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Petitioner Vs Vs Respondents: Third Division

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[G.R. No. 149241. August 24, 2009.]


ERLINDA CALOGCOG , respondents.



Petitioner assails in this Rule 45 petition the February 28, 2001 Decision 1 and the
July 30, 2001 Resolution 2 of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. CV. No. 52474. The
facts and proceedings that led to the ling of the instant petition are pertinently
narrated below. EScIAa

Engaged in the business of manufacturing or importing into the Philippines

Tupperware products and marketing the same under a direct selling distribution
system, 3 petitioner entered into a Distributorship Agreement with respondents on
March 3, 1986. 4 The agreement was to expire on March 31, 1987 but was subject to an
automatic renewal clause for two one-year terms. 5 On April 1, 1991, the parties again
executed another Distributorship Agreement 6 which was to expire on March 31, 1992
but renewable on a yearly basis upon terms and conditions mutually agreed upon in
writing by the parties. 7
Following the expiration of the agreement, petitioner, on April 30, 1992, informed
respondents that, due to the latter's several violations thereof, it would no longer renew
the same. 8 Respondents then made a handwritten promise for them to observe and
comply with the terms and conditions thereof. 9 This convinced petitioner to extend, on
July 24, 1992, the period of the distributorship up to September 30, 1992. 1 0
In the meantime, on July 2, 1992, petitioner subjected respondents' account to an
audit review. 1 1 In September 1992, petitioner informed respondents that it had
engaged the services of an auditing rm and that it was again subjecting respondents'
account to an audit review. 1 2 Objecting to the second audit, 1 3 respondents disallowed
the auditing rm from inspecting their books and records. As a result, petitioner only
accepted respondents' purchase orders on pre-paid basis. 1 4
On September 29, 1992, a day before the expiry of the Distributorship
Agreement, respondents led before the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Pasig City a
Complaint for damages with application for a writ of injunction and/or restraining order
docketed as Civil Case No. 62444. 1 5 They alleged that petitioner abused its right when
it caused the audit of their account and when it only honored their orders if they were
pre-paid, thereby causing damages to them of around P1.3M. 1 6
On November 12, 1992, the trial court issued a writ of preliminary injunction and
directed petitioner to observe the terms and conditions of the Distributorship
Agreement and to honor, deliver and ful ll its obligations in effecting deliveries of
Tupperware products to respondents. 1 7 In the subsequent certiorari proceedings
before the appellate court docketed as CA-G.R. SP No. 29560, the CA ruled that the
Distributorship Agreement already expired; thus, the trial court committed grave abuse
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of discretion in granting the writ of preliminary injunction which had the effect of
enforcing a contract that had long expired. 1 8
Respondents then moved before the trial court, on June 14, 1993, for the
admission of their Supplemental Complaint, 1 9 in which they alleged that petitioner
refused to award bene ts to the members of respondents' sales force and coerced the
said members to transfer to another distributor; that petitioner refused to comply with
Sections 8 and 9 2 0 of the Distributorship Agreement by not paying respondents the
value of the products on hand and in their custody, and by not effecting the transfer of
their goodwill to the absorbing distributor; and that petitioner, by its actions which
resulted in the loss of respondents' sales force, had made inutile respondents'
investment in their building. Respondents thus prayed for additional actual damages,
speci cally P4,495,000.00 for the goodwill, P1M for the products on hand, and P3M for
the cost of the building. HTAIcD

Expectedly, petitioner opposed the admission of the supplemental complaint. 2 1

Amid the protestations of petitioner, the trial court admitted the supplemental
complaint 2 2 and ordered the former to file its supplemental answer. 2 3
After trial on the merits, the RTC rendered its Decision 2 4 on November 27, 1995.
It ruled, among others, that the second audit was unreasonable and was only made to
harass respondents; that the shift from credit to pre-paid basis in the purchase orders
of respondents was another act of harassment; that petitioner had no valid reason to
refuse the renewal of the distributorship agreement; and that petitioner abused its
rights under the said agreement. It then concluded that because of petitioner's
unjusti ed acts, respondents suffered damages, among which were the salaries paid to
the internal auditors during the rst audit, the goodwill money, the value of the
warehouse, moral and exemplary damages, and attorney's fees. The dispositive portion
of the RTC decision reads:
WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered dismissing for lack of merit
[respondents'] claims for payment of items subject of credit memoranda, and for
products alleged to be on hand at the termination of the [distributorship]
agreement. On [respondents'] other claims, judgment is hereby rendered, as
1. Ordering the [petitioner] to pay [respondents] the amount of
P23,500.17 representing the salaries of internal auditors engaged by the
[petitioner] to conduct an audit on [respondents'] financial records;

2. Ordering the [petitioner] to pay [respondents] the sum of

P4,495,000.00 representing "goodwill" money which [respondents] failed to

3. Ordering the [petitioner] to pay [respondents] the sum of

P1,000,000.00 as reasonable compensation to the [respondents] for acquiring a
lot and constructing thereon a structure to serve as storage, assembly place and
warehouse for [petitioner's] products;

4. Ordering the [petitioner] to pay [respondents] the sum of

P500,000.00 as moral damages and another P500,000.00 as and by way of
exemplary damages; and

5. Ordering the [petitioner] to pay [respondents] the sum of

P100,000.00 as attorney's fees, plus P2,000.00 per Court appearance.
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[Petitioner's] counterclaims are hereby dismissed for lack of merit.

Costs against the [petitioner].


Aggrieved, petitioner timely interposed its appeal. In the assailed February 28,
2001 Decision, 2 6 the appellate court a rmed with modi cation the ruling of the trial
court and disposed of the appeal as follows: ETDaIC

WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, the assailed decision of the court a

quo is hereby AFFIRMED WITH MODIFICATION, the award for moral damages is
hereby REDUCED to P100,000.00 and the award for exemplary damages is hereby
REDUCED to P50,000.00. The award of P1,000,000.00 as reasonable
compensation for the acquisition of the lot and construction of the building is
hereby DELETED.


Since its motion for reconsideration was subsequently denied by the appellate
court in the further assailed July 30, 2001 Resolution, 2 8 petitioner instituted the instant
petition for review on certiorari, raising the following grounds:
1. The Court of Appeals committed an error in a rming the decision
of the trial court admitting the supplemental complaint thereby taking cognizance
of the issues raised and rendering judgment thereon.

2. The Court of Appeals committed an error in a rming the decision

of the trial court holding petitioner liable to pay respondents the "goodwill money"
they allegedly failed to realize.

3. While petitioner lauds the Court of Appeals' decision deleting the

trial court's award of P1,000,000.00 by way of compensation for the alleged
acquisition of the lot and construction of the building, and appreciates the
reduction of the trial court's awards on the alleged moral damages and exemplary
damages, the Court of Appeals still erred in not totally dismissing respondents'
claims for damages including attorney's fees.
4. The Court of Appeals committed an error in not nding for the
petitioner and in not awarding damages in favor of petitioner by way of
reasonable attorney's fees. 2 9

The primordial issue to be resolved by the Court in the instant case is whether
petitioner abused its rights under the distributorship agreement when it conducted an
audit of respondents' account, when it accepted respondents' purchase orders only if
they were on a pre-paid basis, and when it refused to renew the said distributorship
Preliminarily, the Court admits that, ordinarily, it will not review the ndings of
fact made by the appellate court. However, jurisprudence lays down several exceptions,
among which are the following which obtain in this case: when the judgment is based
on a misapprehension of facts and when the appellate court manifestly overlooked
certain relevant facts not disputed by the parties, which, if properly considered, could
justify a different conclusion. 3 0 Thus, the Court nds it imperative to evaluate, as in fact
it had reviewed, the records of the case, including the evidence adduced during the trial,
in relation to the arguments of the parties and the applicable law and jurisprudence. EcaDCI

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Under Article 19 of the Civil Code, every person must, in the exercise of his rights
and in the performance of his duties, act with justice, give everyone his due, and
observe honesty and good faith. To nd the existence of abuse of right under the said
article, the following elements must be present: (1) there is a legal right or duty; (2)
which is exercised in bad faith; (3) for the sole intent of prejudicing or injuring another.
3 1 Accordingly, the exercise of a right shall always be in accordance with the purpose
for which it has been established, and must not be excessive or unduly harsh — there
must be no intention to injure another. 3 2 A person will be protected only when he acts
in the legitimate exercise of his right, that is, when he acts with prudence and in good
faith, not when he acts with negligence or abuse. 3 3
Malice or bad faith is at the core of Article 19 of the Civil Code. Good faith refers
to the state of mind which is manifested by the acts of the individual concerned. It
consists of the intention to abstain from taking an unconscionable and unscrupulous
advantage of another. It is presumed. Thus, he who alleges bad faith has the duty to
prove the same. 3 4 Bad faith does not simply connote bad judgment or simple
negligence; it involves a dishonest purpose or some moral obloquy and conscious
doing of a wrong, a breach of known duty due to some motives or interest or ill will that
partakes of the nature of fraud. Malice connotes ill will or spite and speaks not in
response to duty. It implies an intention to do ulterior and unjusti able harm. Malice is
bad faith or bad motive. 3 5
At the crux of this controversy, therefore, is whether petitioner acted in bad faith
or intended to injure respondents when it caused the auditing of the latter's account,
when it implemented the pre-paid basis in treating the latter's orders, and when it
refused to renew the distributorship agreement.
The Court rules in the negative. We note that in the written correspondence of
petitioner to respondents on April 30, 1992 informing the latter of the non-renewal of
the distributorship agreement, petitioner already pointed out respondents' violations of
the agreement. The letter pertinently reads:
We found that you have committed the following acts which are contrary
to provisions of Section 2(f) of our Agreement:
(a) You submitted several "Vanguard Reports" containing false
statements of the sales performance of your units. A comparison of
the reports you submitted to our o ce with that actually reported by
your managers show that the sales of your units are actually much
lower than that reported to Tupperware (Exhibits "G", "H", "I", "J", "L",
"O", "P", "Q", and "R.")

(b) The unauthorized alteration of the mechanics of "Nan's Challenge",

which is a Tupperware company sponsored promotion campaign.
The documentary evidence furnished us, Exhibit "E", shows that the
amount of target party averages were increased by you. cDCSET

(c) Charging the managers for accounts of their dealers and for
overdue kits (Exhibits "C" and "D"). 3 6

The correspondence prompted respondents to make a handwritten promise that

they would observe and comply with the terms and conditions of the distributorship
agreement. 3 7 This promise notwithstanding, petitioner was not barred from exercising
its right in the agreement to conduct an audit review of respondents' account. Thus, an
audit was made in July 1992. In September 1992, petitioner informed respondents that
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it was causing the conduct of a second audit review. And as explained in petitioner's
September 11, 1992 correspondence to respondents, the second audit was intended
to cover the period not subject of the initial audit (the period prior to January 1 to June
30, 1992, and the period from July 1, 1992 to September 1992). 3 8 Because
respondents objected to the second audit, petitioner exercised its option under the
agreement to vary the manner in which orders are processed — this time, instead of the
usual credit arrangement, petitioner only admitted respondents' purchase orders on
pre-paid basis. It may be noted that petitioner still processed respondents' orders and
that the pre-paid basis was only implemented during the last month of the agreement,
in September 1992. With the expiry of the distributorship agreement on September 30,
1992, petitioner no longer acceded to a renewal of the same.
From these facts, we nd that bad faith cannot be attributed to the acts of
petitioner. Petitioner's exercise of its rights under the agreement to conduct an audit, to
vary the manner of processing purchase orders, and to refuse the renewal of the
agreement was supported by legitimate reasons, principally, to protect its own
business. The exercise of its rights was not impelled by any evil motive designed,
whimsically and capriciously, to injure or prejudice respondents. The rights exercised
were all in accord with the terms and conditions of the distributorship agreement,
which has the force of law between them. 3 9 Clearly, petitioner could not be said to
have committed an abuse of its rights. It may not be amiss to state at this juncture that
a complaint based on Article 19 of the Civil Code must necessarily fail if it has nothing
to support it but innuendos and conjectures. 4 0
Given that petitioner has not abused its rights, it should not be held liable for any
of the damages sustained by respondents. The law affords no remedy for damages
resulting from an act which does not amount to a legal wrong. Situations like this have
been appropriately denominated damnum absque injuria. 4 1 To this end, the Court
reverses and sets aside the trial and appellate courts' rulings. Nevertheless, the Court
sustains the trial court's order for the reimbursement by petitioner to respondents of
P23,500.17, with 12% interest per annum, computed from the ling of the original
complaint up to actual payment, representing the salaries of the internal auditors,
because, rst, the award was never questioned by petitioner, and second, petitioner
was the one which engaged the services of the auditors. DAEICc

As regards petitioner's claim for attorney's fees, the Court cannot grant the
same. We emphasized in prior cases that no premium should be placed on the right to
litigate. Attorney's fees are not to be awarded every time a party wins a suit. Even when
a claimant is compelled to litigate or to incur expenses to protect his rights, still
attorney's fees may not be awarded where there is no su cient showing of bad faith in
a party's persistence in a case other than an erroneous conviction of the righteousness
of his cause. 4 2
With the above disquisition, the Court nds no compelling reason to resolve the
other issues raised in the petition.
WHEREFORE , premises considered, the petition is GRANTED . The decisions of
the Regional Trial Court of Pasig City in Civil Case No. 62444 and of the Court of
Appeals in CA-G.R. CV. No. 52474 are REVERSED and SET ASIDE . Petitioner is
ORDERED to pay respondents P23,500.17 with interest at 12% per annum computed
from the date of filing of the original complaint.
Chico-Nazario, ** Velasco, Jr. and Peralta, JJ., concur.
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Carpio Morales, J., * please see concurring and dissenting opinion.

Separate Opinions
CARPIO MORALES , J., concurring and dissenting :

I concur with the ponencia with respect to the reimbursement of payment of

professional fees in favor of respondent spouses. However, I dissent with respect to
the imposition of 12% interest per annum on the reimbursable amount which the
ponencia regards as "com[ing] in the nature of a forbearance of money".
"Forbearance", in the context of the usury law, is a contractual obligation of lender
or creditor to refrain, during a given period of time, from requiring the borrower or
debtor to repay a loan or debt then due and payable. 1 With this standard, the obligation
in this case is not a forbearance of money.
In similar or analogous cases involving reimbursements or refunds, the interest
o f 6% per annum was imposed, viz: Heirs of Aguilar-Reyes v. Spouses Mijares, 2 JL
Invesetment * & Development v. Tendon Phils., 3 Spouses Alinas v. Spouses Alinas 4 and
ICTSI v. FGU Insurance. 5
I thus submit that the proper interest to be imposed on the reimbursable amount
is 6% per annum from the time of judicial demand to the nality of the decision, and
12% per annum from the nality of the decision until full satisfaction, conformably with
Eastern Shipping Lines v. Court of Appeals. 6
WHEREFORE , I concur with the ponencia insofar as it reverses the appealed
decision, but I dissent with respect to the rate of interest to be imposed on the
judgment award in light of my foregoing submission. SIcEHC

*Additional member in lieu of Associate Justice Consuelo Ynares-Santiago per Special Order
No. 679 dated August 3, 2009.
**In lieu of Associate Justice Consuelo Ynares-Santiago per Special Order No. 678 dated
August 3, 2009.
1.Penned by Associate Justice Perlita J. Tria Tirona, with Associate Justices Eugenio S.
Labitoria and Eloy R. Bello, Jr., concurring; rollo, pp. 56-76.
2.Id. at 33.
3.Rollo, p. 9.
4.Records, p. 116.

5.Id. at 125. The March 3, 1986 Distributorship Agreement contains the following provision:
Section 7. Unless otherwise terminated, the term of this Distributorship Agreement shall
be for a period beginning on the date rst above written and ending on March 31, 1987
and shall be automatically renewed for two additional one (1) year terms subject to the
right of the DISTRIBUTOR or SELLER to terminate this Agreement at the date of
expiration of the initial period or at the end of each of the one-year renewals upon written
notice to the other party at least sixty (60) days prior to such date of expiration. After the
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expiration of the initial term and the automatic two one (1) year term renewals thereof,
the Agreement may be renewed upon such terms and conditions as may be mutually
agreed upon by the parties.
6.Id. at 88-97.
7.Id. at 65. The April 1, 1991 Distributorship Agreement contains the following provision:
Section 6. Unless otherwise terminated, the term of this Distributorship Agreement shall
be for a one year period beginning on the date rst above written and ending on March
31, 1992, and may be renewed on a yearly basis upon terms and conditions mutually
agreed to in writing between the parties and provided that DISTRIBUTOR proves to the
SELLER's satisfaction that it has faithfully complied with the original terms and
conditions of this Agreement and that it has conducted its business in accordance with
agreed policies, guidelines, rules and regulations such as but not limited to those which
are in the TUPPERWARE KNOW HOW Guide, TUPPERWARE Demonstration Guide,
TUPPERWARE Distributors Manual and other written communications, and furthermore,
that it has conducted its affairs in a manner which protects or does not detract from the
SELLER's business image and reputation for fair dealings with those related to it, either
as a constituent of the sales force or as part of the consuming public.

8.Id. at 98-99.
9.Id. at 100.
10.Id. at 86. The July 24, 1992 Agreement of the parties pertinently reads:
WHEREAS, the parties hereto entered into an AGREEMENT dated April 1, 1991 and
acknowledged before Notary Public Simeon G. Hildawa as Doc. No. 279, Page No. 57,
Book No. I, Series of 1991, copy of which is hereto attached and made an integral part
hereof as Annex "A";

WHEREAS, by express provision of Section 6 of the said AGREEMENT, the term thereof
had expired on March 31, 1992;

NOW, THEREFORE, PREMISES CONSIDERED, the parties hereto hereby agreed to extend
the said AGREEMENT upon the same terms and conditions stated therein, except for the
period, which period shall end on September 30, 1992, which may however be further
extended or renewed upon terms and conditions mutually agreed to in writing between
the parties and subject to other conditions stated in the said AGREEMENT.

11.Id. at 2.
12.Id. at 57-58.
13.Id. at 55-56.
14.Id. at 59.

15.Id. at 1.
16.Id. at 3-7.
17.Id. at 179-181.
18.Id. at 367. The CA rendered its Decision in CA-G.R. SP No. 29560 on May 28, 1993.
19.Id. at 376-378.

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20.Sections 8 and 9 of the April 1, 1991 Distributorship Agreement provide:
Section 8. Upon termination of this Distributorship Agreement, any and all the rights and
privileges of the DISTRIBUTOR under this Agreement shall be terminated, and
DISTRIBUTOR agrees not to make any further sale of "PRODUCTS" or make further use
of the aforementioned valid TRADEMARKS or the trading style TUPPERWARE HOME
PARTIES. However, as to bona de orders received by DISTRIBUTOR prior to date of
termination (which it agrees upon request to show to SELLER), DISTRIBUTOR agrees to
make deliveries of "PRODUCTS" in an orderly and businesslike manner. As to all other
"PRODUCTS" on hand at date of termination, DISTRIBUTOR agrees, at SELLER's option,
to sell and immediately deliver such "PRODUCTS" to seller. SELLER agrees to pay
DISTRIBUTOR the parties originally paid by DISTRIBUTOR less any indebtedness,
including interest, which DISTRIBUTOR owes to SELLER.
Upon termination of this Agreement, DISTRIBUTOR will immediately discontinue all uses
of SELLER's TRADEMARK, copyrighted materials, trade names and trading styles, and
will make or cause to be made such changes in signs and buildings, vehicles, etc. and
redeliver such printed materials on hand as SELLER may direct in order to effectuate
such discontinuance.
Section 9. The termination of a Distributorship Agreement under Sec. 8 hereinabove
notwithstanding, the SELLER recognizes the right of distributors who have terminated
their agreements with the SELLER after having faithfully complied with their rights and
obligations during the life of the agreement, to the bene t of, or the enhancement of the
image of the SELLER and the "PRODUCTS", to enter into agreements selling or
transferring their "goodwill" to an INCOMING DISTRIBUTOR to whom the SELLER is
willing to grant a new DISTRIBUTORSHIP AGREEMENT under such terms and conditions
mutually agreed upon by the SELLER and the INCOMING DISTRIBUTOR; provided, that
the agreement selling or transferring the "goodwill" between the OUTGOING
DISTRIBUTOR and the INCOMING DISTRIBUTOR, incorporates provisions whereby the
OUTGOING DISTRIBUTOR binds itself or himself for a period of three (3) years from the
date of the sale or transfer agreement:
(a) Not to engage, directly or indirectly, in any direct selling operation of any product by
the party plan system or by any other direct selling method, as distinguished from "shop

(b) Not to engage[,] directly or indirectly[,] in the sale of any product in competition with
the "PRODUCTS" manufactured and/or sold by DART (PHILIPPINES), INC.

(c) Not to act in any manner detrimental to or prejudicial to the value of the "goodwill"
and the customer list or dealer sales force transferred by the OUTGOING DISTRIBUTOR
that the OUTGOING DISTRIBUTOR binds itself or himself to strictly comply with the
foregoing and to answer for any damages caused by the breach of the provisions of this
paragraph, as well as to pay for all expenses which may be incurred by the INCOMING
DISTRIBUTOR and/or DART (PHILIPPINES), INC. in the event legal or any other action
becomes necessary in order to enforce this paragraph. (Id. at 94-95).
21.Id. at 379-384.

22.Id. at 406-407, 427.

23.Id. at 430, 434-437.
24.Id. at 624-641.
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25.Id. at 641.
26.Supra note 1.
27.Rollo, pp. 75-76.

28.Supra note 2.
29.Rollo, pp. 12-13.
30.Doles v. Angeles, G.R. No. 149353, June 26, 2006, 492 SCRA 607, 615-616.
31.BPI Express Card Corporation v. Court of Appeals, 357 Phil. 262, 275 (1998).
32.Heirs of Purisima Nala v. Cabansag, G.R. No. 161188, June 13, 2008, 554 SCRA 437, 442-
33.National Power Corporation v. Philipp Brothers Oceanic, Inc., 421 Phil. 532, 547 (2001).

34.Development Bank of the Philippines v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 137916, December 8,
2004, 445 SCRA 500, 518.

35.Saber v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 132981, August 31, 2004, 437 SCRA 259, 278-279.
36.Records, p. 98.
37.Supra note 9.
38.Records, p. 52.
39.Barons Marketing Corporation v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 126486, February 9, 1998, 286
SCRA 96, 106.
40.Nikko Hotel Manila Garden v. Reyes, G.R. No. 154259, February 28, 2005, 452 SCRA 532,
41.BPI Express Card Corporation v. Court of Appeals, supra note 31, at 276.
42.ABS-CBN Broadcasting Corporation v. Court of Appeals, 361 Phil. 499, 529 (1999).

CARPIO MORALES, J., concurring and dissenting:

1.Crismina Garments v. CA, G.R. No. 128721, 356 Phil. 701 (1999).
2.457 Phil. 120 (2003).
3.G.R. No. 148596, January 2, 2007.

4.G.R. No. 158040, April 14, 2008.

5.G.R. No. 161539, April 24, 2009.
6.G.R. No. 97412, 234 SCRA 78 (1994).

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