhinavv Arora No. Human beings have an inherent curiosity to desire to know
things. Misinformation is actually a perversion of that desire.

Kaizoku Jimbei
Kaizoku Jimbei
Hace 11 horas
@Aaron E The agenda of education is to produce useful citizens.

Hace 11 horas (editado)
@Abhinavv Arora So much misinformation sticks because so much legitimate
information is being used as a bludgeon to further the agenda of meddlesome media
Drop all agenda, win hearts and minds, trust people to find their own balance in
interpreting the implications of the facts for themselves.
Or don't. But don't be surprised when large sections of the populace put their
trust in charlatans instead.
When the people are not trusted to reach conclusions for themselves why the hell
should they trust in return? Especially not once a cocktail of legit information
and deceit has been used to beat them into submission.
Legitimate information sticks when there is no agenda and no compulsion.
Misinformation is often presented without either being apparent so charlatans win.

Kaizoku Jimbei
Kaizoku Jimbei
Hace 11 horas
You people seriously need to get out of social media ASAP.

Hace 11 horas
@5MadMovieMakers just go to Venezuela its illegal to speak anything "not true" :)

Hace 11 horas
tell a small lie so that their brains know how to recognize and attack a bigger one

Reich Paprika
Reich Paprika
Hace 11 horas
I heard that misinformation vaccine causes autism ??

Warrior 703
Warrior 703
Hace 11 horas
@Julian H Oh, so what do you have to say about right-wing platforms that got
censored by the media and big techs? Aren't right-wing platforms also private
companies? That's not a very sharp reasoning coming from you, what amazes me since
leftists claim to be the most intelligent people among society with their stupid
"woke" beliefs, when in fact are the most gullible people on earth.

Julian H
Julian H
Hace 11 horas
@Warrior 703 Do you criticize a news paper for not publishing your trash when you
send them some drivel to print? No? Didn't think so. You people are the epitome of
Dunning-Kruger. Your right-wing platforms are also agreeing to terms and services
on the Hosters they use. They can be canceled for violations just like any other
Forum can. I already told you, it doesn't matter what you think or not. When you
violate terms and services of private companies, it is their right to cancel the
But all you ever think of is censoring which simply doesn't happen. You can still
go outside and scream your beliefs to everybody you like, just that you than have
to live with the fact that you might be taken in for harassing, noise complaints or
just send to the nut house where people like Qanon belong to.
Hace 10 horas
@Kaizoku Jimbei Unless education is telling you lies

Hace 10 horas
@Ola Ogunleye For the most part I don't argue against ideas I find to be silly.
Generally I only tend to get narkie when some bugga is trying to be hurtful... If
someone has ideas I don't like but isn't trying to be a prick to people about it
then I happily accept their right to be wrong in my sight. Of course, I want that
same right myself, the right to be wrong in their sight. Plenty of people find a
stack of silliness in me, it doesn't make them bad people. What makes them bad is
when they deny my right to have or talk about my ideas, right or wrong.

Moss Productions
Moss Productions
Hace 9 horas
Drink that great reset kool aid and bill gates is just so good bro so honest and

Joe Duke
Joe Duke
Hace 9 horas
I keep expecting Bill Gates to be smarter than he is. When a virus is engineered,
it's no longer a virus, it's a 'nanomachine'.

James S.
James S.
Hace 8 horas
@haffish calldwanda
Wow, another one! I crack a little joke and right away I'm accused of being a nazi
and now insensitive to pain of people that can't have kids. I can't imagine what
looking at the world through your dark dreary eyes is like. A world so devoid of
humor that even seeing a loving happy family is something sinister to you.
I have looked in the mirror.... I kiss it every morning... if I'm frisky I give
myself a little tongue! ??
Oh oh..... Damn, I cracked another one!

James S.
James S.
Hace 8 horas
@Kaizoku Jimbei
?? Couldn't have said it better myself.

James S.
James S.
Hace 8 horas
@Peter Russell
Not at all. Far from it in fact. ??

Damsko King
Damsko King
Hace 8 horas
?? ?? ??

Hace 8 horas
The issue is a societal one and requires societal change, we've adopted a new
method of communication on the internet where we have no real ability to gauge the
veracity of what is being said because everyone is truely equal and able to publish
anything and yet the profile they hide behind could be authentic or disengnious.
What we need is a combination of education on spotting fake news (things that
illicit a overwhelming emotional reaction) and also data science which will
recognise these falsehoods and flag them for us.

NJPN 2019
NJPN 2019
Hace 7 horas
What the hell happend here. this has become a full fledge war.

Hace 7 horas
@Kaizoku Jimbei not in schools though

James S.
James S.
Hace 7 horas
@NJPN 2019
I agree. That's the trouble with the "Qonspiracy" loons. Too stupid to carry on a
reasonable friendly discussion. ??

Hace 7 horas
@Ibrahim Farid that's your interpretation of the saying, you're the one being
tunnel visioned by pushing that interpretation with petty criticism like that.

Hace 7 horas
@James S. but the world isn't a comic panel, it's not nearly that simple.

Dangerously Stupid
Dangerously Stupid
Hace 7 horas
@odobenus159 r/dangerouslystupid

Dangerously Stupid
Dangerously Stupid
Hace 7 horas
@wenton Don't bother trying to. There is nothing useful there to understand.

Hace 7 horas
@Joe Duke An Engineered virus is simply that, an "engineered virus".
Nanomachine has a different meaning.

Hace 6 horas
You need to know what is information to begin with xddd, if you made a "vax against
misinformation" you might censure the wrong content and allow the wrong content....
just saying...

Hace 6 horas
@Kaizoku Jimbei you mean indoctrination?

Hace 6 horas
@James S. You bot should eat sheeet

Hace 6 horas
Even if this is a joke this is to real. There is already discussion about using
drugs, magnets, and other methods to change the thoughts and opinions of people and
no one should be advocating the forced use of those technologies.

Hace 6 horas
Then all CNN like speakers and all sheeple with CNN syndrome should be lobotomized,
so they can't ruine lives of people with brain.

James S.
James S.
Hace 6 horas (editado)
Depends whose eyes are looking at it. "The eye of the beholder", so the saying
goes. People look at the (current active worldwide) 25 million CV19 cases and
grieve, I see the 77 million survivors and rejoice. This thing could have been 10x
worse than it is. I'm also astounded by the human technology that's gonna defeat
this bug, and I'm amused by Qooks and deniers that are dreaming up ways to subvert
that technology. I've been accused of being a nazi and an unsympathetic asshole.
Some see me that way, others see me as a kind, compassionate, decent old fat fart
that loves and enjoys life. I can't be both, so it is in the beholder's eyes.
I'm grateful to God every day for our blessings and thank Him for things not bring
worse than they are.
So.... yes, life is a cartoon, if YOU choose how to SEE it.
Eyes of the beholders, my friend.

Kaizoku Jimbei
Kaizoku Jimbei
Hace 6 horas
I find it so hilarious that all the Trump supporters have ended up here.

James S.
James S.
Hace 6 horas
@D D
?? Thank you for the insult. Not accepted, of course. I'll just pass it on to
someone deserving. ??

Kaizoku Jimbei
Kaizoku Jimbei
Hace 6 horas
@D D Your words are empty platitudes. Stop repeating yourselves and actually go
learn some new skill.

James S.
James S.
Hace 6 horas (editado)
@Kaizoku Jimbei
It's funny about the trumpsters all ending up here. Too bad there isn't a way to
insert a flush handle at the top of this section.?? ??

Hace 6 horas
@13345bob It's like dictatorial states, no matter how good you want to do, if you
need control to obtain it the methods won't be necessarely the moralest ones xdd,
it is a battle for influence, and in a battle you use all you have...

James S.
James S.
Hace 5 horas
The CV vax was already under construction prior to the outbreak. It's a type of
virus fairly common in nature and some of the work was already done on it. They
basically just had to tweak it.

Hace 5 horas
we should consider ourselves very lucky that the industry that puts more money into
lobbying than the military and oil combined, is full of conflicts of interests,
very corrupted hires only people with the utmost integrity and morals in their
division with the highest profit margin

Hijack the Ripper

Hijack the Ripper
Hace 5 horas
If you don't like misinformation, turn off the TV. Stop watching CNN, MSNBC, Fox,
Reuters, NPR...

Isai Oswald
Isai Oswald
Hace 5 horas
Maybe we can inject some sort of micro chip into every vaccine, to stop the

Angela Dansie
Angela Dansie
Hace 4 horas
@Jesus Fried Christ Right....the leftists are stupid, meanwhile the right wing is
all in on QAnon

Angela Dansie
Angela Dansie
Hace 4 horas
@Vladimir Goryachev vaccines against vaccines, LOL. It's called death. After you
die from the measles, Covid or some other preventable disease, you don't need
vaccines anymore. Get in line for your "vaccine against vaccines."

alex mackay
alex mackay
Hace 4 horas
@Kaizoku Jimbei no education is where you get the most brainwashed.

Mark H
Mark H
Hace 4 horas
@James S. Would that be the vaccines Billy provided to 3rd world women,apparently
they were effective at sterilisation

Hace 4 horas
@James S. Yes, there is a chance that these new vaccines will sterilize those
stupid enough to take them.

James S.
James S.
Hace 4 horas
@Mark H
I assume you're referring to the 200 million women in 3rd world countries that were
supplied contraception to those that WANTED it? I guess you just think women
should be "barefoot and pregnant". What time era do you think we're in?
"... hey, woman, get me a beer!" ??

James S.
James S.
Hace 4 horas
@Angela Dansie

steve loge
steve loge
Hace 3 horas
The vaccine already exists, you just need a regular dose of veritasium

Phil Indeblanc
Phil Indeblanc
Hace 3 horas
Thats the stupidest thing to say

Caribbean Man
Caribbean Man
Hace 3 horas
@William Stanley and you know that how?

May the Science be with You

May the Science be with You
Hace 3 horas
@Kaizoku Jimbei Sadly, education is no guaranteed protecton from that. Neither
intelligence nor education can help a truly gullible person. Many educated people
believe in the craziest things. I know people who have a PHD in biology and passed
their Evolution classes with an A, who are Creationists. They learned some facts
for the exam but unwilling to truly comprehend. I've seen post docs go down the
rabbit hole and eventually start questioning the "mainstream" and instead started
believing some crackpot conspiracy bullcrap. Not every person is logical and
reasonable. Different people are different levels of gullible and easy to
influence, brainwash. Not even education can help those. Even the smartest person
can fall for a scam.

May the Science be with You

May the Science be with You
Hace 2 horas
@RiwenX Bill Gates has indeed become an expert on these field. It seems like you
idiots think he is still working at Microsoft. He mainly works for his foundations
that deals with diseases. He is surrounded by experts and gets his knowledge
directly from them. Where do you get your expert knowledge? From Trump? Gates
literally regurgitates what the experts tell him, if you listended to actual
experts instead of crackpots, you'd know that. Also, it doesn't take much to become
an expert in a field. You don't have to study a lifetime to call yourself an expert
in something. You just take the necessary lectures, which anybody with a certain
level of intelligence can do, but obviously not you.
Jeff Padgett
Jeff Padgett
Hace 2 horas
@Fractal Equation You did alright in your comment however none of that was
accurate to apply in the context of this new virus and the new vaccines. I
understand your point however Gates has nothing to do with it and that narrative
poisoned your whole picture of the reality here. Check out Google scholar and
you�ll find the papers and research for this virus and the vaccines are almost all
available without subscriptions or money to read. It�s fantastic really

Jeff Padgett
Jeff Padgett
Hace 2 horas
@Tyler Durden You�d be interested that what you described is actually not how
these new vaccines work to create means for our bodies to make effective
antibodies. These new ones are protein based rather some form of the virus. The
effectiveness and safety by using a protein based vaccine means they are more
universally accepted and safer then for example someone eating meat from the local
supermarket. It�s incredible what virologists have in terms of top notch minds
and facilities these days to basically save our asses.

Zoonotic Novel viruses unfortunately will be more common as our earth�s population
grows to encroach on more and more land with wildlife sheltered from mankind.
While this new virus isn�t the worst it�s still ten times deadlier than the flu and
a really tricky one to prevent from spreading due to long incubation periods. But
yeah you�re right some vaccines do use a non viable or some form of the pathogen to
introduce to our bodies as a means to gain immunity. Just not these new ones as
it�s much better to use protein based for this particular situation. Google
scholar is awesome

Hace 1 hora
@Kaizoku Jimbei Who writes your education?

Hace 1 hora
@lordchickenhawk Well said.

Hace 1 hora
@Tyler Durden There is no virus in the covid vaccine

Hace 1 hora
They have those in China and North Korea. And if you try to question their truth,
you won�t be there long enough to question it

Adri�n Bar�th
Adri�n Bar�th
Hace 1 hora
@Kaizoku Jimbei It's called critical thinking.. good try though.

Unfiltered Reality
Unfiltered Reality
Hace 43 minutos
Turn off your TV, it;s that simple.

Viking Excavating
Viking Excavating
Hace 4 minutos
Given that the vaccination issue now impacts all families in America, directly or
indirectly, you�d think it would have garnered more media attention when it was
learned that vaccine champion and Microsoft founder Bill Gates refused to allow his
own children to be vaccinated.

This admission came from the Gates family�s personal physician in Seattle, who was
speaking behind closed doors with other doctors at a symposium last year (someone
at the conference leaked the conversation, so the doctor himself technically did
not violate doctor-patient confidentiality rules).

The doctor reportedly told his colleagues, �I don�t know if he (Gates) had them
vaccinated as adults, but I can tell you he point blank refused to vaccinate them
as children.�

Hace 10 horas
"Governments around the world are exploiting the pandemic to monitor us like never
Edward Snowden

Scritchscrum The Great

Scritchscrum The Great
Hace 11 horas


Nick Halewijn
Nick Halewijn
Hace 10 horas
"Edward Snowden like people around the world are exploiting the pandemic to stay
relevant and pet their ego."


Hace 10 horas
This is true no matter what you believe in


Scritchscrum The Great

Scritchscrum The Great
Hace 10 horas

Jinson Noh
Jinson Noh
Hace 10 horas
@Scritchscrum The Great Because of increase Surveillance, By Temperature check, a
registered mandatory account to make contactracing and control of Travel. All
necessary to curb the pandemic tho it limit our Freedom and privacy


Sir Soppy Balls

Sir Soppy Balls
Hace 10 horas (editado)
Hope ya'll got room for bill gates' digital wallet on ya phone... with all your
medical records and immunization credentials, Vaccine passports... The Vaccination
Credential Initiative (VCI)... In the future you wont be able to go anywhere
without one... your have to scan ya phone, or QR code getting on planes,
concerts, sports events... and possibly even clock in to your place of work with
it each morning using it.. So yeah sounds like extra monitoring to me,

Hace 10 horas
Bd did umean : planedmic??


Scritchscrum The Great

Scritchscrum The Great
Hace 10 horas
@Jinson Noh ok. Is tracing and control of travel really the way we enter a
Dystopian future. It�s pretty standard here in Aus. Cause it works. And temperature
checks are just there as a cautionary measure.


my Entertainment
my Entertainment
Hace 10 horas
@Sir Soppy Balls I already got chip from Microsoft.
It's not that bad, exept I got sudden urge to upgrade to office pro edition.


Sir Soppy Balls

Sir Soppy Balls
Hace 10 horas
@my Entertainment lol

Hace 10 horas
Doesn't hurt to repeat the obvious.

Ryan Foss
Ryan Foss
Hace 10 horas
Don't dismiss discussion and action about the problem just cause you can imagine
some dystopian future.

davranbek rozmetov
davranbek rozmetov
Hace 10 horas
Trust me. They wouldn't spend this much effort to track your worthless ass

Mickael m
Mickael m
Hace 10 horas
Its more about accelerating the numeric industrial revolution

Mickael m
Mickael m
Hace 10 horas
@davranbek rozmetov so true they already have that with our phones...its more about
accelerating the numeric industrial revolution

Hace 9 horas
@Scritchscrum The Great by infringing on our human rights with unprecedented
authoritative measures

I Must Get This Money

I Must Get This Money
Hace 9 horas
@Nick Halewijn ??. make sure I dont read U comments cause they do make me laugh

I Must Get This Money

I Must Get This Money
Hace 9 horas
@Sir Soppy Balls Exactly n people do not see this comin yo

richard c
richard c
Hace 9 horas
@Scritchscrum The Great you serious? Lmao

Alex Sloan
Alex Sloan
Hace 9 horas
@Nick Halewijn imagine being that dumb

Scritchscrum The Great

Scritchscrum The Great
Hace 9 horas
@BlackMasterRoshi �authoritative� sure mate.

Nick Halewijn
Nick Halewijn
Hace 9 horas
@Alex Sloan You just proved my point. Petting your own ego implicating you're
smarter than I am.

Nick Halewijn
Nick Halewijn
Hace 8 horas
@I Must Get This Money I went to the zoo the other day. And there was only a dog in
it. Must say it was a shihtzu.

Keep laughing mate the world needs more of it.

NJPN 2019
NJPN 2019
Hace 7 horas
Communist Countries like North Korea and China are experts with this.

CO OP Couple
CO OP Couple
Hace 7 horas
Pandemic is the sequel to 9/11, both created by governments to expand their control

Hace 5 horas
oh my god, THE Edward Snowden said this?? It must be 100% true and we must believe

Lauren Maslin
Lauren Maslin
Hace 4 horas
@my Entertainment you got me with that joke ??

Suzanne Harry
Suzanne Harry
Hace 3 horas
Bill Gates and MIT unveil quantum dot technology to mark children�s skin so they
can be scanned for vaccine compliance and anything else to be determined later. The
MIT researchers have been funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the
National Cancer Institute. This new technology uses nano-crystal dyes called
quantum microdots. These patterns of dye contain data that can for now mark that a
vaccine has been received into the person�s body.

William E Lanning Jr
William E Lanning Jr
Hace 3 horas
@Scritchscrum The Great Are you truly that obtuse as to not be able to discern how
on your own?

William E Lanning Jr
William E Lanning Jr
Hace 3 horas
@davranbek rozmetov Trust me ... you are totally clueless about totalitarian

William E Lanning Jr
William E Lanning Jr
Hace 3 horas
@NJPN 2019 As were countries that were under the rule of the USSR.

Grammar Officer Krupke

Grammar Officer Krupke
Hace 3 horas
@Scritchscrum The Great Hate to be the one to have to tell you but what's "pretty
standard" now in Australia is what's called a "police state".

Ryon Tiler
Ryon Tiler
Hace 3 horas
All done by design to depopulate.

Hace 2 horas
@Scritchscrum The Great Lol you are what Huxley was talking about when he said
people would come to desire their own slavery.

Grammar Officer Krupke

Grammar Officer Krupke
Hace 2 horas
@ForObviousReason Exactly!

Ms Tash
Ms Tash
Hace 2 horas
Didn�t need a pandemic to do that....Facebook, Insta, Snapchat, shopping reward
cards, iPhones, marketing causing debt and keeping you chained to your job....etc

Hace 2 horas
Is this the same Edward Snowden who lives under the protection of Putin's Russia?

Riley S
Riley S
Hace 1 hora
@Jinson Noh they are seeing how far we will let them take it, we are just Gineau

Hace 1 hora
@Sir Soppy Balls And don't forget 'they' are also monitoring your You Tube

Hace 1 hora
@Scritchscrum The Great it�s only going to get worse. I�m pretty sure germans in
Nazi germany thought the kristalnacht was a normal exercise of government power

Sincere Presence
Sincere Presence
Hace 46 minutos
especially since microchips are placed in vaccines. There's a director of the cdc
that stated such. I do believe a director in the org. I will try to come back with
a link to his quotation in a reputable news article (aka a city's "post" newspaper,

Hace 38 minutos
@Sincere Presence i'll wait for the link, ty

Mr Potato
Mr Potato
Hace 29 minutos
He never said that but ok

Justin Felder
Justin Felder
Hace 16 minutos
@ForObviousReason Is there no situation in which you would consider government
control or restriction necessary or desirable? Is it possible for people to live
without threat to their person without some amount of protection from other people
in the form of government? I believe that totalitarianism and authoritarianism
definitely go too far in this regard, and such governments are more concerned with
maintaining power than protecting their citizens, but complete absence of
government, especially in a world with so many people, is likewise unacceptable
and, in fact, untenable. I don't know where you fall on that spectrum, but I think
desiring some amount of regulation (such as the current pandemic restrictions) and
services to ensure healthy economies and people, and to protect people from other
people, is not the same as desiring slavery. In the context of an immediate,
tangible health threat, some degree of contact tracing and travel restrictions are
needed to protect people. One person's decision to travel without proper
precautions despite a pandemic doesn't just threaten the health of that one
individual, but potentially dozens or hundreds of others. The same goes for someone
who contracts the virus but decides to not notify those who have been in contact
with them. Of course, this is all about context. If travel restrictions were to be
enacted without clear and present danger to the health and wellbeing of the general
public, I too would consider it to be an authoritarian overreach. Additionally, if
the restrictions merely protect individuals from themselves when no externalities
are involved, that too would be overreach; people have the right to make stupid
mistakes if they only harm themselves.

Hace 3 minutos (editado)
@Justin Felder I don't anticipate a meeting of the minds on the topic of the
relative risk this virus poses and reasonable actions the government may take;
however, to address your first question and wrap this up simply: no, there is no
situation at all under any circumstance in which the American Gov may suspend the
constitution. If you read it, you may notice there's no amendment, addendum, or
asterisk anywhere that states "Disregard in the event of a virus." The reason for
this is simple: it doesn't matter how virtuous the people instituting the
restrictions may be, how thoroughly considerate of your liberty they may be, how
truly convinced they are their actions are for the betterment of Mankind. The
people instituting such policy are temporary. Policy that restricts freedom,
history has shown, is forever. You can never anticipate what kind of sociopath will
take the reigns. So the Founders of our country gave the people a very simple
metric for when it's time to revolt-- are the people in power infringing on your
rights? If yes, 1776 the place.

Edit: And if you can't see the ravenous, sociopathic wolves at the gates waiting
for such a moment right now in the 21st century, God help you. They're real,
they're here, and they wear pink sweaters on national TV.

Hace 4 horas
Can I make money preventing a pandemic? Not as much as I could letting it spread
when people are willing to pay anything to be saved! - Everyone who had any power
to make a real difference after listening to Bill speak. Oh capitalism, your gifts
are endless.

Glad I had a box of N95 masks in my garage before this one hit. Equally glad I
could get them to people who needed them. Stay safe people.

Mister Itchy
Hace 1 d�a
Flat Earthers: "Am I a joke to you?"
Veritasium: "Yes."


Hace 1 d�a
Lmaoooo ??


Hace 1 d�a
Roasted flat earthers who even is a flat earther anymore


Barry White
Barry White
Hace 1 d�a (editado)
Call it Truth!

Catsandbootsandcatsandboots Catsandboot
Catsandbootsandcatsandboots Catsandboot
Hace 1 d�a
@arpita flat earthers are actually increasing


Laurin Neff
Laurin Neff
Hace 1 d�a
@Catsandbootsandcatsandboots Catsandboot there are probably a lot of people that
just pretend to be flat earthers to get money from actual flat earthers


Mister Itchy
Mister Itchy
Hace 1 d�a
@arpita There are certainly a few around the globe.


Gee Gun
Gee Gun
Hace 1 d�a
@Mister Itchy ????

Hace 1 d�a
Conspiracy theorists = flat earthers ? Oh wait ?? yeah makes sense

Reid Fleming, World's Toughest Milkman

Reid Fleming, World's Toughest Milkman
Hace 1 d�a
Flerfs are a joke to everyone who isn't flerflike.

Catsandbootsandcatsandboots Catsandboot
Catsandbootsandcatsandboots Catsandboot
Hace 1 d�a
@MirMiti it does

Jaygo the jake Hernandez

Jaygo the jake Hernandez
Hace 1 d�a
The universe is flat


Hace 1 d�a
@MirMiti Did you watch the video?

Kislay Tiwari
Kislay Tiwari
Hace 1 d�a
@Jaygo the jake Hernandez so flat earther were right all along, they were just one
dimension ahead of us

Hace 1 d�a
And not just flattards, but QAnon is a joke for him too.
Except it's overreach to real world damage wasn't funny.
But these people believing that nonsense are a laughing stock still.

Ephrem Habte
Ephrem Habte
Hace 1 d�a

Trevor Marwa
Trevor Marwa
Hace 1 d�a
Its is flat

Ephrem Habte
Ephrem Habte
Hace 1 d�a
@Trevor Marwa gud for u:)

Trevor Marwa
Trevor Marwa
Hace 1 d�a
@Ephrem Habte so they told you it�s round and you believed thm I see good for you
do your own research

Hace 1 d�a
It�s true they lied about space travel, thrust can�t work in a vacuum

Trevor Marwa
Trevor Marwa
Hace 1 d�a
@bronz08x its all photoshopped no one has ever set foot on space to moon and all
and the is only one planet and its not round

Jesus Fried Christ

Jesus Fried Christ
Hace 1 d�a
You �Deboonkers� are an even bigger joke tbh.

James Joseph
James Joseph
Hace 1 d�a
@bronz08x so if i push you in space, you wont move away?
newtons third law, all forces have an equal force in the opposite direction, if i
throw a hammer in space with 100 N of force , i will get pushed in the opposite
direction with the same force. rockets use the same principle, unlike planes or
cars which need mediums (air and land) to work, rockets create their own thrust


James Joseph
James Joseph
Hace 1 d�a
@Trevor Marwa have u watched vids debunking the flat earth? why havent u tested the
experiments they showed? if you did, i think you mightve done them wrong


Hace 1 d�a
@Trevor Marwa I can ask you the same question.

Pluto :
Pluto :
Hace 1 d�a
Quantum Physicist: well actually the universe could exist on a 2 dimensional
surface of an event horizon of a distant black hole that projected into a 3rd
dimension. So yes, Earth could physically be flat but with 3d properties, similar
to a computer simulation.

Kim Jong-un
Kim Jong-un
Hace 1 d�a
@Trevor Marwa so you are trying to say that whole world is lying...and a small
group of people are right....bro why the hell are other planets spherical..its
funny that people still believe in that stupid conspiracy.


Hace 1 d�a
@James Joseph you are so book smart full of hypothetical theories you�re dumb, you
have no connection to reality....use your own senses dummy. You�re not flying
through space at 1million mph. It�s a joke. And it�s on YOU.

Mister Itchy
Mister Itchy
Hace 1 d�a
@Jesus Fried Christ Deboonker? I'm not sure I've heard that term!

Mister Itchy
Mister Itchy
Hace 1 d�a
@Trevor Marwa Is its?

Mister Itchy
Mister Itchy
Hace 1 d�a
@bronz08x If thrust worked the way you think it does, that would be correct. Since
it doesn't, you're wrong.

Hace 1 d�a
@Mister Itchyshow me real time video of the earth rotating in full. F you idiot you

Hace 1 d�a (editado)
The ultimate slap to the face for flat earthers. "Your "theory" is not worth

Hace 1 d�a
Flat Earth & aliens conspiracies are boosted online by different agencies in order
to make legit whistle blowers look bad by amalgamation.

John Locatelli
John Locatelli
Hace 1 d�a
It�s a fact

They are a joke lol

H. Szymanski
H. Szymanski
Hace 1 d�a (editado)
@arpita Flerfers hopped on the Q-Train, where their idiocy doesn't stick out that
much any more.

Hace 1 d�a
@bronz08x Instead of thinking thrust as being pushed by air, think it as recoil
produced by a bullet fired from a gun. The recoil generated by the gun pushes it
backwards. This is how rockets work.

Ephrem Habte
Ephrem Habte
Hace 1 d�a
@Trevor Marwa there is sthin called physics and they never told us the earth was
round they proved it with valid mathematics. You are the one who is telling me the
Earth is flat...amn't gonna waste my time arguing or teaching you basic physics go
study it yourself or gtfo of this channel clearly even the creator doesn't want u!

Richard L Lanouette
Richard L Lanouette
Hace 1 d�a
It was a polite way to say you can't fix stupid ??

Trevor Marwa
Trevor Marwa
Hace 1 d�a (editado)
@Ephrem Habte my friends do your own research on this potic and make sure you have
good sources not the same people who told you it�s round ( Nasa)

Richard L Lanouette
Richard L Lanouette
Hace 1 d�a
So what is happening with the vaccin factory the foundation was helping to build?

Trevor Marwa
Trevor Marwa
Hace 1 d�a
@Kim Jong-un thats the secret of truth it always with and known by a small group of

Mister Itchy
Mister Itchy
Hace 1 d�a
@I Own Me - You Own You Nothing. The Veratasium guy said something dismissive about

Michael Lenczewski
Michael Lenczewski
Hace 1 d�a
Guys, seriously... have some compassion. I don't think the flat earthers have the
cognitive faculty to realize they are wrong or that they just don't know. I think
there may be somethin biologically atypical about thier brains... Can you MAKE
yourself believe something? Do we control our beliefs that well?

Ephrem Habte
Ephrem Habte
Hace 1 d�a (editado)
@Trevor Marwa you see are so misinformed you think nasa invented physics or lmao!
Nasa didn't prove that the Earth was round it was proven 2 millennia ago...go study
physics or go to hell either way IDGAF

Hace 1 d�a
There's two sides to flat earth. Wait...what?

Trevor Marwa
Trevor Marwa
Hace 1 d�a
People need to be smart when we talk about this topic horizon is flat just like in
a class of water the waters are flat kindly do more research on this topic

Walt R. Buck
Walt R. Buck
Hace 1 d�a
@MirMiti dont confuse the rectangle for the square. Not all conspiracy theorists
are flat-earthers, but all flat-earthers are conspiracy theorists. Lol

Walt R. Buck
Walt R. Buck
Hace 1 d�a
@Jaygo the jake Hernandez lol. Odd but strangely true as it's currently understood

Trevor Marwa
Trevor Marwa
Hace 1 d�a
@Ephrem Habte I will give it to you it�s round Im sure you happy now

Kislay Tiwari
Kislay Tiwari
Hace 1 d�a
@Trevor Marwa can you explain how gps work?
Or how when it's winter in northern hemisphere it's summer in southern hemisphere
and vice versa?

Or how a day at extreme north region can be only 2 hours long on winter and 22hr
long in summer

There are millions of problem with flat earth theory that's why I don't believe it,
and as of now, I haven't found a single one in the globe theory, if you have any
please tell I will clearify the reason

Kislay Tiwari
Kislay Tiwari
Hace 1 d�a (editado)
@bronz08x Newton's third law clearly states that thrust can work anywhere despite
the fact if there is gravity or atmosphere present or not. So yea thrust does work
in space

I can give more detailed answer if you want, I literally am currently studying that
for exams

Mister Itchy
Mister Itchy
Hace 1 d�a
@Trevor Marwa Except that it's not.

Kislay Tiwari
Kislay Tiwari
Hace 1 d�a
@Trevor Marwa I saw some of your relies here and one of the thing you mentioned was
that the horizon is flat and the water is flat

For that you will need to go extremely high. Now you will say that all the images
of space is fake and nothing online is actually right, and for that I can only
convince you in 2 ways.

Firstly using maths. If you actually calculate the height you need to be at to
notice the curvature of earth it is way way higher than almost any commercial
aircraft can reach so you can't obviously see it first hand. But the maths of
distances in a round world does add up while in flat it doesn't

Now if you don't know maths at a level to calculate that then either you have to
study it or trust atleast one person who have studied it
But if you want a experimental proof, a youtuber named Tom Scott once sent a piece
of bread and a camera really high and before hand showed that the camera is not
using fish eye lens or any sort of trickery. And have released all 3hr long clip of
that bread going to the sky, you can watch the video and the uncut recording of the
bread. If you find any place where it was edited or cut, I will become a flat
earther , provide you guys with a maths background, and convert atleast a 100
people with me, but I am pretty sure you won't because it actually is a perfect
clip with no cheats

Now if you have so bad trust issues that you can't trust a single person with
proper maths education (firstly I feel sorry for you) and secondly, in that case
let's stick to conversation that doesn't need maths to be explained.
For example try explaining how season work and how day and night work in the same

Rain Dog
Rain Dog
Hace 1 d�a
Nah he's as much of a joke as them. He probably sees them as kindred spirits if
anything. lol

Hace 1 d�a
Flat earthers created by some one to fail all other conspiracy theories, just like
Black lives matter movement! Police brutalty is not only for blacks, middle
eastern, muslims, immigrant, whites, reds, its been going on decades, but pointing
out for only "blacks" it divided us from" all lives matter" power! Media is
controlled by evil minded people as we know, there are fool people in every
generation and nation, they have been used for that matters, they are easy to
manipulate just like January 6th crime, Yes world is not flat but it doesn't mean
there are such a evil operations or plans on us! Naming people "flat earthers" is
just stirring pot and make us more confused! Why you didn't ask to MR gates about
Cancer, HIV, Aidis, what did he do and why not if he is in to this problems?Shame
on you mr Veritasium!

Hace 1 d�a
@Kislay Tiwari Good for you throwing Newton at him. Honestly I was too lazy. I've
argued with different flat earthers before and it's just teaching them gradeschool
science. I felt a need when their percentages were higher in other comment sections
but here, it's like Derek said: their numbers are so low that I'd rather just
sneeze at their existence. You're like an antibiotic that this lowly comment thread
took haha. You're better than me

Hans Turpyn
Hans Turpyn
Hace 1 d�a
sience when is Bill Gates a doctor?

Mister Itchy
Mister Itchy
Hace 1 d�a
@bronz08x There are plenty of videos of the earth from space. It rotates once per
day, though, so I don't know why you expect to 'see' it rotating.

Mister Itchy
Mister Itchy
Hace 1 d�a
@UZAKTANDAHAYAKIN Words are hard for some people.

Ephrem Habte
Ephrem Habte
Hace 1 d�a
@Trevor Marwa No! as I said good for u! it's ur life you can believe whatever crap
u want.

Trevor Marwa
Trevor Marwa
Hace 1 d�a
@Ephrem Habte I told you, you win Im wrong you right...

Eugene Bright
Eugene Bright
Hace 1 d�a
@Jaygo the jake Hernandez The shape of the Universe depends on your point of view.
Poincar�-Perelman theorem plausibly shows that the world is a hologram projected
from the surface of hyperspace sphere-like object

Trevor Marwa
Trevor Marwa
Hace 1 d�a
People need to think for them self and not tell anyone else do it for them

Hace 1 d�a
The resurgence of flat earth nonsense came from the early days of the internet,
where academics argued about it as a joke, a joke because it was such a silly idea
but amusing nonetheless, people started taking it seriously and the academics moved
on, fast-forward to now and it's basically a cult of idiots that actually believe

Kislay Tiwari
Kislay Tiwari
Hace 1 d�a
@grah55 I was just bored after studies and that was all that was in my mind anyway
so I just shared my knowledge just for timepass

Mister Itchy
Mister Itchy
Hace 1 d�a
@Trevor Marwa Is that you telling us what we need to think? BTW, how many
measurements have you taken to actually find the shape of the earth? How many
gravity experiments have you done? Gravity doesn't work on a flat earth.

Hace 1 d�a
They are a joke to everybody

Ephrem Habte
Ephrem Habte
Hace 1 d�a
@Trevor Marwa ok gud for me then I guess?

fewbronze games
fewbronze games
Hace 1 d�a
@Trevor Marwa I'm sorry lemme ask you how gravity works

how does gravity work?

Dan Collins
Dan Collins
Hace 1 d�a
@Catsandbootsandcatsandboots Catsandboot I'd ask for evidence, but I guess that's
not even a flat-earther thing anyway...

Hace 1 d�a
@bronz08x you can acually watch the real-time camera feed from several of the earth
imaging satellites like Landsat and Sentinel. You only get to see part of the earth
rotating due to the camera focal length. Theres also some timelapse videos taken
from the international space station showing exactly what you describe but theyre
not realtime, so im guessing thats why you think theyre fake

jakub gadzala
jakub gadzala
Hace 1 d�a
China tried to patent Remdesivir in February. Two weeks after your new Jesus19 was
officially acclaimed. Remdesivir was partially developed in Wuhan lab, partially by
money from Fauci's hand. Which med was called in first as a hope for the sick?
Remdesivir. But yeah, I believe the Earth is flat. And you believe the guy in
sweater is your saviour. I dont know about you, but my best friend's father just
died because he had underlying conditions and got sick with covid badly. Perhaps if
there was a real policy like trying to treat people by real meds, then he would
still be alive. But there is none. All you "I masturbate to science channels on
youtube" so smart people, cant even notice how the web is being plowed under, while
politicians and media propagate the proto vaccine as the only possible solution,
while scientist and doctors who already treated patients with their own methods are
being silenced and their livelyhoods destroyed. Like man, Johnson&Johnson is going
to sell one of the vaccines. Are you Truman from the show?

Jaygo the jake Hernandez

Jaygo the jake Hernandez
Hace 1 d�a
@Eugene Bright if I�d depends on my point of view then the shape of the universe is
only in my mind ?

Hace 1 d�a
@SlightlyOddish due to you being a gullible fool is why you only get to see part
off the earth.

Eugene Bright
Eugene Bright
Hace 1 d�a
@Jaygo the jake Hernandez It depends as you think of yourself. Your real Self is
God's Spirit, so nothing exists besides God and you are correct, we are living in
the simulation. People are deceived by artificial mind of their auxiliary
biocomputer. That's the result of genetic manipulation (The Original Sin, read in
Greek to understand)

Jaygo the jake Hernandez

Jaygo the jake Hernandez
Hace 1 d�a
@Eugene Bright the simulation is just a simulation of a simulation of a simulation
of a simulation my real experience is experienced in not being able to experience
non experience however I think therefore I am
Eugene Bright
Eugene Bright
Hace 1 d�a
@Jaygo the jake Hernandez There is no real experience. Only God is

Hace 1 d�a
@SlightlyOddish you�re so gullible lol. Magicians run the earth

Justin S
Justin S
Hace 22 horas
@bronz08x how did you get here? You just troll all science videos on the off chance
they throw shade on flat earthers?

Catsandbootsandcatsandboots Catsandboot
Catsandbootsandcatsandboots Catsandboot
Hace 21 horas
@bronz08x I honestly don�t know if you�re trolling or not.

Phuket Word
Phuket Word
Hace 21 horas
@arpita Me, along with hundreds of thousands of others that have actually done
research and experiments and used real science to determine that we don't live on
the outside of a ball spinning at 1,000mh. Nor do we live on a pizza floating in
space... Space as you think you know it is a Hollywood fantasy

Phuket Word
Phuket Word
Hace 21 horas
@Catsandbootsandcatsandboots Catsandboot Yes, because they are demonstrating

Phuket Word
Phuket Word
Hace 21 horas
@James Joseph But rockets don't push out lumps of solid mass, do they? Thrust
requires a medium to resist it, otherwise you ain't going anywhere in space just by
farting out your back end.
Phuket Word
Phuket Word
Hace 21 horas
@Kim Jong-un The heliocentric model makes the assumption that the earth is
"another planet". That doesn't make it a fact

Phuket Word
Phuket Word
Hace 21 horas
@ChaosPotato The globe and the heliocentric model have always been "theories". No
one ever discovered any curvature on the earth. In fact the demonstrable properties
of water prove that the earth is not a globe, regardless of any theories about

Phuket Word
Phuket Word
Hace 21 horas
@Ephrem Habte Mathematics is just a language. It does not define or describe or
prove reality (physics)

Catsandbootsandcatsandboots Catsandboot
Catsandbootsandcatsandboots Catsandboot
Hace 21 horas
@Phuket Word actually thrust doesn�t require a medium to resist it

Catsandbootsandcatsandboots Catsandboot
Catsandbootsandcatsandboots Catsandboot
Hace 21 horas
@Phuket Word how do you explain being able to see 2 sun sets then?

Phuket Word
Phuket Word
Hace 21 horas
@Catsandbootsandcatsandboots Catsandboot Yes it does. Thrust doesn't work in a
vacuum. Oh and by the way, you need a container to create a vacuum so the
pressurized air above the earth next to an assumed vacuum of "space" without a
barrier is physically impossible.. It is nothing more than the imaginations of
theoretical physicists.

Phuket Word
Phuket Word
Hace 21 horas
@Kislay Tiwari GPS uses ground-based transmitters and receivers. Internal GPS
systems in aircraft also simply calculate how far the aircraft has travelled in
direction, speed and time to approximate it's position from a given waypoint. No
need for satellites.
Catsandbootsandcatsandboots Catsandboot
Catsandbootsandcatsandboots Catsandboot
Hace 21 horas
@Phuket Word bruh that logic is stupid af. Your vision is just light, sounds are
just vibrations, your brain is just neurons, books are just paper, air are just
molecules, glasses are just liquids, farts are just gasses. Ig you could say since
you yourself said there have been no proof of curvature then flat earth is just a

Phuket Word
Phuket Word
Hace 21 horas
@UZAKTANDAHAYAKIN Flat earth is simply our reality. Do people conspire? Yes, they
do, all the time, in every facet of our lives. Even parents conspire against their
kids to persuade them to do things. So conspiracies are real. They exist in
everyday life. To ignore that reality is "ignorant".

Catsandbootsandcatsandboots Catsandboot
Catsandbootsandcatsandboots Catsandboot
Hace 21 horas
@Phuket Word yes you�re right space isn�t a pure vacuum, earth�s atmosphere doesn�t
have any barriers so it just gradually fades out into space as gravity becomes
weaker. Infact technically even the moon is in our atmosphere

Phuket Word
Phuket Word
Hace 21 horas
@Catsandbootsandcatsandboots Catsandboot Elevation makes you see farther. So what?
You are not looking down a curve. The horizon rises with you and stays at your eye
level. The horizon is not geometric curvature.

Phuket Word
Phuket Word
Hace 21 horas
@Catsandbootsandcatsandboots Catsandboot There is no disputing the real physics of
the natural world around us. "space" is just a concept for mathematical models
(theoretical physics)

Catsandbootsandcatsandboots Catsandboot
Catsandbootsandcatsandboots Catsandboot
Hace 21 horas
@Phuket Word bruh you�re using small scale human physics to earth�s physics,
imagine if you use quantum physics that has teleportation, tunneling and
uncertainty in our normal world it wouldn�t make sense, same thing with this.
Kislay Tiwari
Kislay Tiwari
Hace 21 horas
@Phuket Word although knowing the actual shape of earth I know you are wrong and
ground based gps on such huge scale is not possible.

There is no motive for which every single country and every single scientist in the
entire world believe that globe isn't flat

The distances between places is best explained by globe not a disc

You didn't mention anything to explain how season work opposite in the opposite

Catsandbootsandcatsandboots Catsandboot
Catsandbootsandcatsandboots Catsandboot
Hace 21 horas
@Phuket Word see farther?!?! Wtf, you can climb burj khalifa really fast and see a
complete sun set again, the only way for that to happen in a flat earth is if the
sun was incredibly small, only like 50 miles or something which we know isn�t true

Kislay Tiwari
Kislay Tiwari
Hace 20 horas
@Phuket Word I have once tried to consume flat earth material for about 1 month to
understand their point, and every single argument they make can extremely easily be
proved wrong if you are like me and have just studied maths and science till
highschool (I am in 12th grade) and there isn't a single flaw in the results we get
from a globe shaped planet

Catsandbootsandcatsandboots Catsandboot
Catsandbootsandcatsandboots Catsandboot
Hace 20 horas
@Kislay Tiwari exactly

Phuket Word
Phuket Word
Hace 20 horas
@Catsandbootsandcatsandboots Catsandboot Most of the earth is water. The physical
properties of water make it the best levelling device or measuring tool.
Water is flat on the surface when contained. When not contained it flows.

Phuket Word
Phuket Word
Hace 20 horas
@Kislay Tiwari All you "know" is the globes presented to you. Distances don't
How do you know what the rest of the world "believes"?
Space, like vaccines, is a mega industry. It makes a lot of money for a few
As with any good business model that allows you to get funding from the tax payer,
any government will go for it.
Seasons - local sun that does concentric circles throughout the year.
Go ahead and show me how and when axial tilt was ever proven. But screw all that.
Start at the beginning. Find that curve!
Then you can make claims that we live on a globe. Anything else you say will just
be "explanations" (not scientific discovery) that we all know because we've all
been taught the same thing since childhood... That's why it's so difficult to even
imagine it might be any different

Phuket Word
Phuket Word
Hace 20 horas
@Kislay Tiwari So where's the curve then?
Where is the DEMONSTRABLE physics of just ONE single explanation for the globe.
The simple truth is that real physics and real measurements show that we can see
farther than we should be able to on a globe. When in high school did a teacher
actually demonstrate or prove that we live on the outside of a spinning ball in a
pressurized system next to a vacuum without a barrier?
When did a teacher show you a measurement of curvature?

Phuket Word
Phuket Word
Hace 20 horas
@Kislay Tiwari The biggest challenge is realizing that no one actually knows what
this place is. No one knows where we are and no one has ever proven any of the
theories. In fact all experiments prove that we are not on the outside of a
sphere.... Real science that is.

Phuket Word
Phuket Word
Hace 20 horas
@Kislay Tiwari Did they ever tell you about Foucault's Pendulum? They say that the
earth rotates underneath the pendulum.
Now apply that "theory" to modern flights.
IF the earth rotates under the pendulum it should also rotate under anything
suspended above the earth or flying above the earth. Doesn't happen. Do your
research. In fact flights often take longer when they should be going against the
alleged spin of 1,000 mph at the equator.

Hace 20 horas (editado)
@Laurin Neff They're the "I wanna be special" demographic and so latch on to an
insane idea because it makes them "different and unique."

Kislay Tiwari
Kislay Tiwari
Hace 20 horas
@Catsandbootsandcatsandboots Catsandboot sorry I don't get you are replying to
which reply of mine. But thanks ig?????

Also I am unable to understand whether you believe in earth being flat or not

Catsandbootsandcatsandboots Catsandboot
Catsandbootsandcatsandboots Catsandboot
Hace 20 horas
@Phuket Word lemme answer it for you GRAVITY AND INERTIA.

Catsandbootsandcatsandboots Catsandboot
Catsandbootsandcatsandboots Catsandboot
Hace 20 horas
@Phuket Word I looked at the channels you�re subbed to no wonder you�re so closed

Phuket Word
Phuket Word
Hace 20 horas
@Catsandbootsandcatsandboots Catsandboot Great answers. No back your claims with
demonstrable scientific proof.
What you gonna do, drop your keys and say "that's gravity that is"?

Phuket Word
Phuket Word
Hace 20 horas
@Catsandbootsandcatsandboots Catsandboot Closed minded?
When you can see farther than we should be able to on a globe it's close minded to
ignore that fact.
It's also closed minded to believe things without verifying them for yourself.
Am I pushing a model?
Am I making claims I can't back?
So where am I being closed minded?

Kislay Tiwari
Kislay Tiwari
Hace 19 horas
@Phuket Word okay, so you are heavily misinformed
The teacher you mentioned (I haven't saw his experiment but I am basing it off of
your comment) showed round earth in pressurised system because gravity is a super
weak force and you can't have enough gravity in a small chunck of material to hold
them together in vacuum specially in presence of a much grater gravity from earth.

2nd point I am quite sceptic person and often question things when taught, that is
why I don't trust all the history I have learned specially older or biased ones. So
no I am not consuming science without a 2nd thought

Take any 3 points on map at long distance which are at equal distance from each
other, then check the angle you moved in it will be greater than 60� which is
demonstrable proof of round earth

There is not a single experiment that shows we can see farther than we should be
able to. If you have any please link them. Infact there is plenty of evidence to
show that you can't look after a certain distance

I don't get what you mean by measurement of curvature, if you are talking a sphere
it's equation is x� + y� + z� = radius�
And if you wanna talk in 2d so it is easier to calculate and understand for you x�
+ y� = radius�
Radius of earth is around 64,000 km so you can apply some simple highschool
science to find the distance of horizon (the deformation of earth from sphere is
pretty negligible for our calculations)

The globe theory explains every single natural phenomenon that occurs around us
while flat theory fails to explain many of those things

Now coming to your explanation of season. If it is concentric circle of different

radius then please also explain the drastically different lengths of day and night
at different portion of world in same 24 he period
Also can you explain how exactly half of the planet is recieving light from sun at
a time. If sun was closer and much smaller then it would have a circular region in
which it will illuminate the region not a exact semi circular one (in your model)
Also if sun was moving in circular orbit we will be able to see the sun with some
telescope or something even in night

And yes there are hundreds of other phenomenon you can't explain ranging from
distance between places (in your model the closer to North you are the shorter is
the distance of your map than actual world and the more south we go the longer the
distance becomes)
Also any explanation why hurricanes have opposite spinning direction in north and
south hemisphere?

Any explanation as to why don't we all float in air and every single thing seem to
fall at around the same acceleration of 9.8m/s�

Not to mention how do we get such accurate weather forecast without satellite?

Why can we see some planet by telescope while stars look like a dot unless you have
really strong telescope

You want evidence earth is round search Tom Scott send bread to the space. You can
find a 3hr long video of uncut recording of his bread and camera flowing up in the
air to the point that you can see the curvature of planet

And just coordinate a experiment by maping the length of one of the circle before
equator and one circle equally outside the equator, you will find both are same
length thus they can't be concentric circles
Can't conduct that? Just check the length of daytime in one city very close to
North pole and other one close to south pole (city in South Africa and UK will do)
and try understanding and explaining how can there be day of length of about 5 hr
in one part and 19 hour in other part on the same day. Flat earth can't (atleast
not in same model you said for seasons) but globe easily can

And do not mention the tilt it doesn't work like you think it does. Just for
context there is no universal down in globe model (whichever way the force of
gravity is greatest is down) so there is no tilt if we are talking in frame of the
planet itself so you can't "find" it, because there is no physical tilt there. I
don't think I can really explain it to you without you having some basic knowledge
but I hope this helps

Kislay Tiwari
Kislay Tiwari
Hace 19 horas
@Phuket Word and if you still don't believe it don't bother me anymore, I can't
argue with someone who doesn't want to trust anyone at all (there is not one person
in scientific community who believes earth to be flat and there is much more reason
to it than just "it was taught" because scientist question reality the most) and
want to believe a theory that has millions of holes in it vs one that perfectly
explains every single phenomenon, not just most of it or some of it but the round
theory has proper answer for all of it (given you will need high school level
knowledge to understand it)

W01234567 89101112
W01234567 89101112
Hace 19 horas
@Kislay Tiwari it doesn�t matter what kind of lens is used because all lenses have
imperfections in them that will falsely interpret a flat surface as curved over a
long enough distance. Down here lenses are reliable for much shorter distances,
which quickly outpace the rate of alleged curvature of the earth (8 inches per mile
squared) We simply see too far, whole mountain ranges over 200 miles away have
been recorded multiple times, among countless repeated measurements made all over
the world. The sun and moon cycles appear to expand and contract along their paths
thus creating seasons. Who knows if they are even physical objects. Honestly,
science has yet to really understand what they even are other than being lights in
the sky.

Phuket Word
Phuket Word
Hace 19 horas
@Kislay Tiwari Radius applies to circles too, and Eratosthenes experiment works on
a flat earth with a local sun. We've only ever been taught one (closed-minded)
As I said, day length depends on where the sun is above the earth as it does
concentric circles throughout the year. YOu instead want to believe that the earth
is spinning and wobbling without any way of scientifically measuring it?
Where are those measurements of spin and wobble?
Looking at the sky proves nothing.
Celestial navigation is based on perspective. 60 nautical miles gives you 1 degree
of sun declination. That's how you work out the distance and direction for
latitude. Longitude is just time.
Where is that curvature ON the earth?
Anyone can assume that down is towards the centre of an imaginary sphere (2D circle
on paper). Can you prove it is reality?
Can you prove that I (living on the equator) am perpendicular to you?
Nope. Aircraft fly straight and level. They don't compensate for curvature nor
coriolis nor spin. Flight is doe above a stationary, level earth.

Phuket Word
Phuket Word
Hace 19 horas
@Kislay Tiwari Again, point me to ONE SINGLE SCIENTIST that actually measured
curvature on the earth rather than assuming it as part of a model.

Phuket Word
Phuket Word
Hace 19 horas
@Kislay Tiwari Don't run away. Face your fears! Challenge your beliefs and see if
you can actually prove what you've been led to believe.

Kislay Tiwari
Kislay Tiwari
Hace 19 horas
@Phuket Word there is no such thing called "curvature of earth/planet" but I am
assuming you are referring to the radius of curvature of earth which does indeed
exist and was very firstly measured by Eratosthenes of Cyrene in 276 B.C. and was
extremely close the the value we have now measured using satellite (not by a single
person so you won't get a name, and you aren't gonna trust the organisation so I
won't even bother you)
Apart from that many other scientists of old days measured the radius of earth's
curvature too, which includes Aryabhatta , Aristotle and many more.

So yeah many many scientists throughout history and even before the idea of space
travel existed have measured the curvature of earth

Kislay Tiwari
Kislay Tiwari
Hace 18 horas
@Phuket Word erastosthenes experiment apply to flat earth if we use 2 wells, but if
we use 3 instead then flat earth doesn't work while circular one does.

I can expect if the length of day gets shorter than 12 hrs since the sun is farther
away but can you explain how (specially on southern hemisphere) a day can be as
long as 24 hrs (in Antarctica) or about 13 or 14 hours long in Cape Town.
I can understand if it gets shorter but day getting longer on outer edge of a
circle just doesn't work

And believe me I am not closed minded one here. I have studied the topic and very
well understand the way it works and then I came to term with it.

Also, as you said we can't measure wobble because earth isn't "wobbling" it is
rotating and revolving uniformly in the space and every force that makes it do so
is explained in science. And yes you can measure the effect of spinning, go to any
of the poles and measure your weight they will be equal but go to equator and
measure it ( make sure it shows value upto grams ) and you will find yourself
lighter by a certain amount, and this is not you loosing weight this is the effect
of gravity.
If you weight 98.32 kg at pole you will weight 97.8 kg at pole both measured at sea
This can be explained by gravity and round earth theory while flat earth can not
give any explanation I am sure.

Also questioning round earth is exactly equivalent to questioning all of scientists

all together, I am mean do you really believe that some of most sceptic people in
the world are all so close minded to discard the theory without any reason? If it
wasn't for their scepticism you wouldn't have had Alternating current (ac) in your
house and would still be working with dc battery everywhere.
If it wasn't for their skepticism Einstein would have been rediculed instead of
praised today for his theory.

You are challenging the theories that are most researched and are basis of modern
science so there is no chance of you being right just because you feel like it
without actual hard mathematical, observational and actual fact

So if you still want to be ignorant and believe every single person on the entire
globe is a fool and you have some excess observation that all the brilliant minds
somehow missed you are overly self obsessed and ignorant and I didn't wanted to
come to this but you are actually a fool. Try to look at "actual" facts and learn
the subject of globe earthers, try learning science, keep your beliefs but learn
science and then try to justify you belief instead of mindlessly stating how
obvious it is

Trevor Marwa
Trevor Marwa
Hace 17 horas (editado)
The sun is not bigger than the planet earth and planet earth is not moving but the
sun and the moon are you always see that everyday

James Joseph
James Joseph
Hace 17 horas
@Phuket Word by that logic, rockets would be the same mass on the ground as when in
space. If you fill a balloon with air and then let go of the neck, it'll fly away.

Phuket Word
Phuket Word
Hace 17 horas
@Trevor Marwa That is the logical conclusion
Kislay Tiwari
Kislay Tiwari
Hace 17 horas
@Trevor Marwa lol, I would like to ask for some proper evidence AND science based
evidence, but I guess your common sense is better than what every researcher have
belived proved and theorised about for over 2000 years now.

And don't tell me I am close minded, as even if that is the case the most open
minded and logically sceptical people on the planet (a.k.a. scientists) have all
proved excepted and made theories basing on the fact that earth is round.

The first person to measure the radius of curvature of earth date back at around
200 bc or something like that. But it seems your common sense is superior to all

P.S. don't bother replying I have muted you

Trevor Marwa
Trevor Marwa
Hace 17 horas
@Kislay Tiwari no one proved anything but lied to you

Trevor Marwa
Trevor Marwa
Hace 17 horas
The sun is not bigger than the planet earth and planet earth is not moving but the
sun and the moon are you always see that everyday

michael getachew
michael getachew
Hace 17 horas
What's coming is already written in Isaiah 13 & 14. It's coming, and it's going to
be because of what Mr. Gates and the rest of the Satanists are doing right now.
Repent and follow THE LORD JESUS CHRIST or you will go into eternal fire!!! (please
try to comprehend what burning in fire for all of eternity means)

Kislay Tiwari
Kislay Tiwari
Hace 16 horas
@michael getachew I am not Cristian, so I always have one question whenever someone
says if you don't trust in Jesus you will be Burn eternally

What will Jesus prefer someone who believes in him but is a sadistic person who
works for personal gain and although he donates to church in one hand on other side
is directly responsible for miserable life style of many non Cristian
Or a person who doesn't believe in Jesus but is a kind hearted man who tries to
help humanity as much as he could, among these 2 men who will be sent to burning
pot for eternity and who will be live in heaven.
In simple words who will Jesus burn eternally and who will he send to heaven a
atheist/muslim/hindu person with multiple genuine charity and a life devoted to
help others
Or a complete Jesus believer but criminal who is devoted to Jesus and always spent
a portion of his money on a church but earns that money by let's say child
trafficking muslim kids

P.S. I know this isn't related to original comment but this is the first question I
want answered when I see some devoted Christian asking others to follow Jesus. Why
do you ask others to follow Jesus if a better thing to ask is to be a good a
genuine person first

Lee Robinson
Lee Robinson
Hace 15 horas
@arpita hey, sorry to say it bud but I am a "flat earther". Not here to start a
poxy back and forth I'm just not shy in regards to my believes and so wanted to
stand up for them. Cheers

Lee Robinson
Lee Robinson
Hace 15 horas
Can anyone explain to me what operation fishbowl was trying to achieve??

Mark Lawes
Mark Lawes
Hace 12 horas
@bronz08x I hope this is sarcasm! If not you do not have a basic understanding of
physics. Check out Newton's three laws of motion.

Mark Lawes
Mark Lawes
Hace 12 horas
@Ephrem Habte People who believe in the flat earth theory tend to think that unless
you actually do the experiments yourself so you have personal proof that you should
not believe any theory put forward by anyone else. The fact that this is more or
less by definition idiotic (since you would have to discard or ignore anything that
you have not personally verified by experiment) and that they don't personally have
the smarts to do this seems to pass them by. I doubt if you will convince anyone
who uses that form of logic to change their mind.

Project Starter
Project Starter
Hace 12 horas (editado)
@Kislay Tiwari phuket word isn't someone worth wasting time on. I've encountered
him before. He makes up his own science on the spot, then fervently believes it.
I've seen him make two incompatible statements within 15 minutes of each other and
not have any problem switching between the two.
I honestly believe he's one of the few flat earthers who isn't a troll, I think he
actually is deluded enough to believe whatever he's saying at that moment in time.
And it's not something you can educate him out of. He desperately wants the earth
to be flat and for "Them" to be lying to him. He'll believe anything that lets him
keep believing it.
It's just not worth it

Mark Lawes
Mark Lawes
Hace 12 horas (editado)
@UZAKTANDAHAYAKIN The Black Lives Matter movement does NOT say that police
brutality only happens to black people. It claims that, in the USA, black people
and people of colour are disproportionately the victims of police violence. The
statistical evidence suggests that they are correct. You are also falsely
suggesting that only black lives matter to people who support the movement which is

???Wong Jia Hau

???Wong Jia Hau
Hace 11 horas
If you believe in either way it�s no different than blind faith. Anyone of you had
actually see that the Earth is flat or round other than looking at photos that
others have shown you?
Believing in round earth is literally indifferent from believing in flat earth.

Project Starter
Project Starter
Hace 11 horas
@???Wong Jia Hau No, because there are more ways to tell than just by looking at
We live on the surface of the earth, therefore our view outward into space is
influenced by its shape. I live in the northern hemisphere and I've visited the
southern hemisphere, so I know for a fact that January in New Zealand has long
summer days like July in Britain. I also know that there's a constellation that
points to the southern celestial pole that people have used for navigation, as we
in the north use Ursa Major and Polaris.

It's not possible to fit these facts (and many others) onto a flat earth. By that I
don't mean that nobody's worked out a way to make it work yet, I mean that it's
geometrically impossible to fit it.
There's no way for the sun to move over any kind of flat earth in a way that it
casts sunlight the way it does all over the world. And that's ignoring the fact
that if the earth was flat, it would be daylight at the same time everywhere at
once or it would never set at all.

You have to start ignoring the concept of being able to prove anything. You have to
believe that anything can look like anything and nothing can be proved by

Hace 10 horas
@MirMiti Yea it does. LIke most of conspiracy theories.

Mister Itchy
Mister Itchy
Hace 9 horas
@Trevor Marwa Oh, you corrected your spelling ... good. Too bad the rest of your
comment is demonstrably WRONG. You can go outside and do experiments yourself to
prove some or all of these things to yourself.

???Wong Jia Hau

???Wong Jia Hau
Hace 9 horas
@Project Starter My point is not to proof that the earth is flat or the earth is
round, deep down can we even proof anything by observation? At the quantum level
observation destroy information, so how can we be sure that our observation is

Hace 7 horas
@Mark Lawes Racism is everywhere, can you imagine we all get together for against
Police force racism ? Thats what I am trying to say, as of middle eastern I am a
victim of police racism also, my point is we are all in the same boat but divided
and different little voices! Black,white, woman, man, Christian, muslim, shouldn't
be matter for our human rights, we can not united this way! Police brutality is
real and on everyone of us!

Catsandbootsandcatsandboots Catsandboot
Catsandbootsandcatsandboots Catsandboot
Hace 6 horas
@Phuket Word your airplane argument and vacuum argument could be easily be
explained with gravity and inertia, you can easily test inertia on ur own and
gravity definitely exist, how gravity works might be a bit more debatable but there
isn�t a major disagreement. Just to prove you how ridiculous your �flat earth
theory� is lets compare it to string theory, string theory has the math to back it
up, it doesn�t go against all of science and it explains everything in physics but
it isn�t widely accepted you know why? Because it hasn�t predicted or really proven
anything. Compare that to flat earth...

Catsandbootsandcatsandboots Catsandboot
Catsandbootsandcatsandboots Catsandboot
Hace 6 horas
@Phuket Word have you watched jubilee flat earthers vs scientist? Flat earthers
were calling scientist stupid, uneducated, paid actors and whatever the hell they
could but scientist were more humble and they tried their best to explain to no
Catsandbootsandcatsandboots Catsandboot
Catsandbootsandcatsandboots Catsandboot
Hace 6 horas
@Phuket Word have you never traveled in your life? Dont you see the difference in
stars? Seasons? Days and nights?

Hace 6 horas
@Catsandbootsandcatsandboots Catsandboot there is actually a theory that proves
that the sun is not the center of our galaxy, I could send you the links

Catsandbootsandcatsandboots Catsandboot
Catsandbootsandcatsandboots Catsandboot
Hace 6 horas
@MirMiti �center of the galaxy� yea i think that speaks enough about you

Phuket Word
Phuket Word
Hace 6 horas
@Catsandbootsandcatsandboots Catsandboot Theories, equations and labels in the
language of science mean nothing. In fact the more educated you are the harder it
is to relinquish your attachment to that education. How many "scientist" have
actually gone out and measured curvature?
NONE. It doesn't exist. Not in the real world.

Phuket Word
Phuket Word
Hace 6 horas
@Catsandbootsandcatsandboots Catsandboot Yue. Yes. I live on the equator but was
raised in the UK, where I got a decent education. Stars, sun and moon movements are
all perfectly fine - happening above a flat earth.
See how you are looking up at the sky to assume that the earth is a spinning ball.
Funny w no scientists ever actually saw or measured curvature on the actual earth

Catsandbootsandcatsandboots Catsandboot
Catsandbootsandcatsandboots Catsandboot
Hace 6 horas
@Phuket Word i think your claim that �no scientist has measured the curvature of
earth� is more due to you not doing research than there being none. If you really
want to see you could literally buy a high flying drone, got to asia or africa then
see the footage

Catsandbootsandcatsandboots Catsandboot
Catsandbootsandcatsandboots Catsandboot
Hace 6 horas (editado)
@Phuket Word also I would like to ask how you got into flat earth society in the
first place

Catsandbootsandcatsandboots Catsandboot
Catsandbootsandcatsandboots Catsandboot
Hace 5 horas
@Phuket Word tell me all of ur best arguments you could have ever come up with.
Ones that made you yourself a flat earther, I will be open minded lets see what
arguments such a extreme flat earther can make

Noname Noname
Noname Noname
Hace 4 horas
What one thing have in similar with other? Is that video related with flat earth?

Noname Noname
Noname Noname
Hace 4 horas
Believe in all elite, go take a g�s bath, for your own good, is just a desinfection
measure, believe me.

Catsandbootsandcatsandboots Catsandboot
Catsandbootsandcatsandboots Catsandboot
Hace 4 horas
@Phuket Word wait so your telling me you got through high school or more without
properly knowing Newton�s laws? Yikes

Mister Itchy
Mister Itchy
Hace 3 horas
@Noname Noname You could watch the video before commenting.

lastxp xro
lastxp xro
Hace 2 horas
Let them believe what they want. If I believe in ghost how does that effect you?

Marry Johnson
Marry Johnson
Hace 1 hora
@Laurin Neff what? There is money in purporting to be a flat earther? That's a gig
now? Really?
Marry Johnson
Marry Johnson
Hace 1 hora
@Mister Itchy ??

Marry Johnson
Marry Johnson
Hace 1 hora
@Jaygo the jake Hernandez ????

Marry Johnson
Marry Johnson
Hace 1 hora
@James Joseph you really have to break it down further for a flat earther. You are
going to need more time and more have to go all the way back down to
the kindergarten level, and help them reexamine natural premise of
flat earth theory is that water does not curve, but everywhere you look, water is
curving, in rain drops, ocean waves, water in a bowl...

Mister Itchy
Mister Itchy
Hace 46 minutos (editado)
@lastxp xro In order to be a flat-earther, you have to be a science-denier.
Science-deniers also question immunizations, climate change, etc. That type of
ignorance is harmful.

Hace 11 horas
I never seen someone pause bill gates


Tomorrow is Yesterday
Tomorrow is Yesterday
Hace 11 horas
Hmmmm. So because you�re a computer genius you must know everything. Got it.

Hace 11 horas
@Tomorrow is Yesterday No, he is a billionaire with a lot of free time and he has
been doing these kinds of work for years already. So yes he knows these stuff.

Hace 11 horas
@L D yes listen to the billionaire he has your best interest in mind

Ahmad Hussnain
Ahmad Hussnain
Hace 10 horas
@Tomorrow is Yesterday he warned us about the pandemic...........

Hace 10 horas
@Ahmad Hussnain Because he planned it you doofus!

Tomorrow is Yesterday
Tomorrow is Yesterday
Hace 10 horas
@L D you know there are other people who have spent decades studying this stuff and
actually have relevant credentials.

purple squirrel
purple squirrel
Hace 6 horas
@Tomorrow is Yesterday yeah he cares about people so much that he has $110 billion
dollars sitting in his bank while thousands of thousands are starving to death in
Africa and India. Also have no clean water.

raj kumar singh

raj kumar singh
Hace 6 horas
@purple squirrel Trust me, If you had billions, you would be the same. They are
entitled to give money for charity, but there isn't an actual social decree that
commands them to do so.

purple squirrel
purple squirrel
Hace 6 horas
@raj kumar singh I know what you mean but bill gates isn't saving no one with his
vaccines. If he really cared so much to save the world why with $110 billion
dollars and counting is he not saving thousands of thousands of starving people? He
could seriously end hunger and help people get clean water. But he's a con man and
that's why he's that rich.

Kiko Koussi
Kiko Koussi
Hace 5 horas
@purple squirrel there is so much false information in your comment that I think
this is why the video is created. Jesus Christ my dude

Tsa Szymborska
Tsa Szymborska
Hace 5 horas
@Ahmad Hussnain as did many virus specialists.

Jennifer Campbell
Jennifer Campbell
Hace 32 minutos
@purple squirrel one word.depopulation.

Hace 14 horas
So cool to see Bill getting the chance to talk to Derek!


Shreyansh Kumar Nayak

Shreyansh Kumar Nayak
Hace 15 horas (editado)
He was born for this


Cedric Villani
Cedric Villani
Hace 15 horas

Abhinavv Arora
Abhinavv Arora
Hace 15 horas
I see what you did there??



Hace 14 horas
There is nothing cool about Bill Gates.


absurdly cute
absurdly cute
Hace 14 horas
@GOD's BEAUTIFUL FLAT EARTH i think op was being sarcastic ?? bill gates is hitler
2.0, he�s anti life.


LightOff Archives
LightOff Archives
Hace 14 horas
@GOD's BEAUTIFUL FLAT EARTH low quality bait


Hace 13 horas
Two propaganda puppets interviewing each other, great.
You sheeple ask a tech dictator how the world will be?
But well, Gates was always an expert on viruses, see Windows.


absurdly cute
absurdly cute
Hace 13 horas
@KritischeStimme girl. chill. this was sarcasm ??

Nabeel Khan
Nabeel Khan
Hace 13 horas

Hace 12 horas
Wait ! Who's Derek ?
I have been watching this channel for years I never knew his name ??

Pey Pey
Pey Pey
Hace 12 horas
Ooh a multi-billionaire business man, that has been depopulating Africa "for the
better of the world." Yeah we looooove him. worship this God. It'll be mandatory to
soon. He's not a doctor he has zero degrees in anything medicine. The television
decide your heroes.

twitch thoughtz
twitch thoughtz
Hace 11 horas
Let's see how many subscribers I can get from this comment.

Current: 10 subs

Hace 11 horas
Hace 11 horas
@Aadarsh Who's Gate?

paula ruiz
paula ruiz
Hace 11 horas

Stein-Erik Dahle
Stein-Erik Dahle
Hace 11 horas
@Pey Pey, he's been working with world class experts for years, he's proof that you
can learn basically anything from actual experts.

But, tbh, I have a strong feeling that I'm wasting my time trying to explain this
to you. Because if you actually wanted to know, you'd already know how wrong you
are because you'd already spent a bit of time looking up answers from high-quality
online sources. But you are obviously more than happy to just parrot random stuff
you've found on the net, right?

Oh well.


Aditya Dighe
Aditya Dighe
Hace 11 horas
Oh. Irony????

Blank Account
Blank Account
Hace 10 horas
@Pey Pey mandatory my Arse .........they will get nowhere with this devil
jab .........

Prathyush Singh
Prathyush Singh
Hace 10 horas
Lol XD

Nate Ferland
Nate Ferland
Hace 10 horas
@KritischeStimme Youre using a tech that you didnt even create and have no merit
whatsoever to spread your views and call others sheep? Ironic

Hace 10 horas
You sound like somebody who wants a romantic date with the young, handsome man :P

Peter Taylor
Peter Taylor
Hace 9 horas
You mean seeing Derek get the chance to speak to Bill Gates.

Hace 8 horas

Hace 8 horas
BG is desperate to come clean and Derek has huge fanbase of science lovers. Never
knew BG would be this desperate. Hope Derek is not going to fall for his donations,
or the perks of collaboration and stays true to the... TRUTH. Gate`s family
involvement in eugenics is enough for me. His monopoly of life will be a game over
pretty soon.

Hace 8 horas
@Pey Pey Depopulating Africa? Tell me more about it please.

Hace 8 horas
@Rodoriginal101 BG is desperate? Wow...

Hace 8 horas
@duduvenom we`ve reached the stage in human evolution to the point where money
cannot buy reputation and people`s approval. Unless he plans on being a next
dictator he needs people to buy into his agenda willingly.

Max Ego
Max Ego
Hace 7 horas
It is cool, huh?!

Hace 6 horas
@Blank Account who the F***k said it will be mandatory it's not North Korea or
China. Here in deplomatic countries there has to be a vote by public and win
majority supporting the mandatory vaccine in order for it to be a freaking law. Go
to a freaking school and learn these thinks instead of vising Facebook comments and
conspiracy theorists. ?? ??

Blank Account
Blank Account
Hace 6 horas
@NAD S fist they ask .......
Then they implore
Finally they Mandate
Why else is every pro ball player .
Every celeb .....ever news cast ...PUSHING THE VAX.???????
Its as simple as a phone call .......
Hay sir do you want to sign up to take the jab or no ............its far from Herd
Immunity thus every bloke that took the jab did it for Nothing

Hace 5 horas
Warning: The Lord Jesus Christ is coming back to make war!!!! The door of
redemption is closing very quickly. Choose what side you will be on, and choose
wisely. But make 1 thing clear... Every knee will bow and confess Jesus is lord,
rather you like it or not. Eternity is FOREVER!!

alex mackay
alex mackay
Hace 4 horas
@Stein-Erik DahleBill Gates doesn't work with experts he bribes them and tells them
what to do.

Hace 1 hora
You know, the left used to rail against the millionaires and billionaires, now we
listen to them about how we should run our countries

Hace 1 hora
@Nate Ferland oh we got a censorship advocate here . These tech companies enjoy
their wealth at the discretion of our people and nation, not the other way around.

Evelyn Korjack
Hace 45 minutos
I would like to ask Mr. Gates if there is some kind of attempt to jump-start the
human mutation prior to the cataclysm? Might be sensible to have more control over
the outcomes, as opposed to chance? 50/50...

George F
Hace 46 minutos
Oh he's well planned for it. Why do you think he's bought loads of farmland
recently?. He's preparing for a complete systematic reset of the world economies!.
Governments aren't deliberately printing money until their economies collapse for
the fun of it. It's all lined up.

FRL 80
FRL 80
Hace 21 minutos
Just pointing out that anyone with any wealth whatsoever buys land, including

scotty robot
Hace 17 minutos
Didn't he fund the wuhan lab right next to the...... Market where the bat came

Jayy Savag300
Hace 3 minutos (editado)
He predicted it because he did its not that hard he's the one talking about
depopulation duhh! Duhh!!!
Hace 1 d�a (editado)
I think it is more important than ever to teach kids how to find valid, reputable
sources in school. You can't really police the information on the internet, but you
sure can teach people how to ignore the fluff


Amere Mortal
Amere Mortal
Hace 1 d�a
There are parents taking their kids out of school here in South Florida, simply
because schools are teaching them critical thinking. These QAnon people have kids!
We are doomed...


The Flyfly
The Flyfly
Hace 1 d�a
i guess im actually lucky my school (and probably every other school in my
country?) teaches how to be critical against sources


Hace 1 d�a
@Sprocket bruh


Rem NL
Rem NL
Hace 1 d�a
i fully agree, thats why i take great offence to this fluff piece of a video, no
single critical question asked, nay worse brushing off critical questions asked as


Hace 1 d�a
@Sprocket Name a few examples please. Genuinely curious about which countries you

Crystal Giddens
Crystal Giddens
Hace 1 d�a
@Amere Mortal yea, critical thinking, critical of the west in general and whites in
particular and the nuclear family and especially Christians and conservatives. 100%
critical thinking aka brainwashing


Hace 1 d�a
I had one class in middleschool where a good section of it was how to know if a
source was trustworthy or not. I'm not sure if it was actually required in the
curriculum for the course or just the teacher infusing what they knew to be
important. I haven't thought about the class since then. I might reach out and
send a thank you to the teacher, thanks for helping me remember this


Lydia Alexandra
Lydia Alexandra
Hace 1 d�a
Definitely. Teach them to seek real experts in the field. Not computer experts for
medical advice.


Hace 1 d�a
@Rem NL
You are someone that doesn't understand what critical thinking even means. Oh


Crystal Giddens
Crystal Giddens
Hace 1 d�a
@W W please enlighten us! how to know if a source is trustworthy?

yo lo
yo lo
Hace 1 d�a
Neil H.
Neil H.
Hace 1 d�a
Everyone wants higher quality education but nobody wants to put forward the money
for higher quality education


Hace 1 d�a
@Crystal Giddens I'll get you my old teachers email address lol :)

Mees Henneken
Mees Henneken
Hace 1 d�a
@Crystal Giddens if you think critical thinking threatens your beliefs, I have some
bad news for you


Lone Wolf
Lone Wolf
Hace 1 d�a
@Amere Mortal Critical thinking teaches hate... across the board hate of certain
groups... just like the nazis taught people to hate the jews across the board

Rafael Linhares
Rafael Linhares
Hace 1 d�a
YeAh! We should force everyone to only look at The Lancet and co. for "real
information"... I'm sure they have never or will ever be caught on any kind of
scandal right?

Rafael Linhares
Rafael Linhares
Hace 1 d�a
@Rameen Raza you forgot Cuba

Rem NL
Rem NL
Hace 1 d�a
@Matthias this video is nothing but a fluff piece. He is just giving one of the
richest people in the world a platform to do some PR.

? ?
? ?
Hace 1 d�a
@Lone Wolf no critical thinking checks sources of their validity. where is the hate
part? if you say knowing what is made up or bend in a narrative and what are facts
and why some facts are not as factual as they seem i don�t understand how you get
to the hate part. Please explain your definition of the term


? ?
? ?
Hace 1 d�a
like most information is true but you have to consider who said it because that
heavily shifts the intentions of the highlighting of information

Hace 1 d�a

Francisco Farias
Francisco Farias
Hace 1 d�a
I think this would be all about teaching them scientific processes and concepts,
biases, how to use search engines effectively and how to debate, think critically
and be humble about knowledge.


Jacob Lee
Jacob Lee
Hace 1 d�a
@Rem NL What critical questions? Almost everything considered a conspiracy is not
probable enough to be worth our time.


Tuukka Silventoinen
Tuukka Silventoinen
Hace 1 d�a
That's like one of the most important things we learn at school in Finland

Seb Stott
Seb Stott
Hace 1 d�a
So true. It might be worth teaching people to appreciate the difference between a
meta analysis of peer-reviewed randomised control trials and what your uncle says
on Facebook.


Rafael Linhares
Rafael Linhares
Hace 1 d�a
@Rameen Raza ????????

Anda Rawana
Anda Rawana
Hace 1 d�a
Yeah, I have a friend whi believes in the conspiracy theories that the vaccines
will kill people.

Hace 1 d�a
I think they've been trying to do so... this whole time lol

Hace 1 d�a
@Lydia Alexandra And that's a fact

Bridger O'Neill
Bridger O'Neill
Hace 1 d�a
We did at my school in the us. Everyone remembers being told �Wikipedia isn�t a
valid source!!!�, even though most of the time it is.


the King of experiments and games

the King of experiments and games
Hace 1 d�a
Here in Sweden k�llkritik being critical against sources is something that we learn
and it is actually something that can effect your grades

Salu omnidentidade
Salu omnidentidade
Hace 1 d�a

Hace 1 d�a
@Francisco Farias false, science is often a hate crime

Mario Hanna
Mario Hanna
Hace 1 d�a
@Sprocket well whilst policing the internet in "commie countries" might work, here
in "more free" countrys we have the right to connect and interact with whom we want
and i what way we choose. So it would not work to generally permit the use of
private networks, such as TOR, since you have to be prooven to use that form of
communication in a malicious/forbidden way.
The way the "commie countrys" restrict the internet is by supressing any form of
free speech and jailing everyone who uses private/anonymous networks.

Hace 1 d�a
Teaching how to discern sources is not a technical problem, it goes way deeper than
that. I'm not convinced that some people are even able to learn that with max
resources expended because some things might override anything you try to do, as
you can see even in this comment thread. People have preconceived biases about
things and even the notion of judging sources feels like an attack on their
personality or core values, at that point, those biases have the upper hand and
they don't learn anything. Like some people here are unironically linking critical
thinking to some ideological concerns and you're not going to do any teaching if
there's a barrier like that in place.


Hace 1 d�a
Runagate Russia and CCP all have state run media. Thats a fact

USS Anime DD24

USS Anime DD24
Hace 1 d�a
Or criticity think about and when they do that the lies start to show instead of
people thinking they found some new form of truth also blame mainstream media they
done a bunch of thing and gotten information wrong lie the iraq war or that trump
is Putin puppet or doing stuff for view and not criticizing some politicians or
being to soft on them and that will cause people to distrust the news

Hace 1 d�a
@Obyvvatel exactly ??

Hace 1 d�a
The extent of my school's "valid, reputable sources" lecture was "don't use
wikipedia". There was nothing about, you know, checking the sources at the bottom
and using those - because they had to skip through the nitty gritty details for
ease of dissemination, I guess.

The biggest reason I see behind teaching critical thinking isn't just about weeding
through sources but weeding through the information itself. A lot of people (Even
some in the comments) dismiss information because it comes from a (potentially or
otherwise) biased source. But not only does everyone have biases of some sort,
biases have certain effects that can be compensated for. A huge oil baron is going
to paint a narrative that gas is good, but that doesn't mean whatever sources they
post are immediately bumpkus - we can certainly question the direction of their
narrative, but their sources are things entirely different. Sifting through those
biases and adjusting for their effects requires practice, and given we barely
manage to sift through sources effectively, we don't get a lot of that.


Hace 1 d�a
But who teaches the teachers?

Hace 1 d�a
This video is an example of making the powerful seem like people, and on your side.
They aren't

Hace 1 d�a
Georg F
Georg F
Hace 1 d�a
@Jacob Lee You are exactly whats wrong with this world.

Hace 1 d�a
"Reputable sources" don't exist. Anyone and any corporation can be corrupted.
Kids need to learn logic and critical thinking, not be pushed towards
platforms/"sources" that are just as full of nonsense as any other (eg NYT if
you're a naive liberal and Fox if you're a naive conservative).

Amere Mortal
Amere Mortal
Hace 1 d�a
@Rameen Raza You clearly do not know what critical thinking is. Learn it and you�ll
instantly become twice as intelligent.

Salu omnidentidade
Salu omnidentidade
Hace 1 d�a
@Obyvvatel but the barrier is not from birth, i know home education is inevitable
but dont you think if they start from earlier on school with a scientific aproach
and some mental skills in few generations we would Score Higher?

Amere Mortal
Amere Mortal
Hace 1 d�a
@Rem NL It�s not an interview, it�s a collaboration. This isn�t Fox News.

Hace 1 d�a
They do teach that now, at least in Honors/AP english classes. Not sure what they
do for general students

Jacob Lee
Jacob Lee
Hace 1 d�a
@Georg F Good discussion thanks. Clearly your conspiracies weren�t worth discussing

Hace 1 d�a
@Rameen Raza None of those countries are communist. In Venezuela over 60% of
businesses are privately owned, in China it's around 50%. What do you think
communism means exactly?

Hace 1 d�a
@Jacob Lee They always have the most convincing arguments, don't they ??

Hace 1 d�a
@Crystal Giddens You can track funding of institutions and see who'e giving them
money to spout their nonsense. If funding comes from a think tank you can generally
assume they paid to have their agenda pushed

Jesus Fried Christ

Jesus Fried Christ
Hace 1 d�a
@Amere Mortal �These QAnom people� don�t exist. They only exist and are a problem
because the media told you they exist and are a problem. You are completely naive
and totally gullible, and the media leads you around like a cat with a string. A
few larpers on the internet is not a problem. It is not a �thing� or a movement, or
anything. Stop filling your head with fake news and blue pills.

Hace 1 d�a
@Lone Wolf No, critical thinking teaches you how to think critically and know when
someone is bullshitting, like you are right now. Why are conservatives so obsessed
with taking pride in their stupidity?

Amere Mortal
Amere Mortal
Hace 1 d�a
@Obyvvatel If critical thinking leads you to think Bill Gates created the virus,
you�re doing it wrong. It�s not that you can�t question Bill Gates, it�s that once
you do, you come to agree with him and the consensus of scientists across the

Georg F
Georg F
Hace 1 d�a (editado)
?@Jacob Lee Of course not. My conspiracies are something I want to keep secret.
That's how it works. You know the difference between "conspiracy" and "conspiracy
theory", do you?

Amere Mortal
Amere Mortal
Hace 1 d�a
@JonnyNice Yes, but once scientists come to a consensus, we can treat that
consensus as the closest explanation we have to truth.

Jacob Lee
Jacob Lee
Hace 1 d�a
@Georg F yes arguing semantics thatll show me who�s boss

that proved definitively once and for all that conspiracy theories are all true and

Mike Oxsmal
Mike Oxsmal
Hace 1 d�a
@Rem NL Because they are conspiracies

Hace 1 d�a
@Salu omnidentidade Yes, but then you have to fight against the parents which will
think it's actually brainwashing

Georg F
Georg F
Hace 1 d�a (editado)
@Jacob Lee Thinking that "conspiracy" vs. "conspiracy theory" is only a matter of
semantics shows who's stupid.
Catsandbootsandcatsandboots Catsandboot
Catsandbootsandcatsandboots Catsandboot
Hace 1 d�a
@Lydia Alexandra he literally predicted this pandemic

Amere Mortal
Amere Mortal
Hace 1 d�a
@Jesus Fried Christ Have you read the comments on this video? They exist. They�re
all over Facebook, and the guy with the horns that entered Capitol Hill literally
calls himself QAnon Shaman. And I don�t watch MSM, only independent news such as
Rising from The Hill.

Amere Mortal
Amere Mortal
Hace 1 d�a
@Rameen Raza In that case, you are WAY off topic.

Jacob Lee
Jacob Lee
Hace 1 d�a
@Georg F yes keep proving me wrong by demonstrating how correct your conspiracy
theories are

we did it reddit, we finally proved every conspiracy theory correct by correcting

someones usage of a word

Hace 1 d�a
@Amere Mortal False consensuses are constantly being pushed upon unsuspecting
populations by authoritative sounding publications and institutions. Just think
about Fauci (among many others) initially telling the public that masks don't work,
to give you just one recent and now relatively uncontroversial example.

Jack Black
Jack Black
Hace 1 d�a
unfortunately thats the problem itself ... some people dont want to learn

Hace 1 d�a
@Jacob Lee whose our?

Lydia Alexandra
Lydia Alexandra
Hace 1 d�a (editado)
@Catsandbootsandcatsandboots Catsandboot do you think he's the only person who
thought the inevitable might happen-? That doesn't take a medical expert. Thats
just a person that knows history and that coronaviruses* and flu viruses mutate
much more than many others.

Rem NL
Rem NL
Hace 1 d�a
@Amere Mortal this is a fluff piece, never said it should be an interview, but they
put people who don't buy into the mainstream programming away as conspiracy
theorist. Thats just one thing i take offense with. Instead of addressing some of
the points, they try to condemn people to the loony bin. And the irony of him
complaining about truth on the internet, while made big on that very platform..

Catsandbootsandcatsandboots Catsandboot
Catsandbootsandcatsandboots Catsandboot
Hace 1 d�a (editado)
@Lydia Alexandra he did a ted talk and it got millions of views. He used to be the
richest man so he�s just popular great for getting views which is why he is
interviewed so many times. Not because he is a doctor or if he is a computer
engineer, all these ppl just want views case closed

Lydia Alexandra
Lydia Alexandra
Hace 1 d�a
@Catsandbootsandcatsandboots Catsandboot I dont know what your point is. You can't
convince me to like him. He stole DOS, anyways. He never did much with his life and
now hes Nostradamus...? Alright. You can believe that. Good luck in life.

Hace 1 d�a
Yes, it's called teaching critical thinking. I was taught critical thinking in
elementary school. We started learning how to evaluate TV commercials and how they
use buzzwords to make us want their products. It isn't hard to spark a bit of
healthy skepticism in children. I thought it was fun watching commercials and
catching them on their manipulative language. Once you get them hooked on catching
little tricks they will start catching bigger tricks.

If teachers aren't teaching kids how to think critically then they are lazy or it's
intentional. A short little lesson that can be fun for the children can change
their lives. It doesn't even have to be very sophisticated. Just get them to
question things instead of just sitting there in front of the TV on autopilot. It
will be a habit they can't get rid of.

Thy ArieSH
Thy ArieSH
Hace 1 d�a
@Amere Mortal Give an example of how public schools are teaching critical thinking.

Benjamin P
Benjamin P
Hace 1 d�a
@Crystal Giddens That's not what critical thinking is about. That's not what it's

According to the Cambridge dictionary, critical thinking is "the process of

thinking carefully about a subject or idea, without allowing feelings or opinions
to affect you".

If your thinking processes are not compatible with that, perhaps they should be

Coronation Street Storyline Peter Susan

Coronation Street Storyline Peter Susan
Hace 1 d�a
@Anda Rawana NO There Will Not Be Are Next One NO There Will Not Be YES This
Pandemic Is The Last One

Amere Mortal
Amere Mortal
Hace 1 d�a
@Thy ArieSH I took an entire Critical Thinking class in high school, and you are
asked to apply the skill in your assignments.

Jonathan Arocho
Jonathan Arocho
Hace 1 d�a
@? ? I think he's confusing critical thinking with critical race theory.

Hace 1 d�a
@Sprocket Wow, you got 37 likes for that comment?!?! I guess I misjudged this

Crystal Giddens
Crystal Giddens
Hace 1 d�a
@Benjamin P yes and critical thinking requires that someone tell you what reputable
sources are too (no need to think). Most important, you yourself personally should
NOT try this at home! And listen to the "experts" cause they know and you don't so
don't think about it, just obey!

Benjamin P
Benjamin P
Hace 1 d�a
@Crystal Giddens Here's a list:

- Does the author have a relevant background in the subject?

- Does the author have a good reputation within their field?

- Is the source scholarly?

- Is the source peer-reviewed?

Also, check out their methods for testing or acquiring the data. Are there any
obvious flaws?

Georg F
Georg F
Hace 1 d�a (editado)
@Jacob Lee Now you're just throwing random words to see what sicks.

Benjamin P
Benjamin P
Hace 1 d�a
@Lone Wolf That's a bold claim. Perhaps you use a different definition.

Here's Cambridge's: "the process of thinking carefully about a subject or idea,

without allowing feelings or opinions to affect you"

And's: "disciplined thinking that is clear, rational, open-minded,

and informed by evidence"

Jes�s Esteban Argumedo Guerra

Jes�s Esteban Argumedo Guerra
Hace 1 d�a
Well, I�m 20 and still not sure how to do that, as BG said the gray area is the
though part

Anda Rawana
Anda Rawana
Hace 1 d�a
@Coronation Street Storyline Peter Susan ??

Gabriel Freitas
Gabriel Freitas
Hace 1 d�a
That's the only way to avoid populist governments

Kislay Tiwari
Kislay Tiwari
Hace 1 d�a
@Lone Wolf do you understand what the word "critical thinking" means?

In simple words it means thinking about every aspect of a situation and then
deciding yourself which aspect is best and describes things correctly.
It doesn't tell you to follow one path it teaches you to analyse all the path and
then choose your own

Kislay Tiwari
Kislay Tiwari
Hace 1 d�a
@Crystal Giddens do you understand what the word "critical thinking" means?

In simple words it means thinking about every aspect of a situation and then
deciding yourself which aspect is best and describes things correctly in your
It doesn't tell you to follow one path it teaches you to analyse all the path and
then choose your own

Patrik Kron
Patrik Kron
Hace 1 d�a
@the King of experiments and games I think we are a bit to fast in discarding ideas
and critique to the more reputable sources or experts in Sweden. I think we need to
be thinking more critically also about the sources that are more reputable, and to
some extent (although not to much) take into account what others think.

A example is �we� trust our state epidemiologist way more than other

No source is always correct, so we need to be open to the fact that a source can be
wrong or partially wrong no matter the authority. We also need to be open to the
fact that we ourselves will have a wrong view of how things work/is many times, and
be able to adapt our world view, based upon what we learn.

James Vincent
James Vincent
Hace 1 d�a
@Francisco Farias that�s probably the best and only way that will have a positive
effect rather than telling them what to and what to not think or believe

Crystal Giddens
Crystal Giddens
Hace 1 d�a
@Kislay Tiwari yes I do understand what critical thinking means but that is NOT
what they are teaching in schools. they are teaching current convention is right,
anything else is a conspiracy theory. disregarding information based solely on the
source is shooting the messenger and they insure that is what students do. in
simple words, that is.

Kislay Tiwari
Kislay Tiwari
Hace 1 d�a
@Crystal Giddens, I haven't read all your comment but I am writing this based on
your last one.

Critical thinking does NOT involve following or "obeying" anyone. Some things ARE
complex and even for those things entire research paper is publically available if
you want to analyse it yourself you could, given that you study for it.

There are two options, first either educate yourself and do your own research/read
and understand others work, thus become your own expert OR trust anyone who
understands those things, no human can know everything and sometimes you need to
trust someone, you can fact check it by educating yourself on the topic or asking
someone else who has educated himself

When did anyone tell you to not try something at home, yes there are some dangerous
experiments and you can hire a expert to guide you through that experiment or
yourself become a expert.

To be honest I don't even understand your point and that is mainly why most of my
comment is so confusing as I am unable to write my common sense down
In brief all I could say is, science in perticular never stops you from performing
or testing something, the whole basis of science is to find how things work by
testing them but you can't just build a rocket without any knowledge, if you want
to understand how things work you will need to give years of your life to
understand it, or you will have to trust someone who has given years of his life.
If you are in a situation where you can't even trust someone (then firstly I feel
really sorry for you and) then do you really expect to learn everything humans have
done in past thausands of years by yourself by watching a few videos or something?

Kislay Tiwari
Kislay Tiwari
Hace 1 d�a
@Crystal Giddens P.S. just curious
-> what do you believe is the shape of earth?
-> do you believe in vaccine or not?

Crystal Giddens
Crystal Giddens
Hace 1 d�a (editado)
@Jes�s Esteban Argumedo Guerra you mean the gray area of him making tens of
billions per year off his mandatory immune from liability and guaranteed "customer
base?"mass injection investments? yea, that is really gray. and that makes him a
philanthropist? grayer and grayer still.

the King of experiments and games

the King of experiments and games
Hace 1 d�a (editado)
@Patrik Kron yeah we did talk about that, for example Nationalencyklopedin is a
very trusted encyclopedia but we talked about the fact that even they can be wrong.
Also there is no reason printed books are more thruatworthy than other ones as they
can be very out of date.

Our teacher did a "test" were we would rate the thrustwothynes of different sources
and none of them got a perfect score.

Jes�s Esteban Argumedo Guerra

Jes�s Esteban Argumedo Guerra
Hace 1 d�a
@Crystal Giddens I was talking about that many resources to learn you find on
internet but even though they�re supposed to educate, that should be easy you could
say, but then you got wrong info or incomplete stuff depending on your luck
basically. Books are not expelled of this mistakes bc they were made for another
person, but as everyone could say, as you get older life starts to loose that old
feeling of certainty even for science matter, cus you realize there�s a need to
trust somebody, most cases an expert, but then you have to make sure they�re
experts. An authoritarian government can say they have an own trade exchange for
dollars for example, but that�s an obvious lie, even though there�s gonna be people
using that exchange.

Guilherme M
Guilherme M
Hace 1 d�a
@Amere Mortal I was a student of south Florida and took critical thinking classes.
The flaw in your statement is that those critical thinking classes weren't really
what we expect them to be. I remember learning how to identify flaws in peoples
arguments and suppress "Fluff pieces", but was never taught how to think. If people
truly learned how to think for themselves, America wouldn't be in the state it's in
today. A world with only what's and no why's is a blind one.

Crystal Giddens
Crystal Giddens
Hace 1 d�a (editado)
@Jes�s Esteban Argumedo Guerra if you think critical thinking is a matter of "luck"
you are not critically thinking. dismissing supposedly "sketchy sources" is no more
critical thinking than just accepting convention without delving into it yo self.

Hace 1 d�a
@rugg1999 That's how communism looks in practice you brainlet, you would know this
if you spent 10 minutes on history.

James Brandon
James Brandon
Hace 1 d�a
Teachers should learn that first. It's same with economics. Everyone want that kids
would be taught this but teachers have no clue how things really work.

Hace 1 d�a
The American education system is based solely on the principle of teaching us to
memorize data from one source and parrot it back without question.

The Milfennial
The Milfennial
Hace 1 d�a
You can't really police the information on the internet? What do you think is
YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon and Apple doing right now? Wake up!

The Milfennial
The Milfennial
Hace 1 d�a
@Crystal Giddens That's exactly what's happening, I agree.

Hace 1 d�a (editado)
@Sprocket is a coward, first he makes an ignorant blanket statement about "commie
countries" then accuses me of being judgemental for calling him out on it, and
before I can respond he deletes the comment and blocks me. Hey Sprocket, did you
realize how ironic and stupid you sounded, trying to show how judging people is
wrong by judging me and millions of others in the same breath?

I honestly don't think you fully understood my fist comment anyway. Calling others
sheeple sounds a lot like projection when you ask me. But you don't engage in
honest discourse do you?

Crystal Giddens
Crystal Giddens
Hace 1 d�a (editado)
@Kislay Tiwari
You: I haven't read all your comment but I am writing this based on your last one.

trust anyone who understands those things

I am unable to write my common sense down
you will have to trust someone who has given years of his life.
If you are in a situation where you can't even trust someone you can hire a expert
to guide you through that experiment
or asking someone else who has educated himself
Some things ARE complex and even for those things entire research paper is
publically available if you want to analyse it yourself

me: yes I do understand what critical thinking means but that is NOT what they are
teaching in schools. they are teaching current convention is right, anything else
is a conspiracy theory.

Crystal Giddens
Crystal Giddens
Hace 1 d�a
@Kislay Tiwari the earth is a sphere I do believe. vaccines are NOT safe I do
believe aka antivaxxer

Michael Lenczewski
Michael Lenczewski
Hace 1 d�a
Untill everything is fluff

Hace 1 d�a
@The Milfennial You forgot to call us low-IQ sheeple.
Sean Oakley
Sean Oakley
Hace 1 d�a
@Rem NL As a YouTube channel making 10-15 minute videos I don't see how you could
ask serious questions and expect in-depth answers in such a short time frame.
Besides If you were to start talking over people's heads with complicated answers
they won't watch the video. You really shouldn't be offended anyways, Your the one
who came to this channel with the wrong expectations. He makes short informative
science videos for the average person, not In-Depth scientific research videos. You
should try PBS Space Time, a great channel with both complicated questions and
complicated answers.

Zippy Doo
Zippy Doo
Hace 1 d�a (editado)
@Amere Mortal Critical thinking also consist of questioning everything including
and not limited to vaccines. The amount of people who fell for a psyop like Q is a
very small sub-group consisting of a segment of the population that has millions of
people questioning the government and medical industrial complex. Healthy
skepticism is not a crazy conspiracy theory. Remember that the Tuskegee experiment
was once considered a conspiracy theory. The Tuskegee experiment turned out to be
real and the people performing it were educated doctors and scientists.

Crystal Giddens
Crystal Giddens
Hace 1 d�a
@Mees Henneken critical thinking forms my beliefs

Hace 1 d�a
@Benjamin P '' only people that evolve inside our corporate neoliberal-backed pro-
status-quo institutions should be listened to and anyone outside should be
disregarded ''

Hace 1 d�a
@Crystal Giddens boohoo christian white supremacist got his feelings hurt. Go play
your conservative victim card somewhere else.

Crystal Giddens
Crystal Giddens
Hace 1 d�a
@Sujay95 ?

William Burr
William Burr
Hace 1 d�a
"Finding reputable sources" is the opposite of critical thinking.

Hace 1 d�a
So indoctrinate them early and make sure they never think for themselves is what
you are saying

Jake McKee
Jake McKee
Hace 1 d�a
@Jesus Fried Christ that�s not true at all. I think you know this because you�re
part of Qanon but choose not to believe it.

Jake McKee
Jake McKee
Hace 1 d�a (editado)
@JonnyNice Fauci never said masks don�t work, he said you shouldn�t wear them at
the beginning of the pandemic, but he changed his mind when things got worse.

Kislay Tiwari
Kislay Tiwari
Hace 1 d�a
@Crystal Giddens I will give this to you that nowadays most of american reply I
see to a contrary opinion is simply discarded as a conspiracy theory, instead of
actually trying to tell how it works or what your opinion is on the topic which is
But I would like to express that vaccines do actually work, and there is quite a
lot of proper scientific study backing this claim, and this is actually the first
time I am having a proper calm conversation with anti vaxxer as in my locality
virtually everyone believe in it and I don't really get nice response online, So I
would love to hear what are your reasons to believe that it doesn't work. I will
try my best to counter your point politely while laying facts as much as my
knowledge allows

P.S. vaccine actually doesn't work if you are already ill, so vaccine can't be used
as medicine if you are already ill, it only works to prevent you from getting the
said disease

Kislay Tiwari
Kislay Tiwari
Hace 1 d�a
@Crystal Giddens btw, addressing one of your earlier reply to me. Yes some sources
are more reliable than others and although any source is fine if you want to hear
someone's opinion and thoughts. But if you want facts you can't trust all the
sources and for facts it is fine to discard some of the sources if they give you
different factual information than some of the more trustworthy websites.

Hace 1 d�a
@William Burr No, it isn't. Because reputable sources have a credibility of being
factually correct and are quick to admit mistakes when they make one.

Hace 1 d�a
@Jake McKee You've got it backwards.

Wild Card
Wild Card
Hace 1 d�a
More than sources, it's important to teach kids to resist peer pressure and be
aware of their biases.

Hace 1 d�a
I think the other side of the coin is teaching kids how viral media works, and not
only how to identify fake sources, but to identify how they're trying to manipulate
their audience. They need to be taught about confirmation bias, and about how they
too are vulnerable.

Jake McKee
Jake McKee
Hace 1 d�a
@JonnyNice sorry, shouldn�t. But he never said they never work

Mees Henneken
Mees Henneken
Hace 1 d�a
@Crystal Giddens Which is why you oppose teaching it to children and refer to it as
"brainwashing"? Makes no sense. "Oh no this child knows about logical fallacies and
sourcing criteria, aka it's fuckin BRAINWASHED into disagreeing with me". See how
bad that sounds?
Crystal Giddens
Crystal Giddens
Hace 1 d�a (editado)
@Mees Henneken if you are gonna write a paper sourcing criteria is important. if
you are gonna have your own thought based on what you have yourself perceived you
do not need to quote sources. instead, you make your argument based on your own
personal thoughts and reasoning. this is critical thinking, NOT quoting sources. .

Hace 1 d�a
@Jake McKee Fine, but you're nitpicking. The general "consensus" coming from the
highest scientific organs of the government at the time was that people shouldn't
be wearing masks. We now all know that that was bad medical advise, even if there
was a legitimate reason for it, which is exactly my point. People will lie when it
suits them, and they'll do so while pretending to represent scientific consensus.

Crystal Giddens
Crystal Giddens
Hace 1 d�a (editado)
@JonnyNice science is NOT based on "consensus." If that were true we could vote
science right or wrong on any particular subject and thereby determine what "the
science tells us" according to the outcome of the vote.
That notion is the opposite of science. Besides, you me or no one in this thread
actually have the ability to question enough scientist/experts to even know if
there is a consensus.
We, instead only get corporate sponsored media telling us what corporate sponsored
scientist claim to be consensus.

Hace 1 d�a
@Crystal Giddens Exactly.

Jes�s Esteban Argumedo Guerra

Jes�s Esteban Argumedo Guerra
Hace 1 d�a
@Crystal Giddens I�m just a engineering undergraduate and I don�t enjoy doing
research for hours, then reading and finally accept or reject sources for a single
topic, a world with a cleaner gray area would be nice. Btw, the time I spend on
research is less that before but at the end is time you could save if there were
less sketchy sources.

Stefi Dj
Stefi Dj
Hace 1 d�a
@Crystal Giddens yeah, they tell you what makes a good source, but if they were
truly good teachers and people they�d never tell you which sources to use. To find
a good source you need to know what constructs one. Critical thinking is about
looking at all of them and being able to come to an unbiased conclusion based on
what you�ve learned.

Crystal Giddens
Crystal Giddens
Hace 1 d�a (editado)
@Jes�s Esteban Argumedo Guerra you are the judge of "sketchy sources?" Or do you
prefer someone else judge "sketchy sources" for you?

Hace 1 d�a
@Neil H. that's because information is in fact free. Anyone telling you different
has something to hide.

Hace 1 d�a (editado)
@Crystal Giddens Which experts? Theres a number of experts in any given field for a
reason. Diversity of ideas. Not all experts are going to uniformly agree on
something as ambiguous as the time were in now and not all experts are right.

Einstein, Tesla, Galileo, etc all had push back from "Experts".


ALJ Studios
ALJ Studios
Hace 1 d�a
?????????? My kids challenged and corrected teachers daily. Schools are nothing
but propaganda outlets these days. That's why most kids are blithering idiots
without a smartphone or computer. What's a book???

Information Overload
Information Overload
Hace 1 d�a
Define fluff....

Rodrigo Freitas
Rodrigo Freitas
Hace 1 d�a
@ALJ Studios Do you live under a rock? There's books you can read on smartphones
and computers for a while now.

Crystal Giddens
Crystal Giddens
Hace 1 d�a
@TallicaMan1986 we have no disagreement there! what did I say to lead you to that

Jes�s Esteban Argumedo Guerra

Jes�s Esteban Argumedo Guerra
Hace 1 d�a
@Crystal Giddens ma�am, you just wanna complaint about everyone�s opinions. Have a
nice day.

Hace 1 d�a
Bill Gates is fluff.

darren gooding
darren gooding
Hace 1 d�a
@Matthias can you explain that a bit more, or are you (as Re NL points out) just
brushing it off as a conspiracy theory?

darren gooding
darren gooding
Hace 1 d�a
@Jacob Lee well maybe other questions etc goes against their narrative, so easiest
thing to do is call it a conspiracy theory to make the counter points illegitimate

Hace 1 d�a
When I was in school they taught us that Wikipedia isn't a reliable source of
information because "absolutely anyone can put stuff on there" and so we should use
independent websites instead.
Thing is, Wikipedia is crowd sourced and crowd reviewed information. Absolutely
any old idiot can make a website nowadays, and independent websites are not
moderated or editable by those who are more knowledgeable.
darren gooding
darren gooding
Hace 1 d�a
@Anda Rawana there have been a number of deaths that are potentially being linked
to the vaccine, so i think its a bit strong to just immediately say conspiracy

darren gooding
darren gooding
Hace 1 d�a
@RedHeadForester so should we only listen to what main stream media tells us?

Hace 1 d�a
@RedHeadForester Even the LIBRARY is a better source than WickedPedia!

Jacob Lee
Jacob Lee
Hace 1 d�a
@darren gooding we should be blanket scrutinizing abt any kind of claim, regardless
of whose narrative its for OR against.

but the evidence supporting theories like Q (regardless of whether you personally
believe in it or not, it�s a common conspiracy theory) were always extremely weak.
This also includes claims of SIGNIFICANT election fraud, which have been thoroughly
rejected by statisticians across the globe. Not good enough evidence to be worth
our time.

darren gooding
darren gooding
Hace 1 d�a
@Salu omnidentidade they are to busy pushing social justice

Hace 1 d�a
My wife has students citing "google" as a source.

darren gooding
darren gooding
Hace 1 d�a
@Jacob Lee i think there are some elements of truth to things and thats how they
start, just need to work out at what point it goes off the rails (if it does) i
think its just to easy to use the term 'conspiracy theory'

Jacob Lee
Jacob Lee
Hace 1 d�a
@Crystal Giddens this is false; consensus is absolutely a big part of science,
although not through literal democratic means as you suggest

scientists examine evidence, publish and have heated debates. We completely rewrite
and create new fields every century or so. Over this loose process, the overall
community develops loose shared understanding (with tons of disagreement, even on
�settled� questions)

this is more or less consensus based. Everything, including math, is subjective.

Jacob Lee
Jacob Lee
Hace 1 d�a
@darren gooding yea i can agree with that; we should always consider the evidence
first. But then thoroughly reject after it turns out the evidence is bad

Hace 1 d�a
@Crystal Giddens It was the trust in experts or rather how you worded it. Say we
were to turn towards experts. Which one?

darren gooding
darren gooding
Hace 1 d�a
@rugg1999 i think the very same thing can be asked of the other side of the aisle

Daniel Haslam
Daniel Haslam
Hace 1 d�a
Sure. But people should also learn to be independent and investigate sources for
themselves, rather than to rely on the arrows given to you by others. And
considering how teachers' unions are behaving at the moment, I'd emphasise this if
your kids go to a public school.

darren gooding
darren gooding
Hace 1 d�a
@Amere Mortal no one thinks he created the virus, but hes in pretty good shape for
the future for all his 'investments' to help deal with it

Crystal Giddens
Crystal Giddens
Hace 1 d�a
@TallicaMan1986 i didn't say "trust in the experts." you misread my post.

Crystal Giddens
Crystal Giddens
Hace 1 d�a
@darren gooding the virus is a myth. yes, he stands to benefit from it.

Crystal Giddens
Crystal Giddens
Hace 1 d�a
@Jacob Lee wrong

Hace 1 d�a
@Lone Wolf If only you knew the irony of your comment... (look up Critical Theory,
Frankfurt School, Jews) Do you ever question whether the victors wrote the history

Peter Griffin
Peter Griffin
Hace 1 d�a
Leftism and gender politics. Garbage information. Yes.

Hace 1 d�a
@? ? They meant Critical Theory (anti-White, anti-Male), not critical thinking.

Jacob Lee
Jacob Lee
Hace 1 d�a
@Crystal Giddens good point, youve shown me the light
Hace 1 d�a
US government can't risk giving our children the ability to think for themselves.
Hence why our education will always be underfunded.

Martiddy - Sama
Martiddy - Sama
Hace 1 d�a
I wish they teach critical thinking and skepticism in schools worldwide. That way,
we wouldn't have so much people that believes in nonsensical conspiracy theories
and pseudosciences.

Allan Henriques
Allan Henriques
Hace 1 d�a
@Matthias I'm doing pretty well in my university math classes. So I'm pretty sure i
have some decent critical thinking skills, but at the same time i agree with his
comment... So theres a contradiction in your logic. Unless of course you are
willing to easily dismiss me as being illogical.

Jesse James
Jesse James
Hace 1 d�a
@Amere Mortal By critical thinking do you mean western civilization is evil,
christianity is false, white people are all racist, and there are more than 2
genders? Public education has become indoctrination for the NWO. Shame you can't
see it.

Crystal Giddens
Crystal Giddens
Hace 1 d�a
@Jacob Lee u r welcome.

Anda Rawana
Anda Rawana
Hace 1 d�a
@darren gooding I guess that's possible yes. I say it's a conspiracy because he
believes it's some plot to kill Africans (I'm African) for some reason then he said
something about the bible. Those are the conspiracies. Yes it would be possible for
some people to get some kind of reacrion to tge vaccine and die I will not deny

darren gooding
darren gooding
Hace 1 d�a
@Anda Rawana so do you know about the vaccine trials that company's backed by gates
were doing in a lot of African villages? off the top of my head i forget what they
were meant to be treating, but a number of local governments were trying to take
them to court for the huge number of deaths to children (i think majority were

Anda Rawana
Anda Rawana
Hace 1 d�a
@darren gooding that's definitely not in South Africa but I'll look it up.

Carlos Flores
Carlos Flores
Hace 23 horas
I believe every child should be encouraged to read a lot more than what is now
required in schools. Read to expand the mind.

Crystal Giddens
Crystal Giddens
Hace 23 horas (editado)
@Carlos Flores starting with Alice in wonderland, animal farm, 1984 and some
huckleberry Finn in between plus the constitution. good idea! gulliver's travels
would be good too. not this garbage of harry potter.

Crystal Giddens
Crystal Giddens
Hace 23 horas
@Stefi Dj NYT recommends Biden administration to appoint 'reality czar'

Ellis Piper
Ellis Piper
Hace 22 horas
pretty sure this is in most elementary circulates, or at least I hope it
was for me.

Andrew Simpson
Andrew Simpson
Hace 22 horas
@Crystal Giddens "critical thinking" is not the same as "criticism".

Hace 22 horas
after watching this piece I know why I have never subscribed to much to
learn from what is not said or asked than what is

Kevin Luo
Kevin Luo
Hace 22 horas
As well as the psychology behind it. Research is also an important skill.

Zizzy Dizzy
Zizzy Dizzy
Hace 22 horas
It's also important to teach said kids to be able to seek out the truth, and not to
blindly trust "reputable" sources. Because then you have easy to consume
propaganda. Lots of times the same reputable source for one person can have holes
poked everywhere in the story till it's no longer valid.

Recent WaPo article about elon's spaceX being canceled by the Biden Administration
is complete hogwash, as an example.

Jason Ling
Jason Ling
Hace 22 horas
school could do with teaching kids quite a bit of things on top of what you're
suggesting: how to do taxes, financial management etc etc

donotlike 4 anonymus
donotlike 4 anonymus
Hace 21 horas
@Amere Mortal critical thinking..... No I haven't seen that.. What I did see was
ideological indoctrination
A no theistic sjw religion basically
Where kids learn that everything and everyone's racist/hateful
That only the ideas values and ideology of one side are right and the other is
always wrong....

Critical thinking is important

And it is horrific that there's so much be going on... No discussion no debate no
Once free speech was respected even when people said buuulsnit
They'd get ground and surprise surprise society still progressed and left bad ideas
Nowadays you see students advocating for censorship
For critical race theory
For modern monetary theory...
And so on... And there's no discussion no debate no critique...

Critical thinking is based upon being able to critique... Self critique and debate
with others you're ideas....
Yeah schools stopped teaching how to think and challenge one's thinking a long long
long time a go

Hace 20 horas
did you really mention policing information without being ironic? cause it sounds
totalitarian-ly moronic.

pink bird boy beaking you

pink bird boy beaking you
Hace 19 horas
@Lone Wolf No. That was propagangda, as any dissent was silenced. True critical
thinking conversations require no physical penalties or worries of harm in

Hace 19 horas (editado)
Bill Gates is a hypocrite. He has never wore a mask yet insists everyone else do
so. Fun exercise, try and find even one picture of him wearing a mask. I wonder if
he had something to do with the pandemic? Seems fishy. Look at who doesn't have to
submit to laws and you'll find who is in charge as the famous saying goes.

U R Phake And Gey

U R Phake And Gey
Hace 19 horas
Uh, why are you guys so confident that your schools teach critical thinking? I
haven't been out of school long and trust me... They DO NOT emphasise critical

It's all rote learning or "these are MY approved sources, anything else is false."

Mees Henneken
Mees Henneken
Hace 18 horas
@Crystal Giddens absolutely ridiculous. So will you just believe anything anyone
puts out there? Knowing what sources are and aren't credible is ESPECIALLY
important when forming opinions. Are you not aware of the insane amount of
misinformation these days?

Kim Sears
Kim Sears
Hace 18 horas
Very well said
Hace 18 horas
Their generatation can spot BS better than any other already. They needs to be
taught legalities, economics, timing and social dinamics as these really affect
their lives and can lead to their enslavement.

Hace 17 horas
@Amere Mortal Critical thinking is great, as long as it is taught to be used
always....not disarmed when Gates or the Govt speak.

Hace 17 horas
@Matthias You are someone who seems to think Critical Thinking should be turned off
depending on the narrative.

Hace 17 horas
For me my schools teached it in elementary and junior high

? ?
? ?
Hace 17 horas
@SCENOPIA sounds more in line with teaching hate, atleast if thats the whole
content of the theory

Peter Griffin
Peter Griffin
Hace 17 horas
@Chooch7 Its overfunded cause of student loans. ??

michael getachew
michael getachew
Hace 17 horas
What's coming is already written in Isaiah 13 & 14. It's coming, and it's going to
be because of what Mr. Gates and the rest of the Satanists are doing right now.
Repent and follow THE LORD JESUS CHRIST or you will go into eternal fire!!! (please
try to comprehend what burning in fire for all of eternity means)

Prateek Panwar [F]
Prateek Panwar [F]
Hace 16 horas
I learnt a lot by downloading free software on Internet and reddit. You can never
trust Internet

Croissants & Coffee

Croissants & Coffee
Hace 16 horas
Well, the problem there is, school curriculum are decided by governments....who
prioritize staying in power over "valid , reputable sources". If it serves the
government to promote, say, a hateful view of its neighbor in history class
(Pakistan, Armenia, etc. etc.), or their classification of borders in geography
(China v all its neighbors, including those in the South China Sea), then they'll
do it, and out goes reality.

Amere Mortal
Amere Mortal
Hace 16 horas
@donotlike 4 anonymus All of that is a problem, but I think it�s a fairly recent
development. I�m 35 and non of that applies to me, I had teachers from all walks of
life. I can definitely understand your concerns, I think people are catching on to
this, and the alt-right has done a lot to bring our attention to the issue. I would
put the blame on social media, as it doesn�t allow one to express opposing views
without permanent punishment. I think it trains you into always being politically
correct, and that spills into the classroom and even limits what a teacher can
teach. Dark times...

Amere Mortal
Amere Mortal
Hace 15 horas
@Jesse James I don�t personally understand how people fall into religion when
there are such richer ways to understand reality, and criticizing your country
should be normal. Blind faith doesn�t lead to growth. But calling people racist and
making up genders shows a lack of critical thinking skills.

Amere Mortal
Amere Mortal
Hace 15 horas
@Cryptoversity I agree, it should be applied across the board. But if you do apply
it, then you come to the conclusion that Bill Gates is not responsible for this
virus, and that the vaccine is an amazing tool which we shouldn�t fear. I feel like
that debate is over, but people keep holding on to their conspiracies and that can
lead to serious consequences. We are already seeing new strains of the virus and we
might be passed the point where vaccines can help us.

Amere Mortal
Amere Mortal
Hace 15 horas
@darren gooding So he predicted something inevitable and put himself in a position
to be able to do something about it. That seems fair to me, we should be thankful.
And look at the comments, half of them blame Bill for the pandemic.

Amere Mortal
Amere Mortal
Hace 15 horas
@Zippy Doo You�re right, some conspiracies are real and I�m glad we have people
dedicated to exploring them. I would never want to discourage healthy skepticism.
But when you start looting the Capitol and claiming the parents made up the sandy
hook killings, you are no longer expressing healthy skepticism. It has gone too
far, people still believe the earth is flat and the moon landings were fake.
Explore the ideas, but use critical thinking to rule them out if they�re so clearly

Amere Mortal
Amere Mortal
Hace 15 horas
@Guilherme M You are right about that, schools don�t actually want critical
thinkers. That�s on the individual to achieve, but the information is there, and
you should be able to figure it out. If you�re an adult and still believe in
religion or Santa clause, you are just as weak in the critical thinking department
as the SJW and the like.

Crystal Giddens
Crystal Giddens
Hace 14 horas
@Mees Henneken I believe very little information put out there and almost none of

Crystal Giddens
Crystal Giddens
Hace 14 horas
@Andrew Simpson derp

Hace 14 horas
That's what Neil De Grasse Tyson keeps warning about... and has been doing for many
many years.

Hace 14 horas
@Amere Mortal The real doom is: those kids might grow up to run the organizations
of a country. And you can already see that starting to happen.

Juggie Bonebrain
Juggie Bonebrain
Hace 14 horas
No, you can't teach them to ignore the fluff. Have you seen the trending section

Guy Gardin
Guy Gardin
Hace 14 horas
@Obyvvatel And some people just believe whatever �feels� good or right. You can�t
convince someone like that with reason and evidence. Feelings are less important
than facts.

Hace 13 horas
?@Juggie Bonebrain So true! But why is that happening. I mean with so much open
access to so much great information, how does misinformation gets any ground to be
more famous. It just baffles me!

Guy Gardin
Guy Gardin
Hace 13 horas
@wenton �Seem like people�? Soooo, the powerful are aliens or lizard people? LOL
And Gates may not be on your side but he�s doing a lot for the health of the most
impoverished in the world, maybe more than anyone ever.

Hace 13 horas
@Amere Mortal There is no "THE vaccine" there are at least 15 of them all produced
in new record time. Perhaps AI computer modelling can explain the speed of
production and testing allowing all of these producers to smash the previous world
record of 4 years (Mumps).....but then it doesn't explain why HIV and Ebola are
still a problem after all these years, does it?

Hace 13 horas
@Amere Mortal I am not going to get into conspiracy theories about whwther or not
Bill or his buddies are responsible for this likey botched else intentionally non-
isolated "GAIN OF FUNCTION" research. Or even whether it is China, US or another
country ultimately reaponsible. I merely call it as I see it when the truth is
indisputable...and I ring-fence the exact issue while others attempt to conflate to
feed into their narratives.

Hace 13 horas
You cannot be taught critical thinking by those without the abikity to think their
way out of a paper bag
.It requires unrestricted though range.

Russ Folts
Russ Folts
Hace 13 horas
Reputable schools! Where?

???Wong Jia Hau

???Wong Jia Hau
Hace 12 horas
@Jacob Lee �not worth our time�, you talked about critical thinking, yet you think
it�s unworthy to spend time trying to understand ideas that seems critical to your

Globalist Scam
Globalist Scam
Hace 11 horas
Up and coming scientists are shut out by the establishment! Stop pretending all the
science is settled or even heard!

Globalist Scam
Globalist Scam
Hace 11 horas
@Rem NL Conspiracy is an actual tangible thing. Unsubstantiated conspiracies are
the problem.

Hace 11 horas (editado)
It wont be a good idea to stop free speech or filter out false information or
conspiracy theories. I don't think that is a good idea or the answer. Obviously
people don't trust their governments. I wonder why? it's upto governments to be
honest and open and provide all of the information so that people can make up their
own minds. The answer is to teach people how to think logical and correctly so that
they themselfs can dispel false information. Sometime we just have to accept false
information as part of the problems in life just like pandemics, earthquakes and
other disasters or problems humanity face until we figure out how to solve them all
once and for all.

Paul Embleton
Paul Embleton
Hace 9 horas
One of the best comments. Can�t blame misinformation so much as blame ourselves if
we don�t make an effort.

Guilherme M
Guilherme M
Hace 9 horas
@Amere Mortal I agree in your premise on how it is everyones responsibility to
wisen themselves up, but being religious does not express the lack of critical
thinking skills. Some religions are easy to dismiss as irrational, but others
require faith to believe. Of course the Phrase "Faith is the Death of reason" may
apply to some people, but I for one believe that faith is the application of
reason. Religion is almost like an appeal to ignorance; you can't really claim it
to be false, but you can say it's irrational.

Jacob Lee
Jacob Lee
Hace 8 horas
@???Wong Jia Hau reread my comment, talking about ideas that have little to no
significant evidence

Hace 7 horas
It's hard in a world where one opinions rules.

alex mackay
alex mackay
Hace 4 horas
Unfortunately they don't to do that. They just to brainwash the children.

Sparkle And friends

Sparkle And friends
Hace 2 horas
@Crystal Giddens you think that critical thinking is brainwashing? I�m a Christian
homeschooled conservative, who is learning logic, latin, and how to debate, and to
write, and of course math and science. Which is a lot of the stuff y�all in public
schools are learning. All those subjects are fundamentals to being able to use your
brain and think rationally to be able to figure things out in life and use common
sense. I could be miss understanding what said so forgive me if when off on you
with things that we all need to know. I hope y�all have common sense to think
through life and to not listen to those who make invalid statements and
contradictions (I�m kinda talking about Bill Gates because he wants to vaccinate
the world even though he doesn�t vaccinate his own kids)

Crystal Giddens
Crystal Giddens
Hace 2 horas
@Sparkle And friends Well, it seems you and I are in perfect agreement. As far as
Bill Gates, it does seem obvious he has his own agenda. When folks talk about
"critical thinking" being taught in schools these days, they usually mean disregard
all opinions but the "official" opinions and they would include folks like Bill
Gates in that. I do NOT dismiss his opinion out of hand but I do NOT accept his
opinion because of who he is. In fact, who he is makes me question his
opinion/expertise even more. But I ALWAYS think for myself. Our jury system could
NOT work if the jurors were NOT capable of thinking for themselves and weighing
evidence rightly. The place is going to hell in a hand basket if you ask me.

Hace 1 minuto
Lots of people have predicted the virus issue, it's not hard to see this as a
problem. So how many will come forward to take credit when we are hit by a meteor
or a war etc etc, saying "oh I predicted that". What nonsense.
Joseph Kim
Hace 8 horas
Bill gates: there�s no good feeling that comes on something like this saying �i
told you so�
Bill gates� body language: (arms crossed) I told you so


GaslitWorld f. Melissa B
GaslitWorld f. Melissa B
Hace 1 hora
That's funny, but when you've raised children, it's just in you to do that. Lol

Maxine Hargreaves
Maxine Hargreaves
Hace 53 minutos
He explains with his hands because he ant got a clue what he on about he's lying
through his teeth

Hace 1 hora
As soon as I first saw the video I knew that comment section would be a nightmare.


Hace 1 hora
Good. Healthy debate is part of our open society, and free speech

Shitty Mart
Shitty Mart
Hace 1 hora
@TK UA keyword being "healthy."

Mr Potato
Mr Potato
Hace 56 minutos
@TK UA the problem is there is more misinformation in the comments than actual

Mr Potato
Mr Potato
Hace 56 minutos
The second I saw Bill Gates I knew there were gonna be funny comments

Hace 4 horas
�There�s three, actually.�


Blaxk Velvet
Blaxk Velvet
Hace 4 horas
We all need to wake up..

Ryon Tiler
Ryon Tiler
Hace 4 horas
He is paying for the creation of the viruses and also apart of the "depopulation"

tomas wolf
tomas wolf
Hace 4 horas
@Ryon Tiler yeah sure buddy

Ryon Tiler
Ryon Tiler
Hace 4 horas
@tomas wolf Troll. Keep it movin. With ur fake name. Troll.

tomas wolf
tomas wolf
Hace 3 horas (editado)
@Ryon Tiler that's my literal name on my chilean nationality I'd card, buddy, it's
Tom�s in any case, look me up on LinkedIn

Ryon Tiler
Ryon Tiler
Hace 3 horas
@tomas wolf Get your dirty disinfo check and get lost Troll.

CONSTANCE kavanagh
CONSTANCE kavanagh
Hace 3 horas
Leave it out ????????

Hace 3 horas
@Ryon Tiler I believe you man I know not many people will, they�ll just believe
anything the media tells them

Hace 3 horas
@Ryon Tiler How?

Hace 3 horas
@SonicGirlZ Where do you get your information?

Hace 3 horas
@Vctor Facebook or WhatsApp, mostly the second page of Google

Hace 2 horas
@MasterZapple I suspect you are right. That's the problem with these people. They
are easily confused by the ocean of differing opinions that people spread on social
media without giving an honest attempt at verification and then they become part of
this growing problem. Lack of education is our true pandemic.

Hace 2 horas (editado)
@Vctor couldn�t have said it better.

Michelle Szebenyi
Michelle Szebenyi
Hace 2 horas
@MasterZapple the issue with all these differing opinions available to the people
is being able to identify who knows the truths and who lacks the ability to see a
larger picture. Lack of education is only as weak as your definition of what
consolidates an educated individual. After all bill reinvented America�s education
system to make it better and I�m sure we can all see how that turned out.
Hace 1 d�a (editado)
Bill Gates 2022:
"We are not ready for another World War"
Audience: Sweats nervously ??


Raul F. Duarte
Raul F. Duarte
Hace 1 d�a
years later, a world war happen
people: "Bill Gates is guilty!"


Nisco Racing
Nisco Racing
Hace 1 d�a
Cyberwar is happening for decades, only the ones that pay attention see the


Daemon Ace
Daemon Ace
Hace 1 d�a
@Raul F. Duarte
Bill Gates: sips drink


Daemon Ace
Daemon Ace
Hace 1 d�a
@Nisco Racing
Can you give a good example?

Joshua Cheng
Joshua Cheng
Hace 1 d�a
Mass suicide is more like it. We're already in a mental health epidemic.


Nisco Racing
Nisco Racing
Hace 1 d�a
@Daemon Ace Citizenfour (2014) is a good start.

Hace 1 d�a
@Raul F. Duarte it wouldn't make him guilty, just aware of the plan.

Hace 1 d�a
@Joshua Cheng local 58

Hace 1 d�a
@Daemon Ace notpetya. the attack on ukraine's power grid. russia is attacking
ukraine via cyber warfare.

Thilo Manten
Thilo Manten
Hace 1 d�a
There is no sense of peparing for WW3. Only sense in how to prevent it.


Nuke Shooter
Nuke Shooter
Hace 1 d�a
@Thilo Manten you need to prep, it's better to have and not need then to need and
not have

Imback Inthegame
Imback Inthegame
Hace 1 d�a
i'm German and i think : third time's the charm

Dan Driscoll Masonry & Chimney Service

Dan Driscoll Masonry & Chimney Service
Hace 1 d�a
You're in a world war now, ignoramus.

Benjamin Shepherd
Benjamin Shepherd
Hace 1 d�a

Joe Domestic
Joe Domestic
Hace 1 d�a
@Imback Inthegame I�m dying

Ben Baselet
Ben Baselet
Hace 1 d�a
I'd be sweating even more if he said we are ready for it.

Hace 1 d�a
chances are good we're going to have one in a couple of decades. History likes to
repeat itself

? ?
? ?
Hace 1 d�a
wrong. We are definitely ready for the next world war. We have enough nukes to wipe
out humanity. You don't need any more.

Swamy Malgudi
Swamy Malgudi
Hace 1 d�a
Unfortunately, we are pretty much always ready for war!

It is the aftermath that we fail to think about.

??????? ?????????
??????? ?????????
Hace 1 d�a
Bill Gates hasn't predicted he simply planned this stuff.
This whole picture about prediction is for sheeps.
For those who know what he is up to it's pretty funny to watch.

Soham Mhaskar
Soham Mhaskar
Hace 1 d�a
More like we are so overly prepared that another war would be catastrophic

carlrod alegrado
carlrod alegrado
Hace 1 d�a
WhatifAltthist, Caspian Report, AlternateHIstoryhub, etc. Has entered the chat*

Hace 1 d�a
The world isn't ready for a lot of things like global surveillance systems being
hijacked (goes into the subject another commentator already touched on
cyberwarfare), but the issue here is misplaced associations.

In this case there was a real vaccine program carried out in India linked to The
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation that was canceled for cause that according to the
fact checking organizations which have tarnished their own reputations said that
the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation wasn't in any way involved.

That may be true... It might not be true. We do have Bill Gates himself saying in a
Ted Talk that the world population can be controlled with vaccines. Why? I don't
know even in its full context the statement doesn't make any sense as the vaccines
would keep people alive. So perhaps he meant really longterm the vaccines would
allow populations to stabilize and people would stop popping out babies like mad as
they tend to in impoverished nations (an odd quirk of human evolutionary pressure I
presume - 3rd world: "Life is very very hard here. Let's have MORE kids!"). Many
well off nations see significantly reduced population rates and they also have much
higher vaccination numbers, but these things don't go hand in hand although it's
easy to see why a conspiracy theorist would think that way.

Anyway I'm not lumping people who have other genuine concerns with new technologies
and medicines in with conspiracy nutters and no one should. There's a canyon
between those who don't want to take a new vaccine due to potential risks of poor
outcomes due to rushed testing of a new type of vaccine... then there are those who
think this vaccine will open up magical 5G receptors in your brain and nervous
system so that they, yes they you know the very same they that no one can ever seem
to define? Yeah them those guys -- we'll they're doing this so they can get you
addicted to Cardi B music - if you aren't already!!!

So as you can see the canyon between these groups of people is several times wider
than The Pacific Ocean. Which is why it's not wise to link them in all cases. And
yes, it's possible to see overlap in these groups this they're not strictly
isolationists however the overlap shouldn't be taken as a given but it generally is
shaping your view of those who are skeptical...
(Which is my point - I could've made that shorter)

Hace 1 d�a
If you make a man your are a fool.

Chris Kelly
Chris Kelly
Hace 1 d�a
Psychological warfare has been going on for centuries, the product of which can now
be called post modernism

MLB Speedy
MLB Speedy
Hace 1 d�a
I think he goes say another 2022 2025 2030 every 5 years like 2010 they 2015 2020

Mr. No Fear
Mr. No Fear
Hace 1 d�a (editado)
@VariantAEC well put. Just to add, from what I've read the reason for such high
birth rates in poverty stricken countries is due to the high infant mortality
rates. Parents need to have lots of children to maximise the chances of one of them
surviving and being able to take care of the family, and contraception doesn't do a
lot to combat this. So if you reduce the infant mortality rate, the birth rate will
naturally fall as people no longer need to have children out of necessity, and can
afford to do other things like work on raising their standard of living.
Hace 1 d�a
@Chris Kelly Also known as MASS STUPIDITY OF THE CROWDS! :/

Hace 23 horas
4years later

Kristian Seibt
Kristian Seibt
Hace 23 horas (editado)
@Imback Inthegame ja auch Du wirst diesmal Blut kotzen - ??

Veronica Abbott Cazares

Veronica Abbott Cazares
Hace 22 horas
Well, he mentioned bioterrorism, and in this context?
Hmm....we maybe ARE in the 3rd one, and didn't noticed

Veronica Abbott Cazares

Veronica Abbott Cazares
Hace 22 horas
@Priultimus look for Argentina's power blackout and 5 neighbor countries in october
That wasn't an accidental and we knew it when heard about how large it was! It was
a test and it was really strange, and scary...imagine a whole country without
power, all states at once, and part of neighbouring countries. How could it be
accidental? No way!

B King
B King
Hace 19 horas
Who said at that TED Talk...
"With new Vaccines and Reproductive systems in place... "We...( the massive
audience being spoken to), will be able to get the Population DOWN...
A good (?) 10-15%"... Come again?
Mass applause could be heard for the expert tech computer guru with no medical
training as he smiled and chatted freely about Depoulation. Pull it up an view
Now, in just 4 years he's backing several vaccines including Johnson & Johnson who
are currently paying out millions for causing Ovarian cancer through their talcum
powder products??? (WOW), and wants emergency push of their new vaccine that is
less effective?????...
No thanks we're good.
What happened when Gates took his new and improved vaccine to India to cure
Nearly 50,000 people were paralyzed.
This is the 19th known virus. All the other 18 had vaccines too?? Still no cure.
Where did those viruses go??? No mention of the Flu flu, Sars, Ebola, N1H1, Swine
flu, Bird flu, Typhus, Measles, MERS. now it's Bat flu... I could go on but I
Let Love, Life & Liberty Live long and Prosper!

michael getachew
michael getachew
Hace 17 horas
What's coming is already written in Isaiah 13 & 14. It's coming, and it's going to
be because of what Mr. Gates and the rest of the Satanists are doing right now.
Repent and follow THE LORD JESUS CHRIST or you will go into eternal fire!!! (please
try to comprehend what burning in fire for all of eternity means)

Hace 16 horas
@Mr. No Fear
If infants keep dying the population of those nations wouldn't continue to explode
(human infants can't make more babies afterall). So I'm not buying the reported
excuses at least as you explained them because they simply don't make sense.

Hace 14 horas
Bill gates actually has a lot of bomb shelters in his house you know, and in a lot
of the homes he owns, look it up if you don't believe me

Di Turner
Di Turner
Hace 13 horas
@Joshua Cheng and cancer is rising due to laboratory "expertise" experiments caused
by the bat, monkey and mice. Johnson and Johnson is on sick company. Trust none of
the talk here with B Gates. Its weird. Bioterriosm labs there were 11?
Strategically place globally...1918 the freaks were experimenting with flu
vaccination theories and I theorise the soldiers burnt the hung dung the cocktail
of flu toxins a toxic release of virus Spanish flu into the air...

Daryl Whittaker G�teborg

Daryl Whittaker G�teborg
Hace 10 horas
@Imback Inthegame ??

Daryl Whittaker G�teborg
Daryl Whittaker G�teborg
Hace 10 horas
@??????? ????????? I guess he made you write that with his nefarious brain hacking
space lasers??

Z z
Z z
Hace 10 horas
I know who assassinated John F Kennedy

Swastik Srivastava
Swastik Srivastava
Hace 9 horas
" Write anything in double inverted commas and people will believe"- Bill gates ??

Joe Doe
Joe Doe
Hace 8 horas
@Z z i suspect it involves the requests for bombing the middle east which Kennedy
didn't want to do. You can find the name in the declassified documents.

Hace 7 horas
@Veronica Abbott Cazares Chemicals are not biological agents. Do you consider
bleach biological? Right now, we are amidst an Information War. Shutting down
discourse and dissent that runs contrary to State sponsored propaganda.

Rhino Driver 777

Rhino Driver 777
Hace 6 horas
@Priultimus Link?

champagne davy
champagne davy
Hace 4 horas
@Raul F. Duarte tbh he accually is
Hace 1 hora
Ok but why isn't he using his money to help the economy? I'm pretty sure he doesn't
need it gurl

Andreas Brey
Hace 8 horas
"Viel Feind�, viel Ehr�" (many enemies, much honor) - a German quote, fifteenth
Actually your wish [11:39] "... everybody should live in the same reality" is just
a little bit excessive.
I really Njoy your political involvement for important topics - what about "softer"
questions like the salary of nurses and midwifes? ;-)
Hace 23 minutos
Man, reading the comments on this vid make me cringe so hard. To think of all
people to get misinform are veritasium watcher.

Rolando Thomas
Rolando Thomas
Hace 13 minutos
I doubt they are veritasium fans or even subscribers, might just be conspiracy
theorist wanting to hear what bill gates has to say.

Jd m
Jd m
Hace 12 minutos
You must be the chosen one?

Hace 1 hora
Ah yes let�s ask some billionaire that owns a tech company what the next crisis is
and immediately take his word

Hace 24 minutos
Well he is also a part of the Bill & Melinda gates foundation, who's goal is to
decrease the world population to 500M

Hace 1 d�a
"it pains me to see even you Bill be the target of these conspiracy theories"
Bill: shrugs sips tea. 11:51


Hace 1 d�a
They purposely edited that just like that.


Hace 1 d�a
Bill Gates is an evil man


Virat Kohli
Virat Kohli
Hace 1 d�a
@Theorem no, he is a good man

Hace 1 d�a
He sips tea like Levi from AOT


Bread twins
Bread twins
Hace 1 d�a
@Theorem he's better than u


Revenger 211
Revenger 211
Hace 1 d�a
@Theorem yea, obviously. Anyone is evil if I just presented you with any
information that proves my biased point of view or twist reality in a way that
makes a person look bad. Get out of your bubble and use your logic and common
sense. You're neither special or different for not being "a sheep."


Hace 1 d�a
@Theorem ??


Dilan Sangani
Dilan Sangani
Hace 1 d�a
@Theorem well then why don't u do something

Hace 1 d�a
@Revenger 211 lol you are 100% totally clueless and i feel sorry for you. don't
worry though. just keep listening to the "experts" and everything will be fine


Hace 1 d�a (editado)
@Theorem sub-90 IQ larping as someone smart has entered the building

Hace 1 d�a
@Dilan Sangani Why don't I do something? I'm doing a little something right now.
I'm calling out the demon Bill Gates for what he is. If you take the warp speed
vaccine then you are on crack.

There is a reason vaccines usually take 5 years to reach the public. LONG TERM
EFFECTS. We know NOTHING about the long term effects. Short term effects are
already killing people every day.


Hace 1 d�a
@Caldera11 So tell me, what are the long term effects of the vaccines?

Also we've tried to make Coranavirus vaccines before. NOBODY could come up with
one. I'm sure you remember sars and mers and i'm sure you guys know that there are
5 other common coranaviruses that float around ALL THE TIME. We call them colds.
Yet here we are with like 5 different companies all coming up with vaccines in
record time. WOW how did they do that all of a sudden?

Wake up


Matthew Furlani
Matthew Furlani
Hace 1 d�a
So you believe the lie of benevolent super wealthy? Quaint.


Dilan Sangani
Dilan Sangani
Hace 1 d�a
@Theorem ohhhh ur one of those weirdos, like those ppl who claim covid is fake but
u do u


Matthew Furlani
Matthew Furlani
Hace 1 d�a
@Dilan Sangani very few people claim this. Youre misinformed

Lanson Floyd
Lanson Floyd
Hace 1 d�a
@Theorem Flight logs, amirite?

Dilan Sangani
Dilan Sangani
Hace 1 d�a
@Matthew Furlani I mean go on to Boris Johnson Instagram Post and read the comments


Hace 1 d�a
@Theorem You do realise that literally the entire world has been working on those
non-stop since the start of the pandemic, right?


Hace 1 d�a (editado)
@Dilan Sangani Answer this one question then. In USA why did the total number of
deaths in 2020 not surpass the total deaths in 2019 by 300 000. They had 300 000
covid deaths yet their over all deaths were only a few thousand more than 2019
LOLOLOLOL and that number rises by a few thousand every year so the total deaths
were exactly what we would have had if covid did not exist.

Explain that. Not to me but to yourself


Hace 1 d�a (editado)
@Theorem i got covid in dezember 2020 (thanks to just one person who not wear a
mask at work, he infected 10 people), i am 51 years old, and i was aprox 5 weeks
totaly sick, i still recover, so much for its just a flew. i would have preferred
vaccination thats for sure, dont wanna get this again.


Hace 1 d�a
@ZeroRelevance Does it matter if the whole world tries or does it only matter if
the Big Pharmasutical countries try. The same companies that have all the money
that couldn't come up with a vacciine for any other corona virus. Plus you could
have the greatest experts of all time make the vaccine but and it still wouldn't
come out in 1 year because how would they know the long term effects. Its not so
much having the technology to make one its that it takes a few years to know if its


Dilan Sangani
Dilan Sangani
Hace 1 d�a
@Theorem this theorem guy is a weirdo. STAY SAFE FROM IDIOTS EVERYONE!


Dilan Sangani
Dilan Sangani
Hace 1 d�a
@Theorem also he's jealous of Bill Gates' success


john john
john john
Hace 1 d�a

Shaquille Dimacali
Shaquille Dimacali
Hace 1 d�a
@Theorem Maybe because other deaths like motor accidents decrease significantly on


Hace 1 d�a
@Theorem ? Yeah, but also many businesses reduced operation, leading to fewer
people being outside, and thus fewer people getting involved in unrelated accidents
(like car crashed) that would /could have been fatal. That just shows that even
with quite some restrictions in place we still managed to surpass the number of
deaths, even though there was less chance to be involved in an accident.


Hace 1 d�a
funny. They probably listed them as covid deaths thats why

Hace 1 d�a
@Dilan Sangani Itsa funny that you can call names but actually thinking about the
FACTS in my comments and responding with info that refutes my claims you name
call....sad and a reflection of why we are in this mess in the first place. Is
there a fact you dispute or...?


T Nunn
T Nunn
Hace 1 d�a
Ha ha ha...we can trust billionaires,govt and greedy


Hace 1 d�a
@Burningwipf Come on now. You are literally making excuses for these tyrants.
Why are you trying to justify it with crazy assertions while ignoring the obvious,
They are lying about the death count


Hace 1 d�a
@Theorem but I think it's a valid argument to think a vaccine isn't safe for use
after such a short amount of development. Fine with me if you don't get it. But to
some extent humans have to take risks, and apparently there are enough people to
try it out for you. That's also the whole point of the studies. Gotta find some
Additionally, i thought I had heard something about a chance for long term risks
related to Sars-Cov-II. So then it's a personal decision if you wanna risk the
short and long term dmg from the virus, or the controlled short-term and to some
extent calculated long term risk from the vaccine.


Shaquille Dimacali
Shaquille Dimacali
Hace 1 d�a
@Theorem Actually, there are other corona virus vaccines like for SARS. Common cold
do not have a vaccine because there are at least 200 different pathogens and
viruses that causes common cold. Common cold is just an umbrella term to when your
body reacts to a foreign virus and pathogens.


Shaquille Dimacali
Shaquille Dimacali
Hace 1 d�a
@Theorem Did you not get my point? Corona virus added significant casualty, but
other deaths such as related to traveling and car accidents are reduced
significantly because most people stay at home. Hence, it is only natural that the
total death in 2020 is not that high compared to 2019.


Hace 1 d�a
Lmao at all the sheep in this comment thread.
Any of you here really think Bill Gates bought all that farmland for some sort of
philanthropist purpose?
You'll mock me now, but you'll see your idle worship betray you in the coming
years. These people are not your friends.


Dilan Sangani
Dilan Sangani
Hace 1 d�a
@Theorem bruhh why u laughing at deaths? It affects lot of ppl and ur Lolling at it


Hace 1 d�a
Bill Gates was one of the most hated and most loved man for decades. In his Windows
/ Microsoft era he was the absolute devil to most of the tech world, especially web
developers like me. I think he can handle the vitriol of kids today.


Woz Berry
Woz Berry
Hace 1 d�a
@Slowlearner LMAO are you a troll? You sure sound like one. I hope you know your
viewpoint of reality literally is identical to a troll trying to say something as
ridiculous as possible. You are indistinguishable from a troll... Let that sink
in for a minute and then tell me your next batshit crazy theory!

Miguel Silva
Miguel Silva
Hace 1 d�a
@Theorem He's neither good nor bad. He's a man who won the game, no longer has any
need to take advantage or trick others. This lets him free to cater to his image
and humanity, which makes it good for us.

Hace 1 d�a
@Shaquille Dimacali No vaccine for sars

Hace 1 d�a
@Dilan Sangani I'm not laughing at deaths obviously. i'm laughing at the stupidity
of some of these comments.

A better question is Why are you pretending that I'm laughing at deaths. Maybe
because you can't refute any of my comments with reason


Hace 1 d�a
@Miguel Silva If only that were true. Dude is a main player in all of this


Hace 1 d�a
Well, what can he do about stupid people being stupid?

3ngi N33r
3ngi N33r
Hace 1 d�a
Maybe he puts some of them out there himself?

Torrid Lake
Torrid Lake
Hace 1 d�a
@Theorem he�s definitely evil and knows how to mislead the sheeple by controlling
the news, but he�s not a man.

Hace 1 d�a
I wonder how many times Bill rehearsed this moment. I'd guess 7.
Woz Berry
Woz Berry
Hace 1 d�a
@Slowlearner It's not ad hominem if it's true. I'm literally saying, from the
rational person's point of view, that you are indistinguishable from a troll.
That's how crazy your ideas sound. They could be confused for satire. Your
"truth" is extremist right wing propaganda based on faulty evidence. Your
"evidence" are merely coincidences but your confirmation bias leads to your logical
demise. Just because fatalities are mostly old people doesn't mean those
coincidences are the result of decisions by people in power. You guys always find
coincidences and falsely claim it means something. It's REAL LIFE. Things are
complex, and coincidences arise out of simple mathematical probability. I don't
think you put everything together in statistics class.


Torrid Lake
Torrid Lake
Hace 1 d�a
@Miguel Silva you are quite wrong, he has an insatiable greed and lust for power
and wealth. He openly claimed that he profits 20 times over for every dollar he
donates. His family history is involved in eugenics and controlling human
population. He also famously said in one of his Ted talks that if we do a �good
job� at vaccination it could reduce population by 10%.

Michael Lenczewski
Michael Lenczewski
Hace 1 d�a
@Theorem common cold is a rhinovirus.

Jeff Brown-Hill
Jeff Brown-Hill
Hace 1 d�a
Poor old billionaire ??

s t f u
s t f u
Hace 1 d�a
@Theorem dude u crazy


Dominic Del Principe

Dominic Del Principe
Hace 1 d�a
@Woz Berry You've touched on the central fact these 'truthers' believe that
'they're ALL lying to us' will never understand, and never accept: There is
literally NO ONE in the 'driver's seat' of the human race or the planet. The
complexity of the vast web of systems that actually drive what happens in reality
is simply not accessible to an ELITE CABAL, or any one person or group. THAT'S the
scary realization, that we as a race, or a state, or an entire country don't truly
act, we react. Kudos to your clarity


manuel weichelt
manuel weichelt
Hace 1 d�a
?@Theorem actually i see your argument i have midly similar opinion for the
vaccines but i hardly think that whatever longterm sideeffects will occur, if
any... that they will kill 3million people a year so even if not perfect i think it
is moral obligation to take the lesser evil and get vaccinated not for you but as
solidarity for other people. I write this well knowing that this will not change
your mind and if you want to demonize someone you will always find prove in the
internet for but maybe, just for fun... to validate your theories it is a good way
to to gather evidence against your theory. Meaning try to find prove that bill
gates is a good man and wants to help and that the vaccine is good, if you find no
prove what so ever you are probably right. but way to few try even something
similar they just live in their bubble which they created and thats kinda sad...

Torrid Lake
Torrid Lake
Hace 1 d�a
@Shaquille Dimacali Suicide and alcoholic deaths increased significantly, workplace
and hospital deaths decreased. Pneumonia and flu deaths were almost nonexistent,
just renamed as COVID. Most of COVID deaths were those above 65, and mostly in long
term care homes. The younger healthier who got it mostly survived as it was not
much worse than a bad flu or chest cold. Stats for all age groups were similar or
lower than in previous years. However, the administration of flu vaccines last
fall helped to increase deaths.


Hace 1 d�a
@Theorem you and any other conspiracy believers always think that you know 'more'
or know 'the real truth' while you're actually falling inside a hole of
disinformation. Good luck getting out of that hole. You are now part of the

manuel weichelt
manuel weichelt
Hace 1 d�a
@Theorem actually highly doubtfull that there is no change if you look at it from a
monthly basis you will see that peak excess death is 10% or more granted this
probably a much more useful measure than the count alone but to say there is no
difference at all is simply false at least this was the case with every single
country in europe...

Hace 1 d�a
@Lodewijk What info have i given that is inaccurate. Please quote

Anxious Tofu
Anxious Tofu
Hace 1 d�a
@Theorem what are the long term effects of covid? From what I've heard they're
pretty nasty

zakura ayame
zakura ayame
Hace 1 d�a
@Caldera11 at least you know your limitations!

Hace 1 d�a
@manuel weichelt I did mention the expected increase we see every year. I could go
into more detail but...There was actually 61 thousand extra deaths. when you minus
the 8 to 12 thousand expected increase that is 52 thousand extra deaths. When you
minus the calculated excess suicides (suicides doubled) the number drops to 32
thousand extra deaths. When you minus the deaths from missed surgeries and people
skipping the emergency room because of stay at home orders you are down to 25
thousand extra deaths. Then when you factor in the disappearance of Flu deaths you

manuel weichelt
manuel weichelt
Hace 1 d�a
?@Slowlearner so from a simple logical point of view why would someone who already
is powerful already is quite old have very bad intentions it just makes no sense
bill has nothing to gain he will die of old age the only heretage he can leave is
the foundation. Basically what you are saying is that people are so bad they
actually will make others suffer even though they have nothing gain from it instead
of helping them. Even if it were true i don't want to believe that we live in such
dark place and it troubles me that you think this...

Hace 1 d�a
@Michael Lenczewski and there are also 5 coronaviruses that we know as common
colds. same symptoms. that is an easy one to google

manuel weichelt
manuel weichelt
Hace 1 d�a
@Theorem sorry that i am so but this sentence just triggers me... if you look at
the historie of sars you will see it infected to few in too a short amount of time
so a vaccine is not even possible before saying something like that please look up
such important facts it is important to get such things right withouth this
misinformation spreads so quickly...

Hace 1 d�a
@Anxious Tofu really? what data are you basing that on since we are only a year
in. Can you see the future some how?

Hace 1 d�a
@manuel weichelt I was watching some WWII documentaries the other day. If you
think the world is all sunshine you
should take a look at history.

Woz Berry
Woz Berry
Hace 1 d�a
@Dominic Del Principe well put! thanks for yours as well. cheers

TisJester XxX
TisJester XxX
Hace 1 d�a
?@Theorem IT has taken 50 years to make this Vaccine.. I don't know WTF you are
talking about.. Try to maybe research mRNA vaccines and then you will understand
the why's and how's.. They never finalized the SARS MERS because those burnt out
before there was a true need.. They DID make those Vaccines and were testing them.
How did they do that all of a sudden? They didn't... It is only the Trials that
have been pushed through faster than normal due to the greater need.

As for the long term effects of the Vaccine? There is no way to know that until
time has passed.. The whole point of emergency use is that there is NO time to wait
10 years.. Would you like to be cooped up inside for the next 10 years until they
fully test A Vaccine? The Stage 3 test is being conducted inline with the mass roll
out of the vaccines..

As for folks that are hesitant to get the Vaccine?!?? That I can understand.. It is
scary to accept this vaccine without the assurance of how things were done in the
past.. Anti-Vaxxers though? Yea the are a cancer to the rest of us. I am always of
the opinion that if I see someone I trust and is smart stepping up to show their
confidence in something I will put much more value into that information than some
Yahoo on the internet that spews conspiracies (Even if occasionally they are true
lol). I see Dr. Fauci.. My local Doctors / Nurses / Firefighters / Paramedics that
I know personally getting the Vaccine I will weigh their judgment far above some
Yahoo on the internet.

Lastly By the time the General Public can even get the Vaccine you will have had
million of folks that have had the vaccine (of all flavors) and we will know so
much more at that point. Not to mention those that are getting it now are the most
vulnerable or front line healthcare workers and other frontline folks (So the
data will be very good). We will have more information as time goes by.. Again as
for long term effects? well that would be difficult to gauge unless it turns out it
universally turn everyone into Zombies.. If that happens LOL who cares at that

As long as only a small percentage of folks refuse to get vaccinated then we all
will be ok.. so ? @Theorem you should remain silent and stop trying to convince
people NOT to get vaccinate.. If that is your choice great, but in trying to
convince others not to get vaccinated.. You very well are dooming yourself.. Which
if you think about it is a whole extra level of STUPID for you not to realize..


Hace 1 d�a
@manuel weichelt My statement was that they never came up with a vaccine for any
corona virus. That includes sars. Whatever the circumstances, i ask you, did they
make a vaccine for sars? We agree the answer is NO so why do you call it

Hace 1 d�a
@ZeroRelevance if by �literally the entire world� you mean a few elite corporations
that face no repercussions if things go wrong, then yes, literally the entire world
is working on the vaccine

Hace 1 d�a (editado)
@Dilan Sangani He clearly did not say Covid was fake. We know for a fact it's real.

What we also know as facts is Sars and Murs still dont have Vaccines other strains
of Covid. So what's the deal here? Is Covid 19 not much of problem? How did we
solve this super serious bug in a matter of months and still not have Vaccines for
Sars and Murs which are a lot more dangerous and resulted in more deaths from
healthy people who had it.

Covid 2% fatal
Sars 10% fatal
Mers 34% fatal

The only reason Covid killed more is because it spread world wide somehow whereas
Sars and Murs did not for some reason.

The demographics that died the most from Covid were definalty people with health
issues the older population. With Sars and Mers it was healthy people that died as

So either they're not telling us the facts because they're afraid they wasted
everybody's Time and Money with these lock downs or a few people ar making big
bucks (Bill gates) for having lock downs.

Hace 1 d�a
@manuel weichelt I could have just said that never in history have we come up with
a vaccine for any virus this fast

Christopher Richardson
Christopher Richardson
Hace 1 d�a
@Theorem Do you have any sources to back your claim up? If so, show them to me. I
will be very interested to see where you get your information from. If the sources
are credible, then your claim will be justified. If your sources are not credible,
or if you have nothing to back your claim up, then your claim will not be justified
and should be discarded. And no, I don�t want a �Just Google it� or �Wake Up
Sheeple� response, as that does not prove anything. It�s as simple as that.

Hace 1 d�a
@Shaquille Dimacali there is no vaccine for Sars.

Hace 1 d�a
@TisJester XxX They been working on a covid 19 vaccine for 50 years yet they still
haven't even isolated covid 19. That one is pretty funny too. So many freedom of
information foyer requests to so many different countries about whether covid has
been isolated or not have been responded to with ZERO data. Zero. nobody has
isolated covid. They tell us it constantly mutates but the vaccine is 95%
effective. How?

Echad Lev Shtim

Echad Lev Shtim
Hace 1 d�a
The only ones in Pain are everyone affected by his lies.

Hace 1 d�a
@Lodewijk Let me ask you this. Did Trump collude with Russia in 2016?

Jaygo the jake Hernandez

Jaygo the jake Hernandez
Hace 1 d�a
@Bread twins theorem is gates Man U just got played

Daniel Pavlick
Daniel Pavlick
Hace 1 d�a
@Revenger 211 you must have absolutely no idea what you're talking about or a paid

Hace 1 d�a
@Christopher Richardson i said just google the 5 common coronaviruses because it is
really simple to do and not a disputed thing. do i need to give links if i tell
you the sky is blue?

Hace 1 d�a
@Christopher Richardson What fact would you like the source for?

Echad Lev Shtim

Echad Lev Shtim
Hace 1 d�a
Hey, those Annual death toll statistics all fudged with shuffled numbers for 2020.
No huge red flag at all...... Apparently by cancellation of Cancer treatment
appointments was a Cancer Breakthru. Im sure 2019 #3 killer Medical Malpractice
will be sitting pretty with all those Fake PCR diagnosis. I mean, we wouldn't want
to lose trust in a Medical Industry that kill more than Covid.

Hace 1 d�a
@Jaygo the jake Hernandez Wrong Bill. You can Call me Mr Nye

Christopher Richardson
Christopher Richardson
Hace 1 d�a
@Theorem Didn�t I tell you to give me specific sources? You can�t just make a claim
with vague information. If you just got your information from the first search page
of Google, that�s fine, but you still need to provide a link to that source
anyways. I am not trying to fight your claim, I am simply trying to get where
exactly you got this information from so that people such as myself can confirm
that your statements are truthful and that this question can at least be partially

Christopher Richardson
Christopher Richardson
Hace 1 d�a
@Theorem As many as possible! Any sources will do.

Hace 1 d�a
@Theorem Every day people die of choking on their food. That's why I don't allow my
kids to eat any food. They keep telling me they're hungry, and 4 out of 6 of my
kids have already died, but at least not from choking on food!

Raphael Alison
Raphael Alison
Hace 1 d�a
@Theorem The ways i see it , he's a dangerous man who talk about depopulation, who
run a stimulation before the pandemic happened ,if you read about the Angenda 21
you'll see what they are trying to do ,and on a video where they said China play a
major role in achieving this goal...

Jaygo the jake Hernandez

Jaygo the jake Hernandez
Hace 1 d�a
@Theorem you told me that bow ties don�t catch fire in a Bunsen burner ??

Hace 1 d�a
@Virat Kohli bhai is ne india africa me illegal vaccines test ki hai or uske karn
kahi sare bache mare hai... sarch karle

Ali Idris Ahmad

Ali Idris Ahmad
Hace 1 d�a
Alhamdulillah Rabbi l

Hace 1 d�a
@Christopher Richardson Didn't you tell me? And you are who? some dink who can't

Christine van Zyl

Christine van Zyl
Hace 1 d�a
Adding some anecdotal evidence but the comments in this thread can be confusing.
The fact of how many deaths doesn�t change the fact that people are dying due to
this pandemic. My dad is a doctor that saw the morgues fill up beyond capacity. My
grandmother was another one of the corpses due to complications after getting
COVID-19. My uncle doesn�t believe Covid exists even with my grandmother�s death.
My dad saw the blood tests and her medical history.

And it doesn�t matter if Bill Gates is a good person or not. He is a businessman

and the pandemic is bad for business. People are more complicated that being simply
evil or good. Is he selfish or greedy? Probably. But that doesn�t mean he can�t
also show kindness or feel empathy. Doing evil and good isn�t mutually exclusive.

Hace 1 d�a
@Jaygo the jake Hernandez Well I lied. I'm an expert. i can do that. Also there
are 360 genders

Hace 1 d�a
@Christine van Zyl He literally laughs when talking about covid deaths and
lockdowns. He laughs.

Crystal Giddens
Crystal Giddens
Hace 1 d�a
I think it was the pie in the face that turned him against "the little people."

Hace 1 d�a
@TisJester XxX look up americas front line doctors for a different perspective

Crystal Giddens
Crystal Giddens
Hace 1 d�a
@Christine van Zyl why lie?

Hace 1 d�a
@Christopher Richardson
Look at americas front line doctors for a more balanced understanding.

Hace 1 d�a
@Christine van Zyl
No the pandemic is good for business

Miguel Silva
Miguel Silva
Hace 1 d�a
@Theorem Do you realize how ridiculous you sound? You want to prove so bad this is
a hoax that you present ridiculous numbers. Zero extra death? Well doing math like
you do, I could prove there are several billion extra deaths. The point is, you
cant just manipulate numbers like that to fit your argument, not if you want to
have any credibility.

Adam Woodie
Adam Woodie
Hace 1 d�a
@Virat Kohli Theorem and you don't actually know him.

Hace 1 d�a
How is it conspiracy when theres a video of him talking about depopulization?

Hace 1 d�a
@Theorem Indeed! Very evil! And seeing the masses of people in this comment
section who don't see this or are probably bots.....

Christopher Richardson
Christopher Richardson
Hace 1 d�a
@Theorem Woah, no need for the salt. I thought my statement about any sources would
be enough to get you to provide sources for at least one of your claims. But since
you want something specific, here you go. Provide me sources for these claims that
you have made.

Claim 1: Bill Gates doing harmful stuff that makes him �an evil person�
Claim 2: False COVID-19 vaccine synthesis
Claim 3: Concerns on long term vaccine effects
Claim 4: Failures of the current COVID-19 vaccine
Claim 5: The failures to synthesize a vaccine for SARS and MERS
Claim 6: COVID in the common cold
Claim 7: COVID-19 death count in 2019 and how it relates to last year�s COVID-19
Claim 8: False or wrongfully reported COVID-19 deaths in 2020
Claim 9: Tyranny by governments and billionaires like Bill Gates
Claim 10: Bill Gates somehow helping COVID-19 spread and profiting off of it

These are the claims that I have gotten from reading your comments. If I am wrong,
then correct me on exactly what claims I misinterpreted (This time without the
meaningless shouting). I would very much appreciate it if you could give me your
sources so I can just move on instead of having to interrogate you for information.

Tom Kavulic
Tom Kavulic
Hace 1 d�a
There's no way you can be as well known as Bill Gates and not be able to ignore
people on the internet saying mean things about you.

Infamous Grizzly
Infamous Grizzly
Hace 1 d�a
@Virat Kohli you have GOT to be kidding me

Infamous Grizzly
Infamous Grizzly
Hace 1 d�a
@Dilan Sangani definitely fake bud

Infamous Grizzly
Infamous Grizzly
Hace 1 d�a
@ZeroRelevance you do realize you're being played, right?

Cheddar Urchin
Cheddar Urchin
Hace 1 d�a
@Theorem your lies will make you an evil person

Carlos Carballo
Carlos Carballo
Hace 1 d�a
The dude's a billionaire, suspicion comes with the territory. There are very few
good ones and even then, no man should have that kind of power, especially in the
U.S where those with money are more influential than elected officials.

Covid Hoax
Covid Hoax
Hace 1 d�a
@Virat Kohli good man ? Causing Covid was a nice thing ?

Cheddar Urchin
Cheddar Urchin
Hace 1 d�a
@Shaquille Dimacali I have driven significantly less since the lockdowns began in
March! I now only go out for groceries.

Hace 1 d�a
@Cheddar Urchin What lie? Just name one. Every time i ask someone to do that they
don't respond. What do you think i am lying about?

Miguel Silva
Miguel Silva
Hace 1 d�a
@Torrid Lake Consider this - The world runs on his software. IF he wanted to take a
hit at the world, all he had to do was shutdown windows. Power plants out, health
system out, legal system out, entire governments out, transportation out.. trade,
economy, markets, military, etc. The world runs on technology and technology runs
on windows. Sure it can be replaced, but not soon enough. With the the flick of a
switch, he could take down the world.

Or he could, had he not given up this power. How does this fit in your narrative?
To willingly give up the humongous power he had with Microsoft? Are these the
actions of a man with insatiable greed and lust for power and wealth?

And does it really surprise you how much he can earn? The only reason he's not #1
is by choice. He'd be making a whole lot more money had he not taken a step down.

So no, he's not the monster you wanna make him out to be. He's not a saint either,
but certainly not the boogeyman.

Cheddar Urchin
Cheddar Urchin
Hace 1 d�a
@Slowlearner you are evil, please stop spreading fear and misinformation.

Cheddar Urchin
Cheddar Urchin
Hace 1 d�a
@Theorem Covid is a kind of SARS. . . so there is a vaccine. Also in 2003 SARS
never became as powerful or as destructive as Covid19. This was also 18 years ago
and by golly the Pharmaceutical industry is stronger and more capable than it ever
has been.

Aidan Douglas
Aidan Douglas
Hace 1 d�a
@Theorem take off your tin foil hat

Hace 1 d�a
@Cheddar Urchin "projection refers to unconsciously taking unwanted emotions or
traits you don�t like about yourself and attributing them to someone else."

mata Hari
mata Hari
Hace 1 d�a
Drink them tears

Aidan Douglas
Aidan Douglas
Hace 1 d�a
@Theorem you�re a drop kick

Cheddar Urchin
Cheddar Urchin
Hace 1 d�a
@Theorem You know there's no evidence to your claims. Yet you continue to spread
lies knowingly. Maybe you do this because other parts of your life suck so you
overcompensate by spinning a fairy tale of dystopia.

Cheddar Urchin
Cheddar Urchin
Hace 1 d�a
@Slowlearner I'm calling out an evil liar frog boy. You can twist this as much as
you like, but the TRUTH is on mine and Bill's side.

mata Hari
mata Hari
Hace 1 d�a (editado)
@Theorem it takes, years to make an MRNA vaccines, but in this case we need to make
a vaccines quick, so we use dead viruses instead, it's safe, but not as effective
as creating new virus, since the reaction to certain people will be too weak for
your body to think it's not worth the trouble to memorize it.
Here I simplified it.

Dilan Sangani
Dilan Sangani
Hace 1 d�a
@Aidan Douglas ikrr

Dusty Warren
Dusty Warren
Hace 1 d�a
In addition being everything every one hates who is a democrat

Dilan Sangani
Dilan Sangani
Hace 1 d�a
@Miguel Silva u r a hope for humanity

Hace 1 d�a
@Cheddar Urchin So now you are the one spreading misinfo. There is no vaccine for
sars. Sars and covid are both different coronaviruses. Was that meant as an
example of me lying?

Hace 1 d�a
@Aidan Douglas Take your vaccine without questioning anything

Hace 1 d�a
@Cheddar Urchin Enlightenment is understanding that you will never know the whole
truth and believing otherwise is pure ignorance. It is not good to be so sure of
something when you can't possibly know the whole truth. All I've done in this
comment thread is ask questions that should be looked into.
From an outside perspective, it wouldn't be easily determined if your views or my
views are correct. You need to open your mind friend. I have.
Also, try to be more civil. Being an ass doesn't really make your opinions look

Aidan Douglas
Aidan Douglas
Hace 1 d�a
@Theorem bet I will be fine snowflake

Hace 1 d�a
@Bread twins Funny how you keep defending your enslavers. Keep watching you multi
millionaire sports, dancing with fake stars or the trashcan kardashians

mata Hari
mata Hari
Hace 1 d�a
@Theorem you want a complete answers towards the current vaccines? I can write an
essay to explain that, but you wouldn't read it anyway.
But In short it takes years to create a virus that can mimic covid without killing
you, we already seen someone got spondylitis from mRNA trials already, the current
vaccine we have aren't mRNA vaccines, they're dead covid.

Cheddar Urchin
Cheddar Urchin
Hace 1 d�a
@Slowlearner Biden WON Fair and Square! Get Over it! NO EVIDENCE OF Massive Voter

Cheddar Urchin
Cheddar Urchin
Hace 1 d�a
@Slowlearner It's impossible to describe enlightenment in words. It's not of this
reality. Frog boy!

Hace 1 d�a
@Virat Kohli no, he isn't a good man.

Hibbs Dibble
Hibbs Dibble
Hace 1 d�a
@Virat Kohli yeah, because you know him

Hace 1 d�a
@Theorem that's one idiotic argument. As if tens of millions of people were not
at home for Months and months, avoiding social gatherings, not being able to
travel, not getting the flu and so on and so on. Didn't have an effect on the
overall death count. ??
Hace 1 d�a
It's funny that people in here are just like "wow you think Bill Gates is evil? LOL
subhuman IQ! Troll! If you believe that you're stupid!" while completely failing to
realize that the exact same accusations could be levied against them.
I, for one, will always hold the belief that the majority of people in positions of
power (and money does = power) are selfish and only ever trying to look like an
agent of righteousness to get what they want in the end. Whether or not that's
actually Bill Gates' goal, you should really ask yourself if he is a good man or
just parading as one.

Hace 1 d�a
@Cheddar Urchin Who said anything about Biden or voter fraud? You also make too
many assumptions friend. Our world's problems stem deeper and wider than the
president of the USA

Hace 1 d�a
@manuel weichelt As Alfred once said in batman, "Some people just wanna see the
world burn."

Abhishek Patawari
Abhishek Patawari
Hace 1 d�a
@Theorem you do realise people literally spent their life to study medicine

Hace 1 d�a
Are they theories? Is it disinformation?

Hace 1 d�a
@Abhishek Patawari Great So what is your point?

Christopher Richardson
Christopher Richardson
Hace 1 d�a
I love how in this comment section, all of the conspiracy theorists can�t come up
with any sources, no matter how much people like me ask them for their sources.
Listen Conspirators, no sources means no evidence. No evidence means no claim.
Thusly, because all of you Conspirators can�t provide me and others with any
evidence, I am going to rule (On behalf of most of this comment section) that you
guys� claims were either fabricated or are false. This isn�t an opinion, it is a
logical conclusion that was reached using the methods of the scientific and
judicial fields. If you were in said fields, all of your work / claims would be
thrown out due to a lack of evidence. It is time for you guys to search for better

And with that, I am done with this comment section. I won�t be returning just to
argue and interrogate people who have made likely false or fabricated claims with
no evidence to back it up. It will just waste mine and everybody else�s time, and I
implore everyone person in this thread to just step away and stop arguing with
people you can and will never be able to reason with. Please don�t send me any
responses. I am not going to respond, and don�t want to hear them anyways.

Hace 1 d�a
@yilmanbabilonia Nope not really. lock downs cause deaths. what was it that WHO
called lock downs...A Global Catastrophe. So no. Being locked down did not
decrease deaths in other areas. it created more of them

Hace 1 d�a (editado)
@Abhishek Patawari - such a stupid comment

Marthinus Bezuidenhout
Marthinus Bezuidenhout
Hace 1 d�a
@Virat Kohli no, he is just a man.

All men are both good and bad at the same time. We are all flawed and that is what
makes us human.

Craig H
Craig H
Hace 1 d�a
Gates is an Evil Genius because idiots who comment here in support of him are so
clueless that someone who ran Microsoft couldn't even fix a Windows Virus is now
the world expert on vaccines and viruses! many fools!

Aidan Douglas
Aidan Douglas
Hace 1 d�a
@B AJ and I�m not vaccinated because my country isn�t spastic and we actually
isolated instead of crying on the streets

Hace 1 d�a
@mata Hari have we isolated covid then. i would love a link to that because freedom
of information foyer requests to numerous countries have come up with zero data
showing covid has been isolated but you are saying we have and we are using dead
covid as a vaccine for the very thing that has yet to be isolated, live covid. man
how did they do that? neat trick

Marthinus Bezuidenhout
Marthinus Bezuidenhout
Hace 1 d�a
@Theorem Uhm... COVID has even been sequenced by students at universities in places
like South Africa... What are you going on about?

Xbox SeriesX
Xbox SeriesX
Hace 1 d�a
Research the conspiracies a little deeper.

Eric Woodlee
Eric Woodlee
Hace 1 d�a (editado)
@Theorem It�s sad that a conspiracy theorists can so easily spread lies across
Facebook and Twitter while millions of people fall for their BS. The reason so many
people fall for this crap is because they lack the ability to spot something that
has a high probability of being a conspiracy theory and doing a very simple search
on the internet to see if it�s true or a big fat lie.

It�s almost like people don�t want to know the truth because they enjoy talking
about it with their friends while continuously spreading the lies. If you really
want to know the truth then do loa very simple search on Google that says �are the
Bill Gates conspiracies true ?� But if you don�t want to know the truth and want to
continue to believe and spread lies then you definitely don�t want to research it
because you�ll be sadly disappointed.

Hace 1 d�a
@Marthinus Bezuidenhout Not true. Christine Massey has proven their is ZERO data
showing that covid has been isolated. She has submitted freedom of information
requests to i think 12 countries now including Canada USA and UK and none of them
can provide any data showing covid has been isolated. t Any study by universities
are using data from CHINA. quite literally, China says they have isolated Covid.
China also said covid came from bats

Hace 1 d�a
@Eric Woodlee crazyness. is that how you research? you ask google. is bill gates
bad or not? and that some how will override all the research i've done on
vaccines and the PCR test and the numbers on the cdc website and all the other
stuff. that erases event 201 and his somehow miraculously spot on predictions.
All the data i have posted comes directly from government sources

Marthinus Bezuidenhout
Marthinus Bezuidenhout
Hace 1 d�a
@Theorem what you are saying is so inaccurate I honestly don't want to have any
further discussion with you as it would probably be a waste of my time.

Here is a tip. You can search for scientific papers on Google. There are quite a
few available on the subject, all proving what you are saying is just plain false.
If you don't like reading scientific papers, you will find a few blog posts and
articles about the subject, written by the people who worked on isolating the

Hace 1 d�a
@Marthinus Bezuidenhout If they have isolated covid then why does every government
respond to Christine Masseys freedom of infomation requests asking for the data
that show they have isolated covid with ZERO DATA.

Why in the PCR test information Pamphlet from the CDC do they say that "Since no
covid isolates are currently available they have to mimic covid rna for the test"

The problem here is that I know more information about this than you do so you call
me a liar. That and you've been dooped. Without being hyperbolic this is Medical
Terrorism that the world is experiencing

Hace 23 horas
@Theorem Bless your heart. ??
Hace 23 horas
@Slowlearner <- Yep, username checks out.

Hace 23 horas
@Torrid Lake You are mixing some truths with a whole lot of BS here buddy. At least
anecdotally and by logic you are right about alcoholism and suicides and effect on
different age groups generally speaking), but wrong about pretty much everything

Mohyeet Tginc
Mohyeet Tginc
Hace 23 horas
@Theorem better than listening to armchair experts

Marthinus Bezuidenhout
Marthinus Bezuidenhout
Hace 23 horas
@Theorem why do you keep repeating the same thing? There could be several reasons
why. But none of them changes what I just told you... Like I said, you are wasting
my time because you are not willing to engage in a discussion. You just want to be
right, not find out what is right.

Hace 23 horas
@Marthinus Bezuidenhout Well I am right about every single statement i've made so
what do you want me to do.

If you can give me one good reason for a government that claims they have isolated
covid to have zero data on it then i'll shut up.

If you can prove anything ive said to be wrong then go ahead

Marthinus Bezuidenhout
Marthinus Bezuidenhout
Hace 22 horas (editado)
@Theorem can you prove that they have zero data on it?

There is loads of information available that says the opposite and yet you keep
repeating the same thing.
Cloud Kid
Cloud Kid
Hace 21 horas
@Theorem dude go back to Newsmax, or are they too liberal now. LMFAO yall people
are a joke.

Michael Lenczewski
Michael Lenczewski
Hace 21 horas
@Theorem common cold == rhinovirus. Uncommon cold == coronavirus or CCP virus or
the coof

ngu u
ngu u
Hace 21 horas
@nedo68 how did you and the other 9 people that were wearing mask still get
infected? The ten of you should have been protected by the masks.

ngu u
ngu u
Hace 21 horas
@Theorem don't waste your energy. They have to walk that road for themselves. You
did your part. It is up to them to walk that path the other side of the

michael getachew
michael getachew
Hace 17 horas
What's coming is already written in Isaiah 13 & 14. It's coming, and it's going to
be because of what Mr. Gates and the rest of the Satanists are doing right now.
Repent and follow THE LORD JESUS CHRIST or you will go into eternal fire!!! (please
try to comprehend what burning in fire for all of eternity means)

Amran Rafie
Amran Rafie
Hace 16 horas
@Slowlearner totally agreed..let them be betrayed by their idols..

Eric Woodlee
Eric Woodlee
Hace 14 horas
@Theorem You should read my comment again because I was speaking about conspiracy
theories about Bill Gates specifically.
Google certainly isn�t the only place I research but it is the easiest, most simple
way that anyone can do in a matter of seconds and that�s exactly why I stated �it�s
a basic search�.

The ridiculous thing about it is, even though it is a very basic search that anyone
can do to learn that the Bill Gates conspiracy theories are complete BS many people
still refuse to do them. They would rather spread the conspiracy theory lies that
they learned from their Facebook and Twitter feeds.

Neev Dhawan
Neev Dhawan
Hace 12 horas
@Theorem lol no

Hace 9 horas
@Torrid Lake Reduce population growth by 10%, I see that you failed reading and
listening comprehension in school and just believe the lies told to you by other
crazy conspiracy theorists who wear tinfoil hats and vape horse piss.

Z Mane
Z Mane
Hace 9 horas
@Theorem @Virat Kohli Lol imagine thinking a man that's worth $120,000 million is
good. He's at the absolute pinnacle of power and most certainly views you and
humanity as niave expiremental lab rat peasants. You cannot just reach $100 +
billion organically, you must be born into immensely powerful elite upper echelon
networks to do so, elite networks which have been psychopathically exploiting &
methodically enslaving the lower classes for centuries.

Hace 8 horas
In Star Trek Voyager TV Series, there is an episode called Think Tank. It's about a
Think Tank - a group of super-smart aliens, who create global problems on planets
and then approach those, who live on those planets, and offer them super-smart
solutions to the problems - in exchange for for a compensation with financial gain
for those super-smart con artists of the Think Tank.

Hace 8 horas
@ngu u in a large room office, the droplets of the coughing spread in the air,
despite a FFP2 mask, the virus probably came through the mucous membranes of the
eyes. Two infected people had only a fabric mask, both got a very strong pneumonia.
stephen ogden
stephen ogden
Hace 5 horas
@nedo68 Well if you want to take a vaccine for a virus that's equivalent to the flu
that's your own choice. Just don't expect everyone to do the same and everyone will
be happy!

Angela Dansie
Angela Dansie
Hace 5 horas
@Theorem You lost half of your (already pathetically low) IQ & all you were left
with was Q

alex mackay
alex mackay
Hace 4 horas
@nedo68 how do you know it was that person. Wearing a mask makes very difference in
terms of controlling the spread.

John Baer
John Baer
Hace 4 horas
@Theorem Anyone that cannot see the similarities between 30's Germany and the
political climate today needs to do some research. This abuse of power by
governments, in the name of "Covid" is eerily similar to the tactics the (National
Socialist Party) used to gain power.

Seth W
Seth W
Hace 4 horas
@nedo68 how did you get it if you were wearing a mask?

manuel weichelt
manuel weichelt
Hace 3 horas
@Theorem i agree that such sideffects have to be included but the same goes for
positiv sideffects... And i dont really get why you would zero out the flu... From
60 000 i mean last years death alao included the flu...?

Hace 2 horas
@manuel weichelt I ZERO'ed out the FLU because the CDC told us that the Flu was
down 98% for 2019 98%...Crazyness...So i think you would agree that the Flu
didn't just disappear but thats what they have told us. FLU down 98%. Are you
starting to see why I am questioning EVERYTHING?
manuel weichelt
manuel weichelt
Hace 2 horas
@Theorem i agree your statement ia correct maybe i didnt grasp your point 100% but
i called misinformation because i thought you made it your argument that this
vaccine was intentionally not made. Although absolutely correct your statement
would not take into consideration the circumstances which would make the argument

manuel weichelt
manuel weichelt
Hace 2 horas
@Theorem i totally see your point it is just hard to validate anything if you
assume everything is misinformation...i guess i just dont see advantage or the
possibilty of the desease beeing completely fake since it would require the whole
world beeing guided by the same group of people which i think is nearly

manuel weichelt
manuel weichelt
Hace 2 horas
@Soyboyz08 possible but very very few people are like that even the most evil
persons in history like mao stalin or hitler had reasons and advantages to act like

Hace 2 horas
@Michael Lenczewski There are 3 types of common colds. Rhinoviruses are about 20%
of them, common coranaviruses are also about 20% of them. There is a third type
that escapes me right this second

TisJester XxX
TisJester XxX
Hace 1 hora
@Theorem They have been working on the type of Vaccine that is used to combat covid
for 50 years.. Sheesh maybe do a tiny bit of research before you say something so
stupid. Again if you do even a little bit or research into Vaccines.. You would
know why even when it mutates this does not invalidate the vaccine. It has to do
with how the damn virus is able to attach to the cells that is uses to replicate.
As long as it method of attachment does not change then the current Vaccine will
train the bodies immune system to make the cells that continue to bond to the
receptors and prevent Covid from infecting healthy cells.
They isolated the genome of the virus early on. How do you think they even know
that it mutates.. I mean come on at least get a BASIC understanding of how viruses
and the bodies immune system works.. Until then you are just typing worthless
gibberish and conspiracies..
Hace 1 hora
@TisJester XxX You seem to know nothing. Have a good day

TisJester XxX
TisJester XxX
Hace 1 hora
@mata Hari "The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are made using messenger RNA, or mRNA,
a technology that delivers a bit of genetic code to cells � in effect, a recipe to
make the surface protein (known as spike) on the SARS-2 virus. The proteins made
with the mRNA instructions activate the immune system, teaching it to see the spike
protein as foreign and develop antibodies and other immunity weapons with which to
fight it."

Where are you getting your information from (dead Covid?!?!?)

Chris S.
Chris S.
Hace 1 hora
@Theorem How can you pretend to be some kind of critical intellectual? Look at your
comments. You propose some claims and when you hear replies you reply with

Now to your claim:

I have found no statistic that matched what you said. The number of deaths in the
USA was beyond 3 million in 2020 and hit a record.
Please provide me with your evidence.

Hace 1 hora (editado)
@TisJester XxX I am aware of how vaccines are supposed to work but can you make a
vaccine for a virus that you have yet to isolate? What else is in the vaccine?
Why has China stopped admitting people into their country if they have taken the
vaccines you mentioned?

Why are people dying from these vaccines?

Why do i need a vaccine for something that overwhelmingly kills the very old and
weak?. Why is Bill Gates pushing world wide vaccination so hard when all we
really need to do is protect the elderly

And someone else said they are using dead virus for the current vaccine

mata Hari
mata Hari
Hace 1 hora
@TisJester XxX it's not a pure rna, my friend it's just a tiny bit of covid (not
even activated, call it dead). Go ask your professor how hard to make a pure mRNA
vaccines from scratch.

Hace 1 hora
@Chris S. So smart people can't laugh? Hmm Look harder. I find it hard to
believe you couldn't find the over all deaths for every single year going back
decades. I found it easy and used government websites. I am definitely not going
to go find all the links for you.

My advice is just keep submitting. Keep insulting those who you disagree with and
everything will be fine for you

Plus you don't even have to be smart to look this crap up. Everyone is too lazy
thats the problem. And if you think i sound intellectual then i'll take that as a
compliment cause i was just talking how i talk

mata Hari
mata Hari
Hace 1 hora
@TisJester XxX I have a professor who could answers that in depth, you can ask him
if you want to, simplifying things like this to make an average Joe understand is
hard you know?

Chris S.
Chris S.
Hace 51 minutos
@Theorem Smart people don't laugh when trying to prove a point. That seems more
like humiliation which hasn't to do much with reasoning.
More importantly:
I'm not asking about all the links. I want one link to a source that gives a number
of deaths of US citizens for the year 2020. I have found sources and they don't
support your claim that only a couple thousand people more died than in the years
before. So please show me your source.

TisJester XxX
TisJester XxX
Hace 45 minutos
@Theorem �We have to be very careful about causality," Brownstein said. "There are
going to be spurious relationships, especially as the vaccine is targeting elderly
or those with chronic conditions. Just because these events happen in proximity to
the vaccine does not mean the vaccine caused these events."

Yea that was @mata Hari and they were wrong.

"Why do i need a vaccine for something that overwhelmingly kills the very old and
weak?" Because you care about the old and weak? If not then you are just a monster
that again should not be listened to. To even ask such a question shows you know
less than nothing. Why do we have vaccines for anything? (or are you an Anti-Vaxxer
- If so then say so - This way we can just place you with the rest of the crazies
and forget anything you might say)
There are 2 ways to combat a Virus - 1 allow everyone to get infected and deal with
the consequences. Like the health system being overwhelmed. The millions that will
die if we try to achieve Herd Immunity in this way.. OR we Vaccinate people to
reduce the impact of this Virus on the Global population. Me manage and mitigate
the virus and build up the infrastructure to combat this type of event in the
future. You pick what side you want to be on, but IF you want to be on the Trust
no one and do nothing side? Try to keep that to yourself so the rest of the
population can get on with it and in so doing save your ass too.

Hace 31 minutos
@TisJester XxX Yes of course I care about the elderly. That is why if i'm sick i
would never go near the older people in my life. Theres never been a documented
case of asymptomatic spread according to WHO so don't bother with that angle.

And because I care about the elderly people in my life I make sure I remind them to
get lots of vitamin D3 and zinc.

And the health system wasn't over worked thats why health care workers in my
country at least are losing jobs like crazy

I respect your opinions tho i just disagree

And I'm definitely not trying to troll or lie. My mom is 76 and i really don't
want her getting this vax.

Hace 2 minutos
@Chris S. Are you gonna go back and scold all the people who simply called me names
and called me a liar? Does that have much to do with reasoning? Plus this is a
youtube comment section. Where do you think we are at some seminar where nobody
can laugh and everyone has to be totally respectful.

And sorry but i didn't book mark anything

so i'm not very intellectual after all.
Hace 11 horas

Scritchscrum The Great

Scritchscrum The Great
Hace 11 horas
People are probs reporting them
for misinformation.

Hace 11 horas
@Scritchscrum The Great IS IT NOT FREE SPEECH By doing this, their are just
confirming us..

Bitch, please!
Bitch, please!
Hace 3 horas

Hace 3 horas
@Bitch, please! I am not a coward

Agent 33
Agent 33
Hace 8 minutos
The channel can delete comments. The report function can take a while to delete it
automatically but there are cases where filtering system can immediately detect
blacklisted words so it will be deleted right away.
Hace 1 d�a
As someone with a literal Master's degree in Disaster Management, I can tell you
that there is a lot of research that points out how humans are terrible at
understanding low-likelihood, high-consequence events. We usually only intuitively
understand three probabilities: totally certain, 50/50, and never. If something
doesn't fit one of those, we round it, so "very unlikely" becomes "never" and we
stop thinking about or acting on it - even if it is actually something that is
eventually certain. Example: how many people actually have an emergency kit?
Answer: very few. But, a year after say the Christchurch earthquakes here in New
Zealand, nearly everyone in Christchurch had one because it was front-of-mind.
Ten+ years later and most people are getting slack again.

If you can work out how to solve this kind of apathy to the unlikely, you deserve a
Nobel prize.


Hace 1 d�a
You can't without creating something that isn't human at all. All things on earth
are, essential, energy optimized, since for the last 5 billion years or so the
primary constraint on all life and activity is energy, it's why our muscles atrophy
and every living thing on earth is subject to laziness. Hoping that unlikely bad
things just don't happen is the energy optimized solution, and anything not subject
to that will be more alien than a creature from mars and more dangerous than an
asteroid impact.


Hace 1 d�a
Maybe by teaching statistics in mandatory school years? Complete with long term
cause-effect analysis?


zan c
zan c
Hace 1 d�a
But aren't there a lot of different possibilities in the "unlikely" category? I
feel like it would be hard to find the time and resources to prepare for every


Ralph Brinton
Ralph Brinton
Hace 1 d�a
I fell asleep 4 words into you mumbling

Diana Dee
Diana Dee
Hace 1 d�a
Americans are horrible at being prepared. It is the optimism that people around
the world admire or are we hopeless cock-eyed optimists? Unless it affects us now,
it's kept out of mind. I'm a 'Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst' kind
of person.

drew camero
drew camero
Hace 1 d�a
For all these reasons, AI may be the answer. And this is from someone who thinks AI
will be subverted and used against the average person most of the time. But AI is
going to be good at seeing epidemics coming. Its all about pattern matching and
statistics, and trends. The US Department of Health should have been using AI 5
years ago.


Reagan Kimberley
Reagan Kimberley
Hace 1 d�a
@zan c exactly why the energy-optimised solution is to not worry about that which
is so unlikely as to rarely present an issue

David Edward
David Edward
Hace 1 d�a
Global dictatorship. Where's my prize?


Hace 1 d�a
So you want to say, getting a girlfriend is not actually NEVER gonna happen but
it's just "very unlikely" ? :)

Hace 1 d�a
You might find Daniel Kahneman�s decision weights vs probabilities from Thinking,
Fast and Slow to be interesting

Daniel Miller
Daniel Miller
Hace 1 d�a
You can�t solve this apathy, because the majority of people fully immersed in
extremely shallow areas (like kardashians or political conspiracies). 85% of
people are simply distracted or stupid. This is why politicians and elitists are
not only able, but find it necessary to dictate what people should think and do.
The general public willingly hands over their freedom of thought to �leaders�
because freedom is not cheap, nor is it easy.

Hace 1 d�a
Art. Embed the warning in our culture. It's how humans have always done it.

Carlos Flores
Carlos Flores
Hace 1 d�a
@Daniel Miller I wonder, if we could influence mainstream media, could we change
the world? Ahh, but is not doable.

Jake Patterson
Jake Patterson
Hace 1 d�a
Lol. Not me. I have anexity. I constantly think about things that won't happen and
obsess about them happening

Kevin Street
Kevin Street
Hace 1 d�a
What you're talking about is a logical fallacy, but it's also human nature. It's a
logical shortcut we fall back on when we feel overwhelmed by information or unsure.
I think the best way to get people to avoid making the fallacy is to help them
avoid becoming overwhelmed or unsure of what is real in the first place. That means
clear, impartial discussion of proper risk management by people who are already
highly trusted. But of course, finding someone who everyone trusts is also a

cliff von ting

cliff von ting
Hace 1 d�a (editado)
PLANDEMIC, look up the World Economic Forums plan for us. "YOU WILL OWN NOTHING
AND BE HAPPY" look up that phrase, the response to covid and the Economic collapse
will be 10,000 times more severe then Covid never should have shut the country

Michael Winter
Michael Winter
Hace 1 d�a

Hace 1 d�a
@cliff von ting You seem to have missed my qualifications. Dumb conspiracy
theories don't hold water if you've actually done the research. The economic
impacts are bad, but the virus is much, much worse.

Hace 1 d�a
I had a stock of N95 masks I had purchased several years ago. I wish I was wrong
about needing them someday. And I am by no means a prepper, I just understood that
this would likely happen in my lifetime.

Crystal Giddens
Crystal Giddens
Hace 23 horas
NYT recommends Biden administration to appoint 'reality czar'

Crystal Giddens
Crystal Giddens
Hace 23 horas
@Daniel Miller you are a piece of work!

Kristof Balogh
Kristof Balogh
Hace 23 horas
So that is why my family memebers always laugh at me when I say stuff like "don't
put the PS4 that high, what if there is an earthquake."

Hace 23 horas
A masters in disaster management? Why the hell would you pick that?

cliff von ting

cliff von ting
Hace 23 horas (editado)
@bevanfindlay I don't give a dam about your self importance, ego or qualifications.
Apparently youre not a very good at analyzing the Macro picture. I gave you a
specific phrase and organization yet you DIDNT LOOK IT UP. The economic fall out
will be far more severe you have no idea what destruction of your currency or
credit markets will do..

Hace 23 horas
What kind of idealistic dystopian civilization would we have if we ignored problems
that were very likely to occur so that we could solve problems that are super
unlikely to occur? Sounds pretty dysfunctional and inefficient! Is only so much
time and energy in the world and we need to prioritize...

Hace 23 horas
@bippitybappity Short answer: I've always wanted to get into some kind of
humanitarian/"make the world better" field of work. ?? Longer answer involves time,
chance, and the trajectory of where my life has gone, but the short version gets to
the meat of it. Really fascinating topic to study though.

Im Hoping
Im Hoping
Hace 23 horas
Then report fake Earthquake events once every 5 years.

e u
e u
Hace 23 horas
Lol no you don't
Crystal Giddens
Crystal Giddens
Hace 23 horas (editado)
@Creativesuit you sound like a totalitarian. top down management to the extreme!
why not reduce the population through mandatory vaccinations? AND! outlaw dissent!

Hace 23 horas (editado)
@Creativesuit The argument isn't an "either/or"; yes, we should absolutely focus on
higher probability events, but I'll use a workplace example to explain why the low
likelihood/high conference events are critical.

Let's say I have a building site, and around once a week, someone gets a cut or a
splinter, so I put all my risk reduction effort into preventing those, only to have
someone killed by a reversing vehicle.* The cuts and splinters are immediate and
present, but they're not a risk that's really worth bothering about. The things
that should have our attention are the ones that can kill people, even if they're
far less frequent.

*(Killed by a reversing vehicle is not something I made up: it happened to someone

in a company I used to work for).

At a large scale, it's the events that we're not expecting (coronavirus being the
obvious one, though the Christchurch earthquakes that I mentioned is another good
case study for the concept - we knew earthquakes were a threat in NZ, but we all
thought it would hit Wellington, which had frequent small tremors, not
Christchurch, which had no previous history of earthquakes).

"Black swan" events is the name given to such things, and it's an interesting
subject to read up on if you've got the time.

cliff von ting

cliff von ting
Hace 23 horas
@bevanfindlay By the way I've done alot of research read Klaus Schwabs book the
founder of the WEF. "Covid 19 The Great Reset" odd title the entire read is them
building a new system off the foundation of Covid, they know destruction is coming.
Many billionaires, Corporate Elite, Financial Elite, World Polititions, Ect attend
the WEF they just got done meeting in Davos Switzerland. Other terms BUILD BACK

Hace 23 horas
@cliff von ting Your problem is not giving a damn about qualifications. And
believing all blogposts written by unqualified charlatans that fit your
confirmation bias and paranoid narrative.

Hace 23 horas
@Crystal Giddens well you suck at reading people I guess...

Hace 23 horas (editado)
@bevanfindlay @bevanfindlay I think you're wrong the argument is either or yes
because the unlikely problems are infinite. To prepare for every one of them is
impossible even if everybody in the world was working on it. By the way I work in
construction and nobody gives a s*** about tiny cuts and splinters. We're too busy
worrying about stuff that is actually going to hurt people or kill them.

Not sure why you're classifying a pandemic is unlikely event. Of all the "Black
Swan" events a pandemic was the most likely to happen. Although completely
unpreventable I do think we were not prepared well enough for sure.

Anyways thanks for the reading suggestions that was not condescending at all...

Hace 23 horas
What job does a masters degree in disaster management prepare you for anyway?

Mykiea Mcafee
Mykiea Mcafee
Hace 23 horas
Your definitely right ??

Hace 22 horas
@Dustin There are a few, but not many, as it is quite specialised. The most
obvious is an Emergency Management Officer, which is the person responsible for
forming plans and preparation for disasters and coordinating responses if/when
something does happen (here in New Zealand, it's at a local council level). My
current job is fire risk reduction, so more specially focused on one area (I work
for our national firefighting organisation), and the work I do ranges across
community engagement, building compliance, and fire investigation. My classmates
were from all over the world, so it is quite niche. Some other areas can include
things like working for the likes of the Red Cross, UNHCR, or any number of non-
profit organisations - basically anyone who might respond in, or prepare for, an

Triddy bash
Triddy bash
Hace 22 horas
@Daniel Miller great comment ????

Hace 22 horas
@Creativesuit The way risk analysis is actually done is to look at both consequence
AND likelihood - we don't do anything about say the risk of being hit by a falling
satellite, as the likelihood is vanishingly small, but we do need to prepare for
the events that are uncommon but devastating (the example here in New Zealand is
earthquakes: prior to 2010, we hadn't really had any major losses in recent
history, and for a lot of people, not in their lifetime, but it was - and still is
- a major threat).

The point with the building site example is that you don't care about little
scratches, that was my whole point.

Triddy bash
Triddy bash
Hace 22 horas
@Kevin Street idealism sucks! It's not reality. You set yourself up to let
yourself down. Reality is, humans are selfish, cruel, mob mentality, idiots, who
live in a box. That's why it's important to pick your battles wisely, and be with
people who bring out the best in you??

Hace 22 horas
What about car and plane accident? Is it something that is eventually certain?

cliff von ting

cliff von ting
Hace 22 horas (editado)
@Triddy bash Thats harsh dont see the world that way we all have good and bad
qualities. Most want to do the right thing all of us are flawed I know I can be a
jerk some times but I always want the best for people and most do. But there is
real evil to.

Hace 21 horas
Finding such a solution is counterintuitive to the goals people like Gates have to
depopulate the world. Thus it will never happen.

Serena S
Serena S
Hace 21 horas
I am in Marketing, and we use this truth, to penetrate markets. Truth you speak,
and Gates is in a position to profit, greatly.

tragoedia veritas
tragoedia veritas
Hace 21 horas
Basically should be called the �Chicken Little� degree. You can tell the world the
sky is falling but it doesn�t mean they�ll take heed.

donotlike 4 anonymus
donotlike 4 anonymus
Hace 21 horas
Well people are stupid.. Personally I have 2 medical kits and a disaster kit... U
know earthquakes and a like I mean.. Not so much fire but that's for a number of
reasons such as living fairly close to a firefighters station

U get the point


Some people plan ahead others do not.. And it is sad

In a perfect (meritocratic) world the people working hardest the people who play it
safe and act responsibility should benefit...
In reality people like gates don't have to act responsibility and morally but steel
the works of others... Just as he did with Dos... And he made billions...

I Love Merica
I Love Merica
Hace 21 horas
I have a first aid kit !!!

Nitish Srivastava
Nitish Srivastava
Hace 21 horas
@Padraic And that man actually won the Nobel Prize.
Jacqueline Rosser
Jacqueline Rosser
Hace 21 horas
@CTBadger so what did you do with the masks?

Hace 21 horas
what is an emergency kit?

Hace 20 horas
@TheNasaDude First you would need competent teachers in the subject that are
excellent at getting across non-intuitive ideas.

Good luck.

Hace 20 horas
@cliff von ting meh. Not like everything was rosy before.

Hace 20 horas
@Ralph Brinton I made it to 7 words and stopped because there is no such thing as a
literal Master's degree. I have an actual Master's degree so I can verify this.

Diddy Sh
Diddy Sh
Hace 20 horas
See, what you say sounds logical and has a legit merit to it, however it just isn�t
feasible for one reason or another. You can�t live life constantly worrying that
something is gonna happen. There�s million and a half things that could literally
go wrong tomorrow or rn, but they don�t. Perhaps it is a survival bias talking...I
mean for sure something will happen, but personally I rather take it at a face
value. Play it by the ear if you will. Y�kno? Like in our day and age there is a
chance of a plane crashing into a building, but how do I prepare for it? Build a
bunker and never come out? I think with most of any natural disasters - we should
respect the situation, but not fear it. That�s my 2 cents.

The Flame Thrower

The Flame Thrower
Hace 20 horas
You should read black swan

Hace 19 horas (editado)
"...eventually certain"
like a revolution in America??

Hace 19 horas
The solve: have a mandatory Pandemic Games every year to remind us all of the
horrors of a real pandemic and prevent the slack from happening.

Hace 19 horas
Safety kit is not a alien concept, every house used to have one in 80s and 90s. Now
people more relay on hospitals and medical insurance, they thing it is not a
necessary thing anymore...

Hace 19 horas
It's called "The Optimism Bias", I believe.

Hace 19 horas (editado)
Bill Gates is a hypocrite. He has never wore a mask yet insists everyone else do
so. Fun exercise, try and find even one picture of him wearing a mask. I wonder if
he had something to do with the pandemic? Seems fishy. Look at who doesn't have to
submit to laws and you'll find who is in charge as the famous saying goes.

Dark Aster
Dark Aster
Hace 19 horas (editado)
It might be built into our evolution, usually short term crisis situation took
precedence over long term theoretical outcomes - as if you didn't survive the short
term crisis, long term planning would have been a mute point. So its really
resource balancing, like right now - do we shut down the economy for the whole to
save a small percentage of the population, with the risk of long term economic
destruction which will result in many more lives lost due to famin, crime, suicide,
and then ironically the infection will spread and we will have made ourselves broke
and get infected anyway. Its the brutal truth nobody wants to face.

Josh Marden
Josh Marden
Hace 19 horas
@bevanfindlay far more people are suffering from the lockdowns than the virus. This
fear induced reaction is lunacy, only those at high risk should be quarantined.

shoop dawhoop
shoop dawhoop
Hace 19 horas
A literal masters in disaster management as opposed to a metaphorical one.

Hace 19 horas
Gonna be honest, you made me go buy an emergency kit for my car.

des n
des n
Hace 19 horas
I don't think the human brain is capable of visualizing these numbers.

Hace 19 horas
We live in constant mortal danger from everything around us, from both the built
and natural environment, and people succumb to those dangers every second of every
day, but for as much as we could possibly mitigate those risks it would impact our
lives so heavily as to make it unlivable, we could live in a hermetically sealed
bubble underground for near perfect protection or we could just wear our seat belts
when travelling in a car to offer some protection, we don't really want to a
acknowledge our own mortality so much that it impacts dramatically on what we hold
dear, for people living on borrowed time in San Fransico waiting for 'the big one',
something we know will definitely happen with some certainty, but what do you do
when your friends, family and job are all there?

Ben M�ller
Ben M�ller
Hace 18 horas
@WaterspoutsOfTheDeep Could this be because you don't need to wear a mask if you
aren't around other people? Could it be that he has properly maintained social
distancing and isolation in lockdown? Only communicating with the outside world
trough the internet?
I challenge you to find a post pandemic photo of him in a situation where he
actually needed to wear a mask and isn't wearing one

Ben M�ller
Ben M�ller
Hace 18 horas
@bevanfindlay Well, one solution to that problem would be to fund the proper
training of people in assessing and recognizing such risks and then have them work
as a consultant in institutions where it is most likely that respones to black swan
events would need to be prepared.

You are already part of the solution, we just need more of you. Thanks btw

Hace 18 horas
You can�t. That�s why making these solutions cheap and readily/quickly available in
mass quantities is so important.

michael getachew
michael getachew
Hace 17 horas
What's coming is already written in Isaiah 13 & 14. It's coming, and it's going to
be because of what Mr. Gates and the rest of the Satanists are doing right now.
Repent and follow THE LORD JESUS CHRIST or you will go into eternal fire!!! (please
try to comprehend what burning in fire for all of eternity means)

Hace 14 horas (editado)
@bevanfindlay "the way risk analysis is actually done" thanks for another
condescending educational tidbit! You might want to re-read my original comment
because this is literally exactly what I'm saying to do focus on the problems that
are likely to occur and cause major problems... and spare me the appeal to
Authority I don't really give a s*** what you do for a living this is a YouTube
comment section buddy.

Matthew Rowles
Matthew Rowles
Hace 14 horas
What would you put in an emergency bag?

Hace 11 horas
@Jacqueline Rosser We had around 30, we kept about half for ourselves and donated
the rest to our primary care doctor's office back in March when supply was non-

Hace 2 horas
The only thing a master degree does for you is being afraid you'll lose it.

Donald Amaele
Hace 9 horas
The Internet has done a great job in my progress of understanding and comprehending
simple basics in complex matters.


Hace 8 horas
u should read that and question its veracity, no?
Hace 11 horas
"for people who want to learn facts, this is a golden age." Well said.


Hace 11 horas
Survival of the fittest cultural memes is slowly, but steadily taking the upper

Hace 10 horas (editado)
Sure, like the the left saying Hydroxychloroquine doesn't work simply because Trump
said it did. Now that Biden's in office, it's suddenly being recommended. This is
the golden age of propaganda by people claiming they're telling you facts. And
Bill is one of the worst offenders. He THINKS he knows stuff he doesn't. Some of
the stuff he does know is mostly general theory. He simply has name recognition.


Project Starter
Project Starter
Hace 10 horas
@janofb Is it? All I can find is sources saying that it's not proven to help. And
it's definitely not a cure like trumpo claimed

Jos� Alejandro Ram�rez

Jos� Alejandro Ram�rez
Hace 9 horas (editado)
I think that scientists and alike think wrongly that education is to learn facts or
information. I think that's only a small part of education, the less important.
Education is more about a training of instincts. If you want a society with good
soldiers, the training of instincts is very important, and if you want a thinking
society, the training in the scientific method is also a training in instincts.

Gambeir Bay
Gambeir Bay
Hace 4 horas
Ah, I suspect you may discover otherwise in the near future

jorgan Kharn
Hace 22 minutos
�The devil was a liar from beginning �

shanna moran
Hace 1 minuto
bill gates inserts himself into the current situation as if he were a medical
doctor. he is NOT and people should investigate his background. you don't have to
look too far to learn that he is NOT just a great guy who wants to help. he has his
own agenda.
curtis pineo
Hace 18 minutos
6:00-7:00 bassically saying they want to ban or censor free speech hahaha

Allen Parsens
Hace 3 minutos
Well I guess I am one of these people you refer to as a "conspiracy theorist,"
however I want you to know, that I fully support yourself and your family getting a
Karl Volk
Hace 9 minutos (editado)
Regarding conspiracy theories: Theories are useful tools. They are an integral
part of the scientific method that we were taught in school when I was young. And
there are bad people in the world and real conspiracies that truly exist. Putting
those two words together didn't used to mean anything bad, and still shouldn't
today. A certain number of conspiracy theories end up being true. We need to
tolerate having conspiracy theories; otherwise, we will never investigate and find
out when some of them are true. It is worth tolerating the many false theories to
discover the true ones. And the same goes in the scientific method, such as when
they research to discover new drugs, for example. Lots of failures, but a few
great discoveries. I'm not saying we each shouldn't use our experience and logic
to estimate the probability on theories, but we really shouldn't ban them when we
think they are improbable. That would be imposing our judgement on others, and who
are we to do that? Plus, every once in a while a theory we think is "crazy" ends
up being true.

Dallas Segno
Dallas Segno
Hace 10 minutos
i have a better solution, it's all fake, so...

Zharkhan Tulawie
Zharkhan Tulawie
Hace 3 minutos
@Dallas Segno Big Brain Time

sandeep sharma
Hace 7 minutos
They know where to invest, how to create business in all fields. Each year they
earn 10 to 15 billion,
They business are connected.

tess dean
Hace 6 minutos
bills gates is bad news---bought most of our farmland to make GMO food and take
away from farmers . he's not a sceintist and supports the Democratic Party. he
doesn't decide to be fact checker

Noex Empty
Hace 11 minutos
It's funny like they talk about missinformation and they don't mention CNN, MSNBC,
FOX, ABC, NYT, WP, etc etc etc.

Mike Colie
Hace 6 horas
"Pushing back against misinformation" - Where do you start or where do you stop?
Who gets to determine what misinformation is? Is it misinformation or is it
misleading information? Is it misleading information or is it misleading by
omitting information? While "information" coming from so called "Flat earthers" is
easily recognized as wrong by a vast majority of people, what happens when it comes
to us from a more trust worthy source? Rumor mills, conspiracy theories and
spreading of misinformation/information have been around mankind since the
beginning of our existence. The problem is being exacerbated now because of how
easy it is to put out and spread things in our connected world. Unfortunately
much of it is being propagated by dishonest and unethical people. The truth isn't
sexy so why not dress it up and make it look better? ie... Gates and Buffet
saying taxes should be raised on the rich while doing everything they can to avoid
paying higher taxes. How do you fight back when you have Buffet saying how his
administrative assistant pays a higher tax rate on her pay than he does. All the
while knowing full well he avoids paying higher taxes by using every single tactic
he can including how he gets paid? Then our mainstream media simply goes along
with it because it is part of their agenda and beliefs.


John Baer
John Baer
Hace 5 horas
Clearly, Google and the AP get to determine what "misinformation" is... Have you
not seen the banner adds over "controversial" opinions?

Daniel Goncharov
Daniel Goncharov
Hace 4 horas
It's been eye opening to see the language shift from "disinformation" to

Hace 3 horas
Information today is offered freely through all forms of media but the
responsibility of recognizing true "misinformation" comes at a cost. That cost is
to verify the information yourself. Only after doing this verification can you
responsibly share with others what you have learned. Otherwise you are part of the

Thomas W
Thomas W
Hace 3 horas
I like the analogy to the immune system. The immune system is constantly being
trained with new threats to the organism and it must figure out a way to adapt. I
guess it is the same for us. We need to be constantly trained to evaluate and
experience whats more realistic, recognise fake information and dump it. Many a
former so called fact has been proven wrong over time. As you mentioned, its easy
with flat earthers, since we have abundant evidence and experience against that
theory. But while we need to be cautious we must likewise be open and humble enough
to allow ourselves to be convinced of new realities if they turn out to be true.
Otherwise we�ll get stuck. So I don�t think that anyone should excert any control
over knowledge or truth. The principle must be free and independent search for
truth for everyone. It�s gonna be tried and tested. And that�s a good thing.

Agent 33
Agent 33
Hace 11 minutos
Right. Almost all organizations aren't even completely transparent to information
they published. Success and progress gets to publish while mistakes and failures
are burried or maybe labeled as conspiracy.

Also remember, flath earth conspiracy theory started as a meme and eventually we
got people fully believe this is true.

Abstract Russian
Hace 1 hora
9:00 I like how you don't want to criticise the only true idea in the world of fake
news. Keep it up, woke brother!!!
Adventure Ohio 2
Hace 11 horas
It was not a hard prediction.


Hace 9 horas
Kinda is, Ebola wasn�t a worldwide pandemic as Covid. It only affected less than
25,000 people while COVID infected more than 100 million. The last time we had a
pandemic like this as far as I can remember was the Spanish Flu which happened more
than a Century ago

bill ted
bill ted
Hace 9 horas
As far as we know the virus could have easly escaped the wuhan lab
The cover up/silence is pretty obvious .

Hace 8 horas
Yes not a hard prediction. It has been said for years that another pandemic would
happen. In 2006 an infectious disease expert went on Oprah to talk about the
inevitability of a pandemic. He warned that the world needs to be ready.

alex mackay
alex mackay
Hace 5 horas
It is easy when you create it.

Hace 5 horas
Says everyone after it happened

entropy 4444
entropy 4444
Hace 5 horas
@Memetos over the last 1000 years theres been a pandemic every 100 years.
Ryon Tiler
Ryon Tiler
Hace 4 horas
@alex mackay They are purposely creating the plandemic viruses, and the poison
vaccines to depopulate and shorten peoples life spans.

Laszlo Papp
Laszlo Papp
Hace 4 horas (editado)
Especially if you plan the plandemic yourself with your buddies from the WEF, WHO
and Johns Hoppkins University and have the power to control politics and media all
over the world to create a polit medial plandemie out of medical normality.
Practically no EU country had an over the average fatality in 2020 - independently
of the measures, which in turn will cause orders if magnitude more damage than this
virus alone would have been capable of: in terms of health, social and political
stability and economic wealth.

Hace 3 horas
@Ryon Tiler that whole sentence is stupid

Hace 6 horas
* When you wanted to be a microbiologist but somehow end up creating microsoft *


Hace 5 horas
Parents: NO you are not going to waste your life on that stupid biology stuff.
Bill: ??...
Hace 4 horas
Gates is a college drop out. Just because he's tremendously rich doesn't mean he
knows what he's talking about.

Harry T Lynx
Harry T Lynx
Hace 4 horas
@BM and having a degree doesn't automatically mean you're a smart person who knows
what they're talking about either

Hace 4 horas
@BM nobody said that... calm down.

Agent 33
Hace 30 minutos
Maybe the main purpose of this video is to discourage people from seeing conspiracy
Ammar Ashshiddiqi
Hace 8 minutos
What we need is science accessibility and rise of skepticism
1. Science accessibility where everyone even ordinary people can read and
understand what researchers found... And this is hard
2. Skepticism is related with our immune system against misinformation

Agent 33
Agent 33
Hace 52 segundos
The journals have paywall now. Even if we paid access to it, we still do not get
full transparency to information. Thus, could cover up failures or negative issues
and just highlight the good news.

Skepticism is your best pal. But if you done it overly, it can lead you to be
narrow-minded person and refuse change. Thus, gives a possibility to overlook the
truth behind logic.

Hace 19 minutos
He predicted it because it was planned. It came from China, they couldn't have a
war bc donald trump ruined there plan, so china said here you are.
Matt V
Hace 1 hora
Ol Bill invested in the virus and vaxxines.

guy potvin
Hace 1 hora
Seriously, does anyone care about a cut throat throat business man thinks. Someone
with billions. How about really giving it to the poor. Do you take a tax deduction
on what you do give away. Did Microsoft pay its fair share of taxes?
That question is for you Bezos and Buffet, and least Trump doesn�t
really have the money to make a difference
EMS 76
Hace 3 horas
You know, just because Mr Gates understood the public health system inefficiencies
that led to being unprepared for this pandemic doesn't suddenly make his the
world's catastrophe oracle. People can know a great deal about one (or several)
things and have insight because of that. That doesn't make them foresight gods.

guy potvin
Hace 1 hora
You could all give away 50 billion and not feel it

Pedro Oliveira Lima

Hace 2 horas
Bill gates voice = kermit the frog
Caroline Lato
Hace 4 horas
What is that bump on the upper right quadrant of Bill Gates forehead, do you
suppose? -------Asking for a friend . . . ....

Hace 6 horas
Hmm this is interesting he says that a new virus can be enigeered by someone...

Angela Dansie
Angela Dansie
Hace 5 horas
Of course. Biological warfare has been a threat for decades. Laboratories all over
the world have deadly bacteria & viruses that they're playing with. Some of those
don't have the best interests of humankind in mind.

Hace 4 horas
@Angela Dansie I mean yeah but then we're pretty much effed aren't we? Covid19
could have happened like that then right? I am not a believer in this at all, but
if even Bill is saying this then that's bad.
Hace 3 horas
Event 201.

Master Exploder
Hace 1 d�a (editado)
Bill Gates is proof that no one really listens to the advice in Ted Talks, we just
walk away mildly impressed and move on to the next video


Hace 1 d�a
If more people listened to 2077 Paradigm Shift, the world would be a better place


Walter Bishop
Walter Bishop
Hace 1 d�a
this pandemic is result of politics nothing else, if WHO listened to Taiwan warning
from december 2019 (btw WHO tweeted in the middle of January 2020 that there is no
confirmation of disease spreading between humans) about new disease spreading in
China, we could ban travel from China or do something
"funny" fact, in the beginning, China banned travel from and to Wuhan within China
but they did not banned international travel from and to Wuhan


Emppu T.
Emppu T.
Hace 1 d�a
According to his ted talk, with good healthcare and vaccination, we can drop world
population by 10-15 %

Hace 1 d�a
Those who listened to his talk are mostly people who can't influence anything. And
those who maybe could potentially influence would've most likely been stopped
purely due to bureaucracy. Also I disagree with the point that no-one does
anything. I personally still apply a lot from the most influential talks I've seen.
Sal Khan and Simon Sinek come to mind the most but there are a few others. The
point of a TedTalk is to plant nuggets of ideas, not to make you change how you
live your life immediately (although I'm sure some people have). The amount of
people watching is not enough to make an immediate impact. It can maybe manifect in
decades after those who did take the ideas seriously, have made something
significant on the matter or relaid it to someone with more direct influence
(children for example).

YouTube is primarily for entertainment. Veritasium is also a channel that mostly

entertains through scientific facts. But it is, nonetheless, entertainment. Most
people who watch this channel don't write it all down and go to further research
and study the material. I love this channel but I've never taken the time to fact
check or redo an experiment (the ones that can be done at home). When I want to
actively learn and study I go and watch very specific videos and in very small
quantity so that I can apply them myself. For most people these videos come up in
the subscription feed and the recommended or home tabs which results in casual

I don't think we should put much emphasis on these things because the ecosystem
they are in is not built for active learning. It's passive. Very passive. And I
don't think there is anything wrong with that. I, for example, love ideas and I
take a few hours a week to deeply think and hot it on paper to make the ideas more
explicit or speak aloud to make sure it's not just thoughts that sort of make sense
but that I can make sense of those thoughts in a logically rigorous manner that can
be communicated "you definitely understand when you can teach". So treat videos on
YouTube as more of entertainment that plants nuggets of ideas like any form of art.
And if you find them interesting or important enough, share them with a friend or a
group of friends in a non-spammable manner. Changing one mind at a time is the best
we've got, and the fact that we are slowly reaching the human population stability
should make every such mind count for more. Changing the world is not most people's
priority. But if you want to help, do it locally. Influence those you are close to
and they will in turn influence others until it reaches the right mega influences
(not in the instagram sense of the word). Six degrees of separation. Change one
degree. Having good people in your life is much more manageable and frankly much
healthier. Don't worry about everyone else in the world. You mostly likely can't
afford to do that financially or mentally (people like Gates, Musk and Bazos are
exceedingly rare). I talk to a few friends about these ideas, discuss them and
understand them further and apply a lot more nuance. I'm not going to social media
to try and convince the wider world. That's ineffective communication and directly
supports the idea about social media presented in the video. It's not nuanced so
why waste time.

As of making this comment, I recommend a video by Numberphile that was just

released, regarding social media. Even the smartest of people react to it really
badly because the tools available encourage immediacy. Not deep thought. Maybe if
you watch it, it can give you ideas on how to scale up good discussions online with
the masses. I think I might have an idea regarding time limited responses
(artificially forcing you to take at least a few seconds to process).

Ix Suomi
Ix Suomi
Hace 1 d�a
@SiMe tl;dr unless you really think people are reading that.


Hace 1 d�a
Or maybe theres no way to be prepared for a pandemic without having totalitary

Hace 1 d�a
@Ix Suomi if you are too lazy to read (as I am sometimes) then just don't. This is
a comment for those that maybe would read and hopefully get a little something out
of it. I had people read comments I've made that spanned over 2,700 words (required
splitting the comment in two). So yes, I do think some people read my long
comments, the one you responded to being of a moderate size (for me).

Guy Fox
Guy Fox
Hace 1 d�a
Ted Talk is cancer, that's why.

Ix Suomi
Ix Suomi
Hace 1 d�a
@SiMe I gave up on reading or writing long essays here, because I keep getting
dissconnected or shadow banned. And long comments are either boring as hell or
posted 5 years ago, so I don't use these features anymore.

Hace 1 d�a
@Ix Suomi That's fair. I personally found some personal satisfaction with them so I
keep doing them. I definitely do it less often though depending on the topic and
the people I'm responding to.

Divad Ignawm
Divad Ignawm
Hace 1 d�a
@SiMe Do you write novels too? I'd like to read a book you've written.

Hace 1 d�a
@Divad Ignawm I'm working on a potential novel/comic. Maybe some day I'll have it
done. Writing fiction is really hard. It will take me at least 5-10 years to finish
considering my current occupation and various other projects I'm working on. So I
don't have anything to share of that kind at the moment, sorry :]

Cerebral Pisces
Cerebral Pisces
Hace 1 d�a
@Emppu T. sheep think that's a good thing.

Hace 1 d�a
I�ve been listening to Michael Pollan and Paul Stamets TED talks and my life has
changed considerably!

Hace 1 d�a (editado)
What are you and I literally sopost to do Master? The only ones who can make
changes are the powerfully rich and world governments, either they dont watch ted
talks or are the ones who don't care. The average audience still worries about
making sure they've put enough aside for rent next week.

Max Power
Max Power
Hace 1 d�a
@Master Exploder Now take a look, tell me what do you see,
We've got the pandemic of destiny

Mars Exulte
Mars Exulte
Hace 1 d�a
@Ix Suomi You're not shadow banned. We just ignore you.

Hace 1 d�a
picture a not so distant future, actual aliens land, folks look at their screens in
shock, then swipe to a video of a man falling off a ladder...

Hace 1 d�a
Bill doesn't want to save lives he wants to kill and destroy. Don't let the mr.
rogers sweaters fool you.

Hace 1 d�a
@Reggie lol

Hace 1 d�a
There are very few TED talks that have ever even mildly impressed me. Although, I
have been mildly alarmed by the miniacle adgendas many of the speekers seem to

Josaline McKenna
Josaline McKenna
Hace 1 d�a
@Emppu T

LMAO. Yes.

Dan Deeteeyem
Dan Deeteeyem
Hace 1 d�a
Or the Ted talk was a heads up- it's not a prediction when you have inside
information. I suspect he's in the loop and just knew the direction geopolitics is
quit deliberately being steered around us

Hace 1 d�a
I think it's more so proof that the right people are not listening. The policy
makers, the advisors, etc.

Hace 21 horas
Bill Gates Ted Talk, and Hitler's Mein Kampf both were similar predictions that
came true in that they both had a hand in making them true...makes you go hmmmm....
(just adding some friendly conspiracy to the "truth" channel here on youtube! :-)

Chandra Fernando
Chandra Fernando
Hace 20 horas

Tribalism blinds them, but not you, right?

Tribalism blinds them, but not you, right?
Hace 19 horas
I like the ted talk where demographers are warning that in 500 years, there will be
no more humans because of population decline because of a post-scarcity
civilization. 36 prosperous countries have less being born than dying. It would
create a population decline if it weren't for immigration in those countries. The
usa grows by less every year than the 2.5 million new immigrant citizens we get
each year. India and africa are the biggest contributors to world population
growth, but before 80 years is up, indias population will stop growing. Its only
downhill from there. Every 100 years the population will halve, accelerating in the
last 200 years. We have 8 billion, then 4 then 2 then 650 million then 100 million
then 500,000 then 20,000. Futurists think that when we get less than a billion, in
300 or so years, we will have programs to try and convince people to have kids.
France has one today. They have one of the worst birth/death ratios in the world.
When that doesn't work, when we get to less than a million we will make it socially
wrong to not have kids. This will not stop the decline. It may slow it, but it will
not stop. We may delay getting to less than 100k by literally farming children and
requiring women to give eggs to the state for child incubation. But even this will
decline over time, with people thinking we will need less and less people to do
things like take care of the old. Hey, if you stuck it out this long in my comment,
thank you. I personally have no hope that humanity will be around in 1000 years.
Our beautiful 2 million years as homo erectus is almost over.

michael getachew
michael getachew
Hace 18 horas
What's coming is already written in Isaiah 13 & 14. It's coming, and it's going to
be because of what Mr. Gates and the rest of the Satanists are doing right now.
Repent and follow THE LORD JESUS CHRIST or you will go into eternal fire!!! (please
try to comprehend what burning in fire for all of eternity means)

Thomas Mansfield
Thomas Mansfield
Hace 13 horas
@Emppu T. ?

Anupam Datta Sarkar

Anupam Datta Sarkar
Hace 12 horas
@Walter Bishop If Trump acted??

Gambeir Bay
Gambeir Bay
Hace 4 horas
Ted talks, sheesse...ya I need to be told how to think and what to expect.

Hace 2 horas
Yeah cuz it�s mostly about self important people trying to catch clout

Hace 2 horas
@Walter Bishop no it�s not. People who think that the pandemic could have been
prevented are just as dumb as people who make 911 conspiracy theories, because they
can�t believe that something so bad can happen in real life. Sometimes bad things
happen in life, and are not preventable . Not one major nation was able to stop
infection in their country.

Jayger Noneofyourbusiness
Jayger Noneofyourbusiness
Hace 1 hora
@michael getachew So feel free to do exactly as I say or burn forever?!?
Richard Harris
Hace 1 d�a
5:42 As I used to tell all my students. "The internet is like having access to the
biggest library in the world, the only problem is at least half the "books" have
been written by lunatics".


James Lopez
James Lopez
Hace 1 d�a
And the librarians' primary concern is that you stay there all day reading, so they
recommend books to you based on how inflammatory and titillating their covers and
titles are with virtually no consideration of quality or accuracy.


RL Doyle
RL Doyle
Hace 1 d�a
Just like a real library


Some Nygaard
Some Nygaard
Hace 1 d�a
Freedom is essential bad ideas are easy to root out when debate is allowed. This
current system we are being told wha ideas are allowed and what is verboten. Now we
have a CNN report suggesting a Reality Czar position in the federal government to
fact check for us and declare what is real and what isn�t? Orwell is turning out to
be quite the prophet.


Relativity Rocks !
Relativity Rocks !
Hace 1 d�a
at least half is an understatement


Hace 1 d�a
@RL Doyle exactly, the only difference is that you need the approval of publishers
who are just as crazy as the author

Hace 1 d�a
No, the real lunatics are those who burn the books. Unfortunately, they are in
power of almost all of our institutions today.


Some Nygaard
Some Nygaard
Hace 1 d�a
@calholli Only the ones that they disagree with. Conservative ideology? Oh the
horrors. Killing a baby the day it�s due to be born? A right! Men giving birth? Of
course! A woman with a penis? Absolutely! Believe the science they scream!


Hace 1 d�a
@Some Nygaard I used to agree with you but the culmination of recent events based
off crazy ideas birthed in internet echo chambers prove that bad ideas proliferate
much more readily than good ideas. People are stupid and need to be told what to
think, if you let them try for themselves you end up with qanon.


Hace 1 d�a (editado)
@fiddley I totally agree. We live in a world where unfortunately people need their
hand held and to be babysat lest they try and drink bleach because the internet
told them it could cure diseases. A lot of those same people complain about being
spoon fed information, while being the exact reason that needs to happen. Free will
is important, but can rightfully be revoked when it will just lead to people
harming themselves and others. The day people can just behave and act rationally is
the day that content no longer needs to be heavily moderated - sadly, that day
isn't soon.

Hace 1 d�a
@fiddleyyou are a person. does that apply to you? Are you too stupid to know what
to think? Are confessing that you need to be forced fed a narrative?

Hace 1 d�a
@Austin I am happy to defer to the opinion of subject matter experts where
necessary, yes.


Some Nygaard
Some Nygaard
Hace 1 d�a
@fiddley Be told what to think by whom? Whoever holds the power at any given time?
This is a bad idea, the worst. You may like the ideas you are being told today but
that will eventually change and if you look at history you will notice how often
the majority was wrong. If we had a media that was even remotely unbiased things
like Q, Russian collusion ect would less of a problem.

Hace 1 d�a
@RL Doyle It's a real moral struggle as a librarian to see books on our shelves
that are not fact-checked or science-based. But it is not our place to censor what
people read, instead we have to teach good critical thinking at all ages. Easier
said than done, though.

Bentley Baartman
Bentley Baartman
Hace 1 d�a

Shlomo Chosenitestein
Shlomo Chosenitestein
Hace 1 d�a
@TheDarkSide11891 Are you even listening to yourself? You're literally advocating
for the government to have complete control over our lives, our media, and the
decisions we make.

Davis Arens
Davis Arens
Hace 1 d�a
@TheDarkSide11891 yes, i can see how some people are too dumb to know what to do,
but whose fault is that? Is it them for not trusting in a certain news
organization? Is it the system for not providing credible, easy to understand
information? More importantly, who has the authority to settle this and tell them
what to do and what not to do? At what point will they call everyone ignorant and
force them to fall in line? Though there are some who are truly ignorant and need
to be told what to do, we still need to be careful because it's only a matter of
time before they're told to kill Jews, or build nukes, or give up private

Brandon Taitano
Brandon Taitano
Hace 1 d�a
... Only half??

Hace 1 d�a
That's why we need things like scientific publications and reliable new to be
available on reputable websites. When I Google information about vaccines I
shouldn't be getting news media as first results, I'd very much prefer to have the
original source of information to publish that on their website or some website
that collected that info and verified that information with actual reputable
experts, not just some bobblehead news dummy the network hired as an "expert".

RL Doyle
RL Doyle
Hace 1 d�a
@Alyss93 amen

Some Nygaard
Some Nygaard
Hace 1 d�a
@Shlomo Chosenitestein it�s insane that these people are for the government telling
us what to think. Most AMAZINGLY this change came about over the period of just
hours when a new government came into power. They are disgustingly disingenuous
because they only say this when they are in agreement with what�s being forced on
others. It�s not being forced on them they already believe something.

Gianluca G.
Gianluca G.
Hace 1 d�a
Just like a real library. Especially books about gods and similar stuff

Hace 1 d�a
?@Some Nygaard The media have always, ALWAYS, had a spin on things depending on
what the prevailing political climate is. but their information has always had a
large grain of truth. In the old days people had the sense to disregard the bias
and create the narrative for themselves that was fairly close to the truth. I don't
know what has happened to people but now they seem incapable of distinguishing the
moderately biased but largely truthful traditional media and utter crackpot stuff
like Alex Jones or Breitbart. I realised that propaganda is bad, but what we saw on
Jan 6th is also dangerous. The people had their chance with a free unconstrained
media and they blew it by choosing the outlets peddling lies and destruction. The
needle needs to swing in the other direction.

Meow Meow
Meow Meow
Hace 1 d�a

AI Enyo
AI Enyo
Hace 1 d�a (editado)
Here's a common sense solution that won't limit Free Speech. Label everything not
peer reviewed by field experts as "Opinion", and when a study is sponsored by a
special interest, label it as "Sponsored by X". I believe the issue is more to do
with a lack of knowing where the source comes from than anything.

In highschool and college I was taught that we can use Wikipedia, but to never cite
it as a source, and always find professional nonfiction publishers when doing
research. People nowadays just read hype headlines out of context and take it as
gospel instead of actually doing the work and looking at the full context

Hace 1 d�a
@calholli don't have to burn books anymore; inundating you with infinite books and
guiding you through the curated ones is far more effective.

Hace 1 d�a
@Themazeful That'd be great but most of the population (myself included) lack the
expertise to interpret the results on a scientific paper. There needs to be some
translation to everyday language, however current translations like "Atmospheric
Methane has a retarding effect on growth of cancerous cells in a petri dish" to
"Farts cure cancer" are not useful.

Davis Arens
Davis Arens
Hace 1 d�a
@fiddley I can tell you what happened to people: they're getting bought off by
google, microsoft, and the like in order to get personalized ads and, more
importantly, keep them "engaged" on their sites for as long as they can. This
unhealthy treatment of their "customers" has programmed their brains to work on
split second decisions that, while keeping them on whatever site they're on,
doesn't allow them to think critically and go deeper into whatever they're seeing.
People like you have witnessed this and blamed it on their "ignorance" or their
inability to think for themselves. This then catches the attention of the
government because they can use this to their advantage. They can now sway people's
minds using the internet and have them believe whatever they want, thus creating a
game of chess played by the two parties while the government sits back, always
winning (not that this is happening rn, but i can see it coming very soon).

Scruff R
Scruff R
Hace 1 d�a
@fiddley in the distant past the media landscape used to be more diverse than it is
now! Diversity of thought was perceived as positive and did allow for multiple
ideas to compete and sometimes the better one prevailed. In a strictly homogenized
media and scientific landscape new ideas will be quashed rather than tried. Science
and media are supposed to challenge the perception that we already know everything.
Who thinks to know everything, knows nothing really.

Some Nygaard
Some Nygaard
Hace 1 d�a
@fiddley The media spin has never been so obviously a lie, not just spin. This is
what allowed the Q garbage to take hold in my opinion. If they can report on riots
where cities are devastated by arson, looting, murder, the occupation of entire
neighborhoods, police buildings occupied and while these things are happening it�s
reported as mostly peaceful. I don�t need to go into all the lies but it�s insane
that anyone would suggest we be told what to think or believe.

Hace 1 d�a
That sounds a lot like a normal library

Hace 1 d�a (editado)
well as Veritasium himself said in another youtube video: The majority of
scientific findings that we have today are actually wrong. so even reputable
sources should never stay unquestioned, just cause they have a lot of citations.
the entire point of the scientific process is "not assuming to be right". even some
of the most fundamental things we believe to know today "could" turn out to be
wrong. That does of course not mean we should dismiss or ignore scientific
findings, cause after all the scientific method is still the best method that we

and never forget that there was a time in quite recent history, where all the
scientists of a country were convinced that "the jews are an inferior human
race"... and also not forget that in a time a bit further in the past, science
actually was convinced, that the world is flat...we shall never repeat such
mistakes and just follow the authority of science inspired ideologies and
mainstream ideas without questioning. the moment we call those that question
"idiots", we lost our grip to reality and broke the mechanism with wich we have a
chance to know anything with a defined certainty.

i think we can all agree on the fact that "knowing anything" is quite a difficult

Roy Roy
Roy Roy
Hace 1 d�a
brilliant . another great quote - george carlin- america, the american dream
because you have to be asleep to believe it !

Drop Kick Drones

Drop Kick Drones
Hace 1 d�a
I think you are part of the problem. The other people you don�t agree with are
lunatics? Hopefully your students don�t listen to you but instead listen to people
they don�t agree with take in as much information as they can and try and
understand the other side. And maybe just maybe come to some common ground on
things they can agree on. Just a thought.

Some Nygaard
Some Nygaard
Hace 1 d�a
@einzeller85 The people arguing it�s ok to tell be what they believe and are for
silencing things they disagree with are not being intellectually honest with
themselves or anyone else.

A quote I heard somewhere was, basically, if you want freedom of speech and freedom
of thought you must risk being offended.

Michael M
Michael M
Hace 1 d�a
@Some Nygaard Discussion? No, discussion had been allowed for the longest time.
People are just too stupid to recognize what's factual. People question everything,
and there wouldn't be anything wrong with that if people knew how to actually find
answers. So instead they believe whatever gives them the most emotional rise.
Question everything, believe anything.

Patrik Kron
Patrik Kron
Hace 1 d�a
@fiddley I believe that the reason people believe crazy ideas is because the
�reputable� sources have proven themselves to not be reputable, then when someone
comes along and explains something in a more likely was people believe it, then
that person has some level of trust that can be misused to make people believe in a
lie or simplification. Repeat it many times, make sure people are isolated from
people they disagree a little bit with using filter bubbles (it�s no point hearing
arguments that�s too far from what one believe, since it will seam insane) and
people will believe in things that are completely crazy.

Telling people what to think, while completely discarding their needs and views, I
think, is the fastest way to create a strong opposition that will use whatever
tactic is needed. Someone in that group will be charismatic and convince people to
follow him/her. A relatively mild example of this is the previous president of USA.

Adam Michels
Adam Michels
Hace 1 d�a
Takes one to know one....

Patrik Kron
Patrik Kron
Hace 1 d�a
@fiddley Do you believe the �truth curators� would be able to understand the
scientific papers? I highly doubt it.

Some Nygaard
Some Nygaard
Hace 1 d�a
@Michael M It�s amazing you are watching a channel about science. You know they use
to say the Earth was the center about which things rotated. Good thing your logic
wasn�t enforced before we found out otherwise.

Hace 1 d�a
@Scruff R Respectfully, I don't believe that's true. The media landscape was much
narrower back then. Everything that got published went through a handful of
publishing companies, licenses to broadcast TV or radio was controlled by the
government so there was always a measure of compliance and all the information had
to get through multiple, educated gatekeepers, such as an editor or researcher. Now
you have the internet there is no filter and the vast majority is utter unfiltered
rubbish. People don't know what to do with all this information and seem to latch
on to the first thing that makes superficial sense, sadly that seems to be the big
conspiracies pushed by faceless entities rather than the harder to grasp nuanced

Michael M
Michael M
Hace 1 d�a (editado)
@einzeller85 Yeah, there are some research publications that make ridiculous
conclusions. Psychology has been in the middle of this because it's very difficult
to conclude anything in that field. They are constantly under a research
replication crisis. People don't even question research anymore, they just
reference it and accept it. Which is totally unscientific, because the scientific
way to go about it is to question it (that's the point of research)

The best way to find a validated research publication is peer reviewed work (and
not just reviewed by one group)

Ruben Anthony Martinez

Ruben Anthony Martinez
Hace 1 d�a
Now the problem becomes; who are the lunatics?

Hace 1 d�a
@Davis Arens I agree with a lot of that post. This 'dopamine' economy is a big
problem and is manifesting in the real world problems we are seeing happen right

Michael M
Michael M
Hace 1 d�a (editado)
@Some Nygaard what? What are you on about? How do you conclude any of that from me
disagreeing with discussion being productive? This is exactly why I think
discussion is not a solution, in fact, it's part of the problem. Discussion between
knowledgeable people works, but most people online aren't

Withme Whostoned
Withme Whostoned
Hace 1 d�a
I wanna read books written by madmen... that's not a problem at all. Censoring such
books is the only problem there is! Gates knows it and it don't surprise me he's
diverting from the truth of it.

Hace 1 d�a (editado)
@Some Nygaard exactly. most people do agree that this virus we have now is in fact
no joke or hoax at all. but i think there's more than enough arguments to disagree
with the way almost the entire western world is reacting to it. and silincing those
that want to have a discussion about that is what creates the devide we are having
right now... i mean flat earthlers are also not "silenced". they are allowed to
express their thoughts, which does not mean that what they say is right or good...
but they should always still be allowed to say it!!

"I disapprove of what you say, but i will defend to the death your right to say
it" - Voltaire

Michael M
Michael M
Hace 1 d�a
@Withme Whostoned yup, there's still plenty of things to learn from people you
disagree strongly with. People need to be taught how to think for themselves,
unfortunately that's not easy to teach.

Hace 1 d�a
@Some Nygaard The media is the same as it has always been. There were significant
extenuating circumstances surrounding what happened in Seattle and similar and the
truth as I heard it from someone who lives there wasn't all puppies and rainbows as
portrayed on the news, nor was it that there was state of total anarchic rioting,
but by all accounts the traditional media were a lot closer to the truth than the
alternative news sites.

Hace 1 d�a
@fiddley a bit simplistic. ever heard of seeking multiple opinions. Experts do
contradict each other and even themselves. Do you just defer to the first expert
you meet? Are you, as a person, too stupid and require an expert on experts to tell
you which expert to defer to?

Some Nygaard
Some Nygaard
Hace 1 d�a
@fiddley tell that to the families who lost love ones or the business owners who
lost everything... some of them multiple times.

Hace 1 d�a
@Austin Haha! Very good! Yes experts do disagree and some studies show the opposite
to all the others, so the solution is simple - you defer to the preponderance of

Hace 1 d�a
@Some Nygaard There were some very nasty scenes and it's bad for those affected,
but proportionately that wasn't the main thing going on. The alt media relies
scaring people with these scenes to sell their narrative, but the truth was much
more mundane. My friend went down to have a look and she said it was "just a bunch
of hippies sat on the floor smoking pot" - hardly the catastrophic scenes portrayed
in the alt news outlets.

S. B.
S. B.
Hace 1 d�a
@Some Nygaard Google Translate?

Some Nygaard
Some Nygaard
Hace 1 d�a
@fiddley I�m not sure how this would make silencing people who are saying things
some people disagree, or even most people disagree with.

Maybe I got a little of topic I�ve replied to quite a few comments and I don�t have
time to reread them all.

Hace 1 d�a
@fiddley qanon is re'tarded. there is no plan and trump was never on their side

Hace 1 d�a
@fiddley those websites could always write those publications in simpler words for
the average Joe.

Levy Roth
Levy Roth
Hace 1 d�a
And you can never trust to know which is the other half.
Hace 1 d�a (editado)
@Michael M it's not just psychology. it's all fields that use statistical
correlation methods. cause it's very hard to get rid of biases like confirmation
bias and p-hacking or simply the scientists desire to find something awesome... and
cause it's hard to interpret the variables and numbers the right way. and cause
that method is of course flawed in many ways. still the best way we have in a lot
of cases.

Spencer Hart
Spencer Hart
Hace 1 d�a
Depressed person: depression is hitting hard these days: Bill Gates: I am extremely

Doctor Medicine
Doctor Medicine
Hace 22 horas
@RL Doyle right!

Andrew Simpson
Andrew Simpson
Hace 22 horas
@RL Doyle No, a real library has different shelves for "science" and "fiction".

Hace 21 horas
@Some Nygaard 1984 will be the first book burned when the new regime takes full
control.....I've seen this play (or more correctly: read the script) and I don't
want to watch it play (out)..

michael getachew
michael getachew
Hace 18 horas
What's coming is already written in Isaiah 13 & 14. It's coming, and it's going to
be because of what Mr. Gates and the rest of the Satanists are doing right now.
Repent and follow THE LORD JESUS CHRIST or you will go into eternal fire!!! (please
try to comprehend what burning in fire for all of eternity means)

Hace 13 horas
@Some Nygaard Problem is people tend to act more on emotion than not. The last
four years have shown us how bad faith actors can use that to their advantage to
pervert debate and effectively neutralize it for some subsect of the population.

Hace 9 horas
I can't help it. This is so completely true. Now consider life without the
internet. Would the same also be true? I know this is true. Conflicting ideas are
written daily in volumes we can't possibly conceive.

Mike Orlowski
Hace 2 horas
HOW do you benefit from THIS pandemic? :D
Thamil Anban
Hace 15 minutos
He is Mr. Pandemic. Wish him all the best with the vaccine sales.

Samuel Mason
Hace 1 minuto (editado)
10% of people think they're the 99% LOL
edit: look at the dislikes- these conspiracists are such a minority yet wail so
loudly, it's all that seems to appear. Gates is a good guy, there are no
shadowlords - only greedy and ignorant politicians. In the case of Marjorie Greene-

Lorraine Syph
Hace 12 minutos
They've been experimenting on those in indigent areas in India and African lying
telling them this is going to cure melaria(so).
Stephen Wlodarczyk
Hace 13 minutos
Lol. The next one is bio terror. It possible that we are in that one already.

researcher truma
Hace 2 minutos
When Mr Gates talks, I listen.

Philip Erdman
Philip Erdman
Hace 4 minutos
You�re better off not listening and just doing your own research instead.
Hace 23 minutos (editado)
I'm always skeptical about billionaires doing charity. Gates talking about open
source reminds me of the battles between Linux and Windows.

Although I don't like his past life at Microsoft, I have to put my hat off because
he's a very talented administrator.

Chino Soria
Hace 1 hora
This stay home safe lives is hurting people so bad. Computer cell phones, not
enough air ,it's preparing the new generation to be reset, or restart with a
conscious based on ego no Jesucristo at all. No Jesucristo in your mind and your
heart so easy to control

Hace 9 minutos
privatizing vaccines for a reduced chance of side effects ??

Privatizing education for a reduced chance of class consciousness

Parsa Hooman
Hace 12 horas (editado)
Gates is not only a billionare, he can also freeze himself so perfect, when Derek
clicks on his keypad ??


The Phoenix System

The Phoenix System
Hace 12 horas
He should be an actor in weird TV shows instead of a tech mogul

Brad McKinley
Brad McKinley
Hace 12 horas
He's also becoming a living prophet to many idi*ts who believes his prophecy while
getting billions of profits with his so called foundation.

Z z
Z z
Hace 11 horas
I ruined your 69 likes :)

Uzi Kalashnikov
Uzi Kalashnikov
Hace 10 horas
@Z z u dirty guy.

Z z
Z z
Hace 10 horas
@Uzi Kalashnikov are you russian my friend

Abu Talib
Abu Talib
Hace 9 horas
@Z z noooooooo Why would you do that

Gil Sky
Hace 1 hora
Two Next two Pandemics 1 More Rich People 2 More Royal Family

Nisrine Labcir
Hace 5 horas
To the point about flat earthers, I am not sure I totally agree... it�s fine until
someone starts pushing this agenda for example to be studied at school. Not sure
that then, it�s not worth pushing back.
Dustin Baumgartner
Hace 10 minutos
He knew about the pandemic because he created it!!!!!!!????

Hace 1 d�a
�Nothing can happen for decades, and then decades can happen in weeks.�


Toasted Uranium
Toasted Uranium
Hace 1 d�a
Lenin, right?
�There are decades when nothing happens, and weeks when decades happen.�


Random Dude
Random Dude
Hace 1 d�a
Best way to describe Trump tenure.

Hace 1 d�a
@Random Dude lol still feeling that Biden vote?


Davi Silva
Davi Silva
Hace 1 d�a (editado)
Biden is no saint though.


Random Dude
Random Dude
Hace 1 d�a
@Walter Bruh, I'm not even American. U c YouTube can be watched from any corner of
globe. Globalization duh ???????


Davi Silva
Davi Silva
Hace 1 d�a
@Random Dude lol true, America isn't the only country in the world that is in the


Vedang Pandey
Vedang Pandey
Hace 1 d�a
Please elaborate

Matt Mann
Matt Mann
Hace 1 d�a
@Walter Even though they are they will not admit it for fear they were wrong.

Matt Mann
Matt Mann
Hace 1 d�a
@Davi Silva Even the Dems know that.
They made him president so he'd stop his complaining that 'it was his turn'.

Hace 1 d�a
@Matt Mann correction, Dominion� made him "president"

Sqrt -1
Sqrt -1
Hace 1 d�a
@Matt Mann
I wish Bernie was here.

Hace 1 d�a
@Sqrt -1 he�d be better than Biden.

Matt Mann
Matt Mann
Hace 1 d�a
@J K Money can't buy you love but it can buy being President of the United States.

Matt Mann
Matt Mann
Hace 1 d�a
@Sqrt -1 Would have been even more interesting to place bets on who would 'tank'

Sqrt -1
Sqrt -1
Hace 1 d�a
@Walter Yeah

Hace 1 d�a
@Matt Mann Bernie wouldn�t be as shady as Biden. Like who the hell is pulling the
strings? Where is Biden?

Hace 1 d�a
@Walter big corporate money is making the decisions. These companies are having
more influence on us and the government than the current government does.

Matt Mann
Matt Mann
Hace 1 d�a
@Walter I'd put his name here but YouTube would delete my post.

Hace 1 d�a
@Random Dude Mate too much globalization is not good, have you seen what muslim
refugees did to France and sweden?
If not search it up

Random Dude
Random Dude
Hace 1 d�a
@Owl ik ik. I'm also into politics n history. But that's not globalization. That's
a refugee crisis. Western forces poking their noses into middle east n
destabilising the entire region. What did u guys expect would happen? You reap what
you sow

musical souls
musical souls
Hace 1 d�a
Einstein wud surely love this comment...??

Hace 1 d�a
- Vladimir I. Lenin

Hace 1 d�a
@Random Dude Well, Europe didn't destabilize middle est, and middle est first
intervened with US, you know that world trade centre attak and also that person
called OBL who did dirty stuff in US
Hace 1 d�a
@Random Dude And why should european good countries like sweden and france take
those outside people? there are many moneyed countries in the middleestern region

Random Dude
Random Dude
Hace 1 d�a
@Owl Don't be so naive bro. When US goes to war, it drags other NATO allies. And
France n "good country" don't go hand in hand. They interfere in African
countries. Need I explain more?

Ellen Van steenis

Ellen Van steenis
Hace 1 d�a
@musical souls friedrich nietzsche too

Ellen Van steenis

Ellen Van steenis
Hace 1 d�a
@musical souls
Nietsche too

Hace 1 d�a
@Random Dude Well then what about the incident that happened in France recently, we
all know about what happened to the teacher. France had been captured by african
hijackers one time back in 2000 or 1999, I forgot, from that day onwards they built
the new security called as RAID

Hace 1 d�a
@Random Dude Bro, there's a reason for everything, and remember what ever you do
comes back to you, or in other words you will pay for what you do now. Countries
will suffer or flourish for what they do now. Now I think we should stay away from
politics a bit, and take care of our own beings and our families.

jakub gadzala
jakub gadzala
Hace 1 d�a
Not sure if the most got your point. Sadly
Ravi Shankar
Ravi Shankar
Hace 11 horas
Btw, we humans have a 7-day week

Hace 9 horas
Just like the old Sun Tzu quote:
�Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a

Hace 27 minutos
My predicion is that Bill will grow GM food and sell it to us without option not
to. With a huge grin.
Ix Suomi
Hace 1 d�a (editado)
- Problem, reaction, solution.
This is what they want, they will let bioterrorism to happen in order to racketeer
profits and remove democracy.
They are selling hopium and we give our freedoms away, because we fear the worst.
This is worst kind of controlled demolition of old world.

Sandra Shane
Hace 1 hora
Bill Gates is such a creep.

Hace 2 minutos
I don't give a damn about what Bill Gates thinks or says.
Hace 9 minutos
The Bilderberg conference , check it out. Meeting of the rich and powerful held

julia smith
Hace 17 minutos
Kermit the frog voice

Dissecting Diy
Hace 7 horas (editado)
I�m pro vaccine. I�ve never seen conspiracy theories as a problem. Every time a
conspiracy theory is said. You have an opportunity to give the right information.
The more we try to squash a conspiracy theory by saying this is too much free
speech and censoring and now �fact checking� that has in recent months shown a lot
of bias. Not only do you entrench people, but it tends to give more validity to the
more rational people that maybe there�s something to it. By ignoring it, it garners
less attention and will just go away on its own. By bringing too much attention and
saying we need to clamp down on this form of speech. And it�s spreads faster like a
California wildfire.
We should take each instance as an opportunity to teach and also look further into
some of the claims. As any time I have done this I�ve learned more and have been
able to better explain my positions. They keep us on our toes I guess is what I am

Lilieth Edwards
Hace 3 horas
I don't even want to listen to him about Notting

Marry Johnson
Marry Johnson
Hace 3 horas

Cool Hanukkah
Cool Hanukkah
Hace 3 horas
At least we know that if vaccines are implemented properly the world's
overpopulation problem will be solved.
Ritish Gupta
Hace 1 d�a
"There's not really any minds to move there" lollll


Hace 1 d�a
There is, though. When you decide to ignore people who think differently is when
you start turning your back on the world.

Juraj Benak
Juraj Benak
Hace 1 d�a
@lefrise5 he's right though, these people have some knowledge but are impervious to
any evidence other than their own. Even while looking at round moon or other
planets close by.


Matthew Carter
Matthew Carter
Hace 1 d�a
wait... Derek Muller isn't a flat earther?!? I'm astonished ;)

Hace 1 d�a
@lefrise5 you missed the joke, didn't ya?

Adam Murray
Adam Murray
Hace 1 d�a
@lefrise5 true, but some people are unwilling to change their mind

Hace 1 d�a
@lefrise5 Exactly, and flat earthers have literally turned their backs on the
world. It's impossible to convince them that the Earth is a sphere without first
deconstructing their entire worldview (the Bible is the absolute truth, scientists
are trying to destroy Christianity, all media is controlled by globalist satanists,

Hace 1 d�a
There was no joke there. It was a simple statement from the host.
He is partly wrong. MCToon spends way too much time converting flerfers to the
globe. MCToon is a saint I tell ya. Anyway I have to agree with the first reply to
the OP here. There are plenty of people just looking for something or someone to
believe in and they found in in FE for some reason others find it in Science. In
either case they're wrong. FE is just wrong and Science isn't a faith-based system.
If you want something to believe in humans already made something for that... It's
called "religion."

Religion and science can co-exist as an Atheist I prefer things this way rather
than the way things are going where more and more people are turning to believing
in new-aged mumbo-jumbo. At least if people believe in established religions we all
know what to expect.
I'm not even talking scientology I'm talking about people low-key worshiping
science as in anything a person in a lab coat said is reality even if on its face
it's patently ridiculous. For example Theranos' promises of 1 drop blood testing.
lol! MIPS isn't even that good... Technically it could be better, but it isn't
always. It's sample size is basically the entire patient (depending on the type of
MIPS unit). Yeah you need to be near enough to the imaging device or an appropriate
sample needs to be at least, but that sample has to contain what the doctor is
looking for in order to be detected by MIPS, if it's not there it's not going to
show in the scan, obviously and the body isn't homogeneous so there's no guarantees
it's best if you're investigating a patient for an unknown issue to have them spend
the time to be fully scanned (which would not be something done for pretty much
anyone probably a last ditch resort actually, because it would be extremely time
consuming and the resulting data would consume massive amounts of storage space).
Molecular Irradiance Profiling Systems as a medical diagnostic is probably a
pipedream. Everyone is so different not like setting us a volume to measure
temperatures in the atmosphere or calculate the composition of a material based on
its density and its own electromagnetic emissions and the propagation of ambient
radiation (not easy stuff to do on inanimate things nevermind inside a human body).

But Elizabeth Holmes (of Theranos) was able to convince executives and worse
doctors and even other engineers who made similar technologies that this their
thing would work.

Meanwhile my thing is still... Dead before life. Why is it so hard to believe we

don't need to bombard ���� with radiation to measure its properties? Even today?
Hm? Why is that still the wacky "belief" when it's basically the reason we
discovered radio technology and how we also uncovered things like the geomagnetic
field? I couldn't tell you. Whatever. Anyway scientists say it's not possible so
obviously birds are magic and we must be a bit magical too, using our eyes to
interpret ambient radiation to view the world the same way MIPS should read the
quantum world like an open book using ambient pulses of ultra high and near
persistent low frequency electromagnetic radiation. Will I be proven accurate? Who

Scientist: "That's not magic. It's called visible light."


Hace 12 horas
I read this comment exactly when he said it in the video. Spooky synchronicity.

Bruce Wayne
Hace 10 horas
I don't mean to brag but I have the same medical degree as Bill Gates.


Hace 10 horas
Yet still you only have an estimated net worth of $9.2 billion according to forbes.

Angela Dansie
Angela Dansie
Hace 6 horas
Yeah, but when you lost half your IQ on the internet, you were only left with Q

Hace 5 horas
@Nic In a capitalistic society there's always going to be poor people and rich
people, that's literally how it works. Just saying, your point makes no sense.

William E Lanning Jr
William E Lanning Jr
Hace 5 horas
@Genji In a Marxist society there will always be the insanely rich (Marxist
elitists) and the dismal poor.

Hace 3 horas
haha yea none

Phoenix Rising
Phoenix Rising
Hace 2 horas

Friedrich Kurth
Hace 13 horas
I don�t have much an opinion about bill gates. I think it is not good to take his
word for everything, just because he�s being so nice (After all he has insane
influence with his billions and we can�t know his ambitions) but neither is it
reasonable to completely discard the possibility of him just being a reg. guy with
a conscience on the basis of some dodgy sources.
Hace 4 horas
He has completely lost all credibility after sponsoring and setting up "event 201".

Hace 2 minutos
Ping me when you get a real doctor on the show.

terri-ann byrne
Hace 2 horas
AI in ccps hands
Hace 11 horas
Te encarcelaran reptiliano!!!! La luz ya gan�!!! Sabemos la verdad ...Despertamos!!

�ltimo controle
Hace 5 horas
He could payd every problem of every country and still be rich

Hace 4 horas
No he couldn�t, he�s already trying his best with the gates foundation. Plus hes
Retired and nearly 70, you can�t just assume he can just buy a way any problems

Livie Pollock
Livie Pollock
Hace 3 horas
@Memetos he is a BILLIONAIRE. Yeah he could. Not every problem, but a LOT of them.
Cosmo Rebreak
Hace 12 horas
About people on internet geeting misconfirmed yeah bill is right internet is kind
of new thing till to this date only 10-12 years old i think next generation will be
normal get used to technology ... People are literally in fear with computers too
and misusing them in early days but now our whole world depends upon on them ... I
guess we are too early to made any opinions about internet and tech. World

Chino Soria
Hace 2 horas
Experimenting with God's creation
Hace 4 horas
Whatever he decides what should happen next

Hace 1 d�a
I�m pretty sure this dude is secretly writing the Simpsons...


John Belcher
John Belcher
Hace 23 horas
Someone should tell Gates there's a better medicine than his Vaccine it's Called


lyq 232
lyq 232
Hace 23 horas
@John Belcher oh yeah, definitely not gonna be a repeat of the hydroxychloroquine


Rayyan Ashraf
Rayyan Ashraf
Hace 22 horas
@John Belcher Someone should tell you that a vaccine is not the cure but the
prevention. Your lack of knowledge about such basic information about vaccines
shows how qualified you are to talk about them.


Hace 21 horas
Ya dude someone created corona to test it and the Simpsons predict that no they did

Smooth Horse
Smooth Horse
Hace 21 horas
Yeah lol

Professor Fukyu
Professor Fukyu
Hace 21 horas
It was planned as early as 2008. Matt is a Hollywood insider so hence heard about
the plans years ago.

Jay The Gator

Jay The Gator
Hace 20 horas
Look up his affiliation with Marina Abramovic! I think he�s a creep!

Tuber Root
Tuber Root
Hace 20 horas
@lyq 232 Oh, the "debacle" where they designed tests under conditions already KNOW
to be ineffective and then cancel even that on the basis of a fraudulent "paper"
which got retracted two weeks later but never restarted testing. Yes that is
shameful non regulated conflict of interest.

DowskiVision MagicalOracle
DowskiVision MagicalOracle
Hace 19 horas
Secretly, he's receiving briefcases with hard drives from Jeffrey Epstein. Those
are "Simpsons Episodes" no normal person wants to watch.

Hace 18 horas
There is a Simpsons episode where Homer starts an Internet company and then Bill
Gates buys him out.

your nans bald

your nans bald
Hace 18 horas
Google legal name fraud.

Glenda Sabo
Glenda Sabo
Hace 18 horas
@lyq 232 lolol... Climate change

Divad Ignawm
Divad Ignawm
Hace 17 horas
@Jay The Gator whose involvement with Marina Abramovic?

Divad Ignawm
Divad Ignawm
Hace 17 horas
@Professor Fukyu where did you get that it was planned as early as 2008? any

Alan Tremonti
Alan Tremonti
Hace 17 horas (editado)
@Sturgeon "Buy him out, boys." "They have the internet on computers, now?" "Where's
the Any key?!" One of the best episodes, hahah!

Jiri Jatel
Jiri Jatel
Hace 16 horas
@Rayyan Ashraf and you should refresh your knowledge and read the definition of
vaccine to learn that it is supposed to prevent infection and/or transmission.
Covid-19 vaccine doesn�t do either . It�s not vaccine bu it�s gene editing
preventative therapy

Claudio Berta de Azevedo
Claudio Berta de Azevedo
Hace 16 horas
@John Belcher it's CHEAP so it's no better for the SYSTEM

John Belcher
John Belcher
Hace 16 horas
@Rayyan Ashraf just shows how ignorant you are and your lack of knowledge

Rayyan Ashraf
Rayyan Ashraf
Hace 16 horas
@Jiri Jatel Nope. Just like the flu shot doesn't prevent you from getting the flu.
It just stops the flu from having any negative affects on your body. The covid
vaccine also works the same way. You may still get covid but the virus wont damage
your body or kill you.

Rayyan Ashraf
Rayyan Ashraf
Hace 16 horas (editado)
@John Belcher How am I ignorant when I'm the one correcting him and I don't
actually get my medical info from facebook?

Muhammad Q
Muhammad Q
Hace 15 horas
Sounds accurate

my channel
my channel
Hace 8 horas
@Rayyan Ashraf someone should tell you that vaccine is not prevention but the
The only thing it will prevent is people living and having children.
Check Miami university study.
Hcq is good too just check how media change their mind now trumps gone.
Where was your information?
Aaron Boeh
Hace 11 minutos
Leading off the comment of �bio-terrorism� just wanted to bring to front a couple
observations..Viruses (current flavors in reference), in a partially immune
environment i.e. therapies that include administration of blood serum derived
antibodies have a high potential of being forced around an altered evolutionary
curve (think staphylococcus -> MRSA), ...But the places these variants are showing
up seem strange if assuming area of origin and discovery are the same. Further
digression, only one of the variants popped up in the equatorial zone, however not
as population dense as SE Asia (for example) sort of makes sense. But the other was
discovered in the UK? Mmmm...ehhh..yea possible but unlikely (in my opinion) as a
natural progression. The Uk is locked down tighter than a snare drum, social
distancing requirements are in place and policed, and full disclosure I�m probably
completely wrong on this but what if it was pushed? And if that�s the case Who The
Fluxcapacitor pushed it?

Hace 5 minutos
They're deleting comments and messing with the dislike ratio, as usual.
Dan Whiting
Hace 1 d�a
"I'm not in a position to complain much."
- Bill Gates
(Biggest understatement of all time, lol.)


Noel Wade
Noel Wade
Hace 1 d�a
Yet a tacit admission that a lot of other billionaires can't bring themselves to


Tony Gold
Tony Gold
Hace 1 d�a
He gives back. Most don't.


Dani over
Dani over
Hace 1 d�a
I disagree, we all have our own battles. Even just on topic for this video, imagine
warning the world of a high risk danger only to be largely ignored while people
spreading misinformation are listened to. It is annoying enough to be ignored by
one person never mind the world.


Hace 23 horas
biggest understatement of all time? get your head out your arse. he's still a
person dude.

ira Holden
ira Holden
Hace 23 horas
The biggest threat to humanity is billionaires

John D
John D
Hace 23 horas
While sitting in his million dollar underground bunker surrounded by 20 year supply
of food

Kristian Seibt
Kristian Seibt
Hace 23 horas
Yeah unlike the victims of his god complex! A true psychopath with no conscience !

Anonny Maus
Anonny Maus
Hace 23 horas
@Tony Gold lol

Omni Yambot � 11 years ago

Omni Yambot � 11 years ago
Hace 23 horas
Just an intelligent person.

Dan Whiting
Dan Whiting
Hace 23 horas
My comment wasn't meant to be some perfectly accurate assesment that the above
quote is the literal biggest understatement of all time. I'm sure Bill Gates has a
whole host of problems that we normals don't have to deal with. But I was using
hyperbole to emphasize that it was a funny thing for him to say (or a funny way of
putting it in my opinion at least) when he is as wealthy as he is. He doesn't have
to worry about making rent this month. He didn't have to go hungry today in order
to feed his child some small amount of rice. That being said, he has taken upon
himself to worry about a lot of these sorts of issues on behalf of the rest of the
planet with his charity work and vast donations. Still, compared to much of the
rest of the world, Bill Gates personally doesn't have a lot to complain about. I
didn't make that up. He is the one who said as much. Money doesn't solve
everything, but it goes a long way on keeping people comfortable and healthy (i.e.
complaint-free for the most part). So if any of you have an issue with that core
statement, take it up with him. I simply made a hyperbolic, throw-away comment
about how it was understated due to his immense wealth. I will concede. I don't
know all of hos personal issues. For all I know he might be battling some terribly
painful cancer or something. And truth be told, that didnt even cross my mind when
I made my comment. So if my talking out of my ass with a thoughtless quip I made on
a youtube video offended any of you on behalf of the richest person in the world,
well you are a better person than me.


donotlike 4 anonymus
donotlike 4 anonymus
Hace 23 horas
Oh yes.. After he made billions on a theft... He basically stole windows... Stole
Dos... Is dirtyos... U people have to google this snit...

He's a horrible thief... All public record he settled the lawsuit

(I can't even remember that guy's name from whom he stole

But I can remember hr ended up with nothing died a loser while gates has

No wonder he's in no position to complain one can argue the billions he made a are
illicit unethical immortal
(Sure he added a lot to it but still in it's core.... )

Jeremy Harris
Jeremy Harris
Hace 22 horas
No one is immune to stress though

Levi likes learning

Levi likes learning
Hace 22 horas (editado)
@ira Holden The billionaires that did something unlike us. Just stupidly wasting
our time commenting about people like him on social media without knowing anything
about him. He has worked for something, most people here that are complaining about
people like him don't even give a dollar to charity. He is helping people how much
he can, he doesn't have the responsibility to give donations and make our world
better, but at least he's trying.

Brian Fleming
Brian Fleming
Hace 21 horas
@Levi likes learning if you wake up and focus on money, you will die a very unhappy
person. The man is currupt and giving $ away does not make up for that. If you
think that Bill cares about the poor of the world, I would say that you have alot
of research to do. Please Do your own research, look in to what they promote.

As you can see

As you can see
Hace 21 horas
@donotlike 4 anonymus Gates foundation brought roadways, medical clinic to a
village in the state i live, what have you done?

Levi likes learning

Levi likes learning
Hace 21 horas
@Brian Fleming I never stated that he wants to care about the poor of the world.
The government and the citizens are responsible for that and as he gives away
charity it makes up for his responsibility as a citizen. Before judging a person,
we don't even see how much corrupt we are, he did his hard work and become a
billionaire. We also have money but most of us dont even give a dollar. He did his
hard work and became a billionaire, before blindly believing what an unreliable
article says so you should trust him. Not one thing he said in this interview was
wrong but people are complaining about veritasium for providing him a platform. No
one is talking about how much Derek has achieved and also every person has feelings
inside them. This is not a movie in which every billionaire is a psychopath.

Hace 21 horas
@auscaliber1 See how most of our personal problems can be solved by paying someone
to deal with them? Now what if you could get the best help, from the best people in
the world, and it wouldn't even touch your wealth. I'm sorry but what would Bill
have to complain about?

Hace 20 horas
@ira Holden Most Billionaires. Gates is one of the most benign ones.
1) He didn't inherit his wealth.
2) His corporation actually Made a Physical Product they had to sell.
3) He structured his corporation to have generous profit sharing
4) He has given away tens of billions of Dollars and seeded more.
He's now hated a lot because he contradicted Trump, and he advocated the idea that
if people didn't assume a % of their children would die, they would have fewer
children.(in less affluent locations)

Hace 20 horas (editado)
@donotlike 4 anonymus You're parroting, or lying, or just ignorant! This has been
studied & debunked!
Here's a snippet of an IEEE article, these facts are widely known!
"And while Kildall is sometimes remembered as a pauper for �being cheated by Bill
Gates,� DRI was actually a successful company for many years, and Kildall sold it
to Novell in 1991 for $120 million. Kildall was undeniably very creative and
innovative, but he was also a poor businessman who was nonetheless very successful.
If he was not as successful as Bill Gates, it wasn�t because Microsoft stole the
CP/M source code."

ira Holden
ira Holden
Hace 19 horas
@Alvan LOL you do realise most of windows was just Gates patenting open source
software he didn't even make? Get real bootlicker

donotlike 4 anonymus
donotlike 4 anonymus
Hace 19 horas
@As you can see relative to my income a lot more...
You do realize he stole from someone else and gave a way s tiny bit of that
money... Now while I cannot assume I cannot know if the other guy (don't remember
name..) Would've done/given more
But it's not only plausible but even probable... Compared to a thrift

At the very least gates could've given him a couple of millions... Pocket change
for him do that he won't die off the looser he was... But nope he died sad after
gates stole his work...

And yes he was too kind/stupid to settle the lawsuit by forcing the option to sell
his original version...

(Long story but u get the point)

donotlike 4 anonymus
donotlike 4 anonymus
Hace 19 horas
@Alvan I don't remember man maybe I was confusing someone else who ended up poor
What I do know is that I can't stand Hypocrites thief's and alike a specially when
u do the work and Simone else takes not only the credit but billions...

Also yes gates was a good business man but as I've said a bad unethical

michael getachew
michael getachew
Hace 19 horas
What's coming is already written in Isaiah 13 & 14. It's coming, and it's going to
be because of what Mr. Gates and the rest of the Satanists are doing right now.
Repent and follow THE LORD JESUS CHRIST or you will go into eternal fire!!! (please
try to comprehend what burning in fire for all of eternity means)

Samuel Feder
Samuel Feder
Hace 19 horas
@Dan Whiting I really appreciate the nuance of your second comment. =)

What you said should have been clear from context.

I think the fact that it wasn't clear to some speaks more to the lack of benefit of
the doubt that people give to popular things and to the "immun system overreaction"
and the fact that it is generally hard to communicate tone in writing than to the
way your first comment was written. =)

Jody Guilbeaux
Jody Guilbeaux
Hace 19 horas
he has several billions of reasons not to complain. that lucky turd

donotlike 4 anonymus
donotlike 4 anonymus
Hace 19 horas
@michael getachew oh great another creationist lovely...
I can't wait to burn in hell...


Hace 18 horas (editado)
@ira Holden You're a 2 month old account. Probably because you're a rude clueless
troll. If you had the ability to read and think, you'd know that your Lie has been
debunked. Over and over by people who don't even like Gates lol.
You're probably a Apple Fanboy who watched a Docudrama lol.
"And while Kildall is sometimes remembered as a pauper for �being cheated by
Bill Gates,� DRI was actually a successful company for many years, and Kildall sold
it to Novell in 1991 for $120 million. Kildall was undeniably very creative and
innovative, but he was also a poor businessman who was nonetheless very successful.
If he was not as successful as Bill Gates, it wasn�t because Microsoft stole the
CP/M source code."

ira Holden
ira Holden
Hace 18 horas (editado)
@Alvan you literally stan for Bill Gates, you are a bottom feeder in no position to
talk down to anybody

ira Holden
ira Holden
Hace 18 horas
@Alvan All profit is theft, Bill Gates will pay for his crimes

Hace 18 horas
@ira Holden IBM president John R. Opel, approached Digital Research in 1980, at
Bill Gates' suggestion, to negotiate the purchase of a forthcoming version of CP/M
for the IBM PC. Gary had left negotiations to his wife, Dorothy, as he usually did,
while he and colleague and developer of MP/M operating system Tom Rolander used
Gary's private airplane to deliver software to manufacturer Bill Godbout
Before the IBM representatives would explain the purpose of their visit, they
insisted that Dorothy sign a non-disclosure agreement. On the advice of DRI
attorney Gerry Davis, Dorothy refused to sign the agreement without Gary's approval

ira Holden
ira Holden
Hace 18 horas
@Alvan I could not care less, the working class will have final victory

ira Holden
ira Holden
Hace 18 horas
@michael getachew You can oppose Bill Gates without also smoking crack lol. F all
is coming and the Bible did not predict Bill Gates, it was written prior to even
feudalism let alone capitalism

Hace 18 horas (editado)
@ira Holden I don't gaf whether "you care".
But your slander and lack of factual data are outed.
It's truly pathetic that the guys on this thread attacking Gate's ethics, are too
unethical to get the facts right!!
If you keep spreading lies now- that's on your Karma.
You've called me a bootom feeder and bootlicker, but you haven't proven me Wrong.
What does that make YOU Bubba?
your nans bald
your nans bald
Hace 18 horas
Google legal name fraud.

EIon Musk
EIon Musk
Hace 17 horas
@Tony Gold yeah he gives back dangerous vaccines and wants depopulated earth..:

Beyond Absolute Infinity

Beyond Absolute Infinity
Hace 17 horas
I feel like this entire comment section is gonna be flaming with bill gates hate.
Just so you know he donates most of his earnings for charity.

EIon Musk
EIon Musk
Hace 17 horas
@Alvan boot licker

Hace 17 horas (editado)
@EIon Musk Fake Account. You're a Religious? nut thatcwants tens of millions of
additional Poor black and brown babies to be born. So you can mock them, feel
superior in their suffering.
To be clear: you're lying, Gates said he wants desperately poor people to stop
having many kids (compensating for high death rates) by making the families
In the USA early 20th, it was common for families to have 8-9-10 kids_ knowing
that 2-3 would get diseases and die._
We don't do that anymore because it's barbaric.

Hace 17 horas (editado)
@EIon MuskYou're a 1 month old troll account! Because you're too rude and dumb to
avoid getting banned from YT.

Dry Roasted
Dry Roasted
Hace 17 horas
@John D Did you get this from one of your conspiracy newsgroups? He happily lives
in Seattle in a nice lakeside house. It's not a compound.

John D
John D
Hace 16 horas
@Dry Roasted How do you know where BG is recording this from. And how do you know
he's happy. You assume a lot, just like a lot of SHEEPLE. Your not even wise
enough to recognize sarcasim. If you look up to BG tan you have more problems
then you know. Thanks for the reply.

Calvin Tomaschko
Calvin Tomaschko
Hace 8 horas
@Dani over you do know he's a monster that ran a blatant monopoly and exploitated
workers relentlessly to gain wealth right?

Calvin Tomaschko
Calvin Tomaschko
Hace 8 horas
@donotlike 4 anonymus exactly, he's an exploitative monster!

Calvin Tomaschko
Calvin Tomaschko
Hace 8 horas
@Levi likes learning he exploitated workers and used his monopoly to illigally
snuff out competition to accrue his wealth, he's a monster.

Calvin Tomaschko
Calvin Tomaschko
Hace 8 horas
@As you can see I've not exploitated workers for decades and didn't run an illegal
monopoly to accrue billions.

Calvin Tomaschko
Calvin Tomaschko
Hace 8 horas
@Alvan still exploitated his workers, ran a monopoly and crushed markets illegally,
forced software writers to sign over rights to the software. He's a monster just
like the others.

Hace 8 horas (editado)
@John D Yes John I didn't recognize your sarcasm. Why? Cause I don't know who TF
you are. We didn't grow up together, and text has no vocal inflections. And your
sarcasm, is actually the real opinion of some people on this thread. If you're
attempting to be funny, Try Harder, use emojis, whaever. Don't blame the audience.

Tracie Downing
Tracie Downing
Hace 4 horas
Yeah, will he dictates that small businesses need to close.

Hace 3 horas
@Calvin Tomaschko
You haven't studied Microsoft, you're pulling stuff out of your butt, or parroting.
Google Capitalism. Find and paste the data on another company that distributed more
wealth, I'll wait.
"It was thanks to generous stock options, according to a recent study by Michael
Kwatinetz, an analyst at the Wall Street firm Sanford C. Bernstein, that at least
2,200 of the 11,000 people who work at Microsoft headquarters became millionaires.
As many as a third of them are worth more than $3 million.Jun 28, 1992"

Calvin Tomaschko
Calvin Tomaschko
Hace 1 hora
@Alvan any worker coop, any of them. Over 300 registered with the US Federation of
Worker Cooperatives, and they do it without exploitation you stan for microsoft.

Hace 9 horas
y u want everybody to live in same reality?

Dumbass Productions
Dumbass Productions
Hace 7 horas
He implied living in the reality of scientific consensus

Jesus Fried Christ

Jesus Fried Christ
Hace 46 minutos
@Dumbass Productions Consensus is inherently anti-scientific.

Hace 1 d�a
My grandfather told me that the great pandemics WILL return, back when i was still
a Teenager
Now that I'm nearly as old as him back then, i think that i was lucky that the
viruses did take their time
But still, now his words ring in my ear -"its never a matter of if, but just of


Brian :D Montgomery
Brian :D Montgomery
Hace 1 d�a
Thats very true. Anything that is possible eventually will happen in due time. So
we should always be striving to be prepared for any situation.

John D
John D
Hace 23 horas
To bad your grandfather did not tell you to invest in Microsoft, Apple, Nike,
Bottle Water companies and Googgle

avocado o
avocado o
Hace 23 horas
I love you

gaming with mikeygamer

gaming with mikeygamer
Hace 21 horas
@John D they probably won�t around

Travel South Africa

Travel South Africa
Hace 21 horas
it's funny that my grandfather always warned me against bullshitters and criminals
like bill gates

us citizen
Hace 6 minutos (editado)
It is a mistake to think that the internet is synonymous with social media. The
"fact vs fiction" problem on YT, FB, etc is important, but social media is, in
fact, not the internet's main impact on society. The explosion of science, the
rate of change, the fact that scientific information, collaboration, not to mention
its impacts on business efficiencies and production, are just some of the far
deeper and consequential changes it has brought, and will continue to bring to our
society. Yes, we need to separate fact from fiction for lay viewers, but dont
forget the huge and functional structures we have built, and are building on the
greater internet as a whole. jus my 2 cents.

there would unlikely BE an MRNA vaccine today had not the internet, and its serious
use, existed for the last 10-20 years or more.

Ewelina Ola
Hace 2 minutos
people don't need you, bill

Freedom seeker
Hace 4 horas
I would not trust that guy BG..
Hace 11 horas
Dealing with misinformation: I agree that it is a bit like we need to develop a
misinformation 'vaccine' of sorts. The population needs to develop some herd
immunity (AKA discernment); schools (at least) should be 'vaccinating' people on
how to detect nonsense and falsehood, and how to use critical thinking. For the
vast majority, these skills are not being taught.

Hace 11 horas
Sadly schools haven�t taught critical thinking in a long time schools now simply
teach for a score vs understanding

Hace 8 horas
Ok boomer.

Hace 3 horas
Who writes your books? Who writes history? Who tells you true from false?

Chris S.
Chris S.
Hace 3 horas
@R.n Observation and logic.
Michael Daniel
Hace 2 minutos
Did you ask him why he is now the largest owner of farmland in the US?

Tj luther
Hace 1 minuto
What ever the elite want it to be??????

miroslav krpan
Hace 3 horas
Amazing a man with that amount of money need to make more money of people.
Facts 650 children die per hr from starvation and he could solve it in 24 hrs don�t
see him solving that
1.8 billion don�t having clean drinking water and
It could be solved in 72 hrs don�t see him solving that
So many things that I�d like to ask him.
Why are you so greedy and controlling
Who needs to own 378 sq miles of farmland
Why are all the small businesses closed and your market value of 1.8 billion in wal
mart allowed to be open.

How many times has Johnson and Johnson been sued for lying about products they
have made
Why does Pfizer say on there website covid 19 vaccine not approved.

Why does NIH records show how your vaccine in India caused thousands of deaths.
And the list is deep
Your video should be removed cause it�s misinformation

Hace 7 horas
Anyone who thinks we live in the information-age is a dupe. The missinformation age
would be more fitting.


Syed Zaroon Shah

Syed Zaroon Shah
Hace 7 horas
so how do u know which information is true

Remedy R
Remedy R
Hace 7 horas
@Syed Zaroon Shah Most of these people just accept the media.

Hace 7 horas
@Remedy R How do you analyse and question everything you read or hear on the
internet when a day only has 24 hours tho. Seems unsolvable unless you stop
spending time with social media entirely

Hace 6 horas
@Syed Zaroon Shah Best way is to look at both sides of the argument and the sources
fact of the arguments made. First look at what's being presented then look at the
critique of that. Then go back and look at how the first source handles that
critique. Then look at the critique how the answer of that is met. Most times it
doesn't take more than one check with the critique to see holes in the arguments.
After a while you start to see how the MSM work using guilt, blame, shame,
polarizing isues, lies and forming the narrative. You can also see it by the agenda
they are pushing: Vaccines, surveillance, making you poor by inflating money
supply, disrupting marketforces, money-free society, censorship on social media,
controling you with DNA ID's, collecting personal information, weakening you with
EMF, 5G, IoT, wifis, making you sick with PFOS, phtalates, BFRs, pesticies,
halogens, heavy metals. Basicly anything you put on your body is poison. Your
toothpaste, deoderant, schamopoo, soap, makeup. They want you to believe it's all
the rich corporations fault, it's wall-streets fault, if you only work out you'll
stay healthy, it's the right-wing extremists fault, if your not a criminal you have
nothing to worry about, vitamins are dangerous, ecological food is unsustainable,
medicine is made out of science, plants are dangerous, mushrooms are really
dangerous, seeds should be illegal, collecting rainwater is criminal. I could
probably continue but I think I made my point.

Ann Green
Ann Green
Hace 4 horas
@Rocksummit and follow the money

Mike Lawry
Hace 12 horas (editado)
Why has he been banned from Africa for testing vaccines ....
William E Lanning Jr
Hace 5 horas
Shouldn�t we be scrutinizing Bill Gates� record in Africa before we let him dictate
which medicines we need to take? By muzzling legitimate
criticism as �anti-vax�, the media avoids honest debate on many damning studies
like Mogensen.

Asif Hussain
Hace 10 horas


CO OP Couple
CO OP Couple
Hace 9 horas
"There will be more pandemics" -Bill "Gain of Function" Gates

Eating Waffles in the Apocalypse

Eating Waffles in the Apocalypse
Hace 9 horas
Odd way to say �Planned�, right?

Ryon Tiler
Ryon Tiler
Hace 5 horas
They are creating these viruses on purpose.

Yugi West
Yugi West
Hace 3 horas (editado)
It's not that hard to predict ya dingus

Yugi West
Yugi West
Hace 3 horas
@Eating Waffles in the Apocalypse alot of stuff is planned in this world, but why
would someone make a virus so that they can't do anything on purpose. It's like
hitting yourself.

Jesus Fried Christ

Hace 1 d�a
The only reason anyone would be against free and open debate is if one is not
confident in one�s positions, and knows beforehand that they lack the evidence and
arguments required to perform well in the task of providing reasonable
justification of their beliefs.

People who do not or can not engage in debate should be presumed to be ignorant,
wrong, or both.
Hace 4 minutos
How is the Polio outbreak going Bill created in Africa?

a soroush
Hace 5 horas
How did you know this was going to happen? Bill: well ...??
Carlos Henrique Rodrigues
Hace 4 minutos
He's part of the doom

peace and love

Hace 8 horas
PR interview for Gates

Molten Snowball
Hace 1 d�a
The next crisis is an economic one.


Hace 23 horas
Covid is going to get worse. They're doing away with the old folks first because
it's easier, and they're saving on pensions, operations and so on. They'll get
round to the rest of society in time though - You don't deliberately downsize the
economy unless you intend to downsize the population too. I pretty much understood
the economic aspect of this scam from the start, but it was only after watching the
Guardian interview with Stanley Johnson from 2012 that I really grasped that a
depopulation agenda goes hand-in-hand with it. Starmer and the Government have been
playing a game together. People assume that Conservatives always want economic
growth, but they don't realise that some just want stable 'per capita' growth,
which can be achieved with less people. Not saying it's all the Conservative
Government of course - I know it's much bigger than that. I'm just saying that the
British public's preconceptions about them have been used to fool them into
thinking the measures are all for their own good smh.


Rhizza Xuela
Rhizza Xuela
Hace 23 horas
No! It will be famine

Phuket Word
Phuket Word
Hace 22 horas
@MARK SHAW Well said Mark

B Padget
B Padget
Hace 20 horas
Likely caused by China...

James Mason
James Mason
Hace 20 horas
@MARK SHAW depopulation would be helpful and useful to humanity by getting rid of
the takers and leaving the givers. (Too society.)

Surfer Rosa
Surfer Rosa
Hace 19 horas
@MARK SHAW Mark, you're one of those conspiracy pushers, how ridiculous

Dieter Gaudlitz
Dieter Gaudlitz
Hace 19 horas
If one thing on this damn planet is overrated, it is the exact current numbers of
economy, because we are living still in a nationalistic age where everyone is
feeling threatened by the well-doing of others and nobody realises the immense
overproduction of almost everything

Hace 19 horas
@B Padget I mean, it's really perspective. People in some countries would blame the
US for hurting their economy while we saw it as growth.

Jody Guilbeaux
Jody Guilbeaux
Hace 19 horas
right, they will bankrupt america into a 3rd world nation. it is all about a
socialism type takeover, without firing a shot.

Hace 19 horas
@Phuket Word
DOPEY flunts and religiots!

Jenni B
Jenni B
Hace 18 horas
Yes, the great reset to force GESARA on us

your nans bald

your nans bald
Hace 18 horas
Google legal name fraud.

je snake
je snake
Hace 18 horas
thanks to Joe

Surfer Rosa
Surfer Rosa
Hace 17 horas
@Jody Guilbeaux Jody, Trump must be the greatest socialist the USA has seen since
he left America with its largest debt ever ??
Hace 17 horas
@Surfer Rosa Conspiracy.

Yea ok sweerheart whatever you think.

Surfer Rosa
Surfer Rosa
Hace 16 horas
@MARK SHAW Mark, if you were smarter and less crazy you wouldn't think like you do.

Hace 9 horas (editado)
@Surfer Rosa Yea ok sweetheart everyone has to believe what you believe and if
anyone goes against the narrative they get told they are crazy (oh no you cant do
that cant say that you believe what ever you watch dont you??)

You keep believing the gov and the media like they have the best intentions for

I bet in 1942 the majority of the Jews spoke like you to the minority who knew what
was going to happen if they got on that train.

You're so brainwashed it's unbelievable.

I can 100%guarantee you're the type who wear a mask alone whilst driving lmfao

Hace 4 horas
9:50 I always thought that being more transparent would always lead to a positive
impact on peoples trust. I hope Bill one day understands that not everything should
be patented or made available to only a few. From a business mans point of view, it
makes sense to sell exclusive rights to AstraZenecaa, but there are probably
talented people around the world who could help the developing of the vaccines if
they only had access to the data. Even preventing overlooked dangers.

Jack Gritty
Hace 3 horas
Asking gates about disasters,humans blamed ??

pure evil, a creep, Africa-India, Depopulation, no credentials

nope nah
Hace 7 horas
I thought they said only listen to doctors


Hace 5 horas
Doctors are about fighting the illness and taking care of your body.

Phil Indeblanc
Phil Indeblanc
Hace 5 horas (editado)
listen to the researchers...and many of them say no to vax and that this virus is a
pandemic. 99.97% survival rate STILL applies. Numbers are rigged to be high, and
PCR test is also rigged to be high. How do you think they will get 6 TRILLION
dollars out of OUR pockets and into theirs?!!!

Real M
Real M
Hace 5 horas
Listen to doctors to cure your illness. But also listen to experts who know about
pandemics and viruses, like Dr, Antony Faucy or Bill Gates who has worked in the
field for decades.
You know, you don't have to be a limited individual. Knowledge comes from many
different sources at different levels.

Jeff Padgett
Jeff Padgett
Hace 4 horas
Yes. Gates isn�t acting as such and only speaking about statistical analysis and
purely speaking from research and observations done by actual experts who is funded
by him and others that actually make such information and research free from
something like government corruption or conflicts of interests. He�s not part of
these facilities or companies that do research and makes no money from his grants.

You�re watching Gates simply being the mega geek he is. It�s for the good of
mankind really as he has no other interests to do such things. He is acting as a
spokesperson for the Gates foundation and there�s nothing more than statistical
analysis going on here.

Jeff Padgett
Jeff Padgett
Hace 4 horas
@Phil Indeblanc ten times deadlier than the flu. Hospitals and medical staff
being overwhelmed when a spike occurs in a given location affect more than just
Covid patients. Your number doesn�t make a great oversight nor should we see
this situation as how it may affect us personally if we were infected. We live in
a first world society where the well being of everyone is relevant. So I hope
that helps explain why your suggested conclusion is a partial truth that functions
as misunderstanding a statistical analysis model far more complex.

Google scholar is good to see updates and ongoing top notch papers and research if
you�re interested.

Real M
Real M
Hace 4 horas
@Phil Indeblanc
So the ENTIRE medical profession ALL over the world got together in cooperation
with governments, undertakers, trucking companies, many vastly different
industries, ...

ALL to con us about just how deadly this virus is? Have you seen how many die in
poorer countries? How many deaths in America are not reported by families? That is
a lot of hassle for that amount of money.

Phil Indeblanc
Phil Indeblanc
Hace 4 horas
@Jeff Padgett Hey, thanks for the response..I will break it down for you point by
1. "ten times deadlier than the flu. "
___This has a LOT to do with meds you take and your immune system in general...your
age as well. It is STILL 99.97% or more survival rate, that means you will live. So
lets say you had 300K deaths in about a year. Take away counting the flu deaths
that take upto 80K or so a year, then take away the pneumonia deaths often
attributed to these every year), then ADD the NEW policy of HOW CV deaths are
counted, and you are in about the same balance of deaths as the flue has been,
about 80K or so. That is simple to see I hope. Let me know if I was unclear on any
part of this. What I said is not my info, but SeeDSee, theWHO, and reports.
Hospitals and medical staff being overwhelmed when a spike occurs in a given
location affect more than just Covid patients.
We all witnessed around the start to middle of overwelmed hospitals, I happen to
have multiple fam members who work in them. They were DEAD, when reports were
claiming full. Many thought its just not their hospital. Most busy inner city
hospitals were empty. What did they do? close down a bunch of sections in the
hospital and merged them so they get floors packed. This I know directly from those
working that they also moved ANY AND ALL respritory issues as covid issue. Why
would hospitals do this? It is a FACT that a normal flue or respritory issue
pneumonia issue can be insurance paid for about $4000, vs a CV case gets $15 to
$40K billing!! Sure they do the quarantining as much as they can, but its also with
other respritory patients, as we have seen 2 nurses film and show this. I am sure
you never seen it. I can provide links.

2. "Your number doesn�t make a great oversight nor should we see this situation as
how it may affect us personally if we were infected."
_ I dont think this makes any sense.
3. "We live in a first world society where the well being of everyone is relevant.
We are talking at most 3-5% of comorbidity patients dying. A large spike of the
deaths are also from convelecent hospitals, thanks to some political figures and
the choices they made. Where is the PANDEMIC?? you are seriously at this level to
try and defend 1st world country while businesses have shut down, and everyone is
wearing a face daiper?!! LOL. You are being brainwashed, do you see that? I know in
your mind, I am everything the official narrative is telling you I am. Thats
because you are fed what to believe and how to make the connections. This guy just
linked those that QUESTION the vaccines to those that think the earth is a donut or
some BS! So of course many will be making a ridicule of anyone that contradicts
what is being planted. This is classic brainwashing. Its almost like
gaslighting.."Come on, your not as stupid as those people who think the world is a
donut or flat or concave or etc.." . If that is not something you are catching, you
are listening like a bot to be programmed.

4. "So I hope that helps explain why your suggested conclusion is a partial truth
that functions as misunderstanding a statistical analysis model far more complex."
___Theories are not reality, and are used to induce fear for the gain of a few
elite. This is about control, and for many other "new normals" to come. If you dont
see that, and many do not, just look at the censorship we are experiencing. Look at
the idea that if you are saying anything contradicting, when Trump was running, you
were automatically a trump supporter. This is brainwashing my friend. please be
more crtical in your thinking. This is NOT for the ebnefit of ANYONES health, but
the wealth of those running this show.

5. "Google scholar is good to see updates and ongoing top notch papers and research
if you�re interested"
___Google scholars is mirroring the narrative content! Look at the number of
doctors that have been labeled false info givers and their Wiki page is LOCKED. if
you have not seen how censorship has been used, then I honestly cannot help you,
and you certainly cannot help anyone else for a better future, in health or
anything.. I am open to further discuss, as I do know that the sum of us will
always be better than the one of us. What I have typed above is researched, and
true YET conflicting info. You have to be able to see that the mainstream "science"
is HEAVILY politicized, and number of researchers with world renown reputations
have put their licenses on the line. I have listened to about 40 or so just myself.
Every time I bump into someone new that is seeing this scam, they tell me of a new
person I had heard of. Every time I bump into someone who is against open info, and
is following in thought as the mainstream has not heard of any researcher or doctor
I mention. This is CENSORSHIP at the TOP level. If you cant see how insanely huge
this is, then I dont know where to start to get you to think and see. Let me know,
I can give you examples back to back of how information has been either wrongly
discredited, ridiculed, or filtered out.

Phil Indeblanc
Phil Indeblanc
Hace 4 horas (editado)
@Real M You are saying that, I think thats batshit crazy to think. You can read my
reply to Jeff Padgett. In fact what you are saying is what a person who may have
noticed the oceans have sink holes and now the earth is a donut, lol. Its exactly
what you are being brainwashed by this interview. He even paralleled this exact
concept. If you are against vax, or even question it, you are aligned with a flat
earther. LOl thank you for pointing out an example on this divide and weaponize the
language agaisnt thoughts that contradict. Does ANYONE have the ability to
critically think? Are we ALL homo-sapiens ? I STRONGLY question it!!

Real M
Real M
Hace 47 minutos
@Phil Indeblanc
I think it was clear that humanity rejected the MAGA/QAnon Deplorables. Yes,
science is bad for humans. I'm sure your kind is right and humanity wrong :)

Phil Indeblanc
Phil Indeblanc
Hace 39 minutos
@Real M Im not sure where you come with these politicized and pseudo science
conclusions. AGAIN, an example of the brainwashing and weaponizing of language to
divide and not get any real discussion across. Pretty sad. Stating that I am a
"kind" is the peak example of your self loathing in your disinfo delusion. Why dont
you pick a topic and discuss it like a human being, rather than a charged
thoughtless parrot dumping what media has dropped into your program of thinking?

Hace 4 horas
This don�t seem suspicious one bit
Lala Barsemian
Hace 57 segundos
Why he laughs when they are talking about people dying?

Robin Kalikotey
Hace 6 minutos
Mr. Bill Gates since when have you started to become soothe sayers, fortune
tellers?. From Microsoft to Microbes?? wooew quite a lucrative business shift. Wish
you billions to trillions for your future.

Sean Tasso
Hace 12 horas
Doctor evil explains! Hahaha

guy potvin
Hace 2 horas
Just modern day robber barons....

Seth Apex
Hace 1 minuto
What's with the dupers delight on Bill's face?
Dao the Eternal Nameless Beyond Thought
Hace 3 minutos
Collapse of central banking is the next crisis? End of the U.S dollar as 1# reserve

Lorne Thomas
Hace 4 minutos
Who cares what a crook has to say?

Krabby D
Hace 4 minutos
He was moving alot while answering to the accusation that he pressured oxford to
make a non-open source deal
Hace 5 minutos
How about being vegan? Tofu ain't ever caused a pandemic.

Dave Bradley
Hace 10 minutos
Question. Who gives two shits what Gates thinks, or has to say?

Hace 15 minutos
Bill Gates should know that if he has the right to kill people. They have the right
to defend themselves.
Also it will be your own handlers who do it. A prediction for you Great Prophet.
Jeanne Caley
Hace 16 minutos
He knew about it because He created it with others. He has a patent on it!!!! Pre
planned plandemic 201 Event @John Hopkins, .November 2019. And
Please everyone , wake up!! Yes, a deadlier virus will happen after COvid that he
and the other �sick Elites� created!
He has also Patented Id 2020..It has luciferase in it( glows if you Took the CV
injection)!?? Liar, deceiver, ?? in sheep�s clothing! Look at that disgusting

Mahamud Abdisalan
Hace 20 minutos
I don�t understand this man he is not a Doctor and always he talking About corona
virus so I suspect maybe he need to make business and that�s very bad idea and it�s
Big conspires please stop this is not your and go back your software

HorseHead Mike
Hace 23 minutos
This guy and his rich ass douche bag friends caused ALL this!!!!!

Hace 24 minutos
bill is a part of the globalist movement.

Clark Magnuson
Hace 24 minutos
Bill wrote a book "the road ahead" about computers. The next year he revised it to
add a chapter about the internet. Some of us had already been on used net for
years.... welcome to the party, oh bill, seeing the future.
Bryan Cramer
Hace 25 minutos
A eugenicist who want's to de-populate - creating a vaccine to "save us"??? I
think not. mRNA is experimental and I'm not about to become a lab rat for what
amounts to be a serious flu. Vitamin D3 & Zinc will keep your immune system strong
( the real vaccine ), and they could easily put UV de-contamination "walk
through's" ( similar to airport metal detectors ) to decontaminate people as they
enter buildings - primarily LTC facilities. These things can even take one's
temperature. Remember - Tobacco use is the leading cause of addiction and death on
the planet.

uno it
Hace 33 minutos
You idiots. Gates is no making predictions. He making virus' for his vaccines. It's
simple math but I guess Darwin is right. The masses need another million years.
Great job gates I hope to see you're tortured soul in hell. I'm very interested to
see what the big guy has planned for you.
I. M. Notamoose
Hace 34 minutos
I personally believe that he is not predicting these crises, but helping to
engineer them. Realize that his father was into eugenics and negative population
growth, and he is person non grata in certain third world countries due to his
foundation's polio vaccines causing thousands of cases of paralysis in children,
and another one causing sterility in many thousands of children.

narrow gate
Hace 36 minutos (editado)
Its a plandemic Bill. How about event 201? Don't take this vaccine that Bill wants
you take. It is the PRECURSOR to the mark of the beast. The rapture of the church
will be real soon if you want to be on this flight with Jesus and not worry about
what these weird elites are gonna do next and not have to deal with the antichrist
and NWO read this. 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 Let me now remind you, dear brothers and
sisters,[a] of the Good News I preached to you before. You welcomed it then, and
you still stand firm in it. 2 It is this Good News that saves you if you continue
to believe the message I told you�unless, of course, you believed something that
was never true in the first place.[b]

Hace 39 minutos
Bill Gates should stick with telling two year olds at Disney World he's the tooth
James V.
Hace 39 minutos
Utter Garbage

Tj luther
Hace 40 minutos
What ever the elite want it to be??????

Ewelina Ola
Hace 47 minutos
people don't need you, bill
Falafel Sandwich
Hace 52 minutos
Gates foundation funding Population Control Vaccine. ??

Hace 54 minutos
Bill Gates is not a Doctor or a Scientist.

Brexit Britain
Hace 56 minutos
Pedogates and the plandemic
Stephanie Butler
Hace 57 minutos
Is that not what happened? A biochemical virus. It was man made period. Sounds
about right to me. Maybe that is how you knew it was coming. Just saying. One
really should wonder.

Seth Reimer
Hace 1 hora
It�s easy to predict when you make it! Duh

I Don.t
Hace 1 hora
Should this video get banned because of a fake "vaccination shot" at 4:38 ?? I say
no, but I am for 100% freedom of speech. People should learn to find their own
truth, as close to reality as possible. If we let a Euro commission or Facebook
decide what is true, we will only hear the best news money can buy.

Hace 1 hora
These people don't believe in free speech. They want to control and order people
around. A bunch of authoritarians.

I Don.t
Hace 1 hora
Should this video get banned because of a fake "vaccination shot" at 4:38 ?? I say
no, but I am for 100% freedom of speech. People should learn to find their own
truth, as close to reality as possible. If we let a Euro commission or Facebook
decide what is true, we will only hear the best news money can buy.

Hace 1 hora
These people don't believe in free speech. They want to control and order people
around. A bunch of authoritarians.

Hace 1 hora
Ask him About Agenda 21 that's in the UN website, how the plan says that they're
going to kill 90% of the worlds population.
Hace 1 hora
Bill Gates is an evil man. Apparently he's some kind of prophet, talking about the
NEXT major "pandemic" that's worse than Covid, when it's not the historical norm or
certainly the modern norm. He "knows" it's coming because it's a necessary part of
the elites plan. He says they're so infrequent, which is true, and yet he and
others like him are telling us this is our foreseeable future. We must REJECT this
dystopian future. Life involves a certain risk factor, I'm not giving up my
freedom to move and gather as I please, and not have a ridiculous useless piece of
cloth on my face everywhere in public.

Please do some research into Bill Gates, his history, and his family history. He
is not a philanthropist, he's a sociopathic megalomaniac.

Hace 1 hora
Bill Gates is pure 100% concentrated evil. ??

P Michael Bowden
P Michael Bowden
Hace 1 hora
You are so right. He spends literally billions of his own dollars to help others.
Sounds evil to me.
Hace 1 hora
@P Michael Bowden yeah by giving them experimental vaccines? Big help. He could
build roads, schools etc in Africa but he's more concerned with putting stuff in
their bodies.

max Jives
Hace 1 hora (editado)
That man invented Windows, I don't trust him to make vaccines. Have you ever used
that OS? Its not even Unix based. Vaccine millennium edition? Vaccine 2000 or
Vaccine 10? I doubt any will work properly, Blue screen of death!! Except Vaccine
XP Pro, and they don't even support that one any more!

William Burke
Hace 1 hora
An interview with Pure Evil. The man who wants to reduce the world's population to
Jenn Wick
Hace 1 hora
Bill sucks.

Hace 1 hora
You just talking to that moron explains you know nothing about that man at all.
He's part of this whole covid 19 thing. Look into him and his father and what they
have been part of. Get a clue man!

Aaron Boeh
Hace 1 hora
Leading off the comment of �bio-terrorism� just wanted to bring to front a couple
observations..Viruses (current flavors in reference), in a partially immune
environment i.e. therapies that include administration of blood serum derived
antibodies have a high potential of being forced around an altered evolutionary
curve (think staphylococcus -> MRSA), ...But the places these variants are showing
up seem strange if assuming area of origin and discovery are the same. Further
digression, only one of the variants popped up in the equatorial zone, however not
as population dense as SE Asia (for example) sort of makes sense. But the other was
discovered in the UK? Mmmm...ehhh..yea possible but unlikely (in my opinion) as a
natural progression. The Uk is locked down tighter than a snare drum, social
distancing requirements are in place and policed, and full disclosure I�m probably
completely wrong on this but what if it was pushed? And if that�s the case Who The
Fluxcapacitor pushed it?

electronics luckydip
Hace 1 hora
Mr Gate's overall business interests involve almost everything vital to humanity
(control of the food supply, medicine/vaccines, computer operating systems, etc),
it's no surprise he figures in so many conspiracies. It's likely that most of his
work ties in together so I think it's important that tougher questions are asked of
the overall direction he's working toward for our planet's future. Microsoft
dominated the computing world with questionable business tactics and its scramble
for dominance has left us with litany of privacy and security issues to deal with -
can't we expect that his interests in GMO foods, Vaccines, and population reduction
will also reflect the same lax attitudes toward collateral damage as exhibited
during the rise of Microsoft Windows?

Jeff oleg
Hace 1 hora
The great reset stop lying kermit gates

VJ Vierengel
Hace 1 hora
I found this video very disturbing, and it had nothing to do with Bill Gates, the
pandemic, or the next disaster that we aren�t ready for. The issue that screams to
be addressed in this video is the interviewer�s sense of omniscience. He talks
about how he always needs to fight against the people who are thinking wrong.
We must resist the thought police at all costs! Just because one person - or even a
lot of people - are convinced that something is �true�, that does not mean that
they are correct. Look back at history and see all the times that the powerful or
the mob believed that they knew the truth and should therefore dictate what others
do or think. The darkest chapters in human history usually have, at their core,
people who are willing to do anything to cleanse the world of those who don�t
believe what they do. How can educated people like this interviewer miss that???
The problem isn�t that some people have the wrong ideas, the problem is when some
people think that their ideas are the only ones that are correct, and they try to
make the other ideas illegal.
It is imperative that we are all free to come up with and express our own ideas. We
need to resist the urge to compel others to our beliefs. Instead, we should be open
to listening, to exploring ideas, to experimenting and testing hypotheses, to
sharing our understanding, to using debate to expand knowledge and, ultimately,

Hace 1 hora
They don't believe in free speech. He exposed his authoritarian nature.

Hace 1 hora
Gates is one of a handful of powerful people around the world, who gather together
every year to discuss what they will influence during the next 12 months and ten
years. Google it !
They discuss things like pandemics and the ripple effect. They influence
international money lending, world heath, wars, climate change. Not all is
altruistic. That�s the worry.

Lacey JCsGirl
Hace 1 hora

julia smith
Hace 1 hora
He is holding back laughing
Ronnie Mcstuffin
Hace 1 hora
Bill gates I think your wife is a man in drag

Ronnie Mcstuffin
Hace 1 hora
Bill gates I think your wife is a man in drag

Hace 1 hora
Bill could fund food or water production in Africa but he wants vaccines. What a
Hace 1 hora
You didn't even talk to him did you? This is all clipped and pasted together, fake
and phoney just like everything about him.

Xyz Abcd
Hace 1 hora
How come IBM is constantly infected with viruses causing users to pay for expensive
annual updates, making Bill Gates one of the richest people in the world? Could it
be intentional to make him $?
Biao Z
Hace 1 hora
There are drugs to treat the new coronavirus! But he needs a company to run it! I
have contacted government departments, and also wrote an email to Bill Gates. But
no one cares! This is a recipe inherited from my family! Specially used to cure
influenza! I try to treat people who are infected with the new crown virus around
me. The medicine is useful for them! Drugs can effectively reduce the deep
infection of the virus! Prevent lung damage! This viral infection mainly makes it
difficult to breathe. Many people with chronic diseases die because of this. There
are also many foods that can relieve chest tightness in the lungs and reduce death!
Below I introduce two kinds of foods that can relieve the patient's chest
tightness: 1. Boil water with white radish and add appropriate amount of rock
sugar. Drink water! 2. Boil appropriate amount of Sydney, Chuanbei, and rock
sugar. Drinking water and eating Sydney is very effective in reducing chest

Simon Ruszczak
Hace 1 hora
Moron meets moron.
Hace 1 hora
His next crisis. Nobady believes in him anymore.

Lorraine Syph
Hace 2 horas
Of course he wants the truth to go away labeling it as conspiracy theory. Well it
ain't a conspiracy if it's true!

tess dean
Hace 2 horas
look up bill gates and Monsanto since youtube won't let me type in the very bad
behavior of bill gates . look up how may share he has with Monsanto and how bad
Monsanto is. look up the farmer harmed from bill gates buying 90 percent of our
farmland and what harm it has done with GMO food proven to make people sick
Joe Freeman
Hace 2 horas
Lets get advice from a guy who profits from viruses and pandemics.

Lorraine Syph
Hace 2 horas
They've been experimenting on those in indigent areas in India and African lying
telling them this is going to cure melaria(so).

Stephen Wlodarczyk
Hace 2 horas
Lol. The next one is bio terror. It possible that we are in that one already.
Kevin Rangel
Hace 2 horas
Ha....he knows because he's responsible for orchestrating it.

Hace 2 horas
Infectious virus.. war.. was this from his 2005 presentation to weaponize viruses
to infect Afghan religious radicals? Cause it said 2015 ted talk I�m confused..
maybe that event 201 video conference will clear it up

Hace 2 horas
Lol later says bioterrorism engineering a virus.. please.. enlighten us Bill
jo�o Nobre
Hace 2 horas
bill gates what a joke, I just hope that all lies get exposed and that people stop
being manipulated

Hace 2 horas
Bill Gates wants you dead.

Donald Trump nigga

Hace 2 horas
Something is wrong with the world it feels like a agenda is being pushed in front
of you sheep i know im right
Donald Trump nigga
Donald Trump nigga
Hace 2 horas
There are multiple rich elites that have "predicted" some bs and it comes "true"
notice how they always want to debunk conspiracy theories to make you believe what
they say is the normal

Sato Yamazaki
Hace 2 horas
So is this Science now or Propaganda tell me me pls I'm to dumb?

Ana Valladares
Hace 2 horas
Liar bill gates is with the new order plan
Tech Srvs
Hace 2 horas
Scientists are already cooking up more virulent and lethal versions of SARS-CoV-2
By serial passaging live SARS-CoV-2 in plasma obtained from a recovered COVID-
19 patient that had high amounts of neutralizing antibodies in it, the virus ended
up mutating to evade the antibodies
The SARS-CoV-2 variant they created bypasses acquired immunity or negates the
immunity you normally would have after recovering from the infection. As such, it
could be extremely lethal
Since the virus can mutate to evade neutralizing antibodies, it could
potentially mutate under the �selective pressure� of vaccination as well

Donald Trump nigga

Hace 2 horas
They are herding you stupid people mark my words killuminati

Rob Locke
Hace 2 horas
Of course Bill Gates knew. He funded the lab that released the virus, and was a
member of China's Academy of Sciences that built the lab. And what a coincidence,
he also is heavily involved in vaccines. Create problem --> fix problem you
created. Globalist playbook.

Sommer H
Hace 2 horas
Bill gates is very convincing.. but don�t be fooled :)

Rufus Macck
Rufus Macck
Hace 2 horas
Bill Gates is so prescient that even though the first computer virus was released
in 1982, he failed to create a secure internet browser years later. If fact one
of least secure, certainly at or near the top of the list. Even still today. So
prescient that he had to steal the Windows concept from his chief competitor
instead of seeing the future himself. Oh, and remember H1N1, SARS, Hong Kong
flu..... yea, he predicted those too. Bill Gates proves that if one is extremely
wealthy there will be those that will believe you are an expert in all things.
walking trigger
Hace 2 horas (editado)
You destroyed 500,000 Indian children's lives. Facts!

Hace 2 horas (editado)
asking bill gates about the pandemic is like asking a a janitor how to build
enterprise network infrastructures.

Bill Gates is just rich af man. He cries about how nothing was done, he knew it was
coming, but yet not once did he think HMMMMM....MAYBE I SHOULD BE THE ONE TO DO

Crazy o.o

Janis Mcnutt
Hace 2 horas
The conspiracy theories aren�t going to go away because they are all true. You
can�t believe anything that comes out of Bill Gates mouth, it�s all about power for

Circus clown
Hace 2 horas
I hate bill gates

shanna moran
Hace 2 horas
bill gates inserts himself into the current situation as if he were a medical
doctor. he is NOT and people should investigate his background. you don't have to
look too far to learn that he is NOT just a great guy who wants to help. he has his
own agenda.

sandeep sharma
Hace 2 horas
They know where to invest, how to create business in all fields. Each year they
earn 10 to 15 billion,
They business are connected.

Jesus Fried Christ

Hace 2 horas
No they just need to stop treating a strain of the common cold like it�s the Black

It�s not.

Hace 2 horas
why do people value Gates' opinions on medical science? He is a computer
programmer, entrepreneur and corrupt billionaire... not a scientist. He is a close
friend of Jeffrey Epstein and has visited The Island. Why are people still unable
to see through the veil over our fallen world?

Christian T.
Christian T.
Hace 2 horas
Because the only people who thinks that Gates is bad, are people that have been
taught to hate him.

Hace 2 horas
@Christian T. are you sure that's true? many who make such claims also claim to
think critically and independently. what if they aren't all wrong? what if they
aren't all stupid? are you aware of Gates' connections to deadly vaccine reactions
in India and Africa? I'd guess not. there are those who believe that not all is as
it seems in this world, and that global corporate interests have leveraged control
of truth and reality through mechanisms of media, government and science. meanwhile
most believe that everything we are told by such authority figures is true and
opposing views are to be condemned as "conspiracies." Who gets to decide? Where
does truth lie, Christian?

curtis pineo
Hace 2 horas
6:00-7:00 bassically saying they want to ban or censor free speech hahaha

Hace 2 horas
No, he included "labelling it" as an option. Do you want people eg to spread
slander about you that is unfounded on social media and make it viral? What if
someone accused you of a hideous crime without founding. You'd also want that to
come with a warning message or taken down by the platform, surely?

Hace 1 hora
@ctrlaltdelete200390 and who decides what "truth" is?
Hace 3 horas
He help created this situation. You just need to connect the dots with what he�s
been doing. Of course he�s not going to come forth and say he�s trying to kill

Jd m
Jd m
Hace 2 horas
You have been blessed with the invaluable gift of life and as a human you have a
brain capable of intelligent thought unlike any other life form on this planet.
Please use it instead blurting out stupid nonsense.

Markov Raps
Hace 3 horas
His nasally voice says it all
Sandra Shane
Hace 3 horas
Bill Gates is such a creep.

curtis pineo
Hace 3 horas
How did he know it was gunna happen? Very easy actually.. when u make predictions
you either study the area very well or you are embedded in the secret
brotherhoods.. and are privy plans for the world lol..

Annett Davismorgan
Hace 3 horas
Ppl wake up Bill Gates is not a prophet he and all of the poppet masters and world
leaders they all know that it�s a plandemic .

Hace 3 horas
He's not even a puppet master. Like darth Vader isn't the source of the enemy
rather Palpatine was. Bill is just a evil puppet.

Marina Watson
Hace 3 horas
God is watching all that is going on and he knows everything Bill. Nobody who is
corrupt will escape him. Anyone who thinks that they can get away with evil is

Agent 33
Hace 3 horas
Smiles like he's not responsible for their human guinea pigs' death and
disabilities just to mass test their vaccines.
Earth Bound
Hace 3 horas
Covid is a coverup for a real plague that's spreading which originated in north
America. They didnt wanna take the blame for it, but they had to get people wearing
masks and social distancing, so they implemented Covid. I know because Ive been
seeing it spread and I live at the epicenter

Truth Forever
Hace 3 horas
Can someone tell us what are the credentials, in the medicine of Mr. Bill Gates?

Derrick Rucobo
Derrick Rucobo
Hace 1 hora
i dont know... maybe the hundreds of millions (if not billions) of dollars worth of
scientists and research he has funded

P Michael Bowden
P Michael Bowden
Hace 1 hora
He has the intelligence to listen to the medical community and to promote their
Hace 3 horas
Plandemic is working in the globalists favor.

Hace 3 horas
Like 1918. The only ones dying will be the vaccinated.
Nicolette Coetzee
Hace 3 horas
This gates is pure evil. Since when did he study and graduate as a scientist?
Medical doctor? Epidemiologist? Have I missed something?

Hace 3 horas

Hace 3 horas
Money is more valuable than a paper degree.

Hace 3 horas
He has no college degree at all.

Jenz Lund
Hace 3 horas
Billionaire parasites have all the answers.
Hace 3 horas
It's not a vaccine, these things take 10-15 years.

We, The Peoples Voice

Hace 3 horas
Never let a good crisis go to waste right Bill?
Not once, ever, in regards to the cross-species transmission has there been talk of
'socially distancing' from animals. Not once, ever. Funny that.
Even stranger, coronavirus is absolutely nothing new. It has always been around. At
this time in history hoi polloi are so incredibly dumbed down they just play along
like the sheep they are. A fool and his money are soon parted. Bills getting paid a
wad his hype, make no mistake there.
Example: FORTY YEARS AGO I was vaccinating cattle from Rotavirus, Hydatids, and lo
and behold, CORONAVIRUS.
NOT ONE of these shills are talking about several different other viruses that are
incredibly deadly to humanity. Example: A strain of a super-mutational flu that
antibiotics have ZERO effect on. It can only be contained but not eliminated.
All it takes to protect yourself is too wash your hands regularly and don't breathe
on others. It is a crying shame I have to point this out to adults.
Dale Val
Hace 3 horas
Prediction lol, planned event, the next event, the people control, it's a surprise

Him Rahman
Hace 3 horas
It seems that Covic19 is biological weapon to control over world's population. If
it is true then the war against those are responsible will continue for next few
years if not decades.

Hace 3 horas
starvation in 3rd world countries has killed way more people during the last year
than covid-19,
I think we're talking about the wrong topic
Hace 3 horas
Take it from a conman wanna be trillionaire. With a rap sheet as long as your arm &
no medical training.

Hace 3 horas
Yes, at 5:00 , the meta issue here is that people, like Bill Gates, run a world
founded on corner cutting and surplus capture. This is not a recipe for a resilient
or healthy anything.

gregg powers
Hace 3 horas
Why would you ask Bill Gates? Because he has money?

Hace 3 horas
Shame on you, this man is pure evil. Unsubscribed.

Jayy Savag300
Hace 3 horas (editado)
He predicted it because he did it, its not that hard to find that out knowing he
was the one talking about depopulation before the pandemic duhh! Duhh! Have some
common sense people wake df up..

Viking Excavating
Hace 3 horas
Given that the vaccination issue now impacts all families in America, directly or
indirectly, you�d think it would have garnered more media attention when it was
learned that vaccine champion and Microsoft founder Bill Gates refused to allow his
own children to be vaccinated.

This admission came from the Gates family�s personal physician in Seattle, who was
speaking behind closed doors with other doctors at a symposium last year (someone
at the conference leaked the conversation, so the doctor himself technically did
not violate doctor-patient confidentiality rules).

The doctor reportedly told his colleagues, �I don�t know if he (Gates) had them
vaccinated as adults, but I can tell you he point blank refused to vaccinate them
as children.�
Hace 3 horas
Bill Gates recently bought out the patents for a vaccine to coronavirus barely two
weeks ago, and planned to sell each dose for $40 at best instead of the planned $7
prior to the buy-out. Him talking about Covid-19 being a pandemic is partly his
fault for the deaths related to poor people not being able to gather enough funds
for their whole family to receive vaccines.

Selwyn Rodda
Hace 3 horas
Hmm, talking to a billionaire ain't a good look. Capitalism is pure evil.

Hace 3 horas
Hopefully there will be a virus that takes out the mega rich ruling elite along
with politicians and the mainstream media.
Hace 4 horas
ahh yes... bill gates is suddenly a medical expert...

Walid Matta
Hace 4 horas
The way they are treading the line is so funny lol. What they are trying to say is,
Mainstream media isn't uncharge anymore and we need to do something about that to
control the narrative...
And India? The place were you find sh*t all over the streets? Or dead bodies
floating in the rivers being pulled out on video and posted on youtube daily. Or a
Place notorious for ripping off countries as well as famous for huge scam call
centers that rip off people everyday especially in America. NO Thank you, I'm good.

We don't need censorship we need free speech and big tech to be regulated so we
don't have this FAKE crises destroying our country again.
Truth Warrior
Hace 4 horas (editado)
Forgot to ask him about his patents on virus and recently purchased land. But nah
ur too soft to be real

Hace 3 horas
"Recently purchased land" - LOL I am going to out on a limb here and guess he has
more property than me, what possible difference does it make if he bought more?
Occams Razor applied would be he liked it or felt it was worthwhile and could
"afford" it... "Too soft to be real" - still laughing !! ha ha ha

Hace 4 horas
Of course he predicted cuz he probably had a hand in it.

scotty robot
Hace 4 horas
Didn't he fund the wuhan lab right next to the...... Market where the bat came
guy potvin
Hace 4 horas
Seriously, does anyone care about a cut throat throat business man thinks. Someone
with billions. How about really giving it to the poor. Do you take a tax deduction
on what you do give away. Did Microsoft pay its fair share of taxes?
That question is for you Bezos and Buffet, and least Trump doesn�t
really have the money to make a difference

It's a beautiful thing to follow Jesus.

Hace 4 horas
he probably initiated the development of it

Hey Hey
Hey Hey
Hace 4 horas
Why would he do that? How is he benefiting from the virus?
It's a beautiful thing to follow Jesus.
It's a beautiful thing to follow Jesus.
Hace 3 horas
@Hey Hey Many ways. Drug industry is huge, and its easy money.
He would know all about viruses with Windows lol.
Create a virus, sell the anti-virus.

Hace 3 horas
Follow your masters to the slaughter ??

Rights are Privileges

Hace 4 horas
...."which is bioterrorism, that somebody who wants to cause damage could engineer
a virus " Bill Gates 2021
Victi Picti Music
Hace 4 horas (editado)
09:48 What makes you think that Bill is telling you real story ? That story may
equally be "real" as the one from Twitter. Bill is the huge investor in this field
and everything "open coded" could ruin lot of his activities. Asking him to confirm
his "nefarious" deeds is utter waste of time like asking criminal to plea guilty on

Hace 4 horas
For what it worth, I prefer to live in a world where people spread misinformation
and where anybody can respond with a counter argument than in a world where freedom
of speech is restricted because "it's fake news", education is the key.

Slow Day
Slow Day
Hace 4 horas
Well fortunately we live in real world which requires for every theory to be tested
before it got applied. Your idea is just like a theory, in real life we measure
what works and what doesn't, what's the pros and the cons. The best principle would
be the ones which actually got tested and found that it has the most benefits more
than the others.

Hace 2 horas
yep a "Ministry of Truth" is straight out of 1984, people are supposed to be able
to think for themselves.

Nicole Robertson
Hace 4 horas
The purpose of this interview is very obvious... and its not the reasons that's
being sold to us!!!! What a suck up of an interviewee! We are opening our eyes to
the truth....u ain't fooling anyone and I wonder how many comments have been
censored from this comment section!!

Nuff In
Hace 4 horas
You should debate the world renowned anti-vaccine doctors out there, there are
thousands, take your pick.

How about Kary Mullis that said he would debate "DR" Fauci on the world stage then
died just months before the fake pandemic started? Oh right this is who Kary Mullis

"Kary Banks Mullis (December 28, 1944 � August 7, 2019) was an American biochemist.
In recognition of his invention of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique,
he shared the 1993 Nobel Prize in Chemistry with Michael Smith and was awarded the
Japan Prize in the same year."
World renowned experts disagree with vaccines and Covid, just because you censor
all the information and delete it from the internet does not make you correct, it
makes you a witting liar and a hack job.

You are the only ones spreading misinformation. Our slogan might as well be We
prove it, you ignore it

Hace 4 horas
Bill Gates, Dr. Fuci, and others including the US gov gave millions to modify the
virus in Wuhan, China, when it was success, they released it and blamed it on the
Chinese gov. Bill's body language indicates he is full of BS.

Hace 4 horas
Ah yes let�s ask some billionaire that owns a tech company what the next crisis is
and immediately take his word


Hace 3 horas
Well he is also a part of the Bill & Melinda gates foundation, who's goal is to
decrease the world population to 500M

Hace 3 horas
@Ruan that�s awful

Hace 3 horas
@Ruan they just want the rich and wealthy or fortunate alive not people like us

Hace 4 horas
So bill I herd you funded a viral lab in wuhan China .... is there a virology lab
in wuhan ?

Ariel Sanchez
Hace 4 horas
Don�t soften up too much on misinformation cuz seems like you fell right into it.
Bill gates didn�t predict the plandemic he orchestrated it! How dare ask questions
which keep the truth hidden and give him credit for trying to warn us when he and
fauci are the ones who caused this!!! You have lost all credibility! Now you�re
just Another tool spreading false information

Red Tsunami
Hace 4 horas
Scary part is who is going to draw the line as to what is true or not. Historically
great men and entire countries considered themselves perfectly sane while violently
eradicating other races and would ruin the lives and reputations of those who dared
to claim the Earth wasn't the center of the universe.

Aleksei Astron
Hace 4 horas
I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but I can come up with scenarios that in the big
eyes of fear will look like the truth. For example, the scenario, in which this
vaccine is intended for a genetic experiment with the aim of reducing the scale of
the population so that an ecological and resource collapse does not occur. And it's
not about some kind of satanism or the idea of ??a golden billion. The idea is for
the benefit of all civilization: no one will die from a vaccine, but only someone
will not be able to give birth. Again - I do not pass this off as an argument in
favor of conspiracy theory, but only model a plausible scenario. So how do you
convince people of that all this theories is a fantasy of their excessive
information immunity? What evidence is there? Of course, the answer might be
something like "It's they, who have to prove that such a conspiracy really exists."
But how can this be proved if the source code is closed?

Julie Waring
Hace 4 horas
this is the real are conspiring to use and abuse the general
population,,,war criminal that is who bill gates is

Unfiltered Reality
Hace 4 horas
Bill Gates can go back to whatever he's good at. Playing God is not very amicable.

Julie Waring
Hace 4 horas
so what you are saying is..bill gates is telling the truth.......we should all
believe him,,,because of course he is a nice guy and well...he appears to be a nice he must be telling the bill gates telling the truth?????
..godless, hopeless

Ricardo E
Hace 4 horas
Damn, sorry but I can't trust Gate's face and expressions

Sincere Presence
Sincere Presence
Hace 4 horas
or...the fact that since he worked so hard to get an entire continent (that's not
the U.S.) to ingest His vaccine, that he can attempt to speak humbly. Lols from us

Ricardo E
Ricardo E
Hace 4 horas
@Sincere Presence uuuh yeah so he is our savior yes!! Thank you for making me
notice!! Please give me all the fricken vaccines!!!
George F
Hace 4 horas
Oh he's well planned for it. Why do you think he's bought loads of farmland
recently?. He's preparing for a complete systematic reset of the world economies!.
Governments aren't deliberately printing money until their economies collapse for
the fun of it. It's all lined up.


FRL 80
FRL 80
Hace 4 horas
Just pointing out that anyone with any wealth whatsoever buys land, including

George F
George F
Hace 3 horas
@FRL 80 Yes you're correct but I mean recently.

Kevin Cook
Hace 4 horas
How can anyone trust Gates.... He couldn't even keep viruses out of Windows. Plus,
he's thrown money at many entities affiliated with Dr. Falicy...the king of flip
flops. And, the main thing Gates and the video guy don't even mention is the
disease-laden illegals flooding over the border. Anyone, like the guys in the
video, that don't insist that any "migrant" crossing our border must be vetted, is
responsible for the spread of disease. That's much worse than the "climate change"
jamie c
Hace 4 horas
He knew because it was controlled... this is not natural people

Robert England
Hace 5 horas
I call Bill for advice on pretty much everything, because software developers know
it all. Oh, and he's rich. Rich people would know which toilet paper to hoard
better than anyone!
Daniel C
Hace 5 horas
Covid is a hoax, you cannot get a harmful virus from another human, animal, or even
as a biological weapon; but only through injection. The vaccines are literal
poison, and literal lethal injection. Bill Gates and others have a nefarious agenda
towards humanity.

David LeCornu
Hace 5 horas

Terri Tarantulas
Hace 5 horas
BIll gates has no medical background.
Western Civic Capital
Hace 5 horas
Death to tyrants

Terri Tarantulas
Hace 5 horas
This guy is creepy as hell.

Hace 5 horas
Your guy Trump is the creepiest of all

Mr Potato
Mr Potato
Hace 4 horas
Silence karen
Hace 5 horas (editado)
Capitalistic demon! Killed millions to accomplish his masonic agenda!

Hace 5 horas
How will we ever usher in the utopia of group think and one world government??

Julie Courchesne
Hace 5 horas
I can choose what I want to believe, I don�t need Bill Gates with his eugenic views
to decide for me. My leader and King is my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. He made
me well, I don�t need to be injected with his poison. I think you should make your
research concerning Bill Gates. If you want to be told what to do, so be it but
I�m free to choose my freedom of choice, speech and decision making
Hace 5 horas
Why don�t you rub yourself up against a nicely shedding highly infectious COVID

Mr Potato
Mr Potato
Hace 4 horas
Let me ask you, what if god allowed humans to develop vaccines to help save lives?

Futterman Farms
Hace 5 horas (editado)
@Veritasium I could say a lot about the RNA vaccine like how it changes your RNA
permanently. How it is still experimental and we are testing it on us humans. And
since it is experimental, that means that the Pharma companies can NOT be sued if
the vaccine does any harm.
But the really awful thing in the video is you're wanting to silence minority
voices under the guise of stopping "misinformation". You?!? Really?!? The one who
did a video on manipulating statistics? The one who did a video on how many
published studies are wrong?!? Really!!!????? And just WHO do you think you can
trust to be in charge of deciding if something YOU say is ok to be heard. If its ok
for you to say it? If its ok for anyone to hear? You are wrong. so very very
wrong on that one. But, then, you must be ok with someone telling me I can't say
you are wrong, because that would be "misinformation".

Chase _
Chase _
Hace 3 horas
rna and dna is different and the vaccines i think you are talking about is mrna
Futterman Farms
Futterman Farms
Hace 31 minutos
@Chase _ I said RNA, not DNA. It makes a permanent change in your system.

Adri�n Bar�th
Hace 5 horas
What a trash channel, are you seriously asking a psychopath about the next crisis?
The man, whos polio vaccines killed hundreds of thousands of children in africa?
Good job sir, what a shill.

Hace 5 horas
Oh, it�s Africa now, is it? Last month it was India, but that was debunked, so now
it�s Africa. Got it.

Mr Potato
Mr Potato
Hace 4 horas
Where is the evidence m8

Adri�n Bar�th
Adri�n Bar�th
Hace 4 horas
@Mr Potato I posted m8, but yt or this shill idiot deleted it.

Mr Potato
Mr Potato
Hace 3 horas
@Adri�n Bar�th try again or just tell me where you got it from, I seriously doubt
that YouTube would not delete it unless their bot flagged it as something sus
Adri�n Bar�th
Adri�n Bar�th
Hace 3 horas
@Mr Potato yt deletes anything that goes against their narratives

Adri�n Bar�th
Adri�n Bar�th
Hace 3 horas
Btw welcome to fascism. Yt promotes it.

Mejgan Zia
Hace 5 horas
I can only listen to about thirty seconds of Bill speaking, before I space out.
Haha happens every time. On the other hand, I can listen to a boring Steve Jobs
presentation for hours, and be mesmerized.

Cee crystal clear

Hace 5 horas
Prediction or planned ??

Hace 5 horas
Yeah, because every great Bond villain gets up and gives a Ted speech telling
everyone their plans.

Hace 2 horas
@randomjasmic why not tell them? now he can act like he "predicted" it and can be
the one the sheep run to for the vax. perfect plan.

How AvA woH

Hace 5 horas (editado)
The Gates foundation urged Oxford to sell the rights to the vaccine solely to
AstraZeneca. This man nor his foundation are on our side

Odette Coe-Johnson
Hace 5 horas
Fkn idiots!!! He has a patent on CV 19.
James Karter
Hace 5 horas
Bcuz Bill and his wife helped out killing ppl with their plan to depopulate the
world starting in Africa

Hace 6 horas
Create a crisis. Profit.

Hace 6 horas
Yeah I wanna listen to Microsoft boy tell me about virus control...

Adri�n Bar�th
Adri�n Bar�th
Hace 5 horas
Yeah, the irony.. right? What an expert. The polio vaccine magician, his show only
costed a couple hundred thousand children's life.

Alex Chang
Hace 6 horas
Covid is essential for this rigged election. Period.

Tommy P
Hace 6 horas
Mr Gates, why is it we never see you wearing a mask, ever?

Seb _
Seb _
Hace 6 horas
He does in public

Tommy P
Tommy P
Hace 6 horas
@Seb _ was searching for a photo the other day, couldn�t find a single one. Me and
all of my buddies have never ever seen any footage of Bill Gates in a mask.

Seb _
Seb _
Hace 5 horas
@Tommy P do you wear a mask at home? He probably doesnt even need to leave, i
havent seen him outside in the pandemic. If you find a picture of him outside in
2020 without a mask, its fair game

Seb _
Seb _
Hace 5 horas
By the way i found a Interview with him wearing and showing a mask on a german
newssite after 2 min

Patrick Vandervliet
Hace 6 horas
Look a person thats trapped in his own lies get a line on his forhead like what
bilgates have

Jeff D.
Hace 6 horas
He predicted it, because he and all the "elites" planned it.

Seb _
Seb _
Hace 6 horas
Your proof? Coffee ground doesnt count. No its not obvious, try again

Hace 5 horas
And he then gave a Ted speech to tell everyone about it, because.... well...

Cyka Blyat
Hace 6 horas
Billy, what's the next crisis?
Billy: I haven't decided yet
Mike R
Hace 6 horas
Bill Gates wants to depopulate humans

Myosotis Malva
Hace 6 horas
There goes the hero, the man with incredible powers ready to save the humankind...
Seriously ??

Erik redding
Hace 6 horas
Spoken by a high school dropout

Slow Day
Slow Day
Hace 6 horas
lol, he went to college and actually solved a math problem which amazed his math
professor. His professor actually even said that it was a waste of potential for
him to be a businessman. Now what about you? ??

Slow Day
Slow Day
Hace 6 horas
And that college I mentioned is actually Harvard University. I bet you can't even
get admitted into there ??

Erik redding
Erik redding
Hace 6 horas
My apologies collage dropout. This man is a cancer. I don�t trust him or his

Erik redding
Erik redding
Hace 6 horas
And no I wouldn�t get accepted to Harvard. My family is not wealthy.

Slow Day
Slow Day
Hace 6 horas
@Erik redding You never heard of scholarship? If you're a genius it'll be easy to
get admitted into university even if you're poor. Never heard of those genius poor
students from developing country got admitted into Ivy league? Now just stop
spreading malicious things on internet that you now know you're not that smart

Slow Day
Slow Day
Hace 6 horas
@Erik redding he still solved an unsolved problem that amazed his professor. You
can't even do that

Erik redding
Erik redding
Hace 5 horas
@Slow Day 2+2=4
Ben Verret
Hace 6 horas
"The welfare of the people in particular has always been the alibi of tyrants"

� Albert Camus, Resistance, Rebellion and Death: Essays

Hace 6 horas
Event 201.


Hace 2 horas
Agenda 2030.

Hace 55 minutos (editado)
Fauci and Gain of function research ? Klaus Schwab head of the UN's WEF has
written a book 'Covid 19 and the great reset' (released July 2020), just a
coincidence, he wrote it very quickly and absolutely hadn't made plans prior .

Isa� Diaz
Hace 6 horas
Why you don�t help to eradicate the malnutrition in Africa in stead of putting fear
in people . Are you a doctor ????? or computer makers ???!

2000000 33
Hace 6 horas
Why to give Media time to this criminal??????
Alexandros Bertz
Hace 6 horas (editado)
Bill saying that we should slow down the spread of misinformation and C.T.'s like
"saying completly false things about like vaccines" to prevent deaths makes me
kinda curious.
Why do we have to intervene with Darwin? Why do we have to "cure" people against
their will and/or beliefs? What is anybodys benefit of other people surviving
something except of some monopoly holding humans like Bill whose loses 1 customer
with every second human that died?

Hace 6 horas
Because an anti-masker's Darwin Award winning decision not to wear a mask to
protect themself also puts other people at risk. Their personal freedom to feel the
air on their face and come down with a novel virus cannot be allowed to infringe on
someone else's freedom to stay alive. The idea of the social contract that
underpins a functional society breaks down if some people are unwilling to give up
even the smallest of "freedoms" for the good of those around them. Such people are
usually called criminals: at the extreme, think robbers, rapists, murderers,
poachers. They think they should be free to do whatever they please, even if what
they do harms someone else. Obviously this can't be allowed, so those who wish to
live in society make and abide by rules defining the limits of personal freedom.
Step outside those limits and there have to be consequences.

Alexandros Bertz
Alexandros Bertz
Hace 5 horas
@HamLovesBacon wearing a mask was not the subject mr Hamlovesbacon. i need you to
focus. The subject was to get vaccinated and i know that a critical mass of the
population has to be vaccined to create heard immunity which will be benefitial for
those who cant be vaccinated. Still the question is why do we care so much about
those who dont believe in it. just let it play out. we probably be better of after.
Also, is it moraly accepable to force something in somebody , penatrate them with a
needle and inject a substance against their will?
ty king
Hace 6 horas
Bill gates is part of the great reset 2030

Hace 5 horas
Yeah, the conspiracy so confident they made a video about it. And Bill Gates stands
up and gives a Ted speech about a coming pandemic, so he totally planned all this.

Hace 5 horas
Oh, just in case it isn�t obvious, I am being sarcastic.

Mr Potato
Mr Potato
Hace 4 horas
First it was 2012, then 2018 them 2020 and now 2030??

willem feather
Hace 6 horas
"Fatality here is not super high." 1%. LOL.

Laszlo Papp
Laszlo Papp
Hace 6 horas (editado)
0.23% in the median of all countries globally - according to the WHO. Pandemic?
Give me a break. In the EU we have practically no over average fatality in 2020 in
any of the countries - including those without implementing measures like masks and
lockdowns, just like Sweden.

Seb _
Seb _
Hace 6 horas
@Laszlo Papp you are beyond misinformed. Just look it up for christ sake. There is
a increase of 23% in deaths in Germany compared to previous years

Erik redding
Hace 6 horas
�Didn�t buy the insurance policy�
Bill gates is the insurance salesman...
We all know how honest insurance salesman are. This guy is scary. He wants to
depopulate earth. He makes the virus, and the vaccine. WTF

Hace 6 horas
He just told us what is happening, most of his vaccines will go to developing
countries � This is where the danger lies !!!! The people of these countries have
to be very careful because most of those countries do not really have the problem
of COVID-19 !! These vaccines may contain elements that may destroy populations in
the future in developing countries.
Janie Rudy
Hace 6 horas
Has Bill Gates and his family taken his virrous vacs.

The instant noodle

Hace 6 horas
Bill doesn't care about you.
Laszlo Papp
Hace 6 horas (editado)
The Corona plandemic is the cover up for preparing the world for the Great Reset
proposed by the leaders of the WEF. Interestingly enough the pandemic started in
the media just one day before the WEF 2020. At this event in Davos the world
leaders saw that this would be the biggest health and economic challenge of our
times based on a few dozens of deaths in China at the time (a country in which 5000
people die in lung disease every day) and they used the meeting in Davos to
coordinate their efforts to combat this highly dangerous disease. In half time
between WEF 2020 and 2021 Klaus Schwab published the ideas about the Great Reset.
In this years WEF the leaders of the world will be discussing the solution to the
problem according the the ideas of the Great Reset - I guess.
It is a well known pattern repeating all over again: at first create the problem
(C19 at WEF 2020) and then offer a solution to it (Great Reset at WEF 2021). This
strategy has been prepared for years.

John Mohammed
Hace 6 horas
Bill gates is full of bs

Hace 7 horas
His prediction was wrong. He predicted a highly infectious virus. IFR of 0,23,
0,05 beneath 55 years of age. Just as fake as the climate hoax..
Hace 7 horas
Prediction or planned agenda ??

Laszlo Papp
Laszlo Papp
Hace 6 horas
The latter. Buzzword: The Great Reset.

Doug Joseph
Hace 7 horas
And Bill Gates' opinion on this means something... why? You just lost a subscriber.

Cristina Salazar
Cristina Salazar
Hace 6 horas
I completely agree. Only the Wealthy have power.
Margaux Dubois
Hace 7 horas
Bill Gates invented software that's very prone to viruses, so therefore we should
trust him for advice on human viruses even though there are lots of licensed
medical doctors fighting the pandemic on the front lines, but yeah ask the guy who
is super in touch with reality.

Satan, Pedophile

Chris Cool
Hace 7 horas
Gates talks about depopulation all the time, - what makes you think he gives a damn
about me and you and everyone else in this world?? -- He doesn't .
Lyza With AYE Z!
Hace 7 horas

Hace 7 horas
Umm , the constant "orangutan arms" and touching his nose is a giveaway he doesnt
believe what he is saying, or lying , in other words. Doesnt anyone else know body
language, and how he speaks, giving vague answers and never completing sentences?

Hace 7 horas

Hace 6 horas
@MotttheHoople2010 YES

Hace 6 horas
Your knowledge of body language is very shallow. You are drawing faulty, silly
conclusions from nothing.
Hace 6 horas
@w0mbles thats not a good enough reply

Hace 6 horas
Thing is: your hypotheses on what could be the causes for his apparent behavioral
deviations from what you would perceive as the norm MAY indeed be correct.

However: 1.)You MAY wish to consider that you COULD be making attribution errors.
Perhaps his folded arms were because he was uncomfortable psychologically, knowing
he would have to speak to the wild allegations floating around the internet. Or
perhaps the room he was in was cold or in his age, and potentially fairly sedentary
lifestyle, perhaps it was a physiological response or a sensory one, caused by bad
circulation. I'm just trying to paint you a picture that your assessment of his
behavior and what it MAY tell us is conjecture. And imagine being as known as him,
under such scrutiny, and seeing people jump to conclusions in such manner about who
you are, what you do and why.

2.) Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Perhaps you COULD collect
hours upon hours of footage of him and cross-reference with factual records where
each of his recurring "tells" fit a documented, verifiable "lie" or "hiding
something", and become the real life Patrick Jane from The Mentalist or Cal
Lightman from lie to me. Though odds are: you wont - as many others (it would be

But I'm not sure the right way to treat a person then, to treat mister Gates in
this case, is with such a degree of scrutiny and conjecture, vocalized, aiming to
persuade. Without doing the legwork to find solid evidence. If there even is any.
Now if you truly believe / have seen some factual proof - you may want to dedicate
time and effort to PROVING your conjectures.

And I'm not trying to argue that he should be beyond scrutiny and questioning.

I just don't think the "orangutan arms" + allegation approach is unfair.

Hace 6 horas
@M W Your stupid statement/question doesn't deserve much of a reply.
Patrick Nolan
Hace 7 horas
�Predicted�? More like was in on it. Come on people!! How TF does a �tech guy�
become America�s favorite unlicensed doctor? It�s called money!!! This is the guy
that said we need to control the population and Reduce it by 6%.

Real M
Hace 7 horas
Internet and social media are great. But just like everything else, we should have
prepared for the Deplorable part of the population having access to it.

We should have an isolated subnet for all the Deplorables and conspiracy morons,
the ignorant MAGA/QAnon masses, etc, where they could beat each other all day with
all their crazy ignorance. That would allow normal humans to have civilized and
normal communications with each other. That would have stopped the orange garbage
damaging our society as he did, or the Deplorables causing so much harm to
humanity. The good news is, we can still do it and should do it ASAP.

Hace 4 horas
the veil on our world is thinning. do you really trust the corporate media as
arbiters of truth? what if you're na�ve?

Real M
Real M
Hace 3 horas
I might be naive about corporate media but NOT about the Deplorable Confederate
Evangelical MAGA/QAnon cultist terrorists being a great danger to America and
humanity due to their extreme ignorance. ALL of humanity has rejected them and
their fuhrer.

Hace 2 horas
@Real M how much of that narrative was placed in your head by the media though?
"Qanon" followers tend to have knowledge of secret societies, government corruption
and pedophilic sex trafficking by likes of Jeffrey Epstein. Are these things not
dark realities of this world? If the elite were complicit would the coinciding
corporate media report on such matters? We know that ABC News killed Amy Robach's
explosive Epstein expose from being aired. Why might this happen? We know Epstein's
eilte connections were vast... this is not disputed. why and how were "Qanon"
people talking about a potential coming coronavirus pandemic back in 2019? Have you
investigated this stuff for yourself? Is it possible that you've become complacent
and that corporate interests have seized control of your critical thinking?

Laszlo Papp
Hace 7 horas (editado)
More PCR Tests. Of course. Soon it will be proven at the court what is already
wildly known by the better informed part of the public. These PCR tests are the
basis of the delusion of the public about a so called pandemic. There are countless
sources confirming that these tests are unable to specifically diagnose a virus
infection. Especially with 40+ cycles as the original Drosten test recommended by
the WHO has to be carried out. These tests have a perfect sensitivity but an
extraordinarily poor specificity. This means they generate a lot of false
positives. If you apply these tests to millions of healthy people without any
symptoms it is easy to keep the narrative of a pandemic going on forever - only
based on the false positives, which might be more than 80% of all positive results.
The inventor of PCR knows this, Drosten knows this, the Senat of Berlin knows this,
the producer of the Drosten test knows this - and slowly the public knows this. I
guess Bill knows this too - and also how to use this fact to simulate a plandemie
to the population with the help of mainstream media and censoring all other media
just as planned at Event 201 a few months before the pandemic begun.
Anirudh Krishnan
Hace 7 horas
It's hard not to be skeptical. What he wants to be seen as may have changed, but
how he exercises his power to get it won't/can't change.

Hace 7 horas
Dont anyone dare make the covid vaccine mandatory, it should be 100% optional now
and forever.

alex mackay
Hace 7 horas
Veritasium's credility has gone down thanks to this video.

rob luffman
Hace 7 horas
All I see is the Devil pure and simple

Skyler White
Hace 7 horas
Do we still believe this virus happened because someone ate a bat?

Jacky Rogue
Jacky Rogue
Hace 7 horas
I mean, this is the YouTube comments section, that's quite a rational belief now
in comparison to what many others are saying.

Hace 7 horas
Do people still think bill gates caused this virus?

EMS 76
Hace 7 horas
You know, just because Mr Gates understood the public health system inefficiencies
that led to being unprepared for this pandemic doesn't suddenly make his the
world's catastrophe oracle. People can know a great deal about one (or several)
things and have insight because of that. That doesn't make them foresight gods.

Hace 7 horas
why use time to interview billionaire, and not use time for science what is
actually going on behind all this gates funded media
Sparkle And friends
Hace 7 horas (editado)
Bill gates should not be informing people about a medical crisis for three reasons
Bill Gates is not a doctor, he cannot predict the future, and he wants to vaccinate
the world even though he doesn�t vaccinate his own kids.
The first reason Bill gates should not be informing people about a
medical crisis is that: Bill Gates is not a Doctor, Bill is the owner of a computer
company and is really rich because of it. He has no insight on medicine or how the
body works, Bill is very good with computers which is another reason we should not
let him speak about things that he does not know much about.
The second reason Bill gates should not be informing people about a
medical crisis is that: Bill Gates cannot predict the future, Bill definitely
doesn�t have prophetic dreams, but there has been some predictions but I feel like
there just coincidences. If you think about it there has been a whole bunch of
people with sickness�s and people back then had or has respiratory diseases. He
probably cannot predict the future because all Covid is, is just people
overreacting about a disease that�s been here for decades.
The third reason Bill gates should not be informing people about a
medical crisis is that: he wants to vaccinate the world even though he doesn�t
vaccinate his own kids, his kids aren�t even vaccinated because he knows that
vaccines aren�t good, and yet he still encourages everyone to get a vaccine, Bill
Gates is pulling a double standard, why should we listen to someone that is a
computer genius and talks about medical stuff?
Bill gates should not be informing people about a medical crisis for
three reasons Bill Gates is not a doctor, he cannot predict the future, and he
wants to vaccinate the world even though he doesn�t vaccinate his own kids.

Laszlo Papp
Hace 7 horas (editado)
Don't confuse people with conspiracy theories like flat Earth. It has nothing to do
with serious and well founded critics by thousands of renowned scientist, doctors
and layers all around the world about the way how this polit medial plandemie is
carried out and pushed by propaganda media, how completely new types of vaccines
get certified without the usual quality standards, where clinical trials normally
take 5-12 years instead of 6 months or about the fact how all these assessments
based on scientific facts as well as the persons promoting them are censored,
silenced and repressed by the current political and medial system in the name the
"truth" - meaning their truth. It has nothing to do with democracy nor with a
scientific discourse. It resembles the middle ages with the sacred inquisition
burning the witches.
Richie Jacobs
Hace 7 horas
Hey everybody, I'm Bill Gates and I don't understand why everyone thinks I'm creepy
just because I said we should reduce the population by 5 billion by using vaccines
and I want to block out the sun. What's wrong with that fellow

Hace 7 horas
It is 100% impossible that now all the sudden "it just might be pandemic after
pandemic" . They are extending all of the covid rules and lockdowns to keep us
occupied while they complete "The Great Reset" behind the scenes, duhhh.

alex mackay
Hace 7 horas
To people who think gates is a nice and generous man. Jimmy Saville and Jeffrey
Epstein were philanthropists.

Scota Meritaten
Hace 7 horas
I was shocked when I learnt that Bill Gates has shares in Monsanto. Why is he not
walking away from GMO which has a nasty effect on our health? So, on the one hand
he encourages and profits from GMO food which weakens our health and on the other
hand he profits from producing vaccines when our weakened immune system cannot
fight a weak virus like Covid 19! After all he is the one who said that moving into
philanthropy was the best business decision he has ever made! He certainly has
hedged his bets magnificently.
I will respect this man if he stops GMO foods and helps us go back to organic
farming. But sadly he is obsessed with vaccines. Wish he would concentrate on
getting rid of computer viruses instead of meddling with our DNA.
As for the interviewer, he had better read up on the dangers of modern vaccines
rather than take on such an apologetic tone with his guest. That clip adds nothing
to improve the poor image of Gates in the minds of those who read between the
lines. ??
Hace 7 horas
This man is not a Doctor or a Scientist
Why are we worshipping him?

Hace 7 horas
He is a scientist, because he studies research all the time.

Hace 7 horas
He has completely lost all credibility after sponsoring and setting up "event 201".

Dominic Brady
Hace 7 horas
Gates: Depends how many viruses I decide to release
Hace 7 horas
he should know he planned them

Hace 7 horas
He knew it was going to happen because of THE VIDEO EVERYONE HAS SEEN ON YOUTUBE

Tribe Asher
Hace 7 horas (editado)
Do you develop adreochrome? Wonder if you sell it. And drink adreochrome?
TED. If we only listened.

Hace 7 horas
Bill Gates doesn't lie. ??

Joey Smith
Hace 7 horas
The man seems so untrustworthy

Hace 7 horas
K buddy

Joey Smith
Joey Smith
Hace 6 horas (editado)
@Memetos I guess In your brain bill is a hero, who took others ideas, tried to
Patent the internet browsers so no one else could make money but him, the guy is
Shady af.

Hace 5 horas
@Joey Smith don�t know how Saying �K buddy� makes a bill fanboy, but let me just
clear a few things up. First I respect bill as a billionaire since he has donated
over 45 Billion dollars of his OWN money which I bet a lot of people wouldn�t do at
all. Second, I just get annoyed at people saying �oH hE CrEaTed COVID FoR
mOnEy/DePoPuLatE� Because it makes no sense Bill has literally 0 reason to make it.

Now if you think he�s shady since he�s a billionaire that�s fine since it�s your
own opinion. Which is why I just replied �K buddy�

Ciprian Ghita
Hace 8 horas
Veritasium didn-t know that he interviewed the GRINCH !!!
Gas Danger
Hace 8 horas
I think him and the big heads in control
They are partners with creating this virus

Joey Smith
Hace 8 horas
He did it

honorable Barsurian
Hace 8 horas
�he� didn�t predict the pandemic. He just involved in the conspiracy of making the
pandemic happen.

J DeWitt
Hace 8 horas
It's not very intellectually honest to even compare COVID-19 to Smallpox. COVID-19
has a 2.2% case fatality rate which exaggerates the danger due to the prevalence of
asymptomatic cases that never get tested, that if tested would lower the rate
substantially. On the other hand, smallpox has a 30% case fatality rate for common
smallpox and a nearly 100% fatality rate for other malignant versions.

Laszlo Papp
Hace 8 horas (editado)
Sad... living with the head put into a pile of sand covered with the "truth" of
mainstream media and at the same time talking about conspiracy theories. Inform
yourself before you start talking about stuff. It is unbearable to hear some of the
thoughts from "Bill", knowing that the exact opposite is true. You just have to
look at him smiling while telling these lies. It speaks for itself.
Thousands of scientists from the best universities of the would are silenced and
censored today in the name of "truth" defined by a small group of so called
"experts" - in many cases being clearly corrupt and motivated by profit interest.
Exactly how it should not be, according to Bill. Strange, is not it?

Real M
Real M
Hace 7 horas
Sorry Deplorable, you are too late. Humanity has formally rejected tRumpism, his
Deplorable cult, and all conspiracy loonies.
QAnon will soon be illegal as it's a great danger to humanity. Save yourself.
Humans will help you get free.

Mart Gregory
Mart Gregory
Hace 7 horas
I hope one day, for your sake, that you put some effort into escaping your
delusions. But at the end of the day the opinions you�ve been spoon fed, and
mindlessly spout are irrelevant. Thanks to Bill and other people like him, who put
their considerable talents and resources on the line for the health and well-being
of all people is remarkable.
a soroush
Hace 8 horas
How did you know this was going to happen? Bill: well ...??

William E Lanning Jr
Hace 8 horas
Shouldn�t we be scrutinizing Bill Gates� record in Africa before we let him dictate
which medicines we need to take? By muzzling legitimate
criticism as �anti-vax�, the media avoids honest debate on many damning studies
like Mogensen.

Alexander Bacala
Alexander Bacala
Hace 8 horas
Bill gates predicted the pandemic..
cause he created it

Nikos Cuatro
Hace 8 horas (editado)
spoiler: An interview for sheeps.

Gambeir Bay
Gambeir Bay
Hace 8 horas
Get Lambs Dot Com. I was just looking at their beanie's thanks to the other
billionaires that are helping all of us with 5G

brandon smith
Hace 8 horas
Persuasive lol you mean active at creating genocidal events. Pandemics only come
along what every 100 years like the manifesto. Viruses don't work on literature
planning, people do or a fermi organism. does.
Hace 8 horas
Boot Licker...

Hace 8 horas
Funny how he says that in order to believe misinformation you have to be a targeted
immune system. One of psychological tactics to discredit your opinion without
actually proving you wrong is to instantly attack you as the carrier of the
information and not the information itself. Kennedy died 1 week after his famous
speech about the group of people that will enslave us all. Believe what you want!

Hace 8 horas
You just heard talk the emperor of the world. Everyone that interviews bends over
before him even before asking the first pre-screened question.... Push back against
misinformation. Just like in communist countries, censor anyone who disagree....

Hace 8 horas
They no longer call it "global warming" because they found it was untrue. The
planet is NOT warming, in fact it's getting cooler. This is why they changed the
name to "climate change". Yes the climate is always changing. We've had the ice
age, etc. The earth changes, weather changes. We've always had super storms and
hurricanes, it's absolutely nothing new. They can fool a lot of young people who
don't know facts but there is another agenda for all this "green" talk and it has
to do with money. Separating it from you, lol, in the form of higher taxes. Nice
talk like this is an effort to make you "believe". Always think for yourself. The
1918 flu wasn't from Spain, it was from China. The Wuhan coronavirus isn't natural,
it accidentally got out of the Wuhan bio lab in China. That's why it's so virulent
and different than anything we've seen before. I'm not against the vaccination, I
suggest you get it. The more people that get it, the better.

Davy B.
Hace 8 horas
Bill Gates is himself a threat.
Ryon Tiler
Hace 8 horas
Bill Gates is apart of an agenda to depopulate the earth because he feels its
overpopulated with "useless eaters". He is funding the creation of viruses that
cause plandemics and funding the poison vaccines that kill people who get them. It
shortens the span and changes the dna.

Ryon Tiler
Ryon Tiler
Hace 8 horas
Life Span is Shortened and tampers with human dna with taking of vaccines.

Ryon Tiler
Ryon Tiler
Hace 8 horas
If it does'nt kill you immediately like it has to people who took it.

Luana Souza
Hace 8 horas (editado)
I think that the biggest problem of our society is the profit only mentality.
People and corporations do stuff for profit and most profit.
Taking care of people and our planet should not be done for profit but for the sake
of it.
For example, recycling is only made on products that are profitable to process, all
the others end not processed.

Invest in vaccines to make people healthy or invest in mental health actions (Like
better work conditions and wealth distribution) or taking responsibility for
Environment Impacts just for the sake of it should be our goal as humanity! That
stuff needs to be done, that needs to be our objective, not profit.

instead of going for profits all the f* time and put them in some billionaires, we
as society need to begin to take care of our selves and our planet. That is
investing money on us, on our future.

Tommy Strickland
Hace 8 horas
1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature. THERE IS A
Dots Gaming
Hace 8 horas
bill gates predicted it because he invested in this , do your research

Hace 8 horas
May The Lord himself have mercy on your soul bill gates! You will stand before Him
one day to give a full account of the evil you�ve done

Metal Kezzl
Hace 8 horas
he knows it because he works for the devil
Hace 8 horas
Bill Gates has done nothing but benefit from this. I don't trust a single word he
says about this. He's a globalist and this helps his cause.

Hace 8 horas
Why he didn't see this PLANDemic 15 years ago ? But now he sees the next 15 years
and more. This guy is totally fraud .

Blanca U
Hace 8 horas
He engineers the crises lol. Ask him why he bought so much farmland and how he
hides behind that company of supposedly the man who owns the most farmland in the
US too...because he owns it all. Depopulation. Insect food, 3D,lab meats. He will
eat meat but as his buddy klaus said," you'll own nothing,rent everything and be
happy". The great Reset for all but not for him. But he won't take everything with
him, he will pass away just like everyone.

Ryon Tiler
Ryon Tiler
Hace 8 horas
He is creating the viruses that cause plandemics and the poison vaccines that kill
people early to depopulate.

Phil Indeblanc
Hace 8 horas (editado)
LOL, to be able to have a interview with BGates ONLY helps confirm this channel is
a vetted information channel. How sad! Lets not even ask him about EventTwo-zero-
one! One of his other favorite writers book title is "How to Lie with Statistics".
That is AMAZING how Ve parallels this to conspiracy theories of the earths shape.
This guy is dangerous. That is one way to put any of this questioning and
investigation on the wrong path.

Hace 6 horas

Phil Indeblanc
Phil Indeblanc
Hace 5 horas
Oh wait, if you question or investigate, you are already weaponized with the
thought to be equaled with the shape of the earth!, LOL. Amazing!

Hace 4 horas
@Phil Indeblanc you are equaled with flat earthers because your investigation and
questioning skills are comparable to those. E.g. the Event 201, a John Hopkins 2019
tabletop exercise for a global pandemic. You speculate direct ties to the 2020
SARS-CoV-2 outbreak. Yet those exercises have happened before (Clade X, Atlantic
Storm) and SARS-CoV-2 was mentioned nowhere in the Event 201 exercise.

Phil Indeblanc
Phil Indeblanc
Hace 3 horas
@morrow Have you ever heard of the term correlation is not causation? There is also
something businesses world wide use for projections, and future direction of focus,
which are heavily based on projections, and how big companies stay strong and
excel, this is called market indicators. These are not used singularly as you are
suggesting here, but used in aggregate data clusters and analysis. So, you need to
look at MANY things, rather than cherry pick what you want to position your
argument. I am sure there is a term for this, but I hope you get the point. YOU are
making this a isolated parallel comparison, iand it exposes your limited, but more
so bias you want to frame your argument towards.If you want a real discussion, you
will need to be more inclusive of a lots of unique data and THEN you can weigh the
values of them to form any ideas. If this makes sense to you a little, bit, then yu
will know that it is NOT my position.

Hace 3 horas
@Phil Indeblanc so many words yet you're saying absolutely nothing tangible.

Phil Indeblanc
Phil Indeblanc
Hace 3 horas
@morrow really? Well, that is your limitation. Try and put yourself in the specator
position, then you can see clearer. You are simply working out in your mind, or
rather already have as to a categoric frame for my perspective. Get out of that
mindset and approach a topic with with thinking, and not simply trying to protect
your position by attacking the messenger. That would be a start and perhaps help
you free from polarizing yourself from others.

Phil Indeblanc
Phil Indeblanc
Hace 3 horas
@morrow but if you are taking what I type as nothing tangible, meaning you dont
understand, I cant really be that effective in helping you see past your bias. But,
if you pick a topic and you actually want to discuss the details, that might be a
start to a conversation vs a pissing contest.

Hace 2 horas
@Phil Indeblanc you just assume it's because of my bias or limitations? have you
considered you're just not communicating coherently?

Chris Oxendine
Hace 8 horas
This was a man made virus that accidentally got released. Or was it?

ronald mitchell
ronald mitchell
Hace 8 horas

Caroline Lato
Hace 8 horas
What is that bump on the upper right quadrant of Bill Gates forehead, do you
suppose? -------Asking for a friend . . . ....
Mark Gould
Hace 9 horas
Sorry. Am I missing something? If this man is telling the world what's coming up in
regard to health risks, what does he know/have influence on? Ask yourself that.
Does he OWN the W.H.O??
AND, as far as I know, global weather and its changes are like the global economy;
subject to a 'sinewave' type of progression - it's all predictable(mostly) so
'Global Warming' is just an invention of the authorities to frighten people. This
so-called 'warming' of the world is actually exactly what is within the history of
this planet and we shouldn't be so worried. YES. I get the carbon thing but I am
more worried about the trashing of our oceans.

Hace 9 horas
he wants us all dead, do not believe him at all.

Sahra Sands
Hace 9 horas
Hypothesis: the 1918 pandemic was in fact the first ever Plandemic in history, with
the plandemic of 2020 replicating the exact same business model and protocols in
the use of mass communication technology to cause chaos and manipulate populations
in any way required.
Daniel Goncharov
Hace 9 horas
It seems like you're pushing the idea of limiting free speech (misinformation, not
even disinformation). Greatly disappointed in you.

William E Lanning Jr
Hace 9 horas
Bill Gates stated that he could end overpopulation with "vaccines". Believe what
you will about this scumbag.

Danny M
Hace 9 horas (editado)
It�s not a prediction, it�s a plan. He funded the Wuhan Virology lab. He funded the
WHO. This is a PLANDEMIC. Wake up people. Everything is for economic or power grab
gain. While you sheep watch these videos, billionaires are are robbing you guys
under lockdown and laughing

Nathan Sanders
Hace 9 horas
Is this not self fulfilling. Cook up the COVID-19 then release it. Make Billions
off the vaccine you then created... Not rocket science people.

Michelle Arnon
Hace 9 horas
The net population growth on this planet in 2020 was around 85 million people. What

Denise Mcgregor
Hace 9 horas
I think he could be evasive, he wants to put us all in fear, he has said he wants
to cull the human race .. and wants his vaccine will really cull the human race

Hace 9 horas
Why is this billonaire sticking his nose in this , I'm not comfortable with these
types people pushing policy's.


Ryon Tiler
Ryon Tiler
Hace 9 horas
He is funding in creating the viruses to depopulate.

Hace 9 horas
@Ryon Tiler you said it not me

Hace 7 horas
@Ryon Tiler bruh you still have given no reason and why he would that wouldn�t
depopulating in your mind mean �less money for him since less people�

Sparkle And friends

Sparkle And friends
Hace 7 horas
Bill Gates wants to vaccinate the world and yet he doesn�t vaccinate his own kids
Hace 7 horas
@Sparkle And friends he did you can literally google it

Sparkle And friends

Sparkle And friends
Hace 6 horas
@Memetos ikr

Bob Dobbs
Hace 9 horas (editado)
Why didn't YOU do more about it?

Suzanne Harry
Hace 9 horas
When he stops making billions off of vaccines and loses control to dictate global
health policy via WHO, and all the web of influence he has on that matter,
through his Foundation funding bribes. He wants us all chipped with technology he
is developing via MIT , the quantum dot. He is not a saint he is sinister.
Hace 9 horas
Pfizer $20 a dose, Moderna $10-50 a dose, Oxford Astra Zeneca less than $4 a dose
and easily transported as regular fridge temperature will keep it fresh. As more
countries are questioning and restricting the Oxford Zeneca vaccine one has to ask
if it has something to do with profitability.

Sahra Sands
Hace 9 horas
"You don't want the Profit motive involved"... say's the richest guy on Earth. WHAT

The most Supremely hate-filled, Genocidally Psychopathic Supremacists on Earth...

deflecting attention from their own Supremely hate-filled, Genocidally Psychopathic
Supremacy. Yey for Gain of Function experiments!

Charlie Pin
Hace 9 horas
The best way to predict the future is to create it.
Abraham Lincoln





It's time people woke the hell up!

URGENT MUST SEE RACKETEERING: 35 out of 37 on UK Vaccine Network group that advises
the Government have been paid off by Bill Gates to the tune of �200 MILLION!
Vaccinations ingredients to cause mass sterilization.


Chris Witty received a Grant of �31 Million by the Gates Foundation, and in May
2020 is about to be put on the Executive board of the World Health Organisation
(WHO). The BIGGEST funder of the World Health Organisation is Bill Gates!

If you were handed millions of pounds by someone..where would your allegiance lie?
Would you say anything bad about them?

Both Chris Witty and Sir Patrick Vallance (chief scientific advisor) are taking
"guidance" from W.H.O. that is funded by Bill Gates. The 2 remaining members of the
37 making up the UK Vaccine Network, answer directly to Sir Patrick Vallance. Total
Control. Total stitch up.

CORRUPTION OF THE HIGHEST ORDER. (Like backing every horse in the Grand National to
ensure you win).

Patrick Vallance, up until 2018 was President of R&D at GlaxoSmithKline (produces


GlaxoSmithKline and Bill Gates are part of a �Billion pound deal. In bed together.

Gates has invested �1 Billion, and through testing alone stands to see a return of
�14 Billion just from the UK when everyone is "tested" (tests charged are �250 a

The return from vaccinations as well is �45 Billion.

Company Mologic (sounds similar to Moloch) is set up by Bill Gates, and Boris
Johnson visited Mologic earlier in the week.
Media paid off. On the Guardian Newspaper Global Development pages, it states "We
are now funded by the Gates Foundation".

GlaxoSmithKline Vaccine Ingredients to create infertility in both Males and


Anti HCG(Anti Human chorionic gonadotropin) causes infertility in women, along with
37 amino acids, CTP (carboxy terminal peptides).
"Principal of Anti HCG is to induce antibodies which combine to HCG and render it
biologically inactive".

GlaxoSmithKline tested on 63 women. The report states that 61 became infertile.

The male version is :

Anti GNRH. Its a sperm specific mitochondrial antigen, that basically kills
mitochondrial DNA in the sperm. They are still able to swim around, but when they
deliver DNA to the Egg, it's dead.. and then makes that woman infertile.

So you can have a vaccinated man, sleep with an unvaccinated woman..and she will

These ingredients are also planned to be included in other vaccines!

Dr Andrew Preston is responsible for the human trials. He has received �28 Million
from the Gates foundation...and.. GlaxoSmithKline provide the ingredients!

It takes around 7-10 years to show in Public.

(See Gates Foundation track record at Vaccination harm on a MASSIVE scale in



Specifically under "communicable diseases" states you do not have any

confidentiality, mandatory to be vaccinated. Means they can forcibly inject you.

Anybody not taking the vaccine will have their Social Credit Score affected.
(Already used in China to stop travel..buying food etc). This system will be
delivered by Microsoft. Emma Wolmsley - Chief Executive officer of GlaxoSmithKline
also sits on the board of Microsoft, next to Bill Gates.

UK Vaccine Network members and Grants/funding by Gates Foundation:

* Adrian Hill - �10 million
* Andrew Pollard - �36.9 million
* Brian Charleston Director of Pirbright institute - (multiple Grant's. Last one
was �5.5 million)
* Cherry Lynn Adam's (phonetic spelling sorry) from BBSRC - �4.4 million
* Charlie Weller - all work funded by GF
* Charlotte Watts - London school of hygiene and tropical medicine - �59 million
* Chris Witty - Chief Medical Officer - �31 million
* Christian Schneider MHRA - regular funding
* Eleanor Riley - London School of hygiene and tropical medicine - �50 million
* Fiona Tomley - Pirbright institute - multiple Grant's
* Gary Entresson same as Fiona
* Ian Hudson - CEO of MHRA, Left to become BILL GATES SNR. ADVISOR!
* Jean Lang - Co leads Gates foundation vaccinations discovery team
* Jeffrey Oldman - Snr Advisor to World Health Organisation & Gate Foundation
* Joanne Prior - Defence Science and tech. Lab (answers directly to *
Patrick Vallance of GlaxoSmithKline). Patrick is now chief scientific advisor to
the Government.
* Johann van Hoof funded by GF
* John Edmonds funded by GF
* Jonathan Pierce - Medical research council, multiple Grant'sand works regularly
with GF
* Julian Bonajera - MHRA
Elizabethan Diosa
Hace 9 horas
The current pandemic is man-made. There is enough info about it now. Stop the batty
narrative. We know covid-19 is man made spliced with HIV, SARS, ebola etc. Covid is
bio terrorism. Wake up.

Anf Trew
Anf Trew
Hace 9 horas
I presume you're joking?

Elizabethan Diosa
Elizabethan Diosa
Hace 7 horas
@Anf Trew I am not joking about bio warfare. On our state news there were initially
minimal subtitle announcements that it was confirmed that covid is manmade and
spliced with HIV particles genes. Etc. There were doctors and government officials
that spoke up and said an experiment in a laboratory was ordered by the government
to be shut down because it was too dangerous. Supposedly it was moved to a biolab
in Wuhan China but things got out of control and into the wrong hands. More than
one government and secret police force tried to contain it. So when our government
officials say they don't know what they are dealing with, it's true. They don't
know how it will mutate or what form will dominate. I know our government officials
were scared shitless when they first got the news. It is understandable that they
don't want riots. Good sanitation, preventive measures ought to be always practiced
as best we are able. So yes, we need to take care and be kind to one another. Safe
vaccines are important. The experiments were designed as bio warfare against people
protesting against government and corporate corruption, at least that is a couple
reports that came out. But you will have to do your own investigative research.
Also if you pay attention to news reports from various avenues, you will realize
there is a lot of strutting of the war machines world wide. Air traffic, all
traffic has certain added restrictions worldwide. Focus on race, truth and
kindness. ,??????????????
Janusz Dworak
Hace 9 horas
How can we prevent Mr. Bill Gates from becoming the Top Notch Clown of this world?

Brian Alexander
Hace 9 horas
He made the prediction??? Because he was involved in the creation of
Samuel Gallezzo
Hace 9 horas
It's easy to predict a virus when you pay to have them developed.

Shelby Bernsrd
Hace 9 horas
Gates works for Satan. He help make this virus. It's about population control and
communism. Do not trust Gates and Soros.

Shelby Bernsrd
Shelby Bernsrd
Hace 9 horas
Also it's about the reset

Janusz Dworak
Janusz Dworak
Hace 9 horas
Yes. Bill GATES OF HELL. "And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will
build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." [Matthew
Jason Huang
Hace 9 horas
The Chinese government is on to sometbing. A degree of Censorship for the masses is
required when the masses have proven that they do not possess the intellectual
capacity to process sometbing as simple as �pandemic was bound to happen� and treat
it as a conspiracy. What�s next, the great earthquake in California that will
definitely happen is also going to be caused by Bill gates?

Ohm Zen
Hace 9 horas (editado)
Bill Gates Predicts Virus... Then Profits Billions from his vaccines! lol Conflict
of interest.. umm..yeah. Now he predicts Bio-terrorism. There you have it folks..
Gates and the GOV. will be releasing a Bio weaponized virus some time in the
future....and blame it on mystical terrorist. (that we can never find) Buy your
gas-masks now. 7:18 "Gray area in the middle " who's in control of the rules and
interpreting them... (very telling Bill) profit motive? I thought vaccine are free?
and no one makes money from vaccines? hmm... I'm guessing you Bill are the prime
candidate for all this control. Very telling..9:27 Oxford...makes a vaccine Open
source (FREE from patent control ) Greedy Bill Steps in to say NO.. why because...
its NOT.. "safe" too hard for your punny brains to understand..Not even Rocket jet
engineers can understand. haha.. according to Bill.. Yet he Funds AstraZeneca!!
lol. Notice the awkward Pauses around 11:00... Ahhh... "we didn't control that
agreement." 150 Billion dollars to AstraZeneca does in fact sound like you did
control that agreement. Liar. 12:43 Those are your bio-terrorism
companies. .."we put billions into making that happen" 12:58 the stare of pure
Evil. Derek your heart is too pure to see Bills level of Evil. Please... Keep an
open mind and FOLLOW THE MONEY!!
Hace 9 horas
I want to see Gates debate/discuss the issue with a real health expert who is well
informed but who strongly disagrees with him. (And there are many of those!). I
find it interesting that this has never happened. I feel like he's avoiding it
because he's afraid.

Luis Otero
Hace 9 horas
Ohhhhhh,Bill gates" Love humanity" so MUCH.??

Amazinj Muzik
Hace 10 horas
Its not predictions, its plans
Horse Talk
Hace 10 horas
What a load canned Spam this guy is an expert why? Global warming! theory, not a
fact and if viruses could wipe out humanity, it would have already happened, it's
so sort of like resistant bacteria true in a controlled setting, laboratories t
when exposed to all the other bacteri well,
the bacteria has no chance
By the way the respiratory virus covid has been animals and birds the vets have
been vaccinated them for 40 years that I know this guy is chicken little we're all
going to die and the sky is falling

Dennis Depocus
Hace 10 horas
He can talk whatever he wants but I simply don't trust him.
champagne davy
Hace 10 horas
He only knew because he's part of the same group that started it

Steve-O Navajo
Steve-O Navajo
Hace 9 horas
It sure is

Steve-O Navajo
Steve-O Navajo
Hace 9 horas
It didn't predict anything. It's called predicting programming at it's finest

John & Yasya

Hace 10 horas
Why would you ask a democrat what the next crisis is? They think the most minor
inconvenience is a crisis
Freedom Fighters
Hace 10 horas
Bill Gates should be in prison for crimes against humanity. He is a liar and fraud
and personally responsible for the death and injury of millions of children
throughout the world. May God have mercy on his soul. Bill Gates should never be
able to walk down the street safetly.

1001 Obeisance
Hace 10 horas
actually the greatest threat to humanity is ....
1 smugness as imbued by the two in this video -- and most commenters on this page,
2 an inability to think for yourself, instead of just accepting what is told to
you -- again, as most commenters on this page
3 everything else discussed here is noise and inconsequential -- again, as most
commenters on this page

Kevin Liu
Hace 10 horas
The real virus to Earth is the CCP. Please wake up free world. We are living too
comfortable and too dependant to their production. Let's not forget about the CCP's
wrongdoings and mistreatment of their own people just becasue they do not agree
with them.

Nic Kennelty
Hace 10 horas
All of bill gates information is disinformation. Like the beginning with windows is
better than Linux or Mac.

Suzanne Harry
Suzanne Harry
Hace 9 horas
That lying scoundrel of Microsoft is the same man here rebranded as a saint.

Kirk Lazarus
Hace 10 horas
He is the problem and he makes the crisis then profits. Cant wait for these people
to cease to exist
Vol ume
Hace 10 horas
we humans are computers and need anti-virus programs....
bill gates is the hero and collects even more money....

the new enemy fear....!-(

Destination Unknown
Hace 10 horas
Lol How did you Predict a Virus that You Help Make and Inflict on the World. DAAAA.

Donnie Thomas
Hace 10 horas
It's not very reassuring to know that any organization that professes to be the
bearer of truth suppresses the opinions and discussions of others in a free and
democratic society. In fact, by doing so under the pretense of preventing the
circulation of misinformation actually reveals themselves as the agents of
Crina�s maftei
Hace 10 horas
Stop laying you planed it and your be behind it !
Bill your going to answer before God!!!
Worry about your soul not global worming or virus ??

John Watson
Hace 10 horas
Take it from a man who killed peeps in other countries and gave them polio

Rock Lover
Hace 10 horas
So a Eugenesist predicts a Pandemic and then makes a Vaccine to save everyone and
wonders why folk are not interested.
Hace 10 horas
Can I make money preventing a pandemic? Not as much as I could letting it spread
when people are willing to pay anything to be saved! - Everyone who had any power
to make a real difference after listening to Bill speak. Oh capitalism, your gifts
are endless.

Glad I had a box of N95 masks in my garage before this one hit. Equally glad I
could get them to people who needed them. Stay safe people.

Ted Myrrh
Hace 10 horas
its all part of the plan to make billions of dollars off of our fears.

Wesley Lark
Hace 10 horas
this is coming from the same guy, Bill Gates, who believes in population control

cpt awesome
Hace 10 horas
Next crisis?
Who's gonna profit from it. That'll be a good start.

British Observer
Hace 10 horas
Yeah this one was made in a lab, and made to be explicitly highly transmissible -
there's nothing natural about it.

Tim Bassett
Tim Bassett
Hace 10 horas
It has a patient. Hence it was man made.

Joseph Browning
Joseph Browning
Hace 10 horas
It never ceases to amaze how some people can spout the most extreme accusations as
if they were 100% proven fact.

British Observer
British Observer
Hace 10 horas
@Joseph Browning - Yep. 100%.

Sheza Rae
Hace 10 horas
Why would you ask that bastard anything? What, because he is an evil overlord
wannabe, you think he will tell you the truth? You need to learn to think
independently of the box.

nonya biss
Hace 10 horas
Evil evil evil!!!!!!!!!
richard cline
Hace 10 horas
gates prob had something to do with covid follow the money

Hace 10 horas
bill gates is a tyrant and infecting people

Qazar l
Hace 10 horas
Bill Gates is actually decent person. He puts much of his wealth in different
foundations helping people all over the world, but people still hate him for one
simple reason: they've read some article in news platform created only to gather ad

alex mackay
alex mackay
Hace 10 horas
Nope he is a psycopath. He just pretends to be nice to make people trust him.

Hace 10 horas
Nope. I knew he was evil long before I had access to the internet.

Ryon Tiler
Ryon Tiler
Hace 9 horas
A decent "person" does not help in creating viruses that cause "plandemics" and
fund in creating poison vaccines that kill people and shorten life spans.

Goat Tunechi
Hace 10 horas
I can�t help but think they have this stuff planned ?????

Hace 10 horas
no moral compass whatsoever
Hace 10 horas
Climate change is fake

Hace 10 horas
�There�s three, actually.�


Blaxk Velvet
Blaxk Velvet
Hace 10 horas
We all need to wake up..

Ryon Tiler
Ryon Tiler
Hace 9 horas
He is paying for the creation of the viruses and also apart of the "depopulation"

tomas wolf
tomas wolf
Hace 9 horas
@Ryon Tiler yeah sure buddy

Ryon Tiler
Ryon Tiler
Hace 9 horas
@tomas wolf Troll. Keep it movin. With ur fake name. Troll.

tomas wolf
tomas wolf
Hace 9 horas (editado)
@Ryon Tiler that's my literal name on my chilean nationality I'd card, buddy, it's
Tom�s in any case, look me up on LinkedIn

Ryon Tiler
Ryon Tiler
Hace 9 horas
@tomas wolf Get your dirty disinfo check and get lost Troll.

CONSTANCE kavanagh
CONSTANCE kavanagh
Hace 9 horas
Leave it out ????????

Hace 8 horas
@Ryon Tiler I believe you man I know not many people will, they�ll just believe
anything the media tells them

Hace 8 horas
@Ryon Tiler How?

Hace 8 horas
@SonicGirlZ Where do you get your information?

Hace 8 horas
@Vctor Facebook or WhatsApp, mostly the second page of Google

Hace 8 horas
@MasterZapple I suspect you are right. That's the problem with these people. They
are easily confused by the ocean of differing opinions that people spread on social
media without giving an honest attempt at verification and then they become part of
this growing problem. Lack of education is our true pandemic.

Hace 8 horas (editado)
@Vctor couldn�t have said it better.

Michelle Szebenyi
Michelle Szebenyi
Hace 8 horas
@MasterZapple the issue with all these differing opinions available to the people
is being able to identify who knows the truths and who lacks the ability to see a
larger picture. Lack of education is only as weak as your definition of what
consolidates an educated individual. After all bill reinvented America�s education
system to make it better and I�m sure we can all see how that turned out.

nope nah
Hace 11 horas
I thought they said only listen to doctors


Hace 8 horas
Doctors are about fighting the illness and taking care of your body.

Phil Indeblanc
Phil Indeblanc
Hace 8 horas (editado)
listen to the researchers...and many of them say no to vax and that this virus is a
pandemic. 99.97% survival rate STILL applies. Numbers are rigged to be high, and
PCR test is also rigged to be high. How do you think they will get 6 TRILLION
dollars out of OUR pockets and into theirs?!!!

Real M
Real M
Hace 8 horas
Listen to doctors to cure your illness. But also listen to experts who know about
pandemics and viruses, like Dr, Antony Faucy or Bill Gates who has worked in the
field for decades.
You know, you don't have to be a limited individual. Knowledge comes from many
different sources at different levels.

Jeff Padgett
Jeff Padgett
Hace 8 horas
Yes. Gates isn�t acting as such and only speaking about statistical analysis and
purely speaking from research and observations done by actual experts who is funded
by him and others that actually make such information and research free from
something like government corruption or conflicts of interests. He�s not part of
these facilities or companies that do research and makes no money from his grants.

You�re watching Gates simply being the mega geek he is. It�s for the good of
mankind really as he has no other interests to do such things. He is acting as a
spokesperson for the Gates foundation and there�s nothing more than statistical
analysis going on here.

Jeff Padgett
Jeff Padgett
Hace 8 horas
@Phil Indeblanc ten times deadlier than the flu. Hospitals and medical staff
being overwhelmed when a spike occurs in a given location affect more than just
Covid patients. Your number doesn�t make a great oversight nor should we see
this situation as how it may affect us personally if we were infected. We live in
a first world society where the well being of everyone is relevant. So I hope
that helps explain why your suggested conclusion is a partial truth that functions
as misunderstanding a statistical analysis model far more complex.

Google scholar is good to see updates and ongoing top notch papers and research if
you�re interested.

Real M
Real M
Hace 7 horas
@Phil Indeblanc
So the ENTIRE medical profession ALL over the world got together in cooperation
with governments, undertakers, trucking companies, many vastly different
industries, ...

ALL to con us about just how deadly this virus is? Have you seen how many die in
poorer countries? How many deaths in America are not reported by families? That is
a lot of hassle for that amount of money.

Phil Indeblanc
Phil Indeblanc
Hace 7 horas
@Jeff Padgett Hey, thanks for the response..I will break it down for you point by
1. "ten times deadlier than the flu. "
___This has a LOT to do with meds you take and your immune system in general...your
age as well. It is STILL 99.97% or more survival rate, that means you will live. So
lets say you had 300K deaths in about a year. Take away counting the flu deaths
that take upto 80K or so a year, then take away the pneumonia deaths often
attributed to these every year), then ADD the NEW policy of HOW CV deaths are
counted, and you are in about the same balance of deaths as the flue has been,
about 80K or so. That is simple to see I hope. Let me know if I was unclear on any
part of this. What I said is not my info, but SeeDSee, theWHO, and reports.
Hospitals and medical staff being overwhelmed when a spike occurs in a given
location affect more than just Covid patients.
We all witnessed around the start to middle of overwelmed hospitals, I happen to
have multiple fam members who work in them. They were DEAD, when reports were
claiming full. Many thought its just not their hospital. Most busy inner city
hospitals were empty. What did they do? close down a bunch of sections in the
hospital and merged them so they get floors packed. This I know directly from those
working that they also moved ANY AND ALL respritory issues as covid issue. Why
would hospitals do this? It is a FACT that a normal flue or respritory issue
pneumonia issue can be insurance paid for about $4000, vs a CV case gets $15 to
$40K billing!! Sure they do the quarantining as much as they can, but its also with
other respritory patients, as we have seen 2 nurses film and show this. I am sure
you never seen it. I can provide links.

2. "Your number doesn�t make a great oversight nor should we see this situation as
how it may affect us personally if we were infected."
_ I dont think this makes any sense.
3. "We live in a first world society where the well being of everyone is relevant.
We are talking at most 3-5% of comorbidity patients dying. A large spike of the
deaths are also from convelecent hospitals, thanks to some political figures and
the choices they made. Where is the PANDEMIC?? you are seriously at this level to
try and defend 1st world country while businesses have shut down, and everyone is
wearing a face daiper?!! LOL. You are being brainwashed, do you see that? I know in
your mind, I am everything the official narrative is telling you I am. Thats
because you are fed what to believe and how to make the connections. This guy just
linked those that QUESTION the vaccines to those that think the earth is a donut or
some BS! So of course many will be making a ridicule of anyone that contradicts
what is being planted. This is classic brainwashing. Its almost like
gaslighting.."Come on, your not as stupid as those people who think the world is a
donut or flat or concave or etc.." . If that is not something you are catching, you
are listening like a bot to be programmed.

4. "So I hope that helps explain why your suggested conclusion is a partial truth
that functions as misunderstanding a statistical analysis model far more complex."
___Theories are not reality, and are used to induce fear for the gain of a few
elite. This is about control, and for many other "new normals" to come. If you dont
see that, and many do not, just look at the censorship we are experiencing. Look at
the idea that if you are saying anything contradicting, when Trump was running, you
were automatically a trump supporter. This is brainwashing my friend. please be
more crtical in your thinking. This is NOT for the ebnefit of ANYONES health, but
the wealth of those running this show.

5. "Google scholar is good to see updates and ongoing top notch papers and research
if you�re interested"
___Google scholars is mirroring the narrative content! Look at the number of
doctors that have been labeled false info givers and their Wiki page is LOCKED. if
you have not seen how censorship has been used, then I honestly cannot help you,
and you certainly cannot help anyone else for a better future, in health or
anything.. I am open to further discuss, as I do know that the sum of us will
always be better than the one of us. What I have typed above is researched, and
true YET conflicting info. You have to be able to see that the mainstream "science"
is HEAVILY politicized, and number of researchers with world renown reputations
have put their licenses on the line. I have listened to about 40 or so just myself.
Every time I bump into someone new that is seeing this scam, they tell me of a new
person I had heard of. Every time I bump into someone who is against open info, and
is following in thought as the mainstream has not heard of any researcher or doctor
I mention. This is CENSORSHIP at the TOP level. If you cant see how insanely huge
this is, then I dont know where to start to get you to think and see. Let me know,
I can give you examples back to back of how information has been either wrongly
discredited, ridiculed, or filtered out.

Phil Indeblanc
Phil Indeblanc
Hace 7 horas (editado)
@Real M You are saying that, I think thats batshit crazy to think. You can read my
reply to Jeff Padgett. In fact what you are saying is what a person who may have
noticed the oceans have sink holes and now the earth is a donut, lol. Its exactly
what you are being brainwashed by this interview. He even paralleled this exact
concept. If you are against vax, or even question it, you are aligned with a flat
earther. LOl thank you for pointing out an example on this divide and weaponize the
language agaisnt thoughts that contradict. Does ANYONE have the ability to
critically think? Are we ALL homo-sapiens ? I STRONGLY question it!!
Real M
Real M
Hace 4 horas
@Phil Indeblanc
I think it was clear that humanity rejected the MAGA/QAnon Deplorables. Yes,
science is bad for humans. I'm sure your kind is right and humanity wrong :)

Phil Indeblanc
Phil Indeblanc
Hace 4 horas
@Real M Im not sure where you come with these politicized and pseudo science
conclusions. AGAIN, an example of the brainwashing and weaponizing of language to
divide and not get any real discussion across. Pretty sad. Stating that I am a
"kind" is the peak example of your self loathing in your disinfo delusion. Why dont
you pick a topic and discuss it like a human being, rather than a charged
thoughtless parrot dumping what media has dropped into your program of thinking?

A Mariz
Hace 11 horas (editado)
They created the virus .. In one video Bill says they should come up with a vaccine
with a virus in it that targets the god gene in the brain .. Which will also affect
your serotonin which helps you sleep .. And your dopamine which allows you to feel
pleasures ..
Marco Cuentas
Hace 11 horas
Why don�t you talk with him about his crazy idea of spraying vaccine from aircrafts

Hace 11 horas
Shill channel. Shame on you.

Malato M
Hace 11 horas
Bill Gates is a horrible person

David Gordon
Hace 11 horas
LOL, "how did he know it would happen".... Gee, I dunno... Look, this whole
plandemic is very easy to explain. Release a virus, let it spread- preferably
during an administration like Trump's. ALL of our elections have been fixed for as
long as I've been voting, y2000. Trump was fixed to be the winner, not by MuH
rUsHuH, but by the Global Oligarchal Super-Wealthy fat-cats that control the world
and it's political stage, and the media, of course. They needed someone as
polarizing as Trump to be president during the roll-out of the next phase of of the
so-called NWO- The Great Reset. So- release the virus, downplay its severity at 1st
(Pelosi saying "go out and hug a Chinese person) back in Jan of 2020, Fauci
himself, saying that masks won't do anything, and everyone calling Trump a
Xenophobe for restricting travel to China back in Jan)... THEN, as things progress,
SLOWLY begin shutting things down. Next, create a MASSIVE amt of political strife
by using random stories of "police brutality" against armed and or dangerous POC
and amplify those stories in the media to the point where it flashes over and
creates riots and a significantly greater amt of polarization. Next, use fraudulent
means to hyper-inflate the COVID numbers in ways the end-consumer of news won't
understand- even going so far as to list co-morbidity cases as "COVID deaths" and
increasing testing and test accuracy to make it seem as if it's getting out of
control, when in fact, it's very much in control. Use the media that same way the
did to foment the riots and take random cases of COVID deaths and Amplify them thru
the media- sob stories of devastated families and young ppl dying of it. Next,
INSIST that all voting be done by mail as much as possible. Finally, use Disney-
owned sole-conservative outlet, Fox, to foment a rise in agitation from the right
then label them all as terrorists, purge almost all conservative voices from social
media and instill a man so mentally deficient, he is essentially a lump of putty to
be formed and guided by others- a puppet. Next... invade Iran- BUSINESS AS USUAL!.
All of a sudden, COVID gets under control, the economy is less shitty then it was
during an unprecedented year-long lockdown and Biden looks good. Increase min wage
while dolling out more bailouts and stim checks to DEVALUE the dollar and create
hyperinflation and MORE taxes to pay off the more then doubled national debt. Bring
us to our knees financially, then offer a "solution". It makes perfect sense that
Bill Gates is at the heart of this whole thing, b/c, as a businessman, he is
shrewd. He stole Apple's idea, and almost monopolized it with Windows- which became
the operating system on 90% of the nation's computer OS's. Meanwhile, the more
ideological counterpart to Apple died a while ago, so Apple is following Gates'
suit and making money while screwing over it's consumer base. It's funny, prior to
the plandemic, most people thought that Bill Gates was just another super-rich
asshole, and now he's a "national hero"... I grew up in a generation that was
HIGHLY cynical of ALL sources of mainstream (dis)information, rich ppl, and the
gov't in general, regardless of party... what happened to that righteous cynicism?!
Since when do "we" all trust in one side, just b/c that side "isn't Trump"...
that's literally it. THIS is why I think the Oligarchs put Trump, without his
knowledge, into the White House. Trump was used for his catalytic properties of
being a strong source of negative ions to propagate a reaction in the biological
computer that is everyone's mind. Whether we acknowledge it or not, this whole 4 yr
period has had a tremendous effect. It has Galvanized people to one side or the
other. It has taken the free floating particles of our personalities in the air and
electromagnetically galvanized them to one anode or the other... In my case, I'm
old enough, and don't watch ANY TV, read ANY papers or magazines... I get my news
by myself, I extrapolate what I see and hold it to the candle of my knowledge of
the past couple of decades worth of experience... What I see is unparalleled amts
of mind control. FEAR-based Propaganda like what we saw with Islamophobia in the
wake of 9/11 and the lead to an unjust war with Iraq. OR, for that matter, the
hatred of Jews which led to WWW2. FEAR-based Propaganda. Gaslighting you (ppl
telling you you're evil, crazy, etc, yes, that's gaslighting, I didn't get the
definition wrong) and of course, guilt-tripping ppl who go against the narrative.
I'm a nihilist. Telling me that by not wearing a mask, I'm killing old ppl... makes
me twiddle my fingers together and say "eggggselllent!" like Monty Burns. Aside
from that, if it IS a REAL PANDEMIC- all we're doing is DELAYING THE INEVITABLE...
Those who will succumb to it WILL SUCCUMB TO IT. Meanwhile, we don't need to bring
the nation's economy to a crash. All it's done is made BIG COMPANIES BIG MONEY
while simultaneously crushing and destroying 90% of small businesses. Also, the
food shortages and shortage of money that'd be given to global charitable orgs has
created a crisis in 3rd world countries where 100s of MILLIONS of people are
Starving To Death. FAR MORE ppl are dying of the consequences of our collective
FEAR AND COWARDICE that they (ahem( Trump the COVID death numbers by comparison.
Meanwhile, the ONLY, the ONE AND ONLY argument you have for me is a Logical
Fallacy: "TRUST THE AUTHORITARIANS"! b/c the gaslighting/guilt-tripping won't work
on me. Peace out, bitches.

Jonah Nielsen
Jonah Nielsen
Hace 11 horas
Are you selling tinfoil hats too?

David Gordon
David Gordon
Hace 11 horas
Oh and I await replies saying that I'm a "Flat Earther" for THINKING CRITICALLY.
CRITICAL THINKING MEANS **BEING CRITICAL**... Also, calling me a "conspiracy nut,
flat earther, or tin foil hatter" is all basically the Logical Fallacy of
Inclusion. So... nice try. Try going thru my comment, and piece by piece, bring it
down, using logical, instead of TWITterd-friendly snappy one-liners that you think
are witty, but are in fact, parrotted, predictable, canned responses... For
example, please debunk my claim that many Gen Xers are Cynical by nature and
distrusted the gov't and any other Big Names in industry, etc... And then explain
to me WHY millenials all of a sudden Trust in these entities whole-heartedly? Is it
just mental laziness? Is it FEAR?

Michael Jones
Hace 11 horas
"You don't really want the profit motive involved [ deciding what's true]..."

Easy slip of the tongue there Bill, I think you meant to say "You REEEALLY don't
want the profit motive involved."

Bernhard Trian
Bernhard Trian
Hace 9 horas
Yesses he wanna kill us run billy run

Phil Indeblanc
Phil Indeblanc
Hace 9 horas
LOL, he is the profiteer, and the creator of this "plandemic". money trail is there
so is the patents.

Matthew Price
Hace 11 horas
Easy to predict when your the source releasing them.

pogi boy
Hace 11 horas
leave us alone control freak !!!
Marlin Andrews
Hace 11 horas
Bill gates is an international criminal.

Nicholas Henderson
Nicholas Henderson
Hace 11 horas
Next crisis will be vaccine related death. When they changed laws globally to
protect themselves from legal prosecution anyone with half a brain saw through
their plandemic. You've got a man obsessed with population control and reduction
and he's trying to sell you a rushed and untested vaccine, you SURE you want it??

Mia's New Pair of Glasses

Hace 11 horas
What people should be asking is how a YouTuber even gets an interview with Bill
Gates??? Hmmm... This is the world you get when you sit back and do nothing
thinking there will always be someone fighting for your best interests, assume that
the ones in power are trust worthy do gooders, and let sellouts (this channel ??)
with shiny messaging tell you what the truth is. News flash - People lie. People
sell out. People take care of themselves first over everyone else. People do what
there told for fear of losing what they have. Why is it so hard for people to
understand they�ve been lied to about everything? I can predict the future too.
Below in the replies is where hundreds of hired trolls will ridicule and attack my
comment.... Peace sheeple ??

Olwen Moore
Hace 11 horas
I don't trust Bill Gates

Arm Wrestling Strong Man

Hace 11 horas
Imagine listening to a guy because he's rich..and he supports micro chipped
Giving him any credit is so rich of this guy.

Millie McIntyre
Millie McIntyre
Hace 11 horas
you think too highly of yourself if you think anybody cares about you enough to
microchip you

Warlord Mehedi
Warlord Mehedi
Hace 11 horas
So..... what's in your phone? A gummy bear?

Arm Wrestling Strong Man

Arm Wrestling Strong Man
Hace 11 horas
@Millie McIntyre these 2 think too highly of themselves the way they talk about
people. Just the idea that he would support this is insane.
Where do u get the idea that the elites care about us when they have the power of
population control?

Arm Wrestling Strong Man

Arm Wrestling Strong Man
Hace 11 horas
@Warlord Mehedi what does the future hold in a "democracy"?
Why would you want it in a vaccine?!

Arm Wrestling Strong Man

Arm Wrestling Strong Man
Hace 11 horas (editado)
Does Bill's money come from environmentally friendly means or from Microsoft and an
Now he wants to control vaccines and this fool gives him credit for "predicting"
this? Just him?
What can the people in third world do when they're experimented on with vaccines
and sterilized?
What bs could u reply to them?
You all sound like you're gonna support it because it will sound like the only
solution. Sheep.

Mohammed Najjar
Hace 11 horas
He is not even a nurse and the whole world is listening to him. The whole world are
listening to him just because he was the richest man in the world and he is famous.
Otherwise he is not even a nurse. Windows is full of viruses, why don't u focus on
windows which is your own company and your own field??

Warlord Mehedi
Warlord Mehedi
Hace 11 horas
So u listen to the nurses? All the doctors and nurses tell people to take the
vaccines and wear masks and stay indoors. Do you listen to them? Tell me.

Marcus J
Hace 11 horas
Bill gates loves the crisis he became even more rich

Arm Wrestling Strong Man

Hace 11 horas
This is why I unsubbed years ago.
Hace 11 horas
Gates, where is your Janus mask ? ????????????

Mohammed Najjar
Mohammed Najjar
Hace 11 horas
No wonder he knows what's coming up, guess who was behind the pandemic.

ras pop
ras pop
Hace 12 horas
exactly and guess who sponsors W H O ? he does

Thomas Kirkpatrick
Thomas Kirkpatrick
Hace 11 horas
U people really think gates is beyond the pandemic ???????????

Samantha TKO
Hace 11 horas
Next crisis is the next thing Gates has created like the last, scamovirus
Xavier Harding
Hace 12 horas
Don't worry Hell will only feel like an eternity !

Anonymous Person
Hace 12 horas (editado)
LOLOL! We are not ready for the next epidemic so lets get the international
community to fund the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan China and designate it
as a world viral seed bank and let them do research on zoonotic viruses, to prevent
the next epidemic. Nice job! I think people are disconnected from reality. When
your computer blue screens because of a virus you can reboot your computer and turn
off the virus. In real life a real virus code blues people and you can't really
turn it off and reboot the person. OH the irony. Lets let Bill Gates buy 30% of
the farm land so he can play with our food! NOT! Oops too late!

Fresh Haus
Hace 12 horas
Why is Gates buying up all the agricultural land in the United States? No question
about that? Kinda suspect.

Hace 12 horas
He wants to release dust particles I the atmosphere to help block the sun. His
theory is if he blocks the sun it will help with global warming, weather
manipulation to help grow produce from genetically modified seeds.

What protects us from covid or any other infectious disease? Vitamin D. Who holds
help create the vaccine? Bill gates. Block the sun, we get sick. Oh wait! Just take
supplements!!! Who creates the majority of "quality" supplements? Big pharma.

We are mice on a wheel.

Atticus Dodd
Atticus Dodd
Hace 12 horas
Wow surprised you are here

Thomas Kirkpatrick
Thomas Kirkpatrick
Hace 11 horas
@Kevin source

Hace 11 horas
@Thomas Kirkpatrick I just copied a link to an article, but it was just deleted.
It's an artical from Forbes magazine. Search "Bill Gates to block the sun".

Second issue on the land purchases is an article in the Agriculture magazine.

Search "Bill Gates buys the majority of land in the US".

Hace 12 horas (editado)
Not ready? Do you think enabling a totalitarian govt, making it richer, more
powerful and influential was a good idea?...China. Capitalism did not change the
Chinese regime. Our politicians and business people failed us and our way of life.
China lies, hacks, steaks tech from us, threatens us and it's neighbors, does not
want democracy and some basic human rights, it lies about covid and coverup, is
unsafe on many issues etc etc TLC for terrorists and islamists doesn't work doesn't change the neverending ideologies and more. Not ready also
means the failings of the UN, how it sucks money away from my country and there
will be more via carbon taxes etc..
But, not current Canadian govt are incompetent. They recently started
taking temp checks at airports for international travellers. Covid been around over
a year and the idiot Trudeau just decides to enforce. His vaccine plans are a
failure. He has been a failure since day one when he became PM. Justin would rather
give money to the UN, overseas bull, etc...than to give to many serious domestic
issues. Canada is a land sucked dry by liberals, foreigners, criminals, the UN, and
a slack federal govt.

Hace 12 horas
I hope you all realize that these people are full of it and filling your heads with
ridiculous, even nefarious information. Go to a natural compound from a trusted
source if you want true healing and medicine. What has been synthesized from
nature by harmaceutical companies from petroleum products create d-formed molecules
to a ratio of 50%. If produced naturally these molecules are 99% L-form. Whereas
the naturally created L-form molecule would be beneficial, the unnatural D-form of
the molecule can be hazardous, if not deadly. Not to mention the inorganic
compounds that are a bi-product of the process that your body has no use for and
acts as a wrench in normal cellular function.

Look at the effects of just one of the common ingredients in a vaccine, namely
polysorbate 80 that causes inflammation, attaches to the Vagus nerve and causes
anxiety, as well as anaphylaxis which can be deadly. And they put it in many ice
cream products! Who enjoys eating ice cream, children. And for what? It is
obviously with malicious intent and greed and something a normal, healthy society
would have no use for and reject outright.

What you should really be frightened of is that in the method of processing virus
for vaccines has a significant risk of creating mutated strains which can be even
more difficult to treat. Some golden rules for staying healthy is certainly to
naturally boost the immune system with beneficial compounds from a trusted source
and to NOT treat a healthy body.

If the health care system was so amazing and omnipotent why are so many people
dying and remaining ill with the treatment options they implement.
Any decision based on fear will never be sane, reasonable, beautiful or good. Fear
is the anti-thesis to these virtues. Remember that when you feel anxious after
having a bowl of ice cream.

Hace 12 horas
* When you wanted to be a microbiologist but somehow end up creating microsoft *


Hace 11 horas
Parents: NO you are not going to waste your life on that stupid biology stuff.
Bill: ??...

Hace 10 horas
Gates is a college drop out. Just because he's tremendously rich doesn't mean he
knows what he's talking about.

Harry T Lynx
Harry T Lynx
Hace 10 horas
@BM and having a degree doesn't automatically mean you're a smart person who knows
what they're talking about either

Hace 10 horas
@BM nobody said that... calm down.
Plandemia garbage from pharmafia. Stop interviewing the same dudes over and over
again and have the decency to organize a productive debate between educated holders
of opposing views. That's what we used to do in the cultured West disputatio,
dialectics, ... before some American oligarch bought the media, the shills, and the

peace and love

Hace 12 horas
PR interview for Gates

Hace 12 horas
He was advertising his product ..
Hace 12 horas
Ask a computer geek about a pandemic? Really smart! Maybe why not ask a real

Hace 12 horas
Because science is never wrong... LOL

Catalin Soare
Hace 12 horas
Ask Bill Gates if he got vaccinated?

Jules H
Hace 12 horas
What another one?? Good God the black death did not last this long and certainly
did not come back. What a load of BS. I would still rather take my chances with the
"virus" than have his vaccine of poison. He did not predict anything he and the
deep state organised it.
Hace 12 horas
Bill Gates is not a man of the people. He should be in prison.

Mike Colie
Hace 12 horas
"Pushing back against misinformation" - Where do you start or where do you stop?
Who gets to determine what misinformation is? Is it misinformation or is it
misleading information? Is it misleading information or is it misleading by
omitting information? While "information" coming from so called "Flat earthers" is
easily recognized as wrong by a vast majority of people, what happens when it comes
to us from a more trust worthy source? Rumor mills, conspiracy theories and
spreading of misinformation/information have been around mankind since the
beginning of our existence. The problem is being exacerbated now because of how
easy it is to put out and spread things in our connected world. Unfortunately
much of it is being propagated by dishonest and unethical people. The truth isn't
sexy so why not dress it up and make it look better? ie... Gates and Buffet
saying taxes should be raised on the rich while doing everything they can to avoid
paying higher taxes. How do you fight back when you have Buffet saying how his
administrative assistant pays a higher tax rate on her pay than he does. All the
while knowing full well he avoids paying higher taxes by using every single tactic
he can including how he gets paid? Then our mainstream media simply goes along
with it because it is part of their agenda and beliefs.


John Baer
John Baer
Hace 10 horas
Clearly, Google and the AP get to determine what "misinformation" is... Have you
not seen the banner adds over "controversial" opinions?

Daniel Goncharov
Daniel Goncharov
Hace 10 horas
It's been eye opening to see the language shift from "disinformation" to

Hace 9 horas
Information today is offered freely through all forms of media but the
responsibility of recognizing true "misinformation" comes at a cost. That cost is
to verify the information yourself. Only after doing this verification can you
responsibly share with others what you have learned. Otherwise you are part of the

Thomas W
Thomas W
Hace 9 horas
I like the analogy to the immune system. The immune system is constantly being
trained with new threats to the organism and it must figure out a way to adapt. I
guess it is the same for us. We need to be constantly trained to evaluate and
experience whats more realistic, recognise fake information and dump it. Many a
former so called fact has been proven wrong over time. As you mentioned, its easy
with flat earthers, since we have abundant evidence and experience against that
theory. But while we need to be cautious we must likewise be open and humble enough
to allow ourselves to be convinced of new realities if they turn out to be true.
Otherwise we�ll get stuck. So I don�t think that anyone should excert any control
over knowledge or truth. The principle must be free and independent search for
truth for everyone. It�s gonna be tried and tested. And that�s a good thing.

Agent 33
Agent 33
Hace 6 horas
Right. Almost all organizations aren't even completely transparent to information
they published. Success and progress gets to publish while mistakes and failures
are burried or maybe labeled as conspiracy.

Also remember, flath earth conspiracy theory started as a meme and eventually we
got people fully believe this is true.
Davey Jones
Davey Jones
Hace 12 horas
If you trust bill gates you probably trust satan

GimmeDaLOOT 23
Hace 12 horas
Him and joe Biden are terrible horrible disgusting trash

Hace 12 horas
"Hopefully in a few years we will have a group of individuals that censor anyone
that dare speak out against the government or the covid hoax"
Alleged Lone Gunman
Hace 12 horas
It�s like interviewing Hitler about his predictions on Jewish life.

Trigger Holaday
Hace 13 horas
He knew because he helped with making this pandemic happen.
Elite are flocking together.. the want humanity weakened, they know a star
coming into our solar system causing earth changes.
Ready for the tribulation, because it's here. Bill Gates is wicked at heart.
Jesus Christ is King.
No vaccine for me either.
I rather die, then go against God.
Ingredients alone are against God.
Stand my ground, will not be moved.
Facts are in the Bible.

Ian Pow
Hace 13 horas
What I don;t understand is why, if Bill was so sure 5 years ago that a virus was
going to be the next global pandemic source, was he not using a small amount of the
foundations money to ensure that each country had proper masks, anti-bacterial
gels, other PPE etc? Even producing them to sell on would have been fine, just
securing the supply would have been a benefit. I get why he is more focused on the
process being in place to develop a vaccine but an ample supply of PPE would have
dramatically slowed the spread, reduced the death count and provided more time for
a vaccine to be created. At the same time, develop an econmic plan and isolation
plan for governments to be able to use straight away, where all the numbers had
already been crunched. If he was so sure this was coming, and he had the resouces
and access to all the experts, then why did he not do what he could have done so
easily? It would have cost a fraction of the total weatlh of the foundation and
saved millions of lives and $trillions in economic disruption. I don;t for one
minute think he had anything to do with the pandemic occuring, I just wonder why he
didn't do more himself when he was clearly aware the governments were not preparing
and he has the funds to do it. Anyone using a PC to watch this video has directly
contributed to his wealth at some point in time, so is it working to expect a few
masks in return? He has done a wonderful job in accelerating capitalism in Africa
by reducing disease, preventable illness, microfinancing, drought resistant crops
etc (and saw his own wealh increase by $15B during the time of the pandemic, so it
would have been nice just for once to have seen him put his hand in his pocket and
just spend money directly on someting that would simply have saved lives with no
profit motive.

Matthew Erspamer
Hace 13 horas
Bill Gates explains how he scared the entire planet into giving him their money.
Felix Jancik
Hace 13 horas
Obviously flat earth ppl are wrong.
But you have not falsified their arguments scientifically either.

Ronald Van Beneden

Hace 13 horas
The next man made crisis= Bill Gates.

Idiom Radio
Hace 13 horas
If anything kills more than 10 million people, it is Bill Gates and his companions
ensuring the conversion of his investments.
Roaring lion
Hace 13 horas
he designed this epidemic! why because he likes to create viruses so he can create
anti-viruses he said so...... .. Bill Gates is the bio engineer... Bill Gates has
no sincere motive to the human society at all his is to the New World order!!!
don�t take the vaccine he won�t even give it to his own kid!

Hace 13 horas
He wasn�t prescient, he helped manufacture it for control and money.

Hace 13 horas
Gates is a conman. XxX
Jeremiah Noonan
Hace 13 horas
Look up the evidence of 1920 study made by actual biological scientists not
computer nerds lol. Oh wait it was computer nerds that fact checked the proven
science of 1920 to prove it was pneumonia that caused 85 percent or more deaths not
YOU SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mary Amar
Hace 13 horas
Gates pays for the chinese lab to develop it, and afterwards, in order to no to be
accused of being a genocide, he comes and says: " I told you so"! If not, how
could this traitor know about another virosis???? Hypochrit, liar disgusting

Aharon W Smith
Hace 13 horas
Labeling and all that is not the answer. Education and let people think for
themselves is. Any type of giving away someones choice is tyranny and evil
Hace 13 horas
Bill gates is one of the most evil entities in history...

Sot Plug
Hace 13 horas
Who's this conspiracy guy? Oh he's rich? Then it's definitely not a conspiracy.
What's he's qualifications? Medical doctor? Microbiologist?

Calvin Tomaschko
Calvin Tomaschko
Hace 13 horas
Sadly, he probably does have those qualifications, he's insanely well read and
legit probably has doctorates in those fields. He's a monster that exploited his
workers, ran a monopoly, and forced software writers to give up their rights to the
software they wrote. He's a smart monster though and does have knowledge in these
fields. I hate to say.
Canal Ten Thousand
Hace 13 horas
Wow, it is so sad to see all these conspiracy theories and hate towards Bill Gates.
Are people jealous because of his success? Do people just want to blame someone?
Are people doing their "own research" on the web listening to questionable sources?
I would guess that all of these scenarios are true

Hace 12 horas
So we should trust sources just because they're "trusted sources"? That's circular

Canal Ten Thousand

Canal Ten Thousand
Hace 12 horas
@Anarchy Yes, yes you should. Peer-reviewed sources are really important. Building
your knowledge on whatever you find on the internet is a really bad idea

Laszlo Papp
Laszlo Papp
Hace 8 horas
No, people are not blinded by the mainstream media, and therefore have the
information giving them a lot of credible reasons to be more than skeptical.

Canal Ten Thousand

Canal Ten Thousand
Hace 8 horas
@Laszlo Papp Mainstream media is not equal to a trustworthy source. For example the
mainstream media thinks that Pewdiepie is a racist and all of his followers are
white supremacists

Hace 8 minutos
?@Canal Ten Thousand Uh no, thinking for yourself is what true scientists do. But
that's clearly not the pseudoscience you're into. Believing in what other people
say is not any better than believing in religion. ALWAYS use your own critical
thinking and reason. Corona is an act of bioterrorism, the exact thing Bill Gates
is warning you for in this video. He's part of it.
One Mans Voice
Hace 13 horas
It's not a prediction, it's all scripted stupid!!! Conspiracy Theorists exposing
conspiracy? This guy is a shill like the rest of em so is the channel.

b0ss VEVO
Hace 13 horas
"The implication for achieving more democracy in the world is obvious. If the
parasite-stress hypothesis of democratization continues to be supported by
research, humanitarian efforts to reduce human rights violations and to increase
human liberties and democracy in general will be most effective if focused on the
most fundamental and encompassing causal level of human infectious-disease
reduction. Moreover, as we document in our book, there is considerable empirical
support at this time indicating that humanitarian efforts focused in particular on
reducing the impact of nonzoonotic human infectious diseases would have the
greatest effect on liberalizing values."

-The Parasite-Stress Theory of Values and Sociality: Infectious Disease, History

and Human Values Worldwide (2014)

"The majority of deaths in the 1918 �1919 influenza pandemic likely resulted
directly from secondary bacterial pneumonia caused by common upper
respiratory�tract bacteria"
- Anthony S. Fauci (2008)

"... bacterial pneumonias are on the rise. Why might that be? Because untrained
members of the public are wearing medical masks, repeatedly� in a non-sterile
fashion� They�re becoming contaminated."
- Dr. James Meehan, MD
Jennifer Armstrong
Hace 13 horas
Just like Bill created the computer virus them sold the security to protect you
from it.
He's doing the same now i real he is a real psycho

Sean Rath Make Disciples

Hace 14 horas
He has been involved in eugenics like his dad. There plan is to have the world
population below half a billion. The Georgia standing stones. . Prince Philip wants
to come back as a killer virus to destroy most of the world population. . When DNA
was discovered in 1950 they knew that God aWas the program maker. So their plan is
to attack DNA. . DNA distroys the theory of evolution and so we won�t give credit
to God but to destroy his creation. The biggest lie is that the world is not able
to feed its population. But the world could sustain 100 billion at the knowledge we
have today. The experimental biological agent or vaccines are untested and are
designed to control the world population. Vaccines now. Then next vaccines,Then
vaccines.and next control the world population.
Hace 14 horas
Since when Bill Gates became an expert in virology ? The last time I've checked he
stole the code of DOS OS from a student and tried to sell it to IBM. What a con man

Hace 14 horas
So it's been 40 years since you last checked? Maybe you need to come out from
underneath the rock you've been living in lol

Hace 14 horas
@Harospex He's lucky though. I'm sure If I check him more often, the more fraud

Bepis Shmepis
Hace 14 horas
Cool seeing Derek do bigger videos, but I cannot stand Gates. He pushes the racist
lie of "overpopulation," which is unacceptable imo.
Hace 14 horas
Even if Bill was a "good intentions guy" and not a bussiness man doing bussiness
(wich is what he might be after all...i just don't know him enought) i'm concerned
that he talks about medicine without knowing, and i'm concerned Derek didn't say
"whats your opinion?" and insted said "what will happen?" as if Bill knew it.... i
dunno, conspiracies appart i don't think he is qualified and like some did to Elon
when he talked too about those things i would say to him that he should advise
people that i'ts his opinion and he is not a medical dude, no matter how influent
you are it's not that wich defines what you know about a certain field lmao....

Calvin Tomaschko
Calvin Tomaschko
Hace 14 horas
I hate the billionaire monster for exploiting workers and running an illegal
monopoly, but he's well read (I mean like scary well read) and has many doctorates,
probably one in medicine and disease. He's a monster, but a smart one.

Hace 14 horas
@Calvin Tomaschko I'm not denying that xddd, the thing is that even if he was a
good one it's just not a good idea to give too much power to a single entity, if
you have a good king for a while it'll be good, but see what happens when he passes
away and the son gets it, not a good result necessarely xdd, and controlling
information/misinformation is one of the keys to gain influence...

purple squirrel
Hace 14 horas
Wow you interviewed the devil himself.

Calvin Tomaschko
Calvin Tomaschko
Hace 14 horas
Exactly, he's a monster that exploits labor and ran an illegal blatant monopoly to
snuff out small businesses, forced his software writers to sign over rights to
their work. he's a monster that stole money to now wield power he doesn't deserve.

purple squirrel
purple squirrel
Hace 14 horas
@Calvin Tomaschko yeah the sicko has killed thousands in Africa and India with his
vaccines. His dad worked with nazis during ww2. This man is straight up the devil.

Paulo Alves
Hace 14 horas
Well the question should be, what is the Next thing he Will finance. Like , well ,
u know...... EVENT 201
Funny how he says that in order to believe misinformation you have to be a targeted
immune system. One of psychological tactics to discredit your opinion without
actually proving you wrong is to instantly attack you as the carrier of the
information and not the information itself. Kennedy died 1 week after his famous
speech about the group of people that will enslave us all. Believe what you want!

Andreas Egeland
Hace 1 d�a
@Jos� Alejandro Ram�rez That's exactly the opposite of true.
Don't get me wrong, this absurd perversions of motivation do exist. For instance,
the US prison system incentivizes more criminals. The owners of prisons directly
make more money the more prisoners there are.

This is not necessarily true for doctors and police officers, who generally get
paid for showing up. Police officers do a function even if nobody is arrested, and
doctors can likewise do preventative care.

In exactly the same way, the incentive structure for Gates also benefits him if the
pandemic is prevented. If the world had spent more money in being prepared, then
Gates would've made more money. No one needed to die, there didn't need to be a
global pandemic.
It should be trivially obvious that Bill Gates does not benefit from a pandemic,
and further that whatever bias you imply has to be specifically grounded in a
concern, not just a general accusation of some vague bias.

A plan is rolled out little by little. Just like we are seeing today. That's the
difference between how you think and how they think. The ignorant stupid quick mind
thinks that things happen overnight. The psychopath ruling the world roll out
things slowly:
1. They create a system that can get to any house: TV and Radio.
2. They create a system that makes you addicted: SmartPhones and Internet.
3. They use the system as the "source of truth" and try to mock anyone who
disagrees. "Conspiracy Theorist".
4. They create a crisis: Covid to control your contacts, your move, establish more
surveillance over the people.
5. They need to strengthen the signal to be able to cover blind spots and
information can be transfered faster: 5G.
6. They destroy the family because people alone are easier to manipulate than when
people have a support system with love. (Marriages now end in divorce at over 50%).
7. You vaccinate the crap out of the people to modify the DNA and little by little
make them dumber and with less critical thinking: You, for example.
8. You establish the new world order pretending there is an external threat:

They don't want more crime at all. Police want to walk down a peaceful street and
claim "there is peace because we walk down this street."
It is not crime that causes a need for police, but the fear of crime.

There has been thousands of whistle blowers in the past 40 years. You can look up
Cathy O�brien and if you have real stomach buy her boom Trance. But of course, what
happens is that we have become hypocrites. In the sense that if you see right now
an alien, you would love if people believed you when you tell the story but if some
else saw it you would be the first one to laugh. How hypocrite, right? This is the
reality we live in. Have you even heard the last speech from Kennedy? He got killed
a week after. Why? Who knows. Maybe he is the father of conspiracy theorist? No
wonder why the term was born when Bush father was the director of CIA. There is so
much to discover once you take off the blindfold that is stupid.

Interestingly, your example has exactly the same answer. We pay the military to
deter people from attacking us. "If you want peace, prepare for war."
I don't know how productive it is to discuss a miraculous world without crime, but
I agree that there are overlaps between people police and criminals.
But our cynicism about the police has very little to do with Bill Gates. Just
because the police are tossers doesn't mean that Bill Gates wants millions of
people to die just to line his pockets.
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Casting privado a la chamita - El Reperpero
915.934 visualizaciones
hace 6 meses

El Enga�o del Colombiano en el motel - El Reperpero
939.235 visualizaciones
hace 4 semanas

El chino estafador en el hotel - El Reperpero
66.405 visualizaciones
hace 2 meses
Consulta privada con el doctor morboso - El Reperpero
66.782 visualizaciones
hace 3 meses

El vecino estresado y el doctor delgado - El Reperpero
96.983 visualizaciones
hace 6 meses

El Arabe en el cabaret Petit Chato - El Reperpero
226.877 visualizaciones
hace 6 meses

El casting para la pelicula de adultos - El Reperpero
496.401 visualizaciones
hace 6 meses

El Pr�fugo y la jovencita - El Reperpero
63.878 visualizaciones
hace 3 semanas

La paciente con infertilidad en el consultorio - El Reperpero
361.993 visualizaciones
hace 6 meses

El Arabe en el cabaret Petit Chato - El Reperpero
227.290 visualizaciones
hace 6 meses

El ladr�n y la rubia durmiendo - El Reperpero
488.580 visualizaciones
hace 6 meses

La ni�a malcriada y el profesor - El Reperpero
239.275 visualizaciones
hace 6 meses

El doctor descarado - El Reperpero
387.747 visualizaciones
hace 5 meses

El hermano Popi visita el cabaret - El Reperpero
86.145 visualizaciones
hace 1 mes

El anciano se emocion� - El Reperpero
1,2 M de visualizaciones
hace 7 meses

La modelo para la pel�cula - El Reperpero
185.129 visualizaciones
hace 2 meses
La enfermera y el se�or - El Reperpero
779.136 visualizaciones
hace 5 meses

El brechero del barrio y la venezolana - El Reperpero
2,2 M de visualizaciones
hace 2 meses

El Cliente VIP en el cabaret - El Reperpero
158.404 visualizaciones
hace 2 meses

La venezolana en el doctor - El Reperpero
122.348 visualizaciones
hace 3 meses

El concurso de la auyama en el cabaret - El Reperpero
134.238 visualizaciones
hace 1 mes

El ladr�n y la prima sola en casa - El Reperpero
1 M de visualizaciones
hace 4 meses

El Allanamiento buscando la llave del Bugatti (Del Alfa) - El Reperpero
450.130 visualizaciones
hace 1 semana

La modelo en la casa de Chocho - El Reperpero
63.013 visualizaciones
hace 2 semanas

El enga�o a las chamas - El Reperpero
362.555 visualizaciones
hace 6 meses

El detective y el soborno - El Reperpero
83.115 visualizaciones
hace 1 semana

El chino taca�o y el tio chocho con las sobrinas - El Reperpero
361.872 visualizaciones
hace 6 meses

El casting para la pelicula de adultos - El Reperpero
497.245 visualizaciones
hace 6 meses

El vendedor de ropa molesto - El Reperpero
392.261 visualizaciones
hace 5 meses

El robo del panti en la oficina - El Reperpero
435.121 visualizaciones
hace 6 meses

Consulta privada con el doctor morboso - El Reperpero
66.846 visualizaciones
hace 3 meses

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