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Recovery Model Handout

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Recovery is cited, within Transforming Mental health recovery is a journey of healing

doing. They have the ability to join with
Mental Health Care in America, Federal and transformation enabling a person with a
other consumers to collectively and effec-
Action Agenda: First Steps, as the “single mental health problem to live a meaningful life
in a community of his or her choice while striving
tively speak for themselves about their
most important goal” for the mental needs, wants, desires, and aspirations.
health service delivery system. to achieve his or her full potential.
Through empowerment, an individual
To clearly define recovery, the Substance gains control of his or her own destiny
Abuse and Mental Health Services Admin- and influences the organizational and
The 10 Fundamental societal structures in his or her life.
istration within the U.S. Department of
Components of Recovery
Health and Human Services and the Inter- • Holistic: Recovery encompasses an indi-
agency Committee on Disability Research • Self-Direction: Consumers lead, control, vidual’s whole life, including mind, body,
in partnership with six other Federal exercise choice over, and determine their own spirit, and community. Recovery embraces
agencies convened the National Consensus path of recovery by optimizing autonomy, inde- all aspects of life, including housing,
Conference on Mental Health Recovery and pendence, and control of resources to achieve a employment, education, mental health and
Mental Health Systems Transformation on self-determined life. By definition, the recovery healthcare treatment and services, comple-
December 16-17, 2004. process must be self-directed by the individual, mentary and naturalistic services, addic-
who defines his or her own life goals and tions treatment, spirituality, creativity,
Over 110 expert panelists participated,
designs a unique path towards those goals. social networks, community participation,
including mental health consumers,
family members, providers, advocates, • Individualized and Person-Centered: There and family supports as determined by the
researchers, academicians, managed care are multiple pathways to recovery based on an person. Families, providers, organizations,
representatives, accreditation organiza- individual’s unique strengths and resiliencies systems, communities, and society play
tion representatives, State and local public as well as his or her needs, preferences, experi- crucial roles in creating and maintaining
officials, and others. A series of technical ences (including past trauma), and cultural meaningful opportunities for consumer
papers and reports were commissioned that background in all of its diverse representations. access to these supports.
examined topics such as recovery across the Individuals also identify recovery as being an • Non-Linear: Recovery is not a step-by-
lifespan, definitions of recovery, recovery in ongoing journey and an end result as well as step process but one based on continual
cultural contexts, the intersection of mental an overall paradigm for achieving wellness and growth, occasional setbacks, and learning
health and addictions recovery, and the optimal mental health. from experience. Recovery begins with
application of recovery at individual, family, an initial stage of awareness in which a
community, provider, organizational, and • Empowerment: Consumers have the author-
ity to choose from a range of options and to person recognizes that positive change is
systems levels. The following consensus possible. This awareness enables the con-
statement was derived from expert panelist participate in all decisions—including the
allocation of resources—that will affect their sumer to move on to fully engage in the
deliberations on the findings. work of recovery.
lives, and are educated and supported in so
• Strengths-Based: Recovery focuses on • Hope: Recovery provides the essential and
valuing and building on the multiple capaci- motivating message of a better future—
ties, resiliencies, talents, coping abilities, and that people can and do overcome the barri-
inherent worth of individuals. By building ers and obstacles that confront them. Hope
on these strengths, consumers leave stymied is internalized; but can be fostered by peers,
life roles behind and engage in new life roles families, friends, providers, and others.
(e.g., partner, caregiver, friend, student, Hope is the catalyst of the recovery process.
employee). The process of recovery moves
Mental health recovery not only benefits
forward through interaction with others in
supportive, trust-based relationships. individuals with mental health disabilities NATIONAL
by focusing on their abilities to live, work,
• Peer Support: Mutual support—includ- learn, and fully participate in our society, CONSENSUS
ing the sharing of experiential knowledge but also enriches the texture of American
and skills and social learning—plays an
invaluable role in recovery. Consumers
community life. America reaps the benefits
of the contributions individuals with mental
encourage and engage other consumers disabilities can make, ultimately becoming a
in recovery and provide each other with a stronger and healthier Nation.
sense of belonging, supportive relation-
ships, valued roles, and community. Components of Recovery MENTAL
• Respect: Community, systems, and societal
acceptance and appreciation of consumers Self-Direction
—including protecting their rights and Hope
eliminating discrimination and stigma—are
crucial in achieving recovery. Self-acceptance
and regaining belief in one’s self are particu-
larly vital. Respect ensures the inclusion and

Individualized and
full participation of consumers in all aspects
of their lives.
• Responsibility: Consumers have a personal Support
responsibility for their own self-care and
journeys of recovery. Taking steps towards Based Non-Linear
their goals may require great courage. Con-
sumers must strive to understand and give
meaning to their experiences and identify Resources U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
coping strategies and healing processes to National Mental Health Information Center
Center for Mental Health Services
promote their own wellness. 1-800-789-2647, 1-866-889-2647 (TDD)

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